GD-40 (Angels with cat ears?) (1/29/03 0:43) Shortly after an explosion: (from ) It only took a few minutes until a GSA starship arrived, its blue hull hovering in the air with thick black smoke billowing around it. The ship was GD-40, an as-of-yet unnames Yuishi-class destroyer from the orbiting GSA third fleet. As fires and secondary explosions raged beneath, two nine-neko teams of GSA starship sentries rappelled down chain-ropes made of billions of tiny links. The crews , quickly blackened, diligently searched through the wreckage. There were some PNUgen helicopters around too, but none of them got too close for fear of fanning the flames which were quickly becoming a raging inferno. One of the nekos, with a mask of some sort on her ash-darken face, called out over the radio. "I think someone's in here!" It was the only life sign the teams had found so far. Unable to see in through the blackened windows of oversight's somewhat warped windows, the sentry unholstered a GP-13 phased pulse pistol and shattered on of the windows. Another came running over thoruhg the debris with four stretchers, two in each hand. As the leader with the pistol reholstered it, team two called out over the radio. "We're getting out of here. It's about to collapse!" The nine could be seen entering a helicopter at the edge of the damage area as the two bodies on firm gurneys were lifted out, with nekos on either side, their faces shadowed with the glare f the afternoon sun behind them, almost like halos. The bodies were quickly loaded into a medevac helicopter, and were being treated as they flew to the base at PNUgen Capital Memorial City where doctors awaited them. "Hold on, you're going to be alright!" the flight paramedics reassured Alys's barely breathing body, unsure if she could hear or not. Both of them were given oxygen. "Don't let go." Beneath the floating starship, a large secondary explosion, likely an ammo cache, exploded violently. With the last of the teams aboard, the scorched nekos looked out the windows at the collapsing structure as the ship returned to orbit. Transmission from GSS Yui (GD-30) (2/2/03 12:55) Yui's image appeared on the screen, her face displaying a look of concern. "Chujo Wolf," she addressed the 5th Fleet commander. "Prepare your fleet for battle. There are several potential conflicts brewing and we need to be ready when and if the time comes for us to fight. In the meantime, station your fleet wherever you see fit." GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commanding Officer, GSA 1st Fleet Zaitsev's New Assignment (2/5/03 22:11) Yui climbed out of her nest, still in her underwear, and motioned Zaitsev to come into her small office. Sitting down in her chair behind the desk, the sleepy Taisho gestured to him to close the door behind him and take a seat across from her. "First, I'm very suprised you travelled all the way to this universe to get here. I'm equally surprised the starfleet people let your ship into the docking bays, with the current shaky political situation. But I am not suprised you are requesting a new assignment. Managing a fleet can be a grueling task." she told him. They both knew from experience. "Perhaps you would be suited, due to your experience with both the NDI and KIF, as an ambassador of sorts. I'm looking to strengthen our ties with the KIF and even the NDI. If you'd like, you can have a single ship rather than a fleet. that should be better, yes? I will assign you the GSS Shibata (GD-116). In it, you will travel between the KIF, NDI, and GSA and keep things running smoothly. Is that alright?" GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commanding Officer, GSA 1st Fleet Transmission from GSS Yui (GD-30) (2/6/03 21:13) Yui sent a brief message back to the Kiyomizudera (GD-45) to relay back to Wolf. To: Chujo Jadg Wolf From: Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Situation has improved here in Python. I think the tension has dropped significantly. We have, however lost a fleet commander as Chujo Zaitsev has opted to step down for personal reasons. Commanding a fleet is difficult and I can see why he chose that way, but I can't afford myself that liberty. A lot depends on us. There has been a battle in the Ayenee system as well, but details are sketchy since we lack adequate intel opertations there. Overall, I think Python will be a great place for us, the GSA, which will bring us comfort and prosperity in the future. Good luck to you, and please return to the fifth soon. GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commanding Officer, GSA 1st Fleet Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 2/6/03 9:18:21 pm Transmission to GSS Yui (GD-30) (2/6/03 21:13) Another simple text message from PNUgen, sent to GSS Kiyomizudera (GD-45) to be recorded and relayed to GSS Yui (GD-30) "Yui, please fill me in on the happenings in the Python Sector so that I may decide on a course of action for the 5th fleet. Thank you. GSA no Chujo Jadg Wolf Commanding officer, GSA 5th Fleet" Nobody Cares (2/11/03 1:26) ON> Edderly's office Lt. George Edderly read the transmission and the encrypted data sent to him. It was infromation on the abduction and disappearance of the Red October. Other information made him raise his eyebrows in surprise. He tapped his combadge and said, "Ensigh Koigokoro, please report to the Chief IO's office." Lieutenant Hoshi snapped back over the comm with a great ferocity "There's no Ensign Koigokoro here." She stepped into the office a few minutes, cold as space her whole body seemed to exude hatred and contempt. It was obvious that something more than the misnomer was bothering her. Her usual smile and bright eyes were replaced with a sneer and dull, icy orbs that bored into their witnesses like dental drills. Koi quickly was upon Edderly, standing chin to chin with him, growling "What do you want?" She talked to him as if he was a prisoner, a criminal, the scum of the universe, her tone harsh and insensitive and full of malcontentance. "What?" she reamed a second time, looking dangerous in her impatience. Edderly's eyes narrowed. "Security to the CIO's office. Stat!" Koi stood there glaring at Edderly like he was a rat crawling across the floor of a dining hall. She didn't make any moves, but she didn't get any more friendly. Two security showed up and aimed their phasers on full stun at Hoshi. Edderly said warningly, "Stand down, Koigokoro!" Koi wasn't sure of the meaning of 'stand down' as it seem to be a condradiction in terms. She only stared at Edderly, then at the security officers. "Lieutenant," Edderly said frimly, "You will sit down now, or you will be taken to the brig." Koi was fuming. Steam literally rose off of her body. She didn't sit at first. The worst of thoughts flickered through her eyes. But finally, she complied. Edderly glanced up at the guards, and tehy backed off, but did not holster their weapons. "All right, Hoshi, what is this all about?" Edderly asked, his eyes dark with anger. "You tell me..." Koi loomed ominiously in place. "You're the one who called me here..." Edderly watched her, now very suspicious, from the intel he had received. Hoshi could be extremely dangerous, and in this mood, she might decide to become a weapon. Koi shot the security officers dirty looks, as if memorizing their faces for a list of revenge victims for later, just to mess with their minds. She still waited for an answer. Edderly said, "Hoshi, you are excused to your quarters until you calm down. Until then, I cannot do any business with you." Her anger, however, was already starting to fade, and it showed. The fire was faded from her eyes, to be replaced with tears. She stood up and made for the door. "Hoshi?" George asked. Hoshi didn't want to show any weakness. She avoided looking at him, turning away and standing near the doorway. "what?" she said hoarsely, without confidence. "Are you going to be dangerous? Do we have to brig you, or worse? Or will you behave like an officer and hear what I have to say?" He asked. "Oh Sweet Syada." Koi sobbed, rushing out of the room in tears. She hopped in a turbolift and tried to get the doors to close beofre anyone could follow her. Edderly nodded to the guards. "Make sure she gets to her quarters. put a guard on her doors until the counselor can talk to her." "Shuttlebay" Koi mumbled. "Belay that." One guard said." "Junior Officers' quarters." "Behave like an officer!" Koi repeated, shaking a fist at the memory of Edderly. "Speak for yourself!" she screamed. Officers were supposed to be caring, supportive, and efficient when it came to missions. Yet she had seen none of that here. The turbolift continued on its way, as Koi has bypassed the controls. She flet that she didn't belong here, that all the humans hated her for being was she was. So she would end it all forever. The doors opened and Koi walked toward the shuttlebay, intent on taking her class 11 for one last voyage. Lt. Hoshi realized that this was the wrong deck...she was near her quarters... "Come on, Lieutenant. Go rest in your quarters. Edderly will talk to you later when you are feeling better." The female guard said. Her hair hung in her eyes, eyes filled with flowing tears. Her hands felt along the walls as she stumbled down the corridor, attracting attention from passerbys. Suddenly, she wheeled around and landed a strong blow to the female guard's abdomen, grabbing the phaser rifle in midair and aiming it toward herself. Loud chirping noises rag out as she turned up the setting, clearly intending to disintegrate herself. The other guard quickly grabbed the phaser out of koi's hand and took her into an armlock. "I need backup here!" He shouted into the com. IN a moment three more security ran down the corridore and held her immobile. "Five to beam to sickbay!" He called. Koi slumped forward and fell to the floor with the rifle as the phaser blasts from another guard hit her repeatedly. She had lost the will to resist, the will to live... What could do this to a neko? The lieutenant stared up at the people around her dazedly from the floor. They reappeared in sickbay, and the doctor ordered them to put the dazed Neko on a table. But the neko was dead. All that remained was carbon ash. The transporter had killed her, as the nekos had always warned. OFF> JP Lt. George Edderly (& as security) IO USS James Cook & GSA no Taii Hoshi Koigokoro Chief Navigator and Research Engineer, USS James Cook The Return (2/12/03 16:16) Captain Soto Wendel sat in the command chair, centered in the bridge of the Raider Ship Belly Stabber. At his side was Taisa Mitsume Keserin. Both were dressed with parts of starfleet uniforms that had been taken from the Intercourse. Wendel had taken to wearing the black pants and red undershirt, while the unabashed neko only wore the upper half of the uniform. It hung just low enough to cover her area that Soto was so often playing with, and let her long legs be revealed in all their sleekness and splender. "Keserin" Soto grinned. "What should we prey upon today?" Standing up from his seat, he turned on a holographic color map of the Python sector, which the ship had recently returned to after receiving some upgrades. While many pirates had been wiped out by GSA's attack, the Bellystabber had managed to get back home and sell the beautiful Sovereign to some Nepleslian engineers. The amount of money gained on that venture would be enough for him and Keserin to increase their comfort level and upgrade the Bellystabber. So far, few modifications had been made, mostly shield and interior upgrades, but there were many plans, especially for upgrading the stealth and sensor capabilities of the small raider ship. Mitsume grinned deviously, moving her hand over to his lap sensually, bringing a huge smile to his face. As she pointed to the map with one hand, the other slipped beneath his waistband, disappearing into the garment. "Ooh Soto!" she giggled "My love, I think that the areas around the starbase are probably under patrol. We should aim for the small section of space that connects the main part of the federation to Python Sector. We are more likely to find a ship to service there" Soto was enraptured with Keserin's hand 'servicing' him, but remained aware enough of the outside world for the the moment to nod in agreement. "Yeah...good...idea..." he let out in between heavy breaths. One hour later, The captain was back on the bridge again with the cat-eared love of his life. He had an exhausted but extremely happy look about him. Keserin was sleeping on a deactivated control panel, a small puddle of drool by her perfect little lips. The sensors on the Bellystabber were not particulary advanced, but they were enough to detect most ships, giving Wendel a vague outline of a federation starship picked up on subspace mass sensors. It was a Polaris-Class ship, from the same generation as the old constitution. After a few minutes of flipping through a ship recognition book, Soto spotted the vessel and smiled, "Easy." Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 2/12/03 6:51:45 pm Change of Command (2/20/03 11:59) Chiharu sat in the Captian's chair watching the display beyond the helm of the GSS Now and Forever, just watching the endless sea of stars. On the GSS Philosophy, Yui ran her hands down the sides of her soft, snug GSA uniform, the pin on it glistening slightly. Her red-irised eyes told of troubles beyond what anyone should have to bear, and love that not everyone deserved. She leaned over Hinosami's small shoulders, nibbling on the girl's ear, and then whispered a few commands. The screen switched to the logo of the GSA 2nd Fleet, and then to a view of Chiharu. "Hello, Chujo Ketsurui" the Taisho greeted her fellow catgirl with a warm smile. Chiharu smiled brightly as the face of her old friend flashed onto the display. "Taisho Kitsurugi! It's been a long time. I hope you are doing well. So what grants me the honor of your transmission?" She straightens up in her chair, quickly puching a strand of long dark green hair behind her right ear. "Chiharu, you are as lovely as ever." Yui began. Nekos were eternally beautiful, but what Yui was referring to was the warmth and intelligence her old comrade showed. It never ceased to impress Yui. "I know ever since your ship was moved off of the 2nd fleet's roster, you've been looking for an assignment. I think I have something you will enjoy greatly. Would you like to discuss it in person?" "Really, that'd be great! Where would you like to meet? I can transmit my corridinates or you could send me yours." Chi suddenly realised how desperate she sounded and tried to recompose herself a bit. "I mean, I would love to discuss with you in person and thank you for giving me a call about it." She blushed softly, sounding a bit sheepish now. "Oh," Yui grinned, looking a bit excited herself, and blushing ever-so-slightly at the reaction Chi had made. The response wasn't as funny as the way the admiral had tried to smooth and correct herself. "I'll pick you up. Please pack your belongings, Chi." Yui bowed. Behind her, a low humming noise rose somewhat in pitch as the CDD engines whirred to life, shooting the ship across space at many times lightspeed. Chi nodded. "Will do, see you soon." She ended the transmission and quickly stood up from her chair and happily ran to her quarters. "I wonder where my next assignment will be. Aya and Kuru will be happy to have something to do!" She started looking around for her duffel bag. "Chiharu-chan, my ship is docking with yours." Yui informed the GSS Now and Forever a few minutes later, slowing to match speeds with the somewhat larger destroyer. The teardrop-shaped craft moved over top of the N&F until the ships' lift hatches were lined up. Then each extended the shafts so the lift cars could move from one to the other. A young woman's voice replied to the transmission, it carried a cheerful bubbly pitch. "Chujo Ketsurui will be meeting you there in a moment Taisho Kitsurugi." Aya turned from her station and looked towards the other crew member now on the bridge. "Kuru theTaisho's here, let the Chujo know." The older girl nodded and straightened her uniform as she jogged off the bridge to the captain's quarters. "Ketsurui-sempai, your guest has arrived." With a brief nod, Chi bolted out of the room and towards the boarding hatch to meet Yui, leaving Kuru standing by herself, surprized in the hatchway. "Sempai? Rather than board the Now and Forever, Yui was going to call the Chujo up into her new ship. But she reconsidered and decided it might be rather rude to just take her away so quickly. And so it was that the Lift came down from the GSS Philosphy, carrying Yui... The lift doors opened, and there stood Yui, smiling. In a matter of moments, Chi came to a rather swift halt at the docking bay of the USS Now and Forever. She adjusted her command uniform, hoping it looked ok and in order, knowing that it wasn't a formal meeting but she wanted to look good for her first meeting with her old friend. Yui silently skulked out of the lift car and down the hallways, until she found Chiharu hanging out near the rear of the ship in the docking bay. Quietly sneaking over, she raised her hand and made a quick hard swipe to smack poor unsuspecting Chi on the buttcheek. Chi jumped and let out a surprized squeek as her butt got smacked. Turning around, she blushed a bright red as she saw Yui. "You never change Yui." She still smiled brightly if not much for being dignified. Yui pointed at Chi, the fleshy underside of her finger softly pressing on Chi's nose. "I'm missed you more than you know, Chiharu-chan." "I missed you too Yui-san. I wasn't sure if you had forgotten about me after all of these years." Chi still smiled as the blush faded from her cheeks. "So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" She nodded back towards the coridor that lead into the ship. "Are you hungry? We could get a snack in the galley or a drink?" Yui's finger traced around Chi's nose, then down her cheek and behind her head. Tugging Chi toward her, Yui nodded, then planted a series of small kisses on the Chujo's cheek, finishing with one on the lips. They weren't passionate, but the kisses did have a deep friendly intimacy. "I have come to give you ask you" Yui then said, quietly getting down to business. "would you be willing to command my ship, the GSS Yui?" The famed Taisho didn't give it as an order, but as an offer. She gave Chiharu time to consider as they walked together toward the ship's galley for something to drink. Chi quietly walked to the galley with Yui and when they finally reached the surprizingly empty galley she thought it over. "Where are you going to be if you're leaving your ship?" She opens up a cabinet and looks over the bottles of alcohol. "What would you like to drink?" Yui entered the freezer for a brief moment and emerged with a box of baked-apple-flavored ice cream, and began dipping it out, a cup for herself, one for Anri (who had wandered aboard with Yui), a cup for Chiharu-chan and cups for Aya and Kuru. "Apple juice, milk, and sake, please." Yui politely asked, having an odd urge for all of the flavors. "I am going to be exploring. There's a new system we've discovered that we fear the angels may be trying to colonize. There's strange sensor readings...something dangerous could be happening." the older catgirl answered. "Alrighty." Chi nodded and pulled out bottles of all three drinks, as Aya and Kuru wandered into the galley looking at Yui and Anri curiously. Chi set the bottles down on a table and offered Yui and Anri a seat. "Aya, Kuru, please join us." The girls remained standing waiting for the senior officers to sit first. "You're crew is going to miss you Yui-san." Yui and sat down first, but not Anri. Anri instead made a deep bow to Chi. "Chi-san" the quiet first officer whispered. Chi smiled softly to Anri. "Please take a seat Anri-chan." She waits for Anri to take a seat before sitting down herself. Anri looked at Yui nervously, and then turned back to Chiharu. "Yes, Chi-san." she submitted softly and sat in a seat. Aya and Kuru sat down after the senior officers and quietly listened to the conversation. "I would like to take command of your ship, does your crew know about this yet?" Chi hoped that the crew would accept her as their captain. She opened the bottles. "I'm not sure. I haven't told them directly, but they know I am not on their ship anymore." Yui poured herself apple juice first, smiling to Aya and Kuru. The pair was unfamiliar, but they were friends to Chiharu, and that said a lot already. Chi poured herself some sake. "It'll be hard to replace you Yui. I can imagine just how much your crew loves you." Anri poured some of her milk into her cup of ice cream and stirred, making a milkshake out of it. Yui did the same. "I really wish I could stay." "It kinda makes me sad that after seeing you for the first time in years it's only for you to say good-bye again." Chi stirred her sake with her icecream while Aya mixed milk with her ice cream and Kuru.. simply just ate her ice cream. Anri slipped her hand around Aya's waist and leaned against her, whispering into Aya's ear; "What do you feel about Chiharu-san?" Yui had quickly polished off her milkshake and applejuice, and now poured herself sake. "It makes me feel saddened as well. This time, I promise to keep in touch better, though."' Aya whispered quietly back, "She's like a big sister to me and I love her for it. One day I want to be a great woman like her... how do you feel about Yui-san?" Chi drank her sake-shake. "Thank you. Kick some Angel ass for me." She smiled softly, wondering what'll happen to the Now and Forever. "I think" Anri quietly pondered, "Yui is like a mother and mentor to me." "how long have you been with Yui-san?" Aya quietly asked again, happy to have company and a conversation with someone other than the Chujo and Kuru. Yui smiled to Anri and kissed the 1st officer on her forehead. "I suppose." she smiled and then answered for Anri before Anri could. It was clear who was dominant between the two. "She's been with me for a year now." Chi smiled at Aya and Anri. "We don't get many visitors out here.." Aya spoke again, not entirely surprised that they were heard. "Only a year? It seems like you've been together longer." "We've grown very close, being together constantly. A year can be a long time." Yui hugged Anri gently. The girls smiled at Yui and Anri. While Kuru quietly pondered her own relationship with Chi. "Very true Yui-san." said Chi. "Could you tell me what your crew is like? Any other NH-7s?" "Oh." Yui chuckled. "I'm afraid I'm taking many of them with me. The neko techinicians are staying, though. Their names are Suishun'ei, Yawajinki, and Genshiro. They're hard workers, but tend to get distracted easily. Other than them, there's Elly, a neko, and there's a lot of alien males. Wazu is an eccentric scientist, Ritsurin is a confused security officer, and Sgzyr is a myserious lizardlike man. There are a few others too. All in all, they're a good crew that will serve you well. If you meant my crew for the Philosphy, it is mostly nekos." Yui added. "So the GSS Yui is a ship of mostly males.. that should be interesting." Chi fiddled with her hair a bit. "Tomorrow," Yui smiled, "You will come aboard the GSS Yui and meet them. I know males are strange, but these one don't seem to be too bad. I will give you a mission, too. In the mean time, get some rest. I will retire to my ship. You can either come with us or have your ship meet with the Yui." She stood up after drinking the last of her sake. "I'll have my ship meet with the Yui tomorrow.. I still have to say goodbye to it." Chi stood up and the other 2 girls stood up as well. "We'll walk you to the docking bay." "No, thank you." Yui politely declined, giving a respectful bow. "I will meet you at the Yui if possible." After a kiss goodbye, Yui and Anri stepped into the lift and went back to their ship to go to bed. The GSS Philosophy detached from the older ship and headed off into the night to stop at Geshrintall to pick up supplies. "See you then" Chi watched Yui and Anri go. JP GSA no Chujo Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commanding Officer, GSS Philosophy (GD-117) Cat and Mouse (2/21/03 17:27) The large frame of the recently appointed Taisa, Zaitsev rested wearily in thought within the luxury of a human-crafted leather chair upon the GSS Shibata. Raising a burly, gnarled hand to the control panel before him, Zaitsev entered a few keys in to the panel, intending to send a hail of sorts to the Taisho Yui. Zaitsev remained as always rather informal about his duties, idly waiting for the appearance of the Taisho, he closed his eyes, expecting shortly to hear her voice questioning the purpose of his communication. While he waited, his eyes remained closed, head flopped against the squeeky surface of the leather chair. "This is Taisho Yui of the GSS Philosophy, how can I help you?" The reply came. Snapping his head forward quickly, Zaitsev offered a simple, though respectful nod of his head to his superior. "Greetings, Taisho Yui. I've some interesting news from Ayenee that I thought would best be brought to your attention before any decisions were made." Yui leaned toward the screen, her smooth face lit by the floating layers of holographic maps that surrounded her. The cool yet cozy air of her new ship blew gently on it and her hair, causing the forest green strands to float and drift. She raised a familiar eyebrow. "What exactly do you speak of?" she asked, intrigued. Smiling, the interest of Yui was clearly captured in these short transmissions, already. Turning softly in the squeeky chair, Zaitsev began his informal report. "I've been ferrying back and fourth from the KIF's fleets. I spoke with several representatives, including the ever so eccentric Commander Card. The KIF has proposed a formal Non-agression pact between it and the GSA. As well, they also offered an informal free trade option - Basically allowing the sale of goods from either system to the other to be accepted. I told the young Commander I would seek your opinion on the matters before responding to him." With that, Zaitsev wearily turned to face his monitor, unsure what to expect in response. "I would like to see this pact." Yui said, wondering when the KIF would post it to Foreign Affairs. "This is an excellent step for both our peoples. You know I've always hoped to integrate the KIF into the GSA. I'm almost certain the treaty will be successful on our side, unless there is something I didn't think of...Is the KIF allied with the NDI at this time?" Zaitsev gave thought to comment of the NDI. He hadn't had a chance to speak with them during his times in Ayenee. The NDI was a forboding organisation. Something he didn't enjoy the company of. "They're military allies. I don't know if they have a right of free-trade agreements, or anything other than the military alliance. Though, I suspect not." "I see" Yui nodded. She didn't trust the NDi much either. "Very well, then. Would the KIF like to arrange a meeting sometime tommorrow?" "Tomorrow they should be available for an official meeting." Pausing for a moment, Zaitsev added, "On to something else. They've moved four fleets in to umm...Zora...Zara...Zeran...That planet they're occupying. Intelligence also says they've begun heavy industrialization on the surface of the planet and in beneath the surface including very many military installations. Few city's have been erected. Furthermore, when I spoke with the blue-headed commander, he mentioned a 'tide of war' and going against it. What is to be made of the KIF's recent military actions? It appears as if they're setting a stronghold in Ayenee. I hope I'm wrong, but it appears they may intend to make an incursion in to ayenee space." Yui let the information soak in for a few seconds and thought carefully over it before replying. "That is rather unexpected...I still don't know whether they would actually be planning such a move. Perhaps they are intending to expand in order to increase their resource base as we have been doing of late... But that implies they are defending against a threat... what threat?" His reply came quickly and for a moment, during his words he'd wanted to stop. "I'm unsure. Though, there was a recorded stand-off between them and the local Ayenee forces. As well as an undocumented race that engaged in a brief skirmish with the NDI -- before being disposed of. Perhaps the KIF has more information about this alien force? Or maybe they've taken afront to the Ayenee force? I certainly hope neither is the case, while I am dubious of this 'Card' fellow - they gave me many trinkets that are akin to Human design." A broad smile spread across his lips at the mention of the trinkets, the ever-present squeek of his chair just one of the many. "I think this alien force needs to be researched." Yui stated indirectly. It was obvious who she wanted to look into it. "We've attempted to get as much information as we could of the Alien source that encountered the NDI - unfortunately little was left from the skirmish. All we could deduce was that they used rather - inferior technology. Relying primarily on ballistic weaponry." Yui made a face "ooh." It was the kind of face people made when a hockey player gets slammed into the wall, or when their antique family clock is appraised for $1.50. Zaitsev nodded with a soft chuckle. "Yes, needless to say their skirmish with the NDI, who by the way had the ASC and KIF close at hand was -- a pathetic and most diturbing sight." "I take it the reason they haven't come back is because they are scrounging around for something that would be more...effective." "Or perhaps their ego's are still bruised from being defeated by a force half their size, without managing to even scratch a single ship? I'm unsure, though one ship a capital class I believe, did manage to escape." "If I had more ships in the area, I'd have attmepted to get an analysis of the wreckage, but alas, someone else has taken it already." Yui made a frownie face. Zaitsev nodded solemnly. "Yes, I only managed a brief sweep of the wreckage with sensors before an ASC wreckage crew decided to clear it away. Quite unfortunate, I'm sure it would have provided interesting details in to their culture and methods." Zaitsev was tempted to sigh at that point, pondering what kind of fool went in to an alien system and opened fire. Adjusting the ragged brown fatigues he wore as casual wear, Zaitsev returned his gaze to Yui. "What should I be doing in the mean time in regards to everything in Ayenee?" "Well, unless you see something of interest, you can hang out on the surface and get toasted and fellated in one of the many taverns." Yui joked wryly. "You should be wearing your uniform." she added, noticing his brown outfit. "Or, at least, your rank pin. It's the law." Zaitsev laughed heartilly at the mention of Ayenee's typical tavern scene. Waving a lightly bronzed hand he began, "Heh - I preferr sophisticated people, not drunken whores with no head on their shoulders. Ayenee is not my - cup of tea." Chuckling he noticed his uniform had been caught. Removing the rank pin from his pocket, he applied it to the brown, weathered tunic. "I will apply the rank pin, though I'm off-duty and these have had me rather reminiscent of home." Glancing over his shoulder, one of the Neko's onboard the Shibata wandered by who was notably off-duty, yet clad in the typical uniform. Zaitsev shrugged meagerly at the apparent up-staging by one of his lower-ranked soldiers. Yui waved a chiding finger, "Off amusing concept. My crew is always GSA, and always ready to fight, no matter what hour it is." Spotting the neko go by in the background, she pointed her finger at the neko, then to him. "You're humping them, aren't you?" she accused. Zaitsev's jaw dropped at the accusation of humping his crew. Straightening in to a more dignified position he spoke in a commanding, though rather slighted tone. "Of course not" Pausing he added softly, "...Well, not that anyway." His gaze was cast to the floor, as the accusation was close to accurate. He'd almost shared a bed with one of the crew, though he had somehow managed to regain his military composure. Yui smiled sympathetically. "I know, nekos are extremely open and willing. I can't blame you. It's nothing wrong, I was simply curious." Zaitsev gave a moments thought and hesitation before responding. "Truthfully, I have not crossed the erm -- professionalism border. I hope I can ward off any such ideas in the future, too. It is a challenge being the only one with a -- the only male on-board." "I'm sure being a male captain must be rater difficult. they expect you to not only be like a father, but they seek to please you in those ways. As I said, you can let it happen, and indulge in the fruits of their admiration, so long as you let it remain clear who is the master." Yui said. "You and your crew should share a bond of trust." "Yes, I realize it's rather customary for the GSA. However, I just don't feel comfortable with the concept at heart. Which is quite unfortunate for me. I can only imagine how many men would kill for this position and oppertunity." Pausing Zatisev added. "So I should sit tight on the Ayenee situation? Just wait it out?" Yui almost was going to tell him to use what he was born with, and live it up. But she realized it was a personal and cultural thing for this man, and that he wasn't going to see such things as right until he actually made that descision for himself somewhere down the road after seeing too much neko to help himself. "Very well, Chujo Zaitsev," she sighed, resigned. His crew was probably disappointed. "Hang around Ayenee and look for signs of activity by any other forces, including the new aliens." "Will do." Pausing he considered for a moment silently the crew on board and pondered exactly how much longer he could hold out. "I hope these forces prove to be less hostile than in their initial confrontation with the Nerimians. Though, I don't see it being a large problem - they couldn't even penetrate the Lightning shield array with several capital sized ships." Yui giggled. There were a few telepathic nekos hanging around behind the Chujo now, intently listening in on his thoughts of making whoopee with them. While Zaitsev had noticed the Neko's behind him, he hadn't been aware of any telepathy that had gone on. Turning his attention clearly to Yui, he added. "What shall I do about the NDI? We've made no official contact with them as of yet." "Well, last time we offered them a peace treaty, they rejected it...but they didn't know anything about us. Perhaps we should hold off on diplomatic relations until soemthing happens. The 'A friend in need...' sort of thing. We should also look to get in touch with the enemies of the NDI...the Jaaqtah, and see what their agenda is. But no choosing sides or making promises at this point." "Alright, Taisho. I'll keep all of these things in mind." Glancing over his shoulder to the two Neko's a brow arched at the visage of the two before he shook his head softly. "....Funny." All that he managed to say before turning his attention to Yui, again. "I always have my hands full, here..." 'Full of neko T&A' Yui silently thought, grinning. "Have a good night, Victor. It's good to hear from you again." Zaitsev nodded shaking his head, guessing the thoughts in Yui's head. "Good night, Yui. Sweet dreams. It was nice speaking with you, hopefully we'll be in contact again shortly." Glancing at the neko's, then back to Yui, he added with a soft wink. "Now, I must reprimand my crew." A soft chuckle followed. "Be gentle." Yui snickered. "Where's the fun in that!?" He exclaimed with a smirk. Yui just smiled widely. His screen switched to the GSA 1st Fleet logo briefly before returning to the starfield that hung over the war-scarred Ayenee Prime. Turning from his command chair, Zaitsev glanced to the two Neko's who all too eagerly squeeled and ran off down the halls. Shaking his head Zaitsev would soon give chase in an ironically titled game of 'cat and mouse'. JP GSA no Taisa Victor Zaitsev Commanding Officer, GSS Shibata (GD-116) & GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commanding Officer, GSS Philosophy (GD-117) Convergence (2/22/03 2:41) The GSS Philosophy (GD-117) pulled alongside and then over the GSS Yui (GD-30), lining up its lift hatches to the elevator systems of each could connect. The two nearly identical blue-hulled starships sort of looked like mating fish. Aboard the GSS Now and Forever (GC-04) the sparse crew was bustling with renewed life as they started their course to meet the USS Yui (GD-30). Chiharu sat on the bridge and looked over the space on last time, the ship had served her well and now it was time to say goodbye so the last time to go report to her new duty station, the GSS Yui. The GSS Yui was going to be sandwiched, with the somewhat larger cruiser on the bottom...In the meantime, the Taisho stepped into the lift car from her new ship, and rode down into the GSS Yui. Above the GSS Yui, a fifth fleet Yui-class ship appeared also, the GSS Shindo (GD-121). It was expected already, and moved in position to dock on the topside of the Philosophy. The recently-promoted and somewhat downhearted Chusa Hoshi Koigokoro, returning from serving on an alien ship under an officer exchange program, also moved into the lift once the ships had docked. She expected to run into Yui, but didn't realize she was right above the Taisho. Time found Alexis sitting on the floor of the bridge, reviewing the information on the new CO that the avatar had provided. Megami had left long ago to tend to other functions of the ship. After finishing the dosser, the shifter decided to try on a neko form...they seemed to function tacticaly at a level he admired...small, agile, strong, and light. Perfect weapons. A few moments later, the GSS Now and Forever blinked into existance near by the GSS Yui. Chiharu blinked in amazement at the 5th fleet ship already docked atop the Philosophy. "My my, busy day.." The Now anf Forever moved into position to dock along the bottomside of the USS Yui, glad that the smaller ship won't get squished like a bug under the weight of all the other ships, but hey, it's outer space. yay. But his knowledge was limited to their appearence only, since he hadn't been allowed access to their technological data. "Well, here goes..." His form waivered, the molocules rearranging according to his thoughts. He maintained his internal structures, changing only his appearence. Ears lengthened, his sillouette slimmed in some areas and expanded in others. Only his eyes remained the same, retaining the trademark metallic orange irises. The familiar yet imfamous old neko stepped out into the main deck of the ship that shared her name. She let out a smile, somewhat pleased to be back on the ship. The philosophy was very much the same, yet it would take a bit before it had that 'home' feel to it. The MEGAMI on the Philosophy was a copy of the one on the Yui, and the two were probably talking their odd computer-speak and whatnot, catching up on things. Wazu was waiting by the lift system for the new arrivals when Yui entered the ship. "Hello!" He said enthusiastically. And Koi made her way onto the Philosophy, carrying her belongings in a single black bag which bore the logo of the GSA 1st Fleet. Settling into her quarters, the as-of-yet untouched science and medical nest, she began to put up her uniforms in the locker-chests. "Hello again, my friend." Yui grinned at Wazu, wondering what weird invention he was working on this time. The shifter blinked, tilting his...her head as she examined her reflection on a console surface. "A fairly accurate representation, if I do say so myself," she said with a pleased tone, brushing a bit of maroon hair out of the range of vision. Her inspection was interrupted by a mental alarm. "Right! The CO is coming aboard soon!" Alexis exited the bridge and headed to the lift, spotting Yui and Wazu upon arrival. "Mistress Yui, welcome back!" Yui bowed lightly to Alexis, taking a moment to deduce who she actually was. "who are you?" Wazu said obviously confused not knowing that the new neko was Alexis. Agent Zero "I came back to introduce your new captain. I'm sure you'll be pleased with her." Yui stated with a confident smile. The new neko blinked, then smirked at the Doc. "I'm Alexis. Sorry, I was just trying something new." When the Now and Forever docked with the GSS Yui, Chi boarded the lift that would take her up onto the Yui. And she glanced about at what was to be her new ship. ui bowed lightly to Alexis, taking a moment to deduce who she actually was. "Alexis?" the Taisho finally asked, not ever having seen a neko with maroon hair before. It was as unnatural to her as pink hair was to humans. "who are you?" Wazu said obviously confused not knowing that the new neko was Alexis. "I came back to introduce your new captain. I'm sure you'll be pleased with her." Yui stated with a confident smile. The strange neko smirked at Wazu. "Recognize me now?" she asked with amusement, her eyes glowing slightly with an orange light. "I decided to try out a new form, that's all." Chi exited the lifted and glanced about at the hulls and hatchways that connected the lift to the rest of the ship, not quite sure where exactly she was at the moment. "I wonder if I'll get lost again.." "Alexis?!" Wazu was obviously suprised "It is you!" Luckily for Chi, the Yui was not a big class of ship, and the conversation of Yui, Alexis, and Wazu could be easily heard down on the other end of a hall filled with a single layer of boxes. After smirking at Wazu again, Alexis acknowledged Yui with a bow, then stepped back and stood at attention. Wether it was required or not didn't cross her mind, but she nodded curtly at Yui. "Yes, Taisho, I'm sure anyone you chose will be a good commander." Chi smiled hearing voices and jogged towards them, resisting the urge to prance on all fours towards it like an actual cat. Yui couldn't help but look around her feet making sure there wasn't more skittering experiental creations running around down there. "She should be here anytime." Yui observed, and laughed in amusement as just then the one they spoke of arrived. "Hail to you, Chujo Ketsurui!" Yui smiled. Chi skittered to a stop, wow, that was fast, as she found her old friend and the bridge. "Hello again Taisho Kitsurugi." She smiled brightly to her friend and then to the other, if odd, Neko and the man. She smoothed back her dark brown hair, almost as if to pull it into a ponytail and let it drop again, looking over the trio with curiousity shining in dark red eyes. "Are these some of the crew? And a new type of NH-7??" She looked over the Neko like a new child would over a brand new toy. Alexis pointed to herself tenatively, raising a brow as if to say "Who, me?" The Taisho looked at Wazu, then to Alexis, then back to Chi. "These two are part of your new crew. This..." she pointed to Alexis, " Alexis Jaren. And this..." a finger indicated Wazu, "Is the famous Heram J. Wazu, designer of the Wazu and Wakizashi class starships." "Pleasure to meet you!" Wazu said giving a slight bow to Ketsuri Chiharu Chi smiled brightly again, tilting her head to one side as she looked Alexis over again. "Nice to meet you Ms. Alexis, Mr. Wazu. So you're not taking this Neko with you Yui-san?" Smiling, Alexis followed Wazu's lead and bowed as well. "It's an honor to make your aquaintence, Chujo Chiharu...Wait, miss?" The neko looked a bit confused, then shook her head and shrugged. She'd let it go, for now. The Chujo would find out soon enough. Yui stepped up next to Chi and then moved behind the new admiral, rubbing her hands on Chi's back, feeling her up for VDF flaps and CPPO outlets, finding none. She then ran her hands through Chi's hair, admiring its odd color, which seemed nearly as out of place as Alexis' hair. "Ooh." Yui raised her eyebrows. "You're an X, aren't you?" Taisho Yui, also a test weapon who would might be recieving an X body, asked. "Alexis will be staying aboard the Yui." Chi nodded again at Alexis. "You look squishy enough unless you're married." She pondered the idea, it kinda makes you wonder if she's just playing, as Yui examined her. "Mew?" She blinked a bit and then nodded to Yui. "Yes Yui-san, I'm now an X." Having not seen an NH-7 in great detail, all Alexis has is the basic shape and face, but none of the ports or flaps... Again, Alexis frowned. "'Squishy'?" Yui smiled at Alexis' frown, holding back a chuckle. Once again Chi looked at Alexis. "Unless you have a hard body." She smiled again. "I'm not married or otherwise engaged...sorry, what did you mean by 'squishy', ma'am?" A look of thinly veiled confusion accompanies the shifter's question. "My skin is molecularly identical to a standard neko, at least, as far as I have been able to replicate it. I haven't exactly been able to do any in-depth study to its make up yet." "Bony hips." Yui joked on Chiharu. Chi had always preferred the firmer settings of the NH-7, and a quick feel on the admiral's hips confirmed the Chi and set the body up as she always had. Wazu looks confused but simply shrugs it off Chi blushed a bit at the taisho's comment. "She's no fun." she said in reference to Alexis. "You can shape shift according to DNA then?" "Don't try to decode the NH-7 or NH-X DNA." Yui warned. That sort of thing would always end up in injury or death to someone. "I go deeper than genetic coding," Alexis said, her unease evaporating as the subject became less mysterious. "I start with the basic molecular construction, if that includes DNA, then I do my best to copy it. But first I have to obtain a sample, this is only a copy of your shape and mass." Chi looked towards Yui, "Alexis is my... ?" There was a questioness in her voice and her posturing. Yui gave Alexis a stern look of warning that said "don't try it." To Chiharu, Yui answered, "Alexis is your first officer, and the pilot of this ship." "Visual data is limiting, and Megami wouldn't allow access to anything more..." The orange-eyed neko's outline shimmered as a glow eminated from her irises. "Eh, all I have to do is have a blood sample or touch you...but I'm not going to try, so don't worry. I don't copy people without permission or unless it's an emergency." Her form remained at the 5'4 hight, but lost the shaply hips and breasts of a neko, becoming the form of a fairly lankey and thin 15 yr old human. His eyes lost their glow as the transformation completed. "I'll stick with this form, though. I have more experience in working it." Chi nodded again. "Ah ok. He? is a transexual shape shifter too?" The tone in her voice left no question that she was joking. Wazu gave out a small laugh but quickly stopped knowing it isn't smart to laugh at a superior officer kirageshadow: Chi shot a friendly smile to Wazu and hoped that her new first officer had a sense of humor. Sensing the need for clarification, Alexis decided to interject. "I am a shapeshifter, of a sort. I don't have a sex, though, so 'transgender' doesn't exactly apply in a technical sense." If he had a sense of humor, it was buried or not evident at the moment... "The NH-7 and NH-X have intense built-in measures which will destroy the cells before it can be analyzed. Thus our extreme aversion to sensors, transporters, and analysis..." she explained to Alexis. "Trying to analyze a blood sample would turn it into ash. You get the idea?" Chi sighed a bit at Alexis's response. Maybe there was hope for this boy, thing, yet. "Okay, Alexis, better question what would you like to be referred to as, he, she, it, kitty, what?" "Oh."His face paled a bit, then he frowned. "Now, if Megami would just let me look at the file on you guys, I'd know that...Whatever you want, he is fine since I'm going to retain this form unless I don't think it's appropriate." Her ears perked up at the sound of a female name, "Megami?" She looked towards Yui again and then nodded to Alexis. "okies, he. Can I call you Fluffy?" She grinned a bit, my she is kinda strange. Alexis rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "If you must, you're the commander," he replied. Chi smiled brightly again and strikes the cliche anime victory pose. ^_^V "Yay, I have a Fluffy now." Sgzyr walked around the cargo hold once more, the baton weighing nothing in his heavy hands. He stared cautiously at the test dummy that he had systematically beaten to shreds with this small bit of metal. He smirked as he wondered what was going on, but was too lazy to go check it out. He continued to pace around the dummy, a plan was beginning to present itself in his mind. "MEGAMI is the Mentafexic ElectroGravitionally Accelerated Memory Intelligence." Yui pointed out. "It's a new system, similar to the Now and Forever's OS Ava computer system. An artificial sentient intelligence." "We've met. Interesting personality..." Alexis mused. As the encirclement continued around the practice dummy, Sgzyr flipped the weapon around from hand to hand. It appeared to him that the head was about to fall off, so he decided to finish the job himself. Sgzyr slowly dropped to his knees, landing in a crouching position behind the dummy, as he began to pace backwards, sweat began to develop on his brow. Almost exhausted beyond belief, he began to make a call inwards, to get those tiny whatcha-ma-callits to work inside of him. Only a few more seconds before he could make the blow. Chi nodded again, "I keep forgetting that other ships have spiffy new shiny things. So how is the Megami different from the OS Ava, better behaved i hope?" Yui made a gesture signaling everyone to follow her, and led them to the bridge, where they could all take seats. On the way, she explained Megami. "Megami is recently-created system which doesn't have the indenpendance of the old OS Ava. Her powers are limited to the ship itself, and she functions as an extension of the ship, not the other way around like the old avatars. Megami is a bit more friendly, too, I believe." "Unless you're trying to gain access without her approval," the shifter muttered, looking over at Wazu. Chi followed and soon took a seat, glancing about the room again and pondering what to call Wazu now that she's established Alexis as Fluffy. Hinosami's young voice came over the GSS Yui's intercom, "The Shindo is detaching and returning to Tabisdatsu." Wazu walked over to his normal station and sat down "The Now and Forever is now departing." Hinosami added. the ship rocked and lurched slightly as the larger ship flew free of the Yui and the Philosophy. Meanwhile, Yui was walking around the bridge since her normal seat was taken by the new captain. She instead took a seat in the defensive systems station's chair, placing her arm on the green backlit panel's sleek black surface. "How do you like it?" she asked Chi. Alexis looked at the pilot's pit....if he sat there he would be away from everything else, so where should he sit? Chi's ears perked up again at the sound of the Now and Forever's departure, her eyes seemed to fill with sorrow for a moment before she blinked and looked at Yui again. "It's all shiny and new. I like it alot." She smiled brightly, although she actually felt a bit ackward about the whole situation. Spotting the Nav station, he shrugged and walked over to it. Next best thing...The Chusa sat down and swiveled to survey the station...hmm. Looked fine as far as he could tell, so he turned back to watch the nekos. ~Do I need to hurt you?~ Yui frowned, sending a short telepathic warning at Chiharu. She was annoyed that the new admiral was acting so...childish, talking about shiny, and giving the crew weird human names like fluffy. Chi blinked a bit at the warning, shaking her head a bit. ~Gomen.~ She looked for a moment and closed her eyes taking a deep breathe. Trying to calm down, she got excited and her disorder surfaced, the only way to maight it go away is to calm down.. She sat there quietly, her eyes closed as she tried to get her head back on straight. Yui took a deep breath, too, and then saw Chi taking a breath too and tried to stifle her own, which resulted in a small fit of coughing. "Ack" Chi opened her eyes again and looked over to Yui, "Yui-san are you okay?" She straightened her posture a bit, seeming to have regained herself again. "I have a combat mission for you." Yui said, avoiding the question with the sudden information. "What's the mission Taisho Kitsurugi?" Chi replied, seeming more dignified now than she did only a few moments ago. "SAINT spotted a bunch of Angel ships, heading out into space. We believe they are colony warships which will turn worlds into factories that will be making starships and weapons which will be used against the GSA. And worse, that the ships may be after some discovery which would break down our way of life...your mission is to intercept, board, and capture the angel ships." (Note: SAINT = Star Army Intelligence ) kirageshadow: Chi said quietly under her breathe. "The Angels are causing trouble again." She spoke louder this time to be more easily heard, "Do we know what their first target might be? Alexis raised his hand. "Uh...what're Angels? And why are they attacking you- I mean, us?" "Actually, one group has already gone before we knew about it. I myself will go on a long mission to find, recon, and take action agains them." Too late, the shifter thought better of the action. He should have waited until after the briefing to ask questions. "Angels" Yui explained, "Are a winged humanlike species...they live in small transitory realms called heavens. We've fought wars with them before." Yui looked to Chiharu, remembering the seemingly endless marches through snow and clouds and the bloody melee combat that characterized the battles. "They're competent genetic engineers who create weapons called seraphim to fight for them. The majority of angels live in poverty, while the archangels rule over them with golden chains, driving their quest to eliminate the Geshrin." Chi solemnly nodded towards Yui, remembering the sight of the countless battles through the supposed heavens. She shuddered a bit at the memory and then smiles slightly remembering that the wars was also were she first met Yui.. Yui looked at Chi and sent an encrypted telepathic message that was only for the Chujo. ~They want to raise God.~ Chi replied telepathically with the same encryption, ~Why do they want to bring him back?~. She frowned a bit, this was just getting worse. "Are you going to be able to hunt these ships down?" Yui asked seriously. A lot was at stake here. Getting the distinct idea fighting these beings was not going to be the proverbial walk in the park, Alexis just nodded and fell silent. ~Well~ Yui looked Chi in the eyes ~They've always been after that, ever since the great collapse and the creation of Geshrintall by the godkiller avatars. The point is even if it isn't possible, we can't take the chance that these fanatics are correct. Besides, they'll be building up forces that would eventually outnumber and attack the GSA and our homeworld.~ Yui still waited a response from her verbal question. "We will hunt their ships down or we will die trying. I have confidence in this ship and her crew." Chi nodded to Yui meeting her gaze. ~Promise you'll be careful out there.~ Chi asked softly in the mind link. Yui walked over to Chi and planted a kiss on Chi's forehead. "I will return." she comforted in Japanese, kirageshadow: "I hope so." Chi offered a soft smile softly speaking in Japanese, as she hugged Yui to her and then, she blushed a bit as she realised the crew probably has no idea of thier Taisho and their Chujo are doing while discussing the latest combat mission. "Your expeditionary group will be taking the 2nd Assault Group, under Taisa Elena Kelahame and 2nd Carrier Group, while I and the 1st Expeditionary will take the 1st Assault and 1st Carrier group." Yui explained, dividing the fleet's firepower roughly in half. "The other groups will stay with your division, to the rear. We will attempt capture of the angel ships when possible, since most of their population is civiilian." Based on the looks on their faces, the shifter turns in his chair and pretends to work his station. The two were obviously close at one time, this was not the time to play intruder. Besides, he had to figure out where everything was on this system. Basic functions he had down; at the moment he decided to work them into memory. If they were going into battle, he would need to know these like the back of his hand....or at least have it be second nature to him. Chi nodded, dedicating the mission knowledge to memory. Yui let out a tired yawn and rubbed her eyes. "I'll return to my ship now. I haven't had much sleep lately over this, and time is a deciding factor in this assignment. My love to you all, and may victory light your hearts and souls like wonder lighting the face of a child." Chi stood up and looked at Yui with a soft smile. "Good night Taisho Kitsurugi, I hope you can get some sleep." ~Sweet Dreams Yui-san.~ Alexis stands and faces Yui, a slight smile on his mouth. "G'night, Taisho. Rest well." "Good night, Alexis." Yui bowed to her former crew and to Aya, Kuru, and Chiharu, then went back to the lift and returned to her own ship. In a minute or so, the destroyers were again seperate in space. The 1st Fleet's Yui division then shot off into the stars using their CDD engines. Chi stretched a bit. "Well this is going to be an interesting mission.." JP GSA no Chujo Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer , GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Sergeant Sgzyr Security Sentry , GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Chusa Jaren Alexis Ship's Pilot , GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taii Heram J. Wazu Science Officer , GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Chusa Hoshi Koigokoro Science Officer , GSS Philosophy (GD-117) & GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commanding Officer, GSS Philosophy (GD-117) "How Odd" (3/1/03 12:09) "Athelas i Naulion requesting contact with Chusa Kessaku" he told Hinosami the communication officer. "Please" he continued. Hinosami blinked in suprise at the latest transmission. She figured they would have been far out of range. He must have been transmitting to the colony on Micras, whic had the necessary long range equipment. "Good Morning." she greeted the man with a smile. "Do you mean Chusa Kessaku Irim?" the young girl asked. Athelas was furious this day. For ten hours he tried to contact the Grand Star Empire - but without luck. "Chusa Kessaku Anri, I think the name was. Is she available, ma'am?" "Oh, Taisa Anri. She was promoted two weeks ago." Hinosami explained. "She is here." The screen changed to a wavy-haired nekovalkyrja with porcelain-white skin and wearing light pink pajamas. "Hello sir." Anri smiled. Athelas smiled. "Congratulations on your promotion" he said. "I was talking to you before ut then I used by anglicanized name. Anyway I have tried to get to speek to you..." he paused. "... for quite some time" "I see. Is there any reason you wished to see me in particular? The cozy-looking woman asked, pausing to take a sip of a steaming mug. Of what was either hot cocoa or coffee. Athelas shut his eyes for a few seconds and breathed slowly. He was evidently quite nervous. "You see...last time we met I was not very kind to you. I came to apologize." "Oh" she smiled, blushing a bit, bringing the otherwise-invisible pink markings on her face to life "It's alright sir." Athelas smiled too. "What position are you working on now?" he asked. Suddenly he started to luagh a little. "Missionary Position" Anri joked. "You obvious like to joke around, my friend. Be careful. You scared me to death last time we met." Athelas said smiling. "I am sure you are appriciated by your crew." "In more ways than one." Anri giggled cheerfully. "That I am happy to hear. Surely you must be in the centre of all events. As a child I was outfrozen and still am sometimes." he said abit more seriously "Captain Yui is the center of events on this ship." Anri said, though she was probably equally active and popular. "And I never had a childhood." Athelas' turned pale. "You're Nekvalkyrja, ma'am?" Both of Anri's index fingers rose up and pointed at her ears. She nodded, amused but confused as to why he asked. "Of course." he said toneless. "Oh... the time flies. I am sure you ahve better things to do then to speak to me. Good bye and good travels ma'am." he said fastly trying to hide his thoughts. "Good day, sir." she said, still confused as to why he called her in the first place. Toying with her pajamas, she shrugged lightly and ended the transmission. JP Athelas i Naulion Imperial Menelmacari Representative & GSA no Taisa Kessaku Anri Defensive Systems Officer, GSS Philosophy (GD-117) Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 3/1/03 12:10:23 pm Continued (4/30/03 12:47) After meeting the crew on the bridge, Ciraxis gave the order to remain in orbit around Ayenee for Wolf's signal. They recieved a few communications from scout ships that were scanning in different systems. A few days past, and Ciraxis was getting comfortable on the Kiyomizudera, making a few friends, but he knew a couple of the crewmembers were suspicious of him. A couple days later, He was sitting at the starship weapons controls, which hadn't had to have been used when the neko who was tending to communications recieved word that [Chujo] Wolf was done on Ayenee and needed a pick up. "Let's do it then, head for the pick up corrdinates." He said, as he was the commanding officer during Wolf's absence. As they waited for the [Chujo] to reboard the ship. Ciraxis stood waiting for him like any good soldier would do, knowing the ship was in capable hands. (Edit - Yo man, Wolf's a Chujo.) Edited by: Jadg Wolf at: 4/30/03 5:48:51 pm Re: Continued (4/30/03 21:24) The sound of walking could be heard, and then a sudden, "Change of plans." Wolf would appear in a split second directly in front of Ciraxis, having used Active Stealth. "I need to stay here. Business. It might be a while. I want all of yall to watch over the fleet. Send a report to PNUgen once in a while. Good luck..." as quick as he arrived, he walked out without waiting for an answer. The rest of the crew had come to expect curt orders like this, but Ciraxis' reaction wouldn't be known to him. As Wolf stepped out, he disappeared. The sound of CRT rockets firing could be heard, but soon faded into the distance. Attention to Orders: (8/22/03 15:52) Hoshi Koigokoro, Although you've had some hard times at my side as an ambassador, you have proven your worth and deserve a post fitting of your experience and ability. You are hereby advanced to the rank Taisa and acting Chujo, You will wear the Chujo rank pin. You are transferred to the GSA's Fifth Fleet, and assigned as captain of the GSS Revenge II (GD-107) and the 2nd Carrier Group. Your mission will be to reestablish communications with Python Universe. Remember that nothing from their universe, save basic imports common to both, may enter ours, wihtout my permission. During your stay there, you will organize the upgrade of ship production facilities of the Tabidatsu system, create an autonomous defense system, and assist Chujo Wolf in the planned withdraw of the 5th Fleet from Python Space. The Fifth Fleet will eventually return to Geshrin Space for a fleet-wide reorganization and upgrade. Afterwards, a new mission will be established for the fleet. The GSS Decimator III (GD-103) has been detoured from its course to Geshrintall, and will arrive in two hours to transport you. By order of GSA Commanding Admiral, GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) Re: Attention to Orders: (8/22/03 15:16) By your command. GSA no Chusa Hoshi Koigokoro Science Officer, GSS Philosophy (GD-117) Chi's Abduction (3/16/03 3:57) GSS Yui Bridge Chi had given up on the concept of sleeping and had returned to her chair on the bridge. She sat there looking over data readouts on what courses of action they could take. The screen unexectedly flashed from the view of the angel ship to the face of Taisa Fensalir Kelrina, captain of the GSS Ender III. "Taisho Chiharu, shall I stay here or go on with my mission? There's still another one of the attack frigates out there." The neko looked slightly bored. ...or perhaps not boredom, but distaste for what she considered needless waiting. Chi thought over Taisa Kelrina's question again before she spoke. "You can go on with your mission, thank you for standing by for us. The GSS Yui is ready to get up and go again. I'm sorry for keeping you away from your mission for so long." Her voice was apologetic but she understood Kelrina's feelings. Taisa Kelrina didn't spare many words to anyone who wasn't her crew. She nodded her head slightly, keeping her icy glaring eyes locked on Chi as she dipped her head. The transmission cut and the GSS Ender was gone within seconds. Chi sighed a bit as the transmission ended, she felt some guilt for keeping the GSS Ender from it's duty while they repaired but better safe than sorry. But now, they would have to board the Angel ship by themselves and they would also have to do it very quickly or else the ship would escape after attacking them again. On the angel ship Light of Destiny, Jehanniel pressed his hands together, his knuckles emanating a growling rubbery noise as the joints and tendons rubbed against each other. He was dressed in all white, in a loose-fitting uniform with gold trim. His eyes glowed with aquamarine life, filled with the reflections of two luminous forms, seraphim from his security crew... Chi stood up from her chair. "Aya, Arume, be on a look out for anything happening around the Angel's ship. I'll be back shortly." She walked of the bridge, taking a walk around the ship to clear her mind of the memories and visions so she could work. "Master?" came a quiet, nervous call from an angel girl on the white luminescent bridge. She was a skinny one, with small wings. Her white linens were mostly around her shoulders and Jehanniel's eyes could help but to admire her exposed bosom, undies and hose. When she looked him in the eyes, he turned away, as if to make like he hadn't seen. The girl adjusted her clothes anyway, covering the protruding nipple. After an embarrassed pause, the girl informed him "The herectic ship 'Ender' has left the 'Yui' alone." Chi quietly walked the corridors, until she reached a docking area of the ship, deciding to hang out in the lift area for a bit to try to figure out what exactly it ws that she was seeing. Jehanniel wanted Chiharu as bad as he wanted to touch the angel girl on the bridge. He was reasonably certain she was aboard... The Yui was floating just above the ship. Now, how to get aboard... He sent the two seraphs away with a lazy wave of the hand, and then began looking over the Yui ship again. Chi had taken to sitting on a crate by the lifts and looking up at the bulkhead above her, not fully understanding what she had been seeing or why the attack had caused the visions to start anew. "What really happened during the incident and why don't I remember?" Silently, a tentacle slinked out from the angel ship's hull, and moved toward the GSS stuck to the hull and the two seraphs moved through it like a birth canal and then to the lift's lower hatch. Their flesh thinned and the pair put their hands on the doors, lining the edge with some sort of explosive putty. Chi's ear twiched for a moment as she got a sinking feeling in the back of her mind. And then she saw something, it was a dimly lit white room.. a dark silohette with what appeared to be wings.. who was that person? Was she onboard the Angel ship? The Yui jarred slighty as the explosives detonated, forcing open the hatch. The damage it had already taken, combined with the force of the blast forced the laft doors ajar slightly. The tube was pressurized, and so there was not really any pressure change. The pair of seraphim crawled into the access tunnels from the lift, heading upward... The sudden movement of the ship pulled Chi out of her memories and onto her feet. ~What the hell was that?~ She pulled her energy pistol from her holster and released the safety, keeping the sidearm at ready. Her eyes scanned the room as she moved in the direction of the explosion. There was some sort of soft clicking noise, like footsteps...nothing visible, though. kirageshadow: She quickly pushed herself against a bulkhead so that she would not be easily seen, and waited for whatever it was to appear. A seraph was in there with her. When Chiharu exhaled, it was close enough to be breathing her in. It wanted to toy with her, to drink her fear. A silent, quick stap of a imageless blade struck at Chi's lower abdomen, just at the bottom of the open circle of the pelvic bone. An invisible hand grabbed the pistol and the seraph's gooey arm twisted like a corkscrew, spiralling the gun three full rotations. Chi recoiled away from the blow as it left her bleeding. She needed to keep her distance until she could figure out a better plan than this. The blade slammed Chi into the wall hard again, and then slid free, leaving a spatter of blood on the wall, and a running flow of crimson that ran down a couple inches into Chi's crotch and down her thighs. She could hear an amused laugh. The seraph morphed its unseen armed into a 150-lb. sledgehammer and crashed down to hit her shoulderblade when Chi leaned forward from the sword attack. She quickly hemosynthed herself a blade to use against the Seraph into her right hand. As she was slammed hard into the wall and the sledge. She felt the sea of red start to form before her vision as she swung the sword forward at the Seraph. She felt her body trying to repair itself already but even that didn't make any of it hurt any less. "Is that all you can do?" The invisible seraph shot out its arm and from its palm grew little skewers, which raced forward to puncture her eyes. Chi ducked down and danced away from the palm racing towards her. This was going to be difficult unless she could make him show himself. "Why are you hiding your face? Are you angels that ugly now after all these years?" She tried to cajole the seraph into showing itself, pride was a good thing to attack if nothing else. When Chi ducked, the seraph took the opportunity to deliver a full-force hit into the Taisho's lower spine using the huge sledgehammer. It almost laughed at her remarks, for it could be as beautiful or ugly as it wished. For now, however, it wished to be remain neither. The blow to her spine sent shockwaves of sheer pain through her entire body as she half-fell - half rolled onto the deck, still holding her blade in a death grip. That didn't go well at all. The next sledgehammer impact was directed at mashing the bones of Chi's sword hand. At the same time, there was a swift kick administered to her ribs by the other seraph. They were enjoying this immensely. She felt her body start to alter itself as the seraphs made contact with her body with their attacks, the bones in her hand shattering under the blow. Her body took on a strange red glow as the sword melded into the structure of her hand, fusing it into one thing. Her energy was fluxing as the adrenaline pumped, she stood up ackwardedly, her eyes were pure red now. Her left arm was restructuring itself and quite painfully it seemed as she finally screamed out in pain. The scream itself was deafening and oddly filled with an almost electrical charge. The seraphs's hands and tentacles could be felt wrapping themselves around her arms and torso. Finally, one of the seraphs spoke in a soft male voice. "Come now, we have much for you, Miss Chiharu" They began to drag her toward the lift shaft. The NH-X's tactical operating system warned her of some sort of chemical injection...the seraphs' touches had soaked her with sedatives. The drowsiness and dizziness was disorienting and difficult to counter. Chi tried to fight herself free until the her equalibrium was thrown completely off. Her body continued it's efforts as she slowly passed out. Somewhere in the back of her mind, this seemed familiar.. She could hear them for a few moments more, even after her vision was gone. "Is she out?" one asked. A hand ran over her body, probing her for a reaction. "Yeah...sometimes I wish the nekos weren't so lovely." the other responded, planting a kiss on Chi's forehead. The arms around her released and her limp body was pressed against one of them's shoulders and she was carried throug the lift shafts, back into the angel ship. Her mind was a mess, she didn't understand why she was taken or why they hadn't just killed her. Nor did she understand why all it was familiar or what was going on with her body. She supposed that maybe her body was trying to adapt to the situation and it just didn't have enough time to finish doing what it needed to do, or wanted to do. With a cool, soft phlump, the Taisho was gently dumped into a small bunk, and then covered with a wool blanket. There was a swish as the transparent door to her cell shut, leaving her all alone. Back on the Yui, Mr. Bear sat on his side in Chiharu's quarters, his gentle plastic eyes looking out as if to ask why... Chi wished she could understand what it all meant, but she knew she'd soon discover the answers. Her body itself just continued to repair itself and unfused the blade from her hand... JP Jehanniel Seraphim Light of Destiny & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Getaway (3/16/03 14:34) The angel ship activated its cloaking device, and faded from view. Its tube it had used to bring its troops aboard snapped away as the invisible ship quicky moved away with Chiharu on board. There was a horrible howling noise fora second aboard the GSS Yui as air from the lift shaft escaped into space. It didn't last long; Megami sealed the end of the shaft with a forcefield. With Chiharu tucked away onboard, the angels shot off into the night at maximum speed... Caged (3/17/03 1:15) Brig, aboard Heavenly Attack Frigate "Light of Destiny" There was a soft indirect light that gradually lit the closet-sized room, increasing in luminescence as a means to wake up the slumbering pagan captive. Through the transparent doorway, a figure in gold chain mail over flowing white robes stood watching. His snow-white skin was reminiscent of Irim, and maybe his cold stare contributed to the overall effect. Chi was under a wool blanket, her weapon belt gone, on a firm but comfortable foamlike matress. The archangel didn't say anything, but waited for the Taisho to awaken... Chiharu's mind was still spinning when the light seeped through the darkness. She opened her eyes, pushing herself up from the bunk, her body still ached where it was damamged. Her eyes turned to the archangel at the door. "You know, it's rude to stare." The large-framed male's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "..." "I take it you buggers want something from me since you didn't kill me right off. So get to the point please." She stood up and glared defiantly up at the archangel. Her body straightened as she folded her arms across her chest. The archangel seemed displeased. "Don't give me an attitude, nekovalkyrja. I'll break you" he warned. His voice was deep and powerful, and had a graininess that only added to the effect. "You will cooperate with me." "Fine then break me. You'll most likely accomplise nothing though if you do that." Her voice had a fierce determination to it. "What do you want?" "Alright." he nodded, and pressed a few buttons on the outside of the cell. The door slid open and he slipped into the cell with her. The door slid shut immediately behind him, and the transparent surface clouded over, so the people in the corridor wouldn't have to watch... For whatever reason she smiled suddenly, as she stood before the Archangel. "You never answered my question, what do you want from me?" She moved her hands to her sides, knowing that he'd most likely try to torture her now. "You're not very perceptive for a neko." he insulted her. "I said I wanted your cooperation." "You never said cooperation in what." She shrugged off the insult. "And what makes you think I'd willingly offer anything to an enemy who I've fought against since the invasion of Hell?" "You should start considering your futures now, Chiharu." the huge angel warned her. "Your actions will determine whether you will be happy...or very very uncomfortable. You're all alone. There's none of your crew here to judge you or watch you. You will submit to me, it is the best course of action." "Since when does a prisoner have a choice in the matter of her happiness? You'll most likely kill me or torture me anyway, so all that will be done by cooperating is slow my own death. And if you kill me, it won't really matter. " She looked at him appraisingly. The angel was probably stronger than she was and with this small a space, it'd be hell to evade him or any possible attacks. "Besides, even if my crew doesn't see it, I will still know what I have done." She stopped again, running down her list of possibilities, surrending will most likely get her crew killed and not surrendering would get her killed. "Just kill me and get it over with." "Take off your clothes." the behemoth archangel commanded. Chi just looked at him funny and made no move. She knew full well that he'd just rip them off her. She decided that this would harm no one but herself for now, as she unzipped her uniform without a word. The brutish-looking archangel looked on with a straight face, patiently waiting for her to finish. "All of them." he added. She didn't take her eyes off the Archangel as she continued to remove her uniform, until all her garments were on the deck and she stood before him naked. "I've never seen a brown-haired nekovalkyrja before." the angel commented, admiring her sleek, smooth body. He moved her garments back away from her, towards the door with one foot, and then leaned forward to inspect her chest. "XNH-10?" he read the genetic tattoo on Chi's breast. "PNUgen's finest, I suppose." he chuckled, with a slight smile. "You're too beautiful." he commented, placing his large hands around her shoulders and rotating her sligtly to get a view of her back, looking for VDF flaps and the other typical neko features. She waited patiently for this examination to be over, if she did something now they'd discover the capabilities of the new body. Time to play the waiting game. "My name is Zemer." The towering archangel removed his hands from her skin and offered one for a handshake. "I'm your caretaker, now." "Caretaker?" She laughed for a moment before she took his hand and shook it. "Your name is Zemer? I thought you angels all had names ending in 'Ael' or 'iel'? " She supposed maybe she would be able to gleam some more info on the Angels now that she was a captive. Maybe if she could get a good look at the inside of the ship she'd be able to send the info back to the 1st fleet at some point. "Oh, yes. My full name is actually Zemerias Kiriel" the larger angel explained. "As caretaker, I'm responsible for feeding you and attending to your needs." "Interesting. And we went through all of this simply for an introduction? Isn't that a bit superfluous?" She looked at the angel strangely still, wonderful, she's now a pet of sorts. "Speaking of needs..." he raised a brow, pushing a large button on the cell wall. Out of the wall slid a toilet. He pointed to the bowl and then to the button. Then to other nearby buttons in the wall. "Sink. Shower. Bed." he counted them off, pointing at each as he explained their function. At least Chi wouldn't be living in filth... Her eyes scanned over the buttons and she memorized which one did which. It was an interesting trick actually, and it made alot of sense for the size of the cell. "I will be right back." Zemer told her, moving back toward the door, picking up her uniform. He tossed a digital videorecorder onto the bed as he exited the cell with her clothes. "Leave a last message to your crew if you'd like." he said. And then the door was closed, leaving her alone with the camera. She watched the angel go and then looked down at the video recorder. She picked up the recorder and held it facing only her face when she turned it on. She started to speak, keeping the thing only on her face. "This might be my last command if things turn out how I think they will. Do not come after me. Continue with the mission and do your best. Remember, the lives of many are more important than the life of one. Stay alive." She paused for a moment and spoke in Japanese, "Watshiwa tewatarichinai." With that she ended the recording and tossed the recorder back on her bed. The archangel came back into the room with a tray of food in one hand, and a cloth tissue in the other. Usually, this was the part where the captives would lose composure. Zemer tossed her a tissue and looked toward the recorder. "All done? I brought you some food." The tray had a generous bowl of cinnamon rice, with a glass of warm milk and a plate of honey-covered toast at its side. There was also a tangerine and a bowl of fairly fresh spinach leaves (such fresh food was unusual for starships). She nodded to the angel as she caught the tissue and dropped it on the bed. "Done. I'm guessing I'm going to be without clothing now? " She looked at the sweet food strangely as she sat down on the bunk now. "Thank you." "Oh, you're supposed to wear the tissue." Zemer smiled playfully. "So you do have a sense of humor." She took the tray from Zemer, thinking that this was a rather odd way to deal with a prisoner, but the humor and fun would end soon and then the pain will begin. It was all a matter of time now. The archangel left the room again with the recorder, and then returned with an oversized t-shirt. "Here you go. I didn't think nekos cared." She took the shirt and pulled it on over herself, it wasn't much but it was something to keep herself covered. "Today is a learning experience for the both of us." "I hope I'm learning more than you are." Zemer grinned wryly. "I'll make sure your message gets delivered to your crew." Chi nodded again, looking down at the food tray now sitting on the bed beside her. "You are certainly the friendliest jailer I've ever had." "Well, so long as you're agreeable, I've no reason to harm you. Besides, it's proven much more effective to befriend and persuade nekos though kindness than though pain and suffering. If I was going to hurt you, I'd probably put you in a human body. But I'm here to keep you happy." "You sound more like a morale officer than a jailer. Now why was I taken off my ship last night?" She traced the rim of the milk glass as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on. "Not that you're bad company, I just want to know the reason why." She kept her voice calm, this was just ridiculous to her now, it made some sense but it still was quite strange to be beaten up and then handled with kid gloves. Zemer looked at the food and then back to Chi. "We want to see what the GSA is up to lately, and why they're nosing around in our business so much of late." he answered and half-asked. "I don't know, I get my orders and I follow them." She continued to trace the rim of the milk glass with her finger, "Why do you think we're 'intruding' again?" She kept a civil and even tone to her voice, there was no point to her being aggressive right now. "I think you are investigating something..." he narrowed his eyes in a disdainful fashion. "Don't tell me about getting orders. You're the highest rank, you have no one over you to recieve orders from." he verbally dissolved her statement. "I wasn't always a Taisho. You should know by now that we have a chain of command that we follow no matter what rank we are." She stopped tracing the rim of the glass and smoothed her hair back behind her ears. An image suddenly danced before her eyes for a moment, it was that room again and the silouhette was becoming clearer... Chi shook her head and blinked as she returned to tracing the rim of the milk glass again. "So, what are the nekos doing out here where they don't belong?" "Doing what we always do, exploring." She thoughts were drifting towards the image she had just seen, there was a connection, she was positive of it now. "It looks like you have been busy as well, ambushing startships and kidnapping Taishos. It's almost like you are on a crusuade against us." She continued tracing the rim of the glass, her eyes were on Zemer and yet, they weren't focused on him. Zemer responded "We're defending our territory from hostile invaders, just like you would do. To say we're on a crusade is stupid, Chiharu. We have left you why come after us?" He scooped up some of the sweet cinnamon rice in Chi's golden spoon and pressed it to her lips. "Please eat." She moved her face away from the spoon and placed her hand on top of Zemer's, gently pushing it away. "You have invaded and conquered other cultures before, and there has been no move for a a cease-fire. Nor has there been a treaty, so how are we to know what territory to not enter?" "Hell was orginally our land in the first place. We were only taking back what was ours. But the GSA has invaded dozens of worlds only to satisfy its own lust and greed. You know you're beyond your borders." He tried again to feed her. "Please." "We were asked by the people of Hell for assistance, and how can our motives be lust and greed? We have no form of currency to speak of and we're explorers. We make treaties with other worlds, not conquer them." She still made no effort to take the food from Zemer. "What about Albini?" he asked, setting the still-full spoon back into the bowl. The rice was beginning to get cold, and was no longer steaming. She looked at him blankly, trying to remember Albini and the circumstances surrounding it she wondered if she lost more of her memory somehow. She really had no interest in eating right now. "I don't remember what the circumstances surrounding the situation was." Zemer stirred the rice and then brought the spoon to her lips a third time. "Open up, Chi." This time he wasn't asking, but rather telling her to eat. She looked at Zemer and picked up the glass of milk finally, silently debating the worth of wasting it and instead drank some of it. "If Hell was originally your territory then why wasn't the situation handled better or even a effort made to discuss the situation with Geshrintall?" "We did." he frowned, annoyed somewhat that she was asking more questions than he was. She set the glass down on the tray again and picked up the piece of now soggy toast, deciding that despite her intense desire to not eat, it would be better to regain some energy from the fight last night. "Anyways, so how do you feel about Nekos?" She continued to munch on the toast, noting the frown, understanding that this was not a good game to be playing with the person who brings you your meals. "I think they're very sad." Zemer told her. "They're beautiful, but they are sent to die fighting us and others, never getting a chance to really become a true person." "Why do you feel that we don't have a chance to become a 'true person' as you put it?" This was an interesting line of questioning now. She continued to slowly feed herself, occasionally taking sips of the milk. "If all they do is follow orders till their death, they're more like a device than a being." the archangel elaborated. "Of course, I'm not saying following orders is bad. I mean that they never make the decision not to make their own decisions." "We live out our lives, fall in love, work and study. We do not fear death because we live in the moment and do what we love to do: Learn and explore. As members of a military organization you always have the choice to not follow orders but you usually do out of loyalty and respect for those giving the commands. You never really know the full story due to the issue of security and the lives of the entire force. But that is the way it is, you as an angel do have free will?" She looked at Zemer again, curious to what his answer would be as she polished off the last of the toast. Zemer looked at her oddly, not answering. After a short pause, he asked, "So even your fresh clones question your orders?" "The clones usually question who they are before they question orders. But they would question my order if they felt it was unjust or wrong. As an officer you always run the risk of a mutiny unless you understand and befriend your crew. As a captain, you have to become a parent as well as a friend to all those aboard. You are responsible for the well-being of everyone and they rely on you to make the correct decisions. The best route is to be honest and understanding, then they will trust you as well." "Since when do mass-produced weapons come with a conscience?" Zemer frowned. kirageshadow: "Everyone has a soul Zemer, as well as morals. We have emotions as well as pain. I am as alive as you are. Does it bother you that we have a conscience?" "You are wrong. Good night, Chiharu." Zemer said, taking the tray of food, giving it a quick inventory to make sure all the silverware was still there. "...and me master" With that, he left her alone. The lights in the room dimmed to 'night light' level again. Chi looked after Zemer, knowing that she got to him on some level. It would be interesting to find out more about Zemer and his position with the Angels, for now, escape would be a secondary priority. If she could discover how far along the Angels were on their plan to revive God, it'd be a good for the GSA intel. But there was still the matter of the connection between the incident, the angels and her images. All she really knew was that something happened to her and it had to do with the Angels somehow. She continued sitting the on bed, hoping her crew was alright and now one was hurt in her explosion. In some strange way she was relieved that she was the one who was captured, and not any of the crew. It was still bad but she still smiled, her crew was safe for now. JP Zemer played by Wes & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Edited by: Ketsurui Chiharu at: 3/17/03 12:20:06 am Dreams and Tears (3/18/03 1:56) Chi had not been able to sleep after Zemer had left her, she just was wide awake as she sat there on the bed staring up at the bulkhead above her. But eventually, sleep did take her and whisked her away to the place where she couldn't remember.. Zemer paced the hallway outside the door to Chiharu's cage. He couldn't seem to stop thinking about her.... She was back in the dimly lit room again, and she was looking up at the imposing figure of a male angel. Chi tried to look at his face but shadows kept it hidden from her. As she slept, she talked quietly in her sleep. Her speech was garbled Japanese, she was saying something about a ship going down and a sneak attack... Zemer had entered the first door and paused to look over the sleeping body of his new captive. She didn't seem too bad for a neko. It almost made him want to have a wife, a daughter. So beautiful... He spotted her lips moving, and quietly entered the room in order to hear her. She kept switching languages as she spoke out in her slept, it was a mixture of English and Japanese which translated out to be: "Captain, I think there are still some crew left alive... demo, the enemy looks like they are coming back to finish us off." There was a eerie pause, before she spoke again, her voice was a little louder, "I can't believe the captain's dead and now.. we're been taken captive... I can hear the others scream.." She was fidgeting now, like she was trying to free herself from something and she was.. whimpering? The large-framed archangel flattened his wings against the cell wall and sat doawn on the floor, next to the bed and close to her face. He trailed his fingers gently through her bangs and hair as she tossed and turned. "What's happened, Chi?" he whispered. Her breathing became panicked, "why won't he just kill me instead of.. " She was still struggling with something. "he won't let me die.. instead he just.. he just.." Tears started rolling down her cheeks, her eyes rapidly moving behind closed eyelids, she was still deep in REM sleep. Zemer leaned closer, putting his hand over her heart, as if trying to soothe its racing beat. At the same time, his mind was saturated with curiousity for Chiharu and her history. "just what, Chi?" he asked, whispering softly into her ear. She didn't say anything else, her heart was beating fast as an image formed in Zemer's mind. He could see a different Chi in a cell not unlike this one except larger. She was bleeding badly as she lay naked curled up into a ball staring blankly at a large man. He was an angel, Zemer could almost make out his features.. the angel was very familiar somehow. The angel was speaking to her, "No no Chiharu, you can't die yet, you're still mine." The voice was lude and still very familiar.. Zemer slid a hand under her bottom, and the other under her torso, and gently lifted her out of bed and placed her against his board chest, rubbing her back soothingly. "It's alright." he whispered, unsure whether or not she could hear him. He continued to listen intently to and watch her mumbling and her broadcasted memories. Not wanting to wake her up, he layed himself face-up on the bed, and wrapped the covers over them both. His body was warm and comforting beneath her. "Calm" he whispered lightly. Chi unconscious reaction to this was a violent struggle to get away from the Angel, in her mind she was trying to get away from the Angel in her memory, "STAY AWAY FROM ME! Just let me die with some shred of myself left and stop.. stop.." She couldn't bring herself to even say it. The images of what had happened repeatedly over the years she was trapped there flashed by in a whirlwind of pain and despair as her mind still tried to block out what happened, but Zemer could feel, could almost taste the bitterness of what happened. The angel had raped her and she still couldn't say it or accept it even though it happened years ago. But, the image of her attacker was clearer now and Zemer had no mistake who it was... Zemer held her limbs fast by keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around her, pressing her arms against her body. "It's alright." he calmly told her. He wondered if the dream was all repressed memory. Conciously, she probably thought she was still a virgin...Zemer felt a deep sympathy for the poor young woman. She cried out again, still trying to get away until finally the memory passed and she was still again. The images of the projected memory faded from Zemer's mind but he could still sense that inwardly she wondered who the angel was, and what she would do if she fully remembered what happened. ~The visions are stronger now and I still don't understand them or what really happened. Why does this all seem familiar?~ Zemer ran his hands up and down her back, and planted a kiss on her cheek, then leaned back on the bed, enjoying her weight on him, and her presence. It made him realize how lonely he was. Listening to the sound of her breathing as it slowly returned to a resting pattern, he only smiled, thankful for this moment, and thankful to be the one who would know her and care for her. "Good Chi." he whispered to the sleeping neko. She laid on top of him gently sleeping, she was out of the recesses of her mind in the places she could not look and was just wondering how her crew was and hoped that they would obey her order. She quietly spoke again, "I hope everyone is ok.." Zemer played by Wes & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Nechigaeru (3/21/03 4:12) Chiharu awoke in a minor panic, she found herself tightly wrapped in the wool blanket and face down on top of some guy's chest. She struggled to free herself from the blanket and get away from Zemer. "What did you do to me?!" Zemer had fallen asleep under the woman's gentle warmth. For some reason, he felt comfortable with this neko, despite the fact that she was just that--a neko. But his dreams and slumber were suddenly interrupted by her shouting. "Hmm?" he grunted, as Chiharu squirmed on top of him. Chi struggled herself out of the blanket finally and uncermoniously landed hard on her side on the floor of the small cell. She winced a bit as she glared up at Zemer. "What did you do to me while I was sleeping?!" She demanded as she tried to figure out what damage she ended up inflicting on herself by thrashing about like that. Zemer just gave his cute neko captive an odd look, his eyes trailing up from her bare lower half to meet her eyes. "Calm down, little Chi" he sighed, offering a warm smile. "You were having a nightmare. I...I didn't want you to be lonely." Chi glared at Zemer as she knocked her shoulder back into place. "Likely story." She pulled the shirt back down to cover herself as best as she could before smoothing her hair back behind her ears. "You decided to take advance of me when I was sleeping, that's just wrong." "Chi..." the Archangel looked genuinely hurt. Zemer shook his head. "No." She looked at his expression and then into his eyes and saw that she did hurt his feelings by reacting this way and sighed. "I'm sorry Zemer, but it's not nice to crawl into a lady's bed without warning her. You almost gave me a heart attack.. Which somehow reminds me, is there anyway I could possibly get pants, a skirt, anything to cover myself?" Zemer gave a warm, soft smile which contrasted against his buff, powerful body, as he saw the anger in her eyes fade. Letting out a sigh of relief, he nodded and told her, "I...didn't realize you'd be so upset. I heard nekos had a hard time sleeping alone because they sleep in groups." He patted her thigh "I'll see what I can do...most nekos prefer minimal clothing, too, that way they keep their heat-vents clear. How about my boxers?" "I'm used to sleeping alone actually.. one of the benefits of being Captain of a Starhip I guess.." She looked at Zemer funny when he said his boxers. "That would work, so long as they aren't the ones your wearing right now." She rubbed her left arm where her almost invisible closed heat transfers were, she felt a little uneasy about how much interaction with Nekos the Angels had, a bit mislead but pretty accurate for some Nekos. "Thank you Zemer." Zemer let out an amused chuckle. "You're at all not like the other one." He stood up and slipped out the door. "No problem. I'll be right back with some fresh clothes for you. And breakfast." Taking a slight bow, he shut the clear inner cell door in front of him, then turned around and went through the translucent outer door into the hallway. She smiled a bit as Zemer left, well, at least he hadn't taken advantage of her in her sleep, but, she did wonder what she had nightmares about that were so bad that she had to be held down in a blanket for. The amicable jailer returned with a big plate of food for Chi in one hand, and a T-Shirt and boxers, still smelling of fabric softener and freshly warm from the dryer, in the other. He also had a smile that was as bright as the angel ship's white interior. The breakfast had some bacon (obviously rationed stores from the rectangular cuts) strips, scrambled eggs, grits with butter, and some peach muffins. There was also OJ and Milk cartons with it. "Here you go, Chi." Chi returned the smile genuinely, she almost felt bad that she might have to kill him at some point in time unless she could convince him to switch sides. "Domo arigatou gozaimasu, Zemer-kun." She took the food tray, for whatever resaon she was hungry. Chi assumed it might have been from the energy she lost due to her nightmare. "You've only dealt with one other Neko before?" "No, I've...dealt with...a couple dozen, at least." Zemer looked uncomfortable. It made him think about having to kill Chi. He wasn't sure it was something he could do if he was ever ordered to. She was special, somehow, and he could see he was getting attached to her. But despite his training, he didn't pull away. Maybe it was because he could sense the good in her heart, that was better than that of some angels. "But you said that i wasn't like the other?" She poked at the rations with the golden fork before she curiously took a bite of the food, it wasn't bad considering it's prisoner food. "Well, I meant Jehenniel's neko." "Jehennial?" She looked up at Zemer curiously from her food tray as she felt a chill ran down her spine, why did that name ring a bell somehow. "He's the captain of this ship." Zemer explained, content to watch her eat the food, admiring the way she ate without being obnoxious. "He's had a neko of his own aboard for a couple months now. Poor thing she is." "What happened to her?" She continued to eat, trying not to be too horribly rude to the Angel, he did bring her meals and clothes when he could've just left her to be naked and starve. So he wasn't too horrible of a man. kitsurugi_yui: "She's right quite right up there," he tapped her noggin for emphasis, "anymore. Very emotionally disturbed." kirageshadow: "What exactly did your captain do to her to cause that trauma?" Chi looked concerned now, this wan't a good thing. There would be nothing that could done to help that Neko without sending her back to Geshrintall and PNU to be repaired. "I don't quite know." Zemer shook his head. "She seemed alright at first, but then she became more and more distant and withdrawn everytime I saw her. He'd brag about how she'd do anything he said. I think he might have tried to train her to obey him or something. Poor neko cries all the time, real quiet into her pillow." "What color hair does she have?" She thanked the Emperor that she had Zemer as her captor instead of Jehenniel, but then again, she might've tried to kill the Angel opposed to gathering intell. "She's a greenie." Zemer said. "With light pink skin and dark blue eyes." He handed her the OJ so she wouldn't have to reach for it. Chi took the OJ and nodded, "Thanks." She drank some of the OJ before she spoke again. "What ship was she captured from?" "GD-37. Same class as the one you were in." said Zemer. "Hmm.. and you wondered why the GSA was 'intruding' in your territory. Out of curiousity, how did you know my name?" She had polished off most of her food when she set the fork back down on the tray. "If it weren't for us, she would't be alive. The Nepleslians detroyed her fleet and left the crews for dead. We found Iseki in an escape pod." Zemer gingerly lifted the shirt up over top Chi's right boob and poked. "It's tattooed on your breast, Chi." "You called me by my name before you had me take my clothes off though." She looked at him curiously again. She wanted to say that if Iseki had been killed she would have just been respawned again, but you can't really say that, now can you? "From the sound of it, Iseki would've been better off if she had been left drifting in space." "How can you say that? Nekos only have backups on their ship, and hers was destroyed." he countered. "As much as I hate to say it, it would be better to be dead than having to live as a hallowed out shell of who you once were. At least if she was dead then she wouldn't be enduring the nightmare that Jehenniel is puting her through. The damage that has been done to her mind can only be repaired on the off chance that she ever returns home, from the sound of it." "So you would kill your sister if you had the chance?" Zemer looked at her as if she had become someone else. Chi shook her head no. "I would only do it if she wanted to die. There might still be a chance that she could return home yet if she doesn't try to kill herself first." She sighed a bit. "I'm not a murderer, I just hate to hear that she's become this." "I shouldn't have said anything about her." Zemer sighed. "You two aren't supposed to know each other or aboard. Seeing each other would be out of the question." "It would probably be for the best if she didn't see me if she's that far from her past self." She smoothed her hair back behind her ears as she looked up at Zemer. "I'm still curious, it almost seems like it was delibrately planned to capture me from my ship. Why is that?" "Your rank, I suppose. The GSA is in short supply of able command personnel" Zemer shrugged. "Jehenniel insisted on getting you, alive, after we'd determined that you'd entered deep into our space relatively unprotected. For whatever reason she laughed, it figures as much. "And oddly enough you knew who was the commanding officer aboard ship." This was a dangerous thought, their intell was apparently better than hers. "Of course." he smiled. "We keep track of where all your Taishos and Chujos are." His fingers playfully circled around on her belly, causing a little "Activate HDM BIT?" to appear in her vision. He knew her how to push her buttons, in a sense. She tried to turn off the words for the interface from her vision as she backed away a bit. "You've done your homework." She guessed that they understood that she was a new model by now, but, she had to make sure that they didn't figure out what the new body could do yet, at least for long as long as she could stall for time. "You must have a fun job if all you get to do is play with Nekos all day." "Well, not until you showed up. You're the first neko I can call my own. Although Jehenniel keeps asking to trade, I like you a lot better than Iseki. She's too depressing. So, I'll be playing with you, Chi." He smiled, tapping Chi's chest twice in the center, just above the HS3 port. Another message appeared in her vision. "Display HDM?" Again she tried to deactivate the message appearing in her vision, this was going to be a chore, maybe she should suggest that that change the physical commands when she got back. "So we're like trading cards to you guys? Gotta catch them all?" "No." Zemer frowned. "Look, Chi, you've got to cooperate with me, ok? You're seeing messages, right?" She debated the value of lying to Zemer but thought better of it "Yes, I'm seeing messages." "Good." Zemer nodded. He tapped her chest again, then instructed her "think yes". Once again she debated the value of not complying, figuring that he'd be trying for as long as she could be stubborn. Reluctantly, the yes command came to mind and she suddenly felt dirty. The archangel pulled her shirt off, allowing the holographic beams projected from her shoulder ports to form into a floating menu. Laying the shirt over her bosom so she could at least have a shred of modesty, he took her left hand and began rubbing his thumb on the back of her palm. She could see and feel it moving the pointer around on the floating screen. Zemer worked like a pro, calling up a text prompt. Chi fought the urge to shut down the menu but stopped herself from sending the command through. ~Crap.~ She just watched what Zemer was trying to look up, hoping that the GSA decided to encrypt the data of the NH-X models.. Zemer paused to rise and hook up a small electronic device of some sort to the 25-pin connector on the back of Chi's neck. She could feel his warm breath on her ears as he screwed her in the literal sense of the word, securing the cable in place. He then sat down and began messing with the menu again. "When were you born?" he asked her absently. "November 16, I'm 21 years old.." He selected his way through a few menus until the screen displayed "Mind Section 2-3: Mechanical and Weapons Knowledge Base." He had the pointer over the "Download" key when her answer caught him off guard and made him give her a funny look. "" he asked in disbelief. "Yes, I have been alive for 21 years. I did fight in the Heavenly Wars under Kitsurugi Yui. I'm not as infamous as her though." She noticed what he was taking from her mind, understanding how they got some of their knowledge, they just downloaded it from the minds of the Neko captives. "Moses Christ!" he exclaimed. "You're so OLD! No wonder there's so much stuff up in there." Chi just shrugged. "Did you think we just got deactivated when we hit a certain age?" She understand why this was a shock, she was old for a Neko. He tapped on her hand to click, then, "Dammit. There's a password for the file." He looked back up to Chi, "No, its just there's less than 10 nekos over 20." She smiled slightly, glad that there was a password. "I would've thought you guys would have already known how old I was if you knew what rank I was and what ship I was on already." "I thought you we only in your teens, actually. Jehenniel's the one who took the big interest in you." The archangel did a search for unpassworded hidden files... "Hey, did you know you have some memory hidden up here?" he asked. "Not to say I'm not interested in you." Zemer added with a grin. "I partially knew about it. My memory was damaged after the Heavenly Wars and we couldn't retrieve it due to the damage." She felt a bit creeped out again by the captain's interest in her, but she gave Zemer a quick grin. "You're just interested because I'm a relic from the Wars." "Yeah, I'm a veteran myself. I was with the 5th Heaven defense force. You guys never managed a success there, and in the end, only got 2nd, 3rd, and after a while, 8th Heaven." "We faired pretty well I think. I kept myself alive, lost my arm a couple times though." She smiled a bit at the fragment of memory where she first lost her arm. "That was the first battle the angels ever took neko captives, I believe." Zemer noted, reminded of the ragged-looking nekos trapped in dirty prison/extermination camps. "We almost got Yui but the whore somehow took out a whole platoon herself. After that, the peace treaty was signed." "I know, I was right there when it happened." She grinned brightly. "It was a pretty nasty battle, I remember everything being stained red." "So you went back home with Yui?" Zemer asked. "Pagoda no Uesu...or was she living in Kitsurugi no Iori by then?" She shook her head no, "After the Wars, I went onto a space ship and then the incident happened and my memory was damaged and I was found in stasis a few years later." "The incident?" he pryed, scrolling through her memory records. The incident was the repressed part of her memory; although, opening it would shut down Chi's mind again. "I can't remember what happened." "That's because it's locked." he explained. "I could unlock it, though." "It might be better if I didn't remember, if it caused my mind to shut down and put me in stasis." She debated the value of actually unlocking the memories, but she wasn't really sure if she wanted to really find out why the visions were occuring. In a way she was scared of what she would find. "I'm sorry, Chi, I was wasting both of our time. I should be researching the XNH-X rather than satisfying my personal curiousity about you. If I don't get enough info on you, Jehenniel will try and take you away." Zemer finally said, leaving everything as it was. He flopped the clean boxers and shirt on her lap and stood to leave. "I'll see if I can find you something to entertain yourself with, Chi. Bye for now." He stopped to disconnect the cord from her her neck, he then left her, taking it with him. Chi nodded, "Thank you, I'll see you later then." She waited for him to go before she changed into the clean shirt and boxers.. Chi moved the food tray onto the floor of her cell as she laid down on the bed, wondering why exactly Jehenniel took an interest in her. ~It can't be good if he broke that one Neko down into shambles.. I really am curious as to why Zemer has such an interest in me as well. Oh well, I'll figure it out in time, at least I have some clothes now.~ JP by Zemer Played by Wes & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Freedom! (3/22/03 3:13) ON> Angel Ship "Light of Destiny" Chi's cell. Zemer appeared at the door. "Good evening Chi-ko" he smiled to her, stepping inside her little closet of a home. Chi has been thinking over the idea of actually facing her repressed past when Zemer entered. She was seeing parts of it and it did have something to do with the Angels, maybe her instincts were trying to tell her something? She sat up and looked at Zemer curiously, "Zemer-kun, still trying to hack my info?" "No. But I was going to disable your hemosynthing and your increased strength. That way you don't form a gun or something. I was supposed to do you earlier but I got...distracted." Zemer said, then corrected his fruedian slip "Um, do IT" The giant archangel fiddled with his hair, smiling happily at her. She chuckled a bit, "I take it Jehenniel is getting impatient?" She looked at him curiously again, as another image flashed through her mind as she said the captian's name. She then spaced out. "Yeah, I'm starting to get annoyed with his nasty talk abou....hey, Chi-ko, are you ok?" Zemer quickly scooted forward, waving a hand before her eyes. "Chi?" Chi didn't respond as the scene unfolded before her eyes again.. except that she was conscious of seeing it and.. Zemer was seeing it too, again. There were no words, no sounds, just the fuzzy image, like a television with bad reception, as she finally saw who the Angel was.. Zemer recognized him as Jehenniel but Chi, didn't know who he was. In her memory, Jehenniel moved towards the old NH-2 model of Chi and.. the Chi in the present started screaming, crying out in pain and shock as she finally saw what had happened to her on the Angels' Ship. "Chi!" Zemer called to her, pulling her against his broad chest. "You poor thing!" There was a fire in him, a hatred in his eyes for the archangel he knew who had done this to her. He could see her pain, how brutal Jehennial had been, completely disregarding her feelings and using her for his own desires, the opposite of the religion which the angels were supposed to believe in. "The man in your dreams...he's the captain of this ship!" The memories faded as Chi cried into Zemer's chest, she suddenly the felt the helplessness and loneliness that she had felt all those years ago. She was also afraid, the captain of the ship was the man who had done this to her. "Don't let him get me." She sobbed, the past had left her defenseless when it resurfaced. "I won't." Zemer reassured her, then began talking to himself. "How could he just ravage you like that? I mean, a cloned mass-produced neko with no personality to speak of is one thing, but an an experienced, fully sentient being? There's got to be a way we can keep you away from him." She sniffed as she tried to collect herself again. "All nekos have personalities, we're all sentient beings who experience everything that is done to us. Sometimes some of us wish that we weren't alive.. then we wouldn't have to live through the pain, loneliness and heartbreak that comes with life.." Zemer could help but say, "The same goes for the angels." his mind wondering how many angels Chi had killed indiscriminately... "These wars are truly horrible." Zemer gloomily sighed, rubbing Chi's back soothingly. "We've never thought that Angels were mindless, as a soldier fighting a war you kill who is trying to kill you. Revenge and anger are powerful emotions that come with war." Chi took a deep breath, trying to focus, she had to either kill Jehenniel or just runaway.. but then he'd still come after her.. "Do you think..." Zemer asked her, holding her by her shoulders and looking into her glossy eyes. "...we can ever find peace between our peoples?" Chi looked back into Zemer's eyes and thought about the question. "We might be able to one day if most angels are like you Zemer.. maybe if there is a faction within your people that don't want a war we could form a treaty and try to stop the other Angels?" "Most of our people don't trust the GSA. One time one of your emperors personally assassinated our leader at a peace convention. There's a number of incidents... But meeting you has given me some new hope." "One of my crew as held captive by some angels and tortured.. he still feels the suffering from it to this day. Trust would have to be earned on both sides, but that will only come in time.." "So, what about us?" the archangel asked, a bit disheartened. "Us?" She blinked a bit as she looked at Zemer. "I feel that I can trust you, and.. you have given me some hope in your race where I originally had none." She offered a soft smile. "But if you continue to be nice to me Jehenniel might.." She stopped herself as the possiblity wandered through her mind. "What do you think I should do?" Zemer asked. For the first time in a long time, he actually didn't know. "... From the way things are, it would be in my best interest to kill Jehenniel and get off this ship and return the Yui... you.. you could come with me.. or.. you could take command of this ship and tell the others that I just escaped.." Chi started toying with her hair now, this wasn't going to be good. "I don't want to betray my people." Zemer frowned. "And neither do I but, I cannot let you get my files nor can I let Jehenniel get a hold of me again." Chi sighed, friendships during War time with someone who's supposed to be your enemy was hard. "Maybe you could commit suicide." Zemer suggested. "If I had a backup of your soul, I could transmit it back to your ship." Chi shook her head no. "It just be easier to try to escape for me.. I'm not even sure if you can make a back up of my mind.. I might lose all my data.." Zemer didn't like idea of accidentally killing his favorite neko... "I'll see if I can arrange a shuttle, and we'll sneak you aboard it. We're coming up on a refueling station, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. You could hop on a civilian ship and ride to freedom." She smiled softly, this sounded like a good plan. "Once I get off this ship I should be ok... I just hope that the next time we meet after that will be under better circumstances.." Not quite sure what he was doing, Zemer gently leaned into her to kiss her lips. "I won't forget you, Chiharu." Chi's eyes widened at the kiss, and yet she still returned it, maybe it was the wave of startled and confusing emotion she felt by this Angel's tenderness that threw her off guard. Or maybe it was because he made her feel safe? Whatever the reason, she didn't know anything except that she was kissing him. After a long, long, moment that never lasted long enough, Zemer finally, slowly pulled way. "Thanks for being such a great prisoner." he smiled, trying to laugh but failing, his eyes watering with emotion and sadness that she wouldn't be near to him any longer, and hoping he'd never accidentally kill her in a spaceship battle. "I'm going to miss you." "And I'm going to miss you too Zemer." She returned Zemer's sad smile and reached up to touch his face. She realized that she had been lonely for all these years and yet she never allowed anyone close to her because of some hidden fear that she now realized was because of the incident. But she knew that her crew and her fleet needed her and probably missed her as much as she missed them. Duty and friendship cannot always co-exist across the enemy lines. "When we get a treaty maybe we can see each other again.." Zemer reluctantly rose to his feet, his massive wings partially stretching out behind him before returning to their usual tucked position. "I'll go see about that shuttle, Chi." And with that, he was gone, leaving the the room feeling empty again. Chi watched Zemer go, getting the sinking feeling that escape was going to be harder than he thought it would be. She had a set plan for herself, once she could get onboard the shuttle she could become someone else, she had that impersation training right? That way no one would realise who she really was.. then there was the matter of clothing... she pondered it and decided that she could find a way to make do. After all, she still could field test this body's capabilities. Jehenniel was in the hallway outside Chi's cell. "That was a touching conversation you to had, Zemer. It's somehow not suprising, our intel officer of all people, is sleeping with the enemy. But what I find stupid and disgusting is that you actually are falling for her. Wake up. She's just a God-damned neko bitch." "You're the disgusting one, Jehenniel." Zemer shot back "She's more than just a random neko." Chi stood up from the bed and looked at the door. She couldn't see anything beyond the cell. But she had that sinking feeling again.. Jehenniel backhanded Zemer in the face. Zemer's huge fist began to return fire, but was stopped by the sticky grasp of a seraph. "Take the heretic away." he ordered, smiling wickedly. Once Zemer was around the corner, Jehennial went into the cell, with a seraph. "Hello again, little Chi." he sadistically greeted her. Chi's eyes narrowed, "Jehenniel. Stay the away from me." She moved one of her hands to touch the wall behind her.. she was in a tight spot with her back to a wall and 2 angels blocking the door. She'd have to time this correctly or else she'd be trapped.. "Be a good girl and take off your shorts." the sick archangel hissed. "Bend over the bed" The seraph looked on, am ugly smile full of razorblade teeth the only feature on its dull white head. "Fuck you." She hemsynthed herself a blade as she swiftly hit the shower button and slammed the blade into the Seraph's face, trying to get past them both. She hoped that this would distract them enough.. "There's no where to go." Jehenniel cackled at her. "You should just let it happen. It'll feel good, Chi." The doors were shut, trapping her in the cell with them. "I like the wet T-shirt thing. Your tits look even better than the last time I fucked you." The seraph grabbed her by the waistband of her boxers, and ripped them off of her hips, only causing Jehennial to laugh more. "Spread it. You know you want me inside you." the twisted man grinned, turning off the shower. "Or would you rather the seraph try your hole out for itself?" The seraph seemed to be nearly fully healed already, hissing and grinning that awful grille of teeth. Chi had the feeling it wasn't going to work but she had to try something. She still had her blade, it had done nothing aginst the Seraph but.. she moved towards Jehenniel and tried to stab him. "I will not ever surrender to you!" Elsewhere on the ship, Zemer proceded down the hall like he was supposed to, until the seraph was walking by a door. Then, with a sudden charge, he used his massively heavyset frame to shove the seraph into a janitorial closet... Jehennial seemed to evade the blow with disturbing ease. As the blade neared him, he grabbed her hand by the palm and twisted it in a 480 degree spiral, just like the seraph from her initial capture. Except that Jehennial actually had to move his body to do so. The seraph behind her tore her shirt off, and she could feel a firm shaft bounce off of her bum as the thing tried to penetrate her and missed. Chi grimaced a bit as she felt the tendions in her hand break under the force but, she still tried to fight back, struggling against Jehenniel and kicking back at the Seraph. Her mind was racing, she felt herself becoming over whelmed and her mind was trying to switch. She was now mentally and physically fighting against what was happening. If she lost control of her mind, she wouldn't be able to defend against Jehenniel or the Seraphs. Zemer reached into his utility belt and produced a incendiery grenade, todding it into the janitorial closet with the seraph and slamming the door shut. He held it until the doorknob began to melt his skin, and the darted down the hallway, stopping to punch open a hidden weapons locker in the wall, retrieving the GP-12b which had been captured with Iseki, the other neko. Jehenniel Grinned, grinding his hips against hers, seeking his way into her. "You're such a nice girl" his perverted comments were spouted into her ear. The seraph was all over her back now, actually partially entering her. They both laughed and joked and insulted her in the most humiliating way possible. Chi was still fighting against herself as she still tried to get the Seraph and Jehenniel off her. Tears swelled up in her eyes, this was more painful than anything else. Then it dawned on her, she hemosynthed a new blade as she slammed her left fist into Jehenniel's chest. She was hoping that if she could do damage against at least one of them... Zemer opened a set of cell doors to find the broken-spirited Taii Hisô Iseki. Dropping the rifle into her lap, he told her "Get up. It's time to get out of here." The defeated neko looked at him, and saw his eyes. "Yes sir." Now, to get Chiharu before it was too late... Jehenniel pushed Chi back against the wall, sandwiching her in between the Seraph and himself, forcing the blade back into Chi's own chest using his superior strength. He was unbelievably powerful. The dagger slid into one of her lung-organs. The two beings began to hump her rabidly. Jehenniel cackled and sneered "So good." like out of a bad manga. Chi felt herself bleeding, and then, her mind snapped back again. Her eyes went distant as the tears just rolled down her face. Chi was no longer there as the angels violated her, her mind had surrendered under the stress. ~zemer..~ Changing in like the proverbial calvary, Zemer and Hisô Iseki busted into the room. Zemer, who was even stronger than the scrawnier Jehenniel, jerked the archangel off of Chiharu's chest, throwing him agains the wall. Taii Hisô fired a shot into the seraph's head, the overpowered GP-12 blast exploding it into a flurry of fluffy white strings. Then the two switched, and Iseki shot Jehenniel in the chest, exploding him into a disgusting crater of blood. Zemer picked up Chi's nude body over his shoulder, tugging away the seraph corpse form it, and carried it into the area between the two doors. Chi didn't respond, she was just not mentally there anymore. She could sense the familiar warmth of Zemer's body but she inwardly wondered who he was and what was going on.. He looked to Iseki, and handed the Taisho to the scrawny Taii. "Shoot me." he told her. "Shoot me and go for the shuttle." Iseki nodded. She was completely unattached to angels...but this one had saved her and another... Unable to do it, she settled for clocking Zemer on the head with he rifle butt. Zemer cringed in pain but didn't collapse or anything. But he laid down and pretended to be another victim of the escaping Taii Hisô Iseki. "Psst. Go to the shuttle!" he gave a final direction, and then pretended to be knocked out. Iseki carried Chi over her shoulder to the shuttlebay, and set her down in the copilot seat of the small shuttle, firing up the engines and the controls. Chi seemed to be awake despite it all. She sat in the co-pilot's chair staring off into space. Slowly, her body was repairing itself and changing itself into something else.. A pair of seraphs and another archangel came to investigate the weapon explosions, and found the carnage there. The lighting inside the ship changed as it went on alert. But on the bridge, there was chaos. The communciations and control systems weren't responding... Ahead, the doors opened to reveal a big blue gas giant and the space beyond. "We're free!" Iseki cried, tears of joy on her face. By the time, Chi came to her senses her body had completely changed,, she looked over at the Neko flying the shuttle. "You're.. Iseki?" Her voice was ackward, and deeper somehow. She now looked like a human male wearing plain loose clothing. She touched her throat and found that.. she had an Adam's apple. "What just happened?" ( She was planning on shape shifting when she escaped. ^^;; And her body just followed through with it. Only temporary. ) Iseki looked at her like she was carrying a horrible disease. "You're male??" She'd never seen a male before, besides Jehenniel. And that made her very uncomfortable with men. "I guess. I'm really an NH-X Neko though at least I'm supposed to be." She shifted, her weight feeling rather uncomfortable herself. "Now we have to find my ship, the GSS Yui.. I'm Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu though." She frowned, this was weird and felt funny. But she decided to stick with this body just in case. "Wow! A real NH-X!!" Iseki stared, amazed. She pointed at Chi's lap. "Please dont.." she struggled to say, but ended up only looking down and away in shame. Chi blushed a bit. "I have no desire to do anything like that to you Iseki. Let's just.. get into friendlier space." Her thoughts drifted towards Zemer, she wondered if he was alright. She didn't remember anything past Jehenniel and the Seraph.. she shook her head, trying to push those thoughts aside and keep them aside. "We'll be okay Iseki, I take it Jehenniel is dead?" "My name is Taii Hisô Iseki." the abused neko quietly uttered. "Pilot, GD-37" She looked at her rifle, then back to Chi. "Yes, he's gone." "Nice to meet you Iseki. I only wish it was under better circumstances though." She moved to push her hair back behind her ears when she noticed that she had a crew cut. It felt kinda funny to move her hand over the short hair but it was only temporary. "Do you remember what happened to your ship?" She changed the subject, this whole situation was ackward but she figured that Zemer had managed to rescue her after all. She laughed inwardly at herself, she had ended up being rescued after all when she had tried everything in her power to rescue herself. She felt a mortality that she had forgotten during the Heavenly Wars and the fear of what came with war still remained but it all felt different somehow. She had finally embraced those feelings and she had still survived. "Our fleet was ambushed and destroyed by the Nepleslian Spacy." Iseki explained. "I got out in an escape pod and the angels came lurking around after a day or so and picked me up." Chi nodded with a sigh. "The GSA is now at war with the Angels again. The Yui's mission is to attack, capture, and board the Angel ships we encounter.. we got ambushed by that ship and 2 others and got the crap kicked out of us. And then, they snuck aboard and snatched me. And now I'm here." She sighed again, "If you'd like, you can hang aboard the Yui until we can get you on another ship?" Iseki sighed, quietly speaking in a hoarse voice, as if she had not spoken in a fairly long time, "if we get back to it...this place has hundreds of angel ships around. this place. it's a refueling spot for them. I'm hoping we find a neutral civilian ship to hook up with." Chi smiled softly, "We will get back to it. But, we're going to have to hide that fact that you're a Neko if we're going to avoid suspicion." She looked around the inside of the shuttle. "Well, this thing looks pretty empty, except for that survival kit over there, the rations, and that blanket." "I guess I can hemosynth you something to hide your ears. And we could jimmy-rig the blanket into a cloak. "I could do that." Iseki tried to smile. It had been so long. "I would change into an angel but that would be a bit more attention than we need." She returned the smile again, glad to have her freedom again. "Well, let's get you un-neko as we can before we grace the world with our lovely fashion sense." She wished that she could project something to Zemer, but she knew she couldn't reach him... but maybe she could somehow reach him in his dreams? Iseki broke open a ration. It was an old GSA ration the angels had probably picked up in her escape pod. She found some sugarless drink mix and pointed to it. "Hair dye." and from the survival kit, she salvaged some bandages and made a headband to head her ears against her head... JP GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taii Hisô Iseki Starship Pilot, GD-37 [Destroyed] & Zemer Jehenniel Seraphs Played by Wes Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 3/22/03 2:21:55 am