Author Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet Star Army Research Admin. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards (10/28/03 7:57) Blood on Chocolate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris A small young woman knocked on the door to the home where Wazu's family lived. She had a bag of candy in her hand. It took a few moments but eventually a young elf girl with long green hair opened the door, "Hello, how may I help you?" she asked the girl as she opened the door only a little bit at first showing only a white wall on the right side of the house. An Elf? How strange. "Hello," greeted the girl outside the door. She was wearing the uniform of a local girls' organization. "My name is Jennifer. My group of scout is trying to raise money for a trip to Geshrintall by selling chocolates and cheesecakes. Would you like to maybe buy some?" "Sure!" The elf's eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate, "um..hold on one moment." The elf turned and walked away from the door and deeper into the house. After a quick conversation with another women who spoke with a very deep gothic accent the elf came back to the door with a purse, "What exactly do you have?" she asked. Delighted, Jennifer retrieved a catalog from the bag, full of pictures of delicious-looking cheesecakes and ice cream and various sweets. She also pulled out some good-smelling chocolate bars. "Take a look...may I come in?" "Oh sure," the elf said. She seemed a bit more interested in the catalog than in the girl's requests. As she stepped back the door swung open a bit more showing the insides of the house. It decorated with paintings of a place far away with several nice couches and chairs facing a holographic viewscreen in one corner of the house. A wall obstructed the view of the kitchen and stairs that led to the rest of the building. "Wow!" Jennifer exclaimed, whirling around, looking at the place. "You have a Bee-YOU-tee-ful house!!" "oooo" the elf said as she looked through the catalog still oblivious to the girl. A older women walked out into the living room from the kitchen, "why thank you." She said as she slowly made her way to one of the couches and sat down. The hyper little salesgirl waved to the older woman. "Hi!" she smiled. "I'm Jennifer." Holding a big bar of dark chocolate, she waved it around and said "These are suuuuper-good and only 1 KS!" "Kes," the older women said as she brushed some of her short blond hair to her side, "huh?" the elf said as she looked around, "oh right!" she then walked over to the girl and handed her a four KS in exchange for some of the candies. "My name is Lisa." She said with a smile. The girl grinned happily, pocketing the coins in her tiny purse. "You will LOVE the cheesecakes..." she started. "Hey!" she realized, "You're related to that cute Taisho scientist guy, aren't you?" she nodded, "I am" The elf started to write down everything she wanted from the catalog as the older women started talking again, "No thank you. I am alergic to cheesecake." "Allergic!?" the salesgirl was crushed. Clearly, sales were not going much. "Oh..." Jennifer pouted... "So you're his mom? Does he take you on space trips and stuff?" (to be^) "usual not." She replied. The elf walked back over to the girl, "can I get one of these one of these...." she went on and on till she had asked for nearly 75 KS in candy, Lisa only ordered a little bit. "Eep," Jennifer let out as her bag became lighter and lighter, somewhat surprised by the amount of candy bars and such that Lisa was buying. She kept the conversation going with Kes, "So, he's too involved in his work to visit dad is like that. Do you have other kids? How old are they? Any girls that are my age?" Jennifer naughtily giggled., "boys?" Lisa smiled a bit, "Your very curious, just like him. I have one other child that is only 8 years old but he is in another universe or something... I can never understand Wazu when he is trying to explain it..." she admitted "Oh..." Jennifer seemed disappointed. She looked to Lisa, wondering if she was done ordering. ' of these two of those and.... 5 of these." She said with a smile as she finally finished. "Thank you. The delivery should come in three days or so. Could you sign here?" Jennifer handed Lisa a clipboard and a pen. Lisa signed the clipboard and then handed it back to Kes. The clipboard never made it back to Jennifer. Once Lisa had her hands full, Jennifer jerked her arms outward, and a small pistol slid into each of her childish hands. In an instant, the little girl had aimed each of the weapons at the two women's heads, and fired. It was quite fast. Jennifer was quite the professional. Kes's head snapped backwards as she fell and Lisa just slumped over to the side. Jennifer's name was not a fake name the girl had made up...there was a Jennifer. The girl who had escaped when the rogue neko called Eve had been taken down. The girl who carried Eve's consciousness. The girl reached into the bottom of the bag of candy, and pulled out a bomb of some sort, attached it to a nearby wall, and then retrieved the brass casings from her rounds. END JP by Zack (Kes, Lisa) Wes (Eve/Jennifer) GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Author Mitsu Amaya GSE Citizen (12/5/03 19:57) [GSS Seigi, Ralfaris] A new Psion? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kai had been settling in for a little period of rest and had just gotten out of the baths aboard the Seigi. "Ahh." He said as he got out, wearing nothing but a towel.. There wasn't any day or night on a starship, but it was setting into the dusk hours on the surface of the planet. The situation was still rather tense, but the relations were starting to ease ever-so-slightly. Amaya slid back further into the shadows of the partially ruined building, even this amount of movement was difficult. It has been over 24 hours since she had left the centre and had her last dosage of the drug that suppressed her abilities. ~Damn~ she thought to herself silently as she wrapped her arms tighter around her knees to keep herself from shaking too much. ~Why didn't I bring any of that drug with me!!~ Amaya sighed, she knew even if she had brought it with her it would have run out eventually. She had two choices, to deal with the withdrawl from the drugs and try and control her abilities or return to the centre, and she would die before she returned there. She laid her head down on her knees and closed her eyes, night was falling on the planet and she was tired. Unable to stay awake any longer after over twenty four hours without rest, Amaya slid into blissful sleep, releasing her rather tenuous hold on her abilities. Kai yawned, he was feeling much more refreshed after bathing, the warm water had really helped sooth his aching muscles. Keiko was waiting for him and smiled and tugged on the towel; as sign she wanted a lift. Kai chuckled and knelt down and picked the little neko up and set her on his shoulder and tickled her slightly, eliciting a giggle. He smiled and went to dress himself; being nude in the presence of others unsettled him, but in GSA, it wasn't really something to worry about. He dropped a pouting Keiko onto the bed and and went to dress and came out from behind a partition a few moments later wearing a royal blue and gold outfit the rank pin clearly visible. His little assistant whistled appraisingly at him, making him blush. Amaya ran down a long white corridor, doors running along each side. She looked back and could vaguely make out Dr Xian walking slowly towards her. No matter how slowly he walked and how quickly she ran she could not get away, in fact he was closing in on her. She turned back and tried to open the first doorway on her right, locked. She then tried the next and the next, all locked. Dr Xian began to laugh as he came towards her, two guards appearing at his back. They reached towards her... Amaya woke up screaming, clutching her head in pain. All the voices came back into her brain, searing into it like a white hot poker. She knew the drugs had finally worn off, the voices were the thoughts of all the people near her, the thoughts she could not turn off. She clapped her hands over her ears, trying to keep out the voices, but in vain she heard them, until darkness claimed her. Kai jolted, his psionic senses kicking into high alarm, there was another psion he did not know of...somewhere, not close but still within range of his sensing. He tentatively reached out with his own calm mind, wading through the mental static trying to pinpoint the source. Keiko looked at him as his features became still...this worried her, she'd never seen him using his power before. She jumped up and climbed onto his shoulder and hugged him gently, being slightly scared for him. "Master? what's wrong?" She asked...but Kai could not hear her, all his energy was focused on finding this source. He opened his brilliant emerald eyes and looked around. He could sense a high amount of psionic power coming from the planet, he now had to find the source. Kai sighed, poked little Keiko who giggled and hugged him earning a smile that delighted her. He rose from his chair and swept out of the room heading for the shuttle bay to get a shuttle to the surface; one he found easily enough as he was the second-in-command on the ship. Kai didn't feel he needed a security team with him for this, he was leaving and coming back, no major operation. He, Keiko and the neko pilot were soon on their way down. After what seemed to be hours, the little team soon landed in a open area of the city. Kai turned to the pilot and gave her orders to wait here until he came back, the area was empty and posed not much of a threat. Kai focused his mind on the psionic power and followed it to a abandoned building after searching several others. "What are you looking for?" Keiko asked, kicking her little feet as she sat on his shoulder. "There's someone else like me here and I want to find them." He replied in a gentle tone of voice as he reached the building that was radiating a strong psionic pulse. "Hello?" He asked softly. The building was still and quiet no noise was heard except for the gentle breathing of someone hidden in the shadows. Keiko's hearing was much sharper than Kai's; she jumped off his shoulder and followed the sound to the curled up form of a young human woman. Keiko smiled and hopped on the form's shoulder and touched her gently, probing seeing if she's injured. "Find something?" Kai's voice could be heard, along with his footsteps drawing closer. Amaya stirred gently and opened her eyes briefly before another sharp pain seared through her brain. She grimaced in pain and a few stray tears trickled down her cheeks. She raised herself slowly and looked at the little neko before backing up further against the wall. Keiko looked at her quizzically, cocking her head to the side, making her brown hair flutter a bit. Kai walked up to Keiko and knelt down and smiled a bit. "Hello there." He said being as nonthreatening as possible. Amaya could feel a distinct, gentle probing in her mind as he gauged her situation. Amaya rose, edging slowly up the back of the wall until she was standing. She then tried to push him out of her mind, succeeding only to bring her to her knees. In a broken voice she finally spoke, "I won't go back..." Kai sensed that she didn't want him in her mind immediately and withdrew himself from her mind. "Go back where?" He asked gently. She looked up, her haunted violet eyes were clouded with tears, "You do not work for Dr Xian?" "Dr. Xian?" The little neko asked, confused. She looked up at her master for an explanation. "I do not know of any Dr...Xian." Kai said. A police helicopter flew overhead, flashing it's search light into the building, just to make sure that there wasn't anything suspicious doing on down there. She could see his gentle face, flaming red hair and those eyes.... "I know of no Doctor of that name." She hugged her knees up against her, "Then why did you come here? And who are you?" "I could feel your power from orbit, I just had to find out who was making such a racket. I'm sorry I'm Shosho Ashigari, and this is Keiko." He said as the coal black neko walked up to her and smiled. "Who are you?" They both asked, then chuckled at that. She looked at them cautiously, "I am Amaya..." The little neko smiled and hugged her leg gently. "Glad to meet you." She said, rubbing herself against her leg affectionately. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. Amaya." Kai said. "Are you an orphan? Why are you alone?" He asked. She looked at the Neko, touched by the sweet gesture and she smiled at her. The beauty of her smile was diminished however by the pain in her eyes, "I am... I was a lab experiment..." She looked down at the ground, ashamed of what she was. Kai looked at her sympathetically, and subconsciously reached out to comfort her, but stopped short. "That's horrible." He said. "They messed with your mind and forced psionic ability on you didn't they? From how badly it was flaring, you can't control it." He said, getting right to the heart of it. She nodded, "They created us far too powerful... We can not shut it off. Dr Xian created a drug to supress the talent, however it lasts for only 24 hours and is highly addictive. He wanted to make sure I had no where to go." "A psionic suppressant? I've never heard of it." Kai said. Keiko jumped up on her knee and slid down her legs and cuddled against her, trying as a small neko could to comfort her. "Sounds like the ADN on our ships." She wrapped a shaking arm around the Neko and loooked at Kai confused, "Ships? ADN? Who are you exactly?" Kai sighed. "I am a GSE officer. The ADN device disables or suppresses psionic ability, preventing telekinesis and telepathy." Kai explained. She continued to look at him confused before laughing suddenly, "I am afraid you lost me somewhere in there." Her laughter broke off as quickly as it had started as another jolt of pain took her and she buried her face close to the Neko. Keiko looked confused and laid a tiny kiss on the girl's nose, trying to cheer her up. "What is it?" Kai asked moved over to her and looking at her cautiously. He felt a spike of psionic power and raised a mental barrier to shield himself from it, seeing as it had sent a couple of small rocks flying. She looked up at him, "I have no way to shut off my abilities, when strong emotion is felt near me I become...unpredictable." Kai thought about it for a moment. "It's a lack of control, you need to learn how to control them; I could teach you if you want me to." He offered; sensing she needed a friend at the moment. She smiled and spoke quietly, "I wouldn't want to burden you with my problems..." "It's not a problem, it's my responsibility to seek aid for those who need it." Kai said. "My ship, the Seigi could be your home until you learn how to control it. I'll find a way to help you." He said with a warm smile. She slowly began to rise, keeping one arm around Keiko so the little neko wouldn't fall. She leaned back against the wall for support, "If you are sure I would not be too much trouble... I have nothing to stay here for and learning to control these powers would be safer for everyone." Kai nodded, "How'd you control them before? There must have been someway." He said, thinking. Amaya looked at Kai, her expression thoughtful, "Dr Xian used drugs to supress my talent." She smiled, "I remember mentioning earlier that they are highly addictive..." Keiko looked up at Amaya and jumped onto her shoulder and played with her blonde hair. "I remember that." She chirped happily. Kai's expression continued to get thoughtful, as if he was planning something. "I suppose we'll need some of that at first then wean you off it." He said. She looked at Kai, her eyes wide with horror, "I won't go back there..." He rose up to his full height; and looked at her squarely. He could feel her horror at the thought of returning. "I understand how you feel, you don't want to go back there for fear he'll try and take you again. But I am truly sorry that I need to go back there and get at least the chemical makeup of the serum so we can reproduce it if we have to." He said with a downcast look, feeling her fear. She looked at him directly, "And you need me to go back with you to show you where it is..." Kai nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry to have to make you go back; but it'll be good in the long run." Amaya nodded, "I... I will take you..." "Thank you Amaya, I'll make sure that that 'doctor' doesn't try and hurt you again." Kai said. "Please show us Amaya." Keiko chirped giving the girl another hug. Amaya walked out of the ruined building slowly, exhausted by the mental drain of her headaches and began to lead them through the winding streets. Amaya felt a force surrounding her, supporting her as she walked, keeping her steady. Kai had noticed she was wobbling a little bit and decided to give her a little support. "Is it far?" Keiko asked. She nodded and looked at Kai gratefully and smiled gently, "Thank you..." "Not a problem." He smiled back as they walked along. Kai didn't even seem to notice he was using his ability. Amaya slowed her pace and walked next to Kai, "Its just up ahead..." She pointed up at a large building partially charred by fire, from looking in it seemed almost deserted. "Keiko. Check it out for possible danger." Kai said with a nod. Keiko smiled, and leapt off Amaya's shoulder gracefully, turning invisible while in the air and ran off toward the ruins and entered, scouting ahead. "How far in do we have to go?" Kai asked Amaya Amaya looked at the building, "The lab is down the main corridor, to the left. After about 20 metres you'll find two double doors, the lab is behind them..." "Ah." Kai said and mentally fed Keiko what he was told. Keiko sended back a mental ~alrighty~ and sprinted off through the corridors, her stealth rendering her invisible to all the security sensors. Keiko wandered into the lab completely unnoticed and standing in the centre of the almost bare, sterile room was a man in a white lab coat. His short dark hair was a mess, and he looked like he hadn't slept in awhile. He seemed to wander around looking for something, oblivious of Keiko's presence. Keiko giggled and ran over and knocked over an empty vial making it clatter to the floor, just having a little fun. "Ready to go in?" Kai asked her, letting her prepare herself for it. Amaya nodded and touched Kai's arm gently, "Don't let him hurt me... Please..." "I won't let him do anything to you." Kai said, looking into her innocent eyes. "Let's go then." He said. ~Keiko, is everything safe?~ He thought to the little neko. ~Yep, just some hobo in a white labcoat.~ She thought, the tone of her thoughts playful. Indeed she was as she walked around the lab, knocking over empty vials. Dr Xian turned around as the vials clattered to the floor, "Who is there?" Keiko knew better than to show herself and stood there silently, still invisible. Meanwhile, Kai was pushing aside rubble with a wave of his hand, moving it telekinetically; more like tossing them lightly. He walked slightly in front of Amaya intent on protecting her. Amaya slid her hand into Kai's, drawing strength from his physical presence as they neared the lab doors. Kai blushed ever-so-slightly and went through the doors, following Keiko's trail and eventually got to the double doors outside the lab. "Ready Amaya?" He asked. She nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on the door in front of her, "As ready as I ever will be..." Kai reached out with his hand and pushed the doors open and walked through with Amaya in tow. "Alright Xian, where's the serum?" He asked, his voice more authoritative than before. Dr Xian turned around slowly, "Ah you brought my pet back, how can I ever thank you?" Amaya moved closer to Kai, until they were touching softly. "Your pet?!" Kai said, his tone making it clear he was outraged. "You're not getting her back...ever." He looked at Kai, anger flaring in his eyes, "Who the hell are you?" "I'm the commander of the Seigi, my name isn't important to you. And I am ordering you to hand over the serum you used to control her powers." Kai said with a definate bite in his voice. Keiko was busy looking around and grabbed a small hyperdermic syringe and filled it with what she knew was a powerful sedative..just in case. Dr Xian laughed, "You are in possession of MY property and you think I am going to give you the serum?" "You're wrong old man." Kai said. "She is in the protection of the Grand Star Army; and as thus, she is no longer YOUR possession. She is an individual and has freewill; and she wants to come with me." Kai said. "I'll ask you one more time, give me the serum." Amaya slid closer to Kai as soon as she saw the outburst coming and flinched when Dr Xian yelled, "OVER MY DEAD BODY...." "I wouldn't say that." Kai warned as Xian felt a dim ringing in his head. "please reconsider." Keiko was inching closer and closer armed with her syringe. She was right behind Xian now and ready to sedate him at Kai's order. Dr Xian laughed, "Without the serum she will die, and without her my experiments are nothing." He smiled evily, "And just remember the chemical composition of the serum dies with me." "Just hand over the serum." Kai said flatly, his hair starting to dance and his diamond started glowing. He slid his hands into his lab coat, "No..." "I advise you to simply hand it over, you don't want me to force you to Xian." Kai said as Xian's hands ripped out of his labcoat and held stiffly off to his side. Keiko pounced on Xian at that moment and began searching him on after a moment. After rummaging through his pockets for awhile, Keiko felt a vial of something hidden within a secret pocket within the lining of the coat. ~Found something.~ Keiko dutifully reported and climbed out and ran over to Kai turning visible and hopped up on his shoulder after a small CRT jump. "Here." She said depositing it in Kai's open hand. "Is this it Xian?" Kai asked with a sharp tone as Xian felt a wave of cramping run up his body. Amaya answered before Xian could, "Yes that is it..." Kai nodded and turned to leave halfway turned, he paused. "I'd advise you to find a better profession doctor." He said as Keiko bounced over to Amaya and looked innocent. "Did I do good?" She asked seeking praise. Xian slid his hand onto a lab table next to him and grabbed a syringe quietly. He silently slid it into his pocket and looked at Amaya as she turned away, "Tell me something, did we treat you that badly?" Amaya kept her back turned on Xian and spoke quietly, "Yes..." Keiko turned around on Amaya's shoulder and shot Xian a dirty look. Kai smirked as he made Xian trip. Xian rose and pulled the syringe from his pocket, moved the distance towards Amaya quickly and reached out to grab her arm. Keiko jumped into his face and bit his nose hard. Kai felt her get grabbed and spun around, pulling her away from Xian standing in front of her. "I warned you old man." He said, his green eyes melting into a brilliant blue, his hair flowing around like in a moderate wind. "GIVE ME BACK MY TEST SUBJECT!" Dr. Xian shouted "Do you value your sanity doctor?" Kai asked in a voice that chilled Keiko and Amaya to the bone. ~Take her and get out of here.~ He mentally ordered Keiko. Keiko got off Xian's face and hopped over onto Amaya's shoulder. "Let's go!" She said. Amaya was scared of Dr. Xian and hoped that somehow Kai could make him stop coming after her; she heeded Keiko's alert and ran for the door. Dr. Xian howled in anger and tried to run after her, but smashed headlong into Kai's psionic barrier. "" He growled, pissed off and frustrated that his life's work was slipping away. He ran over and hit a button on a console, trying to shut the security systems on. All around the laboratory, sensors and alarms started going off, the main doors sealing shut, trapping her inside. ~Kai! He's sealed off the center! We can't escape!~ Keiko's urgent thoughts came to him. Xian collapsed to his knees holding his head, suddenly screaming at the images Kai was fixating in his mind, those of his deepest fears. As he started reliving his deepest fears, Kai was already leaving the lab. Meanwhile, Keiko was trying to open the doors to get out, she found a small box and was already picking the electronic locks. By the time Kai got there, Keiko was smiling and hugging Amaya who was standing outside waiting for him. "Let's head home." Kai said. After a while of walking; Kai, Amaya and Keiko reached the waiting ship and climbed inside. Kai administered a shot of the serum into Amaya, who smiled thankfully, but was very tired and soon was asleep hugging her "hero" gently. "Awwww." Keiko said and snuggled into Amaya's blonde hair and they both slept, while leaving Kai to turn red.... JP Tyler (Kai and Keiko) Jennifer (Amaya and Xian) Author Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY (12/6/03 23:58) [GSS Seigi, GSS Chiharu] The Saddest Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris System In a tremendous flash of light, the three Iori Star Fortresses disappeared, headed elsewhere. Meanwhile, watching in stealth, an Elysian ship watched, and sent a message the Nariel's fleet. "Cue" "Is their 4th Fleet's computer network operational?" asked Nariel. Kai was sitting in the captain's seat of the Seigi, thinking about what he was going to do now. "Well, there's nothing I can do. It's out of my hands until I hear something official." He mused and sat up straight in the chair and looked over the bridge crew. There was so much to do, and so little time to do it in... "Intelligence indicates no. A rebellion of their ships occurred recently..." responded an archangel. "There seems to be no master unit in the 4th fleet's network." "Excellent." Nariel smirked. Kai looked over at the nekos manning the consoles. There were all there except Lavinia wasn't present. Figuring it was time she stopped fooling around he sent out an announcement. "Juni Taiensho, report to the bridge." His voice called over the speakers. He paused and gave it some thought... and decided to call Yuuko to the bridge as well. "Yuuko, please report to the bridge." He added. After a few moments a perky Lavinia entered the bridge. "Sir." She said, and knowing her duty, sat at her piloting chair and interfaced with the system, it was a bit new but she quickly got used to it. Kai sighed and absently watched a sensor console. An Elysian fleet of some 1,800 ships appeared over the Qel'noran Industrial Area of Ralfaris, and began attacking the ships of the fourth fleet with their superheavy weapons. Some ships were also taking out some of the planetary defense platforms over the QIS. Yuuko walked onto the bridge to find the entire thing filled up with holograms and tactical charts. The 4th Fleet was being ravaged. Kai almost leaped out of his seat when the elysian fleet flashed out in huge numbers on the sensor readouts. He rolled his eyes, this was the best day EVER..pish, yeah right. Kai quickly got on the communications from his console and sent a warning out to the ships of the first division; but with the tension high....he didn't know if they'd respond. "All ships of the 4th fleet 1st division, we have Elysians attacking. Take'em out." He ordered.. Missile batteries on the surface opened up and launched their complements of ender missiles as soon as the angel ships were detected. some 200 missiles were launched in the first wave, each one traveling at over 20,000c toward their targets. The other ISFB's in the 4th fleet started deploying their minion's. Most of the ships were still on high alert from the last angel threat so the response time was minimal. All of the smaller destroyers activated their CDD's and accelerated to combat speed. The Antaeus class battleships were little more than large targets at this range, they immediately TTDed to a safer distance to launch the rest of their missiles. "Shields up! Prepare for battle!" Kai ordered his own crew. Lavinia nodded and prepared to start evasive tactics. The Seigi's crews were quick to get into action, and in a matter off minutes, it's own Minions deployed. The missiles, designed to go light speed, disintegrated in the atmosphere before their CCDs even got the up to 1c. The ships of the fourth were already halfway gone by the time anyone saw it coming. There were ten times as many Elysian ships as the 4th had, and they had unleashed a devastating main gun attack as the battle began. Fast Attack frigates targeted the missile launch sites and began melting them with their nose beams. Meanwhile, the Orbital Defense Platforms deployed their cannons and began to return fire. Lavinia wasn't too familiar with the new AI program but needed to quickly adjust to be able to evade the shots fired at it. Yuuko looked to Kai, stammering, " this it?" The Seigi found itself assigned to five battlecruisers, which all were firing their main guns in about five seconds. The holographic displays on the bridge of the Seigi were showing that this was completely a losing battle for the 4th fleet. They were totally outnumbered....Kai looked over at Yuuko. "Not for us. But I have a bad feeling we're severely outclassed here. "Send and emergency signal to the nearest friendly fleet." Kai said. "Sending!" Yuuko said. The Antaeus class battleships started to fire their missiles. They were aimed for the largest ships in the angel fleet, Several of the missiles went straight through several ships before detonating, making maximum use of their abilities. The surviving ships unleashed a long range torpedo barrage against the angel ships while the 1st division moved into the combat area from reserve. Swarms of minions descended on the angel fleet. their nearly 700 GWB's fired trying to take out as many ships as possible. The Seigi's Minions among them, its Ronin fighters were also being deployed to engage the enemy. "Let's provide what aid we can." Kai said, his eyes narrowing. His weapons officers were running the GWB's against the Elysian frigates as well from long range. The Elysian Fleet, knocked down to about 1600 ships, returning fire as they split into several groups. Some sort of new class of Elysian ships was breaking through the planetary defense system and headed for the surface. The Antaeus ships were rare, big targets and were dogpiled by groups of battlecruisers intent on taking them out. A hundred thousand CX-7 fighters seemed to counter the minions and Ronins. As the Seigi's pursuing battlecruisers opened fire, the ship was surrounded by a soft white light. Lavinia screamed and somehow pulled a nice evasive move and picked up speed, the superconductor railguns opening up to return fire. Kai swore. "Damn! I hate to say it, but let's get the hell out of here!" He barked. The ships TTD drives prepared to fire off to get them away from the pursuers. The Antaeus class battleships simply teleported away each time an angel battlecruiser got close enough to have any chance of hitting it. Their missiles continued to take a large toll on the Angel fleet from long range. The minions heavily outclassed the fighters and easily started taking them down with GWB and turret fire. Wazu and Wakizashi started to make passes against the ships heading for the planet. The anti-teleportation system kept the angel feet from getting to close so they had some time to slow down the angel advance. The Seigi's weaponry, punching some holes in the battleships that were trying to engage them. Lavinia snarled and tensed up evading the shots from them remembering her training, doing her best to keep one ship between her and another one. The corvettes and the Ronins fighting back against the attackers with fervor. The silhouette of the Seigi shimmered at its form eroded in the beams of the cruisers, which continued to tail it. The docking ring broke into shards, the fighter bays melted. The Seigi was in ruins and began to fall to the surface. "We've lost power!" Yuuko shrieked. The bridge was filled with smoke. The Minion's started to form a protective screen of ships between the majority of the angel fleet, backed up by fighters and Wakizashi while the Antaeus and Wazu's formed a perimeter around the attacking ships and started to pummel them with long range attacks. Ralfaris started to fire more missiles, letting them breach the atmosphere before the CDD systems activated. They made sure not to hit the planet. "DAMN!" Kai cursed. "We need to get the hell out of here and evacuate!" Kai ordered. Elysian ships began using their own systems to trap the Antaeus ships. The battleships found their TSDS systems malfunctioning...subspace charges were going off around them. The Seigi wasn't alone. Thousands of damaged ships and fighters began to fall from the sky like screaming comets. The Elysian weapons seemed to be every bit as effective as the Star Army's, and Minions were being swatted down as fast as the Elysian guns could find them. There were now only about 1000 Elysian ships remaining, sandwiched between the 4th Fleet's handful of remaining ships and the hundreds of thousands of orbital platforms that made up the temporary defense system. Yuuko nodded, checking her control panel. "YES!" she yelled. "My shuttle's still ok!" It was a miracle. "What a shame," the Seigi's new avatar softly sobbed. "Let's go then!" Kai said. "All the rest of you get to the escape. Yuuko..take the girl with you, please. Head back for the surface." Kai said and went over to his room to get Amaya and came out with a sleepy girl on his arm. "Keiko, take care of them." He said, getting a sad nod from the neko. Yuuko sent a message over the intercom, "All crew abandon ship immediately!" "I am so sorry WIES." Kai apologized to the AI, can we get this ship to land as safe as possible?" "Sir," Yuuko said as the gravity on the ship started to fail, "Don't you think she'd be better off with you?" The Antaeuses were far to valuable to let be destroyed. They teleported back to Geshrintall. The minion's were fairing fairly well. Their small size was deceptive. Damaged ships started to fall back for repairs from the few fleet tending units that made it out of the initial attack while the ground forces started to prepare for an attack. "Probably, I'm going to go with you instead of that original stupid idea of going down with the ship." Kai said fiercely. "Let's go to the Kitty." He said, scooping up the sleepy girl into his arms. "Right!" Yuuko crawled out into the hallway. The gravity was now pulling them toward the front of the ship. Kai's eyes glowed bright blue as he lifted Yuuko into a psionic field and used telekinetics to hurry them toward the bay...and then the ADN activated. "ACK!" Kai grunted. "WIES turn that thing off!" He said now fighting gravity to get himself and the person in his care on the move. "Sir." the computer did so. Kai's telekinetics came back in time to propel him, Amaya and Yuuko the rest of the way to the bay. Yuuko strapped in and headed out the melted bay door into the skies of Ralfaris, with the two passengers in the back. Kai breathed a sigh of relief. "I hope everyone else makes it." He commented. Lavinia and Ritsu had gotten a ride with another lucky pilot who had fled. "AHH!" Yuuko shrieked, dodging a Ronin that was headed back up. Elysian ships were now nearly to the surface. "Holy!" I hope they can hold them off." Kai commented. Yuuko's shuttle took a hit from a passing Elysian fighter. All around the shuttle were vapor trails form missiles and engines. "Hit!" Yuuko told herself. The shuttle was trailing smoke as it headed to the surface. Ground forces started firing at the angel ships although their weapons didn't take to heavy a toll on the ships. Several Ronins fell downward into the QIS buildings shields as the aerodynes started to make passes on the landing ships. Kai held Amaya to him protectively as the shuttle jolted. "Yuuko, can you land it somewhere safely?" The landing ships seemed to have the most (but not heaviest) weapons of any Elysian ship. As the beam eyes began popping off shots at any threatening objects in their range, thousands of white bouncy balls began pouring out of the ships onto the surface below. Each hit with a few bounces, before morphing into a humanoid figure. Seraphs. Yuuko nodded, lowering the landing gear of her smoking shuttle, and lining her course up with a street. QnSe forces were well dug in inside of the city while the LZ's of angel ships were pummeled by long range artillery. "You have any good weapons on this shuttle Yuuko?" Kai asked, sensing that they may need to defend themselves. The rioters had found better places to be... The seraphs began to spread out far and wide, largely shielded by the by the carriers that had dropped them off. The ships began to rise through the atmosphere again, mauling the orbital defenses from below with their beam cannons. The Elysian Fighter horde had air superiority now, and the Ronins had fallen back to guard key QIS structures. The seraphs began slipping into the sewers, the alleys, and various sneaky hiding places. Many of them changed their appearance to Qel'noran. There were still hundreds of Minions left and combined with the large force of Aerodynes the sky's above QIS remained contested. Seraphs were shot at almost as soon as they came in. Nearly every building was garrisoned and every street turned into a kill zone. The GSS Ketsurui Chiharu received a short, desperate message. "GSS Seigi, Mayday! Ralfaris being invaded!" "I hope help arrives soon." Kai murmured, now truly worried... Amaya placed her hand gently on Kai's shoulder and spoke to him softly, "I am sure help will arrive. You hardly expect your comrades to not answer at a time like this..." Taisho Ketsurui grimaced at the message as soon as it came in over the lines. "Alright folks, time to rock and roll! Izumi reroute the 1st fleet to assist and have the 2nd fleet reroute themselves to protect Geshrintall! Aya, get us back there NOW." The crew didn't reply but only did as they were ordered. The seraphs were not easy to kill, however. As they spread out through the QIS in hundred of thousands, they kicked over APCs, and killed QIS crews outright. They were invisible, after all. The ones who weren't were, of course, in QnSe uniforms. Some Seraphs were especially large this time. The GSS Ketsurui Chiharu activated its TDD and disappeared as it sped back towards Ralfaris space. Kai looked at Amaya and smiled...then his eyes began to glow bright blue as he formed and invisible aura around the ship to detect threats and spike their minds. After all, this was self defense. The Chiharu, arriving first, found it was the only GSA ship left on in Ralfaris space. There were roughly 700 Elysian ships remaining. Meanwhile, on the surface, Yuuko grabbed her ammo belts and rifles. Few APC's were lost. QnSe was starting to get pushed back from angel landing zones but they took plenty of Seraphs out along with them. The largest area's of angel troop concentration attracted the attention of columns of Sphinx tanks. Two columns made a push to retake one of the landing zones. Kai didn't say anything, the was totally focusing on the aura that extended out about 15 ft from the shuttles base. This was very, very taxing on him, this was a power seldom used. Keiko jumped off Yuuko's shoulder and walked over to Amaya. And jumped into her lap to help her if she needed it. The Taisho frowned knowing that this did not bode well but, she barked a command. "Ishida, open fire using the Legacy cannon." Ishida nodded and powered the cannon up and opening fire on the Elysian ships. Aya instinctively raised the ship's shields. Amaya wrapped her arms around Keiko and hugged her close while watching Kai, "Lets hope he doesn't tire himself with this effort Keiko." Keiko looked up slightly scared. "I hope so too." Keiko looked over at Yuuko. "Yuuko, could you please send another signal to any friendly ships? I think that's what Kai would have asked." A baker's dozen of Elysian battleships concentrated on the Chiharu. The beams surrounded the ship in an eerily soft white light. The legacy cannon fired, weakening the shield of the Yuumi to their breaking point... "Yes sir," Yuuko nodded. She sent a transmission to the nearby Nerimian ships. "Ralfaris being invaded. Any assistance would be appreciated." Since the message was from a mere shuttle, it was scratchy, weak, and distorted. Ketsurui Chiharu:: In the blink of an eye, the Ketsurui disappeared from the universe forever, as the rest of the first fleet arrived and opened fire on the Elysian ships using the various weapons arrays. "Damn it," Nariel cursed. Only 450 ECN ships remained. "Very well," said the commander of the lead vessel of the Nerimian squadron. "We will be there shortly..." The remaining vessels of the Nerimian squadron moved into relative close proximity to the Prometheus cruiser, who began to power her inter-phased drive. Space distorted as a fold bubble surrounded the twelve vessels. By the time it took the bubble to surround the vessels completely they were gone. Less than one minute later, the squadron was at Ralfaris, crewmembers racing to battle stations and VF pilots getting ready for launch. The enemy ship formation had already been identified and targeting solutions were being calculated. More waves of freshly synthed missiles started to come in from the now advancing Antaeus class ships. The Minions had been whittled down to a few hundred ships, much less than half of their original numbers, and the aerodyne squadrons were more than happy to see help coming in for their side. "FIRE!!" yelled the commander of the Prometheus, the mighty cruiser's main gun focusing on the lead ECN vessel and releasing an incredibly destructive blast of plasma energy at the enemy vessel. The other ships followed suit, even the Desperado frigate letting loose with its planet-shattering Stellar Converter cannon. The first fleet fought valiantly, being one of the most seasoned of the Star Army. The numbers of Elysian ships began to be whittled away even more. A battlecruiser exploded in the Desperado's face as the cannon blasted away. Yuuko burst into tears when she read the latest intel, screaming "Kai!!" Amaya looked at Yuuko, "What is it?" Kai was too busy concentrating on his shield, just in case. "The Chiharu! It''s gone!" Yuuko bawled. Keiko started to cry knowing Kai liked Chiharu Amaya walked over and placed a hand on Yuuko's shoulder, "I am truly sorry..." An Elysian Fast Attack Frigate's nose beam fired to pierce the desperado's upper hull. Several more swarmed around the Nerimians, while the bigger remaining ships fought tooth and nail against the 1st Fleet. The Nerimian squadron quickly began to maneuver, volleying its missiles towards the Elysian fleet. "The Desperado has lost its shields! 20 seconds before Zyro Shields are back online!" An energy beam struck the assault frigate's upper hull as layers of Xintium and Zanarium armor were liquefied by the blast, but didn't falter. "They're fighting just like the damn Jaaq'tah!" said one of the ship captains, each ship firing their beam turrets at the swarming frigates, launching and reloading missile tubes in order to deliver as much destructive energy to their foes as quickly as possible. The remaining ships of the 4th fleet started to pull back and reform themselves, out of the 4 battle groups they had they started with only 1 was able to be formed now. The ships started making faster than light runs against the angel ships near Ralfaris. The ground forces were starting to feel the effects of the seraph attack. Infantry had started to pull back further from angel landing zones. They had to rely on their comlinks to identify friend and foe, reducing their combat effectiveness. The columns of Sphinx tanks moved through the city largely unchallenged becoming mobile strong points for QnSe troops. The Elysian landing ships began to discreetly slip out of the anti-FTL fields, while above the remaining battlecruisers were creating fields of destruction with their main guns, serving more to keep the 1st Fleet back than to damage them. The seraphs stopped fighting and began to concentrate on blending into their surroundings. Sphinx's started to hunt the remaining seraphs while the call went in to bring out more APCs with the command modifications to try and clean up the seraphs before a significant amount of them were able to slip away. Very, very few of the seraphs were dead. The tanks just weren't equipped to follow an enemy that was not only invisible to the tanks, which had no sensors. They sought to return another time. Above, the last of the Elysian ships either escaped or were destroyed, leaving the Nerimian ships and the 1st Fleet victorious. The angel landing zones were quickly retaken and sweeps for seraphs started. Keiko wiped her tears and looked at Yuuko. "I think we need a new ship." She quipped, trying to lighten the atmosphere Amaya laughed, "I think you are right Keiko." "I feel sick." Yuuko groaned. "Casualty count?" asked the squadron commander. No vessels had been lost to combat, though the Desperado frigate suffered damage to its dorsal hull. Luckily, that could be repaired rather easily. The squadron itself had claimed nearly three dozen enemy vessels, including one of their capital ships -- that kill belonged to the Desperado. Keiko jumped off Amaya's lap and walked over to Yuuko. "What's wrong Yuuko?" She asked. "So many dead." Salvage corvettes began to leave their berths from the larger cruisers, seeking to collect portions of smashed enemy vessels for analysis. Keiko frowned and tried to hug Yuuko. "I know Yuuko...It was a total overrun...poor Chiharu..." Keiko said, starting to cry again. "At least maybe now the GSA will give us a little leeway.....we did help defend one of their planets......" More debris started to rain down from orbit as some of the larger wrecks started to enter the atmosphere. Very close to Yuuko and Keiko a small escape pod sized piece impacted and created a large crater. Keiko jumped and stealthed in fright then clung to Yuuko and reappeared. Amaya tore her eyes away from Yuuko and Keiko and calmly walked over to a small window and looked out, "A piece of debris landed outside... I am not sure what it is..." "These ruins will be a legacy to our brave nekos." Yuuko told Amaya. Kai started to waver, the use of power at this level and started to sway, his eyes bleeding back to a dim green. He promptly slumped into the seat, breathing hard. Amaya looked at Yuuko, "They all fought bravely, and they will be remembered as sacrificing thier lives for..." Her voice trailed off as she saw Kai slump over in his seat and she crossed the distance quickly and kneeled next to him, "Are you alright?" Keiko nodded. Then jumped off Yuuko and ran over to her master who was laying in a seat, resting and looked up at him, afraid he'd hurt himself. 15min later a flatbed truck and 3APC's approached the wreckage. "HEY THERE ARE PEOPLE OVER THERE!" one of the soldiers shouted as he dismounted from the APC. The squad’s medics hurried over to where Yuuko was as the flatbed started to recover the soul savior pod that had crashed nearby. "Who's in command?" GSS Crusader asked. "I'm....alright. Just…tired." Kai replied to Amaya. Amaya nodded, "Is there anything I can do?" Yuuko opened the shuttle's back door as she saw the APC approach them. Apparently one had spotted her through the windshield of the shuttle. She gave them a sad wave of her hand. The Nerimian squadron approached Ralfaris itself, hailing the GSA vessels in orbit asking if they could offer any further assistance. "Nerimian vessels, you're welcome to visit the planet if you'd like," the GSS Crusader (GD-203) offered the Nerimians. "By the goddess." Kai stood up, his eyes turning back to the normal green, he wavered a bit then regained his footing and stepped out and looked around and noticed the QnSe guys. Amaya followed behind Kai, standing behind him ready to help him if he needed her. QnSe responded to the hail from the Nerimian ship, "The main attack has been repulsed but Seraphs are blending into the city, we require additional ground forces to search the city." Kai turned to Yuuko as Keiko sat happily on his shoulder. "Yuuko, Please come along. " He said in a tired voice "My shuttle..." Yuuko weakly protested. Kai walked over and put a hand on Yuuko's shoulder. "You can fix it can't you?" He asked. The lead Lightning cruiser released two A5 Aerodyne transports from its forward berths, the two transports heading towards Ralfaris' atmosphere. The equivalent of a battalion of Marines were en route to the planet. A small welcome wagon of 8 APCs and 2 sphinx tanks were waiting for the Nerimian's at their LZ. The A5s queried QnSe on landing clearance and deployment zones. "Please head to the landing area just outside of QIS, a landing beacon has been deployed for you." one of the QnL public relations officers said. "I can fix it." Yuuko seemed to be in a sort of trance. "Poor, poor, Chiharu." Both A5s landed safely, letting their engines idle as four companies of Marines in Golem powered armor suits deployed. Out the back of each A5 came two GEV-17 LGEV-PCs, designed to facilitate rapid movement for the marines. (LGEV-PC = Light Ground Effect Vehicle - Personnel Carrier) "Yuuko...If you want to fix it, you should go ahead and repair it I suppose." Kai said and headed out to greet the QnSe guys. "Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to have a working radio on you, would you?" "You have been given free range to scan the city as you'd like however the underground tunnels are off limits, So far they have not been penetrated by our forces." one of the officers in the APCs informed the Nerimians. Amaya followed close behind Kai, not wanting to leave him alone right now. The Lieutenant Colonel in charge was distinguished by the blood red Warhawk-class armor she wore. "I'm Lt. Colonel Madelyn Price, what ever you need finding, we'll find and kill. Just tell us the description of the target." "here is your target." the officer said as he transmitted what data they had on seraphs to the Nerimians. One of the soldiers was leaning against the side of the APC that Kai was approaching, "Ya sure, Its right in there." he said motioning to the APC's door. The data filtered through the SLICS network into the tactical computers of each suit. "Understood. Alright, boys, you heard 'em, MOVE OUT!" The marines responded with a resounding cry of "HOO-AH!" before breaking off into their component units. Two platoons manned the LGEV-PCs and moved out the fastest, while the others moved out using their jump jets to cover ground more quickly. There was a rifle seeming floating in midair, just over the top of an overturned APC some 400 meters away. It was pointed toward Price's neck; a small target, but not a difficult one for the Seraph. A quick calculation of wind speed, and then the trigger squeeze. Kai nodded and went to the door and got on the horn to any GSA ships. "This is Shôshô Ashigari of the Seigi. We are safely on Ralfaris, I request a pick up if possible." He sent. "Sir, this is the GSS Crusader. We've assumed command of the first. Not much of your fleet is left sir. Shall our destroyer retrieve you?" came a response to Kai. "If that's possible. I have 3 survivors with me, tell me have any escape pods of the Seigi been recovered?" He asked, hopeful The Antaeus battleships started to come back to Ralfaris to rebuild the fleet. Most were intact however GB-17 was missing the front half of the ship. A yellow-white field emerged from the point of impact of the round and Colonel Price immediately raised her SIAR, her sensors sweeping for signs of the target -- she found it! But before she could pull the trigger, the marines were already upon the target, using their wide array of sensors to detect, and then eliminate the target. The seraph was quite surprised and quickly darted through the rooftop it was on. A variety of round impacted as it squirted itself inside. The result was a very small seraph composed of the original one's remains. Colonel Price growled, "They shot at the wrong woman." And the marines were on the hunt.... a QnT APC was taking notes on the Golem's, this data would be most useful in the next few weeks. END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JP Wes Tyler Kim Derran Jennifer GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Author Comment Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (12/7/03 1:59) More Survivors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyoshi was the only one in his escape pod that was still conscious when it made contact into the planet's soil. His head spun as he felt himself thrown forward but was held in place by the pod's harness. His vision went black but when it regained focus again, he saw the other occupants of this pod hanging limply in their harnesses. Two of the other techs (Hikari, Tomoyo) had managed to fit into the pod along with a single neko Medic (Inari). He wasn't sure if anyone else had managed to escape from the ship in time. He felt very sick as he noticed that none of the others were moving. He unhooked himself from the harness and hurriedly scrambled to check their vitals. Hikari was the first one he checked and then.. he panicked. Hikari wasn't breathing and she didn't have a heartbeat. He couldn't let her die, not now after escaping the Seigi before it was destroyed! He frantically started CPR once he clumisly pulled her out of the harness and laid her on the floor of the pod. His heart was frantic and the nausea wouldn't go away as he performed the chest compressions and rescue breathes in the correct intervals. ~Please wake up Hikari! You can't die on me!~ Kyoshi didn't notice when Inari woke up. Inari also felt ill but her ears registered the sounds of a panicked First responder and her eyes snapped open. She tried to free herself from the harness but her entire body felt weak. "Hold on." She forced herself to unhook from the the harness and moved to the floor beside Kyoshi and Hikari. "Kyoshi, let me handle this.. you should rest.." Kyoshi stopped and allowed Inari to quickly place her hands over Hikari's heart. She focused and saw where the difficulty was and concentrated on that spot, repairing the Geshrin from the inside with the hemosynth techniques he had been taught as a child, to use the patient's own blood to knit the body back together. "Check Tomoyo." Inari's voice sounded strained and distant but Kyoshi nodded, moving to comply. Tomoyo was breathing but she still was unconscious from the impact and the stress of the situation. Kyoshi frowned and returned his attention to Hikari and Inari. The neko looked drained but when Hikari coughed, his heart skipped a beat. Hikari's eyes opened as she coughed up some blood that had been stuck in her lungs. Inari let herself fall back against the side of the seat, wanting to go back to sleep. "Sgt. Inari, are you okay?" Kyoshi asked as he remained frozen to the spot, still in shock with joy that Hikari was alive. "I'm just tired.. you all need to rest for now, but we need to try to signal somebody to recover us.. the pod will only sustain life support for 48 hours." Inari yawned, closing her eyes for a moment and reopening them again. "Do you think anyone else made it out?" Kyoshi asked, finally moving to check on a dazed Hikari. "Where are we?" Hikari whispered, it hurt to talk. "I think we landed on Ralfaris.. hopefully someone will be by to recover us soon?" Kyoshi hugged Hikari gently. "I'm so glad that you're alive! I thought I'd lost you for a moment there.." Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (12/7/03 16:33) [Ralfaris] employment oppertunities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris Kai turned off the radio and hung it up, not getting a response to his inquiries. He sighed and walked back over to Amaya; "I feel a distinct sense of loss and sadness here, what happened to cause this? Do you know?" He asked, he had been in a trance-like state when the Intel of Chiharu’s death was broadcast. A medic was checking Amaya for injuries, a small sensor was placed on the inside of her arm and connected to a wrist-mounted computer. "She seems fine... But what is this drug in her system?" he asked himself. Amaya ignored the medic and looked at Kai carefully, "The GSS Ketsurui Chiharu was destroyed Kai... I am so sorry." Kai closed his eyes, holding back the sudden, sharp pain of loss. "It's....ok Amaya, “He said, trying to keep from breaking down into sadness. "I feel...responsible for it...I ordered the call for help that lead to her doom.." Kai murmured, his voice starting to break and tears watering in his eyes. Amaya reached out and put her arms around him, "You are not responsible, those monsters that did this are." "Thank you Amaya.." He said softly and opened his eyes to show sad green eyes that spoke volumes more than his words said. "How is she?" He asked the medic, wanting not to think about the pain right now. "physically she's ok." he said, "But she has some weird neural suppressant in her system. I would remove it but she seems to psyker, We should get her to the QnT guys, They'd be able to help her with this." The cord attaching the sensor to her arm retracted and the Qelnoran stood up Amaya looked at Kai and then at the medic, "QnT?" "HEY Karjak!" One of the soldiers yelled out as he ran up tot he shuttle, "We need to get moving, the pod's data has been recovered and Sensors show Serph's heading our way." Kai nodded. "Don't remove the suppressant, it's suppressing her abilities." Kai said. "She's in my care for now." Kai said, then jerked up at the mention of seraph. The medic nodded, "The Technology division of QIS, They have a good psyker unit and are in charge of research." The flatbed and one of the APC's turned around and headed back into the city over the sand dunes of the desert. "Perhaps. But if there are seraphs around, maybe we should get somewhere safe? Can you tow that shuttle to a hangar for her to fix?" Pointing to Yuuko. "sorry sir, we don't have the recourses to do that, A lot of the soul savor transmitters were damaged when they hit the atmosphere and the recovery units are all tied up getting to them." the soldier said. "It's ok, can you assign a few soldiers to watch out for her while she repairs it?" He asked, gently holding Maya’s hand. "We have to be getting out of here too." He said Amaya looked down at his hand and wrapped her other over the top of his, "We might need to bring Yuuko with us, for her own safety..." "She won't like it, but you are correct." Kai nodded. Then sent a mental order to Yuuko. ~Yuuko, come along with us, we'll return for your shuttle~ He thought. "Well I think we should get out of here then." Kai said, gently leading her to the vehicle. "How far is the ITS building?" "20min from here by APC." Karjak said as he headed for the APC with the soldier. "Alright." Kai said. "I CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!!" The driver of the APC yelled out from the top of the vehicle. Karjak looked over at Kai and Amaya, "...better wear your harness..." Kai strapped himself in and looked at Amaya. Amaya strapped herself in with a hesitant look at Kai. "What's wrong Amaya?" Kai asked her softly. Amaya smiled, "Just don't like the sound of 'better wear your harness.'" The rest of the Qelnorans did the same, a few had tensed up having gotten used to the drivers style. A small smirk was on his face as he gunned the engines. The APC accelerated quickly pulling all of the occupants toward the rear. "Well it's for safety, this guy's a fast driver." Kai said he got jerked toward her and ended up leaning on her shoulder softly. Amaya smiled at Kai and spoke happily, "This is fun..." To the drivers credit they did make it back in less than 20min. 15min later they had reached the QnT building and headed around back to enter the underground garage. It was little more than a large open area with a ramp that led up to the surface. Security camera's covered the area and a group of QnSe guards were standing by the elevator shaft and stairwell entrances in flack coats and helmets. The APC's door opened and the troopers started to file out and were approached by a security team, "ID?" one of the guards asked, He was given a small card which was scanned by the guards computer, A small sensor as attached to the soldiers neck from the guards wrist mounted computer and in a few moments he motioned the soldier forward towards the lift. The guard repeated the process for all of the QnSe troopers until he came to Kai and Amaya. "ID?" The guard asked Kai. "I don't have one, I'm GSA personnel. And she's under my care." Kai said, not really know what else to say. "So I don't have one." He added, hoping they'd notice the rank pin. "Crap... What’s your name then?" The guard asked. "Shosho Kai Ashigari." Kai replied. The guard attached a small sensor to Kai's neck. All Kai felt was a slight tingle from the device. "All right you can go," The guard said as he moved to Amaya, "Name?" he asked. Kai patiently waited for her. Amaya looked hesitant and spoke softly, "My name is Amaya." "She's with me." Kai said. The man attached a sensor to her neck and looked at his wrist-mounted computer, "We have no record of you." He said as he took a step back and put a hand over his pistol. Amaya stepped back a few paces, "I mean you no harm..." "I understand this is for security reasons, but I assure you gentlemen that she is of no threat." Kai said smoothly. He walked over to Amaya again and stood slightly in front of her. The man relaxed a bit as his computer displayed some message to him, "You’re free to go, sorry ma'am but needless to say we've been having Seraph problems so security is kinda tight." The guard then turned and went to scan the driver. "Oh." Kai said. He reached back and offered Amaya a hand or arm for her to hold onto. It would be easier to keep her out of trouble this way. Amaya took his hand gently and followed after Kai, "Thank you..." Kai nodded and continued on with her along side. The medic also looked down at his computer, "hmm... Ms. Amaya it seems that you have a friend somewhere in the corporation," Karjak said with a slight chuckle as he waited for the elevator to arrive. Once checked the APC went to the back of the parking garage to a doorway that led into the tunnel system. It was scanned again then let inside. Amaya looked at the medic, "A friend? I am afraid I don’t follow you." "I wonder who that could be, I hope it's not Xian; it couldn't be." Kai mused. The elevator doors opened and a fresh QnSe APC rolled out, all of the soldiers climbed in, except for Karjak, and rolled off back into the city. Karjak stepped into the elevator, "Please come with me.” He said. Kai nodded and followed Karjak into the elevator cautiously, holding Amaya a bit closer to him. "Who would know her here?" Kai asked Karjak Karjak chuckled, "Who can tell? QnT guys are weird..." The elevator doors closed and it started moving down. Above them were several sensors and automated gun turrets. When the doors opened they didn't open into the usual drab gray of the city streets or garages but into a very nicely built room. The walls and floor looked like they were made out of marble and off to one side were a few couches a table and some of the very rare non-desert plants of Ralfaris, "Please sit." Uso said. "Uso. I should have known." Kai mused. Amaya looked at Kai, "Who is this?" "This is Uso Tasuki, ex-ship's cook for the Seigi." He said. "You said check in every six hours, this is something like 8 or so but I think you'll forgive me." She said with a smile, "Either way I'm just acting as a messenger for the moment." Amaya brushed her blonde hair out of her face and behind her ears, "Messenger for whom?" "What is the message?" Kai asked, he wasn't going to play with her today. Keiko turned and scowled darkly at the much bigger neko. "Actually, Its for her." Uso said, pointing at Amaya, "You've impressed someone in QnT, Not many people can generate a psionic signal that can be detected from incredibly long distances. They think you have what it takes to become a very high level psyker." Amaya nodded, "They are correct..." Kai grunted. Uso leaned back in the couch and put her feet up on the table in front of her, "Needless to say they want to offer you a job and any recourses that you might require." kai stood there, somewhat irritated with all this. "I can do it too, but I didn't get any offers." Kai chuckled amusedly. Amaya looked at Uso calmly, "I had decided considering recent events to join the Grand Star Army. Please convey my thanks to the corporation and whomever sent this message." A slow smile started to cross Kai's face when she said that. "He said you'd say something like that," Uso said with a smile, "He also told me to tell you that most of the 4th fleet works for QIS as well. There would be no drawbacks from working as part of QnT and for the GSA." "Who said that?" Kai asked, "Spit it out Uso." Amaya looked at Kai, "Is what she says true?" "Yes, but it's up to you. I'm leaving the 4th fleet after I leave this planet." Uso gave Kai an odd look, "I can't pronounce his name..." she said, "He would come and visit you himself but he's kinda busy at the moment." "Why?" Amaya asked Kai curiously. "Spell it then." Kai said, getting suspicious. "Because I prefer one of the other fleets honestly." "I didn't bother to learn how to spell it either," Uso said, "Also, why leave the 4th? You'd miss out on a lot of fun." Amaya looked at Uso and smiled, "Once again I thank you for these offers, but I can not leave Kai." "And be surrounded by double agents Especially when the GSA and QIS are against each other on something?" Kai said. "Look Uso, I just want to recover my crew from the destruction of the Seigi and get back into space." He added. "Well if you don't want to play that’s fine by me." Uso said as she stood up and headed to the elevator, "They were Alexis's Crew. Anyways he said if that was the case to wish you good luck and to see to it that you make it back to the lobby safely. If you ever reconsider Amaya drop QnT a line sometime." "I don't like your meaning of play Uso." Kai said flatly. Amaya watched Uso walk over to the elevator, "Maybe one day when 'he' is available I'll reconsider. I like to know who I am dealing with and exactly what would be asked of me." "He should have a opening in his schedule in about an hour or so... You can never tell with him." Uso said, "I could have it arranged if you'd like." Amaya nodded, "Very well, thank you Uso." "I suppose I'll wait as well, I'm curious about 'him'" Kai said. "its no problem really." She said, "You can wait here then unless you'd like to have a look around." "Tell me Uso. How does it feel?" Kai asked, feinting friendliness "How does what feel?" Uso asked. "working for QIS." Uso smirked, "fun." "What type of fun?" He asked "All types," she said, "Its just like old times." "Oh yes, playing people into bad situations huh?" He smirked. Amaya leaned against the wall watching these two play their little game. "Something like that." Uso said as she went back to the couch, "I see you found yourself a new girl." "You're incorrigible." Kai muttered. But also blushed ever so slightly. "let her sleep in your bed yet?" Uso pried jokingly. "Actually, yes, she was tired and I didn't know where else to put her Uso." Kai said casually, knowing Uso was going to blow it out of proportion. Amaya looked at Uso shocked, "There is nothing going on between Kai and myself..." She then added quietly, "How could anyone care for a lab experiment..." "That's not true Amaya." Kai said turning to her. "I care about you." "I'm a lab creature too." Uso said, "and so is he," referring to the QnT guy. Keiko jumped off Kai's shoulder and climbed down his leg and ran over to Amaya and yanked her pant leg wanting to getup. Amaya sighed, "Tell me Uso, how long until you were given your freedom?" She reached down as she said this and picked Keiko up. Keiko smiled and gave Amaya a tiny hug. Uso chuckled, "I still something like 20 years to go. According to the GSA at least..." "Is that because you joined the army?" Amaya asked softly. "forced into it," Uso said. Amaya looked shocked, "How were you forced into the army?" "No, Nekos are owned by the military for 8 years then they are freed, but most remain in because it's the only life the know." Kai said. "Uso got in trouble, I read the report." He smiled. "Forced, it isn't like we have a choice." Uso said. Amaya looked at Kai, " I see. Forgive me I know nothing of the universe at large. " Kai shook his head. "It's understandable Amaya." He smiled at her. Amaya looked at Uso, "What sort of work does QIS do?" Kai looked at Uso as well. "I am curious as well, I have only seen the military side of it." "Almost everything, they supply the planet with food, clothing, ships, buildings, and everything needed for its survival. Quite simply without QIS the population of the planet would die out." Uso said. Amaya nodded, "Tell me would you have much use for my talents as a geneticist?" "Hmm sounds nice, maybe I have been wrong all this time." Kai mused. "Very much so, QnT has been looking for a way to boost the Qelnoran immune system for a while now." Uso said, "And all sorts of other things." "Can't they as PNUgen about how they created the immune system of a geshrin?" Kai asked. "Is there something genetically wrong with the Qelnoran immune system?" Amaya asked. "Uso, about that working for both QIS and GSA, you know that GSA comes first according to law." Kai said. "No, But they aren't as strong as that of the Greshen or other races, And for political reasons they can't let PNUgen do it." Uso said. "According to the law yes, In most of these peoples minds no." Amaya laughed, "I have a lot to learn about the universe I think." "Well this is a very casted system; I'm sorry but I can't imagine it any other way. Must be from being in the military since birth." Kai laughed. "besides, what can I do in QIS?" He chuckled. Uso chuckled, "It has nothing to do with the military." She said, "QIS is looking for new crewmembers to man the 4th fleet..." Amaya looked at Kai and walked over to stand next to him. "It might be the right path..." "I'm already one." Kai said. "I prefer life in space anyway." He said. "Where is 'he' anyway?" Kai asked. "In the 'Psyk ward'," Uso said with a chuckle, "its down about 20 levels from here I think." "What is a Psyker anyway? A psion like Amaya and I?" "it's the same thing basically. The only difference is how the energy is taped." Uso said. "hmm I thought it was all the same." Kai mused. "I don't know how I draw my power." Amaya looked at Kai, "And I cannot turn mine off." "You'll learn that Amaya." Kai smiled at her. "Or we can find a way to." "All of that should change in time." Uso said and without skipping a beat she turned to look at Kai, "He is has an opening now." "How do you know? If so, take us to him, or get him up here." Kai said. Uso headed to the elevator, "He just told me." She said with a smile as she motioned for them to follow, "I think you'll understand why he didn't come to meet you himself once you see him." "Hmph." Kai said and offered an arm to Amaya. Amaya took his arm and followed Uso. "Why didn't he come here Uso?" Kai asked, his curiosity unsated. The elevator took them all further down into the building, "Try not to freak out ok..." Uso said as the doors opened, In front of them was a set of high security doors made of impervium and protected by energy shields. They had already been opened as if they were anticipating Amaya's arrival. "This way." Uso said as she led them down one of the corridors in front of them. The entire area was a bright white color and all of the walls and floors were padded, "Sore wa Hemitsu Desu." she said with a slight chuckle as she opened one of the doors on the sides of the corridor, leading to a small chamber that looked like an airlock. "what in the?" Kai asked Uso chuckled, "your the first one not to ask about the padding right off the bat." "I'm not curious about it, it looks like the guy might be insane." Kai mused. Uso closed the door behind them as they stepped into the chamber. There was a loud pop as the other door opened, Kai could feel himself being shot in the head, neck ,chest. Amaya could feel the same thing as if all of their possible deaths occurred in that instant. Every possible future replayed itself in the blink of an eye for them and they felt every bit of it. Amaya closed her eyes and felt it all, tears forming in her eyes. Death was not something she wanted at this time in her life, not after finally being free from her imprisonment. Kai held her close to him to give her strength. "It's ok Amaya…” He soothed. Inside of the small room was a Qelnoran, His eyes were rolled back as if having a seizure and various cables and sensors were attached to his body. Scars and implants were visible for the many surgeries that he had gone though, ~Hello~ he thought at them all. ~Greetings sir. ~ Kai thought back respectfully. Amaya's eyes opened as she heard the voice in her head. She looked at the Qelnoran and spoke aloud, "Hello..." He chuckled a bit, "Now you see why I sent Uso... ~ He thought good naturedly ~You didn't need to send her. ~ Kai thought with a bit of bitterness. ~You wanted to offer her something? ~ Sensing that this old guy was reading their auras, Kai tried to show off, turning his eyes blue again and making his aura shine brightly. ~She had offered to do it herself, something about reporting in.~ He thought, ~and yes I wanted to offer Amaya a job, QnT has been looking for people with her exact talents." ~I have the same talents, I just have absolute control over them~ Kai thought, offended slightly. ~What exactly do you want her for? ~ Kai thought. ~Your have the same talents as her right now, however she hasn't been trained or had access to any power enhancers. ~ He thought, ~She could become incredibly powerful if her talents are fully developed~ ~Perhaps those enhancers could help me as well~ Kai thought back. ~Talent is what you can do, not the raw force of mind~ Kai thought. Amaya stood there watching the Qelnoran and Kai, realizing there was a conversation occurring she could not participate in. ~You've already had enhancers and training, you‘ve reached the limit of your potential~ He thought mentally displaying the jewel in Kai's forehead, ~I was born with that~ Kai thought. ~ I am Neplesilian, we all have some weird traits.~, He obviously didn’t know what he was talking about. Keiko smiled and blew on Amaya's ear. "This is strange." The Qelnoran chuckled,~It was grafted to your body when you were still in the womb. You cannot give birth to a mineral~ Amaya looked at Keiko and smiled, "They are speaking with their minds." ~Hmm maybe more jewels could enhance me further...but I fear I can't. ~ Kai said. He was afraid to release his true power and really use that jewel. "I wonder what they are saying?" Keiko whispered/ He knew Kai didn‘t have the amount of ability that they required, ~Anyways Amaya we would like you to join QnT so we can help develop your talents. ~ He thought at her. ~If she joins, I do as well, I am her guardian at the moment. ~ Kai pointed out. Amaya nodded and spoke aloud, "Yes... Yes I will join you." ~That is great! ~ He thought, ~Welcome to the corporation. ~ Amaya smiled softly, "Thank you, I trust you will put my abilities as a geneticist to use as well?" ~But sir, I must reassemble my crew from the Seigi. ~ Kai thought. ~Am I welcome as well? ~ He asked mentally, as if unsure. ~You are welcome to join as well. ~ He thought, ~your geneticist skills would be very useful. QnT isn't as strong as PNUgen in that area and we are looking to close the gap.~ ~Thank you sir.~ Kai nodded. ~What else would you have me do?~ ~You would be best suited for some fleet duty.~ He thought, ~The Seigi will be back up again soon~ ~Can Amaya be stationed about the ship as well?~ He asked hopefully. ~Her station is of little concern right now,~ He thought, ~she may be assigned anywhere.~ ~I am aware of that, but I want to have her close to me....~ He thought ~For the moment she has the authority to go anywhere in the corporation.~ He informed Kai Kai smiled. ~oh, then please excuse me. ~ ~Perhaps you'd like to clean up Ms. Amaya.~ He thought, ~A room has been prepared for you to use temporarily until you decide where you'd like to be assigned and a change of clothing is waiting for you there.~ ~Anything in specific you wish me to do. Mr....~ Amaya looked at him, "Thank you very much." She looked down at her clothes and laughed, "I think I need to clean up a little." Her expression became thoughtful, "My drugs should wear off within the next 18 hours, that will not be a problem will it?" Kai withdrew a small vial from his pocket. ~I have a sample of it right here, but I need it synthesized for her.~ "This building is equipped with a ADN system so your abilities are not in danger of harming anyone, ~ He thought with a smile. ~I guess I need to brush up on my physical skills~ Kai thought with a bit o humor. Amaya smiled at the Qelnoran, "I think I will go clean myself up if you have no other need for me." ~I suppose I'm stuck here until the 4th is rebuilt~ ~Not for the moment, however we would like to begin training once the drugs in your system ware off~ he thought Amaya nodded, "Very well, I look forward to the opportunity to use my abilities." ~I guess I can help her train, you never know I myself my improve. Isn't that right? Uso coughed rather loudly ~Right Uso... They will have it for you at the door~ He thought to her. Kai felt ignored. Amaya looked at the Qelnoran, "Is there someone who could show me the way to my quarters?" "Right then time to go!" Uso said, "I'll take you there," Amaya smiled at Uso, "Thank you." Kai sighed and headed for the door as well. "What'd you get paid Uso?" He asked mildly. "Time to find a hotel." He added with a chuckle, referring to his situation. Amaya may have a room, but he didn't They all walked back into the air-lock chamber and once the door shut it felt like reality had returned to normal, "I got paid in help." she said with a smirk as the outer door opened. "Help? how so?" Kai asked. "Information to be exact." she said as she led them to the elevators again. "What kind?" Kai asked curiously, and walked a bit closer to Amaya. "The kind that I want to know." She said "Please Uso, Just tell me." He said "aww but I like this little game." she said as they reached the elevator. Amaya looked at Kai, "I do not think she is going to tell you." "Probably not." Kai said. "I'm gonna tickle you if you don't tell me Uso." "You had your chance to tickle me when I was in your bed Kai." She said with a smile as they all reached the elevator and started traviling up. Kai blushed. "You'd have slapped me stupid Uso, you and I both know it." Amaya looked sideways at Kai after the previous comments. ~Has someone not told me something~ She thought silently to herself. "I might have, who knows what could have happened had you tried." She said. "Why should I have tried?" Kai said. He then caught Amaya's look and thought he needed to explain. "I let her sleep in my nest once and slept in a cot. She has a dirty mind thought.." He said. Uso chuckled, "Well when you put it THAT way..." Kai glared at her in a sidelong glance. "Do you two always fight like this?" Amaya asked. "Not really." Kai said, deciding not to let Uso get to him. "Well ya kinda... ever sense he tried to have me imprisoned." Uso said. "You should have told me sooner what you were planning Uso." Kai said defensively "If I had told you it wouldn't have worked..." Uso said. "I thought you had betrayed me, honestly woman." He scoffed in a mocking tone. A trait he had gotten from his dad showing "Who says I didn't?" Uso asked with a smile. Kai ignored that and kept walking. Kai ran into the door of the elevator, getting a giggle from Uso Kai spun on her and glared. "shut up Uso." A small ding and the elevator doors opened, "here we are." she said. they had reached what looked to be living quarters for those who worked into the building. "You room is that one I think..." Uso said, pointing. Amaya smiled at Uso, "Where is Kai going to be staying?" "guess it's time for me to leave then." Kai said, not knowing where else to go. "dunno." Uso said, "He could find a place in the city if he wanted, I know the hotel's there are great." Amaya looked at Kai, "If you have no where else to go you could share my quarters if you'd like." Kai smiled shyly, blushing slightly, the look befitting him. "I'd be honored Amaya." He said. Amaya smiled at him, "Its no problem. Now if you'll all excuse me I'm going to go change." She turned away and walked into her room Uso nodded and headed back to the elevator. Kai chuckled and waited outside for her to finish. END GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet (12/7/03 19:14) [Ralifaris]... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the evacuation of the Seigi Lav and Ritsu had barely made the last escape pod. The escape pod pummeled toward the planet, the outer hull white hot from the atmosphere, Lav was terrified and clinging to Ritsu in a deathgrip: Ritsu was holding her close, trying to comfort her then they both jolted hard and ended up with Ritsu on top of Lav as they plowed into a sanddune? Ritsu let go of Lav who was clinging to something in the escape pod. He opened the door to the pod as the locks automatically opened after the movement stopped. He stepped out into a dark, hot desert, and looked around; wondering where he was. Lavinia soon got out and stayed close to him... and in a shaky voice she asked. A small barking was heard as a very very lucky Siaga jumped out and pounced on a still wary Lav. "SIAGA!" Lav cried and hugged the puppy close, earning a few dozen licks. "Where are we, and what do we do now?" GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) Author Kai Ashigari GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet (12/8/03 17:16) {Ralifaris} A quiet time and talk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Amaya went in to change, Kai patiently waited outside for a sign she was decent. He didn't want to just go in and risk seeing her..less than dressed. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, with little Keiko on his shoulder. She was happily humming and kicking her feet; "Why don't you go in with her? I know you like her Kai." Keiko teased lightly. "Because it's rude Keiko." Kai chuckled. Nekos were very open about that kind of thing, but he was still modest about it. Kai's eyes still looked sad, he was thinking about the death of Chiharu...he still felt a bit guilty about it. Amaya had removed her garments and changed into the clean garments provided by QIS and stood looking in the mirror. She pulled her blonde hair back and braided it into one long braid hanging down her back. Locks of hair still framed her face, but she now felt cleaner and more at peace than she had in a long time. She smiled softly to herself and looked at the door, ~Better go collect Kai.~ She thought to herself and quickly crossed the distance and opened the door. "You can come in now." She said it softly not wanting to startle him. Kai was a little surprised, but mostly due to his thoughts distracting him. "You done?" He asked, turning slowly, giving her time to retreat if she wasn't. He faced her and looked her up and down appraisingly and smiled; Keiko grinned. "You look pretty Amaya." She giggled lightly, poking Kai in the ear. "He thinks so too. He's tell him in my mind." Kai blushed slightly and walked in. "Feel better?" He asked. Amaya smiled, "Yes, actually I am." She looked at him thoughtfully, "How are you holding up?" "I'm feeling tired." Kai admitted, yawning a bit; but being polite about it. "And a little sad." Amaya looked at him sadly, "I..I am so sorry for your loss Kai." Keiko looked ready to cry again, she was a very emotional little neko, capable of changing from them easily. She caught herself and jumped off and onto a soft seat and curled up for a nap. "It's ok Amaya, she'll be remembered forever." Kai said. "But don't let my troubles worry you, you're going to have to train hard to control that power of yours." He said. Amaya nodded, "I look forward to it actually. But why dont you come in, you said you were tired and you certainly look it." Kai nodded and walked in and smiled at the little neko who was curled up resting. He looked around the room taking in the setting. Amaya smiled at Kai, "You should probably grab some sleep, the effort you expended on the shuttle was great I imagine." Kai chuckled. "what I need is a shower and something to eat." Amaya smiled, "Why dont you go take one, I'll keep Keiko occupied." Kai nodded and went to the shower, having noticed it in the back. He disappeared through the door and started the warm water. Amaya looked at Keiko, "Are you tired Keiko?" Keiko yawned a bit. "Yeah I am a little, but I can talk if you want to." She giggled, sitting up Amaya smiled, "Or I could put you in bed and go find Kai some food." "He does like you you know." Keiko giggled. Kai had taught her to tell the truth in presence of friends. But she hadn't yet learned what not to say. Amaya smiled and walked over to Keiko, "I'm glad he likes me, he is a good friend." "He's a very nice man; if anything; he cares a bit too much." Keiko said. Amaya looked distant and thoughtful, "And perhaps that isn't a good thing." She said it softly, almost as if her mind was somewhere else. She shook her head and looked at Keiko, "So how does that bed sound?" Keiko looked confused. "How can that be a bad thing?" She asked, not understanding. Amaya smiled, "Sometimes caring too much can drive people to do odd things in despair Keiko. You are right though Kai does care far too much about people sometimes." "Could you please explain a bit more?" keiko asked, now wanting to understand her logic. Amaya sat down next to Keiko, "Alright, if someone dies and the person closest to them feels it far too acutely, they can be driven to do things in their depression that they wouldn't normally do." She paused a moment and collected her thoughts, "I suppose Keiko, I feel that caring too much can be self destructive." "You sound like you're worried about him." keiko said. "You're afraid for him almost aren't you?" Amaya laughed, "Yes and he spends most of his time worried about me. I worry for him because one day all his feelings for one person will work against him and... I shudder to think about what will happen to him." She smiled, "I just know I'll be here to help him." "Someone could use it against him..?" Keiko asked beginning to think it out more clearly. They could hear Kai singing an old tune in the shower. Amaya looked at Keiko, "Yes Keiko and unwittingly he will use it against himself one day. He isn't one to hide his emotions, rather he is a person who feels them with the very core of their soul." She laughed softly, "Or perhaps I am not making any sense." "Maybe it does make sense." Keiko mused. "He told me one time that he was afraid one day he'll lose control himself; he knows what he can do and if he did..." Keiko shuddered, remembering what he'd told her. Keiko looked at the whip laying on a table where Kai had set it. Amaya sighed, "Psions can do amazingly horrible things. It is the purpose to which I was manufactured." "Sometimes..I think he wishes he wasn't psionic." Keiko said sadly. Amaya sighed, "Sometimes I wish I wasn't as well. Sometimes I wish life was completely different and I was normal..." Keiko sighed. The normally cheerful little girl was becoming depressed... "I think he worries so much about you is because he wants to have a real connection, he's been lonely for a long time. I try to keep him company, but it seems that I can't be what he needs." Keiko said. Amaya picked Keiko up and hugged her close, "We'll both just have to try and make him happy won't we." Keiko giggled. "We will, but how?" Amaya sighed, "I do not know Keiko, but we'll think of something." Keiko smiled brightly and hugged Amaya back. "We will I just know it. A good man like him deserves something nice. I think he needs a little time to relax is all. He never gives himself time to do so." Amaya smiled at Keiko, "You are right, very perceptive for a little Neko." Keiko giggled at Amaya's praise. "What do you think of him?" Keiko asked, now making girltalk. Amaya smiled, "I like him, he is probably the nicest man I have ever met." "Point." Keiko smiled. "He's the only guy you've met." Amaya laughed, "Except for the ones who studied me all my life." "They don't count, they were mean." Keiko said, sticking out her small tongue. Amaya laughed, "You are a treasure Keiko." Keiko giggled "He's a good singer isn't he?" She asked, listening to him sing the old song. Amaya smiled, "Yes quite good." Keiko laughed. "He'd turn as red as his hair if he found out we're listening to him." Amaya put Keiko gently back down on the couch and walked over to a window and looked out, "I wonder what Kai will do, if he'll stay here." "He would be a counseler I think." Keiko said. "You sound like you want him to stay." Amaya smiled, "His true love is in space, I think he should return to active duty." "Kai's not in love with anyone." Keiko said. Amaya laughed, "I fear I was not concise enough, I meant to say his true love is space." "I do not understand." Keiko said with a pout. Amaya continued to look out the window, "He was born in space, he hates being planetside. If my abilities were working I'd be trashing this place from the high amount of raw emotion coming from him." She turned and looked at Keiko briefly, "And I don't need to be a psion to know how conflicted he is feeling. You can just see it." "He's just stressed out." Keiko said, hoping it was true. Amaya turned back to the window and sighed, "Maybe, maybe not. We'll see I suppose." "I think he's done." Keiko said. And sure enough, Kai had just stepped out of the shower wearing only a pair of pants with the towel slung over his shoulder. "Ahhhh that feels sooo much better." He said with a true smile. His hair let loose falling down his back and over his chest a bit. Keiko blushed at the look, she liked it. Amaya did not turn around as Kai entered the room, but spoke quietly, "I will go find you something to eat, Keiko do you require anything?" "Japanese food!" Keiko chirped happily as Kai pulled his shirt back on, it was sleeveless as usual. then the cloak over it. "Think I should cut this hair?" He asked idly. "And if you want to." Amaya turned and left the room quietly and went to find Keiko and Kai some japanese food. Keiko looked up at Kai. "You look goodlike that, take the shirt off again." She giggled, having a little joke. Kai laughed at her and walked over and sat down and started tickling her gently, illiciting gails of giggles from the little neko. He stopped after a minute or two. And Keiko took a little longer to recover from it and stood up. "A new look may be nice. Ask Amaya to do it for you, it's hard to do it alone." She said. "I may just do that." Kai said amused. Kai leaned back and stretched as Keiko jumping onto his belly and did a little dance just because she felt like it. Amaya returned after five minutes or so carrying a heavy looking tray, she closed the door with a slight kick, crossed the room and placed the tray on the table. "There you go, should be enough for both of you." Keiko stopped her dance and jumped onto the table, happy as a kitten and started eating daintily. Kai looked over at Amaya. "Thank you." He said and got a little something to eat. "Not a problem." Amaya said quietly as she walked back over to the window. Keiko looked up at Amaya with a noodle still hanging out of her mouth, making her look silly. "You should both get some sleep after you eat, you both look tired." Amaya continued to look out the window. Kai finished his plate after a few minutes and stood up and walked over to Amaya. "Something troubling you?" He asked. Keiko had eaten her fill for her tiny little tummy and jumped onto the couch and curled up for a nap. Amaya turned around briefly and looked at Kai, "Merely contemplating our situation." "Ah." He said. "Amaya, can I ask you something?" Amaya smiled, "Of course." "Would you cut this hair for me? Just to top of shoulder length?" He asked. Amaya laughed, "Me, cut hair? I don't think you should be trusting me with that. And besides what is wrong with it the way it is?" "It's been like this forever, and maybe I need a new look." Kai chuckled. "but if you don't want to." He said, levitating a pair of scissors over and cut his hair on his own, actually getting it right. After a couple moments a mass of flaming red hair fell to the floor. Kai now had short hair that was slightly spiked, but curved back leaving a couplebangs over his forehead. "What do you think?" He asked, he was also missing those long sideburns. And she could see a golden earring in his right ear. Amaya smiled, "Probably better than I could have done it." "That'll come with practice." Kai smiled back. JP Tyler (Kai, Keiko) Jennifer (Amaya)*edited as well* GSA no Shôshô Kai Ashigari Commanding officer, GSS Seigi (GB-08) Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (12/8/03 18:18) [Ralfaris] a swift kick... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris A small chime went off inside of Amaya's room, someone was at the door. Amaya looked at Kai, before crossing to the door and opened it. "Hmm?" Kai looked over at the door, Keiko groaned and sat up. Karjak was outside, "Hello again," He said, "May I come in?" Amaya stepped back and smiled at Karjak, "Of course." "Hello Karjak." Kai said from the window. Karjak walked in and stood close to Amaya, "The guys down in genetics wanted me to conduct some scans and get a DNA sample before we try and apply any enhancers to your body." Amaya looked at him and nodded, "Alright I can understand the necessity." Kai watched patiently, this was Amaya's choice and he could not make it for her. Keiko yanked on Amaya's pant leg. Amaya looked down at Keiko, "Yes Keiko?" "Please sit down then, this will only take a few moments." He said as he pulled several small disk shaped sensors from the machine and attached them to Amaya's neck and arms. "Can I ride on your shoulder?" The sleepy neko asked. Amaya picked Keiko up and went to sit down, "Keiko will not be in the way will she?" "No Ma'am," He said as the devices started to take DNA samples and scan her nervous system. Kai walked over, absently fingering the gold ring in his ear, he had never taken it off. Amaya sat there and closed her eyes calmly, enduring the testing Keiko curled up on her shoulder and went back to sleep, snuggling into her blonde hair. All she could feel was a slight tingle as the machine did its job. In about 4 minutes Karjak had gotten all the data he needed and removed the sensors, "Thanks," He said as he headed out the door, "I'll be back when those drugs wear off so feel free to poke around the building." "What is there to do in this building?" Kai asked. "well there is a food court two floors down and the recreation area is up a few floors." he said. "Hmm." Kai said. Amaya nodded, "Thank you Karjak." "Well I suppose poking around can't hurt, the seraphs couldn't have gotten in here right Karjak?" Kai pointed out "In theory..." He said, "But this would be the safest place you can get not counting the military tunnels" "Well. Where to go where to go?" Kai mused, rubbing his chin. "Where are you heading to Amaya?" Amaya laughed, "I have no clue, possibly to the recreation floor, I'd like to see it I think." "Well that's where I as headed anyway." Kai said. And started for the door. "Sorry about the hair on the floor." He chuckled to Karjak. Amaya shook her head and exchanged a quick look with Karjak before following after Kai. Karjak shrugged and left as well, cleaning was left to the bots. Kyoko had just been transferred to the 4th fleet and her shuttle was coming close to touching down on the surface. Out of the windows she could see the surface for miles in each direction, The sprawling QIS city and small forest, the desert wall beyond that and endless sand further out. Fire streaked the sky as more debris fell towards the planet. Kai strolled out into the hall, his cloak billowing out behind him slightly as he crossed his arms behind his head. He headed for the elevator to go to the rec areas. Amaya followed silently behind him and stepped into the elevator. She looked over at Kai, "You seem more relaxed now." Kai chuckled. "yeah, I needed that shower bad, the sound of rain always relaxed me, it's one reason why planets aren't that bad." Amaya smiled, "I'm glad to see you feeling better." #Kyoko:: She began to fidget as the shuttle touched down. She stood up, holding her 9mm close. She moved slowly, cautiously out of the shuttle, holding her arm up to stop the bright sunlight. She looked around, squinting, trying to get her bearings straight. "I am too, I see Keiko's relaxed too." He said, looking at the little neko that had snuggled into her hair. Kyoko's shuttle touched down on the roof of the Qelnoran technologies building. Almost immediately after her shuttles doors opened the security units were checking things over to remove any threats of a Seraph sneaking in through the roof entrances. "Ms. Kyoko?" One of the soldiers asked. Amaya looked at Keiko, "She looks quite relaxed doesn't she." She spun around, looking at the soldier with an upturned brow "Yes?" Keiko purred, having nice dreams and rolled over and her shoulder and not fall off. "I can tell you two like each other." Kai smiled. Amaya gently pushed Keiko further on her shoulder, "She is sweet, almost like a sister." Keiko giggled. "She is." Kai said The man attached a small sensor to the Neko's neck and after a few moments, "Come with me," he then led her to the main elevator shaft in the center of the roof, "You got here at a bad time. A large force of Seraph’s have landed on the planet and the ship that you were assigned to has been shot down. Your going to be stuck planet side until the 4th fleet has been rebuilt." He explained. Amaya smiled at Keiko, "I missed having people around in that lab, after I lost my siblings." "ah." Kai said and pushed the button to go up. "Man, feels good to have that hair off." He said. She shakes her head a bit, grumbling under her breath "What am I? The harbinger of bad luck?" She shook her head and looked up at the soldier. "Any active orders?" Amaya smiled, "I always liked my hair long, I can do so much with it. Not that I ever had occasion too of course." "You'll find some occasion." Kai said to her. Keiko absently started giggling in her sleep. "stop tickling me." She squealed, laughing. A few moments later they arrived at the recreation floor, It was a small bar with a few black walkways extending over area's that they couldn't quite see, a group of people were crowded around the short fence that encircled the bar and were obviously looking down into whatever was going on below. "Ladies first." Kai said as the door opened. Amaya looked over at the crowd of people as she stepped onto the recreation floor, "I wonder what is going on over there." "Your on shore leave for the moment," The officer replied as he escorted her to the elevator, "for the moment you will be given quarters in this building, It isn't advised to leave but you can if you want. I suggest heading to the rec room on your way down." Kai looked over. "Let's go check it out." He grinned and headed over there. Amaya followed Kai, staying a few paces back, careful not to wake the sleeping neko. Kai approached one of the people in the group. "What's going on here?" Kai asked. Below the small bar and walkways were several rooms with a small staircase leading up from each one and to the walkways, Each one had some sort of activity from sparing to videogameing going on inside of them with the action highlighted on a large holographic display, "I have 2 to 1 odds on green hair!" one man yelled out as they looked down into a padded dojo. She nodded to the soldier "Thank you. Keep you head down out there. I don't want any needless Casualties" She said before activating the elevator, and making her way to the Rec Room "Hmm?" Kai said and looked down into it. Amaya looked down and then looked at Kai, "What in the world is going on?" "Looks like people are sparring." He said. Amaya sighed, "Violence is not a game..." A few KS were hurriedly exchanged before the man yelled out that the odds were now 3 to 1 against her. In the small dojo a neko was facing off against a rather large Qelnoran. She had on a white tank top and baggy cammo pants with a small chain tieing her arm behind her back. "They don't kill each other." Kai pointed out. "True enough I suppose..." Amaya conceded. He shook his head and started silently reading the big qel'noran's mind in the arena, being careful not to be noticed. The Qelnoran was at least twice as big as the smaller neko and unknown to most was that he had several strength enhancers running at that time. He made a backward lunge toward the neko only to have her lean to the side and extend one foot to trip him sending him face first into the wall. Meanwhile Kyoko's elevator reached the rec room. Kai oddly wasn't able to read anything from the Qelnoran's mind. She taps her foot before finally punching the wall of the elevator. Not being able to do anything annoyed her, especially now. As the elevator stopped the door opened. She peered out into the room, holstering her pistol Kai chuckled at that withdrawing his mind. "That's odd, Kai said. Amaya looked at Kai, "What is Kai?" "He's not showing any thought activity. OH yes, isn't there a adn in his building?" He asked. Amaya nodded, "Yes, its why they are not bothering to make a batch of my suppressant." "Well it's ok for now, I suppose." Kai said. "How's it feel to be normal?" He laughed. The Qelnoran turned around and charged at the neko again only to have her roll backwards and use her feet to toss the Qelnoran over her and onto his back. He quickly got up only to have her roll forwards to her feet. She steps out, moving over toward the group. She moves slowly though, tending to be cautious around anyone she doesn't know Amaya laughed, "Alright I suppose." She looked back down to the fight and watched the fight. Keiko woke up hearing the footsteps and turned sleepily on Amaya's shoulder and looked over at Kyoko. The neko turned and unleashed a series of high kicks against the Qelnoran, landing two on his head before he grabbed her leg and tossed her against the wall. Amaya turned and looked in the direction Keiko had, right at Kyoko. She touched Kai lightly on the shoulder. "Hmm?" Kai said and turned slowly. Kai could barely see her face from this far away but the neko in the pit looked familiar. Keiko giggled. "Is that Uso in the pit?" She asked now that she was facing it. She hit the wall and rolled forward. She was on her back now and fired off a small amount of her CRT fuel to send her flying across the floor and under the Qelnoran, Her foot was raised and it impacted him squarely in the crotch. The audience seemed to sympathies with the pain he must have felt. Keiko winced. "That looked painful." Amaya looked at Keiko, "It probably was..." She stopped, looking into the pit to see what seems to be drawing everyone's attention. She bit her lip, quickly looking away. Kai looked through the crowd and picked out the neko in the GSA uniform. "Hmm interesting, wonder why she's here. Must have been assigned to the 4th." The Qelnoran toppled over and some of the gamblers looked regretful about their bets. Uso then walked up the staircase and onto one of the walkways, heading for the bar. Kai turned to look now. "I knew it, only Uso's kicks make that much noise." Kai laughed. The crowd gathered around the exchange their bets while Uso Sat down at one of the barstools to get a drink. Kai walked down and over to Uso. "Good fight." He said as he approached. Uso chuckled, "He was drunk." "easy, child's play." Amaya watched Kai walk over to Uso and spoke quietly to Keiko, "I think he likes her and doesn't want to admit it." She nodded, "I could still take anyone here," she said with a smile. "Feh." Kai said. "Come on admit it..." She said pryingly. "You cheat outrageously." He said. Keiko giggled. "Maybe, I don't know. I don’t like her." "Beating the crap out of your opponent isn't cheating." Uso said. Amaya smiled at Keiko, "You sleepy?" "true." He grinned. Keiko yawned. "a little." shook her head, her attention drawn to Amaya. She approached her quietly, and rather timidly "H, hello" Uso was handed some blue drink and she put a small pill in it before she downed it in one gulp. "More caffeine Uso?" He sighed. Amaya looked at Kyoko, "Hello." She looked down at the uniform, "Were you assigned to the 4th fleet? Or were you on board one of the ships when they Elysian’s attacked?" Uso nodded. Keiko looked at Kyoko and jumped up happy to meet a new person and waved. "HI!" J, just assigned. I landed to learn the ship was destroyed, so I'm on shore leave "Who's your next fight green hair?" Kai teased. smiled gently down at Keiko "hello" Amaya smiled at the Neko and then smiled at Kyoko, "I am Amaya, this is Keiko and the man over there is Shosho Kai Ashigari, he would have been your CO had things gone differently." Uso seriously considered kicking Kai in the balls and calling it a victory, "Dunno... I just got here, I can't leave for a while." "Why not?" he asked. "Good point." Uso then gave Kai a swift kick to the crotch. She nods gently "It's nice to meet you both" Amaya smiled, "And you are?" "Kyoko" She said, almost trying to tell herself Amaya smiled reassuringly at the girl, "Forgive me if I gave you information overload a minute ago, I tend to just throw everything out there and let people ask all the relevant questions." Uso chuckled and ordered another drink. Kai fell backward and rolled off a table then shrugged, not embarrassed in the least. "Don't try that again Smiles "it's quite alright. I'm normally not to talkative" Amaya nodded, "You might wish to speak with Kai, he may have something you can do while you are on Ralfaris." She nods, stretching as she lets out a yawn. She swings her arms a bit in their sockets Uso popped another pill into a fresh drink and gulped it down quickly, following it up with a refreshed "ah..." Uso grabbed another bottle and headed over to Amaya, "hello again." she said. Kai looked around the area and up at Amaya and walked over to the little group Her gaze shifted over to Uso, waving timidly "H, hello" Amaya smiled at Uso, "Hi Uso, nice fighting down there." "You new here?" she asked Kyoko, "And thanks, It was nothing." She nods "ya, just assigned" "great timing!" Uso said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Amaya suppressed a laugh at Uso's comment. Kai just remained silent. Amaya looked around at everyone, "I am starting to get tired, I think those drugs might finally be coming out of my system so I am going to go sleep." She looked at Keiko, "You coming Keiko?" Keiko nodded and played with her hair. "night then." Uso said Amaya smiled at Kai, "Goodnight Kai." She then looked at Uso, "Night Uso, as always its been...interesting." kyoko nods, yawning again "goodnight Amaya." Kai said. Then looked over to Kyoko. "Hello." Amaya looked at Keiko, "Come on then lets go take a nap." She crossed the room and got on the elevator and went down to her quarters to sleep. “hi,” Kyoko said. "That’s the point." Uso said as she looked to Kyoko. She popped a few more pills into her drink and handed it to Kyoko, "Here drink this." END GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Kai Ashigari GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet (12/9/03 14:11) [Ralfaris] Time to Talk... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amaya walked back to her quarters with a sleepy Keiko clinging to her shoulder and nuzzling into her hair. She looked at her and smiled gently, she liked having Keiko around, she was almost like a new sibling. She sighed as the doors to the elevator opened and she stepped off the lift, walked over to the door to her quarters and opened the door. She carried Keiko over to the bed carefully and rested her gently against it. She stepped back and looked at the sleeping neko, her _expression softening, ~I just pray I don't lose her and Kai~ She thought to herself. Her thoughts now became fixed on the man who saved her. There was no doubting their ability to get along and that she truly loved the time she spent in his company. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts of the man from her mind and walked over to the couch and laid down. Amaya stretched out and put her arms under her head forming a pillow. She stared up at the ceiling, her violet eyes losing their new found happiness to be once again replaced by the haunted sorrow usually seen within their depths. ~Kai has been so wonderful~ she thought to herself. ~He has saved my life twice, not even thinking about the personal risk to himself. He is the first person to truly care for me~ she closed her eyes as tears slowly began to well up in them, as a sudden realization hit her. The worry she felt for him and the pain at seeing his, it was more than friendship. She opened her eyes and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, ~Shut off the feelings~ she told herself silently. ~It will never work, you can never allow yourself to get too close, in the end it will only hurt him.~ She swung her legs off the couch and sat up quickly as she heard Keiko giggle again. ~She's having another tickling dream it seems~ she thought silently. ~I might as well join her.~ She rose from the couch and walked back over to the bed and curled up around the Neko. She knew she was dreaming, somehow she had learned to tell reality and dreams apart, she could however not awake from this dream. She was standing in a dimly lit room, she could smell the sweet scent of flowers all around, they seemed to numb her senses, taking the edge off. A door behind her opened and she turned around quickly and she saw Kai walk through the doorway. She looked at him and spoke having no control over what she was saying, "I missed you!" She crossed the distance and was soon in his arms, her concious mind enjoyed the feeling of his closing his arms around her gently and holding her close. "I was only gone a little while" he said quietly, she needed to strain to hear his words. She laughed and leaned up on her tiptoes and smiled up at him, "Yes but a moment away is too long..." He smiled and bent down until his lips were brushing hers, "Is it now?" She smiled and gave in, throwing her arms around him and kissing him deeply. Amaya awoke with a start, sweat was beading her forehead, her heart racing. She slid her legs off the bed and stood up, careful not to wake Keiko. She walked over to the couch and sat down and sunk her head into her hands, "It was only a dream..." She muttered it, only to herself. After Amaya awoke, she found Kai sleeping lightly sitting in a chair, his eyes closed sitting crosslegged. Keiko was giggling lightly. Amaya looked up when she realized she was not alone, she rose quietly and began to tiptoe towards the door,Keiko stirred, sitting up yawning, her hearing could hear a pin drop in the room next door if she wanted them too. She sat up and rubbed her eyes looking at the blone trying to sneak out. She smiled and stealthed and gently clambered onto Amaya's foot without her feeling it. Amaya looked down at the neko and spoke quietly, "Go back to bed Keiko..." Keiko reappeared and pouted cutely. "I wanna go too." She said. Amaya smiled at the neko, "Why don't you curl up with Kai..." The smile fell from her face, "I..I truly wish to be alone right now Keiko, I have alot of thinking to do..." Keiko nodded, she understood that and followed Amaya's request and ran over and climbed up Kai's clothing and gave him a tiny hug and curled up in his hair. Amaya exited her room, walked over to the elevator and made her up to the recreation facilities. She couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Amaya sighed as she stepped off onto the floor and walked over to the bar. She ordered a drink and sat there quietly sipping it, her thoughts elsewhere. Amaya stared at the wall blankly, ~I can't do this~ she thought silently. ~I can not be near him, not this close.~ She sighed once more and took another sip from her drink, she rested her elbow on the bar and laid her head on top of her palm. She peered down into her glass, ~It was only a dream Amaya.~ She thought to herself, ~Yes, but dreams show what we want in reality.~ She sighed again, she couldn't love him, she couldn't care for him, in the end it would only hurt him. Meanwhile, Kai shifted slightly and stretched out, Keiko smiled and held onto his shoulder. His eyes fluttered a bit. Kai was looking over all his recent experiences from an outside point of view. He sighed; Seeing the worry that crossed his face often when dealing in matters with Amaya. He liked her indeed he did; he could feel a warmth in himself. It was a feeling he thought he liked; he hoped that someway he could find a way for it to continue...when he was with her, he could see the softness in his eyes; how he had become protective of her; even seemed to love her.... Keiko couldn't get back to sleep, Amaya's change in attitude confused her. She gently slid off Kai's shoulder and walked out of the room and headed for the elevator, having a feeling she had gone to the rec rooms. Keiko jumped up and down trying to hit the button, then pouted, being short did have it's downsides. Keiko decided that she needed to use some help so she CRT jumped and hit the button, making it chime as the door opened she ran into the elevator and repeated the performance to go to the rec room. When she got there she danced happily over to Amaya and pulled on her pants leg. Amaya looked down at Keiko, "Yes dear?" ":Can I get a drink?" Keiko asked innocently. Amaya smiled, "What would you like?" "I don't know. What do they have? I'm too short to see the menu you know." She giggled. "I think that they would have almost anything you could like. But..." Amaya reached down and picked up the little neko and sat her on the bar. "Now you can see the menu." Keiko smiled and looked up at the menu; "I want a glass of water." She said, looking at Amaya. "What are you thinking about?" Keiko asked, "I'm confused..again." She smiled. Amaya smiled at Keiko, "Why are you so confused Keiko?" "I don't quite understand the problem between you and Kai; you seem to like each other. But you keep pushing him away...I think.." Keiko said, cocking her head to one side giving Amaya a cute confused look. Amaya sighed, "I.. I like Kai, I just cant be near him." "Why not?" Keiko asked. Amaya looked at Keiko, "Remember that talk we had about Kai liking someone too much?" "I remember. But I still don't see the problem." Amaya laughed, "I know you don't Keiko, I just dont ever want to be a problem for him. Its why when the 4th fleet is finished we will need to part ways..." "You're scared that if he becomes too close, he'll only end up hurt. I think he understands that." Keiko said. "You think that'll help him?" she added. Amaya nodded, "Yes Keiko I think it will help. It will remove him from theÈ "You're not a problem for him, I think your leaving would do more damage than good. But that's my confused opinion." Keiko said. "Why do you think that?" Amaya asked. "Because...I don't know; I think he wants to keep you close to him. I notice the way he acts around you. You help him relax." Keiko said and kicked her foot on the counter she'd jumped to. "I don't want you to go anywhere either." Amaya smiled, "You could always come and visit me." "But if he goes back up, I think I have to go too. And I don't want to leave you." keiko said. "You're fun to be around." Keiko smiled. Amaya reached out and hugged Keiko close to her, "I don't want you to leave either but your place is with Kai." Keiko hugged her back the best she could for being so small. "I want to see Kai happy, but..." Keiko said. Amaya looked at Keiko, "But?" Kai stirred awake and yawned, feeling much better and rested. He sat up and looked around; "Amaya? Keiko?" He asked. He stood up wondering where they had gone; and figured that since Amaya only knew this floor and rec floor he made his way to the elevator.. "I'm so confused. I don't know what to do." Keiko said. Amaya smiled at her, "Don't worry everything will be alright." "I hope so. But I still think you shouldn't just let him go like that; it's almost like you're just...throwing him away like a few other women have done. It hurts him you know; he tells me." Keiko said. "I..I am not throwing him away, I am doing what I feel is best for him." She looked at the ceiling, "He is a wonderful man, he doesn't need someone like me..." "I think he does; He needs someone who can understand why he is the way he is and can accept it." Keiko said. "There he is now." She said as Kai stepped off the elevator and looked around the area, just wandering knowing that he could trust Keiko and Amaya to stay out of trouble. Amaya turned and looked at Kai, "He looks a little less tired I suppose. He should still be asleep." "Nah, he sleeps deeply, but not for very long...I think he overworks himself." Keiko said. "I'm worried about him honestly." Kai was looking in on the sparring going on. "Do you want me to take you over Keiko?" Amaya asked. "Hmm?" Keiko asked, looking up at Amaya. "I'd like it, but I belong to him; he's like a father to me." Amaya tapped her shoulder, "Come on I'll take you over and you can talk to Kai for awhile." Kai finally got tired of watching the pointless fighting and walked over to them. "Hello." He said. Keiko smiled and waved happily. "Hi!" She said. Amaya looked at him, "Hello, I was just about to bring Keiko over to you." "What for?" Kai asked, sitting down and ordering a glass of red wine. "She wished to see you Kai." Amaya said it softly, almost too quietly. "So did she" Keiko giggled. Kai chuckled. "Why'd you both want to see me?" He asked. Amaya looked at Kai, "Truthfully I'd rather see you still asleep, you have been through alot recently." "I suppose you're right." Kai said. "Should we go somewhere we can talk without all these half-drunk qel'norans?" Amaya looked at him, "If you would like." She looked at Keiko, "Want a lift?" Keiko was already climbing onto her shoulder. "Ready!" She announced, being cute. Kai nodded and stood up, paid for the drinks. Amaya rose from her seat and looked at Kai, "After you..." "Ladies first." He smiled. Amaya nodded and walked over to the elevator and waited for it. "Back to the room then, I am afraid I don't know where anything else is." Kai nodded and waited with her. Kai sat down in a chair and looked at Amaya with soft eyes. "What'd you wish to speak about?" Hard, violet eyes stared back at him, "I am not sure really..." She looked at Keiko, "Any ideas?" "You wanted to flirt with him remember?" Keiko giggled, poking Amaya lightly. Amaya turned and looked at Keiko, "What gave you that impression dear?" "The way you were watching him out in the hall." Keiko chirped. Amaya smiled at Keiko, "Your overactive imagination is adorable." Keiko nodded and jumped up and kissed her on the cheek. "well you know you want to." She giggled. Kai was sitting there silently amused. Amaya looked at Keiko and smiled, "Where are you getting these ideas Keiko?" Keiko looked up at Amaya with a big mischieveous grin. "You're body language, your skin is getting hotter and your cheeks are turning red." Kai was chuckling now, finding this highly amusing. Amaya turned and looked at him, "What is so funny?" "Nothing." Kai said, stiffling a chuckle. "It's just adorable how she's poking her fun at you. Amaya smiled at Keiko, "She needs to behave." Keiko turned to Kai. "Why don't you come over here and sit next to her? You know you wanna."Keiko pouted at Amaya's comment. "meanie." She said sticking outher tongue playfully. Amaya laughed and looked at Keiko, "Aren't you tired yet?" "I don't mind, I like to see her having fun. I told myself I would never order her around; I want her to be herself, not a creature of my creation." "Not anymore." Keiko said and jumped onto a table and decided to be funny, this chuckling and smiles encouraging her and pulled off her body suit until she was a little nudist and marched around the table. Kai laughed outloud. "I remember this." Amaya shook her head, "Keiko aren't you at all modest?" She said it jokingly. "There's no problem with it. We nekos are very open about our bodies, I once saw a magazine with two neko enjoying each other's bodies, now I wonder what that feels like." Keiko giggled. Kai turned bright red remembering that. Amaya blushed a nice shade of pink as she listened to Keiko, but said nothing. "Keiko, get dressed and calm down some." Kai said, still red. Keiko stopped dancing around and put her clothes back on and sat there happily mocking Kai's meditation position, legs crossed hand together. Amaya looked at Kai, "I'd say she had too much caffeine but she only had water." Kai nodded. "I like her like that." Kai said fondled running a finger over keiko's soft hair, elliciting a content purr. Amaya nodded silently, before she rose and walked over to the window. Kai's eyes followed her. "Amaya, something's wrong, please tell me what it is, you can trust me. what's on your mind?" Amaya didn't look at Kai, "No, I can not tell you." "Amaya...." He said, his voice sounded a bit pained. She now turned and looked at him sadly, "Why does it matter?" "Because I care about you Amaya. more than I are such a joy to be with." Kai said. Amaya sighed and turned back to look out the window, "You shouldn't care about me Kai." Kai stood up and walked up behind her. "I shouldn't maybe, but I do." He said. She reached out and placed a hand on the glass and then laid her forehead against the glass, "This will only hurt you in the end, I know it." Without a word, Kai slipped her into a gentle hug from behind. "Maybe it could, but I'd just have to deal with it myself." Amaya put her free hand on his, "You don't handle emotion well, I do not want to be responsible for your sorrow." "You aren't responsible for anything that happens to me." Kai said. Amaya leaned back against Kai and sighed, "I am sorry but I feel like what happens to you might end up being because of me. You have taken far too many risks on my behalf already." "No risk is too great for a person in need Amaya." Kai reassured. "Yes, but I worry that.. Maybe any relationship we might have would place you in danger. You feel too much..." Amaya sighed. "I can handle any danger thrown at me." Kai said. Keiko looked on and sat on the table where she was and listened, hoping to learn something. Amaya looked over at Keiko, turned back and turned her head so she was leaning further against Kai, "She is studying us I think." Kai chuckled. "Nothing wrong with that, maybe one day the knowledge will serve her well." Kai smiled, running a hand through her hair subconsciously. His heart pounded in his chest as he held her..this was the same warmth as before... She closed her eyes and sighed in content. She loved the feeling of him so close, she could have had that moment extend forever. Her eyes snapped open and she turned so she was facing him, "We...we can't." He loosened his hold on her gently and looked into her eyes. "You're still afraid I'll get hurt...I've always heard that sometimes having someone to 'come home' to can make someone strive harder to survive." Amaya sighed and looked down, "I am defenceless at the moment, all someone needs to do to get at you is use me. I will never allow that to happen, I will never be a tool leading to your destruction." "Amaya, I'm not going anywhere for a while, it'll take weeks for the fleet to be rebuilt. I'm going to be here to protect you." He said looking at her. She smiled slightly as she watched the floor, "I want to leave with you, but that may not be possible, I do not know what QIS wants me to do... "Neither do I, but I assure you I will be here if you need me." He said. She looked back up at him, "Life is so hard isn't it. I feel like I can't breathe when you are gone. But I fear being with you." "I know life is hard Amaya, but we grow to become better people. We also learn lessons from it; like how to care for someone, to love even." Kai said. "I know you feel." Kai blushed slightly, he was enjoying having her this close. She wrapped her arms around him, "I never thought caring for someone could be the hardest thing in the world. But I can't just deny what I feel. No matter how much I want to, no matter how hard it is." "Love can be the greatest pain and the greatest pleasure in life." Kai said, holding her close to him, caressing her back gently. This action got an "awwwww." from Keiko Amaya looked at keiko, laughed and buried her head in Kai's shoulder, "Keiko's enjoying this I think." Kai laughed as well. "So am I." He said, his hand going through her soft hair again. Amaya smiled and looked up at him, "So...what now?" "I don't honestly know Amaya..." Kai chuckled. Amaya smiled at him, "Well, life has never been anything but predictable..." "Really?" Kai chuckled. "Did you predict this?" He asked, holding her away from him a bit and slowly going in to for a kiss. She kissed him back, a kiss that increased with passion as it continued. Keiko started doing dance cheering them on. Kai tried not to laugh but ended up kissing her and laughing at the same time. Amaya laughed and pulled away gently. "She is quite distracting isnt she." Keiko giggled and knew they wanted to be alone so she walked out into the hallway and stealthed for a little while. In the meantime; Kai kissed her again, becoming more passionate. She wrapped her arms around his neck, for once in her life letting herself go, dropping all her well guarded defences. Kai gently started to push her toward the couch gently. Amaya allowed herself to be moved backwards, until she hit the couch and slid down onto it, it wasn't long before she found herself pinned under Kai, still kissing passionately. Kai blushed slightly as he passionately kissed Amaya, his hands caressing her back gently, sensually... the feeling of her love permeating his mind, the closness of her body and mind... Amaya closed her eyes and gave in, opening her heart and mind to him. She kissed him passionately, her hands moving over his back gently. His lips found their way away from hers as they trailed down her neck and cheek, his hands subconsciously moving to her backside, rubbing it gently. He gently nibbled on her, giving gentle lovebits. He was braced over her, holding his chest away from hers and angling his hips off to the side a bit. She followed Kai's movements slowly, until she was lying on the couch with him braced above her. Kai stopped and turned a deep red color and started to pull off her. Amaya blushed and sat up. "Sorry." Kai said, still very red, but looking at her with love in his eyes. She leaned up and kissed him softly, "Don't be..." She said as she moved away. He smiled and caught her in a gentle embrace, leaning close to her and kissed her lips gently. Amaya kissed him back softly, her lips just barely touching his. He held her to him gently and kissed her more deeply, caressing her back gently. She kissed him more passionately and hooked her arms around his neck gently. Kai broke the kiss gently and started to stand up, pulling her along gently. Amaya rose and smiled at him, "Where are we going?" He smiled and nodded "Where do you want to go?" He asked. She yawned, "Truthfully... I am getting a little tired. And I am pretty sure you still are or at least should be..." "I should be and I think I am." Kai smiled and put an arm over her shoulders and lead her to the bedroom area. She looked at him, "From what Keiko tells me you should spend more time in bed sleeping." "I'm going to have to talk with her about that." He smiled and opened the door to the bedroom for her. She walked in and stood next to the bed, "What side do you want?" "Hmm?" He asked, a bit surprised. "You can choose first." He said. She sat down on the bed next to where she was standing, "Personally I don't care..." She smiled up and him and patted the bed next to her. Keiko bounced in and giggled and jumped onto Amaya's lap and curled up and fell asleep curling up like a kitten, she was very tired now. Kai smiled gently and got into the other side of the bed and laid down. Amaya lay down on the bed and placed Keiko lightly next to her. She looked up at the ceiling, "Well it has been an interesting day hasnt it..." Kai had pulled off his cloak and shirt and had folded them up and placed off to the side and looked at her. "It has Amaya, it truly has." She crossed the distance and laid next to him on her side, she trailed her fingers down his cheek slowly, "I still don't know if this is the best idea." He turned and looked at her. "It may not be but sometimes you have to take a risk if you want to behappy." Kai said and looked at her. She leaned down and kissed him gently, yet briefly, "And I am happy with you." He kissed her back lightly. "And I with you." He said, Kai's eyes were fluttering shut gently as he started to drift off. She laid down next to him and placed her head on his shoulder. He felt her do it and gently put an arm over her and heldher gently, not wanting to let her go. She curled up against him and closed her eyes almost unable to keep them open. She then drifted off to sleep, for once her dreams not troubling her as she lay in his arms. Keiko woke up and a sleepily tottered over Amaya and climbed up on her head and used her hair as a pillow and blanket and fell back asleep purring happily. Amaya awoke hours later, she did not know how many hours, all she did know was that the drugs had finally worn off. She jerked in her sleep and woke up, sitting upright, sending poor Keiko flying to the bed next to her. She wrapped her arms around herself trying to stop the shaking, but it was no use, the withdrawl had kicked in too fully. Keiko sprung awake and leapt to Amaya. "What's wrong Amaya?" She asked urgently, Kai had woken up as well. "Amaya?" He asked, putting his arms around her to try and stop her shaking. She sighed and spoke shakily, "This is the after effect of those drugs, withdrawl, Dr Xian wanted to make sure I had no where else to go." "You're ok Amaya. The ADN's on in this building, it should go away on it's own..but slowly..." Kai said, now slightly mad at Xian for doing this to her. Keiko hugged her gently. "Amaya..." She nodded, "In time they will go away but for now they will only get steadily worse." She laid back down and closed her eyes. Kai laid down with her, trying to get to stop shaking. JP Jennifer (Amaya) Tyler (Keiko, Kai) GSA no Shôshô Kai Ashigari Commanding officer, GSS Seigi (GB-08) Author Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet (12/13/03 0:50) [nowhere, Seigi crash site] Dead -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An emotionally numb R'Lari hung in the midst of the time loop that held him. It had been almost a week -- by his reckoning, at least; it was hard to determine time in this place -- since Alexis had seen the Seigi get shot down and Ketsurui Chiharu, the ship and the Taisho, become so much space dust. He had watched those disasters dozens of times over the first day, until the length of the loop had grown large enough that the occurence was rarer now. The first time it happened, he was dumbfounded. The second and third, enraged, fully ready to turn into a brick, or the hyperactive annoyance known as Dingo, when he came back to make good on the threat he had made to his Storyteller when this captivity had begun. But, by the time he lost count of the repetitions, Alexis had resigned himself to a silent anger and plotting. He would get Chi back, somehow. With nothing else to do, he watched the new developments as they passed by...the landings of the life-pods and the seraph occupation of the planet; Kai's discovery of the new psion and the growth of their relationship (one that gave the shifter new information on the concept of "love", something that had evaded his comprehension and in some ways still did); and the conversation between Taisho Yui and Shoki. That most recent event had put a damper on his plans. He hated to admit it, but they were right. Bringing her back would cause more problems than they would solve. And ultimately the only reason he wanted to do so was a selfish refusal to think of her as gone...Right? The plans persisted, though. Maybe one day... Something nudged him. Alexis brought his thoughts back the "present", or the newest scene added to the loop. It was the Seigi crash site on Ralfaris. He found himself hovering in the air above the ship, then moving closer and passing through the impurvium hull like a ghost. ~Are you letting me come back?~ he asked, watching the decks pass by, heading to the medbay where his physical body had been stored by the medics. The only reply he got was a sense that he was just here temporarily, to see something. The medbay was a mess. The ship had been shot up, then crash-landed after an uncontrolled re-entry through the Ralfaris atmosphere. The interior looked like it had been run through a blender...there were scorch-marks and left-over foam where fires had started and then been put out by the supression systems. More than one body was present, mostly sprite Nekos that had died when the main computer shut down. Alexis found his body in a corner of the bay, underneath a smoldering medical bed and bent in two. He was pincushioned with nearly ever sharp object in the medbay and some objects that weren't sharp at all. The body was scorched, from fires started by chemicals and exploding consoles, among other things. No bones were broken, but the skin and soft tissue was going to need a lot of work to fix. ~Ooookay...that's gonna take a while to repair.~ Finding that he could move where he wanted, the R'Lari drew closer. ~First, I need to get that bed off me...then straighten out those joints, gonna need a good chiropracter to do that...then take out the knives, scaples, pens, and that energy conduit...oh. Uh-oh.~ The phantom's eyes widened. There was no energy signature coming from his body. None. Sure, he was good at masking his life-energy, but unless he was phase-cloaked there was no way to hide the signs totally. That ment one thing. ~I'm dead.~ GSA no Taisho Jaren Alexis Commander, Fourth Fleet Author Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet (12/15/03 4:04) [Ralfaris surface] Temporary Housing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Somewhere on Ralfaris... Tomoyo had been sleeping for.. only lord knows how long. The voices of her friends fussing about had finally reached her but.. her head hurt. "Where are we?" After finding his energy-less form in the med-bay, Alexis was returned to the time-loop. He hung there a second before looking around. ~So what now? I can't be dead or I wouldn't be here. But I can't return to my body, so where do I go now?~ The time-scene changed to show another crash site, a lifepod in the middle of nowhere, near the Segi site. Hikari stood with Kyoshi and Inari outside the life pod, looking around at the surroundings. "Yup.. we are screwed." Kyoshi announced with a strong sense of impeding doom. "Don't say such things!" Hikari scolded Kyoshi, she was scared but she didn't want to give up hope so soon. Tomoyo unfastened the straps that held her in the pod and held her forehead as she tried to figure out what had just happened to them.. they had been forced to abandon ship.. they had made it into the life pod and then.. everything went black. Where was everyone else? Did anyone manage to take Taisa Jaren into a life pod as they evacuated? Alexis could see that there were several bodies alive and moving as they tried to work out where they had landed. The medic from the Yui, Hikari, was one of the only ones he recognized, until the scene zoomed in and the shifter could see inside the pod. Tomoyo, the engineer he had met on the Seigi, was also there...~Okay...~ Alexis quirked a brow. ~Those are my former crewmembers. What about them?~ Tomoyo wanted to cry, her ship was gone and she didn't even know how many of her friends had even survived outside of who was in the life pod with her. "H..hiki?" Hikari turned towards the pod and went back in to go check on Tomoyo. "Tommy! You;re finally awake! We were getting worried about you!" Choose one. The thought appeared in the shifter's head and he looked puzzled. ~For what?~ You need a body to replace the one you lost. Choose one to share with you. Alexis frowned, then caught on. ~Oh, right...but this isn't how it goes...~ The thoughts started to sound annoyed, but they answered anyway. No, it isn't. Normally you wouldn't have a choice in how you came back. But you were not supposed to be here when you died. So choose one. Sighing, Alexis looked at Hikari, then Tomoyo... Tomoyo winced a bit, "Did anyone save Alexis in the evacuation? I have this horrible feeling that he was left on the ship to die..." ~The techie remembered me and the medic didn't?~ Alexis smirked to himself and pointed at Tomoyo. ~I'll pick her. She would probably be more willing to share with me. Besides, I can always switch if she doesn't, right? I mean, I could body-hop before.~ Hikari frowned a bit. "I.. don't know Tommy.. Maybe someone else got him?" Tomoyo looked upset, her head ached more than it should. "We left him to die... how could we forget about him? He was in the sick bay unconscious and we left him there.. that's not fair.. we could've been able to revive him but.. he went down with the ship.." Tomoyo sniffed, she felt horribly guilty for what happened. Yes, you can switch later. Just be quite, this might feel a bit weird...The disorientation Alexis had when he left his body came back, followed by a tingling as his mind linked with the nerves and brain of Tomoyo's body. Suddenly he could feel everything she did, see and hear everything she did. But he couldn't control any of her movements or hear any of her thoughts...This was definately not what he had thought it would be. Inari frowned a bit hearing Tomoyo shout. "Tomoyo.." The Neko turned towards the life pod and then paused... it finally dawned on her that she did not return to the Med Bay when she had run into the technicans in the hallway. It was shift change and she had been heading to the Med Bay when the ship went down.. As Alexis entered Tomoyo's head, her irises faintly glowed orange for a brief moment. one prison for another,~ the shifter thought, watching everything through his host's eyes. Though he didn't know it, the thought was a "loud" one, not restricted by his mind but sent through the brain and able to be heard by Tomoyo. Tomoyo felt ackward for a moment and she winced... holding her forehead again. "I think I might have suffered a concussion.. I think I'm hearing things Hikari..." "Inari!" Hikari called out for the neko. "Inari, please come take a look at Tomoyo!" Tomoyo just winced again, still unsure why her head hurt so much... ~Poor Taisa Jaren..~ ~Concussion? Hmm...~ Alexis started 'feeling' his way through Tomoyo's brain the way he would when performing a self-diagnostic in his old body, checking for nerve and tissue damage...he found a deep bruise where her head had been repeatedly banged against the pod bulkhead. ~Ack...she's right. Maybe I can patch that up before it does more damage,~ he thought, not noticing that he could hear Tomoyo's thoughts too. Carefully, the R'Lari gathered some of the heat energy from around Tomoyo's hands, making them feel cold. ~Careful, now, dun wanna give the girl frostbite,~ he thought as frost started to form in the air around them. Meanwhile, the faint glow had returned to Tomoyo's eyes as he worked. In the shadow of the pod, it might be noticable. Tomoyo winced as Inari reentered the pod to check her vitals.. "Tomoyo are.." The medic stopped talking as she froze in her steps noticing that the air was freezing cold now and that the Geshrin's eyes were glowing. "What...?" Tomoyo shivered, she didn't understand what was going on.. It took longer than it normally would have, but, while it wasn't enough to synth new tissue, Alexis was able to gather enough energy to pull the broken blood vessels back together and seal them. The frost melted and the desert heat rushed back into the pod and the glow stopped as he stopped the absorption process. ~There, that should do it!~ he thought at Tomoyo, out of reflex. Tomoyo felt better but she was still frightened. She spoke quietly.. "what just happened?" Inari and Hikari looked at each other warily, not sure either and then Inari moved to check on Tomoyo. "Are you okay Tomoyo?" The girl nodded.. "I feel better now.. my head doesn't hurt... how long have we been here?" The shifter didn't answer Tomoyo's question, not knowing she had heard him, and decided to check for other injuries...a tingle ran down her body as he checked for broken bones, other bruises, and nerve damage. Atmospheric landings can be tough on a body sometimes...and the least he could do while sharing her body was help keep it operational. Inari shrugged as she checked Tomoyo over, noting that the girl was still cool to the touch.. "Maybe 3 days?" Tomoyo sighed, she hoped that Alexis did manage to survive the crash somehow... she had liked him very much. Alexis could feel a warm feeling at the thought of this, perhaps Tomoyo had developed a crush on the shifter? Nothing was wrong that he could find. Though a bit strange, it wasn't all that new to Alexis to be female. He had worn that gender's form before, around this age range too, as a change of pace whenever he got bored. His was a modified form, lacking certian equipment because he didn't see the point in having it...just like his male body. So the only thing different for him this time was the fact this was the real thing, and he was only a passenger in it. Tomoyo sighed again as she started to tune everything else out to ponder for herself what was going on. Inari and Hikari had started talking about the crash and hopes of a recovery soon. to talk to someone and let them know I'm in here. Wait, this is just like touch telepathy, except I'm in direct contact with the brain here. Lessee...~ Alexis redirected his thoughts and sent them outward, at Tomoyo, using the Geshrin girl's brain as his own. ~Can you hear me?~ Tomoyo continued to ignore the outside world. And she heard a voice in her brain again.. ~Yes... I can? Who are you? ~ Her eyes closed, she was very tired still.. ~Yes! It works!~ Alexis cheered silently, then replied, ~Um...I'm Alexis, the guy you met once outside the Minion bay...I hope you don't mind, but I kinda need a place to stay until I can find a new body. My old one is toast.~ He was kind enough not to send an image of it, since it, literally, was toast. With butter and jam. Hopefully someone would enjoy it who needed it more than he did. ~Oh!~ Tomoyo's heart started to beat a little faster, she didn't expect this at all. ~I don't mind at all! I... I am so sorry that we didn't bring you with us to begin with!!! I hope that you won't mind being in my body?~ Her thoughts were very fast, the girl was excited, never before had this sort of thing ever happened to her before. ~It's alright, everything turned out fine in the crash. I'm still around, just a bit displaced. Dun know why I would mind being in here, though, it's your body and I'm the intruder...but no, I don't.~ She hear a smile in his thought, this was something a bit new to Alexis too. His next message lost the smile, though. ~Tomoyo, does anyone know where we are? Where this pod is, I mean.~ ~We're on Ralfaris.. that's all I know. We've been here for three days apparently... hopefully we'll get recovered soon?~ Tomoyo sighed, she didn't like this at all. ~Hmm...~ Alexis thought a bit, then spoke up again. ~I want to see where we are, but I can't move us. Could you go outside?~ He paused. ~Unless you could somehow let me drive. Do you want to try something?~ END>> JP Kim - Tomoyo, Hikari, Inari, Kyoshi Nick - Alexis GSA no Taisho Jaren Alexis Commander, Fourth Fleet Author Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY (12/16/03 21:08) [Ralfaris, GSS Fortitude] A Falling Star -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her eyes darted back and forth nerviously, clutch onto the straps of her seat as the pod shot through the atmosphere. She could see nothing but ground, and couldn't really do to much about it "Damn it... Of all ways to die..." Just then, a sharp jerk let Sakura know that something was impeding her descent. The pod's parachute had deployed, a big, white circle of fabric above the pod. She'd been floating for days now, until the planet had finally caught up to the pod and pulled it in. For a while, it seemed as if she was going to drift in space forever. By some miracle, the planetary defense systems let her though. Did it mean that she'd been scanned and found "harmless?" Meanwhile, SAINT units recieve some interesting information from the Pantheon network. An Elyisan woman, not a seraph, in an escape pod, was headed down toward the desert surface of Ralfaris. Its arrival coordinatates were sent to the local GSA forces--but not to any Qel'noran Security units. She merely shook her head, gazing at the ground as it drew closer. Thankfully, it was not as fast as before. She hated being couped up in the pod, no real way to escape if something happened, nothing really to do. She sighed, giving her wings a flutter and hitting her fist against the control panel Kai was preparing to leave and go find the Seigi's escape pods and any others he could find. He adjusted his clothing, fixing the rank pin in its proper place on his black shirt. Keiko was sitting on the edge of the bed watching him "Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm going out to find our friends from the Seigi, I want you to stay here and keep an eye on Amaya." Kai said, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "Yes Sir." the little neko said. Kai nodded and walked out of the room to see about getting a lift out to find them. Yuuko's shuttle was parked outside. She had apparently fixed it and made it back safely. Kai looked at his datapad, which he kept on his person in his cloak. ~An elysian woman?~ He thought and went to look for a ride; he punched the button to the elevator to go to the roof to see if there was an available ride. He soon got there and stepped out of the elevator and looked around and noticed Yuuko's shuttle and grinned. The flame-haired young man was relieved she was alright. "Hi Yuuko." "Just got a notice from Pantheon. An Elysian pod is coming down. I thought we'd seen the last of them." She let out a big grin. "Wanna go meet this Elysian?" looking around, she added, "Where's Keiko?" "I asked Keiko to stay behind and keep an eye on Amaya. I don't like the idea of leaving her alone in this building. But let's go find this lady." Kai said and hurried toward her. "Let's go!" He smiled. As soon as he was in, Yuuko shut the back door and the shuttle took off, racing to the pod's landing site. "Glad to see you're alright Yuuko." Kai said, settling into the copilots seat and strapped in. She sighed again, rubbing her temple. The pod has finally landed, and the blinding sun made her squint to see anything. She punched the side of the pod again "I'm in the middle of nowhere... no food, no water, in this, god-forsaken desert..." She wheeled around to punch again, but stopped, and sat against the side. "better conseve what little i got..." A QnSe fighter was already circling above the crashed pod when Yuuko and Kai arrived. the remainder of the 4th fleet had notifed the ground forces of the incoming pod and a single ship was dispatched to check things out. Apparently the Qelnorans had little intrest in the angel. "Stay where you are..." a loudspeaker on the outside of the fighter boomed. The sun had began to set and it would be nightime in the desert soon. "Stay where I am" she laughed, before she stood up and shouted at the fighter "Where am I going to go, anyway?" Kitsurugi Yui:: A hundred feet away, the Kitty (Yuuko's shuttle) made a near-silent landing. Yuuko had left the door to the cockpit open and twisted in her seat to talk to Kai, "Perhaps we should have...huh?" she turned to spot a fighter. Hadn't QnSe been disbanded yet? "The pod has yet to open," Yuuko observed. "I think so." Kai frowned. "We'd better go help her." "You mean detain? It's a Navy pod." Yuuko looked confused. "Either way. The first priority is to made sure she's ok." Kai said, standing up and facing the back door. Yuuko opened it, then removed her harnesses and began dressing in her gear, throwing on a vest and some ammo belts. Rifle in hand, she followed Kai out cautiously. The door shut behind them once the GSA soldiers were out. Kai was armed with only his sidearm and whip, but that was all he felt he needed. Kai silently walked over the distance toward the escape pod. She shook her head, looking around toward the fighter, the shuttle, and the soldiers. She raised her arms, knowing any fight would be futile Yuuko used a palm device to message the fighter above them, "GSA's handling this. Thanks for the help." Kai looked up at the fighter with a slight look of contempt; then over at the Elysian and grinned slightly. He started over toward the angel slowly. "Hello." He said to her. The fighter banked hard to the right and jetted off, It was needed elsewhere. Sakura tried to hide her grin. "Hi" she replied. Her white shirt was long, almost past her knees, she skirt was only slightly longer. It was green, and clung to her figure. She kept her arms raised in the air Kai nodded to her, walking right up to her, looking her over to assess her injuries. Kai performed a quick psionic search of her person to see if she had any weapons or other hazards on her. Yuuko, the rave-dancer, liked Sakura's fashion sense, and appraised the Elyisan's body. "She's cute," the short-starured neko grinned. "Look at her dark hair...she's very Geshrin-looking, if she didn't have those fluffy winglets." She shook her head. She was completely unarmed, and had seemingly nothing to hide. She kept her arms raised, and fluttered her wings "It's casue i'm half human" "She speaks Japanese!" Yuuko's eyes widened in suprise. "She does." Kai commented and looked at her in the eyes. "You may put your hands down miss...." He said, leaving it open. ~Interesting~ Kai commented to Yuuko. Mitsuragi lowered her arms, and streched "Ya know, i'm kinda glad someone showed up, it was getting pretty boring here." She shook her head, yawning. She didn't seem to mind anything that was happening, or had happened "No, she's wearing a translator device." Yuuko spotted the white clip-on earring, much to her disappointment. "She probably only speaks Seraphim, then. Kai, I'd like to search the pod." Kai turned to Yuuko slightly. " You may." Kai nodded to her. He then turned back to the elysian; "I am Shosho Kai Ashigari, and you are?" He introduced himself. "Sakura" she said, flatly. Her eyes seemed to dull from the childlike shine they had a moment ago, to a pale grey color Yuuko slung her rifle onto her shoulder and slipped past Sakura into the pod, and began to rummage around. There wasn't much in there. GSA escape pods carried survival kits and supplies, but this thing was empty. Emerging from the pod, Yuuko joined Kai at his side. "Sakura, eh? A good Geshrin name to match your good looks," Yuuko winked. ~It's nice she's got a translator device, makes things much easier.~ He thought. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. Sakura." Kai said. "What ship were you aboard when it got shot down?" He asked her. ~Find anything Yuuko?~ Kai asked the neko mentally. She merely shook her head "beats me. I was just assigned to it when this fiasco happened" ~Nope.~ "I think it'd be kind of cute if she was incomprehensible," giggled the neko girl. Kai winced. "I can imagine that's quite annoying." He said with a chuckle. ~Unfortunate.~ Kai replied to Yuuko. "Please come along with us Sakura." Kai said. She followed him, yawning again. Her hand covered her mouth, and she streched. Her wings fluttered again as she looked up at him Exhausted?" Kai grinned at her. "In here." He said indicating the backdoor of the shuttle. Sakura hurried through the door "so... what's exactually going to happen to me?" "Nothing to harsh if you are willing to share any information you may possess." Kai said, sitting down across from her. She shrugged "Go ahead, i'll tell you anything. I hate arrch-angels, probibly more then most anyone else I know" "Well then." Kai smiled. "Please tell me what you know." Kai was using his more familiar technique: being friendly. "Anything in paticular you want to know about?" Sakura asked. Yuuko hopped back in her seat, shut the back door to the shuttle, and set her armor, ammo, and rifles in the empty copilot seat. The craft lifted off of the ground. "Where to, Kai? some point you need to order a new starship." "About the computer systems if you know anything about it." Kai asked. ~Is there a GSA ship in orbit?~ He thought to Yuuko. "I know next to nothing about computer systems. Someone like me? You guys treat me better they the Arch-angels do" "Half-breeds are weird. They tend to dislike the archangels...most plebians are fine with them, so long as they're treated well," Yuuko said. "There's third fleet and first fleet ships up there." "Let's go to one of the first fleet ships. I'm sure we can find a good place for her until we get a new ship..that is if the captain does not mind." Kai said to Yuuko. "How do they treat you Sakura?" He asked her gently. "Ok. I'm looking for a big one," Yuuko nodded. "Arigato Yuuko." Kai said. "Well, since i'm half human, i'm treated less then a human. I was orphaned, so the Arch's decided i'm make a fun 'toy'..." One of Kai's eyebrows shot up. "They did what?" He asked, astonished. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." The shuttle headed up through the atmospheric ceiling towards one of the luxurious, but lesser-known Yuumi-class Battle Command Ships, the GSS Fortitude (GB-12), which was the command ship of the 4th Star Regiment, a veteran unit. She shook her head "You have no need to be sorry. You had nothing to do with it" "A toy?" Yuuko asked, wanting to know what Sakura meant. ~Which ship is this?~ Kai thought to Yuuko. "Nobody should EVER be treated that way Sakura." He said to the young woman. I disagree, Kai," Yuuko commented. "It's the GSS Fortitude." Kai looked at Yuuko. "Why is that?" He asked curiously. "Ok." he said in response to the name of the ship. "Well, some people like being toys, and some people are made to be toys. Others deserve it," Yuuko explained. Sakura sighed, looking down at her lap "Ya know that they treat captured neko's better then they treat most half breeds... They go out of their way to catch nekos... they make me sick. Power hungry sons of..." "Do you know why they want the nekos exactly?" Kai asked Sakura. ~But did she Yuuko? I think not.~ "Elysians know next to nothing about Nekos... They want to know everything about them... plus the arch's love to keep them as pets." Yuuko was getting irritated that Kai kept sending her telepathic comments instead of just talking. "You never said what you meant by toy, Sakura," she prompted. "I think they know more than you realize, from the reports I've seen." "Take rape, and make it worse..." Sakura said coldly, flatly. Yuuko was quiet. Kai closed his eyes and sighed. "There's not much worse than that." He commented. He turned slightly to Yuuko. "I think that's just horrible, wouldn't you agree?" Sakura swallowed hard, trying to keep her mind on something else. She bit her bottem lip tightly Yuuko made a face, "I guess so." "Sakura, please don't bite your lip like that, it'll bleed." Kai said. "Yuuko, what do the reports you've seen say about what they know?" Kai asked quickly, his mind racing for some reason. "We don't discuss SAINT reports in front of..." she paused, not wanting to say prisoners "...outsiders." Sakura Mitsuragi sighed, sinking into her chair. She shook her head trying to disband some memories. She pulled her knees close, hugging them tightly to her chest "Then we'll do it after we get to the Fortitude." Kai said. "Sakura, do you know anything about the seraphs? Please try and relax, I know it's hard for you to forget what happened to you; you're safe with us." Kai reassured the elysian. The Fortitude's large bay's easily engulfed the small shuttle, and within moments they were parked on the deck on of the battleship's shuttlebay. No one had come to greet them save a sprite in an orange skirt version of the neko uniform. "Nothing more then biological weapons. As you've seen, no hair, no real features. Just a beast, created to fight" Kai rose from his seat and opened the back door after noticing they were inside. "Anything else?" He asked as he waited outside the shuttle. Yuuko rotated her seat to the right, and looked back thorugh the cockpit doorway, "How long do you plan to stay, Kai?" "Powerful telepaths, powerful telekenetic abilties, they can absorb a hell of a lot of damage... Some can change their appearance at will" "Just long enough to get her set up, I want to get off that planet as soon as I can; but I don't want to leave Amaya or Keiko behind." Kai said. Sakura stood up, slowly moving out of the shuttle. She seemed to be filled with intimidation "Seraphs are annoying and dangerous, they're all over Ralfaris." He added. "It's ok Sakura, stay close to me. Nobody will harm you." Kai reassured the intimidated elysian and started toward the skirted sprite. "Who's the captain of this ship?" He asked the neko. The sprite neko had a rifle pointed at Sakura's heart, leaving a red dot on the Elysian at all times. "Chujo Kitsurugi Mayame," she answered. Mayame was one of the lesser-known Kitsurugi, made in another era, originally as an NH-2 at PNUgen. "Please, get the sight off of her. She poses no threat, she is unarmed and in my custody. May we speak with her?" Kai said with a chagrined look on his face. "I don't think targeting her does any harm," the sprite objected, keeping the red dot on Sakura's breast. "You may speak with the Chujo through the ship, or in her office." Kai Ashigari:: "I suppose not if you want to be that cautious and that's a good thing." Kai said. "Please in her office if she isn't too busy at the moment." He said. "This way," the sprite pointed with her free hand, which lit up with a fluorescent glow as she gestured. The wall panels of the hall also had directions for him, too. The neko followed them from a good ten feet back, constantly aimed at Sakura. Sakura's eyes focused on neko, her legs shaking slightly. Sakura's wings fluttered as she lowered her head Kai nodded and followed the wall panels in the corridor. He offered Sakura his arm to hold onto if she was scared. "I'm sorry about all this, but it's protocol on this ship it seems." Sakura followed him closely, shivering. She was barefoot, her feet making a soft slapping noise as she walked. She didn't want eye contact with anyone, so she kept her head lowered. She hugged his arm tightly as she shivered Kai walked throught he corridor, following the directions as the panels displayed them, heading for the Chujo's office. Luckily, most of the ship, once in the actual hallways, was carpeted with the typical navy blue flooring most Kitsurugi-built ships had, which was nicer was much nicer to walk on than the cold floor of the shuttlebay. The Chujo's office door was guarded by two sprites, who pointed their rifles at Sakura's head as soon as she was in their sight. From what Kai could see, this ship was a very strict, very military ship. Sakura loosened her grip on his arm, hoping she has not been any sort of a nusence to him since they had gotten here "Are you sure you want to bring her in there?" the neko from the shuttlebay asked. Kai didn't really like all this strictness, but it was the Kitsurugi's ship and he had to respect that. "No, I suppose not, please escort her to a suitable room. And do not harm her." Kai said as he paused in front of the door. "Move along!" the sentry ordered her. The walls of the ship showed the way to the brig. Sakura released his arm, stepping back before looking up at the neko. She knew that the neko had all the power to end her life right now, so she hurried along. Kai sighed, feeling bad for her. But he swallowed it and approached the door to the office. He bowed to the Chujo after he entered, a gesture of respect. "Ma'am." He said. She was led to a small, but comfortable cell with a large transparent impervium window (into the brig's central area, where a security officer sat) and a small door. Inside was a soft bed, a shower, and a toilet. Not a lot of privacy. END JP by Wes Tyler Sakura Zack Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (12/17/03 20:54) [Ralfaris] learning -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris The soft chimes in Amaya's room sounded again, someone was at the door. Now that the drugs had worn off it was time for Amaya to start her training. Amaya slowly slid off the bed and walked shakily to the door and let them in, "Yes?" "Hello!" Uso said cheerfully as the door opened, "I was sent to help you with your training and," "And I was sent to make sure that you don't get her killed..." Carjack said as he walked past Uso and handed Amaya a couple of pills, "those should help with the shaking." He said Amaya quickly swallowed the pills and looked at Uso, "Nice to see you again Uso." Uso nodded, "Well they just sent me here because... well I don't really know why, I'm not the first person I thought they would send." she thought out loud as Karjak monitored Amaya's body on his wrist mounted computer. He wasn't planning on letting up until he was satisfied that the pills were working. Amaya smiled, "How do you intend to commence my training?" "They said something about mental defense.... so I guess I'll start there," Uso said as she invited herself into the room and sat down in one of the chairs, wasting no time in propping her feet up on the table nearby, ~So do you know how to send messages like this yet? ~ Uso asked her. Amaya shook her head, "No..." "Well um..." Uso thought out loud, "Try thinking something at me. Like your talking only without using your mouth," she said trying to sound like she knew what she was doing. Amaya looked at Uso and tried to send her thought out to her ~Can you hear me? ~ Uso nodded and smirked, "yep." She said, "Now lets try something simple, Catch!" Uso said as she lightly tossed a small coaster towards Amaya. Amaya reached forward and caught the coaster, "How was that a test of my psionic abilities?" Uso started to toss several more at Amaya until the table had been cleaned of all objects. Amaya kept trying to catch all the items until she finally realized the true test and tried to reach out and catch them with her mind. They started clumsily fall around her, then the next one hovered in the air for a while before dropping. Uso continued throwing random objects at her until Amaya was able to hold them up or knock them away with her mind alone. Amaya smiled almost satisfied, "It’s getting easier..." Uso's right shoulder started to bleed. The blood seemed almost to drip upward forming a long tentacle that wrapped around a nearby chair and tossed it at Amaya. Amaya caught it with her mind, "How did you do that??" "I'm a weapon remember?" she asked, "to be more specific I am whats called a penny eater. I eat metals and can use the nanites in my blood to form objects like this." she said waving the tentacle around to emphasize her point, "Perhaps you should take a look at some of the information PNUgen provides about nekos." she added before she stood up and looked directly at Amaya. Uso formed a mental connection and started to control some of her actions, ~Now, Try and throw me out of your mind. ~ Amaya closed her eyes and found the connection with her mind and began to try and sever it. Uso could feel Amaya putting up resistance, "Good, Now put some real effort into it, Channel your rage into your mental defense and so on." Uso said "Push you out with anger?" Amaya asked curiously. ~Ya, Strong emotions can overcome even the strongest of minds. ~ Uso thought, ~It doesn’t matter which one, Sorrow, Anger, Rage, Frustration, you can send them all back to me while I am trying to enter your mind. ~ Amaya held onto the grief she had experienced in the lab and tried to shove Uso out of her head. Uso felt the same grief she did and left Amaya's head, "Very good, now lets move on to something more complex." Uso said. Over the next few hours Uso taught Amaya techniques on how to focus her abilities by controlling her thoughts, How to manipulate small objects, And even warm up the room. If Amaya was going to help terriform the planet she would have to become very good at these skills. Amaya sunk into a chair and sighed, "God that was tiring." END ----------------------------------- JP Jennifer as Amaya GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Derran Tyler Nerimian Defense Initiative (12/19/03 14:22) Sortie 79: The Serpent's Grand Plan Is Revealed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Battle of Tau Ceti N.S.S. Misogi – 653rd Carrier Air Wing The Ramses-class strike carrier was regarded as one of the stealthiest vessels in the Confederation’s inventory, active countermeasures suite coupled with tens of thousands of tons of Zanarium stealth armor making the vessel extremely stealthy as it approached the icy fifth moon of Tau Ceti. In truth, nearly all Confederation vessels were stealthy by their simple design. It was very hard to find emissions from NDI vessels due to the nature of their primary propulsion systems, the gravimetric drive, which used superstrings and the peculiar characteristics of the zero-point field to ‘pull’ the vessel to its destination with amazing speed. In truth, finding a ship like the N.S.S. Misogi when it did not want to be find was an exercise in futility. Captain Nell Dalton understood this fact and kept her vessel on the speedy approach towards the icy moon, all of her fighter squadrons on alert status. The majority of these fighters were drone units, albeit regarded with ‘veteran’ and ‘elite’ status due to the extent of their operational capacity in this campaign alone. But she still had a demi-squadron of ultra-elite Human pilots in VF-32 mecha at her disposal, which would actually carry out the mission. The rest of her fighter compliment served to fly cover for the real pilots. “The defensive compliment around the moon is relatively light – by Jaaq’tah standards. It looks like we have a few Fatlusk carriers and Kranhkt destroyers and the standard array of defense installations surrounding the target package. Nothing we can’t handle, Cap’n,” said Lieutenant Orlando Blanco, the tactical action officer onboard the Misogi. Dalton took in all the information around her in the holographic screens which seemed to be rotating about her, feeding her the relevant information at will. “Launch strike wing,” she finally said in an even tone, the main screen before her shifting to the TO&E of the 653rd Carrier Air Wing. Status, ammunition, fuel, and sensor readings were available for each and every strike craft underneath her command. Thank God for SCRIBOL. The eight quick-launch bays of the carrier went active, catapulting one strike craft into the fray every three seconds. The first fighters to be sent out were XF-14C space superiority mecha, the most competent dogfighters in the fleet. They were designed primarily for fighting other enemy mecha, but had sufficient weapons capability to serve as strike fighters at the cost of sacrificing their medium-range missiles for heavier warhead missiles. After the XF-14s came the two squadrons of XB-29C strike bombers, large and heavily armed with a bristling array of guns and missiles that made enemy ship commanders quake with fear. Finally, the single squadron of XF-18 interceptors leapt from their launch rails, fanning out in two-fighter elements to serve as advance scouts and to serve as the first line of defense against enemy strike craft. Only six mecha remained onboard the strike carrier, those belonging to the VF-32 pilots, who were waiting patiently inside the cockpits of their highly advanced mecha, bringing themselves to a state of serenity before they leapt into the heat of battle. “ETA to target is at six minutes, Captain,” said the CAG officer, his eyes glowing with azure energy as he used his psionic abilities to tap into the air wing’s battle network, issuing a modicum of commands to the drone elements using his mind alone. “I believe we have the element of surprise on our side.” Less than a second after the CAG officer finished that statement, the threat warning receiver went off as the Misogi found itself being illuminated with active search radars from multiple ships in the Jaaq’tah fleet. “Recall fighters, Captain?” asked the CAG officer immediately. The strike carrier wasn’t a ship-of-the-line. Against these types of odds, it wouldn’t survive. “Negative. Our orders are to destroy the primary fleet beacon. Take evasive maneuvers. Instruct all strike craft to destroy their target and then high-tail it to the rendezvous point. If we time this just right, they’ll meet us there. Set course for extraction point B, now!” said Dalton forcefully. “Load missile tubes and power up main weapons.” The air group suddenly kicked it up a notch, going afterburner and accelerating at their highest levels to clear the road to pave the way for the strike elements of their unit. The enemy carriers went active, launching their Salamander II mecha to intercept the Misogi’s strike craft. “We have engaged the enemy, Captain.” The XF-18s swept through the first line of Salamander mecha like a typhoon, unloading their long-range cluster missiles into the enemy line with devastating results. Over 150 enemy mecha exploded in brilliant displays of orange, yellow, and black across a wide section of space, but this was something that could only be duplicated once. The XF-18s were out of long-range missiles. They quickly closed into their close-engagement range along with their XF-14 brethren, taking on the second wave with mixed results. The Jaaq’tah’s Salamander mecha was a very fast and agile mecha that could hold its own with the best of Confederate strike craft, using their primary beam weapons to deal extraordinary damage. “Squadron 1 has been totally destroyed, sir! Squadron 2 is at 70 percent,” said the CAG officer. “Strike Squadrons 1 and 2 remain intact…..they’re approaching their maximum missile range.” The Misogi was now racing at its top speed of .71c, firing off multiple volleys of anti-warship missiles to keep the approaching Jaaq’tah destroyers at bay. “Launch all remaining fighters, now,” said Dalton finally. With that, all six VF-32 mecha ripped from the bays of the mothership, blue-white fields of energy surrounding each nimble mecha as they accelerated towards relativistic velocities. “What are they doing?” asked Orlando, reading velocities from those six mecha that were far beyond the capabilities of the mecha. “They’ll tear themselves apart if they go any—“ Orlando stopped in mid-sentence as the mecha disappeared completely from his screens, then reappeared in the frigid atmosphere of the icy moon below. “What the hell?” Captain Dalton smiled. “The pilots are all powerful psions,” she explained. “Trained by the Vaishan to manipulate Psi to the point where they can perform spectacular techniques that would otherwise be impossible.” “I have visual on the target, Misogi tower,” said the squadron leader of the VF-32s over the battle network. “Two, Three, lay down disruption fields now!” Before the Jaaq’tah air defenses could react, fields of white-blue static swept across the ground and air, destroying equipment and literally fragging the minds of the Jaaq’tah personnel below and in mecha trying to intercept them. The squadron leader, Four, and Five continued on their path, fanning out in attack formation as twelve missiles launched from the wing-sheath missile systems. The missiles raced at their targets at hypersonic velocities, moving in wild zig-zag patterns that seemed like a hypnotizing dance, but in reality was just self-defensive maneuvering. “What the hell?!” said Three, a gray-white field starting to form around the Jaaq’tah fleet beacon a second before missile impact. The anti-matter reaction warheads released the equivalent of a 30 megaton blast each, shattering the monolithic structure. However, as the blast literally engulfed the surrounding area, along with the progressing blast wave, the dimensional fabric began to tear uncontrollably, outracing the speed of the VF-32s, taking them in. Back onboard the Misogi. “We’ve lost contact with all six!” said the CAG officer, feeling a tremendous psychic backlash throughout the battle network. “They’re gone! All of them!” Dalton frowned. “Recall all fighters!” “They won’t make it, sir,” replied Orlando. “They’re too far out and liable to be destroyed before they make it to us.” “Damnit! Spin up FTL drives 1 and 2!” A yellow light filled the bridge and the rest of the ship as the battle computer’s avatar sounded off: “Preparing for inter-phased jump in 4…..3…….2…….1….” The carrier was engulfed in a bright white light and then it was gone. The orphaned mecha continued to fight on, some of them going to their more suicidal tendencies and flying in the center of a large formation and then self-destructing, wiping out scores of enemy mecha along with them. “This is the N.S.S. Misogi reporting to Thirteenth Fleet Command…..our entire air group has been destroyed, but the target has been neutralized. Over,” said Captain Dalton with a solemn voice. “We read you, Misogi. Fall back to previous position and wait for transfer of new air group from the nearest M.O.B.I.L.E.” As the carrier dropped from hyperspace, in the midst of the Thirteenth Fleet, the CAG officer felt something strange. “They’re still alive….” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralfaris – Grand Star Empire The space in a three AU area in the Ralfaris system suddenly became entirely unstable as half of a mammoth Durash dreadnought drifted through space helplessly. Bits and pieces of the Jaaq’tah fleet beacon remained as well, and among all this debris, six VF-32s remained intact, albeit damaged – two beyond repair. “Kerry, do you read me, over!” snapped Lieutenant Commander Clark Iovanna, the commander of the attack squadron. “Lewis, Nelson, Guerra, Sanders, Vickers!” “I read you, Commander,” said Zeke Sanders, looking over at the fighter of his wingman, Phillppe Guerra, who had been killed. “Guerra and Nelson didn’t make it.” “I’m here,” said Rachel Lewis. “But my engines are shot….where the hell are we? “No idea. This system isn’t on any of my navigational maps,” said Darren Vickers. “Commander?” “The fleet beacon must have been sending that dreadnought somewhere when we hit it. For some reason, only half of it got where it was going and we got brought with it,” said Clark firmly. “Our first orders of business are getting our mecha back operational and try and get in contact with allied command. How’s your life support? “It’s holding up. She’s a rugged plane, sir,” said Lewis. “See if you can initiate self repair, have your nanolathes reclaim energy and metal from some of the debris around here,” replied Clark. Clark ran a diagnostic check on his mecha. It was mostly fine, but the explosions had scrambled his computer and psionic amplification system. A quick reboot and recovery would bring them back online. Outside of that, his mecha was battle ready. So were Vickers and Sanders. Good, at least they could defend themselves if they were in hostile territory…. …But something told Clark Iovanna that he was in a bad situation… Author Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY (12/19/03 18:50) [Mega-JP] Too Close for Comfort (Ralfaris Attack) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris System Lt. Commander Clark Iovanna's VF-32 was in its battloid configuration hovering over the damaged mecha belonging to Ensign Rachel Lewis, fingertips emitting an green stream of particles that swarmed around the damaged section of the mecha, regenerating the damaged materials. "That should do it, Ensign," said Clark, glancing over to the two other strike craft that were establishing a perimiter. The damaged hulk of the Jaaq'tah capital vessel had remained dormant for some time, the bodies of Jaaq'tah sailors drifting lifelessly into space. "Attention 4th and 1st Fleet Forces, this is Chujo Kitsurugi Mayame. Unknown objects have defolded at the following coordinates. Deploy mecha and engage hostiles. Ships spread out in standard multipurpose formation. Battleship Fortitude out," The command ship (by way of the destruction of the Chiharu sent out orders to its fleets. Thousands of tiny mecha poured from the fleet ships and headed for the wreckage. "Looks like whatever lives here is making a move," said Vickers, the XION system onboard his mecha extending his clairsentience outwards over several AUs radius. "And it seems like there's a helluva lot of 'em...." "We obviously can't fight them off, so get ready to make a run for it. "Zeke, try and get a transmission out to whoever it is, identify us as NDI pilots." Whatever the little mecha were, they were tiny. A little eight-foot, three-hundred pound ghost of a design. It didn't take but a few second before the things were on top of them. They must have had some sort of FTL drive built in. Just a moment after Vickers transmitted, he could see them visually. "Aye," said Zeke, using the standard communications array for using telepathy could be construed as a hostile act. "Mayday, mayday....Nerimian Defense Initiative distress code Zulu. Request assistance, over. I repeat, Nerimian Defense Initiative distress code Zulu. Two of our pilots are incapacitated, request assistance." Vicker's face appeared on Clark's screen. "....Hyperpulse....." Clark nodded, turning the head of his mecha towards the small mecha. "No bigger than Golems...." The swarm of itty-bitty mecha remained silent, but for a quick, "Acknoledged. Surrender to us." Lewis chimed in. "Those look like the same kind of mecha the GSA used in Tau Ceti....." "Surrender? What the hell are you talking about? We're friendlies....." "Resistance will be met with extreme discretion," the disembodied male voice warned. Clark's eyes brightened with a bit of azure as he looked across at the small mecha. "Duly noted. I wish to talk to your superior. We're not here to cause trouble, but we're not surrendering." "And we'd like to know where here is....." Vickers' mecha was practically engulfed by the little things, which attempted to latch onto him with their hands. The other five Nermian mecha found themselves in the same situation. Meanwhile, the unnatural voice responded to Clark. "You have intruded into the Ralfaris System." The small mecha would find themselves repulsed before they got within ten meters of the mecha by an intensely powerful barrier shield. "Back off, midgets. I'll strike a deal with you. You can escort us back to your base ship, but we keep our weapons -- albeit off-line." "You're to be taken to the Nerimian Cruiser in Ralfaris orbit," a female voice informed him. One of the pilots, perhaps. ".....Nerimian Cruiser?" said Clark with a bit of surprise. "There's an NDI ship here?" "You've got to be kidding me," said Vickers. "Didn't even show up on my IFF." "There are eleven," the pilot responded. Sanders used his own clairsentient abilities to scan the stars. "......It looks old.......a Lightning class......and what looks to be a whole squadron." Clark frowned. "Fine. You lead the way....." Clark's mecha converted to fighter mode along with the others. "Allow my LAMIA to take hold of you," the male voice insisted. "How many of you are there?" the pilot asked. "Fine......but don't get too frisky.....I just put a fresh new coat of paint on this....." said Clark, allowing a portion of his barrier shield to go down, but the PD lasers on dorsal and ventral surfaces seemed to follow the movement of the LAMIA. "There are four of us.......six if you count our fallen squadronmates....." said Vickers, issuing a telepathic command to the computers of the other fighters, which suddenly SCRAMed themselves, rendering themselves completely inoperable and unable to be reverse-engineered. The tiny mecha grabbed on, and there was brief flash of red light, and then a bright glow off of the planet's surface. Well...that didn't take long. After the short trip, the Lamia freed the fighters and floated away to give them some room. The formation of NDI ships was nearby. They seemed to have brought the two wrecked ones as well. Telepathic activity between the special forces pilots was somewhat heavy. If the GSA could hear it, they'd continue to hear the word 'hyperpulse' being repeated over and over. The four strike craft were engulfed in blue-white energy for a split second before they were before the starboard mecha bay of the Prometheus cruiser, which had the largest mecha accomodations of the ships here. Auto-landing systems took over the controls of the jets and they were guided safely into their 'cages'. Once onboard the cruiser, the four pilots dismounted their mecha, removing their sealed helmets and looking at the ship's crew. They looked at the patches on the arms to see the unit designations -- there were none. Clark immediately asked the Senior Petty Officer on duty. "Why is there an NDI contingent here?" The SPO responded: "We work for the GSA in exchange for something the CONSTRACOM wanted. We've already helped repel an invasion of this place. The question did you get here?" The calm, male voice of KAMI had sent a message to the NDI squadron, "These belong to you." "What belongs to us?" said Sanders, wiping sweat from his brow. "And who the hell is that?" "This is Kami," the voice responded. "I just brought back six fighters of yours." Lt. Commander Clark Iovanna shook his head. "We need to get back to the Misogi immediately. We request immediate return to the Edo Fleet Star Fortress." "Yeah, we need to get back in the fight ASAP," chimed in Lewis, ready to get some revenge for her fallen comrades. Meanwhile, around the floating husk of the Durash dreadnought, small pieces of debris were spreading throughout space, actually accelerating at a good rate of speed away from ground zero. These pieces of debris were incredibly small, as not to be noticed unless placed upon very intense scrutiny. "KAMI, is it?" said Vickers with a smirk. "Could you patch us into NDI command at least?" Thousands upon thousands of LAMIA mecha were scouring the wreckage for enemy survivors. The debris didn't go unnoticed. KAMI knew it was a tactic of the Jaaq'tah to disguise drones as random rocks and scrap. Specifically designed for taking out just such an enemy, the Lamia were prompted to hunt escaping objects down and destroy them. The NDI wasn't equipped to handle KAMI's normal forms of communication, so a Yui-class was dispatched via TTD to Tau Ceti, where it requested a relay to command thorugh the forces there. A Tatsumaki vessel linked up with the Yui, lending its communications array hand-off to the forces inside Ralfaris. "This is Battle Force Tau Ceti Command, identify yourselves." "This is Lieutenant Commander Clark Iovanna, 653rd Naval Air Group. We're in this place called Ralfaris where there just happens to be NDI vessels. Request extraction." "How in the hell did you get to GSA territory, Lieutenant Commander? We have you listed as KIA 13 minutes ago along with the rest of your air group," replied the commander of the Star Fortress Edo. Meanwhile, the LAMIA were unloading subspace and anti-matter missles on any stray objects. They wouldn't allow a chance there could be a hidden beacon drone. "No idea, sir. When we fragged the Jaaq'tah fleet beacon, we got blasted here.....we lost two Hellstorms in the process......" Meanwhile, inside the wreckage (which was immense to say the least, at least the size of several GSA capital vessels), multiple portals opened, releasing a host of Salamander II mecha, Omino, and Parasite drones. The wreckage area quickly became a monstrous battle ground between LAMIA and Jaaq'tah strike craft. "......We'll get back to you, Commander. Discom," said the star fortress command abruptly. "What?" said Clark. "We need to get out of here!" "Attention Star Army," PANTHEON-C announced to every ship in the universe, instantaneously recieving KAMI's data on the attacks. "Please stay out of my designated combat area while I work." Omino-B drones began creating zones where LAMIA drone FTL drives would find themselves inoperable or at the very least, work at a highly-reduced efficiency. Omino-A drones began bringing Hermes A and B drones into the fray, which began orbiting entire squadrons of Salamander mecha like satellites, absorbing soliton beam blasts and releasing them back at the LAMIA mecha. This was quickly becoming a contested battlefield. Pantheon summoned the The Grand Provisional Fleet, numbering some 332,800 Ki-D3 Arashi-class destroyers and 52,296 Irim-class Assault ships, with a number of Yui Destroyers to support. Apparently the Lamia in the battle zone were to be sacrificed. The largest fleet ever built by the GSA was back out of the battle zone, charging its main guns. Back in Tau Ceti, DEIMOS had explained exactly what happened with Sortie 79 of the N.S.S. Misogi. When the fleet beacon was destroyed, it was in the middle of transmitting a Durash dreadnought into the GSA universe. The resulting explosion catapulted everything within a certain radius into the GSA universe, which included the portion of the Durash dreadnought and the squadron sent to destroy the beacon. "This is Star Fortress Edo, transmitting to the GSA command on Ralfaris -- The Jaaq'tah have discovered the location of your homeworlds." "Spirit of the mother!" Mayame exclaimed, enchanted by the sight of the automated fleet's size. Then, to Edo, "It seems doubtful." By this time, hunrdreds of thousands of Jaaq'tah strike craft had come onto the scene, separating into multiple strike groups. They would notice larger wormholes starting to be created within the battle zone, growing larger and larger as every second passed. Elsewhere, the Jaaq'tah were mounting an intense counterstrike against NDI fleet forces in Tau Ceti, seeking to beat back the Draconian Alliance and strike back against the mercenaries the NDI had sent upon them in the opening moments of the battle. A brilliant light made Ralfaris reflect light like the sun for a moment. Every bit of the battle zone was flooded with the combined beams of the automated fleet's bombardment. It was a brutal measure, but perhaps necessary. This fleet was like none before, in that every ship had a transposition cannon, making it the most lethal Star Army fleet ever. The amount of power unleashed here was simply unreal in its scale of magnitude and it seemed to spell doom for the Jaaq'tah strike team which had been dropped into action here -- or did it? The transposition cannon caused the space-time continuum of an area to collapse on itself, but with the presence of tens of thousands of Omino drones and their nested interdiction fields, the amount of destruction the Star Army wanted to unleash wasn't quite realized. In the midst of a sea of chaos, a 350,000 mile sphere of space remained intact, the Jaaq'tah strike force congregated there, and as a unit they moved, existing at one point for one moment and then in another the next moment, making 'jumps' that looked like teleportations throughout space. They weren't looking to fight the massive Star Army fleet that existed solely to kill them. Instead, they were making a path for Ralfaris itself. Saito Jian joined To put it simply, this was not a good day for the first fleet, almost all of the ships were still receiving crew and supplies from the planet and no commanding officer was present at the time. Corporate offices were scrambling the few Anteaus class battleships that were in the area to get them out of orbit and into some sort of defensive position so that their multitude of missiles could be used but ironically the planet's safety was solely in the hands of PANTHEON. The second wave of the attack came form the automated fleets as quickly as the first. Over a million soliton beams raced toward the battle zone, each aimed at some significant target, anything vaguely hostile. Another five million smaller beams crisscrossed them, coming from orbital drones of the planet's defense platforms. One way or another, PANTHEON intended to have them. The Arashi destroyers began to close the gap, in case they had to use their positron cannons. Derran Tyler:: The massed Jaaq'tah strike group broke off into five smaller, but still huge groups of strike craft and drones while the first massive portals began to yield entire battle groups of Jaaq'tah destroyers, frigates, and cruisers. By this time, some 10,000 Jaaq'tah vessels were in the Ralfaris system -- dwarfed by the GSA fleet forces, but not much longer if things continued at this rate. As the Provisional Star Army fleet started to unleash their soliton cannons, they met significantly increased success, but the sheer distance at which the weapons fired and the nature of space ensured that the vast majority of the mecha managed to evade the blasts. Still, other blasts were absorbed wholesale by Hermes drones, which orbited the groups like satelites along with the other types of drones. At this rate, they would be upon Ralfaris in 2 minutes. The massive Antaeus class battleships rotated on their axis's bringing their top missile banks to face the oncoming fleet. A horde of Ender missiles were then unleashed upon the Jaaqtah. The onboard CDD,s activated as well as the shields and soliton cutting beams. All of which traveled at nearly 90,000 times the speed of light covering the distance in almost no time at all. The majority of the 4th fleet ships were still attached to the ships and were being flung about as the ship brought its weapons to bear. "Shift soliton fire to mode B," Mayame ordered. This was the alternate energy mode that had been designed to overload the drones as they attempted to absorb the beams, something SARA had been saving in its sleeve for such a moment. The soliton fire was fast, only seconds between intervals. The automated ships shifted their fire to leave small open zones of space and began to teleport right into the midst of the battle and unload millions of missiles, torpedoes, and beal fire. Nothing like it had ever been seen before. There were now _billions_ of LAMIA units in the area, in a fabulous display of chaotic-looking tactical strikes on emerging vessels. Their subspace missiles, as designed, were seriously fucking up the wormholes. The PANTHEON system minimized fratricide as the 4th, 1st, and Provisional Fleets placed each other in the crossfire. The Jaaq'tah waded through the storm of fire, their numbers seeming to multiply as wormholes within the midst of the horde began to pour more Salamander mecha and drones into the fray. As the Ender missiles approached the Jaaq'tah formations, their CDDs suddenly went dead after they reached about 100,000 miles from their intended targets, quickly falling prey to the host of Omino drone interdiction fields (which made CDDs useless or near useless in their AOE) and massed PD fire, which destroyed the missiles before they could make an effect.. The first of the Jaaq'tah formations was approaching the planet's atmosphere. ETA: 45 seconds. The massed Star Army fleets were starting to rack up kill totals now as the time on target with their guns were starting to become shorter and shorter and not giving the Jaaq'tah time to react. As automated ships began to break into the midst of the Jaaq'tah formation, they were met with multiple detonations of aetheric flux weapons, which in themselves served to detonate a great deal of the missiles and torpedoes before they could make a lasting effect. LAMIA units and the Jaaq'tah engaged in tremendous feats of combat that would be remembered for years to come. But despite the losses the Jaaq'tah were taking, the advance continued. Jaaq'tah vessels deployed their own strike craft and drones, forming together and deciding to attack a single portion of the Star Army fleet to try and break a hole in their own formation, particle beams coupled with aether torpedoes blazing towards their targets. Missiles started to get shot down, However the PD fire wasn't nearly as effective as the Jaaq'tah would have hoped. The missiles continued on as the shields and soliton beams absorbed or destroyed the majority of the incoming fire. In addition to the massive payload the missiles carried they now were acting as mobile solition beam batteries. The Anteaus Battleships started firing more and more waves of missiles into the oncoming fleet as swarms of Minions started to form up just above the planet. "Pantheon, using the data from the wormholes, find out the TTD coordinates of the other end," Mayame ordered. The first Jaaq'tah formation, consisting of something in the number of 150,000 strike craft suddenly breached the upper atmosphere, the formation suddenly forming into a mammoth claw as a massive aqua-green colored beam emerged from a mass of nearly ten thousand Hermes drones, wide enough to engulf anything in a 2,500 mile diameter. The yield of the beam was simply attrocious, equivalent to the yield of a 600 gigaton fusion weapon upon impact. The energy came from energy absorbed from attacks from the Star Army fleet. It was itself aimed at one of Ralfaris' largest population centers. Tasuki Uso:: Ralfaris lit up like a star for several seconds. The massive shield generators of the planet absorbed the blast and a majority of the oncoming ships. The remainder were being cleaned up by the Minions which were making runs on the outer edges of the formation. The coordinates on the other end were nebulous to Pantheon, because the source of orgin could be any of nearly a million places inside the Jaaq'tah's vast empire. Their massive fleet beacon complexes were interlinked to a point, but there was no one 'definite' destination that was the source of orgin for the wormholes. They came from literally millions of locations inside the Jaaq'tah Empire. Mayame frowned. "Fortitude to local NDI forces, what are the Jaaq'tah homeworld defenses like?" The lead Prometheus cruiser captain responsed. "We have no idea. No one has ever been there to report." "Give us some place to counterattack, then?" Mayame asked. Better to have the battle on enemy turf. "No one I know of has ever been past Tau Ceti, but we do know that Beta Lyrae is the Crimson Fleet's HQ." The forces of the Star Army were making progress, their sheer firepower overwhelming the rear of the Jaaq'tah advance. Firing their transposition cannons strategically, each shot removing (besides any enemies in its path) a 5,000-mile wide strip of space to plant a wormhole. There was quickly becoming a very limited area for the drones to function in, which made it easier for the Arashi destroyers to hang around and wait for the next enemy to show up, ready to pound the shit out of it with positron cannons. The Jaaq'tah formations continued their descent until they met the enemy planetary defense shield, which was soon marauded by a barrage of aetheric flux warheads, which by their very nature tore through shields like butter. In a planetary atmosphere, their unleashing of the latent energies of the surrounding area had even more devastating effects, creating massive blast waves that swept across the landscape like a typhoon. The Jaaq'tah forces, battered, but certainly not beaten, had dared make their beachead on the Qel'Noran homeworld with such ferocity as to make the Elysian attack seem like a Sunday skirmish by comparison. The thousands upon thousands of planetary defense batteries opened up on the incoming ships. With the Jaaq'tah ships captured between the Minions' powerful weapons and the ground forces numerous guns and inhibitor fields which prevented them from bringing ships directly to the planet they were quickly reduced in numbers, blunting their attack. The majority of the factories and towers on the planet remained intact with layers of impervium blown off but the civilian areas did not fare so well. Hundreds of habitation facilities were simply wiped out. What remained were only a hand full of heavily armored entrances to the underground tunnels where the population had hidden once the planet was warned of an attack. The blast sent untold amounts of dirt and debris into the atmosphere in a slowly expanding cloud. Even if the planet was to survive it would be altered forever. The 1st Expeditionary Fleet and the 6th Star Fleet defolded suddenly in the vicinity of Beta Lyrae and unloaded maximum firepower on the habitable worlds of the systems. Surprise would be on their side. Hopefully this would distact the enemy's efforts by drawing attention away form Ralfaris. Within only a few seconds of firing, the ships disappeared again. Yui, among these ships, hoped for at minimum, revenge. From this point forward, the Jaaq'tah forces did nothing but try and wreak as much havoc as possible before they were eventually defeated. The Star Army would have to understand that to the Jaaq'tah, this was just a -raid-, not a full-scale attack. Jaaq'tah forces broke off into much smaller groups now, more regiment-sized units that now focused on specific tasks. Jaaq'tah forces had landed and simply attacked any target of opportunity, which included ground forces, defense batteries, factories, basically anything of importance. But by this point, it was just a matter of time before Ralfaris' defense forces would defeat the raid. The minimal units that did make it to the ground did little, The city was completely empty of people and important materials had already been moved to the lower areas. What they did find were thousands of automated weapons and drones that went deal with the ground forces. A transmission went to the entire GSA communications network, an automated message that seemed like it was generated by computer and not given by an actual person. "Do not interfere in our war with the Draconian Alliance again." And that was it. The raid was over. The Jaaq'tah considered all of these forces simply expendable. The Jaaq'tah didn't want a war with the Grand Star Army, but they had to send a message the only way they knew how. This was but a minute portion of their vast power. Nearly one million units had been deployed here today and it was nothing compared to what the Jaaq'tah could unleash upon its enemies. Hopefully, the GSA would learn that an all-out war with the Jaaq'tah was not in their interests and would terminate their dealings with the Draconian Alliance. Pantheon decided only the bridges of its ships should hear it, and thus it was so. "The shipyards must be trashed," Sakai Yuuko was noting, on the bridge of the GSS Fotitude when she heard it. "Ha! They're flailing at us!" she grinned. "Look at their ships fall. I hope they're satisfied with the number of soldier-lizards they sent to their death." The Jaaq'tah Emperor watched it all from the Imperial Palace on Sssla, his blood red eyes glaring at the display. "If they interfere again, we will break them. Let it be known to the Grand Emerald Fleet." "How many worlds will be sacrificed for someone's failure in politics?" Mayame asked absently. "Yui-chan, did you get what you wanted?" "I did," Yui nodded, on the bridge of the GSS Empire. "Beta Lyrae is out. You fought well today, sister." "Thank Anri." END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JP Wes Derran Zack GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Author Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY (12/20/03 16:07) [GSS Fortitude, Ralfaris] To the Stars -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kai was still on the GSS-Fortitude considering what to do. He needed to retrieve the Seigi crew, Keiko and Amaya. He stretched himself and looked around, having remembered the way to the fighter hangar. Kai started in that direction, reaching the doors after a few minutes and looked for Yuuko. "Yuuko?" He asked aloud. Yuuko popped her head out of her shuttle's open rear door. "Hello?" Kai smiled at her. "Yuuko, please take me back to the QnT building. I must retrieve both Keiko and Amaya, if she wants to leave that is." Kai said, walking toward her. "Yes sir," Yuuko nodded, and got back into the shuttle, folding her sleeping bag up and then strapping herself into her pilot seat. The girl had just woke up and was still in her undies. Kai politely stripped off his cloak and draped it over her shoulders, covering her gently after getting into the shuttle. Kai had waited for her to roll it up. "Here you go Yuuko." He said. Yuuko turned on the shuttle's systems, and in short order, the Kitty was heading back toward the surface. Kai sat in the back of the Kitty. "I hope everyone from the Seigi is safe." He mused. That had worried him for a while. Yuuko lead the shuttle over the scortched desert, much of which had been turned into glass by the heat of bombardment, headed to the Qel'noran Industrial area. They landed on the roof of the QnT building. Kai stepped out of the shuttle after opening the door, feeling them touch down and stood outside and waited for Yuuko. "Want to come or do you wish to stay here?" He asked Yuuko, allowing it to be her choice. She seemed busy with her tablet. "Staying here then Yuuko?" Kai asked and turned to head into the building. He needed to go find Amaya and Keiko, quickly; he believed. Yuuko told Kai she'd stay in the shuttle, "Yep." "Ok" Kai waved to the little neko and pushed the button to ride the elevator down to the floor he knew the room was at. He stepped on and rode down, reaching the level fairly quickly and went to the door and knocked at it. "hello." He said through it. Amaya walked over to the door, let Kai in and then leaned against the door frame, "Haven't forgotten about us after all I see... " She smiled at him playfully, "It's nice to see you again." "Kai!" Keiko laughed and pounced on him happily huggling his neck as best she could. "Sorry it took so long Amaya. I had to get a new ship, and I have something to askyou." He said, looking at her with a genuine softness in his brilliant green eyes. Amaya smiled, "What do you need to ask me Kai?" "If you'd willing to come with me up into space and serve in the GSA." Kai said, brushing a hair out of his eyes. Keiko was now sitting on his shoulder humming happily kicking her feet. Amaya's expression turned thoughtful as she walked from the door and took a seat on the couch. "I would love to Kai, but I have made a commitment to QIS that I feel I must also fulfil. I would love to find a way I can do both." "Hmm? What'd you commit?" He asked, sitting next to her on the couch. "I did tell them I would help them. Truthfully though the details of my assignment have not yet been revealed to me." Amaya sighed and looked over at Kai, "I would truly love to join the GSA with you, after everything that happened I do not want to be separated from you." "Well there's a protocol for that. You can work with them, but GSA comes first." Kai said with a chuckle, knowing that Irim made that up and it had worked out well. "Please Amaya?" The little NH-12S on his shouler asked, giving her puppy eyes. Sgzyr joined Amaya smiled at Keiko, "How can I refuse when Keiko asks so adorably?" Keiko smiled and kicked her feet excitedly and jumped over to Amaya and hugged her, rubbing affectionately, she had bonded with both of these two. Kai looked at her with a handsome smile. "I'm glad you want to come, but please, I'm in a bit of a hurry; do you have anything you need to bring?" Kai asked. Amaya hugged Keiko and stood up, "Just myself." Kai rose as well and offered her his arm in preparation to leave the room. "Consider yourself a member of the GSA." "Thanks for coming back for me Kai." Amaya said it softly as she linked her arm in his. "I wouldn't leave you behind, ever." Kai said and lead her out and to the elevator. "awww" Keiko said from Amaya's shoulder. "I think someone likes someone else here." She teased. Amaya looked at the neko, "You shush missy." Keiko giggled, "Look ait him blush." Indeed Kai was, his face turning red. Yuuko was waiting on the roof. She been practicing her holograpic clothing skills, creating the GSA skirt uniform she'd downloaded from the Fortitude's computer (Chiharu had left the skirt uniform to the first and second fleet as part of her legacy). Of course, she was actually not wearing anything. It felt kind of kinky. Amaya glanced over to Kai and then looked at Keiko, "Do you ever behave dear?" They soon reached the roof and Keiko giggled. "all the time, Kai likes me to be funny and adorable."Keiko said innocently. Kai looked over at Yuuko and turned red, catching her inbetween experiments. Keiko noticed too and whistled lewdly at Yuuko as they approached. Amaya looked at Yuuko and smiled before looking elsewhere to give her some sort of privacy. Yuuko lost her concentration and nearly lost the outfit entirely, covering herself with her hands before hopping into the shuttle. She emerged wearing the holographic uniform and Kai's fleet cloak, just in case something went wrong. She shot Kai a dirty look. Kai was looking elsewhere at the moment. Keiko was too, satisfied with herself while giggling "Ahem," Yuuko prompted. Amaya walked over to the shuttle and got inside. She made her way over to one of the seats and buckled herself in. "Gomen Nasai." Kai muttered as he got in and strapped in next to Amaya. Keiko jumped up onto Yuuko's shoulder and kissed her ear. "You're cute Yuuko." "Thanks," Yuuko couldn't help but grin at Keiko as she started the takeoff sequence. Keiko smiled back and playfully poked Yuuko. Amaya looked over at Kai and reached over and took his hand gently in hers, "I'm still not used to this flying thing..." Kai blushed gently and held her hand gently. "You'll get used to it, it's really quite exhilarating." He said. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JP Wes Jenn Tyler GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Author Comment Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet (12/20/03 18:28) [GSS Celia, Ralfaris] Pick ups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON>GSA Landing area, Ralfaris It had been a while since the fall of the Seigi, and all the survivors had been collected up into the GSA landing area to await their pickups or reassignments. "Ahh man, it's good to be out of that desert isn't it?" Ritsu asked. Lavinia was sleeping leaning against him gently as they sat on a bench, safe under an overhang, watching the ships and shuttles. He turned to Rikku who (I assume is nearby waited for her pickup as well) was sitting nearby. Rikku yawned and fidgited for a momenttrying to gt comfortable, "Yea, you got that right." she looked up at the two with a slightly warm smile before looking at her sister who had again fallen asleep, her bandage had become quite red from the wound she had been given from the pod crash. She flinched and moved about in her sleep. Rikku smiled and brought her legs up to her chest and sighed, resting her chin on her knees. They hadn't been on the seigi for very long and already this type of thing happens. Must just be our luck. Rikku thought to herself Siaga looked up at Rikku with his big brown eyes, looking cute and licked her leg and curled up on her foot and fell asleep. "He seems to like you." Ritsu grinned at her. Lav purred in her sleep and cuddled against him closer, she had hemosythed a makeshift blanket and pulled it over her. "I know it's depressing being new and getting the ship destroyed. But they'll be here soon." Ritsu smiled at Rikku, offering comforting words. Rikku nodded and watched the pup for a moment, "I guess I should expect the unexpected, and get used to things being destroyed, heck, I should already be used to it." she spoke softly stareing at the pup at her feet. Just then a shuttle touched down not far from them, the backdoor opened smoothly and a green-haired nekos stepped out and looked over at them. "I am looking for Ms Kitsune Himora, Rikku Himora, Lavinia Taiensho and Mr. Ritsurin." she announced. Ritsu smoothly stood up and cradled the sleeping neko in his arms. "That's them now." He said and walked over. "Please get in, Chujo Ashigari sent me to retrieve the crew of the Seigi." The neko instructed. Ritsu nodded and strapped himself and Lav in, after calling: "Get the puppy will you?" Kitsune snapped awake as Rikku stood, she automaticly stood up and waited for Rikku. Rikku stood carefully not to disturb the pup as she picked him up into her arms. Kitsune swiftly walked ahead silently, Rikku walked slowly rocking the puppy back and forth slowly, strapping herself and the puppy, as Kitsune sat next to Rikku and sighed looking at her hands. The green-haired neko nodded to them and got into the pilot's seat and soon had the shuttle ready to take off and after that they were on their way back. "I'm taking you to the GSS-Celia, the Seigi's replacement." She offered offhandly. Lavinia was still outcold purring contently; Ritsu looked over at Kitsune. "Tired?" Kitsune shook her head quietly and looked at the puppy for a moment and smiled, "No not at all." she said seemingly refreshed by the short nap. "Well, looks like they've found you two a new home." He said. "I think it's time we leave and head back to geshrintall, Lav wants to settle down and have children." Ritsurin said, ruffling the purring nekos hair gently, making her snuggle against him. Kitsune smiled and looked at the two of them, "I'm glad you two are happy, you deserve to be. And I hope you live out a long, loving life." By this time Rikku was stareing at the pup warmly, and sighed "I'll miss you two, even if we..." kitsune interupted "Haven't known you for a long time" Rikku finished it "We will miss you." Ritsu laughed good-naturedly. "You two are funny, it's not like we're leaving forever, you're gonna be welcome to come visit." He was wondering why she was staring at the puppy. "Why are you looking at the wolf like that?" He asked. She blinked and smiled, "Hes just a cutey." she said smileing, "I'm a sucker for pups." she said smileing at Ritsu, Kitsune shook her head and smiled "Shes a crazy one is what she is." she said giggleing as she poked Rikku. "Would you believe I looked partially like that?" Ritsu asked offering her a recent picture of him and Lav. He had long dark hair with cute dog ears on his head instead of human or neko ears. She grinned and giggled, "Awwww, your just as cute as the puppy." she said still giggleing as she showed it to Kitsune, "Awwww he is a cutey" she said teasing him. Ritsu laughed. "You can keep that one, we have a few more." Ritsu looked sad apparently and suddenly. Rikku blinked at his expression, "Hey whats the matter?" she said as if she was the only one that noticed his expression "I see that picture and I get reminded that I was the last of that species." He shook his head. Just then the shuttle landed in the shuttle bay of the Celia and the neko hurried through and opened the door. "We're here." She announced proudly and stepped off. Ritsu shook his head and laughed again, unstrapping himself and Lav.. Kitsune stuck the picture in Rikku's back pocket and smiled, Rikku picked up the pup after unstrapping herself and made her way to the exit of the shuttle. She sighed and gracefully stepped out and onto the bay ground awaiting the others. Ritsu walked out and nodded to them; "Chujo Ashigari is a bit busy right now, but I'm to show you to your quarters." A MEGAMI sprite said, motioning to them. Rikku nodded and looked at Ritsu, wondering what she was to do with the pup. Kitsune followed straight after the MEGAMI sprite. Rikku strode through the bay after the two of them, still hopeing she wouldn't wake the pup as she did so. Ritsu followed them as the sprite showed them to their rooms. Apparently they were going to share the same nest. "Just settle him into the nest and he'll be fine." Ritsu said. Rikku nodded, she set the pup in a comfy spot and sat on the ground with a sigh. She was exhausted, and so was Kitsune, though Kitsune sat down and suprisingly fell asleep just as quick as she sat. Ritsu set Lav down and kissed her forehead gently, causing her to curl up and snuggle against Kitsune, out of old habit. "I'm going to talk with the captain." He said and silently left the room. Rikku nodded and leaned against Kitsune falling asleep doing so. Siaga woke up and jumped into the nest and curled up on the batch of warm nekos and went back to sleep. JP Tyler Tish GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (12/23/03 10:02) [4th fleet, Ralfaris] Fire, Brimstone, and Reconstruction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The massive doors to the underground tunnels opened once again to let the population of the Qelnoran industrial sector out into their ruined homes. As the millions of refuges left they were greeted by one of the rarest occurrences on the planet, rain. Their homes lay before them, flattened by the torpedo strike on the planet while the dust and sand in the sky continued to expand. In only a few more days it would cover the entire planet and drop temperatures worldwide. Qelnoran Construction had already started to rebuild the damaged area’s. hundreds of prefabricated structures were taken out of storage and placed in the various trucks and ships that would take them to where they would be needed while bulldozers started to clear out the ruined residential area. From space the ships of the 4th fleet could see the cloud expanding around the planet. But this was not to delay their work. The few prefabricated parts of the planetary ring were being moved into place by using their own drive systems as well as the help of thousands of fleet tending drones. All of the moon’s started rapidly building more of the ring to be put into place. The 4th fleet continued to receive crew from the planet. The population was now moved to war. With no homes, hordes of people came to be recruited. Over the next few days the fleet would be fully crewed and in need of even more ships marking the start of another major expansion for the fleet. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet (12/29/03 16:13) [GSS Celia, GSS Fortitude, Ralfaris] Lost and Found -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Yuuko felt right at home on the bridge of the Integrated Strike Force Crusier. The bridge was the same design as the one on the GSS Yui, except that there was an additional control center below the main one, which hung over it like a balcony over a garden. The ship was in orbit over Ralfaris with the rest of the small group of ships that was the core of the newest fleet, the 3rd Expeditionary. Where would they go first? She wondered. Alexis slipped through the halls of the Star Army outpost on Ralfaris, expertly dodging people as they hurried by. The recent attack by the Jaaq'tah had occurred just after Tomoyo, Inari, Hikari, and Kyoshi were retrieved by a search party. And before that, Alexis had discovered that if Tomoyo allowed him, he could...well, for lack of a better term, "pilot" her body. Meanwhile, only Inari knew that Tomoyo was sharing with the shifter, they had told her after she questioned Tomoyo about the strange occurances (her glowing eyes, the sudden cold spell in the escape pod, etc.). But no one else knew about it at this point. ~Where are we going?~ asked Tomoyo. ~I need to get back to the Seigi, there are some personal belongings I left there. Some I don't want anyone disassembling.~ He arrived at the transport area and started looking for a vehicle he could borrow. "Excuse me? Can anyone take me to the Seigi crash site?" he asked, using Tomoyo's voice. Sakura yawned again, staring out of the brig. She streched, and rubbed her eyes as she desperatly wanted to wake up. She streched her wings, as scrawny as they are, and laid back against the wall Yuuko got up from her station and headed to the shuttlebay, where her lavender shuttle was parked among the the other 3 of its type that came with the cruiser. Strapping herself in, she had Megami open the bay doors. She headed toward the GSS Fortitude. "I'm heading there right now," A QnL officer said as he waved to Tomoyo, "I can take you there if you want." He had on the standard QnL uniform and a gasmask. The sky was filled with enough sand and dirt to block out the sun and going out unprotected was a bad idea. His ship was a large bulk transport that was being unloaded. Alexis smiled and bowed his head. "Thank you. When are you leaving?" "Good morning, Sakura," Ryoshi cooed to Sakura. The neko was on the cot with her. Sakura looked over at her, and jumped a bit, almost falling off the cot. "G, geez, You scared me" "In a few minutes," He said. He was waiting on the ground crew to finish unloading the stuff onboard. From the looks of it only a few crates remained, "So why are you heading to the Seigi?" he asked. The sentry gave wrapped her arm around Sakura's waist and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "I hear someone wants you as a crew member, if you're up for exploration ship." "I left some personal items on board that I would like to get back." Alexis eyed the mask...maybe that would be a good idea to have...he patted Tomoyo's hips, where pockets would be on a male uniform, and frowned at not finding any. A skin-tight outfit like this didn't really allow for any. She poked Ryoshi's nose "Depends" she said as she hugged her back "Looking for something?" The QnL officer asked as the final crates finished unloading. "Yes. Those belongings." Amazing how often people didn't really listen to you, Alexis mused. He chuckled,"I didn't mean that, You just look like you lost something becuase you just searched your body." "An intel job," Ryoshi explained. "I'm transferring to this new ship, in Third Expeditionary, and I asked if you could come along. I know the communications chief, Yuuko, from our old assignments working in Central Uesureya as security sentries." "Oh, right...I was looking for something to serve as a dust mask. But I forgot that I didn't have any pockets. Um...would you happen to have a spare?" Alexis asked politely. Sakura smiled, and rubbed Ryoshi's head "I'd love to come along" she said as her wings flapped. He walked over to a nearby HCS terminal and pressed a few buttons. It synthed him a new dust mask and he tossed if over to her. "Here ya go," he said as he went to board his ship. In a few minutes Yuuko was aboard the Fortitude and moving to the brig. Ryoshi smiled when the short purple-haired neko arrived ,and introduced the two. "Yuuko, this is Sakura. Sakura, Yuuko." "Thank you!" Alexis draped the mask around her neck until she needed to use it and followed the Qel'noran aboard the ship. "May I know your name, sir?" she asked as she came inside. "Good to see you again Ryoshi," Yuuko nodded. She bowed respectfully "How do you do ma'am? It's a pleasure to meet you" "Diak," he replied. The ship had a small cockpit with 4 chairs, two for the pilots and two just behind those. The door out of the cockpit led to a large open area used to store stuff. He sat down in the pilots chair and pressed a few buttons to bring the ship's drives online and soon they were airborn. Yuuko returned the bow. "Shall we go?" she asked. "I'm ready" Sakura said with a giggle "It's not like I have anything to collect up" "Diak...nice to meet you." Alexis quickly took a seat in one of the rear chairs, hoping they were for the passengers if this ship carried any. Once they had left port, she looked outside...The shifter heard Tomoyo gasp in his mind and nodded slowly. "This planet will never be the same, will it? Remember what they said? That wasn't even a full-scale attack. I hope this war is ended quickly, before they can destroy a planet completely..." he murmered aloud. It was like Mount St. Helens multiplied, the dust was everywhere... Diak was general silent. A few minutes into the trip he reached over to one of the pannels and flicked a switch that turned on the external lights. This afforded them the ability to see a feet infront of them. Even with the powerful lights it was completely black. ""Transport 06 change your approch vector by..." The general incomprehensible babble of a control tower came in over a speaker. The pilot was paying attention but for the most part was letting the computer fly the ship. The ship started to decend and soon they came below the massive dust cloud. It was still dark and dusty but at least they could see the ground. A large shallow canyon was dug into the ground by the impact ending in a massive crater. A makeshift dome had been erected over the resting place of the ship and around it were a few wearhouses and living quarters. Inside of the impact canyon a small landing strip had been set up where other transports were being loaded. A few more moments and the ship was about to touch down. Yuuko and Ryoshi both nodded, and together with Sakura, they headed to the shuttle. Yuuko asked Sakura, while they were walking, "Will you be ok with living with nekos, Sakura?" Sakura nodded "I don't see why not. It sounds pretty fun" The short neko grinned and leaned over to whisper in Ryoshi's ear. Whatever she said made them both giggle. Sakura poked Ryoshi's nose "What was that?" Ryoshi grinned. "She wanted to know what you slept in." Yuuko pinched Ryoshi's butt in revenge and the security neko yelped, "AIEE!" The angel giggled, still in what she was captured in "You two certainly are playful" Alexis waited until the ship was on the ground before getting up and heading to the exit hatch. She pulled the mask up to cover her face before leaving the ship. Yuuko stepped into the shuttle's cockpit and Ryoshi strapped hersefl into the rear section. "Do you mind," Yuuko asked, "if we take a trip to the surface to pick up some of our people?" The outside area was fairly well lit even through the dust. Diak went to talk with another QnL officer as his ship was being loaded with crates. Sakura strapped herself in as well, "I don't mind at all," The shifter quickly headed to the Seigi and found the entrance, then made her way to the bridge and her former quarters...the shuttle was important, but she wanted to grab her satchel first. Yuuko's shuttle shot out of the bay and descended to into the dusty skies of the planet below, headed for the main Fleet Support base. Two SOSD drones from 1st Fleet escorted the shuttle as if headed below. Yuuko left the doorway to the cockpit open, so the two people in the back had a good view, but there wasn't much to see with all the dust in the air. Yuuko had to rely on her sensors more than her eyes. "FSB, this is Taii Sakai Yuuko. I'm looking for Ex-Seigi crew... can you tell me where the survivors are?" The Seigi was very different from what it once was. Most of the ship had been altered in some shap form or fashion. The pilots quarters had been removed completely. Everything that had been on the Seigi when it crashed was gone, moved to the wearhouses while the ship was being refited. While she was on the ship several QnSe guards were following her while a few engeneers were running around finishing up their work. The majority of the work on the Seigi itself had been completed and the workforce was elsewhere at the moment. "Oh, gotta stop by the medbay too..gotta grab my pad and the other stuff I had in my pockets," Alexis noted. "Wow, I left a lot here...did you leave anything?" Tomoyo thought a bit. ~I did! Acara's seedpod! We've got to go to my quarters...they're near the medbay, so we can go there before then.~ "Okay," answered the shifter, nearing the bridge. The AI gave Yuuko a quick listing of where all of the Seigi crew was including the neko's that were onboard fighters and minion's when the ship went down. Yuuko browsed over the list. "Hmm, Tomoyo's in the Seigi. Let's go there and pick her up." Ryoshi seemed to have a crush on her former prisoner. As Yuuko flew the couple around, Ryoshi took Sakura's hand in her own and began stroking it with her thumb. Sakura blushed a soft red, her wings fluttering a bit. "Hey...where is it?" Alexis arrived at her room and frowned when she saw there was nothing in it...everything, even the pillows in the nest, were gone. "Oh...I hope they didn't get rid of my body!" she exclaimed and rushed back to the exit. If they took everything, then maybe the shuttle and the seedpod were okay...but what would they do to a corpse? "Excuse me, but where have they put the dead?" she asked the next salvage-worker she saw. "And personal belongings too?" Yuuko was too distracted by flying to notice Ryoshi making moves on Sakura. Ryoshi keaned in closer to the girl, leaning her head on her shoulder, her lips pressing against Sakura's reddened cheek. Opening her mouth slightly, she licked at the half-angel's ear. "All the stuff that was on the ship has been moved to the warehouses to await transport to a storage area in QIS," The worker responded. Sakura blushed a darker red, closing her eyes as she felt Ryoshi's tongue. She turned her head a bit to look over at Ryoshi, still blushing "Including any dead?" Alexis asked. "They found one body, it was sent to the medical tent I think," he said Yuuko's familiar shuttle pulled up next to the ship Alexis had arrived on. Ryoshi french-kissed Sakura. Yuuko turned around just in time to catch it, and quickly looked forward again, not wishing to intrude. The small-statured pilot was more embarassed than Sakura. ~One body? So everyone got out!~ Tomoyo and Alexis thought at the same time. ~Yes!~ added Alexis, relieved that the damage was not as bad as it could have been. "Where might the med tent be?" "Its outside....somwhere, I gave up trying to find the other buildings after the attack." She blushed a crimson red as she felt Ryoshi's tongue press against her own. Her tongue moved a bit, rubbing against Ryoshi's in return Yuuko announced, "We're here." to the two kissing girls in the back. Ryoshi made a disappointed face, which quickly turned to a devilish grin. "Why don't you find Tomoyo. I'll stay with Sakura," she suggested. "Oh. Okay." Alexis started toward the nearest one, hopefully the medical one...there were a couple of devices that might allow QnS to access the Cat's Claw. What had posessed him to bring that ship in the first place? At least it had given him something to work on...Tomoyo noticed the shifter's agitation and tried to send a feeling of relaxation his direction...~It'll be okay. Stressing about something never did anything to help it, you can relax.~ Alexis smiled slightly, then nodded slightly. ~Thank you. I'll try.~ Arriving at the building, the shifter looked around to see if it was the right one. Sakura blushed darker, but nodded in agreement "Sounds like a plan to me" Fortunitly Alexis managed to find the medical tent on his first venture through the dust. Two layers of plastic flaps kept in mostly free of dust. The entire area looked polished and sterilised. Two medics were in the room and near the back a single body bag that was full. Yuuko reluctantly, after a long consideration, stepped out of the shuttle, and went into the Seigi, looking for Alexis. As soon as the rear door closed again, Ryoshi unstrapped herself from the side seat and sat across Sakura's knees facing her. Alexis approached the bodybag and slowly unsealed it. Inside lay a fairly charred body, but it wasn't stinking. The skin seemed to be dissolving on its own. Tomoyo shuddered. Alexis patted down the body, but found nothing in the pockets. "Stink," she muttered, then noticed something in the tray nearby. "There they are, good." As Yuuko entered she was tailed by two QnSe guards. "Where's Tomoyo?" Yuuko asked one of them. "Tomoyo?" The first one asked, "She means the Geshrin that came in here earlyer smart one," the other said sarcasticly as he checked with the computer, "Ya she is in the medical tent." Sakura blushed darker, and wrapped her arms around Ryoshi, drawing her into another kiss. "Mmm," Ryoshi was so into it. The holographic uniform on her disappeared, exposing her creamy-looking neko skin. Yuuko appeared at the entrance to the medical tent shortly. "Tomoyo?" The shifter quickly fingered through the stuff and then tried to figure out how to take it with her...she had no pockets. ~You could use your old jacket,~ Tomoyo suggested, but Alexis could feel that she didn't want to see that body again. But he took the suggestion anyway, closing their eyes so she wouldn't have to see it. ~Good idea,~ he said, then stuffed the pad, interface device, and a couple of other things into the jacket pockets before turning around and jumping. "Oh! Yuuko!" Sakura blushed darker, sliding her tongue against Ryoshi's, her hands rubbing her back softly. "Hey there! I was looking all over for you!" Yuuko smiled. "Oh, yeah." Alexis fumbled, folding the jacket over her arms in front of her. "I wanted to come back here to gather a few things. That's all." Ryoshi's hands slipped beneath Sakura's clothes and caressesed the mounds beneath, lustily pressing herself closer. (See this post for details of these relations) "I brought my shuttle. Do you want to come back to the GSS Celia?" Yuuko asked. "You could join the 3rd XF exploration mission." "Thank you, but I already have a ride to the Celia," Alexis said quietly. "And I still have some things in the warehouse to get together before I can go, I wouldn't want to make you wait." "You do?" Yuuko asked. "Oh..." Sakura moaned softly, feeling Ryoshi's hands beginnign to play "Ok. Do you know any other survivors that need a ride to the Celia?" Yuuko questioned, looking to make her journey here worthwhile. ~Tomoyo, what do I do?~ the shifter asked, a hint of nerves in his thought. ~You're doing fine,~ Tomoyo replied. ~Hey, we left the others at the outpost, maybe they would want a ride to the Celia!~ Alexis mentally smiled and relayed the suggestion to Yuuko. ", sorry...Oh! Wait, we...I mean, I left Inari, Hikari, and a man named Kyoshi at the GSA landing area, they might want a ride up," she said with a smile. "Okay!" Yuuko enthusiastically smiled, and headed back to her shuttle. Alexis smiled bigger and waved after Yuuko. "I'll see you there!" she called after the Neko. Then she turned toward the warehouse to search for the satchel and the Cat's Claw... Yuuko nodded and flashed her teeth in a grin as she left the tent. "Well it isn't one of ours...," Said the first QnT guy, "well ya... what is it then?" the other asked, the converssation continued for a while before they came to a conclution, "Lets open the door and find out." One of the scientists picked up a rather long metal stick and started poking at the door controls from a distance, "why are you doing that?" the other asked. "Because... it could be dangerous." Alexis quickly found the assault ship, it was in plain view. Smirking at the two QnT people poking at it with a stick, she got out the interface device from the jacket pocket and placed it on her temple. Tomoyo suddenly felt a rush of information leaving her brain...but nothing from her mind, it was all coming from Alexis. The craft, which was previously just sitting on the ground lopsided because of the angled-down nacelle on the left side, suddenly lifted into the air and started hovering a foot above the warehouse floor. ~Maybe they will think they did something now,~ Alexis thought to Tomoyo with a smirk. "What the?... why is the onbutton on the outside of the ship? that makes no sense..." The one with the stick remarked. The other sighed and let the man poke around. He started to poke at the underside of the ship and at the nacelles, trying to get other reactions from the ship. All they got were the strange halo effects as they pressed on the nano-armor...sometimes the nanites would stick to their fingers or the stick, but it would always evaporate if they pulled it away. Alexis decided to let them play a bit more, and started looking for the satchel. Poking the armor was like poking really firm gelatin covered with plastic wrap. "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to open the door..." The man with the stick said as he continued to poke at the ship. Great...almost everything was crated up to be shipped out. Hmm...Alexis went back to the two messing with the ship and tapped the one with the stick on the shoulder. "Do you guys have this stuff organized by any chance? I think something of mine is in there," she said politely. The with the stick kept poking while the other responded, "The Seigi was a real mess but we did our best to get all the personal items together. If your stuff is not listed on the inventory digitaly then try looking in that pile of stuff over there." he said as he pointed to a large field of stuff layed out in the center of the warehouse. "Where is the list?" the shifter replied. "Do you have a datapad? You can get the list from the computer if you do." He said. "Okay, thank you." Minutes later, after some searching and mistakes, Alexis found the satchel. But they couldn't find Acara's pod anywhere in the manifest. "Was there a sort of seed reported anywhere?" she called back to the stick-weilding scientists. "It would be fairly large." "Ya they found something like that somewhere on the ship and put it in some place..." The man with the stick said, "Try looking in the warehouse next to this one, I think they have the chief engener's body in there or something like that," The stickless man said. "Oh, okay. Thank you!" The Geshrin girl returned to the Cat's Claw and smiled sweetly at them as she climbed up on the left nacelle and dropped into a hatch that had suddenly opened on the top. "Thank you for your help and for taking care of my stuff," she said and disappeared into the compartment below. "HA! see! I told you that is how you open the door." The man with the stick said... ~Okay, I think we can pick up the pod later, I'm not sure you would have the clearence to get it out now,~ Alexis said as he set her hands on the control panel in front of them. The engines powered up, a slight rushing sound coming from the right nacelle as the APAD drive started. The holographic display in front of them showed the stick-weilder behind them, but he wouldn't be in any danger as long as he didn't move right...The craft rose higher, then slowly moved to the doorway of the warehouse. Yuuko was watching the activity inside her shuttle from outside the front window. Apparently the sentry was keeping the half-Elysian quite "occupied." She wasn't sure if she should interrupt. Finally, Yuuko walked over to the shuttle and used the control panel to open the rear door. Ryoshi turned and hopped up, flashing back into her uniform as the rear door to the shuttle began to open. She kicked a pair of panties behind one of Yuuko's dufflebags. Yuuko slowly stepped into the shuttle after the door opened, giving the two an amused and questioning look. Ryoshi tried to act casual. Sakura closed her legs and whispered to Ryoshi "I better get those back!" Yuuko raised an eyebrow and strapped herself in the pilot's seat. Shortly thereafter, the shuttle headed to the GSA landing site to pick up Hikari, Inari,and Kyoshi. END> JP: Wes - Yuuko and Ryoshi Zack - Qel'norans and AI Nick - Alexis and Tomoyo Solo - Sakura Author Comment Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet (12/30/03 15:49) [Ralfaris] Picks up (cont) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a part of the continuing effort to recover the Seigi survivors; Kai had sent out another shuttle to pick up or search for anymore people. Having nothing to really do while Lavinia napped, Ritsurin ended up being ordered to accompany the neko pilot Reiko down. The Ki-T2 (like the Kitty) had been tracking a pod's homing signal for a while when it died; damaged on reentry apparently. "Ah Dammit!" Ritsu swore. "Go to the last place the signal was recieved." "Good thinking, but I'm already a step ahead of ya." Reiko grinned at him. They landed in the pod's site a few moments later, it was in shambles, debris and smoldering pieces everywhere...but no dead bodies. "Odd." Ritsu commented. "There's tracks over here." Reiko said, looking at four pairs of boot prints. "Hmm?" Ritsu looked over and noticed the tracks heading for a small settlement. "Let's go find'em!" Reiko said in a no-nonsense tone. Ritsu shook his head with a light chuckle as he got in. The shuttle was off again following the tracks; staying low as to not miss anything important. Keenara and her medics had survived the crash, but all the communications systems had been fried in the reentry. It had not taken them long to find the settlement nearby. Acara was nowhere to be seen. The people of the settlement had suffered many injuries and casuaties due to the attack on Ralfaris, and Keenara couldn't turn a blind eye to it, so for the time being she stayed there to help the wounded. "Yo!" a voice from above her head called. "You the one they call Mikoshu Keenara?" A platinum-haired young man addressed her. Ritsu was leaning out of the back of the shuttle that was hovering overhead. She looked up and smiled. "Finally, you guys sure take your sweet time don't you? Gimme a second and I'll get the others." "Not my fault!" Ritsu laughed. "Hurry up will ya? We don't have all day ya know." He teased. She laughed lightly as she entered a building; after a few minutes Keenara come back out with the other medics. "Now if you'll just get down here we will be happy to return to the ship." Ritsurin stuck his tongue out at her as Reiko landed the shuttle nearby. He stepped off out the door to the make room. "Now if you'll just get your butts on the shuttle." Keenara let out another short laugh as she and her team stepped on board. "Shall we?" was all that was said as they buckled up and left for the GSS Celia. JP Garion (Keenara) Tyler (Ritsurin, Reiko) GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (1/2/04 19:37) [Ralfaris] drinking buddies and luggage racks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris Civilian Landing field. After what seemed to be an inordinate amount of time in a small, cramped ship. Saito stepped out of the Civilian craft and looked around. "I think this is the place where all the action is." He mused aloud as he started to wander out of the area. He had gotten a lift to the planet with a traveling Geshrin who has going to a GSA ship in orbit and ruefully agreed to drop him off there. As he stepped out of the ship he was greeted by the infinitely large cloud of dust that had engulphed the planet. Even with his body's enhanced sight he could only make out a few meters in front of him. The only real light came from the landing beacons and from the spotlight they now used to locate buildings that was shining from right beside the door of the main complex. Saito adjusted his open chested kimono shirt and the sword in the sash around his waist before continuing on. "Odd sort of place this is.." His metallic silvery hair glinting like the edge of a sharp sword and rustling slightly in the light breeze, the young male neko idly strolled toward the door of the main building. Two Qelnorans rushed inside of the building from their craft with dust masks over their heads. The stuff was everywhere. He looked confused and followed the two Qel'Norans inside. "Hey, what's going on?” He tried to ask one of them. One of the Qelnorans had on a QnAg uniform, "All the corporate landing platforms are backed up," He said, "So we got stuck coming down to this one." "Why are the corporate landing platforms backed up?" Saito asked in a confused tone. He didn't know much about what was going on this planet; his curiosity had driven him here to find out. "Recruitment," The other said, "It seems that sense the Jaaq'tah showed up everyones itching for some payback, I hear that QnL is having a hard time finding ships to put everyone on." "Oh." Saito replied. "I suppose that's understandable; is there anything else to be done other than run around like bakas?" He smirked. "Were heading into QIS, your free to run around like a baka." The QnAg man said as him and his companion again hurried off outside after an APC pulled up and honked its horn. "Hey! Mind if I ride along?" Saito asked quickly, following them. They didn't seem to pay attention to the neko as they got onboard the APC although the door stayed open for him He grinned slightly as the thought of something to do entered his mind and he leapt inside after a moment and pulled the door shut. "Guess not." He commented as he sat down cross-legged. In a few moments the APC closed up its doors and headed out into the dust for QIS. "Is this place always so dusty?" Saito asked idly. "Ever sense the attack..." The Qelnoran replied. "It'll calm down after a while I think." Saito nodded. They both chuckled "What?" "The dust is here to stay. There is nowhere for it to go so it just continues to spread out all over the planet. Its going to be up there for many, many years. Saito frowned. "That sucks." "Ya... that is why a lot of people are leaving." The man said with a frown. "Um...there wouldn't happen to be many nekos around would there?" Saito asked hopefully. "There are, but most of the people are Qelnoran." "I guess that'd be right, this is the Qel'Noran homeworld." Saito laughed, brushing a hair out of his face. "Since I am one, I was hoping to find a couple like me." "I have never seen a neko male before..." The other commented, "little chance of finding another like that." "Well there are the NH-X's, The QnAg man commented. "I'm a custom order. I was originally owned by a woman." Saito said casually. "But I meant other nekos period." "Well..." "We are almost there," The driver interrupted, "Well there are a lot of them here and there." He said. Saito brightened up. "I hope I can meet a couple nice ones." The APC continued on for a little while and then stopped outside of the QnT tower. At which point the Qelnorans got off and headed inside. Saito jumped out as well and looked around. "Whoa." The tower stretched for as far as the eye could see, which here wasn't very far but the dust made a nice effect anyways. The Lobby of the building was packed with people. Most were joining up with the GSA or QnT. Saito yawned and wandered through the area, looking at the various faces of the people who were joining. Saito didn't have any intention of joining either one of them since he valued his free time. There were no neko's among the crowd. They were either already enlisted or already part of the company, in most cases both. Saito grimaced and looked around for a place to get a drink, the dust had made him thirsty. The recreation areas were off limits to civilians as were most of the tower, but a lookout area that had been set up before the dust was open to everyone. Saito headed for the observation area to have a look around. "Oh man. No place to get a drink for civilians? Shit that bites." The elevator took him directly to the observation floor, which looked out upon the city. From here you could only see some of the other towers but not the streets below. A few neko's and Qelnorans were also here. Saito grinned and nodded to one of the nekos. "Hi" He said as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye. The neko was talking with a Qelnoran at the time and bearly even noticed Saito, "Oh hello," she said before returning to her conversation. He shrugged idly and looked around at the tops of the other buildings. Saito sighed heavily; this wasn't all he had hoped for...too much dust. "Is there any rec areas in this huge building?" He asked a nearby qel'noran "Ya, The Qelnoran said without looking away from the window that had started its self-cleaning cycle, "But for security reasons its Corporate and Military personnel only, you might try checking out one of the local bars." He said. "I'll do just that. Thanks." Saito said and headed for the elevator. He hit the button to return to the ground level still in hopes of finding a friendly neko or two. The streets were filled with dust like always as he returned to them to seek out a bar Saito coughed out the dust a bit and walked through it, using his enhanced sight and smell to find the sight or odor of a bar. Saito got a nose-full of dust as he tried to smell out a bar. His body seemed to be covered in the stuff now. "Damn!" He swore out loud and snuffled the dust out as he looked, straining his sight to see through the dust. "I need a way to disperse this crap." He mused, thinking. Saito grinned and hemosynthed a pair of large wings with a metallic sheen to them and fanned the air in front of his, using his grav system to stay in one place while he tried to blow away the dust enough to try and spot a bar. All he managed to do is clear the air around him, however he did manage to see the neon sign of a bar off in the distance. Saito stopped his actions and dissolved the wings back into his body and walked toward the neon sign that he had seen. "At least that helped some." The bar had a rotating door, the inside was relatively dust free with many Qelnorans and Neko's sitting at the various tables. Saito coughed once as he entered, and brushed himself up, shaking the dust out of his hair. "Darn, whatta pain that dust is." he commented as his lavender eyes swept the room to view the patrons, his eyes also went to the bar to see if there were any open seats. There were 5 open seats at the bar out of 10 total. A group of four were clustered around a data pad while the 5th, a Neko, Sat off to the side a bit. Saito popped his neck and walked over to the bar and took a seat, closer to the neko off to one side. "Got any green tea with some mint?" He asked the bartender. The bartender took a few moments then brought him exactly what he asked for. "How much?" He asked, digging into the deep pocket in his hakama pants, the slits on the sides showing only black pants. His eyes looking over at the lone neko out of the corner of them. The bartender chuckled, "We don't really use KS around here." The neko off to his side was wearing baggy work pants and a white tank top. Infront of her was a datapad that had a hand drawn map of the tunnel system below Ralfaris. "Well what do you work in?" Saito asked. "And who is she?" He asked nodding his head toward the neko. "We don't really use money around here anymore..." He said, "And that is," "Uso," She interrupted. she took another drink from her glass and continued to look at the map in front of her. "Uso hmm?" Saito asked, how looking at her more, wanting to see more what she looked like. Uso looked like, Uso. She hadn’t changed much sense she was on the Yui other than her new outfit. She still had her long green ponytail and purple eyes, she hadn't even given much thought to changing her appearance. Saito sipped his drink and grinned, it tasted perfect. "Ms. Uso?" He asked a bit hesitantly. "What're ya lookin' at?" "Maps," She said as she motioned toward the datapad with her head. "Oh, of what?" He asked leaning back slightly and over at the datapad screen. "If I told you I'd have to kill you... painfully," She said with a slight laugh. "Wouldn't be the first time." Saito laughed back, slightly. "Cute woman like you. I wouldn't think you would, but that's the advantage." "Ah so you've died painfully before?" she asked with a slight chuckle. "Had to several times. To save my master." Saito said as he sipped his drink. "Whom were you sold to?" she asked. "She ordered my construction. I was a custom order, like you were." Saito said, looking at her with his lavender eyes. "Heh, I'm not exactly custom." She said. "violet eyes." Saito said. "I thought all custom orders had them." "Well technically I guess all custom orders would have them... unless they wanted a different eye color. In any case I'm just a standard store bought version," Uso said. "You must be talented then." He grinned at her. "My mistress wanted an exotic look so I've got this hair and eye color. I was meant to be a bodyguard and pleasure as well; I was treated well in return." Uso was busy looking at datapad she had put down on the bar. Beside her was some male neko asking questions. The bar was called Fate and it had been a popular hangout for QIS people to visit. It wasn't to crowded this time of day and the endless dust darkening the skies of Ralifaris were keeping the normal crowds from swarming the place. Sergei sighed slightly as he walked out of the restaurant he had been in. He was having a hard time finding work around this new planet.. He had the credentials to make a wonderful cook, but he just didn't know any of the local dishes. He shook his head and looked down the street, deciding that he would try one more place, then would head for the place he had been staying. He walked up to the door of the bar and walked in. He found a seat at the bar, setting his black duffel bag down at his feet and looking around. "You want anything?" The bartender asked Sergei as he sat down. The Qelnoran looked a head taller than everyone in the bar and his red scales were clean and shiny much unlike the rest of the people who had come in through the dust. Saito took an idle sip of the green tea and looked over at the newcomer, taking in his features instantly at a glance. The male neko looked down at himself and sighed, brushing off some residual dust. "Whatta drag this place is, I thought something better would have happened." He looked back to Uso; able to tell that she was the type of person who was in things for the thrill of it from her demeanor. Sergei smiled slightly to the person who had spoken to him. He rubbed a hand over his white ponytail to try and get the dust off, then responded . "I don't know...Do you have green tea?" He watched the Qelnoran, head canting to the side as he took in everything about the bartender's features. "Yep," He said as he turned around and got a can of the stuff, he poured it out into a glass and then brought it to Sergei, "Anything else?" he asked. Since she was small enough, Natsumi slipped into the bar easily. She got a few dirty looks from people since she was less than four feet tall. She mumbled something as she looked around, before she moved toward the bar. "You’re looking for excitement?" Uso asked as she looked over at him, "Try joining the military or the corporation, I'm sure they will give you something to do," She said with a chuckle. Saito yawned a bit and turned slightly and looked at the small neko with a perked eyebrow; his sensitive hearing having picked up her entry. "What the perks of it?" He asked Uso, now looking at her again. "Hello there Ms, I'll be with you in just a moment," the bartender said to the new arrival, assuming she was a neko youngling. "No, that's it." He responded and slowly took the glass and sipped its contents. He nodded his approval to the bartender, wondering just what good it would do. He began to look around the bar again, his amber eyes taking in the occupants, and sharp ears picked up bits of conversations. He was particularly interested in the people talking not far away. They were talking about the military, and some sort of "corporation." Natsumi nodded to the bartender, and yawned softly. She swished her tail a bit, the same color as her hair. She climbed up onto a bar stool and stretched, yawning softly The bartender walked over to the small neko, "Hello what can I do for you?" He asked, Uso turned a bit to face Saito and started talking, "Well you have a very good change of getting blown up in QnSe. After the attack New dawn has been able to recruit a lot more people and word has it they are planning on attacking Geshrintall sometime soon. As for the military it looks like the Qelnoran industrial sector will be home base for the 3rd XF, you can get with them and get lost out in the stars for all I care." Saito grinned, she amused him, at least the attitude did. "They won't get through Geshrintall's defenses. My homeworld is too tough to go down that easy." He said. "Feh, military aint my thing. What does the QnT do? I was there earlier." "I just want a drink... not to strong, but something that still packs a punch," Natsumi replied, looking up at him "please," she added to stay polite. Her tail swished more. She looked around the bar, her eyes scanning each person, before turning back to the bar. Uso chuckled, "Gesh's defenses won't do anything, these guys aren't going to attack directly and I have no faith in SAINT's (Star Army Intelligence) ability to stop them." Uso took another drink and then started again, "QnT is responsible for creating new technologies. They have quite a sizeable fleet now with he completion of the Seigi and the Genesis, you might want to join up with them sometime." She said. The bartender nodded to Natsumi and left, coming back a few moments later with some odd fizzing red drink. "Is that all?" He asked. Sergei smiled at the woman's seemingly fiery attitude. He set his tea on the bar and just watched her. He was starting to get interested in the Military she was talking about. He had heard of Geshrintall, and the weapons that they possessed. It seemed to him, that someone had told him that the entire populace of the planet was some sort of super weapon. He didn't believe that for a second, but it would still be interesting to go find out. But what really intrigued him was the mention of some 3rd XF, what could that be? Something space bound he would guess, from her mention of her companion's getting lost in the stars. "Yes, thank you" Natsumi replied, and picked up the drink, taking a quick, long drink. She put it down, and wiped her upper lip "Whatever you say. They may surprise even you ms cynic." Saito scoffed. Saito looked over at the bartender, "can I get 6 cans of soda?" He asked since the tender was there. He looked back at Uso; "QnT sounds interesting, but I'm not much for technology, I'm only a guardian." Saito said, fingering the golden hilt of the sword on his lap. "Oh ya I'm sure, you must be SOOOO good with that outdated sword of yours." Uso said as she took another drink. "And another thing," Uso turned to look at the person easdroping on her, "Its not polite to do that," She said. "Better than you are." Saito muttered. "Isn't my fault I was created this way." He said with a fire in his eyes. He grinned suddenly. "Maybe someone as brash as you are could show me a thing or two hmm? And leave the dog-guy alone, not his fault he has good hearing either." Sergei's eyes went wide as he quickly looked away from his eavesdropping. "Um...I'm sorry, Ma'am. I was just very interested in what you were saying....I hope that I didn't offend you, and I promise to not do it again." His voice trailed off, and in a show that he meant what he said, he took his duffel and his tea, and walked to a table at the other side of the bar. Natsumi peered over at Uso, her tail swishing about. She looked back at her drink, and twirled her finger along the rim. Uso got up from the bar and sat down next to the eacesdropper, completely ignoring the swordsman, ~So who do you work for?~ she asked telepathically. She looked back, watching Uso with interest. She sipped her drink and watched her, beginning to purr softly "That was a really dumb thing to do, Sergei, you've been on this planet for a who-" He stopped scolding himself as the woman walked over and sat before him. She spoke, but her lips never moved. He looked around, just to make sure there wasn't someone else who could have spoken, and finding no one, he looked back at her. "Well, um, I don't work for anyone at the moment.....I'm sort of just freelancing for now." Uso suddenly felt the pommel of the sword in her back. "That's not polite either ya know." He said as he capped it back into the sheath slowly. "I don't take being ignored too well, don't do it again." Saito said with an edge in his voice. He looked over at the small neko and smiled, ~Hello young one.~ He said telepathically. Natsumi's eyes darted up at Saito, a little timid ~h, hello~ she responded, her eyes moving to the floor ~He isn't playing dumb then...~ she thought to herself without even paying attention to the sword at her back, "It looks like I have the wrong person then. Excuse me," She said to the man as she turned in her chair and sythed a knife which she drove in to the hilt of the back of Saito's knee, "Its not a threat unless you have the intent to do harm." She said. He smiled softly at her, thinking she was but a a child, brushing a silver hair out of his face. ~you're a little young to be in here aren't you?~ Saito grinned as he quickly dissolved her knife into his body. "Thanks for the boost Uso." He said not looking at her as the wound closed. Bye then Uso was already looking back at her datapad, "So Mr. whoever, do you have any experience with maps?" she asked. ~I'm not that young... I'm 2, in fact~ Natsumi replied. Even if she thought it, it still reflected her timid nature ~Wow, you're older than I am.~ He chuckled with the thought. Sergei nodded slowly. "Some. I used to do a lot of hunting and backpacking back on my home planet. I was really good with finding my way, and finding what it was that I was looking for. And just for the information, It's Dimitriov....Sergei Dimitriov." He smiled and took a sip of his tea. A weak smile ran across Natsumi's face as she kicked her legs back and forth like a child. Natsumi's tail swished about, lifting her eyes to the small group Saito didn't like Uso's attitude much, he stood up and stretched a bit and looked over at the little neko. ~I'm Saito, and you are?~ He asked her silently. "Alright well then tell me what you make of this Mr. Dimitriov," Uso said as she slid the datapad across the table toward the man. On it was a hand drawn map of the tunnels below the city, The map was labled but seemed incorrect as it different tunnels that occupied the same space even though they didn't intersect, The primitive 3d rendering Uso had to accompany parts of the map showed that certain tunnels simply shouldn't exist there. ~N, Natsumi~ she said meekly. Her tail swished more as she sipped her drink Sergei pursed his lips as he looked at the map. "Well, what I would make of it is that it's some sort of tunnel system for a city. I would guess that it would be this city's, or one near by, or why else would you be studying it? As for what I think of it, I don't really know. I am not sure it's completely accurate, judging from these tunnels here." He pointed to some of the ones that were under ground impossible to withhold a tunnel. "And this," He pointed to one tunnel that started, stopped, started again, and then just seemed to disappear as if it never existed. Saito started heading for the door but paused close to Natsumi. "Nice to meet you kiddo." He grinned at her and ruffled her hair gently, a habit picked up in Tania. He started for the door and saw all the dust out there. "ugh, I don't wanna go out in that crap." He said to himself and turned and took a seat off to the side. "What if I told you that the map you are holding is 100% accurate within a few meters? Ontop of that..." Uso reached down to the holster around her waste and pulled out another Datapad, "Ontop of that this is the 'official' map of the underground tunnels," She slid the datapad over to him, most of the tunnels on Uso's map were not listed on the official one. Sergei nodded softly and looked between the two maps, noting the differences, but still listening to the woman. "Well, then I would say that this city has more intrigue than I thought. So this map," He held up her map. "is 100 percent accurate?" Natsumi stood up, giggling softly as she watched Saito. She finished her drink before hopping off the stool. Natsumi moved toward Saito, and stood in front of the chair next to him "Mind if I sit down?" "I've been down there myself," Uso reassured him. Saito sighed, his lavender eyes not leaving Uso as she explained the maps. He could hear her easily, but he also thought she was attractive as a neko. He looked up at the little neko who was talking to him. "Sure." He said and pushed a seat out with his foot. Natsumi sat down, looking up at him as she bit her lip. She lowered her head, sensing something was troubling him. Saito shifted his attention to Natsumi. "something wrong?" A small beep came from the Data pad that Sergei was holding, "Crap its time for me to go, You want to come along?" She asked him as she turned to look over at the bartender, "5 MORE FOR THE ROAD!" She practically yelled out across the bar. Natsumi smiled "I was gonna ask you the exact same thing." "Nothing's wrong with me. I'm just new around here." Saito smiled at her, the light dancing in his metallic looking hair. He nodded slowly. "I see. Well then I would have no reason to doubt what you have here. Why do you ask me? I'm just a wandering cook. I just arrived here on this planet about a week and a half ago." Sergei slowly took his glass up again, took a large gulp of his tea, then reset his amber eyes on the woman, awaiting her answer. When she said she had to go, he nodded. When the invitation to join her was presented, he snatched up his bag and was on his feet within seconds. "Sure." ~Leaving Uso? Mind if I tag along?~ he thought to the one who had yelled at the tender. "That makes two," Natsumi said before mumbling softly "We all start somewhere Natsumi." Saito grinned at her. Uso smiled and headed toward Saito, "Carry these," she said as she tossed him the cans of drinks that the bartender handed her, "Oh ya bring those maps Sergei!" Uso said as she headed out the door. Sergei nodded quickly and stuffed the maps into his duffel and ran after the woman with amazing speed. He had caught up to her in no time at all. "Well, I'm still waiting for my start... I need to get assigned somewhere first" Natsumi said "Need some help with those?" Saito grinned and got to his feet. He slid a drink into his satchel when she wasn't looking. "Nah, I'm outta here now that something's up. I'll see ya again sometime!" He said as he left after Uso. Natsumi nodded, looking down to her knees "Take care... I'll hold you to that..." ~I'm sure you will cutey~ He replied to her from outside barely hearing what she had said. Outside was a waiting Qelnoran Technologies APC, It was more heavily armed than the other 6 wheeled APC's used by QnSe and had a small group of soldiers sitting in the back with one officer outside, "Who are these people?" He asked Uso, "A Drinking buddy and luggage rack." she said, "I don't think that they...should..." He looked at Uso as she simply walked passed him and into the APC, "Funny Uso, you're carrying your own shit!" Saito said as he threw the drinks at her and got in. "Don't worry 'bout us, we're not too much trouble" He grinned at the qel'noran. "You carry them or we leave you here." She said flatly. "too late, I've drunk them all already." Saito teased, the cans he hit her with were empty, he'd created them on the spot, the real ones were in his bag. Uso gave him a dead serious look, she didn't care if they were fake or not. She was going to make him carry them anyways. Saito grinned and scooped them up, cutting his hand up badly, the mercury-silver blood dissolved the empty cans and absorbed them in a couple moments. "You can't make me do anything ya know, these drinks are mine now, thanks!" He laughed. END --------------------- JP Natsumi Tyler James Zack GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (1/3/04 18:52) [Ralfaris] Into Uso's Tunnel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris The air was dusty and cold, the sky filled with a dark shade of gray that meant it was day; somewhere out there, the sun was shining overhead. The APC continued down the dark streets of QIS, finally reaching the entrance to the military tunnels at the back of the QnT building. The APC disappeared into the underground storage garage and came to a stop at the tunnel entrance where a QnSe security unit was waiting for them. Sergei sighed slightly as he hugged his duffel bag against him and looked at the others that filled the APC. He hadn't spoken since they left the bar, really finding no need to do so. Uso had to leave the APC, as did Saito as it was scanned. "Please put the," "Ya I know the drill," Uso interrupted the security guard as they did a standard memory check on her then the other neko. The APC meanwhile was given a through scan by the sensors inside of the building. He hopped out of the APC right after Uso, shouldering his bag and looking around with his amber eyes, but remaining silent. "Don’t leave just yet," Uso said as she dragged him back into the APC with herself, leaving Saito behind. The APC started up again and headed into the military tunnels. Through the view screens mounted inside of the APC one could see out into the research facilities under QnT as well as the massive stockpile of weapons and vehicles. "We aren't heading to QnT..." She said as the QPC drove on into the tunnels. After a few minutes the APC rolled to a stop at a massive hexagonal door with a barcode on it, "This is it." she though out loud as the door on the end of the APC opened up. The GSS Wicked landed nearby, and a team of Nekovalkyrja in black robes followed the APC down the tunnel entrance. Irim was among them. "Routine surprise inspection," she explained to the guards. "We still have to check your ID," The guard explained. Sergei looked around quickly as he was dragged back into the APC, and it continued down the road. When the door once again opened, he looked out and then back at the woman. "Here?" Chujo Irim was interested in looking around and perhaps finding an interesting spot to hang out for a while. With her were her friends and trusted security team, a mix of all types of nekos from Shirovakten to NH-17T to small NH-12s hidden among the larger nekos. "Ya here," Uso said, "remember that weird map I gave you? This is where those tunnels start." Sergei jumped out of the APC, bag still over his shoulder. He walked a small distance away, just enough to give everyone room to get out of the vehicle. While he waited for the others, he knelt down and took his black trench coat and the data pads with the maps out of his bag. "Hello," a neko in black greeted him. She was part of Irim's entourage. The group of armed tourists was nearby surveying this place. The Parking lot outside of the tunnels was fairly standard. A few cars, some pillars, and an elevator in the center of the large open area were all that were present aside from the various security cameras and turrets. Saito yawned as a group of nekos passed him. "I wonder what is all going on here? Why are these tunnels so important?" He mused to himself as he slowly, cautiously walked toward them. The large group of nekos intrigued him; so he went up to one of them "What's up with the black?" He asked amused. Sergei put the coat on over his black shirt and white work pants. He then put the data pads into his pockets and took a pair of wicked looking knives from the bag, then zipped it back up and shouldered it. He then attached the knives, one to each side, to his belt. "It's a uniform," a kurovakten tilted her head as Saito, somewhat taken aback by his ignorance of GSA policies. "Excuse me ma'am. I'm ...not a military neko." Saito admitted; saluting her. "Please forgive me." Uso and the group of soldiers in the APC dismounted and approached the door, "These tunnels are what QnT has been trying to study ever sense they found them, but they haven't made any sense for a long time. Some of the guys think they have been changing every time we leave." Uso explained out loud to her 'drinking buddy'. "Oh really? And if I may be so bold as to ask, why do you need me? I'm just a cook." Sergei asked, quickly following the woman to the door. "I mean, I may have some talents with finding my way, but I am in no way experienced enough to go spelunking in the tunnels of a planet I've only just arrived on...." After the basic checks QnSe cleared the neko's to enter the military tunnels. The large heavy door to the chamber that led into the actual tunnel system opened up so that they could get in. The tunnels that they entered looked almost exactly like the ones that they had just left, Large and hexagonal, made out of some sort of metal, and having rooms and open area's where rooms could be added on or were already installed. "What's down here?" asked one of the sentries, her eyes fixed on Uso. They had followed the APC using their anti-gravity fields to float behind it. Saito was completely lost in the action, did he follow them down or stay with the relative safety of a group? Sergei walked a few steps behind the woman he had met in the bar. His eyes scanning over the metal walls, and looking into the rooms that branched off. He had a smile on his face that didn't seem to fade in the danger of the situation. Every once in a while, he would look down at the map and try to find where they were. Uso shrugged, "I don't really know why I brought you along..." She thought out loud as they group moved into the tunnel system., "Stuff," Uso replied as the Qelnorans took point and headed into the tunnels, More than one was a bit annoyed with Uso's lazy handling of the situation. Irim and her cohorts poked around, looking for a bar or restaurant. The tunnel system that Uso and co had entered seemed completely devoid of any rooms whatsoever. They reached another door and opened it before heading further into the tunnels, letting the door close behind them. In the standard military tunnel system there were all sorts of facilities from motor pools to recreational areas. The Bar wasn't to well advertised, just a simple sign painted on a normal sized door in the side of the tunnel, but it was there at least. Sergei nodded at the woman's explanation to why he was here. "Looks like a whole city underground." Saito mused as he looked around...and noticed that he was totally alone....again. This sucked, he wanted to be around some people. "Oh now watch this, its the cool part," Uso said to Sergei. She turned around to the door they had come through and opened it. The tunnel they had come through to get there was strait, But now the tunnel system behind them curved to the left. Saito continued looking around for that big group he'd seen a few moments ago, having lost track of Uso. ~Hello?~ He broadcast out to anyone in the area "What was that?" one of Irim's girls asked, floating by randomly. :slowly looked over his shoulder at the doorway, and the now curved path on the other side. "Whoa." was all that Sergei could managed. ~Looks like I'm alone again. This is typical.~ He thought as he made his way out of the area, now nowhere near the group. "QnT has some idea's on how the tunnels do that but none of them have been proven yet," Uso said as the group moved along through this area. Saito sat down near the entrance in sight of the wicked and cracked open one of the drinks he'd swiped from Uso and downed it in one gulp and absorbed the can. "So, it's a mystery, then? How old are the tunnels?" asked a pink-haired Shirovakten, floating after Uso. Uso chuckled to herself, "about two or three months... None of the tunnels existed at all until QnC built them. "So, does that mean Qel'noran construction is hiding from the technology division?" another neko asked. "Ya they wish they could build like this....," Uso thought out loud, "As far as QnC knows they never built this place, It was programmed into the nanites that built this place by someone obviously but no one knows who. This isn't even listed in the private maps QnC has that show all of the secret military tunnels." Saito yawned. This trip to Ralfaris was turned into a real bummer. He idly used his thermal vision to look for their foot prints thinking he'd catch up to see what's going on. "Wazu?" Irim asked. Saito stood up and stretched and started walking after the group following the still warm footprints, walking along briskly, but not running. Uso shrugged, "It could have been him I guess... A lot of people in QnT seem to think that anyways. What we know about the tunnels so far is that they seem to follow distinct patters. Each doorway has 4 tunnels that connect to it, 2 on each side, but they seem to change randomly. Ontop of that when we mapped these tunnels earlier we found that they overlap. See for yourself." Uso said as she tossed Irim the data pad that she kept her map on. Sergei looked to the rest of their "tour group". He looked a bit confused at all the talk of companies and people, but nodded politely whenever a question or statement was made that he knew the answer to. He was fascinated with all the excitement that surrounded him. He used all his heightened senses to keep track of things going on, but it was all just so much. Saito activates his anti-grave system and flew along after the prints and got within sight of the group after a few minutes and let off it. ~This could be interesting~ He thought as he walked up slowly, listening to what everyone was saying. "Hey there." He said to Sergei. "I see." Irim didn't like this place, although she understood what was going on now. She and her group turned around and headed back to the surface, navigating the tunnels rather well, with assistance from the Wicked, which sorted out the overlapping planes. The group passed by Saito heading the other way. The next door that they came to led them to different tunnel system. Everywhere around them were Qelnorans moving about in what looked like a market place. "crap... Tell QnT that we intersected the civilian tunnel system..." Uso said to one of the Qelnorans. "Hey, this looks much more fun." Saito commented. Outside, the Wicked collected its crewmembers and returned to the First Expeditionary Fleet. One of the Qelnorans in Uso's group made a call to HQ while the others locked the door they had just came through. A entrance to the military tunnels from the civilian side wasn't good. Especially sense no one knew about it till just now. Sergei looked to the man whom he had seen in the bar. "Hello." "Hey, maybe there's a souvenir shop around here?" Saito commented. "A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't..." he started, leaving the rest for Sergei to say. In a few minutes a fresh APC came to pick them up. "Have a look around luggage rack, I'm sure you can find something." Uso said as she got into the APC with the rest of the soldiers. "I don't think that they have anything like that down here. " Sergei said, looking around the tunnel. He walked to the door of the APC. "Is there any way that you could return me to the surface?" "I'm coming, too," Saito followed, not wanting to be left alone. "Ya sure just head that way," Uso said as she pointed toward one of the tunnels that led out of the huge underground open area, "no wait I mean that way." She said pointing out another, "I'm afraid we are heading somewhere else other than the surface for the moment but I'm sure you can hail a taxi if you need one. Saito did so, holding his arm up at the side of the street. Sergei laughed and nodded. "Alright, I'm sure we'll find it." With that he began walking in the direction she indicated the second time, always keeping a hand near his right knife. END GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Sergei Dimitriov GSE Civilian (1/3/04 22:31) [Ralfaris] Big Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris Sergei walked slowly out of the tunnels and took a deep breath of air. He had had the foresight to tie a bandana around his face so that the dust would not clog his lungs. He looked around, trying to find something he recognized. He had come out into what used to be the residential area of QIS. Now it was just a big flat piece of dirt. Off in the distance he could hear the sounds of QnC construction equipment as they continued to rebuild "Just great, I'm in the middle of no where." Sergei spoke to himself, as he slowly unclipped the knives from his sides and put them in the bag on his shoulder, zipping it up quickly to keep the dust out. Saito pulled a stick of...something out of his satchel and started chewing on it idly. The silver-haired neko crossed his arms over his chest and shot Uso a dirty glare. "What a waste of time that was." He commented. Can't believe I did all that. Just then a piece of paper blew across the empty area and hit Sergei in the face, "Looking for action? Revenge? A job? Join the GSA TODAY!" it read. "Hmm?" Saito said, hearing the paper hit Sergei. "What's this?" Sergei grumbled loudly, ripping the paper off his face. He was just about to throw it as far as he could, but then the neko spoke and piqued his curiousity. "I don't really know..." He looked at the paper, his eyes scanning it. "Hmm, it is some sort of advertisement about something called the GSA "The military." Saito said Sergei quirked a brow. "The military....Hmm...They need cooks, I would think...." He slowly folded the paper and put it into his bag. "I'll check into that later." He mumbled to himself. A large gust nearly blew the piece of paper out of his hand as a QnC ship flew overhead. Large mechanical arms rigged onto the bottom of the ship guided several poles into the ground and with a large bang each one was forced down several meters into the ground. The underside of the ship then folded outward and wall sections slid down the polls. A new structure was put in place on a matter of moments and soon a group of technicians were connecting the power, water, and media systems to it. Sergei watched the structure just seem to appear from what he thought was only a ship. His amber eyes watched intently, through a squint. "Hmm, interesting." He said to himself as he began walking over in it's direction, intent on speaking to one of the techs. From the dust a entire group of buildings came into view, All of which were around a small plaza with a large rectangular object in the center. The techs were busy connecting wires inside of the walls and installing certain things in the new building, like the roof, which was being slid ontop of the building from a flatbed truck that was parked nearby. Sergei walked up to the technicians unloading the room. He watched them for a moment, then unshouldered his bag. "could I give you a hand with that?" He asked, already takiing a step closer. "Ya sure," The tech said through the dust mask covering his reptilian face. He moved aside so that Sergei could get a better view of the wall. The tech had opened a small pannel and was connecting the wires inside, fortunitely they were all color coded and practicly idiot proof. He smiled slightly and began connecting the wires. "Thanks." He smiled and finished. "So, what is all this stuff for?" Sergei asked. The Qelnoran gave him an odd look, This creature didn't look like he was from around here though perhaps he hadden't heard? "All of the residential buildings were destroyed after the attack. QnC is rebuilding all of them," The tech said. Sergei's smile quickly faded at hearing this news. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that? Um....could I ask you a question? Have you ever heard of this?" He asked, walking back to get into his bag and bringing back the advertisment that had hit him. "Ah, those have been all over the place." The tech said, "A lot of people's entire lives were destroyed after the attack, they could either rebuild or make a new life for themselves in the GSA. A lot of people chose the second option and are signing up for the fleets." "Oh really? is the GSA a good place to work? I mean, do you know?" Sergei asked, quirking a brow lightly and leaning against the flatbed truck. He slung his bag over his shoulder and just watched the man. Tobias Geminasu left "Well that is a matter of opinion I guess..." The tech said, "Some people just joined the military not caring where they go, Most joined the 4th fleet out a patriotic sense, so most think it is a good thing however there are those who don't think to highly of the GSA. Their troops guned down thousands of civilians durring a terrorist attack and one of their ships attacked the Security building. There is even talk of some Qelnorans planning to attack the GSA capitol world of Geshrintall... But then again other people just want to get away from everything and joined the 3rd xf to get as far away from all of this as possible. Sergei slowly nodded. "I see. I don't know if that is something that I would want to have myself associated with....I mean, I need work, but I don't want people to think me cruel. "well a lot of people joined so they can't be that bad right?" The tech asked. "No, I suppose not...." Sergei said, slowly stroking his chin. "So where would you recommend I go to find out more about this....'GSA'?" "Check out any of the corperate towers, They are handling the recruting these days," The tech said. Sergei nodded and looked around, squinting through the dust. "Are they easy to find? I mean, they're towers, so how hard could it be to find them, right?" "They are easy enough to find, Just follow the road," He said. "Alright." Sergei said, turning to leave. He grabbed his bag and jogged down the road. He found a large tower and walked inside, thankful to be out of the dust that seemed to be this planet's forte. He quickly brushed the dust out of his hair and quickly attempted to make himself more presentable. Saito yawned idly, taking a small bite outof the piece of something in his mouth and looked around to figure out where he was. The lobby of the QnSe building had desks aranged in a semicircle around the door, with automated turrets on the roof. "Hello, is there something I can do for you?" A neko behind a desk asked. "Let's see here, where am I?" Saito mused. This dust was everywhere and starting to get on Saito's nerves..quickly. Sergei looked to the neko that had spoken to him. "Well, I think so. I'm here to talk to you about this." He walked over to the desk and held out the paper. "What can you tell me about this, GSA? I'm thinking of joining, but I still have some questions." Saito's lavender eyes swept the surroundings, hoping to find someone to ask for anywhere "The Grand Star Army consists of several fleets each with its own mission. Right now the 3rd XF requires more people for their exploration mission. Perhaps you would like to join them? In any case I can answer any questions you might have." the neko said. Sergei smiled and nodded. "Alright, my first question is this, does the Grand Star Army need cooks? I have other talents, but I would prefer to go with my strong point of cooking." "The ships are in need of skilled cooks. " She said. Saito was annoyed with this dust and tried to use his thermal vision to see through it to find his way out of the area. The residential area was flat for as far as Saito could see. ~Sheesh~ He thought. The annoyed neko scanned the surroundings for anyone he could ask directions of. "Perfect. I think that I would like to sign up for the army then. Would this 3rd XF be anywhere near? I would like to leave as soon as possible. I'm sorta getting restless with all the planet hopping I've done, just to have to do menial labor....I want an exciting job....." A QnC ship flew over Saito's head, heading into the Industrial Sector. The 3rd XF is currently out on assignment. Although we have a few ships headed out there soon," The neko said. ~There we go, whatta lucky opportunity~ Saito grinned, in a matter of minutes, he had a pair of large silvery wings growing out of his back and a long tail, with a couple pumps of his wings, and in combination with his anti-grav field he was in the air, heading after the ship flying low enough to see. The tail acting as a rudder. "Really? Hmm. I think that I still want to get signed up now, and then I can await the ship's departure. " Sergei said, nodding. "Do they have any restrictions on what they do and do not want? Saito soon came to the industrial sector. Saito landed and dissolved the tail and wings back into his body and had a look around. ~I wonder....that GSA....damn, wish I'd followed that guy with the paper.~ "Not really," she said as she pressed a few buttons on the console infront of her, "The 3rd has been notified of your enlistment, A QIS ship will be taking you out shortly. Until then you have guest clearance at this facility. Feel free to have a look around." "Thank you very much. Is there anything that I should know, or things that I should get to prepare?" Sergei asked, folding the paper and putting it back into his bag. "Not that I am aware of sir," she said. Sergei nodded and walked on, stopping and turning to ask one final question. "Where should I go from here? Is there a restaurant or something where I could get something to eat?" Saito looked around the area as he walked through the streets, hoping to find one of those recruiting centers to ask some questions. "There is a mess hall in the upper levels of the building," She said. "Alright, thank you." Sergei said, nodding and turning to find some way of getting to the upper floors. He hadn't eaten in a few days, and could really go for something. He was checked over at the elivador and then allowed inside. The mess hall was on floor 50. END Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (2/3/04 21:57) [Ralfaris] Aftermath -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ralfaris was now orbiting a new star at roughly the same distance that it had been orbiting at previously. The planet now only had two moons, each surrounded by its own ring for the moment. The massive Helix was no where to be seen, it was off collecting resources to be used planet side in the reconstruction efforts after the extensive earthquakes and natural disasters that followed the movement of the planet. The hospitals on the planet had set up temporary treatment area’s inside of the army bases and landing fields, anywhere where enough open room could be found to set up the facilities. Most of the injuries were minor, requiring only basic treatment but the problem was there were so many injuries and the earthquakes were still continuing about the planet. The two remaining rings did their best to apply gravitational force where it was needed to help balance out the lack of a third moon. Over the course of the next few days they would both form up into a single artificial moon that would end the majority of the problems on the planet. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Author Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet (2/15/04 18:39) [Ralfaris] lost in the sauce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON> Ralfaris The security at the QnO complex seemed tighter than it usually was. Additional guards were patrolling on the inner wall of the complex and QnT units were setting up additional force field generators just inside of the main area of the compound that held the Living quarters and work areas for the QnO personnel that worked there. In the landing area of the complex massive amounts of crates had been moved out to be loaded on incoming transports. Almost the entire planet was at or above maximum construction capacity as the entire planet was being reshaped as well as the moons that orbit it. Sam sighed as he finished stuffing the last of his clothes into his bag. He looked around the sparsely furnished room and nodded, satisfied that everything he wanted to take with him, was in either his backpack, or his bag. He picked up his backpack off the bed, and slid it onto his shoulders. Then he turned to the door, and headed for it, bending down to grab his bag by the leather handles. He walked the halls of the building that had been home and work for the last few months, heading for the main landing area. He was supposed to catch a shuttle out to a YSA ship somewhere, and he hoped he would get a good ship, with plenty of exploring and time to analyze new life forms. As he weaved his way through the throngs of people, he didn't speak, and mostly kept his head down, only offering a soft, 'pardon me', to anyone he bumped. The employees of QnO let him pass and the guards let him through to the Landing area. Civilians were kept out of QnO as well as kept in the dark about what this facility did. Genetic engineering of any kind was considered unholy among the religious of Ralfaris and the casts have been known to organize holy warriors to destroy such things. The Landing pad was freshly cleared as a Keiru transport took off to leave a open space for the next arrival, leaving a swirl of dust as it took off. The sun was still blocked out by the clouds over the planet and it seemed like nighttime although in truth it was almost noon. Sam had to use the textured guidelines to find his way around the open-air parts of the complex. Sam muttered something to himself as he pulled a red handkerchief from his shirt pocket and tied it around his head, so that he could at least breathe. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, as well, and looked at the writing, walking his way through the dust and security guards, to the area that his shuttle was supposed to arrive. He was a little early, but he figured that that would be best. Another Keiru arrived in short order, its landing brushing away the dust for a few moments as it settled down onto the landing area and let the massive side doors, which were the only seeming flat parts of its smooth Yui class like hull, open from the storage bay that bulged out from the center of the craft. Crates were quickly pushed into the ship by ground crew using anti-grav devices. A lot of the crates were clear containers where some of the animals created here, at QnO, were being ready to be shipped out. Sam smiled as he saw the QnO seal of approval. It gave him a sense of pride to know that he had worked for a company that produced high quality products like those animals. He reached out and caught a member of the ground crew, speaking softly to him, "Where's this going?" He then pointed to the shuttle, pulling his backpack off his back and setting it next to the bag, at his feet. The man paused and turned, using one hand to keep a hold of the crate. Fortunately the powerful ground lights kept at least some visibility in this area. "This is heading to Tsuki for distribution to the 3rd XF," He said before recognizing the face of the man who he was talking to, "...SIR!" he hastily added. "You needn't call me sir. My name's Sam, just call me that." Sam said, looking at the crate. "Well, then I guess I should follow you, because I have to meet a ship heading out the 3rd XF. By the way, did a small crate arrive yet? Addressed to a Miss Kyoshi Ayame, Taisa of the 3rd XF Ship, Celia?" "It was just loaded Sam," The Geshrin said, his hair nearly filled with dust, "Why do you ask?" he questioned while he motioned for Sam to follow and pushed the crate into the transport ship while other ground crew members did the same. Even though visibility was limited the outline of a massive four legged loading mech could be seen through the dust as it lifted the largest of loads into the top of the Keiru ship to maximize the use of space available. "Well, my unc- I mean, Dr. Dupree asked me to deliver it to her, with his apologies about it taking so long. We ran into some problems, what with our labs nearly destroyed in the attack." Sam said, following closely behind the ground crew member, into the ship. Sam felt a gust of wind on his face as he entered the ship. The inside was kept at a higher pressure than Ralfaris. This basic trick of NBC warfare kept the insides completely free of the dust that was choking the planet even though a massive part of the ship was exposed to the elements. The inside of the storage bay was large and had two doors that led to the interior of the ship at each end although the view was obscured by the walls of crates loaded into the ship. "I'm just glad the quakes are over," The man said as he put the crate away and headed back out, "I hate those things." Only recently had the earthquakes on the planet stopped. Thoth, the massive fortress-moon of Ralfaris, had been built to occupy the space taken up by the lost moon of Ralfaris. It restabelised the gravitational fields around Ralfaris and reastablished the equilibrium among the planets tectonic plates. "Feel free to ride this ship up to the moon." The ground crew member yelled out as he stepped back out into the dust. Sam nodded, only having heard, "free" and, "moon". He guessed that that meant that the ship was going to one of the moons, and that it would be all right for Sam to ride along. He walked through the crates, until he found the one for Ayame , and slowly pulled it out, careful to not shake or jostle it. He walked slowly among the boxes, carrying his pack on his back, cradling the crate to his chest with one hand, and carrying his bag in the other. He walked to the front of the bay, and into the interior of the ship, where he found a seat quickly and set all of his gear down, laying the crate on his lap as he leaned his head against the wall and sighed again. The doors closed and the ship took off, making the quick trip to the Moon. Sam didn't get to see the facility from the outside due to his position but he did get a view of the internal area. The docking center was enclosed in one massive dome. From here the large brownish sphere that was Ralfaris was visible as well as the jet black outline of Thoth. Crates were immediately being offloaded by automated bots and scanned for contraband, Tsuki was going to be the processing center for all of Ralfaris soon, as some QnSe personnel stood guard, "Can we help you?" One of them asked the man standing inside of the ship. Sam smiled and nodded. "Yes. I'm looking for a ship that's heading to the 3rd XF. I was wondering, has it arrived yet?" Sam asked, setting all his stuff on the floor and looking to the person who had addressed him. He set the crate between his bag and backpack, then added. "So have you heard of this...." He looked to the paper as he pulled it out of his pocket. "YSS Celia?" The guard was dressed in a pure QnSe uniform, meaning he was not part of the 4th fleet, and had on black pants and a black tank top that highlighted the Qelnorans muscular body as well as a cape that was attached to a pauldrin on his left shoulder that covered his left arm. He looked down and pressed a few buttons on a small computer strapped to his wrist. "Sorry but it hasn't arrived yet. You should probably head to the main terminal. Just follow the arrows." He said. Sam sighed and nodded, picking all his stuff back up. After getting it all situated comfortably, he began walking towards the main terminal, following the arrows, just as the Qel'Noran had instructed. When he arrived, he looked around, trying to memorize his surroundings so that he wouldn't get lost, as well as to find what all was offered here. This room was also a large dome. Additional pure QnSe staff were on hand moving about. The roof of the dome was transparent and you could see out into the stars. The center of the room was occupied by a large help desk and radiating out from it were a few kiosks and chairs (like what you would find in a airport). All around the terminal were hallways that led out to other areas where ships were either loading or unloading. Each hallway had a screen above it that displayed the relevant information on where the hallway actually led. Sam walked slowly over to what he suspected was some sort of information desk, setting his bag, and the crate, on the floor, smiling to the person behind the desk. "Um, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you tell me if you know when the shuttle going to the YSE 3rd XF will be arriving? I know that you probably don't know any more than that gentleman who greeted me as I got off the shuttle, but I thought that I would at least ask." "Several ships are heading out that way. The Ayame II will be the next one and we are awaiting its arrival at gate 14" The neko at the information booth said. She had on a standard GSA uniform and also had on the shoulder cover of QnL, the logistics division. Sam smiled and nodded. "Thank you." Sam grabbed his bag and lifted the crate, heading out the way of Gate 14. The YSS Ayame II (YC-56) was docked by the time Sam arrived. He could see the sleek white hull of the 3rd-XF ship, dotted with little lights, through an observation window. Nekos with the brilliant red and stark white rising-sun emblem of the 3rd XF on their cloaks hurried at the gate loading palettes of supplies with KFY forklift mecha. Several crates were hurriedly loaded into the Ayame II by the automated drones in the docking bay. The docking area was huge, a large open area in the moon gave enough space for the entire ship to fit inside. Several extremely large doors also hinted that ships could fly further into the base facility but several construction ships hinted that it wasn't yet finished. Sam stopped at the observation window and stared out at the ship. "Wow....." Was all he could say as he stood, just taking in the whole sight before him. He grabbed his stuff and started off towards the ship, hoping to get on and take a tour of it's interior. He didn't really like being on ships, preferring planeside exploration, where you could touch and smell, and use your senses to explore, instead of technological gadgetry, which told you what you were supposed to think. He decided, though, that for this, he would put up with it, especially if this were the ship that Henry was on....Oh, he had a surprise planned for him, if only he had guessed right on the ship assignment request. The ground crews quickly finished loading the ship and pulled away so the ship could head to its next destination and let other craft take its spot. END. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07)