Natsumi sighed a little bit as she slumped her head down onto her desk. She hit her head again on the desk. It was boring, really boring. She hadn't seen Keiko, or Yuuko, or Shina, or anyone else since she was brought back to her quarters. She had gotten a teddy bear from Keiko, but she was bored, lonely in her tiny room. Natsumi hugged Teta, the name she had given to her teddy bear, close to herself. Half-written stories and poorly drawn pictures scattered her room. Natsumi had wonderful ideas, beautiful pictures in her mind's eye, but she couldn't express them onto paper. She also seemed to stay in her room unless on duty. She didn't speak unless spoken to, she hardly ate; just enough to get by on, and she didn't make any effort to really get to know anyone else in the crew. She just seemed to be one of those minor characters, one that's there when they're needed, but gone when they're not. She seemed to enjoy her privacy, but she yearned to be acknowledged... to be loved. She was timid, above all else. She rarely made eye contact with any officers, she always kept her head lowered. She felt inferior to everyone else. Maybe it was because that principle was drilled into her skull when she was young... maybe it was because now, she actually believed it. She yearned for physical contact with someone, but she also feared it. She was afraid of angering someone, or someone harassing her for being so small, or for having a tail, or for any reason they felt like making up. She had encountered this on the celia once before, and even though she grew more and more accustomed to the ship, she still stayed to herself. Maybe it was her nature... maybe it was her choice. [YSS Celia, Rave] Miko? And Straightening out. ON> YSS Rave Keiko was feeling at bit better after speaking with Ayame and was on her way back to the Rave when she paused near the lift to go to it. "Celia, are there any available rooms that are empty on this ship or the Rave?" She asked. "Of course there are," Celia replied, "Both ships have room." "Thank you." Keiko said simply and got into the lift. "Can you please take me to the Rave?" She asked, brushing a emerald hair back behind her ear. Keiko sometimes wondered what the ships thought about their crew, and wanted to ask but was a bit shy about it. "Um Celia..what do you think of your crew? Especially the man that named you?" "Dead persons are not significant to me. When a life form dies, it remains only as historical data in my memory, thus, I carry no opinion of him. My crew is fine by me. I'll have you in the Rave in a moment," Celia responded. Keiko felt a bit sad at hearing that. "Was he a good officer?" The kuro asked curiously. "In performance?" Celia asked. "In anyway." Keiko said, knowing that the Celia probably didn't understand emotion and what Keiko was really looking for. "He was a good man," Celia assured Keiko, looking to soothe her. The young neko smiled. "Thank you Celia, it mean a lot to me to hear that." The lift doors opened to reveal the purple interior of the Rave. Keiko stepped out into the purple hallway and giggled lightly. "Yuuko sure has a odd sense of style.." She commented and started for the room they shared aboard the ship. "Raver, is Yuuko in our quarters?" "Yuuko is in the medical/science office," Raver replied. Wazu and Yuuko were both in the small room with Anet. Keiko decided to turn and head that way, getting to the office in a few moments. She knocked politely, not wanting to interrupt something again. "Sis?" She called through the door. "Hello," Yuuko turned around. "You okay?" Keiko smiled and went over and hugged Yuuko warmly. "I'm going to get my own room Yuuko, I need a little time alone ok?" She said and kissed Yuuko's cheek. "Alright," Yuuko nodded, grinning at the kiss. Keiko let go and smiled. "I think I'm going to become a miko like Inari-chan is. I have had too many spiritual experiences to ignore it anymore; I have been possessed twice .." Keiko hugged herself. "Hmm..." Yuuko smiled, "If that's what you'd like." ON> YSS Rave Keiko nodded to Yuuko, "I'm glad you understand." She said with a nod of the head; her emerald hair moving a bit over her face then back as she moved. Keiko stepped to the side to look around Yuuko; "What're you guys up to?" Yuuko grinned and looked back at little Anet. Wazu was holding a datapad and standing just to the right of Anet, who was sitting on one of the desks. While he was checking her health she was playing with a few pieces of mechanical bits that were lieing around. Her work had produced two odd looking creatures that were little more than a small piece of electronics and a motor that made them tumble end over end slowly to get around. They had the intelect of a pea but they were fun to watch for Anet. Keiko smiled and turned to Yuuko. "Yuuko the mom; that's cute. I'm sure you guys will be happy; now if you'll excuse me I'll be gathering up my things." Keiko said. Yuuko frowned, getting a bad vibe from Keiko. Her sister seemed dangerously jealous. "Why are you moving out, Keiko?" Yuuko asked, obviously a bit hurt. Keiko sighed; "Because 1) I don't want to intrude on you two now since your together and 2) I have alot of things on my mind." She said, looking back to Yuuko. "Keiko, you're our family," Yuuko told her sister, leaning in close and whispering, "Don't you want to meet your new niece?" She pointed at the girl tinkering with the robots on the desk. Keiko shook her head. "I've met her before, nice girl; a bit of a techhie, but she's a good child." The kurovakten said. ~I'm not a part of her family anymore, I'm an outcast, Yuuko has her own family now.~ She was thinking. "I'm happy for you." Anet tossed a small mass of wiring and parts into the air that looked like it had a pair of wings fasioned out of the coverings of a datapad. Anet watched enthusiasticly as it fell to the ground. The thing gave a few pitiful flaps on its way down to the ground causing Anet to frown as it landed and limped off in a circle with its remaining wing. Yuuko hung her head in forlorn dismay. "You don't seem happy..." Her eyes trailed along the ground to the broken mechanoid. Somehow, she felt like Keiko's vow of sisterhood was broken as well. Keiko gave Yuuko a warm hug. "It's ok Yuuko, I just feel like nobody cares about me anymore. I just feel so alone; I want to be your sister still...but I know I have to let you go. I'm sure I'm a terrible disappointment to you and the other Kessaku." Keiko said, trying to smile but sad tears were forming in her eyes. "What? Here, step into the hall with me, Keiko..." Yuuko nodded to Wazu and then went into the hallway. Keiko sighed and stepped out behind Yuuko. "What is wrong with you?!" Yuuko slapped Keiko across the cheek. Keiko simply turned with the slap and looked back at Yuuko with sad eyes, all signs of her normal cheerfulness gone. "I feel useless...ever since you and him got back together I feel like a third wheel. I haven't done anything to prove my worth to the clan..I want to but I seem to be doing only the wrong thing." She admitted, hanging her head. "I still love you just as much as I did before I met Wazu. You've got to stop being afraid of men. Wazu's a good man and he's going to be your brother, Keiko. No one expects you to become a somebody instantly just because of our family name. I love you so much Keiko...and for you to act like I don't drives me crazy in the worst way," Yuuko said, taking Keiko's hands into her own. Keiko just looked at Yuuko with a look of shock on her face. "But, why am I afraid of men? I think it's called a phobia: an irrational fear of something; they look at me as if they have only one thing on the mind. That's why I didn't want to form such a revealing dress in the club.." She admitted again. "Men think very much like we do," Yuuko chided her. "You're afraid of sex, I think...and of course, you don't want to lose another man you love..." The Emerald -haired neko nodded. "That could be it, I suppose I took his death harder than I let on. And, I still think I should be afraid of sex, there's no real point in doing wastes energy that could be put to one's job or practices." "Even Rave would disagree, Keiko," Yuuko said. "It's fun. You don't know because you've never tried...and it's not such a big deal. It should't be such an issue, I think. I love Wazu and he loves me, so why not pleasure each other? I hope your time as a Miko teaches you to be relaxed and a little more laid-back. Just because something doesn't seem efficient at first, doesn't mean it's bad." Keiko shook her head in disagreement. "That's good and fine for you Yuuko, but I simply don't want a part in it. And I am laid-back and relaxed, I just...react quickly to things." She said defensively. "What?" Yuuko asked, "What don't you want to be part of? Relationships? Our family?" "Intimate sexual relationships with the opposite gender." Keiko clarified. "This family means everything to me; it's the only one I have now." "Stay with us. Please give Wazu a chance. I love you, Keiko," Yuuko hugged Keiko tightly. Keiko hugged Yuuko back as her eyes darted left and right, sorting out the situation. "Yuuko, it's not really my choice if I give him a chance or not, he's yours not mine." She said, smiling somewhat. "Yuuko, I admit, I really am scared of relations like that to the point I thought about sealing off my crotch and everything down there. Just to avoid it." "Whoa!" Yuuko said, backing out of the hug, "Really? Keiko!" Yuuko seemed shocked. "I figured it would be the best way to avoid it, is to not make myself available to it." She said. "But I haven't done anything yet." She laughed. "I was actually considering switching bodies to a lighter color skintone. I don't really like how I look, I'm ugly with this black skin, I look like I got burnt to a cinder." She laughed at herself. "Yuuko, you're, you poor need some confidence..." She lowered her voice, "I will help you...face your fears about intimate touching, if you'd like," she said quietly. Keiko's eyes widened and she jumped back timidly. "Yuuko!" She gasped in shock. Her eyes darted left and right unsure of herself again; she was curious as to what was so good about it..but like this? Sure, she'd played around touching Yuuko and such; but she didn't think anything of it was all play... "When you're ready," Yuuko nodded sincerely, giving her a loving smile. "And I think modeling would help you like your body more, too," she added with a grin and a nod. "Thank you Sis." Keiko said and gave Yuuko another hug as if to reassure her sister that she wasn't leaving the family. Keiko shook her head and chuckled. "Is a miko allowed to be a lingerie model too Ms. frilly?" She asked, letting go and poking a finger into Yuuko's chest; as if to poke fun at her. "Oh!" Yuuko smiled happily, "I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that!" "But I really that gorgeous? I mean can I wear this?" She asked shimmering the image of herself in thong lingerie over her skirt uniform. "Ooh!" Yuuko clapped excitedly, "You're lovely!" She patted Keiko's bottom. "Nobody thinks any less of you because you're black," she smiled. "You're more rare and precious, even," Yuuko smiled. Keiko blushed. "Hey, Yuuko hands off that." She said poking more fun at Yuuko as she let the illusion fade so she looked normal. "How am I more rare and precious because I have onyx skin? Aren't there alot of kurovaktens?" "Not too many of them. Maybe only 10 on this ship, not counting the NH-12 pilots," Yuuko explained, "If that." "Wow, I am rare, isn't sister Irim a shirovakten? The opposite of me? When I met her, she had pale skin." Keiko asked, starting to get a bit excited at the realization she was one of few. "Yep," Yuuko nodded, "There's a nice variety in the family, isn't there?" Keiko giggled. "I want to meet the rest of the family face to face sometime. I know my father liked Sister Anri's voice, he even asked Seigi to mimic it before she went down." Keiko said. "Maybe we can get Celia to sound like that, that soft, calming, reassuring voice." "I don't think Celia likes anything but her Norse one," Yuuko giggled. "Raver could be soft if you'd like," Yuuko grinned. "I'll ask Anri to come by, okay? Irim will be harder to get...she's busy." "Irim's always busy as the Taisho in charge." Keiko agreed. "And I'd like that, if Anri came by sometime." She sighed once, a bit heavily, she felt better now that she had talked to Yuuko about what she felt. "Sure," Yuuko grinned. "Are you feeling a little better now?" "Hai, a little better. But I'm still not sure about being a model. I know, let's get James's opinion on it!" She giggled happily. She was gaining confidence in herself already; The kuro shimmered back into the look of lingerie but a little more concealing this time. "Sure," Yuuko nodded, and led the way back into the room. She turned away at the last moment, "What will Anet say," Yuuko giggled. Keiko rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I'm sure he'll cover her eyes." Yuuko giggled some more and went back into the room. Keiko followed behind her and whistled to James. "Hey! What do you think?" She asked him and struck a pose. James gave both girls a blank look, "uh.." was all he managed to get out, being temperarily stunned by them walking in with bearly any clothing on. He quickly cleared his head and replied, "I think it looks great!" James also made a move to have Anet look away but she was to busy with her little creations to care about Keikos temperary lack of clothing. Keiko giggled and blushed a bit. "Really?" "Yes, really... what prompted the sudden change in attitude?" He asked. "A nice talk with my sister. I was feeling depressed about my looks and such." Keiko explained as shortly as she could. "Hard to imagine, isn't it?" Yuuko grinned, looking Keiko up and down. James nodded. "What's hard to imagine?" keiko asked innocently as she shimmered back to normal, letting her holos fade. "Hard to imagine anyone could be ashamed of a body like yours," Yuuko said quietly. "aw come on, you're making me blush!" Keiko said as she did just that. "But if you want me to model your designs Yuuko, you're going to have to understand that my priorities go like this as of now: Job, training as a miko, then the modeling. When I'm off shift, I still have to do some training before I can do anything else." Keiko said firmly, as if she was setting down her rules on this. "Alright," Yuuko nodded. Keiko nodded in response and smiled. "Well I suppose I'll be off, I still need a room of my own, I think I'll simply move to the room next to yours. Then I'm off to the baths, after that; I have to go on duty." "Okay," Yuuko nodded, a bit sadly, "I'm going to miss spending my nights with you. You sure you want to move out?" She pondered the thought of making Wazu sleep alone or with Anet. After all, humans could get sweaty, and she'd rather be sleeping than making out with him, too. "Well would you want incense burning as well as my spiritual chantting going on while you try and sleep?" Keiko asked pointedly. Yuuko seemed confused. "At night?" "Well, just a little blessing for sound sleep and protection; something I saw Inari do a couple times when I lived in the medical officers quarters with her while I learned the skills of a medic. She didn't seems to mind afterall, I think she was thankful for the company on some nights." Keiko shrugged. "Oh," She looked to James, "Who do you want to sleep with?" "Well, I'd like to sleep with you still but if you want me to sleep elsewhere then I will," He said, not really wanting to leave Yuuko. "I meant, is Anet staying with us two?" Yuuko asked, wondering where Anet would go. "I think personally that he should stay with Anet, she is his daughter." Keiko said professionally, remembering that Yuuko had mentioned niece; which lead her to deduce the Anet was James's daughter. "It's not like Yuuko's gonna be cheating on you." She chuckled. "Anet is a big girl, she can take care of herself," James added, "Besides she has chosen her own room, I think we should let her have it." "Um how old is she anyway?" Keiko asked curiously. "Okay. May I see a map, Raver?" Yuuko asked, touching a black panel on the wall. A map of the ship's rooms appeared and Yuuko looked it over. "I'm six," Anet said, she seemed to be paying attention only to her little creations but apparently she had a ear on the conversation as well. Keiko walked over and ruffled Anet's hair. "You're a smart 6-year-old then. I think you'd make a good scientist or engineer with some training." Keiko smiled. "Okay, so on this map, "Yuuko pointed," Anet has the 'Medical/Science' nest, Wazu and I have the 'Operations' nest, and you'll have the 'Visitor's Nest', okay?" she said. "This way, we'll always be close to one another if someone needs something." Keiko looked over at Yuuko, having gotten momentarily distracted. "Does the Visitor's nest has a view?" She asked, walking over to have a look. "Yes, it has windows," Yuuko nodded. "That sounds good, but why aren't the other rooms taken? You a little short on crew Yuuko? All I've ever seen on this ship is us and a couple sprites." Keiko asked curiously. Yuuko giggled. "That's all there is," she explained. "You need to have Raver create some more sprites to handle the other key positions, if they're not already." Keiko said. "I don't think anything's really needed at this point," Keiko's sister told her. Keiko shrugged; "I just think it'd be better to be safe than sorry is all. Less work for me ya know." She giggled. Yuuko just smiled and hugged Keiko from behind tightly for a long time. JP Tyler (Keiko) Zack (James, Anet) Wes (Yuuko, Celia, Rave) [YSS Celia] Getting it off the Chest ON> YSS Celia Keiko sighed, after her...interesting meeting with Yuuko; she began to have thoughts..some rather troubling things. ~ Does Yuuko really care for me? She doesn't seem to...not anymore..~ The Kuro thought and scooped up a datapad as she sat in a chair in the medbay. "Taisho?" She asked over the pad, hoping to catch her. Ayame was rather curious at the purpose of the call but answered, "Yes Keiko?" "I am sorry if I interrupted anything, but do you have a moment?" Keiko asked, her voice sounded troubled. "Yes of course. What is it?" Ayame sounded slightly worried because of the tone in her voice. "Can I come see you to chat in person? My problems are of...a personal nature.." The emerald-haired neko asked. Ayame pursed her lips and thought a moment, "Of course. I'm in my quarters." Keiko nodded and smiled. "Thank you Taisho." She said and bowed her head and started for the captain's quarters, familiar with the layout of the ship. It did't take too long to get there; there was a polite knock on Ayame's door. "Come in" Ayame said through the glass. She rose from her seat at her desk and smoothed out the dark blue kimono. Keiko walked in and bowed to Ayame, bending at the waist. "Thank you for seeing me. " The black neko sighed. "I feel like I'm losing my only family.." Ayame took her seat and moved her hand in the direction of the one in front of her, "Please sit down." "Thank you." Keiko said and sat down and ran her hands over her torso, smoothing her skirt uniform down. "It seems like Yuuko doesn't care about me anymore." Ayame looked at Keiko calmly, "Why is that Keiko?" "She..." Keiko closed her eyes as tears began to form. "Seemed to change after I got bigger, I caught her watching me every now and then..I was uncomfortable. Like she was looking at my body and not me; father told me to avoid those types..." She said. "Yuuko didn't care that I went to Fenyar..or that I got back, I think she wouldn't have cared if I had died there." Ayame nodded, "I see, so she makes you feel uncomfortable now?" Keiko nodded. "Somewhat. Especially now that her and James are together; she eyed me and him like she wanted me to know..with him. She claimed I needed to feel what she did; and I don't want to..ever." Keiko said. Ayame smoothed out her kimono, "Not ever?" "There's no guy worthy, the only one who ever was is dead." She said. "I just...don't feel comfortable, I think their extra anatomy is...I dunno, gross." The medic said, remembering all the medical information on the subject in question. Ayame nodded, "I see... Tell me something Keiko, have you spoken to Yuuko about this?" The young neko shook her head. "I don't think she'd listen to me, she didn't at that dinner of yours, she's too into James right now..." She trailed off, brushing a silky greenhair out of her face. Ayame studied Keiko, "Are you jealous?" "No." Keiko replied calmly. "I just feel like my only family is leaving me...again.." She said start with a slight sob. Ayame nodded, "I understand Keiko, I really do. I think you should perhaps speak to Yuuko alone, make her understand how you are feeling and take a few steps back. Take the time alone to think your way through what you want to do with your life." "Ms. Ayame? Can I have a room on this ship to myself?" Keiko asked, nodding as she sniffled and wiped a tear away. Ayame nodded, "Yes of course." She looked across at Keiko in the subdued candle light, "Do you not like your current lodging?" "Well it's with Yuuko on the Rave. I like Keenara and Inari and all, but I need some time to myself." Keiko sighed. "I miss my daddy..." She said, hugging her knees up to her, sounding like a little girl. "Your father will always be with you Keiko as long as you hold him in your heart." Ayame smiled softly, "Never forget that." Keiko nodded. "The only thing I really want or need is a family who'll love me and not want to use me.. I don't want to give my body to anyone for companionship..." She said. "I never had to before when I was small, I think it's stuck in my head." Ayame nodded, "Keiko you never need to give your body to anyone until you are ready." The little neko smiled. "But what do I do if someone tries to force me too? To be honest, I'm scared those trolls might try it.." Ayame folded her hands in her lap, "I will NOT allow that on my ship." Keiko smiled fully. "Thank you Ayame." She said. "Where should my room be?" The black neko asked. Ayame smiled, "Wherever you like. You can ask Celia for the available quarters." Keiko nodded. "I'll do just that. Ayame..can I ask you a personal question?" Ayame nodded again, "Yes, I can not promise I'll respond though." "Did you happen to know my father?" Keiko asked. Kai had told her alot of life lessons, but not much on himelf, she was curious. Ayame shook her head, "No I did not have that pleasure." Keiko giggled, a bit, starting to relax now that she'd told someone her feelings. Someone she trusted and knew respected her. "Can you bring up his files for me to read? I can't access them due to my rank." Ayame nodded, "I suppose it would not hurt to release that information." She smiled, "Do you need anything else Keiko?" Keiko looked shy..." A hug?" She asked hopefully. Ayame laughed and got up to hug the other neko, "Hugs are free." The emerald-haired neko smiled and hugged her back warmly, squeezed her for a moment then let go, feeling better. " Thank you Ms. Ayame. Can you download those files to this pad?" She asked handing her the datapad. Ayame took the pad and uploaded the files on the late shosho to the pad, "There you are Keiko. Anything else?" Keiko shook her head no. "Nothing from you Ma'am...I just need a bath, I haven'thad some since getting back from Fenyar. If I may be excused of course." Ayame nodded, "Of course dear." Keiko stood up and walked over to Ayame and kissed her cheek sweetly and smiled, it was and old habit from the time she was small. "I used to do that to father as a thank you when I was 8 inches tall, hope you don't mind." Keiko said as she neared the door. Ayame smiled, "Not at all Keiko, sleep well and if you need anything do not hesitate to come by." "You remind me alot of him." Keiko smiled and exited the room with a bow. JP Tyler (Keiko) Jenn (Ayame) [YSS Jade] Almost Confession “Henry.” “Uhhh, five more minutes, mom.” “Um… sir? It’s time for you to get up.” “Hmm.” “Sir, you are drooling all over your pillow.” “Hmm?” Henry was finally awake. He slowly rubbed his eyes, and saw that Shina was staring at the wet stains on his pillow with a bemused expression. “Those will just dry out,” he whispered, slightly embarrassed. “Of course, sir,” Shina replied as she brought Henry’s uniform over to him. “Would you like me to help you put your pants on, sir?” “Ack, get away from me, I can dress myself,” said Henry, but he couldn’t help but smile. Shina would ask him that question occasionally, when she was feeling playful. He always wondered how she would react if he ever answered “yes”. “Very well, sir. I shall await you in the bridge,” the neko replied as she descended the ladder that led up to the captain’s nest. Henry put on his green YSA uniform, even though he should really be wearing a white one now, and carefully affixed his lieutenant’s pin to his shirt. He then joined Shina on the bridge of the Jade. “Since you woke me up, Shina, I presume the burn medicine is ready?” “Almost, sir. The medics have determined the right chemical formula. It will take another 30 minutes for them to manufacture the amount that you requested,” Shina replied in an apologetic voice, “Meanwhile, I was thinking that we could have breakfast. I had some sprites bring over some food from the Celia’s mess hall over to the Jade’s galley.” “Excellent,” said Henry has he checked the chronometer inside his right eye. He had been sleeping for a little over 8 hours. “You are… not mad… sir? We are running behind schedule.” “Of course not. The medics obviously took the time to make sure that the medicine is safe for the Kee’Awloos, which was exactly what I told them to do. Now, let’s go eat.” The galley was right next to the bridge, so walking over to it took Henry and Shina mere seconds. On the counter sat two plates. One held a steaming dish of rice and jumbo shrimps, the other held golden hash browns, sausages, and veggies. Shina picked up the plate with the hash browns, along with a fork, and handed them to Henry, and then picked up the plate of shrimps for herself, along with a set of chopsticks. “Oh good, it appears that all my whining about the Japanese food to the sprites has paid off,” said Henry with glee as he began eating. “You need a chair, sir?” “Nah. I’m okay,” replied Henry between chews. When they had finished their food, Shina took out a can of orange soda, a bottle of water, and a bottle of iced tea from the fridge and placed them on the counter. Henry took a cup from the stack of cups near the coffeemaker, mixed some orange soda and water into the cup, and began drinking the concoction. Shina sipped her iced tea and smiled as she watched Henry drink his watered-down orange soda. Her smile faded as she saw him pick up a data pad with his free hand. How would he react to the news? Casually sipping his drink, Henry checked the latest news with the data pad, his eyes quickly landing on the headlines. He breathed a sigh of relief as he read that the SMX invasion force advancing toward his home-world had been repulsed. Henry didn’t really expect any other outcome really. He had full faith in the Empire. His face paled as he read the casualty reports. “Damn, that’s a lot of dead nekos,” he murmured. Shina just looked at him with a sad expression on her face. “I’m sorry, Shina, I guess that wasn’t a very sensitive thing to say,” Henry said to her with a weak smile. “It’s okay, sir. It’s what we were made for: to serve and protect the Empire at all costs. We are… just weapons… after all,” replied his assistant, who was also trying her best to smile, but the sadness was evident in her eyes. “No, Shina,” answered Henry as he slowly shook his head, “Nekovalkyrjas are more than just weapons. You are people, sentient beings. As far as I’m concerned, you are as human as Geshrins and Neplesians.” “Thank you, sir,” said Shina, tears welling up in her eyes, “that means a lot to me, coming from you.” Henry smiled as he put down the data pad and softly caressed Shina’s shoulder. He didn’t resist as Shina set down her tea and pulled him into a hug, but placed his drink on the counter and put his arms around her. “There’s two things I would gladly give up my life to protect, sir: the Empire… and you,” Shina said softly in his arms. “I know that, Shina, but… do you know that I feel pretty much the same way?” “Sir?” “I know I’m willing to die for the Empire, Shina, and I know that…” Henry’s voice trailed off as Meemeel walked into the galley. He blushed slightly. “Oops, I’m… I’m sorry, sir, Shina,” the Geshrin girl appeared quite flustered as she saw Henry and Shina hugging. “It’s okay, Meemeel,” Shina replied in a low voice as she released Henry from the hug. “I… just wanted to let you know, sir, that the burn medicine has been prepared and is waiting for you in the shuttle bay, sir. Um, the Jade AI told me that I would find you here…” said Meemeel to Henry. “It quite all right, Miss Meemeel,” Henry replied with a smile, “please return to your regular duties. I will try to keep strange requests to a minimum in the future.” “It’s not strange at all to me, sir. It is a medic’s duty to heal allies and enemies alike… I hope that you can convince the Fenyaros to be our allies, sir,” said the Geshrin girl with a bow. “I hope so, too, Miss Meemeel,” said Henry, watched Meemeel walk out of the galley, and then turned to his assistant. “Shina, is the shuttle ready?” “Yes, sir.” “And the weapon system?” “Disabled, sir, as per your instructions while you were in your nest last night.” “Good,” replied Henry as he finished his watered-down soda, “let’s go.” As Henry and Shina stepped out of the airlock and into the shuttle bay of the Jade, they saw a T2 “Kitty” aeroshuttle waiting for them, as well as a neko pilot in a blue uniform. The pilot was wearing a Sergeant pin and holding what appeared to be a picnic basket. A plastic briefcase stood beside her. Six Lamia armor suits were also there. Two neko technicians in red uniforms were busily working over them. “Hello, sergeant,” Shina greeted the pilot. “Sir, ma’am, the sprites made some food for you,” said the neko pilot as she saw the two walk up to her, handing Shina the picnic basket. Henry walked over to the plastic briefcase and opened it. Inside it were a few dozen small jars of a green gel-like substance. He nodded, closed the briefcase, and placed it under his arm. “If you would please step inside the shuttle, sir, ma’am, I’ll have you planet-side in no time,” said the pilot neko as she stepped into the shuttle. Henry nodded and followed Shina inside the shuttle. Shina took a seat near the front, buckled herself in, and nestled the picnic basket between her arms. Henry sat down next to her, buckled his seat-belts, and placed the briefcase on his lap. “Ready when you are, sergeant,” said Henry, a bit impatiently. The neko pilot was simply waiting for the order to take off. She nodded as she started up the shuttle. [YSS Jade] Obligations ON> YSS Jade (YD-524) Henry was sitting at the operations station of the bridge, with his chin resting on his hands. He looked bored. Just when he was about to volunteer for a recon mission back to Fenyar's planet surface, he was informed that Taisho Ayame was already planet-side, and personally handling the negotiation process. Shina sat at the science station, tweaking the controls to her tastes. Henry fidgeted. There must be something that he could do to help. "Um, Jade Megami," he finally called out, "are you there?" "Good evening, Taii Chen, Chui Tanaka," Jade greeted the two as she entered the bridge. The Avatar has styled herself after her name, taking on a very pleasing Chinese visage, deep green hair, and an ancient-style white pants and coat, "How may I serve you?" "Good evening, ma'am," Shina turned around, bowed, and returned her attention to her station. "Um, yes ma'am," Henry replied as he bowed, noticing the AI's Taisa pin, "I was hoping to get an update on the negotiation process on Fenyar." "I haven't received any word on it since the two were dropped off," Jade informed them. "I have been tracking them, however, and our representatives seem to be alright. Also, the destroyed village is being rebuilt." "Rebuilt? Interesting... Do you know what happened to the Kee'Awloo monks? Right before we evacuated, I detected the explosions that the Nerimians set off going through the entire Kee'Awloo wormhole system..." Henry closed his eyes as he remembered that painful day. "... Do we know whether any of the Kee'Awloo survived?" "Some Kee'Awloo remain alive; more than two hundred and fifty have been detected, sir," Jade answered. Henry trembled slightly. Grim mathematics was being done in his head. "Well... it was a low population density planet to began with..." he mumbled, "but still..." Henry shook the thought away. The YSA certainly had committed worse atrocities in the past. He certainly wasn't going to start letting himself be bothered by it now. "Well," he finally replied, "it wasn't our fault... How long has the Taisho been down there, anyway?" "The Taisho Kyoshi Ayame has been down there for over two days," Jade replied promptly. "Shall I draw a map for you?" the computer-woman inquired. "That would be ideal, ma'am," replied Henry. Jade nodded and filled the main screen with a terrain map overlaying an aerial photo. The temple was labeled, as well as other landmarks. The computer scanned around a bit. "She's in the temple itself," Jade placed a little Taisho pin image on the temple on the map. A great many red dots wandering around in the area represented Fenyaro, mostly To'Yaree. Upon seeing the map, Henry suddenly had a flashback of playing his strategy games on his laptop. He shook his head again, and smiled. This was no game. "Is there anything I could do to help the negotiation process?" he asked, mostly to himself, "By the way, ma'am, whose permission do I need to obtain if I wish to conduct a planet-side mission?" "To assist the negotiation, you should refrain from acting in ways that alienate you to the population of the planet. To go to the planet, I would suggest asking Taisho Kyoshi Ayame, who is also still on the Celia," Jade replied. "She is? Of course she is..." Henry said to himself. Why would a Taisho ever go into a potentially hostile situation without a clone? "Could you patch me through to her, ma'am?" Henry smiled at the AI, who vaguely resembled his mother. "Of course," Jade replied. A tired-looking Taisho Ayame was on the screen in a moment. "Hello, Henry," she smiled. "Hello, ma'am. I hope this day finds you well... I was hoping to obtain your permission to take a shuttle down to the planet. Shina could assist you in the negotiation process, and I could bring some burn medicine with me if needed." "And... more importantly," he continued, "I wish to personally apologize to the surviving Kee'Awloos... I owe them much, and have so far only helped to bring them death and suffering in return..." "A shuttle?" Ayame asked. "I suppose that'd be alright. I'm doing pretty well using hemosynthesis down here, but I'm terribly fatigued because I'm pretty much drained of blood. You'd be a big help. Guess what? Sergei's alive! He's...changed, but he's alive. I've seen him...Come on down and join me, your company is always welcome. Don't bring your weapons, alright?" "Sergei is alive? That's wonderful news, ma'am!" Henry smiled as if a huge weight was lifted off his heart. "And I was going to ask what happened to his body... I'll join you as soon as the burn medicine is prepared. And if the Taisho orders me not to bring weapons, I will not bring so much as a sharpened pencil." Henry smiled as he wondered whether the Taisho had ever seen a real pencil. Very few of them are still manufactured on Yamatai, mostly as novelty items. "Alright," Ayame smiled, appreciating his remarks. "I will see you soon, then." She nodded a goodbye to him and the transmission ended with the rising sun logo of the Third Expeditionary Fleet. Jade was quiet. "Shina..." said Henry. "The preparations are already underway, sir," replied his trusty assistant. "Very good, Shina... time until completion?" he asked. "We'll have to alter the chemical composition, sir, in order to ensure that the medicine is effective on Fenyaros, and that there would be no side effects. Estimated time to completion is 6 hours." "Would you like an invisible weapon?" Jade asked them both. "That's won't be necessary, ma'am, I doubt that I'd be able to wield it, anyway. And Shina is well trained in hand-to-hand combat... Well, I guess I better catch some sleep before I head planet-side. You should, too, Shina." Shina nodded, bowed to Henry and Jade, and left the bridge for her nest. "Alert me when the medics have prepared the medicine, ma'am. I wish to leave as soon as possible," said Henry to Jade as he climbed into the captain's nest, "And please take care of the ship for me while I'm gone." Jade nodded, "I'll also have some snacks and meals ready. Have a good rest, Henry." "Thank you, ma'am," replied Henry, poking his head out of the nest to take another good look at the AI, "Good night." JP by: Wes (Jade AI, Taisho Ayame) Yangfan (Henry, Shina) [YSS Jade] A Chat between Chuis Shina marched into the Yade’s small medical bay, trying to look intimidating. She could see a few sprites and a Geshrin medic working in front of some computer terminals and a distillation apparatus. “I thought the medicine was going to be ready in 6 hours, it’s been 7 hours now. What’s the hold up?” Shina asked, trying to sound harsh, but only managing to sound annoyed. The Geshrin medic was wearing a Chui pin. She answered without looking at Shina. “We are just making sure that the medicine won’t have any adverse effects on the Kee’Awloos, Shina. Taii Chen was very specific on that point… What’s he doing right now?” “Sleeping… He did say not to wake him up until you finish making the medicine. I don’t think he’ll be very happy when he wakes up, though,” Shina answered. “This would go a lot faster if we had some actual Kee’Awloo DNA to work with… Dante only left us some scans of him.” “Hmm,” Shina furrowed her brow. “I don’t think the Kee’Awloos would just roll up their sleeves for us, not anymore…” She was sad that she couldn’t be of more help. Being an astrophysicist didn’t really help in these situations. “Don’t worry, Shina, I’m sure we’ll be finished in no time,” the Geshrin girl tried to give Shina an assuring smile. “You look… familiar,” Shina suddenly said, looking at the Geshrin girl, “have we met before?” “I came here on the same ship as you and Taii Chen when I was deployed,” the Geshrin girl answered. “Of course!” It was all coming back to Shina. “Your name is… Meemeel?” “I’m glad you remembered me, Shina,” Meemeel replied as she smiled. Shina nodded smiled, “Well, carry on, Meemeel. Let Jade and me know as soon as you are done. I’ll stop bothering you now. ” The two girls bowed to each other before Shina turned around and left the medical bay. YSA no Taii Chen Henry Commander, YSS Jade (YD-524) [YSS Rave] Caught in the Act ON> YSS Rave Keiko had just gotten back on board from Fenyar; as the ship began to lift off again, the kuro walked to the bridge to say hello to her sister. Keiko brushed a long emerald hair out of her eyes and holstered her gun; and looked around. "Yuuko?" Inside of the bridge was a young girl that looked to be only 6. Spread out on the floor was the parts to a data pad which was projecting a small image of the ship they were on. The girl was busy inputting data from the ship to create a 3d model which was fairly realistic. Occasionally she would poke the floating image while messing with some of the parts. Keiko walked over to the girl. "Hello're with James right?" Keiko asked, remembering having met her earlier. Anet nodded, "Yes," she said shortly before returning to the small mass of circitry, "Is there something that you want?" Keiko looked around. "Where's my sister Yuuko? Have you seen her?" She emerald-haired neko asked. "They went in that direction," Anet said, stopping what she was doing to turn around and point. "Rave knows exactly where they are if you get lost in your search." she added before going back to her plaything. Keiko shrugged and turned around and looked in the direction the girl had pointed. "Rave, where's my sister?" She asked, not wanting to search. Rave politely responded, "Yuuko is in the officer's nest." "Thank you Rave." Keiko said and went to the officer's nest to say hello. While she was climbing up the ladder, she could hear Yuuko's moaning through the door... Keiko perked a brow and opened the door. "Yuuko?" She was popping her neck and had her eyes closed at that moment, she was wondering why Yuuko was moaning though. "OH!" Yuuko squeeked, lying back on the edge of the nest, fully nude. Wazu was over her with his face near her boobs. Keiko couldn't see much of what was going on because Wazu's back was in the way. Yuuko's hands reached for a nearby blanket. Keiko looked over, and didn't say a thing, but her grip on the doorframe increased exponentially. She was shocked Yuuko would betray her like this, he hand fingered the GP-13 at her hip. "" She muttered. Wazu quickly rolled off Yuuko to face the girl who had just entered the room, "um... hello?" was all he managed to get out. Yuuko covered herself with the blanket. "Keiko!! Um...welcome back." Keiko's eyes teared up and she jumped back down the ladder and ran off through the ship until she got to an empty room and locked herself in. She was crying softly, clutching her knees to her chest; sitting on the floor. "I can't...believe it..." She sniffled. Yuuko looked to Wazu and then followed her sister. No lock on the ship would keep the ship's captain out. She found Keiko quickly. "Keiko?" she asked cautiously, "What's wrong?" Keiko scooted away from her until her back was to a wall. "Stay away from me." She said in a mixed tone that wavered between disappointment and anger. Wazu stayed in the nest for a moment, figuring Yuuko could deal with this better than he could. With a sigh he changed his mind. He wanted to be there incase Yuuko needed him so he got up and followed her. Wazu kept his distance from her, staying just far away enough to where he could at least tell what was going on. Yuuko wasn't going to repeat herself...she waited for an answer. Keiko finally looked up at Yuuko, ignoring her nudity and wetness the glinted in the light. "I come back hoping to see you, and you're up there doing....'that' with him. What about that promise? Did it mean anything to you?!" Keiko almost shouted. She sniffled once and wiped the tears away; She had only seen him on top of her and took it the wrong way. Her hair draped over her face as she put her face in her knees again, sobbing softly. "I've kept our promise, as much as I wanted to let him, Keiko. He only was using his hands," Yuuko explained. "It was so good," she added dreamily, a smile spreading across her lips. "He what? But he was on top of you...and your thighs are covered in feminine lubricant..." Keiko sniffled, looking up again; her Violet eyes locked with Yuuko's. Keiko had read about this, downloaded the medical information...but she didn't understand why it felt good, and she didn't want to know. "We didn't do that, Keiko. Trust me," Yuuko assured her sister. 'Then what was so good?" Keiko asked curiously, unclenching her legs and leaning back against the wall, holding one of them up still. The young neko set her head on her knee looking at Yuuko questioningly. "You've got to feel it for yourself sometime, I suppose," Yuuko giggled. "He's very good with his hands." She blushed and then added, "I mean, not that he should be the one to show you!" embarrassedly. The Kuro shook her head, making her hair dance. She got to her feet, standing a little taller than Yuuko and looked down at her. "I don't care how good he is, he touches me in anyway like that with them, I'll cut them off and not reattach them." "Well, what now?" Yuuko asked, giving her sister an angry look. Keiko looked regretful. "I...didn't mean that...I'm so confused.." She said and walked over and hugged Yuuko. Keiko indeed didn't know what to do or think much less say. Yuuko hugged her sister back warmly, her anger fading. "I love him, Keiko," she said. Keiko sighed and rubbed her sister's back. "Lucky guy." She giggled and pinched Yuuko's bum gently, like she had done sleep; but that time it was unwittingly. "He's a good guy, Keiko. I'm sure you'll like him," Yuuko smiled. "He's going to live her with his daughter, Anet. Have you met your new niece yet?" She patted Keiko bottom in return for the squeeze. "That little girl who's tearing up and studying a datapad?" Keiko asked, letting go of Yuuko and looking past her to James. ~What do you mean he's good with his hands?~ Keiko thought to Yuuko innocently, using telepathy to hide the question from the onlooker. Yuuko giggled, "He drives me wild," she whispered in Keiko's ear, blushing. "I don't see why, he's not that good looking, I say shave him and he'll look better." Keiko snickered evilly as she seriously considered it. James smiled as he saw the two girls hug and make up, hoping that they had gotten past the incident that happened in Yuuko's nest. Yuuko smiled, and kissed her sister's cheek. "You don't understand." "He did this?" Keiko asked as she pressed herself against Yuuko. Yuuko's eyes widened in surprise. "Keiko!" she said timidly as her sister came on to her. "Something like that." She couldn't help but giggle too as Keiko's fingers explored. "You're all wet Yuuko.." Keiko snickered. "Now I'm gonna work on you have an automated shaver?" "Huh?" Yuuko looked confused. "Nothing sis, nothing." Keiko snickered. "Just lock the door next time ok?" She asked, referring to the incident in the room. "Sure. Do I have permission...?" she asked, referring to their pact. Keiko waggled a finger admonishingly at Yuuko. "Yuuko...I don't know." She sighed. "You can if I can shave and bikini wax him.." Keiko giggled. "If you love him, I think it's ok for it to happen. I just don't want to see it, that organ he uses is nasty." Yuuko scowled, "You're stupid, sometimes, Keiko. But, thanks." Keiko just smiled, knowing she didn't mean it. "I was kidding Yuuko." She chuckled. "At least I got to know the Fenyaro without killing them." Keiko pointed out, still a bit upset about that now that she had seen the better side firsthand. "Hrm," Yuuko looked down at her body, then back to James. James was watching the two from a bit of a distance, not knowing if he should intervene and definitely not liking the Bikini wax talk. Keiko caught her glance and walked over to Wazu seductively and trailed a hand over his cheek before leaning in close to him looking as if she was going to kiss him. "Make her cry and I'll kill you." She whispered to his ear and walked back to Yuuko smiling. The Kuro leaned on Yuuko's shoulder affectionately; "I wish I knew what you were thinking with that look." "I think you need to feel what I felt," Yuuko giggled. Keiko kissed Yuuko and licked her cheek, somewhat aroused and empathically feeling her sister's arousal. "Maybe, but not from him." "Oh?" Yuuko smiled, wondering if Keiko meant what Yuuko thought she meant. "From me?" she asked, curiously. Wazu looked a bit stunned, but decided now was the time to butt in. He walked up and gave Yuuko a kiss on the cheek before looking over at Keiko, "You just got back from the planet, should you be making a report or something?" "Hey," Yuuko softly elbowed James. He looked a bit sheepish, "What?" Keiko reached down and pinched Yuuko very gently before letting Yuuko go and turning to face James. "Get cleaned up and change your pants then I'll inform you." Keiko grinned noticing that James had liked the yuri style action. Yuuko shuddered, surprised and entranced for a moment. "Wow. I'm going to go to the nest, I think." Keiko giggled; "You sure don't want to hear about what I learned down there?" She asked, playing with a hair in her finger. Keiko really did want to tell them about it all; "Aren't you curious about Taisho Ayame status?" "Tell it to SAINT," Yuuko smiled, and headed for the door. James followed Yuuko out, putting one arm protectively around her waist. Keiko just laughed and walked out after them. "Rabbits." She commented. END [YSS Celia, YSS Rave] Breakfast ON> GSS Celia "Good morning Yuuko," James said as he gave her a kiss on the forehead while she was still waking up, "Its getting close to breakfast time." James slowly crawled out of the nest to get himself in order, taking this time to use a data pad to send a message to Anet. He asked her to meet him in the galley but was fairly vague on the details. She thought it was just going to be breakfast as usual. Anet, who was wandering the ship to get a mental image of what it looked like on the inside, immediately got the message and turned around. She headed for the galley at a fairly slow pace, her head still looking around to take in the ship as she walked. "Mmm..." Yuuko stirred, slowly squirming under the covers until finally getting up, rubbing herself with her hands, a little sore. "Good morning, James," she smiled. "I never got to thank you before I passed out..." she grinned, ", thanks. It was an incredible night, even if you're still learning to dance!" She giggled a little. That brought a smile to James's face, " I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who thought so," He said, "I hope your not to sore from last night, you did do a lot of dancing." Anet walked into the galley, she was wearing what looked like a priests robe. It was solid white and had a thick red trim at the bottom with some words inscribed in a gothic looking language. She no longer looked 16, now her age looked closer to 6. The robe had a hoodie on it that was pulled up over her head and her long dark brown hair came down past shoulder length inside of it even though it couldn't really be seen. "So, what shall we do today?" Yuuko asked Wazu. "Well..." Wazu said, "I'd like for you to meet Anet, I asked her to join us during breakfast." "Sure," Yuuko said. "Let's hit the baths first." He nodded and offered Yuuko a hand to help her up. Yuuko gratefully accepted it and the two headed out of the nest, down the ladder, into the main deck. After a short, fun trip to the baths together, they dressed and were on their way to the dining hall. It didn't take them to long to reach the dinning hall. Anet had already sat down and was waiting for her dad's arrival before she ordered food. A small smile crossed her face as she saw him enter. It took James only moments to find Anet and lead Yuuko toward the table, "Yuuko, this is Anet. Anet, this is Yuuko." He said, trying to get the basic introductions out of the way. Anet got out of her chair and bowed slightly to Yuuko, "Nice to meet you Ms. Yuuko," she said. Yuuko grinned and bowed to Anet, in such a way that they nearly collided, if they'd been directly in front of one another. When Yuuko returned to standing, she kissed Anet on both cheeks. "Good morning, Anet." Anet smiled, enjoying the attention, even if she was a bit surprised by the kisses. James pulled out a chair for Yuuko and then sat down himself after Anet resumed her spot in her chair. "Anet, we are both going to be seeing a lot more of Yuuko. She is going to be your new mother." Wazu said. Yuuko blushed at this, the heavy reality of the statement really touched something deep inside her. She nodded in affirmation and took her seat at the table. "I know you probably a little surprised," she started. "Me too. But I promise I'll be a good mom for you, Anet." Anet just nodded, "Ok," she said, slightly enthusiastic. Perhaps that as a child she simply just didn't understand, or it could be that as a machine it was just as easy as reassigning variables, "Will you be doing the same things my first mom did?" Anet asked. "I don't know. What are you used to?" Yuuko asked. She didn't really know anything about Anet's last mother. "We would talk, play games, and occasionally she'd let me help her build things. She really loved the clarinet and was teaching me how to play it." Anet said, She seemed to look off into the distance in a moment of deep thought before continuing, "I like building things." "I like talking and games," Yuuko smiled, "I don't really build things like my sister Anri does, but I design clothes, and I bet you'd like that. I can sing and dance, and play the pipe organ. It's not exactly a clarinenet, but it's probably just as fun." "What would you two like to eat?" Wazu asked, standing up to go get everyone's food, "Waffles please!" Anet responded before returning her view towards Yuuko, "Where do you fit a pipe organ on this ship?" she asked. The only ones she knew of were huge, taking up several stories of space. to be continued... GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Edited by: Tasuki Uso at: 2/25/04 7:44 Dante Stormwind GSA Security Sentry 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 76 (2/28/04 12:31) ezSupporter Re: [YSS Celia, YSS Rave] Breakfast "Well," Yuuko grinned, "I don't think that there's any one board right now, although I was thinking of getting one put in the club. Of course, celia does a good job of holographic simulation." Brooke, one of the kitchen girls, pointed to a tray of waffles nearby that was sitting under a heat lamp. Wazu went to get plates of food for him, his daughter, and Yuuko, leaving the two alone for a moment as he looked over the buffet. Once he got some plates he started pileing waffles on them. "The club?" Anet asked, shifting her head to one side in a inqusitive look, "What is it a club of?" "It's a vocal trance club," Yuuko smiled at Anet. "I helped set it up." She looked over at Wazu for a moment, watching his back as he gathered waffles. "Sounds like fun," Anet said with a smile, "I still have some music of that type left over from some of the people who worked on my body," She said, refering to the ship she came from. Wazu was rumaging around in the buffet. He was a bit confused by a fluffy white meat that was there and decided to get a small amount to try before placeing the plate on the tray. He then started to fill another plate with food for Yuuko, filling it with a bunch of stuff, not really knowing what she liked. "Worked on your body?" Yuuko misunderstood, "I had a little work done myself a while ago," she told Anet, referring to her enhanced bosom. She winked at Anet. Wazu came back with several plates of food on a tray. He handed one of them filled with waffles drenched in syrup to Anet and another to Yuuko before sitting down at the table again. "What did you have done?" Anet asked as she had no memory of Yuuko with small breasts. "Oh," Yuuko smiled, about to point to her chest, but the syrupy waffles made her cringe. She'd always eaten hers with just butter. "Thanks, James," she managed, with a polite smile. The two still had a lot to learn about one another, it seemed. "Oh, would you like me to get you something else?" Wazu asked after seeing her cringe. Anet loved syrup and was already digging into the waffles. Keiko had been wandering around the new Kee'Awloo Palace as she looked over the culture here and was thoroughly amazed at how fast they could work. She politely approached the Dragga and bowed respectfully. "Sir, is there any method I can use to contact my sister?" She asked. Da'Ante nodded and handed her a highly powered vidpad that'd reach ships in orbit, but with voice only. "Here, you can use this. Do you know how?" The dragga asked. Keiko nodded, realizing it was like YSA datapads..actually it was a YSA datapad that had been salavaged but not back engineered. The kuro nodded with a smile and pulled up Yuuko's ship. "Rave? This is Keiko, can you infom my sister that I'm safe here, but I need a pick up. If she could send a singular shuttle to these coordinates." She input a large clearing just outside the town that was being rebuilt. Rave sent back transmission to Keiko, explaining that the planet's barrier field would get in the way. "It let me down here didn't it Rave? Please just send an unarmed shuttle. It may let it through." The young neko sent back. "None of my shuttles are unarmed," Rave replied. Keiko pouted; "Is there anyway for me to get back?" Yuuko quietly shook her head no to Wazu. Wazu nodded and started to eat. Keiko didn't know how to get the shield to open and let a shuttle through, but she wanted to go home, she missed Yuuko. "Rave, does Celia have any unarmed shuttles?" Yuuko tried to inconspicuously sponge off as much syrup as she could onto the plate, not taking a bite yet. Rave replied, "Four, but they're trapped in behind the other shuttles." "I got here on a shuttle, so a shuttle can pass through the barrier shield. The Overseer here gave me permission to leave whenever I felt I needed to." Keiko said firmly. (paused JP) Wes (Yuuko, Rave) Zack (Wazu, Anet) Tyler (Keiko, Dante) YSA no Nito Hesho Dante Stormwind Security YSS Celia (GC-55) Kyoshi Ayame GSA Command 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 79 (2/29/04 11:18) ezSupporter [YSS Celia, YSS Rave] Breakfast ON> YSS Celia, Main Dining Hall Yuuko looked up as Rave's voice whispered a message in her ear. She made a confused face, and spoke after a moment. "James," she said, "it seems my sister ended up on Fenyar..." Wazu looked over in her direction, "Well at least we know where she is." He said. Anet continued to eat, seemingly oblivious to this conversation. "I hate to ask but... what exactly happened on Feynar?" Wazu had put his silverware to the side of his plate and was looking over at Yuuko from were he sat. "and do we need to get your sister off the planet?" He said, making the obvious link between her bodylanguage and speach. "That's what she wants," Yuuko said. "I suppose I should take the Rave down and get her. I can't believe she left without telling me!" She picked at a piece of her waffles that hadn't been soaked in syrup, and ate it quietly. On the surface of Fenyar, Keiko was watching the Massive To'Yaree berserkers finish rebuilding the town; and Da'Ante praising them as he walked around inspecting the work. He walked back over to Keiko and smiled at her. "Oh, here, sorry about scaring you so badly young one." The Dragga said and handed her back her weapon. "Keep the Datapad too." He said and went back to the temple. Keiko bowed her head in respect. "Thank you." She said as she waited for Yuuko. Wazu nodded, "I'll come with you." He looked across the table to his daughter and then back to Yuuko before finnaly looking over at Anet again, "Anet, I'd like you to stay on the ship. If you need anything," As much as he hated to say it, "you can go speak with Uso." "Oh..." Yuuko cringed at the thought of Uso influencing a child's development. "Alright." After a short pause, she added, "She'd be safe with us on the Rave, too...and it'd give her a chance to settle in." "Alright..." Wazu was a bit overprotective of Anet even though she could probably handle herself better than him, "Should we take her with us then?" "You don't think that'd be better than letting Uso," Yuuko wanted to say corrupt, "watch over her?" "I just don't want to see her get hurt... But I trust you when you say she will be safe on the Rave." Wazu said. Anet looked up from her food and watched her 'parents' talk about where she was going to go. After a few moments she decided that the waffles were more important and returned to them. "Alright," Yuuko smiled, "As soon as you two are done." She sent a telepathic message back to Rave, to reply to Keiko. Keiko recieved a message telling her that the Rave would be there in a little while. Keiko smiled and patiently waited, watching the Kee'Awloo inspecting the town from her standpointon a small hill. "They're not that bad..." She mumured. James folded his hands in his lap, although he was still hungry he didn't want to make them wait. Anet quickly finished and did the same, "Ready?" He asked. Anet nodded back in response, causing her hair to come out of her hood slightly and cover a part of her face. Yuuko nodded and stood, waiting for them. She helped Anet get up by moving her chair politely. James smiled as he saw Yuuko helping Anet. The small girl stood up and said, "Thank you," Before waiting to be led to the Rave. Yuuko led them to the lifts, which carried them directly to the Rave. Upon stepping out, she took them to the bridge. "Anet, one of the rooms on this ship will be yours," she smiled as they moved through the hall. "Which one?" she asked, "Do I get to pick!" Anet loved to poke around for things like that. James followed Yuuko closely while Anet just kinda tagged along from behind. "Sure!" Yuuko grinned as the entered the bridge. "Rave, show Anet a map of the ship on this station," she ordered the computer. The Defensive Systems control station turned into an intricate map for Anet to play with. "Undock the ship, and take us to Keiko," she told Rave. Anet nearly ran over to the pannet and started playing around with it. She had fun playing with the map as well as commiting it to memory. Inside of her mind she was comparing the rooms with the scematics and such to find the one with the best view of the outside. The ship descended toward Fenyar, shields raised. The shielding around the planet again caught the ship in it's sensory net and began to scan it for it's threat levels. Being as the shields were up, it seemed to the system that they were more prepared for defense than to attack. The field opened just enough to allow them through deeming that they were low threat since they hadn't entered with guns raised. As the ship descended through the atmosphere, the powerful sensors had little trouble seeing the now rebuilt village and temple. The ship pulled up over Keiko, and lowered its ladder. Yuuko watched put a view from the ship's underside up on the bridge's main screen. "Hey, Keiko," the ship's external speakers said in Yuuko's voice. Keiko jumped in surprise, and started to climb up the ladder and got into the ship after a moment of climbing. "Ah home sweet home, Fenyar's nice, but this is my home." Keiko said thoughtfully smiling. She brushed herself off and went to look for Yuuko; heading for the bridge, figuring that's where she was. END [Kyoto] Concerned Discussion ON> Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Yamatai "Ah, Sijik, Welcome," Yui greeted the Chujo. Simultaneously, a neko on his ship walked up to him carrying a large black velvet-lined box. The Taishos were all meeting by hologram to discuss the Star Army's fleets. Sijik merely nodded to Yui. Representatives of QIS flanked him on both sides of his command chair. On his right was a Qel’noran Logistics officer, dressed in the standard male GSA uniform and with a leather covering over one of his shoulders that had QnL printed on it. On Sijik's left was a Qel’noran Acquisitions officer wearing a similar GSA uniform only with a long cap on his right side, hiding his right arm, that extended down from a patch on his shoulder that was labeled QnA. "Lets get down to business. How soon will these Sfrarabla... whatever be able to launch an attack again?" Hinosami called Taisho Ayame to the holographic meeting. Ayame arrived and bowed politely to the Empress, "Your Highness." Yui nodded to Sijik and Ayame, "Good morning, and happy new year...we anticipate another large-scale attack within the week by the..." Yui paused, reading off of a Tablet computer in her hand, "Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp...SMX. As you all are aware, we lost a great number of ships." "What are their production capabilities and current ship numbers?" Sijik asked, not bothering with formalities as his calculating mind started to do the math on how to deploy his fleets. "We don't know," Yui looked impatient. The neko at Sijik's side eyed her box. Kyoshi Ayame:: Ayame gave Yui a reassuring smile, "Are there any known weaknesses we might be able to exploit?" The logistics officer at Sijik's side immediately started typing on his data pad the moment Yui finished speaking. Sijik himself leaned back in his chair slightly and observed the conversation. Taisho Sharie looked at Ayame, "Nothing so far. They came out of SAINT and SARA crews are examining the wreckage, but we're tied up with finding survivors for at least a day or two." Taisho Irim growled, "Their weapons are very effective." "We need to get on the offensive as soon as possible. I suggest we make a counter attack immediately to determine their force size." Sijik advised. Fifth Fleet's commander, Chujo Hoshi Koigokoro, admitted, "My fleet isn't in any position to do anything to them." "And I'd like to keep mine handy in the Empire's core for the time being," Irim said. "What do you have to offer, Sijik?" Yui quietly asked Ayame, "How are things on Fenyar? Are they still hostile?" Ayame thought a moment, "They are no longer hostile your Highness, but I fear it will take a lot until peace is achieved." Sijik merely lifted one of his hands and the logistics officer to his side filled it with a data pad. He took a few moments to look at it before responding. "The Helixes will not be able to move for another three or four days, however we do have about eight billion ships that are combat ready." Irim seemed disgusted, "Eight...billion?" She really had a love/hate relationship with far, it'd been mostly hate. It didn't seem possible so many ships could exist and function effectively. Sijik merely nodded. "Alright, let's send them all," Irim grinned. "Where to first?" Yui asked. Hinosami pulled up a big holographic space map for them. Yui browsed the map, looking from place to place. "First XF has charted some world which we think they're at," she pointed at the pink-bracketed planets. Ayame whispered to Yui, "May I be excused, please?" Yui nodded and the hologram of Ayame faded out. "Plans have already been developed for that." Sijik said as he looked down at his data pad. Somewhere a think tank was hard at work. "Damasica, Rok'veru...." Sijik listed off four planets, "A single division will attack each of these planets, SMX forces will be spread out attempting to deal with each one while reserve forces make a breakthrough at the weakest planet, remaining units will then consolidate until the SMX forces are gone or major objectives are achieved. "We should name these systems," Hoshi pointed out. "Any suggestions?" Yui asked. Sijik nodded, "Sagik, and Madik. I also suggest that you take advantage of our production ability to restock the other fleets." "Any other suggestions?" Yui asked, pondering the names. "Irim?" "I'd be willing to build the 3rd Fleet out of Qel'noran ships," Irim said. "We should keep Wazu's feud with Kessaku out of this. Right now we don't need to be dealing with internal politics," Sijik asked, "May I be excused to ready my fleets?" "Not yet," Yui said. END [YSS Celia] Awakenings and Business Alexis woke up in the storage cabinet she had closed herself in before her latest blackout spell. Something buzzed in her brain, and she shook her head to clear it. "Something happened and I missed it... I know I did. WHY do I keep doing this?!" she muttered angrily at herself. The Tac mind in the Neko brain was quiet. "Oh, so you have an opinion on what I should and shouldn't put in a sandwich, but you don't have any input now?" Alexis added sarcasticly, suddenly sneezing as she disturbed the layer of dust that had settled on her slumbering form. ~Light level: 2%. Closet door: 20cm forward. Air quality: stale-~ "Oh, shut up..." Working out the kinks in her muscles, the shifter opened the cabinet door and crawled out into the medical bay. How much time had passed this time? Two or three weeks? A year, maybe? It felt like a long time..."Celia, how much time has passed since I went into the cabinet?" Alexis asked. The now-familiar visage of the Norse avatar appeared in a hologram a few feet away. "It is now the year YE 26, you became absent from daily activity around three to six months ago." "Ah. Too long, in other words." The avatar didn't answer. Alexis ran a self-diagnostic...she had been in a hibernation state, her metabolism slowed down to keep her from going hungry. Still, her body was almost ready to eat itself. Sighing, she reached back into the cabinet and retrieved her satchel. A minute later she was munching on a hogie sandwich and quizzing the Celia on what had happened since her last period of consciousness. "The exploration of Fenyar has been set aside for now while negotiations between the Yamatai and Fenyar governments are going on. The Nerimian forces have been banned from all further First Contact situations due to their misdeeds on Fenyar. A new energy-based species has-" Alexis frowned. "What happened on Fenyar? Is Sergei alright?" The avatar shook her head. "The cook was presumed lost, but has reappeared as the leader of the Fenyaro." A strange look crossed the shifter's face briefly, but the avatar still picked it up. "Is there something wrong, Chui?" asked the Celia. "Huh? No, nothing important," answered Alexis. At least, not to the computer. It couldn't understand. Alexis didn't even understand. Why couldn't she leave? Why couldn't she leave without it feeling like ever connection she severed was a vein or artery to her heart? "Celia, where is Henry Chen? Is he still on board?" "Taii Henry Chen has been given command of the Third Expeditionary vessel YSS Jade (YD-524). He has returned to Fenyar and is trying to re-establish friendly contact with its people." "Thank you, Celia." "You are welcome, Alexis." The avatar flickered and vanished. Alexis sat down at a console, pulling up the reports of the Fenyar incident. Yeah, she thought. Talking with Henry might straighten some things out...he had seemed like a nice guy, and Alexis needed to talk to another male right now. In the meantime, there were events that needed catching up on. The shifter felt a tight feeling in her gut as she read. The transcript of the proceedings, the reports given, were utterly abominable. Couldn't the YSA figure out when they weren't wanted? Alexis could understand claiming an uninhabited planet as their own, but forcing their will on a planet that was already colonized or governed...that was....She growled, clenching her fist until the small claws on her fingers drew blood and restraining the urge to test the strength of Neko knuckles against a bulkhead. When it came to exploring, the Yamatai Star Empire was no better than the Colonial Era British Empire! Finding land and booting the natives, then exterminating the people when they were refused. Even this current plan of leaving the natives in place and claiming free use of the land was wrong, disrespectful to those who lived there and their ancestors. A disruption of everything. The YSE had no sense of preservation of anything except themselves...The R'Lari had interfered, sure, but nothing that even remotely resembled something of this scale. Exploration was like wartime reconassance, something to be done without the watched aware they were being watched. Like he was doing with the YSE, for example...he was exploring their worlds, but they were permitting him to do so. "What was so hard about just leaving? Are these people so hard-headed and arrogant as to think that everything they lay eyes on is theirs?" Alexis growled at an empty room. Then Alexis noticed the chair she had set the shell body in was empty. Someone must have moved it while the shifter slept. Frowning, Alexis glanced around...lessee...the most likely place to find a body was either in the waste reclaim system or in stasis. She doubted that Inari would have kept that shell it looked like she was back to heat-farming for energy. Unless the idea she had in her sleep worked. If it did, all that black-out time wouldn't be a waste after all! She smiled to herself as she thought about the idea. It had been quite interesting...the answer to Alexis' questions on how Nekos were made had been right there the whole time he had the NH-7 body; the mind of that form had everything he needed to copy one. By letting the body go about its processes as he watched and analyzing it using strictly passive means of study during his physical stasis, he was able to derive what the blood did and what happened when it did it. From there it would be a mere matter of trial-and-error to replicate a few drops of the nanite-inhabited blood that produced the same results as the observations. He would let the genetics build the body from raw materials he provided, not interfering with the process of cell replication and came out with the body. If it worked, he could wear his original body whenever he wanted; returning to Neko form would only be a matter of constructing a virus bearing the Neko genome and letting it assimilate his body. Alexis left the medbay and locked herself in the Cat's Claw fighter to keep her experimentation private. Once she was completely alone, the shifter's eyes glowed as she began the replication process... ----- Twenty minutes later... "d'Jaren, your trail is almost ready for you. When would you like to take it?" An Alexis wearing the renewed shell of his old body smiled at the face on the holo-projection in the Cat's Claw. "Thank you, Erin. I won't take it yet, but soon. How are things going with OpTech?" The man on the screen seemed to be a mixture of all of the human races; no one feature could be traced to a certain lineage. He wore a plain white dickie sweater with purple trim on the collar and along the seams and the Optimum Technologies logo on the left arm. "We got an order for a sewing machine, which we delivered a couple days later. Other than that, no domestic orders yet. You know, we need to advertise actual products to get anyone interested," the man said with a slight smirk. "I know you do not intend to make any money off of this corporation, but it would not be a bad idea to do so." The R'Lari shifter sighed. "I know. I'll have some ideas for you to work on soon. Now, you said no domestic orders, what about the military front?" "Right. I almost forgot...SARA has been on my case to get a design submitted for their 'Project Rebecca' power armor deal, or something to show for the three thousand KS they gave us as a grant." The rep looked at Alexis in askance. "Do you even want to work with SARA?" "No, not really," replied Alexis as he shook his head. "The Star Army is powerful enough without us giving them our technology. We don't even have anything to rival what they have yet. I want you to return the grant money to SARA with our apologies, but keep an eye out for what the other companies come up with. After returning the money, get ready to move. I'm going to rent a carrier vessel to bring you and the lab equipment to a new location so the Star Army can't hold our being on Yamatai over our heads to force us in to anything I don't want a part of." He looked steadily at Erin. "Better yet, destroy the lab. We can get replacement equipment when we aquire a new location. Set the research data on a trail and leave it there. It will be safe. And make as many backups of yourself and the information as you can." The shifter looked thoughtful, his finger twitching and tapping out an erratic rhythm on the console in front of him. "All of the trails are safe, right? And what of our other clients?" he inquired. "All are safe, and the clients are satisfied with their products. Further research will iron out the bugs, but I think we have it finished. The orders have been shipped and the payment received. With what we got from those sales, we can upgrade to a whole new level of technology and weaponry-" "Not on this line, please," Alexis inturrupted softly, looking through the projection and through the polarized material of the Cat's Claw portal into the stuffed cargo bay of the Celia. He knew the hatches to the Claw were sealed, that the hull of the fighter soundproof, and that this method of transmission was unknown to the YSE and couldn't be found without knowing exactly where and what it was, but that didn't mean that someone could not happen upon it. "I know you're excited, I am too. I'd rather be there than here, really. I just wish I could get away for a while without problems coming up all the time." He smiled at the man, then nodded. "I will call you again soon. Make the preparations to move and signal me when you are ready." Erin smiled back and gave a polite nod. "I will do that, Alexis. Erin out." The holoprojectors went dark and Alexis got up from his seat and streched, a clean ripple running from head to toe as he smoothly changed into the NH-7 Neko body that he had finally been able to construct for himself. The shifter would have gladly kept his shell body on all the time -- It felt safer to him since he had more control over it than the Neko form -- But that would be his trump card in the event of trouble. In the meantime, the fewer people who knew he could shift again, the better. Her cat-ears twitched and the red eyes glanced out the window before the shifter got up and climbed out of the dorsal hatch, then exited the cargo bay and down the corridor ----- OOC Note: No one has a plausible reason for knowing 1) that Alexis can become male again, or 2) anything that he and Erin talked about. To the outside world, OpTech is going to put all orders (if there are any) on hold and relocate. The new location is not set at the moment, so please stay tuned. [Kyoto] Dark Horizon ON> Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Yamatai. Yui opened up a transmission to one of the names on her contact list, NDI-CONSTRACOM. "Good morning, and happy new year," she greeted the recieving person on the screen. It was now the 26th year of the Yamatai Star Empire, or YE 26 in the Star Army's calendar. The youthful face of the Confederate Strategic Military Director, Kage Xeraux, appeared before the Empress. Xeraux was an imposing figure not because of his stature (he was rather short at 5'8"), but simply because of his mannerisms and demeanor. Like his mentor, the great Cameron Blackblade, Xeraux was a very calculated individual in that every action he took was very deliberate. He took a sip of his beloved green tea before speaking. "Greetings, Empress. May it be a good year for our allies in the Yamatai Star Empire." "How things have changed in a few years," Yui thought to herself. "And this new year brings new problems, as well..." she said. "A recent survey by SARA and my fleet has discovered old threats are resurfacing. I'm sending you a map..." there was a short movement of her eyes. The map appeared. "Don't they all?" replied Kage, toying with the ice blue crystal around his neck. By the faint ambient glow it produced, Yui would probably notice it as a psychoactive crystal. Yui hated those freaky things. "The star systems on this map bracketed in pink are hostile. Two alien races have been appearing with increasing freuency in our territories..." "Are any of these planets desireable to either of us?" "Of course they are..." Yui seemed annoyed. Xeraux shrugged. "Pity. I was simply going to suggest that you destroy them outright." "It's more complicated. They are a threat," Yui told him, emphasizing the last word. "They've already taken a world of mine, on the edge of my territory. In addition, there are reports of their ships venturing deep into my space in the last few days." "And what is the nature of this alien threat? Was their victory a mere fluke, or are you capable of crushing them?" "Largely unknown...It appears to be the ancient enemies of ours, the Vordachibeans," Yui frowned. Xeraux gave her a blank stare. "Their combat capabilities?" "As I said, largely unknown. No vessel numbers, or data thus far." Xeraux frowned. "Then I suggest you find out and get back to me. As you well know, I'm sending one of our star fortresses, the Trevor Harigata, to Neplesia to form the Twenty-Sixth Fleet. I have yet to name a commander for this fleet, but by the time you have any applicable data, he'll help you deal with this 'largely unknown' threat." "I see...Hold on. I... damn..." Yui seemed distracted and angry. "Irim?" After a long pause, she looked back to Xeraux. "They've advanced." Xeraux simply nodded. "Where?" "Three million, one hundred four hundred and fifteen thousand, nine hundred and twentry six ships at Damasica. All forces there are gone now..." Yui looked at the number again. "Pi?" Xeraux showed no outward reaction. "Is everyone trying to be Jaaq'tah Jr. now?" "Hmm.....excuse me for a moment," replied Xeraux, his image going off-screen. "Irim's deciding what forces to inves..." Yui frowned at his disappearance. The massive Tienshinhan-class Star Fortress, Trevor Harigata, appeared in the Neplesia system during Xeraux's away time. It immediately began generating wormholes as it began to bring in its newly-constructed warship crews. The first naval unit to arrive was the 1586th Carrier Battle Group, then the 308th and 410th Naval Task Forces. Xeraux returned with a fresh cup of tea. "Continue." "Nepleslia's probably the next target," Yui said grimly. "Then tell your 2nd Fleet forces to get ready," said Xeraux. "I've ordered the Twenty-Sixth to use any means necessary to achieve victory." END [YSS Celia] Final Farewells Dante had gotten back to his quarters after his "walk" around the ship; trying to avoid seeing the new Taisho. He paced around his room, his nails clicking on the hard floor as he did so in quadraped form. ~I'm not welcome here anymore, I can smell people's disgust; they don't want me here anymore. why would they? I'm just an animal.~ He was thinking. The lights were off in his room so the black and dark grey furred lupine was almost invisible. His eyes glowed with an eerie green light as the available light reflected off his retinas; allowing him to see perfectly in the dark. Ayame stopped as she headed to the galley, it would only bring back memories of Sergei so perhaps this was not the best course of action. She sighed, her mind mulled over the events on the planet once more and she realized she had over looked a rather important event, the change in Dante. She had not spoken to him since all hell broke loose on Fenyar and she decided now was the time. She made her way to his quarters and tapped on the door, "Dante, its Ayame. May I come in?" Dante went to speak with her but it came out in growls, snarls, barks and howls; he tried again using telepathy. ~Sure, not like I have the authority to prevent you from doing so.~ He thought to her. He was lying in the nest now looking up at the door. She entered the room and stood near the door, "I wanted to make sure you were alright..." Dante continued to look up at her; ~I'm as good as can be expected I guess, but I am troubled.~ He thought to her. "What is troubling you?" Ayame asked quietly, her voice sounded weary as she spoke. ~The fact that I'm no longer human, I can feel the disgust some have for me. I should not remain here anymore, the others may view me as a threat.~ He thought to her calmly. Ayame sighed, "Where would you go?" ~Please have a seat ma'am.~ He hinted to her, feeling her weariness. ~I want to go back to the forests of Fenyar.~ Ayame sat down, her back against the cool wall, "Do you think this is the best thing for you?" He got out of the nest and padded over to her and laid down next to her, offering her the comfort of physical contact. ~I know that most people don't want me here; I don't know what you think about me, but it is best for me to be free. I feel like a caged animal.~ He said to her mentally, not able to speak physically anymore, at least that she could understand. "Also, I want to go see if Xieel and Seras made it out alive.~ Ayame slid her hand over him, "So you wish to be free again and to make sure those you care about are alright?" He rested his large jaw on her leg as she petted him. ~That's about it; I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise to you though.~ He said in her mind. Ayame nodded, "Very well, I will honour your request, though I must admit part of me wishes I could go back with you..." He looked up at her with confusion. ~You are a Taisa....sho.~ He thought, seeing her new pin. ~You're place is here, taking care of your pack, this family.~ He reassured her in a lupine manner. ~But how will I get back?~ Ayame sighed, "We will have a shuttle take you back... That is all we can do..." ~Thank you Taisho. But can we be discreet about it? I would wish to not be remembered here by anyone other than you.~ He thought to her, leaning against her affectionately in the manner of lupines. Ayame nodded, "Who would you like to pilot you back?" ~Couldn't the A..I autopilot it back and return?~ He asked her. "Very well..." Ayame said almost reluctantly. ~What's wrong?~ He asked her, sensing her reluctance. Wolves were highly empathic, it was a primary means of communication. Ayame sighed, "It somehow feels like everything is determined to go very wrong now. We lost Amaya... I just wonder what is going to happen next" He leaned against her a bit more, trying to comfort her. ~There's something I wanted to tell you before, but I was too scared, and now that I'm likely to leave forever. It'd be better if I told you that I admire you; you're a good woman, and that I had a humanly crush on you.~ He thought to her. He knew he could hurt, but she should know anyway. Ayame ran her fingers through his fur, "I am flattered..." She laid her head against him, "Though sometimes I doubt whether or not I am a good woman..." ~You're the best I've seen, and I've been around for a very long time. You're kind, compassionate, motherly.~ He commented to her, curled his body around hers almost protectively. "My doubt stems from the fact that I left Sergei behind and while I miss him dearly, I would not have changed that decision if I had the chance. I feel no remorse for it..." ~Part of the reason I am returning, I want to see if he survived by some miracle.~ He thought to her, gently nuzzling her rear, pushing her onto his back. ~Get on my back, I'll carry you to shuttle bay to arrange transport~ Ayame laughed briefly, "I can carry my own weight but thank you anyway. I will walk with you..." Dante smiled mentally and slowly rose up to his full height, not wanting to walk on all fours for now. ~ As you wish, please lead the way.~ Ayame led Dante to the shuttlebay in silence and arranged transport for him with little enthusiasm. She sighed as she walked over, "You are ready to go... Take care of yourself and if you find Sergei, tell him...tell him I am sorry and that I miss him." ~Yes ma'am. I'm sorry we couldn't get to know each other better~ He thought to her and boarded the alloted shuttle. ~Take care of yourself, take care of this little family.~ He thought to her as the shuttle began to pull out under the control of the AI. As the doors opened, Ayame could get the feeling that she'd never seen either him or Sergei again. JP Jennifer (Ayame) Tyler (Dante) [4th fleet] Recon in force (cont.) ON> Kitana The 4th fleet wasn’t expecting the Jaaq’tah to do something like that but were indeed prepared for the eventuality that one of the Helixes would come under heavy attack. Each of the separate 512 rings that made up the structure had unlatched and made its own TTD jump to a second predetermined fallback point. Several of the rings had been destroyed but the scatter move had saved the majority of the structure. The second Helix made no move to attack the Kitana system now. Its target had arrived. The ISFBx’s torpedoes that had been fired when they first arrived were already among the Jaaq’tah fleet when they came in around the second helix. They detonated releasing not only the standard zero-point energy ammunition but space as well, flinging the Jaaq’tah fleet apart from each other. All the ships of the 4th that were part of the second Helix started to gang up on smaller concentrations of Jaaq’tah ships, taking particular interest in destroying the command vessels, now using the GWB‘s to close the wormholes as well as break apart the PTP system and attack the enemy ships. The Transuniversal artillery of the Anteaus slowly found its way to the PTP system that was causing so much trouble. As each missile was moved off course it made a second jump to the system that had moved it using its own sensors to detect the cause of the distortion. The missiles were using their TTD’s to do this however and ended up causing damage to the space inside of the Jaaqtah universe as it was dangerous to do such a thing. Missiles started appearing inside the PTP beacons before they were launched and occasionally would be delayed unreasonably as they hit their targets several minutes in the future from when they were fired. The Jaaq'tah Alliance kept on the move, its fleet beacons working in perfect synchronization with the TTD systems utilized by their rivals, so as the rings teleported away, the Great Amethyst Fleet appeared simultaneously at the fallback point, continuing the unrelenting blitz attack upon the YSA units. The Jaaq'tah had already decided that there would be no reprieve or the slightest bit of shelter away from their assault this time. They would kill each and every one of the enemy in a systematic manner. And so the assault continued, the Great White Fleet continuing the engage the other YSA fleet, hundreds of thousands of destroyers swarming around battleships and volleying every bit of firepower they had at the ship, while the larger vessels pounded with heavier artillery from afar. GWB blasts were continually being caught up in the 'clouds' of Jaaq'tah drones, who were continually redirecting such blasts back into the bulk of YSA forces. Transuniversal artillery still found itself completely ineffective as even as the missiles made their second jump, they too were redirected once again near-immediately by the Jaaq'tah fleet beacons. Trying to teleport a weapon into the systems was an exercise in futility. The only hope one had of destroying one would be through more conventional methods, and that in itself would prove to be an extremely daunting task. The retreating rings had pulled back to the center of a far off galaxy, Black holes abounded in this area providing natural cover for the huge structures. They started to make repeated jumps through the area, leaving behind massive amounts of explosives as the Jaaq'tah followed them. The Helix still involved in combat also separated and surrounded the Amethyst fleet, projecting a massive force field around the two fighting fleets as the 4th fleet made a massive disengagement, all ships simultaneously pulling out of the shield by their own means and leaving behind a series of teleportation and hyperspace inhibitors as well as Torpedoes.... lots of torpedoes. The Ring's shield around the now contained amethyst fleet contracted as the torpedo's exploded, creating a massive contained blast. Over lapping explosions pushed the massive explosion of Zero point energy and space onto the Jaaq'tah to create a massive implosion all over the Jaaq'tah fleet as the Rings and its ships fired the entirety of their firepower into the implosion, skewring the area with GWB fire, additional torpedo's and turret fire. The Transuniversal Artillery took up new targets, no longer shooting at the Jaaq'tah targets in their own universe but instead taking aim at the units perusing the retreating rings as they continued to pull back. The Fleet Beacon's core computer systems had its own series of surprises for the rings as they began a series of rapid teleportations, generating strategic-class aether torpedo explosions (1 AU radius explosions) in the area of every teleportation, hoping to burn the enemy with their own evasive tactics. Meanwhile, the Amethyst Fleet was returned to Kitana, waiting for the return of the enemy. The YSA could play this cat and mouse game all day and would get nowhere. If they wanted to accomplish something, they'd go after a target of importance. The rings were protected by their own anti-teliportation systems, reducing the Jaaq'tah's PTP attack to nothing. The AI in charge of the rings figured that it could compete with the Jaaq'tah PTP system on its own grounds, using their attempt to destroy the rings with their PTP system to do the same to it. Sending its own weapons directly into the PTP system. As the Amethyst fleet returned to Kirana the attacking 4th fleet ships preformed the same move, staying within close range of their targeted fleet and continuing to hit them with torpedo's and anti-wormhole GWB's. The group of retreating rings made another TTD jump to another universe while leaving behind anti-teliportation systems to prevent them from being followed. The group of rings that had attempted to contain and destroy Amethyst fleet simply fired into the system from long range, aiming for the planets and the star in the system with a massive anti-wormhole GWB strike and a hail of torpedos Like before, strategic attacks against Fleet Beacon facilities utilizing teleportation attacks were automatically redirected in mid 'pulse', which made the YSA backlash ineffective again. As the 4th Fleet ships made their return to Kitana, the Amethyst Fleet rushed out to assault the much smaller fleet, combinations of shields, drones, and other defensive systems blunting the force of the 4th's assault near completely. In such close-quarters battle, the 4th Fleet would find itself in a situation where it simply couldn't deal with the sheer numbers of Jaaq'tah vessels coming at them. Area-of-effect weapons would be pointless here as they would claim the lives of friendly vessels and direct-fire weapons simply couldn't do enough damage to enough ships fast enough to make any kind of effect. On the other hand, the Jaaq'tah outnumbered enemy vessels nearly 1,000 to 1 and concentrated fire would surely reduce enemy vessels to their subatomic components. A battle at this range was simply unwinnable for the 4th Fleet. The enemy rings that began to fire at Kitana found their attack stopped in its tracks, as beam weapons were simply too slow to reach their targets in a timely manner and torpedoes could easily be intercepted before they reached their targets. Like before, GWB blasts were absorbed and redirected, and enemy torpedoes were wiped out en masse via defensive countermeasures. Attempting to absorb the GWB blasts was a futile attempt, the moment a drone attempted to capture one with a wormhole the wormholes was closed as the GWB impacted it, allowing the beams to cut through the lines of drone defense. At close range the 4th fleet was a lot more effective than numbers alone would dictate, the ISFBx had signifigently more protection that its predecessors that were used earlier and contained signifigently more firepower, firing hundreds of torpedo's in moments. While this was going on the Minion attack craft continued into the system and past the enemy fleet, leaving behind them a trail of antimatter as they headed directly toward the planets using their GWB's to strike at the drones and the planets. The massive group of rings were needed elsewhere and pulled out to another area, covering their retreat with teliportation inhibitors so as not to be followed. The automated ships were left to fend for themselves for the time being. Unfortunately, Jaaq'tah Hermes-class drones didn't use wormholes to capture the energy from an enemy beam. It was in effect a very-powerful satellite system which simply re-directed the blast to another drone and so on and so forth, so the entirety of a GWB blast was caught in a loop of drones before being finally re-directed at enemy vessels at 92% of its original strength (8% bled off as a result of multiple relays). Even so, in a close-range battle, the Jaaq'tah clearly held the advantage as a pack of destroyers (roughly 500) had enough firepower in their combined salvos to wipe out multiple planets. It was simply a game of numbers, as torpedoes were cut to ribbons by massed point defense fire before they reached their targets. Minion corvettes were quickly interdicted by elements of the Great White Fleet, who dumped a tremendous wave of firepower into the bulk of the enemy formation, while other elements of the White Fleet maneuvered around them. GWBs continued to be redirected back at their enemies by the clouds of Hermes drones. The AI in charge of the operation finally decided that it lacked the numbers required to hold any accomplished its objectives without using the limited superheavy weapons. The remainder of the 4th fleet teliported to the first fallback point and erected a massive anti-teliportation field their incase the Jaaq'tah attempted to follow them. As the Star Army forces retreated en masse, the Jaaq'tah smelled the scent of blood. They had learned much today and already their advanced military AIs were making moves to exploit the chinks in the collective army of the enemy. The White and Amethyst Fleet Admirals congratulated each other on a job well done. END GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) [Ralfaris] lost in the sauce ON> Ralfaris The security at the QnO complex seemed tighter than it usually was. Additional guards were patrolling on the inner wall of the complex and QnT units were setting up additional force field generators just inside of the main area of the compound that held the Living quarters and work areas for the QnO personnel that worked there. In the landing area of the complex massive amounts of crates had been moved out to be loaded on incoming transports. Almost the entire planet was at or above maximum construction capacity as the entire planet was being reshaped as well as the moons that orbit it. Sam sighed as he finished stuffing the last of his clothes into his bag. He looked around the sparsely furnished room and nodded, satisfied that everything he wanted to take with him, was in either his backpack, or his bag. He picked up his backpack off the bed, and slid it onto his shoulders. Then he turned to the door, and headed for it, bending down to grab his bag by the leather handles. He walked the halls of the building that had been home and work for the last few months, heading for the main landing area. He was supposed to catch a shuttle out to a YSA ship somewhere, and he hoped he would get a good ship, with plenty of exploring and time to analyze new life forms. As he weaved his way through the throngs of people, he didn't speak, and mostly kept his head down, only offering a soft, 'pardon me', to anyone he bumped. The employees of QnO let him pass and the guards let him through to the Landing area. Civilians were kept out of QnO as well as kept in the dark about what this facility did. Genetic engineering of any kind was considered unholy among the religious of Ralfaris and the casts have been known to organize holy warriors to destroy such things. The Landing pad was freshly cleared as a Keiru transport took off to leave a open space for the next arrival, leaving a swirl of dust as it took off. The sun was still blocked out by the clouds over the planet and it seemed like nighttime although in truth it was almost noon. Sam had to use the textured guidelines to find his way around the open-air parts of the complex. Sam muttered something to himself as he pulled a red handkerchief from his shirt pocket and tied it around his head, so that he could at least breathe. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, as well, and looked at the writing, walking his way through the dust and security guards, to the area that his shuttle was supposed to arrive. He was a little early, but he figured that that would be best. Another Keiru arrived in short order, its landing brushing away the dust for a few moments as it settled down onto the landing area and let the massive side doors, which were the only seeming flat parts of its smooth Yui class like hull, open from the storage bay that bulged out from the center of the craft. Crates were quickly pushed into the ship by ground crew using anti-grav devices. A lot of the crates were clear containers where some of the animals created here, at QnO, were being ready to be shipped out. Sam smiled as he saw the QnO seal of approval. It gave him a sense of pride to know that he had worked for a company that produced high quality products like those animals. He reached out and caught a member of the ground crew, speaking softly to him, "Where's this going?" He then pointed to the shuttle, pulling his backpack off his back and setting it next to the bag, at his feet. The man paused and turned, using one hand to keep a hold of the crate. Fortunately the powerful ground lights kept at least some visibility in this area. "This is heading to Tsuki for distribution to the 3rd XF," He said before recognizing the face of the man who he was talking to, "...SIR!" he hastily added. "You needn't call me sir. My name's Sam, just call me that." Sam said, looking at the crate. "Well, then I guess I should follow you, because I have to meet a ship heading out the 3rd XF. By the way, did a small crate arrive yet? Addressed to a Miss Kyoshi Ayame, Taisa of the 3rd XF Ship, Celia?" "It was just loaded Sam," The Geshrin said, his hair nearly filled with dust, "Why do you ask?" he questioned while he motioned for Sam to follow and pushed the crate into the transport ship while other ground crew members did the same. Even though visibility was limited the outline of a massive four legged loading mech could be seen through the dust as it lifted the largest of loads into the top of the Keiru ship to maximize the use of space available. "Well, my unc- I mean, Dr. Dupree asked me to deliver it to her, with his apologies about it taking so long. We ran into some problems, what with our labs nearly destroyed in the attack." Sam said, following closely behind the ground crew member, into the ship. Sam felt a gust of wind on his face as he entered the ship. The inside was kept at a higher pressure than Ralfaris. This basic trick of NBC warfare kept the insides completely free of the dust that was choking the planet even though a massive part of the ship was exposed to the elements. The inside of the storage bay was large and had two doors that led to the interior of the ship at each end although the view was obscured by the walls of crates loaded into the ship. "I'm just glad the quakes are over," The man said as he put the crate away and headed back out, "I hate those things." Only recently had the earthquakes on the planet stopped. Thoth, the massive fortress-moon of Ralfaris, had been built to occupy the space taken up by the lost moon of Ralfaris. It restabelised the gravitational fields around Ralfaris and reastablished the equilibrium among the planets tectonic plates. "Feel free to ride this ship up to the moon." The ground crew member yelled out as he stepped back out into the dust. Sam nodded, only having heard, "free" and, "moon". He guessed that that meant that the ship was going to one of the moons, and that it would be all right for Sam to ride along. He walked through the crates, until he found the one for Ayame , and slowly pulled it out, careful to not shake or jostle it. He walked slowly among the boxes, carrying his pack on his back, cradling the crate to his chest with one hand, and carrying his bag in the other. He walked to the front of the bay, and into the interior of the ship, where he found a seat quickly and set all of his gear down, laying the crate on his lap as he leaned his head against the wall and sighed again. The doors closed and the ship took off, making the quick trip to the Moon. Sam didn't get to see the facility from the outside due to his position but he did get a view of the internal area. The docking center was enclosed in one massive dome. From here the large brownish sphere that was Ralfaris was visible as well as the jet black outline of Thoth. Crates were immediately being offloaded by automated bots and scanned for contraband, Tsuki was going to be the processing center for all of Ralfaris soon, as some QnSe personnel stood guard, "Can we help you?" One of them asked the man standing inside of the ship. Sam smiled and nodded. "Yes. I'm looking for a ship that's heading to the 3rd XF. I was wondering, has it arrived yet?" Sam asked, setting all his stuff on the floor and looking to the person who had addressed him. He set the crate between his bag and backpack, then added. "So have you heard of this...." He looked to the paper as he pulled it out of his pocket. "YSS Celia?" The guard was dressed in a pure QnSe uniform, meaning he was not part of the 4th fleet, and had on black pants and a black tank top that highlighted the Qelnorans muscular body as well as a cape that was attached to a pauldrin on his left shoulder that covered his left arm. He looked down and pressed a few buttons on a small computer strapped to his wrist. "Sorry but it hasn't arrived yet. You should probably head to the main terminal. Just follow the arrows." He said. Sam sighed and nodded, picking all his stuff back up. After getting it all situated comfortably, he began walking towards the main terminal, following the arrows, just as the Qel'Noran had instructed. When he arrived, he looked around, trying to memorize his surroundings so that he wouldn't get lost, as well as to find what all was offered here. This room was also a large dome. Additional pure QnSe staff were on hand moving about. The roof of the dome was transparent and you could see out into the stars. The center of the room was occupied by a large help desk and radiating out from it were a few kiosks and chairs (like what you would find in a airport). All around the terminal were hallways that led out to other areas where ships were either loading or unloading. Each hallway had a screen above it that displayed the relevant information on where the hallway actually led. Sam walked slowly over to what he suspected was some sort of information desk, setting his bag, and the crate, on the floor, smiling to the person behind the desk. "Um, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you tell me if you know when the shuttle going to the YSE 3rd XF will be arriving? I know that you probably don't know any more than that gentleman who greeted me as I got off the shuttle, but I thought that I would at least ask." "Several ships are heading out that way. The Ayame II will be the next one and we are awaiting its arrival at gate 14" The neko at the information booth said. She had on a standard GSA uniform and also had on the shoulder cover of QnL, the logistics division. Sam smiled and nodded. "Thank you." Sam grabbed his bag and lifted the crate, heading out the way of Gate 14. The YSS Ayame II (YC-56) was docked by the time Sam arrived. He could see the sleek white hull of the 3rd-XF ship, dotted with little lights, through an observation window. Nekos with the brilliant red and stark white rising-sun emblem of the 3rd XF on their cloaks hurried at the gate loading palettes of supplies with KFY forklift mecha. Several crates were hurriedly loaded into the Ayame II by the automated drones in the docking bay. The docking area was huge, a large open area in the moon gave enough space for the entire ship to fit inside. Several extremely large doors also hinted that ships could fly further into the base facility but several construction ships hinted that it wasn't yet finished. Sam stopped at the observation window and stared out at the ship. "Wow....." Was all he could say as he stood, just taking in the whole sight before him. He grabbed his stuff and started off towards the ship, hoping to get on and take a tour of it's interior. He didn't really like being on ships, preferring planeside exploration, where you could touch and smell, and use your senses to explore, instead of technological gadgetry, which told you what you were supposed to think. He decided, though, that for this, he would put up with it, especially if this were the ship that Henry was on....Oh, he had a surprise planned for him, if only he had guessed right on the ship assignment request. The ground crews quickly finished loading the ship and pulled away so the ship could head to its next destination and let other craft take its spot. END. [YSS Celia] Friends: Lost and Found ON> YSS Celia Henry looked around in his room. Most of his possessions had been packed into his large backpack again. He was getting ready to move into his own ship, the yet un-named Yui, YD-524. Wazu stood just inside his room. Anet was gone at the moment and he had the dark room to himself. Wazu lied down in the nest slowly stripped off his jacket, wincing as he did. His left arm was swollen and purple just under the shoulder. The arm had gotten infected a while back and it was really hurting now as the infection has spread to his bone. He pulled a knife out from a near by duffle bag and started cutting his arm, removing a large amount of pus and blood as he did. He then used the vial of neko blood he had gotten from Keiko and poured it into the wound. His skin started to heal quickly and the infection lessened. Wazu seemed to not feel the cuts he caused on himself, as he was able to deactivate his nerves, and soon began to use a bandage to wrap his left arm from just above the elbow to over and around the shoulder. Shina appeared in the hallway, "are you ready to leave, sir?" she asked Henry. The neko had always traveled light. Beside what she had in her pockets, and the teddy bear that she lost on Fenyar, she had no other possessions. "Good afternoon!" Yuuko's bright face popped in Henry's doorway. The petite, large-chested neko was wearing a Taisa pin now (the same one Kyoshi Ayame had worn before), and was standing next to Shina. "Do you sweethearts need any help?" she asked, running her fingers through her purple bangs. Natsumi rubbed her eyes, leaning against the wall. The bags under her eyes are a dead give-away that she hasn't slept in a while and if she has, it's far from what she needs. She stumbles a bit as she walks, lost. "Afternoon, ma'am," replied Henry as he bowed, "we were just getting ready to leave for our new ship, but, I was hoping to get something to eat from the mess hall first." Shina simply gave the Taisa some room and bowed. Keiko had just finished her shift and was walking the hallways for a chance to stretch her legs a bit. She was in a really bright mood today for some reason. The emerald-green haired neko was humming a little song as she walked, and noticed a smaller neko stumbling down the hallway. "Hello there." She said with a smile. Wazu took a few moments to gather a bunch of handwritten notes and organize them into something manageable. He realized that his head was starting to hurt as he looked over the papers that he had written not to long ago. He sighed and sat them down on the ground before putting his black down jacket over his tank top and heading out into the hallways in search of a drink. "H-hi" Natsumi managed to choke out before she collapsed onto the floor. She panted gently, her tail lying limp behind her. "Would you care for me to join you?" Yuuko asked Henry. "I'm very familiar with the Yui class." "Hmm!?" Keiko said and rushed over to the little girl and gently picked her up in her arms, cradling her gently. "You look tired. Are you okay?" She asked. ~a tail? how cute!~ Keiko thought as she saw it. Wazu filled the flask in his back pocket with hard ice tea from the galley and went to go sit down in the corner, away from most of the people in the galley, as he started to drink. The pain in his head started to subside slowly and he took a data-pad out of one of his pockets before started to poke away at the interface on its screen. "We'd love it if you could join us for a little snack, ma'am," replied Shina, just in case Henry dared to refuse. "Yes... and I wouldn't mind getting a few pointers in commanding a Yui-class ship, ma'am," added Henry, who was walking toward the door. Natsumi managed to nod weakly, half asleep, half passed out. Her dark green hair seemed longer then she was as she balled up in Keiko's arms. "No problem," Yuuko grinned with a bounce. "Anything I can carry for you?" she offered. Keiko held the child-like neko close to her chest as she walked down the hall and noticed her sister. "Hi Yuuko, Henry, Shina." She said. ~Are you hungry at all? ~ She asked the little girl. Natsumi nodded, panting, "I-I’m sorry to inconvenience you." "No ma'am, but thank you for the offer," replied Henry as he picked up his backpack and walked out into the hallway. The door to his room slid shut. It would not open for him again, since it was not his room anymore. Henry winced as he tried to put the heavy backpack on, and shook his head, embarrassed, as Shina slid the backpack off him and put it on herself. ~No, no it's ok, you must be a new officer, but you're a bit small for that. ~ Keiko assured her. "M-medic, actually" Natsumi corrected her, realizing how ironic it was. "Hello, Keiko," Yuuko said, giving Keiko a hug. "I missed you. I'm glad to be off Fenyar." Yuuko looked Natsumi over, waiting for Henry and Shina to continue. Her holographic uniform complemented her with skin-tight illusory fabric. Keiko felt a little down that her sister hadn't noticed her. She smiled down at the child. "So am I." She looked up at Yuuko. "I just found her almost passed out in the hall. I missed you too sis." "Hi, Keiko!" beamed Shina, before looking at Natsumi with a worried face, "is she okay?" Henry just smiled and nodded at Keiko. Being a computer scientist, he was always glad to meet a Kessaku. "She's okay, she's just a little hungry and tired. I don't think she was assigned and quarters yet so she's been wandering it seems." Keiko said. "Let's get her something to eat before we worry about anything else." She said and started for the galley. She paused and looked over her shoulder. "Hi Shina." Yuuko nodded, "We were headed that way, too." Henry nodded and began following Keiko. Shina was close behind him, seemingly unburdened by the heavy backpack. Natsumi's tail began swishing a bit as she purred. "Isn't she cute?" Keiko smiled childishly; as they walked. ON> YSS Celia (GC-55): Main Dining Hall The group arrived a few minutes later, after making their way through the ship to the former workplace of the late Sergei Dimitriov. The trolls and the other big guys could be seen back in their corner, surrounded by bottles of various alcoholic beverages. Probably getting wasted on account of the loss of Sergeant Oni Matsui, the Japanese/Chinese man who'd been killed on Fenyar. Henry couldn't help but stare at Natsumi's swishing tail as he followed her. "Wait... Passed out in the halls?" asked Shina as she caught up to Keiko at the mess hall door, "how horrible! The poor thing..." "I think she's simply lacking sleep." Keiko said as she set the little neko in a chair and sat next to her to give her something to lean on if she needed it. She tried to rouse the little girl gently. "Honey, what do you want to eat?" She asked softly. Natsumi hugged Keiko's arm close to herself, "Nnmh." "Something easy on her DSR organ," Yuuko suggested. Keiko smiled softly and patted the little neko's head, "come on, you need to eat something." She said to Natsumi. "What do you suggest Yuuko?" Henry shook his head to get the image of Natsumi's tail out of his head. "Come on, Shina, let's go get some food," he said. Shina nodded, placed the backpack on a chair next to Keiko, and followed Henry toward the buffet area. Woot leaned over and asked Sixthree, "Isn't that the one you were interested in nesting with?" He pointed at Shina. Natsumi purred, holding the arm like a teddy bear in her sleep. Wazu looked up from his data pad. He didn't really want to stick around here and waited for the group to leave the entrance to the galley before he headed toward the door. Yuuko said, "Well, something liquid-y. Maybe applesauce." She spotted a man leaving for the door. "No..." "Well I think she's sleeping." Keiko smiled. "I don't want to disturb her, would you mind getting her a little bowl or something?" The youngest Kessaku asked. "Hold on," Yuuko told Keiko, briskly walking after Wazu. "Heram?" As Shina began to pile her plate high with food for her "snack", Henry simply strolled through the buffet area, looking for something he could eat. With Sergei gone, most of the available food had reverted back to classic Japanese dishes. When Henry passed the kitchen door, something inside caught his eye, and he slowly walked inside. Natsumi stirred a bit managing to open her eyes and sit up straight in her chair, but it didn't last too long. Wazu paused for a moment and sighed before just continuing his walk back to his room. Keiko smiled down at the little girl. "You're just a tired little neko aren't you? What's your name?" "Ensign Nanase Natsumi, repor-" Natsumi managed to get out before a yawn. Keiko shook her head, making her long dark green hair dance around her shoulder prettily. "You're not on duty now Natsumi, just go ahead and rest." "Wait! Heram!" Yuuko caught up to Wazu and stood in front of him. "Is it really you?" Henry found himself standing in front of the spice rack. Most of the spices and sauces on its shelves were brought here by Sergei himself. Henry sighed as he looked at the carefully labeled bottles and vials. "The world has lost another great cook," he murmured before walking back out into the buffet area. Natsumi nodded, hugging Keiko's arm close still, "Mmmm, teddy." "Yes," He said, generally trying to avoid her gaze, "What is it that you want?" He asked, looking her directly in the eyes now. "Wazu, I thought you were dead! Where were you?!" Yuuko demanded to know. Keiko couldn't help but to be all smiles; this little girl was adorable to her. Maybe she reminded Keiko of how life used to be with Kai around? She chuckled. "Oh so my arm's a teddy now eh?" Natsumi nodded, purring, "Huggy teddy." Shina returned to the dining area, her plate stacked sky high with delicious food, mostly of the sushi variety. "I brought her some fruit juice," said Shina to Keiko as she sat down next to the Kessaku, and setting a cup of red liquid in front of Natsumi. "Just... wandering." He said, "Why do you care?" He tried to move around her and cast his gaze down towards the floor. Keiko looked up at Shina. "Thank you." She said and nudged Natsumi gently. "Come on, Miss Shina brought you something." she prodded gently. Yuuko grabbed both of Wazu's arms, "I...missed you...a bit, I think," she admitted. Natsumi managed to sit up, reluctantly letting go of Keiko's arm. She began sipping her juice happily. Keiko smiled and turned to Shina. "How was Fenyar?" the young neko asked curiously. Shina's face paled at the question. Keiko could see the indescribable pain, anger, and regret in her eyes. "It was... " Shina muttered, but was unable to continue. Her eyes became a bit misty. Keiko looked down at the seat and impulsively hugged Shina trying to comfort her. "It must've been horrible…" She said. "Heh, a bit?" Wazu asked, sounding a bit skeptical. "You never cared... " Shina hugged Keiko back without saying a word. Henry was smiling as he made his way back to the table, with some bread and pieces of fried chicken he had found somewhere on his plate. He noticed Keiko hugging Shina and frowned, mostly at the immediate feeling of jealousy in his heart. Natsumi looked around, still half asleep. She could barely follow the conversation. Taisa Yuuko seemed frustrated and insulted by this, and released Shoi Wazu, and walked back towards the dining hall in a silent fury. Wazu headed back to his room, ignoring Yuuko's fury completely. Keiko gently rubbed Shina's back, like Kai used to do to her to calm her down. She let go of the hug and held Shina by the shoulders; "Just put it out of your mind then okay?" Keiko said and turned back to Natsumi. "You gonna be okay now little one?" She asked. Natsumi nodded, feeling more and more attached to Keiko. "That's good." Keiko assured Natsumi with a warm smile. "I wonder where sis ran off to? She went after that guy, I think." Keiko mused. Henry took a seat at the table, across from Shina, setting his plate down in front of himself. "I think she's coming back now," he said as he saw Yuuko storming back. Natsumi reached out, trying to hold onto big sister Keiko's arm again. Keiko let Natsumi snuggled herself into her arm again, knowing that it somehow gave her comfort. Yuuko let out a frustrated sigh, blowing her hair upward as she stood nearby, "Ugh..." Keiko looked up at her sister. "What's wrong Sis? Did he do something to you?" She asked, seeing the look in her older sister's face; and felt a bit intimidated. Shina nodded. She had no problem with putting Fenyar out of her mind, at least for now. Shina began to pig out on her plate of sushi. "Feel free to grab some sushi from my plate if you are hungry, Miss Keiko," she said between bites. Shina had made the most effort to befriend the other Chuis on the ship, since their friendships would not be complicated by the subtleties of military rank. "Please join us, ma'am," Henry smiled politely at Yuuko, trying to improve her mood. He was also attempting to cut the pieces of friend chicken into manageable pieces with a dining knife, but was failing miserably against the over-fried crust. Yuuko frowned and stepped forward, not saying anything. She looked agitated, and his struggle with the chicken wasn't making her any happier. She took in a long, deep breath, trying to dispel the frustration. Little things like the chicken grease were really getting on her nerves. Keiko looked up at her with concerned eyes. "Yuuko... " She said. Shina, sensing Henry's distress and Yuuko's agitation, reached over and grabbed one of the large pieces with her bare hands. She grabbed the two ends of the chicken piece and neatly snapped it in half, placed the two pieces back onto Henry's plate, and began the same procedure with the next piece of chicken on his plate. "Wazu is on my ship," Yuuko growled. She meant the Celia, which was now also her ship, in addition to her personal ship, the YSS Rave (YD-523). The snapping chicken seemed to irritate her even more and she slammed her fists into the table. The pieces of chicken jumped from their plates a little. The fried chicken disgusted her so much! Keiko was worried about Yuuko, she had never seen her so agitated. She gently disengaged herself from Natsumi and got to her feet and gently set the girl next to Shina. Keiko walked over to Yuuko and gently hugged her from behind; little hugs where all she could think of right now. "Yuuko, please calm down. Please." she pleaded. "Who cares if he's on the ship? Can't you tell him to go to another one of the ships?" Henry looked at Shina, with one of his eyebrows arched. He appreciated the gesture, but he was a little too old to be helped in eating his food. Finally, he sighed and began cutting the smaller pieces length-wise, inserting the knife into the soft flesh that was now revealed. When his food suddenly jumped an inch from the plate, Henry just shook his head and began eating. Yuuko pulled away from Keiko and stormed out of the room. She needed some time alone, or at least away from Wazu and the greasy chicken and the snapping bones. What kind of chef served food with bones still inside?? "Yuuko..." Keiko said softly; her sudden change in attitude worried her, but she figured that Yuuko knew what she was doing. The young woman sighed heavily as she watched her sister leave; torn, she wanted to go find out what was wrong, but... Henry sighed as he watched the Taisa leave. It wasn't his fault that the sprites were bad at cooking non-Japanese dishes. Shina wiped one of her hands on a napkin and placed it on Natsumi's shoulder. She continued eating with her free hand. Keiko looked at Henry and Shina. "Should I go find out what's wrong? Her sudden change worries me." Keiko said in an unsure voice. Natsumi snapped to attention, looking up at Shina. She jumped a bit when she felt the arm. "It's okay, ensign," said Shina as she smiled at Natsumi and then turning to Keiko, "it's not really my place to tell you, one way or the other, Miss Keiko, but please don't feel pressured to stay on our account." "Yes, we'll help Miss... Natsumi? Yes, we'll help Miss Natsumi find her quarters after we are finished," offered Henry helpfully. Keiko smiled and nodded in thanks and walked out to find Yuuko. ~Yuuko, are you okay…? ~ She wondered. Wazu lied down in his nest and looked up at the ceiling, "Wow... I sure picked the wrong ship..." He thought out loud as he turned his view to the data pad he had in his hand. His head felt a lot better now that he had a bit of alcohol in him. On the small screen a crude 3d rendering of a near 12d object was displayed. Needless to say it would give anyone a headache. ~I wish people would just leave me alone...~ he thought to himself, his thoughts were depressed as normal. Keiko continued to search for her sister, figuring that she couldn't have gone far. There was no sign of her in the area. With Keiko gone, Shina looked at Natsumi with curiosity. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat, Miss Natsumi? Some sushi, perhaps?" she offered. There were only a few pieces of sushi left on her plate. Henry was also finishing his small meal. Natsumi brought her knees up to her chest. She purred softly as she looked down at her knees. She began slipping into thought, "N-no thank you ma'am. I'm not hungry." Keiko thought for a moment, and remembered that Yuuko liked to dance. She walked over to the console and addressed the AI. "Celia, is there a place to dance on this ship?" She asked. Celia's voice answered, "Yes." "Is Yuuko there?" Keiko asked, wanting to nail her down. "There's no need to call me ma'am, Miss Natsumi, for I carry the same rank as you. So please call me Shina," replied the neko to Natsumi, slipping the last few pieces of sushi into her mouth after she had finished speaking. "No," Celia replied. "She's in a bath." "Which one?" Keiko asked. "The one on this ship or on the Rave?" "The port side baths on the YSS Rave." "If I'm referred to as Miss Natsumi, then you're referred to as Ma'am." Natsumi said quietly. "Wow, she's fast." Keiko said. "Celia can you take me there directly?" Celia responded, "She used the lift system." "I'll make a deal with you, Natsumi," answered Shina, smiling at Natsumi's politeness, "I'll call you Natsumi from now on, and you'll call me Shina. Deal?" Henry was wiping his mouth and getting ready to carry his dishes to the dishwashing area. Keiko nodded. "Thank you Celia." She said and headed for the nearest lift and got in. "Take me to the Rave please." She said. Natsumi nodded softly, her tail swishing about a bit. Shina was about to take her dishes to the dishwashing area, but remembered that there was still a catgirl hanging on to her. She looked at Henry for help. "I got it, Shina," smiled Henry as he placed her empty plate on top of his, stacked their used utensils on top, and began walking toward the dishwashing area. ~Perhaps I could have been nicer to her...~ Wazu thought to himself, "Bah, who am I kidding. Yuuko always did hate me." He squirmed in his nest a bit and then settled back down on his back again, removing his jacket and using one hand to scratch at his right arm, taking his mind off Yuuko and giving him a sharp realization of the pain shooting through his body. His hand was now pressed tightly over his arm to stop the small amount of bleeding as he returned to the data pad. As Shina saw Henry walking back, she turned to Natsumi, "Natsumi? We are going to take you to your quarters, all right? I'll have the Celia AI telepathically put a map of the ship in your memory while you sleep, so you won't get lost again." “No," the Rave's AI countered. Celia asked, "Would you like to select an alternate destination?" Rave explained, "She wants to be alone. I don't think you were just going to your room." Natsumi nodded, standing up a little shakily, "O-ok." "You're right Rave, I was looking for her; she's my sister and her sudden change in mannerisms scared me. I just want to make sure she's going to be ok." Keiko said. "Hmm Where's the guy she spoke with that made her so mad?" Walking up to the two nekos, Henry smiled as he saw Shina stood up to support Natsumi. He thought it was strange that he did not feel jealous seeing Natsumi touch Shina. Perhaps he simply felt more comfortable with people in the same color uniform as him. "James Wazu is in his quarters," Celia informed Keiko. "Can you point to me where that is?" Keiko asked the AI. "I think I want to talk with him..." "Ready to go, ladies?" Henry smiled politely as he returned to where Shina and Natsumi were standing. Shina nodded and began making her way toward the exit, supporting Natsumi as she walked. Henry followed close behind, again puzzled at his own feelings as he realized that Keiko was in a green uniform, also. Celia gave Keiko a map that would follow her along the side of the hall. Keiko left the lift and followed the map that accompanied her until she reached James's quarters. She knocked on the door politely; "Excuse me sir." She said. "Yes?" Wazu inquired from the other side of the door as he put back on his jacket and shoved the data pad into one of his pockets as he headed toward the door. "Celia," said Shina as she walked, "I'm sorry to bother you, but could you show us to Ensign Natsumi's quarters, please? Oh, and please telepathically store a map of the ship into her memory while she's sleeping. Just the important stuff, you know, her quarters, the med bay, the dining hall, the bridge..." "Would you please spare a little time? I want to know what you said to make my sister so angry." Keiko said. "Of course, "Tanaka-Chu-i," Celia replied. The map requested appeared in plain view on a control panel nearby. Wazu winced, he knew what was going to come next but he also knew that he didn't really have any choice, "Come on in..." he said while opening the door and heading to one of the nearby chairs. Specialist Leet walked by outside Wazu's quarters carrying a large black bag. "Thank you, ma'am," beamed Shina as she made a note of Natsumi's room's location and began making her way toward it. The neko did not at all appear encumbered, even with the heavy backpack slumped over one of her shoulders and her supporting Natsumi with the other. Henry simply followed her, deep in thought. Keiko smiled to him and entered at his invitation. She stood near the door and heard footsteps behind her and turned around swiftly. She barely caught sight of someone with a black bag walk past. "That must be Leet." She sighed. Keiko turned back to James, "I'm not accusing you of anything to start with ok? I just want to know what you said to Yuuko that made her mad." She said. "Go ahead and accuse me, most people do anyways..." He said, starting off on a tangent thought before collecting himself and moving on to the question at hand, "I was just saying the truth, Yuuko hates me and she always has." "And what makes you think that?" Keiko asked. "Well, we are here," Shina announced as the trio walked up to a room in the officers' living quarters section of the ship. Henry snapped out of his thoughts and noted just how close they were to their old rooms. "She yells at me, she avoids me when I try and apologize, she blames me for things that aren't my fault..." Wazu said, again going off on a pointless rant. The door to Natsumi's quarters slid open as she approached. "Are you going to be okay if we leave you here, Natsumi? Get some sleep, you'll know everything you need to know about the layout of the ship when you wake up," Shina turned to Natsumi and said. Keiko looked at Wazu with sympathetic eyes. "You just have to be patient with her; was there any specific event that set her off?" Keiko asked, trying to get to the root of the problem. Natsumi nodded, "Thank you both, really. You're welcome here anytime." "She yelled at me for destroying a angel ship... and just then... well... she was just being herself. She said she sorta missed me but she was lying," He said. Shina smiled, "If you need anything, just speak up and ask the Celia for help. She will always hear you... We are transferring off the ship onto one of the escorts, but I'm sure we'll see you around all the time." Natsumi nodded, and collapsed onto her bed, the first time ever in her actual room. "Hmm you probably did something she didn't agree with. But how do you know she was lying? You can't read her mind; you don't know what she's thinking." Keiko said. "Let her calm down some ok? Did you miss her?" She asked curiously. Henry and Shina couldn't help but smile as they saw Natsumi drift off to sleep, even before the door to her room manage to slide shut and obscure their view. "Well, Shina, let's go check out my ship," said Henry. "Like I said, I destroyed that angel ship..." He said as he continued to play around with the data pad in his hand while pulling the jacket around himself a bit tighter. It was already warm inside of the room and Wazu had on a heavy jacket, "She has hated me ever since then, she even avoided me when I tried to talk to her about it." "Yes, sir!" answered Shina with enthusiasm. She felt that she had done a good deed today. "What are you going to name her, sir?" "She was probably still upset by your tactics. But I suggest that you try and get assigned to another ship if you want to avoid her." Keiko said. "Name her, eh?" replied Henry, having never thought about it before. "Perhaps I should follow the late Shosho's example, and name it after my mother... YSS Heather... No. My mother deserves a bigger ship named after her than a Yui. How about... YSS Jade?" Wazu nodded, "She is still upset with me, she always has been. I probably should leave and find another ship." Keiko walked over and put a hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "You have to do what you believe is right." She said and gave James a small, quick hug, then started to head for the door. She paused once she got there and turned slightly. "G'night to you James." Keiko said pleasantly. "Night," He said from where he was. "Who is Jade, sir?" asked Shina as they made their way to the lifts, "or did you name it after your good luck charm?" "Jade is indeed very much a real person, Shina. Perhaps if we ever go back to Neplesia again, you'll get to meet her." A mysterious smile appeared on Henry's face as they stepped inside a lift. As the lift doors closed behind them, Henry said, "Celia, please take us to the YD-524. Oh, and I'm naming it 'Jade'". [YSS Rave] Nightmares and comfort ON> YSS Rave Keiko had gotten back to her room she shared with Yuuko and changed into a soft nightie and curled up in the nest. She hugged a pillow tightly, her eyes closed but still moving around a bit. "No, leave him alone! He didn't do anything to you." She was murmuring. Keiko whimpered slightly with a couple little tears coming down her cheeks Yuuko entered her nest, recently back from a relaxing time in the baths. She tiptoed her bare form inside and climbed in the silken nest next to Keiko, and covered them both with a fluffy comforter. Her arms wrapped around Keiko under the blanket, trying to soothe her sister out of her nightmare. Keiko snuggled close to Yuuko, crying softly."Why it have to happen?" She said, still having her nightmare. Yuuko frowned softly at Keiko's continued nightmares. Well, there were ways to stop them. Yuuko folded the bottom ot the comforter upward, tugged up the bottom of Keiko's nightie, lifted her hand, and brought it down with a loud smack on Keiko's bum. Keiko jolted awake and scrambled away from Yuuko looking around with a hurt look on her sleepy face. "What was that for!?" She exclaimed, rubbing her reddening rear end. Yuuko layed there quietly and said, "Back to bed, Keiko." Keiko looked at Yuuko. "Why'd someone hit me?" She asked, laying back down, reassured by Yuuko's presence. Yuuko spread the covers back over Keiko and have ger a warm hug, "It's okay, sister." Keiko hugged her back and snuggled up to Yuuko. "I was having a nightmare..I think..Did I say anything?" She asked warily. "It's over now, forget it," Yuuko told her, "You're with me now." Keiko looked around around with her sleepy eyes, seeing if she could remember. She shrugged mentally at losing the impression of the nightmare, it'd come back. "Are you ok now Yuuko? You were so mad earlier." Keiko asked. "I'm alright," the petite neko Taisa said, "I don't really want to talk about him, okay?" Keiko nodded childishly. "Ok, if you say so." she said and changed the subject to something a bit better. "That little neko I found in the hallway was so cute; with that little tail.." the dark green-haired neko smiled. "Cute?" Yuuko smiled. "She was so small, her hair was longer than she was tall it seemed. I think she was lonely and kind of sleepy;" Keiko smiled softly. "She was hugging my arm like a teddy bear, it made me feel a kind of comforting warmth inside. I think she reminded me of what I used to do when my father was alive." "Do I give you a wamth inside?" Yuuko asked. She wrapped her arms around Keiko's torso and cuddled her. Keiko giggled sweetly. "You do Yuuko, I feel safe and secure when you're around me. When you were on Fenyar, I felt so vulnerable; I did something I feel bad about.." she said with a slight blush as their chests rubbed together. Yuuko enjoyed the sensation, and pressed closer, smiling, "Something bad?" "I was walking down the hallway after my shift in the medbay and your shift as communications officer, when I stumbled into the newest elysian's quarters were he was having his way with two nekos. He had done something earlier in the day that made me feel uncomfortable, you see." She paused to catch her breath. "Well when I stumbled in, he started yelling at me trying to tell me my business and I got mad at him and told him to go into work 3 hours early." "Aww, Keiko!" Yuuko said, "What's it matter if other nekos want to try out his equipment? I mean that's their business, right? But there's no reason he should be yelling at a ranking officer for that." "I suppose so, but I didn't mean to intrude; I was so tired that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Keiko blushed a bit. "He used his wings to feel my rear, that made me feel...odd, I didn't like it" "Hmm," Yuuko made a face, "On purpose?" she asked. "He said that I was so beautiful and kind, I asked about his wings and he folded them around and...he thouched me in places I'd rather not be touched by a man. Kai told me that those areas are special and that I shouldn't let anyone touch them unless I know, trust and love them." Keiko said, blushing in shame. "I see," Yuuko nodded. "More than just your bottom? Can you show me?" "I felt a burning between my legs when his feathers rubbed against it." She said and pressed her hips against Yuuko's leg once to show her where he'd touched. "I think he wanted my body..I was scared.." "Well, you don't have to give him anything if you don't want to. Was it really a burning feeling??" "More like a tingling, but I was to shocked I think my mind overread the synaptic impulses from my touch receptors is all." Keiko said medically. "The only guy I wanted to....give that to...was..." She was blushing furiously. "I know. I've felt it before, too. The security nekos at central would play these games...You wanted Kai to take you?" Keiko nodded shyly and tried to turn away to hide her blush. "I understand," Yuuko said. "Well, we'll wait for the right time before we let a man touch us, okay?" Keiko nodded, she got what she thought was a nice idea. "Sisterly promise?" She asked. "Promise," Yuuko nodded. Keiko rolled Yuuko onto her back and laid ontop of her and kissed the corner of her mouth. "I missed you so much, when that beast broke your neck, I was about to have a nervous breakdown; I was so scared." She said and rolled off her sister. "Was there anything else on Fenyar other than those animals?" "Not really. It was a dismal and creepy place." "Mmm I missed my big sister." Keiko smiled at Yuuko. "Yuuko, what should I do if that archangel...tries to take me without my consent?" she asked, it had been bothering her for a day or so now. "Have the trolls hurt him!" Yuuko suggested. They were his boss, and Yuuko had been on their good time ever since she let them play with her body in exchange for moving into the Rave. "Should I tell our big sister?" Keiko asked, thinking that her family would want to know. Keiko suddenly giggled. "That'd hurt quite a bit..." "Maybe," Yuuko shrugged. "Hey Keiko?" "Yeah?" She asked. "I'm going to be making some more outfits tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd like me to make you some." Keiko smiled happily. "Please." She said, embracing Yuuko gently. "What sort of things do you want?" Yuuko inquired. Keiko thought for a moment, "I'd like a dress or something like that, those uniforms are rather tight; and I don't like walking around nude." She said. "And some undergarments too, the frilly kind." Yuuko pondered this, "What kind of dress, and what color?" "Hmm I saw a picture of one once that was long, to about my knees, and it didn't show much of my chest; but it didn't make it look flat either. And I think I'd like...a scarlet red color." Keiko said. "No...a pretty violet color." "Alright. Do you want it to be modest, or flattering?" Yuuko inquired, grabbing up an electronic sketchpad and a pen. Keiko pondered for a moment: "How about something a little flattering?" "Okay," Yuuko scribbled out something. ~?~ Keiko thought and peeked at the sketch. "No!" Yuuko giggled, covering it with her ample bosom. Keiko pouted and gave Yuuko puppy eyes; trying too look to adorable to turn down. "Aww," Yuuko pleaded, "I don't want you to see it until it's finished." Keiko giggled. "Ok, I know you'll do a good job." She said and started to settle back down, feeling sleepy again. The designer went back working to creating something cute for Keiko to wear tommorow... JP [YSS Celia] Dark Thoughts ON>YSS Celia Ayame finally returned to her quarters for some much needed rest after another rather emotionally draining day. She sighed as she slid out of her uniform and into a dark blue silk robe. She draped the uniform over a chair, before she started lighting the candles that were littered about the room. After the only light that bathed the room was the soft light from the candles she sunk down into the nest. She felt emotionally drained after everything that had happened on the planet's surface and today in the med bay. She slid her hand over her laptop that lay in the nest next to her and pulled it open. She slid over onto her belly and began to type... I don't know how people do this day in and day out, command has to be one of the most tiring things known to man. Command officers need to leave their friends behind for the good of the fleet and the Empire, and that will never be easy. Sergei was my friend, at least for my part he was and I left him there to die. That is the hard part about being in command, you are the one that needs to make these decisions because no one is going to make them for you. But does it make me a horrible person for finding I can make these decisions with little remorse after the fact? The Empire must come first, the need for the protection and safety of the people of the Empire and the Empress herself. In the end that means I will lose alot of people on the way, however military personnel know the risks everyday they put the uniform on. Death is merely an occupational hazard for us, something we face everyday, and if you face it well then this is your true calling. I face my life everyday without hesitation, perhaps I should be proud of that. The events in the medbay today have to of been one of the oddest things I have ever witnessed. We encountered an alien vessel and brought it inside our ship, sadly only to find that one person managed to survive the accident. We tried to make an ST backup of her and the body died instantly. Little did we know what would happen next, an energy being rose from the dead body and informed us all that merely her host had died. I must admit I am still perplexed by what happened next. A woman entered the med bay, named Amaya, she was a friend of the late Shosho. I will write out the entire conversation for later analysis. "What are you?" Amaya asked the creature hovering before her. ~I am one of the Melumsi child, a being of pure energy that can not take solid form unless in the possession of another body.~ Akila replied to her, her voice resounding in all of our heads. Amaya nodded and a thought seemed to spring into her eyes, "What happens to the person who's body you inhabit?" ~They die if it is their choice to be possessed, otherwise they live to fight on and will take their bodies back after awhile.~ Amaya smiled, "Then I ask that you take my body. I no longer wish to be apart of this world of the living, for in many ways I am already dead inside." ~If you are sure this is what you wish child...~ At least Akila had the courtesy to ask if she was sure... Amaya nodded, "Yes, I can think of nothing that would make me happier." What we saw next was an amazing sight, the energy being moved its way over to Amaya and rose to the same length of her. It then moved forward until it pressed against her skin, and then seemed to absorb inwards bathing Amaya in the same light that radiated from the creature. As it cleared you could see the difference in Amaya's eyes, haunted sorrow replaced by gratitude, we knew she had left us. I never had the chance to get to know her, I think I would have liked to however. I was informed that Amaya was in love with the late Shosho, I find it hard to understand, at this stage in my life, how someone would die for the love of another. Love however is the strongest force in the galaxy, a force that cannot be silenced, one that can never be erased from the minds of those who feel it. It is so strong that people would die just to feel it in the arms of their lover again. I must admit I wonder what it would be like to feel that for someone and have it felt back in return, but everytime I feel myself even taking a step in that direction they are taken from me... Ayame closed the laptop and placed it neatly on the chair next to her bed. She lay down and closed her eyes and her thoughts once again drifted to Fenyar... ..Ayame walked over and looked at Sergei, "Don't do this..." She looked at Eleef T'Jron, "Please let him go again..." She then turned her gaze back to Sergei, "This time he will not resist, you can consider that an order." "But Ayam-Yes ma'am...." Sergei slowly said, hanging his head. The To'yaree looked down at Eleef, who just nodded. Sergei was set down on the ground, and slowly walked away, snickers could be heard from the Sha'Nai, as well as things like, "He is weak, just as master said". Sergei looked at Ayame sadly as he passed. "You don't have to do this." He whispered. She reached out and caught his hand and placed her rank pin in his, "Give that back to me one day..." Sergei looked her in the eyes, his ambers showing great sadness as he just nodded. He turned to the Dy'Unnar, "You'll pay dearly for this.....I swear on Fenris' grave you will." He then turned and slowly walked out of the forest, stopping just far enough away to barely make out Ayame's form in the darkness. "Touching....Very touching... Now, we've filled our side of the bargain, will you fill yours?" Eleef said, slowly walking forward and holding out what looked like two cuffs held together with a blue field. Ayame nodded, "I am a woman of my word. I am your prisoner." She held out her hands, her eyes meeting Eleef's.... She sat upright and sunk her head into her hands, that dream... She sighed and got out of bed, she pulled her robe off and slipped back into her uniform and left her quarters, ~Perhaps a snack might help...~ She thought to herself silently as she made her way to the kitchens. [Shrutava/YSS Celia] Budding Flowers ON > The Shrutava Akila sat in her small chamber on the vessel, her mind completely focussed on the book she sat there reading. She turned the page slowly, her now older fingers not be as adept as they once were. She sighed as she lowered her book as she felt the vessel leave hyeperspace, perhaps this would be a successful trip to find a host for her, this new planet seemed promising, primitive and out of the way. She just hoped that she would be able to convince one of them to allow her to possess them. Akila felt a jerk as they were coming out of hyperspace, before the back wall of her room quickly caved in, the organic technology compensated enough to keep the atmosphere contained but could not stop the flying barrage of furniture. On the Bridge the ships captain swore under his breath, "Damnit! That wormhole just collapsed around us!!" He turned to his first officer, "Damage report?" "Its not good. I request permission to send out a distress signal." The man said calmly. The captain nodded, "Very well, everyone go and check for casulaties and insure the safety of the Lady Akila." He watched as orders were given and he walked over and sat in the captains chair, ~Why is this happening now?~ He thought to himself, ~It had to happen with her on board didn't it...~ On the Celia, the crew had been immediately put back into action, although they could have probably used a break after their ordeal; unfortunately, the crew was limited and the Captain and Yuuko each felt she had a responsibility to take the bridge again. "Taisa Ayame," Yuuko chirped from her communciations station, "A ship has just violently dropped out of a wormhole and is sending a distress signal. It's an unknown type, not too far away." Another flashing light appeared on her control panel, just then. "And Empress Yui is calling, too." Ayame smiled when she heard the Empress' name, "Head towards that ship and offer whatever aid and assistance we can. I shall speak with the Empress, we can not keep her waiting afterall. Yuuko nodded and stepped out of her undies, then stepped down into the pilot's pit on the right. As she slid into the fleshy compartment, her body was surrounded by warm goo and pentrated by the interfaces, locked in place as the SLICS poles went through the holes in her shoulders. Down between her legs, their was a slight burning sensatation as little helpers wriggled up into her orifices. A needle poke in the side...a tube in her mouth, invading; all this felt as if it was building her into the ship, makeing her just another part to be used. Her vision faded and she went blind to her own eyes, only seeing through the ship iself. In a moment, the Celia left orbit for the damaged ship. Yui's face appeared in a big video display on Amaye's control panel. "Good morning." Ayame bowed from the waist, "Good morning Empress. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" "You look beautiful as ever, Ayame. I've missed you," her old commander smiled brilliantly, running a hand thorugh her dark green bangs. "I have an offer for you. Since we don't have one anymore, and since we're friends, I was wondering if you'd like to be bumped up to Taisho, Ayame." Yui raised both of her long, dark eyebrows in anticipation of the response. Ayame looked shocked, "I am honoured that you think I am ready for this Empress. Are you sure I am the most appropriate person for the position?" "I know you're a very smart, level-headed woman who I trust as a fellow soldier and as a friend. I'm sure you'll find any position I put you in most pleasurable," Yui grinned, with a sensual look in her eyes. "And if you find it's too much, then you just let me know, okay?" Ayame bowed from the waist again, "Thank you for this great honour, I accept." Yui blew Ayame a kiss, and said "Congratulations. You are now the commander of the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet, Ayame." She leaned in closer to the camera she was on. "Oh, and Ayame?" Ayame leaned forward, "Yes Empress?" "I'm so sorry about what happened on Fenyar. Yuuko told me the story. We will keep them out of future exploration missions, okay? It was absolutely horrible how those people we were trying to help were shamelessly murdered. I forgive you for the mission failure, because I know you did your best and it wasn't your fault," Yui told Ayame. "Don't be too hard on yourself." Ayame nodded, "Thank you for your understanding Empress." "Talk to me about it if you need to vent, okay?" Yui said sincerely. "I'm only a call away." Ayame smiled, "Thank you. I will keep that in mind." Celia's avatar approached Ayame and unzipped her bodysuit, reaching a hand inside. Her fingers removed the two fasteners on the interior and then pulled the Taisa pin off. In its place, Celia put a Taisho pin in the holes. "Congratulations, Taisho," Celia nodded respectufully. Ayame nodded, "Thank you Celia." She then turned to Yuuko, "ETA to that vessel?" "Taisa," Yuuko's voice popped out of down in the pit. It sounded slightly off, since it was from her mind and not her mouth, "We've just arrived. I was about to, did you just get promoted?" Ayame smiled and nodded, "Yes the Empress did just bestow that honour on me. Please kindly offer them any assistance they might require." Celia unexpectedly balled up her fist and slammed it into Ayame's new pin, forcing the sharp backings into the new Taisho's flesh. Ayame winced in pain and looked at Celia, a question in her eyes. The avatar smiled and held out the fasteners to the pins in her hand, "All things cost blood, Taisho." Ayame bowed briefly to the avatar, "Thank you for reminding me of that Celia." "Ooh! Good for you Ayame!" Yuuko cheered from the pit. After a moment, she had to ask curiously, "Any promotion for me?" "Displaying visual of the ship on the main," Celia pointed. The Shutava floated in space, its hull crumpled severely. Ayame smiled at Yuuko before turning her attention to the visual, "How would you like to command the Celia? I imagine I am going to be busy running the fleet..." Yuuko seemed a bit uncertain at first, "Um, you're not leaving the Celia, are you? I kind of like having my own little ship." "No I will not be leaving the Celia, I will just be handing the day to day operations over to you." Ayame smiled, "And you may keep your little ship." "Aww, I know it will be complicated, but I would be honored to fill your boots with my little feet," Yuuko told her. "Do I get your old pin?" "Would you like to have my old pin Yuuko? Or would you prefer a shiny new one?" Ayame turned her eyes back to the visual. "It's leaking a bit of air, Ayame-Taisho. I would like yours. It's not that old too, remember? And it means a lot to me, because I feel close to you," Yuuko told Ayame. Ayame smiled at Yuuko, "I truly would be honoured if you would wear it..." She turned back and put her mind on business, "We are probably going to need to evacuate the ship if it is losing its oxygen, send a message to them and offer them the assistance." "Message sent, Ayame." Yuuko scooted the ship closer. She didn't use a graviton beam on it because the hull might be too weak. Instead, she was trying to let it glide into one of the LAMIA rapid launch bays. Dozens of the little mecha helped gently glide it in through the air-containment forcefield. Yuuko said, "I owe you a kiss," with a giggle. Celia put the pin on the edge of the pilot's pit, "You'll get yours when you get out," the computer-woman grinned. Yuuko already had a tube in every hole her body had. Was it really necessary for Celia to ram any more pointy things into her? But Yuuko knew that she would accept the pain readily, because it was far outweighed by the pride that the pin carried with it. A message was sent to the Celia in an unknown language none had ever heard before. The voice speaking was male, and seemed very relieved. Ayame watched as the ship made the rest of its journey inside Celia, "We should go down and meet them with a medical team." She turned and looked at Celia, "How long will it take to learn how to translate thier language?" "Not too long, depending on several variables. I think this one should be fluent to me within two days," Celia replied. Ayame smiled, "Thank you Celia." "I hope they're friendlier than the last ones we met. This is our second chance at first contact, Ayame," Yuuko said. "Should I come, or stay here?" Ayame thought for a moment, "Come with me Yuuko, I would like to have you around." END [NSS Pyromancer] A Marine's Pride N.S.S. Pyromancer [Sierra-Romeo Strike Destroyer] Briefing Room “….therefore, in our eyes, the mission was a complete success,” said Colonel Trenton Kincaid, commander of the 66th Spacy Marine Expeditionary Force’s 2nd Regiment before the other three regimental commanders and the Expeditionary Force General, Joshua Stanley. Stanley was easily in his mid-60s, most of his hair eroded away by age. At least he had the common decency not to color his hair or get those shameless hair treatments, Kincaid thought, looking into the eyes of the blue-gray eyed General. General Stanley looked through Kincaid’s report, flipping to the page about the actions of Enlisted Eleven Xander Smith in the closing minutes of the operation. “What about Enlisted Smith? He deliberately disobeyed the rules of engagement and opened fire. Surely more than 48 hours in the brig is warranted.” “They demanded our surrender, General,” replied Kincaid in a cool calm of voice. “We don’t drop our weapons or bow to the orders of a hostile power – ever. At least, that’s how I understood my orders.” Stanley rubbed his head sheepishly, groaning before replying. “It’s a new service, soldier. We’re an Expeditionary Force, not a front-line combat unit. You just can’t drop into places and shoot everything up. For heaven’s sake – you used tactical nuclear weapons! These YSA people are our allies, what do they think of us now? Lord knows how many we slaughtered, and while I’m up for kicking alien tail just as much as the rest of you, we can’t do this when we’ve got diplomatic relations to think about.” “So I’m supposed to just let them get away with talking to us like that?! We’re the Spacy Marines, trained to ki—“ Kincaid was cut off by the General. “You’re trained to use restraint, Colonel! You of all people should know this! Smith may be a maverick but you should’ve kept him in check. You cannot afford to lose your temper even in a hot zone. You are one of our elites, Kincaid – start acting like one! And because of it, inter-military relations between the NDI and the YSA are severely damaged because of what you allowed to take place. But I will tell you one thing, Colonel: You will fix this or you will find yourself pushing paper on some backwater outpost in the periphery where I guarantee the most action you’ll see will be on video frequency 277.” Kincaid stifled his obvious anger. “Yes, sir!” Kincaid’s anger was ready to erupt like a volcano. “Dismissed,” said the General, having no more desire to look at the somewhat disgraced officer. In truth, the General hated to have to come down so hard on one of his most decorated officers, but when it came down to saving his own ass or one of his subordinated, he had to prioritize. Kincaid saluted and exited the room, letting out an angry breath once he was out of audible range. “Tough day, eh?” said Major Franco Paramo, Kincaid’s executive officer, who was waiting outside of the briefing room. He patted his superior officer and friend on the back as they walked down the hallway of the warship. “Don’t worry about it. The YSA is full of a bunch of enlightened softies. For all the fighting prowess they possess, they sure get emotional when someone actually kicks some ass.” Kincaid chuckled. “Ain’t that the truth?” “Word is, the YSA doesn’t want NDI forces involved in any more of their exploratory missions because of what you did on Fenyar,” continued Paramo, looking down at his digital assistant. “Apparently, our methods are a little too harsh for them.” “Then just how in the hell am I going to fix this? It’s not my fault they’re a bunch of sensitive bastards who don’t deal with people who are attacking them decisively,” snapped Kincaid. “They’re probably all having a mass cat orgy on their ships right now. The bastards.” “Just how long has it been since you’ve seen your wife, again, Trent?” Kincaid thought for a moment. “See, this is why we don’t hang out more….” [YSS Celia] Uncertainty Back in his quarters, Dante paced anxiously like a caged animal; indeed he was in many respects. He was no longer human; but a large lupine hybrid via forced transformation from the Dy'Unnar on the planet Fenyar. After a few more minutes, he curled up loosely laying in the nest; Dante's mind recounted the events on the planet. After he became this way, Sergei had quickly become a good friend, seeing as he was the only one who could understand him. But now, his friend was gone, lost to the shrapnel caused by the battle that had erupted during the escape. Dante didn't know exactly what happened, he simply knew that his friend hadn't returned to the Celia. The "shadowwolf" as he was starting to think of himself as due to the black and dark grey fur covering his body now sat up and released a loud mournful howl that echoed through the ship's interior. After he had stopped, Dante laid back down thinking. ~....Am I doomed to remain this way for the rest of my life? Is there any real way to go back without dying and using my backup?~ He didn't know and that made him restless. He got up, walking on his hind legs in the manner of a biped and and headed out the door, the large lupine stalked down the corridor of the ship, his sharp claws making a slight "click clicking" sound... Dante wanted to avoid Taisa Ayame at all possible costs, he had shamed himself to her, or so he thought. [Yamatai] Sensei ON> Kyoto, Downtown Michiko hugged her bear tightly as she lead Hinosami out of the doll shop by her leash. She was just smiling happily as carried her bear proudly. "Do you like my bear, Daddy?" Saito was chatting with the dog-eared young man nearby. "So, you served under her a while ago?" Saito was asking. "Yeah, Yui was my first captain." Ritsu was saying; the two guys continued chatting in a friendly fashion. Saito was getting some advice on women as well. "Please come back anytime." Lavinia smiled at Michi and Hinosami. Hinosami followed along obediently, in her thin black dress. Zemer grinned proudly at his daughter, "I think he's a handsome bear." Lavinia blushed at Zemer's comment, she had handmade that one; as she had done for a few of the plushies in the store. Michiko smiled brightly again and looked from her father to her mother. "So what else is there to see in the city? Are there other fluffy things, or shiny things?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to one side as she looked at them with those bright blue eyes. Lavinia was standing next to Ritsu, hugging him around the torso gently. They turned, bowed to them all and went back into the shop to prepare for more customers. Saito was smiling at Michiko's newest little toy as he walked back over. Yui nodded, "We'll go down the street and look through the other places around here, then. This is your first night out, so I'm sure you're very curious about what's out here. This is the commercial district, which means it's for shopping," Yui explained, crossing her arms over her glossy red dress. Zemer nodded. "I suppose we'll leave the shuttle here." Michiko nodded, understanding. "Shopping means you get things?" She had heard Lavinia say that she wasn't going to charge Yui for the plushies but since Michiko had never paid for anything before, she didn't understand what it meant. "What does it mean to charge someone for something?" Saito was leaning against the shuttle, thinking about strapping the sword over his back to look a bit more intimidating in case on lookers got ideas. "Usually when people get things, they give something else Like money in return," Zemer told Michiko, starting to walk down the street. The store next to the Lavinia's plushies was an ice cream shop. Maybe this section of town was laid out with children in mind, he pondered. "Money? What's that?" Michiko asked as she walked after her father, holding her teddy bear with one hand and Hinosami's leash lightly in the other. "Saito-sempai, isn't coming with us?" She noticed that her body guard was leaning against the shuttle instead of following them. The young male neko wasn't too far behind; his eyes wondering over the shops and such. "Odd." He commented; finding it weird that so many stores that accommodated children where all in one area. It was odd to him, he hadn't spent much time in a big city. "Oh, I am, I was thinking about carrying my sword with me." He smiled at Michiko, catching up. "Money," Yui explained, "is something people buy things with. Usually, coins." "Why do you carry a sword, Saito-sempai? I thought you said you weren't samurai?" Michiko asked as she nodded to Yui. "But, why do people need to buy things?" So many things to learn! Chiharu's spirit smiled softly as she watched on in her silent way, it was nice to see that things had settled down a bit and that Zemer and Yui were finally getting along. She was especially thrilled with the teddy bear choice, but she decided to return to the spirit realm again to regain some of her essence from remaining in this reality as a silent observer. She blew the ones she loved a kiss, although she knew that they could not see her or feel her and disappeared again. Ayame drummed her fingers over her control panel as she put in the call to the Empress, "Taisho Kyoshi Ayame to speak with the Empress please. Inform her it is rather urgent." She said firmly when she was connected with someone on Yamatai. Saito smiled at Michiko. "I'm not technically a samurai, but I was trained to use swords; and I like them." He smiled, walking next to Michiko. He wanted to give her those bracelets, but perhaps how wasn't the right time. Zemer gave Yui a big grin and gestured his head towards the ice cream shop, "You want to?" He asked. It'd been a long time since he'd had any ice cream, and he just knew Michiko was about to find a new favorite food. Yui nodded and started walking towards the shop, when she felt a familiar presence. "Chiharu?" she looked out towards the empty street, hoping the woman would be standing there, but it was only Hinosami, who handed Yui her handheld device. "Taisho Ayame," the little girl in black said. Yui held the device out and turned on its tiny camera, opening a channel. "Good evening," she greeted the newly-promoted Nekovalkyrja. Ayame bowed, "Good evening Empress, I am sorry to disturb you but something has happened on the Celia that requires your attention." "What is it, Ayame? Naraku didn't escape, did she?" Yui asked Ayame through the little screen. Ayame collected her thoughts, "We encountered an alien vessel earlier today, it was heavily damaged and was leaking oxygen. We assisted and brough the ship inside the Celia, when we opened it we found one person alive, an older woman probably in her mid fifties. Her body was damaged beyond repair so we decided to make an ST backup in order to save her. When we tried to do this the body died instantly and it showed its true nature as a life form one of pure energy. She explained to us that they must take hosts bodies in order to take solid form." She sighed, "A woman entered the medbay, named Amaya, she was a friend of the late Shosho. She offered her body to be the host for this being, her name is Akila, as long as she would not need to continue living. Akila has now expressed an interest in serving the Empire your highness." "Serving us?" Yui's long green eyebrows elevated slightly at that. Perhaps the woman felt some gratitude for being saved. It was, however, somewhat spooky to hear that this Amaya had just thrown away her own life so easily, but Yui knew love had a profound effect on the way people acted, and so did Naraku. "I'd like to meet her, and learn more about her and her kind. Have the YSS Ayame immediately bring her to me, alright Ayame?" Ayame bowed, "Of course your highness. I will have it done immediately. Thank you for your time." Saito looked down at little Michiko and offered her the bracelets. "These are for you." He said, smiling. Michiko took the bracelets curiously, they were shiny that they were. She liked shiny things. "What are these, Saito-semapi?" She held them carefully up as she shifted her teddy under her right arm that held Hinosami's leash. "Shiny." "These are bracelets made to match that necklace I made for you." Saito smiled, "here, try them on." He said, gently sliding them onto her her wrists. Michiko let Saito slide the bracelets on and listened to them jingle together as she move her hand. She smiled brightly. "Like little bells. How does Saito-sempai make the shinies?" Saito grinned at her. "I just can, you'd have to ask mommy if I can show you." Michiko looked at Yui curiously, not understanding why she had to ask or why Saito was grinning. Ayame turned around and walked off the bridge going back to her quarters where she had left Akila. As she opened the door and found her sitting in a chair watching the door. "Hello Akila" Ayame said as she entered, "I recently spoke with the Empress, we will be sending you to Yamatai on the YSS Ayame immediately. The Empress will decide what to do with you once you arrive." Akila merely nodded and rose from her seat, she bowed her head to Ayame who led her from the room and to the YSS Ayame, she did not want anyone else escorting Akila, she had not yet quite made up her mind whether or not she trusted her. He knew that blatantly cutting his hand open and forming something would shock her; He radiated a feeling of amusement and pleasure at Michiko's innocence. Yui nodded and handed the handheld video communications gadget back to Hinosami, who placed it back in a leather pouch strapped to her thigh, hidden by the thin silk of her black dress. "I'm going to have a guest soon, so I can't stay out all night," Yui told Zemer. Zemer nodded and went into the ice cream store, "Come on, little princess," he called. "Coming Daddy!" Michiko skipped after her father, after moving her teddy bear back into her left hand, gently leading Hinosami into the ice cream store after him. Saito shook his head, with a chuckle and looked over at Yui. The silver-haired neko wasn't sure if he should folow after Michiko and Zemer or patiently wait outside. Hinosami hadn't been paying attention and had to rush forward to keep up with Michiko's skipping. Her boot toes caught on a cobblestone and the girl fell forward, slamming against the door frame as she stumbled inside the ice cream parlor, standing wobbily. Yui slowly followed her in and inspected Hinosami for damage. Michiko turned sharply when she heard the thud. "Sami-sempai? Are you okay?" She didn't know what had happened, she had expected Hinosami to be right behind her like she had been. Saito looked over at Hinosami, concerned. He hoped she was okay; Saito didn't like to see any member of his family hurt, even mildly. Saito followed Yui into the parlor after she determined if Sami was ok. Hinosami looked a bit dazed, but okay, although there was little red scrape on the side of her forehead. "Yes mistress," Sami nodded. "What flavors would you like?" Zemer asked Michiko, pointed to the buckets of various ice creams and sherbets. "What flavors do they have?" Michiko asked curiously after she used her bear to rub her own forehead. "What cream?" Saito asked, he'd never heard of it. "Chocolate, Mint chocolate chip, Vanilla, Strawberry, Hazelnut, Butter Pecan..." Zemer red off the labels. They all looked very tasty. Hinosami humbly whispered, "Mistress, may I speak?" to Michiko. Michiko nodded to Hinosami. "Go ahead and speak, Sami-sempai. You don't have to ask me permission if you want to say something." She smiled softly a bit confused by the request to speak. Hinosami told Michiko, "Mistress Michiko, I am not supposed to speak unless addressed...I was going to ask for butter pecan ice cream, if it pleases you mistress," Hinosami quietly replied with a slave-like shyness. Michiko tilted her head to one side at Hinosami. "You can have butter pecan ice cream... I want.. mint chocolate chip!" She announced smiling brightly, she liked the sound of it. "Addressed? I'm sending you somewhere?" Saito was watching from his vantage point behind everyone else. He didn't really know what in the world ice cream was; and he didn't want to find out, not today anyway. Zemer handled the transaction and gave the girls their cones, and then got himself a Chocolate one, while Yui splurged and bought a double cone with hazelnut and butter pecan. Each scoop was rather large, and hung over the edes of the big waffle cones. Saito looked up and smiled at Hinosami and Michiko, the two happy young women reminding him of the children in Tania. "That's one thing that never changes." He said softly. "Thank you, Daddy." Michiko took her cone after adjusting her teddy bear into her other hand and sniffed at the ice cream curiously, tasting it curiously and getting a little on her nose. "It's yummy." She slowly started to eat her ice cream cone, happily. Yui smiled and licked her cone, while Zemer kneeled slightly and gave Michi a hug and a nokin for any stray drips. ON> Empress' Palace An hour or so later, the family returned to the palace just in time to precede to arrival of the alien guest. Stepping out of the shuttle, Yui waited as the other shuttle, from the YSS Ayame II, landed nearby in the cobblestone courtyard where she'd fought against Zemer. Zemer followed shortly thereafter, "This must be her," he said. Saito got out of their shuttle and jumped up onto the top of it and looked up at the nigth sky, started to feel relaxed, he had the weapon beside him as he leaned on it. "Her who?" He asked curiously. Michiko walked out of the shuttle curiously after her parents, having resolved the issue of holding the leash and the teddy at the same time by looping the leash around the teddy's arm and then holding the teddy by that arm to prevent the leash from sliding off. Akila stepped out of the shuttle, she had pulled the two sides of her now long blonde hair back and into braids, and had fastened both at the back of her hair with a delicate silver clip. She raised the hem of her shimmering dark blue gown as she exited the shuttle and crossed towards the people exiting the other shuttle and dropped into a low curtsey before the woman Ayame had described as the Empress. She did not speak but stayed in her position, giving her the respect her position deserved. Hinosami tagged along, humiliated, obeying the will of "Master Bear." ~Poor Hinosami, I wonder why she likes that.~ Saito wondered, seeing the girl following Michiko. Saito sat opened the weapon case and pulled the large sword out of it and carefully fitted the strap over his shoulder so it hung across his back as he stood there, getting used to the weight. It hung in such a way that the sharp tip couldn't drag, it looked a bit too big for him, but he supported easily as he looked up into the sky, his TOS mind monitoring the group. "I am Ketsurui Yui. Welcome to my home," Yui greeted the woman. "You may rise and speak freely. I appreciate your respect and courtesy, your honor me and honor yourself with such manners. Thank you for coming to see me," the Empress bowed slightly and gave a smile. "We have much to discuss. Come inside the living room with me." Zemer lead the way into the big living room with the brown leather couches. Akila rose and smiled as she followed the Empress into her palace, "I must thank you for allowing me to come here, it means alot to me." Michiko blushed as she followed her parents back into the palace and into the living room. She took a seat near her father and set her bear down in her lap and unloop the leash from it and placed it on her lap as well. Saito leapt off the shuttle with the weapon over his back and the case under his arm and followed them to the room, and stood leaning against a nearby wall making himself obvious. He was watching this new…person closely to make sure she didn't try anything; he had seen seemingly nice people be assassins before. Yui took a seat in a giant easy chair and Hinosami sat on one leg, her leash hanging across the armrest and into Michiko's lap. Zemer sat across the coffee table and patted the spot next to him, offering it to Akila. After most everyone was settled, she started, "Would you tell me about where you come from?" Akila walked over and sat beside the man offering him a smile before turning to look at the Empress, "I hail from a space station orbiting a planet rather far away from here your highness. The Taisho has all of the relevant co-ordinates but I can also provide them for you if you wish." "That's not necessary," Yui told her. She could always get the location later; she was more interested in what it was like there. "A space station? Is it a colony of your homeworld?" she asked. Akila nodded, "Yes it is your highness." "I understand your race is an energy-based life form of some sort...what do you call yourselves?" Yui asked. Zemer smiled politely and looked her over. It looked like her body was at least partially natural. Hinosami scooted against Yui, curling into the Nekovalkyrja's side as if getting ready to sleep. Michiko sat quietly and leaned against her father's side, yawning quietly as her eyes slid closed and she was fast asleep not soon after. Akila smiled, "We are called the Melumsi your highness." "Melumsi," Yui repeated. She couldn't help but smile as Michiko and Hinosami both passed out. "It's been a long day for them," she explained. "This is Hinosami, my servant, and this is my daughter Michiko." Zemer smiled and offered his hand, "Zemer." Akila slipped her hand into his, "My name is Akila." She smiled at the Empress, "I was hoping that there might be a way that I could take a position of sorts here on Yamatai your highness." "I see," Yui said. "Well, let's see...what are you you good at?" Akila thought a moment, "Besides my psionic and empathic abilities, I was trained as a diplomat." Saito arched an eyebrow at Akila; ~I wonder if she can help michiko understand her empathy?~ he wondered silently; still watching her. "Oh, really," Yui seemed excited. "Michiko here is an empath, too, and might be the one to have to fill in my shoes someday...have you ever done any tutoring before," she asked, running a hand through her soft green hair. "She been having some trouble lately differentiating her own emotions from those around her, and it's resulted in some...strange situations. If you could teach her that first, and the art of diplomacy as she grows, I would be eternally grateful." Akila looked at Michiko, "You would have me be her teacher? Does she not know these things already? She looks to be rather old to begin education, she must have had some previous teachings." Saito sighed, feeling a little tired. His eyes were one Akila, not out of a sense of watchfulness, but in admiration of her radiant beauty; it seemed...otherworldly. "She's still quite young mentally." He said quietly. Akila looked at Saito, "Young mentally?" She asked slightly confused. "She's a Nekovalkyrja, like me. We're born with adult bodies that don't age. Would you believe she's not even a year old?" Yui explained. Zemer nodded. "It's a strange story how she was born. Her true mother, Chiharu was in love with both Yui and I, but was taken from us...Yui created Michiko's body and tried to summon Chiharu's spirit back to this world, but couldn't. Chiharu's spirit took Yui's wish for her survival and made it into the newborn soul that is Michiko." "Interesting." Saito commented. "I didn't know that." He said, leaning forward a bit. Akila nodded, "I see. I'd be happy to teach her everything I know." END [YSS Celia] Politics for Dinner, Love for Dessert ON> YSS Celia (YC-55) Taisa (Captain) Kessaku-Sakai Yuuko arrived ten minutes prior to meet Taisho (Fleet Admiral) Kyoshi Ayame. Tonight, as per Ayame's letter, they'd meet and discuss their course of action concerning various outstanding issues, to include Fenyar, the forested world below, which loomed largely in the expansive windows that made this upscale restaurant on the cruiser's rear such a desirable and appealing location for conversation. Clad in a long, sparkling golden holographic dress, with glossy white knee-high boots and elbow-length white gloves, Yuuko stepped in to the place, and was quickly brought to a small glass table with a solid gold, elaborately-engraved, gem-encrusted frame. As the neko waitress slid the chair in beneath the her descending little bottom, Yuuko marveled at the fish-filled aquarium beneath the transparent Zesuaium floor. In a world of their own, the creatures large and small darted around in between columns of marble and Albanian coral. Ayame entered the dining room, right on time clad in a shimmering midnight blue gown, a small see through shawl covering her bare shoulders. She spoke quietly to the hostess and was shown over to where Yuuko was seated. "You look lovely tonight Yuuko." She said smiling as she slid into the chair held by the neko waitress. Yuuko blushed slightly at the compliment and smiled, "Thank you, Ayame. You are quite lovely tonight as well," she smiled. A man entering behind Ayame caught Yuuko's eye for a moment. Wasn't that the Nerimian Taisa? She pointed him out to Ayame. A second slender young waitress neko with a sharp little nose and curly brown hair stood at the edge of the fancy table, with a leather notebook and a feather quill pen, of all things. Ayame turned and looked at the man who entered and smiled at him before looking back to Yuuko, "Will your sister be joining us this evening?" Colonel Trenton Kincaid almost completely detested the Confederate dress uniform, finding it almost unbecoming of any self-respecting soldier. Nevertheless, it was an occasion which warranted the black with red trim uniform. The sash going from his right shoulder to left hip held the emblem of the Phoenix Citadel Military Academy on Earth, the academy which the Colonel attended before entering active duty. "This is going to suck," he said to himself, approaching the 3rd Expeditionary Force Command with typical military swagger. The waitress looked over the table to ensure everything was in order. The table had five seats and enough gold-lined silverware, gold-rimmed glasses, and silken napkins to support five persons. She pressed the book against her soft brown leather corset and patiently waited. Yuuko smiled to Ayame, "I think so. She's a little shy in the new dress I made her. I hope she gets the courage to go out in it." Ayame smiled, "I hope she decides to come join us, she seems like a very kind woman, I'd like to get to know her better." "Good.." Kincaid paused to look at his watch for a second. "Evening, ladies. I hate to interrupt, but sometimes I just can't pass up a chance to converse with two beautiful ladies." It was Kincaid's attempt at charm and charisma, which they could tell that it wasn't the marine's strongpoint, nevertheless, it came across in a sincere enough tone that it wouldn't seem fake. Ayame looked over at the Colonel and moved her hand out in a gesture indicating the seat next to her, "Please join us." Almost on cue, Keiko entered in slightly behind the colonel. She was dressed in a rather nice flowing evening gown of a dark violet color with the top cut low enough to show her onyx skin and respectable cleavage. The dress was gracefully dancing around her ankles just over her black low-heeled shoes. She was blushing furiously at being dressed like that and spoke softly. "G.Good evening Taisho Ayame," She said with due respect but lots of shyness. "Celia, Where is the Taisho?" Wazu asked at one of the stations in the hallways of the ship. He was planning to talk to her about getting transferred to a different ship as soon as possible. The Taisa looked to the fancily-dressed Nerimian man. She couldn't help but think that his uniform looked somewhat uncomfortable and overdone. Of course, the GSA didn't have dress uniforms. The officers just wore fancy clothing. Yuuko's breast carried a Taisa pin bearing the Third Expeditionary Fleet emblem, and the same with Ayame. "Hey Keiko," Yuuko grinned. The waitress seated the girl and asked, "Will this be everyone?" One seat remained. "The pleasure is all mine," said Kincaid, inwardly wishing he could speak his mind. But the General's words continued to ring in his head. It was either kiss the asses of these self-righteous females or get sent to the periphery stranded in a boring desk job. He'd retire before he did that. Before he took a seat, he offered a respectful bow to Keiko. "Evening." Keiko smiled shyly, blushing delicately and walked over and joined the two women at the table, sitting next to Taisa Kessaku. Keiko returned his bow with a graceful curtsey before sitting though. "Thank you for inviting me." She said. Kincaid inwardly pondered why these females blushed so damn much. "How is Sergeant Rivetti?" Yuuko asked Kincaid. Keiko was sitting quietly, not sure of what to say; so she'd wait until addressed. Ayame could see Keiko's hesitation to speak so she gave her a friendly smile and spoke to her softly, "I must thank you for joining us this evening Keiko, you look lovely." Wazu walked into the elaborate dinning area on the ship. He felt slightly out of place as he looked around. Nearly all of the people in here were well dressed, in his mind overdressed to be military, and all he had on was the basic male uniform with a heavy jacket over it. He quickly spotted the Taisho at her table and made a step towards it before seeing Yuuko there. He stopped and decided that it would be better to wait a while before discussing this with her. Keiko smiled back at Ayame thankfully. "Thank you Taisho." She replied. "He's doing fine. They're thinking of giving him a commission," replied Kincaid. Ayame laughed, "Please feel free to call me Ayame, no need for the Taisho business all of the time." "Ok, then Ayame." Keiko said in a relieved tone. "How's the rest of your squad? Doing well, I hope?" The emerald haired neko smoothed her dress out in front, a bit embarrassed that her tattoo was showing. Her clothing was real and not holographic; she smiled at Taisa Kessaku thankfully, the look on her face saying she liked the gown. "That is a lovely dress. Where did you get it?" Ayame asked Keiko curiously. "Taisa Yuuko made it for me." She smiled at Ayame. Ayame smiled at Yuuko, "Your sister is quite talented it seems." "She is, I'm proud to be her sister." Keiko chirped happily. "I see you've gotten a promotion, Yuuko, congratulations," replied Kincaid. "Well," Yuuko grinned, "it looks very nice!" This was the first time she'd seen it. She tugged the dress down slightly so the entirely of Keiko's tattoo was in view, "Do you like it?" Yuuko asked Ayame and Kincaid about the dress, but she could have been just as easily talking about the genetically-decorated mammary on display. Inwardly, Kincaid thought: "I'd say it's 'cause of her huge tits, but this military is almost completely female. Even's probably a contributing factor." Keiko blushed furiously and pulled it back up. "YUUKO!" She said in mock outrage. "Thanks for noticing!" Yuuko thrust her gigantic bosom out at him and pointed at her pin on it, "It's Taisho Ayame's old pin, actually" Ayame smoothed out her blue dress and slid her wrap down until it hung over both of her elbows, "It is very nice Yuuko. I might need to get you to manufacture some clothing for me. I'll never be able to get used to the holographic clothing..." Kincaid continued to think: "And I can guarantee you no male notices the pin." "I'd love to, Ayame," Yuuko smiled, sliding back into her seat. Wazu decided that he would simply pass along the message that he wanted to talk then leave. He took a few moments to come up with the exact words he wanted to use before walking over to the table. "Taisho Ayame, I would like to speak with you when you have some free time." He said, keeping the message short as not to disturb anything that was going on at the table. James paused for a few moments then turned to leave. Keiko didn't understand why Yuuko was thrusting her chest out and shook her head. "Yuuko why do you do that?" She asked curiously. Kincaid simply cleared his throat and took a drink. Yuuko gave her sister a confused look and then looked the Taisho. "What's on your mind?" Ayame looked up at Wazu and rose quickly from her seat, "Excuse me a moment." She walked after the man quickly determined to catch up to him, when she finally caught up she touched him on the shoulder, "What is it?" Keiko didn’t' understand why Yuuko had thrust her chest out. "So...Colonel, can you um...tell me about Fenyar? Neither Ayame or Yuuko will tell me anything.." Keiko asked the man. Kincaid set his drink down. "Aside from the formalities, I was sent here by my commanding officer to discuss the events that happened on Fenyar and issue a formal apology." Those last few words sounded forced. "OH, I didn't mean to interrupt you... I was just going to catch you later when you weren't so busy..." He said, stammering a bit. "I was going to request a transfer off of this ship and it really isn't that important." All of the nekos at the table received a prompt directly into their field of vision asking politely what they'd like to drink and eat. Kincaid was asked by the waitress, who leaned forward and whispered the question into his ear. "Whatever the special is, I'm not too particular," said Kincaid, who honestly preferred field-issue MREs. Ayame looked at Wazu critically, "Why do you want a transfer?" "Beef tips and Japanese style rice." Keiko asked for politely. "With some…milk please." "Personal problems," He responded. "Would you like to be transferred out of the fleet entirely?" Ayame asked. The waitress licked Kincaid's ear and gave him a smile. That was neko hospitality, alright. "Yes, sir," she told the man, and saucily sauntered away. "I'd like to stay in one of the XF fleets if possible, somewhere away from everything..." He said. "I really don't mean to be interrupting your meal..." He apologized. Kincaid turned pale as the waitress licked his left ear, the one that was badly mutilated from one of his previous battles. His eyes widened and he felt a chill go down his spine. His standard reaction would be to stand and knock the neko on her ass, but as the general had said -- restraint was the mark of a good commander. Ayame sighed, "I wanted to make sure it was not urgent. Why don't you come back in and join us?" James scratched the back of his head, "Well... Yuuko kinda is the personal problem." Keiko nodded, and sighed to herself. No point in asking questions nobody was willing to answer. She looked at her sister and smiled. "I finally got down that style of dancing." the enthusiastic neko said. Ayame nodded, "I see... Is it anything that can be resolved?" Taisa Yuuko nodded, acting as if the ear-licking was totally normal. "A formal apology, Colonel?" "I don't know... its probably best just to leave it alone..." Wazu said. Keiko was still rather young and still acted like it every now and then. But sensing how formal this was to be, she sat back and listened quietly. "Do you want to be transferred off of the Celia and out of the fleet?" Ayame asked as she leaned against the wall and slipped her wrap off and held it in one hand so it almost dragged against the floor. "Yes. Division command thinks our actions on Fenyar were inappropriate. Enlisted Smith has been severely reprimanded and I've been branded with the honor of coming here to 'humble' myself." "Anywhere is fine, I'd just prefer to be out of Yuuko's way." James responded, standing off to the side as not to block the hallway accidentally. Ayame began to look thoughtful, "And you are sure this can not be resolved and that you both can not work together in a professional manner? I would rather not lose good crew members." Kincaid made it obvious that he believed the actions he took to protect the away team were more than appropriate, but politics rarely cared what was appropriate or necessary at the time. "They were inappropriate, to say the least!" Yuuko gave Kincaid a glare. "You needlessly slaughtered thousands...the first contact was worse than a failure, it was a dishonor to the Star Army. How are we to trust your people on our next first contact mission, with the Melumsi?" Keiko gasped in horror, she gave the Colonel a sad expression. "Well," Wazu shifted his gaze to the floor for a moment before looking back up at his commanding officer, "I guess it could be resolved... I haven't really tried to patch things up with her." Ayame smiled at him, "Why don't you join us this evening?" The Colonel remained steadfast. "They attacked my men. They killed one of yours! I did what I felt I needed to do to ensure the safety of the unit." "Perhaps in hindsight it could've been carried out another way, but at the time, I felt that it had to be done," replied Kincaid. "Who? Which one of our men died?" Keiko asked, she looked to be near tears. "Alright I'll join you..." James said, knowing that this was probably going to be uncomfortable for him and Yuuko both. "The one you call Sergei," replied Kincaid. "Sergeant Oni Matsui, too" Yuuko frowned. Ayame smiled, "Thank you, and this might improve things." She pulled up her wrap and slid it back around her shoulders, "Would you like to change first or are you comfortable like that?" Keiko started to get tears in her eyes. "The cook.." She said sadly. The little neko didn't know Oni Matsui, but she was still sad for him too. She wiped her eyes with a napkin provided, sniffled once and looked up at them both. "Don't look at me like I'm some heartless bastard, because I'm not. But I won't tolerate those underneath my command or those I fight alongside to be attacked without a response," continued Kincaid. "It's unfortunate that all those aliens had to die and it is a truly regrettable situation," said Kincaid. "Well... I don't really have anything fancy, I'll just go wearing this." James said, although he did think about going to get his old robes from his room. Ayame looked at the door to the dining room, "Are you ready?" Wazu nodded to her and followed her in when she was ready. The waitress emerged from the kitchen with a steaming plate with flames licking up from its surface. In front of Kincaid, she set a large metal plate covered in sizzling shrimp, chicken, and steak, followed by two smaller plates with thick, fluffy tortilla-like squares and a variety of steamed vegetables, rice, cheese, and tomatoes. Ayame re-entered and walked back over to the table, retaking her seat. She looked at the people seated and stopped when her eyes rested on Keiko, "What is the matter?" Keiko looked at Ayame sadly. "Is it true? is Mr. Sergei...." She trailed off. James sat down in the empty seat and looked over at Keiko, but for the most part remaind silent. A look of intense pain crossed her face but she covered it as quickly as she could and looked down to hide the look in her eyes, "Yes sadly Sergei died on the planets surface along with Sergeant Oni Matsui..." Kincaid looked at his plate. It looked edible enough, and in true Marine fashion, he tested out the steak first. Inwardly he thought: "Give me a field ration any day....." A massive mug of cold milk, and a pitcher of apple juice followed Kincaid's food. The server then sat a large bowl of fried rice, hot tea, cold sake, and another mug of milk in front of Yuuko. She looked to Ayame, Keiko, and Wazu for their orders. Keiko closed her eyes and swallowed deeply. "i shall pray for them both tonight after dinner." She said resolutely, she was not going to stew over deaths; she was going to honor them. She took a sip of her milk, calming down a bit. The emerald-haired girl looked at the waitress; "I said I would like Beef tips on rice." Keiko said patiently. Ayame looked at the waitress, "Sushi and some green tea please." "Regardless, I think we can resolve this situation if we just go about it calmly. It was just a misunderstanding as to how each side goes about things," said Kincaid. "I signed up for this op because I came to explore new worlds with new allies. Once we get to understand each other better, we won't have such mishaps, I'm sure of it." "Iced tea and steak please," James responded after a moment of thought. "Sister!" Yuuko frowned as Keiko stole her mug of milk. "Another," she asked the waitress, who went to fetch Ayame, Keiko, and James' orders. Keiko looked at Yuuko, slightly hurt and but understood; she set it down and hung her head shamefully. Ayame turned her eyes up to look at Yuuko, "Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" "Colonel Kincaid attempted to apologize for the Fenyar incident," Yuuko told Ayame after sipping her sake. "Attempted? The hell did you think I just did?" scoffed the Colonel. Ayame bowed her head to the colonel, "I thank you for you apology Colonel, I hope that we can work together peacefully and avoid anymore unpleasantness from this day forward." Keiko sighed, feeling bad; but decided to make the best of it. She turned to Yuuko and bowed her head. "I'm sorry." Yuuko gave Keiko an "It's okay," sort of apologetic look. The waitress returned with the rest of the orders and set them in front of the appropriate persons, to include Yuuko's replacement mug of ice-cold milk. "Think of me if you need anything," the curly-haired girl smiled, and then retreated. Keiko smiled and politely began to eat her food, seeing as her part in the discussion was rather small. Ayame took a sip of her tea, before she picked up her chopsticks and ate a piece of the sushi sitting in front of her. She looked over at Keiko and smiled at her. The young neko looked up and smiled back after eating a chopstick full. Keiko nodded to her politely and took a sip of her milk she'd unwittingly stolen from Yuuko. Kincaid had devoured more than half his food in the meantime, going back to that thing about Marines going through their meals quickly to get back on the field ASAP. In between mouthfuls, he looked around. "Anything other than milk?" Yuuko downed about a quarter of her milk glass and dabbed her lips with a napkin, before picking up her own sticks and getting to work on the rice before her. "You down want yours?" she asked Kincaid. "It's really tasty," she reassured him. "I'm quite sure it is.....but do you have beer or perhaps soda available?" Kincaid replied. "If you would still like the journal entries you may come and get them this evening Keiko." Ayame said to the younger neko. "Ok, I'll do that then, thank you Ms. Ayame." Keiko said with a pretty smile. "Ayame, you were thinking of going back weren't you? I believe Taii Chen was going to take his Scout ship, the YSS Jade (YD-524)?" Yuuko asked the Taisho, hungrily scooting Kincaid's milk next to her own mug. She thought of the waitress for a moment and sure enough, the girl appeared for him. "Sir?" Ayame nodded, "Yes Yukko I will be returning, I was thinking of acquiring another body and telepathically linking both so that I may also be on board the Celia." "Do you have beer?" the Colonel asked the waitress flatly. Keiko smiled at Ayame. "I can help you with that Ayame." James just continued to quietly eat, trying not to interfere in the conversation. "We have Lager..." the waitress looked almost hurt. "Fine, I'll take that....." he replied. Ayame smiled at Keiko, "How long will it take?" The waitress walked off and came back with a big, old-looking bottle of a thick, frothy, strong-smelling lager. It was hardcore. The marine downed the lager rather quickly. "Ahh......kinda weak, but I'll mess with it." He looked towards the waitress, motioning towards the bottle. "With you height and weight.." Keiko said, medically appraising the Taisho: "Not too long, about a day at the most, a couple hours at the least; but I'd say...4.5 hours or so." Kincaid looked over towards Ayame. ".....You talking about cloning yourself.....?" Ayame thought a moment, "Will tomorrow morning be appropriate? Considering it will probably be too late to do so tonight." Keiko nodded. "Tomorrow morning would be good, if that's what you want." "Careful," the waitress quietly warned the human. That stuff was made for nekos, and too much would put the strongest human on the floor in a puddle of bodily fluids. "You won't have to stay there to whole time," Yuuko told Ayame. Ayame nodded, "Lets do this tonight then. If possible I'd like to leave for Fenyar tomorrow morning." Keiko nodded again enthusiastically, happy to do her job. "Yes ma'am." She said. "I don't suppose you'll be coming," Yuuko said of Kincaid, looking from him to Ayame. Kincaid looked at the waitress crossly, taking a drink. "Speaking of which -- what is the situation on that planet anyway?" Ayame looked at all of them, "I won't risk anyone else. I'll go alone, I will be expendable at least. And I feel like this should be left to me to fix." "A Taisho is never expendable..." James said calmly as he ate. "That's stupid," replied Kincaid. "You gotta deal with those things in force to show them who's boss." Ayame smiled, "Ah but when there are two of me..." Keiko looked at her shocked, but her mind ran through and put it together. "I wish you luck in advance." She turned to Kincaid. "Like you guys did last time? I think a bit of discretion is best here." Keiko said with a surprisingly authoritative voice. Kincaid sensed the hypocrisy. "You know, I've always wondered -- why do you people get so angry when a few heads get busted when you clone yourselves at will?" "Your presence on a hostile planet, alone, and unguarded gives our enemies a opportunity to gain vital information..." James said, taking a small sip before continuing, "It is inadvisable for someone of your rank to do this." Keiko scowled darkly, she didn't like the Colonel's tone; but knew her rank prevented her from saying what was on her mind so she focused on Ayame and James. "That is a valid concern." She said. Ayame looked at them all, "How can I order someone to go down there if I would not go myself? I was in command; it is my duty to fix this. If they try and gain any information I will self-destruct. "Make a backup." Keiko advised in a professional tone. "Never can be too careful." "Surely there are better options, fact management teams, professional negotiators, or something along those lines..." Wazu chuckled a bit, "Vital information can be drawn from seemingly idle conversation. But I wouldn't know anything about this kind of thing," he said, "I shouldn't really be talking." "Just because you can go doesn't mean you have to. You're a fleet commander now -- you don't need to put yourself in harm's way unnecessarily," replied Kincaid. "Those things are murderous savages anyway. There's only one real way to deal with them," replied Kincaid. "I mean, diplomacy is all nice and well, but it means nothing if it's not backed up by force." Keiko looked hurt. "Violence only begets violence Sir." She said. "Peace can only be achieved through overwhelming strength, Lieutenant," responded the Colonel. Keiko shot him a dirty look. "Sir, Is that not what got us here to start with? That attitude? Let's try it Ayame's way, if she gets in trouble then we consider more force, but killing first and asking questions later is senseless." "Peace by any means..." Wazu said, "We do what is required." Yuuko finished her rice and downed the rest of her first mug of milk. "Who said anything about killing first? I'm simply saying that you keep a credible deterrent in the view of the enemy at all times. You have to make them understand that if they raise arms against you that it will only bring upon their deaths." Keiko was hurting inside for some reason at these words. "But...." She said and sighed, downing more milk afterwards. Ayame finished the rest of her meal in relative silence, she listened to the conversation attentively, but added nothing. Kincaid had strong views and wasn't afraid to defend them. He knew that the others couldn't argue against his stance -- it was a perfectly valid ideology, just not the ideology they chose to prescribe to. "We should propose a surrender to them. They've already asked for a war by asking ours. If they do not accept, then we must defeat them through battle," Yuuko said. "No, they won't accept that, I feel. How about a truce, a ceasefire?" Keiko suggested hopefully. "Careful Yuuko," Wazu said, "Thinking like that nearly caused a civil war, You remember that don't you?" Ayame took the final sip from her cup of tea, "Peace can never be obtained at gunpoint Yuuko, I will go down and apologize for our actions, hopefully war can be averted completely." "May I be excused?" Keiko asked politely. "I wish to go prepare for Ayame's cloning." She explained. Ayame nodded, "I will follow you soon Keiko..." "Keiko! They're not our equals, and we shouldn't treat them as such," Yuuko replied. "Appearing weak in the eyes of the enemy will never lead to peace," he replied. "But it is your operation." "That may be true, but they still deserve respect Yuuko! It is their planet, not ours!" she argued with a new passion. Ayame sighed, "All sentient life is our equal Yuuko, no matter how primitive, we are merely more advanced." "Please... it could be the best way." Keiko pleaded, trying to use her innocence as her weapon. "Then if we are more advanced, then obviously they are not our equals," replied Kincaid, pointing out the contradiction in Ayame's statement. "It is OUR planet, now," Yuuko said flatly. Ayame looked at the colonel, "I meant that they are our equals in terms of our humanity, they deserve the same respect and consideration we expect from everyone." "...You aren't Human..." said Kincaid. Keiko wanted to cry. "Yuuko, I know you had it hard there, but please, Keiko knows was she is talking about." Kai said through Keiko; she had been calling for his help here since this started. "Knocking down doors closes as many as it opens," Wazu said. "You may have humanoid features, but you aren't like me and my brothers," he replied. "So don't try and make the connection about 'equal in terms of humanity', because they are far from it." Ayame rose from her seat, "Perhaps I am not, perhaps I am but a weapon to be used at the will of the Army, but that does not stop me from being a decent person." She hung her hands limply at her side, "Now if you will all excuse me..." She inclined her head slightly before sweeping from the room quickly. ~I will meet you later Keiko, in the medbay...~ She thought to the other neko telepathically. ~Yes ma'am~ Keiko replied. She soon rose to her feet as well, not wanting to really stay much longer; she didn't like arguing with her sister and the colonel. Kincaid sensed that he had hurt her feelings, but he never once felt bad about telling someone the truth. "Did I say something wrong?" he looked towards Yuuko. "Good night, Ayame" Yuuko sat in her seat, feeling a sense of loss. She respected Ayame, but at the same time the Empire expanded through absorbing other worlds. "Colonel, she's a caring and sensitive person...its a treasure and a curse at the same time. People who won't surrender to our empire's expansion are going to be hurt...all we can do is minimize that by trying to win the hearts and respect and admiration of those conquered, rather than instill hatred and disdain." "...however, I believe we've past the point we can win through peaceful means, thanks in part to your actions, sir; therefore, I would emphasize less diplomacy and more military action," Yuuko continued. "Please excuse me." Keiko said and started for the door to help Ayame. ~I'm sorry Yuuko, but those are my feelings on the situation; this arguing is making me uncomfortable~ "No one likes being absorbed by a foreign force and you're not going to be able to change that by walking up and showing them your tits," said Kincaid flatly. "You have to make them understand that if they resist that pain is sure to follow. It seems like your commander doesn't understand that. They attacked us and now they have to pay the price and I will never be sorry for what I did on Fenyar." "I know this is a stupid question... but what exactly happened there?" Wazu asked. Yuuko nodded, "If they want to fight, I will give them battle until they loose all taste." "Your commander and sister don't seem to like me at all," replied Kincaid. "They probably think I'm some kind of barbarian. But you'd think being in command of a military force would make them understand the harsh realities of war real quickly." Yuuko growled at Wazu. "Speak for yourself." Maybe he should watch his mouth. Kincaid glanced towards Wazu. "Who're you again?" Wazu chuckled, "Just some nobody... You can call me James if you'd like." Kincaid retreated to his thoughts again. He was convinced that the overall maturity level of the YSA was that of a eight year old. The way these people acted when he tried to discuss adult subjects such as war was simply perplexing to him. The Colonel got to his feet, nodding to Yuuko and then James. "Appreciate the dinner, but I really must be returning to the Pyromaniac now." "I still can't believe that name," Yuuko grinned. "Good luck to you, sir." "Goodbye then," Wazu said before taking another sip of tea and looking over at Yuuko, as if waiting for her to say something. Kincaid took his leave, nodding to the waitress that served him on his way out. "If she was willing to lick my ear, just imagine what else she'd be willing to lick....." The waitress winked back. Wazu looked across the table at Yuuko, almost as if expecting her to say something. It was just them two at the table right now as everyone else had left. He took another sip of tea before opening his mouth to speak, "Yuuko... " He said, pausing for a moment and not really knowing what to say next, "Did you get the message I sent you?" He asked, just trying to end the odd silence he had just created only moments earlier. "I did...Why do you hate me so much, Wazu? What did I do?" Yuuko said after a short pause. Her hand reached for her dish of sake; she took a small sip of it, watching him as she drank the rice-wine. "I don't hate you... you just never gave me a chance to explain myself, you avoided me ever sense the ambush of the Seigi." Wazu said. He rested his hands in his lap and looked back at her. "I was angry at you for making a decision I thought was wrong...I didn't..." Yuuko stopped and stared down at the fish swimming underneath of them, and then back to him, "Was it more than a professional relationship that was lost?" she asked, not knowing the answer herself. Wazu paused for a moment, "I... don't know." He replied. He thought about it for a moment, "That was a long time ago... But I suppose it was." He added, becoming a bit more assertive than before. "I used to love you." Yuuko inhaled deeply and let out a long sigh, and gulped back more of the alcoholic liquid before saying anything, "Oh, Wazu..." she moaned, "I think I might have loved you too." She put her little hand on top of Wazu's and squeezed it gently, warmly. "I'm so sorry I ruined it..." she pouted. "It wasn't your fault. I was a jerk back then, I should have spent more time with you instead of trying to manage QIS and the 4th fleet." He responded, Wazu moved his hand so he could hold hers lightly, "I'm sorry too..." "Do you think," Yuuko asked timidly, "you could find it in you to forgive me?" "I already do," He said, "I never really blamed you for anything..." Wazu had always thought that he was the one who ruined things, not her. Yuuko smiled and wiped the moisture from her eyes with a napkin and then leaned over to Wazu and leaned against him, wrapping both arms around him on top of his shoulders, leaning her soft bosom on him and her equally soft hair brushing against his neck and cheek as she hugged him, laying her head on his shoulder. "Thank you," she whispered to him, letting the embrace linger. He found himself hugging her back, his hands encircling her waste and his chest pressed against hers, "Yuuko, would you like to find out where our relationship could have gone so many years ago?" Wazu mistakenly said. To him he had been gone for nearly 6 years where in this universe barely one had past. "What do you mean?" Yuuko asked, holding him tightly. A few people were taking interest in them by now. "You still feel it for me?" she asked, in a quiet, feminine tone. Wazu nodded, "I still love you Yuuko," He replied, not caring what other people thought or what they would see as he gave her a deep kiss on her lips. "Mm?!" Yuuko's eyes widened as her lips were parted by his tongue. She was very surprised, but she didn't resist. It was her first tongue kiss from a man, and Wazu was stealing it from her. Still, somehow she didn't seem to mind. After the kiss finally ended, she blushed and smiled, "Oh, Wazu..." "Do you know someplace where I could get a drink?" Wazu asked with a slight laugh, repeating what he had said when he first met her, he was now holding her hand a bit harder, not wanting to let go. Yuuko grinned, "Mmm, I might know a few places," and grinned happily. "Then shall we leave?" He asked, giving her a another tight hug, "I feel a bit underdressed here..." He was probably the only one in the room still wearing the basic uniform. "Alright," Yuuko stood, shimmering in her gold dress and shiny white boots, and helped him up from his seat by tugging on his hand. "Where to...James?" she tried out his new name. It had a good sound to it. He smiled as he stood next to her and put his arm around her waist, "We are on your ship now, I'll let you lead." It was a shame he had a nice girl with him and didn't know where to take her. "Let's dance," Yuuko smiled widely, leading him out. She wanted to have fun in the club like the first day they'd met, back when she was a Sergeant and he was the one wearing the Taisa pin. Both of them had changed a lot. END [YSS Celia/Fenyar] Revelations ON>YSS Celia Ayame stood there and looked at the clone of herself curiously, "Thank you Keiko, I can now go back and fix all of this. "Wait, Ayame, since Yuuko won't listen to me; can I go with you?" Keiko asked after she'd made her weekly backup; after Ayame's clone was done. Ayame looked at Keiko, "This is what you really want?" The cloned Ayame walked out of the medbay after explaining something about 'getting back to her duties.' "I don't want to see anymore fighting down here, It makes me terrified I'll lose sister." Keiko said, now she was dressed in the normal, regulation YSA medical uniform; not a hologram. Ayame nodded, "I understand Keiko, you may come." She concentrated and a holographic uniform appeared over the clingy blue dress, "Well I think I am ready if you are..." Keiko smiled and nodded, she had only her issued sidearm on her at the moment. "I am ready." She said. Ayame nodded, she did not carry a weapon and was completely unarmed. She led Keiko from the medbay and to the shuttle. ON> Fenyar Surface; Burned out Ruins of a Town Ayame exited the shuttle and looked around cautiously, "Keiko, stay behind me, if anything happens, I'll deal with it..." Keiko nodded and stayed close to Ayame. Ayame slowly began to walk towards the ruins of a building and sighed, "Why did this need to happen Keiko?" Da'Ante was standing in front of the rebuilt temple, out of their sight. His ears twitched at the soft murmuring of wolves: "intruders." They said. The young leader turned and followed the wolf out to meet them. Keiko shook her head. "I don't know." She admited. Just then a tall, bipedal lupine walked out, he had on a long.flowing cloak with a dark plate of armor over his chest; he fixated his eerie red eyes on Keiko. "Eep!"Keiko said and tried to hide behind ayame. "So you're back Ayame. Back to spread your lies of peace." The figure growled at her. Ayame looked at the lupine, "They were never lies for my part." "Silence, impertent half-breed." He snarled at her, snapping his fingers and soon they were surrounded by a pack of snarling wolves. "Because of your pack's actions; Two of our beloved Kee'Awloo lay dead; plus many more." Keiko nearly wet herself in fear as she clung to Ayame's back, pressing her own against it. Ayame sighed, "They were not my actions, but those of a foolish man. I come to you in peace..." She held her hands out palms first, "I do not wish to harm any of you and I humbly appologize for the deaths of your people..." "I said silent!" The large lupine snapped, making the wolves snarl and close in a step. "You will surrender all weapons and/or communications devices." Ayame spread her hands out to their sides, "I have nothing..." Keiko was too scared to think or act, she only complied and laid the weapon of hers onthe ground and kicked it over to him. The lupine stooped and retrieved it, putting it into his cloak holster. "Guards! Restrain them!" He commanded. "You are going to have a meeting with our Ruler." Ayame looked at him curiously, "Your Ruler?" Two large To'Yaree berserkers dropped the massive boulders that they were setting in place and walked to stand just off the large lupine's right and left. They looked down to the nekos, then to each other, and then walked forward, each reaching for one neko. Ayame stood there and allowed herself to be taken, "Do not fear Keiko, go peacefully, everything will be alright." "Don't damage them though. They will need all their wits about them. "Da'Ante instructed, he turned and typed some things into his wrist computer and opened a wormhole. "Take them." The Dragga said to the To'Yaree. Keiko nodded and allowed the bear to restrain her. Ayame looked at the lupine, "Thank you for your hospitality Dante..." The To'Yaree looked at each other, then to Da'Ante speaking in common Fenyar. "Sir, we cannot pass through the wormholes....We can lead these prisoners to them, but we cannot pass through. "I forgot." He admitted and walked over and roughly slung the nekos up onto his shoulders; then turned to the Bears. "You do good work in any case, now back to work; you're almost done with the temple." He said and turned to the wormhole and walked toward it. Poor Keiko fainted in fear as she was taken over the lupine's shoulder. The To'Yaree nodded, releasing their prisoners. They walked back over to the pile of stones that they had excavated, and slung a boulder up onto their shoulders, plodding through a large opening and disappearing into the temple's interior. Ayame hung there silently and gave Keiko a reassuring smile, ~It will be alright Keiko~ she thought into the neko's mind. Da'Ante stepped through the portal enter the throne room and knelt down, setting Ayame down into a kneel and gently laid the poor black neko down on the back. "Your highness, I have brought two intruders; the one you sought and this one. She has passed out, they both surrendered peacefully with no resistance." Da'Ante said his voice full of respect and slid the GP-13 to the Lupine's feet. "One had this on them." Ayame kept her head bowed, her dark hair had fallen down veiling her face, "I come in peace Your Highness." The ruler of the Fenyar people sat alone in his throne room. On the floor, and leaning back against the throne. When Dante walked in, he slowly looked up from the Vidpad he had been watching, having a conference with someone. "So, you have found more of them, eh? Well...." Then, the glowing purple eyes fell on the bowed head of Ayame. "And this one? She seems strangely familiar....As for your coming in peace, we shall see." Ayame did not rise, but kept her head bowed, "I humbly appologize for what happened here on Fenyar, your highness, and for the deaths of so many of your peoples." The Ruler slowly raised a hand and waved Da'Ante to leave. "Thank you, Dragga, you may go and oversee your palace's construction." Da'Ante slowly nodded, got up, and walked through another wormhole, going back to the temple. "Now, about you. How do you know about the Star Slayers, and the killing that they brought to my planet?" He said, turning back to look at Ayame from the shadows. "I am one of them your highness..." Ayame said this softly, her voice contained a deep sorrow. An odd mix of growl and sigh came from the shadows, and slowly, the figure got up off the floor and walked out of the shadows. A black cloth was tied over his face so that only his eyes showed. "So you admit to being one of the Star Slayers? What about her? Is she one as well?" The figure pointed a pawlike hand to Keiko. Ayame sighed, "No dear Keiko was not with us on this mission. If it is any consolation to you, I did not agree with everything that happened and I tried to stop it, and by being so uneffective I lost a man I cared so very deeply for..." Her shoulders shook slightly, "I truly regret everything that happened and will until the day I die." The Ruler slowly bent down, taking ayame's chin and lifting it so tha their eyes met. "You regret is touching, but I am not convinced. Why have you come alone? This is a trap, isn't it! You have come here to find me, the ruler of the new Fenyar Republic, and kill me, so your people can come in and kill off, or enslave, the rest of my people. Admit it, and I will let you live!" The ruler said, flexing his opposite hand, making the long metal claws extend out of the back of his hand. Tears slid down her face as she regarded him calmly, "I came here alone to try and arrange some form of peace before those barbarians come and try to kill you all, if you do not believe me then death is my fate." She closed her eyes, "I do not fear death..." "What proof do I have that even if I were to agree to peace with the Star Slayers, that they wouldn't still come and try to kill my people? You, and your clan, have already shown that you cannot be trusted. I sent out PeaceBringers, and you killed them. They were innocents, not tainted by feeling about one race or the other, and yet their blood not stains the ground in the Fenyarin's town square. I have already tried to bring peace between our races, and you threw it right back into my face!" The Ruler said, letting go of Ayame's chin, and standing back up. He walked to a window, and stood with paws clasped behind his back, staring out over the sunset that the palace had a beautiful view of, thanks to it's position on the top of a small mountain. Ayame sighed, "We believed you wanted our surrender, many of the others were not willing to accept that. Truthfully Your Highness I can not offer you our surrender, but I can offer you the guarantee that they will not attack you if you agree to peace, perhaps even possibly joining the Empire..." "No. I will not surrender to those beasts, not after the pain they have caused my people. I will not join their, "Empire". I will not guarantee peaceful relations with them. There are many families here on Fenyar that now suffer the loss of fathers and mothers." The ruler turned. "What do I tell those children when they come to me asking why their mother isn't coming home to cook them dinner? Or, why their father isn't around to play with them anymore? I can't go on lying about it forever. Sooner or later, they will find out, and will want retribution for the rash acts of a group of uncaring mercenaries....People who care nothing about life, only about possessions, and land." Ayame lowered her face to the floor, her eyes staring just in front of his feet, she did not deserve to look this man in the eyes. "You are indeed correct, I discovered that today, they do not perceive you as equals but in many ways you are our superiors when concerned with our humanity, you at least tried to avoid violence. Though as someone was kind to point out to me, you need to be human to have humanity..." She sighed, "We took away very many of your people, I had just hoped that we could come to a peaceful agreement, then their deaths will not be in vain..." "Well, please speak. Unlike your kind, I will not turn a deaf ear to negotiations. Tell me, what is it that your Masters want from me? Surely they are not looking just to have me tell my people to accept the murdering of their friends, and not fight back. There has to be some worldly possession you are after, otherwise, you would not have stopped here. The other ships just passed by, but yours landed. What is it that you want from my peopel? Slaves? Gold? Jewels? Name the price, and let us begin our negotiations." The Ruler said, sitting down on the steps leading to his throne. He reached behind him and took the Vidpad, and sent a message to the rulers of the clans to not bother him, that he was in a very important meeting. But to one, he told to come quickly to the palace. Ayame smiled briefly, her head was still bowed, "I wish nothing Your Highness, but you to accept our appologies for what happened and to perhaps consider joining the Empire. Allow resource exchanges and the like, we do not require you to pay tribute..." "Please, you need not call me Your Highness. I want this meeting to be comfortable. You may call me by my given name, Sergei." The ruler slowly stood as he motioned a pawhand towards a large wooden door. "Please, I would be honored if you would join me in the study, where we can negotiate more comfortably. As for your friend, she will be attended to by the finest doctors in the palace." The Ruler tried to put aside the hatred he felt for the Star Slayers, whom this woman seemed to serve, and be a good host. Ayame looked up when she said his name, "Sergei?..." She said it softly, she sounded very timid as she spoke the one simple word. Sergei was already three quarters of the way to the door when he heard her repeat his name. He slowly turned and bowed slightly. "Yes Miss? That is my name. Now, will you be joining me, or returning to your masters?" He winced to himself, "Please forgive me, I shouldn't have said that...." Ayame started to follow him, her brilliant dark eyes were filled with hope, "We lost a man here on the planet named Sergei. I wonder if... Are... " She seemed to be trying to ask something, but could not manage to get the words out of her mouth. Sergei turned and continued walking, opening one of the large doors and holding it for her. Inside was a lavishly furnished study with wooden shelves holding books from the floor to the cieling. There was a large table in the center of the room with a plush chair on each of it's four sides. In a stone fireplace, there burned a warm fire that spread it's warmth throughout the room. Once Ayame was inside, Sergei closed the door, and began walking to one of the chairs. "Yes, I know. The Dy'Unnar found your Sergei laying behind a log in a pool of his own blood, metal shrapnel had sliced most of his body." He slowly sat down. "Funny thing though, the man refused to die. He just kept repeating, 'No, Ayame.' over and over again....We thought he was insane." Tears welled up in her eyes, trembling she asked, "What...what happened to him?" The Ruler slowly cleared his throat, pulling out a pair of wire rimmed glasses and set them on his nose. He pulled a pad of paper from a drawer right in front of him, and a pen. When everything was situated to begin negotiations, he looked at her, speaking flatly. "That man died. The Dy'Unnar did their best to save him, but in the end, they could not keep him alive." Ayame closed her eyes, "I see..." The ruler turned back to the paper, writing a few things as he spoke, not looking at his guest. "But. While they were not able to save him, his body was not thrown out." "What happened to his body?" Ayame asked quietly. "As I said, the bugger refused to die. His internal organs still functioned properly, it was his mental stability that died. The Dy'Unnar quickly began reconstruction surgury, and actually managed to save his body. And then, with a selective bit of mind conditioning, he now lives...Or so the Dy'Unnar are telling me. They refuse to tell me the location of this man. If I knew where he was, I would give him a medal for bravery, and thank him for his work in trying to reason with the Star Slayers." The Ruler said, looking over at her from his papers. "Now, I believe we had some negotiations that needed to get started. Before we begin, would you like something to eat? My cooks are the best in the known galaxy." Ayame shook her head, "I will be fine..." Her eyes were watching the floor, "Do you require anything from us to accept mutual peace?" Sergei slowly pulled off the wire rimmed glasses and set them on the pad of paper. He then turned his chair so that he could watch Ayame. "Well, there are a few things that we would require. First and foremost, is the guarantee that my planet will not be over run with Star Slayers, and that I will be allowed to continue my rule here. I do not want someone else, who knows nothing about my planet, and the ways of life we ascribe to, telling me how to rule." Ayame nodded, "I am sure I can guarantee you that, I will need to speak with the Empress for final approval of course." "Of course. Second of all, if the Star Slayers are going to come to my planet, and stay for a period longer than a day, they are not to bring weapons or armor of anykind. There are those under my rule who are very fearful of such things. While they are usually very peaceful, they are like wild animals, you back them into a corner, and they are frightened, they will attack." Ayame nodded once more, "I am sure that will be acceptable.." Sergei nodded, steepling his fingers and tapping his chin with them. "Next, I would like to know what the technology was that killed my brethren, and if I can't have the actual tech to implement into my people, I want the technology that will allow me to defend against it." Ayame sighed, "That I am afraid may not be granted, but I shall try." "You do understand why I ask something like this, don't you, miss? I do not want a repeat of the attack happening again. While you seem very agreeable, the men who fought on your side, that day, do not seem to be quite so understanding. I get the feeling, that given the chance, they would come back here, and kill us all." Sergei said, slowly crossing his right leg over the left. "They would. I know this, I had dinner with them not too long ago, they..." She sighed, "They do not agree with me at all, but I do understand why you want this, you wish to defend your people, and prevent this from ever happening again, and believe this, I want the same Your Highness." The ruler smiled, reaching up to pull away the black cloth that hid his face. The soft lighting of the room playing off his features, features that, while changed slightly, still resembled the man the Dy'Unnar had found lying half dead behind a log. Sergei smiled, "I'm glad that we understand each other, Miss. Now, I can't think of anything else I would need to ask of you at the moment. Do you have any requests for me, at this time?" Ayame was just staring at him, a look of amazement on her face, "You... Sergei? I..." She did not seem to be able to get the words out of her mouth she was in such shock. Sergei gave her a look of puzzlement. "Yes....that is my name....Are you alright ma'am? Perhaps you need to sit down? Maybe get something to drink?" "You are him..." Ayame sunk down against the wall, "I never thought I would see that face again..." "I am who, Ma'am? I don't know what you're talking about." Sergei slowly got to his feet, towering at seven and a half feet tall. He looked at Ayame and walked to an intercom in the wall, hitting a button. "Master Eleef? Would you come in into my study please? I have a guest who might need medical attention." He said. Not more than a few seconds later, there was a knock at the door, and a tall Dy'Unnar walked in slowly. "Yes, Your Highness, What can your humble servant do fo- You!" He said, looking to Ayame. Ayame rose and looked at him inclining her head, "Pleasure to see you again." "That's not possible! My guards found you dead in your room...with slit wrists sitting in your bath....You can't still be alive!" Eleef hissed. Sergei looked from one to the other. "You....know each other?" The ruler asked, puzzled. Ayame looked at Eleef, "I was his prisoner for a time..." "And she escaped, Master. She should be put to death! She went against the Dy'Unnar! Kill her!" Eleef spat, taking a step forward and narrowing his eyes to show how serious he was. "First of all, she is my guest, and I will not tolerate you talking about Royal guests like that, even if you are my trusted advisor from the Dy'Unnar people. And second of all, I do not take kindly to your telling me what to do, Eleef. Need I remind you of what happened to your predecessor?" Sergei said, looking to Eleef with a look as serious as a heart attack. The Dy'Unnar slowly back away, bowing. "No, Your Highness....If you'll excuse me." Eleef said, darting out the door. Ayame closed the door with her mind as Eleef left, her eyes were cold and hard. As the door slammed shut she looked at Sergei and her eyes softened, affection could be seen reflected in them, "I... Do you have any memories of your childhood?" Sergei slowly sat back down. "No, I can't remember anything that far back. If I really try, all I can remember is a white pelt....and cold. Snow, and cold, and the warmth of a big white dog..." "You wanted to know what happened to Sergei's body..." She slid down the wall until she was seated again, "You are in it..." "Please miss, be reasonable. There is no way that I could be in Sergei's body. Why would I be unable to remember anything about his past, please, explain that, Miss Ayame." The ruler said, leaning heavily against the table. "I don't understand it...but you are him. The features...everything." Ayame slid her arms around her knees and rested her head on them. She looked up once something clicked, "How do you know my name? I never gave it..." The ruler gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean? Surely you had to have given it, I mean, how else would I have known it, without my spies telling me?" Sergei slowly shifted in his chair, rubbing his temples. Ayame looked up at him, "No... I never gave it to you, you just knew" "That's not possible, I am not Sergei...I'm not that worthless cook from the Celia.....I'm the Ruler of Fenyar....Supreme ruler of all the creatures of the land." The ruler said, cradling his head in his hands, and trembling slightly. Ayame rose and walked over, she slid to the floor next to his chair, "No... You are him, just changed..." "No...No, I'm not him....I am the Ruler of the Fenyar races.....I was created in a lab to be the perfect being, and the perfect ruler....It's who I've always been." Sergei said, still holding his head in his hands. It was obviously a mental strain on him. Ayame laid a hand on his arm gently, "I know this is hard, but... You are the same man, you look like him, you sound like him, you even act like him..." Two tears welled up in her eyes, "I...I missed you..." Sergei laid his head on the table, tears welling up in his eyes and falling against the fine, wood table top. "I'm not him....I'm not. I am just using his body, I am not Sergei Dimitriov.....I'm not...." Ayame sighed, "Maybe you are not, maybe I am clinging to a fools hope that maybe you are still him..." Sergei raised his head, looking right to Ayame. "There is no 'still him',. Miss Ayame. Miss Yuuko, and those NDI gun jockeys doomed me to die. They were so interested in saving their own hides, that no one thought to look for me." Ayame looked down before getting up, "I am just as much to blame as they are..." She walked over to the window and looked outside, "If not more so..." "Miss Ayame, it's not your fault. You had to look out for yourself, because you are the captain of that ship. But Yuuko should have done something. She had that armor, she could have tried to save me...." Sergei said. Her shoulders began to shake, "I shouldn't have left you..." Well, you still had to look out for Dante, and Henry, and Shina....So you had to leave one of your crew to save the lives of the rest of the crew. You did what you knew was right." Sergei said, getting up and walking over to rest large pawlike hands on her shoulders, massaging slightly. Ayame looked out the window, "I fell in love with you on the planet, but I left you here to die!! I will never forgive myself for that..." "Ayame, you have to stop beating yourself up over it. Yes, I realize that it must hurt to have to live with that, but you have to move on. I'm still alive. Yes it was a miracle, and a one time thing, but I am still alive." Sergei said, slowly leaning down to wrap massively muscular arms around her waist, hugging her. "And I fell in love with you as well....but then death ripped me from you, and now that I am king of the Fenyar.....I can't go back to my old life. I can't leave these people." Ayame leaned back against him, "I know you can't leave them and I wouldn't expect you too." Sergei nodded, slowly laying his head on top of hers. "And do you also know that this can't make me change my demands for the treaty? If not making them even more insistant?" Ayame smiled, "I know, I'll speak with the Empress she and I are rather good friends, hopefully that will work to my advantage." "Maybe. But I don't know if she would go for negotiating with me. After all, my people killed Matsui. We are nothing but heathons and animals....We don't deserve to be treated fairly. Where as, they killed over ten thousand men, women and children, and want to be thought of as heros for it...." Ayame smiled, "I will persuade her..." ~I hope...~ She thought to herself. Slowly, the door opened and a small raccoon walked in, tapping Sergei on the hip. The large man slowly uncoiled his arms from Ayame and bent down, taking a small datapad like device and began scanning over it. he then looked to ayame and gave her a slight smile. "Well, it seems that I must go, Miss Ayame. Please pass on my greetings to Miss Shina, and Master Chen. I have to go look after an event that happened on Larrid a few hours ago....Seems that a group of lizardmen showed up and proposed a treaty to the Dy'Unnar there.....I will have one of my attendants show you and miss Keiko back to your shuttle...." Ayame looked at him calmly, "Might I stay? I...I have cloned myself, there are now two of me telepathically linked, my clone is on board the Celia. I am not needed there." Sergei smiled. "Of course you can stay. You may stay in the villa that I had built for Da'Ante while his palace was being built. He should be out of it by now....And it is the closest to the palace, so you will not be far away. Ayame lowered her head, "Thank you, may Keiko be moved there with me until I am sure she wishes to return to the Celia?" "As you wish, Miss Ayame." Sergei said, and motioned for the Sha'Nai assistant to make it so. Ayame smiled, "Thank you... I..I hope everything goes well." She moved her way to the door, ready to follow the Sha'Nai. "If there is anything you need, Miss Ayame, just ask. You are a Royal guest, so the grounds are yours to ask of." Sergei said, and walked over to sit down and begin writing his demands down. END [YSS Celia] left at the Rave ON> YSS Celia Wazu was in his room like usual, continuing to poke away at the datapad he had in his hand as he layed down in his nest with his jacket pulled around himself tightly. He resolved that he was going to transfer to a different ship soon, not wanting to have to deal with Yuuko or any other of the familiar faces he knew from his previous time in the YSA. Uso was just then heading into dancing area onboard the ship, wiggling her hips slightly and generaly acting perfectly Uso-like as her eyes scanned the room. Yuuko lead Keiko into the club. The petite little dance enthusiast has actually helped set up the club, and as such, it really bore a strong resemblance to Yuuko's ship and her rooms, filled with indirect violet and blue lighting, with green glowing things everywhere and flashing lights, rotating lights, and lasers. The place was filled already with nekos and other species dancing and groping amongst the backdrop of deep-based trance. "Yuuko.." Keiko said, a bit unsure of herself; feeling a bit nude wearing only a holographic uniform. Kado was stressed out. He headed down the corridors not knowing where he was going. His work uniform was still greasy from shuttle repairs, his hair was a mess, plus he had too many things on his mind. he wandered some more and spotted the three women walking into the club. he had nothing better to do so he followed them in... Uso leaned against one of the walls of the room and just watched what was going on for the moment, not quite ready to get involved. Keiko canted her head to the side curiously, making her silky emerald green hair dancing around her shoulders lightly. She was watching the dancing itself; not quite knowing how to join in. Yuuko had worn one of her clubbing outfits, a tiny checkered miniskirt and silver gogo boots snugly on her legs, and a small checkered tube top on her bulging chest to match. Keiko was blushing as she watched Yuuko. "Yuuko, that seems a little....too sexy.." She commented shyly. "I don't see anything wrong with it," Uso comminted from her little spot against the wall, "I think it looks quite nice on her." She grabbed her sister and smiled, "Come on. Shed that uniform and get something fun on." She grinned at Uso's comment. "See?" Keiko looked at Uso curiously. "I think she does too, I mean it's her personal preference." Keiko smiled at Yuuko grabbed her and smiled back. "but I dont know what." "I think you'd look good in a tight black dress actualy," Uso said to Keiko. Uso had on her usual baggy cammo pants and a tank top. Not exactly dancing clothing but she didn't exactly care either. Yuuko grinned and said, "Come on." Keiko looked confused and shimmered into a tight dress that went down to about the mid point between the bottom of her rear and her knees. with a complimenting glossy black top and boots. "How's this?" Kado ambled in looking tired, but perked up a bit as he entered. "SO you three dancing tonight or are you just going to stand around?" he asked from behind. "Shorter," Yuuko giggled. Keiko blushed. "why? I don't want to show anything I shouldn't be." Keiko heard Kado and turned around and smiled at him. "Hi Mr. Kado." She said cheerfully. "You didn't wear any panties?" Yuuko asked Keiko, blushing a tiny bit, and giggling some more. She waved to Kado sensuously. Keiko blushed furiously and spun on Yuuko. "I am!" She said defensively. "um...Did I walk in at a bad time?" he took a step back as he asked. Uso just chuckled and watched. "Are we here to dance or make fun of my outfit?" Keiko pointed out. "I didn't make them to be left in the drawer," Yuuko smiled at Keiko. "So, why not show a little more of those onyx legs?" Yuuko smiled and giggled at Kado mischievously. "Yuuko!" Keiko was embarassed completely. She decided to try it out and made her dress a little shorter, showing more of her sexy onyx legs. Overall she looked quite good. "You look fine the way you are ma'am." he smiled a bit "And so do you two." he joked a little. He started to head to the bar for a drink. "By the way how are you doing Yuuko? I heard you got beat up quite badly while on Feynar..." Uso inquired. "It was a mess," Yuuko said to Uso. "Now a little off the top," she directed Keiko. Keiko looked a little shy about getting out and dancing, and took off a little off the top, showing some onyx clevage. "Like this?" "A little more," Uso said with a devious grin. “No Uso, I'm not going out there without something covering me." Keiko said. Kado chuckled as Yuuko and Uso instructed Keiko on how to wear her dress. "Its great!" Yuuko said, giggling some more. "Hmm."Keiko shimmered it into a dusky grey outfit with smoke colored boots. "How about this?" "It looks good on you" Kado commented. He waited some more for his drink...service seemed slow... "Thank you!" Keiko beamed at Kado. Bloodfist the troll stepped up to Yuuko, wearing a strange shiny tunic of some sort. At over eight feet, he was nearly twice as tall as little Yuuko was. "Gimme some luvin," he smiled. Keiko jumped at his size and hid behind Yuuko. "How rude." She commented. Uso chuckled some more and walked over to the bar, taking a seat next to Kado, "So how are things?" she asked as she ordered a drink. Yuuko turned around and smiled, "Have fun, okay?" She waved to Keiko with a raise of her eyebrows and went into the crowd with the behemoth. Kado stood up as Bloodfist entered. He heard about him...he already didn't like the guy..."it's going...ok...shuttles been fixed and" Keiko looked quite shy about dancing and stood near a wall, watching the dancers. Uso shrugged, "Nothing much. Hey do you know anything about the group that went down to Feynar?" She asked. By now Uso had turrned around and was leaning her back against the bar, facing outwards toward the dance floor. Although you was lost in the crowds, Keiko could easily keep track of her by watching Bloodfist's towering form. "yeah I've heard about them...well I guess it's too late for the drink..." he got up and headed towards the exit..."thanks forn reminding me!" He started to leave and spotted Keiko. " Good bye ma'am...I've got more worked to do..." he smiled and waved her goodbye as he left. Keiko sighed, she figured that she wasn't quite pretty enough to be noticed. "It does look like fun." She mused, watching Bloodfist to keep track of Yuuko. Uso shrugged and waited for a drink to be brought out, eventualy just giving up just watching the dancing. Ayame walked in, her dark hair was pulled up and two japanese style sticks stuck out of the ornate hairstyle. Her dress was long and made of a glossy smooth black material with a dark blue flower print, just below the high neck was an oval cut out that showed her breasts to their best advantage. She looked around as she crossed the room and leaned against the bar casually, she was not really sure about being here, afterall she was not in the best of moods, but if it might cheer her up and raise moral then she was all for it. "Wow.." Keiko breathed as Ayame entered. "She is so beautiful in that dress." "Hi there," Uso said as Ayame walked up to her, calming studying the neko before returning her gaze to the crowd, "What have you been up to?" Ayame smiled at Uso, "Feeling sorry for myself mostly, you?" "The usual," Uso replied, "And if your sad a few drinks will cheer you up!" Yuuko returned from Bloodfist's control after a moment, emerging with a smile, which quickly turned into a chiding frown at Keiko, "Hey, sister! Get out on the floor!" she told Keiko. Keiko looked down at the floor. "But...I'm not as beautiful to be out there like you or Ms.Ayame are." She said. Ayame looked out at everyone having fun, "Maybe a drink might be called for..." THUMP THUMP THUMP boomed the hypnotic rythm of the trance music, overlayed with the spirited singing of two young nekos; Kaori and Kaede of the engineering department. "A drink and a toast perhaps?" Uso asked. She chuckled slightly as her drink arrived, "What made you so glum? I sware your going to end up killing off my buzz..." She said as she took a small drink. Keiko giggled, feeling a bit better and entered the crowd, pulling Yuuko with her and started dancing to the beat. Ayame ordered a drink and regarded Uso calmly, "Our mission on the planet was not what you would call a success." "Well what happened down there?" Uso asked, showing a bit more concern in how she spoke. "This is fun!" Keiko laughed as she danced with Yuuko; dancing a bit sensually. "Alot of people died including Sergei, a member of the crew. We lost Dante for he has returned to the planet, he felt he didn't belong here after his transformation." Ayame paused and thanked the bartender as her drink was brought over, "I feel as though I am responsible for everything that went wrong down there." Yuuko grinned, "That's it, Keiko! Work it!" "Well what did they use against you? I'm sure that you couldn't have predicted what happened." Uso said Keiko giggled and found herself grinding against Yuuko's body. She blushed furiously as she did but went with it, just enjoying the dancing and music. Ayame took a sip of her drink, "It does not matter now, its over..." "Well if it disturbs you obviously it isn't over," Uso said, "You need to deal with these kinda things. Please tell me what happened in more detail." Yuuko smiled and tugged Keiko in against herself as their bodies moving in a near-harmony, gyrating and grinding, with hands wandering over Keiko's back as the black neko humped her thigh. "You're getting the hang of it," Yuuko said. "Maybe a bit too frisky for guys," she pointed out. Ayame smiled at Uso, "I know you are trying to be helpful, but at this stage I think it is best to forget it." She set her drink down, "If you will excuse me..." She nodded her head at Uso and started making her way to the door. Keiko slowed and stopped blushing furiously. "I shouldn't be doing this.." She said. "Alright but if you need someone to talk to I'm always somewhere!" Uso yelled after her, trying to get her message above the music. "I just got caught in the music...I should probably stick to something a bit tamer." Keiko said and tried to leave the crowd. Yuuko spotted Ayame walking by and grabbed the new Taisho by the arm and tugged her into the crowd with her as Keiko walked out. "Hello, Ayame!" she grinned excitedly. Keiko might have noticed Leet by the door. Ayame smiled at Yuuko, "Hello Yuuko, having fun?" Keiko stood leaning against the wall like before, trying to calm down. "How embarrassing..." "Just starting, if you'll let me!" Yuuko giggled, pulling the Taisho closer by the waist, and starting to get into the rhythm. The crowd started to get a little more wild, after a new song began. "I doubt you'll be happy until you've had your dance, correct?" Ayame said almost playfully. "We'll see in the morning, maybe?" Yuuko shimmied. "Dance with with me, Ayame!" Keiko sighed and decided to rejoin Yuuko and give it another shot. She gently slipped her arms around Yuuko's waist; moving with the music; but much more restrained this time. She was being a huge tease now; without meaning to. "Mind if I join you two?" Yuuko blinked in surprise as her sister barged in between her and the Taisho. "Keiko!" she squealed. Uso finished up her drink and headed for the door, she didn't really care for dancing. "I'm..sorry." Keiko said timidly and backed off to dance by herself Ayame smiled at Keiko and touched Yuuko on the arm, ~I will see you tomorrow perhaps.~ She said inside the new Taisa's mind and quickly left the crowd. "Dammit," Yuuko pouted as she was left alone. END [YSS Celia, YSS Rave] Stepmom ON> YSS Celia The two had been dancing for the better part of several hours inside the dancing area set up inside the YSS Rave. Loud fast paced music was played over the powerful speakers and the base could be felt through the floor. Yuuko and Wazu were in the center of the large group of people dancing and were enjoying themselves a lot. Both were grinding against each other as the night went on and Wazu's hands slowly made their way down Yuuko's sides to her hips and were holding them as they danced but eventually it became time to leave. Wazu led Yuuko out off the dance floor and back into the hallways with one hand around her waist, gently holding her small body against his. "Where to now?" he asked while giving the girl a small squeeze. Yuuko gave a somewhat tired poof of hot air from her lips, then smiled mischievously. "Where would you like to go?" She returned the squeeze and gave him a little his on the nose. "I'm a little tired myself, actually. You're not the best dancer, James, but I'll give you credit for only stepping on me a few times," James chuckled with her slightly as the two walked down the hallway, “I know I’m horrible at dancing, after all this is only my second try at it.” When it came to dancing he had two left feet. “Perhaps I should be taking you back to your nest?” He asked, “We still have a lot of catching up to do.” "Sure," Yuuko nodded. "It's on the GSS Rave...I don't have a crew so a have a whole 6-person nest for Keiko and I. I wonder what she's up to right now?" Yuuko led the way. (repost) Wazu let her lead but remained at her side. "I'm sure the computer knows..." he thought outloud before looking over at Yuuko, "A 6 person nest to yourself? Sounds like fun, I never really got used to sharing them with other people." Wazu shrugged, “Just preference I guess… My roommates were always complaining about how messy I leave things.” Wazu’s hand moved up from her waist and squeezed her right breast slightly, “Why did you decide to change the size of your breasts?” He asked. He knew that she didn’t like her small breasts but didn’t know if that was the only reason that she changed them. Yuuko grinned and blushed ever-so-slightly. "Do you like them? I'll let you see them when we get to my nest if you'd like. I wanted a little more attention, I guess. I feel more comfortable with them than without, actually...and they're really fun, aren't they?" Wazu gave Yuuko a hug, thinking her desire for attention came from him ignoring her in the past. He wanted to make it up to her now. “I love them,” he said, “As long as your comfortable with them, I’d think they would give you back problems.” His hand rubbed her breast a little bit before returning down to her side where it held her in a loose hug. "Oh, no, I don't have any problems with them, although dancing is a little different. It really means a lot that you like them...they're nice. They don't really sag like human ones do. which I know some of the Geshrin girls are a little jealous of," Yuuko told him was they continued down the hallway. "I wear a bra for them sometimes, but I didn't tonight because thought it was just going to be dinner...luckily, I've become very good at holography and hey didn't bounce out of my holo-clothes." "I've noticed, that dress you wore to dinner looked very beautiful on you." He said as they neared Yuuko's nest, "Sometimes I forget how perfect neko bodies are." "Oh," Yuuko grinned, "you're flattering my species," she giggled, as they reached the hatch that lead "down" into her scout ship. He smiled and waited for her to climb down into her ship. It would be impolite for him to go first considering what she had on. She floated down without touching the ladder, then out onto the main deck, then waited for him. Wazu used the ladder, as he didn't have a body capable of floating, When he reached the bottom of the ladder he looked around, "So you and Keiko are the only two people on this ship?" he asked. The whole area seemed kinda empty to him, like something you'd see on a horror movie. "Yes. There's the Megami, of course, but she hasn't made an avatar...I don't think she plans on it," Yuuko said. It was very quiet, but for their voices. Most of the ships's generators were offline, since the ship was being ferried by the Celia. Little Yuuko pointed out into one of the two main hallways, which were carpeted in Yuuko's favorite shade of purple, and lined with green neon lights. Wazu smiled upon seeing Yuuko's decorating style all over the ship. "All that is missing is a techno beat," He commented as he moved up to hug Yuuko from behind, encircling her small waist in his arms. "I wonder, do you wear panties with the holographic clothing? or do you just use your holograms to cover that too?" He asked, his curious mind getting the better of him. "Yep, can't you feel them, James?" Yuuko asked. They were little low-cut ones, and she grabbed the band at the top and tugged it out through her holographic dress. They were purple with little frills on them and bellflower embroiding around the top band. "See? I made them myself." "Well I wasn't focusing on your clothing when we were dancing. I was just trying to avoid steping on your feet." He admitted before keeling down a bit and using one hand to tug at the side of her panties so he could look at them through her holographic clothing, "Very nice Yuuko, did you use hemosynthisis or a machine to make these?" He asked. Yuuko crossed her arms over her chest and she dismissed her holographic dress, leaving her in her white boots (which were real) and gloves, plus the undies, giving him a better look at them. As the holographic layer disappeared, Wazu could see a little bit of what was beneath as well. As far as he could tell, she was as smooth as a shuttle windshield down there. "I bought a machine from OpTech a while back. I've been using it to make clothes, mostly undies, for Keiko and myself," Yuuko beamed down at him, "Do you like these? How about the texture? I gave them a ring of embroidery around the top, and the designs sort of fade into the background as they go lower. It's a stretchy silk-like material KFY made up a couple years ago originally for furniture." "I didn't know KFY made furniture... The texture is interesting," He said as his hand moved down to the lower area's on the panties to feel the texture Yuuko had sewn into her panties, "But did you mean to make them so thin? You can see through a lot of it." He though about asking her if she intended to go into busness but he decided against it. He was trying to distance himself from the corporations not help start a new one. "It's a little thin and see-through, just for fun," Yuuko told him, turning a little pink as his hand explored lower, over some of her sensitive parts. "Of course KFY makes furniture. For their ships, mainly chairs and desks; they make shelves and tables, too. It's all good stuff, despite the numbers they're making these days." She giggled, thinking how funny the situation was, a man kneeling before her with his hands on her panties. "Ah, that makes sense... I never really thought about where the ships furniture came from." Wazu poked into her sensitive area's with his fingers, testing the elasticity of the panties. He stopped and gave her a kiss on her lips before standing up again and looking her in her face, smiling, "I always thought the ships just hemosynthed it I guess." Yuuko breathed in deeply, trembling slightly as his finger sunk the panties into her fold, moistening slightly in the tiny depression he found. She was so distracted by it that the kiss on her private spot caught her as a total surprise and her eyes darted wide open, staring at him as he rose. She looked flushed. "," she was going to say something about starships, but couldn't seem to think straight. He looked into her eyes, "You what?" He asked as he hugged her, pulling her close. "James," Yuuko hugged him back. "I don't know," she said, still not sure what she'd been talking about anymore. He turned them both slightly and kissed her deeply, pressing her up against the wall a bit. "Mmph!" Yuuko's light body was up against the wall, his tongue in her mouth, exploring. Her eyes were open...she was still little shocked by the whole thing. She put her arms around his back, holding him, not really sure what to do. Wazu's pulse quickened as he was a bit nervous about what he was doing. A bit of alcohol had helped him make up his mind. James stoped for a moment and pulled back, "Yuuko... I love you," He said, using his hand to massage her breast as he leaned in to kiss her deeply again. "James," Yuuko said a bit apprehensively, unsure if she was ready for this. She'd promised Keiko not to let a man have sex with her until both she and Keiko were ready. It was mainly, in Yuuko's view, so Keiko didn't go out and start discovering carnal pleasures until she was older. What kind of example would it set if she broke the promise? Of course, Wazu seemed like a pretty nice guy. Maybe she'd let him have a taste without giving him all of her? She gave him a reassuring smile. "Thank you," she said, as her bosom filled his hand. He stopped a few inches from her face as he heard her say his name, "Are you sure?" he asked, momentarily stopping his hand and just letting it rest on her body for the moment. He was getting more nervous by the moment and didn't want to screw up his second chance with Yuuko. "I don't mind you touching me," Yuuko told him sincerely, "But I don't want to go all the way, alright? I made a promise with my sister...thanks for asking, James," she smiled sweetly, "It means a lot to me that you did. Let's get out of the hall and go up to the officer's nest. My sister's probably passed out in our nest, which is the operations one." She led him by the hand back towards the ladder behind the briefing room. He nodded and backed off a bit as he followed her to the ladder. Yuuko crawled out though the hatch into the officer's nest, a lounge-like room with a low ceiling that was mostly a large circular window looking out at the stars, facing the opposite direction as Fenyar. The room had two plush leather easy chairs, and a big, silky next in the thickly-carpeted floor. Wazu followed Yuuko up into the nest and looked around, "You have a great view of the stars from here..." He thought out loud as he gazed up through the window for a moment before returning his attention to Yuuko. James waited for her to sit or lay down before moving any further into the room. Yuuko removed her boots and gloves, then scooted back into the soft nest and wiggled her bottom backwards until she was sitting with her against the heavily-cushioned sloped edge. She considered creating some new holo-clothes, but decided not to. "It's a nice little nook on the ship. I like to come up here when I'm deep in thought," she told him. Wazu moved forward and got down into the nest, scooting next to Yuuko and putting an arm around her. "So what is on your mind right now?" he asked while holding her close to him lovingly. "I'm just enjoying your company," Yuuko smiled, facing him, her nose an inch away. He smiled back at her, "I'm glad you don't find me annoying then." Yuuko giggled, "You're not so bad when you're not mixing business with your personal life. I mean, wow. I really didn't think I'd ever see you again, James. It's such a surprise to see you back, and I guess I missed that familiar face more then I realized." "I thought that you didn't like me. After the Seigi it just seemed like no one did..." he said, letting his voice trail off as he reminisced about his old ship for a moment, "I'm done with the corporations. QIS wants me to finish one more thing and then I'm done for good." It was hard to get away from a corporation that he had help build and protect both emotionally and realalisticly as they were still able to claim him as an employee and Sijik, the owner of QIS, outranked and could easily command Wazu to do what he wanted. "I see. Well, I can't say I wasn't mad at you...I suppose you need the GSA to pry you away from QIS, then?" Yuuko asked, glancing down at her bosom for a moment, then back to him, "What would you like to do in the future? Will you make civilian ships?" "Something like that, If I need to run being in the xf gives me a head start." Wazu said as he looked up at the stars, "I don't know what I am going to do in the future... I haven't really given it much thought. I guess I'll be following you around. Do you have room on your ship for a science officer?" "Sure," Yuuko grinned. "Of course, I don't really have any crew under me, unless you count Keiko, she's our medical officer. Are you offering?" He nodded, "I'm going to need someplace to go when I'm finished with QIS. Being with you seems like the best choice." "That's so sweet of you," Yuuko grinned, rolling onto him and giving him a warm hug, giving him a kiss. "You really mean it?" she asked him. He put his hands around her and locked them around her back, "I mean it Yuuko," He said as he returned the hug. "What about the girl you came here with?" Yuuko asked, a little curious, as she lay on top of him snugly. "Who, Uso?" He asked. "Well..." Yuuko sighed, thinking that maybe Wazu and Uso were involved. "Um...I actually meant the other one." "Oh Anet..." Wazu said, "She's... My daughter. You remember that I took a ship with me when I left?" "You daughter? I remember a ship, but I don't remember you having a mate! Oh, James..." Yuuko gave him a pained expression, "who's her mother?" She rolled off of him and flopped back onto the bed by his side. "She is that ships Avatar yuuko, I used to be close to another girl named Rachel who helped me create the girl... We were together for nearly three years but she left me shortly after Anet's creation." He explained, "I'm sorry... I should have told you sooner." The birth wasn't exactly natural but Anet was still a symbol of the love James and Rachel had once had. "An avatar! Ohhh. I see... Years? And what happened to Rachel?" Yuuko asked curiously, looking out at the stars. "She came to hate what we were doing over time. Eventually she hated what Anet was and what we had built. She became a pacifist and wanted to dismantle the Anet's body but I wouldn't let her so she left. After that I moved on again and I haven't heard from her sense." Wazu said, looking up at the stars with Yuuko. "It wasn't meant to be I guess..." "Oh. It's hard to believe she came to hate her own daughter. Is there something wrong with Anet? It's been...years for you, James?" Yuuko gripped his hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. "How long has it been since you two left?" she asked. In the back of her mind, she hoped she wasn't some sort of replacement. Its been almost three years sense I've seen her. It will be three in a few months I think..." he said, "Anet is a warship, It was the embodyment of what Rachel wanted to stop. In other universes time moves faster than others sometimes. The GSA moves twice as fast as my home, and several times faster than Aynee on occasions. Time doesn’t always flow the same." Wazu returned her affectionate squeeze and smiled, "I guess I've only been gone for a little while here?" he asked. "Not too long," Yuuko replied. "Maybe the TTD was being quirky. They have odd tendencies, and it was an older Avanet model." She rolled onto her side, her copious breasts mashing together to form a long line of cleavage. "Is Anet more of a machine or a child, then? You want her to live on my ship...I am a bit paranoid I guess." "Well... I guess she is more child, although she does have a powerful computer in her. It is kinda hard to explain." Wazu said, his eyes were entranced by her cleavage for a moment before he regained his composure and looked Yuuko in the eye with a sad smile. He was afraid that he was screwing up again by telling her all of this. "I see..." Yuuko said quietly, contemplating it all, giving him a sad smile of her own, at his wandering eyes. For a while, she just laid there, resting comfortably, closing her eyes for a moment. Wazu started to feel really bad about this, "Perhaps I should leave you alone..." He said as he started to get up and head for the ladder leading back down into the ship. "I'm sorry about all of this." "Oh, James," Yuuko sat up. "I'm sorry..." She felt bad for bringing up the pain of his past. "Are you going?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't. It's not like she'd refused his request. He paused, sitting up in the nest, "I thought I had upset you again..." he said, looking back up at the stars overhead. "No, James, I've really been enjoying your company. I just don't know if I'm ready to be a mother to a child, especially one that will outsmart me all the time. It seemed kind of like that's what you were asking. Here, come sit with me again, James," Yuuko explained. James laid back down in the nest next to Yuuko, "You won't have to worry about her, she is pretty self sufficient and I'll keep her out of your hair..." He said, still trying to make up for things, "I'm not trying to ask you to be a mother... it just kind of turned out that way..." He said Yuuko smiled, "Well, I suppose I've got plenty of room aboard for you and your Anet to stay onboard. You really love me, James?" she asked, leaning sideways to face him. "I do," He replied, rolling onto his side to face her and resting one hand lovingly on her cheek, "I really love you Yuuko," He gave her another kiss and moved his hand down to her waist in a loose hug. "Then I'll let you stay," Yuuko smiled, pulling herself tightly against him, by the waist. "You've matured, I think, over those years, and I'm happy with the're a good man, James." “I'm glad you think so. I haven't been too happy with myself..." he said, returning her hug with both hands. Yuuko smiled as he pulled her into his hips, although she could feel a pressure poking into her abdomen that made her blush, "James," she smiled, "Am I making you happy?" she asked, wondering what he was feeling. "Um..." Now it was his turn to blush, "Yes," He admitted. END