Kai Ashigari (8/22/03 21:27) Love? Heh, well if you do go then I will have no one to play with" Uso said with a slight smile as she got up from her chair and walked away from Wazu then back to her room. She got off the top of the boxes and down into Kai's room closing the door behind her as she did Kai was standing on the bridge listening to the various conversations going on, mostly about the return to Geshrintall, wherever that was. He sighed heavily; he did not want to go back to planet already. He headed for his nest to relax for a little bit while he prepared for the voyage. He crawled over the boxes and slid into the room right after Uso. "Well hello there Taii Uso." He said. "Oh hello." Uso said without turning to look at Kai as she headed to her own nest "Going to try and get some sleep, even with those nightmares? You'll need it; we're going back to Geshrintall next." He said curtly as he sat in his chair and poured a bit of water on his whip. Uso paused for a moment, "Don't keep looking in on my dreams" He chuckled lightly. "So you knew after all. I should have figured as much, you're a smart girl." He said nonchalantly. "Just don't do it again and I won't have a reason to punish you" Uso said "You wouldn't, or I could tell everyone why you act so tough, and why you have trouble sleeping... I know about that farm and the girl I know what happened." He said calmly, knowing he was playing a delicate game. Uso clenched her fists and turned around, "don't talk about her you know nothing of what happened" She said in an angry tone. "You need...no...you want help. I know exactly what happened. She committed suicide a short time after her parents died in a raid." He said still sitting down calmly. "You incorrectly blame yourself for it. It was not your fault, you have to realize that Uso." He said in a soft voice. Uso walked back over to Kai and put a hand around his throat, "I SAID DON'T TALK ABOUT HER!" "Why? Because you feel like you can't stand the pain it brings back, I understand, losing a loved one is hard, you were happy with her...no... you were happy with that family. But there was nothing more you could do, their deaths were never on your head, you did not know that the raiders were going to attack the farm trying to get at you." He said maintaining his calm exterior. "You were never responsible for what happened." He said still calm Uso tightened her grip; "If I hadn’t disobeyed orders then they wouldn't have shot at the farm. THEY USED THAT BOMB TO TRY AND KILL ME! So tell me why it isn’t my fault if I caused their deaths?" "You did not know. It is the raider's fault, not yours? Did you order the bomb on the farm? NO, you did not." He said, Uso could feel her grip being slightly loosened. "You have to let go of the past Uso, and look toward the future. You will never completely forget it, but you cannot dwell on the incident in question either." He said. Uso let him go and turned her back to him, "I have forgotten it but you are intent on bringing it up again" "You have not, you mind dwells on it, as if you were obsessed by it. You want someone to love you like that family did Uso, you desperately desire that, but your pain prevents you from taking that one step to recovery." He said. "And how would you know?" Uso asked "You cannot conceal those things from me Uso, I've seen your memories and how happy you were." He said. "You're much like a scared child, you don't know what to do, but curl up into a ball and quiver in fear of the unknown." He said loftily. "Do not compare me to some immature child" Uso said with a hint of anger in her voice, "I grew out of that a long time ago" "Well then, show me how adult you are by telling me in your own words that you want someone to love you." He said carefully. Uso clenched her fists a bit harder nearly cutting flesh, "I don't want anyone to love me" "You desire a family; I want to help you Uso. You're a very special person." He said. "You don't have to be angry with what your heart and soul want." ~A family? ~ she asked herself ~is that what this was all about? ~ she froze in place not knowing what to do. she had never thought of it that way... Kai rose out of his chair and walked over to Uso and gently hugged her from behind. "Uso, a family is what your nightmares have been about. But you're afraid that if you reach out to someone, that person will die, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere... not without you." He said into her ear softly. He smelt faintly of roses as did the rest of the room. Uso's heart rate goes up both afraid nervous and strangely calm. "I'm not armed in anyway, and I'm not going to hurt you Uso." He cooed to her softly Kai very gently kissed her on the neck as he waited for her move. Uso opened her mouth to say something but didn't know what to say. “It's ok Uso, you're enjoying this, I can feel it from you. You like this shared warmth, this closeness." He kissed her neck lightly again. "You're just going to die like the rest..." Uso said as she started to cry softly "I'm not going to die Uso, I'm stronger than that." He said softly into her ear. "It's ok, you can cry if you want to, I'll be here for you. It'll be ok." He said comfortingly. "Then you will end up trying to kill me. It can never work out." ~can it? ~ she asked herself "Why would I kill you? You're too important to me." He said "..." Uso said "I have never killed anyone in my life. And I don't plan to start." He said. He tightened his embrace slightly as he spoke; increasing the warmth and closeness she wanted. This was reviving many painful memories and Uso was starting to cry "It's ok Uso, let it all out. it's good for you." He said warmly, still holding her to him gently. Uso started crying freely now. He put his chin on her shoulder and nuzzled her gently as she did. Uso leaned back into Kai's hug and let him comfort her, "you....love me?" she asked, sounding nervous. He held her protectively while he waited for her to finish. "I do." He said. "You're the woman I've been looking for these long years." He said. Uso continued to struggle with what to say "I love you Uso, with all my heart." He said to her and kissed her gently "You'll just die like the others... I can't love you back I'll just get hurt" she told herself "I will not die like the others." He said in a determined voice. "I'll never let you get hurt, ever again." He said with his voice full of emotion Uso turned around in his arms and rested her head on his shoulder, "do you really mean that?" "With all my being." He said, looking into her eyes. Uso closed her eyes. Oddly she felt like she could trust him. He held her warmly as she rested on his shoulder. Aeriyon Elisias (8/26/03 8:11) Back Home? Oh no. After receiving the shot that would mutate his genes once again, he made his way over the boxes headed for the briefing room. His mind roiling with the memories of what happened last time he was in here. ~I'd better just sit back and keep my mouth shut this time. ~ He thought as he walked across the boxes in a tight, four-legged crouch, stalking along more or less like an animal. His tail moving gracefully around behind him, maintaining his balance as he traversed the stacked boxes. He slid into the room a few moments later. "Man, why must they pile the supplies in the corridor, that is what the cargo bay is for!" he sighed to himself, exasperated. "In any case." He muttered as he slunk into a softly padded seat and waited for whatever it was the taisho wanted to tell everyone. He sincerely hoped that they wouldn't be going to back to Geshrintall, after the reports of the devastating battle with the Elysian fleet had started appearing in GSE databanks. He started reading the reports while he waited for everyone else to show up to the debriefing. "Holy shit! That's waaay too many losses for one measly battle!" He then whistled loudly. "That Elysian Fleet must be quite powerful." He said to himself, seeing as he was alone after all. ~I don't know too much about the way the Elysian's work, but I'd love to sneak in there and find out. ~ He thought. Rion then sighed, and put his head in his hands after tossing the pad onto the table. "Ooooo this headache." He muttered. He shrugged and leaned back in the chair and set his feet up on the table in front of him. He was ready for this lack of action to end; he'd had his fill of shore leave to last him for a while. ~If we are indeed going back. I hope I can request a bit of away time so I can take care of something I've been meaning to do for a while. ~ He thought as he closed his eyes, just opened his ears. Tasuki Uso 8/29/03 20:43 Leaveing? ON> GSS Yui Wazu continued to look out the window as he held his data pad in his hand. His fingers continued to start typing and then deleting what he put down as his mind went over the situation Ryion was sitting in the Briefing room, bored to tears as he waited for the others to get there. He sat there wondering how long it'd take for his claws to grow out and be usable. Wazu got up from his chair and walked out back into the hallway where he crawled on top of the boxes to reach the briefing room. Riyon heard something crawling over the boxes and walked over and looked out to see what it was. The door to the briefing room opened and Wazu slid off the top of the boxes and into the room. "So you're the one crawling around out there Wazu." Riyon said, absently scratching at his arms Wazu nodded and heading to one of the chairs with the datapad still in hand "Hey, what's that?" Riyon asked as Wazu passed. Wazu sat down, "I am just getting ready to do...something,” he said as he started typing in a message again. "May I ask what?" Riyon asked, his curiosity overpowering. "I am thinking about leavening the Yui crew and moving to a more permanent station near the Q-shipyards and starting up a corporation,” he said "Interesting, maybe I'll do that too, just somewhere else." He said, trying to stir up a conversation. Wazu typed in a bit more. "What are you thinking about getting into?" "Transport maybe." he replied, still rubbing his arm. "That shot is bugging me,” He complained mildly. "Shot? What did you have done?" he asked "Genetic modification." He said. "What kind?" "Retractable claws, it turns my normal punches in to three pronged attack." Ryion replied, stretching his tail out and stabbing it forward swiftly a couple times. "Well once I get off this ship I should be able to get a new body." he said scratching the back of his neck slightly, "this one is...well you know" "Female." Ryion grinned slyly. Wazu grumbled something and continued typing, "I am going to ask for a transfer to the genesis so I could stay close to the shipyards while running a corporation and retaining my GSA rank and authority" "Good thinking Wazu." Ryion said. "I wonder, since you're a Taisa, are you able to give leave?" He asked. Wazu thought about it for a moment, "I guess I am" "Then I'd like to request personal leave for 3 hours once we reach Geshrintall." He said. "I don't see why not." Wazu said, "just leave a message with Chi before you leave and be back before your 3 hours is up also make sure you can be reached at all times. "I'll try to find my cell phone then" He said with a smirk. Wazu continued typing a bit more as he leaned back in the chair "This is boring! When are they going to get here?" Ryion asked impatiently. It will be a while" Wazu said, "If I were you I'd go get something to eat or find something to do for a while" "She isn't going to like me leaving, but I have too. I'll do that, did you see a picture in there on a table?" Ryion asked as he headed for the door "Yes there was a drawing in the galley but I didn't see who left it. It was quite good though." Wazu said "That was mine" Ryion said. "Ah well I didn't know you could draw" Wazu said "I can do a few things you don't know about." Ryion said "did you see the girl on it?" He asked curiously Wazu nodded "That was my wife-to -be,” He said a bit sadly. "I never got the chance to ask her, I got sent away on a mission." He added. "You didn't come back for her?" He asked "Why do you think I'm going home?" He said. "I see..." "I've been away for so long.... But I know she remembers me, I have been writing to her." he replied "Has she written back?" He asked "Several times. But I keep those in a private file...they tend to be a bit...personal." ""He so she is waiting for you then" Wazu said, "She's living where I used to, so I know where she is." "Well don't let her get away" Wazu said, "although I have a feeling that you won't" "Of course I won't. Hey do you know where Uso is? I haven't seen her lately." Ryion asked. "She left the galley a while ago... have you checked her quarters? She spends a lot of time there." Wazu said "I'm afraid of what's in there." He said honestly "You do have to be careful around her..." Wazu said to himself more than to Rion" Ryion laughed at that. "Sorry but that so funny, it's true" Wazu nodded "Well, I'll go see about getting something to eat. Nice talking to ya Wazu." Ryion said and left the room, walking over the boxes like an animal. Tasuki Uso (9/1/03 10:49) Thinking Uso looked out the window of the galley as the Yui made it’s decent to Geshrintall. Her eyes seemed to be staring at something off in the distance as her mind wandered, ~What was I thinking? ~ she asked herself as she contemplated Kai. She let out a confused sigh as she waited for the ship to touch down. The doors of the Galley opened and Wazu crawled off the top of the boxes and down into the room, “your still here?” Uso asked without bothering to turn and face him. “Yes” Wazu said as he walked up beside Uso and stared out the window as well, “Is something wrong?” he asked, “you’re normally a lot more…” “Talkative?” “Annoying” “Oh ouch” Uso said sarcastically as a slight smile crossed her lips, “Nothing is wrong or at least nothing you can help me with.” “Is that so?” “Yes” “Well then I should probably leave you alone with your thoughts then.” Wazu said as he turned around and put leaned his back against the window. “So why are you still here?” She asked “I’ve decided I don’t want to do all the work associated with running a corporation” “Heh for now?” “For now…” “Well I have my own things to attend to,” Uso said as she turned away from the window and walked to the door. Tasuki Uso (9/1/03 11:07) Meanwhile…         The various technicians disconnected the final restraining cables and let the long flat shape of GB-08 inch forward under its own power. The bow of the ship could be seen coming out of the hanger as the ship started its climb to orbit. Nearly half an hour later the ship was in open space. 12 fighter wings were waiting in a military parade formation as the ship approached them. The two massive panels in the front of the ship slid backward reviling an empty flight deck and two at a time the fighters moved in and docked as six minion class craft and a transport approached from their stationary orbit over the outermost moon of Ralifaris. Each ship moved in perfect formation positioning themselves over the docking rings on the ISFB. Each ship docked, as did the transport. Once all the fighters were docked their pilots boarded the transport and left, as they were only there to move the ships and not fly them during combat. Once all the unnecessary personnel were loaded into the transport it headed back to Ralifaris while the battleship brought its CDD online for the first time and headed out to Geshrintall. Kitsurugi Yui 9/1/03 21:37 Connected ON> GSS Yui The Yui began its final approach to Geshrintall. The devastation from the recent attack became more and more visible as the ship approached the landing pad. Wazu turned back around and looked out the window taking the scenery in once more before he decided to head to the bridge for the landing. Moments later he was crawling off the top of the boxes in the hallway and down into the bridge. Aya flexed her hands anxiously, looking at the screen at the front of the bridge. Ahead and below was the capital world of Geshrintall, its atmosphere giving it a glowing blue aura. As the only officer required to be on the bridge, she was left in here while the rest of the crew were packing. With a slightly frustrated face, she puffed and blew some of her hair away from her eyes, only to have her private moment interrupted by the unexpected presence of Taisa Wazu. "Heram," she greeted him with a polite smile, her expression erased. "Hello Aya" Wazu said with a slight smile as he looked around the bridge, ~so empty~ he thought to himself as he headed to his station, "Do you know how long it will be till we land?" He asked as he sat down in the chair and turned it to face Aya. Seated opposite from his station, there sat an unfamiliar, pale Neko with chalk-white skin and a wide blue stripe running down the centre of her face and neck, dressed in layers of bright white cloth. The Neko spoke with a quiet, half-whisper, "Where to land, Taisa?" "Set the ship down in the Uesureyan Fields please" Wazu said as he briefly turned to address the Neko. Aya looked over to the Neko with slightly raised eyebrows. As if to answer Wazu's questions, she remarked, "Megami has been creating a skeleton crew to replace us." The sprite quietly nodded to Taisa Wazu, "Yes sir." Within minutes, the ship's landing skis pressed onto the seemingly endless flatness that was Uesureyan Fields Starport. "I still don't see the reason that the MEGAMI keeps us around." He said as he looked over the Megami's Neko quickly, then returned his gaze to Aya, "Are you going to be leaving the ship or will you keep an eye on things here while we relocate the crew?" He asked as he stood up from his chair. "I suppose...we all have to leave," Aya frowned. "You have been on duty for a long time." Wazu thought out loud with a thoughtful look on his face, "you should go out and try and enjoy yourself. The Megami can keep track of everything on the ship," he said. "Once the ship is reassigned," the snowy-skinned girl noted to Aya, "You could come back to command the Yui." "You mean I'm to be promoted to Chusa?" Aya inquired, thoughtfully staring out at the rows of starships parked ahead. "Well premature congratulations then Aya" Wazu said right before he turned to leave. Aya was going to say something, but it died in her throat as he left. The side entranceways were connected to stairways, allowing the crew to walk on and off of the destroyer. One of the Megami girls was standing in the hall with a basket of the robes and hats for the departing crew. Aya went out the opposite door, and to her quarters. Wazu got on top of the boxes and crawled to the lab to pack up. Wazu opened the door and looked inside. Data pads and hand drawn notes were strewn about the place and he quickly shut the door and decided to put that off till later. Wazu then headed to the side dock to check out the area for himself. He nodded in acknowledgement to the Megami girl and took one of the hats. He didn't bother with the cape, as he preferred his own white and red robes. Once he reached the outside he looked around. There was a platoon of some 50 nekos marching by, singing cadence. All around for as far as the eye could see, there was flat carrier-deck nonskid deck, populated with starships and patches of cargo elevator, sensor towers, and the tiny figures of patrolling security personnel dotting the crannies like pepper on eggs. The coat-and-hat girl fastened his black robes around his neck before stepped off the ramp, giving him a dirty look before marching back up to the hatchway. The sun shone brightly above, and shadows of passing shuttles occasionally flickered overhead. Wazu scowled off into the distance and toyed around with the cape that was chaffing his neck. He reached up and loosened it slightly before looking around some more, ~perhaps I should call for a shuttle~ he thought as he reached into his robes and pulled out a data pad. A pair of heavily armed male soldiers in striped green jumpsuits and forest green body armor drove up in a small four-wheeled vehicle. The back of the truck was filled with their large rucksacks, missile-launchers, and sleeping blankets. The one in the passenger seat took a moment to check Wazu's female body out. Wazu, completely forgetting that he was in a female body, gave them an odd look for a moment then asked for a ride. "Can you two take me into the city?" he asked. "If you don't mind sitting on our stuff," the driver responded. "I'm Taisa Darien Edwards, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment." "I don't mind" he said as he climbed into the back of the vehicle with the stuff, " I am Taisa Heram Wazu, GSS Yui for the time being" The 3rd Infantry was one of the most experienced (and most male) units in the GSA. These guys looked pretty hardcore, more buff than anyone in the starships. Taisa Edwards had big arms and thighs which could be seen even through the thick mesh-armor. "Where are you headed, Neko?" the Taisa asked. His passenger, a dark-haired buzz-cut Juni, didn't say anything. Wazu looked perplexed, "um... I don't really know this is my first time on this planet." he said as he moved around so that he was slightly more comfortable using his robe and cape as a sort of cushion. "Just into town for right now. I'm just having a look around" "There used to be a town north of here,” commented the Juni. The capital city, along with the Empress, was now only a memory. "It'll take a few hours to get to Pagoda no Uesu by wheels. We'll take you to a shuttle depot." the male Taisa decided. ~Used to?~ he thought to himself. He knew a little about the past of this planet but not much, a virus or some other catastrophe he thought. Wazu looked at the data pad in his hand that was displaying a map of the area, "Could you drive me to Central Uesureya?" "I would appreciate that,” Wazu said as he waited for them to reach their destination. "We're heading to Central to pick up a new truck anyway. And that's where yours shuttles are." Taisa Edwards explained. "We'll be there in no time." And with a jolt of acceleration, the guy floored it. After all, the Legislation had no laws against speeding. Wazu waited in the back for them to arrive and looked around for a seatbelt. After finding none he resigned himself to just sitting. The wide, circular, drill-sergeant-looking hats of the infantrymen finally tilted around as the vehicle slowed, some time later. "Here we are," Taisa Edwards declared, taking an exit ramp off of the main road, and into a city of warehouses, factories, and giant buildings. Wazu waited for them to come to a stop before he hoped out of the vehicle, "thanks for the ride...um do you know where I can get a shuttle?" he asked "Yeah," the buff guy replied. "Over there." He pointed to a garage-like building lit with fluorescent lights. Inside, a few shuttles could be seen. The sign outside said "Security." "Thanks" Wazu said as he turned and walked towards the shuttles. Inside, a few sinister-looking sergeants looked up from their clipboards. "I am looking for a ride to Central Uesureya" Wazu said as confidently as he walked towards them. The sergeants looked at him oddly and laughed. "What is so funny?" he asked "You ARE in Central." The "leader" one pointed a finger. "Oh..." Wazu said as he reached for his data pad again to check the map. "Well then where is the nearest civilian area?" he asked The sergeants snickered teasingly, until a white-haired Shosa came in and shooed them back to work. Two of them slid into a shuttle and took off. The Shosa barely glanced at Wazu before heading back to her office. Wazu shrugged and then turned around and left the security area. He looked around for something fun to do like a bar or something. This place was already getting on his nerves. "Civilian?" The remaining sergeant, a thin purple-haired girl that was younger than the others, followed him. "Civilians are hard to find these days." "I'm off duty. I could help you get where you're going." Wazu slowed his pace a bit and walked with the girl, "well thank you for your help. So why are civilians so hard to find? Surely not everyone could be enlisted." The "W" symbol in the GSA triangle on her shoulder showed that she was part of Zero Fleet. "Most of the civilians lived in the capital. Most of the cities left after the attacks are just military and manufacturing centers." Jadg Wolf joined "Oh... the attacks were worse than I thought." He said, "So what do you do for fun around here?" he asked the girl With a timid little smile, the security girl looked at him. "Me?" She seemed surprised. "Yes you." Wazu said sounding calm, "is there anything like a bar nearby?" "I like to dance, at the club. One of these old warehouses nearby is open for it. I don't think anyone notices me much, but still, it makes me feel...like I'm enjoying my life." the young sergeant tried to explain. "They serve drinks there." "Okay. Lead on then" he said with a smile, "I can't see why no one pays attention to you. You’re quite cute" "My breasts look like bee stings" the slightly underdeveloped Neko complained. "And..." she started, then cut herself off, looking away embarrassedly, the blood giving her cheeks a rosy hue. After a few blocks of cool, humid streets, she pointed to a large warehouse that looked like any other. Outside, there was a small line and a tall bouncer Neko. "Oh come on they aren't that bad" He said as he headed toward the line, "besides it doesn’t matter what your body is like..."he said with all seriousness. ~Well not with the ST machines anyways~ he joked to himself. The water in the air began to condense into tiny particles of mist that bounced on their cheeks, cold and somewhat refreshing as the orange sun passed behind a building on the horizon and night's darkness blossomed. The bouncer recognized the girl and let her in. "She's with me." the young Neko told the gun-carting door Neko, indicating Wazu. Wazu walked inside with the girl and had a look around, "I should buy you a drink for showing me this place,” He said "Oh!" she exclaimed. "You don't have to..." Clinging to Wazu's arm in the pulsating crowd, she spoke loud to be heard over the thumping bass, "My name's Sakai Yuuko" "Well then what should I do to thank you?" he asked as he put a arm around the girl, "And my name is Heram Wazu. It's a pleasure to meet you" He said at the same volume hoping that she had heard him. "This is the sound of Mistress Yggdra Isalfsdottir, in her 6th hour of an 18-hour set!" a European-sounding announcer said in the background. "Bringing it home with the ice groove..." Yuuko wished she had a business card or something. "You get that drink of yours!" she laughed, and old him "I'm going to change." She pointed to a locker room by the huge fans of the "Chill station." "Alright I'll see you later then" he said as he went to the drink bar near the back of the club, "Can I get a hard Ice Tea?" he asked, ~after all who needs mental clarity when your off duty~ he thought to himself. "We got it all." The barkeep winked and snapped his fingers at Wazu, smoothly spinning around to collect the bottle and slide it down the bar so that it came to a halt in front of him. "Two KS." Wazu pulled out his data pad and electronically sent the two KS to the bartender. He then turned around and leaned against the bar as he looked into the crowd for Yuuko Yuuko's small figure reappeared a few moments later in a cute little skirt and halter-top. She also wore thigh-high stockings and had glow-sticks hanging from her garter straps. "Back!" she called out over the THUMPA THUMPA of the subwoofers. "Welcome back" Wazu said as he looked her over, "are you sure I can't get you a drink or something?" "Mmm" she pondered, "How about a Central Special?" she asked. "One Central Special" Wazu asked the bartender before turning back to Yuuko, "That’s a nice outfit. Are you sure no one pays attention to you?" "!" She wiggled in amusement, barely catching her wine bottle. Wazu took a swig of his drink and suppressed some of the Neko regeneration abilities so that the cold numbing sensation of the drink could take hold. He then just smiled at the girl. Taking down a glass of her wine, she took Wazu out into the mass of moving people. As they moved inward, the lighting got darker, which emphasized the glow sticks hanging on her garters and wrist as she started to gyrate to the beat. Wazu tried to dance along but he wasn't that good and moved around to the beat clumsily. He was holding onto Yuuko ever so slightly so that he wouldn't lose her into the mass of people and colored lights. The crowd started moving around a bit more forcing Wazu closer to Yuuko. Yuuko put her hands on Wazu's feminine hips and guided them, trying to add a bit of rhythm. Wazu hugged her lightly using her as a guide for his movements, "Sorry I'm no good at dancing,” he said. The glow sticks bounced off Wazu's hips and legs, lightly tapping against his Neko body as she moved. "Aww, it's easy." she reassured him. Wazu stumbled a bit and then regained his footing, He moved his hands around her waist, "Hey, if you say so. It seems difficult,” he said as he tried to dance along become a little more sure of himself and a little less clumsy. "If you come back, you should wear something besides that uniform. At least take off the robes." Yuuko asked, poking at the heavy clothes. "Aren't you getting hot?" "A little. Mostly because of this cape" he said as he scratched at the attaching points around his neck, "I've gotten used to the robe though." Yuuko slipped her hands up along Wazu's sides, "You're one of the first who has." -- After leaving the Yui and leaving a message for Chiharu, Riyon headed into the city, after a while he came to the same establishment that Taisa Wazu was in. The got stopped by the bouncer at the entrance. He sighed in an exasperated fashion as he tried to deal with the person. Outside the club the bouncer eyed the small guy who seemed to be lost... "Look, I'm just here for a drink or two. I know I look like I'm trouble, but trust me. I have better things on my mind." Riyon said with a slight frown forming on his somber face. He suddenly grinned. "Did you see an awkward looking Neko enter in here? He...um, She is my commanding officer and I'm searching for her." He said. "No business, only pleasure." The big Neko doorwoman answered with a big smile. "Pleasure huh? I'm sure it is." Riyon said with a sardonic grin. "What's it take? An engraved waiting list?" "You don't seem in the mood for having fun." The bouncer said, bouncing the rifle in her hands. "I am, I'm just a bit tired is all." Riyon said brushing a hair out of his face while he looked her over. He subconsciously coiled his tail around his leg as he did. Just when all hope seemed lost, a regular pleaded for him "I'll keep him out of trouble." a Neko from the 2nd Infantry said. "Come on." The bouncer reluctantly agreed. "Thank you." He said and looked at the Neko who was addressing him. She was a strong-looking Neko with perfectly cut deep green hair. "You owe me." she commented once they were inside. "I still can't see why people don't pay attention to you" he said with a smile as they continued to dance "What do I owe you then?" Riyon asked. "Oh, may I ask your name beautiful?" He asked nicely. 'Beautiful' answered, "Matsui Ryoko, 2nd Infantry" Riyon looked at the Neko who got him in. "That's a nice name, mine's Aeriyon. What's the strongest drink here?" He asked, looking over the area. Slick, the barkeep, replied, "This...one." "Would you like on Ms, Matsui?" Riyon asked. "Central Spec...nothing." Ryoko spotted Yuuko's bottle and acquired it, taking a long swig. Riyon looked at Matsui. "Is there anything in particular you wanted in payment for getting me in here?" He asked as he looked at her. " I insist. I'm a man of my word, and I don't like people after me looking to collect on debts." "I suppose not." Ryoko shrugged. She then smiled and walked off into the crowd. "Just pay for their drinks." She pointed to Wazu and Yuuko. Not that she knew them, but they seemed so happy. And with that, she moved into the crowd. -- Seems like your drink is quite popular" Wazu said after seeing that girl take a drink through the shifting crowds and lights. Yuuko pressed her tiny chest against Wazu's, warm and caught in the music and the moment. "Mmm" she smiled, her legs rubbing his. Wazu let her although he was becoming more nervous. He ended up holding her with one hand around her back with another reaching down and rubbing the back of hr thigh. He too was caught in the moment. Yuuko smiled, giggling at him. She was totally immersed in bliss, letting the music control her body, which was pressed firmly against his. Wazu's breathing picked up a bit. He was incredibly nervous right now as he looked down into her eyes. Yuuko pressed her cheek onto Wazu's, and he risked a quick kiss on the girl’s cheek. Yuuko just let it happen, keeping moving as if the kiss was part of the dance. Wazu kept moving in step with her becoming a bit more confident in the dance that he was taking part in "Wazu," Yuuko smiled. "You're not so bad." "Not as good as you... or anyone else in here for that matter." he said knowing that he wasn't all that good, "I feel so great tonight!" she chimed, speaking just loud enough to be heard over the bass. "I just got a promotion to Taii today, and I hear I am getting a transferred to a fancy starship. My new rank takes effect when I get transferred. I'm a bit nervous..." "Do you know which ship?" Wazu asked, "I am being transferred soon too. But I assure you it is nothing to worry about." He said as he held her reassuringly. "DJ Isalfsdottir... In her eleventh hour of her eighteen-hour set!" the announcer warbled in the background, blending into the music. Had it been two hours already? No, wait...five hours! "I know it's in the first fleet." Wazu's heart dropped, "I should be heading back soon..." he thought out loud but under his breath, "Well you should drop me a line sometime once you know which ship you are being transferred too." He said to her loud enough to be heard over the blaring speakers and the noise of the crowd. "Oh, I thought I was the only one who was tired!" she sleepily laughed, sticky with the moisture of the club, her skirt hiked up from rubbing against him so much. "Let’s...leave together. I don't want to say goodbye just yet," she grinned. "Neither do I," he said with a smile as he led her out of the crowd. His robes were also getting weighed down with the moisture inside of the club. "I'll pick up my uniform some other time,” she said to herself, stumbling out of the club, exhausted. "Ohh!" He caught her as she stumbled, "are you alright?" he asked. "I'm a little bit dizzy. Nekos weren't meant to exercise for so long..." she murmured, gently wrapping her arm around his waist, shivering a bit. He held her close and started walking her down the street a bit, "are you cold? And where to now?" "Back to the station. I live there. It's only a few blocks." Wazu stopped and looked around, "um... which way is that?" She quietly pointed. He led them off in that direction. He made sure to keep her steady as they walked to her home. "you must be cold in that outfit" Wazu said as he stopped for a moment to take off and put his robe around her revealing his uniform. "Thank you so much for the great evening, Heram." "The pleasure was all mine. I should be thanking you." He said with a smile as they arrived at the station. Yuuko stood on her toes and leaned into him, her lips moving to his. "Mmm" Wazu went wide-eyed for a moment as they kissed but he soon relaxed and kissed her back. It lasted a long time, but it still seemed too short when it ended. With a smile and a wave, the little Neko went back into the station. Wazu smiled and waved back hoping that he'd be able to meet her again, "now... how do I get back to the ship?" he laughed to himself slightly as he looked around for a ride back. Kitsurugi Yui 9/3/03 11:55 Catching Up [Silvershot] Onboard the Silvershot: Zeph looked back to the others, "Hey I guess that we'll be landing on Geshrintall since the Yui left while we had our picnic." Geminasu, "Well, shoot...we should have kept a sensor lock on the Yui or something." Siaga rolled on the floor, and yawned and put head on alpha female's foot. The seat we in order kind of like an auditorium style with the pilot's seat at the front. Zeph, "Sorry I know ship looks like a private plane or something but hey try to relax, we'll get there." he said. Lavinia laughed at the wolf puppy in soft tone of voice and leaned down and stroked his head gently and scratched his little ears, knowing that they were a sensitive area. "you look bored Siaga." She chuckled. Siaga started to snooze on her foot he was happy to be with alpha female again. Inari raised her well-trimmed eyebrows, and blinked in surprise. "The orders must have been urgent. We were already fully stocked. Maybe it was some sort of emergency?" She looked a bit concerned. She was still dressed in the civilian clothes she had worn from the picnic, since she had expected to return to the Yui. "Maybe we should turn on the news?" She smiled and let the little tired puppy sleep. Lavinia looked over at Inari, raising a single eyebrow at her, it's unexpected, that is for sure, and perhaps something has happened." She said. Trouble look around and various boxes sitting around, "So Zeph what are the boxes for?" she asked him Zeph looked to Inari and pressed a button as a small holo-projected screen came up in front of Inari. "Go ahead just treat like a console it'll respond. And the boxes are my person supplies Trouble." he said turning back around. Lavinia tried in vain to brush the bang in her face behind her ear as she looked at Zeph. "Will you pass me a data pad please?" She asked as she wrestled with the hair. Inari looked around at the control panels. She was used to the MEGAMI operating system that the Yui used, and was unsure how to work the controls. Rather than figure them out, she resolved not to mess with them out of fear of accidentally changing the settings. She was leaning forward over a physical panel, so when the hologram appeared, it was right in her face, prompting a startled "Eep!" out of her. Zeph pressed a button a data pad popped out by Lavinia's seat. "Thank you." She said as she reached for the data pad without any signs of surprise. "I imagine that you have buttons for everything on here?" She asked Zeph as he intelligent oceanic blue eyes tracked information as it appeared on the data pad, having given up on the lock of hair in her face. "oh my." She breathed as the information on the latest events scrolled up. Zeph, "Sorry about that Inari." His hand went behind head as he thought ~Oops gotta be careful don't wanna freak anyone out here.~ Geminasu sat in his seat and thought aimlessly about recent events. At Inari's cautious button presses, the news came up in the form of another nearby holo-picture. "You're watching the GSE News Network, GNN" a well-dressed civilian man smiled, and the screen cut to the anchor-woman. "Today, the morning on Nepleslia began with a global rash of riots. Government soldiers fired on the crowds, only added to the fury..." "It looks like our fleet has suffered some intense losses recently." She said as slight tears started to form at the tragic news. Geminasu heard that and sat forward suddenly "Holy... Zeph could play that on the main screen instead!" he said. Zeph looked back, "Sure thing," he said and the main viewscreen played the newscast in front of everyone. "...Reports indicate that the Nepleslian Government has all but totally collapsed... The First Fleet, temporarily decommissioned after its loss of both Assault Groups, is expected to lead an occupation force to the Nepleslian worlds..." the news said, now on the main screen as well. "The Nepleslians? From what I remember, they were relatively peaceful." Lavinia said in full shock. She cast a sidelong glance at Inari to read her reaction to the news. Inari continued to watch the reports with interest, frowning ever so slightly as the news showed a group of Nepleslian surgeons trying to operate on a wounded soldier, while a few feet away a police officer and a soldier in a small mecha fired lasers and chainguns at disgruntled citizens. "...A peace treaty with the government forces is said to be in the works. Such a treaty would allow Nepleslian Emperor John Whitman to remain in power, while the Nepleslian worlds moved under GSA control." Lavinia sighed. She didn't like the idea of the military using that kind of force against civilians. "I wonder what we're going to do about that problem?" She said more or less to herself as her thoughts raced on the situation. Geminasu looked a little disgusted at the fact this was happening. He looked to Zeph, "Is there any way you can get us to Geshrintall faster Zeph?" The video footage showed another scene, this time the burning wreckage of a small army transport helicopter, the same model as the GSA still used, with looters and gang members running by with wads of cash and weaponry in the background." Zeph looked to Geminasu, "Of course but you all might wanna hang on to your seats. It’s quite a speed jump." he said. "That is just horrible!" Lavinia said in an exasperated tone of voice as she subconsciously picked up Siaga and hugged the puppy gently. and cuddled the puppy close to her like she always did when she was worried or scared. Siaga awoke being held his tail wagged happily but he couldn’t breathe very well. Lav noticed the puppy's breathing and loosened her grip some. and scratched his ears. "Sorry." she said softly. Siaga tail wagged very happily. "It would be nice to have the same thoughts as you, completely innocent and loving everything around you." She muttered. "I hope that everyone on the Yui is alright." Lav said as concern marked her normally cute face. "In other news," the scene switched to a view of two huge Yuumi Battleships, "Kitsurugi Fleet Yards, Tabidatsu has completed the construction of the two newest Battleships, the GSS Kikyô and GSS Empire. These ships were finished just two weeks after construction finished on the GSS Ketsurui Chiharu at the Geshrin branch of the giant shipbuilder. The company is expected to monopolize the production of military craft if their competitor, Qel'noran Shipyards, does not become a 'Major Corporation' soon. Qel'noran Shipyards, meanwhile, has nearly completed the Integrated Strike Force Battleship, which has yet to be named. Ironically, the last features are being installed at Kitsurugi Fleet Yards." Lav chuckled a bit as the irony relieved some of the tension she felt. "Inari, what do you think about all this?" She asked her fellow crewmember. Zeph looked back and said, "Hang on we're gonna get really moving here so we can get to Geshrintall faster." The anchorwoman finished the story as the camera switched back to her, "The Ketsurui Chiharu and the Strike Force Battleship, whose name is rumored to be the Seigi, are both headed for the new First Fleet, each the head of an Assault Group." The news then cut to a third story: "A new investigation revealed last night that the Empress Kitsurugi Yuumi could still be alive. A surviving personal guard claims that a secret copy of a relatively recent ST Backup was stored away, and could be used to revive the late Empress. Kitsurugi Yuumi was killed with some 2 million other imperial citizens during an Elysian Attack." "That can't be. When did that attack happen!" Lav asked in shock. Trouble looked surprised at the announcement, "Oh my." she said quietly. "We have to get back to the ship as soon as possible. Thankfully we're making good time I think." She said. "In economic news, experts predict that while most of the money currently is..." the news went on, while Inari spoke up and answered. "That was a while ago, when the military took over the government." "Oh...I didn't know that." Lav replied as a slow flush crossed her face. "I guess I missed quite a bit." Zeph "We'll be approaching Geshrintall in about ten hours." he said out loud. Seeing as she couldn't do much as she was stuck on the Silvershot she relaxed in her seat while stroking the young pup's soft fur as she slowly drifted off toward sleep "...are encouraging citizens to start their own businesses. Soldiers are looking for places to spend their KS, and thus new ventures would have a great opportunity to..." the news continued in the background. Inari closed out her news window, leaving only the one on the main screen. "I wonder if we'll be reassigned?" she asked Lavinia, her mind pondering the fleet restructuring. She waited a few seconds for an answer before she turned to Lav, only to discover she'd passed out. ~WE most likely will be Inari~ Lav answered telepathically. She was still awake ~I hope not though, but what they says goes.~ Kitsurugi Yui 8/26/03 12:01 Command Prerogative (to Wolf) From GSA no Mistress-Taisho Kitsurugi Yui: "Chujo Wolf, you are promoted to Taisho. You have 24 hours to get the 5th Fleet out of Python sector and back to Geshrintall. I have appointed Acting-Chujo Hoshi Koigokoro to manage the sector in your absence. When your fleet is assembled here at home, you will join forces with elements of the GSA 3rd Fleet for a large-scale operation. As you know, the NDI is on the move in the beginning of what could be their biggest conflict. We have several...opportunities. I would eventually like to see the NDI's resources at our disposal, so it's our secret goal to see that they get their knees knocked out of under them. In addition, we will have a great chance to recover some of their craft and observe their technology close-up. On the other hand, it is also our job to ensure that they don't loose. Just at the brink, where they're more likely to ask for assistance, and then we ride in on the white horse as heroes. I know this is rather devious, but you're a pro at devious, I've heard, and we should let this pass us by." "Alright?" Jadg Wolf 8/26/03 16:14 To Taisho Kitsurugi Yui: "First of all let me say thank you for the promotion. I will do my best to carry out your orders as a Taisho. "Everything is green. I'll order the Fifth Fleet out of the Python Sector at once. I'll await the order to move when we arrive at Geshrintall. --Wolf." - "All Fifth Fleet ship Captains : Use whatever means or route you wish to return to Geshrintall within 18 hours. We will regroup after we have re-established communications with each other in the space above Geshrintall. --Taisho Wolf" Kitsurugi Yui 8/27/03 5:39 A cute, short-haired intelligence officer handed Wolf an electronic notepad. It was labelled "Top Secret." Further inspection would reveal it was from the Wicked's Taisa, Kessaku Irim. Key points of the message were: -The Nepleslian Government is collapsing. -Pirates and Mercenary numbers are on the sharp rise. -You are in command of the GSA 3rd Fleet now. -Leave your Subjugator-Class ships behind until needed. -We will get you to slip some supplies to the NDI's enemies at some point. -Extreme discretion and secrecy needed. Kitsurugi Yui 9/8/03 8:53 Catching a Ride Riyon was standing in the lobby of a hotel in Central where he had spent the previous night after attending to some personal business. His clear steel gray eyes swept the area looking for a familiar face. A few elaborately-dressed nekos (the first he had ever seen wearing earrings) walked by, their fancy shoes making their every footstep on the thick marble floor resonate against the sturdy, high ceiling. Above, murals were painted all around the massive room, depicting various scenes of nekos enjoying themselves. He whistled to himself at the sight of murals, they hadn't been there last time he was here. He found his eyes following the elaborately dressed nekos around; he shrugged it off as male nature and started walking for the door. Central Uesureya appeared to be a very civilian city on the outside, full of art and culture and urban life, though, in reality, it was a strictly military city; everyone here was working for the GSA, or one of the Major Corporations. He looked around at the various people going about their business, he sighed to himself and adjusted his trench coat and started back toward his ship. Outside the door, a sports-car-looking Military Police cruiser hummed by, occupied by an NH-X pair in black GSA body armor. "Hmm, it's too far to just walk back to the ship. I suppose I'd better go see about getting a ride...but who to ask?" He wondered to himself as a slight breeze rustled his hair, his tail stretched out behind him then coiled over his shoulder. He looked around for signs of anyone shipping or transporting goods around. A man in a white lab coat hurriedly made his way down the street, carrying a briefcase marked "Biohazard." A trio of PNUgen nekos followed him around, providing security. More cars, vans, and trucks rolled by on the city street, carrying everything from WickedArms ammo boxes to brand new nekos in their bags. He looked to see where they were coming from to ask for a lift. They were probably from the PNUgen complex down the road. He sighed and headed in that direction. Riyon reached the complex several minutes later and looked around for someone who was just getting ready to leave with a shipment. His tail started to slither around in mute frustration. A cute little neko with short, purple hair made her way down the street, wearing the GSA's black robes, and a cloak with the Zero Fleet logo, surrounded by the Geshrin Security Forces crest. She was a Sergeant. Above, a Yui-Class Starship glided by, moving to land somewhere within the PNUgen storage base. A large PNUgen hospital and shopping area were nearby. Apparently a very large portion of the city was the Corporation's turf, and the street he was looking across was where it began. On the other side, the GSA sentries ended and their PNUgen counterparts began. More traffic went by, and the Sergeant turned the corner, heading down the street back towards the Central Hotel, which was one of many skyscrapers in this middle section of the city. He sighed and walked over to the GSA sentries. "Excuse me." He said. "But I need a lift back to the starship docks, could one of you tell me where I could get one in a hurry?" The group of sentries, also all sergeants, turned and faced him, their conversation ending abruptly. The leader, a Chusa, looked a bit frustrated that he didn't give her a chance to speak. The purple-haired little one stopped for a moment to see if the three nekos needed anything. The Chusa said, "Which starship docks? There are hundreds in Central." Another looked at his cloak, "He's First Fleet." The third of the trio commented, "He fall out of the sky or something? Maybe he's tired of the Elysians kicking his ass." "Hey!" the little loner said. "We don't need that." She was probably from a different precinct. Riyon growled to himself. "I wasn't involved in that battle. I was here on planet on some personal business." He said with raised brow at the loner, talking to them and looking at her in a sidelong glance. "I look forward to slaughtering some Elysians, but for some reason or another, we haven't been able to." He added/ "Get back to the warehouses." The Chusa told the lone sergeant. "But back to the point. I need a ride back to the docks where the GSS Yui is at." He said to the Chusa. The lone security girl turned to walk back towards her area. As she turned, Riyon could see she had a PNUgen pamphlet in her hand, showing a variety of nekovalkyrja on it. Riyon looked after her for a quick minute. "Hmm... Do you know where I could get a ride back the GSS Yui?" He asked the Chusa "Where is the Yui?" the short little neko asked, watching the inner-city security nekos shrug and go about their business, leaving them. "It's in a dock about 100 miles or so to the south." He replied, turning to look at her. "You mean Uesureyan Fields Starport?" she looked at him questioningly. "Yes I think that's the one." He said. "Whoa." she said. "We'll have to take my shuttle. I have a Kitty Two back at my station." "That'd be nice. I'd appreciate it, my name's Aeriyon by the way, what's yours?" He asked nicely. "I'm Sakai Yuuko," the girl said. "I'm supposed to transfer to the first fleet soon." "I'm glad, we can always use more people. I saw you at that club a couple days ago dancing with my superior officer." He chuckled a bit as he remembered Wazu's angst. "Oh? You know Wazu?" her eyes lit up. "She's got...a bit of a problem, but yeah I know him....er... her." Riyon said, knowing that Wazu was a guy inside and that's how he viewed him, but maybe Yuuko didn't need to know. "I was watching. you're a good dancer." he said. "Hrm? Oh!" she blushed, covering her face with a black-gloved hand. The sun blinked off of the gold rank on her beret. Riyon had to grin at her, she was pretty cute looking like that. "Did I offend you?" he asked. "Sorry if I did." "Oh, no, it's just that I don't consider myself so great...I mean...." she trailed off, still shy. "I was watching and you're not bad at all." he smiled in the form of a smirk at her. She began walking down the street, leading him away from the city's tall center into the GSA's warehouse district. He followed her carefully, remembering the place. "How long have you had the shuttle?" he asked, trying to make conversation. "Since I was born." she grinned. "Hopefully they'll let me keep it when I transfer. I've worked out of this station all my life." "I don't know if they will, the shuttle bays on the ship I'm on is rather small, but there's probably bigger ones. I've been a little bit of everywhere, but sometimes it's good to come home after so long." He said as they walked toward the shuttle. "I asked to get transferred to the biggest ship they could put me on. I'm so used to the city..." He sighed a bit. "I've always been alone, so I'm used to it. I'm being transferred, though do where I don't really know. I hate that, not knowing." "I hope my ship has a club." "You like to party, I could tell that from the other night. Well, I've heard that the larger ships have those." He said. She let out a bubbly giggle as she led him into a garage through the open door to the street. Inside, several shuttles rested on the gray floor. She made her way towards the one on the end. He smirked and followed her to her shuttle. Starting to wonder where he was going. "Going somewhere?" a Taii asked. "Who's the male?" The officer eyed Riyon's package. Riyon flushed slightly. "I asked her for a ride back to the Uesureyan Fields Spaceport." He said defensively. "Shikoko!" Yuuko grinned at the Taii, who was wearing a blue kimono. Then, to Riyon: "Shikoko was actually a former member of the GSS Yui's crew, in her enlisted days. That was when Yui was only a Taisa." Riyon looked up suddenly. "What are you doing now?" He asked her. "The station commander, Shinami, was too." she added. "I have read their files, but I didn't think I'd get to meet them." Riyon said grinning. Shikoko looked down from the catwalk she was on "I'm the first officer of this station. And you would be?" "Me? I'm just a lowly soldier who's looking for a way back to the Yui." He replied, looking up. Shikoko grunted. Meanwhile, Yuuko had opened the shuttle's rear door and was climbing inside. The back was pretty spacious. "Not in the best of moods I see." He said and turned back to Yuuko. He shrugged and crawled inside after her. "whoa, this is pretty spacious." He said. Yuuko climbed up into the pilot's seat, and pressed a button. Riyon looked for another seat... Aeriyon Elisias Ah, Back to the Ship 9/8/03 14:44 Riyon turned to look at Yuuko after they had landed at the Fields, He had been silent the whole ride back from not knowing what to talk about. He felt he had to say something... "Yuuko, Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it." He said. "Oh!" Yuuko sleepily smiled. "It's no problem. It can be hard getting around without a vehicle." She ran a hand through her deep purple hair, arching her back in a stretch. The sun was setting, shining orange light on her chest, glinting off of her rank as she breathed. He grinned slyly. "You know, as the light hits you from that direction. It only amplifies your natural beauty." He said with a grin, knowing full well he was hitting on her. He sighed and stretched, extending his tail then coiling it around his shoulders and chest. "What do I owe you for it?" He asked. Yuuko made an exaggerated embarrassed expression, giggling slightly. "I don't know." she grinned sheepishly. He chuckled a bit and looked her over, and popped his neck. "Name it, I like to pay favours back as soon as I can." He said, his eyes wondering over her body. He shook his head and stopped. "Erm?" She looked at his eyes, then to her tiny chest. She laughed lightly, quietly. "Awwww." cooed. He blushed suddenly as he realized she caught him. "Sorry." he said ashamed. Her dark, black eyes peered at him questioningly, moving around behind him, and moved her arms around his waist. "It's fine." she told him. His eyes widened slightly as she did. It had been the first time in years a woman had done this to him. He couldn't remember what to do. "Um....really?" He asked questioningly. His tail uncoiled itself from his leg and wrapped around her slender waist gently. "Eep!" She squeaked in surprise. He smiled at her gently. "Don't worry, it's just my tail." He said. Yuuko made an odd face, but he couldn't see it. "If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll call it back." He chuckled mildly as his tail loosened around her. "I...um..." she shook her head. "Yes?" He asked letting her hold him still. "Say what you want, I won't hold it against you." "I was wondering if Wazu was around, actually." she admitted. "He's most likely on the ship. May I ask why you need him?" He said without thinking and let it slip if she didn't already know. A few trucks full of infantry guys came out of nowhere, coming close to hitting them, squealing its tires as it slid sideways and then shot off in the rows of Subjugator-Class Landing Ships. Riyon looked after the truck, somehow knowing it wouldn't hit them. "What was that about?" He asked. Yuuko frowned, letting go of him. "Just the usual, really." "I'm sorry Yuuko, but Wazu's most likely up in the Yui." He said turning to look at her. "Oh, well, tell him I stopped by, ok?" she smiled, turning to go back to her shuttle. "I had better be heading back."' "I'll do that." He said with a grin. "Thanks again." He said and turned to walk to the ship. Alexis Jaren 9/9/03 23:41 A Disappointing Encounter ON>>GSS Yui, Kago Nanashi's quarters, forward section. Nashi lay on her side in her hammock, her back to the doorway, sleeping soundly. Her new roommate, Sai, was dozing in a pile of pillows and blankets borrowed from one of the nests. Both were worn out from the "lessons" that Sai had been teaching Nashi about how to have fun without...injuring your partner beyond repair, to put it mildly. The chair was across the room from Sai's bed, the VR simulator hanging on one of the posts that formed the back. Uso lay back in her nest staring blankly up at the ceiling of the Yui. Her bags still lay in the corner of her nest still packed from when she had got here, ~I guess I will be leaving soon~ Uso thought to herself as ideas about the new ship crept into her head. She jolted up slightly as it hit her that she still had things to do on this ship before she moved on. She rolled over and stood up taking the few short steps to her bags. As she unzipped the bag she started attaching a holster and then pulled one of the pistols. A fresh magazine was slammed in the pistol before she placed it in her holster. Uso then walked out into the hallway after checking one of the datapads. As she crawled along the boxes she saw Wazu heading back into his lab without his robe on. Thinking nothing of it, she simply continued to the forward section, "Now if I was a hidden Neko, where would I be?" she asked herself as she looked around. Nashi snorted and turned over, now facing the door...Outside, the room was still marked as a visitor's quarters. Otherwise, it was in full sight. ~Not many rooms here~ Uso thought to herself as she reviewed the schematics of the ship that she had in her head. She resolved to search all of them, starting on the right side of the ship. Eventually she came to a locked door. ~This is it then~ she thought to herself, "Megami please unlock this door" Uso said knowing that it was useless to try and hide her actions from the Megami. "Access Denied," came the curt reply. "This room is restricted by the order of Taisho Ketsurui and Taisa Jaren." The door remained closed. Uso couldn't help mock the computer as a slit of red crossed her palm and slowly oozed blood, "Oh, access denied? I suppose I am not important enough to see what is inside. Or that I should get Wazu's permission and rank to get inside. Yep that is what I will do" Uso said as she applied a thin strip or adhesive material to the door's locking mechanism. "'Oh Wazu, may I pleeese open this door?'" she asked with a laugh as the material started to eat through the doors casing allowing Uso to play with the interior locking mechanism. "'Sure it is fine by me,'" Uso said in a bad imitation of his voice as she shorted out the lock and slid the door open. "This room is restricted to admit Alexis and Chiharu only, Uso. Cease whatever you are doing and leave, or I will report this to the Taisho," objected Megami, but was ignored. Inside, Nashi's ear twitched as it detected the sound of the door being opened. Her ruby eyes half-opened, but she didn't move. "Hello, Nashi?" Uso asked in a soft whisper as she slid into the room, ignoring Megami completely as usual. She knew that she would get into a lot of trouble for this but this was going to be her last opportunity before they changed ships and she wasn't sure if Nashi would be coming with. "Megami, Taisa Alexis gave me authorization to do this," Uso said, an outright lie, but Megami had no way of confirming it so it would at least buy Uso a few moments. "If he did, he should have reported authorization with me first. You are still not authorized to enter here," came the reply. Nashi stilled her ears, but kept eavesdropping on the conversation. What was going on? That wasn't Mommy's voice...nor Daddy's. And Sai was still asleep, she knew. Nashi brought her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes the rest of the way, pretending to be asleep. Megami filed a trespassing report, sending it directly to Chi. "Well then, check with him if you don't believe me," Uso said as she looked around the room. "You must be Nashi," Uso said in a soothing voice as she walked up to her. ~So that is where Sai has been~ she thought to herself "The Taisa is no longer on the vessel. You should know that." The computer fell silent, resigning herself to recording the proceedings for evidence. A number of hidden backups were being made and updated, in case Uso decided to do anything...subversive, even though Megami was close to unhackable. "Go away," came a small voice from under the blankets in the hammock. "You don't belong in here." "I received a transmission while I was on Ralfaris," Uso said to the roof of the room as she turned to look at Nashi once more. "It's ok I just want to talk" Uso said in the same soothing voice, "Can I just ask you a few questions?" The Neko-shaped lump turned over and didn't answer. Sai, meanwhile, woke but didn't open her eyes. Uso tried scanning Nashi's thoughts. The standard blank-mind defence was active. The child-like Neko felt the intrusion and squirmed in the hammock. "GET OUT!" she suddenly yelled, sending it as a telepathic burst as well. Uso registered the mental attack as little more than a bump as it was useless unless she could direct it against something in Uso's mind. "I just want to talk to you Nashi. Alexis wanted me to." Again, an outright lie, but one that couldn't be proven for the time being. Nashi shook her head. "Daddy told me to listen to nobody but Mommy. And you're not Mommy," she replied stubbornly. "Mommy?... Daddy?...Do you have the mental capasity of a child?" Uso asked surprised. Sai smiled slightly to herself on her pillows. This was almost funny. Uso was actually offended, "To think that YOU could possibly be the next generation of ASTFAOW," she said in an annoyed voice. "What exactly do you do to your enemies? Embarrass them to death that they are fighting a child?" Nanashi frowned under her blankets. Her mind had already found several ways of killing Uso, but this wasn't a game...and she had to get Mommy's permission first. But in the meantime her favourite way was recycling itself through her brain over and over, each time getting better than the last. She couldn't...it wasn't allowed...Her conscious mind was still blank on the surface, the rest focusing on the conversation. Uso sighed and brought her right hand up to massage the side of her head. "This is pointless... goodbye Nashi," Uso said as she turned to leave. Nashi didn't reply. Sai relaxed slightly, waiting for the door to close. Uso closed the door and then repaired the locking system. ~Perhaps I should give that....thing...an opportunity to prove itself,~ Uso thought to herself. Once the door had been fixed she headed back to her quarters Sai slowly got up from her bedding and walked over to Nanashi, who lay trembling under her blankets. "It's alright, Nashi, she's gone now," the Geshrin girl said softly, putting a hand on the frightened Neko. "You did okay. Nothings going to happen now." I hope, she thought. Everyone could get in a lot of trouble if this ever got out. "I hope Chi knows what to do," she whispered, sitting herself on the hammock and holding Nashi's hand until the Neko had fallen back into an unsettled sleep. OFF>> Alexis Jaren 9/10/03 0:21 Security Report Megami decided to send a text message to Chi. A message alert appeared on a console, requesting Chi's attention. ---- Att: Taisho Ketsurugi Chiharu From: MEGAMI "Security Breach: There has been an unauthorized access to test weapon Kago Nanashi's quarters by Intel officer Tasuki Uso. See attached security file for details." --- An audio-video attachment replayed what had ensued, sensor records included the attempted telepathic exchange. Meanwhile, MEGAMI's sprites crowded around the door. "Taii Uso Tasuki, you are under arrest for violation of items 1 and 3 of Proposal 28, and item 3 of Proposal 36. You will surrender yourself immediately, or be killed." MEGAMI, not finding any laws against destruction of property, had charged Uso with assaulting a superior officer and endangering ship safety through breach of security. Tasuki Uso 9/10/03 7:43 Invalid arguments... Uso opened the door and…yawned. “Sorry Megami but I did not actually strike anyone, so I didn’t breach proposal 28. Proposal 36 wasn’t breached by me either because no one was actually in danger. I do not remember assaulting a superior officer either.” Uso said as she leaned against the doorframe. “However if you do want to be specific with the laws the Nashi violated Proposal #28 when she attacked me.” Uso’s face had changed from one of sleepiness to one with her all knowing smirk as she watched the Megami sprites. One the sprites snatched Uso's sidearm out of its holster, while the others kept rifles levelled at Uso's head. The brightly-dressed avatar pointed to the damaged part of the door. "That," the pale woman said grimly, "is part of me. And..." she pointed at the rank on her white robes, "I am a Taisa. You violated proposal 36 by, through disobedience and intentional misconduct, endangering the safety of military property. You also violated my orders to stop. You are hereby demoted to Shoi and placed under arrest until trial. You will be escorted to the Prison at Uesureyan Fields. I have already notified the Security Forces." Outside, Yuuko's shuttle was landing again... “There are no laws against violating orders and your safety was never threatened.” Uso said as she let the neko take the weapon without moving to stop her. “I can’t prevent you from lowering my rank or taking me to prison but the trial will find that I have not breached any of the GSA’s laws.” Uso turned to address the brightly dressed avatar, “I also want to talk to Chi later once she is available.” Kitsurugi Yui 9/11/03 8:19 Awards Ketsurui Chiharu, Aya, Arume, Tasuki Uso, Acara, Izumi, Shira, Tomoyo, Sgzyr, Tobias Geminasu, Sai, Amy, Harume, Akari, and Inari: You are awarded the Service Award for completion of the mission to destroy the planetary superweapon built by the Elysians. Kai Ashigari 9/11/03 13:37 Leaving the Yui. Kai had gathered up his possessions and folded up the cot that seen such sparse use. He sighed a bit as he empathically gave the rosewhip image of fire and heat, causing it to shrink back from it's fully grown state to it's normal, tough leathery whip form. He picked it up, being very careful not to prick himself on its razor sharp thorns. "Well, I didn't spend too much time on this ship, I believe that this was the shortest assignment I've ever had...Wait, no, that one Transport ship was shorter." He said with a heavy sigh. He put the bags of belongings near the door as he read through the possible assignments. He carefully considered the one that would need his service the most. But for some odd reason, his mind wandered back to Uso. He began to wonder how she was using this "off" time. He stretched, popping his neck and arms. He stepped out of the room and went to look for her to see what she was going to do. Aeriyon Elisias 9/10/03 8:39 Considering repercussions Riyon had said goodbye to Yuuko and boarded the lift back onto the ship. He sighed as he started thinking about this whole mess that the first fleet was in. He knew that because of the battle with the Elysian fleet, that the GSA first had lost many of its personnel. "I'm so sick of spending my life to wage pointless wars. I've spent all these years in the military, and for what? I've gotten virtually nothing out of it." He said to himself. ~Other than immortality of sorts.~ He added mentally. He walked to his quarters, his tail whipping around languorously as he did, he was silently getting frustrated with the situation. "I wonder just how hard it'd be to do something useful for our side? Like capturing or destroying an elysian vessel single-handedly." He wondered as he sat down on his makeshift bed. He sighed and pulled out a datapad out of a small area in his pack and created a soul backup. He repeated the action 2 more times, each on different pads. He was planning to do something that may require those. He sat cross-legged considering what he'd need for what he wanted to do. First, he had to get a ship, even a Ronin Fighter would do the trick. And he needed something to gain the Elysian trust, even for a short time. He gathered all his belongings up as he was most likely going to be reassigned to another ship. He contemplated the possibilities. He figured out the first part of his plan, he needed a ship. So he looked into a datapad for info on prices and available ships/shuttles. He smirked as he saw a small Ki-T1 for sale from KFY, he wire transferred about 2500 KS to pay for it. "I can get it in Central eh?" He said to himself, looking over the electronic invoice. He nodded and got to his feet, picking up his old rucksack with most of his more important belongings. He paused for a moment to leave a message for Chiharu, Wazu, and Geminasu. It read: "I've left this ship and crew, I may or may not return, do not worry, I know what I'm doing. If I don't come back, someone please tell Inari that I'm sorry for all the trouble I must have caused her."---Riyon. He chuckled as he sent the message and grabbed his bag and walked to the lifts of the ship, rode them down, intending not to return. Aeriyon Elisias 9/11/03 20:42 Becoming an agent... and a new body. Ryion paused as he left the ship and sat near a stack of boxes leaning against it. ~Perhaps, just running off isn't the best idea, maybe I should ask SAINT to be and undercover agent.~ He thought as he pulled out a datapad. He sent a message asking Taisho Wolf about it. "Please Excuse my forwardness, but I would like to become an undercover agent for SAINT. My name is Aeriyon Elisias, soldier." He sent. Wolf looked to the Teacher for split second, said "Business" and rose from his chair, picking up the datapad receiving the message. "Aeriyon, huh?" The name was familiar, he remembered seeing it somewhere around PNUgen. "So that's it? Just want to become a SAINT?" "Why?" He added. "Well, the military isn't getting me anywhere. And I was planning on capturing an Elysian Vessel and bringing it back to us." He replied curtly. "I'd prefer to be an agent than just going rogue." He added. "Excuse me...." He put the datapad down. He burst out laughing. He couldn't return to the datapad for a few minutes. He picked it up, calmer but still chuckling a bit. "You plan on capturing an Elysian ship by yourself? What are you, NH-8?" "Genetically modified geshrin." Riyon replied. "But I'll ST into one if that's what it requires, though I'd prefer the Nh-X twin system." He sent laughing ever so slightly. He knew it was outrageous, but this was probably the best way for him to go about it. "Whatever you want, just one with shadowshifter-like qualities. Do you have combat experience?" "Yes, I have some." He replied honestly. "Ok, fine. You're a SAINT now." He laughed out loud again. Damn, this was funny. He thought he could take on an Elysian ship by himself with only some combat experience? From what he'd heard, Wolf with his years of training would still have an extremely hard time getting onboard and Elysian ship and commandeering it. "How do you plan to carry out your operation?" Wolf asked. "Using a single shuttle, acting to be a GSA deserter, possibly with a high ranking clone as bait perhaps." He said "Or most likely posing as a mercenary." "Type 2, eh?" He nodded. At least the kid didn't want to go on some kind of kamikaze attack run. "Good. What's your rank?" "Um... Soldier." He replied "I'd say tell them you're a Taii, get rank pins for it, bring a clone of the Taisa, or some other high-ranker you know. That's just my advice." "Silenced weapons. Explosives. A rifle. All GSA. Bring more shit if you want, if you give 'em a shipload of GSA weapons, they'd love you probably." "Where could I get rank pins?" He asked. "Hemosynth one." Wolf replied. Riyon nodded on the other side as he leaned against the boxes, mentally jotting it down. "I'm on Geshrintall now, is there somewhere you suggest to get supplies?" He asked. "Hemosynthesis." He repeated patiently. "I need a body first." He said. "that should take what? maybe an hour at most?" "Find an avatar. I got an NH-8 in all of two seconds." "Or if you can't find one, buy one or something." "I'm still near the GSS Yui, maybe the Megami could get me into one." "Go for it" "Thanks Wolf, I really appreciate it, anything else I should know?" He asked. "Watch your back, of course. Make sure you know how to fly an angel ship." "Download the info during ST correct?" "Yes." @#%$, he had learned how to drive through download.... "Hemosynth whatever else you need. Trust Active Stealth, use FWN Thermal Retina." "I will. Thanks, I'd better get that body then." Riyon said. Wolf promptly dropped the datapad as he laughed his ass off. After speaking with Taisho Wolf, Riyon rode the lift back into the Yui and walked for the Medbay so get an ST. He entered the room and looked around to see if anyone was in there. The medbay was empty. The orders were to leave the ship, and he was one of the only ones left. "Dammit." He swore. Then addressed the Megami. "Megami, is it possible to get a ST into a Nh-X male body?" He asked hopefully. Megami knew what was going on through her ship; it was her job. It was no surprise when she answered as soon as he finished talking. "An NH-X has two bodies." He sighed, he had forgotten that little stipulation. "Well, is it possible to get a male neko body?" "No. Nekos are, by definition, female." "Is there anyway to remain male and still be a neko?" He asked. "I need a body with shadowshifter-like abilities." He added. "If you had a counterpart." Megami commented. "If you need a shadowshifter, then you ought to request one of those types." "Unfortunately I do not have a willing counterpart, but maybe I could find one though it is highly unlikely." Riyon replied to the enigmatic AI. "So thus, I suppose I could take the shadowshifter and shift to a male form I'm used to." He said. "I doubt it. You see, the twins are supposed to work in a near-perfect harmony." "Like identical twins. I understand the concept." He commented. "I hereby change my request to ST into a NH-11 shadowshifter." He declared. "Explain your need for one." Megami inquired. "I am going on a SAINT mission that requires the use of one, by recommendation of Taisho Wolf." He said. "One moment." Megami contacted her 'sister' computer onboard the Kiyomizudera. Ryion sighed as he awaited the reply. He patiently awaited Megami's response hoping for a positive one. Megami_D030.Q3SP1, the Yui's system, received a reply from Megami_D045.Q3SP0: "Soldier Aeriyon Elisias contacted Taisho Jadg Wolf earlier. Wolf approved Elisias' request to go on a mission. Wolf seemed to think something was very funny." "I see. Do you know how to operate an NH-11? I would strongly recommend against one." "I don't but I'm a quick study and can figure it out. Would you suggest anything different?" He said firmly. "The NH-11 has much more sensory input than the Geshrin mind is used to handling." "I'm sure it does, but technically, wouldn't my mind be that of the neko?" He asked. "No." Megami snapped. "Whoa, whoa. Please don't get angry Megami." He said taking a step back. "I meant no disrespect." "I recommend an NH-8. It is more tailored toward Geshrin." "If I'm to do this mission, I don't really have a choice." He said. "oh...well, then I accept the NH-8." He said carefully. "I will provide you with an NH-8. Its 5 slots contain one NH-7a7, one Seraph S9, and one elysian male version of you body, as well as your current body." "That takes up 4 slots, is the last one up to me?" He asked. "What do I have to do now?" He asked as not to mess himself up. "Yes." She answered. "Lie on the table." She instructed. "Can I request a minor alteration to the elysian?" He asked as he did. "Yes, you may." "Could the feather color be set to black?" "Are you certain? The point is to blend in." "I suppose it is. Ah, then forget the alteration." He said. "I am ready." Megami's avatar walked into the Medbay and gave him a dirty look, and everything went black. She took the limp body and tossed it into the disposal system. The HSCS, in five minutes, had formed the new body, and then Riyon was alive again, the ST transfer complete. The feeling was absolutely disgusting and horrible, like running for four miles right after eating contaminated burritos. The NH-8 was lifted from the tube and placed on the table, and the computer-woman watched over him, as if willing him to life. Really, she was issuing him a stimulant and telepathically bringing him to consciousness. "huh? Wha? "he wondered as his consciousness swam up through the fog. He tried to sit up and look around, and at....herself... for now. The body was still dripping with birth-slime, oozing off of it like the water out of a mustard bottle that had been sitting too long in the fridge. "The procedure is complete." her stingingly crisp voice alerted him. Arch Nightblade 9/12/03 19:00 Wandering With A World of Strangers Arch had been made a new member of the GSA, heck he had even been paid money. He had wandered from the GSA starship called the Yui, he had no idea where the young neko called Akari had gone. He was alone in a world of strangers. He walked through a city trying to figure things out while some Geshrins stared at him because his clothes where still tattered from earlier. He wondered what he should do, no one knew him or even seemed to care. "I'm lost. Just lost." he said to himself, no one seemed to care about his where abouts he hadn't even gotten a chance to thank those who had saved him. He hoped he happen upon someone, someone who'd help him find the people that saved him. He filtered through his pockets, and pulled out the datapad he had earlier, he had discovered where he was but his pad was limited, it told him he was now a GSA members and he had an account but by looking the way he did people passed him off as some bum. "Is there anyone on this planet that will help find my way about?" he shouted at the sky. He stretched his wings, that Akari had left before him and he never got to thank her and the other neko for healing his wounds. His wings flapped and he leapt to the rooftops to get a higher look around. "Hopefully, I'll find someone." He adjusted his wings and laid out upon the rooftop his hands behind his head, and gazed up into the sky. "Sis I wonder what you’re doing out there..." Kitsurugi Yui 9/14/03 11:48 Two Soldiers Return Outside, it was just after sunset. A gentle rain tapped on the figures outside like fingertips of a hand dipped in ice water. The rows and rows of blue and orange lights of the massive starport went on as far as the eye could see under the moonless. clouded black sky, the lights of windows of the Subjugator-Class starships nearby shone like city lights, their reflection illuminating the bouncing beads of water on the non-stick surface that covered the ancient grounds. In the rain Infantry vehicles and battle tanks drove by. Yuuko stood, backlit, in the doorway of her Ki-T2 Aeroshuttle, when a message came from her wristwatch. It seemed the trial of Uso Tasuki had been handled over hologram, and so the woman was no longer in need of an escort. Breathing in the thick, icy air, Yuuko couldn't help but shiver her small frame and wish she was home in Central, dancing at the Sweet Spot, her favourite club. Adjusting her black beret, she pondered how it would feel to wear the tricorner hat the space forces of the Grand Star Army used. It would not be long, she knew, that she would be a part of the first fleet, and an officer, as well. The orders took effect once she was assigned to a ship. She would miss the club terribly. Yuuko could only hope that the ship would be a big one where she could run a club of her own, like the battleship Ketsurui Chiharu. But if it were a smaller ship like a Yui...she'd find some way to party. ----- Inside the nearly empty GSS Yui, Riyon, once a Geshrin, was recovering his bearing after being Soul Transferred into a NH-8 Shadowshifter body. He was relieved to find he had reawakened in his old body form, though he knew that he could shift into 3 other forms, but that was a skill he had to practice to perfect, just like anything else. He looked up and around, "Megami, is there a fresh uniform close?" He asked still a bit mentally fogged up from the experience. Since the Yui was full of the MEGAMI computer system's sprites, who were now dispersing from Uso's vicinity, one of them was summoned by the ship and brought him his clothing to the medical bay, flopping the uniform; a uniform with a GRAY panel, rather than his old red color. The doll-faced catgirl then dabbed the slime from his body with a towel. "Grey?" He asked, expecting to be handed a red uniform. He waited for her to finish dabbing the slime off before donning the new uniform and stood up. The soulless neko looked Riyon over and nodding approvingly. "I have requested that the shuttle outside transport you." the computer spoke through the neko. "The security officer is waiting." "I suppose I shouldn't keep the officer waiting. Thanks again Megami." He said as he walked over and grabbed his old beat up rucksack that contained his rather meagre possessions and walked briskly for the lifts, donning the cloak and the tricorner hat customarily worn by officers while on planetside. He groaned as he felt the rain hit him as he walked into it. He spotted Yuuko's shuttle and headed for that. "Well Hello again Ms. Yuuko." He said. "Hello Again, Riyon." The little neko replied to him. Her eyes sparkled somehow with the light of the nearby starships, although the light of the shuttle behind her kept the rest of her body shrouded in darkness. She stepped back a little bit, into the light, and invited him in again. "You've changed jobs." she noted, pointing to the shoulder pads of his black robes. Elly walked up to the Yui "Hey, I recognize that ship from somewhere!" The Yui recognized Elly, too. But the ship didn't make any comment. Sure enough, though, it was the GSS Yui (GD-30) alright. "You could say that. I wasn't in uniform before." Riyon replied to the small neko. "You know that I need a ride to Central correct?" he grinned a bit. He walked up to her shuttle, responding to her invitation. "Yessir." Yuuko nodded, accentuating her gesture with by bending at the knees and almost bowing. A very cute nod. "Excuse me, miss!" Yuuko's high-pitched voice called out over the rain, in Elly's direction. "Do you need a ride? That ship's empty!" "Oh come on, you're higher rank than I am." He said with a slight flush. Riyon turned to face the newcomer with a raised eyebrow. Elly swung around and faced Yuuko with a smile "Actually yes, thank you!" as she stepped onboard. Riyon sighed and boarded the shuttle after the stranger did. He looked over at her. "Hello, I'm Aeriyon, and you are?" Elly was surprised at the voice and turned to face the person. She was surprised to find it was a male. "Hi! I'm Elly, pleased to meet you." He curled his tail up over his shoulder and chest like normal to give people more room. "Pleasure to meet you." He smiled, a grin that looked like a sly smirk. Elly shook his hand with one vertical jerk and took off to see if anything had changed onboard her former home and vessel. Riyon shook his head and chuckled after the shake her departure. He looked over at Yuuko. "So, do you know what ship you're on yet?" He asked. Yuuko headed to the cockpit. "You two settle yourselves back there." she suggested, the shuttle warming. "Hey!" Yuuko said, watching Elly dart out of the shuttle as she turned around. "Where's that one going?" she asked, confused. "Um...nope." ----- A brief explosion of light lit up the officers’ quarters aboard the GSS Yui. It faded away, leaving Alexis in a darkened room. He blinked, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the lighting...something wasn't right around here. It was too quiet. There were no vibrations in the floor, no sense of movement dulled by inertial damping..."Megami?" he said tentatively, walking toward the console that was in the room. Megami immediately answered. "Taisa Jaren. You are unexpected." Alexis looked up at the ceiling. Why did people do that anyway, look up for disembodied voices? He smiled slightly. "Can you tell me where the Yui is?" He walked toward the doorway and stepped out into the hall. The shifter's clothing, jean shorts and a gray tee, shifted to his GSA uniform as he strode down the hallways...best to be met by GSA personnel looking like one of them. Elly walked right aboard the Yui, asking something about seeing the modifications made since she was last aboard. She nearly bumped in Taisa Jaren. Alexis hadn’t expected to meet one so soon! Megami would have gave Elly an odd look but, but none of the sprites were in the hall. She ignored Elly to answer Taisa Jaren. "Uesureyan Fields Planetary Starport." Elly stared at the male. "Well I'm sorry but I like to know everything first hand. Thank you very much," And she stomped off. "Oh. So everyone's on leave?" Alexis started to walk to the forward section, toward Nanashi's quarters. "How much time has passed here anyway?" "It's been about four months since you last were aboard." Megami replied. "Four months...longer than I thought. But better than a year..." The halls were mysteriously empty. "Is everyone planetside on leave?" "That is correct" Megami replied. "This ship will receive a full systems upgrade over the next week or two." ----- Riyon looked at Yuuko, wondering just how long this wait would be. He opened his rucksack and pulled out the painting he had done and looked it over. "I have no idea what she's doing." Riyon admitted with a shrug. "Well, I suppose you'll have to wait for her." Yuuko nodded another one of her deep full-body nods. ~I suppose I should just forget her, I'll likely never see her again~ He thought as he subconsciously touched the young woman's face. Yuuko cutely squirmed in her seat, twisting her small torso around to try and take a glimpse at Riyon, then squirming and moving even more to try to see the painting. "Ehh!" she exhaled with the effort, her little skeleton contorted with effort. He looked up at her grunt and turned to look at her and moved a bit closer so that she could see it easier. Riyon pulled off his tricorner hat and set it down, he had never really liked the things, he disliked the cloaks even more because it made it hard for his tail to move about, and they irritated it as well. "You wanted to see this Yuuko?" He asked the small neko as he offered her the painting. Yuuko put on some smooth music, filing the shuttle's insides with a crisp sound of guitar chords and drums. She took the painting gentle in her small hands, carefully moving it in front of her so she didn't have to twist to see it. The cold beads of water outside of the shuttle’s windshield and the black sky framed the picture as she put it in front of her. "That's one I did not too long ago, that's me and my ex-fiancée" he explained with a slightly pained tone. ----- Elly walked around the ship's interior noticing that the boxes she had been used to when she had joined, were restocked and once again lining the hallways. "Is that why everyone's stuff is gone?" Well, except for the boxes still lining the halls...Alexis remembered the commissioning plaque from his late shuttle and made a note to grab it before he left. If everyone was gone...Maybe Chi had brought Nashi with her. "I wonder if she's been behaving," he murmured. "I guess I'd better head out and look for someone. Do you know where I might find-" The shifter suddenly fell silent. Someone was still on board. "Hello?" he called out. Elly walked onto the bridge, and knew exactly where her seat had been. The bridge lights were dimmed, and a single white-skinned neko with a blue stripe on her face. One of Megami's sprites. The panels were all green, in their locked-out mode, and the only noise was the dull hum of the secondary power systems and the gentle whoosh of the air conditioning. Receiving no answer, Alexis kept going forward. He saw the bridge doors close, and paused. Maybe someone was picking up last minute things...he continued to the visitor's quarters. Nashi's room was empty, hammock and everything gone. There'd only be one reason for that..."Who is the commander of the Yui?" he asked on impulse. She sat down and sighed with pleasure "Nope, no major changes here." She then felt around under the desk and grabbed at a picture she had stuck there two years ago. She looked at it with a frown. "I hate pictures of me like that. Why did I even put it there in the first place?" "The same reason I never removed it during cleaning." Megami answered cryptically. Elly jumped at the voice she so vaguely remembered. "Megami? Is that you?" Her red eyes wide open. "No. I am the second Megami the GSS Yui has had. My predecessor was destroyed by a seraph." Alexis sighed. Sure, he and Meg weren't exactly the best of friends, but he didn't think that was why she wasn't answering. It was more like she was...distracted. He decided to check the bridge, maybe someone there was trying to get something from her at the same time or something. Megami, whose systems were mostly offline, detected his frustration and answered. "Apologies. A self-test was in progress." she explained. "I am the commander of the GSS Yui." the computer answered. "What happened to Chi?" Alexis asked. The bridge doors opened and he paused at seeing Elly there. "Chiharu does not have a ship command. She was placed in the same floating leave status as the rest of the crew when the remains of First Fleet arrived from Ralfaris for reorganization." Megami answered. Elly turned to see Alexis in the doorway as she stood up. Ah, hello! I don't believe we've been introduced." She said as she held out her left hand, the right on the hilt of her Katana in habit. Alexis broke his pause and smiled. "I don't think so either...m'name's Taisa Alexis Jaren. And you are...?" ----- After a few moments, the two exited the ship together and entered the shuttle. Yuuko was surprised to see yet another Yui crew member, a Taisa even! This ship had a lot of high rollers, it seemed. "Welcome back." she said to Elly, and waved to the R'Lari, not quite sure what to make of him. She put the painting in the co-pilot seat. Riyon looked up at Alexis. "Whoa! Taisa Jaren." He said as he recognized him. Kitsurugi Yui 9/15/03 0:50 A New Beginning ON> Central Uesureya The shuttle, after making a brief turn-around to pick up Wazu and Uso, settled down inside the bay of the security station where Yuuko worked. The sleek-looking craft made a gentle landing on its skids, and Yuuko pressed the button for the door to open. It didn't quite open as fast at the GSA's starship and shuttle doors shut (very fast), but it only took a brief moment for them to be free to exit. Riyon was the first to exit the small shuttle. He stretched and yawned as he looked around for the place where he was supposed to pick up his Ki-TI with his bags slung over his shoulder he took a few steps to allow room for the others to exit as well. Uso quickly picked up her four duffle bags and walked out of the shuttle. Her face still had a smile on it from the trial. Wazu stood up from his seat and walked closer to Yuuko, "thank you for the ride" He said as he gave the girl a quick hug and then turned to leave. As he walked out he was sure to grab his large bag of assorted notes and data pads. Riyon pulled out the data pad with the address of where he could find the shuttle and was reading through it thoroughly. Yuuko unstrapped the painting in the copilot's seat, and carefully handed it back into the passenger compartment, so Riyon could take it back. "Don't forget your painting!!" she squeaked as he was walking off, her miniscule frame surrounded by Wazu's hug. Alexis sat down in a seat and slid the plaque from the Cat's Paw into his satchel and sat back for the ride, not noticing Wazu and Uso arriving. So everyone was being transferred...he hoped he would be able to stick with Chi. She was the only Neko he knew he could trust. "Oh!" Riyon said and turned to her and retrieved it. "Thank you for everything Yuuko." He said. As Wazu left the shuttle he looked around to take in the surroundings, ~where am I?~ he asked himself as he looked around central. "You’re in Central, Wazu" Uso said with a chuckle as she too looked around. Yuuko, her arm hanging out, released the painting and then leaned to give a kiss to Wazu's cheek. But Wazu was already out. "Hey!" she scrambled to unstrap herself from the pilot's seat. Riyon had to laugh as she scrambled after Wazu. He thought she was relatively cute in her own fashion, but she preferred Wazu, that much was clear. After they landed, the shifter followed everyone out the entrance. So this was Geshrintall...Alexis looked around at the buildings and people before looking back into the shuttle. "Thank you for the ride," he said to the pilot. Riyon looked over at Alexis as he exited the shuttle. "Long time no see Taisa." He said. Wazu turned around to look at Yuuko, "what?" he asked as he watched the girl scramble around. "Did I do something wrong?" He didn't even notice Alexis as he turned. Uso chuckled some more and rubbed her temple, "Pay attention Wazu" she said as she started to walk off But the pilot clearly had other things on her mind...Alexis turned and started to walk across the pavement before pausing. Where did he have to go? The shifter blinked as Riyon called to him. "Hya Riyon, good to see you too," he replied. The girlish little 17R bounced out of the shuttle, narrowly missing Alexis as she tripped over Riyon. "No.. prob... aarrrgh" Yuuko smacked her chin on the floor of the cargo ramp and did a full tumble, ending up spread-eagle on the floor at the bottom of the ramp, her head on it. Wazu quickly moved over to her offering a hand to help her up. "Oh!" Riyon said as he stooped to help Yuuko up. Wazu had beaten him to it. "Are you alright" he asked as he looked her over for damage "Unnh" Yuuko dazedly took their hands as the males scrambled to assist her. "I'm okay." she said, dusting herself off. Alexis jogged back to the fallen Neko. He stopped just behind Wazu, he seemed to have it under control. Riyon grinned as she got to her feet. "Not going to fall down again are you?" He joked Yuuko mildly. At that point, Yuuko eyes widened, and she began to fly across the room, finally smacking into a wall with a loud thump. Riyon jumped. "What was that?" Uso chuckled as she watched the seen unfold, ~whoa.. if they had children imagine how clumsy they would be~ she thought to herself with a slight chuckle, Wazu looked on stunned, "Wha?" Wazu hurried over to where Yuuko was to try and help her out in any way he could although he didn't quite know what was going on Riyon cautiously walked over to see what was wrong. As the girl slid flopped down onto the asphalt, sinister laughter could be heard emanating from a dark-haired neko on the catwalk above. It was Yuuko's boss, Taisa Shinami. She seemed amused, and irritated at the same time. "Yuuko!" Riyon looked up with a scowl. "That wasn't real nice!" He said. "What took you so long?" Shinami asked. She was Irim's prodigy, a berserker with the same cruel streak. Wazu helped Yuuko back up again and looked up at the laughter, "Hey cut that out." Wazu said sternly as Uso continued to laugh Riyon wasn't going to pretend to understand the way nekos thought anymore. "Ms. Yuuko had some trouble with extra crew members" Riyon said to Shinami defiantly. Jadg Wolf left "Get up, little one." Shinami commanded Yuuko, as the short neko, slowly got up. Yuuko didn't say anything back. Riyon didn't like Shinami's attitude and would probably have done something, except he wasn't used to the NH-8 shifting yet. "Your new orders came in, little one." the Station commander said. "GSS Seigi." Shikoko was now on the catwalk too, adding a "congratulations, Taii Yuuko!". Riyon's frown shifted to a grin as he turned to look at Yuuko. "Congratulations." He said. Alexis clapped softly. Wazu smiled and congratulated the girl with a hug, "congratulations." he said at nearly the same time as Riyon, Riyon's data pad buzzed with a message. "Excuse me." he said and turned away to answer it. It was a missed message from his brother. "Oh well" Riyon sighed. "Thank you!" Yuuko smiled gratefully to the neko who just chucked her across the hangar. "I couldn't have made the transfer without you!" Shinami even smiled ever so slightly, replying, "Well, we'll see how you like starship life. At least it is a big one." Now, to find where he had to go. The shifter looked at Riyon. "Hey, do you know where I report to?" he asked. "Where are Chi or Wazu?" "I am...." "Wazu's right next to you." Riyon replied with a grin pointing at the neko next to Alexis. "We picked her up after you fell asleep in the shuttle." Yuuko explained. "Or recharge. Whatever you call it." "I am..." Wazu said as he turned to look at Alexis for the first time, "Alexis?" he asked as the realization crossed his mind. "You're back!" Riyon burst out in laughter as Wazu realized it. Shinami tossed a large rifle of some sort down into Yuuko's arms. "A gift, from SARA." she said. "The White Beam Rifle." the Irim-like neko added. "Not on the market yet. Alexis smiled in return. "Well, that didn't take long," he said with a short laugh. "How're you?" Riyon looked up at Shinami. "Which way is hangar number 24?" He asked the superior officer. "good more or less." Wazu said, "I got promoted to your rank now" a smirk crossed his face, "And where did you disappear to?" Yuuko, hauled the big gun around, while Shinami answered. "Which district?" she asked. "Start by going to the district first. There's PNUgen, GSA, KFY, WickedArms, and the private one." "Private one." Riyon replied. "Congratulations on the promotion," Alexis said. Then he shrugged. "Home. Timdri was getting homesick and there were...problems getting back after dropping it off. And I had other things to take care of." Shinami told Riyon, "Oh. Then you're in the right place. This is where the non-corporate sales go on." "I'm looking for my Ki-TI" Riyon said. "I don't think you'd know where it is would you?" Riyon grinned at the neko. Uso slid up behind Yuuko and looked at the weapon, "interesting weapon you have there" she commented. "Well you could have picked a better time to leave. But I'm glad your back. We can use your skills in the upcoming campaign" "Are you sure you aren't going to the KFY sector, then?" Shinami asked him, giving him an odd look, her fingers ran over the handles of her giant cleavers. "I'm positive. I'm supposed to be leaving already under orders from Taisho Wolf." Riyon Replied. Yuuko nodded. "I'm the best sniper and gun carter in this district." she proudly declared. "I'm a gunner neko, but I don't do heavy weapons because of my small size." "I need to get my next posting, but dunno where to report. Do you know?" the shifter added, changing the subject. Riyon's tail whipped around behind him languorously as he waited for Shinami to say anything else. "I don't really know either... As far as I know I am being transferred to the Seigi but I am unsure" he said as he shifted his weight so his bag of stuff from the Yui was more manageable. Alexis frowned. "Oh. I guess I'll just head off in a random direction, then...want to come along?" Shinami and Shikoko looked at each other, and then back to Riyon. This is the private sector. Bay 24 is down the street, about three blocks. There's a big spaceport complex on the right. Wazu looked at Him then over to Yuuko then back to him, "No thanks I think I am going to follow Yuuko around. I can't find my way around this planet" He said. Uso continued to look over the weapon trying to figure out how it worked, power supply, or anything that she could. Yuuko popped into the conversation. "My orders" she chirped up, looking at an electronic tablet, "Say you're the first officer of the Seigi." "Thanks. " Riyon said dryly as he turned to leave and head for the KFY. He paused near Alexis. "It was good to see you again Alexis, but I gotta run." "She knows where to go? Maybe I'll follow you then." Alexis turned back to Wazu, then smiled at Riyon. "Good to see you too...where are you off to?" "I am?" Wazu asked. he hadn't received any information on what his new post was although he did assume it was on the Segei. "To pick up my shuttle from the KFY." Riyon replied. "I'm not going to be back for a while, say Hi to Chiharu for me ok?" He asked Alexis. "Okay, will do. Have a safe trip, Riyon," Alexis said with a wave. "Hardly." Riyon said as he walked away toward the KFY. The shifter puzzled at the statement, then shrugged it off. Riyon cast off his tricorner hat as he left. He wasn't going to need it anymore, not for a long time anyway. The white beam rifle was a long, sleek, dark-gray rifle with a sniper grip and a mid-size scope on top. It had a bunch of buttons on it, covered by a transparent cover, and some small displays. Also, holographic projectors dotted the exterior. The thing used a WickedArms BU-P50 battery. "No, silly!" Yuuko said to Uso. "Taisa Jaren is the Seigi's first officer." Uso looked on confused. Alexis looked over at Yuuko. "What? I am? Who's the Captain?" "Out of my station!" Shinami shooed. Riyon strode toward the KFY at a brisk pace, he felt that he had wasted enough time. Yuuko waved goodbye at the grouchy Taisa, and then headed out the doors. Tugging on Jaren's arm, she read to the R'lari from her orders. "Chujo Wazu is to be the captain." Wazu followed Yuuko out and Uso did the same although she ended up just picking a direction and walking off. "Wait, I'm under WAZU?!" His face went flat. Not what he was hoping for... The Kitsurugi Fleet Yard's section of the city was marked by the white-walled towers and the sentries in bright red capes. Wazu sighed, "You were under my command when you first got to the GSA" "It is probably because you disappeared." Yuuko quietly noted. Riyon strode toward the Kitsurugi Fleet Yards, and toward the sentries in the red capes, He reached the entrance a few minutes later. "How do I put in for a transfer?" Alexis asked, leaning over as if the pad would tell him. He looked up at Wazu. "Yeah, but you weren't a captain at the time." Wazu rolled his eyes, Yuuko looked back and forth between Wazu and Jaren, wondering if the two were going to become angry with one another. Riyon continued on past the sentries and toward the customer service area. A CSR quickly approached Riyon, and led him to his recent purchase. Riyon thanked the CSR as they reached the hangar and approached the shuttle. He then completed the final checks and strapped himself in, he knew how to pilot these small shuttles. As he sighed and lifted off, heading for space, Riyon smirked and laughed as he broke the atmosphere is Geshrintall. He was finally on his way. A suspicious unmarked white man pulled up beside them in the street, slowly lurching along the street. Yuuko eyed it. "Hrm?" "I don't mean any offence, and I don't want my own command, I'd just trust Chiharu more." The shifter backed up from looking over Yuuko's shoulder. Yuuko took three high-powered rounds in the chest as the van door opened up and a group of masked troops in black opened fire on the three. A hook made of blood shot out and grabbed the strap of the White Beam Rifle. Alexis grabbed the hook and the gun, trying to hold it. The hand on the hook heated up, trying to melt it off. It seemed to work. Wazu reacted quickly pulling his pistol out from its holster and firing a round straight through the closest assailant. Uso, however, calmly set down her duffle bags. Riyon got into his shuttle and into the cockpit and ran the normal checks to make sure it was ready for lift off. The van's tires shrieked a high-pitched whine as the vehicle shot off down the street, heading down the street. The rifle was inside, and Alexis found himself only holding a fist of ash. Uso bent over and unzipped the first bag pulling out a PG-4 and levelling it at the van. With a smile she pulled the trigger and sent a round flying where van chest just went. Yuuko got to her feet, coughing up blood. Shinami's shuttle flew down the street after the van, its beam cannons glowing in anticipation. A Ki-N1 shot off into the sky, with the shuttle behind it. Was the van in the air now? Alexis frowned. "What's going on?" he muttered. This wasn't making any sense... "It has a stealth system." Yuuko explained, as the rifle slowly reappeared in front of Alexis. "Those guys thought they had the real thing. It was holographic. I was trained in case something like this were to happen." "Anyone get a good look at them?" Yuuko asked. "No" Wazu said "Oh. Well...here you go." Alexis offered the gun back to Yuuko. Riyon knew where he was going to head to first and set the autopilot to head for the newest GSA outpost near Elysian space. "Shinami here." A voice called out over Yuuko's watch. "The N1 shot off into CDD. I lost them." "We could probably make a composite picture of them from combining your memory files..." the shifter mused. "Good idea." Yuuko said. Uso continued walking off, "I should probably go." Wazu said as he turned and also walked off looking for a shuttle that he could use to get to the Seigi. Yuuko called after him. "No goodbye?" she sounded sad. "Goodbye" Wazu said as he gave a backwards wave over his shoulder. Alexis shook his head, but followed Wazu out. First, though, he thanked Yuuko. "Thank you for the ride, and congratulations on your posting. Have a good day," he said, nodding his goodbye. Riyon opened up his communications lines to be ready to make any form of transmission as he piloted the small shuttle past a couple other ships. Yuuko felt alone and bummed out, as both of the officers she would be under left her on the curb, bleeding. She didn't even feel like going to the club one last time before she went to the Seigi. Maybe this reassignment was not such a good idea. Wazu pulled one of his data pads out of his sack and looked at it as it displayed lists of information on the nearby area. He skimmed the list for a taxi service of some sort. Local ex-soldier taxis seemed to be abundant. One was actually cruising by as Alexis searched the pad. Wazu tried to flag down the ship as it passed by. Alexis paused and looked back at Yuuko. Then his head drooped. He walked back and offered a hand. "I'm sorry...is there anything I can help with? I know you heal fast, but still..." "Maybe a ride to the ship?" Wazu gave Yuuko an odd look, "she should have already healed by now." Wazu said Yuuko shivered, adjusting her robe sideways, so the holes in her uniform were less visible. She didn't want anyone looking at her tiny breasts. "Oh, thank you." she nodded gratefully. "I'm not a very developed neko." Yuuko looked away from Wazu. "Not a hemomancer like Yui or a berserker. Gunners heal less quickly." The shifter respectfully kept his gaze on her face as he helped her up. "It was rude of me to walk off like that anyway...so do you need a doctor?"" "Oh" Wazu said, "well still you'll be fine. You weren’t hit by anything serious" Her small boot kicked the mangled rank pin. The red and gold sergeant medallion was now consumed mostly by a bullet hole. Still smoking, it clinked along the sidewalk, stained with blood. It was a sorry sight. "I thought my everything between my collarbone and my waist was gone for a second." Yuuko said defensively. It was clear she thought Wazu was being insensitive. "The rounds were lethal to humans. I've felt them in my arm before. A smart round made to overload the nervous system. I thought I was gone." Alexis fell silent and waited for their ride to arrive. A nerve overload round? the shuttle seemed to have disappeared somewhere and Wazu gave up trying to flag one down. "I'm just going to walk," the shifter said suddenly. "Which way is the ship?" Wazu pointed up, "it should be in orbit now" The taxi-shuttle, painted a bright white and yellow checker pattern, quietly slid up just then. "Yo." came the grunt of a big ex-infantry guy. "Yous guys make a call or what?" he demanded in his dirty, down-to-earth way, with some paper roll lit on fire hanging from his mouth. "That thing is burning!" Yuuko pointed, alarmed. Wonderful..."I guess I'll find a way up eventually then...I'll see you around." Where had Nashi been taken? Maybe if he found Chiharu she could tell him. Alexis started walking in a random direction, ignoring the taxi that just pulled up. He'd get another later. "Yes I did" Wazu said in a annoyed tone of voice, "now can this heap of metal make it to the GSS Seigi or not?" "You wanna get to your ship or what, toots?" the veteran asked. "Only 5 KS, hun. Each." Wazu tossed the man 5KS and got into the shuttle. "That thing in his mouth is on fire!" Yuuko whispered in Wazu's ear. Yuuko reluctantly handed over a 5 KS coin of her own, and got in, holding Wazu's arm. "Other side." the man shouted back through the haze. "That side, seatbelts are broke." Wazu was getting even more annoyed now, "fine" he said as he got in on the other side, "You can drive this thing right? You seem...drunk" The shuttle jerked forward and then back as it rose into the air. The wind blew in, and then stopped as the guy shut the windows. He snubbed out his cigarette in an ashtray and grabbed the other half of the controls. The sky around went from blue to black. The shuttle pulled into one of the Seigi's front bays, after a heated argument between the taxi guy and some neko on the ship who the big guy only referred to as "bitch." Skidding to a halt inside, the shuttle door slammed open, dropping specks of rust onto the brand new bay floor. Wazu walked out onto the flight deck of the Seigi and had a look around. A scowl crossed his face as he saw the legacy unit squeezed into the front of the bay allowing only two openings on the side for launch and recovery operations. He did turn around and offer Yuuko a hand to help her out of the ship. The guy lit up once more. Yuuko pointed and whispered, "He's doing it again!" "Must be from Kennewes or something...it's weird. No Geshrin puts flaming stuff in their mouth!" "Um...ok" Wazu said as he looked over the shuttle one more time, watching the taxi leave. He looked at Yuuko, "What is so bad about that?" ----- Riyon looked at his sensors viewing all the ships around him wondering if any were heading toward the frontier. This shuttle wasn't going to get there quick enough. He hailed the ships closest to him. "Excuse me, but is anyone heading out toward the frontier?" He asked over it hoping for a good result. "This is 2nd Assault Group, GSA second Fleet. We are returning there from leave and can fit you on GSS Absolution II (GD-106)." "May I ask who the captain of this vessel is?" Riyon sent to the ship he was preparing to dock with. "Shosho Ujena Riyuri" Riyon beamed. "Thank you, I'll pull my shuttle into your shuttle bay." He said as he switch off the autopilot and manually flew the small shuttle to the Absolution II. Tasuki Uso 9/14/03 23:48 Moving In [GSS Seigi] ON> GSS Seigi A small fighter craft came up alongside the Seigi. "This is Alexis Jaren requesting permission to dock." Inside, the shifter was sitting in a cockpit with his eyes half-closed, operating the controls by way of two computer contacts on his arm rests. "Weapons are deactivated. Shields are disengaged." "We’ve been expecting you" The current flight controller said, "You may dock at your discretion." The Seigi's doors were open and awaiting the small craft. Two small openings were left to get in on each side of the weapon retrofitted to the front of the ship. It was a small two-man craft like the original Cat'sPaw class scout ship; only the aft compartment was mostly taken up by energy storage and munitions replication equipment. It easily slid into the bay and remained hovering two feet above the deck. Two his left and right he could see two bright yellow robotic arms doing their work. Each arm was picking up one of the fighters on the flight deck and loading them into the storage racks above the flight deck. Through the window ahead of him he could see the flight control room and the neko's walking around inside of it. Just below and to his right of the window was what looked like an extension of the flight deck although it wasn't as tall and had no overhead racks. Inside he could see two Samurai class fighters with their outer casing removed. A few techs were busy crawling around the frame of the craft with tools in hand. Carefully, he glided the Cat's Claw-class fighter across the floor, never bumping anything in the bay. "Could I put this in that maintenance area? I don't think it'll fit in the racks." "Please land your craft and exit. The docking arms will do the rest,” The flight controller said over the comms. Her voice was hurried as if she was really busy and didn't need any more distractions. "Okay," the shifter said after cutting the transmission. He would prefer if the arms didn't do anything, but he knew the ship would stand up to any unintentional abuse. Leaving it in the hover, he exited via a hatch in the rear and strode out into the bay. After he left one of the arms quickly moved over to the fighter and placed it's vice like arms around it. The vice closed around the fighter and the interior parts of it contoured to fit the sides of the ship then guided it into the rear of the bay before sliding back along it's rails located on the sides of the large room to the flight deck Now, to find Wazu...Alexis headed to the nearest door out of the bay and then spoke to the computer. "What is the name of the computer here?" Alexis found himself in a long hallway just beside the maintenance bay. One side was a wall and the other was filled with various storage bays holding supplies and other things. "I have the same name as the ship,” the computer said in a synthetic sounding computer voice. Alexis smiled. "Seigi, then? Nice to meet you...can you tell me where I might find Heram Wazu? And provide directions?" Alexis's data pad beeped as it received a map of the ship from the computer; "Mr. Wazu is on the bridge,” The computer said "Please follow the red line,” It instructed. A line of red that led down the hallway lighted up the wall on his right. "Thank you." The Taisa took the pad from his pocket and followed the map. Still, it took him close to five minutes as he did some exploring along the way, always returning to the marked path. As he moved around the ship the red line on the wall seemed to change to accommodate where he went. Eventual Alexis came to the well-armored room on the top level of the ship that was the bridge. When he arrived, first thing he did was to examine the layout. Find out what was where, that sort of thing. The bridge was a spherical room encased in heavy armor. The door entered the bridge from the hallway on the right and then the other doors exited to the offices quarters on the left. The center of the room had several comfortable looking chairs arranged in a circle on the floor facing each other. Wazu was laying back in one of these and currently was jacked into the computer system. Around the sides of the bridge was various computer screens and data read outs. Alexis approached his new commander and tapped the Neko on the shoulder. "Hey Wazu, wake up." After a few short moments Wazu opened his eyes and looked at Alexis as the computer withdrew the connection cables, "Hello" he said as he sat up in the chair "Taisa Alexis Jaren, reporting for duty," Alexis said, standing at attention with a US military salute. Wazu stood up rubbing his temple slightly, "there is no need for that Alexis,” He said with a smile although he saluted back in accordance with tradition. The shifter smiled slightly and relaxed a bit. "It was the polite thing to do." He shrugged. "What is my first assignment?" "Pick out your room" Wazu said as he pointed over to the 7 doors on the left side of the bridge, "I got the one on the left" he said, "but the rest are empty for now" "I'll take the one right there," Alexis said, pointing to the one closest to the door he had just entered by. All the easier to get out into the halls if he was needed somewhere else, a safe decision. "Alright. Did you get that Seigi?" Wazu asked, "Yes Mr. Wazu" The computer responded Alexis tilted his head. "I take it that our rooms are restricted from everyone else?" "If you want it to be" Wazu said, "You can tell Seigi your preferences and it will follow them" "Ah. Okay then," the shifter replied with a nod. Sounded good to him. "What's my next assignment? Or am I free to explore this new ship until we leave orbit?" "Your free to explore I guess." Wazu said as he gave it some thought. There weren’t any things that needed to be done right now as far as he knew, "Take some time and familiarize yourself with the ship." He knew that Alexis was going anyways but he felt like saying it. "Thank you, sir." Alexis nodded sharply and strode off the bridge. Looking down at his map, he started to go around and memorizing the layout. "Much more room than the Yui, that's for sure," Alexis said to himself. Three dining halls, a rec room, ample storage and quarter space. "Seigi, what powers this place?" he asked out of curiosity. "Four anti-matter reactors Mr. Alexis" The computer responded. As he walked down the hallways he was approached by a white haired neko. He found that it was just up on this level as most of the crew minion crews and fighter pilots were on the lower levels getting settled in. "Excuse me Mr. Alexis but may I ask you a question" The white haired neko asked. She had a totally blank expression on her face as she walked up and stopped just in front of him. "Yes?" The shifter stopped and looked at her. "If I may why does Mr. Wazu insist on being called a he?" The neko asked. "Have you asked him?" Alexis answered. "He asked me to figure it out on my own." She said "So I take it you've never heard the name before?" he replied. "You could ask the computer for his history." "He wouldn't allow me to access his memories while he was plugged into me and I do know that he was in a male body but he is currently female. I thought that the she designation would be preferable,” the neko said in the same monotone voice as the computer system. "I wouldn't know why he would want to be called by a male pronoun, but that's his choice." Alexis looked at the Neko funny. "I take it you're Seigi? Or an avatar of Seigi?" "This body is one of my avatars,” She said. "Right. Megami used to do the same thing...anyway, yeah, Wazu's choice of pronouns is his business. Anything else I can help you with?" he said. To be continued… Kitsurugi Yui 9/16/03 8:06 [GSS Absolution II] Heading Out Riyon pulled his shuttle into the Absolution's shuttle bay and climbed out after the airlock to space had closed. ~Must be on best behaviour, I'm only a guest here." He reminded himself as he exited the shuttle bay and looked around. The shuttle bay had about 6 inches of space between the shuttle and its walls, just like the Yui he had been on. ~So, it's a Yui type eh? I recognize the look~ He thought as he coiled his tail over his shoulder and chest and headed for the bridge to meet this captain Riyuri. He kept his eyes open for any other crew that may be out and about. The crew of the ship was at battle stations. It was customary. Thus no one was in the hallways. Riyon shrugged mentally and continued to the bridge and reached in a matter of seconds. He looked around as the door slid open. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Shôshô Riyuri." He said in a bit of a soft voice, to risk not alarming everyone. The bridge doors didn't open immediately like he was used to, as his identity was verified before they let him in. Once inside, he found every station manned with a neko. In the center station was Shôshô Ujena, who looked at him, but didn't say anything. Did she need to? She was the one with the blue-silver Chujo pin. At her side stood her first officer. Riyon sighed; this wasn't going to be an easy ride to the frontier. "Hello, I'm Aeriyon Elisias, the one who requested a ride to the frontier." He said in a bit of an unsure voice. "Alright. We are currently preparing for CDD. Our crew is now switching to NH-17 bodies as well." "I hope that doesn't include me to, I don't think my stomach could handle another Soul Transfer." Riyon said making a rueful face. The first officer, a Chusa, paused to give someone an order regarding the CDD. The Shôshô continued, "We should be about to go." "I appreciate this, I suppose now I owe you. What would you have me do?" Riyon asked, wanting to make himself useful while he was here. "It's nothing." Riyuri stated flatly. "We're not going to be staying long. So you'll have to find..." The ship lurched slightly as it activated the CDD drive. "...another way back. "It won't matter to me, I'm not going to be coming back for a while." Riyon said. "Where am I to stay until we get there? Most likely out of your crew's way." He grinned. "I wonder..." the Shôshô pondered aloud, "who will manage the frontier?" Riyon listened to what she said. "I think it work better in shifts to monitor it." He said almost automatically. "Well," the Shôshô looked at him, as if she didn't expect him to understand any of it because of his rank. "With only the two less fleets, some of which are in another universe, we won't have much. I will ask Taisho Yui about the plan." Riyon looked at her closely reading her expression. "That is troubling." He replied. Ujena was definitely all business. "Perhaps I can convince her to keep the 2nd as a border fleet?" she proposed to him. "Damned Subjugators." Tasuki Uso 9/16/03 15:06 Flight [GSS Seigi, Silvershot] ON...and around> the Silver Shot Lavinia exited the Silvershot and looked around, she had never before been to this planet, she hadn't been to many in her 4 years actually. "Where are we" she wondered in a small voice. Uso was just boarding a taxi shuttle to make the trip to the Seigi when she spotted Lav off in the distance, "Hello" she said with a short wave as she synthed a few KS coins and tossed them to the driver. Lavinia turned around and saw Uso. "Where are you going?" She asked as she started to walk toward Uso, trying to brush her bang behind her ear in vain. Uso raised an eyebrow at Lavantia as she stood just outside of the small shuttle, "The Seigi... you should be heading up there too." Uso said as she put one leg inside the back ramp of the shuttle, "Are you coming or not?" the pilot said from inside in an annoyed tone of voice. Lavinia wondered what was going on but ran to the shuttle anyway. She quickly synthed some KS coins and tossed them to the pilot and jumped in "Why the Seigi Uso?" Lavinia asked in a small, tired voice "That is where most of the Yui crew has been re-assigned" she said as she walked into the back of the shuttle and sat down in one of the small cushioned seats that lined the sides of the vehicle. The Driver gunned the engine while in neutral as he waited for them to board, "come on I don't got all day" he said again wanting to get on his way. Lavinia had climbed in and was sitting in the back waiting to go. It was only a few minutes before the little Wolf Puppy Siaga jumped in and clambered onto Lavinia's lap. Uso placed her duffle bags on the seat next to her and rolled her head popping the joints inside of it, "ah that is better" she said to herself as she stretched her arms. The rear door of the shuttle closed as the ship took off and then headed for the Seigi. Lavinia looked down at the puppy, which jumped up and licked her face causing her to break out into giggles. The shuttle angled upward and left the atmosphere. It would be a while before the reached the ship, "so... do you know your new assignment yet?" Uso asked trying to make small talk to pass the time. The shuttle didn't have an internal gravity system and they all felt the pull of gravity as they took off. ~What a crappy ship~ she thought to herself as her bags slid across the floor to the rear of the craft. "No I don't" Lavinia admitted as a data pad in he bag beeped. She picked it out of the bag and read the message; it contained orders to be the chief Pilot of the Seigi as well as a promotion to Juni. Lavinia smiled broadly as she looked over at Uso. "I got a promotion! And a position as Pilot of the Seigi." She said joyfully. "If it's a system like Megami's, it shouldn't be hard." She added. "Congrats." Uso said. She didn't seem all that interested and let her eyes wonder. Looking over her. Her stuff.. and the puppy. Siaga noticed Uso looking at him and pounced on her lap and tried to lick her. Causing Lavinia to start laughing. Ack." Uso said as she tried to hold the dog back although she wasn't too effective in her efforts. The Shuttle angled in to come at the Seigi and the pull of the planet’s gravity lessened to almost nothing causing the dog to float up in the air with Uso's bags. From behind the wall that lead to the cockpit they could hear the pilot having a conversation with someone about landing procedure. Lavinia watched the puppy float around and giggled like a little girl. "Who's the Captain of the Seigi, Uso?" She asked after her fit of giggles ended. Uso started to laugh, "it's Wazu actually" she said as she watched the puppy float about and bump into one of her bags extracting another laugh from her, "You really should get him down from there" Uso said but it was to late. The shuttle entered into the Seigi's flight deck and a wave of artificial gravity passed over them causing the bags and the puppy to fall to the floor. Lavinia quickly synthed a tentacle to catch the puppy and pull him in and cuddled him close as a small tear formed in her eye, obviously the dog brought back a memory or two. "Wazu, are you kidding?" Lavinia tried to joke as she wiped her eyes. Uso looked at Lavantia as she scooped up her bags, "No I am not.,” she said in a stern voice. She missed Ritsu as well but she hated how Lav was getting all teary over it. "Ooooh" Lavinia said. "Crap, I was hoping that Chiharu would." Once the ramp was down Uso walked out onto the flight deck. She was treated to an amazing view of Greshintall from orbit through the open bay doors. Lavinia grabbed her duffle bag and Siaga and exited after Uso, not bothering to see the view and headed for the Seigi. "Wow, it looks bigger than the Yui." She commented The shuttle closed its ramp and made a tight turn before leaving the ship out through the force field holding the air in. A loud humming sound was heard as the four massive doors of the bay began to close. Uso turned around and looked about. The flight deck as almost devoid of fighters now that they had all been stored away overhead, "yep" was Uso's one word response to Lav as she walked to the lift that was to her left. Lavinia followed Uso into the lift carrying the bag in one hand and the puppy in one. "I better go see Wazu then." "I hope he's not as insane as Ritsu told me he was." Lavinia added with a grin. Uso chuckled, "He isn't that bad actually." she was remembering a few moments on Ralifaris they had together but simply dismissed the thoughts as she road the lift up with Lav, bags in hand. Lav cuddled the puppy that was wagging his tail happily as they rode the lift The open-air lift reached the second floor and the doors to the interior of the ship opened.. Uso looked down the hallway puzzled at the lack of people onboard, "The bridge is this way right?" she thought out loud as she started walking down the hallway remembering the data she got on the ship. "The bridge is in this direction Ms. Tasuki" The synthetic voice of the ships A.I. chimed. Lavinia looked up suddenly at the computer voice and cocked her head curiously as she stepped off the lift. "Mind if I come along Uso?" She asked. "You wanted to see Wazu right?" Uso asked as she walked down the hallway. Uso looked around the ship taking it all in. on her left were cargo bays on the right were various rooms with their own functions, ~this place is different from the schematics~ she thought as she remembered the data. "I do." Lavinia said as she followed Uso. She had set Siaga down earlier. He was sniffing around but still following. Lavinia was looking at the interior of the ship, amazed by the sheer size of it. They came to a well-armored door, "I'll bet you 20 coins that this is the bridge,” Uso said with a chuckle. She knew that Wazu would have designed the ship to have the command staff in the most protected area ~paranoid maniac~ she thought to herself with another chuckle as she walked into the room. "Not bet." Lavinia said with a cheerful smile, she had heard not to make bets with either Wazu or Uso. Siaga was sniffing around Uso's foot as if he wanted to pee. Siaga pawed at Uso's leg and barked loudly. Lavinia started giggling. "He wants you to scratch his ears." Inside of the hemispherical room Wazu was laying back in one of the command chairs hooked back into the ships computer. Uso bent her knees so she could reach the dogs ears, "shhh" she said quietly as she placed her bags on the floor and then slowly made her way to Wazu after letting go of the dog. The puppy raced up and jumped into Wazu's lap, Lavinia struggled to suppress a laugh. Uso flat faced, "aww I wanted to do that" she said playfully as the connections to the computer retracted and Wazu opened his eyes, "ack!" he said as he began to flail trying to get the animal off him Siaga barked and licked Wazu's face. Lavinia couldn't restrain any longer and burst out laughing. "He's so cute when he does that." "Hi Wazu." Lavinia said softly. Wazu rolled off the chair and fell onto the carpeted floor. Uso broke out laughing too. "Hello Lavantia" Wazu said as he flat faced. Lavinia walked over and collected the happy puppy. "I'm the new pilot here, and I think you're in my chair." She laughed. Wazu picked himself up and looked at Lav, "there are enough chairs for everyone" He said as he tried to wipe of the dogs saliva from his face. Lavinia shook her head, making her dark green hair swish around. " I know, I'm playing with you Wazu." "Do we have choice of our rooms?" Lavinia asked as an afterthought. "I know" He said with a smile, "I suppose you should pick out your room if you are going to be on the command staff" Wazu said, "The one on the far left and far right are taken but you can have any of the others." He said as he pointed to the doors on the other side on the bridge. There were 5 left. Lavinia nodded and walked over to the one that was Alexis's room. "I'll have this one if it isn't trouble." "And what about my room?" Uso asked as she looked around, "YOUR room isn't on this level" Wazu said, "perhaps you should ask Seigi. Lav feel free to familiarize yourself with the controls and the ship before we head out." Lavinia nodded and put her belongings in her room and walked over to the pilot's chair and sat in it and began familiarizing herself with it. "Hello Seigi." She said. Uso scowled and walked out. Wazu sat in the chair across from Lavantia and had Seigi plug him in. "Hello Ms.Taiensho." Seigi said in reply/ "Compared to the GSS Yui, how much different are your flight systems?" Lavinia asked the computer politely. "I am not as fast as the GSS Yui but my agility is at least equal Ms. Taiensho," Seigi said as the manual control systems moved closer to her acting like a sort of desk with various buttons, switches, and joysticks." "Seigi, could you quickly download into me what I need to know?" Lavinia asked looking over the controls. "Just so I don't mess anything up." "Sorry there is no previous flight data for this ship Ms. Taiensho" Seigi replied. "I meant basic instructions." Lavinia replied in a sigh and frown. "Downloading technical information for the I.S.F.B." Seigi chimed as two cables came up and attached themselves to Lav's shoulders. Soon Lav had the blueprints and technical information of the ship in her head. Lavinia closed her eyes during the download; as soon as it was finished she looked up. "Thank you Seigi." She said smiling. "You are welcome Ms. Taiensho" Lavinia grinned and continued adjusting to the new environment. Aeriyon Elisias 9/16/03 16:48 Training Sims [GSS Seigi] Lavinia was sitting in the pilot's seat of the Seigi, reviewing what did what and the best ways to work them. She absently reached down and picked up Siaga and set the wagging puppy in her lap as she looked over the controls. The controls seemed needlessly complex and hastily put together with little thought put into aesthetics. From the download she knew that the ship was normally flown via a direct interface with the ships A.I. instead of the manual systems. Lavinia frowned, she didn't like overly complex things, though her neko mind could easily figure it out. "Seigi, is there anyway to practice piloting in a virtual state?" Lavinia asked. "There is" The Seigi responded, "Would you like to interface with the controls directly" Seigi was observing Lavinia through one of her Neko's that was standing on the bridge. She had short white hair and was standing at attention waiting for orders. "Is there any danger of lift-off before the appointed time?" Lavinia asked just to make sure. “None that I am aware of Ms. Taiensho" Seigi responded Lavinia looked around at the any other people on the bridge at the moment. "Yes Seigi, please, interface me to the ship's controls in a virtual environment for practice." Lavinia said. Wazu was already jacked into the computer system, Lav felt a pull at the back of her mind, her external senses dulled and it seemed to her that her body became heavier and hard to move. Her vision went black but was soon replaced with dots of white light. Soon she could see everything the ship saw from the external view's and sensor data to the nekos moving around inside., "The controls for the ship have been disabled for this exercise." Seigi reminded her. Siaga jumped down off his lap and padded over to Wazu and pawed his leg and looked up at him with those absolutely adorable puppy eyes. She could feel Wazu's mind inside of the system as well. Lavinia attempted to slowly pull the virtual ship forward, just to get a feel for how it reacted. ~There are quite a few GSA ships around in the sensor range.~ Lavinia commented demurely. She could use the drive system as she would her own legs. Her mind could fire off any amount of thrust from the various anti-matter rockets located around the hull. She say a 3-d interpretation of the ship move forward as its engines were brought online by her. It looked so real Lav would have thought so if she didn't know it was a sim. In the simulator, Lavinia attempted to pull a strafing right turn as further chance to gauge the reaction time of the Seigi. As she thought of the manoeuvre the thrusters on the side of the Seigi fired pushing the ship to the right. Her mind put a powerful burst into the thrusters needed for such a manoeuvre. She tried it again, this time quicker and to the left. She was half tempted to attempt to barrel roll the ship, but knew from the technical information that it was too big to pull. The ship moved to the left accordingly as the panels on it's side opened up to allow more thrust to escape Lav grinned in real life and thought about barrel rolling the ship to the right. She added a thought to launch a weak counter attack from a couple variable weapons pods firing forward and to her left. She found that she couldn't talk to those systems. She could feel the turrets inside of the ship and she could feel the Seigi controlling them but she couldn't use them anymore than she could stop her heart from beating. The ship barrel rolled to the side. Its size was immense but the hull was a single piece of impervium so she felt very little strain on her 'skin'. ~Do you want to try a combat sim?~ Wazu asked. She could feel him inside of the system as well watching over her actions. ~Sure,~ Lavinia replied. She could feel the turret doors opening and deploying their payloads as Wazu took the role of Weapons officer, "Seigi please simulate a few angel ships." Wazu asked, "Yes Mr. Wazu" Seigi replied, "Just call me Wazu like everyone else please Seigi" Wazu commented, "Alright Wazu" Seigi replied. "You don't have to say my name after every sentence..." Wazu and Seigi started getting into an off topic discussion on proper speech when the first angel ship came at them. It merely appeared out of nowhere as Seigi loaded it into the sim. Lavinia quickly jerked the ship out of the way of its oncoming fire by strafing to the right. ~Wazu counter!~ she shouted at him over the system. Lavinia forced the ship forward and a quarter spin to the right as the angel ship fired again. The angel ship trailed fire at the Seigi scoring several hits before changing it's attack vector to counter for the Seigi's strafing. Lav could feel the turrets sliding across her skin as they all moved on top of the ship and fired massed volleys at the oncoming ship. A blinding light soon followed as Wazu tagged it with one of the grand white beams. Lavinia forced the Seigi forward, dodging the vectors to their fire then swiftly dove under the Elysian ship as she expected Wazu to attack. Several more angel ships were loaded in and they came at the Yui from several directions. "Lav try when facing multiple Angel ships try and keep one of their ships in the way of the others." Wazu instructed as the grand white beams fired off taking down two more ships as the turrets opened fire creating walls of weapons fire as he tried to box the angel ships into certain flight patterns. Then barrel rolled the Seigi out from under the Angel ship and thrusted laterally putting one angel ship between her and another one. She carefully attempted to dodge any incoming shots as she tried to maintain her "shield.” With two ships perfectly lined up, A rare occurrence indeed, the grand white beam was able to fire through one placing a nice neat hole in its center and clip the other in the rear. Lavinia noticed on the sensors that one was behind her and pulled the ship up thrusted toward the angel ship, essentially pulling a loop-the-loop over it and spun the Seigi to put it between her and another ship. "The gravity distortion beam generators can be used to swing the ship around. Try overlapping a few of the beams to create a gravity well big enough to swing the ship around in" Wazu instructed as he continued raining turret fire and GWB shots at the enemies. Lavinia nodded outside the system and tried to form a gravity well to spin the ship. She felt internal systems project the beams and as they overlapped a weak gravity well formed. She found that she could control the size of it by willing it larger or smaller as the ship flew. "What happens if I make it larger?" she wondered and attempted it as she strafed to avoid enemy fire and maintain the "shield" "Then you can use it to swing the ship around much like a planets gravity field" Wazu said to her through the Seigi as weapons fire hit the ship on the port side. Lav could feel pain as the shots ripped into the side of the vessel. Lavinia used the gravity well to spin the ship around and dove under an angel ship trying to maintain it between her and the other one. She kept up the evasive manoeuvres as well as she could, she knew she couldn't dodge everything, but she sure as hell was going to try. That and set them up for a counterattack. Her move caused the ship to be moving backwards with almost no loss in velocity. She could feel her engine power lessen as the transposition cannon in the front of the ship fired creating a black hole that reversed the ship's momentum again and pulled in several angel ships. "Whoa! What was that?" she asked Wazu. "WATCH OUT!" Wazu tried to yell as the ship hit the event horizon stopping the simulation. Lav felt her control over the drives go away to where she could only see what the ship was seeing "Damn, you should have told me sooner." She swore. "P)ease be more careful with my body in the future Ms Taiensho and Wazu" Seigi said "Sorry, Seigi, I did my best." Lavinia said. "You did good Lavinia." Wazu said before addressing Seigi on how to use first names. "I suppose I those trans...whatever cannons have one hell of a recoil." Lavinia commented. "It was just that we were to close to the event horizon" Wazu said. "The what?" Lavinia asked surprised. "Oh, the edge of the black hole correct?" She added. "The event horizon is where the escape velocity is" "Correct, the edge of the black hole" Wazu interrupted not wanting to confuse Lav with Seigi's definition "Will the ship always respond like that in reality?" Lavinia asked. "I suppose I should have pulled the ship out of the range right as you fired them eh?" "I respond like that Ms. Taiensho" Seigi corrected "I'm sorry Seigi." She said apologetically. "Thank you for being so cooperative." Lavinia felt good, she had done the best she could without anyone to access and control the shields. Wazu returned to talking with Seigi about various things allowing Lav some time to do what she wanted. Alexis Jaren 9/16/03 19:53 Moving In (2): Process Problems [GSS Seigi] ON>> GSS Seigi "There is no further information I need from you at this point," the Neko said as she continued to follow him. "Alright." Alexis continued around the ship, then entered engineering and inspected the power plants that ran this ship. Hmm. Maybe some of the technology could be adapted for some of his projects. Maybe he could work it out with Wazu to acquire the specifications. As he walked into the engineering section of the ship, it got noticeably louder. A dull roar was heard through the doors that lead through the power plants. "Four antimatter reactors...Seigi, what are the dimensions of the ship?" That was much more than the Galaxy class used...and it was practically a space-borne town. How big was this ship? "I am 636 meters long, 275 meters wide and 40 meters tall," the Neko behind Alexis responded. Alexis turned and smirked at her. "Well...you sure don't look it..." he said with a short laugh. "I do not understand, Mr. Alexis," Seigi said. Instead of a look of confusion, she retained her blank look that seemed so unnatural. "Compare the size of your avatar to the dimensions you just gave me. It's a play on words I didn't expect you to understand, but it just had to be said." Alexis took the measurements of the Seigi and compared them with the dimensions of the Federation Galaxy class...yep. The Seigi had either an efficiency problem, was more massive than the other ship, or was really overpowered. Either way, it was somewhat impressive. Seigi thought about it for a moment. "Why is that funny?" she asked. "Do you have an emotion sub-routine?" Alexis asked. "I may not be as sophisticated as a Megami in programming but I can learn," the Neko said defensively. "I didn't mean any offence; it's just usually it takes being programmed for emotion to get jokes. As for why the joke was funny... call it irony or improper logic, it was just odd to think of your avatar having those dimensions." Alexis shrugged. "Anyway. I think I'm done with my exploring." "So logic errors are funny?" Seigi asked. "Pretty much. It's the fact they don't make sense, but at the same time they do in an abstract way. At least, that's the best explanation I can come up with right now. If you check back later I might have another." Alexis started walking toward the bridge and his quarters, pausing a second to wait for the avatar, if she/it was coming along. The Avatar was following him around and observing how he walked and talked. "How much later?" it asked him as they walked down the carpeted hallways. Wow. It was a blank slate, wasn't it? Kinda reminded him of Nashi. "Pick a random time. Just not too soon, give me time to forget the first answer," the shifter replied. "In the meantime, what is your function? As a ship, I mean, not as a computer." "I am to follow the orders of my commander. If he is killed or incapacitated my function is to follow your orders and if you are killed or incapacitated..." Seigi began to go into a long listing of the command structure onboard the ship. "Not the command structure...what is the function. What is the ship's role in missions," Alexis restated, getting the feeling that this was going to be quite interesting. "That is my function." Seigi said. "The officers inside of me determine my function." "You can't do everything..." he said. "Are you a carrier ship or fighter, or capitol ship?" Finally, he just shook his head. "Forget it. I'll ask Wazu." "I am all of those" Seigi said, still following him around. "Ah. You're the biggest fighter I've seen, then." Alexis arrived on the bridge and entered his quarters. He took off his satchel and laid it to the left of the door, then looked around at the rest of the room. The Neko left him in his room and went to go attend to other things and bug other crewmembers. His quarters were oddly shaped, but on the bright side he had the only pantry for food in all of the crew quarters. On the down side, he didn't need food. The shifter looked at the pantry funny and shrugged. Looking down at the nest, he pondered actually using it. The floor was fine, but he was in the mood for a change of pace. Maybe he would get someone else in here who would actually use it...or were these single-person quarters? He'd ask later. Outside of his room he could hear a few Nekos walking in the halls and the sounds of Wazu talking to the ship's pilot on the bridge. "Thin walls," he noted. That might be a problem. He liked having quiet. Another thing to fix...Leaving his bag in the room, the shifter exited onto the bridge. What now? Wazu was plugged back into the computer with Lav, who was sitting in the chair across from him. The Neko from earlier was walking around checking on the computer systems on the bridge. Alexis took a seat in the chair between Wazu and Lavinia. He looked over at Wazu to see how to interface. Wazu had simply laid back in the chair and the computer had connected the wires to the standard places on the Neko body, although, from the amount of wires under the chair it seemed like it was set up to connect with more than just Nekos. Alexis shrugged, and then lay back. A jack opened up in the back of his neck, the same that he used to interface with Megami. It was the only one that he knew. One of the cables under the chair snaked out and attached itself to the back of his neck automatically. The manual controls then swung around like a desk into place in front of him. That panel was filled with all sorts of buttons, switches, and joysticks. It was apparent that not much attention was given to aesthetics. The shifter closed his eyes and sent out a mental probe into the system. -How does this work? - He thought to it. "You can operate the system manually or I could directly connect you to me," Seigi said. "A direct connection will do," he said. A tide of data started running through his mind, following the path of the probe he had sent out. Suddenly he felt his body loosing feeling, replaced by the sensations delivered by the ship's sensors and the views from all of the different Nekos that were under its control. Suddenly nervous, he fought back to his body and recovered feeling. -Hey! Don't do that. I'm not coming to you, you're coming to me, - he sent, a hint of anger in the thought. -Let's get that straight. _Never_ drag me out. I'm in control here.- ~I wasn't dragging you out. It is a perception of the mind when a stronger sensory input is established, ~ Seigi responded in her same blank tone. Mentally sighing, he reopened the connection, allowing more thought-space to process the Seigi's sensor input as well as his own senses. "Stronger input my foot," he muttered. He had underestimated the amount of data that the Seigi could process. That would not happen again.