Jadg Wolf 2/5/03 18:37 Wolf was involved in other business right now with Section One. A simple text message was sent to the 5th Fleet from PNUgen. "Fleet, move to Tabidatsu system out of range of Starbase Python. Remain on alert around the clock. Be ready for anything. Intelligence group remain with the fleet. Assault groups run constant patrol around area. Be subtle. Execute and await further orders. GSA no Chujo Wolf Commanding Officer, 5th Fleet." Jadg Wolf (2/11/03 20:24) The message would be sent to the Kiyomizudera, though this time not simple text. Wolf's face was stoic as he relayed the command. "This is Chujo Wolf. Pick up at PNUgen CMC Complex, fast as you can. Out." Within the hour the Kiyomizudera would have picked him up and run him to the Tabidatsu System where the 5th fleet currently seemed to be standing around. A transmission was then sent to the GSS Yui, again with closed video feed. "Hello Taisho Yui. Please let me know when I can meet you to discuss the goings-on in the Python Sector." Kitsurgi Yui 2/11/03 21:13 Admiral Chat Yui called back to the Kiyomizudera (A name she had always found quite lovely) and asked for the Chujo. Wolf hadn't been doing anything anyway. Nothing to do, except watch the patrols, which would be quite boring. As the hail came through, Wolf had a channel opened. Wolf's face was looking a little annoyed. "Hello Yui." He did one of those nod acknowledgements he always did. "I hear that Section is pretty much dead these days." Yui began. "I'm glad you've decided to rise to the stars with me." Wolf signed and shook his head. "I really wanted to kill some of those *******. I guess I'll have to leave that pleasure to my friends." His tone was a little more informal now that he was talking to Yui face to face, or close. Still, he was trying to be as respectful as his temper would currently allow. "Yeah, they're pretty much out of it. I give 'em a month before they split apart. So what's going on in the Python Sector?" "Well, recently we've manage to deliver a crushing blow to the activities of pirate activity, and we are still working on a treaty with the Federation. It's hard because neko culture is different and misunderstood by them." "Eh, that's bad. Guess you'll just have to give them a demonstration of your culture. A subtle hint, you know. Anyway, what about the spying in the Python Sector?" "Well, I've offered to let their officers work aboard GSA ship but so fr none have come forward." Yui frowned. "As far as intel ops, I'm not sure what exactly need monitoring. As the SAINT commander, I was hoping you could determine what areas would be best and assign yourself there. If you need a recommendation, though, I'd say you might consider living on the starbase, operating a monitoring net there." "I'll check it out, then. Be looking around. You have any Intel people free?" "No, I don't actually." Yui commented. "I only have a few." "Very well, I'll work on it myself. Let me know if anything else comes up. I'll look around and see where I should be." "I'm worried about these federation people. We need to keep a close eye on them until we know they are our friends..." "I'll do that then. I won't trust anyone until I got good sources that speak well of the GSA." "Good luck, then." Yui smiled, then tilted her head, having to ask a question... "How do you like living with the nekos?" Wolf arched an eyebrow at the unexpected question. "Well, I wouldn't know. Haven't lived with them yet, really. Why do you ask?" Yui almost giggled, looking like she knew something he didn't. "Just be culture-concious." she advised. "Huh, alright...." Wolf was curious, but it was only on his face for a second before he was back to normal. "I'll be working on it. Good-bye Yui." "Farewell Wolf" Kitsurgi Yui 2/21/03 17:29 Cat and Mouse (RP) The large frame of the recently appointed Taisa, Zaitsev rested wearily in thought within the luxury of a human-crafted leather chair upon the GSS Shibata. Raising a burly, gnarled hand to the control panel before him, Zaitsev entered a few keys in to the panel, intending to send a hail of sorts to the Taisho Yui. Zaitsev remained as always rather informal about his duties, idly waiting for the appearance of the Taisho, he closed his eyes, expecting shortly to hear her voice questioning the purpose of his communication. While he waited, his eyes remained closed, head flopped against the squeeky surface of the leather chair. "This is Taisho Yui of the GSS Philosophy, how can I help you?" The reply came. Snapping his head forward quickly, Zaitsev offered a simple, though respectful nod of his head to his superior. "Greetings, Taisho Yui. I've some interesting news from Ayenee that I thought would best be brought to your attention before any decisions were made." Yui leaned toward the screen, her smooth face lit by the floating layers of holographic maps that surrounded her. The cool yet cosy air of her new ship blew gently on it and her hair, causing the forest green strands to float and drift. She raised a familiar eyebrow. "What exactly do you speak of?" she asked, intrigued. Smiling, the interest of Yui was clearly captured in these short transmissions, already. Turning softly in the squeaky chair, Zaitsev began his informal report. "I've been ferrying back and fourth from the KIF's fleets. I spoke with several representatives, including the ever so eccentric Commander Card. The KIF has proposed a formal Non-aggression pact between it and the GSA. As well, they also offered an informal free trade option - Basically allowing the sale of goods from either system to the other to be accepted. I told the young Commander I would seek your opinion on the matters before responding to him." With that, Zaitsev wearily turned to face his monitor, unsure what to expect in response. "I would like to see this pact." Yui said, wondering when the KIF would post it to Foreign Affairs. "This is an excellent step for both our peoples. You know I've always hoped to integrate the KIF into the GSA. I'm almost certain the treaty will be successful on our side, unless there is something I didn't think of...Is the KIF allied with the NDI at this time?" Zaitsev gave thought to comment of the NDI. He hadn't had a chance to speak with them during his times in Ayenee. The NDI was a foreboding organisation. Something he didn't enjoy the company of. "They're military allies. I don't know if they have a right of free-trade agreements, or anything other than the military alliance. Though, I suspect not." "I see" Yui nodded. She didn't trust the NDi much either. "Very well, then. Would the KIF like to arrange a meeting sometime tomorrow?" "Tomorrow they should be available for an official meeting." Pausing for a moment, Zaitsev added, "On to something else. They've moved four fleets in to umm...Zora...Zara...Zeran...That planet they're occupying. Intelligence also says they've begun heavy industrialization on the surface of the planet and in beneath the surface including very many military installations. Few city's have been erected. Furthermore, when I spoke with the blue-headed commander, he mentioned a 'tide of war' and going against it. What is to be made of the KIF's recent military actions? It appears as if they're setting a stronghold in Ayenee. I hope I'm wrong, but it appears they may intend to make an incursion in to ayenee space." Yui let the information soak in for a few seconds and thought carefully over it before replying. "That is rather unexpected...I still don't know whether they would actually be planning such a move. Perhaps they are intending to expand in order to increase their resource base as we have been doing of late... But that implies they are defending against a threat... what threat?" His reply came quickly and for a moment, during his words he'd wanted to stop. "I'm unsure. Though, there was a recorded stand-off between them and the local Ayenee forces. As well as an undocumented race that engaged in a brief skirmish with the NDI -- before being disposed of. Perhaps the KIF has more information about this alien force? Or maybe they've taken affront to the Ayenee force? I certainly hope neither is the case, while I am dubious of this 'Card' fellow - they gave me many trinkets that are akin to Human design." A broad smile spread across his lips at the mention of the trinkets, the ever-present squeak of his chair just one of the many. "I think this alien force needs to be researched." Yui stated indirectly. It was obvious who she wanted to look into it. "We've attempted to get as much information as we could of the Alien source that encountered the NDI - unfortunately little was left from the skirmish. All we could deduce was that they used rather - inferior technology. Relying primarily on ballistic weaponry." Yui made a face "ooh." It was the kind of face people made when a hockey player gets slammed into the wall, or when their antique family clock is appraised for $1.50. Zaitsev nodded with a soft chuckle. "Yes, needless to say their skirmish with the NDI, who by the way had the ASC and KIF close at hand was -- a pathetic and most disturbing sight." "I take it the reason they haven't come back is because they are scrounging around for something that would be more...effective." "Or perhaps their ego's are still bruised from being defeated by a force half their size, without managing to even scratch a single ship? I'm unsure, though one ship a capital class I believe, did manage to escape." "If I had more ships in the area, I'd have attempted to get an analysis of the wreckage, but alas, someone else has taken it already." Yui made a frownie face. Zaitsev nodded solemnly. "Yes, I only managed a brief sweep of the wreckage with sensors before an ASC wreckage crew decided to clear it away. Quite unfortunate, I'm sure it would have provided interesting details in to their culture and methods." Zaitsev was tempted to sigh at that point, pondering what kind of fool went in to an alien system and opened fire. Adjusting the ragged brown fatigues he wore as casual wear, Zaitsev returned his gaze to Yui. "What should I be doing in the mean time in regards to everything in Ayenee?" "Well, unless you see something of interest, you can hang out on the surface and get toasted and fellated in one of the many taverns." Yui joked wryly. "You should be wearing your uniform." she added, noticing his brown outfit. "Or, at least, your rank pin. It's the law." Zaitsev laughed heartily at the mention of Ayenee's typical tavern scene. Waving a lightly bronzed hand he began, "Heh - I prefer sophisticated people, not drunken whores with no head on their shoulders. Ayenee is not my - cup of tea." Chuckling he noticed his uniform had been caught. Removing the rank pin from his pocket, he applied it to the brown, weathered tunic. "I will apply the rank pin, though I'm off-duty and these have had me rather reminiscent of home." Glancing over his shoulder, one of the Neko's onboard the Shibata wandered by who was notably off-duty, yet clad in the typical uniform. Zaitsev shrugged meagrely at the apparent up-staging by one of his lower-ranked soldiers. Yui waved a chiding finger, "Off duty...an amusing concept. My crew is always GSA, and always ready to fight, no matter what hour it is." Spotting the neko go by in the background, she pointed her finger at the neko, then to him. "You're humping them, aren't you?" she accused. Zaitsev's jaw dropped at the accusation of humping his crew. Straightening in to a more dignified position he spoke in a commanding, though rather slighted tone. "Of course not" Pausing he added softly, "...Well, not that anyway." His gaze was cast to the floor, as the accusation was close to accurate. He'd almost shared a bed with one of the crew, though he had somehow managed to regain his military composure. Yui smiled sympathetically. "I know, nekos are extremely open and willing. I can't blame you. It's nothing wrong, I was simply curious." Zaitsev gave a moments thought and hesitation before responding. "Truthfully, I have not crossed the erm -- professionalism border. I hope I can ward off any such ideas in the future, too. It is a challenge being the only one with a -- the only male on-board." "I'm sure being a male captain must be rater difficult. they expect you to not only be like a father, but they seek to please you in those ways. As I said, you can let it happen, and indulge in the fruits of their admiration, so long as you let it remain clear who is the master." Yui said. "You and your crew should share a bond of trust." "Yes, I realize it's rather customary for the GSA. However, I just don't feel comfortable with the concept at heart. Which is quite unfortunate for me. I can only imagine how many men would kill for this position and opportunity." Pausing Zatisev added. "So I should sit tight on the Ayenee situation? Just wait it out?" Yui almost was going to tell him to use what he was born with, and live it up. But she realized it was a personal and cultural thing for this man, and that he wasn't going to see such things as right until he actually made that decision for himself somewhere down the road after seeing too much neko to help himself. "Very well, Chujo Zaitsev," she sighed, resigned. His crew was probably disappointed. "Hang around Ayenee and look for signs of activity by any other forces, including the new aliens." "Will do." Pausing he considered for a moment silently the crew on board and pondered exactly how much longer he could hold out. "I hope these forces prove to be less hostile than in their initial confrontation with the Nerimians. Though, I don't see it being a large problem - they couldn't even penetrate the Lightning shield array with several capital sized ships." Yui giggled. There were a few telepathic nekos hanging around behind the Chujo now, intently listening in on his thoughts of making whoopee with them. While Zaitsev had noticed the Neko's behind him, he hadn't been aware of any telepathy that had gone on. Turning his attention clearly to Yui, he added. "What shall I do about the NDI? We've made no official contact with them as of yet." "Well, last time we offered them a peace treaty, they rejected it...but they didn't know anything about us. Perhaps we should hold off on diplomatic relations until soemthing happens. The 'A friend in need...' sort of thing. We should also look to get in touch with the enemies of the NDI...the Jaaqtah, and see what their agenda is. But no choosing sides or making promises at this point." "Alright, Taisho. I'll keep all of these things in mind." Glancing over his shoulder to the two Neko's a brow arched at the visage of the two before he shook his head softly. "....Funny." All that he managed to say before turning his attention to Yui, again. "I always have my hands full, here..." 'Full of neko T&A' Yui silently thought, grinning. "Have a good night, Victor. It's good to hear from you again." Zaitsev nodded shaking his head, guessing the thoughts in Yui's head. "Good night, Yui. Sweet dreams. It was nice speaking with you, hopefully we'll be in contact again shortly." Glancing at the neko's, then back to Yui, he added with a soft wink. "Now, I must reprimand my crew." A soft chuckle followed. "Be gentle." Yui snickered. "Where's the fun in that!?" He exclaimed with a smirk. Yui just smiled widely. His screen switched to the GSA 1st Fleet logo briefly before returning to the starfield that hung over the war-scarred Ayenee Prime. Turning from his command chair, Zaitsev glanced to the two Neko's who all too eagerly squealed and ran off down the halls. Shaking his head Zaitsev would soon give chase in an ironically titled game of 'cat and mouse'. Jadg Wolf 2/23/03 19:34 Drop off (Last night....) Wolf walked out of his quarters and to the bridge of the GSS Kiyomizudera. "Take me to Ayenee Prime. Make sure the other ships know to stay." The crew was probably questioning the order, but they complied. Using the TTD, the ship reached Ayenee Prime within seconds, the crew now waiting for orders. "Drop me off near the south end of the Capital City." His curt order was met with swift action on the part of the crew. As the ship landed, the door was opened. Wolf walked out after telling everyone on the bridge, "Go back to Python. Don't mind letting anyone know where I am unless they ask." The Yui-class GD-45 took off, exiting the atmosphere to head back to the Fifth Fleet, leaving Wolf near an abandoned building at the southern outskirts of Ayenee Capital City.... Jadg Wolf 2/24/03 22:28 Pick up Text message sent from PNUgen CMC to GSS Kiyomizudera: "Pick up, PNUgen CMC building, now." As his orders were always short and brief, this might not bring up speculation. Who would know he was angry? Probably no one currently.... Ciraxis Tensykyn 2/28/03 14:43 Friendly greetings "Greetings Chujo Zaitsev, I am Ciraxis Tensykyn of the Fifth Fleet, I am being re-assigned to the GSS-Kiyomizudera. I hope that you are well and in good health. Farewell for now" The Black haired geshrin left on Zaitsev's monitor in text form. PS: "Don't let your crew of nekos push you around." "Sayonara." Ciraxis Tensykyn 2/28/03 13:45 Message to Com. Wolf "Greetings Wolf, this Ciraxis Tensykyn, I am an Operations Officer. who's going to be stationed on your ship. This message is to request a pick-up from the Python Starbase." A man with lavender eyes and blacks (no whites), short black hair and two long violet bangs (the Yui-style) said over the transmission. Jadg Wolf 3/2/03 19:56 Pick up (Yeah, Tyler, it has taken me a while to respond, and I apologize. When I can get online, it's probably on the other computer, where Internet Explorer doesn't work [and don't tell me to try Netscape. Already did]. To top it off, this Friday, I gotta go meet up with my family, then we're going to Colorado to snowski. Won't be back for a week. So, unfortunately, your character will be picked up--though as I do not have time to put both my OOC squabbling and an extensive post, it will be very simple--but I don't think you'll really have anything to do, seeing as no one else seems to care about this board, or my ship, or my fleet. Or me for that matter. ******s.) "A pick up at Starbase Python?" Wolf went over the message again. '~Damn~'. "Get a Wazu fighter to go over there. We'll stay here." He typed up a message to Ciraxis: "Sorry for the delay. A Wazu fighter will be there to pick you up shortly." A lone Wazu fighter from one of the light assault groups went off. As the fleet was still in the Pythus Sector, they weren't too far away. The fighter requested dock and pulled in, awaiting the man to come aboard. Ciraxis Tensykyn 3/3/03 9:54 Joining the Kiyomizudera ~Finally, it's about time Wolf sent a ship to pick me up.~ Ciraxis thought as he made his way to the Wazu fighter Fleet Admiral Wolf had sent. "Let's go!" he said to the neko pilot. She nodded as they pulled out of the dock and sped off to rendezvous with the GSS-Kiyomizudera. As they flew to the ship, Ciraxis sent the following message to Chujo Chiharu of the GSS-Yui. "Greetings Chujo Chiharu." He said bowing to his superior. "This is Taii Ciraxis Tensykyn, I have heard of your mission to intercept the angels and stop then, I wish you luck, it will be a difficult mission. Give this message to your crew from me: 'Good luck, and happy hunting, you'll need it. And to anyone whose misbehaving, shape your asses up or this mission will fail. You all need to be focused, ready and willing to do your appointed duty.'" Ciraxis said blowing his Yui-style bangs out of his eyes. As they got to the Kiyomizudera, Ciraxis went to the bridge where he belonged, took a look at the instrument panel, then turned to Wolf and said "What do want me to do?" He asked. Jadg Wolf 3/15/03 23:09 Ciraxis? "Huh?" This had been the first time anyone had asked him what to do. All the others had just done their thing. He had no idea what in hell Ciraxis was supposed to do. Wolf whispered, "Well, honestly I don't know what you're supposed to do. So, I dunno, just do your thing, check on all the systems. We're fixing to take a little trip to Ayenee Prime. I guess when we get there I'll be getting off for a few days, you'll need to watch over everyone." He shrugged. He really needed to know what this man was supposed to do in the first place. He gave a brief order to the pilot, "Take 'er to Ayenee Prime." Looking back to Ciraxis, Wolf looked at him questioningly for a second. He leaned forward a little, and asked in a hushed voice. "Eh, what're you supposed to do, anyway?" Ciraxis Tensykyn 3/17/03 18:40 Meetings and an explanation Ciraxis turned to Chujo Wolf, and smiled. "I'm here as a bridge operations officer, my specialty is starship weaponry and systems. So, we're going to Ayenee Prime?" Ciraxis then frowned; "That place is pure chaos, are you sure you need to go there?" He asked. He then noticed a look of wonder on Wolf's face. "I can see that you've never had anyone ask you for orders." He smiled again. He turned to the Kiyomizudera's intrumentation. ~Wait a minute here.~ Ciraxis thought as he looked at the instrument panel. "Whose going to command the ship while you're gone? Surely your Chujo or Chusa, I am only a Taii." He asked. He then turned back to the control panel he was sitting at, and pressed a few buttons and ran a sensor several sensor sweeps; looking for anything out of the ordinary. The results came back instantly, "Nothing unusual in this section of space." Ciraxis muttered, and continued his work. Jadg Wolf 3/17/03 21:03 "Well, I was thinking you'd like to watch over things while I'm gone. I'm the Chujo here, I'm also the captain of this ship. So, Taii, you'd be the one to keep everyone in line." He nodded as the ship neared Ayenee. The TTD use enabled them to get to Prime very quickly. "Go ahead and watch over things while I'm gone." He clapped Ciraxis on the shoulder as they neared the ground. Wolf passed through the rooms to the exit, and came across a lone Neko. "Hey, watch over the new guy while I'm gone. Ciraxis, bridge officer. I want to know how he does watching over everyone. Thanks." He continued on, eventually exiting the ship, standing near Phoenix's Weapon Shop. The Kiyomizudera took off back to the Fifth Fleet. Ciraxis Tenyskyn 3/18/03 19:35 Command eh? Ciraxis heard what Wolf had said. "Are you sure? If you're positive." Ciraxis shrugged. As he watched Wolf get off, he thought about what his new position meant. ~Hmm.. The ship is in Tabidatsu space. Wolf's on that chaotic planet, and I'm alone on a ship full of nekos.~ He shrugged. He turned and went around, looking at the crew with his lavender eyes; his blacks giving him an evil look. He addressed each bridge member in turn, saying: "Hello, I'm Taii Tensykyn, who are you?" He asked with a smile and extended hand. Ciraxis's first order of business was to introduce himself to his new crewmates. he believed that peace, tranquillity, loyalty and trust could be earned through hard work and a little friendliness. Sure, he could read everyone's files, but he thought that it was too impersonal. He preferred to meet the crew face-to-face. Ciraxis Tenyskyn 7/11/03 11:46 am What's this? Hmm... Ciraxis had taken a week or so to adjust to the way of life on the Kiyomizudera, He'd gotten is belongings stored and arranged in his quarters, made a friend of two with the neko crew. After a while, he got used to spend most of his time on the bridge, keeping on eye on the sensors to keep track of what happened out in space. "This is rather nice, it's slightly peaceful out here for the moment, but I know that it shall not last for very long." He said to himself one day while looking at the sensor array scanning sweeps. "Hmm? What's this? It looks like there's a bit of trouble brewing on a planet approximately 2,000 lightyears from here, should we check it out?" He smiled at one of the other bridge nekos. "Or wait for Chujo Wolf to return?" Jadg Wolf 7/11/03 3:55 pm The ship's intelligence officer happened to be on the bridge at that time. Glancing sideways at Ciraxis, she spoke quietly, her eyes and voice telling tale of a cool and calm individual. "You're in command. It's your decision. Hope you make the right one...." The fire control officer, a fiercer and relatively taller neko than the others, was about to speak up. Her loud voice carried across the bridge. "I think...." The intelligence officer's dark green hair shook as she snapped her neck around quickly to look at her. Her calm face was narrowed, and she was frowning angrily. But as the fire control officer was currently opposite of Ciraxis, he wouldn't see the intel officer's flustered face as she sent a telepathic message to the fire control officer. ~Quiet.~ The fire control officer stopped in mid sentence to look at her. Without taking her eyes off of the other officer's set eyes, she said slowly, "I think....it's Ciraxis' decision." The other nekos of the bridge nodded and all sporadically muttered their agreement, sometimes their voices going over the others. As the noise died down, everyone looked at Ciraxis. The intel officer had made her way to the door, but stood there waiting for his answer. Ciraxis Tenyskyn 7/11/03 18:06 ~What's your opinion?~ Ciraxis thought to the fire control neko, ~I prefer to hear all complaints against me, I'm used to it.~ He mentally added, his thoughts calm and unprovoked. He stretched a bit, had a look at the data. "We should go put down that uprising then return for Chujo Wolf, the lives of innocent civilians takes priority." Ciraxis said, his violet eyes reflecting his calm inner self. He brushed one of his bangs out of his face and turned to the console. He read the available information on the trouble. He activated the TTD drive to get to the planet, and cloaking as it arrived on the scene. Ciraxis looked at the communications officer. "I want you to monitor any outgoing transmissions." He said with a slight grin. Ciraxis made an announcement to the security personnel. "This is Taii Tensykyn, I want all security personnel to report to their respective duty station, I will call you to a meeting when more information comes in, but be prepared for action." Jadg Wolf 7/11/03 21:00 ~I wasn't complaining. But, you should have contacted him.~ The fire control neko had gone back to talking with other idle bridge officers, as the intelligence officer slipped out. She had heard Ciraxis' command to monitor outgoing messages. Nevertheless, she sent a message to the PNUgen Ayenee One facility. This was closer to Wolf's place of residence, as the CMC complex was located outside of ACC. Urgent Message for Chujo Wolf: Acting Captain Ciraxis Tensykyn has noticed a disturbance on a planet. He opted to proceed to the planet first without contacting you. Do not worry, he should be reading this message soon and he will assuredly change his mind. I know you will want to be here, so please arrive as quickly as you can to PNUgen Ayenee One complex. We will undoubtedly be there shortly. She made her way back to the bridge, watching Ciraxis expectantly. PNUgen knew how to contact Wolf. He would be at PNUgen Ayenee One within fifteen minutes. Cyraxis Tenyskyn 7/11/03 21:19 Ciraxis was standing on the bridge watching the various displays when he saw the intel officer's message show up, he read it carefully. He then turned to her, his yuistyle hair waved in the air as he did, he flipped a portion of his midnight blue cloak off his chest and looked at her squarely. "So, young lady. You think we should go back for Chujo Wolf? You've been here longer than I, so let's go for him." He said briskly, and turned to the navigator. "Set a course for PNUgen Ayenee, we're picking up the Chujo." Ciraxis said as he monitored the various controls. "You all must like him, Wolf that is.." he said quietly. The ships disappeared as it used the CCD to travel to PNUgen ayenee to pick up Wolf. They got to the appointed coordinates and awaited the chujo. Jadg Wolf 7/11/03 21:31 Several of the nekos spoke at once. "Well, he needs to know what we're doing, doesn't he?" "I've heard the Chujo is a good agent, he can help a lot on the surface." "He needs to be here." "It wouldn't make sense not to go for him, we could get there in a second." "We needed to at least tell him." Their voices overlapped, by the time the soundwaves had reached Ciraxis, it would be a jumble of excuses. Wolf would arrive at PNUgen a few minutes after the Kiyomizudera did. He boarded immediately, and reached the bridge doors. They opened, and Wolf beckoned the intelligence officer outside. Quiet voices, indistinguishable, would be heard for a few seconds before Wolf and the officer walked back in. Wolf walked toward Ciraxis and stopped several feet away from him. "A disturbance on a planet? Why wasn't I told before, and just what is going on down there?" Ciraxis Tenyskyn 7/11/03 21:51 Ciraxis turned to Wolf. "Sir, we got the alert not long ago and not much is known. I figured we should find out more." He said. "But, if we could go check it out, we might find something out, it may me important." He replied, a slightly worried look crossed his face as he spoke. Ciraxis looked at a screen that was now receiving preliminary reports. "Sir, it appears to be a kind of revolt against the gov't of sorts, or worse, details are kinda fuzzy, but the death toll is rising exponentially, it appears to be the first signs of a planetary war." Ciraxis said. Jadg Wolf 7/14/03 11:39 Wolf frowned at the mention of war. He knew what this meant. "Let's go and check it out. If that isn't a GSE planet, though, it may not be our place to intervene. But we certainly won't get any useful information here." Wolf moved to the door. "We'll get closer to the planet and see what we can find out. If need be, we'll get a team together to check out the surface ourselves. Let me know when you're finished scanning. I'll be in the intel office." He stepped out. He had a feeling they would be on the surface shortly. Ciraxis Tenyskyn 7/15/03 12:05 Ciraxis nodded to Chujo Wolf and looked over at the Navi Neko. "Let's return to that planet." He said in a smooth tone of voice. He turned to review the information on the planet, "oh no...." He said to himself as he received a bit of information. "There seems to be rogue nekos in action there, along with small, very well organized platoons of troops. Several large scale explosions are seen in a video feedback. Ciraxis got very worried and downloaded it onto a datapad and went to the intel office. "Sir, I have some intel on what may be happening on the planet." He said offering the datapad to the Chujo. "I do not like the looks of this, I've heard rumors of a mafia-like organization, and this planet is indeed a GSE planet. I believe we should intervene." He said Ketsuri Chiharu 8/21/03 18:09 Fukkou no Iioku Taisho Ketsurui sighed lightly to herself as she returned to her quarters, only long enough to change back into her uniform after she sent her reply to Yui. She returned to the bridge and looked to Taii Aya. "Taii, please open a channel to all remaining ships in the first fleet." The communications officer nodded and did as she was instructed. Once she nodded the Taisho to go ahead, Chiharu spoke. "Attention All Ships of the First Fleet, this is 1st fleet co-commander Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu. After the last battle with the Elysians the entire first fleet will be undergoing a massive reorganization to compensate for the sisters and brothers we lost.. You are all ordered to return to Geshrintall. Thank you." The Taisho nodded to Aya and she closed the channel. Chiharu sighed a bit and walked over to the PA system with a deep sigh and opened that channel as well. "Attention all crew, we will be returning to Geshrintall soon. I will explain everything in a mission debriefing tomorrow evening at 2000 hours. If you want to know what's going on, you must attend. Thank you." She closed the channel and looked to Aya with a soft sigh. "Well Aya.. it looks like we might be joining another family soon. If you chose to follow me to another fleet. But, we'll see what happens, right?" Chi offered her silent and distressed communications officer a cheerful smile. "Don't look sad, it'll work out in the end. You don't have to follow my lead anymore unless you want to... but what the future will bring has yet to be seen." Aya nodded and returned her friend and commanding officer's smile. "Hai, Chiharu-san. Tomorrow is another day." Aeriyon Elisias 8/21/03 16:50 Requests and changes. Rion sat in the galley thinking about what he could do while he still had free time in the shore leave, unknowing that Chiharu had returned. He sighed and scratched an itch in his arm absently while he pondered. ~Hold on, maybe I should add another modification, after all, I'm trying to leave my humanity behind, since I don't really have anymore use for it.~ He thought as he reached for a datapad on a nearby table that was unoccupied. ~Here goes~ He thought as he sent a request to PNUgen for a genetic modification for retractable claws in his fingers. he set the pad aside after finishing the transmission and leaned back in his chairs with his tail slowly sweeping the floor under his chair. He took a bite out of a potato when the pad buzzed with a reply. ~Wow, that was quick, they must be bored.~ He thought as he opened the message. It was an authorization for the genetic modification and a deduction from his account to pay for it. He stood up and headed BACK to the medbay with it, leaving his artwork on the table. He reached the bay in short amount of time. He spotted Akari inside tending to a few things and the elysian on the cot...still. He nodded hello to the angel and addressed Akari. "Ms Akari, I would like a genetic modification, I have obtained authorization from PNUgen to modify my body so that I have retractable claws in my fingers. Could you do that for me?" He asked with a serious, somber look on his face. Akari simply nodded to Rion. "I got the authorization and the data a few moments ago. If you'll take a seat for a moment, it won't take me long to prepare it for you." She didn't wait for Rion to respond, simply knowing that he would, as she went to the system and had the HS create the Gene mod syringe from the data she was sent. True to her word, it was done almost immediately as the data was processed through. Akari carefully picked up the syringe and approached RIon with it. "This should only hurt for a moment.. nothing more than a sharp sting.." She found his vein and injected the fluid, withdrawing the needle and putting it into the disposal to be reprocessed into the HS. "You're all done Rion. You seem to have recovered from your latest injury so you are free to return your normal duties and activites. Good luck."