[GSS Seigi] Cake, a drink, and some new friends Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 122 (11/15/03 16:25) [GSS Seigi] Cake, a drink, and some new friends Lavinia had been tense, preparing for a possible battle, but when the sensors told her that the Elysian's had fled, she disconnected and stood up and yawned. "May I be excused Mr. Ashigari?" She asked. He nodded in agreement and Lav walked out of the bridge and stood in the hallway for a little bit. "Maybe I'll go get a drink...or a quick swim." She giggled to herself and headed for the recreation rooms. Kitsune was still occupied with the treadmill as Rikku had grown tired of walking she had taken up her turn at the wieght lifting once more, she smiled at a passing couple of guys who walked toward the other wieghts next to her. Kitsune shook her head at her sister and Rikku sighed with a small grinn towards the two disregarding her sister's cautious look. After a few moments a rather tall, slender neko with long dark green hair walked in and looked around. She turned to Kitsune first of all since she was the first Lav saw, she walked over and smiled brightly. "Hi there, you must be new here." She said in a cheery tone. She turned her head to her and smiled still walking, "Names Kitsune ma'am." she said in an equally cheery tone "I'm Lavinia." The neko smiled. "How are you today?" She had long silky looking hair, with a bit covering her face lightly, she blew on it in vain trying to get it out of her eye. Kitsune smiled "Nice to meet you Lavinia, I'm doing excellent today, how about yourself?" she asked before takeing a drink from her bottle of water. Lavinia blushed slightly, hinting at slightly guilty thoughts. "Thinking about someone..." she said almost shyly. She then brightened up, "You probably don't want to hear about that. I'm a little tired, being plugged into the ship is stressful. I'm looking for something to relax with." She thought for a moment and smiled "Would you like to acompany me and Rikku to the bar? You could relax there if you don't stay here." she said happy to finnaly be able to get Rikku out of the gym and out to a drink or go to the club. "Rikku?" Lavinia asked cocking her head to one side looking cute in her questioning expression. She nodded "My sister over....there." she said sighing because Rikku was flirting with a guy that was spoting her while she benched the wieghts. Lavinia nodded and walked over. "Hi Rikku." She said cheerfully. The guy who was spotting for Rikku jolted into a salute, noticing that she was a Juni. "At ease boy." She said. "Aren't you supposed to be on duty?"She asked archly. The male's eyes widened and he took off in a hurry, leaving her to spot for Rikku. Lav was smiling and giggled a bit evilly, knowing she'd spoiled her fun. Rikku frowned but kept herself going looking at Lavinia with a small smile and whispering "I see." she anchored the weights and sat up shakeing her head too tired to stand, "Hello names Rikku Himora." she said takeing a drink of water as she watched Kitsune giggle at Lav's actions Lav offered Rikku a hand up. "You see what?" She asked curiously, he sensitive ears easily hearing the whisper. "Want to go over to the club and have a drink with me and Kitsune?" She asked innocently, as if she did nothing wrong. Rikku smiled standing up wipeing her face off with the white towel, her white hair french braided with the blue streack in the middle. "I suppose I could use a drink." she said watching Kitsune turn off the treadmill and walk over to the two "So we heading over to the bar?" she asked smiling at Rikku. Lavinia turned to Kitsune slightly and nodded, using a hand to brush her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. "You two are sisters? What kind of nekos are you?" she asked curiously, Lav was a neko full of questions. Kitsune smiled and looked to Lav still smileing and in unison Rikku and Kitsune both answered her question "We are the new NH-X's that arrived yesterday." Kitsune smiled and looked at Rikku "I'll be right back you two." she said leaving and comeing back a couple of minutes later wearing her uniform. "Rikku you should go back and change too." she said walking back towards them, Rikku nodded and walked off also returning a few minutes later, "Well shall we go then?" Rikku asked heading back towards the two. Lav nodded, smiling and started for the door to the club. "I'm a NH-X too...but my twin is on duty right now." She said. She walked out and across the hallway, into the club and took a seat near a wall, Koh quickly came over and took her request. "Soda please." Lav said, and Koh scooted off to get it. Kitsune kept up with her but Rikku lagged behind still thinking about things she really shouldn't be thinking about, she arrived and saw Lav and Kit already seated, took a seat next to Kitsune and "I'll take a soda" she said ordering before Kitsune could, Kitsune looked around then back to the bar, "Would you happen to have any tea?" she asked watching Koh take all the oders she was being asked for. "Yes ma'am." Koh said, setting Lav's drink down and went to get the other two's. Lavinia giggled and looked over at Rikku. "You look...distracted." She smiled. "No matter really, it's your private business. Please, tell me about you two." She smiled as Koh set the twin's drinks down. Kitsune sipped her tea and watched Rikku blush at the question because of who she had been thinking about "No it's nothing just an old friend I had before arriving on the Seigi." she said takeing a drink of her soda. "Oh, I do that at times." Lav smiled. "I haven't seen sister X's, I thought all pairings were male/female." she smiled innocently. Meanwhile, Ritsu woke up from a light nap and was so very bored, so he decided to go wander the ship, Uso wasn't going to come back... Kitsune shrugged "I don't know how it works I just know we're sisters and I go with it." she said looking at Rikku who personaly had no explination for them being twin sisters. Rikku turned around and watched a couple sit together and some danced as she watched and wanted the feeling those individuals had again. "What's her problem Kitsune? Rikku seems...out of it." Lav asked. Ritsurin was just down the hall, following his sharp ears to the club to see what the ruckus was. Kitsune shrugged and looked at Lav with a frown "She always does this when she sees couples doing fun things together, she misses the guy she had before." She spoke quietly so Rikku didn't hear her "Oh....I'm so sorry, there's plenty of guys here, she'll find someone else." Lav confided to Kitsune. Kitsune nodded and turned to look at the others that were in the room, she smiled and watched Rikku trying to hide her sadness. Lav smiled. "I know what she needs." She smiled at Kitsune. Lav leaned over and gave Rikku a small hug and giggled a bit girlishly and let go and sipped at her drink. Ritsu shook his head, making his mane of platinum blonde hair dance around, as well as his (sephiroth-like) bangs. He scanned the club with clear amber eyes, his features rough, but handsome. He had on a red tech uniform without the sleeves on, showing his muscular arms. "Such...loud music..but I suppose it's to be expected on a ship this huge." He said to himself. There was something about him..something a bit off. He had clawed fingers and pointed ears... Rikku smiled at Lav and looked around again, seeing Ritsurin she grinned and whispered something something in Kitsune's ear.Kitsune looked around and saw Ritsurin her ears perked and she looked at Lav "Do you know who that is?" she asked motioning her to look Ritsurin's way. Lav knew that her twin was there and acted as if she didn't. Ritsurin stretched, popping several joints and walked in looking around. Lav nodded, barely suppressing a smile. "I know who that is." She said, but she really couldn't resist it and jumped up and pounced on Ritsu as he neared, nearly knocking him to his back and latching on huggling. Ritsu looked surprised, clearly false. "Ack, help! I'm being attacked by a friendly neko!" He laughed. Kitsune giggled a bit before seeing Rikku's glare to her, she turned around and ordered another tea holding back her laughter from the humor of the situation, Rikku on the other hand was slightly unsurprised that he was taken already, she smiled at the two, "They make a good couple." she said giggleing Ritsu set a giggling Lav down in her chair and stood behind it, leaning on the back of the chair. "Who's these two pretty ladies?" He smiled winningly. Lav shook her head and sipped her drink. During the smile they could see another difference, this guy had...fangs? Kitsune started to laugh again then fell quiet seeing Rikku's smiled and took a drink before speaking "My names Rikku this is Kitsune. Compliments on your taste Lav, he's a good catch." she said smileing at Lav as Kitsune turned around and nodded. Lav nodded. "Actually he found me...poor dogboy here was a loner and we met some years ago." She smiled. Ritsu blushed slightly and stole a chair from an empty table and sat down on it. "Rikku and Kitsune eh? Pretty names." He said. Kitsune smiled and swallowed her drink "I bet hes a loyal dogboy." Kitsune smiled and looked at Rikku who was still sipping coke, "Thank you, can we know the name of this loyal dogboy?" she said giggleing Ritsu's ears moved slightly, a trait from his old life. Lav broke into giggles and sipped her drink. "I'm Ritsurin, in case your wondering, I was a half dog-demon in a previous life." Kitsune smiled "Nice name, it fits you." she said looking at Rikku still smileing, Rikku watched his ears still smileing "I've never seen a half dog-demon before." she said quietly still watching his ears "I was the last one, there are no more." He said, his expression becoming sad. Lavinia looked sympathetic and hugged him warmly. "He was the last of his family before the elysian's slaughtered them all." Rikku smiled sympathetically and nodded "I'm sorry." Kitsune nodded at her and watched the couple. "So how long have you two been together?" she asked changeing the subject. Lav looked thoughtful, Ritsu stood up to go order a drink. "Hmm...6 years now." "I met him while in the academy, before the Elysian's destroyed it. I was supposed to be a security sentry..but I ended up being a pilot instead." Rikku nodded looking at her cup smileing "I wish I had a relationship that was like that, the only one lasted from when I was born to 3 or 4 months before me and Kitsune left for here." she smiled sadly again thinking of someone she shouldn't have been thinking about. Kitsune glance at her and shook her head "Come on cheer up Rikku." she said patting her back. Ritsu came back, drinking from a tall glass of soda. "You'll find someone Rikku, there's plenty of guys here." He said comfortingly, sitting down again. Lavinia nodded. "He's right." Rikku nodded and looked up "Its just kinda hard to forget about a guy like Aubaine." she said with a small smile looking at the three "What am I saying I probably won't even see him for the rest of my life I might as well get over it and stop dwelling on lost causes." She said cheering herself up "That's right. If it bothers you much, you could go talk to Kai." Lavinia said. "He'll listen to whatever you have to say...but it's hard to talk with him looking straight at him because he's so cute." She giggled, jabbing Ritsu in the ribs playfully. Ritsurin set the drink on the table and facepalmed, chuckling a bit. "And I'm not?" He chuckled to her. Kitsune almost busted out laughing at Lav's comment on Kai, she knew Rikku thought the same about him, she instead just giggled and covered her mouth to surpress her laughter, Rikku poked her in the ribs and smiled "Oh hush Kitsune." she said giggleing. "Why do I bother?" Ritsu pseudo-fumed. "Oh come on. You know you're the only guy for me." Lav giggled and huggled him again, laying a light kiss on the cheek. "What do you two think of him anyway? Kai that is, I hear he's the new commander here." Lav said afterward. Kitsune smiled "Ohhh Rikku thinks alot about him." she said giggleing and almost falling out of her chair at Rikku's reaction. "Hush Kitsune sheesh your so mean." she said makeing another serious look and pokeing her in the ribs again "Pay no attention to her." Rikku said pointing at Kitsune who was still laughing. "She's loony, Kai is ok so far, I don't know him too well so I couldn't say anything good or bad about him." she said stareing at Kitsune, Lav giggled openly. "I'm sure there's more to it than that or you wouldn't react so strongly." She said. Ritsu finished his drink and sat back, just listening, not really having anything to say. Kitsune, who had fallen off her chair was now sitting on the ground looking up at the two trying to stay quiet with her laughter. Rikku shrugged "I just agree that he is.....cute, that and hes nice so far, I don't know why Kitsune is acting like this." she said shakeing her head at Kitsune smileing. Ritsu stood up and kissed Lav on the cheek, making her blush a pretty pink. "I'd better go explain my absence to Juni Acara." He said, nodding to the other two nekos. "G'bye." He said cheerfully and walked out, but paused in the door. "Lav, there's something for you in the galley." He smiled and walked out. Lavinia still blushed. "I wonder what it could be?" She mused. "He's always doing these little things for me. It's really quite charming." Ritsu smirked as he got outside, he wasn't going to Acara just yet. He wanted to go see Keenara first...about something. Rikku watched him leave and smiled at Lav "He's quite cute." she said commenting on Ritsu, Kitsune was still on the floor and she started to giggle again standing up "Well shall we go see the little suprise he left you Lav?" she asked still smiling. Lavinia nodded, but couldn't help but laughing a bit. "Sure, why not?" She said, standing up, walking over and offering Kitsune a hand up. "How do you say that Rikku?" Kitsune took her hand and stood up, "I think she means you two make a cute couple." she whispered as Rikku shrugged and looked at them "He just fits you so well it makes him cute." she said smileing as she stood up. Lavinia smiled. "I'll show you where to find the galley, you may want to remember that." She said, walking toward the door and paused, waiting for them Kitsune was close behind though Rikku liked to lag behind but soon caught up with the two and nodded. Daijin Ritsu: Lavinia lead them through the hallway. "That's the bridge." She said, pointing at the armored doors. "My room is in there."She added. Kitsune took in all the information she could get while she followed her contently. Rikku looked around and kept an eye on every person that passed her while still listening to her. She smiled back at them and lead them down the hall a bit...a delicious odor filled the hall as they neared the galley. Lav paused again. "The intel office is up that way." She said. pointing down the hall and to the left. "The second to last door." She winked at Rikku. "But this is the room we need to go in." She said, stepping aside to let them in first. Rikku stopped and inhaled the scent before sighing with a smile and walked in the room following Kitsune through the door and looked around with a content smile. Inside was a medium-sized plate of fresh, warm brownies, along with a small cake and a little box, leaning against the box was a small note. Lavinia walked in, her eyes widened at the sight of it all and walked over and tasted one of the brownies. "Mmmm" she purred. She ate the rest of it politely. "That guy...he knows I love brownies, but all this?" Rikku smiled "He's sweet huh?" she asked smelling the scent again as Kitsune stood next to her still smileing. Lavinia nodded and offered a couple brownies to them. "Here. they're really good." They both shook there head and smiled Rikku sighed "I haven't had anything sweet in a very long time I get sick when I eat things that are sugary and things like brownies." Kitsune nodded and smiled "Same here." she said leaning against the wall. "Oooh that must suck." Lav said, then ate a brownie. "What do you like? If you ask him, I'm sure he'll make it for ya." Lav smiled, She set aside the brownies and sampled the cake and purred in satisfaction. Rikku smiled and shrugged "I don't even really like food that much, but if anything, its these small cookies that are like cinniman covered that aren't too sweet and aren't too plain that would have to be my favorite, that was the last thing I ate before me and Kitsune left on the small ship." Kitsune smiled and rembered the taste "Yes they almost melt in you mouth, best kind of cookie ever made." she said kissing her finger tips and spreading her fingers "Magnifico." she said giggling a bit. "Jace made those huh?" she said looking at Rikku quizicly. Rikku nodded and smiled back. "Lav had finished the little slice of cake and wiped her mouth. "Interesting, but you have to eat something other than that." She chuckled, still not noticing the note and box. Kitsune's white white hair swayed as she nodded "Other then those we just eat things we're given for lunch and things like that, though there was the whole cake thing but I really don't think I ate any." she said giggling and then stopped remembering who started it. "Oh well, here, you can get whatever you want to eat. It's pretty much self serve unless you want something special." Lav said. Kitsune walked to the and poked at the cake giggleing "Good chef, but he left a note for ya there, mmm ooo he is a good cook." she said handing her the piece of paper and takeing a slice of cake and handing it to Rikku before takeing a slice and eating it cleanly with small bites. "Oh?" Lav said taking it from Kitsune. She read over it and smiled, with happy tears starting to fill her eyes. ".....he remembered." Lav said, hugging the note to her for a moment. Rikku looked at her strangely, "Would I be intruding if I asked what exactly he remembered?" she asked knowing it was kinda rude when Kitsune made a face at her. Lavinia shook her head. "It's not a big thing..it's just that nobody else has remembered. But today's my birthday." She smiled brightly. Rikku smiled and whispered something to Kitsune and soon they both grinned "One, two, three,.....Happy birthday to you....happy birthday to you .....happy birthday dear Lav....Happy...birthday....to you." Kitsune and Rikku smiled and gave her a friendly hug and clapped. Lav turned a bright red and kicked at the floor. "oooh you guys." She said giving them return hugs. "One day, I'm going to have to get him back for this." She giggled. Rikku smiled and set the cake down and reached down and unclasping the bracelet she had on, "This is a special present that was given to me by a special person, since its your birthday and I feel stupid on people's birthdays when I dont give them anything I want you to have it, plus think of it as a sign of new friendship." she said clasping it around her wrist, the ruby red jewels glittered in the room as it slinked down Lav's arm, Kitsune sighed "Well that puts me in a spot I'm the one that feels stupid now" she said pokeing Rikku in the ribs. Lav blushed and giggled, "Thank you. but what's that on the table?" Rikku turned in circles "Whats what on what table?" she asked looking at Kitsune to see if she knew what she was talking about Kitsune shrugged and they looked at Lav. Lav walked over and picked up a little box from the table and unwrapped it. Her eyes widened in surprise. Inside was a beautiful, ornate locket with a picture of them together, Ritsu looked much younger, obviously an academy picture. "Oooo..." She breathed, she handled it carefully as the chain was very delicate. "He must have had this in his possessions...I can't believe I didn't notice it before I gave his things back to him..." Lav murmured. Kitsune walked over to her and looked at the necklace and smiled "Wow he's one good birthday planner." she said giggleing and waveing Rikku over toward the two, Rikku's eyes lit up as she saw the magnificent necklace "Wow he is good." she said smiling at Lav. "That's partially the reason why...I .." Lav trailed off blushing more. She shook her head, makingher long green hair dance. "I shouldn't be saying that.." Rikku smiled "Why you...?" she asked poking Kitsune in the ribs. "Oh come on now, what are we gonna do? Scream and run around like crazy little children?" she asked smileing. "Maybe." Lavinia giggled. "Ok, I'll tell you, but don't let him know. I wanted to ..um...." Lav said, blushing more, obviously it was something personal. "bear him a child...or 2." Rikku giggled and pokeing her "Hey come on now you two would make great parents, though how would you go about having kids if you're a Neko?" she asked looking curiously at her. "I was going to ask for a ST into a geshrin body..I don't want to talk to PNUgen because then I'd onlyhave youngling clones and not a true child." Lavinia said. Rikku nodded "Smart move, I would have never thought of something like that." she smileing "Congratulations when it happens." she said grinning. "But I don't know how to ask him about it..." Lavinia said. Rikku smiled and leaned against the wall "If he loves you, he should do anything for you, especialy something like this." she spoke quietly looking at Kitsune who was also leaning on the wall. "That's true. Maybe I'll 'reward' him with it later." Lavinia giggled evilly. ___________________________ JP: Kitsune: (Kitsune, Rikku) Tyler: (Ritsu and...) GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) [GSS Seigi] Music Therapy Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 139 (11/15/03 23:32) [GSS Seigi] Music Therapy Alexis woke up on his back on the floor just outside the nest pit. He had crawled out in his sleep and drug a pillow out with him. He sat up and backed up against the wall, leaning his head against the bulkhead. His time sense told him he had been sleeping a few hours at least...had nothing happened since then? The shifter had told the Seigi computer to alert him to anything urgent, so he didn't question it. Pushing himself up, Alexis walked over to the place he had stowed his satchel and pulled out a pair of mini-speakers and a small music storage device. He had nearly forgotten it was there, and he hadn't heard some good music in a long time. Club Seigi (his nickname for the dance place on board) had music, but it wasn't what he wanted to listen to right then; he hadn't heard any orchestral music in a long time. A pity, since music was one of his loves. Pressing a key on the device released a stream of classical music through the speakers, filling the room. He turned it up as far as he wanted, knowing it wouldn't be heard anywhere outside this room, he had made sure of it by soundproofing his room earlier. Alexis smiled as he listened. Mmm...Beethoven, if he had to guess. He confirmed it with the readout on the player, then fast-forwarded the recording to Fur Elise and sat back. It was a short bit, but one of his favorites. As he listened, Alexis finally relaxed. All of the stress he had put on himself seeped out of him and into whatever space it went to. The effects of his trip, the worry over being transferred and promoted and command, the tension of being bored...all gone. He closed his eyes and just listened, the music accomplishing what even a good sleep had not done. The music ended and the shifter sat there a few minutes after the last note. Slowly he got up and straightened his uniform. He felt much better, but there was still a ship to run. A ship and a fleet...He took a deep breath. It wouldn't be good to get stressed all over again. Better to leave what was in the past where it lay and take care of what he needed to do in the present. He turned to leave his room, picking the door to the kitchen. Maybe an apple would help him... GSA no Taisho Jaren Alexis Commander, Fourth Fleet [GSS Seigi] Meeting the new SAINT Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 140 (11/16/03 0:32) [GSS Seigi] Meeting the new SAINT ON>> GSS Seigi (GB-08) Alexis walked into the kitchen through the door from his room, entering the dining hall. The shifter noticed Lavinia, but didn't say anything and easily slipped past the distracted Neko and through the door into the hallway. He didn't have anything to say and she looked busy anyway. Once outside of the dining hall, he glanced up and down the corridor. A few crew were around, but they had their own business to attend to. Alexis tilted his head...had he missed anything? He straightened his uniform and started down the corridor. Rikku who was still down the hall singing was manuevering through crew members that had stoped in the middel of the hall to talk to someone else still singing as she had earlier, her hair, wich was now down on her shoulders, was swaying with every movement. She smiled every so often as she looked for someone to talk to someone that happened to be in the hallway and stopped her or something. Kitsune continued far behind Rikku, she had stayed and talked with Lav before leaveing a couple of minutes after Rikku but could still hear her harmonious singing down the hall the direction she had gone. After a second he paused. Where was he going? Alexis realized he probably should have gone to the bridge first and find out what had happened before he had returned to the ship. He turned and headed down the main hall toward the bridge. Politely cutting through the conversation of the talking Nekos, Alexis looked to the side to apologize and didn't see Rikku in front of him. "Oh! Whoa!" He twisted to the side as he bumped into her shoulder, trying to minimize the impact. "I'm sorry, Miss! Didn't see you there..." He recovered and set a steadying hand on her shoulder as he came around to stand in front of her, his 5'4 stature putting his metallic orange-colored eyes level with hers. The Taisho didn't look like a commander...his body didn't seem to be older than 15. She shook her head as she stoped singing "Its alright, I'm ok." she said politely and smiled as she looked down she hadn't the courage to yet look man in the eyes with the exception of few because they had become her friend but she still didn't like to look guys in the eyes because of past happenings. "Did I hurt you?" Alexis hadn't thought he had hurt her...it wasn't that much of a bump, just enough to send someone off balance, and Nekos were sturdy. He absently noticed a new style of rank pin on some of the Nekos behind Rikku, shelving that information for later inquiry. "I'm sorry, I was just in a bit of a rush Miss...?" He let the question hang, indirectly asking her name. She looked up slightly and smiled "I'm ok, and my name? Is Miss Himora, or Rikku if your more comfortable calling me that." she said looking around as she smiled looking up at him alittle, "I hope I didn't make you late." she said wondering if he was in a hurry and needed to be somewhere, her white hair swayed and revealed a small black star in the corner of her right eye with a small red jewel in it, her white and yellow eyed watched him for signs of something she didn't know she was looking for. "Good..." The shifter smiled and shook his head. "I don't have an appointment, I was just walking too fast." As far as she could see, he was just a teen-age human or Geshrin, one with strange eyes and a Taisho rank pin. A first fleet one, since he didn't know of the pin change yet. Rikku probably couldn't tell anything more without reading his file. He dropped his hand and tilted his head. "I was just heading to the bridge...were you going there?" She shook her head slightly and looked up " I wasn't really going anywhere, just a walk around." she said her hands folded behind her back as she looked at him strangely "I don't think I caught your name sir." she said blinking as she wached him contently humming in the back of her mind. "Sorry...m'name's Alexis Jaren." He smiled and offered a hand to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Himora." She smiled and took his hand "The pleasure is mine Mr. Jaren." she said with a simple smile and a glance at his hand before lookeing back up to him uneasily. Why is she so hesitant to look at him? Alexis didn't often look someone in the eye himself because it kind of distracted him, but Rikku wasn't even looking above his neck. When she did, he noticed her discomfort. "What's your position here?" he asked. He turned a bit to stand beside her. "Do you mind if we walk? It isn't urgent, but I sneed to check in at the bridge." She smiled and looked forward "I'm a SAINT of the GSA fourth fleet. No I don't mind at all." she said still looking forward gaining a small amount of comfort time to time as she walked by him and began humming involuntarily still walking. Alexis smiled. Walking and sitting or standing side-by-side made him more comfortable with people too. "SAINT, huh...that's good to know. I thought Kai and Uso were the only SAINT agents we had for a while. Good to know more are around." He folded his hands behind his back and walked silently a moment. Their pace was slow, he had a minute or two before they reached the bridge. "What're you humming?" he asked. She stopped abruptly and thought for a moment "I don't know the name of it, but it was sung to me and my sister when we were younger" she said letting her eyes close halfway as she began to hum again still walking, pausing then begining again to hum again wondering if her sister had followed her out. "Mmm." He walked a bit, then asked her something else. "Where did you grow up? I didn't think Neko's had parents...did one of the scientists or instructors sing it to you?" She nodded "My instructor did as she worked and I had her sing it a few times." she said watching passing crew members as they passed and smiled. "Neat," Alexis said with a smile. The bridge door came into view and he stopped in front of it. "Here's my stop. It was a pleasure talking with you, Rikku. Maybe I'll see you around." She nodded with a smile and waved and started to sing aloud as she smiled and kept walking until she was out of site from behind the other Nekos and crew members. END JP Tish = Rikku and Kitsune Himora Nick = Alexis Jaren GSA no Taisho Jaren Alexis Commander, Fourth Fleet [Thunderbolt] One Hour... Sain Elysian Posts: 14 (11/12/03 17:17) [Thunderbolt] One Hour... After Mathias had left, Sain threw a hateful glare after him then sighed. He turned on the prison cell and considered the captive neko who was sobbing softly, curled up under the blanket. As he watched the little blonde slowly cry herself to sleep; his normally cold, hatefilled eyes softened a bit as memories of all the times in his childhood he'd done that. "She's like a little scared child. Alot like me myself was..." Sain mused thoughtfully. All his life, Sain had grown up hating nekos and the GSA due to the propaganda that was spread through the young elysians. But this little, scared one pulled at him. ~I remember being in that situation....~ He thought as he watched her. Flashback: It was some years in the past, a little elysian and his mother were living as plebians aboard an Elysian ship, the name he has long forgotten it. One day, he saw his mother being raped by an archangel in another room; he may have been just a child but his mother was the only thing he had. Thus, a 7-year-old Sain tried to stop the archangel and succeeded in distracting him off Sain's mother and getting redressed, only to come in and beat the child for interfering. "Worthless half-angel." The arch said throwing him against a bulkhead after beating him into submission. "You're too much trouble little wench." He growled at the quivering female. "You're lucky the captain likes you, or I'd have thrown you out months ago." He said and stormed out. Sain's mother crawled out dressed ina white tunic and examined her son. Sain was curled up in a small, winged ball crying in pain. Later, after Sain's mother had been executed for protecting him from the same archangel when he had tried it again a year later, and he had attacked the archangel in fury. The arch was pissed enough and proceeded to beat Sain nearly to death calling him "impure" and "worthless". Reality: He had seen numerous nekos captured, interrogated and either killed or made "playtoys" by the archangels. The more he saw it, the more it troubled him, though he didn't know why. As Sain watched her from a safe distance, he tentatively began to think that maybe..just maybe...not all nekos were evil..or even bad. Time had passed quickly while Sain was watching Ingrid, soon the hour passed. He peered down at his wristwatch and scowled, the time for that meeting was at hand. He grunted disgustedly and headed for the office. He strode through the brightly lit corridor toward the Priest's(or is it paladin?) office, he'd been there before and swore it just got uglier and uglier everytime, though not much had really changed. Sain grinned ever-so-slightly when he spotted a couple plebian females, they may not have known him well; but to Sain they were all in the same lot in life. "Slaves...that's what we are, though nobody really thinks about it, that's what we seem to be. We work for little to no pay, we barely have any hope left that things will get better...and it's all those damned archangel's faults. They oppress us and call us impure..." He mused silently to himself, he clenched his fist tightly. ~I want to slaughter them all without mercy. The arrogant bastards don't deserve it, they have no redeeming values.~ He thought, getting more and more angered by his own train of thought. He continued on, his fist unballing, he reached the door to Mathias's office and sighed; collecting his thoughts. ~but...for now, I must play the part of the calm individual.~ He thought, taking some deep breaths to mellow out. He took one stepmore toward the door, making it slide open. "You wanted to see me sir?" He asked in a respectful tone. Edited by: Sain at: 11/17/03 11:34 Mathias Gabriel Archangel ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 11 (11/17/03 19:02) Re: [Thunderbolt] One Hour... Mathias would be sitting in his chair infront of his desk. All parts of his office were spotless. His eyes fell onto this insubordinate creature before him. "Sit down." His tone was firm but not harsh. His eyes were studying Sain. "You should know why you are here. Insubordination. I will not tolerate that on my ship. This ship runs as it does because the crew here follows my commands. You seem to believe that you do not need to follow commands. You seem to believe you have a say in any matters that go on. Tell me your reasoning for acting in such ways." Sain Elysian ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 17 (11/17/03 19:46) Re: [Thunderbolt] One Hour... Sain moved over and say in a chair as per orders. He inhaled deeply; "Sir, I apologize for my previous behavior. I was merely saying that the neko was following your orders. I know that you look down upon me just because I'm a half-breed. I was... just curious is all, I wanted to make myself useful sir." Sain said, making eye contact with the archangel. "As a medic on this ship, I am as eager as you are to know how a neko works. But all that is beside the point, I acted like I did because I know I have to or otherwise you and the other patrician's will walk all over me...I just want respect. I probably am going about the wrong way with, mayhap I could ask your greatness advice?" Sain asked in a practiced tone of respect. ECN Guardian Sain Lian Medic, Thunderbolt Mathias Gabriel Archangel ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 12 (11/17/03 20:34) Re: [Thunderbolt] One Hour... "You think I look down on you? You are highly mistaken. It is a common practice among my kind to do that to those such as yourself. I however do not see it that way. I only look down to stupidity and lazyness." Mathias placed his elbows on the desk and leaned forward towards Sain. "You are neither as I presume. You seem eager to work and you are intelligent to be a medic. The only thing I disapprove of you is your insubordination. So consider this a fair warning. I will allow you to continue your duties, but one more case of this insubordination and you will be severely punished. Think of that as you will. This meeting is finished, please leave my office and continue with your duties." Sain Elysian ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 18 (11/18/03 9:24) Re: [Thunderbolt] One Hour... Sain nodded and rose from his chair. "Yes sir, thank you sir." He said and started toward the door. He paused for moment once he reached the sliding device. ~Maybe I should ask him if I could question the captive? Nah, I don't want to push it right now.~ He thought and exited the room. Once outside, he started for his duty station, the med bay. He hadn't really liked Mathias from the start, but to get anywhere and be able to live without constant scrutiny or fear he had to play at respecting the patician. He walked through the brightly lit white-walled corridor back to the bay. ECN Guardian Sain Lian Medic, Thunderbolt [GSS Theron] An Interesting Welcome Anatole Elek GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 12 (11/16/03 23:33) [GSS Theron] An Interesting Welcome ON >> GSS Theron (GB-13) The sun reflected off of the polished command deck of the newly christened ship. A greenhorn commander surveyed the bridge took a deep breath to survey the scene. His uniform was perfectly spotless, the cloak attached at his shoulder hung limp, his newly minted rank pin of Shôshô was placed delicately upon his chest. He thought to himself "So, this is what command feels like.." His white eyes surveyed went around the deck, surveying the crew. "I need the latest information on the Elysian Feet!" he barked out without hesitation. The Theron's Intelligence officer, Ketsurui Takara replied with a smile and almost laughter in her voice. "Welcome aboard, sir! The Elysian Fleet of a thousand ships that was near Ralfaris has retreated back and currently the GSS Absolution II of the 2nd Fleet is pursuing the Elysian vessel that captured the civilian neko. Aside from that, there has been no new information on the Elysian Fleet movement on our position." She was an NH-17 neko with bright green eyes and dark red hair wearing the standard GSA Intel uniform with a shiny new Taii rank pin. Anatole swiveled around on his heel to face the person who had given him this information. His left hand gently danced above the grip of his sword, he gently pulled it out about half an inch then slid it back in. A few thoughts brewed in his mind until he forumulated another question. "Are we to stay here and protect the Qel`noran home world or should we branch out to help the Absolution II?" the question came with the unease of somebody not use to making such pertinent decisions. He had completed and replayed many simulations at the academy, but none of those could prepare him for the real thing. His eyes darted around a moment before they fixed themselves back on the Intelligence officer. Takara's smile remained as she spoke, "I believe that we are to stay and protect the homeworld sir, in the event that the Elysians decide to return. The Absolution is running under its own fleet's flag at the moment." She tossed her hair as she looked at Anatole, leaning on the arm of her chair as she tilted her head to one side looking at him. "But, may I suggest that you go over your crew roster and famliarize yourself with your ship's capabilities, or simply refresh your knowledge of it before giving yourself a complex the first 5 minutes aboard, sir?" The tone to her voice was not meant to be disrespectful, it was just overly cheerful. Anatole eyed the friendly Takara and he nodded in assent with her first suggestion. A few words were spoken crisply, "I do believe that it would be in my best interest to review what this ship and her crew are capable of before the limits are put to the test..." His thoughts then trailed off to thoughts of him standing victorous over the Elysian fleet before he snapped back to reality. Takara nodded, still with a smile. "Very good, sir." She eyed the man very curiously, not being accustomed to working with men before, but she distinctly made the decision that she liked what she saw. "Is there any thing else I can help you with, sir?" Anatole nodded once again, a rather simple but foolish question came to mind. "Does there happen to be an area to maintain ones shape?" he spoke semi-nervously, he just needed to do something that might help calm his nerves. "Only if the shape you would like yo maintain is round sir. This was originally a factory ship so there is not much in the way of recreationally facilitates aboard, but you could do regular exercises in the ship bays or in your quarters. Or you could jog around the hydroponics bay." Takara nodded appraisingly for a moment. "Although, I don't see why you feel the need to improve on what you already have." Anatole grinned slightly and then looked at Takara for a moment more. "Thank you very much for the compliment, but I feel more centered after a physical trial." An idea then popped into his head suddenly. "I have a feeling that the Elysians will be coming back eventually, so I want the crews to drill in unarmed combat for one and a half hours each day, two if there is enough time. That is all, Taii." He then turned back around to view the sun and then sauntered off to read over the logistics of the ship and crew in the command chair, the piloting ports were then connected to the back of his neck as he drifted off. "Alrighty sir." Takara returned the grin and looked at the small bridge crew and knew that there were a few people in the hydroponics bay as well. "Guess I'll go tell the folks in the hydro bay the news then." She rose from her chair and exited the bridge, to go spread the word about the drills. END JP Anatole Elek played by John Ketsurui Takara played by Kim GSA no Shôshô Anatole Elek Commanding Officer, GSS Theron(GB-13) [GSS Seigi] Looking for Action Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1371 (11/19/03 21:19) ezSupporter [GSS Seigi] Looking for Action ON> GSS Seigi ( GB-08 ) Yuuko got up from her station on the bridge and made her way over to Taisho Jaren. Her small fingers lightly tapped on his shoulder. "Sir," she asked, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "may we speak in private?" Alexis looked up from the display he had been studying. "Oh, hi Yuuko. Sure, what about?" He smiled a bit and tried to remember a private room nearby...there was no briefing room that he remembered, so he motioned toward his own quarters. "We can talk in there." "Yes, sir." she allowed him to lead her inside. It was a clean room, the nest near the right wall had been neatly re-made and appeared as if it hadn't been slept in. Alexis' satchel was back in it's corner with the miniature sound system next to it. Yuuko's big black eyes searched for a suitable place to sit. Alexis stepped in and the door closed behind him. Hmm...chairs..."What's on your mind?" he asked, circling around Yuuko and picking up his bag. The shifter reached in and pulled out a full-size sturdy plasic folding chair, set it out, then pulled out another and set it out in front of the first. He offered Yuuko a seat and set his bag back in it's corner. Yuuko's tiny behind didn't seem to have much effect on the chair as she slowly seated herself. The undersized neko was almost weightless. It was visible in her movements that she practically floated. After she was adjusted, she began, "I've been considering a changing my occupation, but I'm not sure if it's the right choice." Alexis sat and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "What are you thinking of changing to?" he asked, looking interested. "Something more dangerous. I feel like I should be in the field," she explained. "You want to be out in the action instead of safe on the bridge." He smiled slightly. "I know how you feel...Well...what would you want to do? Soldier, pilot, intelligence...?" "I don't want to be limited to planetary forces missions. I was thinking perhaps a SAINT field operative." Another person heading to SAINT...that division was getting some good press, it seemed. "Well...I don't know what that would have you doing, you had better talk with Taisho Wolf about the specifics of that post. If you want to transfer, it's alright with me." Alexis half smiled, then said "But one thing...do you have any suggestions on who could be the new communications officer?" "No sir, I don't know. I like the crew here, which is why I'm unsure. I guess we should call Taisho Wolf and ask." "Finding a replacement would be the only problem with letting you go...and you've done a great job during your time here." Alexis straightened his posture and studied Yuuko's eyes. "Aside from that, it'd be all up to you and Wolf." "Hmm," Yuuko pondered. "Is there a communications terminal here?" One of her hands reached out and rested on his. "I've got a pad that can serve as one," he said, using his free hand to retrieve the computer device from the cargo pocket of his pants. "You can use it." He offered it to her, then looked at her hand on his. "Is there something else?" he asked, glancing back up at her. "Thank you," she squeezed his hand gently with one hand, taking the pad with the other. She then called Taisho Wolf on it. "Huh." "You're welcome," the shifter replied. He hadn't really touched a Neko, aside from accidental collisions and the like. His eyes narrowed slightly as he considered trying to aquire Yuuko's DNA...but Taisho Yui had said that wouldn't work...would it? He decided against it, for now. "Something else?" Yuuko asked, wondering what the strange look in his eyes was for. She subconciously slid her hand away. "Mm? No, nothing." Alexis redirected his attention elsewhere in the room while she made her call. "Huh?" Wolf was sitting in the chair of his desk, arms and head down, sleeping. That data pad thing he never used was on the table, just a few inches from his right ear. A small noise woke him up. He rose slowly and shook his head to clear the grogginess. He needed to get a hair cut, he hadn't had one and his hair was growing pretty long. He should go to the bridge, shouldn't he? Bah. Sleep. He wasn't in any condition to do much right now, just having woken up and having the usual disorganization of thoughts. But then he remembered why he had woken and picked up the data pad. "How do you work this thing?" Yuuko's face appeared on the thing, her eyes looking through the electronic device like it was a tiny window. His half-beard caused her to raise an eyebrow. "Taisho Wolf?" she asked. "Hello, I'm Taii Sakai Yuuko, I was wondering about SAINT..." "Oh, SAINT, right." He was waking up, albeit pretty slowly. "I'm sorry, I just woke up. Groggy an' shit, y'know?" He placed the pad down for a second and shook his head again. He started talking before he picked up the pad again. "Anyway, what did you want to know about SAINT?" He started walking to a small mirror on the wall while looking at the device from all angles, not really paying so much attention to the neko on the screen. "Field jobs, something for a sniper and or communcations expert." "Field jobs? You're interested in becoming a SAINT?" He reached the mirror and looked at himself. He really did need a haircut. And a shave. He looked at the screen. This was interesting, but not interesting enough to fully wake him. "It's actually been pretty boring, for me at least. SAINT that is. I wish I could go do something, like I did in PNUgen. Now it's just the SAINTs out there telling me something every once in a while. I've hardly got an idea of what's going on anywhere outside of here. You might not end up doing so much." He hadn't got to that point of awake-ness where he could determine what he needed to say and what he shouldn't. "Sniper and communications? What are you, NH-7? What's your current position?" "I'm an NH-17S." Yuuko said to the bum. "Chief of communications on the GSS Seigi." She wondered what he was talking about regarding PNUgen. It seemed to her like SAINT had much more to do than PNUgen. "So why do you want to be SAINT?" "That's what I'm asking you, sir." "Wait, you're asking me why you want to be a SAINT?" That wasn't logical, was it? Hmm&.he really was tired. "Well, I guess you want to be a SAINT because&.well, hey, I can't read your mind. I mean, I can hear thoughts and all that, but .I dunno. How would I? I'm asking the questions here, heh." "Erm..." Yuuko frowned. This guy didn't seem to know what he was talking about. "I guess I'll be going, then," she said, trying to wrap up the conversation. According to Wolf, he wasn't having his guys do anything but type reports these days. That sounded worse than being a communications officer. He knew what she was trying to do. She thought he was a hack, she didn't want SAINT any more. The nerve of that little bitch."I'll be damned straight to hell if you're going! You stay the fuck on this line!" The pad was in his face now. Maybe going the other way would work, or it could make her want to just turn the thing off. "Now what the hell you think makes you're good enough to be a SAINT, eh?" He was yelling now. She had woken him up. "You think you can keep up with the enemy? You think you need to be behind enemy lines instead of sitting in front of some screen sending messages to people? You think you oughta get out there and serve the army?" "I know what I'm good at." Yuuko told Wolf flatly. "Know what you're good at, huh? Good!" He was pacing around the room. He had backed away from the pad a bit but it was still closer than it had been when he was in sleep-mode. "Sniping and communications then? And you're stealth?" "Yes, sir." Yuuko answered, her dark eyes following him through the pad's screen. "And what is your fleet's directive at the moment?" "Directive?" Yuuko inquired, unsure whether he meant current mission, doctrinal mission, or something else entirely. "Current mission." "We seem to be defending Ralfaris at the moment." "Right. So why don't you ask those guys who went after the ship with the hostage what's going on and if they need help?" He set the data pad down flat on the table and leaned so that he was still facing it. "You do that and then report back to me. Maybe then we'll see if there's less bullshit and more we can be doing." He was about to cut the transmission before he thought he should add something. "By the way, SAINT isn't always the most active organization. There are slumps, where we'll have nothing to do or nothing we can do. Right now all I can tell you is to send the message and remember that. I'll expect the answer in a few hours." He turned the thing off. He hoped he got the message across and hoped she actually came back with the answer. END GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [GSS Seigi] Thoughts Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 127 (11/20/03 9:19) [GSS Seigi] Thoughts Ritsu had prepared a nice little birthday cake and some brownies for Lavinia and left them in the galley where he knew he nose would lead her to them. He, on the other hand, had to continue what he was doing, feeling mildly sorry that he couldn't join her for the little party. ~I know the one thing she wants above all else is to have children...but nekos can't have them. Maybe a Soul Transfer into a fertile body would solve her problem...of course that means that I'll have to get one as well.~ He thought as he stood outside the main medical bay of the Seigi. Ritsu was feeling slightly apprehensive at asking someone else what he should do, and the medical officer in charge was probably the best person to ask. He leaned again the wall, lightly drumming is fingers on it thinking out what was it he wanted to ask without sounding like a total ignoramous. ~Perhaps the straight question is the best way to approach this without sounding stupid.~ Ritsurin pondered, tapping his foot now, he looked at his hand, still not used to having only three fingers, it felt a bit odd. He sighed heavily and turned to walk into the room to ask the chief med. ~Hope I dun sound weird for this.~ GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) [GSS Seigi] Field Training Dante de Marqis SAINT GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 8 (11/21/03 1:02) ezSupporter [GSS Seigi] Field Training Many people stared at him as he passed by, his form more of vagabond than anything else, as his seemingly unkempt appearance made him seem like he did not belong on an active warship class craft. But looks were always deceiving as the black-coated stranger continued his pointless meandering through the halls; his superiors were never detailed or helpful with any of their instructions. "Life is full of choices, just make sure you make the right one." He mumbled beneath his breath as he reached yet another identical intersection, all of the halls looked the same to him by now. All he recalled was being dropped off on the Seigi and given a small slip of paper which read ... Congratulations kid you've passed, this is the GSS Seigi your new home for who knows how long. Find the captain, get your papers all worked out, and settle in because your field training just began. Dante could feel the crumpled up ball of paper in his pocket as with one final exasperated sigh stopped in the midst of one of the hallway intersections and turned around in a circle. Trying desperately to survey his surroundings he looked quite the oddity compared to the well dressed soldiers aboard the ship. Standing at slightly over six foot one wearing a full length black jacket and shades didn't help him exude a warm socially aura. The 25-year old Geshrin accentuated his rather callous personality with shoulder length white hair which shielded most of his face from view. Stopping his fruitless spin he waited in the hallway, deciding to pull aside the next authoritative figure he found. OOC: Hopefully my first post on these boards isn't completely wrong. [GSS Ketsurui Chiharu - ECN Hope] Reunions and Peace Talks Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 640 (11/21/03 1:25) ezSupporter [GSS Ketsurui Chiharu - ECN Hope] Reunions and Peace Talks ON> GSS Ketsurui Chiharu Taisho Ketsurui tapped her hand impatiently on the arm of her chair for a moment, trying to figure out where exactly this planet might be. The bridge crew was silent except for a few soft conversations about the new male crew member between Izumi and Aya. Ishida himself seemed to hear the mutterings about himself and flushed red as he stared down at his own console. Meanwhile.. Zemer had been absently pondering the nature of combat. It seemed ironic how these days so many people fought while sitting down and died in a brilliant flash of light before they even knew it. He'd always liked the old ways of swords and spears. Of course, peace was preferable to combat; these days, it was a luxury that a small minority had known. Looking from the book in his hands to the bridge's main screen, he eyed the ship Chiharu was on. "Chi..." he mumbled quietly, stroking his thumb on the golden Taisho pin that had once rested on the woman's breast. Chiharu rubbed her forehead as she brooded about the idiocy of this war and her current mission. It bothered her that she was to simply destroy an entire planet and every one, military and civilian alike. Her brooding not only troubled her mind but Ishida's as well. Ishida looked over to her, trying to ignore the comments and innuendos directed towards him as he tried to send his twin a feeling of reassurance that she wasn't going mad.. ~Maybe~ He thought towards her, ~Zemer might be able to help you stop this insanity?~ "Perhaps." Chiharu said out loud. The ship sensors had not detected the presence of the Elysian ship in its wake yet, and everyone on board assumed that they were not being followed. Zemer had to be careful, or KAMI, the Yuumi's computer would react violently to what it considered a threat. The Elysian ship "Hope" made its move, stealthily moving over the battleship, lining up its boarding chute with the main lift shaft's top hatch. There was a slight jolt on both ships, mainly on the smaller one, as the vessels connected. Instantly Kamiko, the computer's boatswain (who was seated on the bridge) alertly looked up from her station. "A ship. We might stop?" Chiharu's ears flicked as the smal tremor went through the ship. "A ship? Don't tell me... it's an Elysian craft?" She inwardedly groaned. "Come to a hault. Let's go to meet these people with an armed team." The crew nodded and Izumi sent out an alert to the rest of the crew to warn them. "Shall we let them in?" Kamiko asked. "Go ahead and let them in. Better we let them know that we know their knocking.. they didn't try to blow the hatch, nor did they fire at us, so we can only hope that this is going to be a peaceful resolution but either way, they're here." Chi rose from her seat and started towards the lift, Ishida moved to follow her. "Hold the bridge, Aya." Juni Innen Kuru and Chui Arume arrived by the hatch to bridge with rifles in hand and a couple extra for Chi and Ishida. Two seraphs stepped out of the lift shaft onto the Ketsurui's top floor. Not exactly the most beloved creatures, they were the targets of every crewmember in the area. One of them spoke, its voice a gentle, moaning sort of female voice. "We are not here to hurt you." it said. "Then why are you HERE?" Arume barked, raising her rifle up and moving to stand between Chi and the seraphs as they reached the top floor via a ladder.. Zemer crawled out through the hatch from which the seraphs had emerged. "Calm, now." he said soothingly. The seraphs backed toward him defensively, like children clinging to their parent. It wasn't nervousness, but there was some sort of emotion going on in them. Arume's eyes narrowed as the archangel appeared. Ishida frowned and Chiharu looked torn between dismay and happiness. "Zemerias.. it's been a long time. It's all right Arume, this is the archangel that helped myself and Iseki to escape. But why are you here Zemer?" Ishida half-folded his arms across his chest with his rifle still in hand. Chiharu held her rifle at her side but Kuru and Arume made no move to lower their's determined to not let anyone harm their captain again. "I...had to see you." Zemer admitted, stepping closer to her. He held out his arms, beckoning her to his embrace. The seraphs, moved back toward the door to the lift shaft, taking up sentry-like places on either side.It was impossible to tell what their black slits were watching. Kuru and Arume stared at Zemer in shock as Chiharu moved to hug Zemer. Ishida was the only one not too shocked to speak as Chi embraced Zemer. "That's all well and good BUT surely there must be something else you must want from us aside from giving Chiharu a hug?" "I heard she cooks, too," Zemer joked, squeezing the smaller woman snugly. He trailed his fingers thorugh her soft hair. He then planted a loving kiss on Chi's neck; his eyes watered in happiness. Ishida shook his head, a bit disturbed by the warmth that he felt towards this man through his twin. "She's working on it." There was almost what could be considered jealously in his voice as he watched Chi nuzzle the archangel. "It is nice to see you again, Zemer but Jon is right, you must have guessed what we're trying to do here.. Why risk getting blown to pieces for a chance to see me again?" Chiharu smiled, as she pulled away from the hug looking at Zemer, still not noticing how confused her crew looked at all of this. "Isn't seeing you enough?" Zemer responded, giving her a playful hurt expression. "I was hoping we might find a peaceful solution to end this war before even more innocent lives are destroyed. "Good, I was hoping we might be able to discuss that prospect." Chiharu smiled again, looking to her crew for a moment before looking back to Zemer. "We should probably discuss this in the briefing room. It might make my crew less paranoid." "Alright," Zemer nodded. He waved the seraphs off. They seemed to plead with him to follow, but eventually returned to the Elysian ship the way they came. "Lead the way." Arume and Kuru looked to one another and then to Ishida, seeing that he was the voice of reason right now. Ishida spoke again. "If it makes you two feel better, you can stand guard here. But I suspect that the seraphs will not act unless something happens to their captain or are ordered to." He looked to Zemer for confirmation of this. "So you're standing orders are to hold your fire unless force is used against you first. And if something happens, raise the alarm.. But do not fire unless provoked. Remember peace talks do not require zealous weapons fire." Chiharu nodded. "All right then, follow me.. oh Zemer, this is my twin, Ishida Jon. Jon this is Zemerias Kiriel. " Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto:: Zemer bowed. "You never mentioned him," he observed. Ishida returned the bow, smiling a bit as Chi's emotions over took his own for a moment. "After you took Chiharu into your custody, some upgrades were made to the NH-X. The introduction of pairs was one." Jon replied for Chiharu. "I am from a part of Chiharu's personality." "Are you?" Zemer seemed to think about it for a second. He didn't really like the idea that part of his Chiharu was walking around seperately now. He looked to Chiharu for guidance, "The conference room?" he prompted. Chi nodded, "Yes.." She started to lead Zemer in the direction of the briefing room and Ishida walked about 5 ft behind Zemer, concerned for Chi's safety despite his knowledge that this archangel had fallen for her. Zemer followed her, trusting her to treat him as well as he had treated her during her stay on his last ship. In what seemed to be no time at all, they had reached the Briefing Room and Chi opened the hatchway, walking in as the men followed. Zemer started off, "I'm afraid that if the war doesn't stop now, then it won't stop until one side is genicidally eliminated from the universe. We need to start working on a plan to stop these constant battles and horrible raids before it's too late for the both of us." Chiharu took a seat and Ishida decided to stand beside the door. "I agree." Chiharu said. "This war will not end until everyone is dead. But how do you propose a resolution to this conflict? I know I have the authority to make a treaty for the GSA but do you have that authority as well? I'm unsure of the political power that Elysian officers have." "Well, I can't speak for everyone," Zemer admitted. "I'm only a captain." "That makes matters a bit more difficult, but I have faith that we can do this. As far as I see it, we do not have any real reason to be fighting one another than for the fact that the old wars have left both of our governments embittered against one another. I also fail to see what there is to gain by destroying one another's culture. But seeing as how any attempt at a peace treaty has failed in the past, do to assasinations, I believe, it might be safer to keep peace talks limited to one ship or another. I know my crew is loyal to me and would not try to kill me nor you unless they think that you are going to hurt me..." Chiharu paused for a moment. "Please, feel free to take a seat Zemer." Zemer sat, stretching his large feathery wings. "I'm sure most of my people would approve something if it was reasonable. They don't want to be under the Star Army's boot-heels, though, and apparently the Star Army wants us there. Taisho Yui won't be satisfied until we're all part of her empire." "We feel threatened by the Elysian presence in our space and by the development of new Elysian weapons. I think Yui would be satisified if there was an alliance between our governments and not a conquest of one or the other. But if peace is not an option then conquest it will be." Chi sighed. "My people are in poverty, all of our resources stretched beyond our limits to support the Navy. Elysians are too proud to give up." Zemer looked sad. "Our homeland is gone, are children are starving..." Chi saw her chance for leverage there, shining brightly like a beacon. "Perhaps then, it would be best if the GSA could step in to assist your people and keep them from starvation? We could aide your people under a flag of truce, if your Navy would lay down its arms and fight alongside us and not against us?" "Nariel controls a lot of the Navy these days...I think he'd rather the people starve than take Star Army handouts," he frowned. "Again, I think Yui would demand the dismantling of our military." "Who could you appeal to in order to overturn Nariel's decisions?" She asked. "I will talk to Yui about this as well. I trust that she will honor my judgement on this matter. But if you're people are starving to maintain the Navy then maybe for now it would be best if the military was not an issue to support?" "We're like you in that respect. The military is a lot of our people. We lost a large portion of our civilians when the GSA destroyed one of our planets. As for an appeal, there is not really a central government anymore..." Zemer's voice had a regretful tone to it. "We could work out a treaty with your military like we did with another one.. we could provide a fleet for the defense of your people and you could provide us with people to man that fleet. We can integrate your people into our government and laws. But, if you have no central government, who makes your laws?" Chi looked at him curiously, as Ishida stood silently by the door. The idea of assasinating Nariel and 'taking' his place, came to the man's mind in order to make this treaty idea work. "If the GSA defended us, we'd almost be part of the GSA, like Ralfaris. It's a nice idea, and it would allow our industry to work on bettering lives rather than making warships." Zemer smiled. "We dont seem to have any [laws]." "So I take it that idea sounds reasonable to you?" Chi returned the smile and then blinked. "You don't have any laws?" "Yes...I just sort of decide what's reasonable on my ship, and lead by setting a good example." Zemer nodded. "I hope that we can make a treaty then, but will you be able to get Nariel to bite?" Chi looked at him curiously. "Nothing can really be guranteed unless we can get compliance." "Maybe," Zemer said. "I think it can work out." "I can only hope so. And I hope, that I will not find myself assasinated for this ideal." Chi smiled despite the grave tone that entered her voice. "But, if I do die for this, maybe it will inspire an end to the war and not add fuel to the fire." Ishida winced a bit at the thought of dying as well but did not voice his feelings until Zemer made the generalization that Chi would be alone. "She won't be alone. I will be here and so long as I am alive, Chi will NEVER die." He was partially confused by his own defensiveness and jealousy about all of this. Did he really care if Chi was in love with two people and not him? "If you want to hang around me you may but I think your people will most likely distrust you if they think you are 'sleeping' with the enemy, as it were." Chi said quietly. "Chi, I've been thinking a lot about you lately, and I..." Zemer looked to Ishida and stopped, clearing his throat. It was clear he was uncomfortable. "You're not my enemy, Chiharu." Chi didn't need to say anything to Jon, mentally or otherwise. She would talk to him afterwards about certain things. "I know that I'm not Zemer, but other Elysians might not feel the same way. Last thing I want is for you to be branded a traitor and executed." "You can't betray a government that doesn't exist. Allowing this war to continue while there's a chance to save them would be betraying them in the worst way." Zemer retorted. "Although there is no government, who do you report to? Who is that higher power that says there has to be a war with us?" "I was freelancing, traveling with Nariel's fleet," Zemerias Kiriel explained. "What would happen if Nariel was no longer there to continue this war?" Chi asked quickly. "I suppose the Elysian Navy would collapse." Zemer pondered. "Would you be able to lead it if that were to occur?" Chi asked again. "I don't see why not," Zemer replied. "We'll see what can be done, I guess." Chi's voice became thoughtful as she acknowledged that idea that Jon had been pondering. "Thank you." Zemer smiled again. JP by: Wes as Zemerias Kiriel and Kamiko Kim as Ketsurui Chiharu and Ishida Jon GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu (GB-07) [GSS Ketsurui Chiharu] The Man's got issues Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 642 (11/21/03 23:07) ezSupporter [GSS Ketsurui Chiharu] The Man's got issues After Zemer had left Chiharu and Jon alone, the two returned to the briefing room and locked the door to allow themselves privacy from most of the ship's crew. Chiharu turned round and stared at Jon squarely in his face, making eye contact but talking a loud. "What the hell is WRONG with you?!" Her voice was filled with a sorrowful rage. Ishida stared back and replied cooly despite the heat that starting flushing on his face as he felt within and without the brunt of Chi's emotions. "I am concerned for you, I do not think you should take Zemer's reappearence so lightly." "He's a good man! He saved me from that bastard who raped me, how can I hate and despise him like the rest of his kind after the service he did to me?" Chi's voice fluxuated from angry to thoughtful and then back again. "You of all people should know my feelings about him! How could you treat him so coldy after what he did for me, for us?!" "Chi, I know what happened and I know the feelings you both have but what about Yui? What would she think about all of this? A peace treaty that involves aquisitioning the Elysian Navy, their people and their resources would be a great victory in her eyes but what would she do if she discovered that you loved both her and Zemer?" Ishida stared back and felt the sorrow come crashing down upon both their hearts. The question had struck a nerve for them. Her eyes went wide, and her voice waivered for a moment, "I never lied to her, I do love her and I do love Zemer. Yui has a place in my heart and I want to be by her side always.." "But if that is true then why add Zemer to the mix?" He asked, looking at her cooly, his face now pink as the emotions waivered. "Because... he saved me and he touched something in my heart.. But why do I need to explain all of this to YOU? You of all people know every thought, every tremor, every emotion that swells in my breast. Why would you care if I am in love with two people?" Chiharu demanded, and she smirked when she saw Ishida flinch. "Because.." Ishida tried to think of the explaination for his own actions that befuddled the both of them. He knew that there was logic in his actions. "I want your happiness because I can never be yours to share it. I do not love you in a romantic sense at all, but I feel how your heart races when you simply hear their voices. I know every thought, emotion and doubt that lies beneath your masks. I know you for who you really are. You are desperately trying to make sure that you are not alone, you want to feel loved and to love but are terrified that you will be abandoned. If you stay with Yui, you might lose her to the wars within and without the empire. If you decide to stay with Zemer as well, what makes you think that he will accept the fact that he has to share your love and affections with a neko?" Chiharu had no response to this except, "I.. don't know.." Ishida did something unexpected, his form melted and shifted to that of a face they both knew well.. standing before Chiharu was Taisho Kitsurugi Yui. He spoke in Yui's voice, a perfect copy of the woman that Chi loved. "How could you love an Elysian more than me Chi? Was it all a lie?" "N..no! I d..do.." Chiharu looked devestated as the "Yui" reached out to touch her face. Chi flinched at the warmth she felt as "Yui's" hand touched her face. "S..shh, my darling Chi. It's all right. I swear to you that I will not let anyone hurt you. Because.. you are my strength and my courage. I mean it and I did when I said it to you before." Yui pulled Chi into a loving embrace, gently running her hand down her back. "Y..Yui.. I.." Chi's body was rigid with conflict as the Yui gently kissed her lips, muffling a soft protest. But reflex had trained Chi to give in to that kiss and return it with all the passion that was shared with her and Chi returned the kiss, closing her eyes. Chi felt herself get pulled into a tighter embrace as she was released from the kiss and held in a hug filled with longing. "Chi.. I have been thinking a lot about you lately.. and I.." The voice was not Yui's and Chi pulled away as she saw it was Zemerias who stood before her now, his massive wings curled on his back as the neko pulled away from him and left his embrace. "And I love you." "Stop it Jon.. please.." Chi looked like she was about to cry, she had never felt so torn as her twin tried to prove his point in the most direct way possible, by assuming the forms of the ones that she held highest in her heart. "Why? This is what you wanted? Didn't you say you loved me and Yui equally? But you do realise that it will.." Zemer shook his head and Jon's face and form returned to the surface, the body mass quickly disipating as he spoke. "Tear you apart unless you choose one over the other? I am not doing this to hurt you Chiharu. I am doing this because..." Why was he doing this? Dared he still claim that he knew? "I do love you my beloved big sister. In a way you are also my mother, you are where I was created. But I can never share the love that you have with Zemer and Yui, nor can I ever have yours. It is a lonely life and I cannot help but feel upset because I do not have a choice on what emotions I can and cannot feel." "Jon, don't..." Chiharu's voice became angry again and she struck him hard in his face with her fist as she punched him with all of her might. "EVER pull that shit on me again!" Ishida staggered back, his jaw was throbbing now but the damage was minor as his body repaired itself. She wasn't weaker than he was, but she had forgotten that he could take the same amount of force that she could. "My apologies, Chiharu. Fine, I will keep my mouth shut and let you get yourself hurt." He shook his head, his face and pride stung as did his own heart. "I only want what's best for you. But, if you want to talk, I'll be in my quarters on the other end of the ship." Chiharu was breathing heavily as she watched Ishida walk out of the room, releasing the lock that was on the hatch. She smoothed her hair behind her ears as she fought the urge to cry. What had been done was dangerous, Ishida had made her face her worst fear and the objects of her affections. If she cried now then how could she face the real Zemer and Yui? It was okay to love more than one person right? Her mind was spiining as she let herself sink into a chair and try to sort out her own heart. She felt a pang of remorse for having struck her brother and for being so angry with him, but it seemed, she was not the only one who had issues to resolve. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu (GB-07) [Thunderbolt] Inquiries and Communcation Difficulties Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1370 (11/19/03 16:40) ezSupporter [Thunderbolt] Inquiries and Communcation Difficulties ON> ECS Thunderbolt Sain was walking through the bridge of the vessel after his meeting with Mathias. He absently rubbed his right arm with his left, a gesture of nervousness. ~If I step out of line again, I'd hate to think what he'd do.~ Sain thought, fluttering his wings a bit, then folding them in heading for a door. Kemitha Jeiriel paced the narrow halls of the Thunderbolt, outside the cell that Ingrid was held in. The two seraphs stood outside it, slowly swaying back an forth in a state of "sleep." She spotted Sain down the hall. Sain stopped just short of Kemitha, he bowed to her slightly. "Mi'lady." He said, in a tone of honest respect, not like the one he used with Mathias. "May I ask how the captive is doing?" "She's slept most of the time. For a while she was up, exploring the features of the cell, but she's out again now," the paladin replied, flashing a small electronic pad. On its screen was a live video of the cell's interior, showing the slumbering neko. "It's odd, she didn't fight when they brought her in." Sain said. He watched the video trying to remain detached as was expected of him. "Is something wrong mi'lady? You look a bit troubled." He asked, noticing her body language. Kemitha shot him a dirty look. "No." Sain drew back sharply. "I apologize. It was just a medical appraisal." He said quickly, as to avoid trouble. "A medical appaisal?" she sneered. "Incredulous." "It's the truth Kemitha. I am the medical officer first, and pacing inthe hallway could mean something." Sain said, backing off her a step. Kemitha looked at him like he was insane. Sain grunted. "Then might I ask why you're pacing?" Kemitha stood there for what seemed like forever. Finally she said, "No." "Then you don't wish to tell, that's fine. But this neko is strange, she doesn't fight, doesn't resist...." He said, crossing his arms. "She's not in their military...What's your involvement in this?" Kemitha shot back. "It is just puzzling, all the other's I've seen have resisted violently. I don't think I've ever seen a civilian one." Sain replied honestly. Kemitha remained silent, as if contemplating. She hadn't seen a civilian neko before either, at least not in person. She looked at her tablet to check on the captive. Ingrid was up again, using the cell's shower. Sain leaned against the wall, contemplating as well. "What are you going to do with her?" He asked in a nonoffensive manner. "It's not my decision." "I mean, if it was." Sain said, looking squarely at her. "I'd like to keep her as my pet," Kemitha told him. "She's cute." "She is, I agree, but I sort of wanted her. I was going to ask Mathias about it." Sain said. He didn't want her as a pet to be precise, he half wanted her in his care so he could protect her from arch's like his father...her humanity aroused sympathy within him. "Don't. If she's not claimed by Gabriel, she's mine. Besides, plebes don't get pets." "I'm only half pleb. I'm also half pat." He said defensively. "I just don't think she deserves to be someone's pet, she's got a humanity like you do. " "There is no middle ground." "There is and I'm living proof, you treat me like a pleb, but I know myself that I'm slightly above that." He said. "You're an idiot, plebian." Kemitha began to walk back toward the bridge. "If that's what you think Kemitha. But I'm not." He said after her, then walked toward the cell and sighed. One of the seraphs struck Sain in the chest with its palm, giving him a firm push and a dirty look. Sain reeled back holding his gut. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to see her is there?" He asked the seraph, but backing off knowing he couldn't take them both right now. The seraphs looked at each other. "Permission?" one of them asked in a snakelike voice. "Damn." He muttered. "I forgot about that." he admited. "Come on you two, you know I'm not going to free her or something stupid like that. I just think she's attractive." He said, staying out of their reach. "She's not yours," the other seraph said in a soft, feminine voice. Sain jerked back. "I didn't know they gave you seraphs female voices." He said surprised. "I really should ask Mathias about it, I do want her." He said regardless of what that arrogant Kemitha said. "She's not technically anyone's now is she?" He grinned. "She is unclaimed, so I can ask for her." "She belongs to Gabriel." the female-voiced seraph corrected him. "Fool," added the other. Sain's eyes narrowed. "I'm not a fool. I just want her is all." He looked over at the female voiced one, still in surprise. Silence. "Geez. " Sain muttered. He looked at the cell once more before walking down the hallway. "What is the best way to help her?" He wondered Sain sighed and went to go see the other plebians to see how they're feeling and such. He walked down the hallway and eventually got to the plebian areas of the ship. He looked over and around at them, hoping to see a friendly face or someone. "Huu" one of the plebe technicians greeted him with a poke to the chest. She wore a hand-made blue jumpsuit and a white tunic over it. Her face was a bit dirty, but her smile was lovely. He grinned slighly. "Hello to you too." He said, poking her back gently. "Been working hard I see." He said, wiping a smudge from her face. "Eee!" she squealed giddily as his finger pressed against her bosom. "Mrrmm-ahh?" "I'm sorry, but what was your name again?" he asked, not able to place name with face. He had spend a bit too much time among the patricians, and it was obvious from his lack of memory. "Uuhai?" she cooed, swaying her hips from side to side. He looked at her with a look of perplexity. "Name. What is your name?" He asked again. "Suuwo....miki..ja! Uu." the girl smiled, flapping her tiny pink-tinted wings. "Miki eh?" He grinned. He looked at her appraisingly, the doctor in him wondering why her speech patterns were like this. "Euunh," she shrugged, giving him an apologetic look. Was there something wrong with her or something? The way she taked was a bit hard to understand. "Oh, you did nothing wrong, I'm just finding it hard to understand you." He said. "Perhaps you need a checkup, maybe I can correct this. Hmm. I see, you didn't learn how to speak properly. Maybe I should remedy this, it'd be nice to have someone who's not a patrician to talk to." He said. "Hmm...Uuuu, ah. Eee!" Uuhai? spotted a broken junction box and began to repair it. He grinned slightly and went back to looking around to all the other plebians...hoping to find an educated one, at least some. Another plebian stumbled out of an access shaft. "Morning, sir," she greeted. "Oh, good morning." He grinned a bit, noticing that this one could speak in an understandable way. "Staying busy?" "Yes, sir." she answered. She was wearing a worn only white tunic, and her knees her bloody from crawling in the tubes so much. "Come over here and let me have a look at those knees." He said, noticing the blood. Yes sir." the plebian (whose name was Maemi) said. She stood still, though. He looked over the injuries critcally. "It's just a numerous amount of scrapes. "Follow me, I'll do something about it, I don'thave my medical set on me this instant." He said, turning to leave. "Yes sir." the plebian woman nodded, and then turned the other direction, going back to work on the ship's damaged underside. She, too, didn't know how to speak. Sain looked over his shoulder at her, and shook his head and exited the room to get the basics to repair that damage. He walked through the halls, silently appauled at the lack of education on this ship among the plebians. "It may not be my place, but I can't stand that...it's bad enough they treat me badly, but to keep the others like that?" He thought. He began to feel that he should do something, but what? and how? it was one against 15 here. He eventually reached the top deck and headed for the medical bay, his mind plotting things now. END JP Tyler (guardian Sain) Wes (Paladin Kemitha Jeiriel, Uuhai?, Maemi) GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [GSS Seigi] a meeting of SAINTs Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 804 (11/22/03 13:39) [GSS Seigi] a meeting of SAINTs ON> GSS Seigi Dante didn't seem to notice the neko that was following him through the ship. She was briefly separated from him as he passed through a crowd but now that he was stopped in the hallway she had little trouble reaching him, "Hello Mr. Dante." The short, white haired neko said. She was wearing a white GSA uniform that was skintight and had her hands neatly folded behind her, "Welcome aboard." Dante slowly turned his head to look at the neko that had come up behind him, his hand idly brushing a stray strand of hair away from his mouth as he offered her a emotionless look and a simple nod of his head in greeting. He avoided trying to raise an eyebrow at her choice of clothing, unlike most recruits he was not allowed to go with the flow of his hormones, his whole life had been training up till now. "Thanks ... miss?" he trailed off, deciding to at least learn her name now that she figured out his. "I am Seigi, GB Zero Eight" She replied, "I suggest you take time to familiarize yourself with me, Intel is in that direction," she said pointing down the hallway as a line of neon red appeared on the sides of the hallway, "I will Inform Mr. Ashigari of your arrival. You will be expected to report for duty in an hour Mr. Dante." "Understood." he said in a firm tone, his scruffy looking and unkempt appearance vanishing for a second to show his militaristic background. "There isn't a map handy for this maze is there." Dante said with a smirk as he glanced down the hallways around him still utterly confused. The neko continued to follow him, "If you need to find a location ask me and I will have the path displayed for you. Maps can also be displayed on the view screens on the sides of the hallways." she explained, A green haired neko exited one of the doorways carrying a ton of notes and data pads. She glanced over at the man then went back to trying to get the stuff in some form of order, "I will be assisting you until you no longer require it" Seigi said. "I'm a field trainee you should focus on someone how will most likely have a prolonged attendance aboard this vessel." Dante murmured lowly as he slid the sunglasses off his face, his hair shifting a bit to show the hard callous looking face devoid of any traces humanity. "But if you wish to waste your time with me who am I to stop you?" shrugging he stuffed his hands in his pocket, casting a furtive glance at the Neko committing her features and name to memory incase they were to meet again. "I will not have inexperienced crewmembers causing errors inside of me Mr. Dante" Seigi said a bit sternly. Just then the neko with green hair took note of his uniform, "So your the new SAINT?" she asked. Dante's head jerked to the side surprised that the ships AI had heard him, offering it a resigned chuckle it waved a hand in dismissal before going back to his conversation with the Neko. "The first SAINT human operative in my particular program, an experiment of sorts but I'm still considered SAINT I suppose." Seigi walked towards the neko, "Those do not belong to you Ms. Tasuki." She said sternly. "Its not like Wazu is still using them." She said, turning her head to look back at Dante, "Anyways How are things within SAINT these days?" she asked. She looked him over as if assessing a threat. He raised an eyebrow, as the two seemed to have some personal differences, which were amusing to say the least. As she looked him over he made no point of acting nervous, if the Seigi could push past the facade he had put up more power to it. "SAINT is fine for all I know, I was isolated from all the other operatives during my training regime, this is probably the first time I haven't been around the doctors, trainers and scientists reserved to teach me. Uso rose an eyebrow at him, ~A special case then? ~ She thought to herself, ignoring Seigi's requests entirely. Seigi didn't like Uso taking the items in question but she didn't really have a reason to stop her, "After all Wazu isn't coming back." Uso said at Seigi, causing her to stop talking, "It will be interesting to see how you do here, I expect constant updates on what is going on with SAINT once you get settled in." Uso said "Understood." Dante said with less than normal enthusiasm, he hated keeping ties to the organization now that he was in the field, even they frowned upon it, but sadly it must be done. "So where exactly am I allowed to settle in.?” he asked wondering if he'd get some quarters or at least a bunk. Uso looked over at Seigi, "He will be placed in tech nest 6." she answered causing a slight groan from Uso, "You placed him in my room!" she nearly yelled, it seemed like Seigi had found a way to get back at Uso, "Well I am heading there now. You can follow me if you want." Uso said with a slight sigh as she turned and headed down the hallway. Dante nodded, giving an odd look towards the AI who seemed to hate this Neko, before continuing on. Falling into step beside Uso he glanced back at Seigi before shrugging and looking straight ahead trying to memorize the path to his most likely temporary quarters. "It has a great sense of humor doesn't it." he said with a smirk as they walked on. "Wazu had her created to be effective not ...entertaining," Uso said knowing that the AI was still right behind them. They reached the lift and rode down to the lower level. Uso held the notes so that they covered her chest and rankpin, Her uniform was similar to the one that the Ai had on Dante leaned back against the wall of the lift, his duffel bag a pillow for his back as he stared up at the ceiling feeling the elevator move down at a brisk pace. "I would think it would be more effective to partner a trainee with another trainee but who am I to argue." he shrugged as he stepped out behind her, his eyes taking in the halls before him but nothing else. It was becoming apparent he was a man of few words, straight and to the point and not really a people person either. "I'm not paired with you" She said as she stepped out of the elevator and pressed the up button, closing the AI inside of it as Dante stepped out, "Nests are communal, This one is shared by 5 people" They came to a door that opened as Uso walked in. Inside was a soft pit that served as the bed, a few drawers’ tables and chairs as well as a desk of to one side. Four duffle bags were carefully laid in the corner of the room and Uso walked over to them and sat down the notes and began to sort through them. At that point she was the only person in the room. Mentally Dante thanked whatever god was listening, he hated having to talk with people and since she had another 3 people to talk to he could wander off to the side. Shrugging Dante walked over one of the empty chairs before sliding off his coat and draping it over the back. Settling into the chair he placed his duffel bag on the floor between his legs before rifling through it. Pulling out a decent laptop he settled back into the chair and flipped open the screen, his fingers flying over the keys as he accessed the SAINT database to see what his next order of business was. Uso let him poke around on his laptop for a while before walking behind him and reaching over his shoulder for the keyboard, "I need to see something." she said Closing the SAINT database with a few short keystrokes he leaned back in the chair and let her use the laptop, he could care less if she wanted to poke around his computer nothing that was worthwhile was there in plain sight anyway. "No computer of your own." he said with a smirk. Uso spun the computer around and walked to the other side of the table before starting to press keys in rapid succession, she obviously had been doing this for a long time, "I just don't like going to get mine" she said as she finished up and spun the computer back around to face him, "Have fun, I'll be keeping tabs on your progress." she said as she headed back over to her notes. "I'll not to pass out from the excitement now." Dante said dryly as he quickly checked to make sure she didn't put any failsafe in to check on his progress. He may have been trained as soldier but he had progressed quite well when it came to computer programming and the like. Returning to scouring the SAINT system he became fully engrossed in his work not really caring about much else. His computer was free of any viruses or programs that shouldn't be there. Uso moved over to her duffle bags and pulled out her own data pad and began transcribing and consolidating the notes she had taken. Kai had been awake taking care of business on the bridge, making his usual psionic sonar to keep up with the crew. ~A new one? ~ He thought. Keiko who had been sitting on his shoulder looked at him curiously. "What?" she asked, playing with his hair. Kai smiled; "There's a new person aboard the ship.,” he informed her. "Well let's go see her!" Keiko giggled. Kai nodded and went down to the tech nests, following his psionic sonar as it was and soon arrived at the nest and moved close to the door to have it slide open, catching the last bit of what Uso said. "That's my job not yours Uso, you're no longer a SAINT." He said, triggering a raspberry from Keiko. He turned to the new person; "Hello, you must be new here. I"m Shosho Ashigari, I'm the commander of this ship. "Old habits die hard." Uso said with a smile Sighing inwardly Dante closed his laptop, hating interruptions as he placed it to the side and saluted the commander stiffly "Pleasure to meet you sir.", he kept the pose till being told to stand down it was to much of a habit for him to do otherwise. Uso had moved to the table and was facing the door, "Well it seems like they trained soldier boy well,” she thought out loud. "Don't give me any attitude today Uso, I'm not in the mood." Kai said with a slight edge to his voice. Indeed he wasn't, he was a bit tired from his last few days. He turned to the new person, and sighed inwardly. "Stand down." Kai said, returning the salute. "I take it that Ms. Uso here has showed you around?" Uso put her feet up on the table and leaned back as she continued what she was doing, she was at least courteous enough to keep her feet away from Dante's computer. "My quarters and the ships lovely AI, yes. Is there anything else I should be made aware of?" Dante asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and stood almost defiantly as he looked at the commander. Kai shifted his weight, making the coal black neko on his shoulder dance to maintain her position. "Well there is not much I can tell you, other than to remember where places like the dining halls and the baths are. And my name's Kai, yours?" He stated then asked. "I'm Keiko!" She jumped up and cheerfully introduced herself. "Dante." he said plainly with little enthusiasm, he hated first impressions he always came out as a weirdo. "Well I'm sure they won't be to hard to find, with such a friendly AI.", he trailed off taking in the small Neko on the man's shoulder. "Nice to meet you Dante." Kai said. "What is your assigned position on this ship?" He asked, he had gotten not notices of new crew. He brushed his red hair back behind his ear. Keiko sat down on his shoulder smiling at Dante. "I'm cute aren't I?" she asked, noticing he was eying her. "He's SAINT." An AI neko said from just outside of the room, "His Bio has been transferred to your Data pad for viewing," "My position is at your discretion, that is all my superiors said." the SAINT operative replied as he reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a sealed package. Even he had no clue what was in it, but since it was slightly heavy he presumed a data package. Dante knew he had been trained to kill without mercy but what his purpose was eluded him. Holding the package out to him he looked to the small neko. "Whatever you say." he said with a chuckle. Uso got up and placed the notes into her duffle bag as she headed out the door, "I enjoyed your bed, we'll have to do that again sometime." she said with a smirk as she walked past Kai and out the door. Kai nodded. "I'll read it later on." He said, still feeling a bit too tired to do it immediately. "Welcome to the Seigi." He said, accepting the package. ~Yes you're very cute Keiko~ He mentally reassured her, earning a little hug from the 8-inch neko. Keiko frowned at Uso, mimicking one of Kai's thoughts and stuck her tongue out at her. "Ignore Uso, she'll only get you in trouble." He said in an instructing tone. "But until something comes up, you are free to do what you wish. May it be train in the recreation rooms, having a drink in the club or what, it's up to you." He added to Dante. "I think I'm pretty capable of doing that on my own, there was a reason my trainers were eager to get me into the field and away from them." he said giving a resigned shrug and glancing around the room. "Sounds good to me I suppose, this vessel is equipped for war and recreation, nice concept." "Well it's supposed to be a home, but fortified for war. As long as you're not causing the deaths of crewmembers that all fine with me." Kai said. "Can do, do I have to get into uniform because it seems everyone else in it." he asked looked down at his obvious love for the color black being reflected in his clothing. "It's supposed to be required, but I personally don't mind, just be sure to wear your rank pin on the outside of your clothes so it's visible." Kai said. Indeed, Kai wasn't wearing a uniform, but a long gold and red robe with a red undershirt that was barely visible. "If that's all you have to ask, I need some sleep, seriously, I've been awake for a few days straight." Kai added. Keiko smiled and played idly with one of his hairs, looking kawaii as usual. "Well at least your friend is keeping you awake by constant hair styling." he offered a slight grin at the two as he dug into his pants pocket, pulling out a rank pin and attaching it onto the sleeveless t-shirt he had worn under his coat. "By the way is it forbidden to carry weapons while aboard the ship, or is it simply forbidden to draw them against another crew member?" "Well the sidearm is supposed to be worn at all times, and yes, it is forbidden to draw a weapon on a crewmember." Kai said. "Her? She's my assistant." He said. It was obvious that Kai bore no weapon, but he didn't really need one now did he? Dante nodded in understanding as he headed back to his duffel bag and began digging around in it. "She seems to lover her job." he commented pulling out a 9mm pistol and strapping the holster to his leg. Pulling it out he slid out the clip, satisfied it was full and he had three more affixed to the holster he shoved it back in before looking up again. "I think that answered most of my questions, but one last thing is there a training simulator aboard this ship?" "I honestly don't know." Kai said. "Seigi, can you create a training simulation in the dojo?" He asked quickly. "The training simulators are located in the Meda room." Her disembodied voice said. Kai shrugged. "There’s your answer." He said, getting ready to exit the room and yawned, covering his mouth. "Works for me, wonder if there'd be anyone to train with in the dojo." he mumbled to himself as he offered the commander a dull wave before digging through his bag again. "Probably." Keiko laughed, her sensitive hearing listening in on Dante's comment. END GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) [GSS Butcher] Encounter Hoshi Koi GSA Operations GSA 5th Fleet Posts: 21 (11/23/03 13:20) ezSupporter [GSS Butcher] Encounter The Pirate ship tried to lose the Anzac, however the Anzac was on its tail in warp. All of a sudden the pirate ship dropped out of warp. Conn then automatically dropped the ship out as well. Taking a few moments to get bearings Tactical located the pirate ship and feed coordinates to Conn. The Anzac sped off at hot pursuit. Out of nowhere 4 small pirate ships came up behind and the ship the Anzac was following about turned. The Anzac seemed cornered and trapped. "Arm Cannons and fire at well, drop a torpedo or 2 to our aft." Jayden ordered already standing up and over at Engineering The ships cannons fired up and took some good hits at the enemy, however the pirate ships answered in a volley of equally powerful hits. "For small ships they give out a big punch." The rear ships crossed over and took another punch from the Anzac's weapons; the Anzac herself received more, one hitting the tail end of the Warp Nacelles. "Sir we've lost warp, we need to toughen up shields, Engineering out." Another handful of volleys hit the Anzac, as a few more cannon shots hit the lead ship. Smoke billowed and the bridge lights flickered as another hit rocked the ship "We are losing power, we need to retreat, do some repairs and work out some tactics to jump them" Klator spoke up. "Yeah well that's easier said then done... Conn try getting us out of here".... The Irim-Class Assault Ship GSS Butcher (GS-27) and its two Wazu-class escorts happened to be patrolling the general area when its RDD scanner picked up the exchange. Taisa Kuriyama Narumi was on her bridge, and ordered the battle to be put on the main screen. "Interesting," she commented. "What sort of ships are those?" Narumi's science officer replied "Non-standard ships, except for their target, which is a federation vessel." Taisa Kuriyama knew that the attempt to make a treaty with the federation had failed, so her ship really had no obligation to assist the ship. She had her communications officer call the Galore, the Anzac, and the Red Python at the same time. The Red Python was the command vessel of the 1st Assault Group, the immediate superior to the Butcher in the 5th Fleet's hierarchy. The two combatant's channels were placed side by side on the Butcher's main screen. The Taisa addressed them both, "This is Taisa Kuriyama Narumi of the Star Army assault ship Butcher. Explain yourselves." Meanwhile the lead larger ship dumped a load of weapons fire off on the Anzac, taking out warp, partial impulse, long-range sensors and partial power "We are dead in the water, we have phasers, limited power, no warp and limited impulse. We have to get out of here" Klator informed Jayden. "Sir we have lost long range scanner. Short range scanners show the pirates are leaving the system, there is a nearby planetary system that may be of some help with repairs, due to long range being out I can't confirm that though" OPs reported. "Conn use thrusters and what impulse power we have and get us oon a course to that planetary system" Jayden ordered. AS the crew set to tasks, ops piped up... "Sir we seem to be receiving a transmission, location and source unknown, doesn't seem federation..." Meanwhile, on the Pirate ship, “Who is this... identify yourself a crude Pirate ranted at a somewhat damaged viewscreen on the Galore. The other pirate on the other ship snorted "Stay out of our way" he retorted moving about his bridge. That was all Narumi needed to hear. She gave her communications officer a look, and the pirate's screen filled with red before the transmission to it was cut. The Taisa directed her escort ship to disable the enemy craft. Meanwhile, she addressed the Anzac, "What brings you out here?" “This is Jayden Tyronian of the USS Anzac, we are in pursuit of pirates who have attacked a freighter. We are trying to find this freighter and its crew, however in pursuit of a possible pirate ship that could lead us to more clues we were ambushed. We have taken serious damaged, we have no warp, limited power, long range scanners are offline,. We are still assessing the damage. We are trying to get ourselves to a nearby federation system, to assess damages and do repairs. With our long range scanners offline we can only go by what we know before they went offline" Jayden concluded not wishing to cause any hostilities to anyone at this point... Meanwhile unbeknown to the Anzac's crew due to the Scarran's recent take up of the nearby Area's, 2 of their patrol ships were entering range to be able to pick up the Anzac on their scanners. Unknown to the Anzac they're propulsion was knocked out of alignment sending them on a more of an arc trajectory to where they were going, subsequently taking them through a small portion of what is currently Scarran territory... "Mister Tyronian," Taisa Kuriyama responded, "I have sent one of my escorts to handle the pirate vessels. No federation worlds are in the immediate area." The GSA captain didn't know where the Scarrans' area actually began-in fact, they didn't even recognize the space as belonging to the Scarrans; according to the fifth fleet, it was the Star Army's space, and the Scarrans just happened to be loitering in it. The dispatched escort, still cloaked, caught up to the pirates and opened fire on the engine systems of the largest craft. "Do you need to evacuate your vessel?" Kuriyama probed. “No, but we could certainly do with some assistance with repairs so we can get on our way to find these pirates and our missing freighter. Are you able to give us any help?” Jayden asked, some what unsure of the request. "I see. Align your. She turbo-lift shaft with ours, and we will link our ships together," the cat-eared captain directed spoke with an air of strength and assuredness. The GSS Konchiin (GD-54) reported in, "Taisa Kuriyama, other ships spread out. We've disabled to largest one and are towing the vessel home." At the same time, Chujo Koigokoro of the Red Python told the Butcher's first officer that helping the federation ship was authorized. The bridge crew was keeping an eye on the Scarran patrol ships, especially since the Butcher’s shields were still lowered. Jayden nodded to his Ops officer to do as asked. "Thank you Captain, I look forward in meeting you in person, Anzac out" Jayden said with leadership and confidence as the viewscreen was replaced with the starry sky outside. It only took moment for the lift shaft of the two vessels to be connected. The Irim was larger than the Anzac, which sort of piggybacked on the assault ship's main body. The nekos aboard did a few tests on the air and such before they let any of the Anzac's crew come aboard. "Docking clamps secure Sir, the Irim reports it's atmosphere and systems are adequate to accommodate us." Ops reported “Excellent, Lizzie you have the Bridge, Klator, Rahno your with me to meet the Irim crew..." Jayden directed, with that he walked out of the bridge and into a turbo lift, instructing it to take them to the Irim. Four Nekovalkyrja sentries in red guarded the door. Wow! Their outfits were very...form-fitting. Taisa Kuriyama was there, too. "Welcome to my home." she greeted. The halls of the ship were dimly lit by indirect lighting, with navy carpeting and silver-gray walls, accented by a large black strip of control panels that ran along their sides. The ceiling was a maze of various piping and wiring. Was there was a faint smell of Italian food in the air? Jayden waited for his other two officers to exit as per protocol of rank, before he himself stepped out on this very military ship. Jayden looked around, he felt self conscious due to the torn uniforms and partially grubby looking faces they had in comparison to their hosts’ clean and immaculate attire. Jayden extended a hand "Greetings again, I'm Major general Jayden Tyronian, Captain of the USS Anzac and also Vella Cava Space Station Commander located what the federation has dubbed The Slot. Many thanks for your assistance once again it is much appreciated. Jayden said warmly but with pride and leadership Hoshi Koi GSA Operations GSA 5th Fleet Posts: 22 (11/23/03 13:25) ezSupporter [GSS Butcher] Encounter, Part 2 Ah. The handshake; it was a strange, and perhaps perilous custom of these people. The Butcher's captain clasped his hand with a surprisingly strong grip, and vigorously shook it. "You command a Space Station as well?" she asked, surprised. "Your ship is a secondary vehicle of sorts, correct? My ship carries specifications of your vessels. Perhaps my technicians may render assistance on a technical level, while you enjoy our hospitality." She released his hand and moved her hand to his nose, her fingers stroking it. She was curious about him. (Nekovalkyrja tend to be very tactile... one could say they're "touchy-feely") Jayden smiled, not letting on the strength of the officer shaking his hand "Its a pleasure to met you. Yes, I am Starfleet’s best and finest pilot, Starfleet's Fly boy or so they've dubbed me,” he bragged. “I was given command of a Space Station with a fighter squadron of my own to better enhance my experiences, skills and talents, I was later given a Starship to command as a side branch to better assist me in patrolling The Slot's activities and Vella Cava's responsibilities. I later in my career transferred to marines and have recently been given the command of the Marine Operations division of the Python Sector; I am a highly sought after officer of Starfleet. This is lieutenant commander Klator Velkem my XO and Lieutenant Junior Grade Rahno Garnd my Chief Intelligence Officer. Jayden peered around taking in his surroundings, and slightly cocked his head back a bit when the host touched his semi nose ridges... "Uhm.. yeah I'm a Half bred Bajoran-Trill, Nose ridges are common in Bajorans and these spots" pointed to the spots, "are unique to Trills. Rahno and Klator shook hands and nodded in welcome also taking in the surrounds and smell. "I'm sure my thirty-five thousand pilots would have something to say about that." Narumi mused. "A half-breed? How is it that two species can interbreed? She decided that these Trill and Bajorans were some sort of human subspecies. She nearly stuck her finger up his nose. "What kind of sex organs do you have?" she asked, eyeing his package. Closer inspection of the hallway (if he could avoid staring at her eyes staring back at him) would reveal that the floor had a bunch of trap doors and the walls had removable panels, like federation ships. The control panels were currently dormant. And that smell really, really smelt like Italian food. There was garlic, tomatoes, pasta...something good was cooking somewhere. Rahno and Klator looked at the officer and then back at Jayden some what startled "I... well... uh..." Jayden didn't want to be rude, but the questions seem to get personal... "Yes a half breed and its not uncommon among major species of the Federation. The list is endless. It isn't 'practiced' as a regular thing, there is a higher percentage of 'breeding' within the same genome of the species then there is of cross breeding. Most cross breeding is between partners that are carefully matched or courted for some time before marriage or conception is made." Jayden informed the officer, trying to be as diplomatic as he could as temporary ambassadors to these people. "In some instances cross breeding can develop new skills or enhance others. I myself have good memory and hand eye coordination from my Trill side and excellent ability to calculate speeds, distances military skills etc from my Bajoran side. I also have gained additional skills and abilities not unique to either of my heritage; these are just some examples. As to Sexual abilities, Trill and Bajoran Sex organs are fairly similar and we are well equipped to undertake such courses of action." Jayden worded it to answer the question but not go into details. Trills can also carry symbiotes. Not all cross breed trill can carry them due to the cross genome, however I can but I haven’t taken in a symbiote thus yet. "Jayden also informed. Klator was look down the corridor in the direction the fine smelly food seemed to come from.... "Fascinating. Nekovalkyrja like myself are incapable of breeding. We become pregnant by thinking too much about being a mother. Intercouse is mainly recreational. We, too, are 'equipped' with the tools to engage in such relations. Perhaps we could test for compatibility." She seemed perfectly honest and eager to do so...an interesting species indeed. Her eyes moved to Klator, "Are you hungry?" "Perhaps for the purpose of Science we could do tests, I'm sure our Chief Medical Officer would be happy to work with your doctors on those matters" Jayden remarked just wanting to change the topic... "Yes I'm am hungry, we have been on rations for many days and weeks now" Klator replied his stomach growling "Excellent. My Chef has prepared some Xiulurian-Style Spinach Lasagna. If you'll follow me..." "Yum" Rahno said with eagerness. "That would be great" Klator following their hosts. "We are very thankful of your hospitality" Jayden said with thanks. The Taisa led the three guests down the hall and ducked through a hatch. Inside was a small wardroom, with wood paneling on the walls. All about were paintings of great military battles and famous starships and officers of the Star Army. One, by the door, showed the complete crew of the GSS Butcher on its launch day, all standing together on the hull of the big ship. Everyone seemed happy. Klator and Rahno sat down... Jayden admired the photos and images. Being a fighter and starship enthusiast he was intrigued, Jayden was particularly drawn by the crew photo.... The smell of the delicious meal filled the room even more so now. The photo of interest was black and white, as were most of the of the others in the room. The crew looked mostly Japanese. It could have almost been a World War II picture. The nekos in the center held a flag with a five-petaled flower on it, flanked by a Japanese Kanji letter on either side. A server brought them huge portions of lasagna, along with tall glasses of milk. Jayden slowly made his way to the table and also sat down. He licked his lips; it had been some time since he had a home cooked well, the other two officers dug in without waiting, Jayden was seldom more polite to await for his hosts to join them, he had many a question to ask regarding the photos... JP Jayden Tyronian Hoshi Koigokoro [Mega-JP] Coup de Etat Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1387 (11/23/03 18:22) ezSupporter [Mega-JP] Coup de Etat ON> GSS Seigi One of the AI nekos quickly interrupted the conversation that Dante and Kai were having, "Kai please report to the bridge, Mr. Dante Please head to the Intel office." All over the ship the higher ranking crewmembers were being summoned by the AI, "Ms. Himora Please come to the Intel office." Another sprite said. Throwing up his hands in frustration, the fact he hadn't had a chance to read his orders yet Dante stood up. Clipping his rank pin to his shirt he closed his laptop and walked out of the door. Pausing by an information screen he pulled up the basic schematics of the ship and located the Intel office. "Easy enough ... I think." he murmured to himself as he headed off in the direction of his destination. Yuuko had recently finished a conversation with Taisho Wolf. As Seigi's voice called Alexis away, she was left alone. Not feeling exactly comfortable hanging around in someone else's room alone, she walked on onto the bridge, curious to see what was going on. Inside of the Intel office the SAINTs that had gotten there before the others were already hard at work. The main holographic projector was showing a close up of the Qel’noran Industrial Sector and had an overlaid pattern of wind currents and area's outlined in red. At the bottom of the projection several numbers scrolled across the bottom relaying various pieces of information about the area. One of the AI neko's explained the situation to the people just arriving on the bridge and another did the same for the Intel officers, "Several canisters of a unknown nerve agent were released five minutes ago..." She explained. Dante entered the office just as the AI began the briefing. Crossing his arms over his chest he took up a spot at the back of the room near the door, these orders would take precedence over his previous ones that was sure. Meanwhile... on Ralfaris people were screaming in horror as others fell over clutching their faces as their bodies went into spasms violent enough to break bones while blood came out of their noses and mouths. Several Qel’noran Security APCs were traveling down the roads with loudspeakers retrofitted to the hull. Each one was blaring out instructions to the civilians trying to get them inside or to some other secure area. Below Ralfaris: Three Qel’noran Security APC's were traveling through the mass of tunnels under the Qel’noran Industrial Sector, pausing only to get through the various checkpoints that littered the heavily secured areas around the main facilities for Qel’noran Security. Sijik checked his weapons and put on a flack jacket that one of his assistants handed him, ~We can do this~ he reassured himself as the APC's moved on, ~After all more has been done with less~. Back on the surface the majority of the Qel’noran Security forces had been drawn away from their bases and into the city trying to make sense of what was going on. People were scrambling about, bringing in fresh reports, coffee and makeup. This was the 51st floor of the Qel’noran logistics building and they would be going on the air in four minutes with the story about the nerve gas as well as instructions on what to do. Meanwhile back on the streets below a Qel’noran wearing a simple shirt and baggy pants walked towards the 3rd fleets subjugator landing ships. He was red and had yellow eyes like most Qel`norans but had a tatto of a sunrise on his shoulder. Inside of his pants he carried a canister filled with a clear liquid. The ships were surrounded with a solid wall of BW-6b series tanks. There were at least ten 35mm chainguns following the man at all times. All of the tank crews were in standard SAPF gear. As the info rolled across the screen Dante spoke up, directing his question at the AI. "Any information on the apparent creators or users of this gas?" Waves of civilians fleeing the inner urban areas were heading outward and right towards the landing area. It wasn't hard for the Qel’noran with the canister to hide amongst them as they headed towards the seemingly endless row of tanks seeking protection, The public universal constructors were creating gas masks as fast as they could but they couldn't make nearly enough for everyone so the crowd surged forward. "We do not yet know the composition of the gas." The AI said as the other SAINTs tried to make sense of the situation. The holoprojector was displaying the current areas believed to be exposed to the gas and where it would be blown if the wind patters continued. fortunately the entire QIS area was sectioned off by wind traps to prevent the desert from overflowing into the area as the dispersion of the gas would be minimal in the areas it was released. The armored units surrounded only the subjugator-class vessels, not the UC-equipped 4th Fleet ships. Anyone who got too close was being arrested. The three APC's continued underground and rolled to a stop as they came to a large door labeled with a barcode. Each APC opened its back door and the Qel`norans started to disembark into the area. "Chaos and panic, well whoever released that gas seems to have succeeded at the first stages of their plan." Dante mused aloud as he continued to watch, there was no point for him to speak unless decent information became available. Hundreds of civilians were coming at the tanks. They could only arrest a few and the others were screaming for gas masks. Meanwhile one of the Qel’noran security officers was making a frightening discovery. He had to keep cleaning his visor with a cloth because it kept fogging up on the outside. The mist soon turned into larger and larger bubbles as the gas started to eat through the material of his gas mask and clothing. He shrieked and returned to his APC, after all he wasn't paid enough to die. "Captain, you may want to get down here to the intel office immediately" a SAINT called the bridge. Two ships, meanwhile, docked with the Seigi. One was a white and red Kitsurugi ship named Control, the other a blue first fleet ship, GSS Comfort (GD-41), carrying a special SAINT operative to help those already aboard. Kai was already outside the bridge itself and nodded silently and started for the intel office, he walked at a brisk pace in something less than a bright mood. He reached the room in a matter of seconds. "What is it?" He asked the SAINT who'd called him. Underground: the bar-coded doors opened, "What the heck are you doing here?" the current CEO of Qel’noran Security asked just before a explosive round turned his head into a fine red mist. "Go!' Sijik yelled out as the Qel’noran Acquisitions soldiers did what they do best. The WickedArms masks on the SAPF troops seemed to be fine for the moment. The troops pointed the citizens in the direction of the UCs. Anyone who got closer than 20 feet was shot to death. They were dead anyway. The 35mm rounds ripped bodies in half, and worse... ~Keiko, I want you to man the bridge and inform me of what is going on there.~ He ordered his assistant. ~Yes sir~ she replied and hopped off his shoulder and ran for the bridge along the wall as to not get trampled. Again, she reached the bridge quickly. As Elly said goodbye to her crew and handed over the command of the GSS Comfort (GD-41), she thought how great it would be to get all the weight off her shoulders. With a final goodbye, she turned and headed down tunnel leading to the GSS Seigi. Third fleet landing area: That was as close as he was going to get, The man pulled the canister out of his pants and, after putting a hand over his mouth, rolled the bottle along the ground. A fine mist sprayed out of it and within seconds people were spasming uncontrollably and falling over as blood pooled around their noses and mouths. The gas started to drift in all directions, exposing the SAPF troops to it for the first time and eating away at their clothing, it wasn't the most powerful corrosive gas but it was powerful enough for them to take note of where it had touched. A 50mm mortar round blew the man to bits. The full-body flak suits were designed to be acid resistant. The main guys exposed to the gas were the 35mm gunners. They were not only trained professionals, but they were veterans of the Chaos Hive War, which featured much worse slaughters (and corrosives) than this. Staying cool, they stuck to their training. Several ships were already being converted to decon area. Area's around the Third fleet suffered a total of 3 more gas attacks within the next few minutes, each time by a Qel’noran with a sunrise tattooed to his arm. None of the expected to make it out alive and the SPAF made sure that none of them did. After she made her way down to the bridge, she looked around fo the Commander. She then saw a Shôshô sitting in the Captain's seat and greeted her. "Hello, I'm Eliona Yakrian, your SAINT specialist." And flashed a smile. Kai frowned. "What is going on here?" He asked the neko who'd called him here. Meanwhile Keiko looked up at the new neko. "You're looking for the captain of the ship? He's in the intel office." She said to Elly. Dante glanced to the side as the captain entered, the new SAINT member aboard giving him a quick salute before returning to viewing the screen. Seigi relayed several of the ground broadcasts to screens inside of the bridge and the Intel office. "The Qel’noran Industrial Sector sustained several gas attacks within the past thirty minutes." The anchorman started, "People are asked to stay indoors or head towards on the these relief stations." The Qel’noran kept talking as a map showing various areas set up by QnSe were displayed. Planetside: "What the fuck? Get the tanks and ships ready to move!" ordered Chujo Idsol Vaktensson, the commander of 6th Armor Regiment. The tanks began to tactically retreat to their respective ships. "Damn, what the hell is going on down there? Who ordered a gas attack on Ralfaris?!” " Kai demanded to know, his rare irritability showing. Various dead bodies lined the control center for the planets ground defenses. The area once held by QnSe was now firmly in the hands of Qel’noran Acquisitions, "Close the doors" Sijik barked to one of the soldiers, causing him to run across the room and press the button that would seal the area. Messages were soon being sent to the various Qel’noran Security bases about their new 'owner' and that a CEO of the Qel’noran Industrial Sector would soon be appointed to make sense of this chaos. the areas that the 15th Armor left were filled with dead bodies and parts thereof that had been blown apart. Large concentrations of gas in that area had killed off most of the civilians along with the firepower of the tanks. Elly now curious as to the commotion going on, hurried down to the Intel Room where she would be working, to find the commander in a bad temper. "A great first impression", she told herself. Kai sensed the new person walking into the office and turned to her slightly. Quickly regaining his calm, he was tired and a bit in a bad mood yes, but he wouldn't let it mess with his style. "Hello." He smiled at her. the 'relief zones' were quickly being filled with civilians and were an easy target for the gas attacks, A trio of men with the sunrise tattoos headed into them, walking right past Qel’noran Security personnel. Chujo Idsol Vaktensson sent a message to all SAINT headquarters units. "Gas attacks on Ralfaris. Source unknown. Attackers used corrosive liquid spray in canisters. Attackers reportedly had tattoo of rising sun on shoulders. Currently decontaminating and preparing to enter orbit. Please advise. Looks like a nerve agent." Each of the trio was handed a gas mask that they put on and each headed their own separate ways as they relaxed in the relief zone set up for their victims. Elly had a feeling something big was going on because there was a vibe of tension in the air. Nevertheless, she grinned back at him and explained that she was the new SAINT Specialist from the GSS Comfort (GD-41). Kai turned to a console and sent a reply to him. "Take all needed precautions. Stop those attackers, they will probably be hunting down the civilians." He turned to the new SAINT. "There's a nerve gas attack going on down on the surface, attackers are unknown." He told her seriously. "What do you specialize in?" He asked quickly. Dante's gaze continued to take in the information flying across the screen, his patience waning as he wanted to get out and see if his training was not for naught. "Is that tattooed symbol in any of the databases?" Dante voiced up, curious to see if they could pin a faction to this attack. "I don't know honestly Dante, run a check to find out." Kai said to him over his shoulder. Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1389 (11/23/03 18:29) ezSupporter Part 2 "What do you suggest Mistress-Taisho?" Kai asked Yui turned to face her screen. He wasn't above asking for advice when he needed it; he didn’t know everything "This is Chujo Idsol Vaktensson. Our ships have loaded our tanks and are rising from the surface." "Contact QIS directly." Taisho Yui suggested. Unfortunately the Industrial sector was the size of several cities. it occupied the best land on the planet and had the largest population density of any city on the planet. QIS had no owner at the moment and consisted of several subsidiaries controlled by their own CEO's "Arigato." Kai nodded to the Taisho, feeling a bit embarrassed. He looked over at Yuuko; "Yuuko, please open a line of communication with the QIS" "Wonderful." Dante muttered as he quickly tagged the picture with the title 'possible New Dawn operative', handing it over to Kai he began the search he was instructed to start. Yuuko called the heads of the subsidiaries at once for Kai, putting them on conference mode. Back on the surface APCs started to move out of the areas designated for each part of the corporations. Yuuko got the secretaries for each of the owners, they all asked the reason for them calling. Kai looked at the picture. "Tell them that Shôshô Ashigari requests an interview with them." He said, hearing the sec's answers. "This is a priority transmission from the command authority of the Star Army. Shôshô Ashigari must speak with the subsidiary leaders immediately. " The owners of all the subsidiaries opened lines to the Seigi, all except for Qel’noran Security, "The owner of QnSe will be with you shortly, we are having communications problems." His secretary said. ~Ms Yakrian, see if you can track one of those APCs to the meeting area.~ he mentally told the Taisa, having seen one roll out in the news feed. all the APCs were mass produced and looked just like the ones from QnSe that were patrolling the streets so it was hard to get a bead on which one was which. Elly received the message and began the process for tracking the vehicles almost immediately. She also saw and waived to her friend, Taisho Yui. She hadn't seen her in almost two years and this was really a treat, even if they didn't exchange any words. "Sir will you be sending operatives to infiltrate the meeting place afterwards?" Dante wondered, itching to get some experience under his belt as he continued trying to locate the remaining operatives he found. Pictures were his primary goal, finding any background information on them was secondary. Sijik hurried back to his APC and got in, one of his assistants handed him a freshly pressed QnA uniform as the APC moved out. Kai turned to the QIS CEO's. "Greetings, I am Shôshô Ashigari; we have received threats from the terrorists and wish to join in the meeting. Will you provide the location?" He asked bluntly. "They have to." Yuuko whispered in Kai's ear. He typed up a reply to Dante and transmitted it to him. "Prepare to leave once we find out the location." it read. "I know. I'm just being personable." Kai smiled slightly to Yuuko. The Qel’noran Technologies owner spoke up first, "What is it that you wish to archive by joining in the meeting, it is for us only" Sijik spoke up after him, "They can't pose a threat. The meeting is being held on the top floor of the Qel’noran Logistics building." he said. Yui spotted Elly in the busy intel center and waved at the Taisa, hoping she'd notice. "Thank you, and what do you know of this 'New Dawn?'" Kai asked them. glancing down at the picture matching up the people in his mind. Dante replied to the message as he attached the remaining names and few pictures he did manage to dig up. "Understood, I take it we'll be briefed before being dispatched?" Elly saw someone she knew on the screen. Only then did she realize it was Taisho Yui waving at her. She grinned at her and waved back, it had been two and a half years since they had last seen each other what with Elly being moved from ship to ship, and Yui being busy with the 1st Expeditionary. Kai typed up a quick response. "As usual Dante." "New Dawn has been operating sense a few years back but only now has become active," Sijik said, sounding professional, He was easily a head above the Qel’noran sitting beside him and he had on the QnA uniform, which consisted of a GSA uniform with a added puldron on his right shoulder with a cape draping down from it that attached to his normal GSA cape making it extend around his body covering his right hand. "Have there been any previous incursions even minor ones?" Kai asked the Qel’noran. "No," He replied flatly. Kai had feeling that this Qel’noran knew more than he let on by his tone. "I thank you gentlemen." Kai said. "We will be in attendance." He said. Yui turned to Hinosami, "Get Irim." As Kai finished Dante ended his search, without coordinating with a bigger team and having no real deadline to meet it would be pointless to do such a vague incursion into any systems New Dawn ran. Standing up he went to stand behind Kai, waiting for the next orders. Sijik nodded to Kai and cut the transmission, as did the other owners. Suddenly all of the communications channels went out and all the holographic displays in the intel room froze as did the computers. Elly, who had decided to do some research on New Dawn, she called the Commander over "Sir, I've found that New Dawn has taken part in over 100 terrorist actions, raids, and murders." She looked at him steadily "Are you sure you want to go to this meeting with them?" She questioned him cautiously. The information that Elly had simply disappeared as the computers froze and went out. Dante raised an eyebrow in confusion as he calmly glanced to his left and right. "What the hell?" "Sir!" Yuuko shrieked. "We've lost all communications!" Kai turned to the other intelligence officers. "Dante, you seem anxious." He grinned. "We need a legitimate way to get you agents in don't we?" He asked as the room froze up. "Dammit! We're cut off. Yuuko, does the communications inside the ship still operate?" He asked quickly. "No sir!" Yuuko said, frantically messing with her tablet. "Always sir." Dante muttered as he returned to his terminal, trying to start up in hopes of finding out what happened, he knew it was in vain but worth a shot. Meanwhile on and under the bridge, Kessaku technicians were busy working on the computer. The area was half-disassembled, with panels laying haphazardly about the room, while the Overlord computer was being prepared for careful dismantling. The computer was now in a diagnostic-only mode, communicating solely to the special MEGAMI on the KFS Control. Kai nodded. "Forget it then." He said and closed his eyes, the jewel in his forehead glowing slightly, his hair dancing slightly. He sent a telepathic communication down to the Technicians. ~What happened?~ He mentally asked. Back on the planet APCs started arriving at the huge Skyscraper owned and operated by QnL. The building was over 100 stories tall and extended a good distance underground. The Seigi technicians didn't have an immediate answer. Something about parts replacement. "Damn!, that was my work..." Elly began thinking of things she could do. "I'm gonna go get some chow, be back soon." She left to go explore the ship and find the galley. The GSS Wicked (GD-232) appeared, and raced into the atmosphere. Although all the aid provided by the Seigi was now gone it wasn't hard to find the galley, it was right next to the Intel office after all. He opened his eyes which were a slight shade of blue. "Dante, Elly, I want you both to come with me." He said and swept toward the door. "Oh and Yuuko, as soon as the communications system is back up. Please be careful." He smiled to her. "Got it sir, I think Elly left already." Dante commented as he got up and fell in line with Kai. Elly was just outside the door when she heard the Commanders voice and ran after them. "Sorry" Yuuko looked at the blank screens and back to Kai. "I'm going to interface directly with one of the antennae systems," she announced. Yuuko was able to link into the communications system directly, the Seigi was designed so that it could be run even without the AI. She was now curious as to what exactly they were down here for. "Sir, how are we gonna help?" She shivered, it wasn't the most warm area. Kai paused and nodded to Yuuko, "Thanks, get into contact with the Wicked. Ask Irim what is she doing, quickly please." He said. As the Wicked entered the atmosphere it was almost immediately approached by two QnSe aerodynes asking their reason for being here. The entire Industrial Sector had been designated a no fly zone for the time being and was being strictly patrolled by fighters. "Yes sir!" Yuuko darted out of the room, carrying her tablet. ~I want you two to detain anyone who seems suspicious acting.~ He replied to Elly telepathically. He then followed Yuuko down the hallway to get his answer. Elly replied with a small "I see Sir" The Wicked's communications officer sent back, "Our authority is absolute. Do not interfere." Dante simply followed the two without question, if they wanted him to do something they would only have to ask, him being the most junior of SAINT operatives in attendance. The two pilots trailing the ship conversed amongst themselves; They didn't have the firepower to stop the ship with command out of the picture so they thought it best to follow it in for the time being. The Wicked stopped at a hover outside the QnL building. Chujo Irim and her entourage of elite tech-sentries emerged from the bottom, jumping down to the ground in their black robes, heavily armed. one of the fighters hovered directly behind the Wicked while the other circled overhead. Kai was getting slightly annoyed and headed for the shuttle bay. Gathering an entourage of technical sentries of his own. the front of the building was magnificent, obsidian made up the artwork that was the entrance, A wide staircase led up to a revolving door flanked by two normal doors. Beside each was a lightly armed guard and a sophisticated camera system built into the artwork. Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 11/24/03 10:54 Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1390 (11/23/03 18:31) ezSupporter Part 3 "What's the purpose of this mission sir?" Dante asked curiously, feeling a bit barren that he didn't even have a chance to get any gear for now, his only weapon was his sidearm. As Kai reached the shuttle bay he was greeted by a familiar figure leaning against the wall, "Hello Kai." Uso said Yuuko went into a sort of temper tantrum when she got to the antennae system she planned to use. It was completely gone! Kessaku techs were working on installing a shiny new one, but that didn't do her any good right now. "What the hell are you doing, there's a war starting out there!" she screamed at the techs. The KES guys looked at her in confusion. "No one told us?" was the answer. "I want you to take out anyone who looks suspicious or attempts something on a GSA personnel. "You may go prepare if you can hurry." He said to Dante. Then turned to Uso; "Uso, I'm not in the mood for your jokes." He said seriously, pausing to wait for Dante. He looked at her appraisingly. "Actually I might have a use for you, you're coming with me." "Aww" Uso said, falling in behind Kai, "That’s to bad, I figured you could use my help down there." She said. Irim and her sentries entered the building and headed to the conference room. Meanwhile, Infantry ships from the 3rd were called up on standby. "Understood ... thanks sir." sprinting back to his room he slid on his jacket and strapped on all the gear his superiors had given him before he left. Heading out the door again he stopped by a nearby weapons locker picking out a few more clips and a Kevlar shirt before heading back to Kai. "Ready sir." he said confidently. The lobby of the building was stylish and functional, large counters faced the door from all sides, they had a wood finish but armored bulkheads were underneath. One of the few people in the lobby at the time directed Irim to a elevator at the rear of the lobby. "Let's go." Kai said boarding a shuttle. "Dante you pilot us down there alright? We're heading for wherever the Wicked went." "KAI!" Yuuko's voice yelled over the ship's intercom, echoing in the bay. "Yes Yuuko?" He asked responding over the intercom. Elly followed Kai and Uso, she had absolutely no idea what was going on other than that she and Dante were to stop anyone from harming GSA people. "Do you want me to take my own ship sir? Or should I accompany you?" "The Kessaku techs and I got together and patched our communications to the Comfort." Yuuko answered. ~It may be messy, please accompany me.~ He thought back to her. Dante nodded and entered the shuttle, sliding into the pilot's seat as he began prepping the ship for take off." "Good work. We're heading for the meeting. Tell them to be prepared to support us if something happens." He replied. Anatole stood on the deck of the Theron, his eyes darting from side to side to make sure everybody was attending to their jobs. A few moments lingered by while he surveyed the deck, a sudden idea then popped into his mind. Turning around to the communications officer, Anatole then began to formulate his phrase correctly. "I need you to get me in contact with the Seigi, I have a few questions for the commander." Yuuko's excited voice reappeared. "Yes sir! Wicked reports Chujo Irim is in the building. Sir! Transmission from the Theron!" Elly nodded silently wishing she had gone with Dante to the weapons locker, but at least she had her swords, her shuriken, and her pistol. "I'm scared Master" Keiko said quietly in Kai's ear. "It's ok Keiko." He comforted her. "patch it through to our shuttle we're preparing for lift off." He replied. "Roger," Yuuko nodded as she did so. She wished she could come. "Yes?" Kai's voice asked the Theron. "Everyone ready?" Dante asked as he sent a signal to the technicians to open the docking bay doors to let them out. 25 stories up the buildings power went out to all the lifts in the QnL building stranding Irim. A message was sent to the Seigi, "We regret to inform you that rolling power blackouts are affecting us planet side. Please come in for a landing at the pad located on the roof" "Ready as ever" Elly replied ~Yuuko. I need one more security member, hurry here.~ he thought to her. "Wait a sec Dante." Releasing his grip on the controls Dante sat back, going over the gear he had on him as he waited. It was a shame he only had weapons for cloak and dagger work, but no matter, it would do. The communications officer responded quickly with "Shôshô Elek would like to speak to you, just a moment." He was walked over to the console. "This is Shôshô Elek, is everything going alright down there? I just don't feel right..." his mind trailed off with millions of other questions coming up. Uso stepped into the shuttle as Kai received a communication from Elek "We're just about to leave for the surface Shôshô Elek. Thing may turn hairy." he replied. "Is there any way that I could help with anything while you take your leave?" came the rapid response that stammered out of Anatolia’s mouth. Irim was incredibly strong, even for a Neko. She hated dysfunctional lifts, and pulled open the doors, Eve-style. The doors opened easily and showed a metal wall. They were stuck between stories. "Watch over the Seigi and be watchful, we may be attacked on the way back." Kai responded, wondering where Yuuko was. Yuuko momentarily ran into the shuttle, carrying the 5th Dimensional Soliton Rifle and a GP-5. "Let's go Dante. We're all here." Kai informed the pilot. Elly seemed to sense Dante's frustration "If you want my other pistol, you can have it gladly, I prefer bladed weapons anyways" She handed him the pistol, "Be careful though, I specially took out the safety...makes it easier for quick combat." Irim climbed onto one of her sentries' shoulders, and opened the top of the lift, climbing out into the shaft. Uso wasn't carrying a sidearm, she figured that she didn't need one, and had replaced it with a data pad inside her holster. The lift went up about another 25 stories before ending and letting out at the 50th floor. "Understood" came the response before the console was set back to watching over the radio transmissions. Anatole then turned around quickly, an order barked out of his mouth rapidly "We need to watch over the Seigi and be prepared to offer covering fire to any friendly ships coming from planetside, by prepared for anything!" He then slid off into his command chair, waiting to enjoy his first taste of battle. The neko security team began floating up the lift shaft... Dante looked up at Elly then back at her gun, nodding his thanks he still gave it back. "Don't worry my sidearm is prepped and ready, just regret not bringing a sword." He said with a grin showing his favor of the same type of weapons as he returned to the controls and paging the technicians. "This is Shuttle 3 leaving the docking bay, open the doors." "I hate T1 shuttles." Yuuko complained, missing her old Ki-T2. Hell, it was in the other side of the bay! Kai sighed and brushed nervous hand through his hair, ruffling it some. "You look eager Yuuko." He said noticing her weapons. The flight control officer who was plugged into the system opened the doors. With the AI down things had become slightly more difficult. Exiting the Seigi slowly, just in case any malfunctions arose, Dante maneuvered the shuttle down towards the planet, eager to get down and out of enemy sights. He kept his eyes glued on the sensors, unsure what awaited them on their descent down. "Sorry I took so long. I stopped by the GSS Comfort for an ST backup." Yuuko apologized. Elly smiled at him, "I would lend you one of my swords, but I need both of them and they were custom forged for me...might be uncomfortable for you." Yuuko explained, "We only have three fingers." "And in all this I forgot my main weapon." Kai chuckled. He still had his GP-13 sidearm though. Elly nodded "Exactly." Uso held out her hand and a slit of red appeared as her own skin was devoured by her blood. It pooled up in her hand and formed a short blade about 5 inches long, "Here you can use this" She said handing Elly a knife to pass up to Dante as her palm healed up. "Pennyeater?" Yuuko asked. "Here you go" she said as she put the blade on the panel beside Dante. Uso nodded to Yuuko. "Cool!" the short ranger grinned. "How can ab artist create works without supplies?” Uso said with a slight grin. Kai leaned back and looked thoughtful. He had made a recent backup before the system shutdown, knowing that the Kessaku people weren't stupid enough to erase the ST backups. "These shuttles are SO slow compared to mine," Yuuko complained. Uso nodded, "You can go faster now." She said tauntingly "Well..." Kai muttered. "Thanks." he said quietly, a slight smirk playing on his lips, he was bristling with hidden weapons as it was, wouldn't hurt to add a few more. He could still feel the concealed GP-12B1 hidden under his jacket as they exited the atmosphere, the buildings of the QIS coming into view. "We'll be touching down momentarily, time for the show to begin." Dante said enthusiastically, which was different from his previous anti-social facade, as they neared their destination. Slowing down Dante circled the building before slowly touching down on the roof, killing the engines immediately so not to draw attention to their landing. "This thing only goes 150 knots in the air." Two more fighters were behind the shuttle all the way down, tailing him in case he did something they didn't like. "No matter." Kai said, "we're here." "Are You Serious?!" Elly Asked Incredulously. "That's It?!" Anatole's left hand gripped down hard on the armrest of his chair, compressing a bit of the metal before he noticed his behavior and stopped it. With his free hand, he reached around and took the necessary cables and plugged them into the Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 11/24/03 10:55 Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1391 (11/23/03 18:33) ezSupporter Part 4 jacks in the back of his neck. With the ship under his control, he awaited further orders. "Yep." Yuuko nodded. "Mine goes mach 5." Gazing at the console Dante shook his head as the fighters hovered near the shuttle as he landed; thankfully they seemed to be in a pleasant mood. "Not trusting over here are they." "Nice, what kind is it?" Elly took pride in her ship and was always willing to strike up a conversation about it. "I wouldn't be either," Yuuko commented. "It's a customized Ki-T2 Aeroshuttle." Kai stood and opened the door and stepped out, looking up and around at the sky. Uso got out of the shuttle and stretched, "Ah its good to be back!" she said as she waved pleasantly at the fighters before heading past the twenty something guards on the roof and towards the elevators "Uso. Wait." Kai said to the neko. "We're going in together, all of us." Uso turned around and started walking backwards, "Then come on already!" She said with a smile. Yuuko was strapped. "Ready." "Just get your little butt back here. I said we're going in as a group, you are not to wander off." He said waiting for everyone else. "Just get your little butt back here. I said we're going in as a group, you are not to wander off." He said waiting for everyone else. Irim's team reached the top of the shaft and came out on the 50th floor, The room was little more than a guard room that protected the lift hub at this part of the building. One of the sentries walked over to the lifts to help Irim out and onto the floor, "Welcome." He said, "It looks like your stuck here, all the high security lifts are out for the moment," he explained. Uso stopped and crossed her arms, "ok then, I'm waiting," she said Keiko had remained silent, half afraid of what was going to happen. Stepping out Dante closed the door of the shuttle behind him, fiddling with a few commands to make sure no one decided to enter while they were away. "Where to now sir." the assassin said stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets and following after the others, the knife Uso gave him clutched in his hand. Elly made a face. "Wonderful...the marvels of modern technology..." "Now we can go." Kai said, looking serious and headed for the lift to the top floor of the building where the meeting was to be held. Yuuko stuck close to Kai. Her tablet was in a small backpack. "How long till the meeting begins?" Uso walked into the life and stood next to Kai, waiting for the others to follow. Elly muttered something. "...finally..." Dante took up the rear, waiting for the others to get going before he followed afterwards. His eyes continually searched for anything out of place, this spot allowed him to slip away unnoticed if need be. "Sir do you have those images I gave you earlier, perhaps those people will be here." He called out curiously. Kai simply continued walking to the elevator and reached it and got inside. "Yes I do Dante." He said, transmitting them to Dante's data pad. Irim forced open the doors to the top floor of the shaft. Pulling his pad out of his pocket he looked them over briefly, doing his best to commit it to memory for now, he didn't want to refer to it repeatedly. He kept to himself, standing in a corner away from the others as he went over what they had to do. once everyone was in the lift moved down one story and opened out into a small room with a podium. Behind it was one of the secretaries, "We have been waiting for you," she said in a pleasant voice as she pressed a few buttons, opening a non-see through glass door in front of the elevator which led to a nice hallway decorated with wood finishing and plants. At the end of the hallway was the boardroom. Elly followed Kai, her hand relaxing on the hilt of her sword. She had no idea what to expect, but she was prepared for anything. Kai swept into the board room and looked around at the other representatives. "Sorry, we had a couple delays." He said to the woman at the podium. ~Everyone be on your guard, we want no mistakes here.~ He though to his entourage. Both sets of doors closed behind the group from the Seigi as they passed through the hallway as the security system reactivated. The room had a panoramic view of the city and around the sides were several nekos with short white hair. Each had on a GSA uniform with a flak coat over it, In the center was a large round table with all of the owners of QIS sitting at it, apparently they had started without them and were discussing the safety of the corporation. As they entered the board room Dante's gaze immediately drifted to the roof of the room, searching for any ventilation shafts or any where someone could enter without being seen. Irim continued to head upwards...she took the stairs. "What have we missed due to our delay?" Kai asked pleasantly. "One of the AI neko's handed Kai a data pad with a transcript of what had gone on, They had talked about everything from installing a new leader to business plans to the security of the company so far. Right now they were trying to decide who should be in charge. Qel’noran logistics, acquisitions and construction seemed to favor Sijik while each of the others wanted their own leader. "Hmm." Kai mused. "What I'm interested in is this terrorist faction." He said to himself, listening to all of them. ~Dante, keep an eye on that Sijik.~ Dante cold hear in his mind. The stairs were long and winding, each flight circled around the lift shaft making the trip longer that it probably should have been. Every 6 floors they had to pass through a security check point that slowed them down even further. Irim ignored the checkpoints. She and her team ran sideways on the circular walls, accelerated by their anti-gravity fields. He couldn't figure out why but for some reason that he didn't know, but something seemed...off here. Giving his commander a subtle nod Dante slowly made his way to stand a few feet away from Sijik. Joining the few nekos standing guard over the group he made no sudden movements just made it seem he was staring out the windows pointlessly. It helped to wear shades when you wanted to look in another direction without being noticed. The owner of QnL spoke up, "We each want someone who will be in our best interests however we all can't have who we want, Sijik has promised to keep the sector secure and allow us to follow our own plans." he said. A new round of squabbling soon followed. The owner of QnT started to speak but was soon cut off by Sijik, "My men have already arrested 23 members of new dawn and we were able to keep the southern parts of QIS safe. What more assurance do you need?" he asked. Yuuko looked to Elly, "Hmm. How'd they make arrests so fast?" she whispered. Kai slid into a seat near him and listened quietly. "I want to know one thing, we received an ultimatum from the new dawn demanding we remove ourselves from Ralfaris, what do the rest of you think of that?" ~Interesting isn't it Yuuko?~ Keiko sent her, her sensitive hearing listening in. Elly looked at her "I think it's because he's part of New Dawn...but that's only my view of it..." The owner of Qel’noran technologies spoke over the squabble, "I think that the GSA should leave, Its their fault that we got into this." He said, "Nonsense" Sijik replied, "The GSA have only helped Ralfaris, We should be focusing on this New Dawn organization." "The question is how did they get their hands on such weapons?" Sijik asked while looking at the owner of QnT as if making an accusation. Kai looked over at the owner of QtS calmly. "We have done nothing to incite this, our battalions were here defending the civilians." Kai looked over at the owner of QnT calmly. "We have done nothing to incite this, our battalions were here defending the civilians." "And thats why they gunned down helpless crowds of civilians?" the QnLG leader inquired. "They killed hundreds!" He practically yelled back, "they were just as bad as the gas!" Kai frowned. "I apologize." Sijik looked down at his data pad, "I think its time for us to put this to a vote, no ones opinions are going to be changing anytime soon," He said Dante's open of Sijik shifted drastically in barely a few moments, to hear the man claim that he had arrested 23 members of a secretive organization like New Dawn then proceed to stand up for the GSA confused the trainee slightly. "I don't care, so long as we can increase our profits." the QnLG chairman snorted. Sijik gave the man a death glare. It had always been his opinion that they were here to help the people in ways the Imperial government couldn't. Irim finally busted into the room, followed by her compatriots. Irim's pale face held burning red eyes, which searched the room in the infrared and x-ray spectrums. She was standing behind Kai, and was a bit taller than him. A towering statue of a neko she was. AI nekos had already begun to pass out data pads for voting to the owners of the corporations. The QnLG chairman was too busy considering selling the GSA new furniture to notice. "Ah, yes, the data pad." he smiled, snapping out of his daydream of lavish captains' chairs. The voting started with the each of the owners picking who they wanted to be the next CEO. Kai looked to Dante, ~I have a bad feeling about this whole setup.~ Sijik managed to get 3 votes including his own while one vote was for Yui another for the owner of QnT and two for the owner of QnSe who was absent. He had been very popular before his disappearance. Glancing back at Kai Dante could only shrug; they could do nothing unless something happened, something big anyway. Yuuko looked at the ultra paranoid Irim. Irim was wondering if the pads might contain bombs. After hearing the results the owner of QnT stormed out of the room. He almost pushed Irim out of the way but decided to walk around her instead. ( Good idea. ) Irim caught the nasty glare from the man. As a Kessaku, she and the QnT guys had some beef with each other. Sijik smiled, "Well I should be getting to work." He said as he headed for the door. He gave Irim a reptilian smile (go figure) as he passed her. "Is that it?" Yuuko scratched her head. Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 11/24/03 10:56 Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1392 (11/23/03 18:38) ezSupporter Part 5 and Credits The other leaders started to file out of the room, oddly enough Uso was nowhere to be seen. Kai faced his crew. "I need you to gather as much information as you can on this Sijik." "Intel here or onboard the Seigi?" Dante asked curiously as he turned away from the window. There was still the question of where the gas came from and all the hard copy records stored in the libraries that could contain information that hasn't been scanned in yet. "Whatever's best. Planetside preferably." Kai answered. The room had been emptied of Qel’noran personnel and all that remained were the GSA and a few AI nekos Irim and her entourage headed up to the roof, where the Wicked was hovering. Elly just stood waiting for orders from Kai. As the elevator opened to let Irim step in Uso stepped out, Her uniform now had the addition of a Qel’noran Acquisitions pouldron on her right shoulder with a cape that covered her right side as well as a shiny new Taii rank pin for the fourth fleet. Irim gave Uso a frigid glare, and took the stairs. Kai looked at Elly looking back at him. "Is there something else?" he asked politely. "We did all this, and nothing happened. An awesome first day..." Elly stated with more than a hint of sarcasm Uso smirked at Irim and walked over to kai and handed him a data pad with a transfer request to the GC-51 without saying anything "Sorry sir, I guess I was just a little excited that something big was gonna happen...oh well" She sighed. Kai looked at the request, "I'll need a couple days to think it over." "Maybe we'll have some fun tailing our friend Sijik." Dante said mainly to Elly as he looked towards the door. "We might as well get going, no time like the present." noticing the change in garb on Uso he shrugged and started off on their new assignment. "hmpf" Uso said, sounding a bit disappointed, "Alright then. Should we be checking out our leads planetside?" she asked Yuuko hugged Elly's waist. "I thought we were gonna die!" she squeaked. Elly patted Yuuko. "You really thought that didn’t' you?" END JP Kai Wes Zack Anatole Dante Sean GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [ECN Thunderbolt] Assessment Sain Elysian ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 23 (11/25/03 11:52) Reply [ECN Thunderbolt] Assessment After Sain's....interesting encounter with the technician's in the lower areas of the ship, the plebian's lack of education had shocked Sain; it was something that silently outraged him. Sighing, he down heavily in his fairly plush chair behind a small desk...thinking about how things were. ~That's horrible, I never realized just how lucky I am. No wonder the other plebs don't rise up in revolt against the patricians..they don't know how and can't learn how to either.~ He thought, his soft hazel eyes scanning the medical lab. The room was a bright white, just like the rest of the ship; a color Sain found absolutely innocuous and annoying. The bay was spotless, it had been sterilzed on a constant basis for medical reasons. But at the present moment, Sain wasn't concerned with his surroundings, his mind wandering through itself trying to figure out what to do. For a long time now, he had wanted to rebel against the patricians but knew that alone; he couldn't do anything. Sain needed allies, some people who thought the same way he did, but such individuals were rare. ~Most of the plebians on this ship aren't educated enough to be of any help to me. I need to gather allies but not let on to my intentions.~ He pondered, tapping his foot lightly, fluttering his snow white wings. After a few moments of thought, his mind wandered back to that neko in the holding cells. ~She may be of some use to me if I can secure her~ Sain thought. He rose from his chair and walked for the door, his eyes held a look a grim determination and confidence. Sudconsciously, Sain reached back and cast off the binding in his pearl white hair, letting it fall down to around waist. It was a changed look definately; he hadn't given much thought to changing how he looked over the years. The guardian left the med bay, knowing that the first step in his plan was to get his hands on Ingrid, possibly the only hope he had for changing things at this point. Sain was able to shove aside his preconceived notions of nekos when around her and thought it bearable, almost enjoyable to see her; if only for selfish reasons. He swept briskly down the hallway toward the bridge, reaching it in a few moments, hoping that Kemitha hadn't yet gone to Mathias. Fortunately it seemed he still had time when the door of the bridge slid open. Sain stepped in and bowed respectfully to Mathias. "Sir, may I have a moment of your time?" He asked. "It is but a small thing I ask." ECN Guardian Sain Lian Medic, Thunderbolt Edited by: Sain at: 11/25/03 11:52 Mathias Gabriel Archangel ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 13 (11/25/03 21:15) Reply Re: [ECN Thunderbolt] Assessment Mathias would be sitting in his chair as he saw Sain arrive. With a glance he acknowledged his entrance. After Sain finished Mathias arose from his chair. "To my office." Mathias would lead the way into his spotless white office. To him white was a rather comforting color. He sat himself down in his chair and motioned for Sain to sit as well. "What is it that you wish to speak to me about?" Edited by: Mathias Gabriel at: 11/25/03 21:16 Sain Elysian ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 26 (11/25/03 20:25) Reply Re: [ECN Thunderbolt] Assessment Sain nodded and accepted the seat, his brown eyes fixing on the archangel's face. "Sir, I wanted to ask you about that captive. I wanted to ask you if I can have her for my own. I feel that I can extract some information out of her through gentle coercion if you'll allow me." Sain asked, his expression honest but hopeful. ECN Guardian Sain Lian Medic, Thunderbolt [GSS Seigi, nowhere] Withdrawn and Imprisoned... Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 144 (11/26/03 4:10) [GSS Seigi, nowhere] Withdrawn and Imprisoned... Disorientation was about the only feeling that Alexis was sure of for what seemed like a very long time. The last coherent memory he had was of stepping out of his quarters after Yuuko had started talking with Wolf about the transfer...but from that point on it was a epilepsy-inducing cross between stop-motion film and a really fast 3D slide show. He watched his foot move out onto the bridge, then suddenly he was no longer on the Seigi. Scenes after his leaving the room suddenly began to flash around him: The gassing on Ralfaris, the emergency meeting in the Seigi intel office, replacement of the AI, negotiations with Qel'noran Acquisitions and the following investigation...the scenes played by, then repeated. Every once in a while a new scene would appear, but Alexis was never there. What was this? He didn't think long before the answer came to him. Actually, it was given to him, he could feel it. This was a time loop. A stinkin' time loop! Events were being played over and over, but Alexis wasn't in them, he couldn't be. He wasn't no longer in linear time, instead he moved along outside the time line while being unable to interact with the beings that flashed by around him. His eyes widened as he realized that there was something wrong outside of what he thought of as "real". Something that the Umran -- his Storyteller -- was unable to fix. Something that had forced the Storyteller to remove Alexis from the time line and hold him here. Alexis tried to move, to squeeze out of the invisible restraints that bound him. But he couldn't get any response out of his body. It stayed where it was, relaxed. The shifter tried to focus his mind and teleport out, turn into a liquid and drain out, anything...but the thoughts wouldn't form. Finally he gave up. ~Alright...you don't want me to be a part of this? I'll stay, I'll watch. You tell the story, you put me in it when you want...But if ANYTHING happens to Chi or any of my friends while you have me stuck here, so help me...I'll never be a willing player for your stories ever again.~ Or, at least, for a very long, long time, he added to himself. Forget temporal integrity...if Chi was killed, he would not let her stay dead. Time continued to fly by as Alexis watched, helpless once more. GSA no Taisho Jaren Alexis Commander, Fourth Fleet [GSS Empire] Standing Down Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1403 (11/26/03 13:07) ezSupporter [GSS Empire] Standing Down ON> Ralfaris Yui and the rest of her fleet were waiting. She sent the QIS a message of her own. "Sijik, I'm sure we can both agree that this has exploded into something neither of us wants. If you'll recall your ships, we can arrange a peaceful solution between us. If you cooperate now, I'll give you a special deal." Sijik remained calm in the control center of QnSe. "Before we do anything I would like an explanation of what happened. I have a report of our facilities being attacked by the Wicked and now an order to destroy ships of the 4th fleet. In 5 minutes this will hit the news and we will have a massive PR disaster on our hands." "Special deal?" questioned Irim. The infamous berserker had been respawned onboard the Empire. In her opinion, the man should be tortured to death. Yui, luckily for Sijik, didn't agree. She told him, "Irim was conducting a surprise investigation. When your men refused to cooperate, they were punished appropriately." Yui paused for a moment to let this sink in. "At that point, some of the ships from 3rd and 4th Divisions of the fourth fleet opened fire on the investigating vessel, resulting in terrible damage to the area." "The order to attack our ship didn't come from Taisho Jaren or Shôshô Ashigari...so we assume it came from you, Sijik," Irim added. Sijik pressed a few buttons on his control panel bringing up a video of what had transpired, "Irim walked in and immediately took hostages, The soldiers merely tried to defend themselves when her and her ship opened fire." He replied, "Our ground forces requested air support and I approved it. Irim has single-handedly done more damage than the entirety of the terrorist attacks." "But the ships did the damage, Sijik, and you have no authority to give orders to the GSA officers who commanded them," Yui pointed out. She decided to try a little bluff, as well. "We know," she told Sijik, "about the Security chairman's death." The damaged caused by them was minimal. The impact crated can be repaired and the lower floors of the QnSe building can be replaced but the people killed in the attack can't." Sijik responded. Sensing that the target had left the torpedoes had duded themselves, minimizing damage, "Then please send any information you have regarding it to QnA." He said, "We still have him listed as missing." "You had him killed, Sijik. Don't lie to me," Yui stared. "Qel'noran Acquisitions is responsible for this." "I admit I used the opportunity the attacks presented to assert control, The corporation badly needed a leader, But I had no part in the attacks." Sijik said calmly, "If Ms. Irim wanted to conduct a investigation she should not be taking hostages. Now do you have information on his disappearance or not?" "You're not listening, Sijik. The Star Army holds YOU responsible for his death and for the attacks on the GSS Wicked. We're giving you a chance to turn yourself in, in order to save your people from misery." Sijik shook his head, "I've done what I can to minimize the media coverage of the incident involving GSA soldiers firing on civilians. But now the wicked firing on uniformed GSA personnel and then arresting me would only draw more people to New Dawn's cause." Sijik calmly stated. "They are growing in popularity each time something like this happens and I would appreciate it if you would let us continue our investigations and weed them out before we have another gas attack on our hands." "You think killing more of your own people would solve anything, Sijik?" Yui asked. "You must surrender. A gas attack is nothing compared to what you face in a matter of minutes. PLEASE, Sijik, come clean and cooperate," she urged. "More unnecessary aggression from the GSA is not what is needed right now. I am trying to keep QIS functioning but I can't do that if you are constantly threatening our employees. This is just absurd. Yui call off your ships." Sijik said "Don't say we didn't give you a chance," Yui looked to Hinosami, and the transmission switched to a screen which displayed the time remaining until Wolf's ships began to systematically eliminate the rogue industrial sector. The Star Army ships began broadcasting transmissions to the civilians over radio and television, telling them to evacuate their cities. Irim goaded her master on, "Don't let that civilian try to tell you what to do." she hissed. "You're doing the right thing." The Civilians were now in a uproar. The GSA was threatening to destroy their homes and lives eroding the last bit of trust the public had between themselves and the GSA. Riots started to break out in the streets as even QnSe soldiers started to rethink their ideas. The various bases around the city started to deploy more troops and anti-space weaponry. Large flatbed trucks with shield generators and GWB systems started to roll out, taking up places outside of the city as the missiles planetside finished launch preparations. Sijik attempted to contact Yui again and also sent a transmission to wolf. Thousands of Qel'noran attempted to flee the cities, causing horrendous traffic jams and lethal, desperate road rage as they fought each other to get out. There were Ajuti priests running in the streets screaming "Repent! The end of the world is here!" Meanwhile, the 3 last Iori Star Fortresses appeared near Ralfaris. Each began launching its full complement, lending an emergency PANTHEON-controlled force of 27,648 Irim-Class assault ships, and 967,680,000 Lamia Power Armor. Yui responded to his hail. "Reconsidering?" she asked, hoping. "I'm giving you another chance to avoid a disaster. What do you hope to accomplish by attacking Ralfaris?" Sijik asked as he continued to try and get wolf on the line. "We don't tolerate rebellions. Sijik, you have five minutes to surrender yourself and the ships that have mistakenly followed you." The largest Star Army force ever assembled spread out around the planet on three sides (which indicated they were concerned about some weapons going through the planet). The clock was ticking. "We are not rebelling against anything. All your doing is proving New Dawn right. If you attack now both Ralfaris and Geshrintall will be destroyed." Sijik said, "No one wants that." "You're running out of time." Irim warned. "Heh I understand now. What is the relation between you and Irim Ms. Yui? You seem to be following her orders not the other way around. You still have time to avoid a disaster. Don't be foolish Yui." Sijik warned The ships of 4th Fleet's 3rd Division teleported in with their gun turrets still under their hatches. The ships were surrendering, in order to save the lives of their families. In return, they were exempted from prosecution. Sijik could only watch as the forces he thought he controlled began to give up. Most of them had come of their own free will. The others only had sprites left onboard. "Sijik, think of the children." Yui pleaded. Sijik thought that was irrelevant. He thought it would only take a single missile to end every life on Geshrintall, "I am thinking of them Yui. What will be New Dawn's next target if I am not here to stop them? They could attack anything if we don't nab their leader now." Sijik took up more of a friendly tone before continuing, "Yui we are at each other’s throats because of a misunderstanding between the GSA and QnSe. We cannot let this rip apart the GSA. I am ordering all of our units on the ground to stand down. I hope you will do the same." Sijik said as he pressed a few more buttons on his console. A lot of the troopers were confused by the order as most had been influenced by the news and New Dawn propaganda but they complied. Slowly the trucks started to head back to their bases. "Very well. It's not my desire to needlessly kill people." Yui nodded. The Empire ordered its units not to attack unless fired upon. "You will, then, surrender yourself to the Star Army's custody while the investigation continues?" "We need to make some new laws," Irim commented, "regarding the relationship between the military and the corporations. It needs to be clear who comes first. In addition, I think we need to reestablish the government." Sijik shook his head, "I'm sorry but that simply cannot be done. We have riots in the streets and more than likely thousands of new terrorists to deal with. Right now we cannot afford a change in leadership." "I see. Consider yourself under house arrest, then. You're not allowed to leave the Qel'noran Industrial headquarters". "that is acceptable. I knew you were a reasonable person Yui" Sijik said. The messages on the radios and televisions changed. "It is okay to return to your homes. Everything is fine now." Of course, some of the damage had already been done. Looting and rioting continued. Most of the people either ignored or didn't hear the messages. Right now the GSA wasn't very popular with the Qel’noran people. ON> Streets of the QIS Industrial Complex "arrrrGGHH!!! Out of my f__ing way!!" a citizen shouted, unloading his CF-01 into the auto in front of his. Horns blared, and screaming people ran by. Some of them were carrying furniture or valuables. "End of the world!!" a religious man cried, face full of tears. "What did we do to deserve this?!" QnSe APCs were blocking off the streets and using their external speakers to relay the news of what had just happened, "GSA ships are standing down... " "What the hell?" another Qel'noran shouted. "I think they just want us to die peacefully." Meanwhile the news desks at QnL were busy putting together exactly what they were going to say. At this time headlines were often more speculation than fact. "GSA Declares War on Ralfaris!" read one while others were more subdued. Meanwhile New Dawn was recruiting. People were willingly joining up for a organization that declared itself the ones that would rid the planet of the GSA tyranny. Meanwhile, some opportunistic individuals figured out what was going on and took what advantage they could. "Please move, I'm trying to get to my family!" one shouted. As the APC blocking his way moved, he drove his van off into the suburbs full of stolen weapons from QnT. Fortunately he only made off with a bunch of small arms that were readily available at UC's around the city. The majority of the heavy stuff was kept on bases or in the military areas of the underground tunnels. But there were others. END JP Zack Wes GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1404 (11/26/03 13:11) ezSupporter [GSS Empire] Standing Down: OOC NOTES OOC Note: Given that the 3 Iori Fortresses at Geshrintall also made their full production of ships, there were a total 55,296 Irim Assault ships created as a result of the "New Dawn Conflict" thus far. These ships have temporarily been assigned to the 1st and 2nd Provisional Fleets, and are fully automated (so don't ask to transfer to the provisional fleets). [GSS Seigi] Restoration Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1405 (11/26/03 18:47) ezSupporter [GSS Seigi] Restoration After Yuuko's shuttle docked with the Seigi, Kai quickly exited the shuttle with the captive in tow. He paused and sent a short report to Taisho Wolf: "Sir, we are back aboard the Seigi after a short planetary investigation of the events on Ralfaris. We have a captive with us, and are preparing to interrogate him." Kai sent. "I will send a more complete report after we interrogate him." Kai added. "Right, I heard about the captive. Motive, numbers, weapons, all that kind of stuff. Awaiting next report." Kai turned to the captive and looked at him straight in face. "I'll ask you first off, what is your name?" He asked the Qel’noran. The Qel’noran was obviously very frightened but managed to speak, "Ekzyr." "Calm down Ekzyr, we aren't going to hurt you, just ask you a few questions." Kai said primly. If you'll follow me; we'll get out of this shuttle bay. Ekzyr was trying to keep his distance from the neko's that were in the shuttle bay and had little choice but to follow Kai. Kai lead Ekzyr to the intel office, the consoles were inactive. He got a couple strange looks from various crewmembers but was left alone by Kai's mental orders. He guided the Qel’noran in and offered him a chair; taking his own. "Please, make yourself comfortable." He said pleasantly. He sat but was obviously uncomfortable "Now, please, tell me why you were fleeing from the QnSe and the QnA." Kai prompted. He knew from the report Dante had given him that this man was with the New Dawn, but Kai wanted to hear it from him. He started to recount the events that led up to now. I was at home working on my web page when I heard a loud bang. Soldiers came in and I ran..." he said. Kai nodded. "What web page is yours?" He asked innocently; silently coercing the man. "If I tell you will you promise not to have the neko's eat me?" he asked. Kai chuckled. "I promise. No harm will come to you while you are on this ship." He gave the address to the new dawn site that Dante had found earlier. "So, that's the New Dawn site. Would you tell me what you know about the New Dawn organization that is not on your site...If you know that is." Kai said pointedly. "No" the man replied." ..I mean.. I can't." "Sure you can Ekzyr." Kai said encouragingly. "I can't.. they would come after me." he said Kai telekinetically searched him, looking for anything like a tracking device or a audio recorder. "the New Dawn would?" He asked as he did to keep it casual. Ekzyr nodded Kai gave Yuuko, who was standing watch in the door. noticing she looked a little suspicious. ~Please relax Yuuko, we want him to talk without having to force him if possible.~ Kai's eyes fixed back on Ekzyr. "They won't come after you, not here." Kai said. "Sorry." Yuuko apologized. She shouldered her purple GP-12B. "So please, cooperate with us." "why should I trust you?" The man said, "Do you know neko's have a history of eating their captives?" he asked. "I am aware of that, and I assure you that no neko will eat you." Kai reassured. "Huh?" Yuuko made a confused face. "Well, there's a law that protects POWs from mistreatment and death." Keiko mimicked Yuuko at this point, her expression anyway. "That’s just what they want you to think." The man said. Kai sighed. "That's false propaganda." He said. "You can trust me Ekzyr. I have nothing against you; you'd probably be treated quite a bit worse if QnSe or QnA got a hold of you. So please, repay our favor with some information." The Qel’noran went off on some rant about how the GSA has been controlling the media and how they wanted to remove QIS because it was a threat to their control. Kai held up a silencing hand. "We have no control over the media of Ralfaris as far as I know." He said. "We want to know about this New Dawn, like who the leader is." "Um... that guy.." Ekzyr said. He winced as if regretting what he said. "Which guy?" Kai probed. "No he'll come after me..." He said. "Perhaps we can find you a safe place to hide." Kai offered. Yuuko grinned. "A submarine on Albini?" "I'd don't want to be a fish for the rest of my life...." he said sounding a bit disappointed. "They wouldn't find him there would they?" Kai chuckled. Showing Ekzyr that not all nekos were bad. "Maybe somewhere else then." "Perhaps the farmlands on Geshrintall?" Yuuko suggested. "Well, we should work it out later. Right now, let's keep going." Time was critical, but Yuuko make sure to act like they weren't in a hurry. "But tell us who is the leader of the New Dawn." Kai asked in a calm tone. "Not until you make sure I will not be held accountable for the crimes New Dawn has committed and hide me someplace safe." He said. Kai turned to Yuuko slightly. "Yuuko, could you get Taisho Yui on the line? If anyone, she'd know where he can hide. I'd like to run any idea past her before I commit." He asked the little neko. Yuuko activated the communications terminal, which was still temporarily routed through the GSS Comfort. Soon, Yui was on the screen. They'd caught her in the bath. "Kai?" she looked to him through her ever-present tablet. Kai was direct, but whistled at her to get her attention. "Sorry to intrude Mistress, but I have a couple questions for you." He said. "Sure," she said. She moved against the side of the pool-size tub. As her face closed in and took up more of the screen, the view of her shrunk to her face, neck, and the top of her breasts, which were pressed against the marble. Kai was still blushing a slight red at seeing her nudity and made no effort to hide it. "We have the captive here, he is willing to talk if we can guarantee that he won't be held accountable for the crimes New Dawn has committed and that we hide him somewhere safe. Could you suggest something?" "The safest place a person could be is on a KFY starship," Yui said. "Geshrintall, after that." "Perhaps a nice little farm on Geshrintall?" He said thoughtfully, considering Yuuko's suggestion. "Perhaps," Yui nodded. "A farm?" he asked sounding a bit disappointed. "Or would you prefer a starship?" Kai asked Ekzyr. "Better than the Ralfaris desert." Yuuko mumbled. "About not holding him accountable?" he queried "I'd think he'd be innocent, the information could be exchanged for amnesty for him." Kai mused. "Well now that that's taken care of, please tell us who it is Ekzyr" Kai said. Yui was shampooing her beautiful hair as she watched the prisoner. Yuuko was, in turn, watching Yui. Keiko noticed Yui from Yuuko's shoulder and bounced up and down waving at the Taisho. "Hiiii" she giggled. Yui waved her fingers at Keiko, and blew the little catgirl a kiss. Keiko giggled and blushed slightly, she didn't know if it was obvious but she was. "You're pretty Yui." She smiled. "His name is Aukrg," Ekzyr also gave Kai the address for the place where he was staying, "Is that all?" he asked. "Yuuko, could you run a check on that address if possible?" Kai asked her. "I'm afraid not Ekzyr." he said, gently probing into the Qel’noran mind. "I should have known... You are going back on your word, Your not going to let me go after all." he said "Address?" Yuuko seemed confused. "I never said that, I'm just afraid I don't believe you." Kai said, still probing. As far as Kai could tell the man was telling the truth. Kai pulled out of his mind, not wanting to physical hurt him. "Is that all you can tell us? What about that ultimatum the New Dawn issued could they really do all that?" Kai asked "Dunno," The man said, "I just run the site, they sure surprised me with that gas stuff..." "Well that's good enough." Kai said, standing up. Then turned to Yui; "Could you please send a KFY ship to pick him up as per my word?" He asked her, not wanting to go back on it. "What shall we do with him?" Yui asked, looking for Kai's suggestion. "Keep an eye on him, keep him out of trouble." Kai said. "I don't want to go back on my word, you've heard that a man's only as good as his word haven't you?" He smiled handsomely at her. "Maybe show him how GSA really is." Yui nodded, and began searching for an appropriate ship. Kai turned to the Qel’noran. "I am not going back on my word." He said. "You never know, you may even enjoy serving the GSA." "Perhaps that's a bad way to put it." Yui cautioned. He grumbled something under his breath. He hated the GSA and disliked the idea of having to serve them. "You'll learn eventually that we aren't bad." He said pointedly, sensing his mixed hate and slight confusion. "You didn't want to go back to Ralfaris with the those people did you? You want to be safe and this is probably the best way." He started another rant on how the GSA was worse than the people on Ralfaris. He gave graphic descriptions of how, in the past, they would rape women and then use them as food. "That isn't true! The GSA never did that!" Yuuko cried. Kai sighed and hoped Yui would hurry. "That is not believable." Kai said, sharply, the man's rants getting on his nerves. He'd gotten no sleep in nearly a week and the stress wasn't helping. "Yes they did." The man said, "I have proof!" he exclaimed. Yui looked up from her listings and raised an eyebrow. Kai walked up to him, looking intimidating. "Where then?" He asked, he didn't want to have to rip it out of the man's mind. "I've heard it was a common occurrence on Nepleslia." He said, "I think it was the... the Uesureyan Army, the organization that became the GSA, that did all this." "I am a Nepleslian. And they have NEVER done that." Kai snapped irritably. "That’s a lie and you know it." he said, "There are pictures and video clips that prove it." Yui, who was old enough to know more, spoke up. "That was over twenty years before Nekovalkyrja even existed. It is; however, very true." She went back to her ship rosters. "So what if they did? That's history now." Kai said, "See!" He exclaimed, for the first time looking to see who was on the communications channel. "The Nekovalkyrja also eat the Elysian's and all of their other foe's." ~I'm sure they don't taste good enough for that~ Keiko thought to Yuuko ~They're not bad~ Yuuko admitted. "Not all of our foes. We have, from time to time, used the dead Elysians to feed our armies. There have been hard times." Yui said. "Why waste the flesh?" The Qel’noran was trying to move to the side of the screen where Yui couldn't see him. In his mind he had more to fear from her than anyone else. Kai was quickly losing patience here, but was restraining himself from striking the man. "Shut up." He said sharply to the Qel’noran. "Just get over it, you'll be safe." He said in a strangely calm voice…which was very eerie considering his hair was now dancing around him. Yuuko shuddered involuntarily. The man wasn't talking at the time and saw no reason to start up again although he muttered, "oppression," under his breath. Keiko jumped onto a nearby table and walked over to Kai and pulled on his robe, wanting a lift. She didn't like to see her master this way, it frightened her, but she thought she should try and calm him down. Kai sighed, the telekinetics stopping as he grinned wryly and scooped the little neko up and set her on his shoulder and tickled her a bit, eliciting giggles. Yui frowned, "No one seems to want guests at this point. I was thinking perhaps the Wicked would take care of him. It's a more luxurious ship than most." The man freaked.... He turned to Yui. "That may not be safe, could you tell Irim not to hurt him?" "Irim's as gentle as a kitten," Yui smiled warmly, amused. The man gave her an odd look, "The same Irim that shot up those GSA soldiers planetside?" he asked. It had been on the news during the shuttle ride up. Kai chuckled. "Please ask her too then. Irim's not all that bad" "Correct." Yui nodded to the Qel'noran. "She's alright so long as you stay on her good side." The Qel’noran looked skeptical. Keiko was laying on Kai's shoulder breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling recovering from being tickled. "The Wicked is my task-ship. I send it on my personal missions. There is no better ship to be on than the Wicked. It has the best crew of any Yui-class ship in the Star Army, and some of the best food as well." Yui wasn't doing much to reassure the Qel’noran... "Do you have family?" Yui asked Ekzyr. "No" he responded. "They died when the GSA took over the planet." he added. "Great," Yui thought. "So Irim'll be able to come get him?" Kai asked Yui. "Of course. But I want you to find a new home for him within a week." "But where? Geshrintall?" Kai mused thoughtfully; it was the only place he could think of right now. "Maybe Kennewes?" "Shôshô Ashigari," a voice came over the intercom. "Taisho Jaren has fallen into a coma." "What?!" Kai said, shocked. "Take him to the Medical bay at once." "Yes sir." the voice responded. It was very soft, sweet, and feminine. Someone not on the normal staff. "Who is this?" He asked, noticing that. "Chujo Kessaku Anri." replied the voice from the bridge. "Oh. Hello.” He said. Kai didn't want to leave Ekzyr alone but wanted to go handle this situation. This day was going from bad to worse; or so it seemed. He remembered something small that Lav had done when he had chatted with her asked her about the package. "Yui, did you receive a small package from this ship lately?" He asked. Meanwhile, on the bridge, Anri was in a jumpsuit with a flashlight attached to a headband, working on the ship's computer systems. The woman was a genius, and as the best tech, she used most of her time working on the Pantheon-series systems herself. "I received a small stuffed doll of Chiharu." Yui informed Kai. "Hinosami likes it." Kai smiled. "I'd expect that of Juni Taiensho." He chuckled, his mood brightening "Shôshô Ashigari," Anri's voice fell upon his ears like a soft blanket. "Yes Chujo?" He asked. "About the AI...Are you fond of her?" "I honestly didn't know her that well." Kai admitted. "I was wondering if you'd like to keep the AI." Anri explained. He half liked the way Anri's voice sounded. soft and soothing. "I don't honestly know. I'm sorry Ms Anri." He admitted. "I'll work with whatever AI is assigned." "The WIES is very much like the MEGAMI in its AI systems. You remember the GSS Yui's system, yes?" "Vaguely, but yes." Kai said. "Which would you prefer?" Anri asked. Yui, by now, had left the bath and was drying off out of the view of the tablet's camera. "The WIES is acceptable, as long as it can make ST backups." Kai said, that was the one thing he had a fear of; dying without one. Keiko had curled up on his shoulder and fallen asleep, looking absolutely adorable. He had been thinking for the last couple moments. "Yes." Anri whispered from her nest of electronics on the bridge. "It can." "Anri, would you mind setting the voice of the AI to yours? It's soft and very soothing." He said, with a honest smile on his face. Anri took a moment to respond. She was flattered and blushed, making the artistic pink patterns in her snowy skin stand out. "I think I can get it to approximate my voice." Yuuko tapped Ekzyr, "You still awake, buddy?" Ekzyr pulled away from Yuuko, seeming not to like her touch. "Thank you." Kai replied. "Yuuko, could you keep an eye on him until Irim arrives? I want to go met this Anri then go see Taisho Jaren." He said. "Alright," she nodded. Kai nodded and nudged Keiko awake. "Yes master?" She asked. "Keiko, please stay with Yuuko and tell me if anything unusual happens." Kai said, Keiko nodded and hopped off his shoulder and walked over to Yuuko. The familiar stocking pull came a second later. Yuuko picked up the smaller neko and placed her on her shoulder. She then gestured to the captive to follow her. Ekzyr stood up and followed Yuuko. Kai walked out and headed for the bridge to check on the progress of the replacement. It wasn't too long before he walked in. "Hello." His voice came from the door. Yuuko led the man to the lift. From there the lift took them up through the GSS Seigi, through the KFS Control, and finally to the GSS Wicked, where the doors finally opened to reveal none other than Irim herself. On the Seigi's partially-dismantled bridge, Anri's dedicated technical staff was busily finishing the installation. A short Japanese male pointed toward a hole in the floor. "So they're all in there?" Kai wondered, walking over cautiously to have a look. Ekzyr was less than enthusiastic to see the inside of the Wicked. He looked over at Yuuko, "Do you mind?" he asked as he gestured to his arms that were uncomfortably bound at his wrists and just in front of his elbows. "Of course." Yuuko said. "If you attempt anything suspicious, the ship will disable you." Keiko smiled and waved at Irim. "Hi!" she said. Keiko was a friendly neko that much was clear. Jadg Wolf joined Irim poked Keiko's chest and massaged her small mounds with her index finger. "A delight." the pale berserker grinned. Keiko giggled. "Stop it." she laughed. "that tickles." Irim placed an NH-12 on Ekzyr’s shoulder. "She's your caretaker. Anything you need, ask her." the Chujo explained. Ekzyr nodded. Keiko freaked. "Hey hey, I belong to Master Ashigari." Keiko yelped, still giggling from being tickled. She waved at the other NH-12 happily.. Ekzyr chuckled a bit after hearing Keiko. "Scales..." the other NH-12 ran her hands along Ekzyr's neck. "Oooh." The other NH-12, then turned to Keiko and waved back. "Hi!" Ekzyr shivered a bit from the other neko's touch. "What's your name?" She asked cheerfully, hoping to make a new friend. "Chui Ninko," she introduced herself. "I'm Keiko." She replied. Kai was warily watching the technician's work, it reminded him of the work his father did so long ago. His tiredness beginning to show; though Kai did his best not to show it. Ninko grinned at Keiko, "Pleased to meet you, miss." She then went to work, "Sir, your room is this way." Ekzyr nodded and followed the neko to his new room. Keiko was happy, she met two completely new people; she did a little celebration by giving Yuuko a tiny hug around the neck. Anri was down in there working on some of the components. It looked like everything was in place except for the data connections. Anri was hooking up massive pile of cables to various sensors and communications equipment. All over the bridge, the blank screens suddenly went red. "I guess that means we've got power again." Kai said with a slight grin. Trance music began to play on the bridge, beginning with a deep, steady beat, and then adding a soundtrack background. The main screen displayed in the top right hand corner, "System startup. Warship Integrated Electronics System v1.1." As the music continued, there was a percentage displayed: 01%. "This is good, we're almost back up and running." Kai commented. "This is a tradition," pointed out a technician. The first computers of this sort took days to start up. While they came to life, they played music; the people danced." "I'm too tired to dance." Kai smiled. Anri bobbed her head to the beat as she finished the last few connections. She then climbed out, and her crew began to replace the missing floor panels. "She's finished. A Kessaku computer," she declared. Kessaku meant perfect. Anri delivered a low courtesy for Kai, then offered her slender white hand. "Ah, that voice." Kai smiled at her. "I hope you got the AI to sound like that." The music bumped in the background, as if energizing the computer to life. The percentage was climbing. He accepted her hand shook it gently, then lifted it and gently kissed her back of it in thanks, an ancient custom he'd read about and decided to try. Anri kissed Kai's cheek and neck in return. He blushed slightly, his face starting to match his hair. "You must be Chujo Kessaku." He smiled. "Yes," she softly smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Kai said, the coloration in his cheeks fading away. "And I you. I've heard such good things from Mistress Yui." "I haven't done that much." Kai chuckled, feeling slightly embarrassed. The ship's hologram appeared next to Anri. It looked very similar. "System Online." said humbly, softly. Kai smiled. "Ah, it's always nice to see a familiar face." Kai said, making a small personal joke. "Irim and I will be leaving, if that'll be all, Kai." "It will be, but I'm curious to know what the Mistress says about me, but oh well; it is most likely her own business." He said. "And thank you for replacing it. I know I couldn't have done it." He joked mildly. "Not many could," she smiled. "It takes a special person." He agreed. Anri bowed in thanks, and moved toward the exit. Her technicians made sure everything was in order. When Anri stepped out, the music faded to silence. In a few minutes, the GSS Wicked (GD-232), GSS Comfort (GD-41), GSS Philosophy, (GD-117), and KFS Control detached from the GSS Seigi (GB-08) and from each other. END Wes (Anri, Yuuko, Yui, Ninko) Zack (Ekzyr) Thad (Wolf) Kai (as Kai, Keiko) GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [ECS Sunray] A Trap! Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1416 (11/29/03 18:08) Reply ezSupporter [ECS Sunray] A Trap! ON> GC-53 QnA ships had been preparing to hit a angel ship for some time. GC-53 had been tracking an angel ship for some time when onboard complications had forced it to pull back. The cloaking system was no longer operational and the CDD was offline. Air was leaking out of the hull and a automated distress beacon was transmitting a SOS. Onboard Alarielle's ship, the Sunray, one of the Paladin's assistants pointed out the ship to her. "This Qel'noran vessel is damaged. If we act quickly, we can take advantage of this," the other Arch-Angel pointed out. Alarielle nodded slowly and considered the situation, "Fire at will..." "Ma'am?" her first officer looked at her oddly. She didn't mean to destroy it outright, did she? "Firing to disable." The Fast Attack Frigate began delivering a surprise volley of beam attacks to the engines of the Kieru. Alarielle nodded slowly, "Yes of course..." The two pods on the side of the ship that held the drive systems were blown off in the first volley. The ship jerked to the side slightly from the damage and started heading into a small asteroid field. "Damn it." Alarielle's first officer cursed. He hated asteroid fields. The man turned to her and asked, "Shall we attempt to board them? We don't have anything to stop their movement." Alarielle smiled briefly at her first officer, "Yes by all means board them." "Right away," the archangel, whose name was Furiel, replied. The fast attack frigate quickly caught up to the smoking ship and, in a moment, deployed its boarding chute to the lift hatch on the top of the Kieru. The frigate's seraphs descended and detonated a charge to open the doors. The doors flew open and a strong breeze pulled air out of the angel ship and into the QnA ship. Oxygen was leaking out into space from somewhere inside. Meanwhile the real GC-53 was hiding inside of the small field of asteroids fully cloaked. Camera's on the dummy ship controlled by PANTHEON transmitted the Seraphs entry to the captain. "Move in." he commanded. The ship started to move slowly toward the angel ship as to not attract attention. Two more cruisers were also hiding nearby and preparing to help out if it was needed. "Sir, this ship is empty." a seraph reported. "No crew, no computer system...just a neko sprite that self-destructed as soon as it saw us." Furiel's eyes widened. "A trap!" The angel ship was hit by 10 drones simultaneously. Each one had its own form of electronic warfare capability. They scrambled sensors communications and even a special drone carrying a ADN was used in a attempt to disrupt the personnel onboard and the rumored to exist biological computer. GC-53 moved close to the other ship and deployed its weapons turrets as the bay doors opened and boarding cables attached. The cruiser had made sure that the turrets on that side were disabled with their first volley of shots. Alarielle looked at Furiel, "Order the Seraphs to get back on board, and to hurry up about it!" Alarielle spoke quickly, "Open fire on that vessel Furiel, try to disable but destroy if you must." As the cables dug into the ships hull a assault team was sent across. Breaching charges were placed on the hull and the teams moved to the sides as the shaped charges went off, trying to put a hole in the ship for boarding. QnA was eager to test out their new equipment. The seraphs didn't get Furiel's telepathic orders (due to the ADN), but they were smart and returned to their ship anyway. The Sunray's nose cannon cut the cables, while the ship turned to use its main guns. The boarding shut popped free of the decoy ship and retracted back its position. The charges made a small hole in the side of the ship. Since the ship was moving, the assault team was left floating in space. Alarielle looked at Furiel, "Alright, target the attacking ship and as soon as appropriate take us out of here." "Full reverse!" Furiel ordered a plebian. The frigate backed away from the cruiser and opened fire with its main cannons. "Stand by for FTL!" Already, the white repair goo of the Elysian ship's hull was sealing the damage. the GC-53 maneuvered to stay on that side of the ship. The assault team climbed across the hull of the enemy ship to reach the holes their charges had made. Their small thruster packs were jettisoned as soon as they were inside. "Captain they are aboard," One of the bridge officers yelled out, "good" the captain said as he ordered the ship to pull back. GC-53 Teleported away from the other ship to a range where it could fight more effectively. Three teams were now onboard. Each planed to make its way towards the bridge. Two Qel`norans with swords and other close combat weapons led the front of each party as members armed with guns stayed in back. They all remained in their space suits to keep from being killed by lack of oxygen. Waiting at the entrance hole were battle seraphs. A flash bang went off in the first team's face while the others were still halfway in. Immediately afterward, the seraphs began firing their weapons in single aimed shots at the heads of the attackers. The seraphs seemed to have little trouble fighting in a vacuum. While five of the seraphs were inside defending, the other five had exited another hatch and flung themselves at the unwatched rear of the teams as their attention was drawn by the first team lack of success. On the bridge, Furiel reported, "FTL ready. We can outrun them." Alarielle nodded, "Get us out of here then." The frigate's drive system engaged, moving the ship out of the area at 20,000c. The first team was taking severe casualties but the other two managed to get inside with little problem. The spread out attack had forced the ships security force to be spread to thin. As the other two teams made it inside they took up defensive positions around their entry point until they were all inside then began to move toward the bridge. The first team that had hit he most Seraph resistance started using their limited supply of grenades to try and do some damage. The drones were dragged along with the angel ship as it moved out. The GC-53 tracked the angel ship and was preparing to go after it once it was secured. The remaining two teams were sandwiched between the seraphs from outside, and the ones already inside. Trapped in the small hallways, they were shot at from all directions by an enemy that didn't seem to ever miss. The lethality of the seraphs was amazing. There were no injuries; only catastrophic hits. The beam eyes were working on eliminating the last of the drones. A series of grenades were tossed at the seraphs as the two Qel`norans on point moved up under the cover of heavy shields that covered their entire bodies. The other soon followed leaving the casualties behind. The entry points had long sense been left behind as the ship healed them. "Give up," The last four Qel'noran were told by a Seraph's soft female voice. Apparently the ship and the seraphs shared some sort of connection; the walls actually opened for the creatures. The hallway started to collapse, squished shut by the vessel itself. Was it alive? Meanwhile, on the bridge, Furiel reported the situation to Alarielle. The three circled up as the fourth in the center pulled a demo charge off his belt and armed it. Simultaneously, two other charges were remotely armed on dead bodies from the other two teams. A seraph's rifle shot melted a hole clear through the center one's head. The other teams seemed to have been dissolved into the ship's walls. It _ate_ them. The hallway was now quickly becoming only big enough for a man to stand on his knees. The charge that had just been armed went off causing serious internal damage. The second charge had been eaten and the third charge was floating in space as it went off. Alarielle nodded at Furiel, "It would be best if we prepared for battle here," she slipped her hand over the hilt of her sword. Alarielle hated being surprised. "Of course," Furiel nodded, unholstering his pistol. Just then, they were nearly knocked over by the explosive charge. The lights went out, making the room go from warm white to cold black. "Ma'am!" Furiel looked over the control panels, "Our power systems are damaged." "Dammit" Alarielle swore as she drew her sword, this was seriously annoying her. "Get the backup systems online!!" The three QnA cruisers teleported closer to the angel ship and remained cloaked. They took scans of the ship and the surrounding area to determine effectiveness. "The ship is healing," Furiel reassured her. Backup power restarted the control system. The three cruisers opened fire on the angel ship, aiming for the beam eyes as they moved in to deploy their own assault teams. GC-53 kept watch while its assault team was being respawned. Alarielle looked at Furiel, "Raise the shields and return fire." "No power. I'm working on getting us enough to restart FTL drive before the enemy ships are in range again. We can outrun them easily, when we're at full capacity," Furiel told her. "Communications are up, though." The three ships continued to close the distance between them and the angel ship. Alarielle nodded, "Send a distress signal to the nearest vessel, and get ready to get us the hell out of here as soon as possible." "Yes, ma'am." Furiel nodded. He sent out a distress signal. The closest ship happened to be the ECS Thunderbolt. END (TBC) JP Wes Jennifer Zack [GSS Empire] Chiharu's Plan Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1420 (11/30/03 5:12) ezSupporter [GSS Empire] Chiharu's Plan A heavily encrypted audio file was sent to the GSS Empire from the GSS Ketsurui Chiharu for the Mistress Taisho Kitsurugi Yui. Yui was on the bridge, for once. She went into her office to play the message. Once Yui had started to play the message she could hear it was Chi's voice. "Yui-san, it's me Chi. I wanted to briefly tell you what I'm up to without giving too much away. I am seeking out a peaceful resolution to end this war with the Elysians. They have no existing government, nor laws but there is one Arch-angel that controls most of the ECN, Nariel and the people are without a home planet and are in poverty.. All of the resources go to their fleet and nothing else. We might be able to work out a resolution with them if we extend a treaty like we did with OAM and establish a fleet there to protect the Elysians and use their people to man that fleet and integrate them into our government and culture. But, in order to do this, I will be starting a plan to accomplish the goal of making Nariel change his ways with as little blood shed as possible... I'll give you all the juicy details once I get this done. Be safe. Love you." The file ended, Chi had sounded like she was trying not too talk to fast but it was obvious she was excited about the possibilities of a peace treaty. Yui smiled. It was good to have hope. She had faith in Chiharu; the Elysians were another story, though. Luckily, Chiharu had Yui's old fleet, the 1st, to protect her if things went bad. JP Wes Kim GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [GSS Seigi] Soft Spoken Voices Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 658 (12/3/03 21:14) ezSupporter [GSS Seigi] Soft Spoken Voices As the madness on the planet below raged on, and the war did as it would in the hands of Taishos and corporations; there was still a small pocket of calm in the Tech Nest of the GSS Seigi. Hikari was lying on the nest staring up at the ceiling in the darkness. The nest itself was completely empty as Tomoyo and Acara and the others were busying themselves else where with their work. A couple days about, she had turned 14 and it had passed unnoticed with the chaos of the battles outside and around the ship. Something was bothering her, her best friend was becoming more and more withdrawn as the days went by and Acara was also acting very strangely. And it was near impossible to get either of them to open up to her, or to get them to remain in the same room for very long. She wondered if that was what love really was- to no longer want to meet the gaze of your beloved. But, did they even realise that was why they were acting so strangely or was it only obvious to her? She closed her eyes with a deep sigh as she wondered, "what was the point of love if you didn't want to be with the other person?" She remembered hearing stories about Taisho Ketsurui and Kitsurugi's love and it didn't seem to be the same. Perhaps love came in different flavors like ice cream? It pained her to see them act the way they did but there was nothing she felt she could do. She wondered what would happen if the war was to end, would there be time for everyone to love and be loved? "Hikari, could you show me something?" A male voice interupted Hikari's train of thought. A new technican stood in the open hatchway of the nest allowing a tream of light to illuminate the room. She sat up and looked at him curiously, he was a Geshrin technican like her and he was fairly new to the GSA having just reached the age of citizenship only a year ago. She adored his eyes, they were the deepest shade of blue that she had ever seen. "Sure." She hopped off her nest and crossed the room to meet him at the doorway. It was then she noticed that his forehead was covered in sweat and had grease staining his hands. "How come you never wear gloves when you work on any of the equipment, Kyoshi?" Kyoshi smiled at the question. "Because, I want to be able to feel the soul of the machine so I know where it is hurting and help to heal it." Hikari looked at Kyoshi, it never failed to strike her as odd whenever he said that. "O..k.. so what's the problem?" Kyoshi nodded as he looked at her for a moment, "Follow me." As they walked, Kyoshi kept looking at Hikari, he could feel his heart racing. Today was the day tat he would ball up his courage and say what he really wanted to say to Hikari. Hikari didn't seem to notice Kyoshi nervousness nor his furtive glances as they reached the lifts, one of the lifts was out of order and there was a tool kit on the floor beside it. She looked at the broken lift curiously and then looked back to Kyoshi. "Is this what you wanted to show me? I thought you already knew how..." Before she was able to finish her sentence, Kyoshi had kissed her. She pulled away startled, her heart was racing and her face was a bright red. "W.. what was that for?!" Kyoshi looked hurt but his face was also flushed, he hadn't meant to kiss her already but it was too late now. "Sorry.. I just.. I just wanted to know if you'd be my girl? I really like you Hikari and.. umm.. yeah.." He didn't know what to say, he felt like an idiot. "I.." Hikari didn't know what to say or do, this guy just stole her first kiss! It was supposed to be romantic and with someone she knew she was in love with but Kyoshi? "I don't know." Kyoshi looked crestfallen.. "Oh.. I'll... just.. go fix the lift then." Hikari stared at him as he laid down under the mechanism to work on the lift again. "Err.. how about we just go on ONE date before I start deciding on whether or not I just want to date you?" Kyoshi hit his head on the metal with a loud thud as he tried to sit back up to look at her. "Ow.." Blood trickled down his now throbbing forehead as he stared at Hikari. "Really?! How.. how about tomorrow night after shift then??" Hikari looked at him oddly, feeling back that she had caused him to hurt himself. "Are you okay?" "It's just blood, I'll be FINE! But how does that sound?" Kyoshi ignored the pain in his skull as he stared at Hikari. "Sure.. tomorrow night then.. I guess if you have no real questions about the lift, I'll just go back to the nest then.. you might want to get that looked at later." Hikari turned and hurried out of the lift bay until she reached the Tech Nest again. Inside, she leaned against the wall beside the hatch, touching a finger to her lips as her heart continued to beat faster than it should. "Why won't my heart stop racing?" She wondered as she closed her eyes, unable to sort out her own thoughts. The darkness was cool and felt the heat leave her cheeks but the odd feeling that had been stirred in her heart would not go away. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu (GB-07) [GSS Seigi] Wandering thoughts Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 131 (12/4/03 10:56) [GSS Seigi] Wandering thoughts Ritsu had given up on trying to speak with the head medical officer; she had seemed to be quite busy, with what, he didn't know. Ritsurin had been assigned an occupations as a tech sentry and was feeling a bit...preturbed by his noticible lack of work so he headed through the hallway toward the lift. He hit the button for it to work, but unfortunately for him, it was the lift Kiyoshi was working on on the deck below. ~Heh, looks like it's busted.~ Ritssu thought, itching the back of his head, ruffling his hair a bit. The distinctly geshrin-like neko turned on his heel to head for the other lift down. For some reason he didn't understand all that well he could almost hear or feel Lav's desire, her need to bear a child. His mind had raced through the possibilities any times before, he knew how to bring it about, but the science of HOW she'd be able to concieve a child. He possiblity was in how Ritsu and Lav could shift their genetic structures via touch sampling. And Ritsu's current form was one of a more geshrin (but not quite) being, he thought that maybe he could convince her to shift to a form like this to try to copulate and produce a baby; the thought held promise. Just then, as if on cue; the beautiful, slender, green-haired neko pounced on him him from behind and wrapped her arms and legs around him to hold on with and snuggled into his back affectionately. Ritsu had been so distracted by his thoughts that he hadn't noticed her sneaking up on him; the result was his stumbling forward and laughing, knowing it was her. "I see someone's happy to see me." Ritsurin grinned as he felt her snuggling against him. Lavinia purred like a content kitten and continued her affectionate actions. "Hi to you too handsome." She purred. He chuckled amusedly and reached behind himself to support her piggyback style, and inadvertently ended up with his hands on her rear. Lav smiled and blew on the back of his neck, making his platinum blonde hair dance around and giggled, rubbing her bum around in his hands, enjoying the gentle touch. After a couple minutes of her just loving on him, she let to and slid off him to allow the blonde neko to turn and face her. Ritsu's amber eyes locked with her brilliant blues ones, he had always found them pretty. "Where are you going?" She asked him as she leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. "Down to the lower deck to have a look to see if there's anything I can do." Ritsu replied. "I know something you can do." Lavinia giggled, putting a certain emphasis on the word 'do'. She had been desiring his body for the last couple days; she had had intercourse with him before and the memory was still in her mind and brought her to arousal when she thought of it. As if to hint at what she wanted, she reached down and groped her 'brother' gently. (I know it sounds weird, but hey, this is GSA anything like this goes) "Oh?" He asked, trying to ignore the pleasure her touching was causing. Lav laughed and stopped, knowing she'd firmly input the idea into his mind, a little seedling of a thought, and that was enough. She hugged in and laid a few affectionate kisses on him. "I think I need to get going." Ritsu blushed, having figured out what she wanted. She nodded and he turned to leave after Lav let go He was halfway to the elevator when he felt her pounce on him again and snuggled under his long hair. Ritsu sighed, contently and rode the lift after reaching it with the neko on his back, firmly holding on. Lav's heart as pounding in her chest as if it wanted to bust out, making her blood surge through her body, most of it rushing for her lower areas, in response to the orders pounded out by her mind. She was being more affectionate by the second and had started nearly continuously kissing him on the neck and cheek, even love biting him a couple times. After they had gotten off the lift and headed to Ritsurin's quarters which he had shared with several other nekos, none of them present at the moment. Lavinia slid off his back and playfully bounced into the nest and laid on her back in a sexy pose hoping he'd join her. "I'll come back for you later." Ritsurin said, grinning slightly at putting her off, knowing it both irratated her and made her anticipate. "Is that a promise?" Lav asked hopefully. He laughed and nodded in agreement and walked out the door, only to hear her lock it after he exited. Ritsu had a nagging thought in the back of his mind about something Juni Acara had mentioned, it had bothered him long enough and Ritsu decided to go ask him about it, if he could find the officer. GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) [GSS Seigi, Ralfaris] A new Psion? Mitsu Amaya GSE Citizen Posts: 4 (12/5/03 20:55) [GSS Seigi, Ralfaris] A new Psion? Kai had been settling in for a little period of rest and had just gotten out of the baths aboard the Seigi. "Ahh." He said as he got out, wearing nothing but a towel.. There wasn't any day or night on a starship, but it was setting into the dusk hours on the surface of the planet. The situation was still rather tense, but the relations were starting to ease ever-so-slightly. Amaya slid back further into the shadows of the partially ruined building, even this amount of movement was difficult. It has been over 24 hours since she had left the centre and had her last dosage of the drug that suppressed her abilities. ~Damn~ she thought to herself silently as she wrapped her arms tighter around her knees to keep herself from shaking too much. ~Why didn't I bring any of that drug with me!!~ Amaya sighed, she knew even if she had brought it with her it would have run out eventually. She had two choices, to deal with the withdrawl from the drugs and try and control her abilities or return to the centre, and she would die before she returned there. She laid her head down on her knees and closed her eyes, night was falling on the planet and she was tired. Unable to stay awake any longer after over twenty four hours without rest, Amaya slid into blissful sleep, releasing her rather tenuous hold on her abilities. Kai yawned, he was feeling much more refreshed after bathing, the warm water had really helped sooth his aching muscles. Keiko was waiting for him and smiled and tugged on the towel; as sign she wanted a lift. Kai chuckled and knelt down and picked the little neko up and set her on his shoulder and tickled her slightly, eliciting a giggle. He smiled and went to dress himself; being nude in the presence of others unsettled him, but in GSA, it wasn't really something to worry about. He dropped a pouting Keiko onto the bed and and went to dress and came out from behind a partition a few moments later wearing a royal blue and gold outfit the rank pin clearly visible. His little assistant whistled appraisingly at him, making him blush. Amaya ran down a long white corridor, doors running along each side. She looked back and could vaguely make out Dr Xian walking slowly towards her. No matter how slowly he walked and how quickly she ran she could not get away, in fact he was closing in on her. She turned back and tried to open the first doorway on her right, locked. She then tried the next and the next, all locked. Dr Xian began to laugh as he came towards her, two guards appearing at his back. They reached towards her... Amaya woke up screaming, clutching her head in pain. All the voices came back into her brain, searing into it like a white hot poker. She knew the drugs had finally worn off, the voices were the thoughts of all the people near her, the thoughts she could not turn off. She clapped her hands over her ears, trying to keep out the voices, but in vain she heard them, until darkness claimed her. Kai jolted, his psionic senses kicking into high alarm, there was another psion he did not know of...somewhere, not close but still within range of his sensing. He tentatively reached out with his own calm mind, wading through the mental static trying to pinpoint the source. Keiko looked at him as his features became still...this worried her, she'd never seen him using his power before. She jumped up and climbed onto his shoulder and hugged him gently, being slightly scared for him. "Master? what's wrong?" She asked...but Kai could not hear her, all his energy was focused on finding this source. He opened his brilliant emerald eyes and looked around. He could sense a high amount of psionic power coming from the planet, he now had to find the source. Kai sighed, poked little Keiko who giggled and hugged him earning a smile that delighted her. He rose from his chair and swept out of the room heading for the shuttle bay to get a shuttle to the surface; one he found easily enough as he was the second-in-command on the ship. Kai didn't feel he needed a security team with him for this, he was leaving and coming back, no major operation. He, Keiko and the neko pilot were soon on their way down. After what seemed to be hours, the little team soon landed in a open area of the city. Kai turned to the pilot and gave her orders to wait here until he came back, the area was empty and posed not much of a threat. Kai focused his mind on the psionic power and followed it to a abandoned building after searching several others. "What are you looking for?" Keiko asked, kicking her little feet as she sat on his shoulder. "There's someone else like me here and I want to find them." He replied in a gentle tone of voice as he reached the building that was radiating a strong psionic pulse. "Hello?" He asked softly. The building was still and quiet no noise was heard except for the gentle breathing of someone hidden in the shadows. Keiko's hearing was much sharper than Kai's; she jumped off his shoulder and followed the sound to the curled up form of a young human woman. Keiko smiled and hopped on the form's shoulder and touched her gently, probing seeing if she's injured. "Find something?" Kai's voice could be heard, along with his footsteps drawing closer. Amaya stirred gently and opened her eyes briefly before another sharp pain seared through her brain. She grimaced in pain and a few stray tears trickled down her cheeks. She raised herself slowly and looked at the little neko before backing up further against the wall. Keiko looked at her quizzically, cocking her head to the side, making her brown hair flutter a bit. Kai walked up to Keiko and knelt down and smiled a bit. "Hello there." He said being as nonthreatening as possible. Amaya could feel a distinct, gentle probing in her mind as he gauged her situation. Amaya rose, edging slowly up the back of the wall until she was standing. She then tried to push him out of her mind, succeeding only to bring her to her knees. In a broken voice she finally spoke, "I won't go back..." Kai sensed that she didn't want him in her mind immediately and withdrew himself from her mind. "Go back where?" He asked gently. She looked up, her haunted violet eyes were clouded with tears, "You do not work for Dr Xian?" "Dr. Xian?" The little neko asked, confused. She looked up at her master for an explanation. "I do not know of any Dr...Xian." Kai said. A police helicopter flew overhead, flashing it's search light into the building, just to make sure that there wasn't anything suspicious doing on down there. She could see his gentle face, flaming red hair and those eyes.... "I know of no Doctor of that name." She hugged her knees up against her, "Then why did you come here? And who are you?" "I could feel your power from orbit, I just had to find out who was making such a racket. I'm sorry I'm Shosho Ashigari, and this is Keiko." He said as the coal black neko walked up to her and smiled. "Who are you?" They both asked, then chuckled at that. She looked at them cautiously, "I am Amaya..." The little neko smiled and hugged her leg gently. "Glad to meet you." She said, rubbing herself against her leg affectionately. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. Amaya." Kai said. "Are you an orphan? Why are you alone?" He asked. She looked at the Neko, touched by the sweet gesture and she smiled at her. The beauty of her smile was diminished however by the pain in her eyes, "I am... I was a lab experiment..." She looked down at the ground, ashamed of what she was. Kai looked at her sympathetically, and subconsciously reached out to comfort her, but stopped short. "That's horrible." He said. "They messed with your mind and forced psionic ability on you didn't they? From how badly it was flaring, you can't control it." He said, getting right to the heart of it. She nodded, "They created us far too powerful... We can not shut it off. Dr Xian created a drug to supress the talent, however it lasts for only 24 hours and is highly addictive. He wanted to make sure I had no where to go." "A psionic suppressant? I've never heard of it." Kai said. Keiko jumped up on her knee and slid down her legs and cuddled against her, trying as a small neko could to comfort her. "Sounds like the ADN on our ships." She wrapped a shaking arm around the Neko and loooked at Kai confused, "Ships? ADN? Who are you exactly?" Kai sighed. "I am a GSE officer. The ADN device disables or suppresses psionic ability, preventing telekinesis and telepathy." Kai explained. She continued to look at him confused before laughing suddenly, "I am afraid you lost me somewhere in there." Her laughter broke off as quickly as it had started as another jolt of pain took her and she buried her face close to the Neko. Keiko looked confused and laid a tiny kiss on the girl's nose, trying to cheer her up. "What is it?" Kai asked moved over to her and looking at her cautiously. He felt a spike of psionic power and raised a mental barrier to shield himself from it, seeing as it had sent a couple of small rocks flying. She looked up at him, "I have no way to shut off my abilities, when strong emotion is felt near me I become...unpredictable." Kai thought about it for a moment. "It's a lack of control, you need to learn how to control them; I could teach you if you want me to." He offered; sensing she needed a friend at the moment. She smiled and spoke quietly, "I wouldn't want to burden you with my problems..." "It's not a problem, it's my responsibility to seek aid for those who need it." Kai said. "My ship, the Seigi could be your home until you learn how to control it. I'll find a way to help you." He said with a warm smile. She slowly began to rise, keeping one arm around Keiko so the little neko wouldn't fall. She leaned back against the wall for support, "If you are sure I would not be too much trouble... I have nothing to stay here for and learning to control these powers would be safer for everyone." Kai nodded, "How'd you control them before? There must have been someway." He said, thinking. Amaya looked at Kai, her expression thoughtful, "Dr Xian used drugs to supress my talent." She smiled, "I remember mentioning earlier that they are highly addictive..." Keiko looked up at Amaya and jumped onto her shoulder and played with her blonde hair. "I remember that." She chirped happily. Kai's expression continued to get thoughtful, as if he was planning something. "I suppose we'll need some of that at first then wean you off it." He said. She looked at Kai, her eyes wide with horror, "I won't go back there..." He rose up to his full height; and looked at her squarely. He could feel her horror at the thought of returning. "I understand how you feel, you don't want to go back there for fear he'll try and take you again. But I am truly sorry that I need to go back there and get at least the chemical makeup of the serum so we can reproduce it if we have to." He said with a downcast look, feeling her fear. She looked at him directly, "And you need me to go back with you to show you where it is..." Kai nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry to have to make you go back; but it'll be good in the long run." Amaya nodded, "I... I will take you..." "Thank you Amaya, I'll make sure that that 'doctor' doesn't try and hurt you again." Kai said. "Please show us Amaya." Keiko chirped giving the girl another hug. Amaya walked out of the ruined building slowly, exhausted by the mental drain of her headaches and began to lead them through the winding streets. Amaya felt a force surrounding her, supporting her as she walked, keeping her steady. Kai had noticed she was wobbling a little bit and decided to give her a little support. "Is it far?" Keiko asked. She nodded and looked at Kai gratefully and smiled gently, "Thank you..." "Not a problem." He smiled back as they walked along. Kai didn't even seem to notice he was using his ability. Amaya slowed her pace and walked next to Kai, "Its just up ahead..." She pointed up at a large building partially charred by fire, from looking in it seemed almost deserted. "Keiko. Check it out for possible danger." Kai said with a nod. Keiko smiled, and leapt off Amaya's shoulder gracefully, turning invisible while in the air and ran off toward the ruins and entered, scouting ahead. "How far in do we have to go?" Kai asked Amaya Amaya looked at the building, "The lab is down the main corridor, to the left. After about 20 metres you'll find two double doors, the lab is behind them..." "Ah." Kai said and mentally fed Keiko what he was told. Keiko sended back a mental ~alrighty~ and sprinted off through the corridors, her stealth rendering her invisible to all the security sensors. Keiko wandered into the lab completely unnoticed and standing in the centre of the almost bare, sterile room was a man in a white lab coat. His short dark hair was a mess, and he looked like he hadn't slept in awhile. He seemed to wander around looking for something, oblivious of Keiko's presence. Keiko giggled and ran over and knocked over an empty vial making it clatter to the floor, just having a little fun. "Ready to go in?" Kai asked her, letting her prepare herself for it. Amaya nodded and touched Kai's arm gently, "Don't let him hurt me... Please..." "I won't let him do anything to you." Kai said, looking into her innocent eyes. "Let's go then." He said. ~Keiko, is everything safe?~ He thought to the little neko. ~Yep, just some hobo in a white labcoat.~ She thought, the tone of her thoughts playful. Indeed she was as she walked around the lab, knocking over empty vials. Dr Xian turned around as the vials clattered to the floor, "Who is there?" Keiko knew better than to show herself and stood there silently, still invisible. Meanwhile, Kai was pushing aside rubble with a wave of his hand, moving it telekinetically; more like tossing them lightly. He walked slightly in front of Amaya intent on protecting her. Amaya slid her hand into Kai's, drawing strength from his physical presence as they neared the lab doors. Kai blushed ever-so-slightly and went through the doors, following Keiko's trail and eventually got to the double doors outside the lab. "Ready Amaya?" He asked. She nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on the door in front of her, "As ready as I ever will be..." Kai reached out with his hand and pushed the doors open and walked through with Amaya in tow. "Alright Xian, where's the serum?" He asked, his voice more authoritative than before. Dr Xian turned around slowly, "Ah you brought my pet back, how can I ever thank you?" Amaya moved closer to Kai, until they were touching softly. "Your pet?!" Kai said, his tone making it clear he was outraged. "You're not getting her back...ever." He looked at Kai, anger flaring in his eyes, "Who the hell are you?" "I'm the commander of the Seigi, my name isn't important to you. And I am ordering you to hand over the serum you used to control her powers." Kai said with a definate bite in his voice. Keiko was busy looking around and grabbed a small hyperdermic syringe and filled it with what she knew was a powerful sedative..just in case. Dr Xian laughed, "You are in possession of MY property and you think I am going to give you the serum?" "You're wrong old man." Kai said. "She is in the protection of the Grand Star Army; and as thus, she is no longer YOUR possession. She is an individual and has freewill; and she wants to come with me." Kai said. "I'll ask you one more time, give me the serum." Amaya slid closer to Kai as soon as she saw the outburst coming and flinched when Dr Xian yelled, "OVER MY DEAD BODY...." "I wouldn't say that." Kai warned as Xian felt a dim ringing in his head. "please reconsider." Keiko was inching closer and closer armed with her syringe. She was right behind Xian now and ready to sedate him at Kai's order. Dr Xian laughed, "Without the serum she will die, and without her my experiments are nothing." He smiled evily, "And just remember the chemical composition of the serum dies with me." "Just hand over the serum." Kai said flatly, his hair starting to dance and his diamond started glowing. He slid his hands into his lab coat, "No..." "I advise you to simply hand it over, you don't want me to force you to Xian." Kai said as Xian's hands ripped out of his labcoat and held stiffly off to his side. Keiko pounced on Xian at that moment and began searching him on after a moment. After rummaging through his pockets for awhile, Keiko felt a vial of something hidden within a secret pocket within the lining of the coat. ~Found something.~ Keiko dutifully reported and climbed out and ran over to Kai turning visible and hopped up on his shoulder after a small CRT jump. "Here." She said depositing it in Kai's open hand. "Is this it Xian?" Kai asked with a sharp tone as Xian felt a wave of cramping run up his body. Amaya answered before Xian could, "Yes that is it..." Kai nodded and turned to leave halfway turned, he paused. "I'd advise you to find a better profession doctor." He said as Keiko bounced over to Amaya and looked innocent. "Did I do good?" She asked seeking praise. Xian slid his hand onto a lab table next to him and grabbed a syringe quietly. He silently slid it into his pocket and looked at Amaya as she turned away, "Tell me something, did we treat you that badly?" Amaya kept her back turned on Xian and spoke quietly, "Yes..." Keiko turned around on Amaya's shoulder and shot Xian a dirty look. Kai smirked as he made Xian trip. Xian rose and pulled the syringe from his pocket, moved the distance towards Amaya quickly and reached out to grab her arm. Keiko jumped into his face and bit his nose hard. Kai felt her get grabbed and spun around, pulling her away from Xian standing in front of her. "I warned you old man." He said, his green eyes melting into a brilliant blue, his hair flowing around like in a moderate wind. "GIVE ME BACK MY TEST SUBJECT!" Dr. Xian shouted "Do you value your sanity doctor?" Kai asked in a voice that chilled Keiko and Amaya to the bone. ~Take her and get out of here.~ He mentally ordered Keiko. Keiko got off Xian's face and hopped over onto Amaya's shoulder. "Let's go!" She said. Amaya was scared of Dr. Xian and hoped that somehow Kai could make him stop coming after her; she heeded Keiko's alert and ran for the door. Dr. Xian howled in anger and tried to run after her, but smashed headlong into Kai's psionic barrier. "You...you..." He growled, pissed off and frustrated that his life's work was slipping away. He ran over and hit a button on a console, trying to shut the security systems on. All around the laboratory, sensors and alarms started going off, the main doors sealing shut, trapping her inside. ~Kai! He's sealed off the center! We can't escape!~ Keiko's urgent thoughts came to him. Xian collapsed to his knees holding his head, suddenly screaming at the images Kai was fixating in his mind, those of his deepest fears. As he started reliving his deepest fears, Kai was already leaving the lab. Meanwhile, Keiko was trying to open the doors to get out, she found a small box and was already picking the electronic locks. By the time Kai got there, Keiko was smiling and hugging Amaya who was standing outside waiting for him. "Let's head home." Kai said. After a while of walking; Kai, Amaya and Keiko reached the waiting ship and climbed inside. Kai administered a shot of the serum into Amaya, who smiled thankfully, but was very tired and soon was asleep hugging her "hero" gently. "Awwww." Keiko said and snuggled into Amaya's blonde hair and they both slept, while leaving Kai to turn red.... JP Tyler (Kai and Keiko) Jennifer (Amaya and Xian) [GSS Seigi] Confession Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1436 (12/6/03 14:40) ezSupporter [GSS Seigi] Confession ON> GSS Seigi "Welcome back aboard, Kai." Yuuko greeted the acting fleet commander in the shuttlebay. "Thank you Yuuko." Kai said, stepping off, gently carrying a sleeping Keiko and Amaya. "Has anything happened since I left?" He asked with a slight yawn. "Nothing here as far as I know. I tried to visit the surface, but the riots were still going strong," Yuuko frowned. "This damn planet." "Odd, I got there without much problem." Kai said. Yuuko's comment caught his ear. "Why do you say that Yuuko?" He asked. "The people are stupid...on Geshrintall everyone knows not to mess with the Star Army. Here, they need to learn respect. Adding to the problem is the overlapping of QIS and GSA," Yuuko explained. Kai frowned, this whole situation was seriously getting on his nerves. "I agree, it's becoming a real pain in the ass to stay around here. Have we received any communication from any other ships other than the 4th fleet?" He asked, adjusting the two sleeping bodies in his arms. "I don't know," the short-statured neko shrugged. "I just got back myself." Her eyes went to his girls. "Where did you run off to Yuuko?" He grinned, truly wanting to brighten up. Keiko stirred awake from her catnap and waved to Yuuko. "Hi" She said softly as to not wake up the other girl. "Hello Keiko" Yuuko waved with her pinky before answering, "I said I tried to go to the surface..." "Sorry, I'm just a little tired Yuuko." Kai said. Keiko smiled and motioned for Yuuko to come closer so she could hop on her shoulder. "I found this girl in an abandoned building." Kai explained. "Maybe we should find somewhere for her to lay down." "Does she belong to someone?" Yuuko asked, moving her shoulder into easy jumping range. Keiko hopped over to Yuuko and sat down, kicking her small feet happily. "She was lab experiment of a Dr. Xian. I don't know the whole story, but apparently she was born gifted with psionic ability, but she lacks control over it." Kai sighed, his eyes looking regretful. He hadn't wanted to sink the Doctor into depravity like that, but he felt he had no other choice. He wasn't going to let Amaya be herself, an individual... "So, you, um...stole her?" "I found her by technicality, she had run away from him and her psionic powers were becoming unstable, I sensed it from here. And it worried me so I had to go find the source." Kai said. "But if that's how it's viewed, then yes I did and I'm not sorry I did. She deserves much better than that." "And what about this Doctor? Did you hurt him?" Yuuko asked. Kai's eyes became saddened...then pained....he hung his head in shame. "I did much worse..." "Sir!" Yuuko looked at him angrily, "You killed a doctor to steal some clone?! What's come over you?? The Kai I knew would never hurt someone unless had had to." She backed away. Kai's face snapped up. "I didn't kill him Yuuko, he's very much alive. But will be very scared for a long time." Kai said. He looked down to the girl in his arms who was gently snuggled up against him. Kai sighed; "I felt she deserved better than that." He said. "Sir..." Yuuko looked as if she didn't know what to do. "She was a test subject..." Kai knew his urge to care for other people had gotten him in trouble now. "Let's go find somewhere for her to rest, then we'll sort this mess out." He said. "I know, but she's also as human as you or I am, she hated it there. From what I heard, he treated her and her siblings very badly." "Okay." Yuuko nodded. "But I think you've broken the law," she said. "The GSA is not supposed to confiscate people from non-major corporations...not to mention psionic assault." "I will accept any punishment laid upon me, for I have deserved any of it. I regret having to do that I really do." Kai said and headed for his quarters to let her rest. ~I realize I shouldn't have done it...but I felt I needed to...~ Kai thought as he walked slowly. "Ok sir." Yuuko nodded. "I'll report it and wait for orders. Until then..." "Please do Yuuko, I will not conceal what I have done, nor will I lie about it." Kai said as he exited the room. He moved as quickly as he could while being careful and reached his room. Kai didn't know where else to put her, so he laid her out in the nest and exited the room quietly to let her sleep. Kai went out and sat at a console on the bridge and put his head in his hands, thinking what was going to happen next. Kai rose from the chair, feeling he had owed Yuuko a slight apology and an explanation. ~where is she?~ He thought, his eyes were closed, and wasn't looking around the bridge. Yuuko was in her quarters, typing a message on her tablet. JP Wes Tyler GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet