A New Beginning Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet Star Army Research Admin. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards Posts: 1136 (9/15/03 0:50) ezSupporter A New Beginning ON> Central Uesureya The shuttle, after making a brief turn-around to pick up Wazu and Uso, settled down inside the bay of the security station where Yuuko worked. The sleek-looking craft made a gentle landing on its skids, and Yuuko pressed the button for the door to open. It didn't quite open as fast at the GSA's starship and shuttle doors shut (very fast), but it only took a brief moment for them to be free to exit. Riyon was the first to exit the small shuttle. He stretched and yawned as he looked around for the place where he was supposed to pick up his Ki-TI with his bags slung over his shoulder he took a few steps to allow room for the others to exit as well. Uso quickly picked up her four duffle bags and walked out of the shuttle. Her face still had a smile on it from the trial. Wazu stood up from his seat and walked closer to Yuuko, "thank you for the ride" He said as he gave the girl a quick hug and then turned to leave. As he walked out he was sure to grab his large bag of assorted notes and data pads. Riyon pulled out the data pad with the address of where he could find the shuttle and was reading through it thoroughly. Yuuko unstrapped the painting in the copilot's seat, and carefully handed it back into the passenger compartment, so Riyon could take it back. "Don't forget your painting!!" she squeaked as he was walking off, her miniscule frame surrounded by Wazu's hug. Alexis sat down in a seat and slid the plaque from the Cat's Paw into his satchel and sat back for the ride, not noticing Wazu and Uso arriving. So everyone was being transferred...he hoped he would be able to stick with Chi. She was the only Neko he knew he could trust. "Oh!" Riyon said and turned to her and retrieved it. "Thank you for everything Yuuko." He said. As Wazu left the shuttle he looked around to take in the surroundings, ~where am I?~ he asked himself as he looked around central. "You’re in Central, Wazu" Uso said with a chuckle as she too looked around. Yuuko, her arm hanging out, released the painting and then leaned to give a kiss to Wazu's cheek. But Wazu was already out. "Hey!" she scrambled to unstrap herself from the pilot's seat. Riyon had to laugh as she scrambled after Wazu. He thought she was relatively cute in her own fashion, but she preferred Wazu, that much was clear. After they landed, the shifter followed everyone out the entrance. So this was Geshrintall...Alexis looked around at the buildings and people before looking back into the shuttle. "Thank you for the ride," he said to the pilot. Riyon looked over at Alexis as he exited the shuttle. "Long time no see Taisa." He said. Wazu turned around to look at Yuuko, "what?" he asked as he watched the girl scramble around. "Did I do something wrong?" He didn't even notice Alexis as he turned. Uso chuckled some more and rubbed her temple, "Pay attention Wazu" she said as she started to walk off But the pilot clearly had other things on her mind...Alexis turned and started to walk across the pavement before pausing. Where did he have to go? The shifter blinked as Riyon called to him. "Hya Riyon, good to see you too," he replied. The girlish little 17R bounced out of the shuttle, narrowly missing Alexis as she tripped over Riyon. "No.. prob... aarrrgh" Yuuko smacked her chin on the floor of the cargo ramp and did a full tumble, ending up spread-eagle on the floor at the bottom of the ramp, her head on it. Wazu quickly moved over to her offering a hand to help her up. "Oh!" Riyon said as he stooped to help Yuuko up. Wazu had beat him to it. "Are you alright" he asked as he looked her over for damage "Unnh" Yuuko dazedly took their hands as the males scrambled to assist her. "I'm okay." she said, dusting herself off. Alexis jogged back to the fallen Neko. He stopped just behind Wazu, he seemed to have it under control. Riyon grinned as she got to her feet. "Not going to fall down again are you?" He joked Yuuko mildly. At that point, Yuuko eyes widened, and she began to fly across the room, finally smacking into a wall with a loud thump. Riyon jumped. "What was that?" Uso chuckled as she watched the seen unfold, ~whoa.. if they had children imagine how clumsy they would be~ she thought to herself with a slight chuckle, Wazu looked on stunned, "wha?" Wazu hurried over to where Yuuko was to try and help her out in any way he could although he didn't quite know what was going on Riyon cautiously walked over to see what was wrong. As the girl slid flopped down onto the asphalt, sinister laughter could be heard emanating from a dark-haired neko on the catwalk above. It was Yuuko's boss, Taisa Shinami. She seemed amused, and irritated at the same time. "Yuuko!" Riyon looked up with a scowl. "That wasn't real nice!" He said. "What took you so long?" Shinami asked. She was Irim's prodigy, a berserker with the same cruel streak. Wazu helped Yuuko back up again and looked up at the laughter, "Hey cut that out." Wazu said sternly as Uso continued to laugh Riyon wasn't going to pretend to understand the way nekos thought anymore. "Ms. Yuuko had some trouble with extra crew members" Riyon said to Shinami defiantly. Jadg Wolf left "Get up, little one." Shinami commanded Yuuko, as the short neko, slowly got up. Yuuko didn't say anything back. Riyon didn't like Shinami's attitude and would probably have done something, except he wasn't used to the NH-8 shifting yet. "Your new orders came in, little one." the Station commander said. "GSS Seigi." Shikoko was now on the catwalk too, adding a "congratulations, Taii Yuuko!". Riyon's frown shifted to a grin as he turned to look at Yuuko. "Congratulations." He said. Alexis clapped softly. Wazu smiled and congratulated the girl with a hug, "congratulations." he said at nearly the same time as Riyon, Riyon's data pad buzzed with a message. "Excuse me." he said and turned away to answer it. It was a missed message from his brother. "Oh well" Riyon sighed. "Thank you!" Yuuko smiled gratefully to the neko who just chucked her across the hangar. "I couldn't have made the transfer without you!" Shinami even smiled ever so slightly, replying, "Well, we'll see how you like starship life. At least it is a big one." Now, to find where he had to go. The shifter looked at Riyon. "Hey, do you know where I report to?" he asked. "Where are Chi or Wazu?" "I am...." "Wazu's right next to you." Riyon replied with a grin pointing at the neko next to Alexis. "We picked her up after you fell asleep in the shuttle." Yuuko explained. "Or recharge. Whatever you call it." "I am..." Wazu said as he turned to look at Alexis for the first time, "Alexis?" he asked as the realization crossed his mind. "You're back!" Riyon burst out in laughter as Wazu realized it. Shinami tossed a large rifle of some sort down into Yuuko's arms. "A gift, from SARA." she said. "The White Beam Rifle." the Irim-like neko added. "Not on the market yet. Alexis smiled in return. "Well, that didn't take long," he said with a short laugh. "How're you?" Riyon looked up at Shinami. "Which way is hangar number 24?" He asked the superior officer. "good more or less." Wazu said, "I got promoted to your rank now" a smirk crossed his face, "And where did you disappear to?" Yuuko, hauled the big gun around, while Shinami answered. "Which district?" she asked. "Start by going to the district first. There's PNUgen, GSA, KFY, WickedArms, and the private one." "Private one." Riyon replied. "Congratulations on the promotion," Alexis said. Then he shrugged. "Home. Timdri was getting homesick and there were...problems getting back after dropping it off. And I had other things to take care of." Shinami told Riyon, "Oh. Then you're in the right place. This is where the non-corporate sales go on." "I'm looking for my Ki-TI" Riyon said. "I don't think you'd know where it is would you?" Riyon grinned at the neko. Uso slid up behind Yuuko and looked at the weapon, "interesting weapon you have there" she commented. "Well you could have picked a better time to leave. But I'm glad your back. We can use your skills in the upcoming campaign" "Are you sure you aren't going to the KFY sector, then?" Shinami asked him, giving him a an odd look, her fingers ran over the handles of her giant cleavers. "I'm positive. I'm supposed to be leaving already under orders from Taisho Wolf." Riyon Replied. Yuuko nodded. "I'm the best sniper and gun carter in this district." she proudly declared. "I'm a gunner neko, but I don't do heavy weapons because of my small size." "I need to get my next posting, but dunno where to report. Do you know?" the shifter added, changing the subject. Riyon's tail whipped around behind him languorously as he waited for Shinami to say anything else. "I don't really know either... As far as I know I am being transferred to the Seigi but I am unsure" he said as he shifted his weight so his bag of stuff from the Yui was more manageable. Alexis frowned. "Oh. I guess I'll just head off in a random direction, then...want to come along?" Shinami and Shikoko looked at each other, and then back to Riyon. This is the private sector. Bay 24 is down the street, about three blocks. There's a big spaceport complex on the right. Wazu looked at Him then over to Yuuko then back to him, "No thanks I think I am going to follow Yuuko around. I can't find my way around this planet" He said. Uso continued to look over the weapon trying to figure out how it worked, power supply, or anything that she could. Yuuko popped into the conversation. "My orders" she chirped up, looking at an electronic tablet, "Say you're the first officer of the Seigi." "Thanks. " Riyon said dryly as he turned to leave and head for the KFY. He paused near Alexis. "It was good to see you again Alexis, but I gotta run." "She knows where to go? Maybe I'll follow you then." Alexis turned back to Wazu, then smiled at Riyon. "Good to see you too...where are you off to?" "I am?" Wazu asked. he hadn't received any information on what his new post was although he did assume it was on the Segei. "To pick up my shuttle from the KFY." Riyon replied. "I'm not going to be back for a while, say Hi to Chiharu for me ok?" He asked Alexis. "Okay, will do. Have a safe trip, Riyon," Alexis said with a wave. "Hardly." Riyon said as he walked away toward the KFY. The shifter puzzled at the statement, then shrugged it off. Riyon cast off his tricorner hat as he left. He wasn't going to need it anymore, not for a long time anyway. The white beam rifle was a long, sleek, dark-gray rifle with a sniper grip and a mid-size scope on top. It had a bunch of buttons on it, covered by a transparent cover, and some small displays. Also, holographic projectors dotted the exterior. The thing used a WickedArms BU-P50 battery. "No, silly!" Yuuko said to Uso. "Taisa Jaren is the Seigi's first officer." Uso looked on confused. Alexis looked over at Yuuko. "What? I am? Who's the Captain?" "Out of my station!" Shinami shooed. Riyon strode toward the KFY at a brisk pace, he felt that he had wasted enough time. Yuuko waved goodbye at the grouchy Taisa, and then headed out the doors. Tugging on Jaren's arm, she read to the R'lari from her orders. "Chujo Wazu is to be the captain." Wazu followed Yuuko out and Uso did the same although she ended up just picking a direction and walking off. "Wait, I'm under WAZU?!" His face went flat. Not what he was hoping for... The Kitsurugi Fleet Yard's section of the city was marked by the white-walled towers and the sentries in bright red capes. Wazu sighed, "You were under my command when you first got to the GSA" "It is probably because you disappeared." Yuuko quietly noted. Riyon strode toward the Kitsurugi Fleet Yards, and toward the sentries in the red capes, He reached the entrance a few minutes later. "How do I put in for a transfer?" Alexis asked, leaning over as if the pad would tell him. He looked up at Wazu. "Yeah, but you weren't a captain at the time." Wazu rolled his eyes, Yuuko looked back and forth between Wazu and Jaren, wondering if the two were going to become angry with one another. Riyon continued on past the sentries and toward the customer service area. A CSR quickly approached Riyon, and led him to his recent purchase. Riyon thanked the CSR as they reached the hangar and approached the shuttle. He then completed the final checks and strapped himself in, he knew how to pilot these small shuttles. As he sighed and lifted off, heading for space, Riyon smirked and laughed as he broke the atmosphere is Geshrintall. He was finally on his way. A suspicious unmarked white man pulled up beside them in the street, slowly lurching along the street. Yuuko eyed it. "Hrm?" "I don't mean any offense, and I don't want my own command, I'd just trust Chiharu more." The shifter backed up from looking over Yuuko's shoulder. Yuuko took three high-powered rounds in the chest as the van door opened up and a group of masked troops in black opened fire on the three. A hook made of blood shot out and grabbed the strap of the White Beam Rifle. Alexis grabbed the hook and the gun, trying to hold it. The hand on the hook heated up, trying to melt it off. It seemed to work. Wazu reacted quickly pulling his pistol out from it's holster and firing a round straight through the closest assailant. Uso, however, calmly set down her duffle bags. Riyon got into his shuttle and into the cockpit and ran the normal checks to make sure it was ready for lift off. The van's tires shrieked a high-pitched whine as the vehicle shot off down the street, heading down the street. The rifle was inside, and Alexis found himself only holding a fist of ash. Uso bent over and unzipped the first bag pulling out a PG-4 and leveling it at the van. With a smile she pulled the trigger and sent a round flying where van chest just went. Yuuko got to her feet, coughing up blood. Shinami's shuttle flew down the street after the van, it's beam cannons glowing in anticipation. A Ki-N1 shot off into the sky, with the shuttle behind it. Was the van in the air now? Alexis frowned. "What's going on?" he muttered. This wasn't making any sense... "It has a stealth system." Yuuko explained, as the rifle slowly reappeared in front of Alexis. "Those guys thought they had the real thing. It was holographic. I was trained in case something like this were to happen." "Anyone get a good look at them?" Yuuko asked. "No" Wazu said "Oh. Well...here you go." Alexis offered the gun back to Yuuko. Riyon knew where he was going to head to first and set the autopilot to head for the newest GSA outpost near Elysian space. "Shinami here." A voice called out over Yuuko's watch. "The N1 shot off into CDD. I lost them." "We could probably make a composite picture of them from combining your memory files..." the shifter mused. "Good idea." Yuuko said. Uso continued walking off, "I should probably go." Wazu said as he turned and also walked off looking for a shuttle that he could use to get to the Seigi. Yuuko called after him. "No goodbye?" she sounded sad. "Goodbye" Wazu said as he gave a backwards wave over his shoulder. Alexis shook his head, but followed Wazu out. First, though, he thanked Yuuko. "Thank you for the ride, and congratulations on your posting. Have a good day," he said, nodding his goodbye. Riyon opened up his communications lines to be ready to make any form of transmission as he piloted the small shuttle past a couple other ships. Yuuko felt alone and bummed out, as both of the officers she would be under left her on the curb, bleeding. She didn't even feel like going to the club one last time before she went to the Seigi. Maybe this reassignment was not such a good idea. Wazu pulled one of his data pads out of his sack and looked at it as it displayed a lists of information on the nearby area. He skimmed the list for a taxi service of some sort. Local ex-soldier taxis seemed to be abundant. One was actually cruising by as Alexis searched the pad. Wazu tried to flag down the ship as it passed by. Alexis paused and looked back at Yuuko. Then his head drooped. He walked back and offered a hand. "I'm sorry...is there anything I can help with? I know you heal fast, but still..." "Maybe a ride to the ship?" Wazu gave Yuuko a odd look, "she should have already healed by now." Wazu said Yuuko shivered, adjusting her robe sideways, so the holes in her uniform were less visible. She didn't want anyone looking at her tiny breasts. "Oh, thank you." she nodded gratefully. "I'm not a very developed neko." Yuuko looked away from Wazu. "Not a hemomancer like Yui or a berserker. Gunners heal less quickly." The shifter respectfully kept his gaze on her face as he helped her up. "It was rude of me to walk off like that anyway...so do you need a doctor?"" "Oh" Wazu said, "well still you'll be fine. You weren’t hit by anything serious" Her small boot kicked the mangled rank pin. The red and gold sergeant medallion was now consumed mostly by a bullet hole. Still smoking, it clinked along the sidewalk, stained with blood. It was a sorry sight. "I thought my everything between my collarbone and my waist was gone for a second." Yuuko said defensively. It was clear she thought Wazu was being insensitive. "The rounds were lethal to humans. I've felt them in my arm before. A smart round made to overload the nervous system. I thought I was gone." Alexis fell silent and waited for their ride to arrive. An nerve overload round? the shuttle seemed to have disappeared somewhere and Wazu gave up trying to flag one down. "I'm just going to walk," the shifter said suddenly. "Which way is the ship?" Wazu pointed up, "it should be in orbit now" The taxi-shuttle, painted a bright white and yellow checker pattern, quietly slid up just then. "Yo." came the grunt of a big ex-infantry guy. "Yous guys make a call or what?" he demanded in his dirty, down-to-earth way, with some paper roll lit on fire hanging from his mouth. "That thing is burning!" Yuuko pointed, alarmed. Wonderful..."I guess I'll find a way up eventually then...I'll see you around." Where had Nashi been taken? Maybe if he found Chiharu she could tell him. Alexis started walking in a random direction, ignoring the taxi that just pulled up. He'd get another later. "Yes I did" Wazu said in a annoyed tone of voice, "now can this heap of metal make it to the GSS Seigi or not?" "You wanna get to your ship or what, toots?" the veteran asked. "Only 5 KS, hun. Each." Wazu tossed the man 5KS and got into the shuttle. "That thing in his mouth is on fire!" Yuuko whispered in Wazu's ear. Yuuko reluctantly handed over a 5 KS coin of her own, and got in, holding Wazu's arm. "Other side." the man shouted back through the haze. "That side, seatbelts are broke." Wazu was getting even more annoyed now, "fine" he said as he got in on the other side, "You can drive this thing right? You seem...drunk" The shuttle jerked forward and then back as it rose into the air. The wind blew in, and then stopped as the guy shut the windows. He snubbed out his cigarette in an ashtray and grabbed the other half of the controls. The sky around went from blue to black. The shuttle pulled into one of the Seigi's front bays, after a heated argument between the taxi guy and some neko on the ship who the big guy only referred to as "bitch." Skidding to a halt inside, the shuttle door slammed open, dropping specks of rust onto the brand new bay floor. Wazu walked out onto the flight deck of the Seigi and had a look around. A scowl crossed his face as he saw the legacy unit squeezed into the front of the bay allowing only two openings on the side for launch and recovery operations. He did turn around and offer Yuuko a hand to help her out of the ship. The guy lit up once more. Yuuko pointed and whispered, "He's doing it again!" "Must be from Kennewes or something...it's weird. No Geshrin puts flaming stuff in their mouth!" "Um...ok" Wazu said as he looked over the shuttle one more time, watching the taxi leave. He looked at Yuuko, "What is so bad about that?" ----- Riyon looked at his sensors viewing all the ships around him wondering if any were heading toward the frontier. This shuttle wasn't going to get there quick enough. He hailed the ships closest to him. "Excuse me, but is anyone heading out toward the frontier?" He asked over it hoping for a good result. "This is 2nd Assault Group, GSA second Fleet. We are returning there from leave and can fit you on GSS Absolution II (GD-106)." "May I ask who the captain of this vessel is?" Riyon sent to the ship he was preparing to dock with. "Shosho Ujena Riyuri" Riyon beamed. "Thank you, I'll pull my shuttle into your shuttle bay." He said as he switch off the autopilot and manually flew the small shuttle to the Absolution II. JP by: Nick (as Alexis) Zack (as (Wazu, Uso) Tyler (as Riyon) Wes (as Yuuko, NPCs) Moving In [GSS Seigi] Tasuki Uso SAINT GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 629 (9/14/03 23:48) Moving In [GSS Seigi] ON> GSS Seigi A small fighter craft came up alongside the Seigi. "This is Alexis Jaren requesting permission to dock." Inside, the shifter was sitting in a cockpit with his eyes half-closed, operating the controls by way of two computer contacts on his arm rests. "Weapons are deactivated. Shields are disengaged." "We’ve been expecting you" The current flight controller said, "You may dock at your discretion." The Seigi's doors were open and awaiting the small craft. Two small openings were left to get in on each side of the weapon retrofitted to the front of the ship. It was a small two-man craft like the original Cat'sPaw class scout ship; only the aft compartment was mostly taken up by energy storage and munitions replication equipment. It easily slid into the bay and remained hovering two feet above the deck. Two his left and right he could see two bright yellow robotic arms doing their work. Each arm was picking up one of the fighters on the flight deck and loading them into the storage racks above the flight deck. Through the window ahead of him he could see the flight control room and the neko's walking around inside of it. Just below and to his right of the window was what looked like an extension of the flight deck although it wasn't as tall and had no overhead racks. Inside he could see two Samurai class fighters with their outer casing removed. A few techs were busy crawling around the frame of the craft with tools in hand. Carefully, he glided the Cat's Claw-class fighter across the floor, never bumping anything in the bay. "Could I put this in that maintenance area? I don't think it'll fit in the racks." "Please land your craft and exit. The docking arms will do the rest,” The flight controller said over the comms. Her voice was hurried as if she was really busy and didn't need any more distractions. "Okay," the shifter said after cutting the transmission. He would prefer if the arms didn't do anything, but he knew the ship would stand up to any unintentional abuse. Leaving it in the hover, he exited via a hatch in the rear and strode out into the bay. After he left one of the arms quickly moved over to the fighter and placed it's vice like arms around it. The vice closed around the fighter and the interior parts of it contoured to fit the sides of the ship then guided it into the rear of the bay before sliding back along it's rails located on the sides of the large room to the flight deck Now, to find Wazu...Alexis headed to the nearest door out of the bay and then spoke to the computer. "What is the name of the computer here?" Alexis found himself in a long hallway just beside the maintenance bay. One side was a wall and the other was filled with various storage bays holding supplies and other things. "I have the same name as the ship,” the computer said in a synthetic sounding computer voice. Alexis smiled. "Seigi, then? Nice to meet you...can you tell me where I might find Heram Wazu? And provide directions?" Alexis's data pad beeped as it received a map of the ship from the computer; "Mr. Wazu is on the bridge,” The computer said "Please follow the red line,” It instructed. A line of red that led down the hallway lighted up the wall on his right. "Thank you." The Taisa took the pad from his pocket and followed the map. Still, it took him close to five minutes as he did some exploring along the way, always returning to the marked path. As he moved around the ship the red line on the wall seemed to change to accommodate where he went. Eventual Alexis came to the well-armored room on the top level of the ship that was the bridge. When he arrived, first thing he did was to examine the layout. Find out what was where, that sort of thing. The bridge was a spherical room encased in heavy armor. The door entered the bridge from the hallway on the right and then the other doors exited to the offices quarters on the left. The center of the room had several comfortable looking chairs arranged in a circle on the floor facing each other. Wazu was laying back in one of these and currently was jacked into the computer system. Around the sides of the bridge was various computer screens and data read outs. Alexis approached his new commander and tapped the Neko on the shoulder. "Hey Wazu, wake up." After a few short moments Wazu opened his eyes and looked at Alexis as the computer withdrew the connection cables, "Hello" he said as he sat up in the chair "Taisa Alexis Jaren, reporting for duty," Alexis said, standing at attention with a US military salute. Wazu stood up rubbing his temple slightly, "there is no need for that Alexis,” He said with a smile although he saluted back in accordance with tradition. The shifter smiled slightly and relaxed a bit. "It was the polite thing to do." He shrugged. "What is my first assignment?" "Pick out your room" Wazu said as he pointed over to the 7 doors on the left side of the bridge, "I got the one on the left" he said, "but the rest are empty for now" "I'll take the one right there," Alexis said, pointing to the one closest to the door he had just entered by. All the easier to get out into the halls if he was needed somewhere else, a safe decision. "Alright. Did you get that Seigi?" Wazu asked, "Yes Mr. Wazu" The computer responded Alexis tilted his head. "I take it that our rooms are restricted from everyone else?" "If you want it to be" Wazu said, "You can tell Seigi your preferences and it will follow them" "Ah. Okay then," the shifter replied with a nod. Sounded good to him. "What's my next assignment? Or am I free to explore this new ship until we leave orbit?" "Your free to explore I guess." Wazu said as he gave it some thought. There weren’t any things that needed to be done right now as far as he knew, "Take some time and familiarize yourself with the ship." He knew that Alexis was going anyways but he felt like saying it. "Thank you, sir." Alexis nodded sharply and strode off the bridge. Looking down at his map, he started to go around and memorizing the layout. "Much more room than the Yui, that's for sure," Alexis said to himself. Three dining halls, a rec room, ample storage and quarter space. "Seigi, what powers this place?" he asked out of curiosity. "Four anti-matter reactors Mr. Alexis" The computer responded. As he walked down the hallways he was approached by a white haired neko. He found that it was just up on this level as most of the crew minion crews and fighter pilots were on the lower levels getting settled in. "Excuse me Mr. Alexis but may I ask you a question" The white haired neko asked. She had a totally blank expression on her face as she walked up and stopped just in front of him. "Yes?" The shifter stopped and looked at her. "If I may why does Mr. Wazu insist on being called a he?" The neko asked. "Have you asked him?" Alexis answered. "He asked me to figure it out on my own." She said "So I take it you've never heard the name before?" he replied. "You could ask the computer for his history." "He wouldn't allow me to access his memories while he was plugged into me and I do know that he was in a male body but he is currently female. I thought that the she designation would be preferable,” the neko said in the same monotone voice as the computer system. "I wouldn't know why he would want to be called by a male pronoun, but that's his choice." Alexis looked at the Neko funny. "I take it you're Seigi? Or an avatar of Seigi?" "This body is one of my avatars,” She said. "Right. Megami used to do the same thing...anyway, yeah, Wazu's choice of pronouns is his business. Anything else I can help you with?" he said. To be continued… New Assignments Kai Ashigari SAINT GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 31 (9/15/03 9:11) New Assignments Kai had been waiting for his new assignment to come in, he had taken some time after leaving the Yui to have a look around Central after getting a ride with a couple infantry men. Kai was amazed just how large the military installation itself was, the others he'd seen were puny compared to this monster. He had been sipping a hot coffee when a datapad in his robes buzzed with a message. "Hmm?" He said softly as he reached into the loose clothing and withdrew the pad. "Ahh, apparently I am allowed to have my choice of where I go now, Hmmm, either the Seigi or the Ketsurui Chiharu..." He said after taking another sip of his hot beverage. ~I heard some rumors about the Seigi, I wonder if they're true, but most likely they are unfounded, like most rumors.~ Kai thought as he finished the drink and levitated it to the trash and stood up carrying his dufflebag full of items. "I think I'll choose the Seigi." Kai said as he exited the building. "Seeing as most of the people I know are going there anyway." Thus, Kai started off in that direction, his red and gold robes billowing out behind him in the breeze, his organic whip hanging, coiled, at his hip. Shortly afterward, the datapad chimed, letting him know there was a response. It seemed he had been selected for chief intelligence officer. Not only that, but a promotion to Taii! GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Flight Tasuki Uso SAINT GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 637 (9/16/03 14:06) Flight ON...and around the Silver Shot> Lavinia exited the Silvershot and looked around, she had never before been to this planet, she hadn't been to many in her 4 years actually. "Where are we" she wondered in a small voice. Uso was just boarding a taxi shuttle to make the trip to the Seigi when she spotted Lav off in the distance, "Hello" she said with a short wave as she synthed a few KS coins and tossed them to the driver. Lavinia turned around and saw Uso. "Where are you going?" She asked as she started to walk toward Uso, trying to brush her bang behind her ear in vain. Uso raised an eyebrow at Lavantia as she stood just outside of the small shuttle, "The Seigi... you should be heading up there too." Uso said as she put one leg inside the back ramp of the shuttle, "Are you coming or not?" the pilot said from inside in an annoyed tone of voice. Lavinia wondered what was going on but ran to the shuttle anyway. She quickly synthed some KS coins and tossed them to the pilot and jumped in "Why the Seigi Uso?" Lavinia asked in a small, tired voice "That is where most of the Yui crew has been re-assigned" she said as she walked into the back of the shuttle and sat down in one of the small cushioned seats that lined the sides of the vehicle. The Driver gunned the engine while in neutral as he waited for them to board, "come on I don't got all day" he said again wanting to get on his way. Lavinia had climbed in and was sitting in the back waiting to go. It was only a few minutes before the little Wolf Puppy Siaga jumped in and clambered onto Lavinia's lap. Uso placed her duffle bags on the seat next to her and rolled her head popping the joints inside of it, "ah that is better" she said to herself as she stretched her arms. The rear door of the shuttle closed as the ship took off and then headed for the Seigi. Lavinia looked down at the puppy, which jumped up and licked her face causing her to break out into giggles. The shuttle angled upward and left the atmosphere. It would be a while before the reached the ship, "so... do you know your new assignment yet?" Uso asked trying to make small talk to pass the time. The shuttle didn't have an internal gravity system and they all felt the pull of gravity as they took off. ~What a crappy ship~ she thought to herself as her bags slid across the floor to the rear of the craft. "No I don't" Lavinia admitted as a data pad in he bag beeped. She picked it out of the bag and read the message; it contained orders to be the chief Pilot of the Seigi as well as a promotion to Juni. Lavinia smiled broadly as she looked over at Uso. "I got a promotion! And a position as Pilot of the Seigi." She said joyfully. "If it's a system like Megami's, it shouldn't be hard." She added. "Congrats." Uso said. She didn't seem all that interested and let her eyes wonder. Looking over her. Her stuff.. and the puppy. Siaga noticed Uso looking at him and pounced on her lap and tried to lick her. Causing Lavinia to start laughing. Ack." Uso said as she tried to hold the dog back although she wasn't to effective in her efforts. The Shuttle angled in to come at the Seigi and the pull of the planet’s gravity lessened to almost nothing causing the dog to float up in the air with Uso's bags. From behind the wall that lead to the cockpit they could hear the pilot having a conversation with someone about landing procedure. Lavinia watched the puppy float around and giggled like a little girl. "Who's the Captain of the Seigi, Uso?" She asked after her fit of giggles ended. Uso started to laugh, "it's Wazu actually" she said as she watched the puppy float about and bump into one of her bags extracting another laugh from her, "You really should get him down from there" Uso said but it was to late. The shuttle entered into the Seigi's flight deck and a wave of artificial gravity passed over them causing the bags and the puppy to fall to the floor. Lavinia quickly synthed a tentacle to catch the puppy and pull him in and cuddled him close as a small tear formed in her eye, obviously the dog brought back a memory or two. "Wazu, are you kidding?" Lavinia tried to joke as she wiped her eyes. Uso looked at Lavantia as she scooped up her bags, "No I am not.,” she said in a stern voice. She missed Ritsu as well but she hated how Lav was getting all teary over it. "Ooooh" Lavinia said. "Crap, I was hoping that Chiharu would." Once the ramp was down Uso walked out onto the flight deck. She was treated to an amazing view of Greshintall from orbit through the open bay doors. Lavinia grabbed her duffle bag and Siaga and exited after Uso, not bothering to see the view and headed for the Seigi. "Wow, it looks bigger than the Yui." She commented The shuttle closed its ramp and made a tight turn before leaving the ship out through the force field holding the air in. A loud humming sound was heard as the four massive doors of the bay began to close. Uso turned around and looked about. The flight deck as almost devoid of fighters now that they had all been stored away overhead, "yep" was Uso's one word response to Lav as she walked to the lift that was to her left. Lavinia followed Uso into the lift carrying the bag in one hand and the puppy in one. "I better go see Wazu then." "I hope he's not as insane as Ritsu told me he was." Lavinia added with a grin. Uso chuckled, "He isn't that bad actually." she was remembering a few moments on Ralifaris they had together but simply dismissed the thoughts as she road the lift up with Lav, bags in hand. Lav cuddled the puppy that was wagging his tail happily as they rode the lift The open-air lift reached the second floor and the doors to the interior of the ship opened.. Uso looked down the hallway puzzled at the lack of people onboard, "The bridge is this way right?" she thought outloud as she started walking down the hallway remembering the data she got on the ship. "The bridge is in this direction Ms. Tasuki" The synthetic voice of the ships A.I. chimed. Lavinia looked up suddenly at the computer voice and cocked her head curiously as she stepped off the lift. "Mind if I come along Uso?" She asked. "You wanted to see Wazu right?" Uso asked as she walked down the hallway. Uso looked around the ship taking it all in. on her left were cargo bays on the right were various rooms with their own functions, ~this place is different from the schematics~ she thought as she remembered the data. "I do." Lavinia said as she followed Uso. She had set Siaga down earlier. He was sniffing around but still following. Lavinia was looking at the interior of the ship, amazed by the sheer size of it. They came to a well-armored door, "I'll bet you 20 coins that this is the bridge,” Uso said with a chuckle. She knew that Wazu would have designed the ship to have the command staff in the most protected area ~paranoid maniac~ she thought to herself with another chuckle as she walked into the room. "Not bet." Lavinia said with a cheerful smile, she had heard not to make bets with either Wazu or Uso. Siaga was sniffing around Uso's foot as if he wanted to pee. Siaga pawed at Uso's leg and barked loudly. Lavinia started giggling. "He wants you to scratch his ears." Inside of the hemispherical room Wazu was laying back in one of the command chairs hooked back into the ships computer. Uso bent her knees so she could reach the dogs ears, "shhh" she said quietly as she placed her bags on the floor and then slowly made her way to Wazu after letting go of the dog. The puppy raced up and jumped into Wazu's lap, Lavinia struggled to suppress a laugh. Uso flat faced, "aww I wanted to do that" she said playfully as the connections to the computer retracted and Wazu opened his eyes, "ack!" he said as he began to flail trying to get the animal off him Siaga barked and licked Wazu's face. Lavinia couldn't restrain any longer and burst out laughing. "He's so cute when he does that." "Hi Wazu." Lavinia said softly. Wazu rolled off the chair and fell onto the carpeted floor. Uso broke out laughing too. "Hello Lavantia" Wazu said as he flat faced. Lavinia walked over and collected the happy puppy. "I'm the new pilot here, and I think you're in my chair." She laughed. Wazu picked himself up and looked at Lav, "there are enough chairs for everyone" He said as he tried to wipe of the dogs saliva from his face. Lavinia shook her head, making her dark green hair swish around. " I know, I'm playing with you Wazu." "Do we have choice of our rooms?" Lavinia asked as an afterthought. "I know" He said with a smile, "I suppose you should pick out your room if you are going to be on the command staff" Wazu said, "The one on the far left and far right are taken but you can have any of the others." He said as he pointed to the doors on the other side on the bridge. There were 5 left. Lavinia nodded and walked over to the one that was Alexis's room. "I'll have this one if it isn't trouble." "And what about my room?" Uso asked as she looked around, "YOUR room isn't on this level" Wazu said, "perhaps you should ask Seigi. Lav feel free to familiarize yourself with the controls and the ship before we head out." Lavinia nodded and put her belongings in her room and walked over to the pilot's chair and sat in it and began familiarizing herself with it. "Hello Seigi." She said. Uso scowled and walked out. Wazu sat in the chair across from Lavantia and had Seigi plug him in. "Hello Ms.Taiensho." Seigi said in reply/ "Compared to the GSS Yui, how much different are your flight systems?" Lavinia asked the computer politely. "I am not as fast as the GSS Yui but my agility is at least equal Ms. Taiensho," Seigi said as the manual control systems moved closer to her acting like a sort of desk with various buttons, switches, and joysticks." "Seigi, could you quickly download into me what I need to know?" Lavinia asked looking over the controls. "Just so I don't mess anything up." "Sorry there is no previous flight data for this ship Ms. Taiensho" Seigi replied. "I meant basic instructions." Lavinia replied in a sigh and frown. "Downloading technical information for the I.S.F.B." Seigi chimed as two cables came up and attached themselves to Lav's shoulders. Soon Lav had the blueprints and technical information of the ship in her head. Lavinia closed her eyes during the download; as soon as it was finished she looked up. "Thank you Seigi." She said smiling. "You are welcome Ms. Taiensho" Lavinia grinned and continued adjusting to the new environment. END GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Training Sims Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 677 (9/16/03 15:49) Training Sims Lavinia was sitting in the pilot's seat of the Seigi, reviewing what did what and the best ways to work them. She absently reached down and picked up Siaga and set the wagging puppy in her lap as she looked over the controls. The controls seemed needlessly complex and hately put together with little thought put into asthetics. From the downlaod she knew that the ship was normaly flown via a direct interface with the ships A.I. instead of the manual systems. : Lavinia frowned, she didn't like overly complex things, though her neko mind could easily figure it out. "Seigi, is there anyway to practice piloting in a virtual state?" Lavinia asked. "There is" The Seigi responded, "Would you like to interface with the controls directly" Seigi was observing Lavinia through one of her Neko's that was standing on the bridge. She had short white hair and was standing at attention waiting for orders. "Is there any danger of liftoff before the appointed time?" Lavinia asked just to make sure. “None that I am aware of Ms. Taiensho" Seigi responded Lavinia looked around at the any other people on the bridge at the moment. "Yes Seigi, please, interface me to the ship's controls in a virtual environment for practice." Lavinia said. Wazu was already jacked into the computer system, Lav felt a pull at the back of her mind, her external senses dulled and it seemed to her that her body became heavyer and hard to move. Her vision went black but was soon replaced with dots of white light. Soon she could see everything the ship saw from the external view's and sensor data to the nekos moving around inside., "The controls for the ship have been disabled for this exercise." Seigi reminded her. Siaga jumped down off he lap and padded over to Wazu and pawed his leg and looked up at him with those absolutely adorabe puppy eyes. She could feel Wazu's mind inside of the system as well. Lavinia attempted to slowly pull the virtual ship forward, just to get a feel for how it reacted. ~There are quite a few GSA ships around in the sensor range.~ Lavinia commented demurely. She could use the drive system as she would her own legs. Her mind could fire off any amount of thrust from the various anti-matter rockets located around the hull. She say a 3-d interpretation of the ship move forward as it's engines were brought online by her. It looked so real Lav would have thought so if she didn't know it was a sim. In the simulator, Lavinia attempted to pull a strafing right turn as further chance to gauge the reaction time of the Seigi. As she thought of the manuever the thrusters on the side of the Seigi fired pushing the ship to the right. Her mind put a powerful burst into the thrusters needed for such a manuever. She tried it again, this time quicker and to the left. She was half tempted to attempt to barrel roll the ship, but knew from the technical information that it was too big to pull. The ship moved to the left accordingly as the pannels on it's side opened up to allow more thrust to escape Lav grinned in real life and thought about barrel rolling the ship to the right. She added a thought to launch a weak counter attack from a couple variable weapons pods firing forward and to her left. She found that she couldn't talk to those systems. She could feel the turrets inside of the ship and she could feel the Seigi controling them but she couldn't use them anymore than she could stop her heart from beating. The ship barrel rolled to the side. Its size was immense but the hull was a single piece of impervium so she felt very little strain on her 'skin'. ~Do you want to try a combat sim?~ Wazu asked. She could feel him inside of the system as well watching over her actions. ~Sure,~ Lavinia replied. She could feel the turret doors opening and deploying their payloads as Wazu took the role of Weapons officer, "Seigi please simulate a few angel ships." Wazu asked, "Yes Mr. Wazu" Seigi replied, "Just call me Wazu like everyone else please Seigi" Wazu commented, "Alright Wazu" Seigi replied. "You don't have to say my name after every sentence..." Wazu and Seigi started getting into a off topic disscission on proper speach when the first angel ship came at them. It merely appeared out of nowhere as Seigi loaded it into the sim. Lavinia quickly jerked the ship out of the way of it's oncoming fire by strafing to the right. ~Wazu counter!~ she shouted at him over the system. Lavinia forced the ship forward and a quarter spin to the right as the angel ship fired again. The angel ship trailed fire at the Seigi scoring several hits before changing it's attack vector to counter for the Seigi's strafing. Lav could feel the turrets sliding across her skin as they all moved on top of the ship and fired massed volleys at the oncoming ship. A blinding light soon followed as Wazu tagged it with one of the grand white beams. Lavinia forced the Seigi forward, dodging the vectors to their fire then swiftly dove under the Elysian ship as she expected Wazu to attack. Several more angel ships were loaded in and they came at the Yui from several directions. "Lav try when facing multiple Angel ships try and keep one of their ships in the way of the others." Wazu instructed as the grand white beams fired off taking down two more ships as the turrets opened fire creating walls of weapons fire as he tried to box the angel ships into certain flight patterns. Then barrel rolled the Seigi out from under the Angel ship and thrusted laterally putting one angel ship between her and another one. She carefully attempted to dodge any incoming shots as she tried to maintain her "shield.” With two ships perfectly lined up, A rare occurence indeed, the grand white beam was able to fire through one placing a nice neat hole in it's center and clip the other in the rear. Lavinia noticed on the sensors that one was behind her and pulled the ship up thrusted toward the angel ship, essentially pulling a loop-the-loop over it and spun the Seigi to put it between her and another ship. "The gravity distortion beam generators can be used to swing the ship around. Try overlapping a few of the beams to create a gravity well big enough to swing the ship around in" Wazu instructed as he continued raining turret fire and GWB shots at the enemies. Lavinia nodded outside the system and tried to form a gravity well to spin the ship. She felt internal systems project the beams and as they overlaped a weak gravity well formed. She found that she could control the size of it by willing it larger or smaller as the ship flew. "What happens if I make it larger?" she wondered and attempted it as she strafed to avoid enemy fire and maintain the "shield" "Then you can use it to swing the ship around much like a planets gravity field" Wazu said to her through the Seigi as weapons fire hit the ship on the port side. Lav could feel pain as the shots ripped into the side of the vessel. Lavinia used the gravity well to spin the ship around and dove under an angel ship trying to maintain it between her and the other one. She kept up the evasive manuevers as well as she could, she knew she couldn't dodge everything, but she sure as hell was going to try. That and set them up for a counterattack. Her move caused the ship to be moving backwards with almost no loss in velocity. She could feel her engine power lessen as the transposition cannon in the front of the ship fired creating a black hole that reversed the ship's momentum again and pulled in several angel ships. "Whoa! What was that?" she asked Wazu. "WATCH OUT!" Wazu tried to yell as the ship hit the event horizon stoping the simulation. Lav felt her control over the drives go away to where she could only see what the ship was seeing "Damn, you should have told me sooner." She swore. "P)ease be more careful with my body in the future Ms Taiensho and Wazu" Seigi said "Sorry, Seigi, I did my best." Lavinia said. "You did good Lavinia." Wazu said before addressing Seigi on how to use first names. "I suppose I those trans...whatever cannons have one hell of a recoil." Lavinia commented. "It was just that we were to close to the event horizon" Wazu said. "The what?" Lavinia asked surprised. "Oh, the edge of the black hole correct?" She added. "The event horizon is where the escape velocity is" "Correct, the edge of the black hole" Wazu interrupted not wanting to confuse Lav with Seigi's definition "Will the ship always respond like that in reality?" Lavinia asked. "I suppose I should have pulled the ship out of the range right as you fired them eh?" "I respond like that Ms. Taiensho" Seigi corrected "I'm sorry Seigi." She said apologetically. "Thank you for being so cooperative." Lavinia felt good, she had done the best she could without anyone to access and control the shields. Wazu returned to talking with seigi about various things allowing Lav some time to do what she wanted. JP: Zack (Wazu, Seigi, sim.) & Tyler (Lavinia, Siaga) Lakeside Reflections Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 93 (9/13/03 0:36) Lakeside Reflections Location: Universe 091983b, designation "K'Uri ne Lari" (The Shifter's Hollow) Alexis d'Jaren sat on a rock overlooking the lake in K'Uri ne Lari. What a summer. What could happen now, he had only the vaugest of impressions. The history of two races had been uprooted and rewritten, so it was anyone's guess what could happen now. The water's surface rippled as he tossed in a small stone. The silence was broken by a hawk's screech over him and a field-bird call in the distance; two of several species now living in the world that was his own. Sergei's observation on the "dead-ness" of the place gave him an idea...and now it didn't seem so lonely here all of a sudden. But for some reason he still felt dead inside. Leaving the GSS Yui had been hard, harder than he had liked. In fact, he hadn't counted on getting attached to the crew when he had first come aboard. He'd never gotten attached to anything before, mainly because he rarely saw the same people more than once. When he did, it was kind of too awkward to keep up. So it had been easy to leave. But this time it wasn't easy. Maybe because there they needed him, in a way. It felt good to be needed, he had to admit. The trip with the hybrid human Sergei was a failure. In fact, the whole incident might as well have never happened, it had been removed from his timeline. But the memories were still there, lingering like a half-formed dream and hanging like the mists in morning sunshine. "Awwell, so much for that," he muttered to the boulder below him. Looking down at it, he ran a hand along the creviced surface, picked up a broken fragment, and tossed it into the dark blue water. The Essarian incident had been an embarrassing mistake. But now it was that way no more. And he had been changed a bit too, weakened from what he had been. There was technology and the Forms to accomplish what he once did naturally, so his former invulnerability was reduced even more. He could handle a SSJ4, as before, but his dimension hopping and on-the-fly repairs were reduced to near-nothing. But he could still live beyond what even a Neko could withstand...'course, he had vulnerabilities a Neko had no reason to worry about, too. A bull elk stepped onto the bank of the lake, looking around breifly before dipping his head to drink. Alexis observed the elegant creature in silence until the elk returned to the woods from which it came. This place did seem more alive since the addition of creatures. Even though the forests had been very much alive themselves, trees and brush lacked the quality of independant motion that seperated still-life from wildlife. It had been incredibly tricky to create a bio-system, he found, and he had gained a very deep respect for the Creator's Design while trying to mimic it. There couldn't be one thing missing or tweaked, the shifter realized. It was perfect as it was. Absolutely intertwined. Even now, he found something here or there -- often something very small -- that was required and that he hadn't even noticed until damage had been done. Fortunately, though, the world had proven stable for quite some time now. Reality Storms and glitches had diminished in appearences as more life was added and fewer incursions with other universi occured. Maybe the more animal life there was, the reality here was less likely to be pierced. Tension effects maybe, he thought. Huh. True-blue R'Lari you are, Alexis. Science and analysis are always going to be forefront in your mind, the boy thought with a wry chuckle. Even when he was in all of this artistic beauty, even with all of the emotional responses that could be made, he still thought like some kind of analytical computer. The emotional structure of a R'Lari was odd sometimes. But there was a way to learn to be an empath, and Alexis was making a bit of progress. It'd just take a mere millinia or two more before he mastered it, that's all. He stuck out his tongue in disgust. Right. Terrific. Can't make a square peg fit in a round hole, he pondered. At least, not unless you shave off the edges. But then it's not a square peg anymore, is it? If I make myself more emotional, I'll not be myself anymore. What a conundrum. After a time he got up and set off down the path toward the main field. The Fenyarin would be expecting a call from him sometime soon. And there was an Essarian that he needed to talk to before that time. Oh, and there was that notice from the extra-universal monitering station, the Geshrin universe was back in range. He could get back to the Yui! Now, the question was, did he want to? Maybe just a look around...now that it was so close, he could cross over and still be in contact with this place...couldn't hurt to look, could it? GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) [Kyoto] Good Morning Michiko Dante Stormwind GSA Security Sentry 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 28 (2/7/04 10:27) ezSupporter [Kyoto] Good Morning Michiko ON> Kyoto, Yamatai: Empress's Palace Saito had just recently finished sparring with the neko samurai Tsuya; a small battle that had ended into a horrible loss for him. He brushed his hand through his metallic silver hair; He was heading toward the bathes to join the empress at her invitation. ~Hmm perhaps I should go check on little Michiko first.~ He thought and turned and walked down the hall toward her room. It wasn't really that far and soon he nodded to the samurai and knocked on her door. Michiko heard the gentle thudding on her door as she rose sleepily from her nest of lavish silk. "Mommy?" She rubbed her eyes sleepily as she rose clumisly to her feet and crossed the room to open the door. Her sleeping robes had loosened at their belt and felt gently off her right shoulder, exposing her neck beneath the strands of tossled dark brown hair. Her bright blue eyes looked over the man who stood at her door curiously. "Anata no namae desu ka?" The darkly tanned young man looked at her, looking her squarely in the eyes; his own lavender ones soft and caring. "I'm Saito, your mommy asked me to be your friend and guardian." He smiled at her warmly. ~Yui was right, she does look like the late Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu.~ He thought, remembering a picture of her he had seen on the news. Michiko's eyes shined with an almost unnatural inner light as she met Saito's gaze. "Guardian? Like the samurai?" She pointed at one of the guards outside her door, tilting her head to one side as she looked curiously back to Saito. He smiled at her, finding her just cute. "Something like that, but I'm your personal guardian; I'm supposed to keep an eye on you at all times and be here when you need me." Saito said. He was pretty much one of the few people that was allowed in this room without supervision; who knew, perhaps there were surveillence cameras. Saito did, that's how he watched her without actually being in there. "When I need you? For what?" Michiko pondered this over, she pushed her hands together as she thought. "So you'll help me get dressed in the mornings?" She smiled brightly like this was the right answer and sat down on her nest of silk and pillows, the movement making the robes fall off her right shoulder and exposing more skin than Saito probably wanted to see on his newest charge. Saito shook his head, looking at the floor for a moment; he knew Zemer would probably hang him for this, or want to. But having sworn oaths of absolute trust and loyalty; he did expect the same of Yui and him. His dark cheeks blushed a light silvery color; "If that's what you need me to do, I can help you; but I'm not going to do it everyday. You will need to learn to do it yourself little princess." Saito said gently; she had time to learn and he wouldn't rush her. "How about you go ahead and get dressed and we'll go get some breakfast." He suggested politely; his eyes not really looking at her, but looking at the interior of the room to avoid looking directly at her; but keepingher in his perphiral vision. "Okies." She nodded as she smiled brightly. "Where is Mommy and Daddy?" Michiko went over to her wardrobe to find herself some clothes. "Minori-sempai and Hinosami-sempai usually help me. Mommy does too!" She stood looking at the clothes hanging up, not sure what she should wear and not recognising the fact that she should pull up the shoulder of her robes to cover herself. Saito chuckled lightly and walked up behind her and gently pulled the robes up to where they should've been. "You're mommy's taking her morning bath, and I do not know where your daddy is." He said as he watched choose her clothing for the day. Saito smiled, spotting a calf length red dress; "How about that one?" The youth pointed to the dress. "This one?" Michiko pulled out the dress and looked at it curiously. It was a Mandrin collar dress with long sleeves and flowers embrodiered on the soft red silk. "It'll be easy to put this on! Just have to find the panties." She set the dress over the door of the wardrobe before she sat down on the floor. Her knees were neatly tucked under her body in a kneeling position as she opened one of the lower drawers to find the panties. Saito looked away, figuring she could do this herself; female clothing really wasn't his forte. He absently felt his side and winced a bit at the memory of almost being sliced in half and losing his fingers. The wounds were completely healed and weren't visible any longer. "Did you sleep well princess?" He asked absently. Michiko removed her robes and her undergarments as she pulled out clean ones and pulled them on to cover herself, her own cheeks were flushed pink with a mild embarassment that she didn't understand or recognize. "I did. I like watching the pictures that play at night... watashi no yume. My dreams." She spoke the Japanese slowly as if she was unsure if she had said them right. "Where.." Her voice seemed pained for a moment as she touched her own side and she stopped herself from finishing her question. She didn't really understand the feelings she was experiencing or the fact that they were not her own. Saito looked at her out of the corner of his eye, seeing her touch her side; she wasn't hurt there; he had been. "Something wrong Michiko?" He asked, concerned. The girl was embarassed to undress with a male around; but she didn't have to worry, Saito did not have interest in her body that other guys definately would. "I don't know." Michiko shook her head as the feelings receded and fluxed to concern. She touched her forehead uncertain of what had happened because, there were many things she still needed to learn... recognising what emotions were her own was one of those things. The flush left her cheeks as she looked at Saito curiously for a moment and stood up again to reach out for the dress. On her back were a set of tattooed blood red wings that peeked through the soft fabric of her bra that fluttered as the muscles of her shoulders and back flexed with her movements. "Anyways, where do you sleep?" "Across the hall from you." Saito replied, looking at her tattoo curiously and walked up to her and touched it gently. "Is this a birthmark?" He asked, tracing a finger over the design gently. Saito knew why she was blushing, but figured it would be best of her mommy or daddy explained it to her; it wasn't really his place to. Michiko felt the sensation on her back and shivered lightly as she gently pulled the dress down. "I was born with it.. I think it's called a Ge-ne-tic ta-tt-oo." She showed no visible signs of a person who was embarassed or had been. "As soon as I get dressed, do I get to have breakfast with Mommy and Daddy?" She asked brightly, smiling at the thought to spend time with her parents. "Maybe, if your mommy's done with her bath, it'd be rude of me to simply walk in there." Saito said, even though Yui had invited him to join her. "Maybe your daddy will be there. I do not know; if they aren't, I'll send for them to join us how about that?" He asked her. "Okies!" She looked at the dress curiously, unsure of how she was supposed to get in it. And then noticed a line that crossed from the center of the collar over to the right shoulder of the dress with 2 elaborate silken thread knots holding the dress shut. "Oh, I get into the dress from there.." Saito smiled at her, glad to see how quickly she could figure simple things out. ~Kind of wish I'd met the Taisho she resembles.~ He sighed to himself. He was privately pleased to have noticed that that girl was an empath, a strong one at that; the young guy reminded himself to mention that to Yui sometime. "That's right." He assured Michiko as he looked over the dress. Michiko gently unhooked the collar clasps and the shoulder ones the allowed the dress to be opened but still not enough for her to step into it. "Hmm.." She examined the side of the dress and tugged at the side hook and eyes that held the side shut. "Yay! I figured it out!" She smiled brightly again as she opened the dress enough to actually try to pull it up over her shoulders. "This is easier than the yukata." Saito chuckled at that, though he didn't know about that one. "I wouldn't know." He chuckled. Saito gently reached over and ruffled her hair gently. "Good girl, you did it."He praised her. "The yukata has layers and has to be done a certain way and then the obi has to be folded and tucked a certain way so it doesn't fall down!" She talked very quickly as she seemed to become rather pleased with herself and proud that she could teach someone else something. She ackwardly stepped into the dress and pulled it up over her shoulder, trying to rehook the side clasps to keep it on but was having a hard time. "Did I break it?" "No you didn't Michiko." Saito smiled, having learned something. He gave her a little help getting the dress right after a moment or two; his mind was quick enough to figure it out and his fingers deft enough to get it right. He rehooked the clasps for her; "There you go. You look pretty." "Thankies." Michiko looked at herself in the mirror that hung on the door of the wardrobe and smiled brightly at her reflection. "This is pretty!" She looked down in the wardrobe for her brush to brush her hair. "Brushie... where are you?" The young male neko closed his eyes and chuckled, knowing the brush wouldn't really answer. He looked around the room helping her search for it. "There you are brushie!" Michiko picked up her gold etched hairbrush from a small table that sat between her nest and the wardrobe, sitting down on the nest to brush her hair. "See how shiny brushie is? Everything here is so bright and shiny like the Empire was." She smiled brightly recalling the ship in her memory. "I wouldn't know Michiko, I've never left this planet." Saito said stoically. "This palace is quite lavish, I was born in a smaller house than this, but you wouldn't want to know my story." He said as he knelt down on the edge of the nest, watching her brush her hair. Saito's own hair was long and hung over one of his eyes and was spiked thickly curving back looking like blades, heck it even had the luster of one. "I like stories. Especially ones about my other mommy.. Mommy and Daddy miss her." Michiko smiled sadly. "They say that I look like her." She gently pulled the brush through her hair, trying to do it as Minori had taught her how to when Minori herself wasn't brushing it. "But, do you remember your Mommy and Daddy?" Saito sighed; what was he supposed to tell her? He was an artificial being;not naturally born. "I....don't have a mommy and daddy, Michiko." Saito said. "Maybe that's why I look at you like my little sister, I want a family, I envy you and yours. Your mommy adopted me into it as long as I served her and yourself." "Envy? I don't understand what it means." Michiko looked at Saito and frowned, only knowing that he seemed sad. "How come you don't have a family? Maybe Mommy and Daddy will let you become a member of ours for good?" "Envy means I'm jealous; that means that I want what you 3 have between each other, but I know I can't." Saito explained. "I don't have a family...because I.."He trailed off, looking for the right phrasing "...an orphan, my parents died when I was very young." Saito sighed. Michiko sniffed as she set her brush down. "I'm sorries." She looked like she could be on the verge of tears at having upset Saito. Saito moved into the nest with her and hugged her gently, trying to reassure her. "It's ok Michiko, no need for tears; I'm a big boy now. I can take care of myself, and more importantly: you." He said, combing a hand through her hair gently and let go of her. "Maybe your mommy will let me stay for good." He smiled at her. Michiko nodded with a sniff before she smiled softly again. "I'll ask her after breakfast?" "That's your decision, I won't make it for you." Saito said, getting out of her nest and walking over to the door. He smiled as he got an idea; "coming princess?" "Yuppers! Just need to put on shoes!" She got up again and returned to the wardrobe and pulled out a set of black hard soled slippers and pulled them on before hurrying after Saito. "Want me to carry you?" He grinned at her and knelt down with his back facing her. "Climb on and hold onto my shoulders tightly, but don't strangle me." He chuckled. "Carry me?" Michiko looked confused by this and nodded. "Okies." She walked over to him and put her arms around his shoulders. "What else am I supposed to do?" "Just hang on." He said, rising to his feet slowly, he chuckled. "You're taller than everyone else is here." He said and started down the hall. "Let me know if you want to get down." he supported her by gently holding her legs under the knees so she was "riding" him like she'd ride a horse. "Think of this as a hug from behind." He said. "Only ask people you know and trust to do this ok?" "Okies." Michiko looked around from her position on Saito's back, uncertain but she started to have fun after a while and smiled brightly. "What is this called, Saito-sempai?" "I heard it refered to as a piggyback ride." Saito said. "My previous employer's husband did this for his children." He was flattered by the "sempai" addition to his name; and kind of enjoyed it. They continued down the hallway toward the dining hall. ~Please prepare breakfast for Princess Michiko~ Saito communicated telepathically ahead to the kitchen. He waited for her inevitable questioning as to what he meant. ~I suppose that I won't be meeting Yui, I hope she understands.~ Saito thought was the two made their way to the dining hall. JP Kim (Michiko) Tyler (Saito) YSA no Nito Hesho Dante Stormwind Security YSS Celia (GC-55) Wandering With a World of Strangers Arch Nightblade GSA Scientist GSA 1st Fleet Posts: 45 (9/12/03 19:01) Wandering With a World of Strangers Arch had been made a new member of the GSA, heck he had even been paid money. He had wandered from the GSA starship called the Yui, he had no idea where the young neko called Akari had gone. He was alone in a world of strangers. He walked through a city trying to figure things out while some Geshrins stared at him because his clothes where still tattered from earlier. He wondered what he should do, no one knew him or even seemed to care. "Im lost. Just lost." he said to himself, no one seemed to care about his where abouts he hadn't even gotten a chance to thank those who had saved him. He hoped he happen upon someone, someone who'd help him find the people that saved him. He filtered through his pockets, and pulled out the datapad he had ealier, he had discovered where he was but his pad was limitied, it told him he was now a GSA members and he had an account but by looking the way he did people passed him off as some bum. "Is there anyone on this planet that will help find my way about?" he shouted at the sky. He strected his wings, that Akari had left before him and he never got to thank her and the other neko for healing his wounds. His wings flapped and he leapt to the rooftops to get a higher look around. "Hopefully, I'll find someone." He adjusted his wings and laid out upon the rooftop his hands behinde his head, and gazed up into the sky. "Sis I wonder what your doing out there..." GSA Scientist Arch Nightblade Science Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) [Kyoto] Employment. Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 62 (1/15/04 15:47) [Kyoto] Employment. ON> Kyoto Two very well-dressed women walked down the hand-laid gray stone sidewalks of the newly-constructed capital city of the Yamatai civilization. Both were dressed in the royal purple of the Bellflower that symbolized the empire, their elegant silken kimonos embroidered with laces of fine gold and emblazoned with the Imperial Ketsurui crest. One had bloody-looking red hair adorning her pale Japanese face. The shorter one was a young teen in appearance, her hair styled in a multi-hued sky-blue short haircut that partially covered one of her eyes. Four nekovalkyrja in solid red robes escorted them. One lone, plainly dressed young man walked through the grey streets of the capital city, his bright violet eyes taking in all the new structures and architecture. Saito had been dropped off here a few days ago, having found Ralfaris not suited to his tastes. ~Wow, this place is magnificent~ He thought in awe, he'd lived in a quaint, quiet town for the few few months of his life and was unaccustomed to seeing such a place. The sunlight seemed to glint off his silver hair as his eyes caught the mass of red in the streets. Thinking nothing of it, he continued to look around for employment, asking people if a bodyguard is needed. "Our Mistress wished us to find clothes for young Princess Michiko. I don't know if they'll keep her in the same body, but it seems that way for the time being. I have her measurements here, Sami-chan," Ketsurui-Chinomai Minori told Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hinosami. "First, we'll pick up some the undergarments, I suppose. I hope the central road's shops have opened." "Certain victory," Hinosami responded in equally well-spoken Japanese, cheerfully making a V sign with her fingers. Saito sighed, it didn't seem like anyone really needed an old fashioned bodyguard around here. He glanced over at the group again, his eyes naturally drawn to the color of blood. "That sounds promising...maybe..I could ask them?" He mused to himself and started to walk over in that direction at an easy pace, sucking on a stick of pocky. "Hmm, it looks like most of the places are Major Corporation shops. All the Ketsurui shops are near the palace." Minori observed. "WickedArms ought to have some underwear, but it's nothing special." The sentries in red looked upon Saito with suspicion, drawing Hinosami's attention to the male. Saito stopped dead in his tracks, trying to look as non-threatening as possible, hard to do with a gold hilted katana at your hip though. The visible muscle in his chest rippled slightly as a gentle breeze hit it. He'd been 'raised' to be appealing to the female eye, and had a pre-programmed feeling of comfort dressed in an open kimono top and loose pants like this. He had an...exotic look to say the least. "Can I help you?" Minori asked before Hinosami could say anything. Minori's elaborate kimono had a Chujo pin on it. "Oh um. I was hoping that you could help me find employment." Saito replied, knowing it sounded kind of drab. "I was released not long ago from a previous position of employment, and I'm seeking another one as a bodyguard...hate to say, but it seemed like you could help me or at least point out where I might find something along those lines." "I see. Who did you work for previously?" Minori asked. Hinosami was checking out his ears. Saito's ears were just like neko ears, just slicked back to look a bit more geshrin. "I private citizen by the name of Ms. Ryoko Tatsumi of Tania." Saito replied dutifully. "I see," Chujo Minori nodded. She wasn't familiar with the Tatsumi family. "What sort of bodyguard services did you do?" she asked curiously. Her speech was very formal, precise Japanese. Clearly, Yui had seen to it that she'd been well-educated. "Individualized protection, covert surveilence, and er. entertainment as well." He said, he had no reason to lie to anyone, at least not yet. The silver-haired neko nodded, "I was created to protect a single person." Hinosami shot him a funny look after a second or two of evaluating his hair. She clearly thought it was unsual, more so than her own. Minori smiled, "We have someone very special to protect, if you're up to it. She's a new addition to our clan." The Chujo then made a hand gesture like she was holding a slip of paper. One of the four Nekovalkyrja Samurai in red retrieved a solid gold business card and held it out to him with both hands. Saito accepted it with a polite nod of his head and looked at the business card. The male smiled handsomely at Minori; "You're..Chujo Ketsurui Minori correct?" He asked, after having a look at the card. "I will do any service asked of me while in your employ." A rather formal acceptance of her offer. Minori had watched the way he took the card closely, "I am, sir. Excuse me for not introducing myself." She kind of implied that he was supposed to have done it first, and a long time ago. "Yes, I will accept your offer." Saito smiled at her, offering the solid gold card back to her. He caught onto her via the tone of her voice. "Oh! I'm sorry." He chuckled embarassed. "Where are my manners. I am Saito." "Very well, Saito. Go to the palace; it will be your home from now on," Minori directed. "Yes ma'am." He replied, grinning. "But um....which way do I go to get there? I'm new to this city." He asked, embarassed. Hinosami pointed to the beautiful structure at the end of the street, in the center of the city. Saito nodded to them both, but gave Hinosami a curious look, she hadn't spoken at all this whole time. "May I ask your name?" Saito said to her politely, figuring he'd see her again at some point. Hinosami silently shook her head side to side, as if she wasn't allowed to speak without permission. Saito could understand that concept, and didn't press the issue further, he'd learn it one day. He bowed to both of them in traditional Japanese fashion and then started to head for the huge palace. The two women looked at each other for a moment, then went to continue their shopping. JP Wes (Minori, Hinosami) Tyler (Saito) [Kyoto] The Sky Dance Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 213 (2/7/04 10:24) ezSupporter [Kyoto] The Sky Dance ON>Kyoto, Imperial Palace Saito had a little time to himself and decided to go sharpen his skills with his sword. He walked through the hallways, actually wearing some more acceptable clothing; his lavender eyes scanned around the halls for a possible opponent. He was dressed in baggy teal pants that were cuffed at the ankle with a light blue open-chested kimono top with a black undershirt on under it; the full size katana belted on his left hip. Saito could see Yui down the hall in a skimpy pink slip, escorted by a single samurai in the standard red embroidered robes common to the samurai of the Empress' Palace. They were probably on their way to the baths. Saito looked down at himself, half embarrassed that he stuck out like a sore thumb here in his blues. He looked up at Yui and smiled and made his way toward her, he had something to mention to her. Saito hadn't been too far from them and caught up in a fair amount of time, he blushed slightly, his darkly tanned skin going silver for a moment. "Greetings your imperial highness." He said with a respectful bow, keeping his eyes averted off her form. "Good morning, Saito," Yui replied professionally, her red eyes seeking to look into his but unable. "Is there something?" she asked, unsure of his intentions. Her samurai looked him over appraisingly. He looked back at her, blushing slightly. "I was merely out in the hall, heading for the dojo to train some when I saw your loveliness gracing it." He said to her, now meeting her gaze. "I apologize for that, I didn't want to seem rude by eyeing you mi'lady. As to what I had to say, I wanted to inform you that I have ordered a zanbatou from Wild Thunder arms, it should arrive soon I believe." He said in an honest tone; he wasn't sure if she already knew, but better safe than sorry. "I see," Yui nodded, giving him a knowing smile, glancing briefly lower. "I was just heading to the pool. Perhaps when you're finished, you could give me some company," she grinned. "I'll see to it that the gate sentries are informed." . Saito smiled at her handsomely. "I would be honored your highness. May I request a sparring partner for a non-lethal session?" He asked hopefully. Yui gestured for her companion samurai to oblige him. The red-robed neko stepped forward. Saito looked her over instinctively sizing her up, figuring she was as skilled as he was, most likely even more so. "I thank you your highness." He bowed to Yui again. Yui nodded and headed into a side hall. Little Hinosami darted out from the opposite direction and went after her. This left him alone with the samurai, who looked somewhat like Irim, but with a line of red on her face in the form of bright patterns of genetic tattoos that ran from between her eyes and out to her ears. Saito hadn't met Irim, so he didn't really know to compare her to the esteemed Kessaku; Saito turned down another hall and nodded to the samurai. "May I ask your name miss?" He asked the samurai as they walked toward the dojo. (assuming she followed) "Tsuya," the samurai responded after they arrived. Saito walked over to the accustomed starting place and turned to face her, his eyes locking with hers, his TOS mind becoming active, monitoring her movements. "Lovely name." He commented as his right hand went to the handle of his sword. He seemed to crouch a bit and turned his body so his right side was half facing her. His mind still targetting her non-vital areas, as well was watching her body. Tsuya's robes shimmered as she moved into a beam of sunlight from one of the large windows in the dojo's ceiling. She drew her sword with a flick of the wrist. Most of the sheath was apparently holographic. What other tricks did she have? Tsuya faced him in a strange looking stance that put her on her toetips. It wasn't a traditional samurai style (which required keeping ground contact at all times), but something that looked to be based on lightness and speed. ~Hmmm,~ Saito thought, his mind analyzing her possible movements and evaluating the best way to avoid them. ~If I attempt that, she'll...~ He thought and kicked off the ground, adjusting gravity's pull on him so he flew at her with incredible speed, he twisted his body around completely, drawing the sword from it's sheath and pulling through the motion ending in a powerful slash at the equivalent of her midsection. A move that would have killed a human if it connected. He privately expected her to dance out of the way and preped his mind to execute a possible defensive measure. Tsuya was up in the air at neck level at his side in a flash. It looked like she fell, but when she did, she went sideways. Her sword went for the jugular area of Saito's neck as she dodged, orbiting him. Saito swiftly fell back to avoid, just barely avoiding the slash and rolled up to his feet, He watched her style, analyzing it to attempt to learn it. ~whoa, she's quick~ He thought to himself, and raised a shield to prevent her from reading his mind. He shifted to a defensive position and assumed the stance she had started in, incorporating it into his. Tsuysa's course smoothly continued in a curve, pressing her down against the floor as she curled herself behind him, her blade moving edge-down at his back to catch him as gravity and his dodge both moved him in that direction. Saito swiftly turned and whipped his blade to parry hers resulting in a loud "ching!" as the metals met. ~So, her style is based on my speed and actions, a counter-style, interesting...I can beat her, I just have to watch what I do and how I do it.~ Such a turn caused the midsection of his blade to hit the side of hers. She put a hand to her sword to keep it from budging, then slid the point up at him to make the stab, skidding along his blade. Saito cursed silently to himself for allowing such an error, he moved quickly and braced himself on the ground and kicked off it, sending him away straight backward. He held the sword in a defensive if she attempted to capitalize. Tsuya slid back along the floor like an aircraft on a runway, gaining altitude, then rolling in midair until she bounced off the wall ten feet off the floor. She came back fast straight at him with her sword out. Saito swiftly parried her blade, turning slightly and attempted to punch her in the face as his blade met hers in a loud "ching!" and pushed it off to the side of his body. She had anticipated his block and had never instead the direct charge to work. With an expressionless face (which creepily watched him with one eye and the fist with the other), she shifted sideways again into another orbital maneuver, but this time her foot hung out and she kicked at his calf as she circled him. Saito hadn't expected that and found himself on his back as his leg was swept out from under him. Acting quickly to avoid a possible bad situation he kicked up, loosening gravity's affects on him and went high into the air and flipped over and landed on the ceiling and hung there for a moment, watching her and launched off and and attempted to get away from her again. This was a even match it seemed; but she obviously did have a bit more control over what she did, her style was interesting and very new to him. A sharp pain registered upon impact. Apparently there was a blade somewhere in her foot; it must have been holographically hidden in the boot! Tsuya flipped around so that she was crouching on the ceiling, following him with the blade ready to run him through when she caught up. Saito spun around, wincing in pain; but ignoring it as the silver blood acted quickly to repair the damage. He grabbed her blade with his open hand, smirking as thing cut into his hand; his blood instantly started to try and absorb the weapon once the wound was open. He let her moved forward and launched his blade at her chest as his other hand pushed the her weapon aside. Saito's fingers departed his palm and her blade ran up his arm into the side of his torso. Her forearm stuck his blade dead-on in a hasty-looking parry, redirecting the force and putting his strike in the open air over her shoulder. She followed up with a swift, forceful kick at his groin, looking to take advantage of the surprise her fabulously-sharp Impervium sword gave him. Saito was not surprised by the move, nor the pain, he'd regenerate it; he brought his sword down at her arm, hoping to lop it off as he pulled his leg up and turned his body to avoid the crotch shot. It took a moment, but his fingers regenerated and balled into a fist and launched at her face. Her foot was successfully avoided as his thigh impacted with her knee. She moved to the side opposite Saito's sword, and the blade just barely touched her skin, shaving it so lightly that it wasn't affected. She kept her own weapon in his torso, and twisted, so when she moved in another circle, she began to sever his injured arm and start to cut him in half at heart-level, opening a tremendous gash that spewed out blood all over the place. ~Not a coventional Samurai, using the blade-in-boot move.~ Sai turned with her, to lessen the damage on his own body. He was getting angry and reached up, "I surrender...." He said, he was was beaten by her. "I accept defeat." He said. "So...much for joining Ms. Yui..." "You're going to fall," she pointed at the little lake of blood below. "You've lost too much." Her sword withdrew and she flicked it clean before sheathing it and moving to help him float down before he couldn't keep in the air anymore. "Like it matters...." He said with a grin and accepted her help. "You've got to teach me that style sometime." To be honest, he didn't realistically expect to win against her; but he had to try anyway. It was always tough to beat someone who's style was totally new to you. "It's the sky dance. A neko-only style," Tsuya explained, setting him down on a bench and holding his wound to help it heal. "It's a nice style Tsuya, as you can see, I'm a neko as well..so I suppose I can learn it too." He smiled at her, flicking off his blade and sheathing it with his good arm. He laughed at himself; "I tried at least; but I wasn't good enough to beat it." "It's good because people tend to think in a gravity-restrained way," Tsuya nodded. "I was as well, since that's all I was born with." Saito agreed. "I wasn't completely made for combat, if I was, I probably could've lasted longer." He didn't say more, figuring that she didn't really care; he reached down to his wound to see how it was healing and held it to try and heal it faster. "I see. What were you made for?" the samurai asked. "To protect one person even at the cost of my own life. I was also made to...pleasure women... " He blushed, a bit embarasssed. "That's why I blocked the shot to my uh.." He leaned to her and whispered in her ear. "10' manhood....can't lose it ya know." "Oh my!" the neko's eyes widened, and she smiled, staring at the area between his legs in fascination. Saito chuckled; "well, it's a perk of the job I suppose." He said. "But I suppose I should be going in a little bit to give her imperial highness my company as she asked." "Oh, I know she'll be happy to see it," Tsuya grinned. She quickly realized she'd made a slip of the tongue and blushed as she corrected, "I mean, see you." Saito's eyebrow perked at her slip; he slowly got to his feet, now that his wounds were mostly healed. He smiled at her warmly; "I think she likes me." He joked and offered Tsuya a hand. Tsuya got up on her own. "Have fun," she said. END JP by: Tyler (Saito) Wes (Yui, Tsuya) [Kyoto] Good Impressions Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 66 (1/21/04 13:43) [Kyoto] Good Impressions ON> Kyoto Inside the palace, Saito was led to the main hall, where the Empress herself was busy in a cloud of holograms. As he entered, the maps and charts slowly died out until there were none left, leaving them strangely alone in the huge marble room. "Come here," she directed. The young man approached her and paused in front of her and bowed deeply to the empress, his eyes on the floor, feeling nowhere near confident enough to face her. "Greetings your Imperial Highness." He said politely. It didn't take long for Minori to join the two. She stayed silent, though. Yui nodded ever so slightly. "You must be something special if you were recommended by my daughter," she began, indicating Minori by trailing her fingers down the red-haired woman's arm. Saito looked up at her with intelligent lavender eyes; "I'm not that special, I was simply looking for employment of my abilities and skills as a bodyguard and your daughter informed me to come here." Saito said respectfully, humbly. Yui nodded, "You are going to be taking care of my most valuable possession. Her name is Michiko. She is my youngest daughter, but is already in a full-size body. Michiko is a descendant of Chiharu, and she bears a strong resemblance. I'm her mother, and Zemer, an Arch-angel, is her father. We expect a bond of complete loyalty and truct between all of us. Understood?" Saito nodded in complete understanding, his eyes shining a bit. "Understood your imperial highness." Saito said. "I will serve you without question, my services are yours to use as you see fit." "Excellent. And I expect you to give your life for her, if necessary," Yui said, grimly. "Without a second thought." Saito said, this was to be expected after all. He held no fear of death if it meant his ward would be safe. Minori grinned and nodded in satisfication. "Consider yourself part of the Ketsurui clan, then," Yui put a hand on his shoulder. Saito smiled at them both, brushing a metallic silver hair over his ear. "Is Sir Zemer here? It would be expedient to meet him as well as yourself." Saito smiled at her touch. "It is an honor." "I'm sure he's around. Minori?" Yui looked to her servant. Minori bowed and exited quickly. "Might I ask where I am to stay while I am here?" Saito asked the green-haired empress. Yui started walking, into a large hallway. "This way," she said. Saito nodded and followed after her, his footsteps echoing in the big hallway. "This place is beautiful." He commented as he walked. "This is Michiko's room," Yui pointed to a room with two neko samurai's outside it. "Your room will be across the hall from her." The door opened with a glance from Yui's eyes, unveilign a massive, silk-lined nest. The floor was inlaid wood, and the furniture was encrusted with gold and precious gems. Saito nodded to the two samurai respectfully, then turned to the room indicated to him as his. "I thank you." He said and looked in, his eyes widened in shock. "uuh." He said in shock he'd never seen something so lavish. Yui walked to the huge desk that was his, which sat in front of a huge window looking out over the outside of the palace at the sturdy-looking WickedArms building nearby. Saito walked in as well, looking around and gently running his fingers over the soft material of the nest, then walked over to the desk and looked over it, still absolutely amazed. "I have never seen such lavishness." He commented, wondering what the desk was for. Yui ran her hands over a black control panel that ran along the top of the desk. The center panel's wood surface holographically changed into a screen with a control panel. It had such things as tracking systems, maps, communciations. Yui tapped a few buttons and a live image of Michiko sleeping came up. Saito nodded, his mind automatically processing the information and was it was used for, but one thing bothered him. "Is there a way for me to make an emergency backup of myself in case I am forced to give my life for her?" He asked, looking at the live feed of the sleeping little girl. "Yes. There's an ST backup device in the palace medbay. The map will show you the way," Yui said. "We can actually do a constant-backup link which will always keep the data up to date." He nodded. "That is good to know." he replied turning to her. "She's a lovely young woman. I'm sure I'll also have to keep the males away from her." He smiled wryly. "Is there any else in particular that will be needed of me? My first responsiblity is to Ms. Michiko of course." Saito said. He smiled handsomely at the idea of a constant backup. "That would be most efficient in this case." "Not for now," Yui said. Minori appeared at the door, with a large elysian man. Saito heard the footsteps and turned to the large man and bowed respectfully to him. "Sir." He said. "You must be Saito," Zemer inspected the man. "I am." Saito replied, he looked fit and strong, but a male neko? Zemer probably hadn't seen such a thing. Zemer nodded. "I'll be placing some seraphs under your command." "Seraphs Sir?" the young man asked. "I have only heard of them I'm afraid." He said honestly. A shrouded figure with shiny white skin and a huge mouth briefly faded into view, out in the hallway. Saito's TOS alerted him to it, his eyes went to the creature. "That is a seraph I take it?" Saito asked the Archangel. Then, remembering his manners, he offered Zemer his hand in a gesture of friendship. Zemer nodded. "They will be assisting you in protecting her. They'll be around." His big hand took Saito's in his own and squeezed it firmly. He had a strong handshake indeed. Saito smiled at the handshake, he had expected nothing less from such a large person. "I thank you sir, any assistance is appreciated." He said politely. Yui looked Zemer in the eye for a moment. Minori smiled and touched Yui's backside briefly, distracting the woman. Saito caught her movement, his senses seemed to be very keen on the slightest motion. He smiled at her gesture, obviously the two had a more intimate relationship than was let on. "Ah, yes," Yui looked back to Minori, then Saito. "If you need anything at all, the palace has anything you could ask for. I'll leave you here to settle in." Zemer nodded, too. Saito nodded. "All I require is a place to sleep and food to eat, as well as an open dojo to practice my art." He said to Yui. Yui smiled, turned, and quielty made her way out with Zemer and Minori. JP: Wes (Yui, Zemer, Minori) Tyler (Saito) [Kyoto] Peaceful living, and a promise Dante Stormwind GSA Security Sentry 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 17 (2/4/04 9:40) ezSupporter [Kyoto] Peaceful living, and a promise It had been a week or so after leaving active starship duty for more sedentary planetary duty, and Ritsurin and Lavinia had transferred their souls and consciousnesses into new bodies. Ritsu was back to his original body, dog ears and everything; thanks to a fervent search by Lav for that genetic structure. Shortly there after, Ritsurin had been locked in the visitor's quarters aboard the transport they'd gotten (the YSS Seliana). Lavinia had done it because the ship was full of nothing but women, and she didn't want to risk another depressing replay of the incident that made it necessary. She believed that time away from other women would break Ritu of his little habit of flirting a bit too intensly, Lav didn't mind his occassion whistle at other women, since she half thought the women were kind of cute anyway; but the way he reacted to Ryoshi was waaay too much. Sure, most nekovalkyrja would simply have shared a guy with others, but Lavinia was of a different mindset; she didn't want to physically (or mentally) share him. That time in the room had also given Ritsu time to think as well; and consider the results of his actions. And after a while of very careful planning; he finally concocted a plan for his future. The young man had shamed himself by his actions aboard the Celia and vowed not to make Lav feel that way again because of him; she was much too good to him to deserve that and he felt horrible for acting that way around Ryoshi... After leaving the ship, the couple strolled through the capital city of Yamatai: Kyoto, stopping a restaraunt to get something to eat, viewing how civilians and planetary officers lived day-to-day lives. They were surprised by just how relaxed some of the hardbitten soldiers were here, it was overall rather peaceful. However, the best was last; Ritsu and Lav stopped in front of he Imperial palace and looked up at it in absolute awe. "Wow! It's so beautiful!" Lavinia exclaimed happily, her brilliant blue eyes scanning the outer gardens and architecture of the building. Ritsurin whistled appreciatively at the sight. "It is."he agreed, gently putting an arm over her shoulders. Lav smiled as she felt the gentle touch. "I wish I could live here." She sighed, leaning against him gently putting her head on his shoulder as he held her closer. He smiled down at her, he was only a bit taller than she was. "You will one day, even if I have to build a place just like this myself." She looked up at him, moving her head a bit to; her Light blue hair being caught in a slight breeze. She looked at him with soft, affectionate blue eyes: "By yourself? That will take a while." She said and playfully jabbed him in the side. Ritsu smiled at her, then looked up at the palace. "Actually, I hear that Empress Yui resides here currently. I wish I could go see her one more time, I want to ask her something." Ritsu said. Lavinia hugged him tightly, half afraid he wanted Yui and not her. She loved Ritsu so much that the mere thought of losing him frightened her; that's why she locked him away from the other women on that ship and why she'd reacted so strongly to his treatment of Ryoshi. Ritsurin, sensing her feelings of doubt and a slight twinge of fear hugged her back warmly, "Don't worry, you're the only woman I want." He said reassuringly. In a moment, he had released her and stood in front of Lavinia with his back to the palace; a gesture that made her blush. She thought that he _really_ wanted her there and then. But her mind pointed out that something was off here, he wasn't close enough for that.... He produced a lovely sapphire ring and offered it to her: "Lavinia, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He proposed to her. Lavinia looked at him, shocked into utter disbelief, he had done what she had yearned for all these years! A rosy pink blush crept up her lovely face as tears welled up in her eyes; she dropped to her knees and hugged him fiercely, not caring if anyone else saw this. "I do.." She said; crying in happiness... (awwww) [Kyoto: Empress's Palace] Chi no Namida. Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (Deceased) Posts: 56 (2/7/04 17:41) ezSupporter [Kyoto: Empress's Palace] Chi no Namida. ON> Kyoto, Yamatai: Empress' Palace Saito was giving Michi a piggyback ride into the dining hall and set her down once they'd gotten there. "We're here." He chuckled. "I hope you liked your ride." He scanned the hall just to take in who was there with them. Michiko smiled brightly as she let go of Saito's shoulders and spun around in a circle, watching her dress twirl about her. "That was fun. Arigato Saito-sempai!" Saito nodded to her, smiling. "Anytime Princess." He said. "Damn it, Yui, I hate you," Zemer was yelling at the Empress, "Michiko's the only thing keeping me here, you know! You and your damn ambitions are the cause of all the suffering..." He stopped when Saito and his daughter moved into the room. Yui looked like she'd been crying. Michiko stopped smiling when she heard Zemer yelling and sniffed as their emotions flooded into her and overrode her own. Her lower lip trembled as she hugged her arms around herself. She looked as if she was about to burst into tears any moment now. Saito frowned, and gently hugged Michiko to comfort her. "Michiko...it's ok..." He comforted her, as he embraced her in a gentle manner. He looked up at Zemer with fire in his brilliant eyes; it was clear this outflow of emotion was hurting Michiko; his ward. "I don't know what she saw in you," Yui verbally stabbed back with a quiet fury. Both of Michi's two parents approached their daughter, putting on smiles, as the favorite thing in their lives was present. "Good morning, Michiko," Yui wiped her eyes. Zemer held out his arms for Michiko. Saito remained kneeling with Michiko in his arms, but had to let her go when Zemer offered it. He quietly spoke; "Good morning." "Ko..nichiwa Mommy... Daddy." Michiko sniffed as she went to hug her father, still trembling and teary eyed. Saito rose to his feet after Michiko left him; he looked at Yui with soft eyes. He did not know what to do, but he wanted to comfort her. Zemer's large-framed, muscular body lifted Michiko up, putting one arm around her back, the other on the back of her thighs, and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. Yui jealously waited her turn. Saito sighed and exited the room after bowing to both of them, he went outside the doors; a bit jealous. He wanted so badly to be a part of that, but he was the outsider here. ~I kind of wish I could fill Zemer's shoes. ~ He thought Michiko smiled and hugged Zemer around his neck before he put her down. The tears left her eyes as she blinked and trickled down her cheeks, as she felt happier from the attention from her parents. "I love you, Michiko," Zemer smiled, and set her down. Yui seemed extremely frustrated, and sat in one of the chairs at the table. "I love you too Daddy." Michiko returned the smile and went over to hug Yui. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Yui sniffed, pulling Michiko into her lap and holding her tightly, rocking her back and forth, "Oh..." she said hoarsely, "Daddy is...mad at me. It's not your fault. I love you, Michiko." Michiko sniffed again as she hugged Yui tightly. "I love you too, Mommy... Don't cry." She felt really upset and she didn't understand why. "Daddy, why were you yelling?" A small group of caterers brought out the breakfast meal, which consisted of scrambled eggs, cantaloupe, bacon strips, steaming croissants (with dark chocolate centers and honey glaze and nuts on top), and grapes. There was milk, and tea, and coffee, and juices, all served in beautiful golden bowls. "Daddy doesn't like it here," Yui started to explain, "because..." "Quiet!" Zemer interrupted. Yui stopped for a moment, and then continued, "He feels out of place." Michiko looked over at Zemer and looked down at the floor. "Daddy, you don't like it here?" "Tsuya, show Taisa Kiriel to his room," Yui commanded. A neko in red robes emerged from the shadows with her hand on the hilt of her sword. "I'm so, so sorry, Michiko," Zemer said, looking to be in great emotional pain. The samurai led him out of the room. "Please, why?" Yui set her head on the table, "Forgive me..." Michiko watched Zemer get led away and was very confused. "Tsuya isn't going to hurt Daddy is she?" "No, dear," Yui sat up again. Saito watched Zemer leave as he passed and wondered what had happened. He turned on his heel and went back into the room. "What happened?" He asked, bowing his head to the empress. "Why did Daddy have to leave?" Michi continued to look in the direction that Zemer and Tsuya went and sniffed again. "Daddy and I aren't getting along, Michiko. We both love you very much...but daddy hates me. I'm sorry," Yui told her daughter, "And I don't think that it's good for you if we're both pulling you from different directions." Saito looked pained; Yui was a good woman, how could Zemer hate her? "Forgive my interruption." He murmured. "What is it, Saito?" Yui seemed irritated. Michiko looked at Yui and then back down, redirecting her attention to the breakfast on the table. ".... So you and Daddy are going to keep fighting?" Saito hung his head. "I apologize imperial highness..." He said and started to back out of the room. ~I should stay out of this, it is between them. I have no say. ~ "I don't think it'll last long," Yui told Michiko. She looked at Saito questioningly. Saito caught her look, as he was about to leave. "The trouble is between you three, I am not directly involved, my duty is to Michiko; not in your relationship with her father. But I am simply troubled." He said and started to walk toward her and stopped a few feet away. In his heart, Saito loved Michiko as well; but in a parental sense of the word; he only wanted the best for her. "What do you mean? Are you and Daddy going to love each other like you love me?" Michiko looked back at Yui, hopeful. "I don't think that's going to happen, Michiko," Yui admitted. "Daddy cares only for you, and thinks I'm not fit to help raise you. He feels trapped in a place where he's an unwelcome guest. I don't know if seeing him any more will be good for you." Saito remained still, as well as silent, but his eyes were thoughtful. "I'm not going to be able to see Daddy anymore?" Michiko was deeply upset by this and bit her lower lip, she wanted to cry. She didn't understand why Mommy and Daddy didn't like each other. Chi could've told her it was a result of a war that happened long before Michiko was born, but it was best for Michiko to grow without her help. ~If that was true.... I’d be willing to be her daddy figure... even if I am not biologically... It's best for her if her parents get along with each other. It puts a lot of strain on a child if they think that they are the only reason their parents are together...~ Were Saito's thought patterns. "I don't know, Michiko. I'm trying to make sense out of all this and find what's best for you," Yui kissed Michiko's head. "What do you want me to do, Michiko?" "I don't want to lose you or Daddy... I already lost a mommy..." Michiko sniffed and buried her face into Yui's shoulder. Saito wanted to tell Yui, but he couldn't; he instead watched the proceeding with silent eyes. "Oh, sweet Chiharu..." Yui softly exclaimed as her eyes welled up with tears. "I wish I could help." Saito murmured softly, he was deeply touched by all this. He didn't like to see either one of the women he cared for like this. Something in Michiko wanted to reach out and comfort Yui as more than what she was. "I'm sorry Mommy. I made you cry again." She spoke softly as she hugged Yui. The buried rage within Yui created by the conflict was so strong that Yui had thoughts of throwing her daughter aside. She desperately wanted to find a release, but steadied herself and stuffed the hurt even deeper, building it up inside for another time. Yui only sobbed harder, hating herself intensely for being a failure as a mother, a failure in befriending Zemer (despite his usually friendly nature), and her failure to keep Michiko happy. She felt like dying. Even Saito could feel her rage and sense of failure; she was radiating it. "Yui...Michi..."He said, at a loss as to what to say. Michiko stood up as felt Yui's self-loathing and hatred as her own. It all was really too much for her and it overflowed as grabbed the hilt of Saito's katana with a speed unknown to her as she spun it in her hand and tried to commit seppaku. Saito jumped "Michi NO!" He said, hitting her at the wrist, knocking the sword out of her hand. The sword clattered to the floor as Saito embraced her, looking at Yui. Michiko was shaking as she breathed heavily, tears rolling down her cheeks as she silently cried. She didn't know why she had grabbed Saito's katana or why she was crying. She simply just... felt. "Michiko!" Yui stood up so fast she knocked over the table, sending the golden bowls of fresh food all crashing to the tile floor with an enormous racket. The caterers quickly appeared at the doorway, but didn't enter, on account of the emotional gravity of the situation. Saito simply held the princess in his arms, looking like a real father comforting a daughter. "Michiko, it's ok; you're ok." He said to her, letting her cry on his shoulder. ~Yui, she is an empath. ~ He told the empress. "Oh Chiharu!" Yui cried out, "Is this going to be the death of the Ketsurui? Shinami, bring Zemer back here." Saito continued to comfort the princess. "You're not at fault here Michi, you simply don't understand what you're feeling..." Saito murmured to her, knowing by her mental age that she couldn't. Michiko closed her eyes and gave no reply to Yui as she had done in the past. Chiharu would not answer because she did not know. Michiko opened her eyes again and looked at Yui, confusion in her eyes. "Doushite..." In a moment, Zemer appeared at the doorway, and looked at the mess. "What happened here?!" Yui walked up to him and said, "Zemer, meet me in the courtyard in five minutes. Bring your sword." "Yui don't!" Saito said. "Don't you get it!?” He said. "It was YOUR feelings that brought this about...Michiko is an empath. She does not understand her feelings." He said, tears in his own eyes. Michiko looked at Yui, still very confused as to what was happening or why. "Mommy?" Zemer scowled, "How can love be so cruel to us? Has it come to this, that death has to be one of that beautiful girl's parents? There's go to be a sensible way to go about this." "Michiko...I'm sorry about letting you see all this." Saito said to her. Yui opened the door to the cobblestone courtyard and stepped out. Tsuya handed Zemer his trusted Elysian weapon, and Shinami gave Yui her old katana from the Heavenly Wars. Yui said, "One last angel." Saito let go of Michiko and looked over at them. "What?" He said, confused. "I refuse, Yui. I can't," Zemer tried to prevent this duel. "Not in front of her." Michiko felt her heart race as she hurried to follow her parents into the courtyard. "Yamate kudasi!" Saito gathered his own weapon and sheathed it, and followed Michiko out. "Don't do this your highness!" Saito said. "Have at you," Yui sneered, and swung at Zemer, who blocked the blow with his own thicker blade, letting out a grunt, and twirling the long sword around to counterattack. Yui pressed a hand against the back of her katana to block, shifting her weight to push him though the impact. He slightly lost his posture, but slammed one foot down and thrust forward again. Another metallic cling rang out, silencing the songbirds of the courtyard. Saito couldn't stop this...he scooped up Michiko and got her away from the battle. "This is senseless!" He said, holding Michiko to him, hiding her face from the combat. "Mommy, please tell me why someone has to die before things have to change!" Michiko pulled away from Saito and ran out to the courtyard. "Please don't do this! Please stop!" Saito moved swiftly and caught Michiko before either of her parents could hurt her. "Stop this! You're not helping her!" He said. Whoosh! Yui's sword struck out again, but when Zemer moved to parry it, she changed its momentum, and cut a long gash in his left wing. Since her blade was in him, he took the opportunity to attack, and gritted his teeth, swinging as hard as he could, aiming low. Yui's legs were cut out of under her, and she fell back, spurting blood out all over him and the surrounding area. Michiko fought to get away from Saito again. "Someone please stop them! PLEASE STOP THIS!" Saito handed Michi to Tsuya and ran out to stop them, preparing to stop them with non-lethal force. "Stay there Michiko, you can't get hurt here,” He said. As his momentum carried him forward, Yui jerked back her blade and put the tip to Zemer's chest. His eyes widened as his body weight impaled his heart on the bloody katana, just then. His glazed eyes searched for Michiko desperately. Saito skidded to a stop, "Why did you have to do this!?" He said. Zemer slid down the length of the sword and collapsed on top of Yui, in the blood-soaked cobblestone path. Michiko pulled away from Tsuya as Zemer was impaled on the sword; she was covered with their blood. "DADDY!!! YAMATE!!" She was shaking as she tried to run to her father, tears running down her face. Saito hung his head, tears running down his face. "Why..." He said, collapsing to his knees. Tsuya was so shocked, she didn't offer any resistance. The seraphs of the palace materialized too. A small crowd of servants and sentries stood around staring in horror. "Mi....chi..." Zemer whispered. Saito got to his feet and moved to gather Michiko. "Why...?" Michiko reached them and fell on the ground, still crying. "Someone please get a doctor! Please don't let them die!" Her vision was filled with red as she tried to hug her father. "Daddy... please don't leave me..." "Mommy...loves you..." Zemer struggled to say, "Gr...Grow up to make.... daddy proud..." Saito knelt next to Zemer; but was speechless; he was quite sad and it showed. The young man didn't know what else to say; but this was hard to take even for him. "Daddy, don't die! We can get you help and the doctor can make you better. I. I’ll be good.. just please don't die!" "Send Chi my love," Yui whispered in Zemer's ear and twisted the blade. Zemer gurgled out a scream, "Yui, no! If.... you..." "If we promise to love one another?" Yui suddenly realized they were thinking the same thing. "MEDIC!" she hoarsely yelled out. Tsuya rushed out from her position with a Wicked Arms field surgery kit. Yui scooped up what blood she could find from her arms and poured it into Zemer, trying to use what little power remained to help heal him. Michiko cried out as she felt the katana plunge deeper into Zemer's heart as if it was her own. Her entire body was throbbing and she couldn't feel her own legs anymore. Saito moved to support the princess, and held her gently giving her support. Michiko passed out from shock, as her body could no longer handle the emotions and pain that she was feeling. She crumbled weakly into Saito's arms. "Hang on, Zemer, Yui rolled over and withdrew her sword. She and Tsuya feverishly worked to save him. He was not responding, but his body was helped greatly by the combined treatment. Yui's blood healed his heart, while Tsuya went to the surrounding arteries and tissue. "Stay with me," Yui urged him. She couldn't help but wonder if Zemer's wife was pulling on him just as desperately from the other side. Saito rose to his feet and carried Michi in his arms, cradling her gently. He backed away to let Tsuya in better. "He should be alright," Tsuya finally declared, causing a small outbreak of cheering among the staff, particularly the seraphs. Yui looked relieved, but promptly collapsed into a coma. Her body had used up its entire chi in saving him. Saito smiled hopefully; Michiko wouldn't lose her daddy now, he hoped. Michiko remained unconscious in Saito's arms. "Get them both to the med bay!" Taisa Shinami ordered, setting down two litters. The bodies were lifted into them and carted off hastily, leaving Saito alone with Michiko in the bloody courtyard. Saito turned and walked back into the palace, carrying Michiko back to her room to rest. He was worried, very worried. JP by Tyler (Saito) Wes (Zemer, Yui, Tsuya, Shinami) Kim (Michiko) ------------ "Courage is not the absence of fear but the refusal to surrender to it. Never Surrender." - GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu (YR3 - YR25) [Kyoto, Empress' Palace] Baking Cookies Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (Deceased) Posts: 60 (2/10/04 21:39) ezSupporter [Kyoto, Empress' Palace] Baking Cookies ON> Kyoto: Empress' Palace. Michiko looked at herself in the mirror of the dressing room at her reflection. "Pretty!" Her blue eyes shined brightly as she tried to forget what her mother had done a few moments earlier. She tried to forget her confusion and be happy like everyone seemed to love. "Are we going to bake cookies now, Mommy?" "You're absolutely beautiful and sexy and perfect," Yui complimented her daughter. "Yes, follow me to my kitchen," the older Nekovalkyrja smiled, leading the way through the palace into her giant living space, and into her personal kitchen. Hinosami tagged along, and when they arrived, she gave Michiko an apron. She put one on herself in front of Michiko to demonstrate. Michiko put the apron on mimicking Hinosami's demonstration and tried to tie it in the back. "Sexy?" Michiko didn't understand the word or the emotions behind it as she looked around the kitchen. "Does Daddy like cookies too, Mommy?" "Daddy does!" Zemer's hands snuck out from behind Michiko, coming across her chest and pulling her back into his broad chest. He let out a happy, deep laugh as he embraced her, turning his head and pressing his cheek against her neck. Yui smiled at the pleasant surprise. Zemer was out and about sooner than she expected. Hinosami started placing the ingredients on the counter. Michiko smiled brightly as she leaned back into her father's embrace. The warmth of his breath on her neck made her blush softly. "All better now, Daddy? Are you going to help us bake cookies? They're going to be chocolate chip!" "Oh, Sure!" Zemer grinned widely, spinning Michiko around and kneeling a little to be eye-to-eye with her. "I like chocolate chip. We'll make them together. Now, first we need a recipe," Zemer kissed one of Michiko's cheeks, then the other. And then went to the ingredients that were spread out on the counter. Hinosami handed him a piece of rice paper with the recipe calligraphically inscribed upon it. Michiko smiled brightly as she followed her father over to the counter and looked around him at all the ingredients on the counter. "Mommy, do you like chocolate chip too?" She looked back at her mother for her answer, still smiling. She was overjoyed at the idea that they'd all be baking cookies together. "I don't like chocolate," Yui admitted. "We'll make some without the chips, for me, okay Michiko?" "Okay Mommy." Michiko nodded, smiling brightly again once her initial disappointment faded. "What else are we going to take on our picnic?" She asked curiously as she eyed the chocolate chips on the counter. They looked so tasty but they'd be even better in the cookies, all nice and warm and gooey. "What do you want to bring?" Yui asked Michiko. Zemer got a big mixing bowl and some measuring cups and put it in the island table in the middle of the kitchen. "1 cup butter," he said, and started up a pan with a cube in it. Hinosami snagged the chocolate chip bag and brought it to Michiko, as if just desiring it was as good as a spoken order to the blue-haired servant. Michiko pondered this question. "What do you take on a picnic besides cookies?" She followed Zemer to the middle of the kitchen. "Butter is made from milk?" She took the bag of chocolate chips from Hinosami. "Thankies, Sami-sempai!" She smiled brightly again as she pulled out a chocolate chip and ate it, enjoying the feeling of the chocolate melting on her tongue. Zemer mixed the butter in the bowl with white and brown sugar, "I think so,” he said. "Milk comes from cows. It's very popular in Elysia." He took out two eggs and cracked the first over the edge of a small bowl, then poured the contents into the big bowl. Yui fielded her other question, "We'll take sandwiches," she told Michiko. "Milk comes from cows? Mommy said that the milk came from the squishes?" Michiko looked at her mom curiously for an answer and nodded. "Yay! I like sandwiches." She smiled brightly. Hinosami dissolved some baking soda in a spoonful of hot water and added it to the mixture. "Squishes?" Zemer asked. Michiko nodded and pointed to her chest. "Squishes!" Zemer blinked and gave Yui a weird look. "Well, I guess around here it comes from neko squishies," he shrugged. How odd. "Do cows have squishes?" Michiko asked, she had never seen a cow or even knew what a cow was. "What's a cow?" "It's an animal, with four legs. It's got squishies underneath. Maybe you can get to see one sometime," Zemer told her. Michiko tried to picture the animal and it looked rather silly to her. "I'd like to see one. They must look silly with squishes on their tummy!" She remembered the bag of chocolate chips. "So what else goes into the cookies?" She changed the subject again as she refocused on the task at hand. "Two and one quarter cups of flour," Zemer read from the rice paper. He handed her the measuring cups and stood aside so she could get the flour. He had been doing most of the mixing to that point, but he wanted her to get a positive sense of involvement, and feel needed and appreciated. It was important help her develop in an environment where she was part of things, in his opinion. "Two and one quarter cups of flour," Zemer read from the rice paper. He handed her the measuring cups and stood aside so she could get the flour. He had been doing most of the mixing to that point, but he wanted her to get a positive sense of involvement, and feel needed and appreciated. It was important help her develop in an environment where she was part of things, in his opinion. Hinosami dropped in a teaspoon of salt, while Yui approvingly watched Zemer help Michiko. Michiko looked at the measuring cups, reading the numbers. "This one is one and this one is 1/4?" She looked at the 4th of a cup one again, "It doesn't say a quarter cup on it? But I fill up this other cup twice with flour?" She looked at the white powder. "This?" "Good girl, Michiko," Zemer praised, "Two of these cups and one of this one," he pointed indicatively. Michiko smiled brightly as she carefully scooped the first cup into the flour and emptied it into the bowl with the other ingredients and repeated it with again with that cup and then with the 1/4th cup. "What’s next?" "A teaspoon of vanilla," Zemer handed her the bottle and a teaspoon, "Then stir it well. That's everything but the chocolate chips." Michiko opened the bottle and carefully tried to pour the liquid into the spoon without overfilling it. "And after we stir do we bake them?" She emptied the spoon into the bowl and set the bottle down on the counter after replacing the top. Yui and Zemer nodded proudly. "Now stir it up so it's an even mixture," Zemer nodded. Yui smiled. Hinosami was busy filling some coolers with meat slices, lettuce, tomatoes, Swiss cheese, mustards, mayonnaise, and hearty-looking slices of pumpernickel-wheat bread. Michiko took a spoon and stirred the mixture as best as she could. "And once we get cookies for Mommy we add in the chips?" Her eyes were shining brightly with happiness because she liked making cookies. "Tomorrow can we make something else together?" It seemed that she might enjoy baking like Chiharu did. "Sure," Yui grinned. "Hinosami can teach you croissants or dinner rolls. She's a good little baker, and could teach you to be one as well, if you'd like. Good food makes people happy, and if you're having fun making it, that's even better. That's very good Michiko. Let's put some on this pan for me, and then mix in the chips and do the rest." "Okies." Michiko continued to smile. "How big do they have to be on the pan?" She looked between Zemer and Yui curiously to see who would answer her question. Hinosami popped up between the two parents and made her small mouth into an O shape, and traced her fingers around her lips. Michiko looked at Hinosami curiously, not understanding. "Gomen, Sami-sempai. I don't understand what you meant?" Yui laughed amusedly at her little servant, while Zemer blushed, thinking of something entirely different. Zemer had always seen Hinosami as some sort of sexual plaything that lived specifically for Yui's use; to him she was some sort of doll for humping and seeing her mouth like that made him imagine the possibilities he'd have if Hinosami was shared by the Empress. After all, it'd been years since he'd done anything of that nature. Yui explained, "She meant in small circles." Michiko nodded, blushing. "Small circles. Do I use this spoon?" She indicated the spoon she had used to mix the dough, after scooping up a little of it on her finger, and licking the batter off. "It's yummy." "Sure, sweetie," Yui smiled. "Okies!" Michiko scooped up a little of the dough on the spoon and put it on the cookie sheet and repeated the act until the pan was covered with little cookie dough circles. "Is this enough mommy?" Her cheeks were still a little pink as she still blushed softly as her daddy was thinking... adult thoughts about Hinosami, only really feeling that strange feeling she had earlier from her mom. Zemer's mind never lingered in on such things, and so quickly returned to loving, supporting parent mode. "That's wonderful, Michiko. Good Job!" he smiled radiantly, giving her a big hug from behind again. Yui kneeled down and opened the over nearby, and placed the first pan inside on one of the racks. Hinosami smiled softly, but didn't really do anything/ Michiko leaned back into the hug and smiled brightly. "Now we put in the chips?" "That's right," Yui nodded. Zemer squeezed his daughter lovingly against him. Releasing Michiko, Zemer kneeled down and set the time on the oven, also adjusting the temperature. "So how many chips do I put in?" Michiko picked up the bag of chocolate chips and looked at her parents. "Whatever feels right, Michiko," Yui grinned. Michiko nodded and proceeded to empty almost the entire bag of chocolate chips into the remaining dough. "Is this too much? I mix it in now?" For whatever reason a Japanese word came to mind, "What does it mean to have 'Sho-ta-i-ken ‘?" Hinosami whisper-squealed a little eep of protest as the chips saturated the mixture. Zemer didn't know...he was laughing at the mix and saying it was all right and to go ahead and stir the mountain of chocolate into the cookies. Yui seemed slightly alarmed and pensive and paused for a moment before saying anything. "Shotaiken..." Yui put her hands on her daughter's shoulder blade, and then slid them around to Michiko's belly, and pressed herself closer until she was hugging Michiko tightly. "Shotaiken," she whispered in Michiko's ear, "Is when a man and a woman makes each other happy in a special way, for the first time." "I added too many, Sami-sempai?" Michiko pouted at Hinosami's reaction to the amount of chocolate before she mixed it into the dough at Zemer's direction to go ahead. "I like the chips the best in the cookies." The word caused Yui's loins to become moist, and she added, "Well, shotaiken can be between two women, too." Michiko leaned back into her mother's hug and nodded. "A special way?" She started to blush again, not really sure why. "Hmm?" Zemer raised an eyebrow, wondering what this whispering was all about. Hinosami smiled and shrugged, but didn't say anything. It wasn't her way to be the talkative like. Yui grazed her fingers up along Michiko's tights, up the slit of the dress, and nestled her fingers on the warm intersection, rubbing it affectionately for a moment. "A special way, with your special spot," Yui said, closing her eyes and imagining it was Chiharu. Zemer set the pan down on the island next to the mixing bowl, and Yui's hand departed quickly. "Let's spread these ones quickly, the others are already in the oven,” he said, curious, but ignorant of Yui's embrace. "Michiko?" he handed his daughter the spoon. Michiko blushed a deeper shade of red as her pulse quickened again. "Who is supposed to be my shotaiken?" She asked quietly as she took the spoon from her father. "Okay daddy." She nodded, as she started to scoop up the batter and set it onto the new pan. The dough just barely held together between the chips. "Whoever you love," Yui softly told Michiko, after Zemer started helping Hinosami wash the dishes. "I love Mommy and Daddy. So are mommy and daddy supposed to be my shotaiken?" Michiko asked, she didn't understand the difference in the types of love yet and in her innocence didn't realize what she was asking as an unspoken taboo. Yui almost wanted to say yes. She couldn't help but smile in amusement. Giving Michiko a kiss on the cheek she said, "If that's what you'd like," jokingly. Michiko just seemed further confused by this and changed the subject back to the cookies. "So when are the cookies going to be done?” "They should take about twenty minutes," Zemer took the pan and popped it in the oven. "So what do we do until the cookies are all done?" Michiko looked back and forth between Yui and Zemer. Yui didn't really have anything in mind, so she suggested maybe they pack extra stuff for the picnic. "There's a pool there," Yui explained. Zemer nodded and went off to get his bag together. Yui left directions for the household computer to look after the cookies while the girls got their bathing suits and towels. "A pool? I'll get to play in the water more?" Michiko smiled brightly at this idea as they went to get their things gathered. "Which one will be mine?" She pointed to the selection of swimsuits that the dressing room contained. "Yes, more water. We'll swim around in it." Yui picked out a little black bikini from the shelf. Hinosami nodded her satisfaction and Yui put the bikini in Hinosami's bag. Yui looked for something blue that would suit Michiko. JP by Wes - Hinosami, Zemer, Yui Kim - Michiko [Kyoto, Yamatai: Empress' Palace] Araitsutsugi Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 219 (2/10/04 13:53) ezSupporter [Kyoto, Yamatai: Empress' Palace] Araitsutsugi NOTE: This version has been censored for content (sexuality). The original, full version is available in the Funky City forum. Parts removed are indicated by ellipses (…) between paragraphs. ON> Kyoto, Yamatai: Empress' Palace Michiko slept in her room on top on a silken nest and covered in the silky blankets. The young princess had not yet woken up from the emotional trauma of having felt her parent's pain in their dual. Her blood stained dress had been taken to be cleaned as she slept in a trance like sleep. Her mind was troubled as she replayed the events that lead up to the dual in her head. Yui laid in the nest at Michiko's side, her arms draped over the fully developed body of her childlike daughter. She wasn't sure what had happened to Michi and was very concerned. In the back of her mind, she thought of the possibility that Chiharu had seen her and Zemer as failures and taken their daughter away. She loved Michi so much. Her lips pressed against her daughter's cheek in a kiss, while tears ran from the Empress' eyes. "Please wake up," she whispered. Saito was standing inside the room, near the door, looking down at the pair. He was worried about Michiko intensely; and Yui's well being as well. "Your imperial highness, I think I may know why she's like this." He said in a quiet tone. Michiko's eyes fluttered beneath closed eyelids as she saw herself run out to the courtyard. "Doushite. Yamate, please." She mumbled in her sleep, her body tensing as she curled her body into a ball. Yui moved with her daughter, her embrace tightening a bit. Although Yui heard Saito's words, she didn't respond to them. Kissing Michiko's cheek again, Yui squeezed the girl in a hug. "Michiko, it's okay. Everything is alright." Saito watched, somewhat saddened by the little girl's fate. He felt like he had failed in his duty; he couldn't keep her from seeing that. Michiko whimpered as the world went red and she felt the sheering pain go through her entire body. In her dream she looked down and saw the sword going through her chest, her heart by Yui's hand... and she screamed. Her scream reverberated throughout the room and the rest of the palace coupled with a strong feeling of pain as Michiko sat up crying and shaking. Saito winced at the scream; he wanted to hug her to help comfort her, but her mommy was here. He merely watched over them, hoping that Michi would be all right. "Michi..."He said, his eyes very soft as he watched her, it was obvious he was concerned. Who wouldn't be? "Michi!" Yui was up around her daughter, her arms wrapped around her, catching her. "It's okay, it's okay. Mommy's here honey. Everything is alright." She pulled Michiko to her chest and started stroking the girl's back. "It's okay," she reassured softly. Michiko held onto her mother and cried uncontrollably, her sobs making her entire body tremble. Her chest hurt and she didn't understand any of what had happened. Why she had saw the sword in her chest, or even why her parents were dueling in the first place. All she knew was the pain and despair that she felt. Saito looked at the pair, but said nothing. His mind was going through the events; looking for a way to explain it to her so she'd understand and not be so sad. Yui kissed Michiko some more, rocking her back and forth in her arms. "Mommy's here. Don't cry honey...Mommy and daddy are ok. Aww, I'm sorry we scared you. Everything's fine, Michiko. Her arms held Michi against her tightly, trying to control the shaking and provide a warm, familiar presence. Michiko sniffed as she started to calm down, the tears still rolling down her cheeks as she spoke. "W...where's daddy, mommy?" She asked as her voice trembled. "Daddy's getting some rest in bed. He's doing good, Michiko," Yui patted Michiko's back, embracing her. "Are you okay, Michiko?" Saito smiled as Michi started to calm down. "It's all going to be ok." He said quietly. Michiko nodded still sniffling as she hugged her mother tightly. "I think so." "Daddy and I shouldn't have fought. We're sorry..." Yui told her daughter. "Daddy got very badly hurt, but we fixed him and he's getting better. He told me to tell you that he loves you and isn't going to leave you." "And I'm still here for you too Michi." Saito said, trying to help. "Mister Saito is here, too," Yui added, pointing at the man by the door. Michiko smiled, wiping the dampness from her cheeks. "You aren't going to leave me either, right, Mommy?" "No, dear, I won't leave you. I love you more than anything, Michiko." "We all do Michiko." Saito smiled in full agreement with Yui. "Yay! I love you too." Michiko continued to smile brightly, her bright blue eyes shining again. "So what are we going to do now, Mommy?" "Hmm," Yui pondered, wiping her eyes and smiling happily. She was wonderfully relieved that Michiko was returning to normal. "First, we'll go to the baths. You've got blood on you still...after that, we'll bake some cookies and take on a picnic." Yui grinned excitedly. Saito shook his head, and wiped his eyes; he was happy enough shed a tear as well. "What shall I do your imperial highness? Princess Michiko?" He asked respectfully. "What type of cookies?" Michiko tilted her head to one side as she looked up at Yui with that inquisitive look that was common to the young princess. "Picnic?" "You go where ever Michiko goes," Yui told Saito, and then turned back to Michiko, finally releasing the princess from her hug and sitting upright, legs out to one side in the traditional Japanese style, not under her butt like some would. "What kind of cookie would you like?" Yui asked. "A picnic is where we eat, but outside, someplace unordinary." Saito smiled. "It's a pleasure to be around her." He said. Michiko pondered the question of what type of cookie she wanted. "I want... chocolate chip! Mommy, why did Saito-sempai's face change colors when he helped me dress? Minori-sempai’s never turned colors." "Aww, he's shy," Yui grinned Saito-sempai turned silver again, as a natural response. "I merely helped her select a dress." He said. "I'm turning silver now... because I kind of.... oh never mind." Saito said, turning away. "What's shy?" Michiko looked at Saito curiously as he flushed again, her own cheeks turning pink as her emotions mirrored Saito's. She looked back to her mother again, not sure. "Well, first things first," Yui said, "Let's get cleaned up." She stood and offered her hands to Michi to help the girl rise. "Shy is when someone is afraid to speak their thoughts." "I'm not afraid to, it just would not be appropriate." Saito said, defensively. "Don't worry," Yui smiled to Saito. She had an idea to help him out when they got to the baths. Michiko took her mother's hands and stood up, looking at Saito oddly as a mischievous look appeared in her eyes. She blinked; a little confused as the emotions shifted focus from Saito to Yui, she didn't understand why she felt the way she was. Saito stepped outside the door to wait for the mother and child. His soft leather boots barely making a sound on the floor. He did not have his weapon on him at the moment, figuring it would not be right to wear it. "Come on," Yui lead them down the hall into the baths. Hinosami joined them on the way. Saito walked slightly behind the small group and nodded hello to Hinosami. He was experiencing odd, unknown to himself feelings. Michiko walked after Yui and noticed that another woman had joined them. "Konnichiwa, what's your name?" "I am Shinjuku Hinosami. You can call me Sami or Shinju if you'd like, mistress Michiko," Hinosami quietly replied. Yui whispered into the sky-blue-haired girl's ear and Hinosami went to the side of the 10-foot wide pool-like circular bath in the floor, where there was a shelf on the other side of the walkway, and pulled out a bottle with a bow on it. Unscrewing the lid, she poured the contents into one of the little stream of water coming from the statue over the bath. Michiko smiled again. "Sami-sempai." She watched Sami pour the contents of the bottle into the steaming water. "Nani?" Saito prudently decided to wait outside; this wasn't his business. But he was within earshot should anything happen. He chuckled as he heard Michiko questioning Hinosami; "Curious little girl." The solution in the bottle mixed with the falling stream of water immediately, causing a bunch of big bubbles to form at the base. Slowly the bubbles began spreading out over the surface of the bath, concealing the tile mosaics some 4 feet below in the middle. The outside of the underwater area had a sort of bench only a foot deep, and a foot more inside was two feet, and the next, three feet, giving the pool three steps to get to the middle. Michiko looked at the white fluffies curiously and watched them sparkle in the light. "Mommy, what are these white fluffies?" She pointed to the bubbles and looked at Yui curiously. Hinosami immediately started unlacing her corset and then shed her black dress, putting it in a wooden basket on the side of the bath. Underneath, she was wearing a skimpy bikini set made out of a stretchy sort of material that kept from pulling her flesh at the thin seams. Yui's clothes were holographic. They faded and she walked down into the center of the pool, carrying a bottle of shampoo. "These are bubbles," Yui grinned, her torso surrounded by them. "Come on in, the water's great." Saito wouldn't enter until he heard them all get into the water; not wanting to see something he shouldn't. "I hope Sir Zemer comes out of this alright." He muttered. Michiko removed what little clothing she still had on and followed her mother into the water. "Bubbles? " She lifted up a handful of bubbles and looked at them curiously, sniffing them a bit and getting some stuck on her nose. Hinosami removed her black leather boots that came up to just under the knees, then her black socks, and finally her undergarments, grinning as the warm water surrounded her legs as she entered, and sat on the outermost step. "Saito? What are you doing out there? Come in and cleanse yourself," Yui called toward the door. "Shut the door, too." She looked back to Michiko with the bubbles on her nose and couldn't help but laugh, dusting them off lightly with her fingers. "Wet your hair honey," she giggled, going underwater for a moment. Michiko let herself sink into the water until she was underneath the bubbles. She looked up at the bubbles that sat on the surface and watched them shine from the light above. She watched the bubbles swirl on the surface as everyone moved about in the water. ~So pretty. ~ Yui poked her head back underwater to check and see if Michi was doing okay. Nekos could breath underwater, but Michi had no experience. Michiko looked at her mom curiously for a moment and came back up to the surface and effectively getting herself covered in bubbles. "I like bubbles! They're so pretty." She smiled brightly as she scooped up another handful and blew them out of her hand. "Bubbles are soft and fluffy," Yui grinned, emerging with her beloved daughter. She moved against her and began applying apple-scented shampoo to Michiko's hair. Michiko smiled, as her hair became a pile of soapy suds. "This is Ringo?" ((Apple)) Saito smiled and shook his head and walked into the room, turning silver slightly and created a holographic illusion of clothing as he pulled off his own, down only in a hologram and set the kimono top and baggy pants aside. Saito walked over and sank into the water, hiding him body from the waist down as he slid into the deeper water, but away from the pair. His hologram had faded as he did, showing his chiseled torso and arms; it was a very nice male body overall. "Mmm feels good." He said. "It's nice, isn't it?" Yui smiled, lathering Michiko up well. "It is. Mommy, how come Saito-sempai isn't helping too?" Michiko asked curiously, she was not used to someone being in the baths with her and not helping her get cleaned up. Saito grinned at them both as his eye gently watched the interaction.” I would, but your mommy's got you." He smiled at her. Hinosami, whose itty-bitty bosom was in plain sight to Saito, said softly, "No one is helping me." It was almost sad sounding. "Saito-sempai, you can help Sami-sempai!" Michiko announced happily, not understanding the difference between how men and woman behave towards one another. Hinosami looked to Yui for an answer; it was clear that the shorthaired girl had wanted her master's attention. But Yui nodded an okay. Saito chuckled and looked over at her and remembered the girl from when he first was looking for a job. The silver-haired young guy shook his head, he was chuckling at Michi’s innocence; he looked over at her mischievously "Is that a request from princess herself? My oh my." He smiled and went over to Hinosami with a bit of soap and shampoo. He gently helped Sami cleanse herself as he half-washed and half massaged the tight areas. Yui lather up her own hair after Michiko's, and explained it was time to rinse. She demonstrated by submerging and running her hands through her hair, holding Michiko's hands with her own she the girl could get a feel of how to go about it. Hinosami was like a doll; mostly silent, compliant, and very passive. The girl closed her eyes and let Saito do all the work, Michiko nodded as she ran her hands through her mother's hair. "So I go under the water and do that?" "Yes, dear," Yui nodded, praising, "You're a smart girl," affectionately. Saito finished lathering Hinosami up, skin and hair and gently dunked her to rinse her off. "There you go Sami-sempai." He chuckled, mimicking Michi; giving the princess a wink. He did however; find it odd just how passive the girl was. Michiko smiled brightly at her mom as she let herself sink in the water and ran her hands through her hair to rinse it. She didn't quite catch Saito's wink as she did. For the most part, she liked being underwater, it felt so calm and her mind felt much clearer. Hinosami totally gave herself to Saito's manipulations, as he positioned her to wash her. After he did her hair, she looked at him quietly, and then trailed her eyes downward, as if to ask if he'd get the rest for her. Yui grabbed a fluffy ball of sorts and squirted some thick liquid soap into it from a bottle at the edge of the bath, and then started on her face, continuing down to her neck, while Michiko rinsed. Saito caught her look and looked a bit confused. But gently washed the rest of her body gently with another fluff ball. ~Yui, why is Ms Sami so placid? ~ He asked her the empress as he washed the girl's body. Yui looked at Saito and silently told him, ~That's her way~. Michiko stayed underwater for longer than she should have again, enjoying the muted stillness and the shimmering of the bubbles on the surface above. ~Ah, I see...I think. ~ He said silently, taking care to get Hinosami's back first, starting at her shoulders and working down. Yui submerged herself again, going down to be with her daughter. She dabbed along Michi's legs with the lather ball. Michiko smiled when she saw her mom join her under the water. She hadn't learned to speak with her mind yet so she resurfaced and took a deep breathe of air as the peaceful silence of the baths seemed to soak in. The only sounds were of everyone's relaxed breathing and the sound of the water lapping gently against the tile walls and their bodies beneath a sea of shimmering bubbles. … Michiko's face flushed as her mother hugged her thighs, she closed her eyes, not quite understanding what Yui was doing or why. It felt weird to her. "Mommy?" Saito felt her movements, via waves in the water and looked over at Michi. ~Yui? ~ He asked. … Saito found it odd when his sharp sight found Michi blushing. He finished up with Hinosami and gently rinsed her; and moved away from her to his starting position and dove underwater and swam around some. He came up near the pair and playfully splashed them both, trying to lighten the mood. Michiko felt the heat leave her cheeks as Yui released her. Her heart was racing and she didn't understand what had happened as the emotions shifted back to normal again. … Michiko looked at Saito curiously again as he splashed, moving closer. "Guys don't have the front squishies, right Mommy?" She looked over Saito's torso curiously, she still wasn't used to seeing men around, aside from her father, she really had no contact with them but she had never seen her father with his shirt on. Saito chuckled; and shook his head, turning silvery again. He laughed somewhat embarrassed again. Hinosami similarly started on Yui's back, where Yui hadn't scrubbed yet. Her bottom bumped Saito as she bounced by in the water, causing her to quietly whimper, "sorry," to him before she began on the Empress. Saito turned to Hinosami to avoid direct eye contact. "It's ok Sami." He said. Saito actually liked physical contact, even if it embarrassed him. "They're more flat. Feel his if you'd like. They've got dot just like ours," she smiled. "Yui..." Saito said, in a pseudo-pained voice. ~You know you like it. ~ He dared to think to the empress and chuckled. "Okies." Michiko reached out to touch Saito's chest to see what Yui meant and then gently pushed up. And then she felt her own and pushed them up, noticing the softness and the difference. "How else are guys different from girls?" Hinosami's eyes darted from Michiko to Yui, and she let out a little eep. Saito backed off a bit, turning a furious silverish color. "I personally have quite a bit of muscle in my chest Michiko, while your mommy has err...." He trailed off, not sure what to say. "Breasts," Yui said, "I like how you call them squishes," she laughed.” They make milk," she told Michiko. "Breasts, not squishies?" Michiko looked at Yui curiously at the milk comment. "The milk at breakfast comes from the squishes?" Saito then went underwater, now thoroughly embarrassed; he could hold his breath for a long time. "Yes, it does," Yui nodded. Hinosami stepped next to Saito and leaned over him. "Whose?" Michiko looked perplexed by this tidbit of information. "Hmm, I don't know exactly," Yui giggled. She went underwater again and tickled Michiko's belly. Michiko giggled a little bit and noticed that Yui hadn't answered her other question. "Mommy, how else are guys different from girls?" Saito swam out from under Hinosami and rose back to the surface, his silver color gone; he inhaled deeply and looked over at them. He moved up behind Michi and shyly hugged her affectionately; being sure to keep his...area away from her, via lightening gravity a bit around that area causing it to float away from her body a bit. "Let's just say that we are different Michiko; it's not really important how at this moment." Saito said to her. Michiko leaned back into the hug and blinked a bit. "Nan desu ka?" Yui rose out of the bubbles again after watching his member collide with her bottom. Smooth move, Saito, she thought to herself. Saito's eyes widened and he released Michi and swam back swiftly, staying in the water. Blushing furiously. "That didn't mean to go that way..." He said He quickly leapt out of the water, quickly covering himself with holograms as he got a towel and dried off then got back into his clothes and hastily exited. He got a little way down the hall and stopped. ~Oh man, that went too wrong. ~ He thought. Michiko blushed as well, mirroring Saito's embarrassment as he made a fast retreat. She was still really confused about what happened. Yui put on a frustrated, but not angry, scowl. "Get back in here." Saito heard it and gritted his teeth and walked back in and leaned against the wall, his darker skin trying to match his hair. Yui was tempted to show Michiko Saito's male anatomy, but wasn't sure if that'd be in her best interest at this point. Instead, she gave Michi a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. "All done, Michiko?" she asked. It was time to dry off and get dressed. Saito shook his head, not quite sure why Yui had called him back in; whatever it was, it probably wasn't any good. Hinosami stepped out first, and walked over to Saito, handing him a towel. "All done, Mommy. Will Daddy be going on the picnic with us?" Michiko smiled, having forgotten about what had happened, returning her mother's hug. Saito shook his head, he didn't need one. "Thanks anyway." He smiled at her. ~I have a feeling I'm gonna get a talking too~ he thought to Yui. "Yes, dear, he will meet us there," Yui smiled. Hinosami began to dry herself off, starting with her hair. "Yay! I want to pick a pretty dress to wear for the picnic with Mommy and Daddy." Michiko smiled brightly as she started to head out of the sea of bubbles. Saito closed his eyes to avoid looking. Hinosami handed Yui and Michiko big white towels as the two emerged. Michiko took the towel from Sami with a smile. 'Arigatou Sami-sempai." Yui dried herself off quickly and set it down in the wet towel basket. She led the way to the dressing rooms, which were attached to Michi's nest area. On either side of the room hung a variety of garments of all types and colors, from kimonos to Hinosami had a new all-black outfit waiting, and she carried it into the dressing room before starting to put it on. Saito opened his eyes and looked at the both of them and blushed again. "You two both look radiant." He commented with smile, but was definitely looking more at Yui. Yui gestured the make to come over by curling her finger, grinning at his compliments and striking a pose. Michiko dried herself off and followed Yui to the dressing rooms as her eyes wandered around the room, trying to pick something. Saito chuckled and walked over to her, keeping his eyes on her. "Yes ma'am?" … Hinosami was oblivious as she got dressed in her gothic garments. "What's your favorite color?" she asked Michiko. Saito's eyes perked; as he hemosynthed a pair of large silvery wings that he folded around them to conceal it. "What is this for?” He purred to her. "Blue, Sami-sempai." Michiko looked towards Hinosami, not noticing what was going on with Saito and Yui. She just, felt... oddly, she didn't understand why as she looked at the clothes. … He resisted the urge to purr loudly and did it softly; he gently held the empress in a warm embrace. "Yui.... you know; I do wish to become Michiko's father..." he said and gently love bit Yui's neck sensually. "I want to pick a pretty dress to wear for my picnic with Mommy and Daddy. Are you going to come with us Sami-sempai?" Michiko looked at Hinosami and then noticed her mom was missing. "Where'd Mommy go?" … Hinosami looked up and spotted what they were doing and tossed a sock at Yui. The Empress snapped back into reality and disengaged quickly, shamefully backing away. Saito got himself back together as well, keeping his large silver wings out. ~Yui, how about we meet in your or my room to talk about this...? ~ He thought to her, his eyes on hers.... affectionately. ~Umm, ~ Yui shifted, feeling guilty, ~I promised I'd help Michiko make cookies. ~ ~It's ok, later ok? When we can leave her with Tsuya or Minori...~ Saito thought to her. ~To be honest, I want what's best for Michiko, and I believe I can be a good father to her. ~ He said carefully, shyly. Michiko looked in the direction that the sock went, uncertain of what was going on. And looked back to Hinosami, curious but not asking. Hinosami finished dressing and walked over to help Michiko, "She's right there, Michiko-chan. Would you mind if I came to the picnic?" "I would love for you to come to the picnic with us." Michiko smiled as she looked back at the wall of clothes. "I don't know what to pick." She reached out to sift through the clothes and visibly grimaced at the site of a red gown and hurriedly pushed past it. ~Leave us be for now, okay? ~ Yui directed him. ~You're driving me crazy. ~ ~Yes ma'am. ~ Saito replied, bowed to her and made for the door. He felt both hopeful and ashamed at the same time. Hinosami smiled, moving to help Michiko. Her big black boots made a thick-sounding noise as she walked across the hardwood floor. Michiko looked through the dresses and heard Saito leave the room. "Why'd Saito-sempai leave?" She continued looking through the dresses, still not sure. "What do you think I should wear Sami-sempai?" Yui got one of those soft bras for Michiko and gave it to Hinosami, along with a pair of frilly little panties and a nice pair of white socks with pink lace around the tops. Hinosami smiled, "Something that makes you feel good," she said. "How about this blue one here?" She pointed towards a medium-length vivid blue silk dress with golden embroidered chains of tiny hearts, and a U-neck collar. Michiko smiled. "Oh, that's pretty!" She reached up to retrieve the dress and looked at Hinosami and Yui curiously, as if asking permission to wear it. "Hmm," Yui put her hands on Michiko while she inspected the dress. Her heart was still fluttering and her body was absolutely craving for more. Hinosami picked out a set of black tights to match the dress, as well as some thin black socks and a small pair of glossy black shoes with golden buckles. Yui didn't make a definite answer until Hinosami had returned from across the room with the proper accessories. "It's wonderful, Michiko," she smiled. Michiko's pulse quickened as Yui touched her. The yearning she was almost unbearable as she held one of her hands in a tight fist against her chest. She didn't know what it was she was feeling or why her actions felt forced as emotions conflicted. "Yay." She smiled brightly despite how troubled she felt. "Have to put on the panties, right, Mommy?" Yui kissed her daughter on the lips briefly. "That's right, Michiko." Hinosami oriented them and held them out for her to step into. Michiko blinked as Yui's lips brushed lightly against her own. She looked down and carefully stepped into the panties. It still was so confusing, why was she feeling odd when her Mommy was touching her. "Arms up!" Yui directed. She held the soft bra ready, to conceal the squishies. Michiko lifted her arms up obediently over her head so that Yui could help her into it. Yui slipped in on her snugly so it supported her, then gestured to a couch where Hinosami sat with the socks and tights. "Do you think Daddy will like the dress too, Mommy?" Michiko asked curiously, still trying to understand why she felt weird right now. It was just Mommy as Mommy usually was, did that mean that Michiko was the one who was different? She pondered this as she walked over to the couch and sat down so that Hinosami could help her into the tights and the socks. "I know he will," Yui smiled. Even though Michiko was but a child, Yui was dressing her up like the full-grown women she had the body of. "That bra isn't going to work with the dresses' neckline, is it?" Yui asked, and slipped it back off, her eyes lingering on Michi's bouncing flesh hungrily. Hinosami kneeled at Michi's feet and pulled on the sock, then the tights over the lower legs, ready for Michi to pull the rest of the way up. At Yui's comment, Hinosami went to find another brassiere. Michiko pulled up the tights the rest of the way up her legs a blushed lightly she looked into her mother's eyes. The gaze almost frightened her and she looked back away. She could feel her heart racing again, not knowing why. … Michiko blushed a deep shade of red. "M... mommy? What are you...?" Her heart felt like it was going to explode; she was very confused by what she was feeling and by what her mom was doing to her. "Mistress?" Hinosami returned with a strapless push-up. Yui helped the highly confused girl put the bra on, and Hinosami brought the dress and shoes over. Michiko looked down at the new bra she now had on and poked at it, silently as she waited to put the dress on. "Here you go, Michi." Yui handed her the silky dress. "Arigatou." Michiko responded softly as she took the dress and found the bottom of it and pulled it over her head and her arms through the sleeves. JP by: Wes - Yui, Hinosami Tyler - Saito Kim - Michiko GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [Kyoto, Empress Palace] Rooftop Laments Dante Stormwind GSA Security Sentry 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 30 (2/10/04 21:59) ezSupporter [Kyoto, Empress Palace] Rooftop Laments After the rather embarassing incident in the baths, Saito strolled along the hallways and eventually found himself outside. He wasn't worried about Michiko at the moment; actually he half wanted to avoid her, Saito shook his head. ~Yeah right, I can't keep thinking that way, she's my responsibility and I will not shirk it over some accident.~ He though as he leapt straight up, loosening gravity on himself. His long silvered hair flowing out behind him as he soared up to the roof. The young guard settled down on the roof and sat down, the sun glimmering on his hair, making the areas of pure silver dance. Saito sighed; he didn't know what to do, he idly looked around the grounds, a good view from here actually. He took the tanto in the sheath of his sword and cut his hand open and let the silver blood ooze out and slowly shimmer into a long, pure silver necklace of elaborate design. He had done this design before for his previous employer, it solidified into a delicately crafted necklace. It shimmered in the sunlight; making him smile. ~I wonder if anyone would want this?...Nah, my creations aren't that good.~He thought, but he was dead wrong; this necklace was exquisite. Saito sighed, figuring her should get back to the group; though Michiko didn't need him. She was happy with her mommy and daddy right now. He leapt off the roof and floated down, slowly increasing the gravity effect on him. He held the necklace in his hand as he walked back into the dining area he knew the rest would be. Saito entered, bowed to the small group and leaned against the wall, idly turning the exquisite necklace in his hand; the light dancing off his features... YSA no Nito Hesho Dante Stormwind Security YSS Celia (GC-55) [Yamatai: Ketsurui no Iori] Shotaiken Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 222 (2/12/04 5:14) ezSupporter [Yamatai: Ketsurui no Iori] Shotaiken NOTE: This version has been censored for content (sexuality). The original, full version is available in the Funky City forum. Parts removed are indicated by ellipses (…) between paragraphs. ON> The Fortress Gardens of Ketsurui no Iori In view of the tall Ketsurui castle, the shuttle the family had taken sat on a dark gray stone-landing pad. Nearby, the Tsuya and Hinosami setting up a table for all the food they'd brought, and on the other side of that table, was Zemer, Michiko, Yui, and Saito. They didn't plan to eat for another hour or so, so only little snacks were out so far. At Zemer's feet was a giant heated swimming pool, steaming lightly. Michiko was examining the swimming pool, leaning down from her kneeling position and putting her hand into the water and watching it create little ripples on the surface. "Are you going to teach me how to swim today?" She looked up at her parents curiously, the angle that she was leaning at in the cut of the dress she was in, was revealing a bit of cleavage. Saito moved away from the little family a bit, still feeling slightly like an outcast; and a bit shamed still. His eyes drifting over them and the pool; he was away from that pool the Zemer's feet were at. ~I think I'm gonna pass this time. ~ He thought, blushing slightly; remembering the incident last time. His eyes on both Yui and Zemer in case he needed to stop anything if their libidos should start to act up. Zemer smiled, as he looked the pool over. He had on a big pair of blue shorts on under his white tunic, which he removed and placed by one of the wooden chairs on the pool's surrounding brick patio. He kneeled down at the edge and poked out his finger to the water, his wings extending out backwards to balance him. "You know, I don't know..." Zemer started to say, when Yui pressed her foot against his back and he fell in, headfirst. "Sure Michiko. It's easy," Yui smiled. Saito chuckled and looked at Zemer. "Have a nice trip?" He snickered, amused; but stopped quickly. Michiko watched Zemer fall into the water with a loud splash and smiled brightly. "This will be fun, I like being in the water." Zemer was a creature designed for flight, not for swimming, and had never learned to swim growing up. He thrashed about wildly in a fury of wings and arms and legs, finally coming back up with the help of his powerful wings and his lightweight bones. Gripping the edge of the pool, he rested his pecks on the rounded cement and regained his breath. "Daddy, are you okay?" Michiko looked over at him a little concerned because he looked a bit flustered. ~That wasn't really that nice Yui~ Saito smiled at her, speaking silently. He sat down in a chair and watched with a smile. The silver necklace around his neck and his hair glimmered in the sunlight as he moved. “I think your mommy scared him is all." Saito said, in response to her question. "Yeah...mommy kicked me in." Zemer grumbled. Yui gave Saito an angry glare. She hated telepathy. Saito shut up immediately and sat back, intent on staying that way. "You don't like swimming, daddy?" Michiko asked curiously, as she stood up and moved away from the edge of the pool to steal a cookie from the table. Zemer smiled, "I need to learn, too, Michiko." Yui bounced back to happiness again as she focused on Michiko once more. "Michiko," she smiled, "Just one for right now, okay? Hinosami will take you to the shuttle and help you change, okay? Then we'll teach you and daddy how to swim." Hinosami gave Yui a puppy dog look and Yui added, "And give Shinju-chan a cookie, too, Michiko." Michiko picked up one of her "death by chocolate chip" cookies and munched on it happily because they were still warm and gooey inside. She loved chocolate. "Okay Mommy." She picked up another cookie and offered it to Hinosami. "Here, Sami-sempai." Saito closed his eyes, focusing inward; he knew if he got out of his armor and clothing Yui might cause trouble again. "How's the water Sir Zemer?" he asked after opening his eyes and looking at Zemer. Yui shed her holographic clothing, leaving her in a blood red one piece like the ones she used to wear when she was younger, and dove into the deepest part of the pool, in the center. She seemed to be quite good at handling herself in the water. Zemer, who didn't, replied, "It's wonderful feeling." "I'm err...gonna stay out for a while." Saito said. He looked squarely at Zemer to avoid admiring Yui. Michiko saw Yui appear in a blood red swimsuit and shuddered as she walked towards the shuttle to get changed. Yui emerged from underwater near Zemer. "Come on," she tugged at him. "Kick your legs to provide thrust, keeping yourself up. Use your arms to sort of stabilize yourself," she told him, wading in place to demonstrate. Zemer tried it while holding the edge still, with improving results. Hinosami took Michiko's hand her own as they went back into the nearby shuttle. Tsuya closed the door for them form outside. Saito got up and pulled off his baggy pants revealing a pair of midnight blue shorts, and leg armor; which, he promptly removed and set off to the side and repeated it for the other leg. He pulled off this kimono top and the breastplate and showed the silver armor guards on his forearms and put the sword at the place with his clothing, now showing his torso and walked up to the edge of the pool and sat down, sliding his legs into it, and purred at the warmth. "This is good." Michiko smiled at Hinosami as they entered the shuttle, feeling a quiet, calm happiness. "I wonder what swimsuit Mommy picked out for me?" She liked Hinosami because there was a calm feeling about her at almost all times. Hinosami faced the laces on the back of her dress's corset-like torso towards Michiko. "We brought you this," Hinosami pulled out a low-cut sky-blue bikini bottom with a with a pattern of fluffy white clouds on it, and a matching halter top with a circular cleavage hole in the middle. "That's pretty. I like the white fluffies." Michiko smiled at Hinosami and sat down on a chair, and started to gently tug her dress up over her head. Saito slid into the water and swam out to the deeper areas and swam laps, staying away from the learner. He was swimming well even with the armor on his arms; he treaded the surface for a bit, as he watched Zemer learning how to swim. "It's not too hard Zemer, once you get it." He encouraged. Hinosami looked over her shoulder. She'd wanted Michi to help her untie. Michiko looked at Hinosami and nodded, understanding and reached gently tugged on the laces that formed the tied at the top of Hinosami's corset. "Like this Sami-sempai?" Saito looked down, he had honestly forgotten about the forearm pieces and climbed out of the water and undid the clasps and put the things with his other clothing and got back into the water. "Thank you, Michiko," Hinosami smiled as the iron grip of her corset was released. She took a big, deep breath and as Michiko unlaced the rest, then shimmied out of her dress and neatly folded it nearby. She then removed her complex black lacy underwear. Michiko probably wouldn't know the significance, but Hinosami wore her undies outside of her garter straps. Michiko looked at the garters oddly. "Sami-semapi, what are those?" She indicated the garters, having never seen them before or knew their purpose. She reached around her own back to try to unhook her own bra and had some difficulty there. "These are garters," Hinosami said quietly, sliding the belt down over her fluffy puff of sky-blue hair. After getting her legs naked, she unclasped Michiko's bra easily, with a smile, and then did her own, setting their squishies free. Michiko's were probably two or three times the underdeveloped ones that Hinosami had. Saito swam over to Yui and Zemer with a curious look on his face. "Why'd you two fight earlier?" He asked curiously, wanting to know why they risked Michi's life like that. Zemer and Yui both looked at him harshly, highly irritated. Why the hell was this servant butting into their personal business? "What are the garters for?" Michiko asked curiously as she rolled her tights down off her legs. She looked at Hinosami's body curiously but didn't ask any questions, she did understand that everyone's body looked different in someway. Although, when it came to males, she had no clue just how different they were. "Garters hold up my stockings. They're like tights, but they don't come together like tights do," Hinosami explained. "Without the garters, my stockings could get loose and slide down." The blue-haired girl stuck out her legs and stretched forward, slipping her toes into the holes of her little black low rise bottoms, and then sliding the black matching tube top down over her petite bosom, giving her body a look as if some giant painter had put two thick lines across her form. "Ah ok." Michiko nodded in understanding as she slide her own panties down and picked up her own swimsuit bottom and stepped into them, knowing this part by now. The panties were always the easiest for her to put on. It was the bra that usually gave her problems. Luckily, Hinosami moved over and sat next to Michiko, tying the laces around the young lady's neck, then the ones on her back. "Ready?" she grinned, opening the rear door to the shuttle and then grabbing a beach towel for each of them. Michiko nodded again. "Yup! I'm all ready to go swimming." She smiled brightly as she rose to her feet and followed Hinosami out of the shuttle back towards the pool. She paused for a moment as she looked up at the little fluffy clouds that lazily rolled through the endless sea of bright blue sky. "Oh pretty! Like my swimsuit!" "You're pretty, too," Hinosami whispered up into Michiko's cat ear. Miss Shinjuku was short and had to stand on her toes to do it. "You look beautiful," Yui said from the pool. She meant it, too. In her eyes, there wasn't anything more gorgeous in the world. Michiko's ear twitched as she giggled, Hinosami's whispering in her ear tickled. "Thank you Sami-sempai. I think you’re pretty too." She smiled brightly at her mother's praise as she moved towards the pool. "Do I just jump in?" Saito blushed and averted his gaze, and dove underwater and swam to another side of the pool. "Sure, honey!" Yui grinned. Saito rose to the surface and looked at Michiko and smiled at the lovely young lady. ~I knew she was beautiful, but wow...~ He thought Michiko hopped into the water from the poolside and closed her eyes for a moment as she made contact with the water. She let herself sink and floated under the water, opening her eyes again and looked up at the sky that looked so very far away. Yui dove under the water and gave her precious daughter and loving hug. Zemer waded towards them but stayed near the edge of the pool. He was improving every minute, though. Hinosami stood at the edge of the pool, and let herself fall forward like she'd been shot or something, and sunk to the bottom. Michiko returned the hug and looked at her mother curiously for further instructions on what to do now that she was in the water. Saito dove under and watched the scene; he shook his head and swam over to Zemer. The young neko rose out of the water, treading it. "Sir, I would like to ask you something if you'd allow it." He said simply. "What?" Zemer said, wondering what this was about. "What is Elysia like? I know it's the Elysian, um... your home world." Saito asked curiously. It was obvious he wasn't ever once in the military. Yui swam around beneath the surface, demonstrating how she used her legs and arms to propel herself and maneuver herself around. Hinosami slid along the bottom of the pool until she was in the deep center. It made her head hurt because of the pressure, but she just stared up at Yui and Michiko. "I remember Elysia was a nation of cities in the skies, palaces in the clouds...It was a happy place filled with art and people and children." Michiko watched Yui and mimicked the movements, slowly getting the hang of moving herself around in the water. Although after a few minutes she started feeling light-headed because she hadn't been taught how to breathe under water yet, and propelled herself back towards the surface. "Palaces in the clouds?" Saito asked, his mind trying to figure that one out. It didn't make sense; didn't palaces weigh a LOT? Zemer grinned as he met his daughter on the surface. "Good job, Michiko! Hey, look at daddy!" Zemer was swimming on his own fairly decently now, too. He glanced back to Saito and said, "I don't want to talk about it," firmly. The old memories stung. "I understand sir." Saito said and turned to Michiko and smiled warmly to her. "Keep it up sir, you're doing fine." He said encouragingly to Zemer. Michiko took a deep breath of air and smiled happily. "Yay, daddy!" She kicked her legs as she kept her head above water for a little while to get used to being in the water but not under it. "Do your wings help you swim, Daddy?" Michiko asked curiously, as emotions conflicted in her mind between annoyance and love. Yui swam over to Zemer and Michiko and smiled. Zemer said, "Um, sort of, but it's quite a workout." Hinosami looked up from the bottom of the pool, staring at the sun through the shifting water, until her body couldn't take it anymore and reflexively tried to breathe, filling the girl's lungs up with water. Ten feet under, she went into a slight spasm, still watching the light above as her vision faded. "I like swimming. Can you fly daddy?" Michiko asked curiously, her mind jumping subjects again as she looked around. "Where'd Sami-sempai go?" Saito thought for a moment; he remembered seeing Hinosami fall in ~damn! I thought she could swim! ~ He thought and quickly dove under and swam down quickly, he landed behind her and wrapped his arms around her and pushed off the bottom and shot out of the water, loosening gravity on himself and floated to the side of the pool and set her down gently. Yui looked around and then down and around, and then finally straight down into the deep center of the pool where the girl was bouncing on the floor, and dived in after the girl, only to bump into Saito, who snatched her up. He began basic CPR, something he'd been taught a few months ago. He pumped her chest as he'd been taught three times and pinched her nose and gave her the so-called "breath of life", and repeated the process. Michiko watched Saito and Yui retrieve the unconscious Hinosami and she resurface, taking several almost desperate breaths of air. "What happened to Sami-sempai?" She looked over at them concerned as she swam over to the edge of the pool. Yui told Michiko, "Hinosami was probably copying you; but, she can't breathe the water like we can. She's done this before in the baths. She counts the seconds until she falls unconscious." Zemer gave Yui an odd look, and Yui asked him, "Should I punish her for it?" Saito backed off Hinosami and went to sit back down in a chair; he wasn't serving any purpose other than getting in the way. He sighed and sat back, drip-drying; he reached behind his head and unclasped the necklace and set it on a piece of armor near the chair he was in Hinosami spat up what seemed like a gallon of water, her mouth erupting with a bubbling stream of it, and then began a painful-sounded fit of violent coughing, rolling over to one side and curling into a ball at the edge of the pool, just after Saito gave up on her. Yui leaned against the edge and put an arm over the drenched girl. "Are you alright?" she asked. Hinosami nodded. "Three minutes," Hinosami coughed horribly, "Thirteen seconds." "She can't? Is she all better now?" Michiko remained at the edge of the pool as she watched Hinosami and Yui. "She's okay," Yui told Michiko, "She just got water inside her where air should be." Zemer frowned, concerned. "That's a very dangerous hobby," he said disapprovingly. "Thank you, Saito." Saito shook his head, making the water dance off it. "I shouldn't have stopped so early." He said in a shamed voice. "I understand if you two wish to punish me instead." "Could she not wake up again if she does that a lot?" Michiko asked, concerned. "It's true," Zemer told Michiko, "That's why it's dangerous. We wouldn't want to loose Hinosami." Yui whispered something in Hinosami's ear about punishment that made the girl tremble in fear and cry silently. Saito's sharp eyes caught her trembling; and wondered what was going to happen. "Why is she doing that?" Saito asked to nobody in particular. Michiko nodded and frowned as she saw Hinosami tremble, feeling a little scared herself. Yui whispered Hinosami a short command to swim, and in a moment Hinosami was swimming around the pool again, albeit with this apprehensive look on her countenance, dreading whatever punishment Yui had promised her later. After about five minutes of that, Zemer suggested, "Anyone else want to eat?" He thrusted himself out of the pool. "I will pass." Saito said and looked over at Michiko. "Miss Michiko, come here, I have something for you." He smiled at her. Michiko looked at Saito curiously as she pulled herself out of the water and walked over to Saito. "Something for me, Saito-sempai?" She tilted her head to one side as she looked at him curiously, her wet hair falling down around her face. Saito reached down beside the chair and got the silver necklace and showed it to her. "I got this for you, if your Mommy will let you have it." He smiled at her warmly; the thing was exquisite and well made. Zemer noticed he felt a breeze where he shouldn't. Whirling around, he spotted his trunks at the bottom up the pool! Yui's eyes raised in appreciation of the muscular display. Apparently Saito had some serious competition. SPLASH! Zemer was back in the pool against the side of it, hiding the family jewels from the eyes of his daughter. "Pssst! Yui!" It had little blunt silver diamonds attached to a silver wired necklace, it would fit her perfectly without choking her. ~What was that? ~ Saito thought looking at Zemer and Yui. Michiko looked at the necklace curiously as she watched it sparkle in the sunlight and reflect sunlight back onto her face. "Shiny. It's pretty, what is it made of?" She had never seen silver before. Her head turned when she heard the loud splash and saw her father in the water again with an odd look on his face. "I thought you were done swimming, Daddy?" "Yui!" Zemer looked at the Empress and gestures with his head for her to get his trunks. This only made her smile bigger. Zemer tried to play it off. "Wow! It's a pretty necklace. That was very sweet of Mister Saito." "Does that mean I can have it, Daddy?" Michiko smiled again, although a little blush came to her cheeks as Zemer's embarrassment grew as the moments went by. "Sure, sweetheart," Zemer smiled, his face blushing too. Saito smiled softly as he offered the necklace to the young princess, looking at Zemer's frantic gestures curiously as he wondered what it was about. "Yay!" Michiko took the necklace carefully from Saito and smiled brightly. "Thank you, Saito-sempai." She felt a little funny but felt horribly left out of everything that was going on here as her hand touched Saito's. She forced a smile as she wished to be a part of this happiness she was only allowed to watch. "I'm hungry, too, Zemer," Yui grinned mischievously, "Let's eat." She adjusted the crotch of her bathing suit after she stood, giving the guys a glimpse of something interesting before sauntering over to the table. Hinosami got out and dried herself off quickly, moving over to the table and spreading out the ingredients to their sandwiches, and taking the plastic wrapping off of the cookies. "Um, I'll be out in a moment," Zemer smiled. "There must be something about these older nekos," he chuckled to himself. Michiko stood up and followed Yui to the table. "Okies." She looked back at Zemer curiously, "Aren't you coming, Daddy?" Her face flushing red again as the emotions shifted back from Saito's quiet despair towards Yui's lust and Zemer's embarrassment. It was starting to make her head hurt. "Mmm," Yui slipped her hands around Michi's waist and into the waistband on her low-cut bikini. Zemer was diving for his trunks while Michiko was looking at the food. He managed to snag them and he climbed out and hurriedly put them on, standing on the edge of the pool, much to the surprise of Hinosami, who stared, never having seen anything of that sort. Michiko blushed a deeper shade of red of Yui touched her. Her heart was racing again and she felt strangely. "Mommy?" She almost wanted her to go further although; she wasn't sure what that meant. Saito raised an eyebrow at Michiko's expression as he watched them from the poolside, deciding to keep him mouth shut before he got himself into any more trouble today. Hinosami walked over to Zemer and peeped, "Sir?" out, not really knowing how to express herself. She cleared her throat and said, "Lunch..." and gestured towards the table. Zemer kneeled down to Hinosami's level and put his finger on her chin, guiding her tiny mouth to his. … Michiko blushed a deeper shade of red and closed her eyes for a moment opening them again. "M.. mommy... lunch is ready..." She was becoming more and more confused by everything that was happening as she watched Zemer kiss Hinosami. Zemer gave Hinosami a brief kiss on the lips and then lead the stunned little girl to the table and started making himself a giant sandwich with lots of roast beef on it, plus lettuce, tomatoes, and horseradish sauce, going about his business. Hinosami's hands shook and she seems uncoordinated as she made her own plate slowly, still completely surprised. … Michiko shakingly moved away from Yui and started making herself a sandwich, still blushing a deep shade of red. She felt like her heart was going to explode and she still understand Yui's less than motherly attentions towards her. All she knew was that it felt awkward. "These cookies look great, Michiko," Zemer smiled, stacking a bunch on the side of his plate with the potato chips. "You were a big help making them." Yui smiled at him. "She's a wonderful daughter," Yui grinned. Michiko smiled brightly at the praise and once again tried to force the memories of Yui's actions out of her mind as she filled her plate with mostly cookies and chips with a small roast beef sandwich on it. Hinosami's heart stopping fluttering after a while, and the color returned to her face. She set her plate down on a Japanese-style table and sat on one of the small carpet mats that surrounded the low stone surface. Michiko took a seat near Zemer once they all had finished filling their plates. She leaned over and quietly asked her father, "Are you and Mommy supposed to share my first special moment with me, my shotaiken because I love you both?" Zemer didn't know any Japanese, but he wanted to spend every special moment he could with his precious daughter Chiharu had given him. "We both love you very much, Michiko, and we'll be there for your special moments every day, sweetheart." Michiko blushed lightly as she leaned in and kissed Zemer firmly on the lips. The feeling that Yui had left with her made her feel empty inside and she had no idea of how to make it stop. But she had remembered Yui kissing her like this earlier that day. In a moment, she seemed more like Chiharu than she had before as she tried to make the emptiness go away by feeling the warmth of Zemer's breath as her own as she continued to kiss him. Zemer set his sandwich down on the table as Michiko suddenly kissed him. He expected a gentle kiss of a daughter, but what his got was a kiss of a lover. Chiharu! He thought to himself, wondering if for some reason his second love and returned to him for a moment. He wrapped his arms around her back and hugged her tightly. … Chiharu's spirit watched this and shook her head as the situation became more complicated. She choose to not intervene because it really was a lesson for Zemer and Yui to learn, Michiko would feel all of their emotions as if they were her own until she was taught to control her empathy. Michiko felt her mind and body being filled with the passion of the embrace and the desire that was rising within Zemer and Yui. She pressed herself against Zemer's body as she was pulled onto his lap. She was lost in their emotions and she didn't know what to do but go along with it. … Saito had gotten out of the pool and went to look for them, hoping that they hadn't done what he had feared when he had come upon the scene. He gritted his teeth in rage, he couldn't stand it anymore. "STOP!!" He yelled, tears pouring down his face. "That is your daughter! That isn't Chiharu!" He shouted. "I SAID STOP!" He said. His hand going for his sword and stopped at the hilt, quivering in anger. … "Itteai." Michiko's eyes teared up as her body felt like it was on fire. She looked over at Saito oddly as he shouted, he seemed rather distant. "I can't believe you Zemer..." Saito snarled... Hinosami banged her tiny fists on Zemer's back. "Sir!!" Zemer went into logic mode as his hormones were flushed, and quickly composed himself. Yui looked at Saito, then to him, suddenly uncertain, "Zemer?" Zemer seemed confused and shocked. "But it was Chiharu..." he said. "Or you Yui, for letting this happen. You lost yourselves, don't you get it?! Chi isn't coming back, not through the poor girl there." He said. Saito stalked toward them, his look very dark but his hand moving away from the lethal weapon. "Michiko, come here to me." He said calmly, feeling that he had to protect her from her parents now. He radiated concern and worry for her. Michiko's body was trembling; she didn't understand at all what had just happened as the emotions shifted away from passion to confusion and then Saito's rage. Her head hurt and she didn't know what was happening... she simply remained motionless. "Daddy, what did we just..." Tears were rolling down her cheeks, she felt angry and confused and she didn't know why. "Chiharu was my other mommy's name... she's not here anymore..." Saito had tears in his eyes, he knew he was hurting her with his emotions, but this had to stop now. "No! Oh God!" Zemer said to himself, his hands shaking, he couldn't deal with this. … "Saito, get yourself calm," Yui ordered him, walking over to Michiko and leaning the shaking girl against her. "It's alright, Michiko." Saito continued toward them, his fist had been clenched so hard; silver blood was leaking down his arm; evident against his dark skin. He started to rapidly calm down knowing a calm person here would help. "Did you two know that your daughter is an empath? And a strong one at that?" He said, putting a hand on Zemer's shoulder. "Come along sir, it'd be best if you came with me for a little bit." He confided. Michiko was still trembling (…); she looked at him with pleading eyes for answers. She didn't lean against Yui as she was held. "Why do I hurt?" The mesh of emotions was making her head hurt and she held her forehead in her hands. "Yamate. Make it stop. It hurts." She couldn't make the tears stop, she didn't understand whose emotions she was feeling, were they her own? "I don't feel well," Zemer said. That was a serious understatement. He went toward the shuttle with Saito. Saito's wing dissolved into his body, he walked Zemer back to the shuttle and sat him down in the back. "I know you miss Chiharu, but you can't let that get to you, Michiko is an empath. Whatever you feel toward her affects her greatly from what I've seen. How do I know? When I sparred with Tsuya, she nearly cut me in half, and when I spoke with Michi after that; I grasped my side in pain. She did the same thing a moment later." Saito said, and inhaled deeply. Yui kissed Michiko and picked her up, carrying her towards the pool, and set her down in a big padded chair, and pulled up another smaller chair next to it, so that she could speak with her alone. Hinosami came along too. From an empathic perspective here was a sense of motherly love and a need to explain coming from Yui. Hinosami seemed to feel content enough. "Michiko, everything is alright," Yui started, trying to create a calm environment for Michi. Michiko seemed to physically calm down but she was still trembling. "You and Daddy..." She paused; she wasn't sure what she wanted to say so she just stopped. She rubbed her temples, trying to make her head stop hurting. "It's okay, Michiko. Tell me..." Yui said. "You kept... and I felt funny and then I kissed daddy and then... it just..." Michiko struggled to find the words to ask for answers to something she did not understand. "Doushite?" "Now Zemer: You're going to have to calm down; it'll help Michi. You are still her father; think about that before you decide to do something stupid. I can never be her father, as much as I want to be; you are. You have to remember that Chiharu isn't going to come back, ever; and definitely not through Michiko." Saito said, his lavender eyes piercing into Zemer's soul it seemed. "Daddy wanted to show is love in a different way, to make you happy. But it's a way that you weren't meant for yet," Yui tried to explain. "But I didn't... I don't know how I felt. I just... you and daddy have been making me feel funny... and then you... and it makes it worse and I don't know what I want or feel..." Michiko looked down at her hands, she was feeling distressed. "Were those feelings really mine? If not, who’s were they?" Hinosami patted Chiharu's bare mound and told Michi, "It feels so good, Michiko. But it hurts the first time. Your shotaiken." "They might have been from Zemer or me. We have these feelings sometimes..." Yui admitted. "But you've been touching me?" Michiko tried to understand. "And then the feelings get stronger and won't go away. Why does the shotaiken hurt?" "We touch each other like that to make us feel good, and to show we love each other," Yui explained. "Those feelings are our need to be touched, our desire. The shotaiken hurts because of tradition. Even though the Nekovalkyrja are not genetically based on humans, our special spots are very similar. There's a sort of wall inside our holes, that the shotaiken breaks, and that's why it hurts. You should be proud such a good man was your first, even though it was a mistake. We love you very much, Michiko." "I love you and Daddy too. Why did Saito-sempai get so angry if it is normal to show love that way? And then Daddy got sad?" Michiko tried to sort everything out in her mind, still trying to grasp the entire concept there. "There are different types of love?" Zemer sat against the side of the shuttle for a long time before finally saying anything. He said, "I think I might start drinking again over this one." Saito looked at Zemer closely. "I'm going outside to get something to eat ok? You just stay here, calm down and consider how you can be a better father to that precious little girl out there." He said, starting for the door. "I want your promise that you'll do just that. And do not think of suicide, that'd damage Michi way to much." Yui smiled, "Well, there are different shades of love, like their are different blends of colors. There's love between friends, love between family, and love between partners that want to pleasure each other through using their bodies. And the other thing is you're a little young to be being pleasured like that. Traditionally, a neko waits until her first birthday at least. Of course, it wasn't your choice or your fault, Michiko." Michiko looked at Yui oddly. "If I am too young then why was Mommy trying to be my shotaiken?" Yui blushed a bit, "Mommy loves her body and wanted to share that with you...You bring back good memories of your other mommy, and your daddy gave me those funny feelings you were having...the ones that make your special spot tingle and want to be touched. So I would play with yours sometimes because I thought it would make us both happier..." Yui looked at the spot in question, then back to Michi's eyes. Michiko nodded it made some sense to her. "Is everyone going to be okay now? Daddy looks sad and Saito-sempai does too. But how do I fell your feelings like my own?” "Everyone is going to be okay now," Yui nodded reassuringly. "You must be strongly empathic, Michiko. You can feel my emotions inside you." She leaded over to Hinosami and whispered, "I've decided not to punish you," and Hinosami was filled with joy and relief, and hugged Yui tightly, while Yui watched Michiko for a reaction. Michiko smiled brightly as a look of relief appeared in her eyes. "Can we finish our picnic now?" She asked hopefully, the smile not fading from her face. "Of course, Michiko," Yui grinned, happy that the situation had deescalated. She'd have to work with Zemer later, though. JP by: Wes - Yui, Zemer, Hinosami Tyler - Saito Kim - Michiko GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [Kyoto] Colorful Flowers Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 300 (2/21/04 12:28) ezSupporter [Kyoto] Colorful Flowers ON> [Kyoto, Empress's Palace] Michiko was playing out in the palace gardens, wandering from flower to flower as she took in each scent as she asked their names. She was like a big hummingbird, a flurry of energy and a blur of skirts as she made her way their the flower beds with her still unnamed teddy bear in her arms. Saito was sitting on a bench nearby keeping a watchful eye on her; he had just recently cut his hair so now it wasn't as long as before. He smiled, watching her move about the gardens; Saito enjoyed watching her having fun. Empress Yui was off somewhere in the palace dealing with issues pertaining to her job; while being the leader of the Empire left her free time, the hours could be unpredictable, and every so often, the regis had to sit down and sort things out herself. Zemer, however, had no real responsibilities around the palace except for assisting the security team. The large, winged man smiled and tagged along, trying to name all the flowers for for her by memory, "That's a chrysanthemum, he pointed, as Michiko stooped down at put her nose against the flower. "How do you like Palace life Sir Zemer?" Saito asked curiously; he'd noticed how much better Zemer had become about his libido since the incident at the pool. "Do the flowers have meanings too, Daddy?" Michiko asked as she paused, letting the teddy smell the flower too before she moved on to the next one. "Symbolicism?" "It's calm," Zemer said to Saito, then kneeled beside Michiko, "Yes, many of them are used as symbols. That one is the Platycodon, or Bellflower, which is the national flower of the Yamatai Star Empire; that's where we live. So, the Yamatai people have put it on their flag." Saito smiled at that. "You want calm, you should visit Tania." He commented, still watching them. "But do the flowers have other meaning behind them? Like rain can mean sadness or despair?" Michiko looked at her father curiously as she looked from him to the Kikyo. "Flowers can symbolize emotions, too, if that's what you mean. A rose," Zemer pointed to a giant red rose nearby, "can symbolize love and friendship, for example." Saito looked at them curiously and walked over, studying the rose. "But how?" He asked. "It is an old tradition to give one to someone you cared about," Zemer explained. "Mmm, I understand..I think. I've never gotten one in my life." Saito said. "How do you know the difference in the flower meaning if the flower has more than one?" Michiko sniffed a white rose carefully as she lightly touched it's soft fragrant white petals, she was avoiding the flowers that were red or reminded her of the color of blood. "For the rose, a red love means love, white the white one means friendship," Zemer explained. He couldn't seem to remember what yellow and pick were...plus, the garden had various genetically concocted variants of its own like violet, blue, and even a few black roses, scattered about. "It depends on the situation I suppose. Like roses can offer comfort to those who have recently lost a loved one." Saito looked around and focused on the black roses. "Black usually indicates that you want the recipient to die; or so I've heard." Saito turned back to Michiko and smiled. "Just watch out for the thorns." He cautioned to her. Michiko's attention shifted to the odd black roses as she walked over to a bush of them. "But does black really mean bad things? The sky at night is black but it let's you see the stars twinkle." Michiko touched the roses carefully, her finger lightly tracing the petals and then the stem and carfeully around the sharp thorns. "Why do they have thorns?" "They have thorns to protect themselves." Saito explained. "Well, black doesn't always mean bad things; I find the nightsky comforting personally." Zemer watched her with interest as she inspected the bush. "Well, then why would a black rose mean death and not red? Black isn't the color of blood..." Michiko frowned softly at the memory that had been haunting her dreams before she smiled again. "What do we do with flowers besides keep them in the garden?" "We take care of them," Zemer replied quickly, as if wanting to answer before Saito. Saito shrugged, he didn't know. The young silver-haired neko walked back to the bench and laid on his back looking up at the sky and started to sing a soft tune. His TOS sensory mind kept an "eye" on them carefully. "We just watch them grow? But why would a black rose mean death and not the red one?" Michiko asked again getting the feeling that her question might go unanswered. "I'm not sure," Zemer replied, "It's an ancient tradition...they're pretty to look at, and we use them for decoration, to make the palace even more beautiful. Maybe black means death because people are often afraid of the darkness." "Why are they afraid of the darkness? Isn't there nothing in the dark that isn't there in the day?" Michiko asked curiously. Her questions sounded as if her mind had slightly matured since the other day. It'd be a matter of time now before she'd understand the situations around her. Saito grinned at Michiko's understanding and continued to sing his little song softly. "It's the unknown. You don't know what could be hiding," Zemer explained. He frowned at himself; that sounded spooky and he didn't want her to be paranoid at night. Saito rolled back up to a sitting position slowly and looked over at them from not far away, within easy hearing range. ~The unknown eh?~ He thought to himself. "The unknown? But couldn't you turn on a light to see what is out in the darkness? There are many things I still don't know, but I'm not scared of them. I'm more frightened by the things I feel but don't understand." Michiko said softly as she reflected her feelings about some of the emotions that she has felt in the past few days. "That's how it goes sometimes; some people's greatest enemy is their inability to comprehend everything." Saito muttered to himself. "You're a very sweet and very smart girl, and you will understand more and more every day. We'll never learn or understand everything...but we can learn enough to make us comfortable and productive and creative. I have so much confidence in you, Michiko. You're the best daughter a man could ask for," Zemer smiled happily and gave her a big hug from behind. Saito smiled wryly, feeling a bit jealous; but kept silent about it. He wonder if anyone would ever care for him like Zemer did for Michiko. Michiko leaned into the hug and smiled brightly as the emotions flooded into her again. It was a warm loving feeling that she understood. "I love you too, Daddy." She also understood that the things that her parents said or did were out of their love for her. "Oh! Can we pick out some flowers to bring into the palace for Mommy?" "Do you want to? Maybe we should let them grow," Zemer asked. Michiko thought about this and nodded. "Maybe we should.. Unless we can bring the entire plant into the palace so it can still grow and be pretty?" Saito shook his head and chuckled, otherwise remained quiet. Zemer laughed, "It looks pretty firmly set in the ground. Do you miss mommy?" "I know Mommy is busy and I want her to know that we are still thinking of her even when she can't be with us all of the time. I think that to feel like you have been forgotten is the worst feeling in the world and that's why you and Mommy try so hard not to forget Chiharu?" Michiko looked up at Zemer and smiled softly. Chiharu's spirit had remanifested itself to silently watch Michiko's growth and development, it was a nice feeling to know that she was growing up well despite the things that she does not understand or know. Chiharu hoped that Michiko's life would be filled with light and happiness that could only be found in a time of peace. The spirit let herself dissipate again, satisfied with what she had seen today. Zemer squeezed Michiko even tighter, kissing her cheek from behind, "You're so wonderful, Michiko. I love you more than anything else in all of the universe. You're getting wiser and more mature all the time, and I am so, so proud of you, as are your mommy and your mother, Chiharu, I know. You're a special wonderful girl, more rare and precious and beautiful than any soft, sweet flower here." Michiko leaned back into the hug, hugging her father's arms around h er with a smile. "What's your favorite type of flower, Daddy? I like the little blue forget-me-nots." "My favorite flower is the morning glory. It's so timid, yet beautiful. I used to go to a garden of them in Elysia...a long time ago," Zemer said. Saito looked glum at what Michiko had said about being forgotten. He looked up at Michiko and smiled warmly at her. "I don't know Michi, I haven't had much experience with them." Saito had looked so withdrawn because we...he was feeling forgotten. "Did you have a garden when you were growing up, Saito-sempai?" Michiko asked him curiously, since she hadn't heard much about his childhood. "It wasn't mine, but I had a favorite one I used to visit, in heaven," Zemer said. "I met my wife there on a quiet afternoon." Michiko looked at Zemer curiously. "I have another mommy?" Saito sighed. "I did, but I wasn't allowed to go out in it..I was very sheltered and trained alot..probably too much." Saito said, looking at her. "Sheltered?" Michiko seemed puzzled by the use of the word. "Your mommies killed my wife, years ago in the war, when my home was destroyed," Zemer told her. Michiko looked bothered by this new bit of information. "Why did they do that?" Saito canted his head curiously and listened to Zemer. "Wasn't it because an emperor was assassinated? Didn't that start the war?" "Elysia tried to get revenge on our old enemies, the demons...when we took over their lands, the Star Empire attacked us," Zemer said. "Did the Star Empire attack because you took over the Demon's lands?" Michiko asked curiously, she had never really learned about the cause of the Heavenly Wars. Saito hadn't either, what he knew was only what he'd read and heard of. "Interesting. They were defending their allies?" "They claimed that it was to prevent our aggression...but there's a lot of political back story. Don't worry. Chiharu finally ensured peace...that's why I'm here today!" Zemer squeezed one last time, and then released her. "I'll have to read about this later. Sounds interesting." Saito commented. Michiko smiled brightly again. "So what are we going to do today? We played in the garden." She pondered this over in her mind, there was much that they could do, but what was the question. "That's up to you Princess." Saito smiled. "What would you like to do?" [Kyoto] Special Valentine's Day. Dante Stormwind GSA Security Sentry 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 47 (2/14/04 13:56) ezSupporter [Kyoto] Special Valentine's Day. The sun rose along it's neverending course, gently lighting the city of Kyoto; dancing off the morning dew with shimmering brilliance. In the bedroom on the second story over Lavinia's Plushies; a lovely young woman lay sleeping. Her soft light blue hair splayed over her feather down pillow and blanket; she rolled over to gently embrace her beloved husband only to find an empty space. "Hmm?" She said sleepily rubbing her eyes and sitting up; letting her silken nightie flow down her torso. "Where is he?" Lavinia asked softly. "What's this?" She mused, picking up the note and reading it. The note was tenderly written with lots of care: "Good morning, love of my life...I did not wish to wake you, for you looked so beautiful sleeping in the gentle predawn. I had to wake early so I would be able to get everything I have planned set into motion. If you would like the first of your surprises, come downstairs." Lavinia smiled sweetly and hugged the rose to her chest as she giggled in a slightly girlish tone, knowing Ritsu must have had something BIG planned. the still-sleepy, but happy young woman slowly got out of the bed and smoothed the silken sheets. She walked over to her wardrobe and looked through her clothing and selected a satin robe and slid it on over her nightie and belted it with a sash at her slender waist. Lavinia smiled and started down the stairs when a pleasant scent hit her nose. Lav followed the scent into the kitchen where she saw Ritsu just finishing up making a huge breakfast with all the works: Bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, everything she could dream of. "Oh my." She gasps from her place out of sight coming down the stairs. Ritsurin had just set down the last plate of food on the large table, it all looked so delicious as the steam rose from it all; a breakfast cooked with love. He caught sight of his lovely wife as she descended the stairs; the robe falling gracefully around her ankles. The sunlight drew up and hit her on the back making her glow in the morning light. A lovely sight overall, Lavinia's soft blue hair, slender figure all seemed to glow with heavenly radiance. Ritsu smiled and walked over to her as she approached the table and gently wrapped his arms around her waist; once she was in his gentle embrace he trailed soft kisses and nibbles over her collarbone. Lavinia smiled and reached back with one arm and gently held his neck as he did and purred happily. He nibbled on her ear gently and whispered: "Good morning my beloved. I see you got my note, I hope your hungry, because you're going to need the energy for all the fun things I have planned." Lavinia didn't want him to stop, she was loving the gentle attention and kissing, but her stomache growled at the food, getting a smile and a chuckle from them both. "I can't believe all this Ritsu." She said, turning to him with love in her eyes. "Well, it's getting cold." He smiled back to her as he let her got and pulled out a chair for her and held it until she accepted it with a smile. After breakfast was over, Lav got up to clean the dishes and put away the leftovers; Ritsu walked over to her and gently pushed her back into the chair. "I'll take care of it." He told her and softly kissed her on the cheek. Lavinia was really quite pleased with all this, she was wondering why today? Was today special? She wondered about all that as she watched him clean up. Ritsu smiled inwardly to himself as he sat back down after he finished up; he looked her in the eyes, for a moment they seemed lost in the beauty of the each other's eyes. "It's time for the day to officially start." Ritsu said and offered Lavinia a small gift. Her eyes widened as she smiled, "What is it?" She asked, trying to control her excitment as she accepted it. Lavinia unwrapped it carefully, in case it was fragile. "Oh...." She breathed as she withdrew a precious looking pair of sapphire earrings. Ritsu had gotten her these over the diamonds because he knew she loved the color blue. "There're exquisite!" She said. Ritsu nodded. "I had them custom made just for you." Lavinia blushed and rose from the table. "I can't wear these with this robe." She smiled and went upstairs to change. She was happy, this day had started out in such a wonderful way. Lav was eager, eager to see what her husband had in mind. Lavinia had set the earrings on her nightstand while she looked at the selection of the clothes available. ~Do I want a sexy look or a more conservative one?~ The young woman wondered as she looked over the clothes. Meanwhile, Ritsu was outside preparing the second surprise for her. The chestnut brown clydesdale horse snorted and whinnied then clomped it's hoof anxiously. "Shhh." Ritsu reassured it and looked up at the driver who'd been paid in advance for a full day's service. The neko smiled back at him shyly and brushed a hair out of her face. "Take the scenic route out to the bay." He instructed, the driver nodded. The brown-haired young man walked back inside and packed up a medium-size bag full of somethings. Lavinia came back down the stairs; her natural beauty enhanced by the white sundress with a thin blue vest draped over her torso. Her hair was brushed out and looking soft and delicate; like the rest of her. She was met on the same floor where they'd shared that nice breakfast but Ritsu. The young man had on a pair of pressed tan khaki pants, with a similarily nice red shirt covered with a open white white vest. "You're looking handsome." Lavinia giggled, as she looked him over. "And you, you look beautiful." Ritsurin smiled at her warmly, offering his arm out to her. Lavinia walked over, the still warm sunlight of the midmorning filtering in; highlighting her delicate, feminine appearance and hooked her arm through his with a dainty blush. He escorted her out and helped her up into the horse-drawn carriage and stepped up and in after her. Lav gently blushed as Ritsu gently pulled her her closer to him with the arm over her shoulders. She smiled happily as the carriage pulled away, heading for the predesignated location and leaned against him gently resting her head on his shoulder. Their hands met between their laps, slowly and gently interlacing their fingers; then gently grasping the other's hand. "Where are you taking me?" Lavinia smiled sweetly up at Ritsu. He lifted her hand to his lips and gently laid a delicate kiss on the back of it. "That too, is a surprise my sweet." He said. Lavinia smiled and snuggled up against him, happy to be out in city with the love of her life. After a while of riding serenely through the more "scenic" areas of Kyoto, they reached the boat that was awaiting them at about midday. the couple had ridden mostly in silence; enjoying the sights and, more importantly, the loving company they shared with each other. Ritsu leaned over and softly kissed her on the cheek, earning a pretty pink blush from Lav. He gently let her go and stepped out of the carriage and gently lifted Lavinia out of it and twirled her around once, making her pretty white sundress flare out prettily, but not revealing anything. Lavinia giggled and wrapped her arms about his neck and gently kissed him on the cheek as he set her down. As the lovely young couple walked to the waiting boat, Ritsu slipped an arm around her slender waist. When they were aboard and had taken their seats the boat glided out to about a mile out into the bay. the sun glimmered over the surface of the clear, calm water. Lavinia looked at Ritsurin with a sweet, almost shy smile. "This has been a very nice morning, I'm so happy I get to spend it with you." "I've been thinking..." Ritsu started, looking into her eyes with love. "About what?" She asked, cuddling against him affectionately. "Our future together." He smiled at his lovely young bride. Lav blushed slightly. "You...have?" she asked shyly. "Yes, I've been thinking that we should get a larger home." Ritsu said. "Our house isn't large enough?" Lavinia asked curiously, not knowing what he was getting at. Ritsu leaned over and whispered something to her and nibbled on her ear gently. It isn't if you want what you've wanted for years." The soft blue-haired young woman's eyes widened as she started to blush furiously and smile at him; her eyes showing nothing but deep love for him. He leaned back and smiled at her shyly, as he started to blush a bit as well. "Wouldn't you agree?" Lavinia hugged him tightly in response, snuggling affectionately into his chest. Ritsu nodded, understanding that this was her way of agreeing and gently wrapped his arms around her torso, holding her in a loving embrace. He slowly ran a hand through her soft, silky hair and gently nibbled on her collarbone. Lav purred in happiness and continued to make herself comfortable. They continued talking about their future, their voices full of hope and excitment; even collapsing into gails of laughter when Ritsu made a particularly good joke. When their time with the ship was up, it brought them back to the beach they had departed from, the sun still high in the sky dancing over the water. Ritsurin gently helped his beloved back up into the carriage that had patiently waited for them and got up into it himself. The couple snuggled against each other and silently enjoyed each other's company. They reached the next point in the preplanned itinerary at about mid afternoon, the day was wonderful; the sky clear and cloudless, the smell of blossoming sakura in the air. They departed the carriage once again once they reach the largest public gardens in Kyoto. "Ooooh wow." Lavinia breathed in awe as they walked through the lovely garden, a light breeze caught Lav's hair making it dance with the floating Sakura. She seemed to be so happy; her smile serene and blissfully gracing her beautiful face. Ritsu smiled and held her close; Lav loved to be hugged, embraced; she loved him with all her heart and soul and wouldn't exchange him for anyone else. She didn't accept anyone else's touch like this, but his; her heart belonged to him, and his to her. Lav smiled sweetly and leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked through the blossoming garden. They stopped on the top of a small hill that overlooked the rose garden area; a lovely sight as the white, yellow, and red roses were in full bloom. "Ooo my goodness Ritsu, it's beautiful." Lav said in awe. He had finished laying out a picnic lunch of mostly homemade Japanese food and snuck up behind her and gently wrapped his arms around her slender tummy and tickled her gently. "Not was lovely as you are." He said softly. Lavinia was very impressed and happy when she turned to see a nice picnic lunch laid out for them overlooking this garden. Ritsu smiled at her as he sat down on the rolled out blanket. "Today is for you my love, you've been so good to me that I just had to show you what you meant to me." She blushed as she sat down, putting her legs together and off to the side as she sat in the traditional Japanese style. "This is wonderful Ritsu." She said. After they had eaten, Lav scooted over next to Ritsu as they looked out over the garden. He presented her with another little gift, this one a enlongated box. Lavinia quivered in her excitment; her little girlish nature surfacing. "That's for me? What is it?" She wondered as her eyes met his curiously. She carefully opened the gift and opened the box. "Oh my......" she breathed and lifted her hair for him to put it on her. The necklace was made of white gold inlayed with small sapphires. Something was definately up here; it seemed that the necklace and earrings were part of a set. "Where is Ritsu going with this?" Lav wondered. They sat talking more about their futures, moving more and more into each other's arms. After a while, Lavinia had snuggled into Ritsu and was sleeping in his arms, using his chest for her pillow. He smiled softly at her as his arms embraced her gently, letting her sleep, she must have been having a nice dream since she was purring happily. He let her sleep in her warm comfort until the sun started to go down over the horizon. Ritsu gently roused her to watch it with him. "Lav, wake up, you have to see this." He whispered to her softly. Her eyes fluttered open as the looked in the direction he was; the couple were bathed in the soft fading light of the sun as it slowly set. "It's gorgeous, all those soft oranges, yellows an reds.." She smiled. After that, Ritsu packed up the picnic and held it in one hand as he held Lav in the other arm. They returned to the carriage and slowly got up into it, gently holding each other. The carriage pulled off and headed back to their home in preparation for the last part of the day. The tailor Ritsu had hired had left the next gift in Lav's closet and departed without touching anything else. They got out of the carriage in front of their home. "Are we done?" Lavinia asked curiously, half hoping they weren't. "Not we're not, I've still got the best coming." Ritsu said mysteriously. "Please go upstairs and change into something nice." He hinted with a smile Lavinia gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and went upstairs to see what she had that was really quite nice, she didn't want to disappoint. Meanwhile, Ritsu took his chance and stepped into the bathroom to change, not wanting to give away his secret plan to Lav. "Oh my god Ritsu....it's so beautiful.." Lavinia said as she laid eyes on the long silk bluegreen evening gown with matching white velvet gloves that hung in her closet; bearing a note. "For my one true love, I had this tailor made to you; I hope you like it." Lavinia smiled brightly, sweetly; she got it out and slowly changed into the gown, enjoying the feeling of the silk against her skin. She paused to look at herself in the fullbody mirror; she looked like a queen. The earrings and necklace matched her gown perfectly. ~That sly fox..he had this all set up, just for me~ She smiled. She swept down the stairs, looking absolutely gorgeous in her gown and pink lipstick and jewelry. Lavinia may have looked gorgeous; but more importantly, she felt beautiful. She had the love of a good man; a blossoming plushie business, she was only missing one thing: children. She was again greeted by a waiting Ritsurin. This time he was in a very nice tuxedo, full suit and tails look; his hair was neatly combed and pulled into a ponytail. "I see you got my final gift. You look very lovely in it." Ritsu said to her. Lavinia ran over to him and threw her arms around her; crying in happiness. Ritsurin smiled and hugged her back then offered her his handkerchief which she accepted, then kissed him deeply. After a moment or two she slowly broke the kiss and smiled, blushing slightly. "I love it, and you." Ritsu smiled warmly at her and again offered her his arm to her. Lavinia accepted it and leaned against him gently as they walked out, her in her evening gown and highheels and him in the tuxedo and nice dress shoes. The pair returned to the waiting carriage and started out again, Lavinia was getting quite a few looks from the women who were out and about. "Oh my...she's looks lovely." She heard one say; and smiled. Ritsu gently covered her eyes. "I can't let you see where we're going for the last surprise." He said to her. Lavinia was growing excited, but let him cover her eyes with his hands as they drew insight of the palace. Ritsu had gotten the permission for this from the empress herself, as a form of thanks for providing Michiko with the bear. The carriage drew to a stop in front of the palace and Ritsu let his hands off her eyes. Lavinia gasped as she saw the palace; Ritsu kissed her cheek softly. "That's where I'm taking you for dinner." He said. Lavinia was speechless; just absolutely stunned that he'd go this far out of his way...all for her. "Ritsu...." she said, looking at him as he helped her down from the carriage. She gently hooked her arm through his offered one as they approached the gates. Due to the ahead notice from the empress, the guards allowed them to pass with polite nods. They were met by the samurai Tsuya; who politely bowed to them. "Welcome Mr. Ritsurin, Mrs. Lavinia; I was told to show you to the Guest's Dining Room. So if you'll please follow me." She said with a smile. Tsuya turned and started toward where they were supposed to go. Lavinia had a gentle smile on her face as they followed Tsuya into the Guest's Dining Room; there was a table already laid out for two. There was a nice Japanese meal prepared for them, with a bouque of red roses gracing the center of the table. Tsuya left them alone as per her orders; there was the sound of soft music playing in the background. It seemed that Yui had really wanted to thank them and had the cook prepare a very nice Dinner for them, as well as a group of nekos who were serenading the couple. Ritsurin smiled at the setting, it was so very romantic as he pulled out Lavinia's chair for her; which she gracefully accepted. He took the seat across from her and smiled warmly at her; Lav smiled gently back and began to eat delicately, in a very ladylike fashion. Ritsu followed suit and started to eat in a very gentlemanly manner; they both exemplified good manners. After their wonderfully romantic dinner, the music changed to suit a slow dance environment. Ritsurin rose from his seat after wiping his mouth with a provided napkin and walked over to Lavinia and gently pulled her chair out and offered her a hand up. She smiled at him affectionately, accepting the hand and standing up. The servants quickly removed the table, chairs to give them room to dance. "May I have this dance my dear?" Ritsu asked her, bowing extravagantly and kissed her gloved hand sweetly. Lavinia smiled shyly and blushed a gentle pink, as she curtseyed in return, sensing it was the correct response. "You may." She giggled. That begun the slow dance they engaged in; Lav's beauty amplified by her gown, the jewelry, and the setting. The young woman was blissfully happy, a romantic day, a glorious night: all with the man she loved so dearly and with all her heart and soul. (It took 2 days, but there it is. Hope you guys like it) YSA no Nito Hesho Dante Stormwind Security YSS Celia (GC-55) [Kyoto] Sensei Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 235 (2/14/04 6:48) ezSupporter [Kyoto] Sensei ON> Kyoto, Downtown Michiko hugged her bear tightly as she lead Hinosami out of the doll shop by her leash. She was just smiling happily as carried her bear proudly. "Do you like my bear, Daddy?" Saito was chatting with the dog-eared young man nearby. "So, you served under her a while ago?" Saito was asking. "Yeah, Yui was my first captain." Ritsu was saying; the two guys continued chatting in a friendly fashion. Saito was getting some advice on women as well. "Please come back anytime." Lavinia smiled at Michi and Hinosami. Hinosami followed along obediently, in her thin black dress. Zemer grinned proudly at his daughter, "I think he's a handsome bear." Lavinia blushed at Zemer's comment, she had handmade that one; as she had done for a few of the plushies in the store. Michiko smiled brightly again and looked from her father to her mother. "So what else is there to see in the city? Are there other fluffy things, or shiny things?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to one side as she looked at them with those bright blue eyes. Lavinia was standing next to Ritsu, hugging him around the torso gently. They turned, bowed to them all and went back into the shop to prepare for more customers. Saito was smiling at Michiko's newest little toy as he walked back over. Yui nodded, "We'll go down the street and look through the other places around here, then. This is your first night out, so I'm sure you're very curious about what's out here. This is the commercial district, which means it's for shopping," Yui explained, crossing her arms over her glossy red dress. Zemer nodded. "I suppose we'll leave the shuttle here." Michiko nodded, understanding. "Shopping means you get things?" She had heard Lavinia say that she wasn't going to charge Yui for the plushies but since Michiko had never paid for anything before, she didn't understand what it meant. "What does it mean to charge someone for something?" Saito was leaning against the shuttle, thinking about strapping the sword over his back to look a bit more intimidating in case on lookers got ideas. "Usually when people get things, they give something else Like money in return," Zemer told Michiko, starting to walk down the street. The store next to the Lavinia's plushies was an ice cream shop. Maybe this section of town was laid out with children in mind, he pondered. "Money? What's that?" Michiko asked as she walked after her father, holding her teddy bear with one hand and Hinosami's leash lightly in the other. "Saito-sempai, isn't coming with us?" She noticed that her body guard was leaning against the shuttle instead of following them. The young male neko wasn't too far behind; his eyes wondering over the shops and such. "Odd." He commented; finding it weird that so many stores that accommodated children where all in one area. It was odd to him, he hadn't spent much time in a big city. "Oh, I am, I was thinking about carrying my sword with me." He smiled at Michiko, catching up. "Money," Yui explained, "is something people buy things with. Usually, coins." "Why do you carry a sword, Saito-sempai? I thought you said you weren't samurai?" Michiko asked as she nodded to Yui. "But, why do people need to buy things?" So many things to learn! Chiharu's spirit smiled softly as she watched on in her silent way, it was nice to see that things had settled down a bit and that Zemer and Yui were finally getting along. She was especially thrilled with the teddy bear choice, but she decided to return to the spirit realm again to regain some of her essence from remaining in this reality as a silent observer. She blew the ones she loved a kiss, although she knew that they could not see her or feel her and disappeared again. Ayame drummed her fingers over her control panel as she put in the call to the Empress, "Taisho Kyoshi Ayame to speak with the Empress please. Inform her it is rather urgent." She said firmly when she was connected with someone on Yamatai. Saito smiled at Michiko. "I'm not technically a samurai, but I was trained to use swords; and I like them." He smiled, walking next to Michiko. He wanted to give her those bracelets, but perhaps how wasn't the right time. Zemer gave Yui a big grin and gestured his head towards the ice cream shop, "You want to?" He asked. It'd been a long time since he'd had any ice cream, and he just knew Michiko was about to find a new favorite food. Yui nodded and started walking towards the shop, when she felt a familiar presence. "Chiharu?" she looked out towards the empty street, hoping the woman would be standing there, but it was only Hinosami, who handed Yui her handheld device. "Taisho Ayame," the little girl in black said. Yui held the device out and turned on its tiny camera, opening a channel. "Good evening," she greeted the newly-promoted Nekovalkyrja. Ayame bowed, "Good evening Empress, I am sorry to disturb you but something has happened on the Celia that requires your attention." "What is it, Ayame? Naraku didn't escape, did she?" Yui asked Ayame through the little screen. Ayame collected her thoughts, "We encountered an alien vessel earlier today, it was heavily damaged and was leaking oxygen. We assisted and brough the ship inside the Celia, when we opened it we found one person alive, an older woman probably in her mid fifties. Her body was damaged beyond repair so we decided to make an ST backup in order to save her. When we tried to do this the body died instantly and it showed its true nature as a life form one of pure energy. She explained to us that they must take hosts bodies in order to take solid form." She sighed, "A woman entered the medbay, named Amaya, she was a friend of the late Shosho. She offered her body to be the host for this being, her name is Akila, as long as she would not need to continue living. Akila has now expressed an interest in serving the Empire your highness." "Serving us?" Yui's long green eyebrows elevated slightly at that. Perhaps the woman felt some gratitude for being saved. It was, however, somewhat spooky to hear that this Amaya had just thrown away her own life so easily, but Yui knew love had a profound effect on the way people acted, and so did Naraku. "I'd like to meet her, and learn more about her and her kind. Have the YSS Ayame immediately bring her to me, alright Ayame?" Ayame bowed, "Of course your highness. I will have it done immediately. Thank you for your time." Saito looked down at little Michiko and offered her the bracelets. "These are for you." He said, smiling. Michiko took the bracelets curiously, they were shiny that they were. She liked shiny things. "What are these, Saito-semapi?" She held them carefully up as she shifted her teddy under her right arm that held Hinosami's leash. "Shiny." "These are bracelets made to match that necklace I made for you." Saito smiled, "here, try them on." He said, gently sliding them onto her her wrists. Michiko let Saito slide the bracelets on and listened to them jingle together as she move her hand. She smiled brightly. "Like little bells. How does Saito-sempai make the shinies?" Saito grinned at her. "I just can, you'd have to ask mommy if I can show you." Michiko looked at Yui curiously, not understanding why she had to ask or why Saito was grinning. Ayame turned around and walked off the bridge going back to her quarters where she had left Akila. As she opened the door and found her sitting in a chair watching the door. "Hello Akila" Ayame said as she entered, "I recently spoke with the Empress, we will be sending you to Yamatai on the YSS Ayame immediately. The Empress will decide what to do with you once you arrive." Akila merely nodded and rose from her seat, she bowed her head to Ayame who led her from the room and to the YSS Ayame, she did not want anyone else escorting Akila, she had not yet quite made up her mind whether or not she trusted her. He knew that blatantly cutting his hand open and forming something would shock her; He radiated a feeling of amusement and pleasure at Michiko's innocence. Yui nodded and handed the handheld video communications gadget back to Hinosami, who placed it back in a leather pouch strapped to her thigh, hidden by the thin silk of her black dress. "I'm going to have a guest soon, so I can't stay out all night," Yui told Zemer. Zemer nodded and went into the ice cream store, "Come on, little princess," he called. "Coming Daddy!" Michiko skipped after her father, after moving her teddy bear back into her left hand, gently leading Hinosami into the ice cream store after him. Saito shook his head, with a chuckle and looked over at Yui. The silver-haired neko wasn't sure if he should folow after Michiko and Zemer or patiently wait outside. Hinosami hadn't been paying attention and had to rush forward to keep up with Michiko's skipping. Her boot toes caught on a cobblestone and the girl fell forward, slamming against the door frame as she stumbled inside the ice cream parlor, standing wobbily. Yui slowly followed her in and inspected Hinosami for damage. Michiko turned sharply when she heard the thud. "Sami-sempai? Are you okay?" She didn't know what had happened, she had expected Hinosami to be right behind her like she had been. Saito looked over at Hinosami, concerned. He hoped she was okay; Saito didn't like to see any member of his family hurt, even mildly. Saito followed Yui into the parlor after she determined if Sami was ok. Hinosami looked a bit dazed, but okay, although there was little red scrape on the side of her forehead. "Yes mistress," Sami nodded. "What flavors would you like?" Zemer asked Michiko, pointed to the buckets of various ice creams and sherbets. "What flavors do they have?" Michiko asked curiously after she used her bear to rub her own forehead. "What is...ice cream?" Saito asked, he'd never heard of it. "Chocolate, Mint chocolate chip, Vanilla, Strawberry, Hazelnut, Butter Pecan..." Zemer red off the labels. They all looked very tasty. Hinosami humbly whispered, "Mistress, may I speak?" to Michiko. Michiko nodded to Hinosami. "Go ahead and speak, Sami-sempai. You don't have to ask me permission if you want to say something." She smiled softly a bit confused by the request to speak. Hinosami told Michiko, "Mistress Michiko, I am not supposed to speak unless addressed...I was going to ask for butter pecan ice cream, if it pleases you mistress," Hinosami quietly replied with a slave-like shyness. Michiko tilted her head to one side at Hinosami. "You can have butter pecan ice cream... I want.. mint chocolate chip!" She announced smiling brightly, she liked the sound of it. "Addressed? I'm sending you somewhere?" Saito was watching from his vantage point behind everyone else. He didn't really know what in the world ice cream was; and he didn't want to find out, not today anyway. Zemer handled the transaction and gave the girls their cones, and then got himself a Chocolate one, while Yui splurged and bought a double cone with hazelnut and butter pecan. Each scoop was rather large, and hung over the edes of the big waffle cones. Saito looked up and smiled at Hinosami and Michiko, the two happy young women reminding him of the children in Tania. "That's one thing that never changes." He said softly. "Thank you, Daddy." Michiko took her cone after adjusting her teddy bear into her other hand and sniffed at the ice cream curiously, tasting it curiously and getting a little on her nose. "It's yummy." She slowly started to eat her ice cream cone, happily. Yui smiled and licked her cone, while Zemer kneeled slightly and gave Michi a hug and a nokin for any stray drips. ON> Empress' Palace An hour or so later, the family returned to the palace just in time to precede to arrival of the alien guest. Stepping out of the shuttle, Yui waited as the other shuttle, from the YSS Ayame II, landed nearby in the cobblestone courtyard where she'd fought against Zemer. Zemer followed shortly thereafter, "This must be her," he said. Saito got out of their shuttle and jumped up onto the top of it and looked up at the nigth sky, started to feel relaxed, he had the weapon beside him as he leaned on it. "Her who?" He asked curiously. Michiko walked out of the shuttle curiously after her parents, having resolved the issue of holding the leash and the teddy at the same time by looping the leash around the teddy's arm and then holding the teddy by that arm to prevent the leash from sliding off. Akila stepped out of the shuttle, she had pulled the two sides of her now long blonde hair back and into braids, and had fastened both at the back of her hair with a delicate silver clip. She raised the hem of her shimmering dark blue gown as she exited the shuttle and crossed towards the people exiting the other shuttle and dropped into a low curtsey before the woman Ayame had described as the Empress. She did not speak but stayed in her position, giving her the respect her position deserved. Hinosami tagged along, humiliated, obeying the will of "Master Bear." ~Poor Hinosami, I wonder why she likes that.~ Saito wondered, seeing the girl following Michiko. Saito sat opened the weapon case and pulled the large sword out of it and carefully fitted the strap over his shoulder so it hung across his back as he stood there, getting used to the weight. It hung in such a way that the sharp tip couldn't drag, it looked a bit too big for him, but he supported easily as he looked up into the sky, his TOS mind monitoring the group. "I am Ketsurui Yui. Welcome to my home," Yui greeted the woman. "You may rise and speak freely. I appreciate your respect and courtesy, your honor me and honor yourself with such manners. Thank you for coming to see me," the Empress bowed slightly and gave a smile. "We have much to discuss. Come inside the living room with me." Zemer lead the way into the big living room with the brown leather couches. Akila rose and smiled as she followed the Empress into her palace, "I must thank you for allowing me to come here, it means alot to me." Michiko blushed as she followed her parents back into the palace and into the living room. She took a seat near her father and set her bear down in her lap and unloop the leash from it and placed it on her lap as well. Saito leapt off the shuttle with the weapon over his back and the case under his arm and followed them to the room, and stood leaning against a nearby wall making himself obvious. He was watching this new…person closely to make sure she didn't try anything; he had seen seemingly nice people be assassins before. Yui took a seat in a giant easy chair and Hinosami sat on one leg, her leash hanging across the armrest and into Michiko's lap. Zemer sat across the coffee table and patted the spot next to him, offering it to Akila. After most everyone was settled, she started, "Would you tell me about where you come from?" Akila walked over and sat beside the man offering him a smile before turning to look at the Empress, "I hail from a space station orbiting a planet rather far away from here your highness. The Taisho has all of the relevant co-ordinates but I can also provide them for you if you wish." "That's not necessary," Yui told her. She could always get the location later; she was more interested in what it was like there. "A space station? Is it a colony of your homeworld?" she asked. Akila nodded, "Yes it is your highness." "I understand your race is an energy-based life form of some sort...what do you call yourselves?" Yui asked. Zemer smiled politely and looked her over. It looked like her body was at least partially natural. Hinosami scooted against Yui, curling into the Nekovalkyrja's side as if getting ready to sleep. Michiko sat quietly and leaned against her father's side, yawning quietly as her eyes slid closed and she was fast asleep not soon after. Akila smiled, "We are called the Melumsi your highness." "Melumsi," Yui repeated. She couldn't help but smile as Michiko and Hinosami both passed out. "It's been a long day for them," she explained. "This is Hinosami, my servant, and this is my daughter Michiko." Zemer smiled and offered his hand, "Zemer." Akila slipped her hand into his, "My name is Akila." She smiled at the Empress, "I was hoping that there might be a way that I could take a position of sorts here on Yamatai your highness." "I see," Yui said. "Well, let's see...what are you you good at?" Akila thought a moment, "Besides my psionic and empathic abilities, I was trained as a diplomat." Saito arched an eyebrow at Akila; ~I wonder if she can help michiko understand her empathy?~ he wondered silently; still watching her. "Oh, really," Yui seemed excited. "Michiko here is an empath, too, and might be the one to have to fill in my shoes someday...have you ever done any tutoring before," she asked, running a hand through her soft green hair. "She been having some trouble lately differentiating her own emotions from those around her, and it's resulted in some...strange situations. If you could teach her that first, and the art of diplomacy as she grows, I would be eternally grateful." Akila looked at Michiko, "You would have me be her teacher? Does she not know these things already? She looks to be rather old to begin education, she must have had some previous teachings." Saito sighed, feeling a little tired. His eyes were one Akila, not out of a sense of watchfulness, but in admiration of her radiant beauty; it seemed...otherworldly. "She's still quite young mentally." He said quietly. Akila looked at Saito, "Young mentally?" She asked slightly confused. "She's a Nekovalkyrja, like me. We're born with adult bodies that don't age. Would you believe she's not even a year old?" Yui explained. Zemer nodded. "It's a strange story how she was born. Her true mother, Chiharu was in love with both Yui and I, but was taken from us...Yui created Michiko's body and tried to summon Chiharu's spirit back to this world, but couldn't. Chiharu's spirit took Yui's wish for her survival and made it into the newborn soul that is Michiko." "Interesting." Saito commented. "I didn't know that." He said, leaning forward a bit. Akila nodded, "I see. I'd be happy to teach her everything I know." END JP by: Wesley Davis (Zemer, Yui, Hinosami) Kimberly Godwin (Michiko) Tyler Leth (Saito, Lavinia, Ritsurin) Jennifer Higgins (Akila, Ayame) [Kyoto: Empress' Palace] Lessons and Teddy Bears Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (Deceased) Posts: 65 (2/12/04 22:22) ezSupporter [Kyoto: Empress' Palace] Lessons and Teddy Bears ON> Kyoto, Yamatai: Empress's Palace. After things had settled down, the Ketsurui family had flown back home, on a mostly-silent shuttle ride. Zemer and Yui took Michiko into one of the giant living rooms in the palace, and they sat down on a leather couch, still in their bathing suits they'd worn in the pool. Both parents were trying to be soothing and affectionate, but at the same time, control their reactions. Yui didn't seem to think it was all that horrible, after the initial shock, and had emphasized that she believed that if they had a strong reaction, it would hurt Michiko, so they should try to make it seem like less of a big deal, that way Michiko could go about her life without much stigma associated with the event. Michiko had calmed down considerably after it had been explained to her and now that she saw that everyone involved was going to be okay. It was an incredible sense of calm that she felt as she sat on the couch. "So what are we going to do now, Mommy? We baked cookies, went swimming and had a picnic." She smiled happily as she seemed to have put the memory of the shotaiken out of her mind. Zemer was on one side of the couch and Michiko was sitting between him and Yui, straddling Yui's thigh with her mommy's arms around her waist. Zemer reached out and pulled Michiko in towards his broad, muscular chest. He felt like he should have his shirt on, but his main concern was fear that she'd pull away from him. Full of paternal love, he sought to comfort her and reconcile himself with her. "Are you feeling better, Michiko?" he asked her sincerely. Yui smiled, "You've had a long day, Michiko. I thought you'd probably want to rest after...the trip. What do you feel like doing?" Saito was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, his mind replaying the scene pointing out what could've been better if he hadn't been so angry. ~I hope that never happens again. I feel so...out of place here; this place isn't anything like Tania. ~ He was thinking, he still had a bit of a frown as he stood silently leaning with his arms crossed across his chest, his hair hanging over his face, concealing his look from them. Michiko didn't pull away from Zemer's hug and smiled as she thought about what she wanted to do. "Yup, I'm feeling better." Her eyes shined happily. "Can we go out to the city? I wanna see the shops and the pretty things there!" She had put on the necklace that Saito had given her on the shuttle ride back to the palace. She seemed to be full of energy despite the excitement of the day's events. "Sure, dear," Yui smiled. "We can go shopping and more." Zemer kissed Michiko lovingly on the forehead, while Yui rubbed Michiko's belly up and down. "We'll take a quick bath and dress up in the clothes we had on earlier, ok? That dress of yours compliments your beauty, Michiko. You're definitely a Ketsurui, my daughter." Saito was carefully controlling his feelings of shame and disappointment in himself at his failure; he bottled them up to keep Michiko from sensing them. He opened his eyes and looked at them; "I'm sure that'll be fun for you." He said softly, no longer sure if he was fit to go as her guardian. "Okay Mommy." Michiko smiled brightly again and kissed Zemer softly on the cheek. "Is Daddy going to be okay too?" She asked him curiously, hoping that he was going to be all right as well. Hinosami, in her small low-rise and tube top, walked over to Saito and suddenly gave him a big hug, in appreciation of his help back at the pool. She hopped up against him and wrapped her legs around his. "Arigato, Saito-sama," she whispered. "Hmm?" Saito said, looking down at the little girl that was latched onto him. "For what?" He said, having forgotten what he'd done with her. Saito automatically embraced her warmly as he looked down at her and smiled, somewhat amused. Zemer smiled, "I think daddy is going to be alright," and kissed his daughter's forehead again, before releasing her so that they could get up and head to the baths again. "As long as you're happy, I am too, Michiko," he nodded. "Daddy's an empath too?" Michiko asked curiously as she hugged Yui softly before she stood up as well. "Are there gonna be bubbles again, Mommy?" Hinosami's hand snaked down into and past the waistband of Saito's trunks and took hold of the flaccid organ that had been hanging dormant there. She hugged him tightly and whispered to him, "You saved me. I want to thank you." Hinosami did something out of the others sight that caused Saito to flush silver again. "Ms. Sami...now really isn't the time, not in front of everyone, it would be better for it to wait, ok?" He whispered back to her in her ear, making it look like he was kissing her cheek to the others. "Would you be my shotaiken, Saito-sama?" Hinosami pressed the issue, squeezing gently. Zemer chuckled, "No, no, Michiko. I'm not an empath, but I care very much about you. So does your mother." "Ah ok. I love you and Mommy too. I want to make you both happy." Michiko smiled brightly again. Saito's skin once again trying to match his hair; "Tonight ok, Sami?" the embarrassed young man replied. She seemed like she was honest about it; or was it simple over gratitude? He didn't know, nor did he really know what to say other than that. "Thank you, Saito-sama!" Hinosami cheered and took away her hand so she could give him another big hug. Zemer looked over at the two from his position a little bit away, his attention drawn by Hinosami's happy giggles. He wondered if Saito had promised her a necklace or something. "Bubbles! Daddy is taking a bath with me and Mommy?" Michiko have stated, have asked as she looked at her parents brightly. "Yes, he is," Yui lead the way to the baths they'd gone to earlier. Saito couldn't really move until Hinosami let go of him so he could walk. Michiko followed Yui back to the baths, just happy that everything was okay again. She never got her answer about the bubbles so she just assumed that there would be. Yui pulled her one-piece down over her shoulders, peeling it slowly, especially once she realized Zemer was looking. Zemer shyly tried to look away and Yui walked to him with the suit hanging partially inside out around her waist. She told him, "I know you must have enjoyed her," referring to Michiko. Zemer nodded slightly, and whispered, "It'd been years..." Yui nodded understandingly. "I am here for you. You may use me a release whenever you need." She then stepped the rest of the way and walked into the pool backwards, facing Zemer. Michiko stepped out of her swimsuit bottoms and untied the strings around her back and neck as she gently stepped into the water and submerged for a little while before resurfacing happily. She seemed to be oblivious to her parent's conversation and feelings as she played in the water. Hinosami kneeled in front of Saito, "Would you like me to?" she asked quietly. She knew she ought to be getting to the baths soon, but she felt some longing inside to show him the same submissiveness and selflessness that Yui adored her and trained her for. Back inside, Zemer reluctantly slid off his shorts and made his way toward the bath. Yui looked at the bubble-free water and commented to herself, "Hinosami should be here." Saito shook his head. "Ms Sami, I believe it's up to you if you want to or not." He blushed...talk about conflict. "But shouldn't you be heading to the baths with her highness?" He asked. "If you want to wait, I'll understand." "I am a doll, Saito-sama," Hinosami told him, "My will is not important. Command me" Saito had never been in this position before; he wanted her yes, but something told him to wait until later. "I want you to yes, but then again, what if Yui comes looking for you?" He asked. "Then she will punish me," Hinosami whispered. "But I want to make you happy..." "I don't want to see you punished, you're too special for that. And… how does she punish you?" Saito asked, curious to know what she meant. "But, since I don't wish to see you punished, not now Sami; you can tonight ok? Actually, would you like to spend the night in my room?" He asked her, trying to think of a way to circumvent a possible punishment. "I can't say how she punishes me," Hinosami replied, "I will come to your room tonight." She stood and bowed, and hurriedly made her way towards the baths where Zemer, Michi, and Yui were. Saito sighed and turned to follow Hinosami. He wasn't going in this time; he felt that he shouldn't this time so he'd just wait outside. Michiko looked at Yui curiously. "No bubbles, Mommy?" She seemed a bit disappointed by this but smiled anyways. "We still have to get all clean though." She looked over at her father and blinked a bit. "Daddy, what's that?" She indicated his exposed manhood, looking at it oddly. Hinosami stepped into the bathroom and immediately went for the bottle of bubbles; hearing the Michiko's question, she realized she was too late. She hoped Yui wouldn't punish her too severely for her absence. Yui, meanwhile, pushed open the concealment of Zemer's wings, which he'd snapped in front of himself for cover. Mommy let Michiko have a good look at Daddy's thing that had entered Michi earlier. "This is a man's special spot, Michiko," she said. Zemer flushed slightly as the girls stared. Saito waited outside, with his eyes closed, meditating once again on what he should do. "I want to join in, but I shouldn't this time." He said to himself. "Does shotaiken hurt for men too?" Michiko asked Yui curiously, still not sure what to make of it and looked away again. "What does it do? How come girls don't have one?" She added as the oddness struck her. Yui smiled, "No, I don't think it hurts them. A man's spot is like a different arrangement of what you and I have, Michiko. You see, this part here is where pee comes out, sort of like on us here," Yui splayed herself and touched the urethra. "And this hole down here," Yui said as her finger descended. "Is for man to put it inside a woman when they make love..." Michiko nodded digesting the little anatomy lesson curiously before asking. "So does this mean we're not going to have bubbles?" Her mind switched subjects as she looked at the water around her again. Yui nodded and so Hinosami poured the bubble mix into the stream of water coming from a Nekovalkyrja statue on the edge of the baths, starting the spread of Michiko's bubbles across the surface of the water. "Here you go, sweetie." "Yay!" Michiko smiled brightly as the bubbles appeared. "Thankies." And then she asked. "So what did Daddy put in me?" Saito was getting bored and knocked on the door. "Ahem, may I come in?" He asked, still in his clothing from the pool, he had carried his other clothing back to his room when they'd gotten back. Hinosami cracked the door, "If you'd wait a moment, Saito-sama?" Saito nodded and went back to leaning against the wall. "Daddy put this inside your love hole," Yui held the warm object of attention out in her palm. It slowly and rhythmically expanded. "It gets big and hard when a man feels that special tingly feeling in his spot, which is what you felt inside." Michiko blushed softly, feeling awkward. "Ah ok." She let herself sink beneath the sea of bubbles to watch them sparkle in the light from beneath the surface. It still was all a little much for her young mind to comprehend as she decided she had learned enough about Daddy's special spot. She stayed under the water losing her eyes for a moment as she let the calm of the warm water soothe her mind. Zemer looked to Yui and Yui gave him a reassuring smile, as if to say that she knew what she was doing and that this was all good for their daughter. It made Zemer feel at ease, strangely, and he walked deeper into the baths and started washing himself off with soap and a sponge. Yui took the sponge after a minute and helped him, starting to take the spousal role she'd taken for Michiko's sake. Hinosami opened the door for Saito, "Please come in," she said, and then stripped herself to join in the bathing. Saito was idly making jewelry while he waited, making a nice bracelet this time. ~Maybe two, one for Michi and one for Yui. ~ He thought as he completed the first one and started on the second. Saito turned and walked in, the blood oozing out of his hand and forming into a bracelet. "Hello everyone." He smiled at them all. Michiko resurfaced and scooped up a handful of bubbles in her hands despite the fact that the top of her head was covered in a bubble crown. "Fluffies." She smiled brightly as she blew the bubbles in Saito's direction. "Hi hi Saito-sempai. Where'd you go?" Saito looked over at her, holding the two smooth silver bracelets in his hand. "I was outside thinking." He said, and chuckled at her. "The bubble princess is here. "He joked lightly, seeing the crown of bubbles. Hinosami's hands found Michiko's body and the princess received a thorough scrubbing and sponging from the girl, while Yui worked on Zemer. Yui smiled, "Come on in," but gave him a look that told him not to bleed in the bath. Michiko giggled at the washing because it tickled a bit. "Arigatou Sami-sempai. Do you like bubbles too?" Saito nodded and set them off to the side, the process done. "I was working on those for a little bit while I was outside." He said as he slid in and sat down, still in his clothing, not really wanting to shed them. He didn't want to risk embarrassing himself like last time again. Hinosami's little hands explored and massaged and cleaned out Michiko's every nook and cranny, especially the one that had been soiled by the picnic table. Yui continued working Zemer, too. The little blue-haired girl looked at Saito sitting there and gave him a pleading look. She mouthed the words, "It's okay," to him. Michiko wouldn't have to ask what it was this time. Saito nodded and pulled off the shorts and folded them up and set them outside the bath then just lounged here smiling at the little family. Michiko blushed a bit at some of the extra attention in the cleaning and spoke again, feeling that it was a little too quiet in the baths. "Are there fluffies in the city, Mommy?" Saito had to smile at the princess’ question. "Fluffies," Yui asked, a bit confused as to what she meant. "Like fuzzy things?" Michiko tried to think of the word she was trying to use. "Bealo?" She paused, that didn't sound right. "Be-ar?" "Bear? Who told you about bears?" Yui chuckled, and then it struck her, "Your mother Chiharu used to have a fluffy little stuffed bear. I know a shop downtown that we can visit and find you a bear that you like. Something nice and fuzzy and cute." "What was Chiharu like?" Saito asked curiously, he had heard of her before; but he didn't know much. He looked over at Michiko, wondering if she still had that necklace on, he hadn't seen it. "Yay!" Michiko smiled and looked at the bubbles again. "Can we go now, Mommy?" She seemed rather excited by this idea as she tossed some bubbles up into the air. The necklace around her neck sparkled in the light as the bubbles floated back down onto the surface of the water, rejoining the other bubbles. Saito smiled warmly. "Michiko, do you like that necklace?" He asked shyly. Zemer answered, "She was brave, and kind, and intelligent, willing to give even her enemies a chance." Everyone was pretty much done except for Saito who'd been just sitting there. Yui said, "We'll go as soon as Mister Saito is ready," and leaned over him, starting to scrub with one hand while the other gripped him below the bubbles. Saito looked at Yui with a perked brow; then blushed slightly. "Um, thank you." He said as she scrubbed him. He fought with his body to not get aroused at her touch down there. "Okies." Michiko smiled, satisfied with that answer as she returned her attentions to the bubbles again, moving them around the surface of the water. Hinosami also went to work washing Saito, and the two gave each other funny looks when Hinosami's hand reached for something of his and found Yui's hand already around it. Between the woman and the girl, he was getting a lot of touching and attention. Meanwhile, Zemer lifted Michiko out of the water by her waist and head her up in the air, and twirled her around slowly, smiling widely. He was really starting to feel like a father now that Yui had promised to be a sort of wife to him. It was like he'd finally got his family back, in a way. Michiko smiled brightly and giggled as Zemer twirled her. "Does Daddy like fluffies too?" Saito was starting to blush again at the attention. "Thank you both." He said. Yui giggled at Michiko's question, "Daddy likes squishies," she joked. Zemer laughed, "Fluffy things can be nice. Pillows, blankets, stuffed animals..." Yui and Hinosami stood Saito up and Yui took his back while Hinosami dived underwater to get his legs, taking over where Yui had left off. Saito surrendered to the ministrations of the pair, not really able to complain; instead he let out of a contented cat-like purr. Michiko smiled happily and hugged her father; she blushed lightly from Saito's emotions but was just filled with the love and contentment that Zemer felt as she made physical contact with him. Hinosami and Yui concentrated on Saito, leaving the sponges at the side of the baths. Zemer continued to move Michiko around like an airplane skimming the water for a few minutes. Eventually, Saito released and Yui grinned, "Okay, all done!" and crawled out of the pool. Hinosami blushed, and followed. The two took fresh towels and started drying. Saito shook his head and got out as well and got a fresh towel to dry off, hoping that the warm water would kill off that stuff. He continued to dry off and created some clothing after he finished and got on his shorts and let the holograms fade once he was dressed. He retrieved the bracelets; "Oh! Yui?" he asked. "Yay!" Michiko felt a little dizzy from spinning for so long but she was happy, but she was pretty much dry from her airtime. "Yes, Saito?" Yui said, dressing herself in front of him, at the entrance to Michiko's dressing room. "Um...this is for you..." He said shyly offering her the silver bracelet sized to fit her. "The other is for Michi." "Why not give them both to her," Yui suggested. The empress didn't wear jewelry; in fact, she didn't wear anything these days. Michiko waited for Zemer to put her down so she could go get dressed for their trip to town to get her a fluffy. "Sure." He said, not hurt at all. He looked confused at something as he looked at her Zemer carried his beloved daughter out of the baths in both arms, and set her down on her feet at the edge. Michiko hugged her father again before going over to the dressing room to get dressed. "Pantsu... pantsu, where is the pantsu?" Saito chuckled; the dressing rooms wouldn't have male clothing. "May I be excused?" He asked Yui. "Sure," Yui nodded. Saito nodded and exited the room and headed back to his to get something clean on. Zemer grinned, as he was left alone in the room with the empress, while Hinosami helped Michiko get dressed in the blue, black, and gold ensemble that Michi had briefly worn earlier, starting with the little black panties and lacy pushup, then the tights, and finally the dress itself. Then, Hinosami started on her elaborate bondage-style lingerie, a stiff corset and stretchy bra with oval holes for her breasts to protrude out. Her crotch less tights went over a pair of small underwear with a zipper in the middle. Saito returned after a few minutes, wearing his usual midnight blue kimono top, baggy black pants and his hair pulled into a ponytail. He looked rather handsome and was probably getting looks from the samurai in the hall as he waited for the family outside the room. Michiko looked at Hinosami's outfit oddly. "Why do you have a zipper on your panties?" She had no clue what bondage was yet so recognizing the intent of the outfit was difficult. Hinosami smiled as she covered up her kinky underwear with a thin black dress made of silk, "It makes it easy to touch," she explained, putting on leather Go-Go boots and locking a soft leather collar around her neck. She added a pair of velvet-lined gloves that went up past her elbows. “Ah ok.” Michiko waited for Hinosami to finish dressing before she left the dressing room for the main hallway. Things seemed to become very complicated in her mind, with all the things that she had experienced today but thankfully, it left no mental scar as her mind matured a little to compensate for what was learned. Hinosami fastened the loose silk dress to her waist, tightly strapping a red ribbon around her waist and tying it in a box behind her, and attached a four-foot silver chain to her collar and offered the leather loop on the other end to Michiko, who felt another surge of that special tingling. Back in the baths, Yui and Zemer disengaged and Zemer got dressed. Yui emerged from the doorway with a big smile, checking on the two girls. "All ready?" Michiko took the leather loop curiously and blushed as she looked at Yui. "All ready... what am I holding?" "It's a leash," Yui chuckled, stepping in with them, waiting on Zemer. "Why does Hinosami have a leash?" Michiko asked again, her head tilting to one side curiously as she looked from Hinosami to Yui curiously. "It's for leading her around. It's not really needed, more symbolic of her submission and our control of her. It's fun," Yui smiled. "Submission?" Michiko didn't understand the concept of having complete control over someone's actions. Saito was waiting outside, leaning against the wall again. He whistled loudly to let them know he was there. The young guy was really confused as to his role here, and had been rolling with the punches as they came. His whistling turned into a little song he'd learned a few months back; something he did to keep himself occupied. "She'll do anything you ask," Yui said. "Anything." She growled at Saito's whistling and went outside to punch him in the face for it. One didn't make loud noises in the palace, and one certainly didn't prod the empress of the known universe to hurry up. "Anything?" Michiko pondered over this; she wouldn't know what to tell Hinosami to do. "Sami-sempai, will you help me find a fluffy in the city?" She asked curiously, that was the only thing she could think of as she held the leash loosely. "Yes, mistress," Hinosami moaned. Michiko gently led Hinosami by her leash out into the hallway. "So are we going to the city now, Mommy?" "Yes, honey. Out to the shuttle," Yui answered, wiping the silver blood of her hands discreetly. Zemer emerged from the bathroom wearing a blue suit with a white shirt and blue tie. He looked very handsome. Hinosami shuffled along quietly, intensely enjoying the feeling on Michiko's control. "Okies." Michiko smiled brightly seeing that her father was wearing blue too. "How do I look, Daddy?" She paused for a moment and half twirled, moving the leash to her other hand to not get tangled in the chain. Saito grinned as he wiped the blood off his lip. He could figure out why she hit him even though he really didn't mean to prod her. The wound was closing already as he walked down the hall after them, his eyes fell on Hinosami; making him oddly turned on by her bondage. ~No, not now, cannot have those thoughts~ He fought with himself as they walked. "Absolutely wonderful," He said. Yui felt so much pride in them both. In his suit and her fancy dress, they could pass for a couple going to prom or a ball. By contrast to their blue, Yui's holographic dress was glistening blood red, her usual color of choice, with white stockings and shiny red boots. "You all look very nice." Saito said to them all. Michiko smiled brightly at her family, Saito and Hinosami included as she walked with them. She rubbed her lip gently with her free hand as she continued to lead Hinosami on her leash towards the shuttle. She tried not to shudder when she saw the red of Yui’s holographic dress. The family (Zemer, Yui, Michiko, Saito, and Hinosami) piled into the comfy interior of the T2 shuttle, with Tsuya at the helm, and was soon at the shop Yui had seen earlier. Tsuya parked the shuttle on the curb at the side of the street, parallel to the cobblestone sidewalk. The windows outside displayed a wide variety of stuffed animals and dolls. Michiko waited eagerly for the door of the shuttle to open so that she could look for a fluffy of her very own. She tried not to play with the leash that was attached to Hinosami’s collar for fear of hurting the older girl. Saito was the closest to the door and politely opened it for the family, and stood outside waiting for them with a grin on his face. "I remember this area, this is where I met Minori and 'Sami for the first time." He commented as he looked around, the area was vaguely familiar. Michiko stood up excitedly and took care not to pull Hinosami's leash as she moved, waiting for her to stand before she would start towards the door that would lead outside. "The buildings of Kyoto are all built in the same architectural style," Yui commented. "Hinosami said she met you on the Palace road. That's a few blocks over in the Major Corporation district." Hinosami obediently followed Michiko, standing and moving as if she was Michiko's shadow. "Um...oops?" Saito said with a shake of his head. "Let's find Michi her fluffy." He smiled at the princess, and then looked around for a good shop. Not far from the group was a brand new Wild Thunder retail store. Tarisu Daron was there in person, making sure that things were set for its Grand Opening. Plus a package was to be delivered to the imperial palace. But first the opening would occur. The furniture and clothes were set neatly in the windows. The weapons were sparkling clean and neatly arrange in secure cases. The banner hung over head, as Tarisu made sure it was on straight. Michiko stepped onto the cobblestones happily as she looked around, as she gently lead Hinosami by her leash. She always liked the sound her shoes made on the hard surface of the cobblestones. Her smile became brighter when she saw that they were gray in color and not red. "Fluffy." She nodded in agreement with Saito. Outside the shop was a tall man with...dog-ears on his head? His eyes followed the group and widened slightly. "Oh my." He said softly, recognizing Yui. Yui's blood-hued dress shimmered like liquid as she walked towards the man. "Daijinshi, how are you?" Ritsu bowed to her deeply, twitching his ears. "Yes mistress." He said. "Me?" He chuckled. "Married." He said looking at her with a smile, he had thought she was asking him in it was him at first. Michiko followed after Yui as the woman approached the dog-eared man. Gently tugging the leash as she looked at the man from behind Yui. "Mommy, why are his ears on top of his head?" Tarisu checked everything and opened the door. He walked in and came back out again with a sign in hand and set it down. Brushed off his suit, noticing the people walking about. It seemed the Empress wasn't far away. He quickly double-checked everything. Cases shut tight, floors clean, everything neatly arranged. Yui smiled, "That's the way he likes them. He was originally a mixed species that looked like that." Hinosami shuffled along behind Michiko. A fairly tall beautiful young woman walked out of the shop, her light blue hair drifting in the breeze. She stopped and bowed to Yui and Michiko. "Your imperial highness." she said softly. Saito caught sight of the Wild Thunder shop and walked over in that direction. "Excuse me." He said to the man outside. Michiko looked at the other woman curiously as she bowed, redirecting her attention to the shop itself from the people. "What's in there?" She asked as she skipped a little ways towards the shop itself, the leash still held lightly in her hand. Ritsu smiled at Michiko and twitched his ears once for her. "Welcome to my shop, I'm Lavinia Taiensho..." Lavinia spoke up, now over the shock of seeing the imperial family. Lav smiled at her. "Teddy bears, that kind of thing." She said with a charming smile. "Michiko, this is Ritsurin," she pointed to the man with the funny ears, "And this is Lavinia," she pointed to the woman form them shop. She addressed Lavinia, then. "I've brought my daughter Michiko here to find a stuffed bear. Could you help her find one, Lavinia?" Yui asked. "Greetings, and welcome to the grand opening of Wild Thunder's new store," Tarisu said politely to Saito, "I am Tarisu Daron, owner and president of Wild Thunder. Please feel free to check out our great selection. Or perhaps you've made an order and would like to retrieve it." "Sure." Lavinia said, and opened the door to Michiko. "I have almost anything you could want here." Michiko looked at people as they were indicated. "Hajememashite. Dozo yoroshiku." She smiled brightly as she bowed politely to Ritsu and Lavinia before she walked into the shop, looking around curiously. Hinosami let herself be tugged along, moving to stay with Michiko. Saito nodded to Tarisu. "Actually I did make an order for a zanbatou, my name's Saito." He said. Lavinia followed Michiko in so she could help her find one. "I even have one of your mommy here." Lav said in a proud tone. Ritsu looked at Yui and smiled. "Been a long time." The interior of the shop was filled with shelves of plushies of all sorts, bears, and dogs, little people, Yui's, and off to the side behind a velvet rope was a special rack of Chiharu ones. "Please come inside I was about to have your package delivered to the palace." Tarisu said politely smiling. He glanced at the employee behind the desk who immediately ran back into the storeroom and came out with a large ivory colored container with a clipped lock on it. Bright steel sidings entailed the case, glistening in the light. Saito walked in and over to the desk. "This it?" He asked. "It's bigger than I thought it was." Tarisu lead Saito inside, and unlocked the case. Upon opening the Zanbatou rested carefully, wrapped in a tight but neat leather cloth to keep the sharp end covered. Michiko's eyes wandered over the store and looked at the rack of Chiharu ones behind a velvet rope. "Are these teddies?" She pointed to the Chiharu plushies with her free hand and then noticed the Yui ones. "Look Sami-sempai, little mommies." Her eyes wandered over the contents of the shop, idly pushing a strand of hair back behind her ears with her free hand once she stopped pointing. Saito whistled. "Very nice." He said, looking it over. "Is it possible to get something to strap it over my back with?" Saito asked. Lavinia smiled gently. "I made those to honor the late Chiharu." She said. "But yes, they're all teddy's" she said, smiling at the word. Hinosami really liked the Yui plushies, and wanted to get one of the little GSA-uniformed miniatures, and since Michiko spoke to her, she took opportunity to say, "They're made better than the prototypes. I would like to have one." "Since I can't really charge the empress with a clear conscious, you can have it for free." Lavinia said. "But two each ok?" She smiled. "Chiharu is my other mommy's name. Mommy and Daddy say that I look like her." Michiko smiled brightly as she wandered over towards a pile of stuffed bears. "You do." Lavinia said, a bit confused, but smiled anyway. "You like the bears?" She asked. Tarisu carefully removed the leather cloth, revealing the detailed inscription. He smiled, "Does it meet your satisfaction?" he asked politely. The thick leather cloth had little rings in it, meant to also create enough of a pull to serve as a strap. "This cloth is also designed to serve as a strap," he said pointing to the rings. He drew and silver chain from the case and attached it to the first ring and attached it over to the other ring. "Take hold of the handle when wanting to release it from its straps and slowly loosen it. Otherwise, it will hold tightly," he said bring up a holographic demonstration video. "The straps will adjust to you as time progresses." he finished. Saito nodded. "I understand." He said. "It does meet my satisfaction." He added, reaching to close the case. Lavinia handed Hinosami one of the Yui plushies she was looking at and then redirected her attention back to the princess as she pondered over how she could have 2 mothers and especially when Chiharu had passed on before news of this daughter had been released. She wondered, "Did Chiharu have this girl before she passed on in secret and then had her transported off ship? If so, why was she not in the standard youngling body?” It was all very confusing. Tarisu watched Saito take the case and then leave in a hurry. Saito had already paid for it so it was all right. Tarisu looked at the employee slightly annoyed, "Straighten up when a customer shows up. Don't slouch! But you did good," he said to the employee who was worn out from lifting the package. Saito took his package back to the shuttle and secured it before he returned to the shop that the Imperial family had headed towards. Michiko looked through the pile of teddy bears, and then came across an oversized bear with mismatched glass beads eyes and light brown fur. She lifted it up and looked at it curiously. "I like this one Lavinia-san, why does he have two different colored eyes?" Hinosami smiled gratefully to Lavinia, pressing the Yui plushie into her nonexistent cleavage. She seemed so happy. Lavinia returned the girl's smile. "Your welcome, Miss Hinosami." She redirected her attention towards Michiko, a bit surprised. "He has two different colored eyes? That's odd, I usually only give them one color of eyes." It was really odd; perhaps she had run out of one color of beads and used another? She figured she would've remembered such a difference. "Since you like him, you can have him, your highness." Michiko hugged the teddy bear tightly, liking the way his fur felt against her cheek. "Arigatou, Lavinia-san." She looked to Yui to see if this was ok. Yui hung out in the doorway with Zemer. The couple was holding hands. She smiled proudly at Michiko, affectionately giving Michi silent praise for making a choice. The bear had a strong resemblance to the one she remembered Chiharu having. It was fitting. OFF> Jp By Wes- Hinosami, Yui, Zemer Tyler - Saito, Lavinia, Daijinshi Josh - Tarisu Daron Kim - Michiko [Kyoto] Dark Horizon Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 342 (3/1/04 13:45) Reply ezSupporter [Kyoto] Dark Horizon ON> Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Yamatai. Yui opened up a transmission to one of the names on her contact list, NDI-CONSTRACOM. "Good morning, and happy new year," she greeted the recieving person on the screen. It was now the 26th year of the Yamatai Star Empire, or YE 26 in the Star Army's calendar. The youthful face of the Confederate Strategic Military Director, Kage Xeraux, appeared before the Empress. Xeraux was an imposing figure not because of his stature (he was rather short at 5'8"), but simply because of his mannerisms and demeanor. Like his mentor, the great Cameron Blackblade, Xeraux was a very calculated individual in that every action he took was very deliberate. He took a sip of his beloved green tea before speaking. "Greetings, Empress. May it be a good year for our allies in the Yamatai Star Empire." "How things have changed in a few years," Yui thought to herself. "And this new year brings new problems, as well..." she said. "A recent survey by SARA and my fleet has discovered old threats are resurfacing. I'm sending you a map..." there was a short movement of her eyes. The map appeared. "Don't they all?" replied Kage, toying with the ice blue crystal around his neck. By the faint ambient glow it produced, Yui would probably notice it as a psychoactive crystal. www.stararmy.com/gsa/plan..._area1.gif Yui hated those freaky things. "The star systems on this map bracketed in pink are hostile. Two alien races have been appearing with increasing freuency in our territories..." "Are any of these planets desireable to either of us?" "Of course they are..." Yui seemed annoyed. Xeraux shrugged. "Pity. I was simply going to suggest that you destroy them outright." "It's more complicated. They are a threat," Yui told him, emphasizing the last word. "They've already taken a world of mine, on the edge of my territory. In addition, there are reports of their ships venturing deep into my space in the last few days." "And what is the nature of this alien threat? Was their victory a mere fluke, or are you capable of crushing them?" "Largely unknown...It appears to be the ancient enemies of ours, the Vordachibeans," Yui frowned. Xeraux gave her a blank stare. "Their combat capabilities?" "As I said, largely unknown. No vessel numbers, or data thus far." Xeraux frowned. "Then I suggest you find out and get back to me. As you well know, I'm sending one of our star fortresses, the Trevor Harigata, to Neplesia to form the Twenty-Sixth Fleet. I have yet to name a commander for this fleet, but by the time you have any applicable data, he'll help you deal with this 'largely unknown' threat." "I see...Hold on. I... damn..." Yui seemed distracted and angry. "Irim?" After a long pause, she looked back to Xeraux. "They've advanced." Xeraux simply nodded. "Where?" "Three million, one hundred four hundred and fifteen thousand, nine hundred and twentry six ships at Damasica. All forces there are gone now..." Yui looked at the number again. "Pi?" Xeraux showed no outward reaction. "Is everyone trying to be Jaaq'tah Jr. now?" "Hmm.....excuse me for a moment," replied Xeraux, his image going off-screen. "Irim's deciding what forces to inves..." Yui frowned at his disappearance. The massive Tienshinhan-class Star Fortress, Trevor Harigata, appeared in the Neplesia system during Xeraux's away time. It immediately began generating wormholes as it began to bring in its newly-constructed warship crews. The first naval unit to arrive was the 1586th Carrier Battle Group, then the 308th and 410th Naval Task Forces. Xeraux returned with a fresh cup of tea. "Continue." "Nepleslia's probably the next target," Yui said grimly. "Then tell your 2nd Fleet forces to get ready," said Xeraux. "I've ordered the Twenty-Sixth to use any means necessary to achieve victory." END JP by Derran Wes GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [Kyoto] Concerned Discussion Ketsurui Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 355 (3/3/04 7:51) Reply ezSupporter [Kyoto] Concerned Discussion ON> Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Yamatai "Ah, Sijik, Welcome," Yui greeted the Chujo. Simultaneously, a neko on his ship walked up to him carrying a large black velvet-lined box. The Taishos were all meeting by hologram to discuss the Star Army's fleets. Sijik merely nodded to Yui. Representatives of QIS flanked him on both sides of his command chair. On his right was a Qel’noran Logistics officer, dressed in the standard male GSA uniform and with a leather covering over one of his shoulders that had QnL printed on it. On Sijik's left was a Qel’noran Acquisitions officer wearing a similar GSA uniform only with a long cap on his right side, hiding his right arm, that extended down from a patch on his shoulder that was labeled QnA. "Lets get down to business. How soon will these Sfrarabla... whatever be able to launch an attack again?" Hinosami called Taisho Ayame to the holographic meeting. Ayame arrived and bowed politely to the Empress, "Your Highness." Yui nodded to Sijik and Ayame, "Good morning, and happy new year...we anticipate another large-scale attack within the week by the..." Yui paused, reading off of a Tablet computer in her hand, "Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp...SMX. As you all are aware, we lost a great number of ships." "What are their production capabilities and current ship numbers?" Sijik asked, not bothering with formalities as his calculating mind started to do the math on how to deploy his fleets. "We don't know," Yui looked impatient. The neko at Sijik's side eyed her box. Kyoshi Ayame:: Ayame gave Yui a reassuring smile, "Are there any known weaknesses we might be able to exploit?" The logistics officer at Sijik's side immediately started typing on his data pad the moment Yui finished speaking. Sijik himself leaned back in his chair slightly and observed the conversation. Taisho Sharie looked at Ayame, "Nothing so far. They came out of nowhere...my SAINT and SARA crews are examining the wreckage, but we're tied up with finding survivors for at least a day or two." Taisho Irim growled, "Their weapons are very effective." "We need to get on the offensive as soon as possible. I suggest we make a counter attack immediately to determine their force size." Sijik advised. Fifth Fleet's commander, Chujo Hoshi Koigokoro, admitted, "My fleet isn't in any position to do anything to them." "And I'd like to keep mine handy in the Empire's core for the time being," Irim said. "What do you have to offer, Sijik?" Yui quietly asked Ayame, "How are things on Fenyar? Are they still hostile?" Ayame thought a moment, "They are no longer hostile your Highness, but I fear it will take a lot until peace is achieved." Sijik merely lifted one of his hands and the logistics officer to his side filled it with a data pad. He took a few moments to look at it before responding. "The Helixes will not be able to move for another three or four days, however we do have about eight billion ships that are combat ready." Irim seemed disgusted, "Eight...billion?" She really had a love/hate relationship with QIS...so far, it'd been mostly hate. It didn't seem possible so many ships could exist and function effectively. Sijik merely nodded. "Alright, let's send them all," Irim grinned. "Where to first?" Yui asked. Hinosami pulled up a big holographic space map for them. Yui browsed the map, looking from place to place. "First XF has charted some world which we think they're at," she pointed at the pink-bracketed planets. Ayame whispered to Yui, "May I be excused, please?" Yui nodded and the hologram of Ayame faded out. "Plans have already been developed for that." Sijik said as he looked down at his data pad. Somewhere a think tank was hard at work. "Damasica, Rok'veru...." Sijik listed off four planets, "A single division will attack each of these planets, SMX forces will be spread out attempting to deal with each one while reserve forces make a breakthrough at the weakest planet, remaining units will then consolidate until the SMX forces are gone or major objectives are achieved. "We should name these systems," Hoshi pointed out. "Any suggestions?" Yui asked. Sijik nodded, "Sagik, and Madik. I also suggest that you take advantage of our production ability to restock the other fleets." "Any other suggestions?" Yui asked, pondering the names. "Irim?" "I'd be willing to build the 3rd Fleet out of Qel'noran ships," Irim said. "We should keep Wazu's feud with Kessaku out of this. Right now we don't need to be dealing with internal politics," Sijik asked, "May I be excused to ready my fleets?" "Not yet," Yui said. END JP by: Wes (Yui, Irim, Hoshi, Hinosami) Zack (Sijik) Jenn (Ayame) [Kyoto] Worries and a Surprise Lavinia Taiensho GSA Starship Pilot GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 148 (3/8/04 12:47) Reply ezSupporter [Kyoto] Worries and a Surprise Ritsurin was sitting in his home, in a chair with his feet up on a table with a news report on it. His arms were folded across his chest, his eyes closed in thought. The young geshrin had just read the latest news report on the status of the military; and various other affairs. The military news was troubling to anyone who read it: "Billions dead in aftermath of battle." ~We're fighting another senseless war. But it seemed that this time we were the ones on the defensive; but to hear of all those deaths seems to be a bit much...~ Ritsu was thinking as he waited for Lav to get home from the clinic. Lavinia came in with a smile, she had gotten a positive result on her pregnancy test. Which meaned she was gonna get what she always wanted: kids, Lav just wondered if it was gonna be a boy or a girl. Her clear blue eyes searched the triple room: the kitchen, dining room and living room off to the side. Lav spotted Ritsu in a recliner and snuck over to him intent on surprising him with the news. Ritsurin didn't even notice her enter, being too deeply in thought. Lavinia smiled as she sat on his lap and kissed him on the lips gently; and giggled. "Sleeping?" She asked. "Nah, just thinking." The dog-earred one admitted. "About what?" Lav asked. "You." He smiled as he combed a hair through her hair. The sky-blue haired young woman smiled. "I have a surprise for you sweetie." Ritsu perked an eyebrow. "For me?" She took his hand and put it on her tummy to feel the life growing within. "You're gonna be a daddy." She said proudly. Ritsurin slowly smiled and hugged Lavinia warmly, lovingly. "I...am? oh my goodness....I'm gonna be a father!" He exclaimed happily, his troubles fading away for a little bit. After a few minutes of dancing with Lav in celebration, which she giggled at and enjoyed; they settled back into the chair. He wanted to tell Lav about the news report but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. "I'm worried about the situation near Nepleslia." He said and pointed to the news report. Lavinia turned and picked it up and read the headline and gasped in horror. "Oh my....so many dead....all for Nepleslia; 4 fleets down at least. What could've done this?" She asked in a stunned voice. "They don't know just yet, just something that came out of deep space, not too much is really known about them." Ritsu explained. Lavinia turned and snuggled up against him lovingly. "Ritsu that just sounds scary..I hope they don't come here..." "I hope not too, but if they do; I want you to escape and protect the next generation. With or without me in the worst case scenario." He said. Lavinia looked scared as she snuggled. "Don't talk like that, I love you too much to just let you let you go like that; I lost you once, I won't lose you again." She said fiercily. Ritsu was touched and hugged her back warmly. "I love you to Lav, I don't want to go anywhere. If we have to escape, we'll go together." He promised her. The couple just sat there together for a while... GSA no Juni Lavinia Taiensho Chief Pilot, GSS Seigi (GB-08) [Yamatai, somewhere in unsettled territory] The Abandoning Alexis Jaren YHG Command 3rd Expeditionary Flt. Posts: 186 (3/16/04 21:54) Reply [Yamatai, somewhere in unsettled territory] The Abandoning "Alright, people, time to pack it up here. We are moving out and I want everything that is not data destroyed." Erin stepped out from the small makeshift office after his conversation with Alexis and strode out onto the main floor of the single warehouse that was OpTech. It was mostly empty, aside from a chemical laboratory in the northeast corner, a mechanical lab on the whole western half, and a massive device that took up most of the southeastern corner. The mainframe computer was situated just behind the office, which was in the middle of the floor. A young Geshrin girl looked up from some test tubes in a centrifuge at her boss. "Sir, it's only me here," she said with a laugh. "We're the only employees." Erin paused, smirking. "I know. Still, we are moving out as soon as possible. It would be great if we could be out of here by tomorrow evening, think you can manage that?" he asked, approaching the chem lab. Shaking her head, Reika stopped the centrifuge and removed one of the tubes. "That'll be hard, even if we do leave the equipment. The research information will take a lot of room, and then the time to download it all to disks...unless you plan on being able to take the entire mainframe with you?" Erin smiled. "d'Jaren had a plan for that. How many trails are available?" Reika thought a bit...the code word registered and she smiled. "We've got 5 of them open, and the sixth for d'Jaren is still on hold until he wants it. You're going to put the information there? Good idea..." she smiled as he nodded. "Then we can be gone by noon day after tomorrow, that I can be sure of." ----- Two days later, early morning "Alright, generators are set." Reika walked out of the warehouse holding a small shoebox of disks and a computer padd. She looked back inside, a mock-sad frown on her face. "It was a good home while it lasted..." she murmered and walked out into the clearing that surrounded the warehouse for fifty yards in all directions. Setting the box down on the ground next to a tree on the edge of the clearing, she looked over at Erin. Erin set down a stack of his own boxes, running through a mental checklist. "Zero-One, Zero-Two, Zero-Three, Zero-Four, and Zero-Five!" he called out. A chorus of "Here!"s and one "Present" greeted him as five children came out from the woods. Two girls and three boys, all under the age of ten and dressed in miltary jungle fatigues appeared with full packs on their backs. None seemed to mind the weight on their shoulders and all stood at attention in front of Erin. "Everyone present and accounted for, sir," said one of the boys, a dark-skinned lad with a poker face that he seemed to have been born with. Erin nodded and looked at Reika. "Okay, blow it." "Fire in the hole..." A series of explosions silently poofed around the walls of the compound. With a deep rumble, the concrete and sheet metal walls turned into an expanding dust cloud as the materials were reduced to their elemental and molecular componants. Inside, equipment broken and the mainframe was shattered and wiped before it vaporized. The company representative watched the process in silence, scanning the ruins to make sure that there was no sign of their presence there except a large dust cloud that was settling over the field like a large down comforter blanket and the large rectangle of the warehouse foundation. When he was satisfied, Erin turned to the kids and Reika. "Alright, lets move out. Our rendezvous is a three day walk from here, and the shuttle leaves Kyoto at the end of the week. If we can, I want us in Kyoto a day early." "Sir, yes sir!" replied the children. "Yes, sir," chimed in Reika. She collected the demolition generators and put them next to her shoebox in the pack that one of the kids handed her and shouldered it. The long trip was necessary, Erin seemed to think, and she didn't really have a reason to object. Besides, she liked being outside anyway. All of the hiking she had done during her stay here would finally be useful. Anyhow, the sun was still low, just above the horizon in the colors of early morning, giving them a complete day of walking if they used it right. Once everyone had the little equipment they needed for the trip loaded, the miniature scout troupe set out into the woods. (Edit: Changed a mistake in wording, that's all.) GSA no Chui Alexis Jaren Medical Assistant, Third Expeditionary Fleet [Council Session Thread] Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1407 (11/26/03 19:38) Reply ezSupporter [Council Session Thread] From: Taisho Kitsurugi Yui To: Imperial Council I would like to restore the Star Empire's Imperial Government. We have an immediate need for some of the government agencies. I suggest we create the following: * Planetary Defense Forces (Rather than tying up the fleets) * Fire-Fighting Agencies (in all major cities) * Police Forces (Perhaps combined with the defense forces) * Courts * Public Hospitals that offer free medical care to all. We also need to strengthen our planetary defense networks. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards is working on some solutions. I'd like to hear your input. GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1410 (11/28/03 7:18) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] Also, we need: *Prison System *Trash Disposal and Recycling System. Sain Elysian ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 27 (11/28/03 13:23) Reply Re: [Council Session Thread] It honestly thought we already had that stuff, but if we need it I say go for it. Update: I rescend this vote: reasons: first off; an elysian doesn't have a say in this. Sain is not GSA. ECN Guardian Sain Lian Medic, Thunderbolt Edited by: Sain at: 11/29/03 12:24 Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 823 (11/28/03 12:23) Reply Re: [Council Session Thread] A lot of this stuff seems redundent. The corperations provide for most of this stuff already. I vote no until better guidelines for how the goverment will control and operate these things are submited. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1411 (11/28/03 13:38) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] Qel'noran doesn't have courts and prisons, does it? The KIS corporations only cover their own territory. We need organizations that cover all of the GSE. Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 824 (11/28/03 13:58) Reply Re: [Council Session Thread] There are prisons and they have a sort of military court system. At this point goverment organisations like that would be undersuported. More planning on how they will be put into place needs to be done. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1412 (11/28/03 14:25) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] How could they be undersupported? They could be made in the same way a new fleet is created-with support from the Major Corporations. The point is, we need a standard government-run system that operates across the empire. Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 227 (11/28/03 19:43) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] From: Doctor Nobumoto Does reconstructing the government also mean finally putting a new emperor into power, Yui? Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 232 (11/29/03 5:33) Reply ezSupporter [Council Session Thread] From: Relmaya Mersina I like this proposal because it fills a gap in our infrastructure. Uso mentioned that the corporations are handling most of the items Yui mentioned; shouldn't that be a point _for_ Yui's plan? The corporations are clearly bogged down doing tasks that the government should really be handling. The only place a corporation can provide its own services are in its own compounds, which the government designates. The way the system is currently set up is that the planetary governments own all the land, and "rent" it out to those living on it. This is how the governments will get cash to run services like welfare. Any land not being paid for is such a manner _belongs_ to the planetary government, not to the corporation living on it, and as such, should be covered by government security and services. A proposal needs to be made to spell this out in writing. Each planet will have its own Self-Defense Force. The Self Defense Forces will operate under command of the planet's government (For example, Ralfaris would operate under the Imperial Rule of Emperor Cladoran IV). Divisions of the SDF would include police, fire, prison, hospital, and military. Anatole Elek GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 14 (11/29/03 5:35) Reply My thoughts.. From: Shoso Anatole Elek To: Imperial Council I do believe that aid systems set up by our empire could greatly improve the opinion that the people will view us as more benevolent. Always good to play with a steady hand of cards. Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 233 (11/29/03 6:41) Reply ezSupporter Re: My thoughts.. From: Doctor Nobumoto Thank you, Shôshô Elek, for your support. I'd be thrilled to see our empire get back on its feet again. Regarding Miss Mersina's enlightening statement, I do have a question: What happens if a planet's government _is_ a corporation? This could happen if a corporation colonized a new planet. In my view, the corporation in question would then have to provide the services for that whole planet, unless it asked for the GSE capital government to assist setting up a planetary government. Edited by: Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto at: 11/29/03 6:42 Anatole Elek GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 17 (11/29/03 6:48) Reply Re: My thoughts.. From: Shoso Anatole Elek To add to my former reply, I think it is in our best interests, with the current situation on the Qel`noran home-world that the creation of a cadre of secret police to watch over 'troublemakers' as designated by our intelligence, i.e. known links to terrorist groups, many felonies, et cetera. The faster that we are able to get a grip on Ralfaris, the faster we will be able gaze onward to other problems at hands. Now, onto the corporate land and services discussion. I strongly believe that the land should always be under control of the Grand Star Empire, but on loan to the occupying peoples, and thus we should provide civil care for all legal citizens of the empire. You have my backing if we must put a slight 'squeeze' on things in order to stop any further insurrections. GSA no Shôshô Anatole Elek Commanding Officer, GSS Theron(GB-13) Edited by: Anatole Elek at: 11/29/03 6:54 Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 235 (11/29/03 7:09) Reply ezSupporter PNUgen From: Doctor Shinichiro Nobumoto I like your thinking. Areas paid for by the corporations, though, should be under the juristiction of those corporations. PNUgen prefers its own sentries above any others out there. From: Relmaya Mersina Doctor Nobumoto, this would also allow a corrupt corporation to secretly build forces and use its own laws within its area. From: Doctor Shinichiro Nobumoto For a price. Besides, that's one of the things the secret police could be for. I, for one, would rather call my own shots in my own home. From: Relmaya Mersina Point taken, sir. Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 11/29/03 14:58 Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 825 (11/29/03 11:12) Reply Re: PNUgen Relmaya Mersina is right. This law would only create a goverment force that would be restricted to operating outside of the corperations. The goverment should have full authority to operate inside of corperate facilities and police them. We cannot have the corperations doing whatever they want. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1415 (11/29/03 15:31) Reply ezSupporter Re: PNUgen pub102.ezboard.com/fgrand...D=52.topic Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 241 (12/2/03 2:14) Reply ezSupporter Re: Council Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto: Another subject for us to discuss is our exploration and colonization efferts. We have many, many worlds to discover and visit. Not only does expansion throughout space help us learn and give us new resources to use, it also helps ensure our long-term survival. I suggest we begin building new expeditionary fleets to travel out into the unknown. Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1470 (12/20/03 10:40) Reply ezSupporter Re: Council We need to set up a manual for the GSA, something for ship commanders to go by. It would have priorities: 1. Survive 2. Fight 3. Explore ...as well as tactical notes: "If the soliton beams aren't working, alter the energy to resonate..." "Watch out for anti-matter, as it can damage Impervium, etc" GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 253 (12/27/03 13:00) Reply Re: Council Speaking of Impervium, we should come up with some laws to limit its usage. In addition, I was thinking perhaps something that would protect cultural and historical landwarks would be in order as well. Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 15 (1/3/04 19:46) Reply Re: Council nani? Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 918 (1/3/04 19:51) Reply Re: Council I don't think we should limit the use of such a material, if anything it should be used more often. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Edited by: Tasuki Uso at: 1/3/04 21:04 Henry Chen Posts: 25 (1/4/04 5:27) Reply re: Council Session Incoming transmission from: Taii Henry Chen Encryption level: Very High Decoding message, please wait ... Sirs and Madams, esteemed members of the Council, at the urgings of my superiors, I wish to offer my humble opinions on the topics under current discussion. As regards to the matter of infrastructure, I do not question the corporation's competence in their current operation of social services but their impartiality. If someone is charged with committing a crime against one of the major corporations, it is naive to think that person would be treated humanely by that corporation's police force. And it would be just plain silly to believe that the person would receive a fair trial, when the judge and prosecutor is the same entity. Therefore, I believe the role of the Self Defense Force is necessary, and that it should be under the direct command of the Imperial Government. The corporations already have the infrastructures in place, the government but have to take control of them, just like any other finished product. Ralfaris's hospitals will still be staffed by doctors trained by QIS. PNUgen's own sentry guards will continue to patrol the streets under its jurisdiction. Not even the judges and police captains need to lose their jobs. But every man and woman working for the SDF must understand that they answer to the Empire first and the corporations second. I find even the term "secret police" profoundly disturbing. One has to believe that it is possible to fight rampant crime and terrorism without turning our empire into a police state. Perhaps SAINT should help in locating threats to the empire from within as well as from outside forces, for it certainly cannot complain of lack of resources. The situation on Ralfaris must be contained, of course, before the planet turns into Neplesia II. We must offer every support to QIS, SAINT, and eventually, SDF, and have faith in the men and women in these agencies/corporations. Finally, I believe an informed opinion on the possible restriction of Impervium cannot be formed without a discussion about the properties of the material. Is it readily made from abundantly available materials or are these materials in short supply? How easily could an enemy force reverse-engineer the process of creating the material from ship wreckages, if they did not possess the technology already? Does the material have a crippling, fatal weakness that could easily be discovered by our enemies? Thank you for your time. End transmission GSA no Taii Chen Henry Science Officer, GSS Celia Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 37 (1/9/04 9:18) Reply Re: re: Council Session Lavinia Taiensho: I would like to present a proposal to the council for review. marriage purpose: to provide laws for legal bindings, ie marriage proposal: military marriages: 1) Must be approved by the empress, or someone the empress determines to be fit to do said task. 2) 3-way marriages are allowed, with consent from all 3 parties. 3) the ceremony must be officiated by a high-ranking official of chujo or higher. 4) Marriage is a legally binding contract to love and cherish for a period of 5 years, then it may be refreshed or dissolved appropriately according to the couple's feelings at that point. 5) After marriage, cheating is grounds for punishment determined by spouse, or parental unit/owner (usually slavery) *note: If the spouse allows, either partner may have relations with professional prostitutes as long as said encounter does not result in illegitimate children* 6) "Love" is required, a a couple must have been together in a loving relationship for between 3-5 months depending on situation Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 22 (1/9/04 9:31) Reply ezSupporter Re: re: Council Session I don't like item 3. Item one covers who is able to officiate, anyway. Also, what is "love" and how will 'loving and cherishing' be enforced? Also, cheating should be defined. Other than that, I'm for it. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 38 (1/9/04 9:42) Reply Re: re: Council Session "erm well, Love can't be described, since it's different between people but I think it's a feeling of warmth in your soul. A feeling of safety and security, a high level of trust in your partner, a willingness to do anything for that one special person expecting nothing in reward other than their attention and affection. Other than that Empress yui, love is undescrible. What did being with the late Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu make you feel?" "Love and Cherish? How to enforce that? If two people love each other, shouldn't that be enough?" Cheating to me is having sexual relations with someone other than your spouse without their consent; as stated by #5. I know it sounds weird, but it's a matter of respect. I ask this of the council.....because I wish to be married officially...." Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 23 (1/9/04 11:01) Reply ezSupporter Re: re: Council Session ( Yui's thoughts: ) I think love is a strong mutual feeling of affection. If the think about it for while, we could probably come up with a better definition. Define 'sexual relations.' Also, what happens if a couple stops loving each other (or becomes enemies)? Do they have to be financially connected until their marriage runs out? Is divorce legal? Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 39 (1/9/04 12:02) Reply Re: re: Council Session Sexual relations: intercourse, fellatio, all of that. I personally believe that sex is a sacred thing between two people who love and trust each other. I don't think it's ok to just run around and screw whoever you feel like, in my mind, it's just not right. 2) Yes, Divorce is legal, of course it is! If a relationship crumbles, it's possibly dangerous to both parties. But, I think there should be a separation period, in case they are just very mad at each other, but when they cool down, they may want to take each other back. Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 307 (1/9/04 12:11) Reply ... Doc Shini's comments: A separation period? What do you mean? Explain. "All of That" will not really suffice. It's a law, and people are going to pick it for loopholes. Although you feel sex is "sacred," the majority of people (especially nekos) see sex as just that-sex. What reason is there not to make out for them? Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 40 (1/9/04 12:27) Reply Re: ... "I didn't say there was sir. The can fuck all they want, I'm speaking strictly in the case of married couples. I understand that sex is used for morale purposes since most nekos can't become pregnant or diseased. I have nothing against that, that's free will of individual beings to do what they wish. Ok, separation period, a short time perhaps a week or two to allow the couple that is on the verge of breaking up to cool off and be away from each other. The saying "If the love is true, it will return." applies here. Correction to sexual relations: any insertions of male genitalia into any female orifice. Heavy petting of fondling. (again, this only applies to married couples). Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 26 (1/9/04 13:34) Reply ezSupporter Re: ... So, if a person hugs someone too much, he's thrown into slavery? I don't think the petting/fondling should be included. You still didn't define what a seperation period is, only how long it'd be. How does it work? Does the government jail them both or something? Generally, people who are married tend to live together. How are they supposed to seperate? Or do you mean it's like a waiting period before a divorce can be filed? Keiko Ashigari GSE Civilian Posts: 6 (1/9/04 13:46) Reply Re: ... Yes, the separation time is a waiting period before divorce can be filed. well, ok. I'll propose it in the legislation with some rewording.