Connected Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Wicked (GD-232) (9/1/03 21:37) Connected ON> GSS Yui The Yui began it's final approch to Geshrintall. The devistation from the recent attack became more and more visible as the ship approched the landing pad. Wazu turned back around and looked out the window takeing the senery in once more before he decided to head to the bridge for the landing. Moments later he was crawling off the top of the boxes in the hallway and down into the bridge. Aya flexed her hands anxiously, looking at the screen at the front of the bridge. Ahead and below was the capital world of Geshrintall, its atmosphere giving it a glowing blue aura. As the only officer required to be on the bridge, she was left in here while the rest of the crew were packing. With a slightly frustrated face, she puffed and blew some of her hair away from her eyes, only to have her private moment interrupted by the unexpected presence of Taisa Wazu. "Heram," she greeted him with a polite smile, her expression erased. "Hello Aya" Wazu said with a slight smile as he looked around the bridge, ~so empty~ he thought to himself as he headed to his station, "Do you know how long it will be till we land?" He asked as he sat down in the chair and turned it to face Aya. Seated opposite from his station, there sat an unfamiliar, pale Neko with chalk-white skin and a wide blue stripe running down the center of her face and neck, dressed in layers of bright white cloth. The Neko spoke with a quiet, half-whisper, "Where to land, Taisa?" "Set the ship down in the Uesureyan Fields please" Wazu said as he briefly turned to address the Neko. Aya looked over to the Neko with slightly raised eyebrows. As if to answer Wazu's questions, she remarked, "Megami has been creating a skeleton crew to replace us." The sprite quietly nodded to Taisa Wazu, "Yes sir." Within minutes, the ship's landing skis pressed onto the seemingly endless flatness that was Uesureyan Fields Starport. "I still don't see the reason that the MEGAMI keeps us around." He said as he looked over the Megami's Neko quickly, then returned his gaze to Aya, "Are you going to be leaving the ship or will you keep an eye on things here while we relocate the crew?" He asked as he stood up from his chair. "I suppose...we all have to leave," Aya frowned. "You have been on duty for a long time." Wazu thought out loud with a thoughtful look on his face, "you should go out and try and enjoy yourself. The Megami can keep track of everything on the ship," he said. "Once the ship is reassigned," the snowy-skinned girl noted to Aya, "You could come back to command the Yui." "You mean I'm to be promoted to Chusa?" Aya inquired, thoughtfully staring out at the rows of starships parked ahead. "Well premature congratulations then Aya" Wazu said right before he turned to leave. Aya was going to say something, but it died in her throat as he left. The side entranceways were connected to stairways, allowing the crew to walk on and off of the destroyer. One of the Megami girls was standing in the hall with a basket of the robes and hats for the departing crew. Aya went out the opposite door, and to her quarters. Wazu got on top of the boxes and crawled to the lab to pack up. Wazu opened the door and looked inside. Data pads and hand drawn notes were strewn about the place and he quickly shut the door and decided to put that off till later. Wazu then headed to the side dock to check out the area for himself. He nodded in acknowledgement to the Megami girl and took one of the hats. He didn't bother with the cape, as he preferred his own white and red robes. Once he reached the outside he looked around. There was a platoon of some 50 nekos marching by, singing cadence. All around for as far as the eye could see, there was flat carrier-deck nonskid deck, populated with starships and patches of cargo elevator, sensor towers, and the tiny figures of patrolling security personnel dotting the crannies like pepper on eggs. The coat-and-hat girl fastened his black robes around his neck before stepped off the ramp, giving him a dirty look before marching back up to the hatchway. The sun shone brightly above, and shadows of passing shuttles occasionally flickered overhead. Wazu scowled off into the distance and toyed around with the cape that was chaffing his neck. He reached up and loosened it slightly before looking around some more, ~perhaps I should call for a shuttle~ he thought as he reached into his robes and pulled out a data pad. A pair of heavily armed male soldiers in striped green jumpsuits and forest green body armor drove up in a small four-wheeled vehicle. The back of the truck was filled with their large rucksacks, missile-launchers, and sleeping blankets. The one in the passenger seat took a moment to check Wazu's female body out. Wazu, completely forgetting that he was in a female body, gave them a odd look for a moment then asked for a ride. "Can you two take me into the city?" he asked. "If you don't mind sitting on our stuff," the driver responded. "I'm Taisa Darien Edwards, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment." "I don't mind" he said as he climbed into the back of the vehicle with the stuff, " I am Taisa Heram Wazu, GSS Yui for the time being" The 3rd Infantry was one of the most experienced (and most male) units in the GSA. These guys looked pretty hardcore, more buff than anyone in the starships. Taisa Edwards had big arms and thighs which could be seen even through the thick mesh-armor. "Where are you headed, Neko?" the Taisa asked. His passenger, a dark-haired buzz-cut Juni, didn't say anything. Wazu looked perplexed, "um... I don't really know this is my first time on this planet." he said as he moved around so that he was slightly more comfortable using the his robe and cape as a sort of cushion. "Just into town for right now. I'm just having a look around" "There used to be a town north of here,” commented the Juni. The capital city, along with the Empress, was now only a memory. "It'll take a few hours to get to Pagoda no Uesu by wheels. We'll take you to a shuttle depot." the male Taisa decided. ~Used to?~ he thought to himself. He knew a little about the past of this planet but not much, a virus or some other catastrophe he thought. Wazu looked at the data pad in his hand that was displaying a map of the area, "Could you drive me to Central Uesureya?" "I would appreciate that,” Wazu said as he waited for them to reach their destination. "We're heading to Central to pick up a new truck anyway. And that's where yours shuttles are." Taisa Edwards explained. "We'll be there in no time." And with a jolt of acceleration, the guy floored it. After all, the Legislation had no laws against speeding. Wazu waited in the back for them to arrive and looked around for a seatbelt. After finding none he resigned himself to just sitting. The wide, circular, drill-sergeant-looking hats of the infantrymen finally tilted around as the vehicle slowed, some time later. "Here we are," Taisa Edwards declared, taking an exit ramp off of the main road, and into a city of warehouses, factories, and giant buildings. Wazu waited for them to come to a stop before he hoped out of the vehicle, "thanks for the do you know where I can get a shuttle?" he asked "Yeah," the buff guy replied. "Over there." He pointed to a garage-like building lit with fluorescent lights. Inside, a few shuttles could be seen. The sign outside said "Security." "Thanks" Wazu said as he turned and walked towards the shuttles. Inside, a few sinister-looking sergeants looked up from their clipboards. "I am looking for a ride to Central Uesureya" Wazu said as confidently as he walked towards them. The sergeants looked at him oddly and laughed. "What is so funny?" he asked "You ARE in Central." The "leader" one pointed a finger. "Oh..." Wazu said as he reached for his data pad again to check the map. "Well then where is the nearest civilian area?" he asked The sergeants snickered teasingly, until a white-haired Shosa came in and shooed them back to work. Two of them slid into a shuttle and took off. The Shosa barely glanced at Wazu before heading back to her office. Wazu shrugged and then turned around and left the security area. He looked around for something fun to do like a bar or something. This place was already getting on his nerves. "Civilian?" The remaining sergeant, a thin purple-haired girl that was younger than the others, followed him. "Civilians are hard to find these days." "I'm off duty. I could help you get where you're going." Wazu slowed his pace a bit and walked with the girl, "well thank you for your help. So why are civilians so hard to find? Surely not everyone could be enlisted." The "W" symbol in the GSA triangle on her shoulder showed that she was part of Zero Fleet. "Most of the civilians lived in the capital. Most of the cities left after the attacks are just military and manufacturing centers." Jadg Wolf joined "Oh... the attacks were worse than I thought." He said, "So what do you do for fun around here?" he asked the girl With a timid little smile, the security girl looked at him. "Me?" She seemed surprised. "Yes you." Wazu said sounding calm, "is there anything like a bar nearby?" "I like to dance, at the club. One of these old warehouses nearby is open for it. I don't think anyone notices me much, but still, it makes me I'm enjoying my life." the young sergeant tried to explain. "They serve drinks there." "Okay. Lead on then" he said with a smile, "I can't see why no one pays attention to you. You’re quite cute" "My breasts look like bee stings" the slightly underdeveloped Neko complained. "And..." she started, then cut herself off, looking away embarrassedly, the blood giving her cheeks a rosy hue. After a few blocks of cool, humid streets, she pointed to a large warehouse that looked like any other. Outside, there was a small line and a tall bouncer Neko. "Oh come on they aren't that bad" He said as he headed toward the line, "besides it doesn’t matter what your body is like..."he said with all seriousness. ~Well not with the ST machines anyways~ he joked to himself. The water in the air began to condense into tiny particles of mist that bounced on their cheeks, cold and somewhat refreshing as the orange sun passed behind a building on the horizon and night's darkness blossomed. The bouncer recognized the girl and let her in. "She's with me." the young Neko told the gun-carting door Neko, indicating Wazu. Wazu walked inside with the girl and had a look around, "I should buy you a drink for showing me this place,” He said "Oh!" she exclaimed. "You don't have to..." Clinging to Wazu's arm in the pulsating crowd, she spoke loud to be heard over the thumping bass, "My name's Sakai Yuuko" "Well then what should I do to thank you?" he asked as he put a arm around the girl, "And my name is Heram Wazu. It's a pleasure to meet you" He said at the same volume hoping that she had heard him. "This is the sound of Mistress Yggdra Isalfsdottir, in her 6th hour of a 18-hour set!" a European-sounding announcer said in the background. "Bringing it home with the ice groove..." Yuuko wished she had a business card or something. "You get that drink of yours!" she laughed, and old him "I'm going to change." She pointed to a locker room by the huge fans of the "Chill station." "Alright I'll see you later then" he said as he went to the drink bar near the back of the club, "Can I get a hard Ice Tea?" he asked, ~after all who needs mental clarity when your off duty~ he thought to himself. "We got it all." The barkeep winked and snapped his fingers at Wazu, smoothly spinning around to collect the bottle and slide it down the bar so that it came to a halt in front of him. "Two KS." Wazu pulled out his data pad and electronically sent the two KS to the bartender. He then turned around and leaned against the bar as he looked into the crowd for Yuuko Yuuko's small figure reappeared a few moments later in a cute little skirt and halter-top. She also wore thigh-high stockings and had glow-sticks hanging from her garter straps. "Back!" she called out over the THUMPA THUMPA of the subwoofers. "Welcome back" Wazu said as he looked her over, "are you sure I can't get you a drink or something?" "Mmm" she pondered, "How about a Central Special?" she asked. "One Central Special" Wazu asked the bartender before turning back to Yuuko, "That’s a nice outfit. Are you sure no one pays attention to you?" "!" She wiggled in amusement, barely catching her wine bottle. Wazu took a swig of his drink and suppressed some of the Neko regeneration abilities so that the cold numbing sensation of the drink could take hold. He then just smiled at the girl. Taking down a glass of her wine, she took Wazu out into the mass of moving people. As they moved inward, the lighting got darker, which emphasized the glow sticks hanging on her garters and wrist as she started to gyrate to the beat. Wazu tried to dance along but he wasn't that good and moved around to the beat clumsily. He was holding onto Yuuko ever so slightly so that he wouldn't lose her into the mass of people and colored lights. The crowd started moving around a bit more forcing Wazu closer to Yuuko. Yuuko put her hands on Wazu's feminine hips and guided them, trying to add a bit of rhythm. Wazu hugged her lightly using her as a guide for his movements, "Sorry I'm no good at dancing,” he said. The glow sticks bounced off Wazu's hips and legs, lightly tapping against his Neko body as she moved. "Aww, it's easy." she reassured him. Wazu stumbled a bit and then regained his footing, He moved his hands around her waist, "Hey, if you say so. It seems difficult,” he said as he tried to dance along become a little more sure of himself and a little less clumsy. "If you come back, you should wear something besides that uniform. At least take off the robes." Yuuko asked, poking at the heavy clothes. "Aren't you getting hot?" "A little. Mostly because of this cape" he said as he scratched at the attaching points around his neck, "I've gotten used to the robe though." Yuuko slipped her hands up along Wazu's sides, "You're one of the first who has." -- After leaving the Yui and leaving a message for Chiharu, Riyon headed into the city, after a while he came to the same establishment that Taisa Wazu was in. The got stopped by the bouncer at the entrance. He sighed in an exasperated fashion as he tried to deal with the person. Outside the club the bouncer eyed the small guy who seemed to be lost... "Look, I'm just here for a drink or two. I know I look like I'm trouble, but trust me. I have better things on my mind." Riyon said with a slight frown forming on his somber face. He suddenly grinned. "Did you see an awkward looking Neko enter in here?, She is my commanding officer and I'm searching for her." He said. "No business, only pleasure." The big Neko doorwoman answered with a big smile. "Pleasure huh? I'm sure it is." Riyon said with a sardonic grin. "What's it take? An engraved waiting list?" "You don't seem in the mood for having fun." The bouncer said, bouncing the rifle in her hands. "I am, I'm just a bit tired is all." Riyon said brushing a hair out of his face while he looked her over. He subconsciously coiled his tail around his leg as he did. Just when all hope seemed lost, a regular pleaded for him "I'll keep him out of trouble." a Neko from the 2nd Infantry said. "Come on." The bouncer reluctantly agreed. "Thank you." He said and looked at the Neko who was addressing him. She was a strong-looking Neko with perfectly cut deep green hair. "You owe me." she commented once they were inside. "I still can't see why people don't pay attention to you" he said with a smile as they continued to dance "What do I owe you then?" Riyon asked. "Oh, my ask I ask your name beautiful?" He asked nicely. 'Beautiful' answered, "Matsui Ryoko, 2nd Infantry" Riyon looked at the Neko who got him in. "That's a nice name, mine's Aeriyon. What's the strongest drink here?" He asked, looking over the area. Slick, the barkeep, replied, "" "Would you like on Ms, Matsui?" Riyon asked. "Central Spec...nothing." Ryoko spotted Yuuko's bottle and acquired it, taking a long swig. Riyon looked at Matsui. "Is there anything in particular you wanted in payment for getting me in here?" He asked as he looked at her. " I insist. I'm a man of my word, and I don't like people after me looking to collect on debts." "I suppose not." Ryoko shrugged. She then smiled and walked off into the crowd. "Just pay for their drinks." She pointed to Wazu and Yuuko. Not that she knew them, but they seemed so happy. And with that, she moved into the crowd. -- Seems like your drink is quite popular" Wazu said after seeing that girl take a drink through the shifting crowds and lights. Yuuko pressed her tiny chest against Wazu's, warm and caught in the music and the moment. "Mmm" she smiled, her legs rubbing his. Wazu let her although he was becoming more nervous. He ended up holding her with one hand around her back with another reaching down and rubbing the back of hr thigh. He too was caught in the moment. Yuuko smiled, giggling at him. She was totally immersed in bliss, letting the music control her body, which was pressed firmly against his. Wazu's breathing picked up a bit. He was incredibly nervous right now as he looked down into her eyes. Yuuko pressed her cheek onto Wazu's, and he risked a quick kiss on the girl’s cheek. Yuuko just let it happen, keeping moving as if the kiss was part of the dance. Wazu kept moving in step with her becoming a bit more confident in the dance that he was taking part in "Wazu," Yuuko smiled. "You're not so bad." "Not as good as you... or anyone else in here for that matter." he said knowing that he wasn't all that good, "I feel so great tonight!" she chimed, speaking just loud enough to be heard over the bass. "I just got a promotion to Taii today, and I hear I am getting a transferred to a fancy starship. My new rank takes effect when I get transferred. I'm a bit nervous..." "Do you know which ship?" Wazu asked, "I am being transferred soon too. But I assure you it is nothing to worry about." He said as he held her reassuringly. "DJ Isalfsdottir... In her eleventh hour of her eighteen-hour set!" the announcer warbled in the background, blending into the music. Had it been two hours already? No, wait...five hours! "I know it's in the first fleet." Wazu's heart dropped, "I should be heading back soon..." he thought out loud but under his breath, "Well you should drop me a line sometime once you know which ship you are being transferred too." He said to her loud enough to be heard over the blaring speakers and the noise of the crowd. "Oh, I thought I was the only one who was tired!" she sleepily laughed, sticky with the moisture of the club, her skirt hiked up from rubbing against him so much. "Lets...leave together. I don't want to say goodbye just yet," she grinned. "Neither do I," he said with a smile as he led her out of the crowd. His robes were also getting weighed down with the moisture inside of the club. "I'll pick up my uniform some other time,” she said to herself, stumbling out of the club, exhausted. "Ohh!" He caught her as she stumbled, "are you alright?" he asked. "I'm a little bit dizzy. Nekos weren't meant to exercise for so long..." she murmured, gently wrapping her arm around his waist, shivering a bit. He held her close and started walking her down the street a bit, "are you cold? And where to now?" "Back to the station. I live there. It's only a few blocks." Wazu stopped and looked around, "um..which way is that?" She quietly pointed. He led them off in that direction. He made sure to keep her steady as they walked to her home. "you must be cold in that outfit" Wazu said as he stopped for a moment to take off and put his robe around her revealing his uniform. "Thank you so much for the great evening, Heram." "The pleasure was all mine. I should be thanking you." He said with a smile as they arrived at the station. Yuuko stood on her toes and leaned into him, her lips moving to his. "Mmm" Wazu went wide-eyed for a moment as they kissed but he soon relaxed and kissed her back. It lasted a long time, but it still seemed too short when it ended. With a smile and a wave, the little Neko went back into the station. Wazu smiled and waved back hoping that he'd be able to meet her again, "now... how do I get back to the ship?" he laughed to himself slightly as he looked around for a ride back. JP Zack Wes Tyler Catching a Ride Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet Star Army Research Admin. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards (9/8/03 8:53) Catching a Ride Riyon was standing in the lobby of a hotel in Central where he had spent the previous night after attending to some personal business. His clear steel gray eyes swept the area looking for a familiar face. A few elaborately-dressed nekos (the first he had ever seen wearing earrings) walked by, their fancy shoes making their every footstep on the thick marble floor resonate against the sturdy, high ceiling. Above, murals were painted all around the massive room, depicting various scenes of nekos enjoying themselves. He whistled to himself at the sight of murals, they hadn't been there last time he was here. He found his eyes following the elaborately dressed nekos around; he shrugged it off as male nature and started walking for the door. Central Uesureya appeared to be a very civilian city on the outside, full of art and culture and urban life, though, in reality, it was a strictly military city; everyone here was working for the GSA, or one of the Major Corporations. He looked around at the various people going about their business, he sighed to himself and adjusted his trench coat and started back toward his ship. Outside the door, a sports-car-looking Military Police cruiser hummed by, occupied by an NH-X pair in black GSA body armor. "Hmm, it's too far to just walk back to the ship. I suppose I'd better go see about getting a ride...but who to ask?" He wondered to himself as a slight breeze rustled his hair, his tail stretched out behind him then coiled over his shoulder. He looked around for signs of anyone shipping or transporting goods around. A man in a white lab coat hurriedly made his way down the street, carrying a briefcase marked "Biohazard." A trio of PNUgen nekos followed him around, providing security. More cars, vans, and trucks rolled by on the city street, carrying everything from WickedArms ammo boxes to brand new nekos in their bags. He looked to see where they were coming from to ask for a lift. They were probably from the PNUgen complex down the road. He sighed and headed in that direction. Riyon reached the complex several minutes later and looked around for someone who was just getting ready to leave with a shipment. His tail started to slither around in mute frustration. A cute little neko with short, purple hair made her way down the street, wearing the GSA's black robes, and a cloak with the Zero Fleet logo, surrounded by the Geshrin Security Forces crest. She was a Sergeant. Above, a Yui-Class Starship glided by, moving to land somewhere within the PNUgen storage base. A large PNUgen hospital and shopping area were nearby. Apparently a very large portion of the city was the Corporation's turf, and the street he was looking across was where it began. On the other side, the GSA sentries ended and the their PNUgen counterparts began. More traffic went by, and the Sergeant turned the corner, heading down the street back towards the Central Hotel, which was one of many skyscrapers in this middle section of the city. He sighed and walked over to the GSA sentries. "Excuse me." He said. "But I need a lift back to the starship docks, could one of you tell me where I could get one in a hurry?" The group of sentries, also all sergeants, turned and faced him, their conversation ending abruptly. The leader, a Chusa, looked a bit frustrated that he didn't give her a chance to speak. The purple-haired little one stopped for a moment to see if the three nekos needed anything. The Chusa said, "Which starship docks? There are hundreds in Central." Another looked at his cloak, "He's First Fleet." The third of the trio commented, "He fall out of the sky or something? Maybe he's tired of the Elysians kicking his ass." "Hey!" the little loner said. "We don't need that." She was probably from a different precinct. Riyon growled to himself. "I wasn't involved in that battle. I was here on planet on some personal business." He said with raised brow at the loner, talking to them and looking at her in a sidelong glance. "I look forward to slaughtering some Elysians, but for some reason or another, we haven't been able to." He added/ "Get back to the warehouses." The Chusa told the lone sergeant. "But back to the point. I need a ride back to the docks where the GSS Yui is at." He said to the Chusa. The lone security girl turned to walk back towards her area. As she turned, Riyon could see had a PNUgen pamphlet in her hand, showing a variety of nekovalkyrja on it. Riyon looked after her for a quick minute. "Hmm... Do you know where I could get a ride back the GSS Yui?" He asked the Chusa "Where is the Yui?" the short little neko asked, watching the inner-city security nekos shrug and go about their business, leaving them. "It's in a dock about 100 miles or so to the south." He replied, turning to look at her. "You mean Uesureyan Fields Starport?" she looked at him questioningly. "Yes I think that's the one." He said. "Whoa." she said. "We'll have to take my shuttle. I have a Kitty Two back at my station." "That'd be nice. I'd appreciate it, my name's Aeriyon by the way, what's yours?" He asked nicely. "I'm Sakai Yuuko," the girl said. "I'm supposed to transfer to the first fleet soon." "I'm glad, we can always use more people. I saw you at that club a couple days ago dancing with my superior officer." He chuckled a bit as he remembered Wazu's angst. "Oh? You know Wazu?" her eyes lit up. "She's got...a bit of a problem, but yeah I know" Riyon said, knowing that Wazu was a guy inside and that's how he viewed him, but maybe Yuuko didn't need to know. "I was watching. you're a good dancer." he said. "Hrm? Oh!" she blushed, covering her face with a black-gloved hand. The sun blinked off of the gold rank on her beret. Riyon had to grin at her, she was pretty cute looking like that. "Did I offend you?" he asked. "Sorry if I did." "Oh, no, it's just that I don't consider myself so great...I mean...." she trailed off, still shy. "I was watching and you're not bad at all." he smiled in the form of a smirk at her. She began walking down the street, leading him away from the city's tall center into the GSA's warehouse district. He followed her carefully, remembering the place. "How long have you had the shuttle?" he asked, trying to make conversation. "Since I was born." she grinned. "Hopefully they'll let me keep it when I transfer. I've worked out of this station all my life." "I don't know if they will, the shuttle bays on the ship I'm on is rather small, but there's probably bigger ones. I've been a little bit of everywhere, but sometimes it's good to come home after so long." He said as they walked toward the shuttle. "I asked to get transferred to the biggest ship they could put me on. I'm so used to the city..." He sighed a bit. "I've always been alone, so I'm used to it. I'm being transferred, though do where I don't really know. I hate that, not knowing." "I hope my ship has a club." "You like to party, I could tell that from the other night. Well, I've heard that the larger ships have those." He said. She let out a bubbly giggle as she led him into a garage through the open door to the street. Inside, several shuttles rested on the gray floor. She made her way towards the one on the end. He smirked and followed her to her shuttle. Starting to wonder where he was going. "Going somewhere?" a Taii asked. "Who's the male?" The officer eyed Riyon's package. Riyon flushed slightly. "I asked her for a ride back to the Uesureyan Fields Spaceport." He said defensively. "Shikoko!" Yuuko grinned at the Taii, who was wearing a blue kimono. Then, to Riyon: "Shikoko was actually a former member of the GSS Yui's crew, in her enlisted days. That was when Yui was only a Taisa." Riyon looked up suddenly. "What are you doing now?" He asked her. "The station commander, Shinami, was too." she added. "I have read their files, but I didn't think I'd get to meet them." Riyon said grinning. Shikoko looked down from the catwalk she was on "I'm the first officer of this station. And you would be?" "Me? I'm just a lowly soldier who's looking for a way back to the Yui." He replied, looking up. Shikoko grunted. Meanwhile, Yuuko had opened the shuttle's rear door and was climbing inside. The back was pretty spacious. "Not in the best of moods I see." He said and turned back to Yuuko. He shrugged and crawled inside after her. "whoa, this is pretty spacious." He said. Yuuko climbed up into the pilot's seat, and pressed a button. Riyon looked for another seat... JP Tyler (as Riyon) Wes (As Yuuko) GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) Ah, Back to the Ship Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSA 1st Fleet (9/8/03 14:44) Ah, Back to the Ship Riyon turned to look at Yuuko after they had landed at the Fields, He had been silent the whole ride back from not knowing what to talk about. He felt he had to say something... "Yuuko, Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it." He said. "Oh!" Yuuko sleepily smiled. "It's no problem. It can be hard getting around without a vehicle." She ran a hand through her deep purple hair, arching her back in a stretch. The sun was setting, shining orange light on her chest, glinting off of her rank as she breathed. He grinned slyly. "You know, as the light hits you from that direction. It only amplifies your natural beauty." He said with a grin, knowing full well he was hitting on her. He sighed and stretched, extending his tail then coiling it around his shoulders and chest. "What do I owe you for it?" He asked. Yuuko made an exaggurated embarassed expression, giggling slightly. "I don't know." she grinned sheepishly. He chuckled a bit and looked her over, and popped his neck. "Name it, I like to pay favors back as soon as I can." He said, his eyes wondering over her body. He shook his head and stopped. "Erm?" She looked at his eyes, then to her tiny chest. She laughed lightly, quietly. "Awwww." cooed. He blushed suddenly as he realized she caught him. "Sorry." he said ashamed. Her dark, black eyes peered at him questioningly, moving around behind him, and moved her arms around his waist. "It's fine." she told him. His eyes widened slightly as she did. It had been the first time in years a woman had done this to him. He couldn't remember what to do. "Um....really?" He asked questioningly. His tail uncoiled itself from his leg and wrapped around her slender waist gently. "Eep!" She squeeked in suprise. He smiled at her gently. "Don't worry, it's just my tail." He said. Yuuko made an odd face, but he couldn't see it. "If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll call it back." He chuckled mildly as his tail loosened around her. "" she shook her head. "Yes?" He asked letting her hold him still. "Say what you want, I won't hold it against you." "I was wondering if Wazu was around, actually." she admitted. "He's most likely on the ship. May I ask why you need him?" He said without thinking and let it slip if she didn't already know. A few trucks full of infantry guys came out of nowhere, coming close to hitting them, squealing its tires as it slid sideways and then shot off in the rows of Subjugator-Class Landing Ships. Riyon looked after the truck, somehow knowing it wouldn't hit them. "What was that about?" He asked. Yuuko frowned, letting go of him. "Just the usual, really." "I'm sorry Yuuko, but Wazu's most likely up in the Yui." He said turning to look at her. "Oh, well, tell him I stopped by, ok?" she smiled, turning to go back to her shuttle. "I had better be heading back."' "I'll do that." He said with a grin. "Thanks again." He said and turned to walk to the ship. JP: Wes (as Yuuko) GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets Tasuki Uso SAINT GSA 1st Fleet (10/27/03 22:44) Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets QnS is offering sponsorship to the first and second fleets. As the only fleets without a corperate support QnS feels the need to help out. As part of the deal QnS would take care of logistical functions for the two fleets as well as provide additional detachments of ships as needed/asked for. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (10/27/03 22:23) Re: Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets I don't see any problem with a sponsorship from QnS, so, I accept your generous offer to sponsor the 1st and 2nd Fleets. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet Star Army Research Admin. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards (10/28/03 6:38) Re: Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets To: Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu (1st Fleet) Taisho Heram Wazu (4th Fleet) Taisho Kitsurugi Yui (1st XF) From: Taisho Kitsurugi Sharie (6th Fleet) WickedArms already sponsors the first fleet. So, Taisho Chiharu will have to choose. I don't see much of an option if you want to keep people paid--QnS doesn't have the money to sponsor a fleet. The richest corporation is PNUgen... Both first and second fleets were created by Clan Kitsurugi under Yui and Yuumi. Naturally, there are very strong ties between them and KFY. This is a devious (and somewhat unexpected) political move on your part, Wazu. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards and WickedArms will not stand by and give away the fleets we built to our competitors. I would strongly reconsider QnS sponsership if I were you, Taisho Chiharu. Tasuki Uso SAINT GSA 1st Fleet (10/28/03 6:56) Re: Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets From: QnIs Dear, Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu, Taisho Kitsurugi Yui, We so no reason why QnS cannot sponsor the fleets along with WickedArms, after all the 6th and 1st xf both have two sponsors. (ooc I based the offer on the fleets tab in the left frame and there it says that the first and second have no sponsor) GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (10/28/03 19:22) Re: Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets To: Taisho Kitsurugi Sharie (6th Fleet) Taisho Heram Wazu (4th Fleet) Taisho Kitsurugi Yui (1st XF) From: Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu (1st Fleet) Re: QnS Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd Fleets?! I was unaware for the Wicked Arms sponsorship for the 1st fleet. I do understand the KFY's and WA's desire to beat out the competition without handing over their ships, resources and people to them. What I was unaware of, and now am forced to face, is a political mess that I have ignorantly blundered into. In the future, I will keep a better eye on the politics surrounding the position I hold. I will deliberate on the issues you have brought to my attention, Taisho Sharie and further think through the issues at hand before making any further actions towards sponsorship from the corporations. I will make my decision after some thought and discussion between the parties involved and see what can be done to avoid a monopoly on the fleets and still keep the fleets actions and missions non-biased. Thank you for your input and for informing me of the issue. I will try to get in touch with you all to discuss this matter over a live line if possible. Respectfully yours, GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet Star Army Research Admin. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards (10/28/03 23:41) Re: Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets From: Taisho Kitsurugi Yui To: (All Taishos) My proposal is (And this is mainly for clarification): 1SF: Clan Kitsurugi 2SF: Clan Kitsurugi 3SF: PNUgen Corporation 4SF: Qel'noran Shipyards 5SF: (to be decided) 6SF: Clan Kitsurugi 1XF: Clan Kitsurugi 2XF: Clan Kessaku Should Qel'noran want more fleets, it should build them, as Clan Kitsurugi has built its fleets. The difficult part, of course, will be finding peole to man them (hence the need for PANTHEON program). OOC: I'd like to avoid fleets without players running them. GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Alexis Jaren GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (10/29/03 18:51) Re: Sponsorship for the 1st and 2nd fleets ((OOC: Should we move this thread to an IC board? The corporation story is getting a bit spread out, it's already on four boards!)) Reappearences and Unfinished business Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (12/6/03 22:28) Reappearences and Unfinished business Shoki awoke with a start, as a battle raged on in the space near Ralfaris. She herself had followed Taisho Ketsurui’s suggestion and got herself enlisted into the GSA to defend the planet Geshrintall. And she was currently serving on the planet, waiting to be mobilized. But, her blood felt ice cold and she stared out the window at the darkness beyond it. She knew what had just happened despite the distance- Chiharu had passed into the stream of time. Her body shook as she forced herself to stand, moving to find the nearest data terminal, because it just couldn’t be true. When she reached the terminal, she saw that it was surrounded by every solider in the complex. Everyone bore the wide-eyed expression of sheer dismay that she felt in her heart, it was true- Chiharu was gone. She turned away and hurried back to her dorm room, knowing that there was something that Chi was trying to do before she died. But what was it? Her reflection in the mirror caught her attention, the room was freezing and she could sense something else was there. She didn’t turn on the lights as she moved to face the mirror. Her eyes widened at what she saw… it was not her face that she bore in the mirror but Chiharu’s. Her head hurt and her heart was pounding madly in her chest, what did this presence want? It had to do with Chiharu definitely but what? “Hey Sho-baby, are you…?” Kevin Jones entered the room, turning on the light and stopped dead in his tracks as he stared at Shoki. “C…Chiharu?!” Shoki shook her head as she looked at Kevin sadly, “No, it’s me Shoki. I think I need to do something to complete something she left undone.” “That’s creepy and you’ll cause a riot looking like that, but what do you have to do?” Kevin crossed his arms over his chest, figuring that he was going to have to help keep her out of trouble. “I think it has to do with how she died.” Shoki pushed her hair back behind her ears, not knowing why. Her appearance was identical to Chi’s except that she did not have the ears common to a Neko. “Her ship was destroyed in the battle to defend Ralfaris. So what, you have to help destroy every last one of those Elysian bastards who killed our Taisho?” Kevin frowned, he was quite fond of the man Chiharu was posing as. Ishida was fun to be around and he missed having Ishida around. “No. I think she wanted to end the war but responded to Ralfaris before it could happen.” Shoki shook her head again. “I have to do this, I don’t know how though.” “Weird, but if that’s what she wanted then, I guess we should do it. But first, let’s get you into a heavy cloak or something to hide your face so that no one freaks out…” Kevin shrugged and headed back towards the door, “Stay here. I’ll send a message to Taisho Kitsurugi Yui about wanting to speak to her about this.” [Kitsurugi Star Fortress-Geshrintall]Seeing ghosts Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (12/12/03 1:06) [Kitsurugi Star Fortress-Geshrintall]Seeing ghosts ON> Kitsurugi Star Fortress (GH-05) On the planet Geshrintall, Jones impatiently pulled a cloaked and "faceless" Shoki through the dormitories towards a private terminal, so that they might not be seen as they contacted the Taisho Kitsurugi Yui about this situation.. Yui held the little Chiharu figure in her hand. It was soft and limp, and reminded her of the void in the universe left by the premature death of Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu. Her tablet notebook popped up a window showing her caller's face. "Yes?" asked the Empress. "Mistress Yui, umm.. I am Sgt. Kevin Jones... I thought.. you might be interested in something that I've come across recently.." Kevin gently nudged Shoki so that the Empress could see her, and tugged down the woman's hood so that her face could be seen. Yui's dark green brows lifted in suprise. "Chi?" Kevin shook his head no. "Sadly, not Mistress. This is Shoki... Chiharu-dono encountered both myself and Shoki when she visted Ralfaris last.. but.. she feels that her appearence becoming that of the Taisho Ketsurui might have something to do with Chiharu's last deed being undone.." He paused for a moment and Shoki spoke in the silence. "I think that.. Mistress Chiharu wanted to end the war. And I wanted to know what I might be able to do to help bring that to pass." Kôgô-heika Yui seemed somewhat disappointed and turned away for a moment, pressing a loose fist against her lips. When she turned back, the lights of her cabin reflected furiously from her red eyes. With an understanding nod, she told Shoki. "I'm planning on launching a special project using SARA, KFY, and KES. We will find Elysia Novus. With the Grand Elysian Fleet destroyed, we may be able to take it fairly easily. Do you want to be there?" "If my presence there would mean that I would be able to assist in some way, then yes, I want to be there." Shoki nodded, her voice was soft and was there only a slight difference from her voice and the voice of the neko her face reflected.. Chi's voice was only a little bit higher than Shoki's. "My plan," Yui explained, "is to create and dispatch some twenty thousand Yui Recon-Scout destroyers across the galaxy to scout for planets. This will give us places to look rather that having us grope out in the dark." She paused for a moment. "Nariel won't be able to stop us without a fleet. We will remove the defenses and try for a peaceful occupation of Elysia Novus...we'll show kindness and generousity to the civilians, and with time, they will see us as liberators and friends, rather than heartless conquerors." Shoki nodded. "How might I be some assistance in this plan?" She pushed her hair back behind her ears as she watched Yui's face curiously. Jones remained silent behind Shoki, still unsettled by the fact that Shoki looked like Chiharu at the moment. "You could lead the process of assimilating Elysia. Or," Yui pondered, "perhaps you could take Chiharu's place?" Shoki thought over the idea of taking Chiharu's place, it would make sense to try that since she did wear the neko's face at the moment. "I could.. very easily take Chiharu's place.. appearence wise anyways... but I would need to know how she would act in certain situations." Jones grimaced hearing this idea but kept his mouth shut.. perhaps this is why Ishida had said that women are nothing but trouble, you'd do anything to keep them safe from harm or to make them happy. "There is a way. Perhaps you could become one side of an NH-X pair, with a restored Chiharu from the Yui as your partner. Your personalities, thoughts, and memories would be shared," Yui said to Shoki. "We could do that. But it'd be important to try to remember that it isn't really Chiharu, at least.. in your own heart..." Shoki paused, knowing that she might lose a portion of her own personality in this 'joining'. "Would I be going into a new body for this?" "It'd be very similar," Yui assured her. "I will do that then.. but I don't think that the restored 'Chi' will be enough like the real Chi to take her place.. how would Chiharu feel about having her ship and all of her crew die to only be brought back to find out that.. she is the only one who was brought back?" Shoki's softened, this was a sad thing to consider... how would Chiharu have reacted to such news? "I brought Aya and Kuru back, too," Yui corrected and paused for a moment. There was cute J-pop music playing softly in the background, probably coming from the tablet she was using. "I think she'll understand..." Yui paused, and her voice trembledl. "I love her so much." Tears began running down Yui's cheeks. "I know Yui-sama but I don't think that she'd take the news of how she died very well.. and I think that her sacrifice would be cheapened if she was brought back after the mourning of the nation has begun. I only wish to remain this appearence for as long as it is necessary to achieve her goals.. and hopefully.. not many of the GSA will see me... I'd prefer to be thought of as a ghost..." "I was thinking that you'd die...I mean Chiharu would be layed to rest after the war is over. Her return could be equally as inspiring." "I have lived many lives, so to die as Chiharu wouldn't.." Shoki paused as Jones jumped up, very upset now. "Come on now! Does Shoki really have to die for this to be pulled off? Wouldn't Chiharu dying a second time cause a resurgance of hatred towards the Elysians for taking her away a second time?" "Not Shoki. But you're right...I was thinking something peaceful, but it could be twisted by others into motivation for war." Kôgô-heika sniffled. "Where, then, will it end?" "It could just end with the joining of the two nations into one alliance... but you might need to covertly take out the fleet admiral of the fleet in order to make such peace possible. I've heard stories about that Nariel fellow." Jones continued to speak quickly, saying the first thing that came to mind. "Maybe.. with that bastard gone, the other Elysians will agree to the peace?" Shoki just stared at Jones in amazement... he's never been one for strategies. "He may have already lost his say when he lost his fleet," she pointed out. "I don't think the Elysians want to speak to me, though." "Perhaps.. there is some Elysian that would be willing to talk to Chiharu? Did she have anyone she trusted in the Elysian Fleets?" Jones was trying to figure out something to not get Shoki killed. "She was seeing an Arch-Angel just before she died. Apparently the two were...close." Shoki blinked at this bit of information, confused. "But I thought.. " Jones interupted Shoki's befuddlement. "Then perhaps we could get a hold of her then?" "Here's the location of the ECS Hope." Yui had KAMI send the data on Zemer's ship. JP by Wes Kim [Geshrintall, Tania] Wandering Saito Jian GSE Civilian (12/16/03 13:43) [Geshrintall, Tania] Wandering ON>Geshrintall; Tania Saito was standing alone outside the estate of his previous employer, a wealthy young woman who had needed him for protection and company. But the young mistress had recently wed, and decided that she no longer needed him around. Saito only had a small pack of belongings, which he carried slung over his shoulder. He was slightly taller than the comman neko and had rather exotic features: metallic silver hair that had a glossy look to it and bright lavender eyes. Saito bore only the lightest amount of clothing as well, dressed in loose blue pants and a black open chested vest with a white sash with a katana slid through it. Saito sighed, giving no thought to reasons why he was now free and simply accepted it; he was a bit lost and looked around the area. Before him, like his future, lay a long, winding cobblestone road, flanked by rows of old stone houses with thick wooden rooftops. Tania was the oldest city on the planet, founded over a thousand years ago by colonists from Kennewes. People dressed in fairly tradition garb moved along the brick sidewalks going about their everyday business. Saito's eyes were curious as he began to walk through the street, looking at the various things that were going on in the quaint (?) city. He nodded hello to people he passed, Saito was a like a teen out oh his own really for the first time in his life. No one seemed to notice him too much, although his weird hair, and the fact he was a neko earned him a few odd looks from passerbys. Most of the people here were Japanese or Norse Geshrin. A troop of schoolgirls marched by a few blocks away, headed to afternoon class. Saito walked down the road, almost toward the the schoolgirls. He was curious and still young; He mentally chuckled as he noticed the odd looks he was getting. But didn't really mind it at all. Most of the buildings were of a gray or white stone and had clear of stained-glass windows. Various hanging signs showed what each shop was selling. Most of the houses made something, from olive oil and pasta, to herbal tea. Saito paused in front of the shop whose sign read it sold herbal tea. He dug into his right pocket and pulled out a few KS coins his last owner had been kind enough to bestow on him. The silver-haired neko walked up to and opened the door and into the store and looked around, seeing what they offered. "Good morning sir," A girl poked her head up from behind a huge wooden counter. A child. She had long, straight hair that was striped with alternating black and golden blond. An asian face but with frosted-looking sky-blue eyes and patches of tan freckles on her otherwise pale skin. "Hmm?" Saito turned to the the source of the sound and grinned, thinking this was just a child. "Good morning to you too little one." He smiled at her. "You wouldn't happen to carry mint green tea would you?" He asked. "Of course, sir," the respectful little Geshrin nodded, and retrieved some for him using a step-stool. "Thank you." He said as she went to get it. His eyes followed her as she did so, just a natural reflex to watch people. A petite little thing she was, probably born to survivors of the great plague. She wore a very simple green wool shirt, typical of the Geshrin. It was a flap of cloth, with a hole for the head, so that when worn it covered the front and back, and was tied to the body using a soft belt. All in all, it made the effect of a short dress with slits on the sides. She called back to him, "How much do you want?" Saito thought about it for a moment..."2 ounches of it please." He replied. She shook her head in confusion and brought him back two tea bags. "Good?" she asked. He looked a bit amused, he was more used to using the more complicated terms for measurement. "That's just fine. How much?" Saito asked, accepting the bags. "Two Zeni." He nodded and pulled out a couple coins and paid the child, exchanging the tea bags for the money in his pocket. He had handed her 3 zeni, 2 to pay and one for her..a practice picked up from his ex-master. The girl slowly took the 3 KS and smiled, "Come again soon, sir." "Perhaps." He returned her cute little smile. Saito turned and exited the shop, he pulled out the tea bags and pulled his small pack around with his other hand and slid them into a small pocket on it; then slung it back over his shoulder and continued on through the street, having a tourist-like look around. "I wonder what there is to do here for entertainment?" He wondered aloud, absently. A tall neko popped out of a nearby shop with an enormous cone of ice cream. She had an ultralong braided tail of solid green hair that was tied up into a double loop that still went to her knees. She signalled for a taxi, and another neko carrying a cart rushed over to the curb. Saito looked over at the two nekos, a bit glad to see a neko or two. He rather casually walked over and greeted them both with a friendly "Hello." The neko with the ice cream nodded her greetings. The second neko looked to the first, wondering if her passenger was ready for the two-wheeled cart to get moving. There were tiny metal ball bearings half-buried in the top of one of the scoops. "I'm Saito, might I ask who you are?" He asked of the neko with the ice cream. "Usagi," the neko replied, clearly wondering what he wanted. "Nice to meet you then Usagi." Saito said, brushing his hair out of his face. He got the distinct feeling that she couldn't tell he was simply being social. "Sorry if I'm holding you up." He noticed the ball bearing glinting in the daylight. "Another pennyeater?" He mused. She gave him a sympathetic look and kicked the second neko in the buttcheek. The cart rolled forward with a squeek of protest, leaving Sain standing there. "That was....interesting." Saito mused and continued along the road, but paused soon after, beginning to become curious as to where she was going and turned and headed in that direction. He was wandering without a real purpose, free to follow his own whims. A small procession of uniformed Clan Kitsurugi's bushi was headed down the street. All carried swords and energy pistols on their bright white and red garments. Saito moved off to the side of the street, being respectful of the illustrious Clan Kitsurugi members, but kept his pace; his curiousity making him watch them idly. They proceeded up the street and made a left, headed toward the local temple. Having lost sight of Usagi, Saito again decided to continue wandering, meanderingly following the procession. He had no real knowledge of the Kitsurugi Clan anyway. The temple also semed to be the training grounds for the Kitsurugi school of martial arts, and as the group flowed into the doors to the courtyard, Saito could hear the sounds of combat coming from inside. Saito's eyes lit up with delight, he enjoyed a good spar or simply watching other's do it. He tentatively knocked at the door as he reached it One of the temple maidens, a black-haired Geshrin opened the door. Inside, there were nekos lined up on either side of a marble fighting ring, seated on benches. In the center, two nekos with swords were like cats in a bag. "Wow." Saito breathed, as his eyes fell on the combat. He looked at the black-haired maiden; "Would it be acceptable for me to watch this?" He asked cautiously "Of course," she nodded, gesturing toward the empty visitors area, an empty bench across from the one full of the Kitsurugi entourage. Apparently they were waiting their turn to spar one another. The fight itself looked viscious. The nekos were beating the crap out of one another and there was a lot of blood already spilled. Saito bowed respectfully to the maiden. "Arigato." He said and went to the visitor's area and took a seat at the bench; his eyes fixed on the combat. He pulled his sword off it's sash and set it nonthreateningly on his lap as he watched. JP Wes (GM) Tyler (Saito) A Walk Outside Henry Chen GSA Scientist 3rd Expeditionary Flt. (12/30/03 0:00) A Walk Outside Henry was sitting in a sun-lit living room, intensely staring at the opened laptop on the table in front of him. Occasionally, he glanced at the holographic-ally projected miniature battlefield beyond the translucent laptop screen. The battle on the left flank was not going well. The enemy skeleton cavalry regiment had forced his cavalry regiment into a hasty retreat. But Henry was not worried. The enemy’s central positions were collapsing, and Henry’s right flank had completely obliterated the skeleton infantry regiment opposing it. Interfacing his cybernetic right arm with the laptop, Henry gestured for his wizards in the back ranks to cast a spell that would repel any attempts to chase after his retreating cavalry regiment, giving it time to regroup. Reinforcements would soon arrive. Henry casually noted how many animated skeletons were among the enemy’s ranks. This was to be expected, Henry supposed, when one invaded the territory controlled by a necromancer. “Don’t you think you’ve enough for now, Henry?” Henry looked up from the table, and saw that the voice came from a young man sitting across the room, an old-fashioned newspaper (dead tree form) draped across his lap. “I suppose you are right, dad.” Henry said as he exited the program and turned off his laptop. The battlefield behind his laptop vanished, leaving a teapot and some cups in its place. Meanwhile, a young woman had walked into the room, carrying a data pad. She acknowledged the two young men in the room with warm smiles, sat down on a couch, and began reading her data pad. “Take a walk outside, Henry,” his father offered off-handedly, “it will do you good.” “Yes, father. See you later, mom,” Henry said, already halfway out of the door. It had been a week since Henry moved out of the dormitories and into his parents’ house. He had not done anything productive since then and was thoroughly enjoying himself. Just yesterday he went out to see a movie with his father. Of course, a complete stranger would have found it very difficult to tell apart the father and the son, since his father was a Geshrin now. So was his mother. It was a very strange experience for Henry when he first arrived on Geshrintall, 11 long years ago. His parents looked barely a few years his senior back then, and the apparent age difference was even less noticeable now. Thankfully, Henry had gotten used to it, mostly. Henry squinted as he stepped outside. One thing he would never get used to on Geshrintall was the bright sunlight. This was not surprising, as Henry spent his childhood in one of the most polluted cities in this part of the galaxy, a city that was shrouded in perpetual dusk. Henry closed his left eye, letting his cybernetic right eye automatically adjust to the lighting conditions. It focused just in time to see Shina, at about 30 yards away, receiving a large package from another neko at the front gates. “Good morning, Shina.” Henry shouted as he walked down the path that led toward the front gates. Shina noticed him, waved, and began walking toward Henry also, meeting him at about halfway up the path. “Good morning, Henry. Look! We got a big package from the enlistment office! Does that mean we are in?” Shina’s emerald eyes were glowing with excitement. “Big usually means good news, Shina. Rejection letters doesn’t take up much space, or at least so people tell me. Come on, let’s open this up inside. All this light is killing me.” “You would be more used to sunlight if you didn’t spend all those time in the labs, Henry.” “OK, now you are starting to sound like my father.” “Hey! You take that back!” Shina said, trying but failing to look angry as they went indoors and headed toward the media room. Henry quickly opened the package and placed its contents on a chair. They were: 1 letter 1 GSA uniform, green, male 1 GSA uniform, green, female 1 GSA Taii rank pin 1 GSA Chui rank pin Henry glanced over the letter: *** Grand Star Army Enlistment and Recruitment Office #G12249 Correspondence #00251227-451 Mr. Henry Chen, allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Grand Star Army. I am sure that someone of your talents and accomplishments will serve the empire well in any and all of its current and future military operations. My superiors have informed me that you have been assigned the rank of Taii, effective immediately. Rarely have I seen a civilian begin his or her military career with such a high rank, but I must say that it is well deserved in this case. Also, please inform your personal assistant, Miss Tanaka Shina, that her application has also been accepted, that she has been given the rank of Chui, and that she is encouraged to continue in her current capacity as your assistant, although she is, of course, free to request re-assignment at any time. You have been assigned to the GSS Celia, of the 3rd Expeditionary Fleet, currently orbiting the planet of Ralfaris. You will be contacted with the necessary travel arrangements to Ralfaris within 24 hours. Feel free to contact me regarding any questions, comments, problems or concerns. Again, welcome to the Grand Star Army. Certain Victory. Taii Nakamura Akira PS Your parents have requested that your uniforms and rank pins be sent over as soon as possible, for photo-taking purposes. This is a request that we often receive, so please don’t be too hard on them. *** Henry gave the letter to Shina for her to read. When she had finished reading, Henry looked at the excited catgirl and said, “Last chance to change your mind, you know.” “I don’t know what you mean, Henry.” “I mean, you can still request a re-assignment to elsewhere. Once my assignment starts, you will be stuck with me on a starship for goodness knows how long.” “We discussed this, Henry. I’m going with you.” “It might be dangerous work. Heck, knowing my luck, it will be.” Shina looked into Henry’s eyes, and placed her hands on his shoulders. “Henry, we are friends. I’m going with you because it may be dangerous… I would follow you anywhere, … everywhere.” “Awwwww.” Henry turned towards the voice, and saw that his father was standing right behind him. “Do you mind?” said Henry. The guy could be so intolerable sometimes. Henry made a mental note to miss his mother more than his father. “No, I don’t mind at all. Why are you blushing, Henry?” said Henry’s father with mischievous glee, while Henry looked about for something appropriate to throw at him. “Don’t you want to take a picture of us in our uniforms, Mr. Chen?” said Shina, trying to defuse the situation, “perhaps with your new holo-camera?” “Of course!” And Henry’s father was off in a flash. The best way to distract a human male, whether Geshrin or Neplesian, is to offer him a chance to play with his new toy. “Well, I’m off to my room to get changed,” said Shina, and was gone with her uniform and rank pin before Henry could have a chance to object to the photo-op. Henry shrugged, picked up his uniform and rank pin, and headed toward his room. Normally, he hated having his pictures taken. The cybernetic eye was not very photogenic. But he really wanted to see the holo-camera. GSA no Taii, Henry Chen [GSS Empire, Empress' Palace] Birth of a Family Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi (1/6/04 19:21) [GSS Empire, Empress' Palace] Birth of a Family ON> GSS Empire, Shuttle Bay. Yui and Minori had taken the now well-dressed Michiko to the main shuttle bay of the Yuumi. It was a massive facility, but the place had been set up to provide the most comfort to the Empress, and a short, violet-carpeted walkway led them to a Ki-T2 shuttlecraft with a gold and lavender paint scheme, bearing the freshly painted symbol of the Imperial Ketsurui clan. Leading Michiko inside, Minori gestured toward one of the four lounge chair-style seats in the back. Hinosami was strapping herself in the pilot seat up front. Michiko looked around at everything in amazement, once again unsure of how to walk wearing the yukata. "What's this? It's pretty." The girl smiled brightly at the ship as she took a seat in one of the chairs as she was directed by Minori. "This," Yui explained, sitting in another one of the four plush leather seats. "Is a shuttle. It's a little spaceship to take us from the big ship down to the planet." She rotated the four seat to face each other, using a control panel. This left one empty. Hinosami's submissive little voice chirped from the cockpit, telling Yui everything was ready. Minori sat up to affix Michiko's seatbelt, then did Yui's, then her own. Yui said, "Ready," and the shuttle was off. The rear of the modified Ki-T2 was fitted with large, tinted windows, and as the ship pulled out, Yui reduced the tint so that Michiko could have a view of the planet from orbit, as well as the well-sculptured form of the mighty Yuumi-class battleship they were departing from. She wanted it to be a magical, wonderful experience. Michiko peered out the window at the planet and the ship, her blue eyes shining brightly in wonderment. "That was where we were?" She pointed at the ship through the glass. "What's her name?" "The Empire," Yui pointed. "She's a strong ship." Yui's heart pinched for a second, thinking that even the Yuumi hadn't saved Chiharu from the sudden coordinated pummeling the Elysian fleet had given her ship. Meanwhile, Zemer's ship, the ECS Hope, zoomed into orbit over the planet, and also could be seen over the blue orb, a glowing white winged creature of sorts. Shortly thereafter, it launched its own mini-shuttle which headed down towards the same place. Yui's keen eye spotted it in the reflection from the window behind Michiko and turned her chair so she could see it directly. "That shuttle there has your daddy on it," Yui grinned. "His name is Zemer. We'll both be learning a lot about him soon." "Daddy?" Michiko looked at Yui curiously for a moment and then returned her attention to the winged ship. "What's that? Is it a ship?" She pointed to the winged ship, not sure. She was very excted, so many new pretty things! "Yes, it's an angel ship. Your daddy is an Elysian. You see, you're born from a wonderful woman--kind of like another mommy--that both your daddy and I loved very, very much. Her name was Chiharu. We are both going to take care of you and love you because we love Chiharu and you, Michiko. " "Yay! I get a 2 mommies and a daddy!" Michiko smiled brightly and put her hands together, She paused when she sensed a sadness in Yui when she talked about Chiharu and frowned, looking at Yui curiously. "What's wrong mommy?" "I'm sorry, you'll only get one mommy. Chiharu can't be here with us. She's in the spirit realm. It's a place people go when their bodies stop working. Chiharu was a brave, caring woman who tried to stop an attack on Ralfaris, a desert planet which you were born near. When she arrived to help, the enemy ships concentrated on her and she faded from our world forever. I was very, very sad. But I will tell you everything I can remember about her as you grow older so that she can live on in our hearts." There was a sudden clarity in her eyes before it faded away again as she nodded with a frown. "But she is still with us in our hearts?" Michiko tried to get Yui to smile, the sorrow made her heart hurt. "Of course she is," Yui affirmed. The space gave way to blue skies and scattered clouds, then the windows crowded with speckles of rain as they descended further, into the capital city of Kyoto. In a moment, they were in the cobblestone landing area of the Empress' Palace. There was a slight bump as the ship touched down, amidst the courtyard gardens. Outside, several figures in royal red robes moved toward the rear door with large umbrellas. Michiko looked around at the change of scenery; everything was so different. "What's that coming from the sky?" She pointed up at the water on the window before looking back to Yui. "That's rain, sweetheart," Yui smiled. Minori unbuckled herself, then Yui, then Michiko. Hinosami removed her harness form her prepubescent body and joined the three in the back as the rear door opened. "Rain?" Michiko stood up once she free of the seat belt and looked at Hinosami curiously and then at the open rear hatch. She titled her head to one side, her hair falling down around her face as she looked out the open hatch at the "rain". Michiko tried to go out into the rain to see what it was like, trying to evade the people that were trying to cover her. "Rain." The imperial servants scurried around trying to shield the young princess from the rain, until they figured out what she was up to. Yui couldn't help but laugh. It made her feel happy that she was curious instead of afraid. The rain was cool and bounced off the cobblestones below making little tapping noises that combined to a dull, pleasant white noise. The air smelled absolutely wonderful with all the moisture in it; the planet was known for its cleanliness. Michiko looked up at the water droplets falling from the sky that softly touched her face and rolled down her cheeks towards her chin. She smiled brightly as she twirled in the rain. She stopped her play and looked at Yui with a happy smile before she knelt down to tap the cobblestones with her finger. "What are these?" Yui grinned in maternal pride, "Those are stones. They're arranged together to form a floor, which is called cobblestone. Let's go inside, shall we? Or would your rather spend a few more minutes outside here? I don't mind." "Cobblestones." Michiko nodded. "What else is out here?" She didn't mind the fact that she was getting wet, or that the rain was slowly soaking her yukata, she was just too curious to be bothered by this new discovery. "Flowers, statues, ponds..." Yui started. Just then, a man in blue pants and a white tunic walked forth from the rain, stopping within a few feet of the Empress, with another red-robed imperial sentry holding an Umbrella for him. He watched Michiko in approving silence, delighted to see Chiharu's reincarnation frolicking in the rain. Michiko looked to the man curiously, appraising his wings. "Mommy? Angels have fluffy white things on them?" She walked over to Zemer and looked more closely at his wings and walked around him curiously. "Yes, they do. This is Mister Zemer. He's your daddy, and will help me take good care of you." Michiko smiled brightly again. "Daddy!" She tried to hug the man from behind, around his wings. "Fluffy." Zemer's large, stately wings had a slight oil coating on them that causes the water to bead on them and run down the white feathers to the gold-tinged tips. His wings were copious, and prevented her from getting her arms around him. He gently expanded them upwards in the air to keep them out of her face. "Hello, there," Zemer smiled, slowly rotating to face her. "I'm Zemer. What's your name?" Michiko hugged Zemer once he was facing her. She looked up at him with her arms still around him. "I'm Ketsurui Michiko. Mommy named me." She smiled brightly. "It's a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady," Zemer completed her. His hands ran over her back, pressing her against his muscular chest. "I love you already." Minori looked from Zemer and Michiko to Yui, hoping he didn't feel the same confusion between different sorts of love that Yui had briefly hinted at earlier. Michiko smiled brightly, happy to feel the warmth of the people around her. "Yay!" "Mommy says that Chiharu is my mommy too. But she is not here anymore.. but she is with us in our hearts." Michiko looked at Zemer with bright blue eyes. She again sensed a change when she mentioned Chiharu. "Did I say something bad?" "You're right," Zemer nodded, "She is in our hearts." He kneeled slightly and kisses her on the cheek. Michiko smiled again. "Mommy said that you are going to raise me to be a lady that people adore?" She titled her head to one side looking over to Yui, questioning with her eyes if she was correct. "Of course!" Zemer used his ample strength to lift the young woman up by the waist and twirl her around in the air. Yui seemed content to watch, glad that Zemer had experience in the matter and was getting off to a good start. Michiko smiled again and laughed as she was twirled. "Yay!" It was a nice warm feeling to be able to feel the love that her parents felt towards her and the amusement of the others around them. "So what are the fluffy white things on your back, Daddy?" She tilted her head to one side as she looked with her questioning look, her damp hair fell around her face again. "They're wings. For flying," Zemer explained, carefully lowering his wet little angel to the ground again. He brushed her hair back, enjoying the feeling of the strands sliding through the cracks between his fingers. "You're soaking wet, sweetie...why don't we go in?" Yui nodded in agreement, curious to see the interior of her new home in person. JP Kim - Michiko Wes - Yui, Zemer, Minori, Hinosami, Sentries GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet [The Seigi, Ketsurui, & the Cat's Paw] A House Divided? Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSA 1st Fleet (10/29/03 0:55) [The Seigi, Ketsurui, & the Cat's Paw] A House Divided? ON> GSS Seigi, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu, Geshrintall Wazu was plugged into the Seigi's computer system like he always was, however this time his demenor was much more serious than his usual self, ~Seigi I need you to take care of things on the bridge for a while~ He thought into the machine as he unplugged and headed to his quarters. He straghtened up a bit before sitting on the bed he had placed in his room and requesting a real time communication line with the Ketsurui Chiharu. Alexis sat in the Cat's Claw, which was housed in a warehouse on Geshrintall until he came to a decision on the offer of command. In the meantime, he was sitting in the rear compartment, staring at the computer pad in his hand that was currently trying to connect with either the Ketsurui Chiharu or the Seigi. He had told Chi he would try to talk with her face to face, and he wanted to hear how the Seigi crew had pulled through. But the Cat's Claw comm system wasn't made for extreme long range, so he had made some backdoors through comm relays and even hijacked the antenna for the Shadow Zero which he had spent the last few days. "Come on, work you obstenant piece of polymer!" he moaned at the pad, tapping it on his knee Taisho Ketsurui sat on the bridge of the ship named after herself, a frown on her face as she thought over the mess that she had gotten herself into with the QnS offer to sponser the 1st and 2nd fleets. The other crew on the bridge knew that their captain was upset and simply, worked quietly, a few rotating on and off the bridge as the shift changed. Izumi had just returned to her spot at the Communications console when it lit up. The neko looked at it curiously, a bit surprised by the 2 simulatanoues requests for a line. "Taisho Ketsurui, there are 2 other ships trying to connect with us, the Seigi and the Cat's Claw. Do you want me to connect you?" She looked to Chiharu, looking for a response. Chi smiled brightly at Izumi and the neko smiled back, relieved that her captain was smiling again. "Aye, aye captain. I'm opening the connections now." Chiharu nodded to Izumi and waited a moment before she spoke. "This is the GSS Ketsurui Chiharu, how may we help you folks?" While waiting Wazu had sent 4 quick messages to Ralifaris to have them encripted and resent elsewhere. He knew that he would need all the help he could get on this one., "Hello Chi," Wazu said, his face devoid of a smile, "... you wished to talk about the fleet sponsorship." Good, it got through, Alexis thought with a smile. "Greet'ns,'re you doing?" he asked, clearly glad to see her again. "Hello Wazu, Alexis." Chi looked at the 2 men's faces on her console's display. "It's nice to hear from the both of you. I'm a bit troubled by the can of worms that I've opened in regaurds to the fleets getting sponsorship from QnS. Did I ever mention to you two, just how much I hate politics?" "It is a necessary evil." Wazu said with a slight chuckle before returning to a more serious posture, "I didn't mean to cause you any problems Chi but that isn't how things turned out..." Wazu said. Alexis looked puzzled. "Wazu? Is he on the other line? And what's going on?" He hadn't heard about anything related to 'sponsorship'... "I know you didn't Wazu..." Chi nodded to Alexis. "Yes, Wazu is on the other line. I am talking to you both at the same exact time right now. Right now, Kitsurugi Sharie is quite upset because Wazu offered the 1st and 2nd fleets a sponsorship with QnS. Of course, KFY is the corporation who created the fleets so they are quite mad that QnS might get "possession" of their ships but I've just found out that Wicked Arms is already sponsiring the 1st fleet..." The shifter frowned. "Oh...How mad are they? How serious are those problems Wazu mentioned just now?" "This leaves me in the middle of a political war between KFY and QnS. My loyalities are too my friends, my soliders, and my government... but unfortunately, the corporations are involved with all of those things and they are trying to wipe out the competition..." "There is more to it than just that," Wazu added, "Kessaku Electronics has been putting pressure on Qelnoran Technologies to give up its own electronics programs, Irim has become increasingly... agressive in her negotiations. Kessaku is trying to monopolise electronics in the same way that PUNgen and Wickedarms try to monopolize their own sectors. Little by little they are trying to take away Ralifaris's independence." This was getting ugly...Alexis accessed the Cat's Claw computer and started to try and access the news nets for more information, if they had any. "What does this mean for the GSA? It's starting to sound like a private little war...we are fighting the Elysians already, and we've just dove into the NDI's conflict...what's this going to do?" kirageshadow: "Let me connect you boys together so we all can talk face to face.." Chi inputed the necessary data to send the connection from the Cat's Claw to the Seigi to open as well so that all 3 could talk to one another and see each other. "As far as I know, the GSA is only involved because of the people who are behind the corporations are the ones who have made it. We'll be fighting 3 wars soon. The political battle of the corporations, the Elysians and the NDI.. we're going to be in big trouble unless we can get the Corporations to chill out a bit and work together and compete... a little less violently." "Hya, Wazu," Alexis said with a nod as Wazu appeared on his screen. He stood and went to the cockpit and activated the holographic screen there, transferring the comm to that console and placing Chi on the left side of the screen and Wazu on the right with the results of his research and 'hacking' in the middle. Previous to the signal merge he had just overheard what the mics picked up. It was a bit better to see who he was hearing. "Either get them to resolve or get one of the others to help us," he added to Chiharu's statement. "It's not like the GSA is strong enough by themselves, but this way it has no chance of survival." "That isn't possible." Wazu said, He pressed a few buttons on a nearby data pad and sent some data regarding current events on Ralifaris, "My mother and her maid were murdered yesterday and then 10,000 KS left Kessaku's account for 'PUNgen services' to put it simply QnIs does not tolerate threats. But, I doubt that they will be the only dead from this..." "I'm afraid the GSA might fall from within if things get too out of hand. And right now, the 2nd fleet is the only one without a corporate sponsor and it is up to me to decide who will be the sponsor. I'm not sure if this can be resolved by accepting a duel sponsorship from KFY and QnS." Chi paused hearing Wazu's news. "I'm sorry Wazu." "Is this a secure line?" Alexis said, suddenly paranoid. Not for himself, but for the two he was talking with. "And can we trust the computers and crew?" "I'm pretty certain this is secure and I can trust my crew and my ship. I am not saying anything that would get me killed right now." Chi sighed again. "All hell is going to break lose, I think.." "It is useless to try and hide this," Wazu said, "your ship uses a Kessaku computer Chi. I am in the process of dealing with this but I am going to need your help before it is all over." "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that, Wazu..." said the shifter, sobered as he realized how far this was going. If he was thinking of leaving before, he wasn't now. His friends were getting into some deep stuff here."Useless to hide, as in the comp would report us?" "Kessaku Electronics is starting to sound like Microsoft..." he muttered under his breath. "I wouldn't be suprised if it already is. Alexis I could use your help too." Wazu said as he moved to look at Alexis instead of Chi for the moment. "There's really nothing to hide. I'm at a loss as to what to do right now. But, I can try to help you as best as I can Wazu. There is only so much I will be able to do right now." Chi smoothed her hair back behind her ears, looking from Alexis to Wazu, her gaze shifting between the two. "I will still need to discuss the matter with the other parties involved as well." "Consider "d'Jaren Mercenaries,INC" open for business, I'm at your service," Alexis said to Wazu with a wry grin. "We offer a full range of infiltration and recon services as well as assasination and plain annoyance, all for a reasonable price." He turned to Chi and asked, "What other parties are involved here?" Wazu smiled, "they should be contacting you soon Chi. I would like you to seriously consider the QnS sponsorship. I assure you that we will rafrain from such agressive busness practices." He then turned to Alexis, "you will know what to do when the time comes." Alexis blinked. "I will?" Wazu nodded. Chi shook her head. "I need to talk to Sharie and Yui too. But don't do anything extreme guys, I don't want this to turn into guerilla warfare. We're already at war with the Elysians.. the last thing we need is for our people to get slaughtered by our own people. Please don't get yourselves killed?" "They have already slaughtered my own people." Wazu said, "I'm afraid that there is only room for one of us. Now I must go I have other work to attend to" Wazu then ended the transmission with a quick goodbye before heading back to the bridge. "See you later, Wazu." Alexis waved as the connection to the Seigi cut. Then he moved Chi's window over to fill half the screen that had opened up. Chi sighed again, this was just bad. She looked to Alexis as Wazu's connection closed. "What fools these mortals be.." Alexis quirked a brow. "'Mortals'? What are you?" "I'm a neko. It's a quote from an old play that I found somewhere. Now, what is this Microsoft thing you referred to earlier?" Chi looked at Alexis curiously. "Oh, right...I thought it sounded like a quote." He smirked slightly. " one important here. It's the name of a @#%$ that nearly took over an entire planet, their "use our stuff exclusively" policy sounding a lot like what Kessaku Electronics is doing." He tilted his head as he looked at the Taisho. "But back on the first thought, you are immortal, in a way, aren't you?" "In a way.. it all depends on what happens to my ship. I can die if my soul gets erased..." Chi sighed "Oh." Alexis frowned. "How big is the file?" "I don't think my file takes up too horribly much space. but I have been alive for 20 some odd years.. but I'm dividing a part of myself into an NH-X twin. Maybe he could make an emergency backup...his shuttle comp might be able to handle it. Alexis put the idea off to the side, then returned to the matter he had originally contacted Chi for. "I've got a slight problem. It's not as important as that of corperate war, but it's still causing a problem." "Okay. What's causing you problems Alexis?" Chi looked at him curiously, wondering what it could be. "Remember I mentioned I was offered command of the 5th? I don't know what to do. I was seriously considering requesting a demotion instead...but I guess that the more fleets we control, the better, huh?" Chi chuckled. "It is a bit overwhelming to get power dropped on your lap. It's up to you what you want to do, if you don't want the 5th then don't take it. The last thing you want to do is be stuck with a load of responsiblity that you don't want." "That's true...I'm still puzzled why the GSA trusts me...I mean, I'm not even an official citizen, to my knowledge, yet they're laying this in front of me. It's not like anything I've seen a government do before." "What can I tell you? You made the mistake of being a responsible officer." Chi shrugged. Alexis chuckled. "That I did, didn't I? But I really didn't do much. Not from my view. I just had a couple important things go well. And my first promotion was totally undeserved, I'm still puzzled about that." "You're a good officer Alexis. And you are dependable, you came back to us when you really owe the GSA nothing.. if you were in its debt, you've already paid it back in full." She smiled brightly, it was nice to be talking about something else than the corporations.. "Oh! I just had a thought of how I can resolve my issue! I can start my own corporation!" "I'm just about ready to flip a coin on the whole matter." He said, dropping his head and leaning back in his chair, then looked up. "Say what?" "There is no major food corporation right now and if i start one I'm not really in competition with anyone and I could buy supplies from both QnS and KFY so I'm not favoring one or the other. It might be the best way to remain neutral in this." Chi pondered more, the revelation was like gold right now Alexis smiled. "Hey, that is a good idea. Maybe you could sponsor the Fifth Fleet. I know they're not taken by anyone." "We'll see. I have to get the corporation alive first before I start to think about sponsoring any fleet." Chi grinned, this was going to be fun although it was going to be a lot of hard work. Sighing, the shifter shrugged. "I guess I'll take the position. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, but at least I'll have tried..." He half-smiled and looked at Chi. "Whatever happens with the @#%$ thing, I'm behind you. I hope it works out. If you need anything, any favors, just ask." "Thank you Alexis, I appreciate the support and I'll do my best to help you out with your fleet if you need any." Chi smiled brightly again. "I hope you find whatever it is that you're looking for in this universe.." "Thanks, Chiharu. Until we meet, take care." The smile broadened, then he cut the transmision. Now, to take care of business... JP By: GSA no Taisho, Heram J. Wazu Commanding Officer, GSS Seigi (GB-07) & GSA no Chujo Alexis Jaren Unassigned at Present & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Ketsurui Chiharu (GB-07) Two Soldiers Return Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet Star Army Research Admin. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards (9/14/03 11:48) Two Soldiers Return Outside, it was just after sunset. A gentle rain tapped on the figures outside like fingertips of a hand dipped in ice water. The rows and rows of blue and orange lights of the massive starport went on as far as the eye could see under the moonless. clouded black sky, the lights of windows of the Subjugator-Class starships nearby shone like city lights, their reflection illuminating the bouncing beads of water on the non-stick surface that covered the ancient grounds. In the rain Infantry vehicles and battle tanks drove by. Yuuko stood, backlit, in the doorway of her Ki-T2 Aeroshuttle, when a message came from her wristwatch. It seemed the trial of Uso Tasuki had been handled over hologram, and so the woman was no longer in need of an escort. Breathing in the thick, icy air, Yuuko couldn't help but shiver her small frame and wish she was home in Central, dancing at the Sweet Spot, her favorite club. Adjusting her black beret, she pondered how it would feel to wear the tricorner hat the space forces of the Grand Star Army used. It would not be long, she knew, that she would be a part of the first fleet, and an officer, as well. The orders took effect once she was assigned to a ship. She would miss the club terribly. Yuuko could only hope that the ship would be a big one where she could run a club of her own, like the battleship Ketsurui Chiharu. But if it were a smaller ship like a Yui...she'd find some way to party. ----- Inside the nearly empty GSS Yui, Riyon, once a Geshrin, was recovering his bearing after being Soul Transferred into a NH-8 Shadowshifter body. He was relieved to find he had reawakened in his old body form, though he knew that he could shift into 3 other forms, but that was a skill he had to practice to perfect, just like anything else. He looked up and around, "Megami, is there a fresh uniform close?" He asked still a bit mentally fogged up from the experience. Since the Yui was full of the MEGAMI computer system's sprites, who were now dispersing from Uso's vicinity, one of them was summoned by the ship and brought him his clothing to the medical bay, flopping the uniform; a uniform with a GRAY panel, rather than his old red color. The doll-faced catgirl then dabbed the slime from his body with a towel. "Grey?" He asked, expecting to be handed a red uniform. He waited for her to finish dabbing the slime off before donning the new uniform and stood up. The soulless neko looked Riyon over and nodding approvingly. "I have requested that the shuttle outside transport you." the computer spoke through the neko. "The security officer is waiting." "I suppose I shouldn't keep the officer waiting. Thanks again Megami." He said as he walked over and grabbed his old beat up rucksack that contained his rather meager possessions and walked briskly for the lifts, donning the cloak and the tricorner hat customarily worn by officers while on planetside. He groaned as he felt the rain hit him as he walked into it. He spotted Yuuko's shuttle and headed for that. "Well Hello again Ms. Yuuko." He said. "Hello Again, Riyon." The little neko replied to him. Her eyes sparkled somehow with the light of the nearby starships, although the light of the shuttle behind her kept the rest of her body shrouded in darkness. She stepped back a little bit, into the light, and invited him in again. "You've changed jobs." she noted, pointing to the shoulder pads of his black robes. Elly walked up to the Yui "Hey, I recognize that ship from somewhere!" The Yui recognized Elly, too. But the ship didn't make any comment. Sure enough, though, it was the GSS Yui (GD-30) alright. "You could say that. I wasn't in uniform before." Riyon replied to the small neko. "You know that I need a ride to Central correct?" he grinned a bit. He walked up to her shuttle, responding to her invitation. "Yessir." Yuuko nodded, accentuating her gesture with by bending at the knees and almost bowing. A very cute nod. "Excuse me, miss!" Yuuko's high-pitched voice called out over the rain, in Elly's direction. "Do you need a ride? That ship's empty!" "Oh come on, you're higher rank than I am." He said with a slight flush. Riyon turned to face the newcomer with a raised eyebrow. Elly swung around and faced Yuuko with a smile "Actually yes, thank you!" as she stepped onboard. Riyon sighed and boarded the shuttle after the stranger did. He looked over at her. "Hello, I'm Aeriyon, and you are?" Elly was surprised at the voice and turned to face the person. She was surprised to find it was a male. "Hi! I'm Elly, pleased to meet you." He curled his tail up over his shoulder and chest like normal to give people more room. "Pleasure to meet you." He smiled, a grin that looked like a sly smirk. Elly shook his hand with one vertical jerk and took off to see if anything had changed onboard her former home and vessel. Riyon shook his head and chuckled after the shake her departure. He looked over at Yuuko. "So, do you know what ship you're on yet?" He asked. Yuuko headed to the cockpit. "You two settle yourselves back there." she suggested, the shuttle warming. "Hey!" Yuuko said, watching Elly dart out of the shuttle as she turned around. "Where's that one going?" she asked, confused. "Um...nope." ----- A brief explosion of light lit up the officers’ quarters aboard the GSS Yui. It faded away, leaving Alexis in a darkened room. He blinked, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the lighting...something wasn't right around here. It was too quiet. There were no vibrations in the floor, no sense of movement dulled by inertial damping..."Megami?" he said tentatively, walking toward the console that was in the room. Megami immediately answered. "Taisa Jaren. You are unexpected." Alexis looked up at the ceiling. Why did people do that anyway, look up for disembodied voices? He smiled slightly. "Can you tell me where the Yui is?" He walked toward the doorway and stepped out into the hall. The shifter's clothing, jean shorts and a gray tee, shifted to his GSA uniform as he strode down the to be met by GSA personnel looking like one of them. Elly walked right aboard the Yui, asking something about seeing the modifications made since she was last aboard. She nearly bumped in Taisa Jaren. Alexis hadn’t expected to meet one so soon! Megami would have gave Elly an odd look but, but none of the sprites were in the hall. She ignored Elly to answer Taisa Jaren. "Uesureyan Fields Planetary Starport." Elly stared at the male. "Well I'm sorry but I like to know everything first hand. Thank you very much," And she stomped off. "Oh. So everyone's on leave?" Alexis started to walk to the forward section, toward Nanashi's quarters. "How much time has passed here anyway?" "It's been about four months since you last were aboard." Megami replied. "Four months...longer than I thought. But better than a year..." The halls were mysteriously empty. "Is everyone planetside on leave?" "That is correct" Megami replied. "This ship will receive a full systems upgrade over the next week or two." ----- Riyon looked at Yuuko, wondering just how long this wait would be. He opened his rucksack and pulled out the painting he had done and looked it over. "I have no idea what she's doing." Riyon admitted with a shrug. "Well, I suppose you'll have to wait for her." Yuuko nodded another one of her deep full-body nods. ~I suppose I should just forget her, I'll likely never see her again~ He thought as he subconsciously touched the young woman's face. Yuuko cutely squirmed in her seat, twisting her small torso around to try and take a glimpse at Riyon, then squirming and moving even more to try to see the painting. "Ehh!" she exhaled with the effort, her little skeleton contorted with effort. He looked up at her grunt and turned to look at her and moved a bit closer so that she could see it easier. Riyon pulled off his tricorner hat and set it down, he had never really liked the things, he disliked the cloaks even more because it made it hard for his tail to move about, and they irritated it as well. "You wanted to see this Yuuko?" He asked the small neko as he offered her the painting. Yuuko put on some smooth music, filing the shuttle's insides with a crisp sound of guitar chords and drums. She took the painting gentle in her small hands, carefully moving it in front of her so she didn't have to twist to see it. The cold beads of water outside of the shuttle’s windshield and the black sky framed the picture as she put it in front of her. "That's one I did not too long ago, that's me and my ex-fiancée" he explained with a slightly pained tone. ----- Elly walked around the ship's interior noticing that the boxes she had been used to when she had joined, were restocked and once again lining the hallways. "Is that why everyone's stuff is gone?" Well, except for the boxes still lining the halls...Alexis remembered the commissioning plaque from his late shuttle and made a note to grab it before he left. If everyone was gone...Maybe Chi had brought Nashi with her. "I wonder if she's been behaving," he murmured. "I guess I'd better head out and look for someone. Do you know where I might find-" The shifter suddenly fell silent. Someone was still on board. "Hello?" he called out. Elly walked onto the bridge, and knew exactly where her seat had been. The bridge lights were dimmed, and a single white-skinned neko with a blue stripe on her face. One of Megami's sprites. The panels were all green, in their locked-out mode, and the only noise was the dull hum of the secondary power systems and the gentle whoosh of the air conditioning. Receiving no answer, Alexis kept going forward. He saw the bridge doors close, and paused. Maybe someone was picking up last minute things...he continued to the visitor's quarters. Nashi's room was empty, hammock and everything gone. There'd only be one reason for that..."Who is the commander of the Yui?" he asked on impulse. She sat down and sighed with pleasure "Nope, no major changes here." She then felt around under the desk and grabbed at a picture she had stuck there two years ago. She looked at it with a frown. "I hate pictures of me like that. Why did I even put it there in the first place?" "The same reason I never removed it during cleaning." Megami answered cryptically. Elly jumped at the voice she so vaguely remembered. "Megami? Is that you?" Her red eyes wide open. "No. I am the second Megami the GSS Yui has had. My predecessor was destroyed by a seraph." Alexis sighed. Sure, he and Meg weren't exactly the best of friends, but he didn't think that was why she wasn't answering. It was more like she was...distracted. He decided to check the bridge, maybe someone there was trying to get something from her at the same time or something. Megami, whose systems were mostly offline, detected his frustration and answered. "Apologies. A self-test was in progress." she explained. "I am the commander of the GSS Yui." the computer answered. "What happened to Chi?" Alexis asked. The bridge doors opened and he paused at seeing Elly there. "Chiharu does not have a ship command. She was placed in the same floating leave status as the rest of the crew when the remains of First Fleet arrived from Ralfaris for reorganization." Megami answered. Elly turned to see Alexis in the doorway as she stood up. Ah, hello! I don't believe we've been introduced." She said as she held out her left hand, the right on the hilt of her Katana in habit. Alexis broke his pause and smiled. "I don't think so either...m'name's Taisa Alexis Jaren. And you are...?" ----- After a few moments, the two exited the ship together and entered the shuttle. Yuuko was surprised to see yet another Yui crew member, a Taisa even! This ship had a lot of high rollers, it seemed. "Welcome back." she said to Elly, and waved to the R'Lari, not quite sure what to make of him. She put the painting in the copilot seat. Riyon looked up at Alexis. "Whoa! Taisa Jaren." He said as he recognized him. (OOC: Now, these guys are in Central.) JP Wes (as Yuuko, Megami) Tyler (as Riyon) Nick (as Alexis) Sean (as Elly) [Council Session Thread] Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1407 (11/26/03 19:38) Reply ezSupporter [Council Session Thread] From: Taisho Kitsurugi Yui To: Imperial Council I would like to restore the Star Empire's Imperial Government. We have an immediate need for some of the government agencies. I suggest we create the following: * Planetary Defense Forces (Rather than tying up the fleets) * Fire-Fighting Agencies (in all major cities) * Police Forces (Perhaps combined with the defense forces) * Courts * Public Hospitals that offer free medical care to all. We also need to strengthen our planetary defense networks. Kitsurugi Fleet Yards is working on some solutions. I'd like to hear your input. GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1410 (11/28/03 7:18) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] Also, we need: *Prison System *Trash Disposal and Recycling System. Sain Elysian ECS Thunderbolt Posts: 27 (11/28/03 13:23) Reply Re: [Council Session Thread] It honestly thought we already had that stuff, but if we need it I say go for it. Update: I rescend this vote: reasons: first off; an elysian doesn't have a say in this. Sain is not GSA. ECN Guardian Sain Lian Medic, Thunderbolt Edited by: Sain at: 11/29/03 12:24 Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 823 (11/28/03 12:23) Reply Re: [Council Session Thread] A lot of this stuff seems redundent. The corperations provide for most of this stuff already. I vote no until better guidelines for how the goverment will control and operate these things are submited. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1411 (11/28/03 13:38) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] Qel'noran doesn't have courts and prisons, does it? The KIS corporations only cover their own territory. We need organizations that cover all of the GSE. Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 824 (11/28/03 13:58) Reply Re: [Council Session Thread] There are prisons and they have a sort of military court system. At this point goverment organisations like that would be undersuported. More planning on how they will be put into place needs to be done. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1412 (11/28/03 14:25) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] How could they be undersupported? They could be made in the same way a new fleet is created-with support from the Major Corporations. The point is, we need a standard government-run system that operates across the empire. Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 227 (11/28/03 19:43) Reply ezSupporter Re: [Council Session Thread] From: Doctor Nobumoto Does reconstructing the government also mean finally putting a new emperor into power, Yui? Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 232 (11/29/03 5:33) Reply ezSupporter [Council Session Thread] From: Relmaya Mersina I like this proposal because it fills a gap in our infrastructure. Uso mentioned that the corporations are handling most of the items Yui mentioned; shouldn't that be a point _for_ Yui's plan? The corporations are clearly bogged down doing tasks that the government should really be handling. The only place a corporation can provide its own services are in its own compounds, which the government designates. The way the system is currently set up is that the planetary governments own all the land, and "rent" it out to those living on it. This is how the governments will get cash to run services like welfare. Any land not being paid for is such a manner _belongs_ to the planetary government, not to the corporation living on it, and as such, should be covered by government security and services. A proposal needs to be made to spell this out in writing. Each planet will have its own Self-Defense Force. The Self Defense Forces will operate under command of the planet's government (For example, Ralfaris would operate under the Imperial Rule of Emperor Cladoran IV). Divisions of the SDF would include police, fire, prison, hospital, and military. Anatole Elek GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 14 (11/29/03 5:35) Reply My thoughts.. From: Shoso Anatole Elek To: Imperial Council I do believe that aid systems set up by our empire could greatly improve the opinion that the people will view us as more benevolent. Always good to play with a steady hand of cards. Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 233 (11/29/03 6:41) Reply ezSupporter Re: My thoughts.. From: Doctor Nobumoto Thank you, Shôshô Elek, for your support. I'd be thrilled to see our empire get back on its feet again. Regarding Miss Mersina's enlightening statement, I do have a question: What happens if a planet's government _is_ a corporation? This could happen if a corporation colonized a new planet. In my view, the corporation in question would then have to provide the services for that whole planet, unless it asked for the GSE capital government to assist setting up a planetary government. Edited by: Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto at: 11/29/03 6:42 Anatole Elek GSA Command GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 17 (11/29/03 6:48) Reply Re: My thoughts.. From: Shoso Anatole Elek To add to my former reply, I think it is in our best interests, with the current situation on the Qel`noran home-world that the creation of a cadre of secret police to watch over 'troublemakers' as designated by our intelligence, i.e. known links to terrorist groups, many felonies, et cetera. The faster that we are able to get a grip on Ralfaris, the faster we will be able gaze onward to other problems at hands. Now, onto the corporate land and services discussion. I strongly believe that the land should always be under control of the Grand Star Empire, but on loan to the occupying peoples, and thus we should provide civil care for all legal citizens of the empire. You have my backing if we must put a slight 'squeeze' on things in order to stop any further insurrections. GSA no Shôshô Anatole Elek Commanding Officer, GSS Theron(GB-13) Edited by: Anatole Elek at: 11/29/03 6:54 Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 235 (11/29/03 7:09) Reply ezSupporter PNUgen From: Doctor Shinichiro Nobumoto I like your thinking. Areas paid for by the corporations, though, should be under the juristiction of those corporations. PNUgen prefers its own sentries above any others out there. From: Relmaya Mersina Doctor Nobumoto, this would also allow a corrupt corporation to secretly build forces and use its own laws within its area. From: Doctor Shinichiro Nobumoto For a price. Besides, that's one of the things the secret police could be for. I, for one, would rather call my own shots in my own home. From: Relmaya Mersina Point taken, sir. Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 11/29/03 14:58 Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 825 (11/29/03 11:12) Reply Re: PNUgen Relmaya Mersina is right. This law would only create a goverment force that would be restricted to operating outside of the corperations. The goverment should have full authority to operate inside of corperate facilities and police them. We cannot have the corperations doing whatever they want. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1415 (11/29/03 15:31) Reply ezSupporter Re: PNUgen Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 241 (12/2/03 2:14) Reply ezSupporter Re: Council Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto: Another subject for us to discuss is our exploration and colonization efferts. We have many, many worlds to discover and visit. Not only does expansion throughout space help us learn and give us new resources to use, it also helps ensure our long-term survival. I suggest we begin building new expeditionary fleets to travel out into the unknown. Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command 1st Expeditionary Fleet SARA - KFY Posts: 1470 (12/20/03 10:40) Reply ezSupporter Re: Council We need to set up a manual for the GSA, something for ship commanders to go by. It would have priorities: 1. Survive 2. Fight 3. Explore well as tactical notes: "If the soliton beams aren't working, alter the energy to resonate..." "Watch out for anti-matter, as it can damage Impervium, etc" GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 253 (12/27/03 13:00) Reply Re: Council Speaking of Impervium, we should come up with some laws to limit its usage. In addition, I was thinking perhaps something that would protect cultural and historical landwarks would be in order as well. Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 15 (1/3/04 19:46) Reply Re: Council nani? Tasuki Uso Ship's Cook GSA 4th Fleet Posts: 918 (1/3/04 19:51) Reply Re: Council I don't think we should limit the use of such a material, if anything it should be used more often. GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07) Edited by: Tasuki Uso at: 1/3/04 21:04 Henry Chen Posts: 25 (1/4/04 5:27) Reply re: Council Session Incoming transmission from: Taii Henry Chen Encryption level: Very High Decoding message, please wait ... Sirs and Madams, esteemed members of the Council, at the urgings of my superiors, I wish to offer my humble opinions on the topics under current discussion. As regards to the matter of infrastructure, I do not question the corporation's competence in their current operation of social services but their impartiality. If someone is charged with committing a crime against one of the major corporations, it is naive to think that person would be treated humanely by that corporation's police force. And it would be just plain silly to believe that the person would receive a fair trial, when the judge and prosecutor is the same entity. Therefore, I believe the role of the Self Defense Force is necessary, and that it should be under the direct command of the Imperial Government. The corporations already have the infrastructures in place, the government but have to take control of them, just like any other finished product. Ralfaris's hospitals will still be staffed by doctors trained by QIS. PNUgen's own sentry guards will continue to patrol the streets under its jurisdiction. Not even the judges and police captains need to lose their jobs. But every man and woman working for the SDF must understand that they answer to the Empire first and the corporations second. I find even the term "secret police" profoundly disturbing. One has to believe that it is possible to fight rampant crime and terrorism without turning our empire into a police state. Perhaps SAINT should help in locating threats to the empire from within as well as from outside forces, for it certainly cannot complain of lack of resources. The situation on Ralfaris must be contained, of course, before the planet turns into Neplesia II. We must offer every support to QIS, SAINT, and eventually, SDF, and have faith in the men and women in these agencies/corporations. Finally, I believe an informed opinion on the possible restriction of Impervium cannot be formed without a discussion about the properties of the material. Is it readily made from abundantly available materials or are these materials in short supply? How easily could an enemy force reverse-engineer the process of creating the material from ship wreckages, if they did not possess the technology already? Does the material have a crippling, fatal weakness that could easily be discovered by our enemies? Thank you for your time. End transmission GSA no Taii Chen Henry Science Officer, GSS Celia Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 37 (1/9/04 9:18) Reply Re: re: Council Session Lavinia Taiensho: I would like to present a proposal to the council for review. marriage purpose: to provide laws for legal bindings, ie marriage proposal: military marriages: 1) Must be approved by the empress, or someone the empress determines to be fit to do said task. 2) 3-way marriages are allowed, with consent from all 3 parties. 3) the ceremony must be officiated by a high-ranking official of chujo or higher. 4) Marriage is a legally binding contract to love and cherish for a period of 5 years, then it may be refreshed or dissolved appropriately according to the couple's feelings at that point. 5) After marriage, cheating is grounds for punishment determined by spouse, or parental unit/owner (usually slavery) *note: If the spouse allows, either partner may have relations with professional prostitutes as long as said encounter does not result in illegitimate children* 6) "Love" is required, a a couple must have been together in a loving relationship for between 3-5 months depending on situation Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 22 (1/9/04 9:31) Reply ezSupporter Re: re: Council Session I don't like item 3. Item one covers who is able to officiate, anyway. Also, what is "love" and how will 'loving and cherishing' be enforced? Also, cheating should be defined. Other than that, I'm for it. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Yui Commander, Star Army 1st Expeditionary Fleet Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 38 (1/9/04 9:42) Reply Re: re: Council Session "erm well, Love can't be described, since it's different between people but I think it's a feeling of warmth in your soul. A feeling of safety and security, a high level of trust in your partner, a willingness to do anything for that one special person expecting nothing in reward other than their attention and affection. Other than that Empress yui, love is undescrible. What did being with the late Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu make you feel?" "Love and Cherish? How to enforce that? If two people love each other, shouldn't that be enough?" Cheating to me is having sexual relations with someone other than your spouse without their consent; as stated by #5. I know it sounds weird, but it's a matter of respect. I ask this of the council.....because I wish to be married officially...." Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 23 (1/9/04 11:01) Reply ezSupporter Re: re: Council Session ( Yui's thoughts: ) I think love is a strong mutual feeling of affection. If the think about it for while, we could probably come up with a better definition. Define 'sexual relations.' Also, what happens if a couple stops loving each other (or becomes enemies)? Do they have to be financially connected until their marriage runs out? Is divorce legal? Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 39 (1/9/04 12:02) Reply Re: re: Council Session Sexual relations: intercourse, fellatio, all of that. I personally believe that sex is a sacred thing between two people who love and trust each other. I don't think it's ok to just run around and screw whoever you feel like, in my mind, it's just not right. 2) Yes, Divorce is legal, of course it is! If a relationship crumbles, it's possibly dangerous to both parties. But, I think there should be a separation period, in case they are just very mad at each other, but when they cool down, they may want to take each other back. Dr Shinichiro Nobumoto PNUgen Corporation Posts: 307 (1/9/04 12:11) Reply ... Doc Shini's comments: A separation period? What do you mean? Explain. "All of That" will not really suffice. It's a law, and people are going to pick it for loopholes. Although you feel sex is "sacred," the majority of people (especially nekos) see sex as just that-sex. What reason is there not to make out for them? Saito Jian GSE Civilian Posts: 40 (1/9/04 12:27) Reply Re: ... "I didn't say there was sir. The can fuck all they want, I'm speaking strictly in the case of married couples. I understand that sex is used for morale purposes since most nekos can't become pregnant or diseased. I have nothing against that, that's free will of individual beings to do what they wish. Ok, separation period, a short time perhaps a week or two to allow the couple that is on the verge of breaking up to cool off and be away from each other. The saying "If the love is true, it will return." applies here. Correction to sexual relations: any insertions of male genitalia into any female orifice. Heavy petting of fondling. (again, this only applies to married couples). Ketsurui Yui YHG Command 1st Expeditionary Flt. Hoshi Teikoku no Ôhi Posts: 26 (1/9/04 13:34) Reply ezSupporter Re: ... So, if a person hugs someone too much, he's thrown into slavery? I don't think the petting/fondling should be included. You still didn't define what a seperation period is, only how long it'd be. How does it work? Does the government jail them both or something? Generally, people who are married tend to live together. How are they supposed to seperate? Or do you mean it's like a waiting period before a divorce can be filed? Keiko Ashigari GSE Civilian Posts: 6 (1/9/04 13:46) Reply Re: ... Yes, the separation time is a waiting period before divorce can be filed. well, ok. I'll propose it in the legislation with some rewording.