observations Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 463 (7/31/03 2:02 pm) observations ON> GSS Yui Uso and Wazu left the empty room as the loading crew started filling it with crates. They found the hallway was filled with boxes so Uso was forced to crawl over the tops of them in order to get back to her room. Wazu Headed off in a different direction though. Kai was sitting in the Intel office reading his book while Uso climbed past heading toward her room. The scent of roses was still hanging in the air. He was leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the desk. His ear twitched unnoticeably as Uso climbed by, he looked up from the text. "Hello" "hi" Uso said as she climbed off the mass of boxes and into the Intel office. She walked through that room and into her own closing the sliding Japanese style door behind her separating Kai and her's room He nodded to her and went back to his reading, silently slipping into Uso's mind using a certain psionic wavelength. "I hate to do it like this, but the chusa did ask me to do it" He said to himself silently Uso laid down in her nest and pulled out a data pad. she reviewed the current Intel data for a while and soon she felt a numbness in her head as she got sleepy once more. Kai was silently observing her mind as she drifted off. Although he didn't show it physically. Uso's hand relaxed and roped the data pad to her side as her eyes closed. her mind went blank for a moment as she slept but it soon began to form shapes. Kai watched as the images formed, not taking any action other than watching. Uso's memories started to replay. A dark warehouse with only a few lights here and there and endless rows of boxes became visible. On one of the shelves was a black body bag. Kai continued to watch, focusing in on the black body bag. He silently wondered what was inside, but he decided that to change something now would be a bad idea. The two double doors of the warehouse opened slightly letting a sliver of light into the structure. A man in dark sunglasses and a well tailored tan suit ran inside and went straight for the body bag. ~hmm?~ He wondering silently and moved closer to look in on the bag. The man unzipped the bag reveling Uso's body inside. Immediately the once silent warehouse came alive with sounds. Explosions and gunfire could be heard outside as well as screams. Kai formed a silent avatar and "flowed" out into the world outside the warehouse. ~This must be Uso's dream, or is it a memory?~ He wondered as he looked around. Uso opened her eyes for the first time and was hastily handed a pistol. She hurried outside finding the city with various fires here and there. The inhabitance were running or hiding as others tried to fight back only to be cut down by raiders who were looting the city. Kai watched and started to feel the pain that this memory brought out. ~Wish I could do something~ He said silently as he watched the chaos Uso began to take on the raiders doing what she could but she didn't nearly have enough firepower. eventually a rocket launcher was turned on her. it missed but she was pinned under the rubble. More gunfire erupted and more raiders fell down as a blue haired neko came forward to continue the fight. Kai felt bad that all he could do was watch, but, that was his lot in this dream. He looked over at the other neko. Wondering what was going on here, he knew the place was getting raided, but why? That neko was able to clear away the rubble from the destroyed building freeing Uso and they continued the fight eventually causing the raiders to retreat. He watched the scene intently. The scene shifted to Uso and the other neko triumvate in a white marble room. they were all sitting to the side and talking amongst themselves and generally enjoying it as a group of people in well tailored suits and dresses discussed their fate, "what are we going to do with them now that they are active?" one asked Kai listened and watched, knowing he couldn't change the outcome, but interested to know what happened "well I don't want a weapon living in my house" a woman said, "well we could send them away" a man suggested, "that would work. We could have them stay with a family on the outskirts of the settlement." There was more conversation on exactly how they were going to do this before everyone nodded and agreed on the course of action. ~Clueless people, nekos are more than just weapon, they have souls and feelings, just like them~ Kai said softly The neko's were led out of the room.. The house that they were in was very large and was at least 3 stories tall. For the first time Kai could get a good look at the settlement. It was inside of a valley between two mountains. massive mining operations could be seen on either side of the valley. The streets around the larger houses were paved and looked fairly modern although as you moved further from it the streets became rocky and eventually just dirt roads led out of the city. The neko's were led to separate cars and led driven out of the city. Each one waved goodbye to the others as they were moved off. Uso looked out the windows curiously not knowing what was happening. ~Look like a farming colony, that and mining.~ Kai followed Uso's car sitting next to her knowing that she couldn't see him. Eventually they came to several large field willed with all sorts of crops inside. The man in the tan suit stopped the car and opened the door. Uso walked out and saw her new home. It was a wooden house fairly small and was flanked by a large barn.. ~wow, this place is rather nice...~ He commented A young girl with blond hair and blue eyes walked out from the house in a rather nice summer dress looking outfit. The dream started to dissipate as soon as the girl entered Uso's dream. ~Hmmm, that girl will become important later on I think, or she IS important.~ He thought. Uso woke up moments later filled with a deep feeling of regret and sorrow although the emotions were suppressed they were still there. Uso picked up the data pad and rubbed her eyes before getting back to work. ~hmmm, that does say a lot.~ Kai thought as he watched her thoughts some more. ~Her feelings are centering around that girl.~ He said silently, getting the feeling she still didn't know he was there. Uso's thoughts retreated behind her natural neko defenses and were soon hidden from Kai's basic intuition into her mind Kai spent some more time examining her defenses, to get a basic idea of just how hard he had to push to get through Kai couldn't tell how hard he would have to push. He couldn't even find anything to push into or mentally attack as was the benefit of the blank mind defense. He sent a generalized psionic thrust at the defense He withdrew from her mind after making another push, his psionic force centered on one little area. Uso looked around sensing something although she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was Kai was back reading his book in the Intel office. His form silhouetted against the partition. END JP GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Traps Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 467 (7/31/03 10:41 pm) Traps ON> GSS Yui Wazu rode the lift down and out of the ship. He stepped off and onto the landing area. It wasn't well lit but he could make his way easy enough. He headed over to Jitar's shuttle, "Hello Jitar?" he asked She looked up. "Hi, come in." He entered the shuttle and looked around It was far cleaner than it had been one he'd left before. Instead of many piles there were bags, filled with junk. "I came to ask about your ship" he said "What about her?" *she asked, having returned to rewiring some connections. "The Yui is heading out and there is the danger of being attacked. Can your ship keep up?" he asked "define 'keep up." "move at the same speed and hold her own in a large scale fight" he said "yeah, I'll go hide behind some big rock, and shoot the bastards as they come." "there might be a lack of rocks in space" he said She smirked "Than I take it you don't go through the asteroid belts and fields." He nodded "The Yui to big?" "No it is just that we will be going after planets" he said "If you need to we can leave your ship here and come back for it later" "No, my ship could fit in your hanger bay." "We could do that although I don't know if Chi will want to get rid of our shuttle for yours. I will ask though,” he said "Thanks." she worked on some wires, getting shocked "Yes I love you too.." she said to the wall. "Do you need some help with your craft?" he asked "No, I'm good." "Alright if you say so,” he said as he turned to leave "oh ya the crew will be briefed on the situation once we are in orbit" he said "Ok.... Watched out!" Wazu stepped into another bear trap. "OW what the heck?!?" he said as he looked down at his foot "gezz, again?" she got up, and kneeled down, opening it. He stepped out of the trap, "you don't plan on leaving those laying around on the Yui do you?" he asked "No. I plan on keeping them under what ever type of bed you have on the Yui." She stood, throwing it back into the box. "Heh you can just have Megami synth them for you" he said "Who?" Wazu flatfaced, "Megami is the name of the computer" he said "Okey..." she muttered under her breath "I hate online comp systems.." "Heh perhaps we should have a drink together sometime I'll tell you my computer stories" he said with a chuckle "Maybe." She flicked on some switches "You ever watched a pod race?" "A pod race?" he asked "Yeah, two or more shuttle pods over a distance." "Heh no I haven't seen one of those" he said She laughed "Than I'll need to take you to one." "Sounds like fun" he said "They are. But their best when you’re in them." He nods, "I've done some racing myself, although not in shuttles,” he said "What type? Foot, horse, car?" "Car" he said She chuckled. He smirked, "what is so funny?" "Ever wiped out?" "Not once" he said with a proud smile "hahaha, well don't start counting on lick too much. Skill is what gets you there, and even that can fail." She spoke from experience. "I only have the bad kind of luck so I use skill only......and skill has yet to fail me" he said She laughed, "It will, trust me." "Well then I will have to start counting on my opponents bad luck then,” he said "Go ahead." "I will,” he said with a smile She nodded, plugging some thing in. "Heh are you sure you don't need a hand with your craft?" he asked "Well.... sure... what can you do?" "Well I am skilled in all types of electronics,” he said "Okay....." She pushed a button. He walked over to her being careful not to step on any more traps and looked at what she was working on, "Damn." "What is wrong?" he asked She hit the dash and the comp screen came up. "Nothing, my ship is just an old nag." He chuckled a bit, "you know... if we removed some of the unnecessary stuff we could increases the size of the power plant and overhaul the power systems... a small HCS could be installed..." he continued to go off on ways to turn the shuttle into hotrod of sorts She rolled her eyes, and muttered "men." "What?" he asked "Want to see the engine?' "Sure" He said with a smile She walked back to the tail of the ship, near the exit. He followed her again being careful about the traps (ah ok) She opened a small crawl through space. He looked inside over her shoulder She stepped back a little, allowing him to see her 'custom' engine. He looked it over, "wow you did a nice job modifying this,” he said, as he looked it over studying it "Thanks..... One of the fastest I know." "Still I think we can improve on it,” he said with a smirk, "after all anything can be improved on" "Yeah... and where does the we come in?" "Well the GSA is one big happy family...,” he said as he rubbed the back of his head and generally looked embarrassed at his incredibly lame explanation "Yeah, I think I'll stick with being the black sheep" "Heh ok if you want" he said, "but still I would like to help you work on this craft if you would let me" "Yeah, sure. But I'm the only one who works on the engine." "Ok I will keep my hands off it,” he said with a smile "Alright than." "Well I should get back to the ship. I'll take you up on that pod race thing later though" he said as he turned to leave "Ok, see ya." "Bye" he said as he walked back out into the night and headed back to the lift END JP Sentry Jitar Nivar Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Mr. Ishida - Pt. 2: Like A Fine Wine Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 510 (7/30/03 12:08 am) ezSupporter Mr. Ishida - Pt. 2: Like A Fine Wine Jon sat in a Enlisted Club at the bar counter, trying to listen to his drunken companion, Kevin prattle on about something- it was very difficult for him to make out Kevin's words through the roar and bustle of the crowd around them. Jon had been having a fun time with this other enlisted man as they went from club to club, drinking the speciality drink at each bar, flirting with some woman and moving on to the next. This was "what living is all about Johnny!" as Kevin had repeated several times throughout the night, it had become their mantra and Jon had somewhat accepted it. "Hey Johnny! That lady at the end of the bar has bought you a drink! Hey Johnny, are you listenin'?" Kevin shouted to be heard over the crowd and Jon simply looked at the new drink by his half full glass and then to the indicated lady and then to Kevin. Jon shrugged. "What do think I should do?! She looks kinda hot! But don't we have a few more clubs to hit tonight?!" He shouted back, watching Kevin shake his head, laughing. "You got to be shittin' me, Johnny! I mean, booze is booze but no woman is somethin' to be missed. None of 'em are ever alike, even them.. Nekowalkeries! They are like a fine wine that must be lightly tasted until you can find the right vintage to keep in your glass! " Jones raised his glass in the air as if to make a toast and instead, downed the liquor inside. Jon laughed a bit at the analogy but shook his head no. "You make a good point but them women are nothing but trouble! Let's hit the next club, the night is still young but we're getting older by the minute." Kevin laughed again with a wink. "Aye, you're right there Johnny. I'd drink to that if I hadn't emptied my glass already.. So the Foxhole it is then. " Jon nodded, finishing off his old glass before wading through the crowd after Kevin towards the exit. Once they were on the quieter street, Jones took a deep breathe and spoke, "Ah yes... the sweet smell of vomit and booze in the evening air... oh how I've missed it!" Ishida chuckled as he walked along side the buzzed Jones. "So how long has it been since your last visit here Kev?" His eyes scanned the darkened streets, he noticed a few soldiers depositing their last meal on the pavement and he heard the soft rhythm of a woman's footsteps behind them. The woman was close.. he could smell her perfume.. it was a gentle scent that reminded him of forget-me-nots. Kevin continued along, not seeming to notice the woman following them. He ran his hand through his tussled short dark blonde hair as he spoke. "I think it's been a couple of years at least.. but I know this place like thee back of me hand. You'll like the Foxhole, they have the best live show on the planet!" Jon partially kept his focus on the movement of the strange woman behind him as he looked at Kevin. "The best live show? What, is it a girly show or somethin'? " Kevin simply laughed as he made his way into the club with Jon a couple steps behind him. The Foxhole was fairly well lit for what it was.. a strip club. All of the girls were dressed in some sort of military-isk garb as they performed on their various stages. The girls were Nekos, Geshrin, human and surprisingly enough.. there were a few Elysians with small wings that were probably incapable of flight. Kevin insisted that they sit in the front row beside one of the Elysian girls, as she swirled herself around a pole. The girl had chin length light blonde hair with red highlights.. under a camoflauge cap and the brightest blue eyes that Jon had ever seen. She was down to a woodland camoflauge bikini with what appeared to be a knife strapped to her left thigh. The woman had followed them into the club and sat down a couple of table behind them . Jon had gotten a chance to appraise the woman and her appearence bothered him.. The woman looked like Chiharu except that she was definately not a neko of any sort. She could've passed for Chi's twin sister, as she sat there in her short black dress and black pumps. Her movements were smooth and graceful, but there was something more unsettling about her than the resemblence.. Jon just could not put his finger on what it was though... GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Plans for a Picnic & Responses Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 320 (7/30/03 11:04 am) Plans for a Picnic & Responses -On GSS Yui- Rion sighed and rested on the the bed as Akari ordered him to. "What were you going to say, before Akari cut you off?" Rion asked looking at her. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the sobbing neko, his eyes grew soft as he wondered what was wrong. He shook it off but his eyes remained soft as he spoke. "I'm fine, it's only a few scratches and bruises. OW" He said to Akari as she touched a stinging graze wound. "This is what I get for acting on the mere thought of someone doing something painful to you Inari..." Rion muttered under his breath. He then spoke up. "Inari, I wanted to ask you if um...you'd like to join me for dinner tonight, I know a nice restaraunt in the city. I'm feeling good enough for that." He asked, turning a gentle red. He had wanted to ask her that for a while now, and he was taking his chance. "All I have are a few scratches, I'm fully fit for duty or anything else. I'm not going to die from walking." He added. "Rion, I really think that you should stay aboard ship for a little while. I agree with Akari- you need to stay off your feet for the time being. I'm sorry Rion.. maybe next time we could go out? " Inari tried to offer Rion a consoling smile as the door to the Med Bay slid open. Geminasu and Trouble walked into the Med Bay as Siaga rolled on the floor beside Lavinia's feet. Lavinia sniffled a bit as she tried to cheer up for Siaga, rubbing the wolf's belly and softly speaking, "I'm sorry I've been gone for so long Siaga..." Siaga leg shook a little has he was happy. Geminasu saw Rion in the med bay again and face palmed a little. Trouble looked down at Siaga and then looked up at Lavinia, "Hi there I’m Trouble Crimson,' she said with a smile, "I've been watching your little wolf puppy while you were gone. Inari offered Trouble and Tobias a soft smile as they entered. "Hi... would you two like to go with Lav and I on shore leave?" She saw Rion's face fall hearing her answer and he start staring at the bulkhead beside him as Akari continued to tend his wounds. Lavinia looked at Trouble with a grateful and tired expression across her face. "Hello Trouble... I'm Lavinia... thank you so much for taking care of Siaga." Geminasu looked up at Inari, "You know I was actually going to ask you that." He smiled and looked to Lavinia, "I’m sorry about what happened, but maybe we can help you cheer up." -Meanwhile- Zeph ran down the hallway towards the med bay, he had this feeling they were there, their thought patterns seemed to originate from that direction. Zeph made it towards the med bay and stumbled in the door. He let out a small sigh, "Hey there!" Akari glanced over to Zeph as he entered. She looked at him incredulously. "You aren't injured are you Zeph?" Inari blushed a bit at her sister's question, knowing that Akari was getting irritated that all these people we just standing around the Med Bay. "So I'll take that as a 'yes' then." She smiled again. "We'd better get going then before the rest of the crew magically appears in here and Akari has a kitten..." Zeph looked to Akari and said, "No way, I'm fine thanks, actually I wanted to see if you all were free for the shore leave." He smiled. Akari shook her head. "I'm going to be in here until Inari gets back with your group. It just wouldn't do to leave this post unmanned..." Geminasu looked at Rion sitting over on a cot. "Yeah lord knows he'll need you." He snickered a little and notice the angel he had rescued was sitting upwards. Inari looked over to the waking patient. "One moment..." She walked over to the Angel's cot. "Good evening Mr. Elysian. I take it you are feeling better?" She picked up a data pad and started looking it over as she also looked the patient over... "Very good... the wounds have started to heal together very nicely... it'll only be a few more days until you're back to normal." Arch looked up at the neko that spoke to him, "Okay thank you, may I ask your name?" The neko surprised him he thought some would be callous to him but this behavior surprised him. He hoped things might stay that way. Inari looked over the Elysian's wounds. "My name is Inari. I'm the assistant medic here. Hopefully, you won't suffer from such wounds again. But I'm sorry... you're friends didn't make it out of the shuttle..." The news shocked Arch, his eyes glazed over a bit as he thought, ~Dammit! No they're gone. NO! ~ Tears formed in Arch's eyes as he silently turned over and shed some tears. Geminasu looked at Arch, he felt sorry for the angel. He had only found him onboard before it was too late. Zeph walked over to Lavinia bent down to her and said, "Hey there I'm Zeph Steele, and I heard what happened I’m sorry for such bad news." Lavinia looked up at Zeph with misty eyes… she was on the verge of crying again. "It's okay… I'll see him again someday..." The neko looked over to Inari as she gently patted Arch on his back between his wings in sympathy. "Inari… the next time I die... I do not want to be respawned… please do not bring me back again so I can go see him again in the next life..." Geminasu looked at Lavinia, "Hey know there's no need for such talk Lavinia. I’m sure Ritsurin would want you to continue on with your life. Please reconsider; hey I got an idea how about we go a picnic around here? I’m sure Zeph here can fly us to a suitable spot. What do you say?" he said smiling to her. Lavinia shook her head, not really convinced to change her mind yet. "I haven't been on a picnic in a long time..." "Well at least think about it will you? Who knows perhaps a little R and R might help you feel better,” Geminasu said to her. "I will consider it." Lavinia replied. Inari frowned a bit at the other neko, it was unusual for a neko to want to disappear but considering the love of her life was killed... it was understandable that she'd be depressed about it. Zeph looked a little surprised at Geminasu, ~ Gem always trying to be positive. ~ Zeph took a small scoffed look and said, "Sure if you'd like I'd be happy to take you to a spot for a picnic. Are you coming too Inari? More the merrier I say." Inari nodded to Zeph. "Sure. I've actually never been on a picnic... so it'd be a nice thing to try out. I usually spend my free time studying rituals..." She glanced at her elder sister out of the corner of her eye... she sensed the mental glare and the accompanying admonishment. ~And what's wrong with studying? ~ Zeph heard the commentary in the back of his mind and closed them out a bit. If they we going to quarrel mentally he didn't want to step in the way. Geminasu looked up, "So its set then? Let's get to a picnic eh?" he said Lavinia sniffled again and tried to smile but failed miserably. "I... guess." --- JP/Compilation GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Admiral Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Thoughts Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 585 (8/1/03 5:57 pm) Thoughts As his face fell after hearing Inari's response, he caught the consoling smile she offered him and sat back up and smiled. ~I understand what you mean, it's for the benefit of my health.~ He thought as he yawned and watched them plan. "Just so you partygoers know, the sun's gone down outside, or it was when I got back onboard." Rion said to Geminasu and the rest of them. Rion sighed and put his head in his hand as he felt his tail start to move again. ~That's good to know~ He thought as his efforts to move it were rewarded. As he relaxed for the first time in what seemed years, silent images drifted into his head as he closed his eyes for a bit while he sat there. ~Maybe I should put these on paper so not only I can see these.~ He thought as he opened his eyes again. For some reason, even getting hurt like this, he felt strangely gratified at his actions, he felt he'd proven something; not to Inari, not to anyone else. But to himself, he felt gratified to know he could truly care about someone other than himself. He was sure he'd made something of a positive impression on her by the way she spoke. Rion felt comforted by that assumption, though he knew such assumptions could be dangerous. He looked at Akari, letting Inari talk to the others. "Akari, do I have to remain in here, or can I go about the ship? If I have to stay here, could I a pencil and a few sheets of paper?" He asked the green-haired neko. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) More Observations. Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 15 (8/3/03 16:21) More Observations. ON> GSS Yui Uso tried to shake it off but she still desired sleep. the datapad in her hand continued to display intel data even after she dozed off again. Kai was still in the intel office reading his book, discreetly watching Uso through the partition. He didn't think much of it, but breathed deeply as he relaxed and closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. His mind slipped into Uso's to find out what has going on, has he did get her feeling of being tired. Uso slept uneasily. Kai found himself inside of Uso's dream. Around him was a small cabin like farmhouse he recognised from Uso's preivious dream. It had a single room which acted as the kitchen, main room and bedroom all in one. The TV was on and Uso was watching it. beside her was the girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both hugging eachother although the other girl was sleeping. Kai could see a calender on the wall. The time was about one year after the events in the first dream took place. His avatar formed, invisible to Uso, and moved closer to them and had a good look at the pair. He could see that they both looked happy at that moment. ~This must be one of the peaceful times in her life, but why do I sense this uneasiness?~ He wondered in his own mind away from Uso's. He merely watched what was going on in the dream. There was a knock on the door. The girls father, who was in the kitchen at the time, went to answer it. A man in a tan suit was at the door. Uso looked over and stood up braceing the girl against the side of the sofa as she got up and walked over to the man. Kai recognized the tan as the one from before and curiously paid attention to what was going on, he focused and tried to listen to the actual voices this time. The man led Uso back outside to his car and away from the family. "they will be here tommarow" the man said, "That soon? we normaly have more warning than this..." she said ~Must be those raiders again.~ He though to himself as he flowed to the scene and watched. "They are being more careful this time, they are sending two ships" He said Kai continued to listen and watch. The dream skiped foward. Kai found himself inside of a forest. he could hear something off in the distance that sounded like a soft rumbling. ~Hmm? What could that be? The raiders?~ He thought as he moved toward the sound of the rumbling. The rumbling got louder and louder and was soon accompanied by the sound of falling trees. A group of old talks were makeing their way through the forest with nearly 40 well armed men, their ages ranged from 40 to as young as 13. Kai saw a flash and one of the men fell over dead, the rest took cover and fired back in the general direction of the attack. He saw Uso falling back and the tanks moveing to follow. As the tanks moved they were constantly firing shells up in the air and towards the town. Kai wanted to do something to help, but knew this was more of a memory than a dream, and he couldn't alter those. ~wait, that may alert her. As hard as it is to watch I think I have to stand back and be an observer this time. Those shells....their trying to pin her in or send her back toward them, but that means...oh no..~he thought in his mind as he watched. This continued on for a while until they were nearing the edge of the forest. As the group of raiders moved foward they were ambused from behind by three blue haired nekos. Their rockets easily tore through the flimsy rear armor of the tanks and ignited them sending shrapnel everywhere. The men tried to fight back but many of the were cut down by gunfire. A group of 5 men were smart enough to surrender and simply give up as the rest were cut down. Kai watched this with interest looking for a way to possibly help her. Explosions were heard off in the distance as two of the blue haired nekos started to restrain the prisoners. The third went over to Uso who was looking out of the forest and towards some nearby farms. smoke was riseing from the fields as fires consumed the area. "Uso there is nothing you can do" the neko said, Kai tried to move to the farm area to see what was happening, though he was afraid he already knew. "I have to go and check on them." Uso said, "DAMN IT USO! Don't do this there are still more raiders heading to the town." the other neko said. Kai was having a hard time with this, he couldn't do anything. But he retained his professionalism as he witnessed this action silently. Blood started to drip from Uso's back and it formed a pair of large bat-like wings. Uso turned to look at the other neko, and then fired off her CRT organs. Uso landed near the house she was at earlier. The fields around it were all on fire as well as the barn. "ALLISON!" Uso yelled as she franticly looked around. The second ship had spoted Uso and had already fired off a missle at her. Kai was sensing the feelings of sorrow and guilt as he witnessed the events unravel, he mentally wrote this down like he was making a note. Uso found the girl and quickly ran over to her, only then did she see the missile. Uso wraped her wings around the girl and held her tightly useing her body as a shield. The missle exploded in midair showering the area with incendiary shrapnel. Several pieces pierced Uso's body and the entire area was covered in flames; screams could heard off somewhere nearby. ~So, these is one of the reasons why she is the way she is.~ Kai thought to himself, keeping it away from Uso. Allison's parents were scrambling from their car that was just around the side of the house. Uso could only watch as their bodies were consumed by the flames. Uso abruptly woke up and looked around breathing quickly. Kai could do no more and calmed back down again, but felt terrible. Uso opened the sliding door between her and Kai's nest and walked in. He opened his eyes and looked up at Uso. "Hello." Uso headed straight through and out the other door. Uso didn't respond as she climbed ontop of the crates and headed toward the galley for some caffiene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) E-mail Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 484 (8/7/03 1:54 pm) E-mail The eerie twilight was slowly replaced with the much brighter lighting inside of the Yui as Wazu rode the lift up into the vessel. As the doors to the lift opened Wazu was greeted by the familiar mass of boxes and crates that now nearly filled the Yui. He climbed up to the top of the mass and crawled through the hallways of the ship. A data pad inside of his robes started to vibrate and he stopped where he was to answer it. The small screen showed one message waiting and Wazu watched as the pad brought up the message. "I like this design. How soon can we begin construction and testing of a prototype? SARA and AvaNet have already agreed to produce new, top-of-the-line propulsion systems for the ship." ~All right new stuff~ Wazu thought as he started to type up a response. There already is a prototype although it lacks many of the necessary systems to run and was mainly for testing out various systems before actual construction of the ship began. With the necessary parts this vessel could be made space worthy in one to two weeks. A new prototype could be constructed in two weeks as well. It would take three weeks to a month to fully modify an existing facility to mass-produce these vessels. -Wazu He sent the message and then placed the data pad back inside of his robes when he felt the box beneath him start to sag. Wazu scrambled to grab a hold of the grating on the ceiling but the box gave way before he did and Wazu fell into the space the box had occupied and into a large pile of assorted fruits. Wazu pulled himself out of the food and then crawled to the baths. He emerged a few minutes later with a fresh uniform and robe then headed to the bridge when the data pad buzzed again. "I would like a second prototype built for SARA to field test. Wazu, you are quite industrious...one day you'll have your own fleet at your command, I dare say. I'll help you along your way. You're promoted to the rank of Taisa. Wazu, if you'd also design some support ships, I'd be most pleased." Yui gave Wazu a sensual smile, her eyes twinkling in the dim light of her cabin. Adding a smile and a sincere "Thank you." before the transmission ended. Wazu looked stunned, “a promotion?” he thought out loud. He was both proud and incredibly nervous about it as he crawled through the hallways. He got about halfway to the bridge before he remembered to send a message back. He found a sturdy crate and stayed on it while he started dictating a message again text only. I will send the designs for the support ships as soon as they are ready. I am honored that you think I am ready for the rank of Taisa I will try to not let you down. -Wazu He sent the message then resumed heading to the bridge. Compilation (or something closely resembling it) GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Memories of a sad past. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 601 (8/7/03 7:48 pm) Memories of a sad past. Rion rolled off the bed and up to his feet and looked around, his tail moving snakelike behind him, he scanned over the activity in the medbay, he knew that his continued presence was only going to take up room and supplies. He stretched his arms, tail and back; and headed for the door. He jolted to a stop as the realization hit him, he turned to Akari slowly half looking over his shoulder. "I'm going to my own nest to rest, I promise I won't get into anymore trouble." He smiled at her gently. "At least this way, I can follow your advice and stay out of everyone's way." Rion said and walked out the door. Out in the hall, he headed for the galley to get something to eat. He walked into the room and went straight for the refrifgerator and pulled out a few ingredients and soon had himself a turkey club sandwich and a drink. He took his little meal to the security nest and made his way over to his own, he settled down carefully, as to not spill anything. ~That neko in the medbay, I wonder why she was crying? From what I saw and heard, she lost someone close to her.~ He sighed and took a bite of the sandwich. ~I know how that is, I've lost more than my fair share of loved ones and friends.~ He thought as he finished the sandwich and pushed the plate aside for the time being. He sighed heavily again as the memories he had tried to suppress for so long started to return. Rion pulled off his jacket and undershirt and laid back on the old worn blanket that made up his meager bed, away from the main nest. he crossed his arms behind his head and laid there for few minutes looking up at the ceiling. His tail wandered around aimlessly as he started to relax and drifted off to sleep. In his mind's eye, in his dreams, he started recalling his own memories of loss. His mother's tragic passing and his efforts to save her, and eventually laying her to rest near her favorite little stream on his homeworld. Tears filled his eyes as he slept. "Mom, why'd it have to come to this? Why did you have to leave?" he said in his dream, but the person saying it was a 12-year-old child standing near a slow moving stream and over a small grave. His dreams shifted to another planet, that was not his home, he was 16 now. Rion and a few friends of his were talking in what seemed for be a military base camp. They were planning miscellaneous activities for after this mission was over, they were laughing and playfully throwing small objects at each other. A young geshrin woman came up behind Aeriyon and hugged him around the waist gently and laid her head against his back, he smiled at her tender embrace as his other friends roared in laughter. Outside of his own mind, he was tossing and turned as he remembered what happened next. The dream skipped again and showed a wounded bloody Aeriyon kneeling next to the lifeless body of the young woman from before. In both his dream and his reality he started to openly cry. "Not again, it happened to me again...and I couldn't prevent it..." The 16 year old said holding the girl to him and weeping softly. "Lilly, I'm so sorry I couldn't prevent this tragedy, I would have given my own life to prevent this....." He wept only, tears streaming down his face. In his dream, he removed the Indigo headband from her body and pocketed it, so he'd have something to remind him of her. He awoke with a scream and a gasp as he wiped the tears from his eyes again. He removed the headband he wore, it was still the rich indigo color he had been in his dream. "Lilly, I still can't forget you" He said to himself as he held the band in his hand. "It's been almost five years since you passed away, and brought back, I now regret requesting them to erase your memory"." He said as another tear hit the cloth. He sat there for a long time thinking about what could have been.... GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Relaxation, and meeting new people. Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 16 (8/9/03 11:39 am) Relaxation, and meeting new people. ~Hmm...These figures indicate that the Elysian planet it heavily defended, and according to what Wazu told me; the Elysian fleet is defending it. That generally indicates that there's something serious going on there, I'm afraid that Wazu may be wrong about that weapon...~ Kai thought as he leaned back in his chair reading a datapad containing the current intelligence information. He sat it down on the desk and stood up and stretched, popping several joints. "Ahhhhh, that feels good." He said as he stretched. He inhaled deeply, taking in more of the fragrant scent drifting around his quarters. "Maybe I should take a little stroll around the ship, being able to scan everyone's mind to keep tabs on the status of the ship doesn't give me an excuse to sit in my room doing nothing." He said as the door slid open, allowing the scent to waft out into the hallway. As he crawled over the boxes slowly down the hallway, his white and red robe billowed out behind him, making his waist length half-braid dance in the air. He went to the bridge to see what was happening there as a feeling of annoyance flowed into his mind. As the door slid open he saw four nekos talking and sipping drinks, He bowed slightly to all of them in silent sign of respect and saluted them all in one well-practiced motion. "Ah, good evening ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." He said as he brushed a rogue hair out of his face, inadvertantly showing the softly glowing blue teardrop shaped jewel in his forehead. GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Interlude Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 518 (8/6/03 1:09 am) ezSupporter Interlude Taii Aya and Chui Arume sat on the bridge. Aya monitored the incoming audio traffic and monitored the frequencies of the local enforcement agencies and the dock workers. While Arume monitored the goings on internally, the flow of traffic of outsiders onto the ship had stopped and a group of crew members were making their way towards the Silvershot. They'd be lucky if they had any time to go off and do whatever before it was time to get back into work mode. Juni Kuru had made her way onto the bridge with Izumi in tow, carrying a tray with 4 mugs on it and a plate of doughnuts. "Good evening lady officers. We brought coffee and doughnuts. Has our beloved Taisho come home yet or is she still out wandering?" Kuru asked as she briefly saluted her friends and superiors. Aya returned the salute just as quickly as Kuru had saluted. Arume grumbled as she took a mug of coffee from Izumi's tray as well as a glazed doughnut, "No, not yet. We can't get this show on the road until she gets back.. no sense in leaving the captain behind right? Thanks Izu." Izumi offered Arume a shy smile as she took the tray over to Aya. Aya remembered something as she took a mug for herself as well as a chocolate iced doughnut covered in rainboz sprinkles. "Oh yeah! Has Tomoyo come around yet? Thankies Izumi-chan." Kuru shook her head. "She's coming out of the haze but she's still weak. The last fire was too much for her. I think she's been overstressing her system. I don't remember her sleeping since the last encounter with the Angels. Oh, by the way, the Refugee is awake now and so is Lavinia." Arume scowled as she drank her coffee at the mention of Lavinia's name. "Christ, she's back. Maybe now she'll carry herself with a bit more dignity than last time.." Aya almost spit out her coffee. "Arume! That's just plain bitchy! Give the girl a break, she died when the Seraph first appeared, remember? That wasn't her fault and you should at least be civil to her when you see her next.." "Like hell I will. She's a bigger ditz than you are Aya, and it was even worse when she was around Ritsu. We need her back like we need an Angel aboard.." Arume retorted as she took a bite out of her doughnut. "Arume, you know that's not the real reason why you are upset that Lavinia's back. You really should stop lying to yourself about this.. aren't you really upset that Lavinia's back while Lyn and Mika are not because they're data wasn't saved?" Kuru suggested cooly as she took a mug for herself and nodded to Izumi who took a seat with her own cup of coffee and set the plate of doughnuts with the tray beneath it in an empty chair. Aya looked to Arume curiously as Arume glared at Kuru. The comment had struck a cord in all of them and an eerie silence filled the air as the nekos looked at one another. Izumi was the one who shattered the silence, "Arume-san, were you and Lyn seeing one another?" Arume flushed red as she glared at Izumi but said nothing. Aya and Kuru looked to one another and spoke in unison for a moment. "So that's why she's been moodier than usual.." Meanwhile.. Sai and Nashi were in their room, playing to occupy their time. Sai was trying to teach Nashi a different way to play her "Genocide" game and had some success with her methods. The Technican clone Shira had paused in front of the door leading into the room that had housed Nashi for quite some time now. She wondered what was within this room that was so dangerous that no one except 2 authorized people were allowed access. She listened beside the door, listening to the sounds of struggle and high pitched giggles. "I wonder.. oh well, I'd better get back to work." Shira shrugged and continued on her way to check on the front sensor array. In the Medbay, Akari had watched Rion finally exit and Tomoyo and Acara as well. Leaving the Medic alone with her patient in the hemosynth tube and the depressed Elysian on the cot. She shrugged a bit as she went about the small room, cleaning and straightening the now unoccupied cots. And conducting her own purification rituals. Back on the Bridge: Izumi grinned to herself, proud that she had uncovered a mystery despite the fact that Arume was glaring at her. Arume grumbled, "Whatever. I will be grateful when Lavinia transfers off this vessel and is out of my hair." She started to fiddle with her coffee mug again as she returned her attentions to her console. "Now that mystery has been solved, what do you ladies think of the new Intel officer?" Aya asked, smiling brightly. Kai went to the bridge to see what was happening there as a feeling of annoyance flowed into his mind. As the door slid open he saw four nekos talking and sipping drinks, He bowed slightly to all of them in silent sign of respect and saluted them all in one well-practiced motion. "I don't know. I think you could talk to him before judging him." Kuru had noticed that the Kai had entered the bridge and nodded towards him. Aya looked embarrassed as the man entered, returning the salute for the other nekos. "Hello there Kai..." "Ah, good evening ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Kai said as he brushed a rogue hair out of his face, inadvertantly showing the softly glowing blue teardrop shaped jewel in his forehead. With some scenes by Kai from Relaxation and Meeting New People. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Psychic Energy Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 18 (8/12/03 3:04 pm) Psychic Energy As Kai awaited the nekos responses, he started getting chaotic, random psionic "hits" as it was. ~Such power, it's quite the anomaly, I should go check this out.~ He thought as turned to leave. "Please excuse me ladies." He said and crawled out of the room over the numerous boxes that littered the corridor of the ship. He focused mentally on the signature and went in that direction. In a minute or two of crawling, he slid off the boxes and into the medbay, and turned to where the signature was the strongest. Acara was sitting in one of the seat in the med bay when he noticed Kai enter and look at him. "May I help you Chui?" "So you're the cause of the psionic anomaly." Kai said looking the black "ooze" over as it was. "May I ask what your name is Juni?" He asked with a bright smile. Acara was a little taken aback by this new persons acusation. For all he knew he had no psionic abilitys. "Well I am Acara sir, but I have no idea what you are talking about." He said in a confused voice. Kai chuckled. "You're radiating psychic energy. You don't need to feel like I'm accusing you of anything, it is part of my job to investigate possible psychic activity that could be threatening." He said. Acara's expretion did not change as he looked at Kai. "Why do I radiat psychic energy? I have never been able to do anything like that in my life." "You're not doing it consciously, it's more like it's containing something on its own." Kai said with a calm tone of voice, "Think of it this way, your subconscious mind is operating on a level your waking mind does not realize. Does that make sense to you?" He asked. : Acara shook his head. "Yes, It makes sense, but if I am radiating it I would have to be useing it right now correct?" "Yes, but in a way different from the way I use it. Here let me give you an example." Kai said and pushed a few syinges around on a nearby desk without touching them. "You're what we call passive psychic, which means you use your power without a conscious thought." acara slid down from his chair. At that moment the psychic energies Kai was feeling became focused. "I understand that. What I don't understand is that I am useing it, but nothing is going on?" at this point Acara went from confused to interested. It was alot like finding the problem in a system. Kai smiled. "There, when you moved off the chair, your energy became focused and directed. Your're using it to essentially move about and hold the molecular structure of your body together." He said. "Allow to try something, it shouldn't hurt at all." Kai said and concentrated for a minute or two and psionically poked Acara's mind, and watched the body's response. A ripple ran through Acara's body as he felt himself lose somecontrol, and he strugled to mantain his curent form. "Well that was the weirdest thing I have ever felt." He said after a second. "See? All I did was poke you gently. You'r mind is holding your physical form together." Kai said, sitting down in a nearby chair. Acara looked at Kai closely. "Are you new onboard the Yui?" he asked. "I have never seen you befor." "As a matter of fact, yes I am, I was waiting on this planet for you to arrive." Kai said. Acara smiled. "Well welcome, I did not catch you name" "Please excuse my rudeness. My name is Kai" He said. "Well If you'll exuse me I have to help a friend." Then Acara walked over to Hikari. "Go ahead and help her." Kai smiled and turned to leave the Medbay. GSA no Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Tech talk Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 350 (8/12/03 4:50 pm) Tech talk Acara slid over to the tube Hikari was in. After a second he looked at Tomoyo. "I am glad to see her finally get out of the scared shell." He said with a wry smile. Tomoyo rubbed her forehead with a sigh, "Yeah.. She was feeling really depressed about it. She wanted to function normally and she couldn't due to the scaring from the fire." She adjusted her clothes a bit, her bunker gear was folded on the floor beneath her cot and she was only wearing the thin underclothing, a black "tank top" and "leggings". "I guess it'll soon be my turn to go into the tube with my luck as it is right now." Acara moved over to her growing slightly so he was at eye level. "Do you want a Neko body? He asked. "I don't think that having a Neko body would resolve my luck issues... I can still have horrendous luck and be in a stronger body." Tomoyo sighed again. "I don't know why it's been so hard this tour of duty, I kept getting seriously injured." Acara smiled warmly. "True, but each experience makes you a stronger person. And remember, luck does not affect friendship." Acara said as he looked around the crowed med bay. "Do you see anybody here who hates you because you got hurt? No, they respect you for trying your best." Tomoyo smiled a bit, looking at the others in the Medbay for a moment before looking back at Acara. "I never thought they hated me.. It’s just that.. How can I look at myself and think that I am capable of fulfilling my duties when I am constantly getting hurt, constantly failing my duties due to death or injury. I don't know who I am when I look in the mirror anymore.. I thought I was stronger than this and I can see now, just how weak I am." Acara looked her in the eyes. "Do you think I have a clue who I am when I look in a mirror? Your body's strength has nothing to do with the strength of you will. In this room we can fix you body, and even enhance it, but nothing here can heal or enhance you heart." "I'm sorry.." Tomoyo looked down for a moment.. Having forgotten that Acara's form fluxuats at whim. "But.. I just don't know if I can keep doing this anymore. I thought I was making a difference but I just keep seeing how sad everyone is when I come to.." "You are making a difference. Of you were gone, where do you think Hikari would be? Life can be sad but to know happiness you must first know pain. You mean something to everyone on this ship whether you realize it or not." Acara put a hand on Tomoyo's shoulder." And you are a help, even if you are having some bad luck right now." Tomoyo smiled again. "Thank you Acara. So what do you think I should do? Should I switch bodies or what? I'm at a loss as to how to change my luck?" Acara moved up onto the cot beside Tomoyo. "Well I'm pretty sure the change won't ruin your looks, and it will help you do your job better. The choice is entirely yours, and I don't know how you feel about body changes." "I have never changed my form before. I have always just been a Geshrin.. but it's something that I'm going to have to think about." Tomoyo looked over to the hemosynth tube for a moment. "What to do now while Hikari is in the tube.." Acara looked around the room again. "Not to much has happened. We got a new crewmember I think, I was called to go fix her ship, and we are on a planet. Interesting places, planets." He commented. "I don't I'm really feeling up to visiting the planet.. although.. I could go for some solid food right now. Maybe we could get something to eat in the Dining Hall?" Tomoyo suggested. Acara slid down from the cot. "Sure, why not. You've been stuck in here for a wile, lets do that." JP GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) An Explanation and a Warning Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Wicked (GD-232) Posts: 935 (8/13/03 17:01) ezSupporter An Explanation and a Warning ON GSS Yui> Aya sat at her station, sipping her cup of coffee, wondering when Chiharu would be coming back to the Yui. The communications display lit up with a bright teal outline, and sounded simultaneously with the soft, yet authoritive, voice of the MEGAMI QX3, the replacement for the orginal Q3 that had died that day with Mika and Kei. "Incoming Transmission" the screen and voice prodded her. Aya smiled as she replied. "Go ahead." Touching the display and opening the channel. "Aya." The pale, stern face of Mistress Chusa Kessaku Irim greeted her, Irim's broad, flat nose barely visible from the straight-forward angle. "How is life on the Yui? Is the Taisho around?" Irim double-questioned. "Irim-san, Life's been good. The Taisho is currently on shore leave and has not returned yet. How may I help you?" "You're trustworthy...so I will deliver the information to you, so that you may later inform Taisho Ketsurui. The GSA's first and second expeditionary fleets have been involved with the beginning of construction of a massive ring around a star. Once finished, this ring will have a liveable surface area millions of times that of Geshrintall. We can't spare the resources to build it, so we've decided on using MEGAMI-type systems to autmatically build it..." Irim paused to let it sink in. Aya blinked, the concept and size of such a project was mind boggling. "We're building a new colony?" "Yes. The ring planet is called Hoshi no Iori, the hermitage of the stars. It is supposed to be a new home for the nekos, where we can produce more food and people, and provide a great, mighty base for the empire." Irim frowned, "Of course, should our enemies find out too early, they would attempt to foil the project." Aya nodded. "Of course. So I can assume that the construction has already begun. This is what our war has been about so far? To hit the Elysians before they discover the project and destroy it?" "Yui also is concerned that your ship, along with the rest of the first fleet, could be wiped out by the large Elysian fleet that was defending their research outpost. You see, the angels have been creating a weapon that could destroy our project: A weapon that could teleport huge chunks of the sun into one spot and use them to create black holes. " "I don't even want to how they figured that one out. Is there any information available to us about how to counter that sort of attack?" "We believe they will test it on a GSA planet first...Once their power is demonstrated, they'll blackmail the Nepleslians into allying with them, and attempt to destroy us," Irim grimly predicted. "We don't have large enough shields to defend against it." Aya winced, no that did not sound very good at all. "Do you think it'll be Geshrintall that they'll attack first?" Was there a way to defend against a black hole? "I'm not sure. We're confident we can defend Geshrintall fairly well in most populated areas." Irim said. "I think they'll choose someplace relatively undefended." Aya tried to think of one of their planets that was fairly deserted. "Like.. Albini?" Irim didn't answer. "Yui is hoping it won't come to that. She's been trying to think of ways to end this war." "Maybe we could come to a diplomatic resolution with the Elysians? Maybe have one of our officers talk to one of theirs in order to avoid needless death?" "That's why I wanted to see Chiharu...she knows them better than most." "She does. I think she said that one of the Arch Angels helped her escape when she was taken capative. Maybe she could talk to him to get a peaceful resolution?" "Please ask her. We don't have a lot of time left." Irim sounded disappointed. "I'll tell her to contact you as soon as she returns to the ship." "Good evening, Aya." Irim concluded. "May your nest be warm as your heart" "Or crotch" someone added in the background. "Good night Irim-san. May your enemies fall like weeds before your blade." Aya grinned a bit hearing the background voice. OFF> JP GSA no Taii Aya Communications Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) Drying the Tears Arch Nightblade GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 41 (8/14/03 13:52) Drying the Tears Arch Nightblade sat on the cot as the group had left the room for their fun. He sat there thinking about what had occured before. His sister came to his mind, he hadn't thought to check the otherpocket in which the pad he had designed for communicating with his sister. He quietly pulled the pad out hoping no one would pay attention, due to that someone might think he was trying to be spy or something. He looke at the pad and pressed a button and a list came up with transcripted messages and there was a new one. He opened the message to read what was sent to him. "Dear Bro, We made it away from the troops that the government sent after us. The elder ones are complaining that we should do something besides running. If we had a little more resources they may consider upstaging the main fleet, by sneaking umongst the crew and reaching our contacts within the fleet. If the GSA were to attack we may be able help. Tell me your okay brother, please, tell me your safe. Did you and the others make out alright? Brother are you there, please respond! -Sis" Arch started to put in a responce to the message. "Dear Sis, Im alright I managed to escape, but the others... didn't make it. I am currently in a GSA starship medical bay. I think they maybe planning something, I'm not sure. But please sister stay away from the fleet as far as you can I don't want to lose anyone else to the madness. Please if the others do something please try to stay safe and far from the conflict, I beg you, I don't want to lose you in this mess like our parents were. Please stay alive sister. - Arch" He finished typing quietly and sent the message. He put the pad back into his pocket and waited notknowing what would happen next. GSA Scientist Arch Nightblade Science Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Plans and Ideas, And a possible solution. Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 23 (8/15/03 4:33 pm) Plans and Ideas, And a possible solution. After meeting Juni Acara, Kai crawled over the boxes of supplies and headed for the intel office to review the possibilities of the next mission. He sighed and slid off the boxes into his office and leaned back in his chair and yawned. It was getting relatively late, but there was still something bothering him. He flipped the computer on and read over his information. "hmmm....Hold on...this weapon seems to be still relatively in the final stages of development." Kai said as the information scrolled up the screen. He read all the available information and shut the computer off and mentally ran through a laundry list of ideas. ~Hmm...what would be a weakness of a weapon like this one? Something that powerful would have a serious weakness somewhere, and I feel like we don't quite have enough information on this thing...~ He thought as a troubled expression grew on his face. ~It'd be nearly impossible to attack the lab directly..maybe...~ He thought. Kai looked at the datapad containing his saved copy of the information "..there's a miscalculation in these figures somewhere...the weapon's base couldn't possibly have that much power....wait..~He thought as a realization hit him. "Yes! That's it! A miscalculation! In a weapon like this, there's a huge, complex network of mathematical equations and very specific protocol, if a malfunction/miscalculation occured somewhere in the system, the weapon would shut down." He exclaimed smacking his fist into his open hand. He quickly pulled out a datapad and sent off an Email straight to Ms. Yui. --Greetings Taisho Kitsurugi Yui, I am Chui Kai Ashigari. I have an interesting proposal for you. This new Elysian weapon is nearly invulnerable to direct attack, instead a simple miscalculation should techinically shut the weapon down for an amount of time. Since they've most likely have protocols against the direct destruction of the weapon. BUT, if a miscalculation occurs, the chances of it shutting down are approximately between 36.698%-59.998%.. relative guess, since it appears that they haven't ironed out all the bugs yet. The mistake would likely be overlooked until it shut down. I would like to speak with you in person if that's at all possible to further speak on this issue, but please reply if it suits you.-- He smiled and sent her the message. ~I think that should work.~ He thought as he unfolded the cot he had hemosynthed several hours earlier and laid back on it and relaxed and soon fell into a light sleep. GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Getting over the past. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 622 (8/16/03 11:16 am) Getting over the past. Rion lay in his makeshift bed thinking about his past and how he could use the experience he gained from it. He yawned once and put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. ~I can't really go out and do anything, since Akari told me to remain on the ship and get some bedrest.~ He thought as he lay there. He sighed and rolled to his side and rummaged through his pack. He smiled as he found his old artistic supplies and a few large rolled up sheets of paper. He got to his feet and picked up his things and sat at a nearby desk and laid out a sheet of paper and weighed it down with a cup of pencils and various pens. He went to work, his artistic inner self started to come out as he began to sketch. His intial drawing was a landscape he'd seen in his past, beautiful seaside sunset. He finished the basic background and began to carefully draw himself into the picture, standing off to one side looking over the ocean. He worked on it for a while until he was satisfied with his own appearance. ~I remember this, this was one of the happiest moments in my life. If only it'd have lasted forever.~ He thought as he carefully, almost lovingly began to draw in the young woman he knew as Lilly. He spend a good hour and a half carefully drawing her in, carefully making sure to get every last little detail, right down to her hair count. He carefully painted in the colors, when he finished the picture was breathtaking, a beautiful seascape/edge of forest terrain, with a clear view of the sunset with waves gently crashing against the shore. Rion had an arm around Lilly's shoulder, Lilly had her arms around his torso in a gentle hug with her head resting on his shoulder; Her snowy white hair blowing in the wind. ~I wish I could allow others to see this, it's a shame to work so hard on something, and be the only one who knows of the work's existence.~ He thought as he looked it over. He stood up and rolled the painting up and headed out for the door and crawled over the supply boxes toward the galley to get something to eat. He winced as pain shot up his arm, he grunted and continued on and reached the galley soon after. He nodded to Juni Acara and Tomoyo, and placed the painting on a table and went to the fridge and prepared a couple of cut-in-half potatoes and sat at his table when it was finished. He quietly ate his small meal and relaxed in his chair, coiling his tail around the leg of it. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Talk of Viruses and planning. Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 24 (8/16/03 2:00 pm) Talk of Viruses and planning. ON>GSS Yui Kai was sitting on his cot in intel office, waiting for the Taisho's reply. He sighed heavily, silently hoping she'd accept. ~It won't get me anywhere worrying constantly about it, I think I'll go have a look around the ship.~ He thought as he shifted around and stood up and stretched. He then headed for the door, and as it slid open, he remembered with a sigh that he should carry his pad around. He turned and grabbed a pad off his desk and put it into his robe and crawled out into the hallway on the boxes. ~Maybe I should talk to the Chusa about this, he is in charge while Ms. Ketsurui is out.~ Kai thought and crawled toward the science office. He reached it a few minutes later and slid off the boxes and into the room. "Hello Chusa Wazu." He said brightly. "Hi." Wazu said as he continued poking and proding the datapad on the table infront of him going through various battle senarios involving the first fleet. He didn't seem to take any more notice of Kai as he downed another one of the energy drinks that were strewn about the lab. Kai walked up behind Wazu. "I have something you may want to know about, Taisho Yui as been informed already. "It's about that weapon." "Which one?" The busy Taisa asked "The one that uses stars as ammo for blackholes." Kai replied. "Ah. well what is it that I might want to know" Wazu said as he continued to poke away at the datapad. "That I have a possible solution to buy us time, so that diplomatic solutions could be reached if those are at all possible." Kai said, withdrawing his datapad from his robe. "I've been reading the lastest information on it and I think I may have a working idea." "Well lets hear it" Wazu said "I was thinking, since it's so complex a computer system, perhaps we could cause a malfunction in it, via a virus. I have some basic concepts for it, but I still need some help." Kai said, looking at his datapad. "Something of a trojan virus, encrypted to erase certain parts of the data running in the system, and a worm attached to that to cause the output devices to do haywire, making it more difficult to purge the virus." Kai said, then inhaled deeply. "I believe that would cause a terminal error in the system and shut the weapon down for a certain amount of time. I was thinking about contacting SARA for assistance." He added. "That would be advisable." Wazu said as he turned to look at Kai. the movement makeing the Tasia rank pin on his robe visible. "If they are any good with their computers it would only take them so long to remove the problem and get their weapons functioning again." Wazu thought outloud as he continued to review the simulations on his data pad. "That's the reason for the WORM, to make it harder to purge the virus. If anything, it'd cause a distraction to allow us to get a couple of our best spies in there to steal the specs on it, to look for a weakness we could take advantage of. But, that's a bit dangerous. In anycase, It'd at least buy us more time." Kai said, brushing his hair back out of his face. Or perhaps a combination of viruses, one on the weapon's systems and one inserted into the Elysian Fleet to perhaps knock out their communications array with the planet." He said, sounding confident. "I have no idea who or what assets SAINT has on that planet or amongst that fleet so I don't if we could get the specs for the weapon. As for the virus a lot more thought needs to go into it I would talk to that angel that we picked up; as well as SAINT to see if they have anyone familiar with the angel computer systems." Wazu said, "How much experiance do you have with this kind of thing?" "I have some experience in viruses and some in computer systems. It's not much, but it is a possible idea. But I'll send a message to SAINT and I'll speak with that Elysian." Kai said. "I want to know if you think it's a feasible idea, all logic says it is." "It is feasible but we will need someone that is skilled in virus creation." Wazu said, "It will be hard to get it to work right and even then we have no idea how effective it will be" "It's a chance we may have to take, if it comes to that, and I'd rather be prepared." Kai said. "I would like to have this looked into and if possible deployed before the attack." Wazu said as he continued to work on various senarios" "Yes sir, it's better to have what you need when you need it." Kai said. "I've let Taisho Kitsurugi know via email, I figure it would be best to alert her to it." "Notify me when you are ready to start with the creation of the virus. I would like to know what it can do firsthand so I can plan our attack accordingly." Wazu said as he tossed the now empty can into the trash bin behind him. "Will do." Kai said and turned to leave. "OH!" He said and turned to Wazu halfway, looking at him over his shoulder. "Congratulations on your promotion Taisa." He smiled and climbed onto the boxes and left the room and headed for the bridge. Kai reached the bridge in a matter of seconds since it was so close to the office. He slid off the boxes and onto the deck, "Greetings again ladies" He said to the nekos in there. He made his way to the intel station and sent a message to SAINT asking what they have in terms of assets on the Elysian planet, as well as if anyone has experience in virus creation. ~The virus I can make myself, but I'd like to get help anyway.~ He thought as he sent the message and prepared a new one to SARA asking about possible ways to insert the virus into angel computer systems. "Sorry, ladies, but I must go, I have business to attend to, he said to them as he left and headed for the medbay to speak with the Elysian. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GSA no Taisia, Heram J. Wazu First Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Flashfire Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Wicked (GD-232) Posts: 953 (8/17/03 12:59) ezSupporter Flashfire ON> GSS Kitsurugi Yui (GB-05) “Chujo Kelahame!” an alarmed shriek came from the science station, aboard the Grand Star Battleship. “The Elysian weapon is activating!” Chujo Elena Kelahame responded with planned calm. “Taii Chikako, tell our fleet assault assets to charge weapons, [and to be] ready to fire on my command. “ The first fleet’s two assault groups were in position. Zero fleet’s computer-controlled Ki-D1 ships were also ready. “Fifty seconds until ready,” a weapons specialist announced. As they watched, they could see the Elysian ships charging as they decloaked, in the main screen’s magnified picture. Teal energy blossomed like tea leaves in water, slowly reaching out from the glowing white hulls. “White Beams ready” the weapons technician called out, her finger lingering over the Fire button of her cool blue control panel’s glossy surface. “Wait.” Chujo Elena said coolly. The vice admiral looked hard at the enemy ships. “What,” she asked, squinting at the image, “systems are the Elysian ships charging? What is the weapon aimed at? Is it operating at full strength?” The science officers worked at a frantic pace to answer her. “Chujo!” one called out. “The weapon is pointed somewhere far away. The weapon’s source end seems to be in this area, though…” answered the first science officer. “The Elysian ships are charging their weapons and their FTL systems…” a second science officer announced. “…not at full power. I believe the weapon is being used to transport the Elysian Fleet.” “So they’re running?” Elena raised an eyebrow. “Danger to us?” “The Elysian Fleet may be able to fire at us before the weapon teleports them,” the first science officer answered. “All ships, fire White Beams at the Elysian Fleet. Do not approach them.” Dozens of white beams surged forth from the shields of the GSA ships, tearing into the Elysian ships, just as the Elysians fired at the First Fleet. The Star Army ships had positioned themselves out of the range of the all-destructive main guns of the battlecruisers, and so they took reduced damage. The Yuumi battleships had no trouble taking the hits, but the smaller ships were getting hurt. GSS Maeda Teien (GF-185), GSS Makayaji (GF-186), GSS Manpukuji (GF-187), and GSS Manshuin (GF-188), all Ketsueki-class ships of the 1st Assault group, were destroyed in the initial exchange, and GSS Frontier (GS-00) burst into flames, hurtling out of control, nearly colliding with the GSS Shinjuku (GD-123). “33 enemy ships destroyed,” “Send our Ketsueki ships forward to do close combat. No good letting them soak up damage here.” Chujo Kelahame ordered. “Keep the carrier group back.” Ahead, the brave frigates charged at the Elysian fleet, massively outnumbered. All of them fired at once at the closest ship and heavily damaged it. They then split up and rammed into the sides of nearby ships, firing again as they passed through them and emerged on the other sides. “Elysian weapon is firing!” a science officer yelled. The space in front of them warped like they were looking through a bubble. The rear half of the Elysian fleet disappeared suddenly, and then space went back to normal. “167 enemy ships remain.” The second science officer said. “Continue White Beam fire continuously.” The Chujo directed. “Watch out for the frigates.” “Planetary weapon is charging again.” “Don’t let them get away. Continue firing on the enemy ships.” “All Ketsueki frigates lost. Enemy now bringing guns to bear on us again.” “114 Enemy ships remain!” “CHUJO! PLANETARY WEAPON HAS CHANGED FIRING POINT!!” “By Syada! They don’t plan on getting away… All ships engage CDD…” Chujo Kelahame ordered, but the weapon was already firing. The space around them rippled and filled with solar plasma. “Aararrgh!” a horrifying scream came from one of the bridge officers. Tiny pieces of a burning star had dotted the interior of the ships. The GWB firing had left a weakness in the spatial distortion shields that protected the ship from teleportation effects, and through it, little pieces of super-compressed material had slipped in. The sun chunks went off like bombs, their heat and pressure rippling through the air. Chujo Elena was thrown from her seat by the force of a tiny little piece of sun hitting inside of a control panel. Looking up she could see both science officers and the navigation officer were dead. “Report!” she yelled out, only to find the fire had eaten the bridge’s air. Tearing a dented panel out of a nearby wall, she removed a white space suit and began getting in. Once she and the remaining bridge officers were suited up, she asked again, “Status?” “GSS Daishi and Ram are destroyed. Shinjuku heavily damaged, inoperable. Kurushima: heavy damage; no response. Revelation, shields down. Our shields down as well” a survivor read from a control panel. “Order the carrier group to get out of here!” the Chujo said. “DFC status? TTD?” “Too damaged to use.” “Ask the Revelation if…” Just then, all of the Elysian Battlecruisers fired at once at the GSS Revelation, and it disappeared in a brilliant glow of white light. It was the first Yuumi-class ship ever to fall. “Forgive me, Taisho Yui.” The Chujo said aloud, tears in her eyes. She slapped a BU-P50R battery into a GP-12 rifle. The air started to flow again in the bridge once more, but she kept her helmet on. “Do you think they will attempt to board us?” another Neko asked, also loading a rifle. “I don’t know,” the Chujo replied as she donned a flak jacket. “Better to be prepared.” She tossed the flak jacket to the Neko. And then, there was a third blast from the planetary weapon, and Geshrintall was below. Meanwhile, over Geshrintall, the second part of the battle had already begun. The Zero Fleet ships were exchanging fire with the two hundred battlecruisers that had teleported first. Now, there were over a hundred more (Plus the falling remains of the GSA ships). In a massive volume array of five-mile-wide beams, the assault cruisers covered the whole night sky, leveling the entire state of Castelia as their beams inundated the Ender-class ships in destruction, wiping them and others around them out of existence. As the Elysian ships continued to take large amounts of damage, they cut their losses and teleported away. Now free to do as it wished, the giant planetary weapon, still operating on a reduced level, began to suck up more solar matter. In a few minutes, it dumped the stuff over the planet Damascia, instantly reducing one of the Nepleslians’ three planets into a lifeless, charred rock. As the disabled GSS Kitsurugi Yui plunged into the waters of Karen’s Bay south of the Imperial Academy, the remains of the GSS Frontier hit and exploded in the actual campus itself, leaving only a field of scrap on the road that previously connected the marble ruins of Karen’s Lookout, and the small city of Tania. The First Assault Group of the Fifth Fleet then appeared back at the Elysian Planet, and completely destroyed the world with their transposition cannons. The weapon was no more. Chujo Kelahame was able to see the weapon’s destruction on the cracked screen of a hallway control panel as the water surged in around her and the communications officer, Chikaku. She stared at her rifle morbidly; “Do you think I…” “Don’t.” the Taii warned, sensing Elena’s overwhelming depression. “Let’s swim out,” she suggested, keeping an eye on the Chujo for suicide attempts. “You’ve got a second chance. Don’t waste it.” GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) Replies Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Wicked (GD-232) Posts: 957 (8/18/03 7:50 am) ezSupporter Replies From SARA: We haven't captured any Elysian computer systems yet, so we don't have any significant knowledge on their operation. From our research, we believe: *They are not as fast as GSA's quantum systems. *They are likely organic networks (like brains) *The computers may be semi-sentient Whether or not they would be susceptible to virii is unknown at this point, because they might not even code or programming. In any case, even if they did use an operating system, how would you create a virus that would work on it? We would not even know their programming language. ============================================== Invulnerable? Hardly. As the battle broke out, I ordered the 1st Assault of the 5th to destroy the planet as soon as the Wazus had picked up whatever agents they could. The planet didn't have much but the lab on it, anyway. It irritates me that it came to this, and I wonder where the first fleet's commander was when her sisters were dying. As soon as Chiharu returns, you have her report to me. -Taisho Kitsurugi Yui >Greetings Taisho Kitsurugi Yui, I am Chui Kai Ashigari. I have >an interesting proposal for you. This new Elysian weapon is >nearly invulnerable to direct attack, instead a simple >miscalculation should techinically shut the weapon down for >an amount of time. Since they've most likely have protocols >against the direct destruction of the weapon. BUT, if a >miscalculation occurs, the chances of it shutting down are >approximately between 36.698%-59.998%.. relative guess, >since it appears that they haven't ironed out all the bugs >yet. The mistake would likely be overlooked until it shut >down. I would like to speak with you in person if that's at all >possible to further speak on this issue, but please reply if it >suits you. GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) Concerns Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 26 (8/18/03 9:43 am) Concerns Kai was passing near the rear lifts of the Yui, when his datapad buzzed. ~Hmm? I wonder who this is from?~ He thought as he opened up the message. -------- From SARA: We haven't captured any Elysian computer systems yet, so we don't have any significant knowledge on their operation. From our research, we believe: *They are not as fast as GSA's quantum systems. *They are likely organic networks (like brains) *The computers may be semi-sentient Whether or not they would be susceptible to virii is unknown at this point, because they might not even code or programming. In any case, even if they did use an operating system, how would you create a virus that would work on it? We would not even know their programming language. ------------- ~Ah shoot! I suppose that makes my idea void. Oh well, there is always around a difficulty, I just have to search for it.~ He thought as he finished reading the email. He sighed and closed the message and continued on his way. He was passing the female baths when the datapad rang out again. ~I wonder who bears news now?~ He wondered as he opened the message. --------------- Invulnerable? Hardly. As the battle broke out, I ordered the 1st Assault of the 5th to destroy the planet as soon as the Wazus had picked up whatever agents they could. The planet didn't have much but the lab on it, anyway. It irritates me that it came to this, and I wonder where the first fleet's commander was when her sisters were dying. As soon as Chiharu returns, you have her report to me. --------------- ~This one is from Taisho Yui...~ He thought as he read the message, He felt a wave of sadness sweep over him at the mention of lost lives. He sighed deeply and leaned aganst a nearby wall and prepared a response. The message was brief and to the point, as the one he had just read was. "Such waste of life...it's a terrible thing: war. Would you not agree Ms. Yui? (Rhetorical question)I will do as you command, Ms. Chiharu will be notified when she returns. I am beginning to worry about her though, she left the ship when I got on, and nobody has seen her since."---Chui Ashigari. He sent the message and switched off the datapad and slid it back into robe and continued on his mini tour of the Yui, as hundreds of ideas and considerations flowed through his mind. GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Mr. Ishida - Pt. 3 : Kenbu Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 517 (8/6/03 1:07 am) ezSupporter Mr. Ishida - Pt. 3 : Kenbu Act 1: The Note Jon kept an eye on the Chi-clone as he sat with a cat-calling Kevin as the Elysian girl started toying with her top. The woman was intriguing to Jon, there was something off about her but the simple fact that she bore the same face as Chi.. His thoughts drifted and he started tuning out Kevin entirely, focusing on the woman behind him. He almost didn't notice when a little civilian Neko waitress meandered over to him in a red tube top and a little leather miniskirt. "Excuse me sir, but the lady would like to talk to you in private." Her voice was soft as she handed Ishida a folded up slip of paper, indicating the Chi look-alike for a moment and wandering off again. Jon nodded to the neko and watched her saunter off for a moment before he opened up the slip of paper and read the message. It was hand scribed, the handwriting was surprizingly similar to Chiharu's but it lacked the control and fluidity of Chi's hand. "Meet me in the back private dance room, D. - Shoki." He looked back and found the the woman, Shoki, had disappeared already, probably to the meeting place. He looked to Kevin, the man was too busy oogling the dancer to notice what was going on around him. "Hey Jones, I just got myself a private dance. Don't wait up for me, if you leave before I get done, thanks for being my guide." Jon couldn't help but smile at the man's behavior, it was like he hadn't seen a naked woman before but then again.. this dancer was an Elysian, she almost represented their enemy. So it was almost understandable that seeing this woman naked would drive this solider batty, the coming battle was so close that everyone could taste it. Jones cast Jon a passing glance, "Have fun man! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" He slapped Ishida on his back and winked at him as the man walked away towards the private dance area. Act 2: Meeting Shoki The door to the D room was painted a dull red color that held an almost metallic shimmer to it, like blood that had long sullied the silvery blade of an old sword. The door had no visible means to open it save a small black panel on the right wall beside it that glowed with an eerie crimson light. Ishida hesitated for a moment and looked around the back hallway, with the scattered slivers of white light pouring down through paper lanterns of red and green that hung about the ceiling to hide unsightly and light fixtures that almost the length of the ceiling. But there were no other guests or employees present in this back area, he could faintly hear voices and soft moans from behind the other doors but from this door that he stood dumbfounded before.. there was only the very faint whir of the door mechanizism as it creaked open to reveal the dimly lit room within. "Please come in sir. I won't bite." The woman's voice was soft and distant, like a breeze rustling across the top of a grassy field. Ishida couldn't see her but he knew that she was to his left and that.. she was alone. He silently walked into the room as the door creaked shut behind him again. "Now what would you like to discuss with me, Miss.. Shoki?" Jon approached the woman and stopped dead in his tracks as his jaw dropped. The woman smiled brightly as her eyes sparkled in the dim light at the man's reaction. Shoki stood up, not caring to adjust the see-through black negliee that she was wearing now, she folded her arms across her chest. "You act like you've never seen a woman in her lingerie before." She offered Jon a seat across a small, but sturdy little table from hers. "This was not what I was expecting Miss." Jon gulped as he sat down, rather collapsed into the chair, still staring in awe at this strange woman standing there in black lingerie. "Oh. I don't dare ask what you were expecting then, but my name is Shoki. This may see like an odd way to make an introduction to a man such as you but, I've found that it makes quite an impression." Shoki smiled that gorgeous smile of hers as she leaned over to touch Jon's face with her hand. Jon gulped again.. she was so close... For a moment, there was a pregnant pause and their eyes met. The woman's eyes were penentrating and he wondered if she was a succubus trying to steal his soul with a kiss. Jon shook his head and woke himself from the spell. Act 3: The Proposal "Ok. What exactly are you after Miss Shoki?" Jon was perplexed by this woman who wore Chiharu's face. He tried to keep his focus on her face because.. it was too ackward otherwise. "My, you are a shy one. I thought right- you are an innocent man, a rarity in this world." Shoki smiled again and slipped on a black robe to make Jon more comfortable to talk to her as the man continued to blush a dark, almost unnatural shade of red. "But, I guess I should get to the point. I saw you in the last club and you kinda blew me off, so I decided to follow you and your friend to this one to make my introduction and to offer you a proposal." Jon sighed with relief once Shoki covered herself and ran his right hand over his crew cut for a moment. "A proposal, and what that might be? I do have a bit of a time constraint on this planet so hopefully if I decide to take your offer, I'll be able to return to my ship before they decide to leave me behind." Shoki smile never seemed to fade as she sat down in the chair across from Jon. "Well, first things first, what is your name Mr.Soldier?" "Jon Ishida." Jon decided to keep his answer short, there was no need for a long drawn out introduction to this person. "Such a nice calm name.. ok, Mr. Ishida, I would like your assistance. You see, I have a bit of an issue that needs to be handled tonight and I don't feel safe enough to go on my own. I have a delivery to make and.. the neighborhood isn't the best of places for anyone to be wandering around without an escort. So could you please.. consider... escorting me there?" Shoki's voice became softer and her eyes pleaded with him to say yes. Jon stared at this woman, knowing that this indeed was TROUBLE but.. could he let someone with Chiharu's face get killed knowing that he could've saved her? Perhaps, this is what the dream had meant? This was the destiny he was to make for himself, this is what he was to create with his own hands? But for whatever reason an old saying from his research came to mind, ~One good turn deserves another.~ He shook his head knowing that this might be the death of him, but he could not let this woman die. He could feel that there was something special about her that he could not put his finger on. "I'll help you. I'll wait outside the room while you get dressed... can't have you walking around town in only that little number." He stood up and started towards the door when Shoki stopped him. "Thank you Jon. But please.. let me pay you back now before don't ever get the chance again." Shoki held onto his arm as she pulled him into a deep kiss. Jon's eyes almost popped out of his head, this just.. felt.. wierd. But he pulled away before she could progress further than just a kiss, grabbing her by the shoulders and holding her away from him. "Miss Shoki.. please, don't do this. Let's just get you to where you need to be. I swear that I won't let anything happen to you... you do not need to pay me back." Jon caught his breathe again, the kiss almost gave him a proverbal heart attack. Shoki looked disappointed that he turned her down but, she smiled softly, slipping out of his grasp and hugging him. "Thank you..." Act 4: Kenbu (Conclusion) Jon and Shoki left the Foxhole through a back exit and walked arm and arm down narrow alleyway after narrow alleyway towards the delivery point. Jon watched Shoki's movements, the gentle rise and fall of her chest beneath the thin fabric of her tunic with each breathe she took; the way she gracefully carried herself with all the dignity of a queen despite the heavily soled dress boots she wore; and the way she lightly tilted her head to one side, causing a single lock of hair to fall across her face as she looked from side to side. He smiled inwardly to himself as he shyly watched Shoki as he watched the alleyways for any unsuspected surprises. Jon was quite relieved that Shoki had changed into a pair of black dress slacks and a long Deep blue Chinese style long sleeved-tunic that fell to her thighs- before they had left the club, she was less conspicuous this way. Jon was really unsure of what it was exactly that Shoki had to deliver, but he felt it was best that he didn't know until he needed to know. As far as he could tell, Shoki carried no extra weight on her person and there were no buldges or malformities beneath her clothing. This only led him to believe that Shoki had to deliver either herself or something that she carried within her body that he could not sense. He prayed that he could keep his promise to keep her safe. "Jon.. we're here." Shoki spoke for the first time since they had left the Foxhole when they reached a grim looking building in a horrendous looking part of town. Every building, every street, everything seemed stained with a sorrowful presense to Jon.. it was like the community was crying out in anguish about what evils had been committed here and left unavenged. Shoki seemed to shutter for a moment as she pressed against Jon's arm, leaning into him for a moment. "Are you sure you want to be in here Shoki?" Jon almost whispered back for fear of disturbing the souls crying for rememberence in this still night air. He protectively wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and shielding her from the world if only for a moment. "Yes.. I have to. Come on.. let's go in.." Shoki whispered back as she tool a deep breathe and gathered her courage and resolve to end this like she told herself she would. She looked at Jon's worried face as he reluctantly let her go and smiled again because this man, this stranger cared about her even though he did not know who she was nor did he seem to care. Jon walked beside Shoki, taking her hand into his own as they walked towards the door that led into the building. The door didn't seem to fit in with the building was attached to.. it seemed like it was brand new and unstained by what has gone on in this neighborhood. The door seemed to sense their approach and opened without a sound. Light slipped out of the doorway, slicing the remaining darkness into slender tendrils that snaked their way back towards them, becokening them forward. Jon looked down at Shoki for a moment, feeling her body tense as she slowly made her way forward. He did not like this at all but he walked with her into the light and into the hallway beyond it. The door slowly creaked shut behind them, Jon could see the mechanisim that operated the door now that he was inside the building and he could feel the various power currents flowing through the air of the building around him and he could hear the high pitched squeal of the electricity as well as the dull chatter of men in some part of the building. Shoki said nothing as she led, walked Jon down the winding hallways towards a back room. The door to this room was closed as well but he could see the glimmer of a camera lens above the doorway. He watched it zoom in on him and then pan out again. "Please enter, we've been expecting you Miss Shoki." An intercom crackled and Shoki turned the doorknob, letting go of Jon's hand as she pushed the door open. Jon followed and was almost blinded by the surplus of light in this room. It ws like he had been in total darkness before and now he stood in this cold, uncaring blinding light. Once Jon's eyes managed to adjust to the light he saw the room was rather open and there were about 10 men scattered about the room, sitting in chairs, couches, watching monitors and some were playing some sort of halographic card game. The men all seemed to be dressed rather normally, and were in their early twenties. One man in particular with bright red hair in a short spiked cut caught Jon's attention. The man was watching him like a hawk and seemed to be carrying some sort of weapon on his person. "Shoki! What took you so long? You were supposed to be here hours ago!" The red headed man walked up to Shoki and hugged her affectionately. This caught Jon completely by surprise, there was an expected tenderness in the man's voice and eyes. Shoki returned the hug and smiled brightly. "I got a little bit distracted. But I have what you asked me to bring.. I know that you've been looking for it for a while now." Jon got that sinking feeling he was not going to like what it was that Shoki had to say and prepared to make for the door if things turned sour. "That's good. Does HE know what's going on at all?" The man indicated Jon, starting to stare now. Shoki simply shook her head. "He agreed to escort me here to make the delivery. He didn't ask me what I was delivering, so it'd be safe to let him leave now." Shoki looked to Jon as well, trying to give him a comforting smile before she looked back towards the other man. "Nah.. he's here, might as well let him know what all this fuss is about. I'm Ben, mister. If you would, please follow the lovely Shoki to the other room and you'll see what's going on here." Ben grinned a bit, nodding towards the other room. Shoki sighed softly as she took Jon's hand again, leading him towards the other room now. The other room was sparsely furnished and reminded Jon of a dojo with the decor. "What exactly is going on here?" Jon finally spoke, looking around at the room and the men now gathering about. Shoki left Jon and walked into the center of the room, looking towards him with a sad smile on her face. Ben simply grinned at Jon as he joined Shoki. "Well you see.. what did she say your name was? Oh yes, Jon. Anyways, you see Jon, my darling little Shoki isn't really human. You see, she's just an empty shell made of flesh and blood. She's meant for a purpose bigger than you and me or anything on this planet for that matter." Ben spoke with a flourish as he grabbed Shoki's arm and pulled her towards him. "What do you mean she isn't human?" Jon felt helpless as he stood there, just confused by all of this. "There is an old myth talking about a woman who was given a box by the Gods and told not to open it. But the Gods had also given this woman an abnormal sense of curiousity. When she was told not top open the box, the Gods knew that she was bound to open it.. and when the box was opened all the evil that now exists in this world escaped and filled the world with death, faminine, disease, etc. And when she managed to close the box, something was trapped inside... Shoki can be written several ways in the Japanese symbol language, Kanji. The way that this Shoki is written means Hope. And hope is what is believed to have been trapped in that box. NOW, knowing this, what do you think this means?" Ben simply held Shoki for a moment, looking to Jon for an answer. "You are trying to tell me that Shoki is the embodiment of the spiritual hope of all mankind?" Jon remembered the myth well but he didn't quite understand what it had to do with anything really. "Very good guess! But no, not really." Ben chuckled for a moment before he continued. "It is believed that the box was really a powerful weapon that nearly destroyed the world. And.. " Ben's grip tightened on Shoki's arms, he muttered something softly in Shoki's ears and a light appeared from within Shoki and enveloped them both. When the light faded, only Ben remained holding a giantic sword and a pile of clothing lay crumpled on the floor. "You see, this is Shoki's true form." Jon just stared at Ben and the sword in amazement for a moment before he found his voice. "You want to know something? You are fucking nuts if you believe that Shoki, that sword is the Pandora's box. I don't get it, why did I have to bring her?" "That's simple, it's because once every 10 years or so the weapon finds itself a new wielder and a new victim. You see, the blade is like a phoenix, it kills itself and is reborn from the ashes.. when it is reborn, it has to taste blood of a chosen. Sorry to break the news to you, but you are not the wielder.." Ben grinned as he pointed the sword's tip towards Jon. "Shit. So now you try to kill me?" Jon winced a bit. "tell you what, give me a weapon and I'll fight you. If I win, I get to leave here alive. If I lose, I surrender my life to you." Ben laughed a bit, "Sounds fair enough to me, you won't make it out of here alive though." He whistled shrilly and one of the other men in the room tossed Jon a sword. "Let's dance then!" Act 5: The Road Home (Epilogue) Ishida walked down the back alleyways, grumbling to himself at the mess he had gotten himself into this time. He didn't look back as he heard the patter of feet behind him. "Mr. Ishida! Wait for me!" A woman's voice called and a chill went down Jon's spine. He did not to hear that voice again so soon after what had just went down. "Go to hell and leave me alone. I don't want a damn thing to do with ya." Jon didn't stop as he made his way back towards the docks.. it was a long walk from that accursed building but it was better than having to explain his shabby condition. He was splattered with blood and his clothes were torn although he carried no wounds. "But you are the chosen one now. You have no choice but to take me with you!" Shoki caught up to him and hugged him from behind. Jon stopped and cringed. "God damn it. Why didn't i listen to myself.. women are nothing but trouble." "But, I knew you'd win that fight Jon. Ben was no match for you, you truly were the better man!" Shoki was running around barefoot now but she had put her clothes back on again. "What part of, 'Go to hell and leave me alone' did you now understand? I don't have time for this. You're free to do whatever you want now so stop following me. Your damn cult is dead now." Jon did not to remember the sword dance, nor the blood spilt in that little dojo over this damn sword. "Don't be angry Jon! I had to fulfill my destin.." Shoki's words were cut short with a responding slap from Jon. "Don't give me that crap. I'm sorry you have lived your entire live enslaved to some damn destiny or some damn swordsman but I am not the person you are looking for. Go pretend you are not a sword and lead a life like a normal human being. You cannot come where I am going." Jon glared at Shoki as she gently touched her face where she had been struck. "I'm sorry.. I just don't know what to do. This is all I have ever known." Shoki sighed softly, her appearence had changed once she had regained human form. Her face was her own, as it were, she no longer looked like Chiharu and even had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Just go off and join the military or something. Get married to some man and have kids, I don't know. You just can't stay with me. I am not part of your destiny." Jon sighed a bit. "I'm sorry I hit you. Look, I just have to get myself home somehow." A small beat-up jeep rolled up beside them. It was caked with mud but it was diffently a military vehicle. The driver honked his horn at them and stopped, rolling down his window. "There you are Johnny! I've been wondering were you'd had gotten to! And you found yourself yet another sexy girl you lucky dog!" Jones grinned at him and opened the passenger door. "Hop in, I'll take ya home. Are you taking home a suvenior?" He indicated Shoki with a curious glance. Jon helped Shoki into the Jeep before climbing in beside her. "No.. not really. She was saying that she wanted to join the GSA. She's being recruited." "Oh really? Shit, have her join my battalion, we could do to have another pretty lady fighting along side us. And with how things go, she'd probably kick more ass than we ever could!" Jones grinned again as Ishida pulled the jeep's door shut. Shoki looked at Ishida for a moment, dazzled by the idea and saddened by the fact she was being abandoned. "But.. I want to go with you Mr. Ishida..." "Sorry Shoki, it can't happen that way." Jon sighed a bit, this was getting depressing. "Why not Johnny boy? The girl obviously has the hots for ya, why not let her join your crew? Isn't the GSA Spacey always looking for fresh blood?" Kevin glanced at Jon for a moment out of the corner of his eye as he drove the jeep down the road, back towards the docks. "Because, she is a ground fighter. Her being on ship would be counter-productive and harmful to her abilities. Besides, there would very little chance that she would ever be able to function at her fullest." Jon slid his hand over his crew cut for a moment before continuing. "Shoki needs a better partner than me to fight alongside. I think you would be better suited for Shoki, Kevin." Kevin and Shoki looked at each other oddly for a moment. "What do you mean Johnny?" "I think she got her paths crossed. Her destiny demands a better man than I could ever be. And I think Kevin is that man. But none is this really matters, I need to get back to the Yui immediately. I've been gone for way too long." Jon looked out the window, figuring they were about 5 minutes away from the Docks now. "Why are so you anxious man? I thought you were on leave too?" Kevin sounded concerned. "I've had a time constaint on the amount of time I was to be on shore. And it's run over. And from this sinking feeling, all hell broke loose already. Take Shoki, have her explain everything to you and get her settled into the military. I cannot take her with me." Jon's voice was solemn, he knew that everyone was waiting on her but she'd been away for too long. He needed to be back on the ship now. "I don't understand...." Shoki sounded like she was about to cry. Jon shook his head and let himself change back to the way he was supposed to be.. Shoki watched amazed as the man she had met melted away and a neko woman appeared bearing the face that she had just wore. The jeep shreched to a hault. Kevin stared dumbfounded at the being he knew as Jon Ishida. "Taisho.. Ketsurui?!" "Kevin please.. you are not in trouble. Just please, hurry back." Chiharu sighed, this whole thing had gotten out of hand. Kevin nodded grimly and pressed the gas to the floor and within less than 2 minutes the little jeep skidded to a stop in the docks. "Good luck you two. Pray for victory so that this war will end soon." Chiharu hurried off to rejoin her ship, stopping only to wave her thanks to them. End: Ishida sidestor GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Home Again Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 535 (8/18/03 14:35) ezSupporter Home Again Chiharu ran onto the ship through the corridors until she had returned to the bridge. She saw the grim expression on her bridge crew's faces and she knew that something had happened. "Irim called and.. our sister's..." Aya sniffed sadly and sent Chi the message and the battle report telepathically. Kai slid off the boxes and saw the Taisho rejoin the crew. He boldly strode over to her, with a rather somber look on his face as he followed her onto the bridge. He saluted her as any good soldier would. "Greetings Ms. Ketsurui, I don't believe we've met, I am Chui Kai Ashigari, the new intelligence officer aboard this ship. And I have a message to relay to you." He said. "Hello again Mr. Ashigari.." Chi returned the salute. "Go ahead.. I'm pretty certain it is not good news but that's what happens when you're gone for too long.." Kai smiled tolerantly. "Taisho Yui has told me to have you report to her, she wishes to know where you've been while ships of the first fleet were slaughered." He said, his face returning to it's somber appearance. "War is so needless, but I suppose it happens." He added more to himself. Chiharu nodded sadly. "Thank you Kai." She sighed, it was never a comfort to know that you have failed your friends and everything has fallen apart. "I'll call Taisho Kitsurugi right now to report in. Taii Aya, please open a channel to the GSS Wicked for me." She knew that she was going to be lucky if being alive was going to be the least of her problems.. Kai's eyes followed Chiharu as she spoke with Aya. "Is there anything I may help with? We are still missing 5 crewmembers." He said pointedly, thinking they were going to leave soon. "Who are the missing crew?" Chi looked back to Kai for a moment while Aya got the channel ready. "Sgt. Geminasu, The new neko out of the hemosynth tube, Ms, Inari, Trouble Crimson, and Zeph Steele. I have heard that they were leaving for a picnic or something along those lines. The ship that was with us is gone as well." He said, brushing rogue hairs out of his face. "They're using the Silvershot then... if we have to leave before they get back, the Silvershot can met up with us again and they can reboard the ship when they catch up. I don't want to leave them behind but since they are using the Silvershot, we aren't. " Chi replied. "Ah, that is good, it doesn't do to operate on lower crew numbers." Kai said knowledgably. "Do you have any specific orders for me?" He asked. "Not at this moment." Chi sighed again. "I know it's hard being a captain in times like this. Would it be troubling for you if I were to remain here on the bridge?" He asked carefully. "No, it wouldn't be. You may remain on the bridge if you'd like.." Chi offered him a soft smile for a moment, pushing her hair back behind her ears. Kai returned her smile easily. "Thank you." He said curtly. As he carefully swept the hair over his forehead, trying to conceal something. Chiharu returned her attention to the console, waiting for the GSS Wicked to pick up so that she could be reprimanded.. Kai took a position rear the back as to stay out of everyone's way. He could feel Chiharu's feelings of apprehension, but decided against saying anything. Short JP by GSA No Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) From the Mistress Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Wicked (GD-232) Posts: 968 (8/19/03 13:21) ezSupporter From the Mistress Hinosami was the one to respond to the call to the GSS Wicked (GD-232). "Good evening, Taisho Ketsurui." the blue-haired girl politely bowed her head. "Taisho Kitsurugi is currently not on board the ship. The Yui-Class ships of the 1st XF are all currently docked and recieving upgrades. She has, however, left a message for you. I will play it." The view of the short-haired girl and the empty bridge switched to the recorded view of Yui's small nest. "Chiharu, I have mixed feelings. Half of our battleships were destroyed. We lost someof the best, brightest, and most free-thinking nekos we had when the battleships went down. I am saturated with grief." Yui sighed deeply, obviously upset. "At the same time, I'm thankful the weapon was stopped before it was used on more worlds. I'm suprised they went for the Nepleslians first. Perhaps it was part of their forced alliance plan." "Now, there are over two hundred cloaked battlecruisers roaming around somewhere, probably split into groups of two and three. The power of the first fleet is smashed. I need you to search and find Elysia Novus, where those ships came from. It may take some undercover work. We have to capture some of their ships." "For the moment, I want your people to have their ears open, in bars and in space, and find out where they're coming from. The current first fleet will be decommissioned for a bit, and be rebuilt using what we have available. Once it is finished, I'll be transferring the Yui crew to the new Qel'noran shipyards Battleship, which will serve as the fleet's flagship. The exception is Wazu, who may command his own ship if he chooses." "I'm not angry with you, Chi. I want to talk with you in person. We should be done with upgrades by the end of the week. Will you be available Friday afternoon? Don't be too hard on yourself. We WILL win this war." (OOC Note: I have duty fri. night, which is afternoon for you) GSA no Taisho Kitsurugi Yui Commander, GSS Wicked (GD-232) Window Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 548 (8/20/03 7:40) Window Wazu crawled off the top of the boxes and into the galley. At the moment, it had a great view of the city and the machines inside of it; Wazu didn’t want to miss it. He pulled up a chair next to Uso and sat down in the corner of the room, facing the window, just as the sun started to rise. “Great view, isn’t it?” Wazu asked. “I’m not much of a morning person” Uso replied. “Yeah. I know. You really should get some sleep.” “And why would I want that?” “Heh. Uso, you're impossible.” Wazu chuckled to himself slightly and pulled out a data pad, reviewing the new GSA laws. “What are you looking at?” Uso asked. “You’re the all knowing Intel officer on this ship why don’t you tell me?” Uso’s hand bled slightly and soon elongated into a tentacle that snatched the data pad out of his hand, “the money laws?” Uso thought out loud as she formed the tentacle back to her hand, leaning back in the chair, resting its back against the wall of the ship, “now why would you be looking at those?” Wazu didn’t seem bothered that she had the data pad and he resumed looking out the window, “I was thinking about leaving the GSA.” Wazu said. “Moving on?” “Perhaps.” “Heh. To what, may I ask?” “I am thinking about forming a corporation. A economic change like the GSE’s happens once in a lifetime and it is a great opportunity.” “Why would you want to do that? It’s too much work” Wazu shrugged, “Perhaps but I’d be fun.” “Workaholic” Uso muttered under her breath. “Murderer” Wazu muttered back with a slightly angry tone. Both just looked out the window… GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Orders Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Wicked (GD-232) Posts: 992 (8/21/03 15:40) ezSupporter Orders A message to Chiharu from Yui: "Please order the all ships of the first fleet to return to Geshrintall for a fleet reorganization. If you wish to make any changes to your job, your fleet, or the GSA, now's the time. I was wondering if you'd be interested in another fleet. The first is getting confused with both of us in charge. I was thinking of moving Wolf to the third fleet, too. I'll ask him about it later. In the mean time, I want you to be ready to leave the GSS Yui. You'll be moving into a brand-new ship, capable of bigger missions. Get with Wazu for the details--he designed it." Chiharu recieved the message and sent one of her own back to Yui: "I will order the return immediately. I remember you telling me once that you wanted me to take control of the 2nd fleet. But, I'll get myself ready to once I brief the crew.. I hope I'll be able to get in touch with you tomorrow afternoon, Yui-dono."