The New Guy Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 398 (7/19/03 8:51 pm) The New Guy ON> GSS Yui Kai watched the Taisho leave and knew she was going to the planet. He smiled and turned to Wazu, "I'm only new to this ship, Ms.....?" He left it hanging. "MR. Heram Wazu" He said emphasizing Mr. "I'm flattered you think I've got the right stuff to take on a planetary mission infiltrating an angel base." Kai said then bowed to him slightly. "Oh, please forgive me. I did not know, I couldn't tell due to your mental defenses." He said apologetically. "I'm in the presence of greatness." Kai smiled. "The designer of the Wazu class ships." He smiled. "well I am glad that you have done your homework" Wazu said with a smile, "I am assuming that because you are Intel you have the correct skills?" "You would be correct in your assumption, MR. Wazu. I'm honored to meet you." Kai said extending a hand to shake. Wazu shook his hand, "well should I also assume that you already know your way around the ship?" he asked "Of course, but I would like to know why the males and females have been separated. I could easily look into the Taisho's mind for it, but she wouldn't like the intrusion too much. And I already know my partner Uso." He said, for someone who looked so physically weak, Kai was amazingly intelligent. "well you met Uso and you don't seem to have any injuries" Wazu said jokingly. "The Nests were separated because of...heh lets just say Chi wanted it so." "That's good enough for me." Kai smiled. "There's something about both Chi and Uso, my presence on this ship may prove to be helpful to both of them." He said, as his eyes glowed blue as the duffle bag at his side levitated up into his hand then turn green again. "I know that sleeping with Uso is a dangerous proposal." He smiled. I would try and avoid sleeping with Uso" Wazu said "Well I have to share the same room as she does, unless I get the visitor quarters, by the Elysian will get those with a couple security guards as well." He said. "I'll be sure to keep my distance." He added Wazu put his hands behind his back and started fiddling with the bandage that Chi had applied, "Well I'm sure that Uso and you will work something out without anyone getting shot/stabbed/killed/ etc." "Ms. Ketsurui told you to stop that." kai said telekinetically pulled Wazu's hand away from the bandage. "Uso's a very nice person inside, I'm sure we will work something out." He said. Wazu put his hands back to his sides, "heh perhaps just don't turn your back on her" "And that's because you think I can't really trust Uso in that way." Kai said. "I'm sure I'll grow on her, after all, we most likely will be spending quite a bit of time together." He added with a knowing smirk "Just remember that Uso puts her goals ahead of her friends." Wazu said he forced the thoughts about the battle out of his mind for the time being to quell the nervousness, "Well I have some work to do. Feel free to go and annoy Uso" "I don't annoy Uso, actually, I made a fairly good impression on her. And don't take the bandage off not matter how much it itches." Kai said. "well I have to get back to my work" Wazu said as he pulled a data pad out of his robe, "I'll talk with you later" Kai Ashigari: Kai nodded and bowed to Wazu and left the room and headed for the Intel nest... END JP GSA no chui, Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) The hurricane comes ashore Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 536 (7/20/03 8:49 am) The hurricane comes ashore Rion had escaped Talia's sniper ambush due to some quick thinking on his part. He was sitting on the top of the semi's trailer thinking: ~I'll get her for all of this, all I wanted was to relax while we got ready for the assault on the Elysian base, but NO........~ He stood up and watched Talia talk to the driver of the truck. "Take me to the space port, it's time to go." She said to the hesitant driver, who brightened as she handed him a large wad of money. They got into the cab of the truck and a few moments later, it rumbled to life and started to pull out. Rion had to crouch low to maintain his balance, he made his way to the cab, the rain had made the trailer a bit slick, but the ridges made it ever so slightly easier to hold his ground. He got ontop of the cab and wrapped his tail around the horn and laid on his chest and looked in the window. Talia was sitting in the passengers seat looking a bit sleepy or tired, until Rion saw the hypodermic needles in her lap. ~Figured as much, she can't leave the stuff alone.~ He thought as he got out his pistol and aimed a shot right at her head, the truck struck a dip in the road right as he pulled the trigger, causing him to misfire. The bullet shattered the window and hit the seat between Talia and the driver, Rion used the muscle in his tail to pull himself up to try and remain out of sight. "Whoa!" both Talia and the driver said. She looked out the window to see who did it, thinking it was a random shooting, until she saw a silvery tail move above her head, almost out of sight. She opened the door and stood in the open door, waiting for the right moment to get up. That moment came quickly, and she kicked off the bottom of the shattered window and leapt up to the roof of the cab. Rion was waiting for her with one gun drawn and aiming at her chest with his tail swishing around to maintain balance. They stood looking at each other for a brief moment, they spoke no words to each other as Talia drew her gun, just as fast as Rion had done with Uso, the other day. A rumble of thunder muffled the sound of gunfire as they both fired at each other. They both had fired at a moment and in such a trajectoy, that they had disarmed each other, by shooting in such a way that had one not dropped the weapon, they'd surely have been hit. The weapons were long gone as they clanked on the road behind the moving vehicle. They looked for a minute in disbelief that that had happened. They slipped a bit and struggled to maintain balance as the truck took a left turn Rion flicked out his blades as she drew a couple of short swords. They both had the same ideas for opening attacks and went at each other in a single slash move, which only ended with the sound of metal-on-metal clashing. The trailer was getting wet and hard to stand on for very long, that combined with a moving truck was never good. Talia thrust forward when she thought she had an opening, a move Rion had expected, and parried easily with one of his own blades and countered with a diagonal down slash, that connected and put a gaping rip in Talia's overshirt. She lost her footing briefly but recovered before Rion could take advantage. The truck hit another dip, causing Rion to tumble backwards and over the back of the trailer, he grunted as he hit the back of it after grabbing the edge and hung there trying to regain any sort of footing on the slick trailer. Talia walked over carefully, with a smug look on her face. "I told you that you weren't good enough, and that you needed me." She taunted as she prepared to stomp on his fingers. Rion flicked a blade up and though it didn't hit her, it made her jump back giving him room to pull a reverse backhand spring, kicking off the back of the truck to propel himself onto his feet on the roof. As he regained his balance, Talia rushed in and struck him hard in the left arm, paralyzing it for a while. "Damn." He swore as he was forced to use his right arm. She stuck at him again, her body systems now full of amphenimenes, going into a fury of attacks, most of which were hard to defend against, much less counter. Rion had to defend against her blows with only one blade on his tail, Talia scored many good hits on his tail, eventually making it too unusable. When she tired herself out, Rion used the opportunity to strike at her with his only weapon left. He scored a couple times, namely on her arms and ripping her shirt off showing the armor underneath and the secondary shirt over it. The truck ground to a halt at the docks, Rion smirked as he saw the Yui, and was sure that he had enough time to get back. He'd taken some damage, but nothing he wouldn't recover from, Talia was on the same boat. "That was fun, but you're still garbage when it comes to fighting, you can't beat me."She taunted as she prepared to jump off the truck and flee. "Oh, I'm can't?" He asked with a laugh as he drew out his newer pistol from under the cut up cloak he had on, it was loaded with normal rounds. He aimed quickly and pulled the trigger when he was sure of his target. Talia screamed in pain as the high powered round entered her body at the thigh and shattered her upper leg bones from a direct hit on them. She grabbed her thigh and tumbled off the truck landing in a pile off wood and other refuse and trash. "Heh, now who's the garbage?" He said as he slid off the truck, holding his still numb arm with his bloody other one. His tail limbly drug behind him as he walked back to the Yui. He got to the lifts and sat down outside it and resting, being exhausted and in pain.... GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Settling in Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 400 (7/20/03 9:46 am) Settling in ON Kai walked toward the Intel quarters, where he knew he was going to "live" for quite a while. He brushed some hairs out of this bright green eyes, he reached the room in a short amount of time as the quarters weren't far from the bridge. His walk into the room was accompanied by the sound of crunching glass as he walked over what was left of the picture she had gotten. The entire room was devoid of any personal items pictures etc. All that was there was the basic stuff provided by the GSA and 4 duffle bags in the corner of the room. He got up and walked over to the glass and picked up the picture and looked at it. "hmm...this picture has feelings of something lost embedded in it..." He said to himself as he felt Uso's feelings on the picture. "This place is...dead, what is wrong with her..?" He asked to nobody. Meanwhile Uso was finishing off a energy drink in the galley. She had never really gotten over her lack of sleep and was compensating with various chemicals and additives found in such drinks. Her feet were up on the table and she was leaning back in her chair Kai has a look around the room looking for any signs of life in there. He looked at the duffle bags and searched them psionically, he knew that there were weapons in the bags. So he telekinetically switched all the safety's on. and got back into the nest and laid down and relaxed a bit. He found that there were guns in the bag as well as slabs of some metal in one papers and hard copy documents in another and in the last one several changes of clothing ~I feel like I'm forgetting something...~ He thought as he laid there. "OH, I need a bit of water." He said and got up and walked toward the galley to get a pan full of water. He reached there quick enough and looked around inside as the door slid open. He knew that Uso was in here, but he didn't look over at her for the time being and got a pan and filled it with water. Uso got up from her place at one of the tables and crunched the can in her hand. small lines of red appeared in her palm and then blood started to seep out and dissolve the metal into her body. The wounds then healed themselves quickly as the blood was reabsorbed. She picked up another drink and then headed back to her room. Kai picked up the pan of water and carried it carefully back to the Intel quarters. He nodded to Uso and set the pan in an out of the way place, pulled the whip off it's special holder and set it inside. It seemed to become softer, and not as leathery as it sat in the water. Kai smiled and turned to look at Uso. Uso walked into the nest and grabbed one of the data pads she had laying around the room. She then started playing around with it as she drank "Having fun Uso?" Kai asked from the corner. "ya sure whatever" Uso said in a dismissive tone as she took another long drink. it seemed like she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying to her. Kai walked up to Uso and took a look at what she was looking at. Uso was messing around with some Intel data and equipment statistics. "The Intel you gained from that Elysian I see. It's going to take quite a bit to put the kabosh on that weapon." He said looking at the data. Uso shrugged, "it doesn’t look that hard." "You can never be so sure. But with the correct preparations it won't be." He said. "well the main thing here is to render the base inoperable and that is going to be a pain in the ass to do because of it's size so we are down to scouting the interior ourselves" Uso said "I'm aware of that, I won't be easy, but it's still possible to pull it off." Kai said as he read the information on the data pad. "Why is this place so..dead?" He had to ask. "well as they say stationary defenses are a monument to the stupidity of man..... in this case angels but I figure that the saying works for everyone" Uso said ignoring Kai's question about 'deadness'. "It seems that way, and you can't hide what you're feeling from me." Kai said. "I can feel it too" Uso gave Kai an odd look and focused more on keeping her mind free of intruders. "You don't need to do that, I'm not in your mind. I'm empathic as well, you can't hide you feelings from me." He said "chi won't like us sleeping in the same nest so you will be sleeping in the Intel office for now" Uso said sternly "I know she won't but this is the only Intel nest. But if you insist." He said. gathering his things up. Uso looked back at her data pad, "make sure your ready" she said without taking her eye's off the data pad. Kai sighed and grabbed his things and moved them into the Intel office and came back for the pan and carried it to the Intel office and set it on the desk. the computer that was there had a few bite marks on it. As Uso went over the data she could feel drowsyness creeping into the back of her mind so once again she finished off another energy drink and absorbed the can into her body. Kai sat in a chair and leaned back to rest some. Uso's eyelids felt like they were getting heavier and heavier and soon she surrendered herself to sleep END…. JP GSA no chui, Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Crash...... Jitar Nivar GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 2 (7/20/03 12:00 am) Crash...... A small ship, not much bigger than a shuttle pod came barreling down tword the planet. Inside, trying to get the landing gear to work, Jitar punched the button over and over, finally she broke it "Holy shit!" she jumped up, trying to get the emergency landing gear ready. She glanced at the gages again. She growled, giving up on the landing gear. She quickly sat down again in her pilots chair, bracing herself for the crash. Her shuttle hit the ground, skidding a long for a short way the nose having dug deep into the ground. She is knocked out of her chair and, landed spraling on the floor. After a few moments she got up and looked at what was left of her ship's interior. She sighed, touching her eyebrow to find that she's bleeding. She found the door and was able to open it. She stepped out of the ship, her paw/foot touching the soft earth beneath her lightly. She glanced around, than at her ship. It was mangled, she stood and stared at her ship, arms crossed over her chest. Her green eyes glanced over the ship, sighing she walked around it, growling a little she crawled back into the ship to look for her tool kit. About 15 minutes later she began to work on getting the navigations system working. "Yeah, sure ‘This is the highest on the market' my ass." she muttered, going over what the sales man had said. "Bunch of hog shit." The system blows up in her face. She kicked the dash board before getting out the shuttle again. She sat down, back against a tree, looking at her ship. She sighed, leaning her head back, closing her eyes. ~This is just great, now of all times my ship brakes down. Landing gear won't work, radio shot, navigation non exsestant. Yup, I'd say lovely day to land on an unknown world~ She got up and walked back to her ship. She sighed heavily before climbing back in. "Ok, where did i put that thing?" she said, trying to find some alternate hand held radio. Dreams Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 401 (7/20/03 12:47 pm) Dreams ON> GSS Yui Uso had fallen asleep in her nest unable to remain awake for as long as she had been. Even a neko eventually must sleep Kai was sweeping the ship as he got used to the layout and it's occupants. He brushed Uso's mind and found that she was drifting off to sleep. so he leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes as if he were asleep and tried to tap into her mind to view her dreams to see what was bothering her and keeping her awake. He saw gray...endless gray He focused on breaking through, knowing that this was what was often called the blank mind defense. He found that he couldn't push through it although the gray did give way. He saw a endless row of gravestones going off into the thick gray fog He formed into an avatar with his long red hair and wearing white and red robes bearing no weapon. ~what's this? Graves?~ ~Ah I see, this are everyone she's gotten close to, how sad.~ He commented. The fog gave way a bit more reveling a group of people dressed in black around one of the graves and a Iron fence up around the edge of the graveyard. He saw several guards at the entrance to the yard armed with semi-automatic rifles. ~Uso?~ Kai asked mentally. His avatar looked over at the guards as he walked toward them making sure not to be threatening. The guards didn't seem to notice that he was in the mindscape. He saw Uso outside of the graveyard just by the guards mumbling something to herself. Kai walked to the gate and tried to go through it and get to Uso he simply passed through it like a ghost ~whoa~ He said to himself as he approached Uso to listen in on what she had to say. as he gets close to Uso she jolts suddenly and the world around him is replaced with that of the Intel nest. Uso stirs slightly as she wakes up and her defenses reassert themselves. ~Uso, Uso, calm down, you're ok. You were having some sort of nightmare.~ He thought to her as he resisted her defenses. ~I'm not going to hurt you.~ He thought to her as the defenses forced him out. Uso was still just wakening up. She shook her head and dismissed all of it as a dream including what Kai had said to her. She picked up the energy drink and took a long gulp from it He maintained a grip somewhat in her mind. ~Uso, that won't help at all~ ~huh?~ she asked ~You were having a nightmare, that's why you can't sleep.~ He thought to her, his avatar maintaining its appearance. Uso focused and tossed Kai out of her mind, ~stay out of my mind human~ she thought at him slightly angered Kai tried to reach back to her. ~Calm down Uso, I only want to help.~ ~I am calm and don't enter my mind EVER~ she thinks at him ~You can't hide your feelings of guilt and sorrow from me, I feel them as if I myself was experiencing them.~ He thought to her staying calm. ~well good for you~ she says as she starts to ignore him and get back to her work ~You want something, I can help you if you'll let me. I assure you that nobody else will find out about your fear.~ He thought to her. She just ignores him Kai stretched sitting in the chair and went to go get something to eat from the galley JP GSA no Chui, Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) First Contact Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 402 (7/20/03 2:05 pm) First Contact ON GSS Yui> Uso unplugged Usobug and put the data pad back into the holster around her waste as she got up. She took the lift from the ship down and out into the Ralifaris spaceport that they were at. She opened her umbrella and headed back into the city to get what she needed to pull off Wazu‘s plan. Jitar walked along a road, the collar of her jacket pulled up, her cat like eyes darted here and there. She sighed, her tail twitched. Uso hurried down the road not at all likeing the rain that was splattering itself all over the ground. ~now where is that place~ she thought to herself as she looked over the buildings as she passed them by. Jitar glanced in shop windows looking for what most would call a junk shop. She sighed not finding one. Uso finally found the place she was looking for. A store that sold various sorts of weapons and equipment including hardware. Uso smiled as she looked over the various items. Jitar finds the same store, looking in the window before she entered. ~Maybe they have what I'm looking for~ Uso closes her umbrella and attaches it to her belt before going through the list of items she wanted to get on her data pad. Jitar came in behind Uso. she glanced around, her hands deep in her jacket pockets. She sidestepped around Uso, and walked to the electronics There were various items there from data pads up to low end computers as well as wires of all types and a few random pieces of hardware like sound systems and such. Uso went through and picked out some small pieces of electronics and the equipment that she would need for her up coming assignment. Jitar looked over part of a radio. her ears twitched a little, as her cat eyes went slited. Uso took the items up front and handed the man the data pad, "all right" the man said as he went back to attending to the store and let Uso take what she wanted Jitar glanced around, taking a few of the lose wires. She starts hooking them up to the radio, it worked. She took it up to the counter, not before glancing at Uso. Uso’s cat like ears caught her attention. "Weird." she muttered Uso had also took a quick glance at Jitara, ~I haven't seen that species before...~ she thought to herself as she walked out the door and opened her umbrella. Jitar walked out of the shop and back out into the rain, her ears twitched. She glanced around, her eyes slited. She pauses letting some sort of small hover craft go by. She walked back toward her ship. Uso smiled and followed Jitar. She had already turned invisible and hid the duffle bag near the store so she could come back for it later. She made no noise as she moved and made sure to keep her distance from Jitar and suppress her mental presence so if this person was a telepath she wouldn't notice. She quickened her pace into a slow run. Her feet moved easily on the turf, not slipping. She jumped a log, slowing back down to a walk as she came back to her ship. Uso followed her with the same speed although she kept her distance. ~damn rain~ she thought to herself as the rain falling over her body was a dead give away to anyone who looked close enough. Uso's cloaked form hid behind a tree and observed this new creature and her ship, ~hmm a new type of ship?~ Uso thought to herself She climbed back into her ship. Working at the radio again, to take the old one out and put the new one in. She sighed, finally getting the old radio out. she tossed it aside and stared to rewire the new one into the dash board. she growled annoyed. ~I bet my ship is the only one with a piece from ever century in it~ Uso giggled to herself a bit, ~then I assume you aren't here to kill everyone?~ Uso projected the thought into this creatures head as she quickly moved up to the craft. ~What the Hell!~ She jumped a little, mostly from the wires shocking her. She glared at the dash "Yeah I love you too." She said before kicking it. This turned back on most of her systems. ~don't worry I'm not here to kill you~ Uso thought at her as she hid beside the ship studying it a bit more closely as she did. She shook her head "You're going mad Jit." she said, turning her attention to what had come back online. "actually no your not" Uso said as she approached where Jitar was working. She jumped, grabbed a fazor, and turned to face Uso all in the same moment. She stared at her, Jitat's eyes wide. Uso opened her eyes. Jitar could see Uso's eyes seemingly floating in the air as water dripped down her invisible body giving a approximate outline of where she was. "I suggest you put the weapon away" Uso said "What the bloody hell are you doing on my ship?!" "I just came to talk" Uso said in a soothing voice, "so are you going to put the weapon away or what?" She glared at Uso, slowly she placed the fazor on the dash board, her eyes still on Uso. "So I take it that you are a long way from home" Uso said She snorted, her ears back. "So yes then... What are you doing here exactly? well what your doing here is obvious so never mind. “What’s your name?" Uso asked "My name is Jitar, and yours is?" *She glanced at the dash, navigions was back Uso grinned although Jitar couldn't see it, "my name is Uso" She said, "you seem to be having some problems with your ship" "It's a bloody piece of crap." She said, turning back to the dash and started to work on getting more things up and running. "you seem to be able to keep it running though" Uso said as she watched Jitar work, ~she is rather good at this~ Uso thought to herself "Yeah, I can, but it's still crap." "so why are you so far away from your home?" Uso asked as she used one of her hands to wipe off her face and pull some of the wet hair out of her eyes. "'Cuz I am." "hmm... trouble at home perhaps?" Uso asked. She knew that she was on something important because of Jitar's defensive response. "It's non or your biss." She growled as she got the lights back on. "oh come on you can tell me" Uso said "give me one good reason why I should." "I am only curious..." Uso said trying to sound innocent She snorted, getting her engines back. "hmmm not the talkative type I see" Uso said "perhaps I should tell you something in good faith. You are probably wondering what I am?" "What, who, take your pick." "I am a NH-7y4 bioweapon employed by the GSA" Uso explained "Sure." Uso considered what to say carefully as to not give to much away, "I would be happy to help you with your ship if you would tell me what I want to know" "I don't need help, thanks." "are you sure? this craft looks well beaten" Uso said "It is." She kicked the dash again "And I am so glad I got rid of that Online Comp." "was it that bad?" Uso asked as she looked over Jitar's shoulder to observe what she was working on "Yeah, the damn thing would never just up." "I see" Uso said, "I think I could help you with this" "really? and what do you think you could do?" "I know enough about machines to get some of the simple stuff fixed and I can get you and spare parts you need" Uso said "sure, whatever." She sighed, sitting back, before kicking the dash again. Uso looked over the dashboard to asses the damages to the ship "Most of this" she pointed to the dash "was not me." "then who?" Uso asked she noted some of the dents in the dashboard and took her hand using it's claw to cut her wrist slightly and let her blood drip out onto the dints. She shrugged "The former owner I guess." The blood started to dissolve the metal and pool up near the damaged areas before it started to extend the metal over the holes slowly converting itself into the raw materials needed to do so "well that should get rid of the dents" Uso said as the wound on her hand closed up "thanks I think." "So why are you so far away from home?" Uso asked again "runnin'." "from?" "The AGC." "what is the AGC?" Uso asked "Anthro Galactic Control." she stood and got down some wires, and a mangled umbrella. "so why are you running from them" Uso asked as she stood back to let Jitar work She stopped, looking at where she believed Uso to be standing "I take it than you've never seen an anthro before." "not at all" Uso said. The only visible element of Uso was her eyes "you're looking at one." "so that is what your species is called" Uso said She shrugged "we aren't well documented." Uso nods in agreement even though Jitar can't see her, "Is there a reason you are running from the AGC?" Uso asked "You know what the word control means right?" "I do" Uso said "Than think, why would any one be running form an organization with that word in it's name." Uso chuckled to herself slightly, "so it's that bad there. I would assume an organization with control like that has a strong military? "yeah, that's it." "do you have any information on exactly how big, deployment, weapons, and how many personnel they have?" She looked at Uso "Why does it matter?" "it is good to always be on guard against new threats" Uso said "they won't come after you, unless you're harboring us.' "well I would assume that eventually they will want to expand their power" Uso said, "and eventually they will run into the GSA" "they just want all anthros where they can see them." "They will come....they always do" Uso said "well than it's the Gs what ever's problem, not mine." Uso smirked a bit, "but you don't want to have to run from them forever and eventually they will come for you no matter where you are. You could look for security amongst the GSA. Just by being there you would eventually force a confrontation between the two powers and, in theory, wipe out the AGC" She looked at Uso, her greens wary. "sure." Uso's purple eyes looked back at hers, "So then what are you planning to do Ms Jitar?" "fixing my ship, and If it will fly, getting of this hung of rock." "so you will just run for them until you die?" Uso asked "no, until they catch me and torture me to death." "oh that sounds fun" Uso said sarcastically, "and you aren't going to fight back at all?" 'I have, killed quite a few of their generals, on their ten top wanted list, think I was no. 3." "Well then why not go for number one?" Uso asked "I think I could get you there" "I have been working to get to number one, just I haven't kill enough of them yet." "what better way to kill them than to trigger a war with another power?" Uso aaked She shrugged. "well do your self a favor and think it over" Uso said as she turned to leave, "She cut her hand once more and let the blood drip out. It pooled up in her hand and formed a small piece of paper, "This is where you can find me if you want my help in taking down this AGC thing" Uso said as she put the piece of paper on the dashboard Jitar looked at it, than back at Uso. Uso looked back at Jitar once more before she walked out of the small craft and back out into the rain. END JP Jitar Nivar + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Back on the ship. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 544 (7/21/03 7:04 am) Back on the ship. ~Wazu go check on Rion~ Uso thought at him, ~you know I do outrank could show me some respect~ he thought back, ~so where is he?~ ~He is beside the front lift~. Uso thought back. Wazu nodded and headed there placeing the data pad he was holding back into his robe.He took the elevator down to the ground, "Rion?" Rion was sitting on the ground outside the lift, a bloody mess, nothing too serious, but it looked painful. He sat with his legs crossed and this cut up arms in his lap with a limb, blood covered tail laying limbly behind him. He didn't seem to notice Wazu at all. "Rion can you walk?" Wazu asked as he looked over Rion injuries. "We should get you to the medbay" Rion stirred a bit and woke up and looked up at Wazu out of the corner of his eye and in a flash had his gun out, not pointing but out. "Hey, you're back at the Yui you can put the gun away" Wazu said, "We need to get you to the medbay" "I still can't feel my arm......" He said using his only functioning one to put the weapon away. He tried to get to his feet, but with nothing to really use to balance crashed back on the ground sitting again. "I feel like shit, Wazu give me a hand up will ya?" He asked. Wazu knelt down and put Rion's arm over his shoulder. He stood them both up and guided them back into the lift "Remind me never to fall for that trick again..." He said to himself as they got to the lift. "Thanks Wazu. At least Uso isn't here to laugh at me." Wazu nods and took Rion back to the medbay being careful to take the hallway that Uso wasn't in. "How has your shore leave been Wazu?" Rion asked with a little bit of pain in his voice. "Mine's been nothing but trouble." Wazu chuckled to himself slightly, "Really? You would never guess from the shape your in" he said sarcasticly "Please Heram, cut it with the sarcasm, I'm in no shape for it." He laughed a bit and tried to move his left arm again, but to no avail, the poison was still in effect. He drug Rion into the medbay and sat him down on a empty cot, "The medics will get to you shortly" he said "Great, I'm back here again." He said sarcastically, indeed, the medbay was the last place on the ships he wanted to be. He sighed and looked around to see how busy it was. "Everyone's on shore leave remember? And I don't really need medical attention, just a good nap." "Well then get some sleep. You look like crap and I am still going to have a medic look at you before I let you get back to work" "But I suppose that's secondary, how's the planning for the assault on the Elysian base going." Rion asked, evading any sort of response to what Wazu said. "Well, the preliminary plan has been approved... oh ya and you have been volunteered to go along on a planetary op" Wazu said "I figured as much. We soldiers don't volunteer remember? We do as we are ordered...for the most part." Rion smirked. Wazu chuckled to himself, "The volunteering was mandatory anyways" "Isn't it always, anyways, what do I have to do?" He asked, still trying to move his arm around some, but getting no response. "Get better. Talk to Uso when you are ready to start working again" Wazu said as he turned to leave. "Talking to Uso is like talking to a very stubborn wall." Rion called after Wazu. He heard Wazu laughing in the hallway as he headed back to the bridge. Rion laid back on the cot and quickly fell asleep, dosing quietly like he always did. JP GSA no Chusa, Heram J. Wazu Science Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Repairs on a fallen star Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 318 (7/20/03 9:28 pm) Repairs on a fallen star Jitar jumped out of her ship. "Holy crap!" *she stuck two fingers in her mouth. She glares at her electrical wires Uso came back to the ship after reclaiming her duffle bag. She briefly stopped by the Intel nest to set the bag down. Wazu walked out into the hallway. Uso I need you to" "I know I already did it" Uso said as interrupting Wazu, "well then I assume you won't need a copy of the plan?" he asked, "that's about right" Uso said as she walked off. Wazu headed back to the bridge. Uso thought for a moment and then headed to the med bay. "Hey Acara I need your help with something" Uso said as she entered the room. Acara was sitting in a chair by the wall waiting for Tomoyo to fully recover when Uso walked in. "Um ok, will it take long?" He asked in a worried voice. Uso shrugged, "I got someone I want to recruit her ship is messed up. Think of it as a mercy mission" Acara looked back at his friends. "I guess I'll go. I need to clear my head." then he turned and followed Uso out of the med lab. "Be back in a little wile, ok Hikari. Tell Tomoyo were I am if she asks please?" "This persons name is Jitar and her ship is well beaten so I would take some repair supplies" Uso said, "I'll wait for you by the rear lift." Uso said as she walked to rear lift to wait for Acara to get his stuff together. Acara went to the supply room and pulled out a bag. ~Ok, I don't know what I'll need so I'll take a bit of everything." He moved about the room pulling things off the shelves and putting them in the bag; Extra wires, fuses, and other common items. Then he went to meet Uso at the rear of the ship. She got into the elevator and waited for Acara to enter before she headed down to the ground. "I have a car waiting for us." Uso said as she opened her umbrella and headed out toward the vehicle As Acara moved to the car the he looked rather strange with the ripples the rain- drops made. "Who exactly is the Jitar?" he asked "Jitar is a new species, a artho." Uso said, "I want you to help with first contact so to speak" "Ah I think I understand. This uniform is getting wet I think." Acara let out a short laugh. "Don't have to worry much about that before." Uso opened the door to the back of the car and got in. she held open the door for Acara and waited for it to enter before closing it and signaling the driver to get moving. "Why does it always seem to be raining here?" she asked herself as the car moved away from the Yui Acara moved into one of the seats trying to keep from getting it wet. "I would not know to much about planetary weather. I am so rarely on one. They seem a little weird." Planets weird?" Uso asked as the car moved down the damp streets of Ralifaris Acara smiled. "Take into account that I have only been on one a few times in my life. My view doesn’t seem so strange.” "True... I lived on a planet for the first few years of my life so I'm used to it I guess" Uso said. Acara laughed. "So how far to the ship I need to fix up?" "It isn't to far away." Uso said as the car left the tall buildings of the city and headed into the forest. The car stopped near nowhere in particular, "From here we walk" Uso said as she opened the door and stepped out into the rain opening the umbrella as she did. Acara looked around. "I have always found tree fascinating, but then again I'll bet to everyone here they are just background.” He said as he left the car. Uso continued along until they reached a wrecked ship, "Well here we are." Uso said as she walked towards the ship. "HELLO JITAR!" Uso yelled at the ship, "ARE YOU IN THERE?" Jitar had gotten back in and now jumped out again, cursing loudly. She looked up "Hey." "I brought some help,” Uso said as she motioned to Acara She arched an eyebrow "okay..." "I was hoping that you could do something for me in exchange for the help" Uso said Acara moved toward the ship. He appeared to be a black fluidic creature. The only things solid on him were his uniform and a backpack. "HELLO." He called. "You brought living slime to help fix my ship? Gezzz." "Well he is a highly skilled living slime" Uso said Acara faltered for a moment then continued toward the ship. "Whatever." she climbed back into her ship, going back to work on the weapons Uso climbed into the ship and sat down pulling her black cape around her body and wringing the water out as she put the umbrella down on the floor. Acara slid into the ship and went to the cockpit. "Do you happen to know what is wrong Miss........?” "Every thing. This ship is a piece of work, hull form one time, radio from an other, a real jigsaw puzzle." "I think that is part of the fun" Uso said jokingly "Oh, well I had better get to work." Acara put the backpack on the ground and slid out of his clothes. He lost his form for a second the stream of water shot out the door and onto the ground. "Well that takes care of my bath for today." "I take it slime man has not form." she said to Uso, as she glanced at Acara "That would be correct." Uso said as she watched them work Acara was glad he had no face right now as he slid into the control panel and disappeared from site. Jitar arched an eyebrow. "Hope she doesn't shock ya." "Acara is good at his work I wouldn't be worried about him" Uso said "I’m worried that my ship will fry him. Did that to the last person other than me." she went back to the weapon systems. Acara came out of a seem in a back wall about ten minutes later. "Well you've done a throe job of wrecking it but I should be able to get it running in about three or four hours, and I'll need Uso to go get me some parts I did not bring." "What do you need?" Uso asked She looked at the two of them, glaring at Acara. "I bought it like this, and I bought it for the engine." Acara rattled off about nine items to her. "If you ask the Techs on the ship you should find them with ease. While you’re at that I'll fix the piloting controls. One more good hit and they would be shot." "Thanks." "I can form a few of those" Uso said as she cut her hand with her own claw and lather blood pool out on the floor. Acara smiled. "Your welcome." Then he watched Uso work. "I'll also install those wile you are out, ok." She got shocked again. Glaring at the wall she kicks it, the system rebooting itself. The blood ran together and formed into a few parts on the floor. "there I will go and get the more complex parts" she said as she turned to leave, "play nice you two" she said jokingly as she deployed her umbrella and walked back into the rain. Acara looked at Jitar. "Why don't you let me work on it? Electricity does not have much effect on me." "It's ok, I think I could power a light with how many times I’ve been shocked." Uso walked out into the rain and closed her umbrella then took off her cape and rolled it up placing it back into a pouch on her belt when she finished. Acara laughed at this. "Ok" Then he went into the Pilot controls, and began redoing some wires that were striping. Uso's back started to bleed and the blood started to form a flat long shape which soon gained more definition and became a huge pair of membrane covered wings. A loud explosion was heard as she fired off her CRT organs. She got the weapons up and running. Then she took a look at the engines, "Ok, they're good." she smiled, before glancing at the pilot controls It toke Acara about fifteen minutes to repair the pilots controls. Then He set to work on some of the parts Uso had formed. "Hey What is your name?" Uso flew through the rain and headed back to the Yui. In a few minutes she had reached the Yui and landed near by. "My name is Jitar and yours?" "Mine is Acara. Could you hand me the bottle of silver liquid in my pack?" Acara asked as he worked on the shield generator. Uso walked into the rear lift, ~what is up with Rion?~ she thought to herself as she rode the lift back into the ship and went about looking for the parts. She handed him the bottle "What is that stuff?" Acara toke the bottle and carefully pored some from one end of a broken wire to the other. " It helps seal the new wires I had to put in. It is stronger than normal wire covering since it is for the shield generator." He said though his mouth never moved. "You don’t want to lose your shields to a minor fault, right" "Yeah, that doesn’t sound good." Acara smiled as he went about his work, fixing up the small things until Uso's return. "Thank you" she said to the techs as she put the parts into a waterproof duffle bag. She walked into the lift and road it back down where she spread her wings and took off again. "Where do your people come from? You’re not like any thing I’ve ever seen before." Acara did not say anything for a second. "To be honest I have no idea were I'm from. We just seem to wonder around, and there aren’t very many of use." She nodded "That works." The unmistakable sound of CRT flight is heard outside as Uso lands nearby and walks back to the ship, ~I got what you need~ she thought at Acara Acara continued his work but his head turned around on his shoulders. "So were are you from if I may ask?" then the head turned to Uso. "Thanks." Uso laid the duffle bag on the floor near Acara then sat down near bye and did her best to dry off. "I come from a plant far far away." She looked at what Acara was doing. A tendril grew from Acara's side and picked up one of the Items Uso had brought. Then He really got to work. He had two tendril installing the part he had grabbed, three removing a broken control panel, and on the seemed to disappear into the wall. His head had disappeared entirely. "Well Acara is hard at work again,” Uso said out loud as she tried to dry her hair "Ok, that's freaky." "You get used to it" Uso said, "I’ve seen a lot freakier anyways" "Like what?" "I've seen inside of Wazu's mind" Uso said with a slight chuckle at her own inside joke. "Okay, not sure I want to ask." After about an hour of 'freaky' work Acara seemed to slow down and retract all his tendrils. "Whew, I think I've got this ship up and running." "Thanks slime man." "Well now may I ask you to do something for me?" Uso asked with a smile "What?" Jitar asked. "I want you to give the GSA a try. You don't have to stay I just want you to check it out" Uso said. "Ok." Jitar agreed. "But if the AGC comes knocking I’m leaving." "That is fine" Uso said with a big smile Acara slid back into his Uniform and picked up his backpack. "I would think GSA would protect you." He said "They will but if she wants to leave that is her choice" Uso said Acara shrugged. "It is her choice." 'Well should we head back to the Yui then?" Uso asked "Sounds good to me." Acara said. "Well if this ship works we could fly it back to the Yui" Uso said Acara smiled. "Why don't we give it a try?" "Ok." She stood up and walked to the pilot’s chair, turning on the engine. Uso stood beside Jitar and looked over her shoulder as she started it up The ships controls where more like a joystick than any else, she turned on lift of thrusters. The ship lifted of without a hitch and flew with a bit more control than when Jitar had bought it Uso grabbed a hold of the chair to steady herself as she waited for takeoff "Well did I do a good Job?" Acara asked. "Yup, nice one." The ships lifted off the ground, hovering, she looked at Uso "Where is the Yui?" It is that way,” Uso said pointing to the left slightly and toward the center of the city Acara let out a sigh of relief. "Glad I could help She nodded, flying in that direction, "You did a good job, Acara, and this is the smoothest she's ever flown for me." "May I?" Uso asked as she went to the communication system controls Acara smiled. "Your stabilizers were a little off." "Yeah, it was hard to find." Uso pressed a few buttons and sent a short transmission to the Yui informing them of their arrival "When we get back I have some thing I have to take care of ok." Acara said as he watched the scenery She reached the center of the city "Ok, where do I land?" "Do you see that tear dropped shaped ship in that clearing?" Uso asked as she pointed to the GSS Yui, "You can land near that" She nodded; taking them down, she lands a few yards away for the Yui Acara moved to he door and opened it. "Well I'll see you two later." "See ya." "Bye then" Uso said Acara waved then moved out into the rain and onto the Yui. There he headed for the med bay again. Jitar shut down her ship, before she glanced at Uso "So what do I need to do to in the GSA?" "Well I guess you need to come aboard and have a look around" Uso said as she walked back out into the rain using her wings to shield herself from the water, "You would be a great asset to the crew of the ship" She followed Uso "Why do you say that?" "Well you managed to keep this running for so long,” she said pointing to Jitar's ship, "You must have great technical skills" She looked at her ship "Ok." "Well come on I don't like the rain" Uso said as she hurried under the Yui and entered the lift Jitar followed her stride quickly. She stepped onto the lift. JP GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Sentry Jitar Nivar Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) Another call home Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 325 (7/21/03 23:24) Another call home As Acara headed for the med bay, he stopped by the tech nest. There he went to a private terminal and sent out another call to the GSS Ayame. This time he got a different neko operator. ~Well at least I don’t have to deal with her sarcasm.~ he thought as he asked for Keenara Mikoshu. Keenara was sitting in her nest when her data pad vibrated. ~What’s up now. I thought I wasn’t needed for another 4 hours.~ she thought as she pulled the pad out of her pocket. On the screen came a message that there was somebody waiting to speak with her from the GSS Yui. Keenara smiled at this. “It’s about time.” was all she said as she walked to a nearby terminal. It took a second, but Keenara face appeared in the terminal screen. “Hello there.” Acara said through a big smile. “Long time no see.” Keenara’s face was livid as she looked at her close friend. “And why was I not contacted earlier.” She said her voice rising a bit. Acara was a little taken aback by this sudden mood swing. He tried to stammer some pitiful apology, until he noticed a smile grow across Keenara’s face. “ I probably just did not want to talk to you.” He replied feigning a superiority complex. They both began to laugh as they dropped their act. “I see you have not changed a bit.” Keenara said as she smiled fondly. “And how was your little escapade on your new ship.” Acara thought back a bit. “ I can’t really say. There was something that got on the ship and killed some people, but I never saw it. It did almost injure a friend of mine.” “Oh so the humble little Acara has finally made some friends. I should write that down for a holiday.” Keenara teased. Acara shook his head. “Do you always have to pick on me about things like that?” Keenara chuckled. “Why yes, as a matter of fact I think I do.” Acara shrugged. “Anyway the pilots took down a few ships and saved a refuge. Right now we have shore leave. I haven’t gone anywhere since that friend of mine, Hikari, is going to get a new body some time soon.” “Glad to hear you are helping out others. You always stayed to yourself over here.” Keenara said as she looked over something on a data pad. “That has not changed to much, I don’t think. I just get along with the other Techs better, that’s all.” Acara replied looking at the pad in her hand. “What is that, patient files?” Keenara looked up. “Yes, I still have a break, but I’m updating somebody’s file.” Acara shook his head. “You’re a workaholic, you know that.” He said with a hint of exasperation. “Yes, I know that, but I don’t see the problem with it.” She said not looking up. “Never mind, well I have to go. Hikari might be in the tubes right now. Would not want to be late. Nice talking to you.” “ You too. Bye.” And with that the terminal went blank. “Well, I guess I had better get going.” Acara said to nobody in particular as he left the tech neat and headed for the med bay. Content in the conversation he had just had. GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) More crates Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 416 (7/22/03 11:28) More crates Wazu was pacing around the bridge when the data pad in his robe started to vibrate, ~ah they are here~ He thought to himself as he headed to the front lift and rode it out into the rain. Outside several trucks were driving up to the Yui. One was a tanker filled with blood for the HCS and the other two were filled with food and supplies for the Yui. Wazu had Megami scan the trucks for anything out of the ordinary before giving the ok for them to go to work. A group of Qel-norans hoped out of the back of the semi’s and started to load the Yui with the seemingly endless amount of crates. The Yui opened both lifts for them to gain access. A red liquid started to come out of the hull and it formed a small valve on the underside of the Yui. The driver of the tanker connected a hose from the storage tanks to the Yui and started to pump more fluid into it. The blue haired neko’s that comprised the security force around the Yui kept close watch as the resupply began. Wazu headed back into the Yui to finish up with the attack preparations. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) The Rose blooms and finds a place to call home. Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 12 (7/22/03 19:02) The Rose blooms and finds a place to call home. Kai sat in the chair of the Intel office and looked around trying to decide what he could do to make this room habitable for a long period of time. ~Hmm...First order of business, I need something to use for a bed, a mere cot would do nicely.~ He thought then stepped out of the room, leaving his two duffle bags in a chair. He looked down the hallways, watching the Qel'norans loading the supplies. ~Hmm...I could obtain one by either the medbay or the HCS systems. And since the medical staff will most likely need all they can get soon, I should ask the Megami computer to hemosynth one for me.~ Kai considered as he looked back through the hall to the medbay, then to the nearest HCS console. He walked over to it and addressed the Yui Megami. "Megami, it would be appreciated if you'd hemosynth a cot, big enough for one person." Kai said to the computer with his usual niceness. After a few seconds, which Kai knew took megami to process the command a folded in half cot was hemosynthed by the ship, and formed near the HCS box. Kai picked up the cot and started back for the Intel office, "Thank you Ms. Yui." He said to the ship, having known that ship's computer's were usually assigned the name or a shortened version of the ship's designation. He carried the cot into the room and set it in an out of the way corner. "There, that's taken care of, now: second; to redo this room just little bit." He said and opened a duffle bag and pulled out a picture of him and his friends from the Chino Yushi, and one of his parents and set them both up on the desk. Kai smiled as he looked at them, vividly recalling some of the best times he'd ever had. He snapped out of his short reverie and pulled out a small box of literature, various works by some reknown authors. Kai placed them on a table off to the side of the main computer area, and set one near the computer. ~I'm not quite done reading that one yet.~ He thought as he did. The rest of the items were a few sets of clothing, including some items he'd gotten during his leave. He pushed them off to one side and sat back at the computer. "Now to get the lastest information on this next mission..." He said to himself, his eyes wandering over to the whip in the pan of water. It was responding to the water and starting to bloom into beautiful red roses, that produced a wonderful scent. ~It's sad really, that I had to make the plant asexual, it's against the rules of nature for those species...~ He thought as he watched the flowers bloom, inhaling the aroma of fresh life. Kai sighed and turned his attention full on the computer, he pressed a few keys and brought up a set of menus, he opened the files containing the latest information. "Hmm...that entire Elysian base is, essentially the new weapon I read about before. It'll be tough to cripple and destroy it with a mere covert op. It'll require orbital aid, and I believe Wazu's got that area covered. What!? There's hostages? Hmm...we have to get them out of there before the place goes up in roaring flames." He sighed as he read the information that was appearing on the screen. He read all the available information pertaining to this scenario, and thoughts played out the risks and rewards in the secure vaults of his mind. Kai stored it away to consider later on. This, after all, was still leave. He smiled and stood up and went to his duffle bag and pulled out a packet of special plant food and sprinkled it on the whip, it deluded once it hit the pure water and was absorbed by the whip itself. Kai felt an empathic sense of contentment from the plant, He smiled and stepped out into the halls of the ship and scanned it's occupants minds once more, just to be sure of the security. He hit a strange psionic reading somewhere in the ship, but he couldn't pinpoint what the source was. He shrugged it off and leaned against the wall to consider what to do now. GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) misunderstandings Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 420 (7/22/03 11:35 pm) misunderstandings ON> GSS Yui "Hey Wazu come here a moment" Uso said as he was walking down the hallway. "what do you want?" He asked. He was in a female neko body and had on a male uniform and a white robe over it trimmed in red with the hood covering up most of his face as his gaze was diverted down to a datapad he held in his right hand. "I want you to show your newest crew member around" Uso said, "this is Jitar" Wazu looked up at her. she could see that the face on his body looked a lot like Uso's, "well hello there" Wazu said as he gently took Jitars hand and lightly kissed it on the top. She jerked her hand out of his, a snarl curling on her lips. Her forest green eyes dark, her ears back. "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you" He said She snorted, her hand resting by a fazor holster at her thigh. "calm down. He is harmless" Uso told Jitar "Alright." She continued to glare at Wazu, trust was not something she handed out. Uso thought about it for a moment, "I guess I should explain to you why 'he' is in a female body..." She arched an eyebrow "He?" Uso nodded, "his first body is actually dead" Uso said. Wazu grumbled something about Uso under his breath. "So I placed him in that one" she said with a slight chuckle, "I'm only in this until the respawn tube is free again" Wazu grumbled "'Respawn tube'?" She stared at Uso. "it is a piece of equipment in the med bay that can generate new bodies and transfer our minds into them." Uso explained "right now they are creating a new body for one of our tech's that was very badly burned" Wazu said. "Ouch." "She will be fine though" he added She nodded, glaring at him a little Wazu glared back at her. then smiled, "well in any case welcome aboard "thanks.' "well what do you want to know about the ship?" he asked "What ever I might need to know." "well I think Uso would like to show you around...Uso?" Wazu looked around and saw that Uso was already heading off down the hallway, "Well I guess I will be showing you around then" "All right." Wazu gestured for Jitar to follow him as he walked down the carpeted hallway of the Yui. He came to a heavily armored door, "Inside of here is the Megami computer. she basically runs the ship and does the day to day stuff. Jitar nodded, her eyes glancing at the wall around the door. The wall looked just as well armored. Wazu walked a little bit further into the ship. He came to a door that opened for him as he approached. "in here is the bridge" He said, "this is where the command crew flys the ship from." He took a few moments to point out and explain the different stations, science, navigation, communication, Intel and so on until he was pointing at the pit in the center of the ship, "that is the pilots pit. That is where the pilot can directly interface with the megami computer and fly the ship during combat" he said She nodded, her gazes resting on it for a moment. Wazu then walked further down the hall and turned the corner, "The medbay and the lab are here" Wazu said as he pointed both of them out, "You can usually find me in the lab and the med bay explains itself I think although you should stop by there and have a copy of your mind saved in case you die" She stared at him. her ears back, and eyes wide. "Oh.. I guess I should have explained that more. When you die the ST machine in the medbay can bring your soul back and place it in a new body but only if you have saved a copy of your mind" Wazu said, "that is how I got stuck in this body" "okey...." she still looked a bit shocked by the idea. "just don't die... Soul Transfer isn't a fun thing to do" Wazu said as he led her to the back of the ship She followed, still a little set off her rocker so to say. "and this is the dining hall" Wazu said, "this is where the food is" "I guessed that." Wazu smiled, "did you want something to eat?" 'I'm fine." "very well" He said, "I guess we should find you a job then. What are you best at?" "Assassinations, working with electrical wires, comps, engines." she shrugged "take your pick." "well I guess you would be best suited as a tech or a sentry" he said, "do you have a preference in what you do?" "Sentry." "well then I guess I should show you the armory" Wazu said as he pointed to a room that was behind her and off to her side, "that is where we keep the weapons, equipment, flak vests and so on. Feel free to take anything you want from there" he said She nodded, a hand resting on one of her fazors "Could I just use these?" She took it out of the holster, handing it to him. he nodded, "you'll be sleeping in the female security nest" he said as he showed her to it, "the female baths are over here as well as the restrooms" She nodded, trying to make a mental map. "So do you need any more help?" he asked "Not sure." "Well if you need me I'll be on the bridge or in the lab. actually I sleep in the lab because I don't want to sleep in the male nests" he said with a slight chuckle "Ok." She glanced at him "I can understand why." He looked slightly embarrassed about his body, "..." "So, what does a Sentry do?" "your tasked with defending the ship if it is attacked. Sentries are also called upon to enter enemy ships or planets and generally form up assault forces" he explained She nodded "sounds fun." "heh well you might be called upon soon. We are in the middle of a war and we will be on the attack soon." He said "ok." Wazu turned to leave but then looked back at her, "do you have any skills in infiltration?" he asked "Yeah.' He smiled, "I think you will fit right in" She nodded, giving a little wave. He waved back and walked back to the bridge END JP GSA Sentry Jitar Nivar Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Arch Awakens Arch Nightblade GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 38 (7/23/03 8:21) Arch Awakens Arch's eyes fluttered open, at first it was bright as it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. The room was a little plain as he sat up and looked about curious to see the interior of a GSA starship. ~Hmmm quite interesting~ he thought as he looke around. He noticed three nekos talking and petting some dog. On a cot not far away he noticed a odd looking fellow with a tail. ~Hmmm Odd what an odd creature, appears Geshrin-like but somehow different. Odd.~ He thought to himself. He moved his wing a bit it was still a little sore and his wounds had be closed. He examined his wings check them everso carefully. Not saying anything for fearing he might startle someone he sat there quietly looking at his wings. ~I wonder what will become of me. I don't see the others. Maybe their elsewhere. I hope they are alright.~ he thought as he looked about. GSA Scientist Arch Nightblade Science Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Time to wake up. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 553 (7/24/03 6:40 pm) Time to wake up. ON> GSS Yui Uso just finished dumping the new recruit on Wazu and had gone back to her room to think things over. She went over the past events in her she looked at the broken picture on the floor. "I could clean this up..." she thought outloud although she decided to put it off for a while and look in on Rion as an excuse to get out of it. Meanwhile, Rion was resting in the medbay with his left arm dangling off the bed and his tail hanging limbly off to one side. His eyes were closed, yet he wasn't quite asleep. Uso walked into the medbay and looked Rion over, "what happened to you?" Rion opened his eyes as Uso addresed him. "Nothing all THAT important." He said with slight snap in his voice. He grumbled something about a poison in his arm, preventing it's use for now. "I got in a fight with an ex-girlfriend, if you must know." He said, knowing she'd bug him about it. "Ah I understand. I know how ex's can be" Uso said. "At least she won't be bothering me again, I blew out her leg and left her in garbage pile in the city." He said. "OW!" He yelped as the feeling came back in his arm as he moved and flexed it. "OH well that will stop her." Uso said sarcasticly, "There is no way ANYONE could survive getting shot in the leg" "Very funny Uso, I didn't have a good enough shot to blow her fucking head off." Rion said, in a frustated tone. The wounds on his cheek had reopened by his movement and were bleeding slightly. "All this for caring enough about someone to do something..." He said with a sigh. "So you cared about your ex?" Uso asked, "and why didn't you go back to finish the job?" "NO! She tricked me with a holo of Inari over a NH-2 clone." He said, then clapped his hand over his mouth and blushed. Uso smiled...then chuckled.....then burst out laughing "PLEASE tell me I didn't just say that." He said. "I can tell you but it won't make it true" Uso said between the laughing "How do you expect me to react? She sent me a message with a video clip of her torturing the Pseudo-Inari. I couldn't just sit around doing nothing." Rion said in his own defense. "You could have at least checked on Inari." Uso said as her laughing subsided He then hung his head in shame. "She had me totally fooled." He sighed, now sitting up. "I don't know what made me do it." He admited, not caring if Uso laughed at him. "I was already in a bad mood since a few people in a van tried to make me holy, and I aint talking in a religious sense. They pulled a few machine guns and opened fire on me as I was coming back from a shop in town." "Well now you know not to trust people in vans with machine guns" Uso said "I never have you moron." He snapped at her still with a frustated tone. Uso was still holding back laughter. "....I'm sorry Uso, I just need to calm down a little bit." He said apologetically. "You do know that she will come back for you" Uso warned. "Of course she will, she's totally obsessed with revenge." He said. "I should go back and polish her off." "Dur" Uso said "You're not much help." Rion said with an anime style flatface. As Uso laughed a bit. "I still can't believe I blurted that out a few minutes ago, oh man, I'm so embarassed..." He said as what he said about Inari flashed in his mind. "Well you did" she said "Feh, I meant nothing." He said as the blush slowly came back. "You're blushing." Uso commented "So what of it? I don't know what it means." Rion said. Uso shrugged in response. "I'm disappointed, you claim to be intel, yet you don't know the answer to that." Rion smirked. Uso glared at him, "I do know I just don't want to tell you" "That's a sign you don't know, because normally you'd rub it in my face so you can laugh later." Rion grinned. "I think your face has suffered enough" Uso said "I'd like to know, but I suppose I'm asking the wrong person." Rion continued to grin. " should be asking her." Uso said as she pointed to Inari "Ah, I got you to confess you don't know the answer." Rion laughed "You got me to confess that you need help.....nothing else." Uso said "Why should I talk to her about it?" Rion asked as he pointed to Inari. "It's not like she'd care." "She won't care unless you make her" Uso said "I don't know how to." Rion replied, looking a bit guilty. "As you can see, I have horrible luck with women." He added "Heh perhaps" Uso said, "But I just think you have bad aim" "Obviously, you didn't see it going down." He replied. He looked over at Inari again and smiled just a bit, then turned back to Uso "Uso, I honestly have no idea what to say to her, and I think you don't know either." He grinned. He winced a bit as he tried to get to his feet, but he was still feeling a bit weak and stumbled back and sat back down. "Well I don't feel anything to Inari. I have no reason to talk to her" Uso said Rion flatfaced again. "I'm only asking ya for help Uso, I'm not implying that you do." "This is something you must do on your own." Uso said as she turned to leave "Fine, be that way, geez. You suck at giving advice." Rion said and laid back down on his side, having regained the use of his arm while they talked. Uso paused for a moment and looked back at Rion. She thought about saying something but decided not to and just walked out of the medbay. Rion groaned as his tail started to hurt again as he closed his eyes to continue his nap. JP by: GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) And, GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) A broken picture Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 431 (7/25/03 14:38) A broken picture ON>GSS Yui Uso was in the Intel nest and walked over to the wall where she tossed the picture that Wazu had given her “OW" she yelped as she stepped on a piece of glass Kai heard Uso yelp in pain and walked over to check it out and knocked on her door, as he did not wish to rudely walk in. "Are you alright Uso?" He asked "I'm fine" Uso said as her foot dissolved the glass into her. "That sounded like it hurt, what happened?" He asked as the door slid open. His green eyes sweeping up to her lovely face. Uso had knelt down on the floor was picking up the pieces of glass from around the picture that was still on the floor, "just stepped on some glass" she muttered Kai knelt down and helped her pick them up. He picked up the picture he'd seen before, "Is this you Uso? You look so happy..." HE said in a soft tone of voice. Uso put a hand on the picture and tried to take it from him He deftly pulled it away and looked at it carefully, "It is nothing to hide or be ashamed of Uso, it is good to have pictures of good times." Kai said, still looking at it. "then you keep it." Uso said as she resumed picking up the glass "Oh, I can't do that. This is yours." He said handing it back to her. "You know, you can talk to me about what troubles you, it is part of my job." He smiled gently at her and helped her pick up the glass. Uso looked at the picture for a moment and then broke it in half before placing it and the glass in her hand into a nearby trashcan "Uso, why'd you do that? It made no logical sense. I'd think you'd want to remember your good times." Kai said as she did. His eyes serious with concern as he detected negative surface feelings from her. Uso focused on the glass and didn't look over at Kai, "you couldn't understand" she said "Yes I could." He said still sounding concerned. "why are you so concerned about my past?" Uso asked trying to change the subject "Because I keep feeling your sorrow and guilt over it and I want to help you." He said bluntly. "I am empathic after all, and I'm very receptive to how others feel." He added. "I don't have guilt or sorrow over what happened there" Uso said "Uso, stop lying to me and yourself, you desire help, you want someone to lend you a hand with your problems." He said as he felt the empathic..."pulses". "what will it take to get you to leave me alone?" Uso asked "Not really, I still want to help you." He said, his eyes showing he genuinely wanted to help her. "do you really want to know why I don't like that picture?" Uso asked "Yes I do ms. Uso." He said looking her straight in the eye. Uso turned to look at him, "they are all dead... everyone but me" Uso said with all seriousness "You miss them. But Wazu's still around, you could be happy about that." He said. "Wazu?" Uso chuckled to herself slightly and went back to cleaning up. "Yes him, he's in the picture and he's still alive." He said as he helped her clean up. "As I said you don't really understand" She said "You have your rivalry with him, and you don't have any current emotional attachments to him." He said picking up a piece of glass. "why don't you talk to me about it? what is said here won't leave this room." Kai said, trying to get her to open up to him. "Had a rivalry" Uso corrected Kai nodded in acceptance of her correction. "You can trust me Uso, you're feeling apprehensive as I talk to you, please, relax." He smiled. "heh and why should I trust you?" Uso asked "I know that you still have emotions toward Wazu, you do not wish to talk about it though. I can tell you don't want to talk about your past, because it brings back feelings of pain and loss. It disturbs me to know that you feel that you have to lock away your feelings, even to yourself." Kai said and took a breath and sighed. "You should trust me, because you desire to tell someone, you can't really hide your feelings." "didn't I tell you to stay out of my mind?" Uso asked as she tried to draw the subject away from her feelings "I'm not technically in your mind Uso, you're feelings are telling me this." He said. "Uso, it pains me to see you suffer internally like this, I know you desperately want to talk to me about it, so allow yourself to. It'll actually do you some good, I will not tell anyone what you tell me." "why does it pain you?" Uso asked "Because I know you're a good person inside, and it hurts to see you trying to cover it up." Kai said his voice conveying genuine emotion. "And I want to know the real you, not this shell you put out. I have had glimpses of it and I like it, I want to know more." He said. Uso chuckled, "well that is funny because I don't like you" she said as she dumped the last of the glass into the trashcan and got up to leave. Kai sighed knowing that talking wasn't going to get her to open up. "I'm here if you decide to help yourself by telling someone, and remember, it'll be a secret between me and you." He said as he stood and stretched then brushed a hair out of his eye. A glimmer of a jewel reflected in the light of the room. "You do like me Uso, just a little bit." He added Uso was already out the door END GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Mr. Ishida - Pt. 1 Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 505 (7/25/03 23:06) ezSupporter Mr. Ishida - Pt. 1 Chiharu left the Yui quickly and silently as the crates were loaded onto the ship. The security Nekos nodded their acknowledgements as the Taisho passed by, walking out into the downpour, not too horribly bothered by the rain- she just pulled up the collar on her jacket to keep the water from rolling down her neck. She saw that there were no open seats on the current transports to town so she just decided to go into the depo and look around for a bit before the next one came.. the depo sheltered a wide variety of people, all bustling about trying to stay dry. No one really paid her any mind, to them she was just another soldier that would probably get herself into trouble while she was in town on liberty. She just was just content to listen to all the conversations going on around her, she liked mingling with these people because rank didn't matter here- all were equal under this leaking roof as the water dripped down into strategically placed buckets around the pavillion. "Hey buddy, where place are you aiming to go to tonight?" A human man dressed in soaked black bdus and muddy combat boots sat down beside Chi, a friendly smile wide across his face and his blue eyes shining even in the dim light. Chi returned this man's smile, from the way he carried himself she figured him to be a ground soldier, probably assigned to a Spacey regiment... the ground troops always had this strange swagger to them when they returned to the surface, like their equilibruim was permentntly thrown off but they had too much pride to fall over. "I'm just doing some sight seeing- it's not often that I get to go to shore. Are you familiar with this planet?" The man smiled again, pulling his stool over beside Chi and sitting down beside her. "Well, I grew up on this planet and then I decided to go for guts and glory so I joined up with the Army. The name's Kevin Jones." Kevin offered Chi his hand. Chi took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Jones, I'm Jon Ishida." Her emerald eyes sparkled, as she ran her free hand across her crew cut. She liked this body she was in, it was an Mixed Asian human male but it worked well for her purposes- to mingle with other military personnel and not attract attention towards herself. If no one knew who she was, they couldn't try to kidnap her or disect her. She already knew that being a neko with brown hair was strange enough but the simple fact that she didn't have the normal oddities that a NH-7 was supposed to have made her stand out. It would be only a matter of time before the NH-X body that she had would be common place but until then, it was best if no one knew that she was one. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Vodka and Memories Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 435 (7/26/03 2:48 am) Vodka and Memories Wazu Found Jitar in the empty room and walked up to her Jitar stood looking out a window. Wazu stood slightly beside her, "so what are you looking at?" he asked as he looked out of the window and out into the rain. The clouds breaking here and there to show the black night sky and the stars inhabiting it. She sighed "space." "mind if I join you?" he asked She shrugged "Whatever." He stood beside her and looked out the window, "you seem to have lost all love for life..." She snorted. "heh not the talkative type?" "Not often." "well then how about we do something where we don't have to talk then? would you join me for a spar?" he asked "Using what?" she looked at him "We could use fists or blunted weapons if you like." "Fists." He took a few steps back and brought his hands up into a defensive pose, "here?" "Where ever." she also brought her hands up, they're curled in lose fists his palms were open and his legs spread out slightly, "so you take no joy in life or in a fight?" he asks "Fighting is different." she rushed at him, swinging from the left, and coming up with her right. He moved his body to the right not moving his feet from where they were dodging the upward attack as he extended his hands to grapple with her left, "So you do take joy in some part of life after all" She brought a leg up, aiming to knock his feet out from under him "No, I take joy in knowing that it might end." her free fist came in toward his jaw. He jumped up and over her sweeping kick as he jerked her body forward hopeing to pull her off balance and her fist away from his jaw as he bends his head to the right to evade the blow She growled, lashing out at him with a full palm, her claws extended. she is off balance a little, but she's part cat, it doesn't matter. He fell backward intentionally, pulling her forward, his left hand still grappled onto her arm. As he comes down his legs extend as they try to kick her in the chest. Her tail twitches. The kick hits her full in the chest, him pulling her forward making the blow harder, she grabs his ankle, digging her claws in deep, drawing blood. He gritted his teeth as the pain shot through his leg. He continues his fall into a backwards roll using his feet to toss her over his head and onto her back as he lets go of her left arm she landed in a roll, rolling on to her hands and toes, she growled at him. She stood at her full height and licked his blood from her claws. He almost does a hand stand but instead rolls in the other direction bringing him back to a standing position as he turns to face her, "you know your not that bad at this" he says as he resumes his defensive stance "Well, I've had plenty of practice." She stands, not taking on a stance as he had, wanting to see what he would do. He edges toward her slowly. He removed his red robe and tossed it at her blocking her sight for a moment as he charged forward shoulder first. she ripped the cloth from her view, shredding it, it's out of the way in time for her to see his attack, but not counter it, instead she digs her claws into his shoulder, both hands all ten of them. Right before he would have hit her full on he drops suddenly and slams into her stomach as his right hand sweeps down and tries to grab her leg. His attack knocked her back with it's force she fell, taking him with her, out of instinct, she bit his arm, her teeth digging though to the bone. His hands release their hold on her leg as they move up to grab her wrists. he moves his knee up to kick her in the stomach again as his blood seeps out through his wounds. She growled, her fingers curling back on his hands, only one or two hitting his skin, but they draw blood anyway. she coughed, blood coming out of the corner of her mouth He used her cough to pull his shoulder away from her as he knees her again. His arms hold hers out to the side and away from her body. She growled at him bringing one of her legs up under him, shoving him in the gut. His body jolts upward slightly as he then knees her in the thigh trying to use his legs to pin both of hers to the side She growls again, lashing out at him with her teeth, sinking them deep into his shoulder, his attempt to pin her legs falling. "AH" he yelped unable to hold the pain back any longer as he pulled himself up off her and rested his body to her side making it harder to kick him by getting out from between her legs. he then started to try and knee her in the side She jumped up, quickly, used to such a beating. She grabs his neck, one knee settling in his crotch. He stops fighting back knowing that she could end his life right now if she so wanted she lets go of his neck, getting up, not offering him a hand. "heh your not that bad" he said getting up and putting a hand over his bleeding shoulder as the damage started to heal itself. "neither are you." She said as she returned to the window. He puts his robe back on over his uniform and stood beside her also looking out the window "next time we use weapons" he said "If I do that, there is a high likely hood of me killing you." "I think you underestimate my skill with weapons. I assure you I am much better armed than unarmed. "Every one is." He moves his shoulder around testing it's strength as it heals, "what weapon do you prefer?" "Fazor, sword, dagger. I'm a fighter not a warrior, I can use what ever I get my hands on." "I prefer dual kirushi-gama's myself." he said, "but I too am not a warrior..." "Than we have a different idea on what makes some one a warrior." She whips some blood from her mouth. He chuckled a bit, "perhaps” "Most likely." His wounds are now fully healed. He moved his arms around a bit to check them, "I'm glad we got the chance to fight. you never really know a person unless you have fought them "Whatever." her eyes are fixed out the window, they are shadowed, but open "I'm sorry" he said "for what?" "for whatever took away your joy of life" 'It's nothing you could have stopped." "but it is something that I think I can help you with" "Why do you think that?" he chuckled slightly, "who knows" he says as he looks back out the window She closed her eyes for a moment, her hands deep in her jacket pockets. "would you at least tell me why you are like this?" he asked without looking away from the window "Maybe." "maybe?" "That's what I said." He shrugged and continued to look out the window "What brought you here?" "A shuttle" he replies with a smirk She nodded, not speaking for a few moments. He chuckled some more 'What do you find so amusing?" "you'll find that life is very ironic if you look at it closely" "Life is ironic alright, it has a sick sense of humor." He nods She opened her eyes, looking at one star. "so what is so important out there?" he asked "Nothing." "so you have nothing to live for is that it?" "I have one thing, but it will kill me any way/" "Is that so? loving your killer.... I've been in that situation, still am" "No." one of her hand curl into a tight fist "Killing a killer." "so tell me what will kill you then?" "Every member of the AGC." "and this AGC is important to you?" "You could say that." "I could but what would you say?" She glanced at him, some light catching in her eyes, making them look colder than ever "I would say kill them all." "heh I take it that the AGC is what destroyed your love for life... as well as more of you... Family, friends? or something else perhaps? "Shut up." "I am heading in the right direction then" Her ears were back in warning. he smiled back at her, "Your secrets are yours to keep I won't pressure you into giving them up anymore." she growled, looking out the window again He resumed looking out the window as well "What do you have that makes life great anyway?" “The will to press on in spite of everything. in hopes of finding something worth living for” She snorts, not really believing a word of what he's said "I know I sound like a dreamer... like I can't possibly be right. but I can at least try... try for something better at least" "Trying never really got any body any where." he chuckled a bit, "then I will find something to live for. I don't care how long it takes there has to be something to make this all worth while.” "Than don't mind me when I laugh the moment you've found it and it is taken away." "then go ahead and laugh. I've already been betrayed like that before and I most likely will again" She snorted. Her head resting on the window. "so then why do you keep on living? is it that you just refuse to die or do you have something you want to do before you leave this life and head to the next "I have some things I am meaning to do." "don't we all? what is so important that it keeps you from just giving up altogether?” She glanced at him, waery of saying. Some she had told had not understood, she wasn't sure if he would. "I said that I wouldn't pressure you and I won't" he said "Well your not." He looked at her and then back out the window She sighed, leaning heavily on the window. He laughed a bit as he looked out amongst the stars "What's so funny?" "The stars. Have you ever really looked at them?. It just seems so pointless doesn’t it?" he said "I've given countless hours to looking at them "so many countless planets and lives on them, Would anyone miss us?" he said "I doubt it." "then what does it matter?" She shrugged one shoulder "I don't know." He chuckled some more "well that’s it isn't it? the answer to life?" She didn’t speak. "none of it really matters..." 'I guess not." he laughs some more, "well then I want to find someone that will care even though they will die too and only bring sorrow to me" She watched one star for a rather long moment. "you had someone that cared didn't you? At one point in time" "I might have." "That person would be upset if you just gave up…. In any case I am going to get a drink" "Have fun." "Oh don't worry I will... would you like to join me? It might do you some good" "Alright." He smiled and walked to the galley She followed, her gaze resting on the back of his head. He eventually came to the galley, "what would you like?" he asks as he looks through the fridge "What do you have?" "you name it we have it" he said "Vodka." he nods and gets out a bottle. He grabs a pitcher of tea for himself and sets them both down on a table "Do you not drink?" "I...I try and stay away from it" he says "Why?" "Clarity of the mind is hard enough to come by as it is... I don't need something dulling it" She shrugged, taking a swig. he pours himself a glass and takes a drink She glanced around the galley, her eyes still sharp. It was just them for now she took another swig, waiting for the bliss it would bring. So why do you drink that stuff? I can't stand the taste "It takes away feeling." "I know someone who drinks for the same reason" he says "Who?" He chuckled, "you met her already remember? she brought you here after all" "Uso?" He nods "Smart one." "Uso is.... Just keep an eye on her" She snorted "She has a troubled past much like yours I think" 'What did you do? Try to play hero?" "...." "Never mind." "that story is not for right now I think" he says She shrugged "Whatever." "If you want to know... there was a incident a few years back. I thought I had found someone who would care. who I could care about. But of course fate has a sick sense of humor." It was her turn to chuckle. "you want to take a guess at what happened next?" he said with a slight smile "You got in over your head, in a way you shouldn't have." He nods, "What to guess what happened after that?" "one of you woke up in the others bed." Something like that, "and then?" "I know the story, lived it once." "oh come on guess what happened next." he said with a slight chuckle "Some one walked in on you, and now she seems to hate your guts." "heh nope" he said, "it didn't happen like that exactly" "well I was bound to get the order wrong." "well you got the first part right" "but in the end we were on opposite ends of a gun..." "haha, better than mine." "oh and how did your story turn out?" he said with a smile "I woke up found the guy had run with most of my money and one of my guns." he chuckled, "and what makes yours worse? I was on the receiving end of the gun. Your partner seems to have just split" "yeah well he killed some one with the gun in my name, the blame came down on me." "just one person? I think I have you beat" "Hahah, really, try little man." "are you familiar with the TTD technology?" he asked "sorry no." "well it allows a GSA ship to travel between different universes. You may not have known but I'm not even from this plane of existence. Anyways I got a lot of people killed... they weren't from this universe but still… she nodded listening. "I'd rather not talk about the rest of it..." he said "Ok." He chuckled a bit, "It seems now I'm the one hiding my past" "well, we both are." ((ooc note: this didn't start out as a JP so it may be odd to read)) JP Sentry Jitar Nivar Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) A message from SAINT Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 436 (7/26/03 3:36 am) A message from SAINT Uso was walking down the hallway when her data pad started to vibrate. She took it out and looked over the incoming message. This just in: First Fleet recon ships have detected a large number of starships of unknown type near the lab which is to be attacked sizes range from 200 feet to 2000 feet, the total number is about 400 ships It is suspected that the ships are new designs. Last night, a Ki-F5 was completely destroyed by a new type of Elysian ship which was able to generate black holes. ~well that sounds FUN!~ Uso thought as she hurried off to find Wazu. She found him in the galley haveing a drink with the new recrut, "Hey Wazu take time out from your date and come look at this!" Uso said as she walked in to the room with a smile on her face. Wazu had an annoyed look on his face, "We aren't out on a date and what is so important that" he was cut off as Uso shoved the data pad infront of him. Wazu looked it over, "sorry Jitar but I must go right now" He said as he finished off his drink and headed out with Uso. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Plans Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 13 (7/27/03 8:00 pm) Plans After his..."interesting" discussion with Taii Uso, Kai went back to the intel office to review the available information on the upcoming assignment. There was something about it that troubled him, though for all his power and ability, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He sat at the computer and pulled up the information, it appeared on the screen, Kai's eyes moved up and down the documentation. "Hmm...what is it? There's something here that I have a feeling that everyone's missing. Wait, it says here that the majority of the information came from an Elysian, could it be the one on this ship?" He wondered as the information scrolled up the screen. The computer made a few whirring sounds as Kai transfered the information to a datapad. He breathed in deeply, taking in the fragrance of the roses growing from the whip. "Ahhh, there's something relaxing about that scent." He smiled as he got to his feet and brushed his hair back, the red hairs were falling into his eyes and becoming annoying. He was careful to maintain a certain part of it over the center of his forehead. He pushed his flowing red and white robes back and headed for where the Elysian was. Intent on asking him about what he knew. GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) More repairs Jitar Nivar GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 5 (7/27/03 10:33 pm) More repairs Jitar wandered to the lift, her hands deep in her jacket pockets. She reached the ground, and headed toward her ship. She looked at the small craft, then to these larger, faster, and more well-kept ships; hers looked like a stray in a dog show. She sighed, entering the ship, glancing around, then sitting in her chair. She leaned back a little, starting to work on her radio, checking the frequencies it picked up and such. ~Well, I guess I should see what I'm gonna need to work on this. I don't want to take the Yui's tools and supplies~ She glanced around, looking at the mess that was the interior of her ship. ~I never did clean this place up~ She stood, putting some chips back into their box. ~Might as well go through this junk and see what I have.~ [Edit: You MUST spell-check your posts before putting them up on the board. Please remember to do so in the future. Also, check grammar for run-ons and fragments, and repetitive sentence structures, for example each one starting with 'she.' I have corrected the errors in this post for you.] Rematch Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 444 (7/28/03 1:15 pm) Rematch ON> GSS Yui Wazu was working on battle plans in the lab although he kept thinking about the fight with Jitar and it was bothering him. ~I know that I could have won~ he thought to himself. He picked up a data pad and pressed a few buttons sending a message to Jitar to meet him outside. He walked out of the lab and into the hallways. the loading crews were starting to pack them full of crates of food and it would soon be hard to walk around. Once he had reached the lift he road it down to ground level. This time he was prepared for a fight. The rain outside was dieing down slightly so he didn’t bother to pull up the hood on his red robe. Jitar got the message, she smiled a little, climbing out of her ship. Leaving what ever work she had been doing. She glanced at him, smirking. “can we fight again? here, now, blunted weapons” he said "Fine. What are the weapon options?" “anything you have” he said She laughed a little. "You must be very eager to get your self hurt." She turned and pulled a bastard sword from a pile in her ship. She glanced at him, resting the sword on her shoulder. He smiled and reached inside his robe pulling out dual kirushi-gama’s both blunted. “Ready?” "Come and get me." Wazu started spinning the kirushigama’s building up momentum. She smirked, watching him, her body relaxed. He tossed the weapons at her. they arced around and came at her from each side one aimed at her torso the other at her legs. she jumped, slashing with the sword, catching one of the kirushigama's on the blade. One Kirushigama was knocked down and a quick tug was given to bring it back to Wazu’s hand while the other missed her entirely at first. The chain hit her in the side and the weapon wrapped around her upper body pinning her hands to her sides. Wazu then tossed the second one again aiming for her feet. She growled, looking up in time to see the second. she jumped to the side again, it scraping her ankle. She turned, hissing. Wazu yanks on the chain again bringing the weapon back into his hands. He then pulled on the other pulling Jitar towards him as he prepared to hit her. He was careful to keep tension in the line reeling in the chain so to speak to keep the chain around her tight. She growled, her legs stiff, trying to slow the coming. She hunched her shoulders, trying not to let the chains tighten. as she got closer Wazu lunged with his free weapons trying to her in the chest with the blunted blade she pulls backwards, falling over, her cheek getting scrapped. he walked around her keeping the chain tight as he positioned himself to attack her behind/ She growled, flexing her biceps cracking the chains a little. Wazu came closer from above her head and his hand quickly brought the weapon towards her neck. he wasn’t going to hurt her just make her admit defeat. She growled, biting his wrist. He gritted his teeth through the pain and pressed the weapon into her neck slightly to drive the point home that she had lost. Her lips curled, she released his wrist he smiled, “do you admit defeat?” he asked "Defeat means death, you have much to learn." “then do you admit that I have beaten you in a spar?” he asked, “defeat isn’t always death you know” "Yes, you have beaten me. and yes it is." He pulls the blade away from her and releases the tension in the other weapon allowing the chains to loosen, “Well if you still think that then you are the one with a lot to learn.” Wazu said She shook the chains off, kicking them. Wazu put the weapons back into their respective holders on his belt under his robe. “thank you for the match Ms. Jitar” he said with a slight bow. "Drop the miss and I won't bitch slap you." he chuckled alright then thank you for the match Jitar” he said She snorted, walking back to her small ship. he smiled and walked back to his feeling relaxed. END JP Sentry Jitar Nivar Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Trying Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 560 (7/26/03 4:32 pm) Trying Rion lay on the bed in the medbay, almost recovered enough to move about. His eyes were closed as his mind wandered over the recent events in his life. He came to the realization that he indeed had a chance, but he'd have to open up some and take it. He turned over and sat up with a slight wince, he rubbed his eyes and looked over at the medics to see what they were doing. He spend a little time building up his courage then looked up with bright eyes and focused on Inari. "Excuse me, Inari." He said a bit timidly at first then quickly going back to normal. "With all that's happened lately, and with this available shore leave. Why aren't you and Akari out enjoying the planet? I know it looks busy here, just you two could take a break for an hour or two and have a look around. If you like, I'll show you is if you'd like that..." He said, sounding a bit shy and boyish.... Inari looked away from her softly sobbing patient back to the other. Akari had left her location from in front of the once again occupied hemosynth tube back over to Rion's side, examining his healing rate and checking to make sure everything was restoring itself properly. Inari shook her head at Rion. "It's a nice offer Rion but you cannot leave a Med Bay without a medic.. as you can see.. if we had both left already- there would be no one here to tend your wounds. And.." Akari spoke up in her usual manner, cutting Inari short. "I hate to break this to you, but you are restricted to bed rest for now until you have recovered. You won't be able to show anyone around for a while." GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Responses Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 571 (7/29/03 12:03 pm) Responses Rion sighed and rested on the the bed as Akari ordered him to. "What were you going to say, before Akari cut you off?" Rion asked looking at her. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the sobbing neko, his eyes grew soft as he wondered what was wrong. He shook it off but his eyes remained soft as he spoke. "I'm fine, it's only a few scratches and bruises. OW" He said to Akari as she touched a stinging graze wound. "This is what I get for acting on the mere thought of someone doing something painful to you Inari..." Rion muttered under his breath. He then spoke up. "Inari, I wanted to ask you if'd like to join me for dinner tonight, I know a nice restaraunt in the city. I'm feeling good enough for that." He asked, turning a gentle red. He had wanted to ask her that for a while now, and he was taking his chance. "All I have are a few scratches, I'm fully fit for duty or anything else. I'm not going to die from walking." He added. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) faces in a broken picture Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 455 (7/30/03 11:10 am) faces in a broken picture ON GSS Yui Wazu was inside of the empty room just pacing back in forth with a datapad in hand. He was trying to figure out what to do with the angel situation and couldn't come up with a easy solution to the problem. Out in the hall, Kai "heard" Wazu pacing around. "Hmm...he may be thinking about this angel situation." He said to himself, as he was thinking about the same thing. He turned and headed toward the empty room. As the door to the door slid open, he indeed saw that Wazu was pacing around. "Wazu, got something on your mind?" He asked as he entered the room. He could have looked into Wazu's mind to find out, but being intrusive never really got him anywhere, and he often got more information by talking in a personal manner. "yes and I think that you do too otherwise you wouldn't be here." Wazu said as he continued pacing about the room. "I keep getting this feeling that we're missing something here, there's something about this situation that feels wrong." Kai said as he leaned against a wall and watches Wazu pace about. "well what feels wrong exactly?" Wazu said "We're overlooking the human element I think." Kai replied. Wazu stayed silent and let him explain "Do you have any plans to rescue those scientists? It'd be good for us to have Elysians who are willing to openly provide us with information on any other weapons. I think we should at least try to get them out, I probably could come up with something, but I don't have any sort of idea of what the arrangements are around them." He explained. He took a breath before continuing. "What do you have planned out?" Wazu fiddled with the bandage slightly, "well there is nothing that we can do for them without taking the planet and the new objective is now the angel fleet in orbit around the planet. We have to remove that somehow before we can do anything else "The taisho told you not to fiddle with that bandage." Kai reminded him sharply. "Is there any way to create a diversion?" "we could but I don't see how we could draw that fleet away from the planet without using the entire fleet." he said "I know you get nervous and do that, but damaging yourself is never any good, try something else." "We'd be in for a long drawn out battle if we just dive in headfirst. I'd think we'd want to be in and out in the least amount of time possible." Kai said. "What do you have on that pad?" Wazu tossed the pad over to Kai. It contained a few notes and the outline of a battle plan as well as some maps and Intel data. "well if we land on the planet we will be involved in a long drawn out battle so we have to secure the area around it before we try anything big" Wazu said "Hmm..interesting...wait a second..." Kai said scrolling the information up. "That weapon that's under development will be trouble. But thankfully, it's not quite up and running yet, and there seems to be a lag time between its energy absorption and it's firing capability." Kai said looking at the pad, and remembering what his computer had pointed out. "So, that may or may not be a factor at this point of the game." Kai said looking up at Wazu. "How much do we have at our disposal?" Wazu chuckled, "From what I know the weapon has massive technical problems and won't even be operational within the year if ever so it isn't a factor in the assault. Due to the size of the problem I would say that we have the entire first fleet to work with. The main problem is their proximity to the planet. that will make it hard to use the heavy artillery en mass," Wazu said as he resumed picking at the bandage. he realized what he was doing and put his hands in his pockets. "Well in that case, we have to draw them away from the planet. Have the fleet cloaked for the most part, and have a few ships make hit and run style attack on the angel fleet, try to pull them away from the planet." "well the planet also provides it's own interesting factor to this. As you know the weapon on the frontier and Ki D1 leaves a lasting effect in space. We could use that to pin the fleet against the planet and then fire into that pocket that we make." Wazu said "Yes I know about that, and that would work." Kai agreed nodding. "You're talking about the legacy cannon." Wazu nodded "I've seen the tests they did with that weapon, that thing is scary." Kai chuckled. Kai started to turn a bit red. "Actually, I wanted to ask you about Uso..." Wazu chuckled, "so that is why you came" he said "I saw that picture of hers, could you tell me a bit about that? I know she's hiding her true self under that exterior." "Is she really? her true self might be something that you don't want to see" Wazu warned, "are you sure you want to look into this?" "I feel that I have to." "very well" he said, "That picture was of us and some of our friends on Ralifaris. We were involved in...stuff... that got all of the people in that picture killed except for Uso" Wazu sat down on a crate and looked at Kai "That's why she so scared to talk about it, she's afraid of making more friends, for fear of that repeating, so she pulls herself inward and makes herself seem bigger than she really is." Wazu chuckles some more, "I don't think you understand." Wazu pulled out a data pad and brought up a image of the picture in question from his own data base. He pointed at one of the people in the background, "this one here. His tire exploded while going down the freeway. His car flipped over caught on fire and exploded with him still inside of it. This one here. He fell off of a high-rise..." Wazu continued explaining the deaths of each person in the picture, "and this one shot himself in the head leaving a rather sad suicide note. you have probably guessed that none of these deaths were accidental" Wazu sent Kai a image of a sniper taking out the tire on the car then shooting the fuel tank, of a neko pushing someone off of the building of the same green haired neko shooting the person in the head. He continued showing the same neko killing off everyone in the photo, "She did it" "Why did she? Was it part of her job?" He nodded again, "she was ordered to" "That does explain a lot. She doesn't want to open up to anyone, because she's still afraid someone will order her to kill them." "she knew what she was doing." He said, "She did it because it was profitable for her" "How so?" Kai asked looking concerned I don't know how it was profitable for her really" he said "She's regretting her actions now." "Uso doesn’t know regret" Wazu said "Yes she does, I've seen it" ~remember this?~ "with Uso it is all an act. You'll learn that sooner or later" Wazu said "I certainly will, why are you trying to turn me away from her?" Wazu chuckled, "you know I am also in that picture" he said "And you've avoided the fate of everyone else. I'm not afraid of Uso, actually, I think she's rather attractive." "well there is a reason for that... and you could pick a better neko. Uso is nothing but trouble" he said "OH really? Why are you trying to get me to quit before I've started?" "..." "In any case, I'm still going to help her, because I know I can. You still care about her and half heartedly want her back." Kai smiled. "heh it's that obvious huh? well in any case I warned you so be careful around her. She won't hesitate to kill you or anyone else on this ship if it helps her reach her goals." "She won't kill me. I already know that she can't." Wazu chuckles, "and what makes you so sure?" "I can get right to her dormant personality and bring her caring side to the surface. I like to be optimistic." Kai said brushing his flowing red hair back, a glimmer of light is seen from under his hair. He adjusted his robes and looked at Wazu. "I just am sure, there's nothing wrong with that." "and what proof is that against her killing you?" Wazu asked "If you do get in her way she will remove you one way or another" "I'm not going to tell you that. Then I'll remove her path.“ Kai said philosophically. "well then good luck and try not to get killed" Wazu said as he stood and resumed pacing "I shall be sure to do that, and stop thinking about scratching at that bandage." Kai grinned and turned to walk out. "Oh ya say hi to Uso for me" Wazu said. Uso, of course, was leaning against the wall just outside of the free room with a all knowing smirk on her face, Kai nodded and walked out. "Hi Uso, I knew you were here the whole time." He smiled at her. "again all this trouble over me? Last time people got this worked up over me someone got killed" Uso said "You are worth my trouble" Kai said, stretching his arms by pulling on them. Uso shrugged, "if you say so" ~You know you can't hide from me forever.~ He thought to her, addressing her dormant side. "and what does that supposed to mean?" she asked again with the all knowing smirk "You shall find out soon enough." He said cryptically and turned to leave. Uso turned and walked through the door, "hello Wazu" His white and red robes flared out as his long red locks swirled around him as he turned and left. ~Like I said, you cannot hide forever~ END JP GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Friendly chat Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 14 (7/30/03 4:02 pm) Friendly chat ON> GSS Yui Wazu leaves the empty room and chases after Kai, "hey hold up a moment" Kai turned to face Wazu. "Yes?" Kai asked. "Forgot to warn me about something?" He smiled "I need to ask something of you" Wazu said, "come with me" he then headed to the aft lift. Kai nodded silently and followed Wazu. "What is it you need?" Kai asked. Wazu and Kai rode the lift outside before Wazu spoke, "I would like you to monitor Uso's thoughts for me" he said "Is there a reason why I should? May I ask why?" Kai said his green eyes scanning the sky. "You know how Uso is I think she might try something soon" he said as he led Kai on a walk away from the Yui. The two blended in amongst the shadows, the night consealing them from any prying eyes on the Yui "What do you suspect Chusa?" Kai asked pointedly, brushing a bug off his robe as he spoke "You can never tell with her" Wazu said, "She is always looking for profitable opportunities and she could decide to take advantage of this situation" "I suppose I could do that, she will not like it, but I can do it" Kai said, looking a bit concerned in the shadows. "Something's up, where's Chiharu? We haven't seen her in hours." Kai asked in a fit of curiousity. "She is out enjoying herself no doubt. Unfortunitly we do have to get going soon" He said as he turned back and headed for the Yui, "I would like you to report on what you find if anything" "I'm not going to report anything overly personal of hers. Just so you know." Kai said. "Should I go find the Taisho and let her know it's almost time to go? In a little while that is." the_insane_profit: "that is unnessicary I will have Megami alert the crew" Wazu said as he headed back to the lift. "Yes sir." Kai said as he headed back to the ship. "I have a question, who's the overly sad individual on the ship? I've been getting strong sad feelings in the last couple hours." "That is most likely Lavinia" Wazu said, she is in the medbay if you want to speak with her" "Ah, I may do that later on. She may need some special help." Kai said was a tear formed in his eye as they neared the lift. He wiped it away without a sound. Once they were inside Wazu headed for the lab, "Megami will you please infor the crew that we will be leaveing in 3 hours" Wazu said. The loading was almost finished and he had to press himself against the wall to get around. Once he got to the lab he had megami send a message to the first fleet informing them of the situation and the plan at hand. Kai turned and headed back to the intel office. The whip had grown and the vines were coiled around the room, blooming with roses, the scent wafted out into the hall, filling it with a pleasant smell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : GSA no Chusa, Heram J. Wazu First Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Chui Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30)