Waiting for Arch to wake up. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 484 (7/7/03 5:29 pm) Waiting for Arch to wake up. ON> GSS Yui Uso was leaning against the walls outside of the medbay, ~I wonder how long this is going to take..~ Uso thought to herself as she looked around. She was getting bored waiting for Arch to wake up. Just then, Rion walked out of the medbay. He noticed Uso leaning against the wall. "You're still here?" He asked. "Well I suppose you would stay, after all, you wanted to supervise the interrogation. but from the look on your face you're pretty bored." He added "I did say I was going to wait until he woke up" Uso said. She was balanceing on her left leg while the bottom of her right foot was on the wall, "and I thought you were the one eager to interrogate him. What are you doing out here?" "To give the medics room to work. But yeah of course I'm eager." He said and leaned against the wall across from her. "Remember Acara said he'd let us know when Arch woke up?" He said eyeing her leg slightly. "And you might want to put some pants on." Uso gave him an odd look "My face is up here, not down there." she said "But I don't really like to wait for long, so I'll most likely go back in there after awhile"He said looking her straight in the eye without any sign of concern over what she just said Uso formed a holster our of her left waste HS port and placed her guns in it before dissolving her tentacle back into her body, "You nekos are just amazing, it seems you can do almost anything." He said after noticing her little trick. "But you do have very attractive legs, I understand that PNUgen made you genetically perfect in appearance." He added with a slight smirk Uso streched her arms out above her head and poped her neck by rolling her head around, "Ahh, that feels better" she said to herself more than anyone else. She smiled upon hearing Rion's coments on the neko body. "They did put a lot of work into makeing the NH-7 pleaseing in appearance" Uso said "Deception is danger after all" Rion said with a nod. "That's why they make you pleasing in appearance, so your enemies underestimate your battle prowess." He added. Uso crossed her arms on her chest in a casual way. "Well I thought that it was to make it easier to work with nekos" Uso said Rion smiled. "That too, but my reason was PNUgen's main purpose." He said sweeping the floor with his tail in a casual fashion. "Or so you think" Uso said "Well it does made tactical sense. And yes, that is my opinion." He said. "You know something Uso? When you're not frustated or having a nightmare, you're pretty easy to get along with." He said with another smile. Uso laughed, "I am just lacking sleep and I don't feel like arguing, don't worry I'll be back to my annoying self later." She said still laughing. "That's the big thing here, you really need your sleep, I wish I could help you. And your annoying side isn't so bad, once you get used to it." He said with a serious look. "Look I'm fine stop bugging me about me sleep" Uso said sounding calm and relaxed. "Well, if you say so." He replied in the same manner "I do say so." She said with a knowing smirk. "It's a pleasure seeing your perfect body in 15% of it's full splendor, but you really should get some clothes on." He added. "15%?" Uso asked "Relative guess." He quickly said. "50%" He tried to recover with an embarassed grin. Uso laughed a bit, "I am not going to let you start the interrogation without me" she said "Well I'm not starting it until you get some clothes on, we don't wanna blind the poor guy." Rion joked with a laugh. Uso gave him another odd look. "Why are you giving me all the these weird looks?" He asked still sweeping his tail. Uso sighed, "Never mind." "No come on, please tell me." He said "Its...... a secret" Uso said not wanting to go into it "Uso, please, you can trust me with it, I owe you for not ratting me out to Gem." "Rion.. just drop it" Uso said "If you say so." He said with a shrug. Uso closed her eyes and rested while standing in the hallway "I'm going back in there. I'll let you know when Arch wakes up." Rion said as he walked past her and giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder. The door slid open and Aeriyon went back through it and retook his seat. JP By: GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) and GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Awakening Kitsurugi Yui GSA Command GSS Philosophy (GD-117) Posts: 880 (7/8/03 10:04 pm) ezSupporter Awakening ON GSS Yui> Uso leaned against the side of the hallway. It was to crowded inside of the med bay for her likeing and she was going to stay outside for now. "Uso!" Rion called out though the doorway, which had slid open as the man looked at it. "The survivor is starting to wake up. Come back in." Arch's eyelids fluttered, his mental self seemed caught in his dreamworld state. ~Am I dead? I wonder if the other are okay. I hope so, I hate to have to break the news to their families. Sis, I hope you got away in time with the others.~ he thought in his mind. Uso rolled her head around poping the joints inside of her neck as she pushed off the wall and walked back into the medbay. ~no you're not dead~ Uso told him telepathically, ~Just hurt badly~ The medlab was dimly lit at the moment, allowing for the injured angel to adjust his eyes easily rather than awake to a bright light. Alhtough a considerate gesture on the part of the medical staff, it could perhaps be considered a bit dark for the angel, who had probably spent a good deal of time aboar dhte brightly lit angel craft. Arch's body winced a little, ~Who's there?~ he asked timidly he was used to telepathic contact ~Have I been saved? Are the others alive?~ he asked. Rion stood over the angel as he lie on a thin bed, shuffling slightly to the side where Arch's feet were, to allow the intel officer to get closer to the prisoner's face. His own face contorted slightly with dismay. he didn't want to have to be the one to bear the bad news. Perhaps Uso would spare him the trouble. Uso seemed not to notice the change in light as she knelt down beside the cot that held the wounded angel,. She moved her shirt aside and placed her guns down beside Acara so that she didn't have to worry about them being stolen from her, ~I'll answer all of that for you in time but right now I have a few questions for you~ Uso said as she projected her mental Avatar into the Angels mindscape. Inside she appeard as a blurry roughly humanoid shap with no distinguishing features Rion, somewhat uncomfortable with this telepathy, shifted his weight and crossed his arms, looking to Uso for some assistance and then back to the angel. Arch's mental image looked at the blur, frightened slightly, ~Ack! Okay, please promise to tell me, I really hope they are safe. What's your question?~ he thought. ~I need to know why you were running away~ Uso thought at him "You got it?" Rion asked Uso lowly, apparently looking to observe the questioning from somewhere out of view. "I have this under control" Uso told him as she closed her eyes to consintrate on maintaining the link with the angel in front of her ~We were fleeing from the the Angel government, you see I was, as the others were, sciencetists that each specialized in certain fields and were forced to work for the government against our will.~ he told the blur. "I'm going to have Megami send a preliminary report to SAINT, then. I'll see you again in a bit." The man briskly strode through the doorway. Uso chuckled to herself a bit, ~funny I don't remember Rion being intel... perhaps he is just gunning for a promotion~ Uso thought to herself before returning her thoughts back to the angel, ~What exactly were you working on?~ Uso asked him The background changed in Arch's mind ~I was forced to work on this monstrocity,~ he pointed to a large device ~Its design was to be more powerful than the GSA's Grand White Cannnon but I hate building weapons. I rather invent things and advance life than do something that seems so evil.~ he thought to the blur. Uso gritted her teeth as she focused more. She willed the angels mindscape to become a massive starmap, Blackness surounded the angel's mental avatar and then points of light appeared representing stars, ~I need you to tell me where the facility that you were working at is located~ Uso asked him ~Wow not that was something.~ He freaked out a bit as it seemed his mind was pushed a bit. He pointed to several sectors one ine the southern part of Angel territory , one in the northern area as well as two in the west and two in the east. ~Those are minor facilities where others like me are held.~ He pointed to the center of the map, ~This is where I was held.~ Uso focuses on that area and brings up a image of the planet from GSA records, ~Now where on the planet~ Uso asked Megami's white-haired physical avatar walked into the room at that moment, a neko NH-X by the looks of her. She said nothing, but her presence could definately be felt in the room as her gray eyes blanky stared at the scene. ~My, well this may come to a surprise but the surface is barren, to keep out of sight. Its an underground base, because if the public were to learn of our forced captivity the people might revolt, there are serveral entrances.~ He pointed to openings on the planet that looked like volcancos, mountain fields and even a ice glacier in the northern reaches of the planet. ~More or less the base I was held at also serves as a hidden military base.~ he thought. ~this facility must be huge~ Uso thought to herself as the entrances to the base were incredibly far away from eachother, ~Now I need you to tell me what you can of the facility, personel, weapons implacements, defensives craft and so on~ Uso asked the angel ~or simply show me~ ~I don't know much about the base defenses but it well armed. Its the center for all the others I suspect that the planet itself might be armed to ward off attackers. Security personel there is tight I barely escaped the ship we were on was a transport ship we were being sent to another base we we revolted and tried to escape. The ground forces alone Im estimating are through the roof. I know now I am speaking to a GSA intel person as you are very interested. I will assist you in whatever means to stop this madness.~ he thought. The Megami neko stared. It was clear she was waiting for something. ~madness? heh~ Uso thought to herself as she formed a crudely rendered modle of what the base must look like, ~Can you give me the location of the underground components for the base?~ Uso asked, ~Answer this and I will tell you what happened to your friends~ ~If you're beside please reach into my left pocket on my rather burnt lab coat. Theres a datapad containing everything Ive shown and told you. I feel I can trust you with this.~ he thought to her. Uso reached into the labcoat and took out the data pad. Her form faded out of the angels mind as looked at the data. Finding that it was all in order Uso then reastablished contact with him, ~what is your name?~ ~Arch Nightblade~ The ship's avatar, a white-haired Yui look alike, snatched the disk from Uso, and let it sink into the liquid flesh of her palm. "If this is accurate, SAINT will be most pleased with you, Uso." she commented. Uso stood up and looked at the avatar, "I assume that you will be transmiting them the data?" "I took a special interest in this angel, concerned that deception was intrinsic, however, our guest has proven most cooperative. I will transmit the data to SAINT. The first fleet will likely be the proponent to the resulting action." "Still I will have security keep an eye on him" Uso said, "But you seem to have things under control for now so I will let you finish up here" Uso then turned to leave without ever telling Arch that all of his friends were dead "You may wish to keep the angel on board as an advisor, in case we should encounter the weapon the angel mentioned." Megami noted. "I'll leave the consoling to you. You have the opportunity to make him an ally. Seize it." JP Megami_Q3/Yui-2 played by Wes Aeriyon Tasuki Uso Arch Nightblade Now what to do? Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 489 (7/9/03 8:45 pm) Now what to do? After he told megami to send a report of the intelligence gained from Arch to SAINT, Rion headed out back to the medbay to talk to Uso. He sighed as he walked, ~I hope we got something from the angel and make it worth our time to rescue him.~ He thought as he walked. He put his hand to his chin and paused for a minute. "Hmm...if we did get anything useful, it could mean trouble is coming our way. I better be prepared for anything." He said to himself and continued on toward the medbay to ask Uso a few questions about what she learned, as she was the one who questioned him. ~I don't need to learn how to be telepathic, it's really not helping me that I'm not while I'm on this ship. Maybe being telepathic isn't all it's cracked up to be.~ He thought as he continued, his tail weaving through the air like a scarf. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Dreams: Crossed Paths Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 483 (7/9/03 23:49) ezSupporter Dreams: Crossed Paths Chiharu felt like a ghost as she moved about the Yui relatively undetected. Everything felt different, it was like she was on a different plane of existence all together. She saw crew members walk past her without any sign of recognition, all she could think was, could she be dreaming? She stopped outside the Med Bay and heard the chatter about Tomoyo having heat exhaustion and continued drifiting around the ship's corridors. She eventually found herself in the lifts again, it was only a few months ago that she had been abducted from this very spot and taken prisoner aboard the Angel vessel. It felt like everything that happened was years in the past, and she was merely witnessing the shadows flitter across her memory. How many things had happened, how many things had she seen? It was all too much to have only been a little while ago but that was the truth of it. So what was she to do now that she had found love among the enemy and among her own peers? One was the impossible love and the other was the obtainable but distant love. She was all alone again and everything seemed to be moving slowly again. She felt herself drift again, and she was walking the corridors of a brillantly shining ship. It was too bright to be anything but surreal. The place was familiar and she knew it to be Zemer's ship... She paused outside a doorway, it was the cell she spent her time in and where.. no. She didn't want to remember what happened there. She shook her head and shut her eyes to the scene that replayed before her eyes, her mind would not let her forget. When she opened her eyes again she found herself aboard the GSS Philosophy, sitting in the briefing room with Yui, Iseki, and Hinosami eating muffins and drinking tea. It was a peaceful dream and Chi didn't want to leave it but she felt herself pulled back to reality as she heard a voice off in the distance. "Chiharu, which way do you want to go? There are many pathways here.." Chi's eyes opened and she looked around to find herself alone in her nest in her quarters. Everything was as it should be and the room was dark and Mr. Bear was laying on the bed beside her. "Who could that be?" She quietly asked herself before settling back down under her covers again with her teddy bear tucked under her arm. Chi found herself in an open field when she entered her dream once more.. she was confused because this didn't feel like it was her dream anymore. "Where am I?" A soft wind swept across the field carrying with it a voice and a scent of roses. "You're in my dream now... but you still have some control here. Which way would you like to go? There are many paths that are available to you... You are lucky, your fate, your destiny hasn't been decided yet- it is in your hands but will you reach out and grasp it?" She stood there dumbfounded, this was just strange. "And who are you? Why are you telling me all of this?" The voice spoke again and there still was no sign of anything in the field. "You're confused and you're seeking the path... but no one can guide you towards the best one because there is no one best path for you to take. If you focus for a moment you'll find your guide, but once you find it, you cannot tell anyone what it looks like or what it is." "Wait a minute.. I'm looking for a spirit guide here? I thought you said that no one could help me?" Chi felt herself getting tense, she didn't like this but she forced herself to calm down- it was only a dream and nothing could harm her unless she let it. "I did say that but it never hurts to have someone you can talk to for guidance." The voice replied with a sing song tone to its voice. Chi smoothed her hair back behind her ears and she closed her eyes for a moment, when she opened them she saw a creature she could not identify. It appeared to be enshrouded in flames but the brillance of the fire hindered her ability to make out the creature's actual shape. "I don't understand.. what are you?" She reached out to touch it, it was so close... The heat of the flames was not what she expected, it was freezing but she felt her hand burn and she pulled it away. The creature spoke without words but Chi could understand it never the less. "You'll understand in time. Right now you have much to do.." Chi wanted to talk to the creature more, ask it more questions but she found herself awake within her nest again. "That was really wierd, it was an odd dream but I wonder.." She looked down at her hand and she saw a burn scar quickly disappearing back into her skin. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Relaxation? Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 491 (7/10/03 12:28 pm) Relaxation? Rion looked for Uso, but decided that to provoke her anymore would be a bad idea for the time being. He went to the security quarters to sit down and rest for a bit before going out to cause more trouble. ~Oh man, I'm a bit tired.~ He thought as the doors slid open. A slightly apprehensive look crossed his face as he looked over at his bed, set off to the side of the room, outside of the main nest. He weaved his tail around along the floor behind him a bit as he walked over to the winter blanket that was spread out with a couple of pillows on one end of it. He sat down on the meager bedding and looked around at his possessions. "Hmm, I haven't used any of these in a long time." He said looking at a couple hand grenades. He pulled out his things and looked them over, he didn't have too much, but he laid them out anyway. "In case I need something later, it's better to know it's here now, than be frantically looking for something later." He said with a sigh. TA-2 Waist Belt Set TA-5 Combat Jumpsuit TA-7 Smart Boots TA-9 Ruggedized Laptop Computer TA-17 Survival Kit TA-20 Wrist Computer with Laser Designator HG-1c Handgrenade, Smokescreen (3) GSA Male Pants GSA Male T-shirt GSA uniform GP-12b Assassin handgun (black) and a couple civilian clothes in case he ever got the chance to leave the ship for any length of time. "Well the basics are here." He said as he looked them over and went to look in the multiple side pockets. He pulled out a small box he knew was the stealth unit he'd purchased a year ago, a set of lockpicking tools, generalized grooming things, and a small picture of his mother and brother. "I miss you mom." He said looking at the picture, small tears formed in his eyes as his happy childhood memories came back. "Well no time for that now." He said setting it off to the side while putting the rest of his things away. Aeriyon sighed heavily and laid back on the makeshift bed, pulling his tail under the pillows for a bit extra support. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking about things to come, a slightly concerned look crossed his face. A few minutes later, his laptop buzzed with the preset message signal. Rion sighed and sat up and opened the computer and sat cross legged as he read the messages. One was from Sean, his brother. And one from an unknown sender. ~Hmm, who's this from?~ He said eyeing the message with the unknown sender as he opened it. The message read: "I hope this message finds you safe Aeriyon. You may or may not remember me, you were very young when I had to leave. I've kept tabs on your progress. I'm proud of your accomplishments thus far, keep up the good work and always keep your sights set on what your shooting for."---Unknown. "Who wrote this? I demand to know the sender of this message." Rion send back as a reply to the email for sorts. He sighed as he closed that screen out and opened the one from his brother. This message read: "Hey, Aerae! Got some sweet information for ya! I found our father. He's still alive and in the GSA, our biological father, not the drunk that beat you. It's sad that they got a divorce, mom talked about him alot. I think she was still in love with him, but anyway. How are things going on the GSS Yui? Have you had anymore trouble with those damn seraphim? I hope not. Well I have to go, it's time for my shift to start, reply to this message soon."---GSA no Taisa Sean Elisias. Rion had to smile at that, he was glad to hear from his older brother. But one thing bothered him; if his natural father was still alive, why hadn't he tried to contact him sooner? His tail slithered around behind him in excitement as he replied to the message: "You did? Then why the hell didn't he contact me sooner? Ugh, oh well. And no, we haven't had too much trouble on the ship lately, unless you count having a run in with a couple angel ships and picking up an angel scientist. But you better be careful while your out getting in trouble with the nekos. Why don't you come to visit at all?" ---GSA soldier Aeriyon Elisias. ~ I love doing that to him, i know he won't come out here to see me.~ Rion laughed to himself as he sent the reply and closed the laptop and slid it into his pack. He laughed heartily for a bit thinking about that possiblity, then laid back on the bedding and looked at the ceiling, a slight blush crossed his face subconsciously as his mind wandered to thinking about the cute medic assistant that was Inari. ~What can I do to win her over? I guess I need to get over this shyness and go talk to her.~ He thought as he felt himself drifting off to sleep. In a few minutes, He fell into a light sleep after pulling off the armor and the blasted dress and slept without a shirt on, showing his fit, leanly muscular torso, the uniform pants remained where they were after getting the little dress off though. (ooc note: to avoid any hint of hentai) GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Solid Siaga! Thoughts From Puppy Perspective Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 293 (7/11/03 8:39 am) Solid Siaga! Thoughts From Puppy Perspective Everything had seemed quiet, but the place soon to disarry. At least this what it seemed to this puppy. ~The nice lady had put food out. But this was alright, needed to look around for a bit. Alpha male's scent was nowhere.~ Journey continues... Siaga silently walked down the hall carefully not alert anyone cause he wanted to smell out the area. The man that was obviously friends with the nice lady was around the hall, ~Hide! He may take me back to room if seen.~ Siaga turned and dove behind a few obects in the hall that someone had set down. ~Quiet. Quiet.~ The man walked past just then Siaga's nose twitched, and he sneezed. The man stopped looked around for a moment shrugged and continued down the hall. ~Go! Go! Go!~ Siaga ran down the hall quickly, this was fun to do. He slowed down as he neared a door a familiar smell was in there as well as one he'd never smelled before, this was new to him. ~That thing up there has wings... odd. Alpha female???~ Siaga looked a tube and there was someone he knew! This excited Siaga. He decided to wait for Alpha female to come out so Siaga wandered under a cot and placed his head down on his paws to wait. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Dear Chi… Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 335 (7/11/03 5:14 pm) Dear Chi… Uso laid back down in the nest that occupied a good part of her room with a data pad in hand. She pressed a few buttons and sent off a message before closing her eyes and getting some light sleep. Inside of the dimly lit lab Wazu was still working on schematics for various types of ships when the small panther like creature beside him started beeping. Chikara jumped up onto the table in the center of the lab and made a perfect landing not even ruffling the paper schematics. A small panel opened up in the side of the creature and Wazu pulled out a data pad, Inside was a SAINT report on the angel that was rescued by the Yui a while ago. Wazu read over the lines of text that were displayed on the small screen then placed the pad back into Chikara. Wazu put down the objects in his hands and then walked out the door, ~come on~ Wazu thought at the panther and it hoped down from the table and obediently followed him out. Wazu headed down to the bridge. ~Hmmm the ship seems a little low on supplies~ Wazu thought to himself. After the incident with the seraph had destroyed almost all of the food in the cargo bay and at the rate which neko’s ate it wouldn’t be to long until they needed a resupply. Wazu walked into the bridge and looked around. Wazu didn’t see Chi so he took command for the time being, “Megami please set a course for Ralifaris” Wazu commanded as he took his seat in the science station on the bridge. Wazu picked up a data pad that was laying on the console and started to dictate a short letter for Chi. “Chi I would like to be in charge of assembling a assault force to deal with the newly discovered angel laboratory” Wazu dictated. He attached a copy of the SAINT report to the message and then sent it off to Chi. Chikara was bored waiting for Wazu so it turned and walked out of the bridge into the hallway. It sensed food in the room just in front of it and looked around for a door. Chikara found one and walked toward it the door opened and Chikara walked in. Inside was a fairly new room that appeared unused. There was a desk with several file cabinets nearby and a computer. ~Food~ It thought as it leaped onto the desk and started chewing on the computer. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Don’t eat that! Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 345 (7/12/03 12:17 pm) Don’t eat that! The Yui came about in the inky black void of space and speed off away from angel territory after sending a brief message to the silvershot informing it of what they planned to do. A few minuets later the Yui stopped and made a sensor sweep of the area and changed course again to make sure it wasn’t being followed. The ship repeated this processes a few times then laid in a course for Ralifaris. Uso had her eyes closed and was trying to sleep but was getting no where. Uso felt like there was something drilling into her head, “what is that!” she said as she sat up and had a look around. She didn’t fall asleep because of a gnawing sound she heard through the wall. Uso pulled the covers off of her body which only had on her t-shirt and undergarments. Uso picked up her pistol and grabbed a holster that she had laid out on the floor and put them both on before walking toward the source of the sound. Uso opened the door to the Intel office, “HEY GET OFF OF THAT!” she yelled at the creature that was gnawing on the computer. Uso forced Chikara out of the room and into the hallway before locking the hallway door to the Intel office. ~I don’t think I have ever been in here~ Uso thought to herself as she looked around. The room didn’t have any major objects init other than a desk, a well gnawed on computer that had most of its insides eaten and some cabinets. A single door opened to the hallway and a old fashioned Japanese looking door slid open to show her nest. Uso grabbed a few of the data pads and went back into her nest. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) pranks Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 347 (7/12/03 3:11 pm) pranks Uso stretched again and looked at the small clock by her nest, "great time for work again" Uso said sounding less than pleased. She got a clean pink Intel uniform and laid it down as she took off her shirt. Meanwhile, Rion had fallen asleep in the security quarters, his tail weaving little patterns in the floor as he slept a dreamless sleep. His things had been packed away and stowed to the side Uso stepped into her uniform and pulled it up around her body then zipped it all the way up. she then reached down and picked up the small gun holster before attaching it around her waste. She then checked her pistol, ~hmm purple clip~ she thought as she examined the rounds and then slammed the clip back into her pistol and the pistol back into the holster Rion was asleep on his side with one arm under the pillow and the other at his side as he slept Uso walked out into the hallway and turned to go the bridge but stopped b before she took another step, ~I wonder if Rion is awake yet... or if he even got some sleep~ Uso thought to herself as she turned to look at the door to the security nest. Uso quietly slid the door to the Security nest open and looked inside Rion was sleeping without a sound in the far corner on a outspread blanket, with a couple pillows, and a pack set against the wall close to the sleeping officer. Rion was facing the door. A evil plan slowly forms in Uso's mind and she runs of to the armory silently and comes back a few moments later with a small box Rion's tail slithered to his front side and slithered around, as if to detect anything approaching Uso took out a small grenade and placed it near Rion then put a spring under the pin. She then tied a string around the pin and then around the leg of a cabinet before tying the grenade under it so that it wouldn't move. The string held the pin in place and the release of tension would cause the pin to pop out. Uso then quietly approached Rion turning on her stealth and moving silently on her feet making no sound rion's tail slithered toward her after he heard the soft clicking. but he continued to sleep Uso merely stepped over the tail and walked to his side so that his tail wouldn't hit her feet. Uso held the string in her hand and soon her hand started to bleed. the blood balled up in her hand forming a small metal ball around the end of the string. Uso then slowly placed the ball into Rion's hand and standed aside to avoid any attacks from Rion in his sleep Rion's tail whipped around to what it could get to after she put it in his hand. His subconscious had taken over as he slept, his waking mind was sleeping, the poor guy hadn't gotten any sleep in 4 or 5 days. Uso jumped back and landed on the heels of her feet making a small thump sound. The ball was in his hand and the line was taunt, ~good~ Uso congratulated herself as she walked out into the hallway silently as she deactivated her cloaking all of a sudden Rion snapped awake and fired a couple shots from his guns at her, aiming to stop her. He felt the ball in his hand and realizing it, closed his eyes and dropped the weapon Uso gritted her teeth as a energy round passed through her shoulder grazing the top. ~ow~ she thought to herself as she regenerated the damage quickly and then left Rion fell back asleep sensing he'd gotten whatever it was. He tossed and turned a bit and woke up again feeling angry and annoyed Uso waited outside in the hallway for the bang Rion realized he had something in his hand, he stayed where he was and felt it over to determine what it was. ~phew, only rubber~ He thought as he was sure. he gave it a slight pull to test it's tightness and if it was attached to anything. ~Hmm? it's attached to something, most likely as bomb or grenade or something meant to kill me.~ He thought as he slowly moved keeping the line taut, he sat up and looked around for any signs of where it was, shifting to his heat vision to check as well. As he looked in infravision, he barely could signs of almost dead heat. ~there.~ He thought as he moved slowly and reached over and put the ball down and set his gun on the wire attached to it so it wouldn't roll and slacken. He got up, still without putting his shirt on, walked carefully over to the heat signature and continued to use the mode of vision to detect the source. He found it and switched back to his normal vision and looked for the device. He found it quickly and looked it over carefully to determine what it was and how to disarm it "hmm, I see, if the line slackens, the grenade goes off, if I..." He said to himself grabbing the grenade, making sure to press the pin in with his thumb (left hand). He used his right blade to sever the line and cut the grenade free. Rion looked it over. "hmm. this must be one of Uso's tricks." He said to himself and looked for her "Heh, she's right outside the door. Hmmm....." He smiled as his eyes glowed red as he used his infravision to see her outside the room, close to the door. He moved silently just enough to open the door and quickly threw the grenade out the door and jumped back and covered his ears as the pin sprung out. He blinked and switched back to normal vision. Uso saw the grenade leave the room and looked at it for a moment. the top of the grenade fizzled and then some smoke came out of the top but that was it. Uso then walked over to the grenade and picked it up before opening the door to the security nest, "Well I have to stop taking it easy on you" she said to him Rion had to laugh at her. "HAHAHAH, I KNEW you did it.” He laughed and then stopped and regained his composure. "Did you need something Taii Tasuki?" He asked out of respect. Uso tossed him the grenade, "no not really just having fun" Uso said with a smile as she turned and walked off heading toward the bridge "It'd better be good to wake me up like that." He said catching the grenade. And setting it on a table and followed her out forgetting to put his shirt on. "Feeling any better?" He asked and caught with her and slapped her rear gently. Rion smirked and got ready to deflect her possible attack. "sorry for shooting you." He added quickly Uso turned around and gave him a odd look, "why did you do that?" "Don't worry about, go ahead and slap me for it. That's what most young ladies do." He said stretching a bit. Uso smiled at him "And you have a attractive rear." He said with a laugh as he joked her a bit. She then drew her pistol and unloaded a clip into Rion's torso Rion felt sharp stabs of pain over his torso as the bullets disintegrated on impact releasing nanites into his body that started to eat up the oxygen in his bloodstream replacing it with CO2. Rion grunted as she shot him, he felt the "poison" enter his body. His temper flared quickly as he grabbed his other weapon and tried to shoot her only to find that the safety was turned on by someone other than him then he fell to the ground before he could fix the problem. Uso just stood there and laughed at him as one last nervous surge, Rion's tail whipped up as he fell and stabbed her in the thigh. ~damn.....~ Uso looked down, ~hmmm should I?~ she asked herself as she thought about dissolving is tail right off of her the tail fell away from her thigh limply Uso shrugged then pulled the tail out of her before regenerating the damage, "well that didn't go in to deep" Uso said to herself as she looked over the wound She then looked herself over, "heh now I need a new uniform" she said to herself as she walked back to her room to change leaving Rion sprawled out on the floor. Chikara walked over to him and looked over Rion's body, after finding nothing of interest it moved on. Rion lay there bleeding slightly from the wounds, he was sleeping but still out cold for the next day or so. END GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) smokeing Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 353 (7/13/03 2:27 pm) smokeing Wazu looked at the various screens and data that flashed across his control panel on the bridge. ~well we are almost there~ Wazu thought to him self as he stood and walked out the door to the bridge. Outside he found Rion on the floor with several bloody patches on his chest, "well this isn't normal" He said out loud as he bent down to check Rion's pulse, Wazu felt around for a while on his neck before giving up and pulling out a small syringe filled with a clear substance that Wazu injected into Rion's arm. The tip of the needle went into one of Rion's veins and Wazu released lots of repair nanites into his bloodstream. Wazu then removed the needle and stood back to wait for Rion to get back up Rion woke up with a slight headache and sat up and leaned against a wall for bit before standing up. "Thanks." He said to Wazu. "Guess I won't do that again...ever." He added "what happened?" Wazu asked as he removed the needle from the syringe and destroyed it by placing it in a HSC opening so the ship could digest it "Nothing important, I merely slapped Uso in the butt as a joke and she fucking shot me, but I guess it can be worse." Rion said, touching the blood patches to see if they were still liquidy. "I meant it as a joke, she didn't have to freaking shoot me with those darts." He added Wazu looked at Rion's wounds "hmm... It looks like she forgot she had a purple clip in "I guess that was lucky for me." Rion said, looking out a nearby porthole out into space. "Hmm. So Chusa Wazu, where are we headed now?" He asked, moving along "A planet called Ralifaris" Wazu said, "and I have some work to do before we get there" He then started to walk towards the lab "Ah, working on ships again?" Rion asked. "something like that" Wazu replied "Wait.. Ralifaris?" Rion asked sounding slightly alarmed. "Yes Ralifaris" Wazu said sounding slightly annoyed "What for?" He asked. "for resupply" He said "oh...why, does it have to do with the info from that angel?" Rion asked, remembering the interrogation. "other than that, I have noticed that we need it." He said "heh The Yui just isn't the same if you can walk around in it" Wazu said jokingly "And just what does that mean?" He asked "heh before your time I guess" Wazu said "eh, I guess so, I really don't want to go back to Ralifaris....." He said "and why is that?" Wazu asked as he reached the lab door "Just like you, I have my reasons...I um...did a job there, and got backstabbed in the end by my employer." He said "heh well then stay here and hide on the ship" Wazu said as he opened the door "I'll go talk to Uso about it." Rion sighed and went to go find her. Rion felt Chikara run beside his legs and then into the lab as Wazu stepped in Rion turned and walked toward the bridge just to see if she was in there. Uso was sitting at her station reviewing Intel data. Rion looked down at himself ~can't go in there like this~ he thought and went to get a shirt on, he went to the sec. quarters and threw on a uniform jacket in it's vest form without sleeves and went back to the bridge. "Very funny Uso, shooting me with those tranqs." He said to her as the door slid open. "They were tranqs?" Uso asked without looking up from her console "Yes" He said sounding annoyed. "oh..." Uso said sounding disappointed "Did you hope to kill me?!" He said sounding outraged. Uso looked at him smiled and laughed Rion looked sour. "In any case, we're going to Ralifaris. I remember a job I had there....and I don't want to go back." "oh is the all powerful assassin afraid of something?" Uso asked "Not really, I just didn't like that planet." He said. "For some reason, you remind me of someone." He said looking into her eyes. Uso gave him a odd look "I had a job there once, I had to destroy a few things, and when I did it, on my escape, I saw a neko with violet eyes carrying something." He said Uso laughed, "well then I suggest that you forget all about that Mr. Assassin you really shouldn't be talking about your past works" "Drop the assassin shit Uso." He said. "There's no law against it is there Uso?" He smirked "maybe not but it is a good idea not to talk about those. You never know who you might run into that shares your past" Uso said "And? I'd like to meet someone that shares my past." He said "fine then go buy a some advertising space" Uso said, "that will bring all kinds of people from your past to you" "Don't be a dumb ass Uso." He said with a slight scowl. "It's unbecoming for you." He smiled "You know I won't use a purple clip next time" Uso said threateningly "Feh, riiight, you wouldn't do that to a friend." Uso reached for her pistol Rion was faster on the draw and had a gun to her face quicker. "Don't try it" She rested her hand on the smooth grip of the weapon. She then telekinetically ejected his clip before she slowly brought her weapon up to his head. "don't threaten me it isn't good for your health" Uso said He laughed as his tail whipped up and cracked like a whip on her wrist, as he spun under her arm and tried to knock it out of her hands. "You know, it's annoying when you do that." Uso brought her arm around his neck as he turned away from her and then pressed her knee against his back. She tossed her gun into the air and caught it with a newly formed tentacle "now what are you going to do?" He asked calmly as his tail snaked loosely around her foot without touching her. "I could break your back. But I don't think that Chi would approve of that" Uso said "I'm sure you could. But what good would that do? Put me in the Medbay for a month or so?" He said as his tail moved like lightning and wrapped around her ankle and yanked her foot out from under her. As he bent over backward and slid out from her grasp. Uso's foot turned red and started to reshape itself forming a blade. She easily slipped it out of his tail and pressed the blade’s point against his back, "care to try again?" Rion performed a corkscrew front flip pulling his tail out from behind him and then snapped a kick out but Uso parried the kick with her leg bringing it harmlessly off to her side and then moving her leg up to his crotch His tail came up around his side and slapped her leg out of the way, Rion had to back flip to avoid falling though, he landed and tossed a smoke grenade at her feet the detonated instantly covering her in smoke hiding him from view as he backed up away from her and blinking, making his eyes glow red as he aimed and fired a shot at Uso's chest with a powerful stun round He heard the stun round impact her chest and the complaints of the bridge crew that were yelled at him as he detonated the grenade inside of the bridge. Rion laughed and strolled out, knowing that the sedative would act quickly. "They'll just have to deal with it." He said and walked out to pick up his shift of duty. Megami filtered out the smoke useing the HCS leaveing the bridge clear once more. Uso shrugged and went about her work, "great now I have to get a new uniform" she said to herself as she felt the hole that the bullet left as it hit her body armor JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Bored to tears. Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 300 (7/14/03 8:41) Bored to tears. Zeph sat at the controls of the Silvershot, he had last set in the autopilot for Ralifaris. He leaned back in the seat, stretched a bit. Following the Yui was alright, he wondered when he'd get a chance to see the rest of the crew again. He had been shortly introduced, then he towed the Yui to a starbase and fought in space alongside the Yui. He wanted to see this Angel for himself, but that was highly impossible as they were on separtae ships. ~What to do, hmm so quiet.~ he thought, his hand reached to the console and hit a button. Music began playing, as he got up pulled out his rifle and began polishing it. His stomach growled a bit, he hadn't eaten in a while so he figured he get something to munch on while autopilot was running, but his rifle came first. It was a custom design, It had a long barrel at th front of it with a rather large mid section making it look heavy from the side, but it was quite thin Which made it quite light. He wiped the scope that was at the top of the gun so he'd be able to see through it better. At this point his stomach was being a pain now. He got up and waked down the short hall and grabed a bowl of instant ramen, curry flavored. He made it and when back to his seat, and sat there with music playing eating ramen. Meanwhile MOCH ran a diagnostic on his programming, a datafile came up from his encounter with the YUi. It was label Megami. MOCH quickly scanned the file, MOCH was interested in the avatar Megami unit. MOCH, assessed his programming, at this time he could project his image only by hologram. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) [-GM-]Tying up loose ends.. Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 486 (7/15/03 2:18 am) ezSupporter [-GM-]Tying up loose ends.. Chi was laying on her nest, staring up at the bulkhead above her, still unable to fall back into the realm of sleep since the firey creature made an appearence in her dream when Megami forwarded her a text message from her Chusa directly into her mind. Chi shook her head as the words flashed across her eyes, she sighed a bit and sent Wazu a telepathic reply after fully 'looking' over the message, "You have the go ahead to organize the assault force, and the new course for the ship was a good idea... the crew could probably use some shore leave right about now. If you have any other ideas of what we could do to help raise the morale of the crew, please feel free to speak up." Meanwhile... In the Med Bay... Inari helped a distraught Lavinia out of the hemosynth tube, wrapping a towel about the shivering neko's naked body. The medic softly spoke, "You'll be alright Lavinia once the respawn hang over wears off... don't worry about getting up to speed on what's going on just yet.. Just let yourself wake up from the haze first." Lavinia nodded weakly as she was guided down onto an empty chair along the Medbay wall. Tomoyo finally started to wake up out of her own haze, coughly harshly as Akari moved to the girl's side past Hikari and Acara. "Tomoyo'll be all right Acara, Hikari, Kuru. It was just a case of heat exhaustion.. plus a little dehydration. She'll be okay, all she needs to do is get some rest and drink lots of fluids." Akari offered a smile to the technicans before she looked back down at her patient, listening to the girl's heartbeat with a stethoscope. "Now Miss Tomoyo.. you've been worrying yourself to death again. What have I told you about that?" Tomoyo's coughing finally stopped and she sat up slowly looking weakly at the scolding face of Akari. "You've told me to not let stress get the better of me and to remember to eat and drink.. But I'll be ready for duty once you discharge me?" She said hopefully. Akari shook her head. "Sorry Tomoyo, I cannot clear you for duty until you have fully recovered. For now, I want you to rest and keep yourself hydrated and fed. I want you report back here at least once a day for now, so I can check you blood pressure and temperature. If you'd like, you can return to your nest whenever your ready, just not to duty. That's a direct order." Tomoyo sighed with a nod, "Yes ma'am." GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Usobug Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 370 (7/16/03 4:05 pm) Usobug Uso’s hands pressed a few buttons on the console and downloaded the sensor data into a small data pad that she had brought with her. Around here there were only a few crewmembers actually doing any work the rest were somewhere else. She then walked out the bridge and into the hallways of the Yui. She made a left turn and headed toward the galley at the end of the ship with a data pad in hand. Uso walked into the nearly empty galley, ~everyone must be asleep or something~ she thought to herself as she tossed some food in the microwave and then sat down at a table. She looked at the data pad as her right hand went down to her holster and reached for something that wasn’t there, ~crap I left it in my nest~ Uso thought to herself as she got up and walked back there. Uso went straight for one of her duffle bags and pulled out another data pad. Uso sat down in one of the chairs and attached the two data pads together with a small wire that was on the data pad that Uso pulled out of the duffle bag. “….running usobug….” flashed across the screen of the other data pad. Uso then pressed a few buttons on the pad and a 3d image of the ship appeared on the screen. Uso looked over the map, ~MY FOOD!~ Uso thought to herself as she turned and ran back to the galley leavening the two data pads plugged in together. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) The Storm Brews, Beware the Hurricane. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 520 (7/16/03 4:31 pm) The Storm Brews, Beware the Hurricane. On the planet Ralifaris: It was nearly midnight planetary time. All the people in the city had long been asleep, except for the police patrols...and a group of six people. Their faces barely visible in the dim light of the poker lamp that swung in the air conditioning overhead, the room reeked slightly of beer, wine, and cigars. The camera angle shifts to show an older man with his finger pointing to a dossier on the table. His face was darkened and barely visible in the relative darkness of the room. He spoke with commanding clarity: "We all face some serious incarceration if this trial succeeds. We have eliminated most of the evidence of ever have committing any crime." The man said as he set a couple rifles on the table. At that point, a younger man spoke up, a bit hesitantly, but quickly gaining confidence, it showed in his voice. "Yeah, those witness are rotting in gutters like you ordered." He said licking a blood soaked knife, in the anime style to show just how depraved he was. An older man, but not older than the one who was obviously the leader of this group of criminals looked up from his mug of beer. "We still have to deal with the matter of that traitorous rogue Aeriyon. He knows what we've done and how our organization works. He's a loose cannon and is liable to turn us all over to the police." The man said, as he slammed his clenched fist on the table, making the glasses clink as the table rattled. An older woman looked at the oldest man, who was the leader, sipping her glass of wine as she did. "That's right, we still have to keep him from talking. But how, from the rumors I've heard, he's escaped to space." She said twirling her black hair with one finger. The room fell silent as the group of people sipped their drinks, smoked their cigars, or polishing their weapons. At that point, a young woman walked into the room, she had think dark brown hair and souless blue eyes. She wore a tan trenchcoat that clashed against her hair color that obviously contained any number of items..or weapons... "According to the information I've obtained, Aeriyon's coming to this planet very soon, you'll get your chance soon.." She said, flipping her coat back, showing a tight, form fitting black leather outfit that accenutated her attractive curves.. "That's excellent!" He older man said with a sharp clap of his hands as an idea formed. "We'll take care of him ourselves." He chuckled. "You'll fail, I know he's improved since he was here, and I'd be disappointed if he hasn't." The young lady in the trenchcoat said as she walked out to attend to her own business. ~Aeriyon, you broke my heart, so if I can't have you, nobody else will.~ She thought as she left the room. "Foolish Girl!" The younger man said. "I'll take care of this personally." He said as he got up to leave. The rest of the group retired back to their planning. ~I'll get that arrogant youth.~ He thought as he left, and grabbed a couple weapons. The young woman scoffed and continued her idea of fun: hacking, she hacked into the GSA files easily and found the transmission route to the GSS Yui. ~Hmm....Usobug? What's this?~ She thought and hacked into the program. She smiled as she listened to the recordings of information exchanged in conversation on the ship. She scowled as she heard the conversations Aeriyon had had with the neko Inari. "WHY THAT!!!!!!!!" she yelled to herself, outraged he'd moved on. She started her own planning for this situation. --Meanwhile-- Rion was off duty catching some sleep, blissfully unaware of the troubles that fate had in store for him. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) The winds of trouble blow Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 526 (7/17/03 3:30 pm) The winds of trouble blow The Yui angled down toward the planet and soon its hull glowed red slightly as it sliced through the atmosphere heading toward the ground. The ship landed on the planet of Ralifaris, its main purpose was to requistion some assault troops; and to allow the crew some time off. Rion stretched and adjusted his equipment: an armored vest, his gun belt with one weapon in it fully loaded, a couple smokegrenade, and the GSA cloak. He knew that this place was dangerous to him, so he tried to act like he wasn't looking for trouble by wearing his GSA security uniform in it's vest form, perfectly covering the armored vest underneath. "I hope that place is still open." He said to himself as he rode the lift to the ground. He stepped off the lift and listened to it whir back into the ship, as he did, he felt a splash of rain hit his shoulder. "Ahh, the refreshing feel of natural planetary rain, I've missed it." He smiled as he stepped out into it and into the city, heading for a very certain place. After about 30 or so minutes of walking through backalleys and open streets, he came to a small store that hasn't brightly lit, but was acceptable enough for the usual sort of transactions that occured on a daily basis. Rion stepped into the store and shook off the wetness on his uniform and cloak. "What can I do ya for?" A cute, redhaired teenage female asked from behind the counter; "As long as you're not with that crime syndicate, I'll sell ya anything" She said with a dismissive wave of her hand. Rion had to laugh at that. "I'm not with them." He said with a smirk. "I need 6 #2's, 1 #151b, and 3 clips of red #6, and 2 clips of green #6, 1 clip of blue #6." He said with a casual tone. The girl nodded and brought out 6 grenades, one desert eagle like magnum, and a bag with 6 clips of red, green and blue packaging. Rion nodded and left the store. He sighed as the rain picked up, the wind started to blow a bit. He walked back toward the ship through the older part of the city with abandoned buildings to his left and right. After a bit, Rion noticed a van following him slowly, he stopped for a bit and the van pulled up, the driver had the passenger window down. "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the docks?" The man asked as the side doors slid open on well oiled rails so they made very little sounds. "No, I don't." Rion said with a shrug , out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man with a machine gun pointed at him. The two men with machine guns opened fire on Rion, who dove immediately after talking to the man. The roar of the guns drowned out the rain and chewed up the wall Rion was staying concealed behind. The rounds ran out after a few minutes and the van roared off in the rain. Rion waited for a few minutes to make sure the assailants left, he pushed his way out from under the rubble he'd been buried under. "Ow! That stings." He said touching a graze cut on his cheek. He had a couple bruises and cuts from the rubble, but nothing lasting. "No matter, I should report back to the ship. I've got all I need." He said as he made his way back to the Yui, being careful and quick as he could. --Meanwhile-- The younger girl with blue eyes who was known as Talia was back to work on her laptop, a message blooped up, it was an email from a contact who had access to the GSA's files on their soldiers. "This is excellent." She smiled as the data on what Inari came up on the screen. "Now to convert this into a hologram..." she set about fixing the hologram after it was created onto an old NH-2 clone she'd obtained. It took an hour or two to wire the hologram and the neko body together so they acted in synch with each other flawlessly. "This should get him to come to me." Talia smirked and sent an email straight to Rion's computer, information also obtained through her sources. --Meanwhile, in other areas-- The leader of the syndicate and a few subordinates were staring down the man who'd set up the driveby that failed....clouds of cigar smoke hung in the air dimming the light even more, casting more shadows. The older man slammed his fist down onto the table hard, making several glasses clink and some fall over, he looked at the younger man, his face hot with anger. "YOU FAILED! THERE IS NO ROOM FOR FAILURE!" He yelled. "I know sir, I'll do better next time." the man said quickly in a nervous tone, he knew this could be his final statement. Unfortunately for him, he was correct in being nervous. "I sw...." He was drowned out by the sound his blood made as it poured out of his lungs into his trachea, making a bloody gurgling sound. One of the other men was holstering a smoking weapon as the other man slumped out of his chair and died.... Soon servants were carrying his corpse out. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Waiting for the future Kai Ashigari Guest Posts: 8 (7/18/03 10:31 am) Waiting for the future Kai sat in his small apartment on Ralifaris, eating a bit of fried chicken as he waited for notice that the ship he was to be on landed. He sighed a bit and was a bit bored, this city had worn out it's welcome on him a week before, and he was eager to get back to work. He missed his friends and family, but knew this was all for the best. ~I wonder when It'll get here. It's been a month and a half now...~ He thought as he finished his lunch and laid back on the the couch he was sitting on and closed his eyes to rest for a bit, and after 20 minutes, he fell asleep. He woke up about 2 hours later and yawned. ~I must have dozed off~ He thought as he sat up, stretched and pulled his civilian clothes on, a emerald green shirt and blue pants with a long flowing white and red robe over them. He stretched a bit more and opened the door and strolled out, he wore no weapon except a whip at his hip. The morning was bright and vibrant, but was oddly silent as Kai stepped out into the nicer parts of the city he was in, he made his way through a busy shopping square and headed to the starship docks to see if the ship had arrived yet, he sighed and walked back to his apartment and got a shower and did his morning routine. He spent the rest of the day sleeping, getting ready to deal with when his ship came in. The next morning seemed to come quickly, it was dreary and dark, it was raining a bit as he got his belongings together and headed out into the day to check if the GSA ship he was to be on had docked yet. He was pleased to see it docked. He confidently strode toward it, ready for anything that happened. On the road again… Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 385 (7/17/03 8:38 pm) On the road again… Wazu pulled out a data pad and quickly typed up a message for the captain of the Shinjuku. On the authority of Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu we request your ship and her escorts to join the 2nd expeditionary group temporarily for an assault on a Angel facility. The Task force will assemble at Ralifaris for resupply . Further information will be given upon your arrival. Chusa Heram J. Wazu Wazu passed the message on to Megami to send to the Shinjuku and then got his stuff ready. He had already sent for a transport to pick him up to finish some work on Ralifaris so right now he was busy getting his equipment together. He tossed several ropes and other climbing equipment into a duffle bag. Wazu opened up his pistol and checked it over before closing it back up and holstering it. He put his robe on over his uniform and then walked to the door. As it opened Uso was leaning against the other side of the hallway looking right at him, “well I see your ready to go somewhere” Uso said noting his duffle bag. Wazu looked Uso over noting that she had her cape on, “And you look like your getting ready to leave too” Wazu said. Uso smiled, “you think I am going to let you walk around on Ralifaris without me to watch over where you go?” “well I guess not” Wazu said, “you tagging along to see what your work has done?” A evil smile crossed Uso’s face, “Perhaps” “even if I tell you to not to you’ll still follow me right?” Wazu asked Uso nodded “well ok then you can tag along” Wazu said as he walked out the door and headed for the airlock on the ship. As the pair walked outside they were met by rain, “It always seems to be raining in this place” Wazu said as he pulled up the hood on his robe and headed to a small vehicle that was waiting just outside of the secure area where the Yui had landed. He opened the back door for Uso. “thanks” Uso said as she climbed into the back of the car. Wazu shut the door and got into the passengers side “Lets go” Wazu said to the driver and soon the vehicle was heading down the road. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Regrets from a past life Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 388 (7/18/03 11:07 am) Regrets from a past life The vehicle drove along the dirt road out into the forest. It had stopped raining a while ago and now the sun was out. “stop here’ Wazu commanded. The driver brought the car to a stop and Wazu got out. He walked around to the drivers seat, “now don’t go anywhere” He said as Uso put a gun to the back of the drivers head. Wazu reached in and took off the steering wheel. Uso then got out of the car and both her and Wazu walked off into the forest Wazu stopped seemingly in the middle of nowhere. “well?” Uso asked as she crossed her arms Wazu sighed, “It looks like this door is closed” he said as she sat down his pack and pulled out a small explosive charge. Wazu set it down on the ground and then backed off along with Uso. A loud thump was heard as the shaped charge blew a hole in the ground. As the smoke cleared Wazu was already setting up his climbing equipment, “what do you need that for?” Uso asked as she gave him a odd look Wazu smiled and then tied the rope to a harness around his waste, “you coming?” He asked as he jumped into the hole. Uso looked into the hole. About 3 3 feet down the hole gave way into a elevator shaft “well this looks interesting” Uso said as she jumped down into the hole. She passed Wazu and before she hit the bottom Uso fired off a burst of her CRT organs. Ahead of her was a ingle metal door that Uso easily pried open before Wazu got down “Hey wait up” Wazu yelled after her. Uso looked around and saw no one. “what is this place exactly?” Uso asked Wazu as he got to the bottom for the shaft. “this is one of the places where the Gama was made” Wazu said as he looked around. The hallways were completely empty as well as the store rooms and the small hanger. Uso was looking at the walls, ~bullet holes?~ she asked herself as she looked at the craters in the wall, “It looks like this place has seen some fighting” Uso said. Wazu had finished looking through the facility, “well it looks like they cleaned the place out. Apparently they have no more interest in this place” He said as he scowled at Uso, “do you know how many people worked here?” “24 organics 34 machine” Uso said with a evil smile, "I took all of that infromation directly from you remember?". Wazu sighed, “and it doesn’t bother you that all those people are now dead?” “not at all” Wazu gave her a stern look and then turned to leave, “you just don’t get it do you” “I get it you cared for these people and that was your mistake.” Uso said as she stood in the elevator shaft and CRT jumped to the top. Wazu climbed after her slowly as he had not yet learned how to use the CRT properly. As they reached the top Wazu placed another charge inside of the hole and then walked off with Uso to go back to the car. Moments later a thud was heard as the charge went off and collapsed the elevator shaft. Uso opened the back door of the car and got in as Wazu reattached the steering wheel, “Back to the Yui” Wazu said to the driver who grumbled something and then started up the car. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) First Impressions Kai Ashigari Guest Posts: 9 (7/18/03 12:10 pm) First Impressions ON> Ralifaris A car drove up near the Yui and came to a stop. Wazu got out of the passenger side door and opened the back door for Uso. Uso stepped out into the rain as Wazu handed her a umbrella he got from the glove compartment. Kai was walking up behind the vehicle, giving it a once over with his eyes as he walked, the wind blew his waterproof robes back a bit as he brushed his hair over the jewel in his forehead. He approached the car and paused. "Excuse me, mi'lady's" He said with a curt bow. "But do you know if this is the GSS Yui, command destroyer of the first fleet of the space divison of the GSA?" He asked in a gentle tone of voice. Wazu gave this new comer a odd look while Uso deployed her umbrella and looked him over Kai's eyes glowed blue as he concentrated a bit on focusing his psionic power to shield the rain off his as he spoke in clear voice. "I'm to report to this ship if it is." He said with a gentle understanding smile, Wazu and Uso could feel a brush against their minds as Kai felt them over to learn names. Wazu and Uso easily blocked his intrusion, "Don't" Wazu said as he pulled his robe up over his head. Kai Ashigari: From what Uso could tell he was a bit wet, but for the most part pretty dry, wearing a white and red robe. "I'm sorry, I always do that to learn names of new people." He smiled. "Well if you want to know this is the Yui" Wazu said as he walked back towards the ship with his duffle bag in hand. Uso looked at Kai, "If you tell me your name I'll tell you mine" she said "My name is Chui Ashigari, my first name's Kai" He said politely. "My name is Taii Uso Tasuki. It is a pleasure to out rank you" Uso said with a smile as she extended her hand to shake He shook her hand, with a pleasant smile. "Who's the Intelligence officer on this ship, as well as the captain?" He asked as he shifted his weight. "Taisho Chiharu is the captin of the ship. I thought that you would know that if you were GSA." Uso said with a slightly skeptical look in her eye, "What is your job exactly?" Kai laughed a bit. "I've been on leave for the last month or so. I do both Intelligence work as well as doubling as a techinician if the need arises." He said. "I was on the Chino Yushi before coming here." He said knowing that it'd relieve some of the suspicion he was feeling from her. "So then, Ash tell me what you know of the Angels" Uso said with her poker face on. "I know that they are up to no good as always, and that there's psychological trauma being inflicted on someone, I'm not quite sure who. Also, from the report to SAINT your ship made, they're building a new type of weapon, that's pretty serious. I imagine you're off to put a stop to that?" He replied as the wind blew a bit, flipping his rode out behind him and nearly pushing the hair away from his jewel. "And my name is Kai, not Ash." Uso gave Kai a small applause, "well you know more than you show" she said "Thank you Miss Tasuki." He said with a smile. "And you didn't answer my question about the intel officer. And a cute girl like you wouldn't withhold that little bit of info would you?" He joked a bit. Uso chuckled, "The intel officer is just some random Neko. But anyways not many people try to brush the minds of nekos. What are you exactly?" "Just a human." Kai said, locking down his mind to any intrusion. "A human with above average mental powers" Uso said as she projected herself into his mindscape to have a look around. "And nobody is a random neko, I'd love to meet my partner." Kai said as he forcefully threw her out. "And I advise you not to try that again." He said, his eyes still glowing blue. "Look, I am getting wet so can we continue this conversation later? I am going to head back to the ship. I expect you to report for duty five hours before we are ready to leave partner" Uso said as she turned and walked back to the ship. He pushed out his rain shield over her as she left. "I'm heading there now, I still have to meet Chiharu." He said as he walked after her. Jp by: GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) and GSA no Chui, Kai Ashigari Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Shore Leave Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 494 (7/19/03 0:26) ezSupporter Shore Leave Chiharu remained in the pilot's pit of the GSS Yui after the ship had landed and she had granted all of her crew shore leave. Whether or not everyone would take advantage of the librty was up to them and their department head but she trusted that her crew would act responsibly or else she would have to punish them. But her thoughts were still troubled as she finally decided to disengage from the pit, but she still recieved ship information and readouts from the Megami. She wondered if Aya and Arume had decided to catch up on some much needed sleep or if they had decided to go to 'shore' as it were to have some fun. Meanwhile.. Aya and Arume had made an agreement to take turns working the bridge while they were on liberty so that the Captain wouldn't be alone the entire time they were planetside. Aya had been given the first shift and the task of gathering what would be needed to cheer up their Captain. Aya had departed the GSS Yui wearing the uniform black robes and officer's cloak over her uniform with the tri-corner hat and carrying a daypack filled with items that she could use to barter for goods with since the GSA didn't have a system of currency that they could use. She kept a pistol strapped to her side and an old fashioned damascius blade strapped to her thigh inside of a beat-up leather sheath. The rain didn't bother her a bit as she made her way to the marketplace... On board the GSS Yui... Akari sat with Inari as they coaxed Lavinia to take this time to go out and have a little fun off the ship. Lavinia simply sobbed as the news of Ritsu's death left her heart broken and in shock. The sentry could only mutter, "It can't be true.. it can't be true.. Ritsu can't be dead..." as the medics tried to help her grieve. "Lavinia.. why don't you and Inari got to town and do some sight seeing or go look for souviners? The change of scenery might do you good..." Akari suggested to the sobbing sentry with a soft smile as an idea struck Inari. "That sounds like a good idea, but it would be even better if we took Siaga with us! That poor little guy has missed you Lavinia." Inari looked down at the steadily wagging tail of the little wolf that hadn't left the Medbay since he noticed Lavinia inside the hemosynth tube. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Considerations Kai Ashigari GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 11 (7/19/03 11:32 am) Considerations Kai followed Uso onboard the Yui, he looked around the interior as he rode the lift up. ~Hmm...it's much smaller than the Chino Yushi.~ He thought as he got to the ship's main deck. He had let off the rain shielding a few minutes ago, and his eyes returned to their normal emerald green color as he looked around. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scents of the ship, then remembered that for the most part, nekos had no scent. He swept the ship silently for indications where the Taisho was. ~There she is.~ He thought and started toward the bridge. He breathed in deeply and sighed and brushed his hair out of his eyes and walked at the brisk pace toward the bridge intending to meet the captain who everyone had mostly good things to say (or think) about her. He had a gentle smile on his face as he reached the bridge he saw the captain sitting in the pilot's pit. He walked up and bowed to her slightly. ~Greetings Miss Ketsurui, Taisho~ He thought to her. Checkup Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 395 (7/19/03 12:48 pm) Checkup Uso watched head down to the bridge, ~well time to get to work~ Uso thought to herself. If she was going to have a partner in Intel she was going to have to get some work done ahead of time. Uso headed back to her nest. As she walked through the door her feet crunched on the glass from the broken picture she had yet to clean up. Uso kicked the debris to the side and then went to her nest. She pulled out a data pad and pressed a few button as she looked around for Data regarding Kai Ashigari. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Moving Along with Life Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 311 (7/19/03 2:41 pm) Moving Along with Life Geminasu had left a datapad with a full report on the rescue of Arch on the bridge and set one for Sygzr on Sygzr's bed. He wanted to get the grime out of his hair. After cleaning himself up and returning to quarters he found that everyone had a short term shore leave. He took the time to put on a fresh suit, he pulled out his favorite leather jacket and put it on. It was a bit worn out but wouldn't be to much to a chance that it'd be too warm out for it as it was thin. Instead of the standard GSA boots he put on his own for a change. The door opened as trouble walked in, she looked at him and asked while smiling, "Hey Toby have you seen a little puppy dog go by here?" "Hmm a puppy dog, you must mean that little dog the old security cheif had, its name is Siaga." he told her. "Really! I didn't know who's it was but I was watching it. It got away from the room. Do have any idea where it might be?" she asked him. "Well the late cheif's girlfriend is being respawned so he might have headed down to the medbay. Wanna go check?" he asked looking at her. "Sure!" she exclaimed, she was happy to be around Geminasu a little bit more often. "Ritsurin Dajinshi was the name of the late chief, his girlfriend's name is Lavinia. You haven't met her yet, I had only seen her a few times passing by until we had a Seraph problem onboard. So she might be overtaken right now as she might be alreadly finished, she lost someone she loved so lets be a bit understanding." He said to her, his mind remembered back a ways to when Ritsurin was alive. -Meanwhile- The Silvershot flew up to the Yui and landed nearby. Zeph soon stepped out on the ground and wandered over to the Yui's hull. He paused for a moment to look at the Yui. He was gonna find Geminasu, he was longing to see the others again. He wished he could have docked to the Yui earlier to lend a hand but the Yui was usually constantly on the move so he never got the chance to ask. -In the medbay- Siaga was excited! Alpha female was back!!! He couldn't stop wagging his little tail. Arch laid out on the table not far from Lavinia, he eyes twitched. He was starting to wake up, finally to see the world with his own eyes. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) The hurricane begins to wash ashore. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 531 (7/19/03 3:09 pm) The hurricane begins to wash ashore. Rion reached the Yui and rode the lift up. ~Damn, what was all that about?~ He thought as the wounds in his cheeks stung again, they were little scratch marks across his cheek. He sighed and walked toward the security nest to put his items away, he looked around to make sure nobody saw him, when he was sure, he laid down on his bed. He was just starting to relax when he noticed a flashing light on his laptop, which he knew indicated a message. "Oh, great, as if this day could get any better." He scoffed to himself and opened the computer to view the email and any attachments. The message was unsigned and read: "I have your little neko slut, come to the following address in 30 minutes, or you'll never see her again. Or do you like to see her tortured? In that case, stay where you are, I'll return her, after I've broken her down to nothing." --unsigned. Rion read the address and was about to dismiss this as one of Uso's pranks when he noticed an attachment. It was a video clip showing what looked to be Inari bound in chains getting whipped and tortured. Rion's eyes seemed to light on fire as he grabbed his guns and loaded them with normal energy rounds, grabbed his cloak and leapt out of his bed and adjusted his equipment and stormed out of the room, carrying his weapons under the cloak, walking defiantly as his tail cracked like a whip back and forth as he made his way to the lifts. He wasn't paying much attention to anyone else as he got there and rode them down, it was still raining on the planet's surface, he didn't care about that, he had something to do and sprinted off into the rainy day to what he thought was a rescue.... Little did he know that he was walking into a trap, Talia was waiting for him at the appointed area with the apparent Inari still bound in chains with various injuries, and it was set up in such a way that made Rion think she was sedated and tied to a crate. "So you did come, just as I expected you to." Talia said standing near the unconscious neko. "Why are you doing this ya old hag!?" Rion said with an angry tone in his voice. Talia laughed at the insult. "Because I want to." She said. "You know I'll kill you for this. Don't you, you obessive little wench." He growled at her moving toward her threateningly. "You want this little fucktoy back Aeriyon? Come and get her. Or do you not care?" She teased cruelly, dragging a knife down the clones body, drawing some blood. "You never told me what you wanted. Let her go" He said. whipping his tail around aggressively. "I want you." She said. "Never, you're totally obsessed with several things I find distasteful." He said walked toward the clone. "well then..." Talia said taking another knife to the clone, slashing her arms open cruelly, the clone screamed in Inari's voice perfectly. "STOP IT!!!! " Rion shouted at her. "I'll kill you for this bitch." He snarled at her and pulled his gun and shot the restraints off the clone and ran over and grabbed her. Talia laughed as he did, making no move to stop him, knowing it was only a worthles clone. The clone appeared to die from the wounds, Rion looked at it and the rain made the holo projector malfunction and cease to do so. "It's a clone. Where's the real Inari?" He asked threateningly. "Why should I tell you, you don't care about her. Just like you never cared about me." She said with a cruel laugh. "If you want to find her. Come get me." She said and sprinted off making a slight motion with her fingers. "COME BACK HERE!!!" He said as the snipers opened fire on him, "whoa!" He said diving behind cover as he heard the guns being readied. Shots erupted from the top of a nearby building, Rion had to move from areas of cover as the bullets exploded, sending shrapnel anywhere. Rion winced as he got behind some good cover. "Dammit, she's getting away." He muttered as he pulled a piece of shrapnel out of his tail, and yelped a bit as the snipers moved on, figuring they'd gotten him. ~Shit, she's got snipers. 3 from the looks of it.~ He thought as he calculated possible actions. The shots stopped as the snipers reloaded their weapons, Rion scanned around for the quickest way to the closest sniper. ~There!~ He thought spotting a staircase inside a nearby building, where some of the shots were coming from. He sprinted as fast as he could go toward the building, he got there, just as they started firing again. Rion ran up the stairs, 3 at a time until he got to the roof, since they had no clear shots, the snipers waited for him to show up inthe open again. Rion got to the roof fairly quickly and pulled out his pistol and used his heat vision to target the snipers heart. The sniper was looking over the open area, still considering Rion to be hiding. Rion smirked and pulled the trigger of his assassin weapon, the round flew from the gun and ina matter of seconds, blood erupted from the snipers chest as the round exploded his heart. The man stumbled, dropping his weapon and tumbled off the edge of the building, landing with a disgusting splat. Rion holstered the pistol and picked up the sniper rifle and proceeded to search quickly for the other snipers, he spotted one. Rion quickly got a bead on the man's head, and for one split second, their sights met as the man got a bead on Rion's chest. Rion was a split second quicker and pulled the trigger, sending one of the explosive rounds at the man's head. He swung around to search for the other sniper as the satisfying explosion sound rang out as the other sniper's head was blown clear off his body. Rion spotted the last one, but he was cleverly hidden behind a pipe sticking out of the roof of another building. ~Damn, no clear shot from any angle, have to try and trick shoot this one~ He thought as he searched and failed for a clear shot. "Whoa!" He said as he was forced to react to dodge a bullet from the other guy who'd been watching him without leaving himself open. ~Shit!~ He swore silently and dashed quickly enough to not allow the sniper to get a bead on him to another bit of cover on the roof. He smiled as the laser sight got a clear line of fire to the guy's arm. The man was an expert sniper and was getting a bead on Rion's chest. Rion's eye widened as he pulled the trigger and threw the gun to the side as he was forced to dodge again causing a bullet to graze him. Rion's shot flew a bit off course and got plugged in the barrel of his opponent's gun and blew it up in his hands, killing him with the shrapnel. Rion sighed as he heard the explosion and ran to the edge of the building, and saw Talia talking to a truck driver. He quietly attached a portable grappling hook and threw a line over the edge of the building. ~thank god I had those in my pockets~ He thought as he slid down the side of the building. The line wasn't long enough to reach the ground, so Rion had to let go and fall a good 30 ft. He landed softly on a outstretched awning of a shop and dropped to the ground and moved quickly toward the truck and got onto the back and hid out of sight on the top of the semi's trailer... GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Insecurities Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 397 (7/19/03 8:04 pm) Insecurities ON> GSS Yui As Wazu made it back to the Lab he tossed his duffle bag aside and grabbed a data pad that was on the table in the center of the lab. He checked the continue then walked back to the bridge to search out Chiharu. The Taisho sat in the pilot's pit on the bridge, for a moment longer before she stood up and moved back over to her regular chair. She noticed an additional voice projecting into her mind and looked over in Kai's Direction.. "Hello there. You must be my new Intel officer. Welcome aboard the Yui.." She nodded to the Chui and looked, titling her head sideways as Wazu stepped onto the bridge as well. "How goes the planning Chusa Wazu? And I see you have finally gotten used to the NH-7 body." Wazu sighed a bit at the mention of his body, ~once the respawn tube is ready I am out of this thing~ he thought to himself as he walked over to Chi, "I have finished with the planning I just wanted to get your approval before it is put in motion" Wazu said as he offered her the datapad. Chi nodded as she took the offered data pad, skimming over the specs. "We'll be leaving once all of the crew has gotten a chance to go out on Liberty. I trust that you're trip a shore was uneventful?" "unfortunately yes" Wazu said as he fiddled with his male uniform a bit, "In the first phase of the plan a fire team will infiltrate the planet and act as spotters for the Shinjuku on the ground while the Yui acts as a spotter in space. We should be able to catch the angel fleet mostly in dock and wipe them out with a single strike. The remainders will be handled by the Yui, Manpukuji, and the Manshuin. One the space around the planet is secured the fire team will mark targets on the ground for long range bombardment. The rest of the ground forces will then be deployed to clean up the facility on the ground." Wazu explained. "So far so good. Now what is plan B if for some unforeseen reason the Elysians know we're coming?" Chi nodded as she smoothed her hair back behind her ears, "This also reminds me... how is our angel friend doing? If he's coherent I want to see if we can get him to agree to join our crew under the agreement of sanctuary and be under close observation until we are positive that he will not betray us.." "The angel is still out cold as far as I know. As for the backup plan the escorts will be protecting the Shinjuku and will escort her out of the area. The Yui will also pull out but will continue to act as a spotter for the heavy artillery. The Fleet is already conduction operations nearby and we can call up reinforcements incase we get into anything we can't handle. The ground team will then sneak it's way out on it's own" Wazu said as he scratched just behind his left wrist slightly Chi's eyes followed his movements, curious as to why 'her' wrist was itching. "What equipment will our ground teams be issued? My recommendation is for them to be issued standard ground forces uniforms to provide more stealth, if you are planning on using Spacey crewmen in addition to normal foot troops for this." "actually I was thinking more along the lines of vacation supplies target designators, the standard cammo and small arms." Wazu said as he reached over and pressed a small button on the data pad bringing up a vacation plan" There is a luxury cruse of sorts leaving for the angel planet. Using it would probably be the easiest way to get planet side" "the actual start of the infiltration will begin with the fire team sneaking onboard this ship" Wazu said "Hmm.. Have you thought about having the ground teams replace some of the tourists or the crew of the ship in addition to stowing away?" Chi thought about the current plan of attack over. "If Nekos are used it might be best to get the necessary equipment to disguise the fact that they are anything but civilian Nekos. The Elysians do know how enough about Nekos to distinguish and operate Nekos..." "I was thinking about having them do a little of both although I will leave the specifics up to the person in charge of the unit." Wazu said "That'd probably be best. Are you intending in participating in the ground assault at all? And what units are you getting to do this- ground forces, spacey sentries or a mixture of both?" "The Fire-team would act as our eyes and ears on the ground and try not to engage in to much combat. The actually assault will be carried out be Ground forces backed up by Ki-V1's and orbital bombardments." "Have any ideas who will make up the fire team or is that still in planning?" Chi's eyes moved from the data pad to Wazu and back again, she was trying to keep most of her attention on Wazu himself. "I know that Uso has experience in this area. Kai and Rion also have the necessary skills to pull this off and the fact that they are human helps. The Rest of the unit I would leave up to Uso to find" Wazu said as he scratched his arm again. He looked down at his hand then put it back down at his side "What's wrong with your arm Wazu?" Chi looked at his arm, a little bit concerned now. "nothing is wrong" Wazu said seeming a bit nervous Chi moved towards Wazu now. "What are you hiding from me, Heram?" "I'm not hiding anything" He said as he moved his left hand behind his back, "so do I have the go ahead for the operation?" he asked hoping to change the subject. Chi reached out to grab Wazu's arm, her eyes focusing on it now. "Heram Wazu don't change the subject on me, now what is wrong with your arm? Don't lie to me now." "Nothing is wrong" Wazu said as he tried to pull the arm away. Chi could see several wounds on his arm that didn't look like they were from weapons. Chi gingerly pulled his arm up so she could see it better. "What are these then bug bites?" Wazu stopped resisting and sighed, "They aren't bug bites... it is a bad habit" ".. are these self-inflicted?" Chi tried to take a better look at the wounds to determine the severity of it and the possible cause of them, i.e. burn, puncture.. etc The wounds looked to be caused by Wazu's own hand. "they are..." He said sounding nervous Chi frowned and lowered her tone of voice, taking on a more motherly type of demeanor. "Why are you doing this to yourself, Heram?" It was odd for the Taisho to refer to Wazu using his first name, she almost sounded a bit awkward to use it. "It happens when I get nervous" he said "... indeed it is a bad habit. Technically, the damage should've repaired itself by now.. but.. let's dress the wound? Next time... please don't hurt yourself if you're getting nervous.. instead let's try to talk about what's bothering you? I need you to be at 110% both mentally and physically right now." Chi held his bad arm with one hand and gently bit down on the thumb of her right hand until she drew blood. The blood dripped down from her thumb onto her hand, and slowly swirled and widened as it encircled the arm- becoming gauze and wrapping the wounds. Wazu looked a bit disappointed that Chi had to do this to him, "I am at 110% this isn't that big of a problem" Wazu said as he let Chi dress the wound "Self mutilation is a big deal. Insecurities gnaw at you and leave you more open to psychological attack. Seraphs can enter your mind and play on those fears and insecurities." When the wound was finally dressed, Chi let go of Wazu's arm and let the bite on her thumb finally heal over. "I am not vulnerable to those simple tricks" Wazu said having faith in his mental defenses "Good, but I'd still like you to not harm yourself. You do have the go ahead for the operation, keep in mind that once they go planet side, there is no expedient way for them to return home." "I know Chi. That is why I won't fail in the attack" Wazu said as he put his arms to his sides. He sounded a lot less nervous now "I'm debating about getting myself involved with the fire team in order to test something but I may just wait out." Chi offered her first offer a friendly smile. "test what?" Wazu asked as he smiled back at her "You'll see. Don't worry.. it's nothing to excessive. I want to see if I've lost my touch. Anyways, are you going on liberty again anytime soon, I'd like to take a short trip to shore myself but I want to work out a time table with you so someone responsible and reliable is running the ship." She smoothed her hair back behind her ears again, she kept her thoughts to herself knowing that almost anyone could be listening in on her thoughts. "Well I need to stay on the ship and get things organized anyways so I'll be staying here anyways" Wazu said, "so feel free to take a break and have fun" "Thanks. I'll go get myself changed and be back here within a few hours." Chi smiled again. "Well enjoy yourself while your on the planet" Wazu said Chi nodded and walked over to the ladder that lead to her nest, and proceeded up it. "Feel free to direct someone to get Ashigari settled in." "right" Wazu said as he turned to face Kai, "so your the new guy then?" END JP GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30)