Preparing for War Sgzyr GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 73 (6/17/03 12:37 am) Preparing for War Sgzyr listened with mild anticipation as he heard a friendly voice chime from overhead that they were about to be greeting some old friends of theirs. The Juni prepared himself with a few minutes of pre-battle meditation. Deep breaths were taken in as then he practiced precise strikes with his hand straight out like a knife. He knew hand to hand combat would be mostly useless against the Angels, but it always helped to be prepared. After the few minutes had gone by, Sgzyr, dressed in his uniform, placed a flak vest on, and slammed the knife into the familiar waist holster. A smile passed across his lips as he anticipated to spill the blood of such heathens.. Without another moments notice, he picked up his rifle and stormed out of the security nest. A few spare energy cells were secure in pockets on his left leg and his right hip. Sgzyr favored his right hand this time, placing his hand right underneath the barrel and gently flexed his left index finger upon the trigger. He was prepared, but the question was, were the others? ... Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 395 (6/16/03 9:21 pm) ... Rion reached the shuttle bay just to see the shuttle leave. "Dammit!" He muttered as he walked back out, he knew that it was his fault for not making it, but still; it was annoying. "ugh, oh well, better make the best of it." He said as he walked out into the hall. "Attention all crew, we have incoming, eta 10 minutes. Prepare for the worse, we'll be leaving this airspace as soon as the boarding party returns." He heard the Taisho's announcement. ~you know, I don't even know her that well. ~ He mused to himself. "Prepare for the worst. psh, I'm ALWAYS ready...for the most part." He said as he took up a position outside the shuttle bay thinking it was the best course of action for him. He leaned against the wall ready to react to anything that happens, his training and prepartion had him ready for anything. But since Geminasu had gone off in the shuttle, Rion figured he should do see Sgzyr for assignments. So thus, he made his way to the security quarters, having an idea that he was there since he hadn't seen sgzyr anywhere else. Rion paused to stretch and did a short punch, punch kick, kick combination, a sharp "shink!" was heard as he blades on his wrists and heels snapped out as he punched and kicked. To anyone else they moved quicker than you could really see, even to Rion, they had become expected and wasn't surprising anymore. He finished, and satisfied, went to see Sgzyr. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) getting ready Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 179 (6/18/03 11:10 am) getting ready Wazu was still at his station and Uso was still standing beside him, “Chi got into the pit” Uso thought out loud. ~Does that mean that Alexis left?~. ~That is most likely~ Wazu thought at her ~hmm… well then now your second in command. Congratulations on your promotion~ Uso thought at him. Uso walked over to her station and checked over the defensive systems again. A battle was approaching and she didn’t want to get caught off guard. ~You don’t even know if he did in fact leave yet Uso~ Wazu scolded. ~Show a little more respect~ ~Your welcome to try and get me to~ Uso thought at him jokingly. Uso and Wazu then went through all the system checks twice and got ready to meet the angel ships if they weren’t able to withdraw before the angel ships arrived. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Shuttle Skills, Rescue, and Coverfire Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 256 (6/19/03 11:23 am) Shuttle Skills, Rescue, and Coverfire Geminasu was piloting the shuttle, Trouble sat in her seat. It seemed quiet almost too quiet. Geminasu looked over the viescreen and said to Trouble, "The original ETA was 10 minutes I believe we have less than five now. Be prepared to treat people okay?" Trouble looked at him and smiled, "Of course I'm ready, you are nervous aren't you Toby?" Geminasu turned red, "Uh no. I'm not nervous... I'm ummmm, not just big on shuttle flying..." Trouble giggled a little as they approached the damaged Angel ship. Upon docking Geminasu opened the hatch and stepped into what seemed to be hell in space. Geminasu stepped out looking around and he said to Trouble, "I'm gonna go and search for survivors and bring them back here okay? I'll take this intercom so you can alert me on the situation alright?" She smiled at Tobias, "Of course go on now and do your thing." she aid as she put a headset intercom through her pink hair and fitted it onto her ear. Geminasu ran down the Angel hallways, avoiding fires and fallen shrapnel, he didn't know exactly where the Angel could be, but he figured he should check the bridge first. He made his way there, only to find that the door had been broken and was wedged in tight. He looked it over thinking. ~Perhaps I can knock this down to get into bridge.~ He stepped back and charged at the door with a flying leap- delivering a strong kick to the door and it creaked then fell down. Geminasu looked into the bridge and saw no one there. ~Not good, where did that Angel go?~ he thought to himself. He continued down to where the escape pod area should be located only to find a slew of already dead angels lying on the floor, their labratory coats and their flesh had been burning for sometime now. He could bear the sight but a figure stirred. Trouble's voice came over the intercom, "Toby, Hurry! The enemy is here! Get back quick with any survivors." The figure stepped out, and spoke in a strained voice, "I am Arch, the one who sent the distress call.... urg.... I'm the only one left, please help me." Arch collapsed, Geminasu reached into his suit and pulled his ninjusto mask upwards to cover his nose and mouth to help prevent smoke inhaleation. He picked up the angel and slung him over his shoulder and ran back through the halls as the fire grew more intense. He almost made it to the shuttle when a beam started to fall in front of him, ~Oh crap! That will block the path back!~ he thought as it was falling down he increased his speed and dived with the angel still on his shoulder and barely made it past the beam, he ran into the shuttle, and set Arch down so Trouble could begin to treat him. Geminasu sat down at the helm as Trouble began treaating Arch, she spoke up as they quickly left the Angel ship. "You got him in time, he's inhaled alot of smoke, and he has severe burns.I will make sure he will be alright till we get him into the Yui's medbay. Fire between theYui and and angel ships seemed to light space, the angel ship suddenly exploded behind them. Sensors in theshuttle went nuts! "Hang on we are being targeted!! Im gonna try and get out of this!" A large volley of torpedos seemed to close in on their shuttle, when the Silvershot swooped by by counterfiring at them covering the shuttle. Zeph's voice came up on the PA, "Looks like you need some help!. Hurry back to the Yui, I've got you covered!" Geminasu smiled as he thought ~Thanks Zeph I owe you one.~ The shuttle approached the Yui. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Under Angel Fire (The Battle's Resolution) Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 460 (6/24/03 1:14) ezSupporter Under Angel Fire (The Battle's Resolution) ON>>>GSS Yui (GD-30) Bridge Taisho Ketsurui sat in the pilot's pit, she was watching the space before her. She could sense the disturbance in the void all around her, it was much closer now and the boarding party had not returned yet and the other shuttle had not returned their hails. It lead the Taisho to believe that maybe the other shuttle was disabled as well but they didn't have the time to recover it as well as the rogue angel ship. What were they to do, just escape and leave this other vessal get annihilated. "Ah hell.." It was the 10 minute mark and the Angel Fast attack ships had made their appearence with 'pistols' a blazing. "Shit, we can not raise the hull plating until the shuttle returns.." Her mind jumped as she manuevered the ship to avoid the attacks. The Silvershot had started providing the shuttle with cover fire as it sped towards the Yui. The smaller shuttle managed to survive the first few hits but.. soon it's shields gave out and the silent shuttle was destroyed. Chi frowned at the destruction.. but she noticed something had slipped away from the little craft's destruction: an escape pod. Wazu had already fired off the Grand white beam cutting one of the angel ships in half. A white substance oozed out of the destroyed ship while the others moved in on the Yui. Uso had raised the shields and kept a close eye on the armor levels around the ships hull preparing to add armor as necessary if they got hit. Uso had kept the back hull plating down. She was however able to raise it in the front. Wazu targeted the variable weapons at the angel fast attack ships and kept a continuous hail of fire raining down at them. Wazu saw the escape pod as well and aimed the Graviton Beam Projector at the small object attempting to guide it into the Yui while firing at the angel ships. Taii Aya had her fingers crossed as she spoke a loud. "They're almost home safe. What are we going to do about that escape pod?" Chui Arume watched her console with a relentless eye. "We have a minor fire in the aft starboard storage bay. Juni Kuru- take a team to supress the fire in the aft starboard storage bay, it's a class A fire." In the Engineering Bay: Juni Kuru looked at her Technicans. "Azumi, Tomoyo, come with me and get your bunker gear. We have a Class A fire in the aft starboard storage bay. Acara, I want you to hold down the fort here with Shira and Hikari. We'll suppress this fire and return here ASAP. We'll be back." The neko offered her Second a confident smile as Tomoyo and Azumi nodded to the Juni with a unified- "Aye aye ma'am." Azumi left the bay immediately after retrieving her bunker gear and quickly pulled it on over her uniform and Kuru did the same. Only Tomoyo lingered for a moment after pulling on the protective gear. The Geshrin looked at Hikari for a long moment and then to Acara.. she met eyes for a moment before disappearing up the ladder. Back on the Bridge... The Taisho frowned again, this was a major judgement call. Would she leave this person to die or would she risk the well-being of her ship and crew to save another random person. Her own heart was torn but her mind was focused on her ship's survival. "What do my officers think about this? Yes or No: recover the escape pod or just recover or shuttle and get the hell out of dodge?" ~Yes~ Wazu sent Chiharu. He already was trying to guide the pod towards the Yui but the ship never stayed too close to the pod and it was increasingly difficult to keep track of the battle, the pod and the shuttle at the same time. ~No~ Uso sent Chi. She was opposed to any course of action that would needlessly risk her own life. ~and what is that shuttle doing here anyways?~ she thought to herself as she waited for the shuttle to dock with the Yui. Aya didn't look at Chi, she instead focused on keeping an open line of communication with the Silvershot and their shuttle. "Taisho... you know my answer is yes.." Arume didn't say a word, her concern was on the fire within her ship.. then came the report: "Chui Arume, the fire has been suppressed, the damage was minimal. Returning to normal duty, Technican Tomoyo is 10-7 for now. Give the Taisho my vote for No. Tomoyo's vote is yes.." Arume's frown deepened. "Taisho: 2 more for no and another for yes." Chi wasn't getting much help the score was 3 and 3- they were almost out of time. It was her decision now... the Yui started to manuever itself towards the pod. ".... We'll retrieve the pod and put the survivor under arrest while he remains in our custody. We can interrogate him for answers.. he might know something we need." Wazu started to fire in wide enough patterns to allow the angels to dodge the shots and force them to keep their distance from the Yui. After what seemed like an eternity but was in reality less than a minute, the shuttle returned and the escape pod was recovered. With the mission objectives met, the GSS Yui made a stragetic retreat, firing at the incoming enemy vessals. "GSS Yui to Silvershot, retreat to the following coordinates and continue to return fire." As soon as the shuttle and the pod were in Uso slammed down on the controls for the armor and brought it up just in time to absorb a few hits. Wazu again returned fire with the grand white beam hitting the closest ship with the powerful beam cutting a neat hole along the top of the ship. More of the odd white stuff inside of the ship leaked out as the beam disipated. "Hope no one wanted to stop and meet the natives.." The Taisho smiled softly to herself as she activated the TDD & TSDS systems to the coordinates she had sent to the Silvershot. Uso smiled as they left the hostile area and leaned back in her chair to relax. Wazu, however, remaned vigilent in cased they were followed although it was unlikely after all ~the angels didn't have the same speed as the Yui~ Wazu thought to himself. The entire ship seemed to sigh with a breathe of relief when it came out on the other end of the gate into 'friendly' air space. Chiharu saw all the systems' read-outs dance across her vision and she felt the Megami repair the ship, this time successful in her attempts. She opened up the PA system, "Attention all crew, stand down from General Quarters and return to normal duties and activities. We have left hostile airspace. Well done everyone and welcome back." Uso smiled, stood up and walked off the bridge. Wazu checked the systems over once more just to be sure before getting up to leave as well. END>>> JP by GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Awards and Crew Movements Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 462 (6/24/03 2:04) ezSupporter Awards and Crew Movements Tenure Award: presented to Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu: 1 Award (2/20/03 to 5/20/03 next award 8/20) Chujo Jadq Wolf: 4 Awards (6/2002 to 6/24/2003 next award 9/24) Chusa Heram Wazu: 2 Awards (1/28/03 to 6/28/03 next award 9/28) Chusa Alexis Jaren: 1 Award (2/7/03 to 5/7/03 next award 8/7) Taii Uso Tasuki: 1 Award (2/27/03 to 5/27/03 next award 8/27) Juni Sqzyr: 2 Awards (1/29/03 to 6/29/03 next award 9/29) Sgt. Tobias Geminasu: 1 Award (3/4/03 to 6/4/03 next award 9/4) Sentry Aeriyon Elisias: 1 Award (3/28/03 to 6/28/03 next award 9/28) Sentry Trouble Crimson: 1 Award Sentry Zeph Steele: 1 Award Training Award Presented to: Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Chujo Jadq Wolf Chusa Heram Wazu Service Award Presented to: Sgt. Tobias Geminasu Sentry Trouble Crimson Combat Award Presented to: Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Chusa Heram Wazu Chusa Alexis Jaren Taii Uso Tasuki Taii Arume Taii Aya Juni Kuru Juni Sqyzr Sgt. Tobias Gemanisu Sentry Aeriyon Sentry Trouble Crimson Sentry Zeph Steele Techs: Acara, Tomoyo Crew Movements: Akumu has not reported in for 3 months and has therefore been declared AWOL/MIA. Xioun Veistre has gone MIA and is suspected to be KIA. Chusa Alexis Jaren has temporarily transferred off the GSS Yui at his own request. He is expected to return later at an undeclared date later on during the year. We're all very proud of everything you all have accomplished. Keep up the good work! By order of: GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Worries, wait, and restlessness Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 263 (6/25/03 9:27 am) Worries, wait, and restlessness After Kuru gave her orders Acara gave a salute. “Yes ma’am.” And slid back to let the others through. Before leaving Tomoyo looked him in the eye. As he watched her leave he felt something jump inside him. He stood there for a while not moving. ~What am I doing,~ He thought as he shook himself, ~there is no reason for me to feel this way.~ Though everything inside him said otherwise. For the rest of the fight he was restless. Moving from one place to another in the Engineering bay. Looking at this, checking that. He knew it was probably annoying everyone but for Heavens sake it was annoying him too. He was not use to a lot of the new emotions he was feeling, and he defiantly did not like this one. When general quarters were announced he let out half a sigh of relief. ~Finally.~ he thought. Acara walked over to Hikari. “Hey I need to get you to the med bay so we can get your new body before we get into another battle.” He extended his hand and waited for her to take it. ~I want to go see if Tomoyo is ok, but she would kill me if I left Hikari to go to the med bay alone.~ GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) Going 10-7 Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 464 (6/25/03 14:37) ezSupporter Going 10-7 Juni Kuru had carried Technican Tomoyo into the Medbay after the fire in the aft storage compartment had been entinguished. The medics looked at the Technicans who entered still in their bunker gear. Akari helped Kuru move Tomoyo onto a table, the girl was unconcious. "Kuru, what happened to her?" Inari asked as she moved to check Tomoyo's vitals. Kuru frowned. "After the fire was contained she just.. fell over. As far as I could tell, she was alert and wasn't having any difficulty breathing but.." Inari shook her head. "The only thing abnormal is her temperature. Let's get her out of the bunker gear and try to bring the fever down. She'll be excused from her duties until she has recovered. I think she's just got a case of heat exhaustion." Akari looked at her sister and Tomoyo and nodded. "I'll leave you to treat this patient, I'm going to prepare a cot for the incoming patient from the Renengade shuttle." Inari didn't look up at her sister as she worked. "Why do you think there's only one?" "Just a feeling Nari, just a feeling.." GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Another game Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 221 (6/25/03 15:50) Another game Uso Headed back to the Intel nest while Wazu headed back to the lab. Wazu looked over the small room to see what had happened while he was gone. Most of the computer components had been eaten and absorbed into Chikara, ~well that is what I get for being dead~ He looked at the panther like creature and was stunned to find various data ports in it’s sides. He then turned his attention to the remainder of the lab. Various experiments had been ruined by his absence so he had no choice but to reach into the various cabinets and shelves to throw away some of the materials. He Then turned his focus to his computer he had set up. The entire unit had bite marks in it and was missing all the important parts. Wazu turned to look at chikara ~could it be in there?~ he thought to himself. Wazu picked up one of the few undamaged data pads that was hidden away in a cabinets and attached it the Chikara. He scrolled through the files stored in it’s memory and was surprised to find all of his old research data inside of it, ~hmm.. It must have absorbed the memory of the other computer~ He thought to himself. He then scrolled through the security measures inside of the creature and found that it had disabled a lot of them including the weapons safeguard. Wazu quickly reinstalled that one and then removed the restriction on movement program and led the creature out of the lab. Uso entered the Intel nest and looked through a case filled with special data pads. ~here it is~ she thought to herself as she picked up one with a yellow piece of tape on it. She formed a cat tail and held the pad in it while she rummaged around looking for some wires. She eventually found them and had her tail hold those as well. She brought some chairs over to the center of the room and placed them back to back then brought a small table near by and placed the data pad on it. She then connected the wires to the pad as she waited for Wazu to get there. Wazu walked into the Intel nest with Chikara in tow and saw Uso standing there holding the cords in her hands, “you ready?” she asked as she handed him one of the two cords, “I…um don’t know how to use this yet” he said. Uso put her hands on his shoulders and guided him down to the chair. “then I’ll do it for you” she said as she moved the flap of skin over his data port and then connected the wires to him, “andds, “you ready?” she asked as she handed him one of the two cords, “I…um don’t know how to use this yet” he said. Uso put her hands on his shoulders and guided him down to the chair. “then I’ll do it for you” she said as she moved the flap of skin over his data port and then connected the wires to him, “and by the way I want to know what this thing is” Uso said referring to Chikara, “Later” Wazu said as Uso sat down in the other seat and connected the wire to her body. “Ready?” She asked. “always” Wazu replied as Uso hit a few buttons on the data pad. The data pad wasn’t as powerful as the Megami so the view screen that popped up wasn’t as powerful. Wazu and Uso got visual as well as sonic data but no touch sound or smell from the system. They area around them was completely black with green lines evenly spaced out creating a grid on all 6 surfaces of the cube they were inside, “So which game will it be this time?” Uso asked as she summoned a interface of floating windows for them to use. Wazu looked through the various pictures that the windows depicted. One depicted a fantasy setting with someone running a spear through a dragon, Wazu waved his hand and the window moved to the side bringing another in front of him. The second window depicted a simple dojo like setting with various weapons on the walls, “maybe later” Wazu thought out loud as he made another sweeping gesture bringing another window into view. This one depicted a battle seen of a two helicopters shooting at some target that wasn’t depicted on the window, “It’s been a while sense we’ve done this one Uso” Wazu said as he tapped the window once. The cube that they were in changed it’s color from black to red and soon a rusty desert like area was all around them. Wazu looked around the pale green tent he was in. Uso of course of nowhere to be found. There was a small table with a lap top on it. Wazu walked over to it and pressed a few buttons bringing up a diagram of a attack helicopter. He scrolled through the various menus to select the equipment onboard the vehicle. He closed the laptop and there was a chopped waiting for him outside on a small concrete landing pad. It was fully prepared for launch and was outfitted with many weapons including several mini missile launchers as well as a radar jamming system and a long range missile launcher. Wazu looked around the small base and saw Uso coming out of a similar tent in a full flight suit as well. She smiled at him and then sprinted to her chopped Wazu quickly did the same. The blades warmed up for a second before both choppers took off. Uso took off first and followed her waypoint indicator with Wazu right behind her. She took some time to look over the control in her craft. One was a readout of the hull integrity of the chopper another was of the ammo capacity. She continued to look over the various readouts like altitude and the artificial horizon until she came to a screen that read, Wazu: 0 Uso: 0 ~well I am going to have to change that~ Uso thought to herself as she gunned the engines. The choppers hugged the ground as they moved across the barren landscape at their top speeds. Ahead of them was a mountain and on the other side of that was a small fortress. The walls were 20feet high and made of concrete and was ringed with AA missile launchers and housed several tanks and had several helipads with choppers ready to launch. Wazu activated his jamming system as Uso went up the mountain. She quickly came over the mountain and target several of the AA sites and launched several missiles at them then moving back behind the mountain before they could return fire. The missiles she had lunched were right on target and engulphed three of the launchers in flames and shrapnel. The other launchers turned to face the mountain that Uso was hiding behind as Wazu swung out from the right of the mountain and let lose a hail of mini missiles and 35mm machinegun fire. The line of fire wiped out the defenses on the right side of the base and Wazu flew his chopper right at it as Uso popped up again and fired off another series of missiles at the remaining AA launchers. Several missiles were fired at her but she hid behind the mountain again and the missiles harmlessly impacted it instead of her chopper. Wazu Flew inside of the base and hugged the ground to avoid the remaining AA sites that ringed the base. The enemy choppers were warming up for takeoff when they were hit by his machine gun fire. Uso flew over the top of the mountain and headed straight for the base, “I‘m not going to let you get all the kills” Uso taunted him as she flew directly to the base launching another set of missiles at the last set of AA sites and spewing machinegun fire at the hangers that stored the tanks. Wazu finished destroying the choppers as the hanger doors opened and Tanks started to drive out while firing their own high velocity cannons at the choppers. Uso tried to hit the hanger with a missile only to watch as it simply bounced off the armored shell of the building. Wazu took off and flew behind the walls to use them as cover as weapons fire came his way. Uso target the tanks as they left the hanger and tagged them with missiles as Wazu turned around and fired off a missile into the hanger through the door. The ensuing explosion of petroleum products incinerated a large part of the base although there was still a few tanks in the courtyard. Uso tore them to pieces with her machine gun. Once the last of the tanks were delt with Uso and Wazu headed back to their small base. Uso and Wazu looked at their scoreboards Uso: 1564 Wazu: 1564. “damn” they both said at the same time. Uso reached back and pulled the cords out of her, “heh next time I won’t go so easy on you” she taunted, “Oh that was you going easy then?” Wazu said “Yes….I am going to walk around a bit I have been sitting for to long” Uso said as she started to walk out of the room “And I have to get a new body” Wazu said “Oh ya that reminds me” Uso said as she turned around and went to get a small package wrapped in nice paper, “this is for you” she said. Wazu gave her a skeptical look, “what is it?” he asked “Open it” Uso said with a evil smile. Wazu sighed and then started to unwrap the package. Wazu pulled out a nice dress from the package. He flat faced and then look at Uso “oh very funny” he said as he placed it back into the package. Uso was laughing “I knew you would like it” she said as she did some stretching exercises. Wazu got up and turned to leave, “well thank you” he said sarcastically as he put the box down on the chair he was sitting in and then walked out the door. Uso rewrapped the dress, ~I can always give this to Rion~ she thought to herself. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) The end of battle Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 430 (6/24/03 9:49 am) The end of battle Rion was out in the hall outside the medbay when the battle erupted outside, he stumbled left and right and regained his balance. While the rescue attempt was going on, he found himself wondering why was it sooooo important to go save this person. He wouldn't normally risk his neck over ONE person, so why was everyone else? ~bah, I'll never understand how groups of people work together, I haven't done that in years~ He thought as he leaned against the wall, waiting for something to happen. After a few minutes of action, things settled down. Rion's stomach started grumbling. "oh man, this is a good time to have to get something to eat." He muttered and headed for the galley to grab a bite real quick. He passed by the medbay and watched Inari work, those feelings of something desired came over him again. He shrugged them off and continued on to the galley. He got there and seeing nobody around, he went to the fridge and got out half a sub he made earlier, and ate it quickly and got a soda or two and drank those. "ahhh better' He said to himself as he was full again. He smiled as a small idea wandered into his mind. He grabbed a small meal consisting of a sandwich and couple other things he set them in a little bag and walked out toward the medbay. He first scribbled a small note. it Read: "Hi Inari, I saw that you'd be in for a long night of patients, so I took the liberty of bringing you a small meal figuring that you wouldn't have time to go yourself. Oh, and don't worry about battles, sure it tests your meddle, but we security are here to put that to a minimal, Well enjoy the little gift here." --Rion He smirked and headed to the medbay, walked in. And noticing that both Akari and Inari were both busy getting ready for patients, so he set the bag on a table in sight and leaned the folded-in-half note against it and walked out. ~I hope she likes that.~ He thought as he went back to his patrol. As he did, his mind started to wander. ~It's no so bad being here. I think I'm liking it, being around other people. I can find times to relax~ he smiled and continued on his route even exploring the subdeck. ~Whoa, this ship is bigger than I originally thought~ He thought as he crawled through the access tunnels and out onto the maindeck again and headed toward the bridge as part of his patrol GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Nervous Twitch Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 231 (6/26/03 9:08 am) Nervous Twitch Wazu was busy cleaning up the lab while Uso was jogging around the ship just to stretch her legs. She didn’t like the ship that much as it was to small for her likening. she sprinted down the hallway being careful not to hit anyone as she did laps around the hallways. When she passed the lab she stopped and then turned to sneak inside. Wazu had his back to the door as he placed data pads and notes onto the table in the center of the lab. Uso came up behind him forming four tentacles as she did and shoved Wazu to the ground with her hands. She jumped onto his back and sat on him while her tentacles pinned his arms and legs to his sides, “what the heck! Uso!” Wazu said angrily. Uso unzipped the back of Wazu’s uniform, “Hey! Stop that!” Wazu said as he struggled to get out from under her but he was pinned. Uso then grabbed the undershirt part of the uniform and pulled it down so she could see the back of his neck and back “heh it is still there” Uso said as she looked at a wound running from the side of Wazu’s back to near his spine. Uso zipped the uniform back up, “I thought I saw this when I plugged you in but I didn‘t think about it till now…. But why do you still have it?” Uso asked “well uh…” “well uh what?” Uso asked again “….” “don’t want to say huh?” Uso asked., “well then don’t tell me I’m sure that I’ll figure it out on my own” Uso said as she got off of him and reabsorbed her tentacles as she turned and walked out. Wazu scratched the back of his neck as she left. He realized what he was doing and pulled his hands down to his work, ~I really have to stop doing that~ he thought to himself GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Back Home and Runnin Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 276 (6/27/03 9:06 am) Back Home and Runnin The shuttle landed rather quickly and the door opened Geminasu picked up Arch and slung him over his shoulder and looked at Trouble. "Im gonna get this down to the medbay alright!" Geminasu said as he sped off holdng Arch tight to make sure he didn't drop him. He ran down the hall hit a quick and rather sharp turn, into the medbay. "Inari! This the guy we rescued! He has suffered smoke inhalation and appears to be badly injured. Trouble treated him till we could get him here." Geminasu said as he laid Arch out for Inari. Inari looked at Geminasu and said, "Don't worry, we'll take things from here, alright?" Geminasu looked at Inari, "Thanks, its in your hands now." He said as he turned towards the door. Inari spoke up once more. "If you see Rion please tell I said thank you for the food." she asked. "Sure thing." Geminasu answered as he left. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Aiseki Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 469 (6/28/03 3:25 am) ezSupporter Aiseki Chiharu sat in the pilot's pit for a while after the battle had ended and her bridge crew went about their business. Arume and Aya had switched out several times to watch the bridge so the other could take a much needed break. A couple of times they had asked the Taisho if she wanted them to stay while she took but a break but each time she had turned them down... the emotional and physical well-being of her crew was more important to her than her own. Stress had been getting to her lately but the sudden panics aboard ship involving various things had helped to take her mind off her own insecurities and thoughts. She hadn't allowed herself much time to sleep much less reflect on everything that's happened. Chi felt herself propelled forward in the flow of time but now she was just slowly drifting until she could reach the next set of stairs to climb. She now had the time to reflect on the past.. but instead she decided to have Megami scan the ship to show her where her crew was as well as any other beings that might have come aboard. ~Meg, please run a basic scan of the ship to show where all beings aboard this ship are.~ The white haired neko appeared briefly across Chi's vision, ~Running the scan now, stand by for visual...~ A map appeared across Chi's field of vision, she followed the map from room to room as the heat signatures and life signs appeared as Megami idenitified each one. Once Chi had seen that everyone was accounted for she heard a voice break her focus back to the bridge around her. "Taisho Chiharu?" Chi blinked a bit as she looked up at Aya, her vision clearing. "What is it Aya?" Chi's voice was focused as a light smile crossed her face. Aya returned the smile relieved to see a glimpse of the old Chi come back. "Well.. Chi-sama.. we've been worried about you. You haven't been yourself lately and you haven't been sleeping or really eating...." Aya bit her lower lip, it felt ackward to address her Taisho so casually again after such a long time. Chi pushed her hair back behind her ears. "It's okay Aya. You know you can speak freely.." "I think you should go get some dinner and go to bed. Arume and I will watch the bridge and Megami can make sure everything stays functional.. Please?" Chi chuckled a bit and nodded. "You're right Aya.. I do need to go let my mind defragment." The connections that linked the Taisho to the ship slowly disengaged, leaving her sitting in the pit shaking her head for a moment. Chi stood up and exited the pit. "Thank you Aya. I'll be alright." Aya smiled brightly. "You're welcome Chi-sama." She watched Chi exit the bridge for a moment before she looked over to Arume. "You know that she just misses Taisho Kitsurugi. It's normal to be depressed when you're loved one is far away and you know you probably won't see them for a while. This war has torn many couples apart but.. life must go on, right? It is kind of rare for people to just have one person they love..." Arume folded her arms across her chest as she slowly and dramatically spun her chair to face Aya. "I know but I just wish that there was something we could do to cheer her up! Maybe I could bake her a cake?" Aya frowned as she tugged on one of her pigtails for a moment. "Just leave her alone and quit mothering, Aya. She's the Captain of this vessal and the 2nd in command of the 1st fleet and the commanding officer of the 2nd fleet, if she can't keep her head on straight because Kitsurugi is gone.. then.. you know." Arume looked uncomfortable for a moment, it didn't feel right to her to even be thinking such a thing. "But I have faith in Ketsurui-san, she will be okay in the end. Just let her be." "... I still want to do something to help her feel better Arume. Do you have any ideas of what might make her happy?" Aya's eye met Arume's for a moment and an eerie smile crossed Arume's face for a moment. "Actually.. yes I do." GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Dude looks like a lady (music in background) Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 246 (6/27/03 11:40 pm) Dude looks like a lady (music in background) ON GSS Yui Uso exited her nest once more with a small box tucked under her right arm as she looked around for Rion. She walked around the small ship until she found him heading towards the bridge. "There you are Rion. I need you to come with me" she said "What do you need now Taii Tasuki?" He asked as he turned to her. He was feeling a bit anxious after slipping that gift for Inari into the medbay. Uso smiled evilly as she walked to the nest he used and opened the door, "in" she commanded "That's not allowed and I don't like you that way." Rion smirked. And started to walked away Uso grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and dragged him in, "you know you really shouldn't offend a superior officer" she said as she tossed the small box into the nest "What? I was only doing what I was told geez" He said Uso closed the door behind her, "I came her to collect on the deal. Now put it on" she said motioning to the box "What the hell's in there" He asked eyeing it "Better not be a goddamn bomb or some other explosive." He frowned Inside he found a small Japanese dress that was short and made of silk with a row of buttons going down diagonally from the top left side. It was form fitting and pale green with a delicate pattern of pink flowers wrapped around it "oh dear god" He said face palming Uso smiled, "Now put it on" she said as she turned around to give him some privacy "Ugh, I hate losing bets." He said and picked it up and looked at it. "It won't fit, my tail won't go in" "Try something a bit longer" He said throwing it at her "then let it hang out the bottom" she said as she tossed it back at him "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ALREADY FUCKED UP MIND!?" He yelled "I will not wear it like that" "that is no way to talk to your superior" Uso said, "now do it" Uso said in a commanding tone Rion grumbled something sounding like her not being superior, but a big pain in the ass. "are you forgetting the bet that you agreed to?" uso asked "I did not forget, but this is so stupid! I'm not going to wear something that forces me to walk around like that " He said "that is half the fun" Uso said with a smile. ~I am going to have a lot of fun in the next 24 hours.~ she thought to herself "I'm not wearing it as long as there's no hole for my tail" He said swishing his tail around in a frustrated fashion. Uso turned around and walked over to Rion. She then grabed the dress. A small red line appeared in her hand and blood oozed out and pooled up like mucury in the center of her hand. It soon formed into a knife which Uso used to cut a tear in the dress where his tail would go. ~what will everyone else say.? oh god~ Rion thought to himself unaware that Uso was peering in on his thoughts "are you happy now?" she asked "NO" He said "good" Uso said "shut up woman! I don't have to deal with this” Rion said sounding like a child as he did "Yes you do" Uso said with a smile. ~he lost the bet and now he will do as I say~ she thought to herself bearly able to contain her exitement at what she was going to do to him. "For the sake of your sick, perverted little game?" He said to her with an eerie calm. "I think not." "no you will because you lost" Uso said flatly "Yes I did." He said "and you agreed to do whatever I asked and right now I am asking you to put it on" Uso said as she turned to face the door again so he could put it on without her having to see him without any pants on "there's no logical point to putting it on, it serves no purpose, other than to embarrass myself and lose respect from the crew." He argued. Uso smirked, "I don't see what any of that has to do with this. You lost now you have to do what I say simple as that" He sighed his sense of honor kicking in and shed the uniform and threw it at Uso's head. He then slid his tail through the tear and put it on. "have any matching shoes too?" He teased Uso tossed his uniform to the side, "no... but that is a good idea I'll get some for you later. Now is it on?" His tail, weaved around reflecting the light off it's silvery texture. "I look good, maybe I'll get a male kimono. It's not my color though." He laughed Uso turned around to look at the short pale green dress with pink flowers on it, "Now sit down in that chair" she said smiling He did so with a laugh, deciding to accept it with good humor. "What now Uso?" He asked Uso sat down in Rion's lap with one leg on each side of him and was facing his face. She pulled out a small box only a few cubic centimeters big and then opened it. It contained various forms of powder and lipstick. She took out the lipstick, "now hold very still" His blades flexed out, swiveling on their genetically toughened joints, his heel blades clicked on the floor. "oh fuck no" He said and swatted it out of her hand "I'm not putting on make up this is enough" Uso quickly formed a tail and caught the lipstick before it hit the ground, "do I have to remind you of our deal?" "No you don't" He said as he tried to back off although Uso's body was pinning him to the chair "look put this on and I won't force you to wear high heels" Uso said "Geez I'm not going to wear either. Get off it" He said narrowing his eyes "I ask you to let me do this" she said in a commanding tone "No, This is totally stupid." He said as he pushed her off and got up to leave "This dress is enough Uso." He said Uso got in between him and the door as he tried to leave "I say it isn't" Uso said "then go jump into a stasis pod." He said "now are you going to keep your end of the deal?" "not if it involves make up, why can't you just leave me alone? you've done enough damage." He said Uso crossed her arms across her chest, "This is what I want to do and you will do it." "I refuse to." He said whipping his tail around and pulled it over his head "You will let me put this on and then you will wear the high heels. If you don't agree I will come up with something worse." Uso said "I will do no such thing" "Rion don't make me come up with something worse. Just relax and make the best of this" Uso said in a soothing voice "Just leave me alone Uso. I hate makeup and high heels." He said "I'll do anything except that" He was sweating Uso had a evil smile, "Well not anything." He corrected himself "ok then if I don't force you to put on makeup and high heels then you must agree to put on whatever outfit I choose for the next 48 hours" Uso said "no, I won't do this for another day." He said "then put on the makeup and heels so you can end this quickly "I'll sooner kill myself than do that" "Hmmm not my first choice of things to do to you...... So what will you do?…. how about a different deal" "Yeah right, you'll word it to come out in your favor. I'm not stupid." he said "You will wear that for 6 hours then another outfit of my choice for another 6 and then 2 more after that for 6 hours each" Uso said "What is it with you and outfits, I don't care about them, I can just shred them anyway." He said "and if you don't then I get to choose a penalty of my choice" "No you do not." He said "I'll make you a deal. I'll walk out of here and not bother you again." He said Uso smiled, "if you want to" "good" He said and waited for her to add to it like he knew she would' "well... leave" Uso said "You're planning something." He said and walked toward the door. and stopped Uso stood there waiting for him to leave "What are you planning Uso?" He said walked up, pushed her out of the way and left. "Megami If Rion approaches the door to the security quarters lock it and deny him access to the Hemosythetic systems" Uso said out loud as he left the door. She had just trapped him outside without a uniform "Uso! you stupid dumbass BITCH!" He yelled at her "how long will it stay locked?" Uso smiled. She was still in the room and couldn't be touched by him, "Until I unlock it "megami, override that." He said although the door remained locked "You have to come out of there to do your duties. “ He said as he thought about it for minute "now will you do what I say?" Uso asked sincerely "Why should I? You do have to come out of there at some point." He laughed "perhaps." Uso said "you can't hold that door locked forever." He laughed Uso sat down in the chair, "tell me when your ready to obey" He decided that he wasn't going to put up with Uso and walked to the empty room " Megami, hemosynth me a ground forces Uniform." He ordered but Megami didn't respond to him "YOU DUMBASS COMPUTER!" He kicked the console and sat down feeling sour. He wasn't going to leave this room EVER. Uso walked out of the security quarters and shut the door behind her. She then walked to the room Rion was in "so will you obey now?" Uso asked in a calm voice "shut up you ugly ass bitch." He sneered "oh ouch that hurt" Uso said sarcastically "I'm not going to obey." He said "You will not make me wear makeup and heels" he clicked his heel blades on the floor Uso took a mental picture of Rion in the dress for use later, "I would suggest you obey" Uso said "why should I? give me 21 good reasons." He said "and I want details." Uso smiled, "Your first broken rib. Your second broken rib, My first punch, When I slammed you against the wall, the roof, the floor, the wall again, When I knocked you around in 0g,. Do I have to keep going?" "Yes, I don't care about those injuries. That's in the past." He said feeling threatened "ok then.....see me when you want to finish your end of the deal." she said as she turned to leave "I am finished." He said "finished resisting?" Uso asked hopefully "finished listening to your bullshit, you can't do anything else to me" "goodbye Rion" Uso said as she walked out the door "What are you going to do?" He asked running after her. “I'm going back to my room to get some sleep" Uso said "Fine, just for the sake of ending this, you can do what you want." He said and sat down Uso smiled and turned around, "ok then that's the spirit!" Uso said as she knelt down in the hallway next to him and started applying the makeup "why are you intent on making me look stupid?" He asked "all I wanted was respect. and now I'll never get it, I might as well leave." He said Uso finished applying the makeup, "well you have my respect.... Not many people can pull of that look" she said with a smile, "I also ask you not to take that off all day ok?" "no promises." He said and started wiping at it "Megami.... Lock Rion out of the bathrooms" "hey! you can't do that." He yelled "agree with me?" Uso asked "I am human, I still have natural functions I have to complete." He said. "agree with me?" Uso asked again a little more forcefully this time "You wouldn't understand that would you, you heartless beast." He said "Megami lock Rion out of the galley.... Do you want me to continue?" she asked "go right ahead. I'll just starve and die and YOU'D be responsible" "Just agree to follow the deal that YOU made and I'll unlock the doors" "Go F*** an angel." He said "Goodbye" Uso said as she turned around and walked off He sat there feeling stupid. "I'll not follow the deal." He said to himself. Rion got up and went out after Uso. "I'm holding up my end of the deal you neko." He said "so you agree to leave that on all day?" Uso asked just to be sure " I have no respect for you,” He said and spit in her face and stalked off Uso cleaned her face off with her hand, "well that wasn't nice" "You're nothing to me. I used to think you were interesting and now I see I was wrong." He said "I'll never take your orders again." He said whipping his tail around making whiplash sounds "Are you going to leave it on?" Uso asked one more time "no" He said "so what if I do?" "Then I unlock the doors" uso said "you can't lock me out of everywhere." He smirked "is that so?" Uso asked, "Megami If Rion approaches any door lock that door" "fine." He said and sat down in the hall "Now I am going to go to my nest and get some sleep.....If you feel like being more agreeable then just knock and we will talk" she said as she walked past him "why don't you go ahead and torture me too" He spat at her angrily Uso walked into her room and closed the door He just sat there not being able to go anywhere. He got up and went to her door and knocked "what is it?" Uso asked from the other side of the door "You win, is that what you wanna hear?" He asked "not really" Uso said, "I already won. I just want you to hold up your end of the deal" ‘'open the door and I will." He said "agree first and I will unlock all the doors He sighed. "Geez, I get nothing at all" He said "open this door and I'll say it to your face." "goodnight Rion" Uso said "for shit's sake Uso. I will I will goddamn it" He said in a pissed tone "Let's just talk" "Megami give Rion access to all the doors again" Uso said "Oh ya and the hemosenthetic systems as well" Rion opened her door and found Uso was inside stretching her legs. "I just want to talk" "Uso, why did you do this? couldn't you have done something else?" He asked Uso smiled at him, "But where is the fun in that?" "There's other types of fun Uso. All I wanted was some respect, and because of this stupid outfit, I never will." He said "now you have my respect" Uso said as she looked at Rion. He did indeed look odd in his Japanese dress and makeup. His face was painted white and had light blue patches on his cheeks "All I had to do was sit back and let you do it. Can you please take this clown make up off?" He begged her "no" Uso said "why? I look like a damn clown." He complained "clown nose!" Uso said as she turned to rummage around through a small plastic bin He ran out Rion went to hide in his quarters for the day, he thought about going to see Inari or Geminasu, but not now. He was dressed as a freaking girl! ~Why am I so worried, this is nothing.~ He thought and went about his duties after pulling off his boots and started walking around on the balls of his feet, his tail gently swishing through the air to maintain his balance as he walked. END JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Caffine raid Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 253 (6/28/03 11:54 am) Caffine raid ON GSS Yui The lab had blueprints and data pads strew about. The ones for the Wazu class craft were on the table in the center of the lab. Wazu was consulting a data pad and making marks here and there with a pen. Eventually he felt himself getting tired so he walked out of the dimly lit lab to get some caffeine Rion passed Wazu in the hallway he had a noticeably sour look on his face as he passed. " Hey Wazu, does Uso ALWAYS do this to people who lose bets?" He asked Wazu looked at him for a moment. Rion was in a short pale green Japanese dress with pink flowers on it, "you're in a dress" he said stunned "I know." He flat faced. "This is what she told me to do, it's only for a day though." "She also made me have to walk around without boots on too." He added flexing his blades involuntarily Wazu shook his head, "Don't worry then it's only for a day" "Uso could make it a lot worse" "I know" He laughed then blushed slightly. "Wonder what Inari or Chi would say if they saw me like this?" He laughed "I don't think there's not much worse than this." He added Wazu smiled, "If Uso heard you say that she would make it worse so try and keep thoughts like that to yourself " I know she'll try to blackmail me later on with this. She gave me this look like she was remembering it." "this will haunt you for a long time" Wazu said, "If she remembered it then she will probably be making copies of it and will send it to everyone on the ship or print out some copies and put them up around the ship" Wazu then continued walking to the galley to get a drink, Rion walked with him. "I don't really care if she does or not. It doesn't really bother me that much." He said "I think that it will bother you a lot more when Uso starts rubbing it in" Wazu said "This is one of those things you take in stride and learn from, I learned not to make a bet with Uso" He laughed "so what was the bet for?" Wazu asked as he walked into the galley "So what if she rubs it in? Rion shrugged. "I held my end of the deal, that should count for something." "If I won she'd give me a brief tour of the ship and well, this if I lost." He sighed "you agreed to that?!?!" Wazu asked stunned as he turned to face Rion "I did, I was ready to accept whatever she had planned, what I wanted was so trivial I thought she'd do it without having to fight. Since I try to hold up my end of lost bets here I am....though to get the makeup on, she had to lock me out of everywhere." He said stretching his arms Wazu smiled as he turned to look through the available drinks, "I think she expected you to haggle" Wazu said as he took out a small bottle of a highly caffinated drink "hey, what's that?" Rion asked. "haggle? how so? Educate me then Chusa Wazu" He chuckled Wazu sat down at a table and took a drink, "ahh that's better.” He said as he felt the energy returning to his body. Wazu wasn’t used to the whole neko thing yet and was still a bit weirded out by their sleep cycles. “But anyways she didn't think that you'd accept her first offer so she asked for to much thinking that you would ask for less instead" Wazu explained "Mind if I sit down?" Rion asked politely "go right ahead" "there wasn't anything I really wanted, and I admit, I thought I could beat her." He said as he took a seat "I doubt that she even broke a sweat fighting well I don't think nekos do that but they flare those heat exchanger things and ya...." Wazu said "I did come close, she freaking burned my uniform off, smashed me into walls, if it wasn't for her damn tentacles, I would have had her." He said Wazu laughed, "so it was the tentacles that beat you then?" "I had to cover her ports up or jam them and pin her to win, and I almost had her, I was so close." He said. "heh you weren’t close" Wazu said "you didn't see us, and Uso won't tell you how I did close off most of her ports. I didn't realize that her hands and feet were ones too" He said Wazu smiled, "you underestimated her and I think you still are" "I feel so weak, I've been alone for why too long, I used to be able to beat nekos like her....but now I think I'm soft. I don't regenerate or grow back limbs." "She isn't a normal neko" Wazu said, "she knows a few....tricks" "dirty cheating tricks too" He laughed "In any case, I don't intend to challenge her again, she might kill me for real" Rion said popping his knuckles "Uso won't kill you....But she will hurt you badly" Wazu said as he took another drink, "cheating eh? what did she do this time?" "told Acara to make megami get rid of the gravity" He said "heh not what I ment by tricks but I guess that it counts" Wazu said "Do you have any advice for me if I try again, I've thought up some things that may work." He said "first rule of battle that I forgot: do not let your opponent choose where to fight." He said "All of that is well and good......but the easiest way to beat her is use a really big gun" Wazu said "all sparring here is unarmed wazu, then again I'm always armed." He said as he clicked his heel blades on the ground "what I need is a powerful neko sedative and access to the veneration systems." He muttered "so? if you want to beat her then you will have to start thinking outside of rules" Wazu said "and knock every one out? I think not' "I've thought about gassing her, flash grenades, using crew as cover all that." He said "I don't think you should use the crew as human shields.....But if it comes to that don't hesitate" "didn't you help make a force shield unit created by the late head of security?" He asked "sorta" Wazu said "I've read most of the crew's general files. and notable things. If I could find it may be helpful" "I can give it to you but I don't think it will be to much eaten" Wazu said. "EATEN!?" Rion said, his eyes bugging out anime style "what could eat that?" He asked "ya eaten.... .So what was the Last thing Uso did when you saw her?" Wazu asked trying to get back onto the subject of Uso "I saw her in her quarters." He said “She's going to take a nap if you wanna pull something on her." He said casually Wazu sighed and got up. He went to get a glass then he filled it with cold water. He then walked back to the table and sat the glass down on it. "Can I ask you something?" Wazu pulled out a chair and then sat down in his, "what is it?" "Could ya tell me a bit about Taisho Ketsurui?" Uso walked into the galley and sat down in the chair that Wazu had pulled out. She picked up the glass of cold water and drank it all quickly. "well... She has the rank but I don't think she has the experience to do her job... There is something holding her back and keeping her from doing as good as she could" Wazu said Uso got up and went to go get herself another glass of water "can't sleep Uso?" Wazu asked "What do you think that is?" Rion asked intrigued. Uso grumbled something and took another drink. "I read that Chiharu has a few....personal problems that she won't sort out." He said Wazu shrugged, "That sounds likely. But it could also be her lack of experience. Right now I don't know enough to make a decision" Wazu said "Her problems aren't really my business though." Rion said "She has experience, but she's a bit to soft hearted you could say." Rion said. Uso absorbed the glass and then turned to leave the galley, "something like that perhaps" Wazu said "Well, could ya tell me about the late security chief? and how did the crew react to him?" Rion asked Uso looked at Rion and then laughed mockingly before walking out of the galley "Ritsurin was....well I didn't talk to him much but the crew didn't seem to like him" Wazu said "There was a incident where he accidentally fried Hikari and he never forgave himself for it if what I hear from Uso is correct" Wazu said "Anyone he was close to?" He asked curiously "A neko named Lav" Wazu said with a slight laugh, "he got into trouble with Chi over that one" "How so?" Rion asked even more curious "He and ya and then that is what led to the separation of the male and female crew" Wazu said "I don't see why Chiharu did that, there was no point." He said Wazu smirked and took another drink "if two people love each other, that won't stop them" Rion smirked and got up to get a drink Wazu shrugged and got up to leave, "well it's been fun.... but in all seriousness Love is a weak thing that is best forgotten in combat" He said, "It tends to complicate things unnecessarily" "Well you wouldn't know about that would you." Rion said and got up to leave Wazu walked out the door, "trust me I do" he said as he returned to the lab "From the way you talk about it, You never had anyone you loved." He taunted as Wazu left. He finished his drink and went back to his work END JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Sleep lost Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 277 (7/1/03 11:57 am) Sleep lost Uso walked back into her room and unzipped her uniform. The room around her did not have any personal items on the walls or tables except for that one picture that she had gotten as a gift from Wazu that was face down next to the Nest. Almost all of her stuff was still in duffle bags or some other case and the only things that were unpacked were the data pads that came with the room. Uso finished putting on her sleeping clothing that was not much more than a t-shirt and undergarments. She laid down in the nest again. It seemed like the millionth time tonight to her. She closed her eyes and went to sleep. Once again she slept comfortably for a few moments that she was able to enjoy before the nightmares started. Uso was able to sleep for a while before she jolted awake. She sat up and was breathing heavily while she franticly looked around the room. To her it was all dark but then soon came into focus as her retinas regenerated. Uso rubbed the sides of her head with her hands. “I really need some sleep” she thought outloud. Uso stood up and headed for the door giving up on sleep for that night. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) For the love of god... Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 468 (7/1/03 2:54 pm) For the love of god... As Aeriyon stalked around the ship on his normal patrol, he did not exactly like the idea of doing it wearing this....dress and the makeup on top of that? "OOOOOH I'm going to get her back for this" He said to himself refering to Uso. He sighed and dropped the whole idea, after all, he did lose the bet. As was in accordance to his personal code of honor, he'd uphold his end of the deal, "It's only for 24 hours. It'll pass quickly as long as I don't think about it....hey what a second, she said I had to wear this dress, she didn't say ANYTHING about wearing something under it." He chuckled and hurried back to his quarters to get the normal uniform pant on under it, or at least some shorts. He didn't care how he looked, he was positive that it couldn't possibly get any worse.. "oh man, what if the Taisho sees me this way? Eh, I don't really care what she thinks, all that matters is that I'm being honest about what I bet over." He said as if to reassure himself. ~Hmmm, most likely Uso's going to rub it in my face, if it gets too far out of hand, The Taisho, or whoever's in charge will end it prematurely.~ He thought as he pulled out a uniform and put it on over the dress and went to the baths and washed the makeup off. "Oh well, I better go see Sgt. Geminasu for new orders, I know he'll laugh, but I don't care." Aeriyon said as he left to go look for Gem. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Boukyaku Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 477 (7/5/03 1:20 am) ezSupporter Boukyaku Inari helped her older sister stabize the Angel patient. There was a terminal punture wound through the man's gut, as well as several burns and smoke inhilation. They truly did have their work cut out for them and they worked for hours operating on the Angel, removing the shrapnel and stitching the wound closed.. Arch had lost a great deal of blood and Akari had no choice but to start a blood transfusion, modifying her own blood to be compatible with the angel's. Inari's thoughts drifted as she solemnly worked on the angel alongside her sister, she was confused by Rion's actions- the delivery of dinner was a foreign concept to her... she had asked Tobias to thank the sentry for her but she had yet to actually eat the food. Rion's behavior in general confused her and she wasn't sure what to make of the man, the masks he wore were strange but the little one, Sai seemed to see through them all. But then again, Sai seemed to see everythign with those eyes of hers. She wondered if Akari would ever tell her what was done to Sai's DNA to get her to be as she was- a strange little girl with a bizarre air about her. "Nari, please check on Tommy.. this patient is stabilized now." Akari's voice broke the stillness that had filled the air with the steady beeping of the life support equipment. Inari nodded and walked back over to the cot where Tomoyo laid, the girl still was not coherent but she would live. There was some discussion between herself, Akari and Kuru about the possibility of transferring Tomoyo into a Neko body since it didn't seem that the Geshrin body was strong enough for the young Technican, but it was briefly concluded that it was Tomoyo's discission in the end- become stronger or remain walking on the threshold between life and death. Then a thought occured to her, "Hey Kari.. isn't Lavinia still in the tube?" Akari stopped for a moment and blinked. ".... I distinctly remember transferring all of the data after Wazu was finished.. but.. I don't remember her ever leaving the tube." Inari and Akari grimaced at the same time, in all of the excitement they had forgotten that they still had a crew member inside a glass coffin waiting for the "kiss from prince charming" to wake her up. "She should be ready now, umm... I'll just give her the stimulants to wake her up. And then, I guess we get Hikari's data uploaded and ready for when she comes in for a 'tune up'." Inari felt horrible for forgetting but what were they to do? The respawnig process took time and they had been in combat but it still was no excuse to leave a patient in the tank. "Do the prelimary checks before returning her to duty... Try to delicately out Daijinshi's passing as best as you can to her, she's going to take the news hard.." Akari solemnly nodded to her sister, it had been a long day and it had just gotten longer. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Need a Good Luck Charm.. Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 478 (7/5/03 1:35 am) ezSupporter Need a Good Luck Charm.. When general quarters were announced he let out half a sigh of relief. ~Finally.~ he thought. Acara walked over to Hikari. “Hey I need to get you to the med bay so we can get your new body before we get into another battle.” He extended his hand and waited for her to take it. ~I want to go see if Tomoyo is ok, but she would kill me if I left Hikari to go to the med bay alone.~ Hikari nodded as she took Acara's hand. "Right, and while we're in the Med Bay we can see if Tommy is ok.. what do you think happened to her? I think I need to ask Inari to make her a good luck charm.. Tommy just seems to be having a lot of bad luck since she came on the ship..." She looked at the shifter quizically for a moment before walking towards the ladder leading out of Engineering. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Uso gets some sleep Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 296 (7/5/03 9:12 pm) Uso gets some sleep ON> GSS Yui "Ugh, oh man, that Geminasu is harder to get a hold of then a sock in a black hole." Rion scoffed as he passed the shuttle bay. "wait, he should have taken that ...guy to the med bay." Rion said and headed over there, now dressed in his standard blood uniform. Finding the Sergeant wasn't there, he walked around. He Headed toward the bridge guessing that Gem went to report the status, his tail slithering in the air behind him docily Uso walked out of her nest and was heading to the medbay in nothing but her T-shirt and undergarments. Her right hand rubbed her head as she walked. She had closed her eye's at the time and was navigating with her mind alone. Rion sighed and wasn't paying attention and bumped into the barely clothed Uso. "OH! I'm so sorry Miss Uso." He said taking a step back. "...what's wrong with your head?" Uso looked at him and then resumed walking past him, "I have a head ache that is all." Uso said at him as she headed to the medbay "Oh, you look like you need some sleep." Rion said walking behind her. "well ya looking for a sedative or headache medicine?" He joked mildly Uso ignored him and kept on walking while massaging her head. Rion rummaged around in his pockets looking for something. "guess I used it all" Rion said with a sigh. "Well, I hope you get better. I guess I don't have to tell ya to go try and sleep it off?" He said stopping. Uso stopped for a moment but didn't turn around, "I've been trying to do that" she said in a annoyed tone of voice before she resumed walking to the medbay "Well shit. That totally sucks. Why can't you sleep? having nightmares or something?" Rion asked, sounding genuinely concerned Uso stopped for a moment and thought about turning around and yelling at him. ~I can spend my time in a better way~ she thought to herself as she resumed walking once more "I'm not wearing that dress.." Rion smirked knowing it'd infuriate Uso Uso turned around and glared at Rion Indeed it seemed he wasn't. ~stupid thing itches,~ He was thinking Uso stopped massaging her head and moved her right hand to her side and formed a knife Rion took a couple steps back realizing his joke had gone bad. and held his tail in front of himself defensively. "Whoa! Hey calm down." Uso was glareing at Rion. She made a CRT sprint just to the side of Rion and as she passed him her knife flicked out at him cutting a small tear along the side of his uniform from the bottom front to near the top back without breaking his skin revealing the dress underneath. Rion flat faced, "why do you have to cut my clothing? You never said I couldn't wear something over it I'm still holding up my end of the deal." He scowled mildly Uso turned around again and resumed walking to the medbay without talking to Rion. She had a smirk on her face as she dissolved the knife back into her body "I saw that smirk!" He laughed and turned to go find Gem again. His tail relaxed as he walked toward the security quarters to get ANOTHER vest on over it, and to trash the cut one. As the door to the room slid open Aeriyon groaned and tossed the red jacket off and got a black lightly armored vest on over the dress, just enough to cover the damn dress, he got his gun belts back on and slid his kodache into a sheath on his leg. "stupid Uso, cutting my shirt like that..." he grumbled and went to find Gem again and headed to the Science labs. Hoping to talk to Wazu and find Gem close to there. Wazu had a set of blueprints layed out on the center table in the lab and had been going over them with a pen changing all sorts of things that were on them. Chikara was curled up in the corner sleeping and defragging it's mind as it slept Aeriyon knocked on Wazu's door. "Hey?" Wazu sent a quick command to Chikara and it got to it's feet and walked over to the door nudging it open with it's head before going back to it's corner to get some more sleep or whatever a machine did in place of it. "what is it?" Wazu asked. He was hunched over the table with the blueprints with a datapad in his hand and a pen in the other "Have you seen Sgt. Geminasu around here anywhere?" Rion asked with a raised brow, looking at the stuff on the table "No I haven't" Wazu said not even taking his gaze away from the work on the table "Damn!" Rion swore. "Oh!" Sorry, did I interrupt something important?" He asked "not really" Wazu told him "May I ask what you're working on?" Rion asked, curious "I'm reworking the schematics of several ships" Wazu said "Oh, interesting. by the way, I just saw Uso, do you know why she's got a headache? Or is it from putting up with me?" He laughed good naturedly Wazu laughed to himself slightly, "heh Uso has had problems sleeping for a while now. "Oh? Poor girl." Rion said sympathetically. “Nightmares I imagine..." He added "perhaps she hasn’t told me what is keeping her from sleep" Wazu said "well, she has to tell someone, someday" Rion said. "I think she doesn't trust anyone enough to tell us what's wrong and ask for help, or her pride interferes." "Uso doesn’t have to tell anyone and she doesn’t want to" Wazu said, "It might be best to leave her to her own devices on this one. After all she has lasted this long without help" "Well, it's not healthy for mind or body to walk around carrying something you can't get off your shoulders." Rion said. "sometimes it is the trials that make us stronger" Wazu said. Chikara got back on it's feet and looked at Rion eyeing the pistol that he had "Um, why is your rat eyeing my gun?" Rion asked with an arched brow. "rat?" Wazu asked sounding a little offended "oh sorry, didn't mean it as an insult." Rion quickly amended "but what is it?" Wazu sent another message to Chikara and it turned away from Rion and went back to it's sleep, "It is a machine I suggest that you don't offend it" Wazu said still sounding a bit annoyed at Rion's comment "Then I won't, I said I was sorry." Rion said frowning a bit "does it have an interest in weaponry?" he joked. "It has a interest in improving itself by acquiring new materials" Wazu said. Another brief messaged was exchanged between the two and Chikara moved next to Wazu and brought him another data pad that it was storing for him. "well, don't we all?" Rion smiled Wazu didn't seem to notice Rion's last comment as he continued to work "Well I suppose I will leave you to your own devices." He said and turned to leave. "tell Uso good luck getting to sleep for me" Wazu said as he left "I'll try if she doesn't shoot me first.” Rion joked again and continued on his patrol. ~Ugh, this is boring as hell, I'd love to get another position on this crew~ He thought Uso had gotten a few pills from the medbay and had instructed Inari to notify her when the angel woke up. she was on her way back from the medbay with a few pills in her hand that she had yet to take Rion was heading back toward the medbay when he saw Uso. "you ok?" He asked "I'm fine" Uso said in a angry voice as she walked "whoa! holy shit. what's got you so pissed off?" He asked getting out of her way. Uso mearly walked past him "...ok" He said and watched her go, smartly deciding it wasn't in his best health to provoke her now. Uso continued walking back to her nest Rion wondered for a second, then went back to thinking about transferring into a different position Rion mentally sighed and went after Uso, catching her in front of her quarters. "Uso, what's wrong?" He asked "I need some sleep" Uso said to him as she was stopped by Rion "I can tell. Well I hope you get it." He said is voice sounding worried about her "I see you put something else over your dress" Uso said "You didn't tell me I couldn't" He said as he got ready to dodge another cut Uso made a move for the door trying to get around Rion who was blocking her path He shrugged and got out of her way. "I really do hope you get better." Uso walked into her nest, "I ask you to get me a glass of water" Uso said as she walked in He shrugged and went to get her one. He went to the galley and got a fairly large glass of cold water and returned a minute or two later. "here you go Uso" He said handing it to her He found that the Intel nest was devoid of any personal items of Uso’s and that all of her stuff was packed in duffle bags around the room. uso was laying down in the nest. She tossed the pill into her mouth and then drank the glass of water in a single gulp. She then rolled over putting her back to Rion as she tried to get some sleep. "It may not be my place to ask, but why don't you have any personal paraphernalia?" He asked as he looked around ~why do you want to know?~ Uso asked. "I'm only curious, you are a friend after all." He said Uso rolled over again and gave Rion a I don't want to talk about it look "hmm...maybe something in your past?" Rion said "that's why I don't have any." “Go away" Uso said in a commanding tone "Yes ma'am." He sighed and turned to walk out and let her sleep. The drugs finally kicked in and Uso fell asleep in the nest. "sleep well Uso." He said gently as he left, he noticed a picture on the desk and went over to have a look. "what's this?" The picture was face down in a frame right next to the nest that Uso was sleeping in he picked it up to have a look at it Rion saw that the picture was of Uso being held down by a few people he didn't know and being tickled by Wazu. She was in a building that looked like a nice apartment with computer parts and wires crisscrossing the area. Uso was laughing and had a big smile on her face during this. He noticed that the plastic covering of the picture had several scratch marks over a few of the faces of the people that were in the picture "Uso...." he said holding the picture and looking at her. END JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) disarmed Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 298 (7/6/03 11:17 am) disarmed ON GSS Yui> Uso was asleep and slept well for a few moments before she started to toss and turn in the nest. although there was a reasonable temperature in the room Uso had opened her heat exchangers in her sleep. Rion was still in the room watching her sleep, thinking about her for the last few minutes. And looking at the picture, he set it down when she started to toss and turn. "Uso??" He asked as he slid down into it with her and tried to nudge her awake. The sleeping Uso barely responded. The sedatives were keeping her asleep. She had started breathing faster than normal and was muttering something under her breath that Rion couldn't hear. He didn't know what to do, except what his mother used to do when he had nightmares as a little boy, he gently slid his tail under and wrapped it around her and searched around for anything she could possibly hurt herself with he made sure to be meticulous in the search. "Uso, you're having another nightmare." He said to her. His tail held her in a comforting manner.^ Uso kept a small pistol underneath her pillow and a three extra clips. Uso tried to struggle against the tail although she was easy to hold down because she wasn't using all of her strength. Uso closed her heat exchangers and started breathing normally after hearing it was a dream....perhaps it did get to her. he took the pistol and the 3 extra clips and pocketed the clips and put the gun in a holster on his belt. He wasn't really sure if it was appropriate, but he didn't like seeing anyone have nightmares, so he laid down next to Uso and hugged her comfortingly with his tail, being sure not to touch her any other way. Uso's eyes shot open as her system worked out the sedatives. She immediately reached for the pistol under her pillow ~where is it~ Uso thought to herself Rion was awake and was sitting next to her. his tail was still coiled about her torso in a hug like fashion, "poor Uso, I wonder what your nightmares are of...." He said softly, not really knowing she was a awake Uso pushed away from Rion and moved off to one side kneeling as she formed a knife as she did, "come closer and I will cut your head off" Uso said. Her eyes were open but they didn't seem to be focusing on anything and looked right past Rion almost as if they were targeting some unseen attacker. "Uso, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. I saw you were having a nightmare, I'm only trying to comfort you." Rion said. He merely sat there watching her movements in case she freaked and tried to attack. his muscular tail and it's whiplash tip pushed her arm back so she couldn't hurt either one of them. "Rion?" Uso asked as she looked around "Yes?" He replied "I'm beside you." He said as his tail squeezed gently to let her know where he was. Uso reabsorbed the knife. Uso's retina's finally formed and her vision returned to normal, She looked at him not knowing what to think. "what happened?" she asked "You were having a nightmare, and I was trying to comfort you" He said with a genuine smile "I know I had a nightmare" Uso said "Oh, um sorry" He said as his tail uncoiled from around her torso. "what was it about?" He asked his expression worried. Uso laid back down in the nest, "It was about nothing" she said. "and where is my gun?" "I have it incase you tried to shot yourself..or me" He said stretching a bit. "I know that you haven't been able to sleep in a long time. Is there anything I can do?" "you can go away" Uso told him "Uso I'm serious, loss of sleep is a symptom of a lot of psychological problems or trauma." He said no moving from where he was, but was prepared to avoid if she decided to attack him "You looked like a child tossing and turning in your sleep, like something terrible was happening to you." He added "Nothing happened" Uso said. It was obvious that she lied. She formed a small tentacle and had it slowly go for the gun that Rion had taken from her. Rion felt the tentacle go over his tail and reacted with lightning quick speed, he had the kodache out and a severed tentacle in a matter of seconds.” You can tell me what happened, I promise I won't tell anyone else." He said resheathing the weapon. "Oh, and as for your gun. I'm holding onto it for your safety" He said as he got out of the nest. Uso stood and walked over to him, "It's MY gun" Uso said. "but it's a danger to yourself when you have your nightmares." He said backing off. "and as a security officer, it's my duty to make sure you don't, or can't bring harm to yourself or any crew, so back off, I'm taking it to the armory for now." He said with deceptive calmness "I want to try and help you with your nightmares, I just wish you'd tell me what it is that happens" Uso scowled at him, "Fine I'll go get another gun" she said as she tried to walk past him and out the door. she was completely ignoring everything he said about her nightmares. his tail lashed and around her waist, stopping her. "Now, why don't you tell me about what troubles you?" He said somewhat rudely slinging her back into the nest with his tail "you need your sleep and I'm not letting you leave until I'm sure you can" "hey" Uso said as she landed on her back and propped herself up on her arms, "You will be letting me out and you will give me my gun back" she said sounding angry "I'm not trying to hurt you." He said, ignoring the fact that she didn't ask. "Uso, calm down, your lack of sleep is making you temperamental, so just lay down and try to sleep again." He said calmly "not until I get my gun back" Uso said as she reached for it again as she moved toward him slightly so that her hand could reach the gun Rion turned to the side so she couldn't get to it and pushed her back into the nest with his tail and held her down this time. "Uso, mellow out, I'm not going to shoot you in your sleep. why do you want it so badly? To try and protect yourself from figments that aren't real?" "HEY LET ME GO!" she said as she struggled against his tail. She noticeably calmed down a lot before she continued, "You don't need to know why I want the weapon all you need to know is that I want it" Uso said, "NOW LET ME GO" she said as she resumed trying to pull the tail off her His tail held her down. "That's why isn't it? And actually, in this situation, it is my duty to know why you want it so badly. But that's beside the point, just calm down Uso, I'm not hurting you at all. I saw that picture." He said “You can trust me with the secrets of your nightmares." He added "It may be your duty but now I am ordering you to give me my pistol back" Uso said, "And there is nothing to trust you with. They are bad dreams and nothing more." Uso picked up the picture beside the nest, "this one?" she asked Aeriyon flat faced. "It's the only one in here. They are more than bad dreams, if they've haunted you for as long as Wazu told me, it's something you HAVE to talk to someone about, now I'm here and willing to listen to you so just calm down and tell me about it. And as for you weapon, you're not getting it back until you tell me, in detail." He said looking dead serious "I've been fine this far without getting help and I will do fine without it" Uso said as she tossed the picture frame off to the side hard letting it shatter as it hit the walls of the room. "and you had no right to talk to Wazu about this" she said as she got up and walked right in front of him reaching for the gun once more as she did he forcibly pushed her back and held her there. "HE brought it up. And you want someone to help you, you don't care who, but you do." "No man is an island Uso. Same goes for nekos." HE said "I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO HELP ME! I HAVE NOTHING THE WOULD HELP ME WITH!!" she yelled at him as she struggled to get out of his grip without hurting him. He held her there not hurting her. "yes you do Uso. I want to help you, just tell me what is bothering you." "you are bothering me" she said as she formed two tentacles that went for the gun He got off her and leaped back and flashed that short sword again, severing the tentacles in two smooth movements. "Uso, try to sleep, I'll stay here with you if that's what you need." "Give me my gun and I'll go to sleep" she said "Sleep without it, I'm sure a big tough neko like you can handle it." He said and left the room without waiting for a response and continued his search for Gem. "HEY!" Uso yelled after him. ~damn it~ she thought to herself. Uso went over to one of the duffle bags and looked around inside of it. She had seven GP4's and a few GP1a's as well as ammo but no pistols. ~well..shit that won't fit under the pillow~ she thought to herself jokingly END JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Helping out Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 294 (7/6/03 3:34 pm) Helping out Acara smiled as he led Hikari to the ladder. He let her go up first, then followed sliding up the ladder. “Yes, Tomoyo does seem a little accident prone, but she’s not clumsy at all. It is defiantly a case of bad luck.” He continued along behind Hikari keeping his upper torso well defined. When they got out of the access tunnels and into the main hallway Acara stretched until he was as tall as Hikari. “Well the med bay is that way.” He said as he continued on. When he slid passed the bathes, he remembered that he had not bathed in some time. ~Dang, I need to clean up. Some bodies smoking and the ashes are getting on my nerves.~ he thought. When he got to the med bay he let Hikari in first. “Excuse us.” He called as he entered. His mind felt out the room for the Medics. As his mind reached he found the medics busy with other patients. Then Acara felt a familiar form. He waited a second but Tomoyo did not move. “Hikari why don’t you just sit down and wait for the Medics to get around to you, ok.” He said as he moved over to the cot that Tomoyo lay on. “Excuse me Inari, but is there something wrong with Tomoyo.” He asked. Acara waited for a reply, thoughts and worries rushing through his mind. GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) Dealing with Gem Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 308 (7/7/03 10:04 am) Dealing with Gem ON> GSS Yui Uso placed the duffle bag back down on the floor making a noticeable "clunk" as it hit the ground. ~damn Rion why did he have to take my gun~ she mental grumbled to herself as she walked out of the room. Her bear feet crunched the small bits of glass that were left over from the picture as she walked out into the hallway to get a new gun Geminasu had been walking down the hallway. He stopped realizing he had left his ninjusto mask on. He reached and pulled it down. He brushed the smoke residue out of his hair, he needed to get it out, but felt he better report soon. Rion had come out of Uso's quarters with her gun on a holster on his gun belt, still out looking for Geminasu. He brushed one of his unkempt bangs out of his face as he walked, slithering his tail behind in calmly, he spotted the Sgt. in the hallway. "Greeting Sgt. Geminasu" He saluted when he got close enough to talk to him. ~he shouldn't have even been in the female nest... I should report him and have him tortured or something~ Uso was thinking to herself as she headed toward the armory. All she had on was a large t-shirt and her undergarments. "hi gem" she said as she walked past him. Uso was half asleep and the groggy Hi was more out of courtesy than anything else Geminasu looked at Rion, a slightly annoyed look came over his face, "Where have you been? I looked for you before the boarding and I couldn't find you." he said. He crossed his arms, he seemed at little annoyed at the soldier. "Hello Uso. Is there something wrong?" "Nothing just having a small sleeping problem" Uso said as she headed down the hallway not stopping to talk but briefly glaring at Rion as she opened the door to the armory and walked in. Rion merely waved it off, other people's annoyance didn't bother him. "I came running but YOU left without me Gem." He said with calm look on his face "I can't help it if I was laid up getting my ribs repaired. when you were looking." He said narrowing his eyes Inside were racks filled with all sorts of guns and ammunition as well as hand grenades flack vests and so on. Uso smiled to herself as she looked the area over. ~this one~ she thought to herself as she picked up a small pistol and exited the armory without getting any clips for it. She then headed to the galley where she picked up an energy drink and then headed back out into the hallway. "I asked you a question Rion, answer me. I wouldn't have left if I KNEW where you were. I want a report right now. Explain, why were your ribs broken?" he asked. A thin red tentacle shot out of Uso's side and went to her hand. It coiled around the drink there and formed a small blade which cut a neat hole in the top of the can. Uso let go of the drink and let the tentacle hold it to her mouth as she took a drink "That's private information Gem, I don't have to tell you that. I'm healed, I'm ready for duty, and that's all that should matter. My health is inconsequential to you, but if you must know, when we got attacked I got slammed into a box while checking out the empty room." He said coiling his tail around his legs as he spoke, revealing nothing of how he felt. Geminasu looked a little less annoyed. "Your health is important Rion, each member of security must be in shape to operate their duties and if your not you need to notify me or Sygzr so we can work with the situation." he spoke calmly to Rion. ~heh they are talking about our spar~ Uso thought to herself seeming quite amused as she stopped to watch the conversation. ~HEY WAZU~ she mentally yelled at him, ~what is it?~ he replied from the lab sounding annoyed that she did that just to annoy him, ~I need a few clips~ Uso thought at him ~why? did you fire off all the others?~ Wazu thought back, ~no someone took them~ Uso replied ~I am not your personal armory Uso~ Wazu thought at her, ~So they will be ready within a hour?~ Uso asked., ~You can pick them up right now just stop bothering me while I am working~ Wazu thought back, ~ok fine but you know you like it~ Uso taunted him "I wish I could have helped you, sorry gem." He said with a shrug Uso decided that this was a good time to interfere. She walked up to Geminasu, "I believe I told you to wait for the rest of the boarding party when I gave you clearance to leave" she said Aeriyon Looked over at Uso as she spoke and gave her a knowing look in the corner of his eye. Geminasu turned to Uso, "I did, he didn't show before it was time to leave. If he did make it then he should have notified us before we left. And what matters is the survivor was rescued, In fact as I recall Inari and Akari are working on him now. Would you prefer we questioned him or not? That could be a good assignment for Rion here." "To question the survivor? Sure, if I can beat it out of him." Rion joked. "but seriously I'll do that." He said with a smirk and a couple tail lashes behind him "aww and I thought that interrogation was my job" Uso said sounding like a child whose mom just said no candy to as she took another drink, "Oh ya and I do remember you taking your time in getting ready to leave” she said to Gem "I'll that decision to Uso Rion if she wants to interrogate she has more authority than I do so its her call." he said to Rion smirking at Rion rather weird behavior. Rion turned to Uso. "May I mi'lady?" He asked with a slight bow, as he was still playing around "well this could be interesting" Uso said with a slight smile, "feel free to but I wish to supervise" "As you wish." Rion said and turned to Gem and a laughed a bit. "What's the survivors name?" This behavior annoyed Gem a bit as he thwaped Rion the forehead, "Hey now behave. His name is Arch Nightblade apparently. He was badly injured and may not be awake. And don't do anything rash please." "OH man. you take the fun out of it" Rion smirked, knowing he was annoying him. "Well I better get on to that job then, if you'll excuse me" ~by the way Rion I order you to give me my gun back as well as the clips you took~ Uso thought at him Rion ignored Uso and started for the Medbay chuckling a bit as he did Uso followed him and made a reach for the pistol as she did Geminasu looked at little puzzled at Rion and Uso's behavior. He started to leave towards the bridge. rion's tail slapped her away from it. "It's my duty to make sure you don't hurt yourself. I'll give it back when we get there if you'll hemosynth a couple adrenaline darts for me" "Fine then I ask you to give it back to me" she said as she crossed her arms and stood in front of the door to the medbay, "You have to do it according to our agreement" "I know, I’ve been waiting for you to ask" He said, "but first gimme the darts." Uso looked at him seeming annoyed, "and the clips I want back" Rion unclipped the gun from the holster and tossed it as well as the clips to Uso as he walked Uso moved aside and let him into the medbay as she formed another tentacle to hold the weapon and ammo behind her as she took another drink for the can Rion entered the Medbay and looked for the survivor. "Where's this Arch?" Uso followed him in and thwacked him on the back of the head, "he is the only angel in here" Uso said sounding a bit annoyed by Rion as she walked over to the angel that was laid out on a table in the medbay She took the last drink from the can and had the tentacle absorb the can into her body before she reabsorbed it into herself Rion's tail thwapped her right back. "Stop that. I didn't know he was an angel." Rion said and walked over to Arch. "Hey Wake up." He said Uso's remaining tentacle thwaped him back, "what did you expect they would find on a angel ship?" "nothing I care to know about." He said as he tried to thwap her in the waist HS port. But Uso’s tentacle easily parried the blow away from her as she gave him a odd look END JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Tomoyo's enigma Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 310 (7/7/03 1:48 pm) Tomoyo's enigma ON> GSS Yui. Acara was standing beside Tomoyo's cot waiting for the Medics to get around to him when he noticed Uso and Rion enter. He did not say anything but waited, trying to deal with his own racing mind. Uso looked around the medbay for Inari or Akari so that she could get a medic to help with the interrogation when she saw Tomoyo laid out on a cot, "what happened to her?" Uso asked herself more than anyone Acara was not paying attention to Uso, and did not hear her asking. Uso saw that both Inari and Akari were busy working on getting lav ready to come out of the tube and back to life, "well Rion I think that you will have to leave him alone for now" she said referring to the angel as she waited for the Medics to finish up, ~We need more crew~ she thought to herself as she waited... Eventually her curiosity got the best of her. Uso moved next to Tomoyo's Cot and looked at the injured crew member, ~what happened to her?~ She thought at Acara. She didn't speak so as not to disturb Tomoyo Acara received the message and turned his head to face Uso. "To be honest I don't know." he said as the rest of his body to face her. Rion turned to see what was so important, frustratingly slithering his tail around. "Oh, I hurt kid, hmm unusual, is she injured?" He asked looking Tomoyo over from where he was, looking for any obvious wounds. Acara's face became annoyed at Rion’s dismissal, but he said nothing. "I saw that." Rion said looking at Acara, he didn't really care what he was. Uso turned to look at Inari and Akari. ~It would be best not to ask them while they are dealing with Lav~ Uso thought to herself, "Megami can you tell me what is wrong with her?" Uso asked. Megami responded with a quick message, "Tomoyo has a elevated body temperature and is excused from her duties until she recovers" Acara made no attempt to hide his face as he turned back to face the cot. "Thank you, Megami." "a fever? that seems odd” Uso said out loud, "Elevated body temperature. Is she Geshrin?" Rion asked megami "Do you see any NH-7 features on her?" Uso asked Rion seeming a little annoyed by his lack of observation skills "It can't be a fever though otherwise it would have been cured by now" Uso thought out loud Acara seemed to be a little incoherent. His features were becoming less defined as he lost concentration. "Acara? am I going to have to get a cot for you too?" Uso asked "That's odd. We geshrin are immune to all disease and maladies." Rion said as he looked the kid over, knowing a bit of first aid. He looked for any signs of anything to cause it, including burns. His tail forming a sort of question mark in the air as he did Rion found no signs of injury on Tomoyo's body. Physically she seemed perfectly fine although she was slightly hotter than normal Acara seemed to come to, his facial details refining. "No, I'm just fine. Do I look unwell?" he asked, looking a little confused. "hmmm, could it be simple heat exhaustion?" He wondered, thinking out loud "Um... what is unwell for you?" Uso asked not really knowing much about his race, "I saw that you started looking blurry but that was it" Acara chuckled a little. "I'm just a little distracted that’s all." Rion tried to put a cool hand to Tomoyo's neck and forehead to feel her pulse and mentally calculate her temperature. Acara's hand became a tendril and stopped Rion from touching Tomoyo. "Wait for the medics please?" "you care for her?" Uso asked "Acara, can you tell me what happened before she became like this?" Rion asked in a professional manner. "I know a bit of first aid, sir, please" Acara thought about that for a second. "I don't really understand, but I think so." Uso glared at Rion, "the medics have already saw to her and prioritized her treatment" Uso said "Doesn't appear that way to me." He said taking a step back. Uso smiled slightly and nodded, "well I'm sure that she will be ok" "Juni Acara, what happened before she became like this?" He asked again. "She was sent on fire control duty. That is all I know." he said, thinking back. "Hmm. During that attack, some heat or some other cause may have gotten the better of her. It appears to he heat exhaustion, you simply have to lower her body temperature some." Rion said now leaning on his tail and crossing his arms over his chest. "wasn't that the general assumption?" Uso asked with a slight smirk on her face. "yes, but I’ll let the medics do that, they know what they are doing. By the way what are you two doing here?" Acara asked. "we are here to interrogate him" Uso said pointing over her shoulder and back at Arch who was laying on another cot behind her "He's out cold unfortunately." Rion added. "So of course, we can't speak with him yet" "Oh, you might want to be quick about it. it gets kind of crowed with six people in here." Acara said in an off hand manner. Rion looked on and found a chair to sit in for the time being. "I know, it was crowded when I was in here before." "the medics have their hands full so we will be quick" Uso said, "or move him somewhere else" "Are the medics done with him?" Rion asked. "If so, I'll take him to the empty room." "he is still badly injured" Uso said, "and it isn't wise to move him just yet" Acara smiled and walked over to Hikari. "Every thing will be fine." he said in a reassuring voice, "She is stable and nothing is really damaged." He sat down decide her and waited for the medics to get around to them. Uso picked up a small data pad that was near Arch, "megami can you display the injuries to the angel on this data pad?" she asked Rion scoffed and looked frustrated. Uso looked at the data pad and nodded a few times, "heh the medics have stabilized him but I was right we shouldn't risk moving him yet" Uso said "Oh I have to wait." Aeriyon said leaning back in the chair. Acara looked over at Uso. "How about I come get you guys when he comes to?" "I'm staying here. I was told to interrogate him, and I'm not leaving until I do." Rion said with a furrowed brow "I'll wait outside then" Uso said as she turned to walk out the door end GSAJuni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSASecurity Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Patience, the silent boredom bringer Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 483 (7/7/03 4:22 pm) Patience, the silent boredom bringer As Rion waited for the passed out angel to wake up, his eyes wandered around the Medbay. It was so much better stocked than the field hospitals he was used to, he shuddered to think about what some of the more gruesome instruments were for. ~I've heard that these places are sometimes used for torture. Hope I don't EVER see that side of the otherwise nice place.~ He thought as he looked around his eyes tracking Inari for a moment. "Man, poor Tomoyo, getting heat exhaustion like that, I hate to see that kind of things happen to a child, but I guess it can't be helped sometimes." Rion said to himself. He looked over at Acara without saying anything. ~what I do not recognize these species, is it a newly discovered one?~ He thought as he looked at Juni Acara. He shrugged it off deciding that it was just another crewmember. He sighed, this was a chance to talk to Inari, and he wanted to...but she was busy. He sighed and exited the room knowing that Acara would let him know when Arch came around. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30)