Battle looms ahead Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 216 (5/7/03 11:39) Battle looms ahead Geminasu heard Chiharu's announcement. He got up and ran to look for Sgyzr, the security chief, because he was gonna be prepared for this, no matter what. His sword hung from his side as he ran down the hall. -Meanwhile- Trouble had chased Siaga to the tech nest, she found him "investigating" the area. "Troublesome puppy" she said picking him up, "Why must you run down here?" Just then Chiharu's message came through PA and she quickly scurried down the hall with Siaga in her arms. When she reached her room she fed him and made her way down the hall. She stopped briefly to pick up her med-bag- just in the case it was needed. -Onboard the Silvershot- MOCH picked up the commands from the Yui. Meanwhile the same distress signal played outloud on from the panel. "Alright time for action MOCH. Ready weapon systems and raise sheild as soon as we get to the source of the distress. We can pretty much assume there's going to be a battle." Zeph said outloud to his automated AI system. "Yes sir." MOCH replied in a rather monotone voice. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Falling Into Place Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 437 (5/23/03 14:52) ezSupporter Falling Into Place Juni Kuru frowned when she heard the General Quarters being called, she did not feel that they were fully ready for another attack on the ship. Yes, the Megami was fully functional and the ship was now running properly and yes, the Yui did have the command triad coherant and on duty. But, Kuru's fears existed within the fact that there weren't as many technicans now as they were before. If they were to take a hit like before, there wouldn't be any technicans left alive to repair the ship. Azumi stood in the Engine Room with Shira and Juni Kuru as they waited for the other techs to report. She watched the Juni curiously, she could almost hear the Juni's concerns in the Neko's body language- her muscles were tightening and her posture was rigid. Kuru's eyes were distant as she looked over the control panels without a visible sign of acknowledgement towards what she was examing, her mind was truly elsewhere. Azumi would almost dare to guess that the Juni was frightened by the aspect of what might happen... Meanwhile... Tomoyo entered Engineering shortly after Hikari gingerly made her way down the ladder into the room. Tomoyo looked towards her NCO and the 2 Neko clones as Hikari noticed that Acara hadn't reported in yet and frowned a bit as she looked towards Tomoyo. "Tommy... Acara's not here yet." Tomoyo blinked a bit and shrugged. "He'll be here in a little bit Hikari." Tomoyo's mind was elsewhere at the moment, she was thinking over what Sai had said to her a little while ago. Everything was an enigma when it came to Sai or what Sai said. On the Bridge: The Taisho nodded to Taisa Jaren as he entered the bridge." Alexis, take the pilot's pit, I'm taking over weapon's systems.." Then Chi noticed a new Neko stumble ackwardly onto the bridge. "Chusa Wazu I presume? Please take over the Defense Systems console. Let's make this one turn out in our favor ladies and " In the Medbay: Inari and Akari prepared for the worst, as Akari said her incantations and her prayers and Inari tried to make sure everything was in order. Sai still stayed with Nashi to make sure the Neko didn't spin out of control if everything went to pot. Sai watched the Nekos in silence, she could hear something in the back of her mind. It was something comforting and frightening all at once. She could sense that things were falling into place and now all she had to do was sit back and wait for her cue to take up her true role in what was to come. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Preperations Alexis Jaren GSA Operations GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 77 (5/23/03 8:47 pm) Preperations Alexis nodded to Chi and stepped down into the pit as soon as she had gotten out. "Alright, Meg, hook me up," he said, the stabilizer holes opening in his shoulders. A jack appeared in his neck and he prepared for the feed. "This time, could we go for direct feed? The screen takes me too long to process," Alexis noted to Megami as the plug was inserted. "It takes me a bit longer to process visual info than direct data." Hoping she followed his suggestion, the shifter looked around to check on everyone's status. Some heavy, uneaven footsteps caught his attention. and he looked over as best he could toward Wazu. He squinted at of the respawned officers, he thought. And judging by the way she walked - like she didn't know how to control the body - and the male uniform, he quickly arrived at the only possible conclusion. "Wazu? Welcome back!" Alexis smirked. "Lookin' good...You're just in time for the party." GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) isn't there a manual I can read? Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 34 (5/23/03 21:38) isn't there a manual I can read? “well then Fluffy now that I’m here we can start the party” Wazu said sarcastically making sure to put the emphasis on Fluffy, this was incredibly embarrassing for her to be on the bridge in her current state but there was nothing she could do about it. Wazu walked, well she tried to walk over to her station it came off more as a controlled stumbling. Uso looked over at Wazu and opened her mouth to speak, “I order you not to talk” Wazu said before she could get in a word so instead she just burst out laughing and nearly fell on the floor, Wazu sighed ~This is going to be a long day~ she thought to herself as she went to her station. Before she reached the station she tripped and hit her head on the console on her way down. Wazu immediately sprung back up while rubbing her head and grumbled something while sitting down in the chair. Uso managed to bring her laughter under control and finished her sandwich before going back to her work. ~tormenting Wazu is going to be fun~ she thought to herself as she watched Wazu clumsily go to work. ~don’t worry I’ll give you instructions on how to use the body later~ she thought at Wazu ~oh great lessons from Uso….. Isn’t there something I can read?~ he thought back ~There is but then I wouldn’t get to see you make a fool of yourself~ she smirked as she sent the thought Wazu flat faced… ~I think I will just ask Chi or someone else~ “Hey Alexis can you fill me in on what I missed later?” Wazu asked wanting to end his conversation with Uso. She however just started to laugh again. She was going to have a lot of fun with this. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) waiting with the rest Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 242 (5/27/03 11:09) waiting with the rest After a quick look around Acara figured that Tomoyo and Hikari were already at the engineering room. ~ I had better head there my self. I don’t want to get caught up in any skirmishes.~ as he moved through the ducts to the engineering room he took care not to snag his uniform. Acara had noticed that officers tended to like a well kept uniform. He slid down the ladder and entered his destination. There he noticed he was the last one to arrive. Here among the techs he felt at home. “Sorry I’m late.” He said and went to a corner near the ladder to wait for the ship to return to a calmer state. There he felt he could do something if anything went wrong. ~I’ll just wait for all hell to break lose. Then pick up the pieces.~ He thought with a smile. ~I guess I have finally found my nitch in life.~ GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) Time passes and leaves ya bored Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 309 (5/27/03 11:39) Time passes and leaves ya bored After Rion completed a patrol circuit of the ship, he stopped and leaned against the wall, the pain in his ribs was coming back. ~Ah dammit, need to let these heal, but I want to be ready to fight if the need arises.~ He thought as he leaned against the wall. He shook his head and went back to the security quarters and made sure his guns were ready to be used if need be. His tail wrapped around his torso as the pain was coming back, hitting him hard. Rion grimaced as he felt it, if he wanted to work, he needed the painkillers. But, he didn't want to go and ask for them, mainly cause he didn't want to show Inari how much it really hurt. But he decided that his pride could take the damage, his body couldn't if he got hit in the ribs again. Rion walked out toward the Medbay to go ahead and get the painkillers, he had no intention of sitting back and letting the enemy try and take the ship without him getting to fight them. He subconsciously fingered the guns in their holsters, but didn't draw them. He got to the Medbay and not really caring who, he asked one of the medics if they could speed up the healing process. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Plan of action Sgzyr GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 72 (5/27/03 12:26) Plan of action Sgzyr had toured the male security nest in hoping of finding solace in its confines. Troubled thoughts entered his mind as he thought about the upcoming battles with the angels. He had heard of a possible angel they were to rescue, but to Sgzyr, all angels were untrustworthy. He swept his fingertips across his bunk as several thoughts passed through his mind… He was broken out of this trance by a sudden urge; he must speak to all of those under his lead about the upcoming battles. He then withdrew the bowie knife from his belt and then began to write down on a shred a paper he had been holding in his hands. “Meet here in the next hour” was the simple message that the paper note left. After he was done writing it, he took the paper and jammed it into the wall, making sure it was secure with the knife stuck through it. With that said Sgzyr removed himself quickly from the security nest to search out Wazu, he needed to speak to the wily scientist for a few moments about his boosters. He then continued his way down the hallway swiftly, hoping to reach the doctor’s lab soon enough. A smile played across his lips as dreams of violence flickered through his head. Survival or Suicide? Arch Nightblade GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 34 (5/29/03 17:11) Survival or Suicide? >>>Scene on board failing Angel Ship, which is under heavy fire<<< Arch braced himself as the ship rocked violently. Shields were on the fritz, and losing power rather steadily. Among the sparks and flames he found a control panel. Flames shot out behind him scorching his wings. Straining in pain him ripped a curcuitboard open and fiddled around with the wires, deverting more power to the sheilds hoping less shots would burst through. His hands glided across the panel and a small view screen lit up. He winced, and accessed what was left of scanners. "Ugh. Lets see. Please lets see if... someone... has gotten my distress signal." His hands moved quickly across the terminal, a picture display came up. "A shuttle?! A tiny one at that! Well it may be small enough to escape the others sensors, hopefully. But if its spotted I'm really sunk. Well, what should I expect all the way out here. I should have realized those GSA people may not show up. Unless their cloaked. All I can do is hope for someone to make here in time. I..." he was cutoff as the ship rocked again throwing him against a wall. A body of another fellow angel tried escape with him lay motionless on the flooring, blood pouring out where a large steel peice of shrapnel had pierced him like a shish-ka-bob. Arch jumped back literally freaked out. Some tears streamed from his eyes, this angel had been hoping to escape and sometime see his family again, but all for naught. Arch wiped his face, and looked at the escape pods. A thought arose in his mind. Perhaps he could fire off a few broken ones and spares to try to distract the others in ship behind his, it was a plan at least. He head towards the pods. This might buy him some time but not much. It wouldn't be long before sheilds gave way and his fate was sealed...... GSA Scientist Arch Nightblade Science Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Arriving on the Scene (the on button) Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 69 (5/30/03 11:57) Arriving on the Scene (the on button) Wazu breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that they had finally arrived and now was ready to carry out his appointed task. He hit the on button for the shields surrounding the ship in a elliptical dimensional distortion that would protect it from enemy fire. His hands then glided over the controls instructing the ship to deploy the extra armor around the hull. He added most of the armor to the front of the ship and the normally exposed areas like the thrusters and sensors for now as that is were they were most likely to take fire but he kept the rear of the ship at 10 cm of armor so that the unused materials could be sent to the front as damage occurred. Uso was sitting at her station analyzing the data that came in. She was readying statistics on the enemy ships armor weapons speed and damage levels to send to Chi and Alexis as the needed it. She also scanned the Angel ship that they were supposed to be protecting and constantly updated Alexis and Chi on it’s condition….which, needless to say, was not good GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Arriving on the Scene (the rest of it all) Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 84 (6/1/03 0:42) Arriving on the Scene (the rest of it all) On GSS Yui> Alexis half-closed his eyes as he began to receive the raw data from the sensors and Megami. Some of it was hard to decipher, so he mentally asked Meg to filter or restructure what he couldn't read fast enough. "Alright, Chi, I'm ready to go." He gripped the arms of his seat and forced himself to relax. "We're closing in on them fast, they haven't noticed us yet as far as I can tell." The Taisho said aloud as she read over her console. "Prepare for evasive maneuvers in case they do. Wazu are the weapons systems ready? I want you to target the pursuing ship and blow it to Hell. " "While you're at it, Wazu, see if you can patch me into your targeting system...I may be able to help you hit things better if I see where you're trying to aim," Alexis suggested as he re-acquainted himself with the maneuverability capabilities of the Yui. Taii Aya sent out a message to the fleeing Angel vessel that was under heavy fire, "This is the GSS Yui (GD-30), we are responding to your distress signal and will be providing you with supporting fire." "Ready to fire" Wazu said as he aimed the grand white beam at the pursuing ship. he didn't fire right away wanted to make sure that a hit was inevitable before he fired. As the Yui closed in he activated the grand white beam sending a massive amount of energy surging at the it's target. Wazu also deployed all of the ships variable weapons turrets and set half of them to automatically track incoming missiles and the other half he kept control of blasting away at the other ships and being sure not to hit the one in distress "How are our shields looking Uso? Let's make sure we come out of this one with our hide intact.." The Taisho looked over to her Intel officer and then over to her other bridge officers, they were all ready this time and she was confident that they would succeed. ~The shields are functioning perfectly~ Uso responded as she monitored the situation. the shields were active and so far undamaged and all not all of the ablative armor was deployed there would be plenty of it for repairs if the need arose. Alexis cringed as a barrage of weapons fire lit up in front of the Yui...The angels were getting smart and aiming for the weapon flashes. He desperately hoped the inertial damping system on this ship was really good as he pulled up sharply and sent a compensation data burst to the targeting system and then pulled the Yui into a loop that brought them under the attacking ships. Wazu took all the upper turrets and fired at the lead angel ship as they passed under it while Uso transferred power to the upper shields practically turning off the ground defense shield for more energy to feed to the main system The Angel ship fired into the last region where the Yui supposedly was as it was blasted from below, a white ooze poured out of a damaged portion of the hull. The Yui had broken their shields but they still returned fire determined not to lose their prize. Wazu smiled knowing that this ship would soon be toast as she launched a torpedo out the back of the Yui aiming for the damaged area knowing that it had few if any defenses left there. "Oh, no you don't!" muttered Alexis as he cork-screwed, aiding the targeting systems again...his moves were ment to be random, but they might have a pattern if the battle took long enough for him to make one. For now, he'd just give the comp a hint of what he was doing. Three shots glanced off of the Yui's shields, a fourth quickly followed...for a second the shifter wondered if that one got through... The Angel ship attempted to evade the incoming fire once more and returned fire, a distress signal went out to the angel ships in the surrounding area.. it'd only be a matter of time before this area would be swarming with Angel ships now. "Don't we have any weapons that WON'T broadcast our position to the quadrant?" called Alexis. He subconsciously moved his body to the left as he banked, squirming like a gamer would while thumbing a game-pad as he plays. The torpedo penetrated the underbelly of the angel ship ripping it apart from the inside as the torpedo detonated. The Yui took a hit in the upper rear section of the hull and Uso was already on it adding additional armor to the ship as is was stripped away by the impact. "we could activate the Ick-fey" Wazu suggested although he didn't like the idea of activating a device that could leave the Yui in a state of chaos "Ick-fey?" Something about that didn't sound right. "What's an ick-fey?" "It's that thing that screws up their power system" Wazu said, "and ours" Alexis tried to divide his mind enough to request a list of the Yui's capabilities while dodging the debris from the other ship. "Hey, what's the Spike?" Uso smiled, "Ram a ship and find out" Wazu tensed up hopeing that Alexis wouldn't take Uso's advice "Ramming...okay, an invisible spike that can go through ships...sounds good to me!" -Megami, if you loose any energy in this maneuver, I'll supplement it myself,- thought Alexis as he performed a smooth u-turn and scanned the area for a new target. When none presented itself, the shifter turned his attention to the focus of the Angel attack. "So...what are your orders now, Chi? Should I bring us closer or are we expecting a trap?" "We should deploy the shuttle and get as many of the renegade angels onboard as possible" Uso suggested "Like Taisho Kitsurugi did when I was brought on board," Alexis noted with a nod. "That's a good idea." "Sounds like a plan Uso. Let's rescue these guys and get out of dodge. It won't be long before their friends show up and try to put the hurt on us. Let Security know that they are going to go visit this ship immediately." Chi replied. Aya nodded as she turned on the PA system. "All Sentries, prepare to board the disabled ship and retrieve the renegades immediately." Uso smiled and leaned back in her chair putting her feet on her console as she did. After all she didn't have to board the other ship so she was in very little danger now Uso could relax. Wazu recharged the grand white beam and made sure it was ready to fire again at the first sign of trouble Alexis let go of the armrests and opened his eyes, the computer link receding into the background of his mind as he turned his attention to what was happening on the bridge. Chi smiled, this had gone well so far. "We need to keep and eye out for any incoming Angel Ships now.. " "I believe that is your job Uso" Wazu said He set up a proximity and tracking alert before he really let himself calm down. The shifter turned and looked up out of the pit to the bridge. This was their time. "Megami can handle it" Uso said Uso got up from her chair, "I'm going to get a sandwich if anything starts to explode I will be back" "USO!" Wazu nearly shouted, "can't you keep your hunger under control for now?" "Just hurry back Uso, I'll keep an eye out until you get back." Chi replied. "don't worry I said I'll be back" Uso said as she walked out the door. Wazu sighed ~it is no use arguing with her~ he thought as he went back to checking the weapons systems Alexis just rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "I think I'll get up and look around the ship. See if there's anything in here we missed." He disentangled himself from the connections and climbed out of the pilot's pit. Wazu looked perplexed. ~we are in the middle of a life or death situation and everyone is leavening the bridge?!?~ she thought she could see why Uso would. she was beyond help but Alexis too? "Alexis, I know you can phase back if we need you. Just hurry back.." Chi sighed, Alexis probably needed to regain his own senses. "Shouldn't we contact the other ship and tell them we are coming over?" Wazu asked "I will," the shifter said with a smile. He left the bridge and went down the corridor, stopping just outside the medbay. His eyes glowed as his vision changed. ~Hmm...Timdri's still here. I thought that the pickup was supposed to have happened yesterday,~ he thought, squinting at the tiny form huddled in his quarters. "I'll send the message as soon as we get the shuttle out." Aya responded with a smile, she was feeling more like herself again. JP GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Whoa. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 327 (6/1/03 7:32) Whoa. Rion had been waiting in the Medbay for another shot of the painkillers when the battle outside raged. ~I'm not doing any good here. I better get to somewhere I can be useful.~ He thought as he winced a bit. He walked out of the medbay headed for where he thought he'd be assigned to go, he knew assumptions were dangerous things to act on, but his gut instinct told him he needed to do something, other than wait here. Figuring the techs would take care of things on the subdeck, and the command triad had things under control on the bridge. It was generally thought that security were everywhere when this situation was encountered, and it should be true. "I may not be 100%, but I can do the best I can do." Rion muttered to himself. He was feeling a bit better, but was hungry so he headed for the Galley to get a small bite. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) A new time for a new Flint flintman Visitor Posts: 12 (6/1/03 10:00) A new time for a new Flint Flint went looking all around to find the GSA, but couldn't find anything until he reached a small shuttle being followed by other ship. The small shuttle was being fired at and wouldn't last very much longer if someone that the part to same the small shuttle. About 700 yards in front of flint was a large ship that didn't look like any friendly person was on it. He knew he had to keep his distance from the small ship being shot and the large ship that would destory him in a matter of second. What was Flint suppose to do in a time like this, but he was human and robot. This would be the mission he was ooking for this would make him great, but it would give him some flashy medal for doing the good deed. He prayed to God that he would be ok from this. His space shuttle only had one misssle, a laser gun, and a few flares for prtection. e thought to himself maybe he could distract the ship following the small shuttle and get them to follow him. His shuttle waited for the small shuttle cross his path then he would fire the flares and haul ass out of there. GSA Sentry Cyber Flint Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Arriving on the Scene [compilation v.1] Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 440 (5/30/03 12:40 pm) ezSupporter Arriving on the Scene [compilation v.1] On a small space shutle... Flint went looking all around to find the GSA, but couldn't find anything until he reached a small shuttle being followed by another ship. The small shuttle was being fired at and wouldn't last very much longer if someone didn't help it. About 700 yards in front of Flint was a large ship that didn't look like any friendly person was on it. He knew he had to keep his distance from the small ship being shot at and he also knew that the large ship that would destroy him in a matter of seconds if it wanted to. What was Flint suppose to do in a time like this? He was only half human and half robotic. This was the mission he ha been looking for- this would make him a hero, but it all it would bring him was some flashy medal for doing a good deed... if he survived that was. He prayed to God that he would be survive this. His space shuttle only had one missle, a laser gun, and a few flares for protection. He thought to himself that maybe he could distract the ship following the small shuttle and get them to follow him. His shuttle waited for the small shuttle cross his path then he would fire the flares and haul ass out of there. Meanwhile on the GSS Yui (GD-30) Chiharu could feel the tension of her crew rising as the GSS Yui came out of TTD and to the coordinates of the distress signal. Taii Aya double checked the origin, "This is it, not the shuttle but the ship under heavy fire." The Taisho looked at her bridge crew for a moment, "Remain in cloak and we're going to provide support fire to the ship in distress. Taii Aya, send a message in response to the S.O.S.. Silvershot, let's show them what we got. All crew, prepare to recieve enemy fire." Wazu breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that they had finally arrived and now was ready to carry out his appointed task. He hit the on button for the shields surrounding the ship in a elliptical dimensional distortion that would protect it from enemy fire. His hands then glided over the controls instructing the ship to deploy the extra armor around the hull. He added most of the armor to the front of the ship and the normally exposed areas like the thrusters and sensors for now as that is were they were most likely to take fire but he kept the rear of the ship at 10 cm of armor so that the unused materials could be sent to the front as damage occurred. Uso was sitting at her station analyzing the data that came in. She was readying statistics on the enemy ships armor weapons speed and damage levels to send to Chi and Alexis as the needed it. She also scanned the Angel ship that they were supposed to be protecting and constantly updated Alexis and Chi on it’s condition….which, needless to say, was not good. Alexis half-closed his eyes as he began to receive the raw data from the sensors and Megami. Some of it was hard to decipher, so he mentally asked Meg to filter or restructure what he couldn't read fast enough. "Alright, Chi, I'm ready to go." He gripped the arms of his seat and forced himself to relax. "We're closing in on them fast, they haven't noticed us yet as far as I can tell." The Taisho said aloud as she read over her console. "Prepare for evasive maneuvers in case they do. Wazu are the weapons systems ready? I want you to target the pursuing ship and blow it to Hell. " "While you're at it, Wazu, see if you can patch me into your targeting system...I may be able to help you hit things better if I see where you're trying to aim," Alexis suggested as he re-acquainted himself with the maneuverability capabilities of the Yui. Taii Aya sent out a message to the fleeing Angel vessel that was under heavy fire, "This is the GSS Yui (GD-30), we are responding to your distress signal and will be providing you with supporting fire." "Ready to fire" Wazu said as he aimed the grand white beam at the pursuing ship. he didn't fire right away wanted to make sure that a hit was inevitable before he fired. As the Yui closed in he activated the grand white beam sending a massive amount of energy surging at the it's target. Wazu also deployed all of the ships variable weapons turrets and set half of them to automatically track incoming missiles and the other half he kept control of blasting away at the other ships and being sure not to hit the one in distress "How are our shields looking Uso? Let's make sure we come out of this one with our hide intact.." The Taisho looked over to her Intel officer and then over to her other bridge officers, they were all ready this time and she was confident that they would succeed. ~The shields are functioning perfectly~ Uso responded as she monitored the situation. the shields were active and so far undamaged and all not all of the ablative armor was deployed there would be plenty of it for repairs if the need arose. Alexis cringed as a barrage of weapons fire lit up in front of the Yui...The angels were getting smart and aiming for the weapon flashes. He desperately hoped the inertial damping system on this ship was really good as he pulled up sharply and sent a compensation data burst to the targeting system and then pulled the Yui into a loop that brought them under the attacking ships. Wazu took all the upper turrets and fired at the lead angel ship as they passed under it while Uso transferred power to the upper shields practically turning off the ground defense shield for more energy to feed to the main system The Angel ship fired into the last region where the Yui supposedly was as it was blasted from below, a white ooze poured out of a damaged portion of the hull. The Yui had broken their shields but they still returned fire determined not to lose their prize. Wazu smiled knowing that this ship would soon be toast as she launched a torpedo out the back of the Yui aiming for the damaged area knowing that it had few if any defenses left there. "Oh, no you don't!" muttered Alexis as he cork-screwed, aiding the targeting systems again...his moves were ment to be random, but they might have a pattern if the battle took long enough for him to make one. For now, he'd just give the comp a hint of what he was doing. Three shots glanced off of the Yui's shields, a fourth quickly followed...for a second the shifter wondered if that one got through... The Angel ship attempted to evade the incoming fire once more and returned fire, a distress signal went out to the angel ships in the surrounding area.. it'd only be a matter of time before this area would be swarming with Angel ships now. "Don't we have any weapons that WON'T broadcast our position to the quadrant?" called Alexis. He subconsciously moved his body to the left as he banked, squirming like a gamer would while thumbing a game-pad as he plays. Meanwhile.... Rion had been waiting in the Medbay for another shot of the painkillers when the battle outside raged. ~I'm not doing any good here. I better get to somewhere I can be useful.~ He thought as he winced a bit. He walked out of the medbay headed for where he thought he'd be assigned to go, he knew assumptions were dangerous things to act on, but his gut instinct told him he needed to do something, other than wait here. Rion figured that the techs would take care of things on the subdeck, and the command triad had things under control on the bridge. It was generally thought that security were everywhere when this situation was encountered, and it should be true. "I may not be 100%, but I can do the best I can do." Rion muttered to himself. He was feeling a bit better, but was hungry so he headed for the Galley to get a small bite. The torpedo penetrated the underbelly of the angel ship ripping it apart from the inside as the torpedo detonated. The Yui took a hit in the upper rear section of the hull and Uso was already on it adding additional armor to the ship as is was stripped away by the impact. "we could activate the Ick-fey" Wazu suggested although he didn't like the idea of activating a device that could leave the Yui in a state of chaos "Ick-fey?" Something about that didn't sound right. "What's an ick-fey?" "It's that thing that screws up their power system" Wazu said, "and ours" Alexis tried to divide his mind enough to request a list of the Yui's capabilities while dodging the debris from the other ship. "Hey, what's the Spike?" Uso smiled, "Ram a ship and find out" Wazu tensed up hoping that Alexis wouldn't take Uso's advice. "Ramming...okay, an invisible spike that can go through ships...sounds good to me!" -Megami, if you loose any energy in this maneuver, I'll supplement it myself,- thought Alexis as he performed a smooth u-turn and scanned the area for a new target. When none presented itself, the shifter turned his attention to the focus of the Angel attack. "So...what are your orders now, Chi? Should I bring us closer or are we expecting a trap?" "We should deploy the shuttle and get as many of the renegade angels onboard as possible" Uso suggested. "Like Taisho Kitsurugi did when I was brought on board," Alexis noted with a nod. "That's a good idea." "Sounds like a plan Uso. Let's rescue these guys and get out of dodge. It won't be long before their friends show up and try to put the hurt on us. Let Security know that they are going to go visit this ship immediately." Chi replied. Aya nodded as she turned on the PA system. "All Sentries, prepare to board the disabled ship and retrieve the renegades immediately." Uso smiled and leaned back in her chair putting her feet on her console as she did. After all she didn't have to board the other ship so she was in very little danger now Uso could relax. Wazu recharged the grand white beam and made sure it was ready to fire again at the first sign of trouble Alexis let go of the armrests and opened his eyes, the computer link receding into the background of his mind as he turned his attention to what was happening on the bridge. Chi smiled, this had gone well so far. "We need to keep and eye out for any incoming Angel Ships now.. " "I believe that is your job Uso" Wazu said He set up a proximity and tracking alert before he really let himself calm down. The shifter turned and looked up out of the pit to the bridge. This was their time. "Megami can handle it" Uso said Uso got up from her chair, "I'm going to get a sandwich if anything starts to explode I will be back" "USO!" Wazu nearly shouted, "can't you keep your hunger under control for now?" "Just hurry back Uso, I'll keep an eye out until you get back." Chi replied. "don't worry I said I'll be back" Uso said as she walked out the door. Wazu sighed ~it is no use arguing with her~ he thought as he went back to checking the weapons systems Alexis just rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "I think I'll get up and look around the ship. See if there's anything in here we missed." He disentangled himself from the connections and climbed out of the pilot's pit. Wazu looked perplexed. ~we are in the middle of a life or death situation and everyone is leavening the bridge?!?~ she thought she could see why Uso would. she was beyond help but Alexis too? "Alexis, I know you can phase back if we need you. Just hurry back.." Chi sighed, Alexis probably needed to regain his own senses. "Shouldn't we contact the other ship and tell them we are coming over?" Wazu asked "I will," the shifter said with a smile. He left the bridge and went down the corridor, stopping just outside the medbay. His eyes glowed as his vision changed. ~Hmm...Timdri's still here. I thought that the pickup was supposed to have happened yesterday,~ he thought, squinting at the tiny form huddled in his quarters. "I'll send the message as soon as we get the shuttle out." Aya responded with a smile, she was feeling more like herself again. Compilation Post beginning. [Will add the appropriate responses on this post as they appear and archive the original posts. ] GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA Sentry Cyber Flint Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Waiting out the battle Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 250 (6/2/03 10:58 am) Waiting out the battle Acara waited stoically through the battle. At the end he felt a rock in the ship. ~Did we get hit?~ He wondered as he waited with the other techs. ~I hope it will not take to long to repair. I was hoping to be with Hikari when she is given her new body.~ Acara looked around. There was the nekos: Shira, and Izumi. He had always felt a little intimidated by them, even though he knew there was no reason to be. And then there was Kuru, Tomoyo, and Hikari, the ones he had come to see as family. Acara got up and moved over to Kuru. “Juni, were we damaged at all in that last attack, and have we been given the ok to leave yet?” he asked. Then stood back and waited for her response. The techs stood looking over the systems' read-outs trying to access the damage done to the ship over the course of the short battle. The actual damage was minimal and only the outer hull suffered any damage and the Megami had already started repairs on it. Juni Kuru looked over to Acara with what could be considered a half-smile. "We're fine, but we haven't been cleared from General Quarters as of yet. So for now we hang tight, once we get cleared you can take a break." She paused for a moment and looked over to the younger techs as well. "Hiki.. Tommy... you two can take a break as well." She looked then to her two clones then. "I'm proud of all of you, you've all been working hard since we've been on this assignment and I want you all to know that I appreciate all of your hard work. When these three get back from their break, Izumi, Shira, you two can take a break as well." GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) Arguments get you nowhere Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 330 (6/1/03 1:28 pm) Arguments get you nowhere Rion was headed for the galley to get a little bite to eat, he didn't really know what else to do, the battle outside hadn't gotten inside yet, so Rion didn't have much to do. ~Damn these ribs.~ He silently admonished himself for getting hurt like that. The artificial lighting reflected off his blades and tail as he walked, his headband flowing in the air behind him as he walked Uso was already in the galley poking around inside the fridge for something to eat, she pushed the vegtables aside as she digged through "Oh, Uso. Hello" Rion said when he looked up and saw her. He walked over to the fridge to have a look as well. "Hi!" Uso said without moving from her spot at the fridge. She grabbed some cheese and meat out of the fridge and went to go get some bread. "By the way, hurry up and heal... ok?" "That's what I'm doing Uso." Rion said as he got some meat,a few slices of tomato, some cheese, some lettuce, bread and mayo. He put it all together rather quickly and sat at a table after getting some water. His tail wrapped around his torso as he felt a sharp spike of pain. "I heard the announcement. What happened?" He asked. "Just hurry up ok? I can't have you be my slave until you're better," She said with a smile, "As for what happened we blew up an angel ship." Uso grabbed the mayo away from Rion as well as took the bread while she was at it to make her own sandwich. "Yeah whatever, I remember, but you have to wait until my duties are completed, then I'm yours." Rion smirked. He winced slightly again as he ate his sandwich. He paused after a moment, "I'll head to the shuttle bay after I finish my sandwich, is that acceptable? Uso laughed and leaned aganst the counter as she formed a tentical to hold her sandwich, "I'm not in charge of the boarding party. You might want to ask Geminasu" Rion sighed, "We're planning to board? I didn't know that. In any case I'm not in real shape to do that yet." He smirked again. His tail unwrapped from around him and slithered on the floor behind him. "In all likelihood, Geminasu will tell me to do something mundane like that." He added Uso formed a few other tenticals and all on their own they started to put together another sandwhich while Uso was talking to Rion, "No, your not ready to do something like that. I am not letting you die until you fulfill your end of the bargin so no shuttle for you." "You're no fun, you know that?" Rion asked, he liked to fight when it was allowed. He took another bite of his sandwich. "Ow, stupid bones. Wish I could heal as fast as you nekos can." Rion muttered. "Well this is fun for me" Uso said as she took another bite, "Nnn, I guess you're a bit strange then." He smiled at her. The tentacles finished puting together two more sandwiches and receded back into her body although one stayed to carry the sandwiches along and the other she used to hold the sadwich she was eating, "heh look who is talking" "Well I'm young and impetuous, I can afford to be a little weird." Rion smirked at her as he finished off his sandwich. "Well, you're almost indestructable, so you can too I suppose." He added "What do you mean almost? I can't be killed." She said jokingly. "Mm hmm yeah. Everyone has a weakness, you're only unkillable for as long the Soul Transfer technology is around, and Megami isn't damaged again." Rion said standing up. Uso laughed, "Even if Megami goes down you'd still have to kill me before I die for good" she said. "And that is no easy task." "And have the Taisho out to kill me for it?" Rion laughed. "Not likely." Uso laughed some more, "heh the Taisho won't come after you". Rion smirked again as his tail lifted itself and coiled around his leg. "Oh really? I don't believe you. Besides I'm in no condition to try and even hurt you." He said plainly. "And my being up and about isn't helping my ribs to heal." He added. "She won't come after you because you can't kill me condition or no condition you still aren't good enough" Uso said as she took another bite. "You aren't going to provoke me by insinuating that my abilities aren't good enough to hurt a neko. Why would I want to? None of you have really done anything to deserve me coming after you." Rion said brushing a bang out of his face. He felt his face. ~I need to shave.~ He thought Uso shrugged, "I am simply stating fact." she said with a mouth full of food, "And you'll find a reson to hate us nekos eventually either all of them or just one." "I don't think like that. You're very pessimistic about things like that aren't you? What happened to make you like that? Bad experiences with people hating you? Well, get over it, this is now." Rion said. "I may be pessimistic but I'm not the one with the broke ribs" Uso said. "Eh, Well they'll heal, I just need to lay down and let them heal." He blushed slightly as he thought about going back to the medbay. "Whatever, just hurry up so I can make you do my work." Uso said, "In the meantime I will be looking for funny outfits I can force you to wear" Uso got up and started to walk out into the hallway. As she finished her first sandwich her tentical receaded leaveing only one tentical trailing behind her holding some sandwiches. She reached back and got another one and started eating "HEY! Come on, gimme a break. I'm not wearing stupid outfits." Rion called after her. "OH YES YOU ARE!" Uso yelled back from the hallway. Rion walked out the door behind her, his tail weaving around in a irrate fashion. "YOU CANT MAKE ME." He yelled. ~Shouldn't have said that.~ He thought. Uso stopped and slowly turned around. "Is that so?" she said with a eerily calm voice. "I have my pride, and I won't sac it for your amusment." He said. "That may be so, but when you heal up- I OWN you for a day and that includes your pride" She said in an all-knowing tone. " 'Sides, you can't find clothes that'll fit me." He smirked. "I will hack off your flesh to make you fit" Uso said. "Yeah, right." He said, turning around to leave. "I can always break some more of your ribs" she said. "Whatever." He smirked, hoping he was getting to her. "Pain is a part of my job. I can live with it." Uso came up and jabbed him in the back, "Just so you know, I will be finding an even more outragous outfit for you to wear." "Yeah whatever. I'll just shred it and go about my business." Rion said. "So then you will walk around nude? I wonder what Chi would think of that." Uso said. "Better than wearing you're dumb outfits. Nudity is a part of living. She'll understand that, or I'll blame it on you." He smirked without turning around. "Either that or she will cut off some of your more offensive parts" Uso said as she laughed. "I can live without 'em." He shrugged, it was a blatant lie though. "Besides I can use my tail to cover that up." Uso laughed, "I'm sure you can. It isn't like anyone would want to with you anyways" " I know that. I'm not interested in anyone." He said calmly. "I'm not worthy of female attention, or to feel anything like that." "That is true" Uso said turning around to leave, "You aren't worthy of attention from any female, like Inari for example." Uso said and then walked off down the hall. Rion shrugged, he was insulted by that statement but he tried not to show it to Uso. "....." Uso was brimming with pride knowing she hit home with that last statement. "You little.....*mutters a vile curse at her in a different language* Elg'caress." He muttered Uso opened the door to her nest, "I HEARD THAT!" she yelled down the hallway as she steped inside. "Deal with it yourself, I doubt you even know what that means" He yelled at her. Uso had already closed the door and didn't hear him. Or at least, she didn't act like she heard him. "That little *grumbles something about prideful little*....I hate it when she does that." He grumbled and headed for the medbay to get painkillers as the pain was becoming overwhelming. When Rion entered the Medbay again he saw that only Inari and Akari were present- Sai and the black Neko were no longer there. Inari looked at Rion when he entered. "You need another shot of painkillers, Solider?" Inari smiled softly, it was a sad kind of smile. Akari simply prepped a large needle for Inari to inject the meds into Rion. "Nari.. here. So far so good, there's a warmth eminating from the crew of this ship but.. the ship we're rescuing.. be ready for a mess." Akari handed the needle to Inari and returned to her preparations for what was to come. Inari frowned for a moment as she took the needle and motioned for Rion to sit. "Take a seat please and expose your leg. The best place for me to inject this into you would be your thigh... there's a major artery there and the painkillers will kick in more quickly. This will hurt so please try to relax a bit." She waited for him to comply before she quickly pressed the needle into the man's thigh and injected the painkillers. When Inari said it would hurt she wasn't kidding.. it was almost as bad as getting the ribs broken in the first place but.. he could feel the cool liquid hitting his bloodstream and the pain dissipated once more. "You can try to return to duty if you'd like. Just be careful. For now, you can recover your compsure." Inari offered a comforting smile as she took the needle and put it into the biohazard bin with the other spent needles. Rion winced as Inari administered the painkillers, but the smile she gave him made him feel a bit better, but she still looked a bit sad. "Inari, you look troubled, may I ask what's wrong?" Rion asked, his voice full of concern for her wellbeing. He had decided silently that he'd stay here for a bit and collect himself before continued with his duties. "A battle always brings worry to a medic, and it brings up the question of whether or not your abilities are strong enough to keep death at bay. But, there's no time for you to be concernedover me, you have your own duties to perform. You have to report for the boarding party. You've been medically cleared for duty." Inari smiled again and gently indicated towards the door. JP by: GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) GSA no Taisho, Ketsurui Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) and GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Old friends Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 94 (6/2/03 6:44 pm) Old friends Uso flopped down into the nest and grabbed a data pad. Her tentacle was still holding a few extra sandwiches. Her left hand held a sandwich while the other held a data pad. She was shifting through various outfits from dresses to uniforms looking for embarrassing things she could force Rion to wear. ~This is going to be fun~ she thought as she came across the French maid uniform. She laughed to herself for a moment as she imagined Rion in that. Uso continued to search through the outfits coming across several things that she would have to force Rion into as well as a few things she would have to hemosynth and send to Wazu. Uso finished her last sandwich and decided to annoy Wazu for a while before getting some sleep. ~HEY WAZU!~ Uso mentally yelled at him. This caused Wazu to nearly jump out of his seat on the bridge, ~USO! What the heck!” He thought at her as he settled back down in his chair and went back to work, ~You do know that we are in a war zone?~ ~I know we are. You need to loosen up Megami can handle the ship well enough~ Uso thought back at him ~It is a wonder you haven’t been killed yet~ Wazu thought ~So how are things?~ ~…~ ~Don’t feel like talking?~ ~I’m trying to work~ ~You could use that computer for something better~ ~like~ ~play a game. I still say I can take you on any anything~ Wazu chuckled, ~still overconfident aren’t you?~ ~maybe. Play me and find out~ ~ok ok fine I’ll do that once I’m finished here~ Uso smiled ~I’ll get ready then~ ~planning to rig the game are you?~ ~and you aren’t planning on cheating?~ ~If I had to cheat to beat you I’d have to be pretty sad~ Uso giggled ~I believe Sean said the same thing……and he cheated~ Wazu also laughed ~What ever happened to him anyways?~ Uso shrugged although Wazu couldn’t see it ~~I don’t know~ ~anyways I will be happy to beat you once we are out of danger~ Wazu thought. Due to his inexperience with the Neko body he was also speaking out loud whatever he sent a thought. Anyone seeing this would think he was talking to himself. Uso leaned back in her nest and got some sleep. After all she would be alerted by Megami if she was needed on the bridge GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Boarding Time Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 236 (6/5/03 5:44 pm) Boarding Time Geminasu had been dashing down the hall. He needed to gather the security team or what he could, he couldn't find Sygzr so he decided to put together a boarding party. He spotted Trouble in the hallway and came to a complete halt sliding forward a bit. "Trouble meet at the shuttle bay ASAP! I gotta go find the rest of the team." he said as he dashed onward. Trouble looked at Geminasu run down the hall and smiled, "He's always rushing ahead of himself." She picked up her med case and headed for the shuttle bay. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) June 7 standard earth time Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 129 (6/9/03 5:48 pm) June 7 standard earth time Uso tossed and turned in her nest then woke startled. She sat up in the nest for a moment as her retinas reformed and let her breathing return to normal after her sleep. She pushed the pistol next to her nest aside so she could see the clock/calendar that was beside her nest. She had only been able to get a few minuets of sleep. Once again she was having nightmares so she decided that she was just going to go without it for a while. not like she needed it anyways. She checked with Megami and so far the Yui was ok so she still wasn’t needed on the bridge. Uso walked to the galley and got a small glass of saki as well as a cupcake. She started to think about the current events. She didn’t understand why the GSA was fighting the angels. ~There had to be more to it otherwise the GSA wouldn‘t have reacted like this right?~ she thought to herself. She also thought about her place on this ship.. staying on this ship would get her killed sooner than she wished. ~but I still have work to do here~ she reminded herself. She turned her attention to the cupcake in front of her. It had five small candles on it. She started to feel a little sad that no one even cared as she blew out the candles. Uso then laughed out loud she found it funny that she was starting to fret over something as trivial as this. She quickly finished the saki and cupcake then headed back to her nest. A small box was outside of the door, ~Well I guess someone remembered~ she thought to herself as she picked it up. Meanwhile… Wazu stumbled through the door and back into the bridge and took his seat. He pressed a few buttons on the panel in front of him to see what he had missed while he was away. There hadn’t been any changes so Wazu resumed keeping watch over the surrounding area GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) About Nashi… Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 156 (6/12/03 7:42 pm) About Nashi… ON GSS Yui> Uso opened the door to her nest and tossed the box inside. she decided that she would open it later. ~I wonder why the shuttle hasn't launched yet~ she thought to herself as she started to walk around the ship to stretch her legs. Alexis strode down the corridor to check on Nashi in the medbay, not knowing she had already left for her quarters...he smiled as he passed Uso. "Feeling better now?" he asked, pausing for a moment as she went by. "Much better" she said with a smile, "so what are you up to fluffy?" she asked He frowned. "Please don't call me that," he said. "I'm going to the medbay." Uso laughed, "ok I'll stop. So are you going to check on Nashi? or maybe talk to Sai about what will happen next?" she asked Alexis eyed Uso. How did she know about Nashi? He still didn't know much about some of the crew, all he knew about Uso was that she was Intel...maybe that's how. He shrugged it off and didn't answer, but continued down the hall. Uso started to follow Alexis, "So I've heard that Nashi is one of PUNgen's prototypes" she said trying to open up a conversation in Nashi "Yes, she is. Why are you interested?" He arrived at the medbay door and looked inside...Nashi was nowhere in sight. Great, just when nothing was going wrong! Fortunately, Inari was nearby...he looked at her and she smiled. "Sai and the new neko went back to the crew quarters, I think. They just left a few minutes ago." Oh, great...Alexis smiled and nodded. "Thanks." Ducking out of the medbay, he almost bumped into Uso as he quickly changed vision modes and began looking for Sai and Nashi. Hopefully he would find them with Sai in one piece. Uso laughed again, "I'm Intel it is my job to know everything. I wouldn't be a good Intel officer if I wasn't curious" she explained to him as she followed him around The crew quarters were empty, everyone gone to their posts...Alexis turned and started heading to the front of the ship, to Nashi's room. "Hm. Well, alright, what do you want to know about her?" "What exactly is she? a NH-X an older model? or something different all together?" Uso asked as she walked alongside Alexis as he searched for Nashi. She hoped that she'd get a chance to finally meet her. "She's an NH-7, like you, I think. No augmentations, no boosts...just a little tweaking in the brain." A small sigh escaped as he saw two forms in Nashi's room, one Geshrin and one Neko glowing brightly through the walls. He turned to look at Uso, now he was able to focus on her questions. "Chi is going to introduce her to the crew. But be aware that Nashi is not like you. She's a kid, a very dangerous one, watch what you say." ~a kid? tweaking in the brain?....~ everything that Alexis said was being stored away for careful analysis later inside of Uso's mind, "Tweaked? how so?" Uso asked Alexis paused. If he told Uso how Nashi was different, would she use that information to manipulate her? Nashi could be very gullible at times... Sai was a good, if strange, influence, but thinking of Uso talking with Nashi made Alexis nervous again. "She's a combat specialist. A scout, assassin, and beserker in one and she has the means to use it." "so her only modification is added combat knowledge? Or is there more?" Uso asked "Her thoughts are different...Uso, if you know everything, why are you asking me?" Alexis' pad buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and scanned the screen. Like before, strange script scrolled across his screen; he read it quickly and then saved the message, clearing the screen. "Excuse me. I have to go. If you get back to the bridge before me, please just send a message over the intercom when anything goes wrong." The shifter looked at Uso, then turned to go. "Well don't wait up for me" Uso said with a smile as she walked back to her room with a smile ~that conversation was most enlightening~ she thought to herself. OFF> JP GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) After thoughts Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 157 (6/12/03 19:42) After thoughts Uso walked to the galley ~After all thinking goes well with Saki~ she thought to herself. She saw geminasu scurrying about and wondered what he was doing that was keeping the shuttle from launching. Uso opened the door to the galley and quickly got herself a glass of saki. After returning the bottle to the fridge that it came from she walked back to her room and got into the nest being careful not to spill her drink. Uso took a sip and started thinking about her conversation about Nashi with Alexis. ~First off what is she~ Uso thought to herself. ~Alexis said she was a neko like me so she must not have a new body however she is a PUNgen test weapon so like he said she has some mental modifications.~ Uso took another sip of saki. ~Alexis said that she had additional combat knowledge and she was a kid~ something about that didn’t sit right with her ~that can’t be all of it~. Uso replayed the conversation in her head ~she is different. Different in the head? That usually means retarded, insane, or she has added telekinetic abilities~ Uso thought through the possibilities ~A kid wouldn’t be able to handle the mental strain of added telekinetics. But a retarded or insane weapon would have trouble following orders.~ Again Uso felt like she missed something. ~He did say she could be an assassin and a retarded weapon couldn’t possibly do that. So Nashi is insane then now where are they hiding her~ Uso put the glass down beside the bed and got out a data pad. She pressed a few buttons on the data pad and brought up a diagram of the ship. ~I didn’t see Nashi the entire time but apparently Alexis did~ Uso thought remembering his sigh of relief. ~So either he was searching with telepathy or he was using some kind of infrared.~ Uso could rule out telepathy because she knew that he would have found her a lot sooner ~so he was looking through the walls with infrared.~ she pressed a few buttons on the data pad and a dot showed up that represented Alexis, ~Alexis was moving this direction so she must have been on this side of the ship~ Uso thought as she drew a sphere around the dot. She knew that Alexis’s vision must have been at most from where he sighed to the front of the ship. ~Well shit that is almost the entire ship~ Uso thought to herself ~but if he was moving in this direction then he would have seen as he was moving so she must be somewhere in here~ Uso changed the sphere to a hemisphere and placed it facing the front of the ship. ~So Nashi is in this area~ Uso zoomed in on that part of the ship it would be easy enough for her to search that area and find Nashi after all it was a small ship. Uso smiled ~now to plan this out~ she thought to herself as she ran over several other scenarios in her mind. She found herself staring at the box Wazu had given her. ~would he put a bomb in there?~ she thought to herself becoming slightly paranoid again. She then laughed to herself. ~Wazu isn’t the type to be self destructive~ she thought to herself as she opened the box. Inside was a photograph. Uso, Wazu, and a few other old friends ~acquaintances~ she corrected herself from Ralifaris were in the picture. They were all in her home at that time. They had all brought over various computer components and the room was crisscrossed with wires coolant tubes and various parts of hardware that formed a large tower in the center that served as their computer at that time. She was being held down by one of her friends and being tickled by Wazu. She smiled as she remembered trying to get out of that hold and then the playful fight that followed. ~That’s gone now~ she reminded herself as she put the picture on the floor so that it wasn’t showing. Uso then got up and walked out of her nest and headed for the bridge to see what she was missing. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Rescue Operation Underway and Readouts Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 247 (6/13/03 7:40) Rescue Operation Underway and Readouts Geminasu dashed as fast as he could, he couldn't spot any other members of the security team. Thinking to himself, ~Geez, Rion's and Sygzr are nowhere near here I guess, no sense in waiting any longer to get them up to date with the plan. Ahh, well, heck with it.~ He turned around suddenly and dashed down the hallway towards the shuttlebay, making sure to check to be sure he was ready for whatever would come his way. -In the Meantime- Trouble had picked up her medic case and a few other tools that might be needed. She walked down at a mild rate made her way into the shuttle and waited for Tobias to show up. Geminasu reached the shuttlebay, and skidded to a halt. He stood up brushed back he blue hair with his hand and adjusted hi headband, he didn't want it to fall in his eyes. He walked in as Trouble was waiting for him. "Trouble, we will be boarding the broken down angel ship to rescue the person behind the distress call. Are you fully prepared?" he asked looking into eyes. "Yes, Im ready. Lets go." she replied They boarded a shuttle, and Gem took the helm and punched in a few coordinated and signaled to the bridge the boarding crew was ready for launch. He also signaled to the Silvershot and opened a channel to Zeph who had been keeping watch for more angel vessels. "Zeph. Come in." "Zeph here." ""Make sure to give a report of surrounding to the bridge, we don't want to be ambushed and lose the one we're trying to save alright!" Geminasu said to Zeph via the intercom. "Gotcha." Zeph smiled, Geminasu was trying to take charge of the situation here obviously. "MOCH, any readouts of enemy ships coming in?" Zeph asked to his Ship AI. "Sir I am registering to ships not far away heading this way from Angel territory, Recommendation is to notify the Yui immediately." Zeph looked to his panel and sent a radio contact to the Yui. "Yui come in, I've got a reading of two more ships heading this way from angel territory." Zeph thought to himself, ~I guess this fight isn't over just yet.~ GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) You can go now... Tasuki Uso GSA Intel Officer GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 159 (6/13/03 10:42 am) You can go now... ON GSS Yui> Rion walked out of the medbay after Inari informed him that he was medically cleared for duty, first, he went to the security quarters to get a new jacket after the last one got burned off. He ran into Uso shortly afterwards. "Oh hello Taii Uso" He said cheerfully "Hello" she said with a slight smile as she walked down the hallway. "Happy birthday." He said, remembering what her file said. "Thank you" she said, "although technically that was yesterday" she stopped for a moment to talk to Rion. She didn't really need to be on the bridge anyways "Oh, well, sorry, you know I was in the medbay at the time" Uso laughed, "Better late than never anyways" "That's true. So when are you planning on getting me to do whatever?" Rion asked, feeling cheerful Uso looked him over, "so you are cleared by medbay?" she asked "That's what Inari told me." He said, his tail swished around in the air behind him. Uso smiled, "It wouldn't be the best idea to start right now so how about we do this after we deal with this angel runaway thing." she commanded more than asked. "I wonder when Geminasu will ever get around to it, and where the hell is Sgzyr?" Rion asked "Sgzyr is around here somewhere." Uso said "He's never around when we need him, that's pretty shoddy for a Juni isn't it?" Rion asked with an arched eyebrow "heh be careful how you address you superior officers" Uso said, "I'm aware of that, but it's irritating you know. And this is all off the record ok?" Rion said casually. Uso laughed again, "Well you'll have to talk to megami about that and don't worry once you get a promotion you can harass all of your subordinates" she said "If I ever get one." Rion said looking a bit down "don't worry about that" Uso said with a evil grin, "eventually Chi will run out of people to promote then you will have to be promoted" "HEY! that's nowhere close to being funny." Rion flatfaced "Well I thought it was funny" Uso said with a slight laugh "You think everything's funny." He said stretching his arms a bit "A lot of things are" Uso said "That may be, but sometimes it's not appropriate to laugh" He said, keeping a straight face, although he wanted to laugh as her's were contagious. "Is this one of those times? I think not" she said Rion smiled "I never said it wasn't, I said that some times aren't" he laughed Uso crossed her arms across her chest and laughed with him slightly, "So anyways who is on the boarding party? or do you know? "psh, for all I know it's Sgt. Geminasu and most likely his little girlfriend ...what was her name? I saw her in the briefing a while ago." Rion said putting his hands behind his head and pulled on his arms, popping them a couple times. "Well that could be trouble" Uso said "eh, whatever, he better hurry or that person won't be around anymore." Rion said "Why don't YOU lead it Uso?" Rion smiled "would you needlessly risk your neck to save someone that you don't even know is still alive?" Uso asked, "Either way I don't want to be in the shuttle when the rest of the angels get here" Rion had to laugh at that. "ha ha ha, no I wouldn't, not normally. I don't want to be in that shuttle either when they show, up, which they will." "I'm going to the bridge to see what I missed while I was out feel free to come along" Uso said as she continued walking "I think I'll do just that." Rion said following her. "you know, when you're not mad or sparring, you're pretty easy to talk to." Uso gave him an odd look, "I don't remember being mad" "not on this ship at least: "That was a figure of speech Uso." Rion said "I'm disappointed, you're Intel and you didn't realize that?" he added "Oh ouch" Uso said sarcastically Rion chuckled slightly as they walked. "Well, I hope I didn’t miss much while I was in the medbay." Uso held out a hand to stop Rion as they reached the bridge, "Don't make a sound" she said as she quietly walked into the room and snuck up on Wazu Rion winked at her and moved silently as a cat. Uso came up behind Wazu and shouted into his ear, "HI WAZU! Rion burst into laughter as she did Wazu practically jumped out of his seat, "USO!" she was laughing hard now as Wazu rubbed his ear "You're wazu huh? I thought you were a guy." rion said while he stopped laughing Wazu grumbled something, "And your name is?" he asked avoiding the question Rion smiled "I'm Aeriyon Elisias, you can just call me Rion" He said offering his hand to shake "And you're avoiding my question, aren't you supposed to be a guy?" Uso shook his hand, he looked at Uso then at Rion, "are you her new secretary or something?" he laughed and noticed his rank pin "sorry" Uso laughed, "he isn't" "Nah, just lost a bet to her." Rion said "Oh I feel so sorry for you" Wazu said "Don't be, I can handle myself, even with Uso's torments" Rion said, giving her a look Uso smiled and let Wazu talk, "I can see this is the first bet you have lost to her" he said "It is, I bet I could beat her in a spar, and nearly did it too, after she broke a couple of my ribs." Rion said, snaking his tail in the air around him. Wazu laughed, "So you NEARLY beat her?" "He wasn't that good" Uso said "But I did learn a couple things about how to fight her." Rion chuckled "But I did come close. and would have won if it wasn't for your damn HS ports." Rion said to Uso. "So if Uso couldn't fight back then you could have beat her?" Wazu said, "I could beat anyone who couldn't fight back" he said sarcastically "Well the point was to pin her, and I did get close." Rion said defensively. "yes I'm sure you did" Uso said. Wazu sat back down in his chair and turned to face her, "So what were the terms of the bet?" Wazu asked knowing that whatever it was it couldn't be good "nothing that substantial." Rion said "He agreed to do anything that I asked for a day" Uso said, Wazu looked at Rion then back at Uso, "He knowingly agreed to that?" he asked seeming surprised Uso nodded in agreement, "What are you going to do to him?" Wazu asked "I'm a man of my word, I'll hold up my end of the deal, but only when I'm not on duty. And she has to sink down and ask me to do it, she can't command it" Rion smiled "But you agreed to do whatever I ask so it is the same thing" Uso said without turning away from Wazu, "Anyways I have a few things planned" she said to Wazu, "well that is bad for him" He said "If she plans for me to wear stupid outfits, I’ll just shred'em and don my uniform." Rion said "But. You have to ASK, I can say no." He added Wazu laughed, "but she can ask you not to wear your uniform. or to not shred them and you HAVE to because you said you would do ANYTHING she asked" he said 'There are limits to everything Wazu." Rion said "I won't put myself in a position to die just because she asked me to. I also said I was a man of my word, I never said I was totally honest." Uso smiled, "Feel free to disobey our agreement." she said, "But you will have to find a place far away from her" Wazu said "I don't care about what she can do to me. By Chi's order, she can't kill me without the Taisho coming after her." Rion grinned "there are things worse than death" Uso said, "heh and she can do all of them" Wazu said "Oh like what? utter humiliation?" Rion asked "I’m not scared of Uso." Uso laughed, "When did we say that you were afraid?" "You didn't you were however trying to make me that way through innuendo." Rion said knowingly "I was? well I didn't know that" Uso said "You were, it's in the way you were speaking, you too Wazu." Rion said Wazu sighed, "they are no fun when they go on the defensive so fast" Uso nodded in agreement, “well you have to remember that he isn’t as skilled in this as you or me” Wazu laughed slightly and nodded "Wazu, aren't we supposed to be getting that shuttle on board?" Rion asked "It was supposed to have been launched a while ago. I don't know what is taking it so long." he said "And I'm not here to play your stupid little game you too" Rion added "The people in charge of the shuttle are slacking off I believe." Wazu laughed, "then why are you here? I hope that I won't have to report you to chi for slacking off in your duties and coming onto the bridge when you are supposed to be patrolling the ship" "Uso asked me to come. There's no harm in it and I haven't been ordered to join the boarding team." Rion said thinking he was giving them both a point "I believe I said feel free to come along not that I wouldn't report you to Chi" Uso said "but you won't report me. Because if I get punished, you'll lose your laborer." Rion smirked at her "Who said I wanted labor from you?" Uso asked "and I can have you do what I say now and report you afterward" A small light flashed on Wazu's control panel, "If you want to go with him you better get going" he said "they are about to leave and they are waiting on someone up here to tell them to go" "Damn, looks like gem's going." Rion said "I'll deal with you later Uso, nice meeting ya Wazu." Rion said and sprinted off at full speed toward the shuttle. ~Those morons better wait for me.~ He thought to himself he will deal with you?" Wazu asked, Uso shrugged, "It will be fun to see him try" Uso said, "So should I tell Gem to go or should I remind him that he is already cleared to leave?" Wazu asked "Shouldn't we wait for Rion to get there?" Uso asked "heheh maybe" Uso smiled, "I have an idea. may I?" she asked indicating the controls "sure" he said Rion got to the Shuttle bay doors a few seconds afterward. Uso opened up a line to Gemenasu, "You are cleared to leave once the remainder of the boarding team has arrived." Uso told him knowing that now she could blame Rion for the delays. She then opened up a line to the silvershot, "Hi Zeph We already have those ships on our sensors but thanks for notifying us anyways" She then closed the channel without waiting for a response. Rion got to the shuttle bay and went in and looked around, his tail coiled around his waist as he looked for Geminasu in the shuttle END JP GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) The meaning of e-n-e-m-y and other words Alexis Jaren GSA Operations GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 79 (6/14/03 4:50 am) The meaning of e-n-e-m-y and other words Nashi walked beside Sai down the corridor. "Sai?" the neko said tenatively. The much shorter and younger-looking sentry looked up at the neko with an appraising look on her face. Her piercing eyes met the Neko's for an instant. "Yes Nashi?" Nashi's red eyes turned away...the other girl made her nervous when she did that. "Do I get to keep my room?" Sai smiled and nodded, "If you'd like. I'm going to have to share the room with you for a little while." "You are?" Nashi smiled, then looked confused. "How are you going to do that?" She'd never had to share a room before. "I am, I'll get a blanket and a pillow and sleep somewhere in the room. This way if you get hungry or want to take a shower you and I can just go and you don't have to wait for Mom or Dad." Sai replied. That was simple enough...Nashi nodded and smiled. "Okay. Will you play with me?" Sai looked at Nashi, not quite sure what the play really was but it couldn't be good for her health. "What do you consider fun Nashi?" The neko looked thoughtful for a second, then smiled. "I like playing Genocide. It's got a funny name, but it's fun to play. I like the funny sounds the heart makes before it stops." Her eyes become distant. "Sort of like a bird's wings when they flap really, really fast." "I want to try teaching you a different game Nashi... It's called Law and Order... but we can get into the rules of the game a little later." Sai looked over Nashi again, she sensed something about this Neko and she had an idea of what she was supposed to do.. but was this what she really had to do? "'Law and Order'....what's that?" Nashi replied. "We have to establish an enemy target and eliminate the threat before it can harm a someone that isn't a target. It's different and you might like it more than Genocide." Sai smiled again, checking Nashi's eyes for a moment. "Oh." She still looked confused. "What's 'enemy target' mean?" "An enemy target is somebody that you have to hunt... they are your prey." There was a glimmer of understanding for a second, but it disappeared. "What's 'prey'?" "Prey is someone who you hunt.. you play with them." Sai replied looking over at Nashi again. "A playmate?" didn't sound right, but Nashi accepted it anyway. Her brow scrunched as she tried to piece this new concept together. "Soo....I look for my playmate. But what's a 'threat'?" Finally, the neko shook her head. "I don't think I want to play Law and's too confusing." She paused in front of a door and it slid open. "Here's my room! Wanna come inside? Or do you wanna get your stuff first?" "You'll understand it all soon enough..." Sai looked at the room curiously and nodded. "I would like to take a look." "Okays!" Nashi stepped inside and started pointing things out. The room was sparse, so the tour was quick. "That's my bed....and my box with blankies and stuff..." She picked up the simulation headband from where it sat on the chair and held it out to Sai with a smile. "And this holds my playmates! It was a present from Daddy." The smile faded a bit and she tilted her head. "They're not real though...something's not real about them, but they are fun to play with." Sai entered the room and looked at everything Nashi indicated. "Interesting...What do you do with your playmates?" Sai gently took the headband from Nashi, looking at it curiously. The smile returned and Nashi eagerly went into a detailed explaination of her experiences. It lasted almost five minutes before she concluded, almost out of breath, with a story of hunting a wolf in a forest. "...and then when the doggie came around the rock, I dropped down on top of him and the branch went right into his back. He couldn't get up, so I snapped his neck. And then, in a metal place...sorta like this place, only not, I was playing with these humans with wings. They were weird, they walked around with these goopy guys a lot." She paused to catch her breath, but was ready to continue if Sai didn't try to talk. Sai nodded as she listened, she had a better understanding now... how was she going to steer her down this other path? "What did you do with the winged humans and the goopy things?" Nashi blinked. What had she done with them? "Well...the goopy guys kept dissappearing. They looked funny, like they were made from squares or somp-thin.....the winged people were easy, as long as I was invisadable, um...invis-a-ble. Yeah, invisible. Anyway, yeah, I couldn't beat them while I wasn't see-through because more of them kept showing up. So I'd take them one at a time." "And then what?" Sai asked again. "Well, if I snipe them, then they don't call for I win. Then I go look for someone else to play with." Nashi pointed at the headband. "You wanna try it? I think I left it on that one." "Why do you snipe them?" Sai looked from the headband to the neko. She did remember a part of what the Taisho and the Taisa had told her. Nashi rolled her eyes. Who was this funny girl, anyway? "Because that's how I win, silly!" "But why do you want to win? What happens when the game is over? Do you win something?" Sai let her eyes met Nashi's for as long as the neko didn't look away The neko was looking at the band, then she glanced up at Sai. "Because it's fun. I've also been keeping a score, I'm up to 2890! I'm trying to get to five million." "Why are you trying to get five million?" Sai had never encountered this sort of situation before... she was at a loss as to what to do exactly.. but then again, that was part of the job description. "At least you seem to like hunting.." Nashi frowned. "What's 'hunting?'." "When you play... you are hunting the doggy or the goopy things or whatever." "Why do you have weird words for everything?" Nashi sat down on the chair and rubbed her head. "If hunting is playing, then why say hunting when you mean playing?" "Because that's what it is Nashi. Not everyone plays like you do." Nashi tilted her head and looked at Sai curiously. "How do you play?" "I play..." Sai paused for a moment... when was the last time she played? "I actually don't get to play that often, but.. I like going out and watching the clouds in the sky or walking around in the ocean. I like to look for things in the sand." Nashi snorted. "You're right, that doesn't sound like playing." "Not your type of playing. But I find it fun" Then the door to the room opened and a face poked in. "Nashi?" GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) Emergency Exits Alexis Jaren GSA Operations GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 80 (6/14/03 5:06 am) Emergency Exits Just after Uso had went out of range, the wall beside Alexis rippled and Timdri appeared from beneath a holographic cloak. Alexis stepped sideways at the unexpected apparation, then smiled for a split second before resuming his straight face. "What's wrong? I thought that the Shadowchaser would have come by now." He started walking toward Nashi's quarters again since his reason for going to his own had just started riding on his shoulder. Timdri hung on to a fold in Alexis' uniform and curled its tail under his arm. It looked at Alexis seriously. "I may have given them the ideas, but I don't know how they set it up unless I go over myself. Meanwhile, the Yui is in the middle of a rescue operation, it's not possible to dock. Not to mention the inherent suspisious nature of the situation." Alexis stopped outside Nashi's door and held out his arm, offering a place where Timdri and he could talk face-to-face. "Uso would have a field day here..." Timdri moved out onto the shifter's forearm and looked him in the eye. It tilted its head. The shifter nodded. "But if the problem they're having is with the path of return, then I'll have to set up a new link with K'Uri ne Lari. The Hollow will have an easier time linking home, but I'll need to remain on board to find it. I'll have to leave the Yui and wait for the drift to bring us back before I can return." "...A few months, that's what. Even with the time difference, it may be too long." Timdri growled. Timdri frowned at Alexis, muttering. Timdri was right, this was too pathetic. "Alright, I'll go. But I need to talk with Nashi first. Then I want to leave a message for Chi." The Taisa pressed the button for the door and it slid open. He peered inside. "Nashi?" Nanashi looked up from her chair and her engrossing conversation with Sai. A grin spread across her face. "DADDY!" She nearly knocked Timdri off with her body-slam-slash-hug, but it held on. Alexis hugged her in return and looked over her shoulder at Sai. "Hello, Sai. You alright?" Sai nodded. "I am fine. Nashi and I are going to be roommates, we were just getting to know each other." "Roommates...not a bad idea. Just be careful around her." Alexis smiled slightly and nodded, then looked at Nashi. She finally decided to let go and stepped back. "Nashi, I came to tell you that I won't be around for a while. You are to just obey Chi- er, Mommy, no one else." Nashi's face fell. "Where're you going?" "I have to help some friends, I'll be back," Alexis said reassuringly. "I just don't know when." He smiled at Nashi and started toward the door, then looked back at Sai again. Why was that girl so odd? Everything about her was normal, except the feeling he got when he looked at her. Maybe it was her eyes. He mentally shrugged, then thought of something. "Sai, if you see Uso talking with Nashi, make sure she isn't trying to get Nashi to do something without Chi's knowledge." He then gave Nashi a wave. "Nashi, try not to play with the crew while I'm gone. If you do, play like you would with me. Don't stop their hearts, snap their necks, or drain their blood. As long as you don't play with anyone like that without Chi giving you permission, everything will be alright. And only listen to Chi. No one else." He smiled at her as the neko nodded and smiled back. "All right...bye, Daddy!" Once they left the room, Timdri sighed. Alexis headed to his quarters and picked up his sachel. It was still packed from the Seraph kidnapping of Chi, so he didn't have to repeat the process. The plaque, he left on the wall. A once-over of the room left it clean, so he went over to the computer panel and set his hand on it. -Meg, I need you to send this to Chi.- He seemed to listen, then smiled and nodded. -Thank you. Stay out of trouble you can't get out of, ok? I'll see you around.- He turned and walked to the center of the room and looked at Timdri. "Alright, I'm ready." Timdri smiled and held out its padd. Alexis nodded and his eyes glowed. He reached out in front of himself with a hand that was also starting to glow and traced a circle of mist in the air. The circle pulsed faintly, then the mist began to swirl towards the center. The tendrils met, then a flash lit up the room that second, the interior of the bridge of an alien starship was clearly seen from the officer's quarters on the Yui. Alexis timed his jump perfectly, his feet left the deck of the Yui and contacted the deck of the Shadowchaser just before the site-to-site link closed behind him. One light-minute from the Yui's position, a cloaked ship dropped cloak and turned in place. A vertical ring that bisected the alien craft began pulsing as thin bolts of energy traveled down it toward the prow. Abeam shot out of the front of the ship and abruptly disappeared fifty meters from the ship as if hitting something unseen. The beam spread into a cone-like configuration that continued spreading and drawing closer to the ship until the ship looked like it was up against a shimmering circle of energy. The front of the craft impacted, creating more sparks that lit up the hull. The cone started forming behind the ship, which seemed to vanish instead of reappearing on the other side. Doing a reverse of what it did when it was formed, the cone continued to shrink until the ship had completely entered it and disappeared. The rim of the energy cone closed to became a point of light with a beam that came from nowhere. Finally, the beam shrank into the point and both faded from existance. Dear Chiharu, I hope you won't hold this against me, but I have run into an emergency that required my immediate attention. This situation needs extended care, but I'll return at the soonest possible time. I've already told Nashi, she and Sai seem to have worked out an arrangement for rooming already. Nashi is to only obey you, according to the manual if you are incapacitated then she will go into stasis. Be careful with her, she's become like a daughter to me. Maybe it's because she keeps calling me "daddy", I dunno. But, yeah... I'll explain everything when I get back; or if I can get a message through to you before then, I will. I hope to see you and the crew again soon. Sincerely, Alexis d'Jaren GSA no Taisa Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) ((Note: Kim, if you want to change what Sai says, you can.)) GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) Incoming Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 450 (6/15/03 9:31 pm) ezSupporter Incoming Taisho Chiharu was monitoring the space around the Yui when she get a message from Alexis via Megami. She frowned a bit and sighed, he had to do what he must... it just meant she was out another crew member. She stood up from her console and walked over to the pilot's pit and got herself plugged in. She felt a rush as her mind and field of vision became one with the ship. She watched the odd little shuttle enter the same airspace as the GSS Yui and she spoke aloud. "Aya, hail the shuttle entering our airspace. Then open a link to the boarding party, we have incoming. Tell them to get the survivors and get the hell back here." Taii Aya nodded and opened up a channel to the shuttle. "GSS Yui to shuttle, you are entering dangerous airspace. If you can, evactuate the area or prepare to recieve enemy fire." Aya closed the channel and opened a new one to Tobias and Trouble. "Sgt. Tobias, we have incoming eta 10 minutes. Retrieve the survivors and return to the ship immediately. We'll be evacuating this airspace as soon as you are home. " The Taisho looked over the signatures of the incoming ships on her sensors, there were three angel ships closing in and she knew that they were not going to be happy. ~Shit, they'd better hurry back or else we might not be able to get away in time... before we had the element of surprise and numbers on our side and now they got us 3 to 2.. better odds but still too risky after all that has happened to us.~ She opened the PA system. "Attention all crew, we have incoming, eta 10 minutes. Prepare or the worse, we'll be leaving this airspace as soon as the boarding party returns." Aya nodded hearing the announcement and opened up a channel to the Silverhsot. "GSS Yui to the Silvershot, we have 3 enemy vessels approaching ETA 10 minutes. Prepare to evacuate this airspace as soon as the boarding team has returned. GSS Yui out." GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30)