Awakening Alexis Jaren GSA Operations GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 70 (4/18/03 18:51) Awakening ON>>> GSS Yui After the briefing had finally ended and all questions had been answered for now, the Taisho left the briefing room and decided to go someplace to bring herself some peace of mind. She had managed to bury most of her feelings of guilt under the need to strengthen the bonds between the various members of the crew and the need to take control of things again. But the guilt hit her in a tidal wave once more and before she knew it... she was at Alexis's quarters. She wondered if she should go in... Timdri's eyes never left the computer pad. It had set the pad down and fluttered around the small room a couple times as best it could to stretch its sorely unused wings, then had come back to rest on the edge of the mostly unused nest. Still nothing. Time was running short. The simian frowned and started to hum to itself a strange tune. It was a song from its tribe, a tune that wandered around the scale, then folded in on itself before repeating...a song of the traveler returning home. Timdri wanted to hear that song again, in the place it was ment to be sung. Footsteps caught its attention in the middle of a line, immediately it took to the ceiling and skittered across until it was just above the doorway. Chi blinked a bit, had she just heard a noise come from Alexis's quarters? She pulled her energy pistol from its holster and cautiously stepped to one side as she opened the door. The door opened and she wasn't in front of it, she stood beside the open hatchway and waited.. Timdri narrowed its eyes as its sharp ears located the high whine of an energy capacitor being waited. Those steps weren't Alexis', nor did Alexis ever draw a weapon when he entered this room. Chi just stood outside the door listening for any sound. What was making that noise she heard earlier? Was her mind playing tricks on her so soon? Slowly Timdri moved away from where it hung, with its back to the ceiling, until it was in line of sight of the corridor outside. It made a hologram of an empty room and set it up a meter into the door and dropped down from the ceiling, using its wings to slow its desent and to eleminate any noise it would make on landing. If Chi looked in, there would be nothing inside...but if she stepped a yard into the room, she would notice something new. The hologram crossed the plaque from the Cat's Paw, the metal of the plaque causing a small ripple around the letters that would only be perceptible in perephrial vision as a slight waiver, unnoticible to a casual direct glance... For whatever reason a word came to her mind. It was something that Alexis had said to her in passing before she had been taken from the Yui and for whatever reason.. she said it softly to herself. "Timdri... Alexis mentioned a Timdri.. what is Timdri?" She looked into the room, it looked normal enough but what had made that noise? She wondered if it was this Timdri thing. "Timdri.. is that you?" She looked into the room but she did not leave the doorway to enter the room further for fear of a trap and getting locked in, she couldn't just phase through things like Fluffy could. How did this neko know its name? Timdri fidgeted, silently circling Chi and eyeing the pistol. The neko seemed apprehinsive...had something happened to Alexis? Timdri finally stopped a couple steps in front of Chi and chittered wouldn't let her see it until it was sure that she ment no harm. And right now having a weapon pulled didn't exactly say "I come in peace". But it would talk to her. Her ears twitched as she tried to listen for any breathing or movement, she couldn't see anything in the room. She lowered her pistol slightly but she didn't put it away. "Timdri.. if it is you let me see you. I need to talk to you about Alexis.." Reluctantly, Timdri dropped the hologram. A small creature appeared in front of Chi, sitting on the carpet seven feet from her. Brown and white feathered wings were folded tightly against its back, a long furred and scaled tail arched up and coiled in the air behind it. It didn't look very happy, but lowering the hologram was a sign of good faith on its part...maybe she would put away the gun now? Timdri's pale eyes were narrowed at her. It got up on its hind legs and rested on its hands, took a step forward then sat down again as if to say, "Here I am. What do you want?" Chi looked at Timdri, whatever it was. She reholstered her gun and reset the safety. She stood there looking at Timdri, trying to figure out what it was exactly. "So you're Timdri? I have some bad news for you, Alexis is in a coma and we don't know when or if he'll be able to wake up." Timdri nodded at her assumption at its identity, but didn't say anything. Its eyes widened at the news of its companion, though. So this is why there hadn't been an answer...It lowered its head and looked at the ground, then lifted its head and trotted over to the pad on the sachel. "Cht-t-t, reh'eee," it said, and picked it up. The pad was more sized to fit its paws, about half of a normal pad. It tapped a couple of times, then frowned. "Kree, chrrr-eh..." Chi smoothed her hair back behind her ears as she observed the odd little creature, she still wasn't sure what to make of it but she hoped that it wasn't plotting to take revenge? "What do you have there?" She took a couple steps towards the creature and stopped. Timdri turned to look at Chi. She hadn't proved dangerous so far, so it wasn't worried when she approached. Instead, it got up from the sachel and walked over to her, suddenly hopping up on her shoulder. Alexis and Chi were about the same hight, it noticed, and something about that made it more at ease. "Arx-s..." Timdri snorted and shook its head, it couldn't use Chi's language very well...instead, it pointed at the doorway and chittered rapidly. Then it tapped the pad, and pointed at the door again. Chi looked at the pad then at the door, a yes a hint. "Do you want me to take you to see Fluffy?" She started walking back towards the door with Timdri on her shoulder. "We have him in the Med Bay right now." Who was Fluffy? A small empathic wave of momentary confusion came from the simian, then it shrugged and nodded. Chi smiled a bit, as she walked towards the Med Bay. Maybe now something would happen.. "Alexis never told me who you were, he just said that he had checked on you after the first attack on the ship." Timdri nodded again. Alexis had mentioned his crewmates before, and although Timdri wasn't sure which one it was on right now it got the feeling it was Chi...Alexis had described her as being the only sane one, and this neko fit the bill. Just to be sure, it sent a empathic question feeling. "Chrrr-r-r?" The pad lit up and flashed in an alien, that wasn't going to work as an interpreter. It blinked, then looked dissappointed. Finally it chittered something, the word "Timdri" appeared on the screen. That was its name in its language, so it didn't need translating. After the name appeared, it showed it to Chi and pointed at itself. Then it pointed at Chi and then at its head while shrugging. Meanwhile, Timdri's tail uncurled and anchored itself around the pistol's holster, balancing the critter as it sat on Chi's shoulder. Chi looked at Timdri, it was identifying itself and she figured it was trying to get hers too. She noticed something attaching itself to her gunbelt and she looked down and noticed its tail. "Ah ok, had me paranoid for a minute there.. I'm the ship's captain, Ketsurui Chiharu. Nice to meet you Timdri." They had finally reached the doorway that lead into the Med Bay.. it really wasn't that far of a walk but Chi didn't walk as fast as she normally would have due to the critter that was perching on her shoulder. Akari had gotten up from her seat at Alexis' side and was analyzing the sacs in the tray. The composition of the gel was incredibly energy-receptive, it was facinating...any current she sent through it was absorbed then released a few seconds later. She looked up as the Taisho entered. "Ketsurui-sama, there has been no new progress with the Taisa.. And what is it that you have brought with you?" Akari noticed Chi's new friend and looked at Timdri accusingly. It reminded her of some evil spirit that was meant to haunt evil men on the Earthly plane.. but if it truly was an evil spirit it wouldn't have been able to enter the Med Bay with the Taisho. So it had to be some sort of odd alien species. Chi looked at her chief medic with a short smile. "I've brought Alexis's companion to visit him.. this is Timdri." She indicated the creature on her shoulder. "I couldn't tell you what Timdri is. We have a minor communication barrier." Akari's eyes narrowed at the name, but she wasn't sure what to say to her Taisho. Timdri nodded politely at Akari. This one had a suspicious feeling about her that it didn't like. Chi walked over to the cot that held Alexis so that Timdri could get to him more easily. "Kari-chan, he's not an evil spirit if that's what your thinking. So relax a bit." Akari stared at Timdri for a moment longer before she spoke, "A data pad in the Taisa's pocket started beeping and there was a message from a Timdri on it." Timdri looked down at Alexis, ignoring the medic for now. Bandages...what a laugh. It could guess what had happened, judging from the sacs on the counter and the monitors hooked up to the Taisa. They'd gone to repair him and found they knew was almost funny. Timdri smirked, and shook its head. Chi watched the creatures reactions for a moment before she looked back to Akari. "Ok. Now what are those things on the counter?" Akari looked at Timdri, then Alexis, then the sacs and then back to the Taisho. She got a funny look on her face. "I think they're energy-storage organs. The substance in them is highly absorbent, if you touch it it's like sticking your finger in a power socket, only in reverse. There is nothing except dozens of these in his abdomnial and chest cavities." She motioned to the computer terminal that held the information she had gotten so far, then started watching Timdri again. "So you started playing with his insides and you didn't know what he was?" Chi stared at her medical officer for a moment. Timdri noticed Akari staring and stuck out its dark red tongue and pulled down one of its lower eyelids, just to see what she would do... Akari just glared at the odd little creature and debated the value of trying to exorcise the creature with a charm. "Yes, I did." She said and looked back at Chi. "Inari and I thought he was dead, so we extracted the bullets. In the process of doing so, Inari discovered these organs and extracted them. They were damaged and leaking on the rest of them, we were just cleaning him up. " "I see... we will need to have a talk with Alexis about this whenever he wakes up so that we have a better idea of what to do with him if he ever goes comatose again." Chi sighed a bit and looked at Timdri. "Do you know how to wake him up Timdri?" Satisfied with the reaction from Akari, Timdri had just sat quietly and listened. Akari had done quite a good job in figuring out the use of the sacs...Alexis' physiology was simple. So simple that sometimes it was complicated. Smiling, Timdri nodded at Chi. There was a recharge unit in the sachel, that would do it. looked around the bay, searching for some kind of plug or power conduit outlet. It thought a second, then chittered a command to the pad in its hand. The pad blinked, then a diagram appeared of a chord extending from a block figure to a circle with a lighting bolt in it. Chi looked at the diagram and so did Akari. Akari spoke, "There's a power outlet on the wall over there.. " She pointed to a covered outlet at the base of the wall. ~How ironic,~ the medic thought, recalling what she had said to Inari during the operation..."Unless you think plugging him in is going to do any good..." Timdri tilted its all they needed was a power cord. Chi looked from Timdri to Alexis and then to the wall.. "Ok, is there a power cord lying around here or are we going to have to use the old hemosynth trick?" Akari shook her head no. "No power cords so I guess hemosynth it is. One moment..." Akari cut a small shallow line down her palm and focused for a moment and the blood dripped down her hand to form a cord and in a few moments it was a powercord. Timdri watched the neko with a curious look on its face...blood that moved, that was new. Blood that made objects, that was even more surprising. Once the cord was fully formed, Akari looked to Timdri. "Where do I connect this cord to Alexis?" Timdri looked at the chord, then hopped down onto Alexis' body and knuckle-walked to his head. It pried open his mouth and lifted the shifter's tongue, exposing a hidden power outlet. There was a sticker on the underside of the tongue..."How to jump-start a shifter". Timdri squinted at the sticker and snorted in amusement. Couldn't Alexis have found a better place to put that? It shrugged and pointed at the single-hole outlet. Chi looked at Timdri curiously and then nodded to Akari who took the cord and plugged it into the power outlet under Alexis's tongue and took the other end and plugged it into a wall. "This is an interesting learning experience..." Akari said in an ackward tone. Timdri nodded and smirked. This was the first time it had witnessed a R'Lari so was a strange thing to see. On the bed Alexis's eyes began to glow brightly. Soon the orange light was shining through his eyelids as he absorbed what he needed from the system. Suddenly he bolted upright, the chord snapping out of the wall socket and whipping the end around like a jumprope that had been let go. Timdri squealed and flopped backward into Alexis' lap. The shifter opened his eyes and stared blankly in front of him. At the sudden movement, Chi's pistol was suddenly out of her holster and in her hand. Akari uttered a quick prayer. Both Nekos were startled. "Timdri is he supposed to do that?" Chi spoke, she hadn't fired yet but she hadn't put her gun away. Timdri pushed itself upright and stood on the bedcovers, looking up at Alexis. It shook its head, it didn't know. It'd never had to recharge Alexis from scrach before. It reached up a hand and waved it in front of Alexis' face, the glow from Alexis' eyes shining on the simian's palm like flashlights. The nekos were obviously tense as they waited for a response. "I don't want to have to shoot if things go wrong..." First thing Alexis saw was the wall. Then his field of vision widened as the glow faded bit by bit from his eyes; the chord had been disconnected so he could no longer draw from the ship's supply. He looked around and saw Chi and Akari standing next to his bed...he blinked slowly at Chi's drawn pistol. Wearily, he dropped back onto the bed, his eyes squeezed shut. "I'm not going to ask why you're pointing that at, what a headache. What happened?" Chi smiled brightly as she reholstered her energy pistol. "You were in a coma. Amy and Harume shot you a couple of times before they were taken out of the equation. But, luckily, the Seraph is finally dead and the Megami has been repaired. We're getting resupplied before we're going to return to our mission." Chi smoothed her hair back behind her ears. "Welcome back." "I was what?" The Taisa looked confused, he was unconscious from being shot? Then the energy chord caught his attention. He lifted it up and smirked, a funny expression when one has a wire sticking out from his mouth. "You had a liscensed electrician do the wiring, right?" he asked wryly, pulling the plug out of the socket. The chord didn't impare his speech much, but it did feel funny. Timdri hopped up to Alexis' shoulder and hugged the groggy boy's head, squeaking happily. Alexis blinked and smiled. "Timdri! I knew I left the emergency instructions with someone!" "Timdri showed us a diagram, Akari hemosynthed the cord." Chi shrugged, still smiling, she was relieved and happy that Alexis was back. "You never told me who or what Timdri was. I was lucky that I decided to go to your quarters a little while ago.." Chi continued as Akari watched the shifter and the creature oddly. Alexis slowly sat up in the bed and backed up until he was against the headboard. Timdri managed to stay ballanced and remained on his shoulder. It chittered something at Alexis, as if reinforcing what Chi had told him. He frowned. "I'm sorry, Chi. I shoulda told you earlier." He looked down at the bedspread and shook his head. "I couldn't save your life, but you've just saved mine. I'm in your debt," Alexis said after a few moments, uncharacteristic seriousness in his tone. Chi looked at Alexis's face and shook her head no. "You did manage to save my life, if you hadn't done what you had I wouldn't be here right now. My memory back-up was lost when the Megami originally went down so if those shots had hit home.. But, thank you for saving me Alexis. I am in your debt." Chi's voice was soft and calm as she spoke. "But, everything worked out in the end right? You're back and soon we'll have Wazu back too." "If I saved you, then we're even..." Alexis rubbed his head again. "Meg's up? That's good to know." Chi nodded again. "The SARA techs finished her a little while ago. You missed my briefing. I basically told everyone that they will be a family or they will die trying." Chi grinned a bit. "If nothing else, it's a disfunctional family but I'll take anything I can get." Alexis smiled and chuckled. "And this is the flagship of the GSA fleet? I'd hate to see the other ships." Slowly he swung his legs out over the edge of the bed and tried to stand up...his legs buckled under him and gave way. "It's kinda scary once you think about it. If it was an all Neko crew it'd be a little different but it's far more interesting this way." Chi chuckled a bit. She caught Alexis before he could hit the floor. "Whoah, you feeling ok?" "Uhnnn...I don't think so. I'm still too drained." Alexis reached out behind him and tried to haul himself back onto the bed. "I just need to charge for a few hours. That's all." He smiled weakly at Chi and lay back on the bed. Timdri offered the power chord and Alexis took it. "Thanks, Timdri." He examined the plug, then looked at Chi. "Was anyone else hurt in the fight?" Chi shook her head no. "Everyone else save Harume and Amy suffered minor injuries. I believe that the Seraph did something to the twins to make them act that way.. but we may never know now." "Is Hikari alright?" The shifter just held the chord and absorbed energy at a slower, more comfortable rate that only produced an unusual shine on his metallic irises. "Did it do anything to her?" "Hikari is okay, as far as I can tell it's just emotional trauma. She's sleeping right now, Acara managed to calm her down enough so she could go to sleep. I don't know what the Serpah was trying to do to her, but once she's settled down a bit more I'll have her report here to the Med-bay to make sure that she's really ok..." Chi sighed a bit, the poor girl had been traumatized more than anyone else during the whole Seraph incident. "That's good to hear." Alexis smiled, looking at Akari. "Akari, thank you. I'm sure you and Inari had a hand in keeping me alive. I know I don't have the usual lifesigns, thanks for not giving me up for dead." Akari smiled suddenly, it was a shy smile but it was a rare sight, Akari was smiling. "You're welcome Alexis. You had us scared, we weren't really sure if you were alive but we tried our best to repair what we could. Timdri startled me a bit as well, I thought at first it was an evil spirit." Akari chuckled, it had a soft harmonous ringing tone to it, like a soft bell. "I guess prayer still holds some power in this age of technology after all." Alexis nodded slowly. "Prayer can be a powerful thing when accompanied by a steadfast faith." He didn't know who Akari had been praying to, but something had kept him from going too far. If he had used a little bit more energy this body would have been useless to him. Akari smiled still. "I am glad that you are back as well Alexis. Chi would've never forgiven herself if you hadn't woken up." Akari looked to Chi who blushed a deep red at the accusation, but it was true. Chi had instilled in herself a false sense of guilt about what had happened, she didn't think that anyone had noticed but she was wrong. Alexis grinned. "Chiharu, I'm touched!" He blinked. "In fact, I'm also speechless." "..." Chi stared at Akari for a long moment, it was just her luck that Akari would open up to place her heart on the table to be examined. "I'd better get back to work. Akari, don't let him drain his energy- bed rest." Chi had regained her composure as the red faded from her cheeks. She smoothed her hair back behind her ears as she turned to head out of the Med Bay. Akari just nodded. "Aye aye." Alexis closed his eyes and smiled. Timdri climbed up onto the bed's headboard and sat there like a gargoyle sentinel. For a while all that could be heard was the low hum of the power chord and the sounds of the computer terminal. The Taisho exited the Med Bay and walked down the corridor. Akari chuckled again. "It was just a guess but I hit it on the nose." She looked to Alexis and Timdri. "Well, you two heard her so I'm just going to step out of the Med Bay for a moment but I'll be right back. " Alexis grinned and opened his eyes half-way, nodding at Akari. "Alright." He closed them again and lay there feeling the electric tingle of the energy feed. "I wonder what made Chi so uncomfortable all of a sudden," he whispered to himself. He liked having her friendship, and was sure she liked his too. She acted strangely sometimes, though, and it made him wonder. Akari had caught up with Chiharu as she headed into the female baths. "Chi, I'm sorry.. don't be like this.." Akari followed Chi into the baths and found that they were in fact the only two in there right now. "Don't worry about it Kari... it's just an irrational sense of guilt that I've been feeling. It wasn't my fault that Alexis was shot, it wasn't my fault that Hiro and Wazu are dead. Nor is it my fault that I was kidnapped but damn it, it sure as hell doesn't feel that way. It's my responsibility as Captain of this ship to protect the well-being of my crew, if they are upset or in pain, it means that I have failed them in some way." Chi's voice was soft but the guilt held in that fragility was devestating. "You're only humanoid. There's a limit to how much you can do." Akari paused, watching her captain before continuing. "I know you want to make everything alright for everyone, but this is war. People are going to hurt, emotionally as well as physically. All you can do is the best you can. Even if that doesn't seem to be enough, it'll be something." "I've never thought of myself as weak but what happened with Jehenniel made me realise just how powerless I really am over my life. I follow orders and give them hoping for the best but in all truth I am just drifting along in the current. I cannot dwell in the past, I can only accept it and what has happened and strive to learn from it and make myself stronger, no matter how much the past hurts.." Chi almost sounded like she was going to give up for a moment there, but she made her own personal resolution and she won't give up on everyone now. "Everything will be all right in the end if we don't give up faith and stop believing in hope. There is always a chance for a better tomorrow if we grasp it.." She was mostly telling herself this revelation but it helped that someone else was in the room to make it all seem more real. Akari took Chi's hands in her own and squeezed them gently. "Always remember that the crew behind you. Wherever this path leads, we will follow you. As long as we stick together it'll be alright." Chi smiled softly and nodded. "I made a promise to not die so I'll keep that promise. And I know that you and Nari will keep our crew alive to the best of your abilities.. that reminds me, could you start on the task of respawning Wazu first before you respawn Lavinia? I would like him to come back first so we can figure out what we're going to do now." Akari nodded. "Aye, Mistress. I'll alert you when the new body is ready." Chi nodded again. "Thank you Kari. I should be on the bridge in or in my quarters by the time the new body is ready..." OFF> JP GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) Annoying Wazu The Insane Profit GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 372 (4/20/03 2:29) Annoying Wazu ON> GSS Yui Uso walked down the left side hallway towards the medbay, wanting to look in on how Wazu's respawn was going. She reached the door and opened it. "Hi Anari!" Uso said cheerfully. Akari was in the Med bay, starting to run the preliminary checks to make sure the hemosynth tube was operational. The last body she was trying to respawn had long since broken down but she had the data pad containing the neko's memories safely stored away. "... it's Akari, Uso. " Akari looked at Uso but shrugged, the air was misty from the incense she was still burning. ~oops~ Uso thought to herself, she always had some trouble with names and she cursed herself for being so empty headed. "Sorry. So Akari how is Wazu's respawn going?" she asked "I'm running the preliminary system checks before I start right now. So what can I help you with?" Akari watched the data stream as she continued her checks. "I have uploaded his datapad but his DNA was lost so I have to select a race to bring him back as.." "oh that is too bad" Uso said with false concern, "So then what race are you planning to bring him back as? A NH-7 perhaps?" Uso was looking at Akari as she said this but occasionally glanced around the room to look at the various objects inhabiting it the incense especially caught her attention. "I was thinking about making him a Geshrin male but the possibility of another NH-7 aboard ship sounds like a good idea. But would he be able to handle being a female?" Akari finished her checks and looked over at Uso curiously. The Med Bay had small little charms on the various walls surrounding the room from what she could see. Half the room was sectioned off so that Alexis could have some privacy. "Wazu can handle it and even if he can’t he can always come back here and get a new body right?" Uso asked as she turned her gaze back at Akari and away from the various charms on the wall "Right. It should be interesting to see.. it isn't often that a Human man gets to be in a Neko body. Now what model would you like him to be?" Akari smiled to herself, she seemed to be more friendly and open than she usually was for some reason. A evil smile crossed Uso’s face as she pondered all the trouble she could get Wazu into, "How about giving him a body like mine a NH-74Y?" Uso asked "We could do that. I can actually take a sample from you so he'd technically be a clone of you if you'd like. Do you think he should have long or short hair?" Akari smiled a bit. this would definitely be interesting. "A clone of me?" Uso seemed to be a bit surprised by this, "would he look the same?" "He would but we could manipulate the features a bit if you'd like." Akari looked at Uso curiously, not sure why having a body double would be such a bad idea. "ok then lets do it" Uso said as she pondered what she would make him look like, "So first things first I think he would want short hair" Akari got a small syringe, "One moment, let me collect a sample." She quickly took a small blood sample which she put into the system and started to configure the specifics. "Short hair, he's going to have green hair and blue eyes because he's meant for space use... Anything else?" "Should we mess around with his facial features or should we not mess with perfection?" Uso asked as she laughed at her own joke "Up to you, do you want him to look exactly like you with short hair and blue eyes?" Akari only half smiled at the joke. Uso thought for a moment before answering, "Nah having a look alike could be confusing for the crew. What should we change?" "Hmm.. we can reconfigure the facial structure for a specific human race?" Akari suggested. "That sounds good. So how do we do it?" Uso asked she made a mental note to learn more about the medical procedures onboard the ship. "It's not too hard.. I can just manipulate the sequencing to a specific race's characteristics. First you have the main 3 choices, mongoloid, caucasoid, negroid. And then from there you have the specific distinctions between the different cultures..." Akari smiled a bit, she loved her work. ~sounds easy enough~ "Lets start with caucasoid," Uso said. She was having fun messing around with Wazu to the point of almost being drunk on her power to manipulate him "Alrighty, what nation do you want him to be from? French, German, Finnish, etc etc. The distinctions in the features are subtle.. " Akari replied, it would take a while to list them all. "May I?" Uso asked as she grabbed a data pad and began looking through the various nationalities until she came to one she liked, "How about British?" "We could do that." Akari plugged in the new configurations into the system. "Anything else?" "What else can I mess with?" Uso asked "Hmm.. what type of hair do you want him to have, straight, wavy, curly? Thick or thin? " Akari had to think for a moment, was there anything else aside from hair right now? Another evil grin came to Uso lips she knew that Wazu never took care of his hair and he liked something maintenance free so she picked the one that would force him to do the most work,” Curly and thick" she said knowing full well Wazu would have to comb it back to his preferred straightness Akari quickly entered in the new configuration for the hair. "I'm going to start the process now. It'll take a few hours before he'll be ready to go back to work." "ok notify me when we are ready to bring him back" Uso said "I'll let you know when he's back. I've already uploaded his data into the system, all we need now is the body." Akari nodded. Uso smiled, "I'll either be on the bridge or in my nest" she said as she left the medbay heading for the bridge. JP GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Kept in the Dark ( Sai and Rion) Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 404 (4/20/03 23:19) ezSupporter Kept in the Dark ( Sai and Rion) ON>> GSS Yui (GD-30) Galley Sai sat by herself at a table in the galley, as she quietly ate her dinner. She was dressed in loose fitting clothing that was too big for her, her long maroon hair hung loosely about her shoulders and down her back. Her expression was silent, there were no visible emotions, she just looked alone. As Rion made his way around the ship, following the orders that Geminasu had handed to him, he passed the galley while looking for the other security officers. He had almost passed the galley when he noticed someone sitting at table. ~Hmmm...Is that that girl who met me when I first came onboard?~ He wondered as he looked at her. Sai looked up as she sensed that someone was looking at her. Her eyes met with Rion's across the distance, there was just an eerie stillness in that gaze, almost as if she wasn't looking at him but was instead looking into his soul. She said nothing as she looked at Rion and the air filled with an uneasy silence. Rion felt...uneasy as she looked at him, but swallowed it and walked up to her. "Hello there, I'm Rion." He said with a smile as he offered a friendly hand out to her, in an attempt to shake hands. ~There's something....about her... I can't pin it down...~ Sai nodded to him as she took his large hand in her own. Her hand looked so tiny and fragile in comparison to the man's as she shook it. "We've met before. I am Sai, is something bothering you?" Her voice was clear and focused, it didn't carry an unfriendly tone nor did it carry a friendly one, it was easiest to describe as neutral. "From the looks of it we'll be working together." Her eyes never left his face as she spoke. Rion looked at her with a quizzical look, he hadn't ever met a child that spoke so clear and focused, most of them were loud, garbled, rushed, or what have you. He smiled at her though, " Yes, I guess we are. And no there isn't anything bothering me, why?" He said, changing his tone to a neutral one. There was something bothering him, but he didn't know Sai well enough to tell her about it. "You just have this odd manner to you is all. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine too. You have no reason to want to trust me, but I'm guessing I'm making you uneasy." Sai looked down for a moment as she picked up her cup, drinking some milk. "You can take a seat if you'd like." Rion smiled at her and walked over and took a seat across from her. "Thanks Sai. An odd manner you say? And what would that be?" He asked her with an amused voice. "It's hard to explain, it's just an impression I'm getting. So I take it that I'm right then." Sai smiled softly, it was a soft friendly smile but she was still had this eerie presence about her. "Yes you are. My past is troubling me now that I remember it clearly." Rion said, wondering why she had this weird aura about her. "Can I ask you something?" He, well, asked. "Go for it, I'll answer the question as best I can, as much as I am allowed to tell anyways." She made eye contact with him again, the bright green eyes were almost a glow but it was just a trick of the light. "Who are your parents? You are a child, are you not?" he asked her, his curiosity starting to get loose. "My body was created on this ship, in the Med Bay here. So my body appears older than I truly am. I have been 'alive' for only a short period of time. I am the clone of the former Chief of Security." Sai replied after consideration of how to phrase the answer. "I've heard about him, who was he?" Rion asked, wanting to know more. "Ritsurin was a dog demon - human hybrid. He was a strong fighter but he was confused with what to do with the power housed within his body and I feel that he was afraid to accept what he was and what he could do. I had two sisters but they fell into the hands of the Seraph and had to be executed before they could kill the Taisa and the Taisho." Sai pushed her plate to one side before she put her elbows on the table and leaned her head against her arm as she looked at Rion. Her eyes didn't seem to be staring through him anymore, just looking at him. "A half-breed. They are powerful, sometimes more powerful than the full breeds. About your sisters, I'm sorry it happened. I believe that children shouldn't have to do that, I nearly did when I was about 16-17 years old." Rion said, his steel colored eyes started to form tears as those memories of childhood started to come back. "There can be no regrets when it comes to duty, I had to do what I did and there couldn't be any hesitation at that time. I was created to help protect this ship and it is my duty to protect it at any cost." Sai looked at his tears, curious but didn't ask. Rion smirked at the girl. "That's why I'm here now too. There is no regret for duty that there isn't." He said. "There is no room for weakness. But failure to acknowledge those feelings of remorse, sorrow, anger and love can only serve to weaken your own spirit and will not make you stronger. Repression is more deadly than any poison or bodily harm. " Sai looked at him with an almost accusing stare. "But you already know this, after all, you are finally coming to grips with what you've had to do?" "I'm coming to grips with it, yes." He replied, amazed just how good she was. "And finding my brother alive helps too." he added. "Things of the past will always resurface at some point... fate and destiny are tricky things indeed." Sai commented as she took a sip of her drink. "I don't believe in fate or destiny. I make my own way in life, and where I want to go, I won't let anyone stop me." Rion replied, slightly offended by her comment. "Do you really believe that, when you have said for yourself that you just follow orders? When you are merely a soldier or a weapon that obeys orders you are surrendering to a predisposed fate or destiny. Everything happens for a reason." Sai retorted, she had an amused look to her eyes. "I follow orders because they can advance me to where I want to be." He retorted. Aeriyon decided to drop the tough guy act, like Sean had said and looked at her squarely. "A soldier alone cannot do much...other than follow orders." he said. "And how do you know that for certain? How do you know that you are not in reality being manipulated by the threads of destiny and fate with every order you choose to follow?" Rion could almost sense a spark of something beginning but the surge dissipated into vapor about Sai. ~What was that?!~ He wondered when he sensed the spark. "If I start believeing fate, then I start thinking negative. I think that one day, I'll pay for what I've done in the past." he said, looking slightly off to one side and avoid those penetrating bright orbs of hers. Rion unconsciously toyed with the crystal on a chain he wore around his neck. "One day it'll all make sense to you and everything will fall into place. Knowledge is power, you just have to use it well. If you want to fight destiny you must see it first." Sai closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again, Rion could see his reflection in her eyes. Sai chuckled a bit, it was soft pitch but not at all eerie or unsettling it was almost comforting to hear. Rion visibly relaxed as she chuckled. "And what if I choose not to fight fate? What then?" He asked. "Then you just have to sit back and watch as the current takes you wherever it is that you will go. Even if someone could tell you your fate it would chance it entirely. It is the reason why knowledge is so powerful. To find the path you have to look for it." Sai seemed to know how she was affecting Rion but there was no visible sign that she was consciously manipulating him. "Too find the path...I have to look for it..." Rion repeated. Sai nodded. "You'll understand what it means in time, no rush Aeriyon." She picked up her cup in her hands and toyed with it a bit before taking another drink. "You'll find your wings in time..." Rion raised an eyebrow at that. "I'll get my wings? What the bloody hell? I'm no angel." He scoffed. He then looked thoughful as he considered what she had said. "Symbolism, everything has some meaning to it. But it's subjective to the person who's seeing it. As the saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder.." Sai understood that he didn't understand but she knew he'd figure it out on his own. "But, there's time for you to live your life, no matter how you see it. You have found your brother again, so the past is catching up to you." "And I cannot hide from it. I...don't know what to do now..." He said, looking a bit worried. "You just have to take life as it comes. If you read into it too much you'll get lost." Sai replied. Rion nodded in acknowledgment. "I can't believe that Sgt. Geminasu ordered me to go meet the crew." he said, wanting to change the subject. "It's only natural but if he gave you a deadline you might want to move along for now. You'll see soon enough." Sai smiled again before she stood up. "I'd better go check on the girls. Good luck Rion." Rion stood up with her. "I really dont want to do this order..." he muttered barely enough for her to hear him. "It's so stupid" He added. "It would be best to accept this part of your fate." Sai commented again before she started walking out of the galley. Aeriyon winced when she said that. And walked out of the galley and thought about who to go see next. JP by GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Home is were the heart is Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 188 (4/22/03 0:06) Home is were the heart is After Acara left the Intel nest, he headed for the Tech quarters. ~There was nothing going on worth telling anyone about.~ He thought as he entered the nest, pushing his last encounter out of his mind. Apon entering he saw Tomoyo and Hikari were still there. ~Good just who I wanted to see.~ He walked over to Hikari. "How are you doing little one?" he asked softly. Hikari looked up at Acara with a soft smile, she looked like she had just woken up, which could very much be true considering the circumstances. "Tired.. I would like to report back in for duty... I don't like having to stay in the nest by myself all day while Tommy and Kuru and you work... I don't want to be useless anymore, I want to help out the crew too." Hikari looked as if she was about to burst into tears at any moment as she spoke and Tomoyo sighed a bit as she listened to Hikari.. Apparently this wasn't the first time that Tomoyo had heard the argument. "Acara, you have to help talk Hikari into waiting until she's better before reporting back into duty. I understand her feelings but I don't want her to get hurt even more before the wounds heal.." Tomoyo looked to Acara with a pleading expression to her eyes and a sadness to her voice, she wanted Hikari to come back to work but it was still too soon. Acara smiled warmly at both of them. "To be honest little one, now that Megami is back online you won't have to wait more than a day before we can get you a new body. And don't worry about Tomoyo and Kuru; I'll be doing all the extra work. If you just stay here and rest you will be able to help in no time." Hikari nodded, sniffing a bit as she looked from Acara to Tomoyo. "What happens if something happens to Megami again? Will I disappear like Kei, Lyn and Mika?" Acara looked deep into Hikari’s eyes. "Well, that is our job to keep Megami from getting like that again. I promise you'll be back up and kicking in know time." Then he turned to Tomoyo. "Did you brief her already?" He asked. "You promise I won't disappear?" Hikari bit her lower lip but she nodded to Acara, she believed him. Tomoyo nodded before she replied. "I did, she doesn't really want to meet Rion. But remember Hikari, this time we're going to make 2 copies of our minds, the one contained within the Megami and another on a data pad daily so there isn't a chance that we're lost again." Acara was still looking at Tomoyo. "Have you got hers and yours in a pad yet." He asked as a face formed on his back and stuck its tongue out at Hikari. "Not yet, I wanted to take her to see Nari and Kari first to get a DNA sample taken again. But I believe that there is already a waiting list to have a new body as Wazu and Lavinia are still without bodies. But I think Hikari will be transferred after Lavinia's reborn... and then we have to get our crew's numbers back up again. But either way, Hikari will get a new body very soon." Tomoyo smiled brightly again and Hikari smiled as well, hugging the elder girl. Acara smiled as well. "Good, I don't want to lose you two." The face on his back smoothed over. "You still got that pod Tomoyo. I have not found a way to back up myself other than that yet." "I do still have it, it's still safe.. I checked on it." Tomoyo gently returned Hikari's hug as she looked at Acara. "I know that we'll fare better this time, we're better prepared to deal with the chaos that comes when the ship is hit hard." Acara laughed. "Yes, we seem to do better than the security when the time come." Then he looked at Hikari. "Sorry I did not come sooner but I had someone I needed to contact before we left." "Who did you need to talk to Acara-sempai?" Hikari looked at Acara curiously now, she was in high spirits for the first time since before she was burned. Tomoyo chuckled a bit and looked at Acara curiously as well, she had wanted to know who it was be she didn't want to pry. This was one of those times where she half-wished that she was a telepath. Acara pondered a moment. "Well when I first joined GSA there was this neko that helped me through the first awkward stages. Her name was Keenara, and she became like a big sister to me. Since then we have always stayed in touch, and these recent attacks had her really worried. So I called her and told her I was alright." He winked at Hikari then looked at Tomoyo. "You know how big sisters are." Hikari nodded with a grin. "Yuppers! Tommy has been watching out for me since I first joined the GSA and went through training." Tomoyo nodded, but she wondered when Hikari would ever stop calling her Tommy, it made her sound like she was really a man. Acara laughed again. He did not even notice the way Hikari call Tomoyo Tommy. "You know we usually have some one looking out for us when we start, and then we help someone else along later." "It's how life goes. We will almost always have something watching out for us.. even if we ourselves have taken someone else under our wing." Tomoyo commented. Hikari made a face at Tomoyo's comment. "You sound like a Obaasan, Tommy.. maybe I should call you Obaasan..." Tomoyo have glared at Hikari, but she knew her friend was playing. This time Acara Heard the name. He smirked. "Well you seem in good spirits. I need to go check on Megami. See how she is doing." "Understandable. We'll be heading off to the Med bay in a little bit after Hikari gets something to eat. We'll be in the galley or the dining hall. We're supposed to be meeting up with Sai at some point as well. She wanted to check on Hikari.. I guess she feels partially responsible for what happened to Hikari because Ritsurin was both her NCO and her father." Tomoyo shrugged. "Ah, she is an interesting one." He moved toward the door. "I need to get going. I'll see you later." He smirked. "Tommy." "We'll see you later Acara." Tomoyo didn't comment, she just gave him this odd look.. the look you get from your parents or girlfriend when you've said something that you shouldn't have to them. Acara laughed, then looked at Hikari. "Thanks." As he left he wrestled with the emotions he felt when Tomoyo had given him those looks. The one earlier and the one just now. He had never felt anything like the way he felt now. As he headed to Megami room he pushed it to the back of his mind. He’d work with it out later. Tomoyo shoke her head and looked down at Hikari. "Come on Hiki.. let's go hunt down Sai." Hikari looked back at Tomoyo with an odd expression on her face. "There's something odd about Sai. She seems.. unreal." Tomoyo shrugged at Hikari's comments. "Let's just go find her, she wanted to see how you were doing. But, maybe we'll find out what exactly it is the makes her so special..." JP & GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) and GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) Time to move on. Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 183 (4/22/03 7:23) Time to move on. After his brief, enlightening conversation with Sai, Aeriyon stood outside the Dining Room thinking about who to go see next. He considered meeting the rest of the techs, hoping somewhat that they could tell him a little bit about the ship, as some aspects of it still amazed him. But decided against it, as they were likely busy at the time. ~Hm, I haven't been to the bridge here yet, maybe I'll go take a look at it, maybe meet some of the crew there.~ He concluded and made his way toward it. As he walked, Rion started thinking about what Sai had told him. And it bothered him that she of all people could see right past all the defense he put up...for the first time in a while, he felt weak, knowing that there was someone who could see him (literally) for who he really was. "Anyway, better get on with that order. This really isn't so bad, meeting some of these people. They're not as bad as I originally thought." He said to nobody in particular, more like thinking out loud. As he reached the bridge, he heard talking, he listened and recognized one of three voices. ~Hm, so this is where Inari is.~ he thought as the door slid open to let him in. The three nekos looked over to Rion as he entered, only Inari managed a smile. The other nekos said no word, Arume's eyes narrowed at him and Aya seemed to be looking past him. Rion nodded, after noticing a Taii rank pin on one of them and a Chui pin on the other. " Hello Inari, may I ask who your two friends are?" he asked her, giving Arume and Aya a look over. "My, they don't seem to train ground troops to respect their ranking officers." Arume spoke fist, breaking the silence that had sweapt across the three nekos when Rion entered. She crossed her arms across her chest as she stared a hole through him. "This is your first and last warning: You will respect your officers or you be dealt with. You are on the bottom of the barrel here, don't you forget that, you must earn the right to be considered anything but a worthless grunt." Aya looked at Arume with a sigh, Inari made no comment as a frown appeared on her face. "Arume-san.." Aya looked back to Rion who's expression had become serious once more, the smile fading and growing silent as he came to attention and saluted the disgruntled officer without a word. Arume just glared at Rion knowing full well that unless she or Aya saluted that he would remain that way. Inari looked to Aya and Aya nodded. "'At ease, Soldier." Aya came to attention herself and returned Rion's salute. "Now with that aside.. I am Taii Aya the ship's communications officer and this is Chui Arume our Fire Control officer. And you have already met Medic Inari. Inari was just briefing us on what occured at the meeting.. and it seems that you had left yourself open for many things to happen. BUT.." Aya glanced to Arume who had yet to smile, the Fire Control Officer was pissed but she had to respect the ranking system for the time being while in front of Rion and Inari.. what happened to Aya once the two were gone however.. "First and formost you must respect your officers and once we know that we can trust you to not stab us in the back we'll give you the respect that you desire and derserve." Rion relaxed from the salute, he was wondering why Arume was being so mean, but decided that to ask her was being disrespectful and that was the one thing her wanted to avoid. His eyes and face went dead serious as he addressed Arume. "Chui Arume, I've not recieved direct orders from my superiors in years. I recieved most of my orders via my laptop, this is the first time in a long time I've had to face the one who wsa dealing the orders." he looked over at Inari, remembering what she said in the briefing, then back to Arume. "What Inari said in the meeting is absolutely correct. I haven't had enough experience with people or even nekos to know how I'm coming off." He said, acknowledging his own weakness. He then looked over at Taii Aya and a small smirk became visible, amused mildly by what she said about backstabbing. "I may be socially crass, and I know that actions speak louder than words, but I won't stab you in the back." he said, getting serious again. ~Oh man, my hour's almost up, need to hurry.~ He thought. "If you you'll excuse me ladies, I still have an order from Sgt. Geminaru to carry out." he saluted to them and turned to leave, but paused momentarily and looked at Inari with a look of 'thank you' in his eyes. He then turned and continued on his way, the only people he had to meet now were the techs... Edit and added scenes by GSA no Taii Aya Communications Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) & Original Posting by GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Disembarking Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 418 (4/24/03 22:37) ezSupporter Disembarking The hour had past and the GSS Yui prepared to resume her mission once more. The Taisho had reappeared on the bridge and took a seat in the pilot's chair, as the wires connected into her neck, shoulders, back, etc. "Taii Aya, please let the Silvershot know we're about to leave the base and return on our mission. We'll be cloaking so we'll be needing to keep radio contact with the Silvershot if nothing else than to send them our coordinates." The communications officer nodded as she opened up a channel to the Silvershot. "Silvershot, this is the GSS Yui. We're preparing to disembark and return on our mission. The Yui will be activating its cloak." Aya continued, "I'll be sending you our coordinates now..." GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Farewell to a Friend Alexis Jaren GSA Operations GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 72 (4/25/03 1:38) Farewell to a Friend Timdri sat on the steel bar at the foot of Alexis' bed in the medical bay and watched its friend recover. After about a quarter of an hour it stood on its stubby legs and stretched. The narrow wings on its back flapped rapidly as it worked the kinks out of sore flight muscles. Alexis lay with closed eyes. He was sleeping, as much as one like him could, his mind still. The cord bridging the gap between him and the ship's power outlet buzzed with a pitch that human ears couldn't hear but he could. To him it sounded like a stream of water would to a man in the desert. The energy was as effective as any IV would be to anyone else, his body eagerly taking it in and storing it away. The sound of Timdri's flapping prompted him to look down the bed at his companion. Timdri folded its wings carefully and then looked over at Alexis and smiled. It churrred a question as its head tilted to one side. Alexis returned the smile and nodded. "Much, thank you. I understand you helped them figure out how to jumpstart me?" He looked down at the power cord and reached over with his other hand to unplug it. His skin had grown over the end to keep the cord in his hand without him holding it in place. The skin retreated into his hand as he removed the plug. The cord he wound around the bedpost at his head. Timdri smiled bigger and nodded, then it became serious. Alexis nodded. "I can feel it. They're drifting." His brow furrowed. "K'Uri ne Lari is moving'll stay close, but Iriia won't." His voice lowered as he spoke. "What do you want to do?" he asked, half sure he knew the answer. The alien simian bowed its head. It's eyes held loneliness in their pale reflection as it looked at the shifter. Alexis knew that it wasn't just a case of homesickness. He had been neglecting his friend, they sometimes didn't see each other for days...being stuck in a small room was taking its toll on Timdri. Dispite being small in size, Timdri's airborn nature made it suffer from a mild claustrophobia. Alexis nodded slowly. "I know." Somehow he couldn't think of anything besides that to say. He sat up, crossing his legs indian style under the covers. Timdri padded across the sheets to sit in front of Alexis. Alexis kept his expression neutral as he answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "They are at war. And the Nekos themselves are made of blood." Timdri shook its head and snorted. Why indeed...Alexis frowned and looked down at his uniform, the Med-bay ceiling lights shining off of the Taisa pin on his chest. Why had he come here? Why did he stay? Finally he sighed. "It's something to do, I guess. Remember how aimless we were before, just wandering across the world? There was only the next tavern for us then, and few people even bothered to remember our names. I probably couldn't even name an eighth of the people we met, and I doubt that many would recognize us in return." Timdri demanded. Alexis shook his head again. "No, they don't. They have lasted this long without the R'Lari, they can last without us a bit longer." Timdri's eyes widened at this. Stra R'Lari had guided the Timdri's people, the Essarians, for millinia before the shifters had vanished and become a legend. Finding Alexis still alive had been sent a shockwave through their culture, he was offered leadership over them, which he accepted for a while before returning control to the Counsel and remaining as a figurehead. Finally Alexis had returned to wandering, with Timdri as his companion, looking for something he thought was missing. Timdri closed its eyes and nodded. It looked up at Alexis. Maybe when this didn't work out Alexis would go back home. "Just tell them to put the project on hold. This place is not for them. If the Essarians get involved it will just disrupt everything. Tell them to monitor the driftings and stay alert for cross-overs." Alexis grimiced and offered a weak smile. "I wish you a safe trip, Timdri. I'll leave the door open if you want to visit." Timdri nodded, adding its own smile before it jumped off the bed to the floor. It paused, then grabbed its mini-pad from the counter and headed off to the officer's quarters. From there it would send the message for the rendezvous. Alexis lay back in bed, staring at the ceiling as was his habit while thinking. He sighed, then got up and tested his footing...his body seemed to have recovered, so he looked around for Akari or Inari to request permission for release. GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) Heading Out and The Search for Siaga Tobias Geminasu GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 208 (4/25/03 8:04) Heading Out and The Search for Siaga Geminasu had setup everything he needed to. He sat in his chair using his datapad to flit around with information. ~The Yui must be heading out now~ he thought, ~Good hopefully Rion's had some time now to meet the crew. I hope all went well. -Meanwhile- Siaga was bored, board as could be. Sniffing around he managed to slip out the door. He flitted down the hallways heading into the tech nest. ~Where isalpha male??? I can't find Alpha female either...~ -Meanwhile- Trouble had gone to her room to feed Siaga but he wasn't there so she ran off to search for to make sure that the little puppy stayed out of trouble. "Now where could he have gone. I'll check down here." she said as she ran down towards the tech nest. -On the Silvershot- Zeph took the helm and followed the Yui's coordinates and sent out a message to the Yui. "Roger that Yui, we'll be cloaking as well so not as to give your position away." Zeph said handling the controls easily. He enjoyed piloting, but besides that he secured the radio line between the Yui and the Silvershot so as potential enemies could not cause interfrence or pick up their transmissions. "MOCH keep radio lines open to the Yui." "Yes. Sir." MOCH replied in a rather montone voice. GSA Sergeant Tobias Geminasu Security Sentry, GSS Yui (GD-30) Out side of the box The Insane Profit GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 395 (4/25/03 21:57) Out side of the box ON GSS Yui> Uso is walking down the hallway heading to her nest after talking to Akari about respawning Wazu After meeting both Taii Aya and Chui Arume, Rion decided to go look for Uso. He started toward the medbay, just thinking that she'd be toying with this Wazu's respawn. He was a bit lost in his own thoughts and what Sai had told him, and inadvertently bumped into Taii Uso without realizing it. "Oh, sorry about that Taii Uso." He said. "It is ok just try not to do it again" Uso said she seemed slightly tired as she had not slept in a while Rion looked at her, taking in her body language, then saluted his superior. "Yes, ma'am." He said. "you still owe me that spar" she said putting her hands on her hips in a accusing manner He smirked slightly. " That I do." He said, relaxing a bit. "Now?" He asked her. Uso perked up slightly as the thought of a battle crossed her mind, "If you want to get beaten now then ok" she said "With all due respect Uso, don't be so sure of yourself." He said, mentally preping himself for the impending battle. "Like Chiharu said, we can't use weapons, I'll hold my blades back. But where to fight?" he asked her. "we should be able to fight in the area next to the stasis room" Uso said, "and why shouldn't I be so shure of myself? I know I can beat you to a bloody pulp" Rion merely smiled at her, he was liking her more now. "Let's go then,“ He said. Rion was always ready for a fight. He waited for her to lead the way. Uso smiled back and walked to the empty room next to the stasis room as she sent a telepathic message to Acara ~Can you disable the gravity in the room next to the stasis room in one minute?~ Rion looked at her knowing full well she was telepathically communicating, he had seen other nekos do it. Acara stopped in his trip to the Megami room. ~Who is this, and by what authority do you ask this?~ He thought hoping the person was reading his mind. ~It is Uso. and can you do this for me? please?~ Acara relaxed. ~May, I ask why this needs done Miss Uso? He thought, trying to puzzle out the reason for this. ~I'm about to spar with Rion and I want to catch him off guard... not like I need to~ ~Ok, I'll do it if you wish, but only because you out rank me. Just to let you know, I disapprove of this." Acara headed for the gravity generator. ~your disapproval is noted if you get in trouble for this you can blame me~ Uso walked through the door leading to the room. Rion seized the opportunity, while her back was on him to pounce on her and try to pin her to the floor, he attempted to whip his tail around her neck, into a position to break it and followed up with an attempt to pin her arms with his and her legs with his own Uso was mildly stunned by his actions but she was ready never the less with a smile on her face. ~Hope your fire proof~ she sent him as she fired off a small burst from her CRT organs "ARGH!" He screamed as she burned him, just still managed to hold on somehow, and tried to use her force to try and pin her...thankfully, the uniform he was wearing was made to be resistant to fire, but it still burned off, leaving him without any thing to protect his torso. Uso and Rion flew toward the back wall of the room. Uso used her body to put Rion between her and the wall attempting to use him as a shield from the impact Rion spun her around in midair, using nothing but muscle and tried to use her as the shield, and get her into a pin position. He spun her around by throwing his weight to one side Before Uso could hit the wall she formed two tentacles and attacked Rion's torso with several rapid thrusts before she impacted the wall Rion grunted, but took the hits to his bare torso, but still tried to force her into a spread eagle position, where he could easily pin her to wall. As his tail was still around her neck, he applied force into it, trying to get her to submit or be distracted. Uso continued working his body over with her tentacles punching him in the torso and slowly moving up to the head she formed a third tentacle and slipped it underneath his tail to protect her neck from to much damage Rion focused on pinning her, which allowed him to ignore the pain somewhat. He attempted to push her arms and legs out so he could hold them in a helpless position, his tail removed itself from her neck and slapped her stunningly in the side of the chest. Through sheer muscle, he grabbed her arms and tried to force them upwards. ~ARgh, dammit those things hurt, but I have to win this~ He thought to himself. Uso couldn't do much to stop him from pinning her but she could keep hitting him. Her tentacles started whaping him in the face as the tentacle that formed her tail moved into position to block his tail and deflect it to the side Rion had her against the wall and continued to try and pin her, ignoring the blows to his face. his tail went low after being deflected and tried to wrap around her legs. Feeding of pure adrenaline, he tried to pin her. The shoulder ports on Uso started to drip with blood slowly forming tow batlike wings. Meanwhile Acara reached the gravity generator and began working on it. ~My disapproval does not stim from reproductions. I don't like the dishonesty of it. There it is off. Tell me when you want it back on.~ ~oh man, there goes my favorite black jacket~ he complained to himself. Uso pushed her wings back trying to force him off her ~You can turn it back on in about 30 seconds~ she replies to busy with the battle to give more than a short response Rion felt the gravity let off and braced against a box he had maneuvered her behind. And pushed against her wings still trying valiantly to pin her. ~If I can hold her until the gravity comes back on.....~ he thought. "Nice trick Uso. I commend you." He said as he tried to hold her close to him. Uso flapped her wings again and used her tentacles to snake under his hands and arms that were pinning her, pushing against them. She then fired another blast from her CRT organs. The full force was channeled down by her wings as she shot up Rion reacted to the tentacles by grabbing her arms and forcing them in close to his body, the blades on his wrists flicked out, not to hit her, but to sever the tentacles. He could do nothing to stop her CRT but he used his tail to tie her legs together, pinning them. ~Come on gravity, kick back in!~ he thought. Uso's tentacles were impaled but not severed as Rion's hands had no way to cut as they were holding her arms. Uso then flipped Rion and slammed his body into the roof with her CRT organs Rion grunted and was pushed against the roof. But he had a feeling that the time was almost up, and when the gravity came back on, he'd have her. "Dirty trick Uso, but you have not won yet." He grunted. Uso fired her CRT's again and channeled the blast backward and in a corkscrew fashion spinning Rion and slamming him against the ground. Uso then fires her CRT organs again and directs the force downward and around, relative to Uso, spinning Rion fast and using the centripetal force and her tentacles to try and pry him off. Rion and Uso hurdle toward the Wall with Rion lined up to hit first Rion held her tightly against his body at this point, hoping this crash wouldn't knock him out. He has her arms pinned, and her legs too. If he can hold on... ~please god, let me win this...~ he prayed mentally He closed his eyes and prepared to hit the wall hard. Acara waited thirty seconds then turned the gravity back on to the shuttle bay. ~Man I hate it when people are dishonest like that, But I can't do anything right now.~ With that he headed back toward the Megami room. Meanwhile in the shuttle bay Uso slammed Rion into the wall and then fell to the ground. Her wings, having no more use, rolled up and formed into tentacles. He now was.... Hugging her? Uso tried to pry him off with 3 of her tentacles while the tentacles from her shoulders attacked his face Rion opened his eyes and realized he had her! Now using his weight to pin her legs. His tail swatted her tentacles away. Rion put his face into her chest and took the blows on the back of his shoulder. He was hurt and bruised, but he wouldn't let her go, he couldn't for some reason... Uso felt her legs give way as she was attacked. She fell to her knees as she was being pinned. Uso then redoubled her attack efforts rapidly hitting him in the head with 3 tentacles. The tentacle on her left shoulder tried to hit him in the side of the neck to stun him. The tentacle from her tail slot went between his legs and then shot to the side trying to knock his right leg out from under him Rion pulled his body up, overbalancing her, which should make her fall back, taking the hit to the neck in the side of his shoulder, and upward movement got his leg out of the way of the other tentacle. Rion kneed her in the chest, knocking the wind out of her. Uso and Rion got to look each other in the face for the first time sense the match begun. Uso had a huge smile on her face and several bloody splotches on her chest from the impact earlier. She simply took the hit letting it bounce off her. As Uso fell back she continued to hit Rion in the head with her tentacles. Rion ducked his head in close to her face and put his head close to her ear and avoided the lashes while he pulled her arms out from under him and held them to her sides, pinning them, he moved his legs in a way to pin her's. He whispered in her ear. "Uso...face've lost" Rion had her pinned, bracing against the ground to prevent a roll over. His body weight held her down. "I'm not done yet!" She said as she fired her CRT organs burning the back of her uniform but also sending her toward the wall and hopefully away from Rion " are one hell of fighter, but too damn bad. I have you pinned." he whispered to her. Rion dragged his blades against the ground, and catches them in between two crates, preventing them from hitting the wall. the force of the dash caused the blades to slash clean through the crates, Rion pulled them back into resting position and arched his back, pulling his head away from the oncoming wall. ~ahhhh. damn that hurts badly~ Uso uses her tentacles to brace herself from the impact and then pulled herself up the wall slightly so she is now sitting resting her back against the wall Rion had a shock. his tail was still free! He slipped it around her waist after deflecting a couple tentacle attack and closed off the ports. Uso retracted the two tentacles on her side ports so they wouldn't be cut off from the blood flow no that their HS ports were covered by his tail. Uso continued to squirm and hit him in the head with her shoulder tentacles as her tail was stuck under her body Rion slipped his tail out, tied her arms with them and pinned them behind her back, blocking off the ports and used his arms to block the ones on her shoulders. He realized he was again hugging her. The CRT organs had taken their toll on her Uniform and the front fell off reveling that Uso had hemosynthed a snake like form of body armor. several armored scales wound tightly around her body to just under her armpits from her side HS ports. Each scale was made of a metal and was padded. Uso then realized her shoulder HS ports were under attack. As Rion grabbed her tentacles that were attacking his head she hemosynthed more mass onto them growing them around his hands so they couldn't be moved. Before his hands got there, his blades flipped forward and severed them cleanly, he then held her ports closed. Uso had only one HS port left... her tail. She grew it longer and longer until it came out from under Rion then it maneuvered up through his legs and came back around to wrap around his head Rion pressed her body against the wall harder, trying to close the port the tentacle was coming from Uso wriggled her body pressing it up and against his making room for the tail as it tried to cut of his airflow. ~Must Win~ was the singular thought in her mind "Ack" he gasped and used all his muscle and force to thrust her body backward and slams her against the wall. "air..." he gasped. Uso's tail was hurt by the thrust but not to badly as it continued to strangle him. She could feel his strength beginning to leave him as she tried to wriggle free. Rion wouldn't give up and freed his tail and used his arms to bear hug Uso and presses her against the wall closing off the shoulder and tail ports ~Uso...I won't lose...~ Rion felt a surge of power in his muscles as his determination built up.. Rion's gambit had failed. ~It might have worked if I didn't have a head~ she thought to herself and after a brief check she did infact still have a head. She began to form her shoulder tentacles again her Tail still wrapped around his neck even if it had been cut off from her blood flow by it being pressed against the wall Rion used the last trick he had and used his tail and pushed her throat against the wall, attempting to close the ports Uso's neck was now at a very odd angle almost bent at a 90 degree angle forward. Her shoulder HS ports were almost completely closed off. Her tail still held him around the neck but she was slowly losing strength in it as it was cut off from her bloodstream. She knew she just knew she could keep it up long enough. Rion bit the tentacle around his neck, trying to get it to let go ~can't..lose but hurts so much...~ He thought but still held her in this position Uso saw him bite her tentacle and saw a trickle of blood come out of it. fortunately for her the tentacle had already gone numb ~can't give up now~ Rion chewed through the tentacle, finally cutting it off. Uso's tentacle was still wrapped around his neck even though it was cut off it still held on he would have to do more than that to dislodge it. the rest of her tail flopped clumsily to the side. Rion grabbed the tentacle and tossed it to the floor, pulling hard at it to get it off in the first place. ~ugh, this shit tastes gross~ "you ate it" she said. Uso now had tow smaller tentacles formed from her shoulders. she couldn't use the full HS port because of the wall. One tentacle wrapped around his neck while the other formed a thin and wide almost cloth like component that wrapped around Rion's mouth keeping his teeth to himself Rion's tail pushed her against the wall, closing it off completely. Rion slid the tail behind her neck and moved over the ports to completely cover them. The blood flow was cut off to those tentacles also but they were still wrapped around his head and if he didn't dislodge them soon she would win Rion removed his arms from her, the wall holding the ports shut, quickly ripped it off and tossed it aside and bear hugged her again quickly Uso had her arms away by then although her side HS ports were still covered Rion reacted quickly and grabbed her arms and held them in front of him and her. Uso's side HS ports formed tentacles again and began to strike Rion in the Head Rion didn't know what to he rolled Uso onto her side, covering her body with his, closing the ports on her shoulders with the wall, the ones on her side with the floor, and used his tail to tie her legs together and used his arms to pin her arms in a way to close anymore ports Rion moves his legs in a way to pin her legs securely, and uses his tail to pin her arm, and as it's pinned, he moves the arm that was there before and cuts the tentacles that are strangling him as he is about to passout from lack of air. Rion gasped for air as they came off. ~that was damn close...~ he thought "heh your better than I thought you were now I will stop going easy on you" Uso let her hands and feet dissolve as she formed large tentacles from her hand and leg ports. The tentacles that were her hands only moments ago rolled Rion over so Uso was on top freeing her side ports. The tentacles from her legs attached to the ground and pulled her away from the wall so that her head and neck were no longer bent at a odd angle. "What the hell!" He yelled as he leaped off her. ~Damn~ Uso propped her body up on the leg tentacles giving her a extra 2 feet in height and a more menacing look Rion looked at her and didn't know what to do..... He was scared for the first soo long... Uso pointed a tentacle at him and thrust it forward... the rest followed he was soon assaulted by 8 tentacles all trying to slam him against a wall Uso snaked forward on her leg/tentacles bringing her closer to him Rion dodged off to a side, and leaped over several and danced around the rest of them, trying to think of a way to beat her. Uso brought her tentacles in a round motion putting 3 tentacles on each side of Rion and 2 above him then simultaneously brought them all in at once to attack him Rion dashed at her and attempted to plant a kick in her chest. moving forward to avoid the attack but feigned and ran through her legs Uso's leg tentacles attempt to wrap around his legs as he runs under her Rion flexed the blades out and whirled in place, trying to sever the tentacles holding then down then up then down again in rapid succession The tentacle that was her left hand split open at the tip and engulfed his right hand blade and all. The rest of the tentacles attacked feigned retreat and attacked again keeping him busy and on the move Rion felt the pain in his body, it was overwhelming now, and collapsed face down on the floor. ~I...I ...failed...~ was the last thought before passing out. ~these aren't....serious injuries really....~ "I told you that you wouldn't win" Uso said as she looked over his body to see if anything serious had happened. Rion was bleeding from the mouth slightly. Uso then reformed her hands and feet then reabsorbed her other tentacles releasing Rion's arm as she did Rion woke up after a few minutes..."oww. dammit"..He said. "I can't fight anymore..." "you fought well enough" Uso said "You should drag yourself to the medbay before continuing with your duties" "This was foolish..." his eyes teared up a bit. "Now, I'll be punished... But that's to be expected." he added. "you will only be punished if you don't follow your end of the deal" Uso said as she smiled Rion laughed a bit, as he had forgotten it after the verbal beating from Kuru in that meeting. "And...what was that..?" he asked. "your my rei for a day" Uso said "Oh...Well I should get to the medbay..." He said, breathing carefully. "Can you help me there? It hurts to move much.." He asked her. Uso helped him up," Yes I don't want my Rei unable to work" Uso relised her mistake and quickly bound his hands so he couldn't attack her He looked at her and smiled, he liked Uso..quite a bit, even though she had just beaten the crap out of him. "Don't worry. I lost. I accept that. I won't attack you." he said as she did. Uso smiled, "I don't trust you... it is a common trick" Rion smiled a bit. "What's not to trust? I'm in too much pain to fight anymore." he asked innocently. "Trust leads to betrayal" Uso then helped him to the medbay after sending a telepathic thanks to Acara ~Chiharu will kill me for this...~ he thought "...but failure to acknowledge your feelings is even worse." he said. He felt it would hit a one last small feeble attack.. "Warriors like me can only express our feelings with our bodies, our fists.." He said quietly. Uso didn't pay attention to him even though she clearly heard what he said. "this is the Medbay I'll leave you here" Uso then walked off down the hall to her nest still in her tattered uniform walked slowly into the medbay, looking for help. END... Jp GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA Juni Acara Starship Technician, GSS Yui (GD-30) + GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Suspicion Sgzyr GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 68 (4/27/03 20:05) Suspicion Sgzyr had experienced many conflicting feelings in the past several weeks, mainly homesickness and the inability to feel happy. He had done his regular duties, trying to enforce the will of the Taisho as he went along, but several things came to mind during these last several days. First off, he had to continue the ever-important job of watching for suspicious crewmen, possibly under angel influence. He had received bad vibes from this new proclaimed assassin Aeriyon, and decided to keep a close eye on this new recruit aboard the Yui. While strolling along the corridors of the Yui, Sgzyr saw Sai for a moment and decided to tag her over for a second. A quick conversation ensued, ending with the final words “Please contact Tobias for me, as soon as possible, I need to speak to him about something...” Sgzyr then left the area to go back to his bunk, brandishing a new cigar and lighting it up along the way. When he sat down in his bunk, he began to consider a few things, in between the puffs of his cigar. He the smiled and began to polish his knife, hoping to speak to his second-in-command about the new guy. The Pain of losing: Stupid broken Ribs Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 228 (4/29/03 10:29) The Pain of losing: Stupid broken Ribs After Uso left Rion outside the Medbay, he thought it would be best to head to go see Sgt. Geminasu for new orders. He got a few feet away from the doors and his ribs reminded him that they were broken and needed to be set. The internal bleeding from being smashed into the walls had started to repair themselves, but is movement caused it to happen again, so, grudgingly went back to the medbay to get medical attention. "I hate to ask for help like this...but I need to..." He smiled. "I somewhat hope that Inari's back in there..." He blushed ever so slightly. So he got back to the medical bay, holding the ribs that really hurt and took a seat and waited for someone to notice him. He knew he should say something, but his pride kept him from doing it. Akari was working by herself again, Inari was nowhere to be seen. The Medic looked at Rion as he took a seat with an odd smile and a look of quiet pain in his eyes as the man held his side. "Rion, if you'd come over here and take a seat on the table, I'll see what I can do for those ribs. Don't worry, Inari willl be back in a little while- I sent her to check on Hikari." Rion blushed lightly at the mention of Inari, he wanted to ask how she knew but then he remembered that the NH-7s were all telepaths. He nodded as he silently complied with the Medics orders, getting up and painfully walking to the table and sitting down. "I won't ask how you got these broken, but I promise that I will not tell the Captain either way. Just think next time." Akari's voice was soft, she didn't want to disturb the Taisa who was still resting on the other side of the sheet that divided the room- it'd only be a little while longer before she would discharge her patient and allow him to return to duty now that he was most likely done recharging. Akari carefully placed her hands over the broken ribs and focused as she worked her "@#%$" as it were, trying to make the internal bleeding stop. As she worked she quietly sang a healing prayer in Japanese... Once the ritual was complete and she was certain that the injuries would heal themselves without much difficulty, she bandaged Rion's ribs and sides. Inari reappeared in the Med Bay as her big sister finished her procedure. "Hikari is all set to get a new body once the Chusa and Lavinia are finished. She is lighter spirits now," Inari paused as she looked at Rion's bandaged ribs curiously. Akari sent a telepathic message back to her explaining the situation and Inari replied out loud. "Interesting. Rion, you should be fine now. It may take a few days before the healing is completely done." (Director's Cut.. some scenes added?) -By Kim Original Post by: GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Nashi no Nigemichi Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 425 (4/30/03 16:03) ezSupporter Nashi no Nigemichi ON> GSS Yui (GD-30) Nashi lay in her hammock watching the stars outside her window. They hadn't moved in a long time, and she hadn't felt the push of engines in a while. If they were still, why was she still cooped up? So bored... "Where is Mommy? I'm hungry...and no one is playing with me! I want to play Seeker..." She lifted her head and plopped it back down on her pillow in a fit of frustration. She'd beaten the simulator on every level twice and exhausted the variables. The headband lay discarded in the crate which sat under a hole in one of the room's walls. Tired with the virtual playground and the terribly predictable playmates, she had started to look for a way out. The room was much less complex than her old room in the lab where she was born, but somehow she couldn't bypass the lock. It clearly wasn't computer driven...her face scrunched in thought as the hammock swayed gently. Then she grinned, her eyes snapping open. Maybe it was mechanical! At this sudden revelation, Nashi jumped to her feet. So that's why there had been noises outside the room after Daddy left, he was fixing a lock to her door. It must be really dangerous outside if he had to lock her room to keep them out. The young neko eagerly set to work examining the door and the walls around it, looking for imperfections in the material. "I don't care how dangerous it is out there...I can take care of myself," she whispered to herself defiantly as her clawed fingers finally found her way out. The door swished open and her body went transparent before she ventured out into the empty corridor. A device blinked over the doorway, sending a signal to the bridge, Alexis' pad, and Chiharu's quarters. -[Special weapon has left quarantine...Alert, security breach.]- The Taisho was in the pilot's pit preparing to disembark when she heard the alert. "Ah crap." She activated the ship's com "Attention all crew, there's been a internal security breach. All crew is advised to report to their duty stations, all sentries report to the bridge for further instructions..." Sai was walking towards the bridge when the alert went over the PA system. She had sensed something had changed and she walked towards the room that was now open. "Where are you hiding at?" Alexis' pad buzzed on the countertop where Akari had placed it after she had found it in his pocket. The vibration caught Alexis' attention as he was just about to leave the room. He strode over and picked it up...then his eyes widened. "Oh, wonderful!" he said sarcasticly. If Nashi was loose without anyone to tell her who she could play with..."We're in so much trouble..." Chiharu sent a short message to Alexis. "Fluffy, we have a problem." "Yeah, I know...Nashi's loose. But at least we know that thermal sensor works alright," Alexis replied. He tucked the pad into his pocket and started toward the bridge, taking the corridor on the opposite side of Sai and Nashi. Sai stopped as she felt the air come alive, jumping about as an emotion sent ripples through the air. She looked up at the ceiling trying to pin-point the "stone" that had sent the ripples outward and then she sensed it- the origin point. Sai stared at the origin point, where Nashi was hidden on the ceiling cloaked, she only knew that the Neko was very excited and was growing more so with each breathe that the sentry took. "There you are.. but this isn't a game." She slowly backed away. "Won't your mommy be upset that your playing outside your playground?" Hemosynth tentecles weaved out of Nanashi's hips and grasped the grating of the ship's corridor ceiling as she watched for her new this point, anyone was a candidate. Her breathing slowed as she heard Sai approaching. She grabbed onto the grating with her hands and released her tentacles, the edges of the right side tentacle sharpening into blades. ~Alright! A young one!~ The red snakes weaved invisibly toward Sai, one preparing to wind around her neck and the other for the strike. Nashi paused. What was this? Her tentacles withdrew a bit, the young neko unsure of what to do with this..."Mommy?" The bloody appendages returned to the hemosynth ports and she dropped to the floor as her cloak deactivated. "Do you know where Mommy is? She's missing." Nashi's eyes became a bit sad as she started to wonder why Chi had left her alone for so long. Did Mommy abandon her? Alexis arrived on the bridge, aiming to cut through to the other side and maybe meet Chi on the way to Nashi's room. Chi disengaged from the pilot's pit as she looked at her now assembled security team and then to Alexis. "Taisa Jaren, please help me quickly brief the sentries on what's going on.." It was then that Chi had noticed that one sentry was still missing.. "Where is Sentry Sai??" Sai looked at the saddened Neko for a long moment, seeing the connection between the missing mommy and the formerly lost Taisho. "Your mommy is on the bridge, if you'll come with me I'll take you to her." Sai was looked at Nashi's aura, it was an interesting thing to behold.. it was completely different then the auras she'd seen around the other crew members, especially the Nekos but it wasn't like the aura she had seen around Amy and Harume in their last moments.. The tentacles gone, Nashi looked down at the strangely young sentry, a hopefull sparkle in her ruby eyes. "You will?" She held out her hand to Sai, ready to be lead. Sai nodded again, "I will." She gently took the Neko's hand and started to lead her towards the bridge.. Alexis keep in a groan when he heard Sai was not among the assembled. Megami replied to the Taisho's question, "Sai and the Special Weapon are enroute to the bridge." Chi blinked a bit hearing the response. "Good, that means that Sai is still alive..." Alexis frowned. Odd... Within moments Sai appeared on the deck of the bridge with Nashi in tow. Chi looked at the two, preparing herself for anything that may happen now. "Nashi." "Mommy..." Nashi lowered her head. "I'm sorry. I've been bad." "It's okay Nashi, I'm sorry I haven't been in to see you in a while." Chi sighed a bit as she looked from Nashi to Alexis. "It seems the cat is out of the bag so what should we do with our dear little Nashi now? " Alexis frowned and looked at the security staff around them. Several had put hands on their weapons, but relaxed when the Taisho made no move. "We've got a slight problem, nothing major. Can we all talk alone though?" He looked at Nashi, her eyes were still on the floor, and then at Sai. Chi looked back to the sentries. "You may report back to your duty stations for now.." She looked back to Alexis with a nod. Sai looked at Chi and Alexis for a long moment as if asking them if she had to leave as well. Aya and Arume looked to one another before they too exited the bridge and took up guard outside the door, leaving Nashi, Sai, Chi and Alexis alone on the bridge. Nashi hadn't let go of the girl's hand yet, and it didn't look like she was going to for a while. The neko remained where she stood while everyone filtered out of the bridge around her. Was she in trouble with Daddy? Alexis smiled to himself when he noticed the hold Nashi had on Sai. "Sai, you can stay. But this is classified. Nothing is to be repeated without permission." He shrugged and walked over to his Navigation station, swiveling the seat around so he could sit and face them. "Though I get the feeling Chi's going to negate that by the end of this conversation," he added, remembering the report of Chiharu's "no secrets" policy. "As for what we're going to do...we are under orders to keep Nashi quarantined until we need her," he said, looking at Chi. "I never liked the order to keep Nashi isolated from the crew. My feeling is that she would be better utilized if she was a fully functional member of this crew, this family. I say to hell with the orders and let Nashi grow up a bit." Chi looked at Alexis for a moment and then back to Sai. "You're quite lucky that you're alive right now Sai.." Sai simply nodded, making no comment aside from. "yes sir." Nashi listened quietly. Somehow nothing they said interested her, but the girl stayed put because Chi hadn't dismissed her yet. "Definately lucky," Alexis muttered, a bit uneasy that his commander would put orders off that easily. "Chi, they have their reasons, I'm sure. And just because you think you know what's better for her doesn't mean that it's right for you to disobey orders." "I think she'd be better off without being locked up all the time too," he said, remembering Timdri's "captivity" and its effect on his friend. "I don't think that it is right to keep Nashi isolated from the crew because then she doesn't know the difference between friend or foe outside the cage. For her the game doesn't end until everyone is dead or until we tell her that it's over. Look at what happened back when she was at the Lab and what could've happened today. "Chi argued, she didn't like this game that PNUgen was playing with them. "Do you know what the penalty is for insubordination?" Alexis asked quietly. "Cause I don't. But that's what we're planing here, you know that?" Something about Sai struck him as odd. For one, the girl didn't even flinch at the mention of her life being endangered. And two...nothing he could put a finger on, but it bothered him like an itch in the middle of one's back that one can't reach. "I know but the playing field has changed. Do you know what could've happened if the Seraph has gotten to Nashi when it was posing as me?" Chi sighed a bit. "We might be executed.. but the rules have changed and we need to be ready for another internal attack." Sai just quietly watched the conversation, still holding Nashi's hand. She could sense that something was changing as a choice was about to be made, but.. she couldn't do anything to upset the balance.. free will was an interesting thing. Nashi slowly began rocking on her feet...her eyes fluttered. Alexis paused. "I would say that there was no way she could get out of that room. But apperently there was," he said with chagrine. "Fine. She can stay out. But what can she do? She has no training outside of combat situations." Alexis flicked a glance at Nashi and saw her teetering. "Um..." Quickly he went to her side and put a hand on her shoulder and another on her arm. "Hey, are you alright?" Sai looked at Nashi and Alexis curiously, not quite sure. Chi looked over at the Neko, blinking. "Alexis.. when was the last time that you fed Nashi?" Nashi didn't answer, but struggled to keep awake. She finally managed a soft whisper, but it was unintelligible. Sai got ready to try to catch Nashi if she fell... but she stopped when she saw that the Taisa beat her to it, and yet, she was still holding the Neko's hand.. Alexis frowned as he lowered Nashi to the floor. "Well...I've been unconscious, helping the crew, in my room, and doing an overall good job of neglecting her. How about you?" There was sarcasm in the words, but he wasn't trying to be antagonistic, just getting a bit frustrated. How could he forget something as important as feeding his adopted daughter? Chi sighed, she hadn't checked on Nahsi since she got back. "Let's take her to the Med bay... we'll have to figure out what else to do once she's taken care of." Alexis nodded and picked Nashi. She started to object, but her head dropped to the side and went limp. Her hand remained clamped around Sai's, though, unwilling to let go... Sai still held Nashi's hand, moving with her as Alexis move her around as best as she could. Chi looked at Sai curiously, the girl was an enigma that tugged at her senses to be solved. "Alexis, would you be too opposed to Sai working with Nashi a bit? Nashi seems to like her enough to not try to kill her for now..?" Alexis exited the bridge and headed down the corridor. "Sure. Why not." Chi walked after Alexis, as Sai walked alongside the prone Nashi who had a deathgrip on her hand and the Taisa that was carrying her. "Maybe Nashi could be an Sentry in training for now?" An idea struck Alexis and he quickly reviewed the list of Nashi's skills in the file he had gotten from her former handler. "That's an idea, Sai." The medbay door opened as soon as he arrived at it. He found the nearest bed and carefully lay Nashi down on it. Akari and Inari looked at the group, both frowned and Akari spoke first. "What happened to her?" So felt rather like being bored, but it wasn't something she could control. Her eyelids were shut, but the eyes moved as her thoughts began to wander in a drowsy state of mind. Images began floating in and out of her head as her half-asleep state progressed. "This, girls, is what happens when a neko is not fed for about a week," said Alexis. He didn't wonder why the medics didn't ask who it was, but instead started looking around the room. "We need to get some nourishment into this one." Sai stayed at Nashi's side as she watched the medics start to set up an IV drip for the sleeping Neko. "We're going to set up an IV for her now Taisa.. She should be fine in a few days or so." Inari spoke this time, looking at the group, not asking because if they were supposed to know, they would be told. Chi looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry Nashi, Alexis.. I should've fed her.." Alexis nodded and examined Nashi's face. She seemed a little pale...a dark gray shade was predominant on her matte black skin. He looked at Sai, then at Chi. "Okay, she will be a sentry," he said, continuing the subject. "Who's the head of Security now?" "Sgyzr with Tobias as his second. I think for now, Nashi should only be paired with Sai until she's used to identifying the different crew members as friends and not targets.." Chi spoke quietly as she looked at the damage her preoccupation had caused. This time it was really her fault. The fault was shared. "I agree." Alexis still felt strange around the reptilian humanoid, but he was getting over it. "Sai, what do you think?" Sai looked at her commanding officers curiously before she spoke. "I feel that the crew should find out who Nashi is as she learns how to deal with them as something other than targets. If they don't realise, they might make a false move around her and she might think that they are a target.. but I think you both have a lot on your minds right now to have time to worry about Nashi.. so if you don't mind.. I can take care of Nashi and make sure that she learns how to take care of herself as well as how to deal with people." "Alright...I'll transfer command to you when she wakes up," said the Taisa. Sai was definately odd, he knew. Few ten-year-old-girls would talk that clearly. He chalked it up on his tally of "Ways Sai is Strange" and then looked at Nashi again. The medics knew what they were doing. She was going to be fine. Sai nodded, as she looked back at the sleeping Nashi.. Chi looked at the little girl, wondering what exactly Sai was. Sometime Later... The GSS Yui flew silently through the sea of stars. After the Nashi escaping incident, the disembarking was rather uneventful. Chiharu looked over the systems readouts that filled her field of vision on all sides, it had been a while since she had found herself plugged into in the pilot's pit of a Starship and she remembered why she liked her work so much. It was a powerful rush to feel the ship alive around you as you willed it onwards on its course, you saw the sea of stars, you could taste its essence and it was pure heaven. She was half thankful that Akari and Inari hadn't cleared Alexis for duty yet, even after the Nashi incident but she had freed her crew from their quarters to resume their regular duties. The Yui continued on its course, cloaked and every so often sending a short communication to the Silvershot to let them know what was going on. The incident with Nashi and Sai had bothered her a bit, why hadn't Nashi killed Sai after she had escaped? Wasn't Nashi programmed to kill people no matter what because it was fun? With how bored the girl was it was simply amazing that Sai wasn't dead. But many things didn't seem to make sense or match up. The matter of Sai was still a bizarre one, the girl had an eerie presence about her. But everything would be discovered in time. Meanwhile... In the Med Bay, Akari finally cleared Alexis for duty. JP by GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) & (With Additional Scenes..) GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Time to relax...I guess Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 241 (5/1/03 14:13) Time to relax...I guess Rion heard Chiharu's somewhat frantic announcement and tried to sit up and head for a duty station, he didn't technically have one yet, but he figured he'd at least try. That is until the pain in his torso reminded him that broken ribs don't heal THAT quickly. Rion sighed and laid back on the bed Akari had bandaged his chest and sides on. A few minutes later, Akari and Inari came back in with Sai, ...and a neko he hadn't even seen. Rion decided not to sit up and jar the his broken ribs, but watched as the two sisters hooked the black neko up to the IV drip. He wondered what was wrong, but then decided it wasn't his personal business to pry. He did however smile a bit as Inari re-entered the room, for some reason, seeing her made him feel a bit better. Through his smile, it was obvious that he was happy to see her again, he blushed a bit, thinking just how stupid he must look and wrapped his tail around the bed he was on. ~Who is that strange neko? I've never seen a black one before, then again, I haven't seen many nekos at all~ He wondered as he looked over at the new female. After a few seconds of trying to figure out what had happened...he sat up, albeit weakly, and asked the closest person to him what he had missed. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Arch Nightblade GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 20 (5/1/03 13:21) Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! -Not Far from the bounary between GSA territory and Angel Space- A small ship flew at its fastest speed, it wasn't fast enough though. It could no longer cloak, it was far too damaged. An Angel sat at the helm clinging to the controls for dear life. Behind this ship were 2 another Angel vessels that were repeatedly firing upon the ship as they pursued. "Not good, not good." the angel cried, as systems display showed that shields were failing; weapons systems were down; and life support was holding, barely. The ship rocked again and the angel was nearly tossed to the floor, and shards of metal started flying across the room. The GSA was his best hope of escape, if he could find a ship that hopefully wouldn't blow him to bits. His hands glided across the crontols as a trickle of blood came across his hands, he had been cut. Nevertheless he punched in some codes and began to send a distress signal as he neared the border of GSA territory. The ship behind him seemed determined that if it couldn't capture the escapee then they'd destroy him. "Come in...... anyone! Help I'm under attack..... [static].... please....Im a scientist.... name ...... Arc.... Nightblade.....Anyone please..." the angel sent the message out realizing that the damage had garbled his meesage. He prayed that someone out there would save him before it was too late. The ship couldn't take much more as he struggled past fallen debris and made his way to the escape pods praying one had been left unscathed from the devestating attacks. He knew that he some GSA ship did find him and rescue him. He also knew that they wouldn't not trust him since he was an angel himself, but he knew that there was no other choice. He rather take his chances with the GSA rather than be dragged back to the facility where he had been forced to develop weapons. It was like a living nightmare there, he wouldn't return. ----------------- Arch Nightblade Kyuushutsusakusen Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 429 (5/5/03 15:44) ezSupporter Kyuushutsusakusen The GSS Yui flew through the sea of stars as the Communications Officer noticed an odd message come across the ship's frequency. "That's strange... this signal isn't from one of our fleet... the call sign is off." Taii Aya opened up the channel, to listen to this odd message. "Come in...... anyone! Help Im under attack..... [static].... please....I'm a scientist.... name ...... Arc.... Nightblade.....Anyone please..." Aya blinked as she heard the message... the man spoke the common tongue with an Angelic Accent. The Neko looked to the Captain who was sitting in her chair and not in the pilot's pit. "Taisho Chiharu... I'm getting a distress signal from somewhere in the Angel territory. We're close, I think that we should respond." Taisho Ketsurui thought about this for a moment, this would be a good time to get back into the thick of it. "Pinpoint the source of the signal, is it one of ours or someone else?" Aya shook her head no. "It sounds like it might be an Angel who's under attack.." Chiharu laughed inwardly to herself. "Let's get rolling then, once you determine the source of the signal- send the coordinates to the Silvershot and let them know we're going to be heading into a warzone. Raise the Impervium plating and the shields, advise the Silvershot to do the same." Aya nodded and routed the necessary info to the crew of the Silvershot as the Taisho opened up a line on the internal shipboard communication's system. "Attention all crew, we're responding to a distress signal and will be entering hostile air space, prepare for a rough ride. All crew report to battle stations. All sentries prepare for a boarding party." The Taisho's voice was calm as she said her announcement.. now all they had to do was prepare to fight and hope that luck was on their sides this time. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Out of the Tube: Wazu's respawned Ketsurui Chiharu GSA Command GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 431 (5/5/03 16:02) ezSupporter Out of the Tube: Wazu's respawned Once everything had settled down in the Med Bay after Nashi's arrival and Alexis's discharge, Wazu's new body had finally finished the respawning and the data transfer of Wazu's soul and memories had been completed as well.. The Chusa was alive once more but now he was within a NH-7 bpdy so now he was.. a she. Inari helped Akari move the body onto an empty cot before Akari downloaded all the information for Lavinia's respawning from the Data pad so that process could finally begin.. The process for Lavinia was halfway finished when the announcement when over the ship's PA system about getting into combat again. Akari frowned a bit and looked to Inari. "Make sure you have all your data backed up onto a data pad now. I don;t want to lose you." Inari nodded and saved her memory and soul onto a data pad as Akari did the same. GSA no Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu Commanding Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Aknowledged... Alexis Jaren GSA Operations GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 74 (5/5/03 23:05) Aknowledged... Alexis remained at Nashi's side a few minutes, then headed to his quarters. In his sachel was the minature fusion device that served as his "food" despenser. He removed it from its pocket and sat down on the floor before he placed his hand on the interface. A series of chasing lights blinked as an indicator lit up and displayed the device's status. Five minutes later he was at fifty percent charge, and had completely charged his reserves. The extracted sacs had been replaced, and all of the damage had been repaired. Setting a mental alarm in his mind, Alexis stowed the device and looked around the room. Strangely enough, it seemed as though he was the sole occupant, he had never seen or noticed that any of the other bridge staff ever used it... Chiharu's announcement rang out over the intercom and Alexis snapped into action. He practically sprinted to the bridge, ready to take up position at the helm. GSA no Taisa Jaren Alexis Starship Pilot, GSS Yui (GD-30) Troubling thoughts Aeriyon Elisias GSA Security Sentry GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 257 (5/6/03 10:16) Troubling thoughts Rion had heard Chiharu's announcement and sat up, stopped for a second then stood up. His ribs still hurt, but he didn't care, he'd been beaten up worse than that. He wasn't sure why had to save his soul on a datapad, but did it anyway. He threw on his black uniform jacket and walked out. He headed for the security quarters to fully arm himself and get one of those gaudy red uniforms. Rion reached the quarters in a matter of seconds. He saw Sgt. Geminasu working on something, Rion gave him a look of curiousity out of the corner of his eye as he walked past toward the meager bed outside the main nest. He sat down on the folded in half blanket and rummaged through his bag and sheathed a long dagger and holstered another one of those Assassin handguns. There was one thing that bothered him, his own feelings and thoughts. In the hours he had spent in the medbay, letting the injuries heal, he found himself watching the younger medic, not staring at her...just watching. He blushed slightly as the thought about Inari, and he felt it again, that warm, comforting feeling that he got whenever he saw, or thought about her. She was so...upbeat and cheerful, and smiles crossed her cute face with such ease; Rion found that attractive for some reason that he couldn't put his finger on. That unknowing frustrated him, he laid on his chest, his tail slithering back and forth slowly as he thought about it, trying to sort things out "Why am I feeling this way every time I think about her, it's a nice feeling. I've never felt anything like it, and that worries me, is it a sign of weakness? I sign of that I'm not as tough as I originally thought I was? What is it?" He muttered to himself. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and got up to leave the room. He walked out of the room and started to patrol around the ship, as he figured would be best for a lowly soldier such as himself. GSA Security Sentry Aeriyon Elisias Security Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) Ready for action.... more or less The Insane Profit GSA Scientist GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 423 (5/7/03 2:59) Ready for action.... more or less Uso was flying above a large field of golden colored grain. Her wings were fairly simple just several tentacles that formed a support structure and skin stretched between them she had always thought that angel wings and the like were to complicated to bother hemosynthing even though she knew she could. Uso banked and weaved through the air having and a lot of fun while she was doing this. Her flight path brought her over her old home. She simply stopped and hung in the air looking at it. ~How long has it been?~ she thought to herself for a moment before dismissing the thoughts from her mind. She turned to fly off again when she heard something off in the distance. “Attention all crew, we're responding to a distress signal and will be entering hostile air space,” Uso jolted awake and found herself wrapped in her old wings. ~odd I don’t remember hemosynthying these~ she thought to herself. “prepare for a rough ride. All crew report to battle stations. All sentries prepare for a boarding party." The wings slowly shrunk and went back into her body. Uso got out of her nest and quickly put on her uniform, slammed a pistol into her holster and ran to the galley. Her sense of duty was strong but she needed a sandwich. Moments later Uso made her appearance on the bridge with a already half eaten ham sandwich in her mouth and sat down at her station. Meanwhile…. “holy crap so this is a respawn hangover” Wazu said out loud and in a annoyed voice. His face turned to one of confusion, “Did I just say that out loud?... Ack!... did I just say THAT out loud?!” Wazu finally found out how to more or less turn off the mouth of the body ~better~ he thought. He then realized he had a strange weight on his chest. He moved his hand to see what it was and found out that his foot was moving instead. ~ok where are the arm controls~. Moments later he was feeling his body. ~That is odd I don’t remember having these?~ he thought to himself as he felt the odd objects on his chest. He moved his hand farther down his body. ~!!!!!!!!!!~ was the last thing he thought as he realized what had happened to him. he then fell off the cot and landed face first on the floor. Wazu then found out he couldn’t see. He groped about for something to grab onto when he realized the eyelids were manual on a NH-7 body and simply opened them. “Attention all crew, we're responding to a distress signal and will be entering hostile air space prepare for a rough ride. All crew report to battle stations. All sentries prepare for a boarding party." Hearing this banished all the thoughts in his head about how long he had been dead to run to the lab ,where he had kept most of his stuff, and put on a uniform, a male uniform but a uniform all the same and a red robe which he used to cover his new body completely. He then deleted the part of himself that he had placed in Chikara and reincorporated it into his body putting off the hard work in the Lab until later as he was needed on the bridge. Wazu ran out the door and fell on his face again. After picking himself up he walked to the bridge slowly so he could get used to the Neko body and no longer having the weight of his mechandrites. GSA no Taii, Uso Tasuki Intel Officer, GSS Yui (GD-30) At Megami's room Acara GSA Technician GSS Yui (GD-30) Posts: 215 (5/7/03 7:47) At Megami's room Acara got to the Megami room a little while before the announcement went out. When he got there he started looking over Megami's systems, so as to know about any thing new that had been added. "Well Miss Megami, I hope you are feeling better since you were repaired, and I hope our repair job meets up to your expectations. The Megami spoke clearly as she replied to the mechanic's question, "All systems are nominal. I am functioning properly." Then Chiharu's announcement came over the intercom. "Hahaha" ~I guess we're off to try and get ourselves killed again.~ Then he got up and headed off to find Tomoyo and Hikari. ~ At least those two will be safe.~ He shuddered. ~I really need a bath, but of course there is no time. "Hahahaha" ~Those seem to always be the card life deals us. They were going to see Sai when I last talked to them. Maybe I'll go ask her where they are.~