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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Ten: Takaramono

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The group of them on the ice wouldn't be able to notice much unless they looked in the Noth Eastern corner, where there was a small red shine in the ice directly under a block that was jammed tightly between the others. Hard to spot, but wholly important, this would stand out to those looking.

Peregrine said to Darwin, "We barely know where Zesu comes from, let alone how old it is." She looked then to Katsu and Alastair and added, "I'm picking up something but the science scanner is acting up. Maybe in the far corner over here?"

Then there was a sudden CRASH of sound and ice as Miyako fell flatly exactly one cube's height down, so that she was standing on the only empty square below ground level.

"My scans," Peregrine said, "showed that cube to be only ice. I was going to get to that..."

North Eastern

As Nora and Shiro backed up, they both found them selves entering a new room altogether where there was a South Eastern entrance to another room. Inside of this Eastern room they had backed up into, though, was a grouping of benches coming out of the walls made out of an ancient, stony, and iced over material.


Everyone was out of the room besides the three that had set up camp in the center room of the temple. The UNSAFE was finally turned on with a nod from Hoshi by Kaede and the three women saw the readouts to see that the ultra wide-band electromagnetic imaging wasn't getting past certain interferences while the femtomachine scans were inconclusive, sonar was showing residual particles in the ice underneath the room the Shoi's group is currently in, to the far right side. Tectonic movement showed the glacial sheets were moving rapidly underneath the temple and there was even an ice run and several ice flows that, much like lava flows near volcanos, created several tunnels leading far off from the temple.

"Is there any reason we would have inputs of electromagnetic fields within and directly around this temple?" Hoshi said to Kaede and Kasumi in a low, but chipper, voice. "Tell me, could that also have to do with the scalar fields reacting to extreme levels of radiant energy? No radiation levels are off the charts, either, but they're there."

To Alastair and his Northern group, Hoshi said, "There are trace particles underneath the floor of the room you're in. North Eastern side of it. Please obtain more information and visual analysis."


By the time Ume and William had retreated, Sacre had managed to get past the churning slush that had lashed out marginally at everyone that passed by it.

At the Western part of the long room they were all in, Halsie Nighni took scans and said, I am picking up that this is emitting low levels of radiation. Nothing that can hurt us. It seems my scalar scanner is malfunctioning on my type 31 science scanner."

Then, Sacre would be able to see on the podium-like piece of twisted, iced over metal, was a long-lost book of fine pages that looked brittle and breakable. Spider-veins of ice glossed over the open pages and Leeta asked about what Sacre saw from the other side.

"Anything?" came her question.


As the clankster came about, a few dozen icicles shivered and trembled, making an ear splitting sound afterwards as they crashed to the floor between Eden, Chlorate, and the hole.

Meanwhile, Mikael's drone's sensors picked up that this hole led further down, at least thirty meters, to where it began to taper out of the sonar's range.
Mark instinctively pointed his rifle at the slush, "Yeah, that isn't normal. I can cross as I have my own propulsion, but caution should be well advised. I will try to cross, my thrusters should give me enough speed to dodge hopefully. Nothing ventured, nothing gained right?"

He clipped the rifle to his pack before taking it off to hold by the handle before moving the rifle to vertically mag clip to his armor's back.

"Hmm, I will also engage stealth systems, as I am curious to see if this substance will still notice me." Mark added before his thrusters flipped up from the back of his torso armor piece to have particles begin to draw into the output as they briefly powered up enough to cross the distance.

"Voice command: engage ECS." He said before disappearing in a wavering of scattered particles, becoming nothing more than a faint distortion to anyone within a few feet. A faint Pwuuusssh could be heard as he went flying invisibly over the slush.
"Even so, regardless of the element's age, whoever built this temple would have needed SOME means of making these blocks." The human extends his arm in the direction of the subject of his statement, but would see Miyako hopping down past the ice and into the space below the blocks. Darwin breathes in through his teeth and closes an eye before letting out an "Oooo..." of displeasure. That probably wasn't the most pleasant of landings, but at least her suit would be able to pull her out of that hole.

But then it hits him while his eyes scan the entire layout. "I...I think that hole might have some kind of significance." His eyes would flit about each block and its shape, all forming a single image. "Call me crazy, but I think this might be some kind of puzzle... like in a video game or something." He moves around the perimeter of the rectangular floor pattern. He rakes his fingers along the paint of his helmet right where he usually gropes a lock of hair when in contemplation. It just didn't feel the same, but it was enough to suffice - though it didn't satiate the itch on his scalp.

"There's gotta be something here..." He grumbles. "Maybe..." He glances up at the rest of the room, scanning about. If his suspicions are correct... something that should move these blocks should be present. "Either we're missing a block and we have to find something... or maybe... we need to move these blocks to get to whatever is being detected."

As Alastair listened to the report from Peregrine the sound of ice giving way shattered the silence of the room. His eyes watched as Miyako sink into the ice.

"Wow there." He said in a slightly worried voice. "Don't go jumping down the rabbit hole just yet." A grin filling his face as he walked over to Miyako to check that she was alright.

"Nice job on that timing. A moment sooner and it might of been more useful." He walked over and gave her a pap on the shoulder knowing she was trying her best to help. After the fact the real danger was minimal but none the less had no regrets to react like he did.

A moment later he picked up the feed over the comms. "Copy that Captain, will investigate." Comm closed and he walked over to look down at what looked to be a red shine directly under him in the northwest corner.

"Well team, got any idea on how we can get closer to this to get a better reading?" He asked looking back across the team in the room.
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Northern >>> North Eastern

Even if the helmet blocked out most of the sound her fox-like ears could pick up, the sudden crash of the ice had Nora leaping back like a cat. Under her suit, her tail would fluff; she could even feel the peach fuzz fur on her skin standing straight. A few skidding half steps and waving arms was just enough to keep her from falling backwards from the launch her bunched leg muscles had done by accident. Clutching her hand over her chest, she would suck in a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself.

She watches, fur still ruffled, as Miyako is dragged from the hole she had crashed down in to. She would shake her head would turn away, her face burning as she realized she had freaked for nothing. Being her first mission and all..the young Daur was pretty high strung. Her eyes drift along the wall she had turned to face, trying to act like she had planned the jump as well as act like she totally knew what the hell she was doing looking around right now. That's right, she had it all...

"What the hell..?" She would mutter as her eyes came upon the wall behind her. had a opening in it leading into what looked like another room. Her body turns to face it, a couple steps was all it took after that to put in the archway between the two rooms. She peered around the room, seeing a strange grouping of what looked like seating areas made of stone. She gives a glance over her shoulder to look to the rest of the team when she sees Shiro near her, seeing the same room now that we had all missed upon entry. She makes eye contact with him before glancing back to the group, already back to trying to figure out the mystery of the rare cubes set into the floor. They seemed to have enough people for the task.

"Shoi Belmont?" Nora's voice would come ringing clearly over the comms for the first time since they had all suited up. Her voice was soft, yet all business, with a hint of an accent common for those of her species due to the way they pronounce most vowels differently. "Santo-Hei Nora Shi'non'ha here. Requesting permission to leave area in order to scout adjacent room on the East side. Also requesting accompaniment of Hayakawa-Hei, sir."

Sacre nodded, "There is a book. The pages look brittle and are covered in ice. I don't know what it says, probably something perverted. I'm sending pictures and scans though, perhaps you can rattle your pea-brains around together and figure it out." Sacre didn't touch it, but stood close to it to get high resolution scans of the book and the podium and sent them to the rest of her team.
North Eastern

Shiro jumped back a bit at the sound of the ice and looked over towards where Miyako had fallen in, feeling a little concerned, and also a bit paranoid. He then immediately looked over towards Nora, with a raised eyebrow, wanting to ask if she was alright, but deciding more important things were happening, even though he a bit worried about her.

Very quickly afterwards, Shiro’s eyes began searching all about where he was at, in order to see if anything else was happening, but he soon realized it was all okay, other than the unfamiliar area they were in, before actually properly analyzing the room, noticing the benches, and...Well, more ice, of course. He kind of wondered what the benches were actually for, but not for really long, as he continued looking about for anything of possible importance. As soon as he went back to looking at Nora, he immediately made eye contact with her, making him look down with a bit of a blush.

“Um…” Shiro let out, his voice a bit quiet, but just barely audible, and his cheeks still slightly rosy. He then quickly quieted down again, without making a sound as he listened to Nora speak to the commander. As soon as she was finished, he decided to speak, looking up at her again.

"Nora-Hei, are you alright?" He asked, his voice, of course, sounding quiet, but also holding traces of sounding worried.

Kara "Gravity" Sifsdottir had finally done it. Long months of endless toil had paid off. She'd put her blood, sweat, and tears into her training, having to fight and claw her way to the top of her class so that she would be selected to pilot one of only two Fuji-class gunships in existence. She'd missed meals, missed sleep, in order to leave her classmates, who were also competing for the same goal, in the dust. After all of that, she'd come out on top.

When she was assigned to be the pilot of the Kaiyo, she'd barely managed to hold in her tears until she was safely back in her room. Okay, she'd told herself, maybe she wasn't the best fighter jock, but the "Law of Gravity" was clear: no force was strong enough to keep her grounded.

So here she was, on her first real mission. It was chock-full of action and death-defying feats of aviation! Lots of adrenaline-filled gun battles with aliens and-!

Okay, she wasn't going to lie, she was bored. She wanted to hop into a cockpit and jet, baby! Or at least punch something. But ever the optimist, she tried to look at the bright side. In her short few months of existence, she didn't really have that long of a bucket-list. There were a lot of unknown-unknowns about this new universe that her creators hadn't downloaded into her brain! For instance, she was exploring an ancient temple! How many other people could say they've done that?!

And yeah, this new suit was basically strangling her body, and was no where near as comfortable as a working uniform, but it was experimental! She was one of the few getting to actually field test it! Hell yeah!

Encased in the suit and helmet, Kara followed the captain's instructions and followed the map to the southern group, appearing where they'd come in at the other side of the odd slush. Raising her arm and waving, she called out, beaming at the sight of her new crewmates:

"Hi! Am I in the right place?! I'm Santo Hei Kara Sifsdottir! But you guys can just call me 'Gravity', if you want!"

As Ume and William began floating towards the ice flow and it reacted to their presence, the Nepleslian increased his grip on neko. Once they were back on the ground he released his grip on her and stared at the ice.

"Yeah... I saw. It moved towards us. How...?" He replied taking a few tentative steps towards it, ready to spring backwards if it surged forward.

He then turned to watch Mark try to sneak past the slush. Next he heard the newcomer. "Hello, Gravity-san." William said addressing the late arrival. "We need to get across this ice flow, but it seems to have a mind of its own..." He added, bringing her up to speed.
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Just as Peregrine pointed out the corner with the strange signal and Katsu turned to look over that way, the sudden sound of ice breaking and crashing caused him to instinctively make a little jump away from the sound and crouch down, his hand reaching for the pistol on his side. As he had taken off his helmet, his ears were free to turn around, facing back, while his tail wrapped itself partially around his body, the tip of his tail fluffing up underneath the armor's tail cover. Quickly though he saw what has happened and that everything was under control, relaxing again and standing straight up, smiling a little bit as he saw that he wasn't the only one who got startled by that. Nevertheless though he slided his helmet on again and activated the suit's flight systems, wanting to be able to catch himself should he fall somewhere.

Suited up again, he walked after Alastair to look at that red shine. "Sir, no idea how to get to that... not without possibly damaging anything. Maybe we can find a way around, possibly through the hole Miyako found? I'd volunteer to check that out."
Temple - First Floor

"I'm not sure how..." Ume spoke to Will as she carefully watched the mass. "Maybe it's not water?" She said something that should be obvious, but it was hard to process that was infront of them was something other than water.

For a moment she let her focus slip to address Gravity "Hello." She waved and smile, again masked by her helmet. The situation wasn't as light-hearted as she let on though.

Ume was no language expert, so she only gave a passing glance to the information that Sacre sent and then called out to her over the comms. "Do you think you can make it back? Or should we distract it again?"

Gravity felt a smirk forming behind her helmet. Maybe this mission wouldn't be so boring after all...

"Uh, yeah, that is def a problem." she agreed with Ume and Will.

"I'm not sure how..." Ume spoke to Will as she carefully watched the mass. "Maybe it's not water?" She said...

That made the azure Neko pause. Yeah, she surmised, it made sense, even though it really looked like water. Maybe if...?

Getting down on her stomach, Gravity slowly inched as close to the edge of the slush as she could, then activated her milliscopic vision to get a closer look at the individual pieces of ice of which it was composed. Some type of nano-machines. It had to be. How else could several independent units move as one great mass in such a concerted effort?
Sacre would possibly hear a light thud as Mark landed on the other side to reappear with particles being drawn into his armor as the nanoes were collected.

"So it seems to have optical related senses at the least. Ok, so about this book." He said standing up from a crouch caused by how he landed. He then approached the book as well. Mark put the pack back on and the rifle clipped back on it. Looking over the book he thought for a moment.

"Captain Hoshi, I'm sending you a link to my eyes. We have found some sort of artifact. It seems fragile and are avoiding disturbing it. Strange to see a real book in an age of datapads. You'll have a direct feed from my eyes. Can you link in anyone who could possibly translate for us? This text could provide invaluable data." Mark spoke over the comm for which he was obviously not wearing a unit for as he sent Hoshi a prompt for the link.
Chlorate stared at the fallen icicles for a few moments, beeping, before saying "Analysis conclusive. Ice formations appear to be dangerous. They are now obstructing the pathway." A faint yellow glow reflected off the side of the icicles as her lighted irises looked at them. She thought of a way to get past them. Maybe she could lift them with the strength of her advanced muscle structure? But then more would just fall down. Even if they did make it past the fallen ice would-be-skewers it would be dangerous to try to access the hole considering there were more.

Mikael looks at the construct rather oddly for a moment, he is going to have to keep his distance from the thing. He once again focuses on his attention back to his drone once the initial sonar pulses.

"The hole goes down 30 meters based on the echo returns the drone is receiving Shosa. Permission to send the drone for further investigation? Seems to taper at the end, but it also seems to be at the limit of the sensor's operational range."
A Short Distance from the Rest​

Architecture was never Care's strong suit, though she did know that one of the early designs of her model was more focused on engineering, before its final conversion to medical practices late in production. It wasn't a topic she liked to think about, as it was accompanied by a familiar and hated rising panic in her chest, a remnant of the first cascade of thoughts she had ever experienced. It was, to her knowledge, unusual, avoidable, known about and corrected in almost every other production, yet her own thoughts in their beginning moments was a flood of information, processing everything she was and had ever been, every bit of knowledge she was supposed to know. At the time the only word she could describe it with was suffocating, clogging her thoughts with simply too much to handle, but as she learned the word she used to fit it as was 'sensory overload.'

She presumed it's why she found peace in the quieter things, the days on planets where she could sit in some nearly empty patio and watch heavy rainfall, the natural music soothing, or why she could stand in blizzards for hours, simply enjoying the sound of sharp wind deafened by the mute blanket of frost on the ground. She presumed it's always why she found some morbid interest in death, however foreign the concept was. After all, even as she had conversed with Miko on the observation deck of the ship many days earlier, one of her first thoughts was just how close she was to a vacuum that would never grant her back to society. Even in her job she found herself fascinated by the limits of biology, both in its natural and modified states, and how it could be assisted by minimal supplies.

Sacre was with the others, of course paying much more attention to the task, and thus, the people involved, than she was. Sacre was good at her job, and Care would come to aid her if need be. Often times she had to remind herself that she wasn't immune to the faults of the others, collapse would hurt her all the same, and her own damage could bring about more harm to others. A breach in my cores containment could bring harm to others, all the more reason to prevent harm to self.

Self damage. A terrifying thought. Care could sew up the flesh of organics without a mind for the grotesque nature of it, she could even picture the dismantling and re-purposing of similar units to herself, but the thought of watching her own limbs take heavy damage disturbed her, even with their replaceable nature. While some organics shared similar views, she found it impossible to understand those of the crew who could switch bodies and cause massive surgical changes to themselves without a care.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she pushed her own voice through the shared channel. "If you handle the book, be cautious with it. It's age is unknown, and to disturb it, along with the new air from our insertion, could damage it extensively."
North Group

Really, Miyako had made some smarter decisions in her short life.

She'd made dumber ones, too, really but she wasn't thinking about those.

When her feet met the ice she almost immediately knew she had messed up. She heard the crack as much as she had felt it and suddenly in that moment she was in the air. The distance wasn't too great a deal but just as the medic was about to get herself stable and float above - whatever came below - she suddenly had a fellow soldier running a flying tackle into her. So what might have been a dramatic rescue of a woman capable of independent flight turned into driving that woman into one of the cubes.

The impact was enough to smack the wind out of her lungs and make her vision go cross-eyed.

The sound that came was something like, "Ohpleaseno!" Followed by a pained wheeze.

A few moments were spent after that where Miyako simply had to remember in what order her lungs worked. At least she had the mercy of being on her feet now at the bottom of the cube-shaped hole she'd made. She spent that minute or so doubled over with hands at her knees, shoulders and chest heaving. But at the very least she was both alive and on solid ground. Even if it was a measure below most everyone else.

Once more over radio to the group she was with she gave them an update, "All's well. A little sore and surprised. But um, I think we found the gap for the puzzle. Anyone found a way to move all of these cubes yet?"

While she was down there anyways she looked at the cubes on three sides of her with a critical eye. Chiefly, she was looking for score-marks on the ground that indicated they had moved previously, or for any mechanisms or hand-holds that might be used in moving them.

Alastair picked up the request over the comms for Nora to explore an adjacent room with Hayakawa. "Permission granted, report back anything you find in there. We will be here for awhile digging out this ice in the floor." His voice would come over stern yet calm. He was glad to see his team was willing to take the lead and explore. No point having ten people stand around a hole while one person digs.

Peregrine admitted, “Darwin is right that we should be moving these blocks, but how…?” As Peregrine trailed off, Miyako would have noticed the smoothness of all three sides of the cubes around her directly around where she had fallen and the lack of indication the frozen ground had once had movement above it. Peregrine began taking scans near the cube-shaped gap in the zesu blocks that Miyako had caused.
“Looks like the ground is solid ice,” Peregrine said while she looked to Nora and Katsu as they asked their questions, then to the Shoi to see his response.


Mark would receive a reply from Hoshi in the from of a chibi icon of Ume and an arrow then the words in Yamataigo, "Hanchô, 班長" and Trade, "Squad Leader” directed at the chibi of Ume. The additional terse command, “Send your individual reports to Hatoyama-hei. Arigatou, Mark.”

The visual scans of the book showed that there were patterns in the language and a simple algorithmic scan of the two frosty pages showed matching symbols, but too much of it was frosted to understand more than a small portion.

“… agh coan dile… opel ako… Odile…
mofel iulais… lem opel… Coan uagh…
… Iso… iol… Poley uagh coan dile…”

On a milliscopic level, Gravity would be able to see the slush was composed of small hydrogen molecules bonded to larger oxygen atoms. If she spent a moment to look at the movement and phenomenon surrounding the ice and water particles, she would notice that a phenomenon known as spin-ice behavior that was engaging electro-magnetic monopoles.


Eden gave a small and very inward, inaudible, and dry laugh as Chlorate beeped and booped about the danger and then replied tersely to Mikael. "You do so and I will double back around with Chlorate to the other side of the perimeter of this level. No direct orders for now, Ittô Hei. Chlorate, engage gravity manipulation, please.” She added cheekily, “I know you can, so please do.” She nodded once to Mikael and turned around and started jogging back to the North and then turned towards the East of the temple's perimeter, the way she had come.

Alastair put his arm across the shoulders of Katsu who was next to him looking at the red object below. "Alright, lets go see if we can figure this out." He said with straight look on his face. "Hope there is a trick to this cause I doubt we have enough explosives to just black a hole in this floor. Plus even if we did we would bring the entire building down on our heads. And the worst of it would be the ass chewing from Hoshi for busting up the place." He laughed as he walked back to where Miyako was at with his fluffy friend.
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