Star Army

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Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia penal code


🔰 New Member
If this exists somewhere then I must have overlooked it because I didn't see any text describing the penal code besides a single line in the constitution referencing the imperium's tolerance of narcotics. How harsh or tolerant is it of crimes and criminals ? Does it focus more on discouraging crime than rehabilitating those that commit them and lastly, do criminals get offered a chance to lower or even completely avoid a sentence if they perform community service or a set amount of time in the armed forces ?
The Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia

The government, which is basically a a military junta run by the Sky Marshall, focuses on managing the worst excesses of these activities rather than banning them outright. Violent crime and crimes that threaten the power structure (like terrorism or sedition) are still dealt with harshly by ultra-violent militarized police forces or by sending in the actual military to simply shoot/explode whatever the problem is.

Nepleslia is less focused on rehabilitation than Yamatai, and more about maintaining order through strength and intimidation. Criminals are unlikely to receive opportunities for rehabilitation through education or therapy, and more likely to face either harsh penalties or be coerced into working for one of the many factions in Nepleslia, from criminal syndicates to corporate interests. Historically, Nepleslians had the infamous "piss prisons" in which cages that were basically dog crates with captives crouched were stacked on each other...and you didn't want to be on the bottom level. If they ran out of cages sometimes they just set them on fire and then reused the cages for new people. Also, like real life, there's gang dudes in prison and those guys may try to recruit characters.

Crime and Punishment in Nepleslia

Nepleslia's culture is more rugged, individualistic than Yamatai's, and often described as having a cyberpunk wild west vibe. It tends to be fairly tolerant of vices like drugs, gambling, and prostitution because it loves FREEDOM (said in the American sense with all the baggage that entails, lol). These are part of everyday life for many Nepleslians, and instead of being strictly illegal, they're often regulated or overlooked, particularly in urban centers like Funky City where Judge Dredd style block wars are common. Street gangs, corporate corruption, and illegal human trafficking are issues that Nepleslia faces regularly.

While minor offenses or certain vices might be tolerated, serious crimes like murder, treason, or betrayal of the Imperium are met with severe punishments. The Nepleslian government or its military factions may not hesitate to execute offenders, imprison them for life, or put them into labor camps. High-profile crimes that threaten the stability of the government or the military are not taken lightly. The current government is comprised of the "greens" who were historically military soldiers of what is now Yamatai, while, ironically, the Reds that used to fight the greens ended up under Yamatai's rule and protection. If you're a Red who fought against the greens, you might get outright murdered by green goons for being a rebel.

Working for Outlaw Goups

Nepleslians value personal strength, freedom, and loyalty, so criminals with useful skills—whether in combat, hacking, or smuggling—might find themselves recruited by powerful figures or organizations, rather than punished conventionally. This could be seen as a kind of informal rehabilitation, but it's more about leveraging criminals for the benefit of those in power. Basically if you have the ability to pilot ships or you're a doctor or something, there's a chance you get "lost" by the prison system and end up in an independent spaceport (Sood Zadra?) flying smuggler ships or in the back room running a secret clinic for people who can't go to regular hospitals.

Serving The Imperium

In reference to Military Service as a Way to Avoid Punishment: Given Nepleslia's strong military tradition, it's not uncommon for criminals to be offered a choice between prison or military service. The Nepleslian Star Navy and especially the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps often provide an outlet for rough individuals, giving them a structured environment and an opportunity to "redeem" themselves through combat or service to the Imperium. These guys are gonna be your low-level enlisted grunts not leadership, though it's possible to rise through the ranks...if you live. It's a dangerous universe out there, though.

Nepleslian doesn't have Russian-style penal legions but small squads composed of former criminals, mercenaries, or otherwise questionable characters aren't uncommon, especially for dangerous or high-risk missions. Nepleslian society sees toughness and survival as virtues, so criminals who prove themselves in combat could earn respect and even a pardon for past crimes. Criminal backgrounds for characters from Nepleslia are common, and the setting allows for a lot of moral flexibility. I've seen a LOT of characters who joined as a way to escape poverty, danger, or enemy gangs.

OOC Perspective

In the context of the Star Army RP, Nepleslia provides a grittier, more chaotic environment compared to the structured order of Yamatai. Crime is a common part of daily life, especially in urban centers and frontier regions. Characters in the game could find themselves navigating between criminal organizations, corrupt officials, and law enforcement, with the lines between legal and illegal activities often blurred. I think you should make sure that you make a character that puts you in a good position to easily RP with other people's characters and ongoing RP plots. I hope this provided some answers and while I don't have a specific list of Nepleslian laws or policies yet, I'm happy to answer more specific questions too.
On the topic of crime and penal codes; At least a good few nep marines or sailors have also been those who got into trouble and were given the option to enlist in the military to serve their time as rehabilitation.
Nep also as a Penal Legion of sorts of incarcerated soldiers held in cryostasis who can opt to serve on high-danger and high-casualty missions to lower their sentence times. They recently acted as the vanguard of an invasion of an old Mishhu stronghold clearing landing zones for other units tho a lot of the members of the unit were wiped out when they destroyed a grounded ship from the inside causing it to go critical and wipe out the ship, most of the unit, and miles of abandoned city.

Tho if you have enough money, connections, or personal power there's a good chance you can weasel your way out of just about anything in Nep due to the rampant corruption. The Sky Mashal and the highest forms of leadership with the Star Military like the Grand Admirals are some of the as of yet exceptions to such corruption. Even the National Police Force of Nepleslia is rampant and corrupt with the National Commissioner filling the ranks with ex-gangsters and the like he has personally converted because he can trust their nature more than his own rivals to try to assassinate him less than they try.

Pretty much imagine cyberpunk 2077s Night City but spanning dozens of planets. Crime, corruption, embezzlement and laundering, open gang warfare and corrupt cops barely better than the gangs themselves and every level of institution being bloated and questionably reliable. But overlay on that a sense of intense national patriotism where even two rival gangs and a bunch of cops in a shootout would all stop and turn on a squid or bean or kuvie in an instant if some showed up with limited backstabbing and that the best way to befriend one is to have a big gun, a big knife, some sweet cybernetics and to be able to match him in a drinking contest or shout NEPLESLIA! just as loud as he can~
On the topic of crime and penal codes; At least a good few nep marines or sailors have also been those who got into trouble and were given the option to enlist in the military to serve their time as rehabilitation.
Nep also as a Penal Legion of sorts of incarcerated soldiers held in cryostasis who can opt to serve on high-danger and high-casualty missions to lower their sentence times. They recently acted as the vanguard of an invasion of an old Mishhu stronghold clearing landing zones for other units tho a lot of the members of the unit were wiped out when they destroyed a grounded ship from the inside causing it to go critical and wipe out the ship, most of the unit, and miles of abandoned city.

Tho if you have enough money, connections, or personal power there's a good chance you can weasel your way out of just about anything in Nep due to the rampant corruption. The Sky Mashal and the highest forms of leadership with the Star Military like the Grand Admirals are some of the as of yet exceptions to such corruption. Even the National Police Force of Nepleslia is rampant and corrupt with the National Commissioner filling the ranks with ex-gangsters and the like he has personally converted because he can trust their nature more than his own rivals to try to assassinate him less than they try.

Pretty much imagine cyberpunk 2077s Night City but spanning dozens of planets. Crime, corruption, embezzlement and laundering, open gang warfare and corrupt cops barely better than the gangs themselves and every level of institution being bloated and questionably reliable. But overlay on that a sense of intense national patriotism where even two rival gangs and a bunch of cops in a shootout would all stop and turn on a squid or bean or kuvie in an instant if some showed up with limited backstabbing and that the best way to befriend one is to have a big gun, a big knife, some sweet cybernetics and to be able to match him in a drinking contest or shout NEPLESLIA! just as loud as he can~
Understood, many thanks