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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Um, Kyle, I had to bubble burst but trying to jam enemy communcations and record them at the same time is sort of impossible. I mean, jamming is always strongest from the source, right?
<---- all I have to say...

*runs off to fix his blunder*

I guess it didn't help that at the time I wrote that post I was reading a fiction on FF.net that had a ship that was jamming enemy communications, yet at the same time, was monitoring enemy communications 'outside' of the jamming field by utilizing some kind of spy probe... so my mind went nuts after that =p
Ira, our Kawarime don't have two missiles. All your fighter has is one torpedo and a countermeasure pod. I wouldn't advise using an anti-ship torpedo against a battlepod. Just say'in.
Well, I am off again, this time to ConCarolinas. Today we will be sightseeing in Charolotte and the Convention starts tomorrow.

Not sure how much internet time/access I will have. So keep things going, no one dies while I'm away.
Yeah, I was talking about you folks dying.

Back from the CON, expect posting tomorrow.
Grace period for a few more days, then kabooms start.
Guys: There are no NMX "Spheres." Nashoba's "sphere" post was referring to the shape of the hyperspace bubble that briefly appeared when the NMX bomber starships arrived.

If you haven't looked at the bomber's stats page, take a look. Note that it has shields rendering it immune to most fighter weapons. The best way to take them down is with teamwork and whatever ADR 5 guns you got.
Our torpedoes are probably the quickest way to deal with the Immolators-- their shields apparently only have a threshold of 1 (Ship-scale), so they would take 1 damage from a aether torpedo and the remaining 4 damage will bypass the shields and impact the hull directly, taking out 2/3 of the hulls total capacity for absorbing damage instantly-- thats assuming I'm understanding how the damage calculation is actually performed. If that is how it works, two direct hits from our torpedoes should therefore be enough to destroy one of these NMX gunboats regardless of their tougher shields-- enough damage will simply bleed through the shields to destroy the ships.

It will largely depend upon whether or not you want to save your torpedoes in case they're needed for something else later on in the mission -- though hopefully we'll still have the gunboats to deal with that eventuality.

...and then there are all those turrets though -- when firing your torpedoes, you're going to have to hope that they won't be shot down en route to their target, or else distract them.
Oh god, number crunching. Thank you for going through the effort of putting all that information together Khasidel. I'm going to simply roleplay this out, however. The stats on all this stuff mean very little to me as a player -- Nash is the one who worries about the numbers (if at all.)
Yeah, lucky me but I keep track of them to a point. Pretty much using SWAG.

But for the record, the Kawarime if they work together can take down the Bomber's without using their Ke-Z1, Because every hit from the cannon lowers the shields by 1 point, and once the shields drop its pure damage. Bottom line to take out the Bombers, requires TEAMWORK. No Kobayashi Maru.
I posted that I was going to be away for a while on the Off-Topic board, sorry I didn't think I'd need to drop something here too. Anyway, I'm back and I'm ready to go.
I'm sorry guys, and especially Gab, I've managed to get myself a nasty pinched nerve in my spine and have been doped up on painkillers for the past three days. I'll post for real when I either come down, or actually get rid of this brainfart and think of something. For now enjoy this:

For those of you who were there during my painkiller induced rant on IRC, you know who you are, you'll know where this comes from.
That really pisses me off. Did he actually defile the Yamataian flag in front of other Yamataians? I really hope he gets punished for that. Yamatai doesn't need soldiers with no respect for the nation that they protect. Being a soldier is more than a job.
That was not ICly. That was Jimmy goofing off in IRC OCly.
.... You're taking a fake person, defiling a fake flag for a fake nation a little too seriously.
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