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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Yep, I approve the landing gear... the rest is all you jimmy
Kyle, I had just figured that Yaeko would have the explosives in her Kawarime since she didn't designate the Demo Team until a few minutes before launch.

Nash, input?

EDIT: I had also included in my previous post that Yaeko removed the explosives, commented about them not being in Ricky's Kawa, and then brought them to Elisto.
Time skip post made, anyone who does not post within the next two posting intervals will be removed from the plot. Unless they contact me.
DO we get a map of sorts? Or you just want use from support team to describe getting in cover and getting ready to fire?
I have a long night ahead, I will see about making a map of the base.

Gab, can your please post here the teams so everyone knows what they are doing.
Just a reminder:

Demo Team: Blow sh*t up

Assault: Shoot people and take POWs
-Tin Man

Support: Shoot more people

For now, you can just post about support setting up and initiating fire, and we'll simply specify places on the map once the map is created. Since Anne's the only PC on support you can just have her start shooting and I'll post about the NPC following you and initiating fire once Anne began shooting.

Blue is 21st location
Yellow is the ships
Red is the base entrance in the hill side.
At present the away team is on a ledge that overlooks the base.
I'm going to estimate the the blue dot, symbolizing Assault and Demo teams, are 400-500m away from the objective. Shotty, you can pick a spot on the map south-ish of the objective point that you're having Support Team set up, probably a little closer so you're within effective shooting range. From there, shoot people and the rest will fall into place.
Actually I think staying on the ridge south of the enemy base will give support team the height advantage. We will oversee everything and shooting at 400 meters is not problem with Daisy's Aies. We can basically pound them from safe distance and get close by using units thrusters fast if needed.
I would agree. Also, SSharp, keep in mind that Demo Teams have explosives. And somewhere in the IC thread I think we discussed that it's a bad idea to go for the engines. I don't remember the technical reason, but I think Kyle brought up something regarding cataclysmic death and a nuclear holocaust or something like that.
The concern was about using them cautiously so as to cripple the engines without causing the reactors from blowing sky high
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