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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

The two weeks is the time after the 1.3 thread.

This allows people who changed jobs to have some time to get familiar with their new roles. eg: Our Flight Surgeon going from an EWO to a recon role.
Just a heads up.

I know I haven't been posting very often lately, but I'll likely be disappearing for the next week or so as I move. No word yet on when I'll be getting internet hooked up again.
I am heading out to ConCarolinas in a few minutes. I will have limited internet access via my itouch, so I may try posting from the hotel.
That's humor in my post, people. No real death threat there, and no real pressure. Just remember that formation drill is something hammered into each recruit, so they would know what and how to do what they need to in this situation. ^,^
Hey, Ira. Just a note on shortening ranks: "Shoi Kohosei" would be shortened to just "Kohosei," not "Shoi." It's the same as with other ranks; you would shorten "Santo Hei" to "Hei," not "Santo."
I'm back with internet, though it seems everyone moved on while I was gone. Can I play along like my character was there to hear all that or am I SOL?
Just join in where we are, the entire squadron was at the ceremony, and should have been at the briefing.
Atsui's comment was if no more questions make your way so proceed.
Technical note: Shoi means ensign. Kohosei means candidate. Therefore "Shoi Kohosei" is an officer candidate, aka Midshipman.

In my opinion, it's okay to call a "Shoi Kohosei" a "Shoi" in the same way you can call an Lieutenant JG (Junior Grade) a Lieutenant or a Lieutenant Commander a Commander.
Wes, I see what you mean, but from my understanding of the Japanese words it works out to be a little more like ranks at the Academies. At Annapolis, for example, you could have a Midshipman Ensign, a First-class who has pinned on temporary insignia symbolizing his responsibility for a small element of other Midshipmen of all classes. It might be appropriate at the Academy in an informal context to refer to him as "Ensign," but out in the fleet you would never do that. In fact, a Midshipman Ensign calling himself an Ensign while out on a summer cruise would be an excellent way to get himself totally torn apart by the various actual JOs assigned to watch over the Midshipmen who've joined the ship's company.
Hey guys, it's been fun. But I'm leaving SARP.

I hope you'll have just as much or more fun without me.
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