Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Actually in the fleet they would never be so formal unless during ceremony. Chances are his superiors would call him something like "Nugget" in today's fleet. Another term is "Butter Bar."

In the marines we never saluted in the field or stated the actual rank, rather we used these terms. I suspect Wes is correct. IN the fleet during ops he would be called a Shoi, especially in a time of war.

You have to remember the commanders can get killed during ops, causing the Shoi Kohosei to have to be the acting commander. Such a thing is not unheard of.

During ceremony however his full title would no doubt be put into use. So technically him being referred to Shoi is not something strange, especially since he is being placed into active combat(Cadets in combat roles during war time is also something not unheard of)
Look, I don’t have a lot of direct experience with the military, but I do have a pretty good deal of first-hand experience with Midshipmen, both at Annapolis and in ROTC. I can’t speak to how the Marines deal with JOs or officer candidates, but I know for certain that Midshipmen with pretensions of being more important than they really are tend to get ripped apart, by more senior Mids, their actual officers in the chain of command, and by SNCOs. A Midshipman who referred to himself as an Ensign would be considered to have such pretensions, and he wouldn’t be referred to as a “Butter-bar” because he’s not, he’s a Midshipman. In fact, they aren’t even commissioned officers. The rank of Midshipman, all classes, falls somewhere between WO-1 (even though there are no longer any WO-1s) and CWO-2. And linguistically speaking, I cannot fathom a Shoi Kohosei in the days of the IJN referring to himself or being referred to as a Shoi; that would be a gross exaggeration of the candidate’s social position, which runs totally counter to some pretty fundamental cultural mores in Japan.

Of course, this is ultimately Wes’s decision and he thinks referring to Shoi Kohosei as Shoi is fine, so go for it. But speaking from a real-world, non-SARP perspective, that wouldn’t be the case.
Woah woah woah, lets just step the hell back for a second. As far as I care, Ramierez can call himself whatever he likes inside his own head, although if it was something like "Assassin Ninja" I'd raise an eyebrow.

Also, bit of trivia, the man is not in fact a Yam. I guess Nep blood runs thick.

"Us Naturals gotta stick together."

EDIT: Oh, and Ira, there's no saluting in SAoY, I made that mistake once too. ><;
Jimmy, if you're getting the sense that this is some sort of heated exchange, then you are reading far more into what is being said than what I, and I hope Ira, am seeing. As far as I'm concerned, this is simply a discussion, prompted by but not totally centered around Ramirez's self-reference, about how to more briefly address a Shoi Kohosei. It is my opinion that it would be incorrect, and Ira and Wes disagree. I don't really think this is something that needs mediation. And I don't recall referring to Ramirez as a Yamataian, or is that in reference to something else?
Okay, the matter of how to address a midshipmen is really moot.

Star Army already has a wide spread precedent established.

When wanting to abbreviate a persons rank we drop the first honorific

Santô Hei thru Jôtô Hei can be referred to as Hei without offense
Nitô Heisho thru Jôtô Heisho are often referred to as just Heisho, and the same is true with Juni.

Way too much time has been spent debating something that a character thought rather than spoke. The page for Shoi Kohosei clearly states
They are commonly referred to as “Acting Ensign,” “Kohosei,” “Cadet,” “Midshipman,” or “Shoi” if someone is being especially flattering.

It does not say the person themselves would refer to themself as a Shoi because then they are claiming a rank they haven't earned.

SO lets move on from this. We have business to attend to.
Two updates to the roster.
Sam's character - Hayachi Hachirou has been transferred to the 22nd Squadron due to his departure from SARP.
Anfortas' character - Akechi Minoru has been transferred to the 22nd Squadron since he has not posted in 1 month without explanation.

So this means when you post your character aboard the Heitan, just say that they went to medical to get checked a backup made.
Brian, unfortunately due to the circumstances with my job I will not be able to post very frequently. I'll still try to stay involved, but I just thought I should give you a heads up.
Had thought about Man of Steel, but didn't want it to go to Silic's head. :P
"Everyone pick on the Nep. :("

I'll just assume the two hours have gone by on this next post. Also, it's a good thing Man of Steel didn't win, otherwise I'd have gotten that Stalin feel.

Note: Stalin is Russian for steel, a hard name for a hard man.
No Gab had it right, his character went to where her suit was stored. Aka the locker room with the crews flight gear is kept.