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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Guys, something came up and i have to take an unexpected trip and will have no internet access. I leave wednesday and will be back next wednesday
Thanks guys. And for the fight I give Jimmy permission to NPC Yaeko's flying, as long as it's okay with Nash.
Don't worry, I'll take good care of her.

Although, don't ask why no one ever gives me their car keys. >3
*Random drop-in*

How's my NPC Kail doing? what's she been up to, since I haven't really had the time to follow the plot (probably a lie)
Hello Kai,
Well she survived mission one. We are now into Mission 2, we'll see how she does there.

Hey. Wanted to say sorry for not posting in a while. Been dealing with some heavy RL stuff. I'll definitely get a post in today though.
Thanks for letting us know what was up. Hopefully things settle down.
Gah...been trying to think up a post, but having real hard time getting beyond "Tai flies in proper formation." I do have to check for new posts today though.
Well plot complication will be posted this am.
An absolutely splendid first contact meeting, wouldn't you say, Nash old chap?

Sorry about the long wait folks, been working hard trying to get everything ready for the new semester and haven't managed to get back in the saddle.
Actually given the circumstances, and the parties, about what I expected. Testing a potential enemy is not uncommon for the Qaktoro
Sorry for being scarce for the past couple of days, Been sick as a dog.
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