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OOC 21st Squadron Discussion

Internet was cut off for a week due to the tech messing up my connection while they did an install on another apartment unit. Never did get them to admit it was their fault. :|
Glad you got the matter resolved, even if they never acknowledged their fault.
Yeah, I knew you were out not feeling well.

Quick summary, the 21st engaged the Fighters from the Unknown warship, said fighters were disabled. One group of fighters is escorting the shuttle to the surface to rescue the survivors.

Meanwhile a group of ships is approaching the star system at FTL heading from NMX space, so the rest of the squadron is preparing for the worst.
Gardener in the dark said:
Well, I think I'm back at last, but a summery of what I missed (And if I'm still even considered a member here) would be nice... V.V
dusky *glom-tackles* Gardener in the Dark... an quickly runs away back to Aeon to the safety of Ise Katae before Numa Atsui can catch him

Glad you back Blind good luck catching up ;3

Now back to you regular scheduled rp discussion.
Tai was doing her best to avoid being hit by the smaller drones, practically pushing her skills to the limits, especially when the missiles popped.

Kylen, Tai is supposed to be flying down on the planet with Yaeko. The drones down there are from the Hidden Sun Clan.

The missiles and the other drones are in Space engaging the squadron members up there and are NMX in orgin. So she has no missiles attacking her.
Also, it seems Yaeko has broken away from the fight currently and is covering the shuttle on the ground, leaving Tai and... *quick reread* Kail fighting the drones. You're numbered by a lot to one, so good luck!
Yes, but the point is Tai is not fighting the NMX drones at this time.
Hmmm, I think that is what they call a aw sh*t moment.
Actually heat seekers work best from behind, also it's a common trick to try and cause the missile to overshoot and make counter-measures more effective. There's also adjustment time, fuse time, explosive radius, blah-blah but currently the best option would be not to fly straight line, and to not present your tail pipes like a giant "shoot me" sign.
Well unfortunately, I (and Yaeko along with me) did not know that, so we are doing exactly what you just told me not to do. Have fun!
I'm sure Silic would argue, if he had time, that he did tell Yaeko what to do, and that it was not his fault she didn't trust her copilot enough to follow his judgement. And that he is NOT responsible for anything that goes wrong, and that having the bad luck to crash a plane, and then fall of a tree and break his ribcage could happen to anyone...

And that he still doesn't know how the hell he got that laser wound got on his shoulder, anyway?

But I'm sure, deep down, Silic is just a big softy who's found himself in a bad situation and wants everyone to come out alive. Okay, really deep down past the crust of sarcasm and attitude, through the quivering mantle of self-preservation, and into the outer core of eccentricity, somewhere in that direction.
You're tempting me to turn Lynn into a sadist, Jimmy. Just to torture the living hell out of Silic.

Passive Aggressive Sadist, anyway.
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