Star Army

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OOC Aeon Discussion

I'd considered that initially, but abandoning his combat post mid-engagement to investigate the energy fluctuations strikes me as rather un-Ko'ish. The only reason he did so previously to procure that scrap of debris was due in part to the fact that it was -- in essence -- why he was recruited in the first place.

I suppose acknowledgment of the energy issue is at least worth mentioning >.>
Sorry to interrupt this chain, but when is the Boarding Party going to move along? It's been awhile, and I have concerns. The last post was mine six days ago.
Yes, and he can leave it to the Taii as to whether she wants him to help investigate or stay on the bridge.
Asi is kinda not talking right now. We're really waiting on Haruhi. Asi is going to be quieter for a while, since he got scolded for doing what worked so far as he could tell.
I admit I am glad Nashoba is there to catch the different mistakes, I made cause I forgot one thing in the post last Wednesday-ish, which was probably why Kame though "Something is still wrong" earlier. The Hall effect involves more static B-fields and only approximates slowly varying B-fields that you see in EM waves. It can sometimes be an approximation for SLF and ELF waves but not for Haarp's frequencies and other higher EM wavelengths that people associate with jamming sensors, broken electronics, and . The Hall effect however is very really in electrons as for example the Earth's magnetic field through the Hall Effect is the reason for the DC offset in analog. When Nash mentioned a Faraday Cage, he helped me remember my professor mentioned this fact when I did experiment on the Hall Effect last summer.

As for the whether or not the science officer should comment on the fluctuations... I totally agree he should comment on them. After all, originally I was going to ask him to come down but then I realized that he would indeed probably need to stay on the bridge to help out mid battle.
First at little heads up. Since I am kinda slightly suspicious about silcon eaters and I don't want to completely screw by choosing silicon. Therefore, if I indeed do indeed need to switch to a more metal epitaxial method, I would like your guy feedback.
Thus which one of you would you really like to see?:
  • Monolayer, bumpy graphene using iridium/rubidium
  • Monolayer graphene using copper/nickel (or at least really really thin)
  • Something conductive like ____________ (you fill in the blank)

If I need to change, I probably do it the post after this one while fighting in the middle of the battle.

Second, as my character said in the last post, I think I am ready for what Nash throws at us. Though Nash, I still have left it up to your character whether he give her the machine gun or not.

Rpgramen and Nashoba, Is my character supposed to respond to engineering?

If she is though, I thought she might say something along the lines of "We need to hurry and open this door or get to the elevator"
P.S. The monolayer means one atomic layer is more a real life thing. I included cause well I wanted you to know what its like thanks to science. However, I understand if we have to make the graphine thicker >>; . I also included a Google doc I did that more my personal notes for I remembered that I may or may not mention. Here is the link bit note you may need to login to view it. Poke me if you are having trouble viewing it
Aendri said:
Asi is kinda not talking right now. We're really waiting on Haruhi. Asi is going to be quieter for a while, since he got scolded for doing what worked so far as he could tell.

That's no excuse not to post; I wanted to get a post out of you and Moogle before continuing since the both of you are still stuck back before the crab-type died, but whatever.
Eh, I'm not actually sure why I didn't post here before. Although, come to think of it, my reasons for it previously. were that I didn't feel like I could write enough. I have my own standards, yanno? I try to keep to them.

Looking back, I have already made some two liners. I feel ashamed.

But, I'll try to post now.

The person Kame is with is Anderson-Hei, his first name is Tomas not Thomas so you should refer to him as Anderson-Hei not by his first name and rank.
To make things easier for Nash I thought list of things I have before entering the bay.
I think Nashoba already knows this but I still feel like it might be confusing for the rest of you, so I made a list of the supplies we have and how they are distributed:
  • on O'Kutsuu
    • 1 Pistol
    • 1 Suit
    • PPPK's "blue laser" wielder
    • PPPK's scope or "single eye goggle"
    • Aether Generator
    • 1 T-29 Communicator (hooked up to communicate)
    • 4 Power Cords
    • small flakes of graphene (<-- to make metal from fabr. bay)
  • on Anderson:
    • 2*Type 28 Nekovalkyrja Submachinegun
    • 1*Pistol
    • Aether Generator
    • 3 Power Cords
    *Carried together to Entrance:
    • Wielded pad of Duranium that is 5 * 2.5
    • rest of the PPPK which contains a laptop database and a other repairing tools
Things are slow for the boarding party again. 5+ days have passed. Any word on Haruhi posting?

Hoshi has n-- actually, a lot of problems leaping into a firefight with a Shocktrooper. But I have no issues throwing him at one :lol:
Kame nodded to Trowa to cover her and then quickly grabbed the PPRK behind her as she shoved with her back foot the duranium pad onto the rollers. She set her pistol to pulse and fired the one shot near the creatures tail. She then dashed headway over to the Medium SSCC, hoping Trowa would cover her after he engaged the tractor beam.

Ahem, Trowa is on the bridge flying. Tomas is the person with you.
Done sorry about the miss spelling

Those two rules where the following.
    • The temperature when making/growing "carbon" nanostructure must be below roughly 4000 K b/c that is the temperature the carbon-carbon bond both diamond and graphite can breaks.
    • Look at the oxide and then carbide/metal used the reaction should have a boiling point or melting point below the same 4000 K. This temperature does not define the pressure or temperature in the reaction just defines how effective (easy) a reaction is.

  • Also, as shown above, I wanted to get the two rules in on some kind of thread to mainly have the tech GM look at them inorder to understand really where I am coming from. I also wanted Wes and the Tech GM's to have a place to see them if they ever need to. Honestly I am learning from my psychiatrist have trouble sometime discribing things with words, so I need to rp them. However, after talking to Nashoba, I know I got to stop the science exposition so I will save this for later when you guys want to talk about nanostructures. >>;

    The rules can also be rephrased since below is part of the google doc

    What I originally wrote from the google doc:
    Basic "Carbon" Rules:

    1. (Confirmed-for-all carbon) In real life, the temperature when making/growing "carbon" nanostructure must be below roughly 4000 K b/c that is the temperature the carbon-carbon bond both diamond and graphite can breaks. However, see sublimation point and triple point for carbon for better approximation
    2. (Tentative for Epitaxial Growth Methods see*) At my university, the researchers have realize this but this more of a tentative thing right now, and for the Epitaxial method. Anyways the rule can be broken into three parts
    • Look at the oxide(s) being used,
      • If it has a boiling point or melting point, especially if no boiling point, above the same rough 4000 K, then avoid using it
    • Look at the non-carbon metal, carbide, etc. being used and find its boiling point or melting point if it has no boiling point
      • If its has boiling point or melting point, especially if no boiling point, above the same rough 4000 K, then avoid using it. Although for metals this may be ok -dusky186 dusky186 2/23/10 10:06 PM
    • It is known, even in RL, the two doesn't completely define the minimum temp just the conditions so far for a viable carbon nanostructure.
*In real life this part of rules is still very very tentative and honestly part might be wrong. I use it more for myself to remind me of things ^^. Please swear to keep just this part a secret from the general public for the sake of the guys here at Georgia Tech
I'm not going to post until the team captain posts, though. The only thing that Kyoka would do in this situation is retreat (without the moral/physical support of her leader).