Star Army

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OOC Aeon Discussion

done with my post... edited so their is one large gash that just needs to be sealed with some extra tape or something else.
1. Started on sealing the atmosphere as requested waiting for Andrei to post. Also edited my post so the hull bulkhead is the only place leaking.
2. Hinted toward the fact that Kame's actually has broken leg and tailbone. The thing about Kame being hurt is she prioritize fixing the ship more than her injuries because she still working herself to the death even if its not the right thing. Plus, she shy so she wound mention injuries in such revealing places. The injury will become more apparent whenever some-else points turn on. Expect her to make many Fraudian slips when its mentioned.
3. Edit my previous post so its clearer that hull buck heads are wielded in place they just need to be sealed.
4. Re-pressuring the Engineering is something I let you guys think deal with.
5. In terms of secondary issues Nash, "rp" the drone to find them. In terms of the sensor issue I added to the simple fix is to install the Long Range sensor in the shuttle basic sensor package so we can exit hyperdrive without running into other small ships or those mass tricky red dwarf stars and brown dwarfs that can be mistaken for planets.

Finally on the topic of additional secondary systems: Since Nashoba didn't want us completely blind, I let the Subspace Mass Detector to be the sensor that's ok. Honestly, I did keep the Frontal Sensor Cluster, the passive aether detector, the tachyon sensor, neutron sensor since I really think those are either in the sensor or would be large enough that the only logical place to put them.
Sorry I haven't posted yet. If I don't post tomorrow, just have Kyoka go on autopilot, please. I won't be here all of the 3-day weekend.
Ok Engineering team. You have successfully shut down the atmosphere system to keep it from venting all the stored gasses.

Someone might want to notify the rest of the crew that environmental control is now offline.
we are still in the after part of the mission. Aeon crew is making repairs to the ship while enroute home, primarily taking care of critical damage.
My bad for not narrowing down the question, what is going on at Haruhi and Kyoka's end of the ship? I'm a bit lost with all the technical stuff and multiple characters people have.
Ok, there is structural damage, which Haruhi has instructed the drones to start working on while the people work on the greater risk the misfired anti-matter shell in the cannon. Which means crawling through the damaged pylon, and get into the gun's systems to find a way to eject the round.
Okay, I had planned on making a post this AM, but a situation came up. Sean go ahead and post for Hisa Usaga so that you can complete the fold correction.

I am heading out to ConCarolinas in a few minutes. I will have limited internet access via my itouch, so I may try posting from the hotel.
Its a fairly staight forward process. it would have to be performed manually because if you recall the atmospheric systems autonomic system was malfunctioning.
Sorry for not being more active, but the internet conection here at the Hotel I'm staying at for the summer doesn't have the best conections. I have to find a time when not many people here are on and I'm not busy with something else. I will try to post again as soon as I can. Nashoba, post for me if you need to keep the story going.
No problem, I have you in LOA status so you're safe. And I will post for you when needed.
Haruhi questioned the logic behind a design that required two separate levers to be pulled in unison during emergency situations but quickly shook her head to focus on the immediate.

While I can't speak about the other services, I encountered this kind of engineer decision plenty of times in the Air Force. For example in order to open the radome on most of our C-130's you had to disconnect a critical cooling hose, and then reach around an awkward positioned piece of equipment to get to a bolt that had to be removed, one of four to open the blasted radome, and then when put back in you had to torque it down. Or when they placed a critical junction strip between two bulkheads that if it had to be replaced required taking about major structure pieces. Engineers often design stuff for a perfect world where things do not break, or require maintenance.

But their greatest accomplishments is designing bolts that you can not remove without cussing at them. Weird but seemed to be true on certain bolts regardless of who was trying to break it free :)
Nashoba said:
Haruhi questioned the logic behind a design that required two separate levers to be pulled in unison during emergency situations but quickly shook her head to focus on the immediate.

While I can't speak about the other services, I encountered this kind of engineer decision plenty of times in the Air Force. For example in order to open the random on most of our C-130's you had to disconnect a critical cooling hose, and then reach around an awkward positioned piece of equipment to get to a bolt that had to be removed, one of four to open the blasted random, and then when put back in you had to torque it down. Or when they placed a critical junction strip between two bulkheads that if it had to be replaced required taking about major structure pieces. Engineers often design stuff for a perfect world where things do not break, or require maintenance.

But their greatest accomplishments is designing bolts that you can not remove without cussing at them. Weird but seemed to be true on certain bolts regardless of who was trying to break it free :)

Wait... did they just go ahead and shut down/eject the core... oh shit

... no wait I think I can fix this ... I just going to strangle a certain someone(s) later. It also gives me an excuse to talk to the science officer.

Plus its kind of my fault for not explaining how in real life. Antimatter is contained by something known as a Penning Trap.

And Nashoba I always thought it was to make sure things didn't accidentally fall out cause some forgot to lock one. In this case it probably to make sure that people don't accidentally forget to attach a power supply to the core before ejecting it. (points to the aether generators he left.
They ejected the positron cannon core that had a stuck shell that was slowing losing containment, its all good.
Nashoba said:
They ejected the positron cannon core that had a stuck shell that was slowing losing containment, its all good.
oh ok then ^^.

Anyways, what ever you guys want to do is fine by me Nash. I posted something a bit silly though in the meantime. Yes, Kame should have known the Science Officer would have resumed his post on the bridge. Its all that part of the joke. ^^

Sean feel free to use extreme measures in bring Kame back into consciousness. If I were you I would use a cattle prod (joke).
Sean is having issues with his Internet, hopefully it will be fixed soon.