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OOC Aeon Discussion

Not without a crow bar or some such, they are pretty much bent up.
Nashoba said:
I'll be riding in the back next to the Shosa

Kim is a Shoi not a Shosa...

lol... I nominate that off and no ones life it is threatened... replace Shoi with Shosa becomes the new way to tease/joke around with your Shoi ^^.
I could mean like master in Yamatain ^^; and would be appriopriate since the Shoi is usually the one who cracks the whip of duty.

P.S. got some great ideas been talking to Wes and others about yamatai....
I been trying to found some nearby warehouse to the Aeon. Normally Nashoba for where Kame would store very important things they would probably be over in the town called Central with all the other warehouse.... but instead I settle for the western most warehouses in the Kyoto KFY shipyards and docks. So well be going over a few docks to maybe where they are building new ships if you want to do some exposition, Nashoba ;3

Anyways here is the map I found
Hah, Kyoka fails at being intelligent. Question: How much shrapnel are we talking here? LIke a fistful or a about the amount that would fill a basketball, or what?
Interesting how Arkase's being yelled at for diving for cover. He iz gunna haz some wordz. Warrant Officer or not.
Anyone still standing in relative close proximity can expect about a handful of flying bits of Classico coming there way.
Arkase is safe, he hit the ground. The majority of the shrapnel would have gon horizontal and upwards. Handful isn't really that many because we are talking pieces of a car, not a fragmentation device. So a handful could be as few as 1 big piece or 7-8 medium.
Well, if that really is all I'd like to do a Solo-Post with Arkase for some character development. If the Leave is over, though, he'll tip-toe away from the "person he remembers" or I can simply ninja-edit if I took too many liberties with that statement.
Done. Nashoba and Sean read through my extra long post and tell me what you think.

As Sean suggested, I tried to keep some of the background information intentionally vague enough so it didn't interfere with other PCs storylines ;3
I think I'll leave Arkase's post for another time. He has more important things to deal with anyway... like strangling Haruhi.
Hey guys sorry I have not posted recently, I had to spend three day cause I am moving back to college this Saturday and into an unfurnished apartment XD.

So officially tomorrow I will be posting from my new room ;3

with 150-200 Mbps of pure glory ;3
P-Posted and in my new room ;3. So tired from unpacking though >>;
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