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OOC Aeon Discussion

Posting when I am distracted is not good for me. I just reread the post and found that you are flying with your MINDY. Sorry about that, Gunsight. I really should know to read post more thoroughly after being here as long as I have. Post has been deleted.
Aw happens to the best of us man. No need to have deleted it, just talk to her over the wireless, she will respond
Well you could bring it over to where the team is, that way you would be ready to follow the Thaurgons and they would know what your craft looks like so you don't get shot down.
will do. I will have a post as soon as my brain gets over its writer's block. Had a post in my head and then fell asleep at the computer. Forgot all about it when I woke up.
I think he did pretty good job. The shelter which Yoshiro built was very nice
Forwarding a note from Tanka. His internet is out due to unforeseeable issues. He said he will try to get online when he is able to from alternate sources but there are no guarantee's. He said it will probably be a few days until his home internet is restored.
Sorry for not posting but my family is in country and I haven't had a chance to get on. Probably won't again until the 3rd.
Okay folks, plot audit time. Please try to get your characters updated over the next week. I will be doing the Audit on the 10th.
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