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OOC Aeon Discussion

Well you folks are enroute, but you won't arrive until after the shock wave hits the Aeon.
Considering coming from the signal source back to the Aeon, you will be flying directly into the shockwave. Although Freyja should be able to detect it and climb high enough to avoid the worst of it.
Was giving Drenica a chance to post before Sunflower arrives.
Folks, it is once again Audit time. Please make sure your character sheets are updated by Sunday 13 Apr. I plan on doing the Plot Audit on the 14th.
"Its not really a translator, at least not in the traditional sense, all I need was modify my suits communications software with at least some of what I know of your language." is a translation of "Jut opu sfbmmz b usbotmbups, bu mfbtu opu jo uif usbejujpobm tfotf, bmm J offe xbt npejgz nz tvjut dpnnvojdbujpot tpguxbsf xjui bu mfbtu tpnf pg xibu J lopx pg zpvs mbohvbhf."

"As for what I was doing...." translates to "Bt gps xibu J xbt epjoh...."
"Innnn...." Translates to "Hmmmm...."

"Tpssz, vnn, J lopx uif gsfrvfodz zpv'e ibwf up usbdl; bt J tubsufe up usbdl ju tjodf xf xfou qmbofutjef; J hpu tpnf ijut cvu ..... innn... J epo'u ibwf uif bcjmjuz up sfbmmz jowftujhbuf uifjs mpdbujpot.. zpv lopx tjodf J mbdl b dsbgu" Translates to "Sorry, umm, I know the frequency you'd have to track; as I started to track it since we went planetside; I got some hits but ..... hmmm... I don't have the ability to really investigate their locations.. you know since I lack a craft"

"Bi! J lopx!</" Translates to "Ah! I know!"

"Uijt qmbofu jt up uif hbmbdujd xftu pg vt, tpnf ejtubodf, cvu jut tjhobm npsf dmptfmz bmjhot xjui nz pxo.. J evoop jg jut gspn nz qfpqmf ps tpnfuijoh fmtf..." Translates to "This planet is to the galactic west of us, some distance, but its signal more closely aligns with my own.. I dunno if its from my people or something else..."
Let me know if what I posted was pushing too much. If I don't hear anything about this for when I post again, I'll just continue to go with it.
Folks, just a heads up. I am leaving for Charlotte this morning to attend ConCarolinas. I'll be checking in on SARP on my tablet.
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