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OOC Aeon Discussion

I'm capped to 64k, so my Comiket adventures are all but over (since I'm saving next month's quota for reviewing new-season anime). Was great with heaps of good music coming from it, and as a side-effect I'm now working with a small group on an exciting project which I'll hopefully expand upon at a later date.

So I'm back, though it seems things are way quiet in here now
Well Sean should be returning soon, we have two people moving at the moment so they should hopefully return soon as well. We'll press on, and if necessary I'll open the plot up to new players.
Hopefully, someone behind him would check their six. It wouldn't do to have something with teeth (or tentacles) to come munch on them from behind.

Hahaha, You're in an empty room. Hatch before you and the two entrances to the Diligent behind, so unless your talking about one of your fellow crewmates...
He meant when they start going through the hallways and such, and even if it's "empty" nasty things might appear, or pop in through vents, or...

I watch too many horror movies. Like Aliens, where you're screaming "LOOK UP!" at the marines, remember?
Yeah, I know, I just couldn't resist thinking that it could also apply to the big bad Juni.
Finished my move- getting settled and just finished getting wired with 'net but everything seems good... will get back into things Saturday once I've had a chance to catch up.
Okay team,

Here is the upper deck of the ship you are on.

Kujiki Deck 1

I will update this as you folks get more details.
Updated Deck 1, should have deck 2 available this evening.
Okay, before I post again, I wanted to clear up which cross-passageways we're talking about. The two enemies that Eun-Kyung spotted with the NSD are at the end of the cross-passageway forward of the one Yukimura and Asine are covering from the opening. Does this mean the two around the corner from the after cross-passageway have come into view, making this now four enemies in sight?
I updated deck 1, have added numbers to the corridors for clarification and show Eun-Kyung's forward position. Also updated my post to show which corridor the baddies shooting were at.
Don't the NS-Drones slave themselves to the Officer/Whoever is close by if their "home"suit is... eliminated? That's what I'm assuming here, but even if they don't, they'll likely still be carrying out whatever orders were given last, I think.

Aendri, hopefully before it's too late can you clarify whether you jumped into the passageway with the intruder in it, or if you jumped just away, toward where the Away Team began? I assumed the latter, so that's why I had Hoshi did what he did. If not, I'll edit it so he doesn't likely kill you both anyway.
You're right, I dove for the group, rather than the bomb. I'm not invincible, so I'm not gonna try jumping on the device. No matter HOW crazy I am, I'm not THAT crazy.
Stop. Clarification time.

This is relevant to my IC post. I have no idea who the circled dot is supposed to be, as from reading the posts it seems only Kim crossed the gap (I had intended for one of the two infantry to cross with my previous order, but it seems they are both on the same side).

That said, the following applies to my post:

IF: the circled character is an infantry charater {
[aaa] = the circled character
[bbb] = Toranaga
[ccc] = Anderson

[aaa] = the circled character
[bbb] = Hoshi
[ccc] = Whoever's left over

I think this makes sense, but in my current state I can't really tell for sure.
That would be Tomas, (Anderson?) as he was trying to cross the hall to support Eun-Kyung, the shooting had started.

So I supposed Hoshi will be moving, as soon as he rolls out of the way of the fire.
Yes, that forward position dot was Tomas.

I have updated the deck 1 specifically the Aeon members so that everyone knows where everyone is. If I have your position wrong, let me know. As it is now, there are three people to cover passage 1 and 3 for passage 2

Sean has had to leave the SARP for a while due to commitments in real life.

So I will run Kim as an NPC until the completion of the training mission.
FYI, my web site is undergoing major maintenance, so I can't update the Kujiki images until Saturday.
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