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OOC Aeon Discussion

Sorry I haven't been around, my Grandmother has been in the hospital for the past five days and I've been too flustered with things here to sit down and finish a post She came home today and is doing better so hopefully things will calm down and I can get back into things.
Said list, more or less by priority.

      Ke-M4-P2902 Wing Pack for Sylph M4 Power Armor
      Shoulder Weapon Mount
      Ke-M2-W3001 Shoulder-Mounted Aetheric Pulse Cannon
      Ke-M2-W2913 Aether/Scalar Submachinegun (Bladed and non-bladed versions)
      KZ Type 29 Armor Service Pistol

      Ke-M2-W3000 General Equipment Pack
      Ke-M2-G3000 Shoulder Capacitor
      Ke-M2-P3001 Shoulder Energy Cloak Shield Projector
      Ke-M2-P3002 Leg Energy Cloak Shield Projector
      Ke-M2-W3002 Leg NSB Launchers

      Ke-M2-P2903 Hyperspace Fold Booster
      Ke-M2-W2906 Shoulder-Fired Missile Pod
      Ke-M2-W2909-RGL 50mm Rapid Grenade Launcher
      Ke-M2-A3100 - Kinetic Energy Absorbing Armor
New toys added, though some in limited quantity.
I realize I did a whole "Riding off into the sunset" thing there, but I suppose I have to live with the mistake, and lob a question at all the Away-Team members and possibly the Taii.

Sorry about that. It confuses things greatly... Of course, you could just tell Hoshi to get his butt down to the PA Bay and ignore his request to do Physicals on the Away-Team.
Or the Taii could call him to the bridge to explain why he chose to disregard the order to report to the power armor bay,

Or, you could edit your post and undo the R.O.I.T.S. thing.
I was under the impression that that was 'illegal' after so long.

I'll change it, though. Thanks, Nashoba.
Not illegal if the GM says you can to fix an OOPS. :lol:
I think I'm starting to understand what's going on a little better. I've been reading over everything I can find on past plots, ship info, the structure of this site. And the more I read the more I like it.
Sorry about the lack of posting on my behalf, I recently joined an anime fansubbing group (and was quickly roped into helping out another) and so I've been caught up in learning all the nitty-gritty of fansubbing as I go while doing work for them.

Also, did we get any of the aether submachineguns I requested, or were they left off because of their up-in-the-air status due to lack of a proper wiki?
Left off for this trip. I'm still working on creating a proper wiki page.
Hey folks, Starting tomorrow morning (Tuesday), I will be on the road heading north to Cape Cod to spend the holiday with my biological family. While the Beach House is rather nice according to my mother, it is completely lacking any form of Internet access. I will be back home this coming Sunday.
Okay Folks, I am back home, tomorrow I will be posting the 7th Squadron's arrival at the target system, so be prepared to post.
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