Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP After the Vortex ch.1 - Embarkment

Vana had to bite her tongue to keep from talking back to the officer. She toyed with the idea of pretending her hearing was messing up and she hadn't heard anything but dismissed that. She had loitered around longer than intended. "Aye aye Sir." She said simply and hurried aboard. Porky followed behind, eyeing the irate commander as if he was considering biting the man for yelling at his mistress.
The commander would follow right behind Vana as she and Porky made their way to the Albatross. The ship that stood before them was on the larger size, falling well in the heavy cruiser category. The fore and midsection of the ship fell more in line with what one would expect of a cruiser, guns and all; while the aft third had large armored doors, clearly leading to a sizeable hangar bay. As the three of them stepped aboard, the airlock began its cycle and the commander tapped his earpiece. "Captain? This is Olejnik, we're all aboard now." The inner door opened a moment later, Allowing entrance into the ship proper. Olejnik glanced at Vana. "We will be launching momentarily, so it's best you go to your quarters."
Iris was sitting ready to take off, she had tried to jump the gun a little, but that was cause she wanted to keep a tight schedule, however one of the D3 has gently poked her with a cardboard tube to get her to slow down. after all her orders to take off reminding the D4 that she was in charge of communicating with their employers not in charge of the team.

And so Iris sat there with a sad little pout on her face "Sorry.." she said as she sat next to the captain D3 who nodded and gently hugs the D4 to let her know it was all okay! and the D4 smiled and just let herself relax in the hug before the captain released her and made sure everyone was ready for take off once clearance was given.

Iris meanwhile had to take note that she had jumped the gun, writing a note to herself in a little note book, she had been overly excited to get a new job for the group and that caused her to get a tiny bit over Zealous, she would have to watch that in the future so she didn't cause problems for her D3's. She was just happy that they were very understanding, as checked her security console to make sure the systems were okay and nodding to herself before sitting at the ready for take off.
A few minutes later, the Servitor's radio would chirp up. "This is flight control, you now have the green light to launch. Fly safely."
NRSS Strix

The Strix's appearance made Oksana's jaw drop, it was gorgeous. She had only just stepped inside, but she was already excited to see what else there was to explore. Where was she going to sleep? What would that look like? Would she have a lab of sorts? Questions just kept running through her mind as she got lost in it all. Then Kira's voice drew her attention from dream filled pondering. "She. Is. Gorgeous!" Oksana responded. "Is this your first time traveling with her?" she asked Kira.
"Ah." Kira would pull up the collar of her jacket, covering up the lower half of her face, trying to mask her surprise at the emphatic response. "Um, well. It's not my first flight. I've been studying medicine at the university, so I've been aboard her before." She took a deep breath and let it out to calm herself. "I should introduce myself. I'm Kira Aalto, and I'll be the ship's medic for this mission."

The ship's intercom would chime, and Covitz's voice would sound through the speakers. "This is your captain speaking. We have been cleared to launch, so do prepare beforehand." As the voice cut out, Kira would once more tense up. "Oh. Right! we should make our way to the lounge! Might be good for us to sit down before we take off." She headed down the corridor, beckoning Oksana to follow.
Vana saluted the commander and headed for her bunk. She unloaded her duffle bag, not very difficult, she had more weapons and parts in her bags then clothes. Porky jumped onto a bunk and abruptly went to sleep on the mattress. Vana smiled and set her large hard-shell case on her bunk and opened it.

Inside was a 12.7mm High-Power Infantry Rifle. Although this one was noticably different than a standard sniper rifle. For one the stock was a beautiful custom Nepleslian hardwood, tailored to Vana's fraim. Next was the scope. It was far more extensive than a standard one. Vana lovingly took the rifle out of its case and began to assemble it. She could have done it blindfolded. In no time at all the weapon was sitting ready to be used in the bed before her. Lastly, she slammed home a magazine into the receiver.

She sat down on the bed, her mouth moving from one side of her face to the other, thinking. She then grunted and laid back on the bed a moment. She was bored. She wanted to be up in a sniper perch, drawing a bead on her target. Maybe she'd take an informal tour of the ship. Translation, wrap herself in the camo cloak and see how far she could go without getting caught. Her brother often did that when he was traveling in a ship. But that was because her dear brother hated ships and did that just so to keep his mind off the fact he was on one.

She would go for a walk. She wouldn't go hiding, not yet. Wrapping her camo cloak around her and went to the door. As soon as it opened, Porky woke up and jumped off the bed and ran to his mistress side.
Iris nodded and replied on the comm "This is Reliable Servitor, Thank you for the clearance, we are launching now" with that she nodded to the D3 captain and the ship started to power up, heading for orbit to rendezvous with the rest of the fleet. upon getting to orbit they scanned quickly to find the gathering spot and headed there making sure to identify themselves and locate the Condor.

Once the condor was located Iris opened the comms once more "This is the Reliable Servitor, requesting permission to dock, ETA is three minutes, coming in on controlled vector to meet up with fleet. We will begin Docking procedures one we arrive and get the all clear" It felt nice to be working again, granted just traveling around with the D3 was fun to, but she knew the D3 wanted to be helpful to as many as possible, and that was the main driving force of her looking for employment for the group. she was just glad she found something that should be relatively safe.
NRSS Strix

Oksana's demeanor settled a bit as Kira began speaking of her own experience on board. The scientist's right eyebrow raised briefly before settling Kira's subject of study came up. Though that calming deep breath that was taken after Kira spoke indicated to Oksana that any more excited outbursts might not be desired. "I'm Oksana Bilous, an astrochemist. Pleasure to meet you Kira."

Shortly after introductions a chime drew the chemist's attention. Out of some bizarre habit she looked towards the sound's source while a message was delivered to crew. When it was wrapped up her gaze fell back to Kira, she nodded silently and followed where beckoned with a slight pep in her step.
NSS Albatross, Bridge
There was always calm in the eye of the storm, and the bridge was no different. The flagship's bridge officers were placidly observing the data streams that graced their instruments. "Fleet launch is well underway, captain." The ops officer's eyes were glancing through the readouts on his console. "The Falcons have already made it to orbit, and our auxiliary ships have already begun their launch procedures."

The captain took a sip from a mug of tea, listening to the input. "Very good. Best we not keep everyone waiting. Fire up the engines, and begin our departure." Ops gave a nod, and picked up the horn.

Vana saluted the commander and headed for her bunk. She unloaded her duffle bag, not very difficult, she had more weapons and parts in her bags then clothes. Porky jumped onto a bunk and abruptly went to sleep on the mattress. Vana smiled and set her large hard-shell case on her bunk and opened it.

Inside was a 12.7mm High-Power Infantry Rifle. Although this one was noticably different than a standard sniper rifle. For one the stock was a beautiful custom Nepleslian hardwood, tailored to Vana's fraim. Next was the scope. It was far more extensive than a standard one. Vana lovingly took the rifle out of its case and began to assemble it. She could have done it blindfolded. In no time at all the weapon was sitting ready to be used in the bed before her. Lastly, she slammed home a magazine into the receiver.

She sat down on the bed, her mouth moving from one side of her face to the other, thinking. She then grunted and laid back on the bed a moment. She was bored. She wanted to be up in a sniper perch, drawing a bead on her target. Maybe she'd take an informal tour of the ship. Translation, wrap herself in the camo cloak and see how far she could go without getting caught. Her brother often did that when he was traveling in a ship. But that was because her dear brother hated ships and did that just so to keep his mind off the fact he was on one.

She would go for a walk. She wouldn't go hiding, not yet. Wrapping her camo cloak around her and went to the door. As soon as it opened, Porky woke up and jumped off the bed and ran to his mistress side.
NSS Albatross, Crew Quarters
The choice of drapery attracted more attention than not, as a cloaked figure walking through the corridors was out of place. The dog following this figure did not help matters. After some wondering, Vana would get as far as the ship's mess before an announcement was sounded on the intercom. "All hands, this is the bridge. Launch procedure will commence momentarily." A steady hum would echo throughout the ship as the drives spooled up, as she began to lift from the moon's surface. Whooping and hollering echoed out of the mess, someone was clearly having a good time.

Iris nodded and replied on the comm "This is Reliable Servitor, Thank you for the clearance, we are launching now" with that she nodded to the D3 captain and the ship started to power up, heading for orbit to rendezvous with the rest of the fleet. upon getting to orbit they scanned quickly to find the gathering spot and headed there making sure to identify themselves and locate the Condor.

Once the condor was located Iris opened the comms once more "This is the Reliable Servitor, requesting permission to dock, ETA is three minutes, coming in on controlled vector to meet up with fleet. We will begin Docking procedures one we arrive and get the all clear" It felt nice to be working again, granted just traveling around with the D3 was fun to, but she knew the D3 wanted to be helpful to as many as possible, and that was the main driving force of her looking for employment for the group. she was just glad she found something that should be relatively safe.
Chariklo, Orbit
The Condor ambled her way into orbit, the fork of her front gantries leading the way. The voice of Mia crackled through the comm. "Roger that Servitor, we are ready to receive you." A loud sip could be heard over the radio. "Make your way to the portside gantry, if you'd please."

NRSS Strix

Oksana's demeanor settled a bit as Kira began speaking of her own experience on board. The scientist's right eyebrow raised briefly before settling Kira's subject of study came up. Though that calming deep breath that was taken after Kira spoke indicated to Oksana that any more excited outbursts might not be desired. "I'm Oksana Bilous, an astrochemist. Pleasure to meet you Kira."

Shortly after introductions a chime drew the chemist's attention. Out of some bizarre habit she looked towards the sound's source while a message was delivered to crew. When it was wrapped up her gaze fell back to Kira, she nodded silently and followed where beckoned with a slight pep in her step.
NRSS Strix, Lounge
As with most ships, there were obvious loudspeakers in the rooms and major corridors. Just the usual means for some officer to shout at you remotely. Kira would lead Oksana to the ship's lounge, though it had more the look of a large reading room or study. It was mostly empty at the moment, only a couple of the scientists had made themselves comfortable here as the ship began to take flight. Kira took a seat as well, to steady herself as the mass of the ship shifted. "So here's the lounge. Though you'd be surprised how much work ends up happening here."
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Reliable Servitor, Orbit

hearing the confirmation on the comms Iris nodded and their ship slowly started to align itself properly with the Condor "Roger that Condor, matching angle and speed, Approaching on you Portside... slowing to docking speeds... reduced... cutting engine and relying on maneuvering thrusters... contact in five.." the ships D3 were abuzz with working, all in unison and without a word other then Iris communicating with the Condor. anyone watching the proceedings from the outside might assume the Reliable Servitor was using an AI or docking program with our measured and in sync everything was moving on the ship.

The truth was this was simply how D3 worked together, silent, accurate, and with near robotic precision especially if it was a task they were quite used to, and docking ship to ship in this manner was one of the things they were very much used to doing. "two..... one... contact... reversing maneuvering Thrusters to arrest motion... deploying docking clamps and Magnetic stabilizers, checking stabilization and anchor point integrity, all signs green, we are fully docked to you Condor" Iris smiled a bit as the Captain gave her a thumbs up and the crew got to relax a bit now. granted they would be monitoring things with the condor in case they needed to react to an emergency, but other then that it was all going to be smooth sailing.
NSS Albatross, Mess Hall

Vana and Porky had just arrived at the Mess Hall's doors when the announcement that they would be launching soon came over the ship's speakers. Vana felt the vibrations through the floor as the ship began its liftoff. She smirked. Her brother would be freaking out at this moment. He hated space flight. Vana was fine with it. She entered the Mess Hall and took a look around.

The Mess Hall looked pretty standard for a Nep ship. Rows of tables and benches taking up most of the floor. Along one side a long row of buffet style food set out. The mix of Marines in the hall looked pretty standard as well. You often found a pretty good mix of young blood and vets in a mix like this. There were people eating heartily at their food, several groups talking together and some silent, just watching what was going on around them. Vana identified a group sitting towards the back. They had the best view of the room and were eating or talking quietly. Their ranks varied but they all exude that confidence of someone who knows their job and is good at it. They didn't feel the need to boast about how strong they were, how many kills they had made or how many missions they'd been on. They were Vana's kind of people.

The strawberry blonde sniper made her way through the food line, gabbing two plates. Vana then made her way over to the group in the cornet. As she approached those at the table all looked up sized her up. Vana merely nodded at them as she sat down at the end of the table and set one of the trays of food down for Porky. "Eat up Porky." Vana comment to her beloved Gunhound, who needed no encouragement. One of the Vets at the table perked up a little bit at the name. He had a marksmen patch on his uniform. He studied Vana with renewed interest. Finally simply asked, "You a HOG?" Vana had just taken a bite of food and chewed it up before answering. "I'm a HOG." She answered simply.