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Awesome Quotes

L: Don't you ever think there might be more to life than just games?

P: You mean like finding a girlfriend, getting out of debt, moving ahead in our careers, stuff like that?

L: Yeah.

P: There was a sim game about that, wasn't there?

L: Yeah. It sucked.

P: 'Nuff said.

-Piro and Largo, Megatokyo (Back before it was all romantic and junk).
Lois: How would you like it if I made your life a living hell?
Ace: Well, Lois, I'm not quite ready for a relationship right now, but maybe I'll give you a call sometime.
-Ace Ventura Pet Detective

The absence of anything suspicious is what makes this suspicious!
-the Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
"The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it. Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't."

- Principia Discordia, page 44.
"It is better to remain silent and have people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." -Mark Twain
I shall repeat that Haruhi is awesome.

"Alien fish falls to earth from the Moon."
- More headlines from Pravda's illustrious SCIENCE section!
uso_tasuki: Wait, did you inject the drug during the sim?
Hgfsd fiyufeh: We need some fuckin' Torment, yo
Hgfsd fiyufeh: Me?
uso_tasuki: Sure
Hgfsd fiyufeh: Would it get me a promotion if I say yes?
super_sport_03: Hahah Zoolander rocks.
uso_tasuki: no
Hgfsd fiyufeh: Shit

"Hey, Hey! You can't rent Yuki without my permission! Understood? She's the SOS Brigade's indispensible silent character! I saw her first!" -Haruhi, Episode 11
Koku Aki: Superior1: Okay, we've got a choice, knock this one off and bump up this Chiaki fellow, or keep Decane.

Koku Aki: Superior2: Chiaki sounds Yamataian... We hate Yamataians right?

Koku Aki: Superior1: Right.

Koku Aki: Superior2: Keep the Decane guy, fuckin' Yamataians.

Shamisen: "There is no need to consider his words. Why don't you just take control of his mind? From my observations you possess the ability to do just that."
Yuki: "That was ventriloquism."
-Episode 1
"They say the secret to success is being in the right place at the right time. But you never know when the right time is, so I guess the secret is to find the right place and just stick around..."

Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes)
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