Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Awesome Quotes

W: You'll change. And I'll be Winnie The Pooh to your Christopher Robin.

M: No literary reference left unturned. How do you figure Pooh?

W: Christopher Robin outgrew Pooh. That's how it ended. He had Pooh when he was a child. When he matured, he didn't need him any more.

M: That's the saddest thing I ever heard.

W: Yeah, but it's true. You don't realise it now, but you'll be doing some changing.


I can't be a Pooh.

M: I think I'll skate away now, Pooh.

W: All right, Christopher.

-Beautiful Girls
NightSide---"The shift of momentum that determines the outcome of battle moves on raven's wings from one side to the other. The victor will always be the man who rides with the raven."

Rathryn_Ramos---Heads are an anatomical prerequisite for mankind to live, using it apparently isn't.

Robziel---"That which does not kill me, makes me stranger."
'I'm nobody special, just a thirty year old guy with a dead end job. I live for the weekend; booze, women, football...and occasionally kicking the fuck out of someone' - football factory, cracks me up.
Ezura-It's not that I don't have a life,It's just that, There's no life for me to live.

DevlinDarkness-You can tell a lot about a man when he's staring down the barrel of a gun, the look in his eyes tells you what kind of life he lived.....and if he regrets it

Hugs+Drugs-"Cold was my soul. Untold was the pain. I faced when you left me A rose in the rain. So I swore to the razor. That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith be pushed through my veins again."

MORTOS-Attention annoying, meddling, and nosey Christians: I'd rather burn in hell than spend an eternity listening to assholes like you preach about this that and the other thing. Shut up.

Manic-If I were your wife, I would put poisen in your tea.
Mania-Madame, if I were your husband, I would drink it!

Arontale-Don't hit girls, they kick pretty hard.

KiwiOfDestruction-I had a handle on life but it broke
Scribbles said:
"You have the focus of a blind squirrel."
-- a computer science teacher I once had, refering to how well I stay on task.
Nice one there...

"Early to wake and early to rise, makes a man stupid, ugly, and bad in the eyes." The Old Man and The Sea by Earnest Hemingway
FF3 quotes

Cyan: My family lives on inside of me.

General Leo (to Soldier): Fall in battle, and I'll have to deliver the bad news (to your family)... What shall I say to them? You have a life to go back to someday.Don't throw it all away for nothing.

Terra: I know now why I must fight, for the children!

Kefka: Then I'll destroy those too.Why do people rebuild things they know are going to be destroyed?Why do people cling to life when they know they can't live forever?Think how meaningless each of your lives is!
Terra: It's not the net result of one's life that is important. It's the day-to-day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of life...and love! It's enough if people are able to experience the joy that each day can bring!


Celes: I'm a general... not some opera floozy!

Cyan (to Nikean Dancer): You licentious howler!
Nikean Dancer's reply: Geez, don't blow an artery, baby!

Edgar: (To Terra): I'll give you 3 reasons: First, your beauty has
captivated me. Second, I'm dying to know if I'm your type. I guess
your... abilities... would be a distant third.

Edgar: If something should happen to me all the world's women will grieve!

Edgar: You see, there're more girls here than grains of sand out there. I can't keep track of 'em all!

Guard: Fire, fire. Heh, heh, heh.

Kefka: Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere? These recon jobs are the pits

Locke :Hey! Call me a treasure hunter, or I'll rip your lungs out!

Locke :I PREFER the term treasure hunting!
Arvis' reply:Ha! Semantic nonsense!

Relm (to Strago):Did you think I was gonna check out before you, old man?

Relm :Stay back! or I'll paint your portrait!!

Sabin (to Cyan):Thou art such a pain in the...! Confound it all! I'm starting to talk like you!

Setzer: What's the most important thing in life? To be free of obligations! Otherwise you lose the ability to gamble...

Celes (to Setzer): Well, Mr. Gambler, it appears as if you've been hustled.
Setzer: How low can you get? I love it!

Siegfried: I am Ziegfried, the great swordsman!
Sabin's reply: More like a manicurist!
Yui opened her arms and hugged Hanako back when the girl came to embrace her. Once all the greetings were finished, Yui took a seat at one end of the wardroom's largest table. "Please be seated," she directed.

Kotori turned and stared. Yui would have garnered her attention usually, but Kotori froze at the sight of the new samurai. Yui's order shook the spell off though, and Kotori moved to take a seat at the table.

Jo took her seat next to Hanako, and looked at her hands that were folded in her lap.

Miles moved to find a seat at the table, as near as he could manage to be to Hanako, which resulted with him sitting beside Jo.

The samurai took the other empty seat beside Hanako. She paid Jo no mind, but she shifted once in her seat irritably.

(Everyone wants to sit next to Hanako. Wes must love this.)

(No samurai like Jo anymo T_T)



Hanako remained standing.



(I hate all of you!)


(*shakes head*)

((-Roars and flips the wardroom table-))
To Those Who Think,
To Those Who Dare,
To Those Who Do,
To Those Who Succeed.

Success is nothing more than taking advantage of an opportunity.

Ummm... This is the dedication of "Hit man", banned book of assassination methods and hints. Isn't it somewhat stupid that the book is available for free on the internet?!
Who Dares Wins

- SAS Motto

A paratrooper is a man who descends from trees he did not climb.

- Anon.

The draft is white people sending black people to fight yellow people to protect the country they stole from the red people.

- Gerome Grangi and James Rado (1967)
"Death by teacup." --Chronicles of Riddick (ok sue me it's old but that brings up some very amusing mental images especially of the brits. no offense guys.))
"Youre being impractical and stubborn." "Yes, and I do know they are usualy your fields of expertise, but for this once, Im practicing them too."

"A gun is no weapon for a warrior. It is the weapon of a coward." "Yes, but a live coward as opposed to a dead warrior."

Amor vincit omnia. - Love conquers all
Queste quid juris - the question is what part of the law applies
Radix omnium malorum est phobius - Fear is the root of all evil

Saevel Sune:
When exactly will you think were in trouble?

Im homesick already.

If Im going to grumble and moan and pity myself, at least you could listen to the specifics.

The hero gets the gold the girl and half the kingdom, unless your like me then your screwed.

Thanks but I think Ill stay with something a little less dangerous, like standing in front of a bus.

Have you no manners at all?

Warfare, like music, is exquisite! (he was drunk)

Time to get carefull.

I prefer my girls to have a choice in the matter, its a matter of pride.

Become famous. All the girls will admire you... once youve taken a bath.

Im a hero, gods take it, girls, plural, should be all over me.

This must be the most beautifull of seasons in the most beautifull of citys. I have seen her at her best and the image shall always be in my heart.

You have cast a spell over me with just one smile.

You make it beautifull just by being here.

Im as ready as the next man to bask in feminin adoraition.

You couldent pay me to, but you could threaten to cry and wheedle and appeal to my better nature.

Now I know what the word misery was invented for

Its a very good thing I cant put curses on peopel or by now you'd all be writhing in agony or dying horibly.

Kerri Bloodsword:
Not my problem, not my fault.

Thats got their attention.

If I dont do it nobody will.

Having her in front of you is as good as having a fortress wall in front of you.(description of bloodsword)

You can never have too many weapons.

This is fun! (solo, weaponless, against 75 pirates)

How dare you take my kill from me?(in responce to someone helping her with said pirates)

Lets see wheather it'll kill me or not. (She did survive)

It would have been easy.

Taman 'Brightwind' Bonesnapper:
Listen to me, Im starting to sound respectable.

I already rescued her, twice!

Even if I wanted to, witch I dont.

I hate debts, but its stupid to turn down help when you need it.

Your never out of options till your dead.

Ill try anything once, twice if it hurts.

I hate it when grand gestures turn out to be bloody inconvinient and more like suicide than heroism.

Oh, I realy dont want to meet this man. (Nerull)

He wont kill me unless he plans to leave no witnesses, and I doubt hes quite that ruthless.(He was wrong)

Nerull Necrophite:
A thin cook isent mutch of an advertisement now is it?

This should certanly provide some ammusement.

Im almost gratefull to them.

We'll see about that.

Ah, well. Win some loose some.

As if I care.

Its evil and mad... I like it!

She was asking for it, dressed in that alluring plate mail.

They will suspect nothing... untill its too late.

The sea hides a good many sins.

Lashela sar Lovitar:
Do unto others as they seek to do unto you.

Talent is a gift. Training opens the box.

I dont see why this should be any different.

If I start I might as well finish.

No point in borrowing trouble.

No pain, No gain.

Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan

Thats the most ephathic case of non-similarity Ive ever seen.(Saevel daiting Bloodsword)

I... am old... evil is loose... and I cannot stop it...

Lillen Defecto:
I just seem to know where to find things.

Im being totaly selfish and totaly helpfull at the same time. Damb, theres no doubt about it, Im destined for greatness.

Life is too short to wait for what Im entitled to.

Not mutch of an advertisement for honest toil, but then I was never tempted.

Getting onto a bigger stage thats what Im doing.

Im from the big city, this is the sticks.

If anyone stops us just say were here to wash the windows.

Just be sensable and try not to walk to quickly.

The best symbolic representation of a sharp knife is a sharp knife.

Locking doors! How barbaric!

Good thing I was going to steal new clothes anyways.

All right, so its not something I would have chosen to do. But ive turned bad luck to good advantage before now.

Nope, never heard of it, sounds like an early-to-rise-early-to-bed land of honest toil. Hope I never have to go there.

Here, there are only policemen, gangs, and the occasional shopkeep with a knife to deal with. Childs play. Country life is just to dangerous for me.
"It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.'"
- Sam Levenson