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Awesome Quotes

It's only okay to have sex with your teacher in west virginia if you are home schooled.

-Someone on my ship
Jake: I swear! My character isn't an alcoholic!
Yangfan and Tyler: Suuuuure, Jake. We believe you.

Yangfan: Yeah. We got fingers in all the pies.
Tyler: ... I'm never eating pie again.
If the cake's bad, what good is the frosting?

-Fortune Cookie
Who asked you to die? Keep figthing!
--- Unknown Imperial Guard Commisar

In the meantime though, If war erupts between Nep and Yamatai, we can expect a lot of copypasta qoutes from Wing Commander.
Found at: http://space-kitten.org/moonwings/showt ... hp?t=10281
[Guy 1] Is there any sanity or light left in this shrivelled husk of a world?
[Guy 2] There was, but we had to trade it in for the internet

Some people say that I must be a horrible person, but that's not true. I have the heart of a young boy -- in a jar on my desk.
- Stephen King

Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.
- John Wayne

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
- Rich Cook
When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, "There's just something about you that pisses me off."
- Stephen King
Jake: A barrel roll?
Yangfan: Truly, the solution to all of life's problems.
Jake: A barrel roll?
Yangfan: You know, roll around its longest axis...
Yangfan: That way, your positron cannons point DOWN instead of UP.
Yangfan: Muy bien?
Jake: A barrel roll?
Jake: *grins*
Yangfan: XD
Jake: A barrel roll.
Yangfan: I'm quoting this... XD
Jake: I know.
Jake: That's how it went on Tom Green.
Yangfan: I see...
Even 50 foot aliens masturbated to 16-year-old Asian singing stars. Man, I loved the '80s.

-Anonymous friend, after watching an episode of Macross with me.
(He wouldn't want his name on the internet)
Church: There's no 'I' in 'team'

Griff: Yeah, well there's no 'you' either...so if I'm not on the 'team', and your not on the 'team', then there's no one on the goddamned 'team'. The team sucks.

-Red vs Blue
Saw this and had to post it...from the webcomic Questionable Content.

"My Limit Break involves a moose, the demon Baphomet, and a Kuiper Belt object. It takes four hours and you can't skip any of the cutscenes."

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