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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

I've also been pretty busy as I mentioned Fred, what with jury duty and the Christmas season making things busy at work. ^_^;

I should have replies for you sometime today, though.
Thanks for the update, Khasidel.

Looking forward to seeing you around, whenever you can manage it.
Overdrive mode was a touch slower than I wanted it to be. Had a bit of work OT to take care of.
Status Update:
I've moved your characters ahead to their destination once inside. No point in repeating the steps to pass by a water vane more than once.

'To get moving' is a simple matter of heading in the direction of the room most likely to power the equipment needed to interface with the Soul Savior Pod. Your characters have seen the floor plans, so, they know where they are headed. Just not exactly how the place is going to be protected/guarded. Just make mentions of what you're using/tools in hand/what your characters may be watching out for.

Also, I'm not doing anything about Ruri. She's kind of a ghost for the moment: I'm not going to mention her in the narrative at all and will pretend she not exist until proof of the contrary (Soresu picking her back up, if he's at all able to do so).
During the holiday period, unless I actually have an influx of activity, I'm not planning to offer any GM story post until January 2nd.

This allows you guys to attend to the holidays and get some rest. It should allow Doshii to handle the matter of his wife's baby delivery and see how he'll handle his forum activity from now on too.
@Tom @Nyton @Khasidel @Doshii Jun
Next plot progression post is tomorrow.

Anyone whom hasn't posted past emergence from the basin has until then to roleplay up to that point. Tomorrow night (EST), I'm getting this moving once again.

I'd like to hear from Doshii Jun - if the happy father can spare the time to tell us how he's been doing and if he's still going to be able to participate with us for the forseeable future.
I think I can. First week started incredibly hard, but has become easier with time and experience. I'll be able to participate, and I'll try to post tonight.
Right, I delayed in the vainhope Tom would post... but he hadn't and I reached a poi9nt where I was too tired to create said post.

Getting on it now.
And posted.

@Nyton and @Khasidel - now's the time to techno0-wizard your way around obstructions. Supposedly, your characters have enough knowhow or gadgetry to get around this.
@Doshii Jun can have Yukari assist as she can, though Suzume is trying to get her attention too.
Khasidel, I could reply more in the roleplay, but I'll allow some wait-time until tomorrow to allow others to catch up with what's going on (especially @Tom, whom is still a no-show).
W's resting on me right now. I'd like to write on a keyboard, but if I can't, I'll try it on my phone.
W's resting on me right now. I'd like to write on a keyboard, but if I can't, I'll try it on my phone.
You may want to invest in a baby carrier - you know, those backpack-like pouches that you can use to have the baby carried against your chest while you do other things like writing forum posts, fighting crime with your collection of guns (with silencers to not wake the baby), reflecting north korean laser satellite attacks with your shiny forehead, or go do aerobics when your wife wants to drag you along to Zumba with her.

...though William may be too newborn for the baby carrier yet. You'll have to be patient, and delegate work to other (lesser) superheroes, while you bide your time for other windows of opportunities.
My vacation ended today. I will resume normal posting as of now.

I wanna see pictures of the baby!
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He's a little young for the carrier quite yet. We've got one we do plan to use, but we want him a little bigger first. For now, he's got his carseat, which he loves.

Tom, are you on Facebook? That's the best place for photos right now. We're keeping him relatively off social media, but there's a fair number on there.
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