Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Thread 1.6 is over, long live thread 1.7!
@Khasidel @Tom @Nyton @Doshii Jun

You guys are out of the elevator. There's a brief skirmish. You can pick things up from there.

Shoujo manga yuri stuff also snuck up in thread 1.3.
It's self-indulgent stuff from Khasidel and I. Read at your own risk.

A JP had also previously been planned pertaining Kotori visiting the Samurai House and discovering she now had a younger sister (Koyama). I was supposed to do a JP with Soresu and Doshii over that, but I procrastinated, and once I was ready to cover it, Soresu was no longer available.

So, the JP won't happen, and it's just stuff introduced into the narrative now. Also, since Soresu hasn't been around, Ruri was moved out of the line of fire at the end of 1.6
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One thing I wanted to point out, not that its a game breaker or anything but Nyton cleared, ejected the magazine, and took all the bullets in the .45 he tossed. If he'd known Yukari wanted it he would've just handed it off along with the ammo. Just a heads up easy fix.
Nah, it's OK. He took the rounds for the two compacts, so Yukari just took the ammo the guy had and reloaded the pistol. Yukari didn't know she wanted it until she saw it.

Someone is upset she can't faux-ninja her way to effectiveness. I'd say she needs lessons from a friend.
I'm kind of waiting on a @Nyton post now.

C'mon bro, I saw you swing by. You're not gettin' scared now, are ya?

Dun'cha make Grandad Thomas toss an' turn in his grave now.
Ha ha, I've been a little busy working but I've got some ideas, just needed a good several minutes. Alright expect something soon after I get out of work. I'm replying on my mobile right now.
I'm going to point it out because it wasn't obvious to me in the beginning:

GB, or Gun Boss, seems to be the nickname Nyton gave to Yukari.
Sorry 'bout the lack of postage lately guys; been suffering from a bit of writers block, plus I lost power during the last couple days due to the big storm that hit my city.

Going to sleep now (it being 4am or so), but I'm planning to make a reply for Reika when I wake up.
Glad to have you back, Khasidel.


Your attack won't start until you, well, start it. If all your preparations are done, post accordingly.


Rather than create a whole new post, I've just slightly edited the end of my last one so Reika starts the fight there instead. :3
@Tom @Khasidel @Nyton @Doshii Jun
New post.

One thing is clear. The Uniques' battle regalia is vastly superior than anticipated if it could shrug stun shots like that.

Tom didn't do much, but I ascribe that to his being on board Yukari's 'no kill' rule and hoping that the stun bolts would work - even if he planned on aiming for limbs, his pistol is still potentially lethal. When it was obvious they wouldn't, he didn't have a good shot until that Unique hosed down their corridor with lead.

Tip from GM:
Now that you've commited, you lost most of the advantage stealth gave you. There are many Uniques, they outgun you, and they outgear you, and you guys just stepped into a noose that's going to close on you. If you don't play for keeps, they are going to eat you alive.
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Darn it, my post didn't go up. I thought I'd hit reply before I went home. Hmph! Well, I'll cannibalize it for this next post.
Those aren't power armor. As for electronics, Reika did something. You're just in a poor position to know if it worked or not. At least they don't seem able to fire their rifles.