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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Just to be clear: we got a Unique with a severed neck and a wounded Unique spoiling to keep up the fight. Wounded might have her rifle, but might not be able to use it well. And there will be more coming very, very soon.
True but do we still need to adjust the last bit to reflect that or just canon the accidental godmod and roll with both Uniques being down?
Nyton was borderline. I could interpret it as the intent to do something. I'm allowing it anyways. We got better things to do than just hang up on this particular bit.

Khasidel, I edited the last paragraph of your last post. Same spirit, much shorter pace.

Most of the Uniques so far have backup weapons, a submachinegun. The last one has one too. Which can certainly turn Reika and Nyton to swiss cheese up close. Adn both aren't being very mobile, which does not bode well.
@Tom @Khasidel @Doshii Jun @Nyton
Next post is done.

Herein, Reika finds an inappropriate time to get intimately close with Nyton, and Yukari demonstrates that the same thing that killed Princess Diana can also kill an Unique.

Tom is not going to feel all that awesome for about as long as Yukari, especially if he can't wash his eyes. Nekos, on the other hand, can do some fancy biosynth stuff with their eyes and probably entirely recover much faster than that. Not to mention Yukari's own exposure is self-imposed by the RPer and I don't consider it to be significant.

Where the Uniques' "easy". I don't think they were. I think, to win, you people had to try and by espeially ruthless. I think the situation was very binary - either you won with most of your numbers (if you lost some, you wouldn't be able to continue), or you all bit the dust.

Regardless, the Uniques offer salvaged weapons. Two submachineguns with a spare clip of ammo, for one. And two mostly charged plasma assault rifles. The latter being a credible threat if you meet up against more Uniques in battle regalia.
Totally worked just how I hoped. Thanks Fred. Love the damage (to Yukari and the Unique)!
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Hey is the armor also grabable for the females in the team? Even just a chest plate beats a cocktail dress.
Unlikely. They're custom fitted to each Unique, and most nekos are rather diminutive in stature. If this was just strap-on-stuff, it'd probably be fine... but Unique armor has more in common with Mass Effect/Bubblegum Crisis hardsuits without the adjustable part (since each outfit is made to the user).
Wow custom fitted even. I didn't think they could cover that much cost to make each Unique so.....unique. ;p
I don't think the oversights are all that bad on Yukari's part. Isn't she really hurting right now? There's no need to see them as RP screw ups.

It's as innocuous a mistake as just saying "Yes," to someone over the phone while nodding. Nodding is useless, but it's part of our mannerisms.
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Okay, now Nyton's stretching my suspension of disbelief.

I was rather willing to indulge the secret agent 007 Nyton "Bond" Claymere. I figured, if it was fun for Blas, why not?

But, now, he's packing medical stuff? So, since the beginning - in terms of 'family-granted equipment' - he's shown us holograms, tripwire traps, drones, eyepieces to control/see-through-the-drones, cloaking shrouds and disguise apparatuses for everyone along with those stun barb gloves (whom apparently no longer just stun). I'm seeing no attrition of those supplies in sight. And he's the one whom has plentiful resources whereas everyone else has to make do with half-a-day-ago prepared toolboxes and scrounged up weapons.

I'm starting to find that the gadget bit is overpowering what I expect Nyton's brand of resourcefulness to be. To be earnest, I was ready and willing to indulge a speciality (I did give you time to prepare) - but this is getting too swissknife-at-will for me. MacGyver was cool because he often produced solutions from his environment, but Nyton isn't being like MacGyver - he's come all equipped with gadgets and they span such a wide-spectrum of uses that it's no longer clever... just gratuitous. Not to mention the nature of the gadgets and what they empower him to do: I thought Nyton was an infantryman whom graduated into being a ship's tactical officer... and then toed into being an entrepreneur... not a secret agent/spy. Heck, Yukari's dabbled in that actively in the last couple of years, and she's nowhere near his level. Reika, the real spy, only has a bracelet.

Am I the only one whom is nuts for seeing this contrast and thinking something is wrong?

Also, I'm seeing gadgets, but not other Nyton-like stuff. For example, paranoia:
- He's leaving their group's most vulnerable member in the care of an ally they have a lukewarm-level of trust in. Really?
- That room hasn't been scouted out. He has no more drones. So the plan is to bring the super-vulnerable Tom inside? Really?
Even if Nyton respects Yukari's leadership, the area where she shines are flying or marksmanship (and being earnest even when it's inconvenient). He's the one with the battlefield savvy (there is a reason why Nyton manages to survive while being under fire outside cover when his plans are foiled) - especially considering he's practically on hometurf. Surely there's somesort of way of showing more of that.

Hence I'm putting my foot down. Edits are in order. In fact, you can redo your entire post if you'd like.
@Nyton does not have first aid in his gadgets. If you want first aid, find a first aid kit or find an infirmary (or have Ayumu along). Otherwise, trust that Yukari's neko regeneration will get on top of that.
Focus on qualities that's made your character what he is, not crutches like gadgets.

Note, I'm not angry, and I realize this can come across as bossily blunt. I'm just trying to thoroughly make my point. Hopefully you'll relate to my dismay as GM. I'm trying to balance my players having fun, my players having the power to accomplish something, while trying not to trivialize the experience as well as giving each moments to shine. I'm worried this post sounds nastier than I mean it to be and I'm very tempted to shrink it down to only my request for edits... but I think you benefit more by having the whole picture.
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Okay, no problem. I knew I was gonna hit a wall eventually so its cool. Now that you mention it I kinda did OOC myself. >_> Give me some time to edit or scrap my post, I am still working so I only had a brief moment to check and acknowledge.
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Reactions: Wes
Thanks for understanding. I'll just flag your post with a mention that it's to be editted. You can rewrite it to your liking once you have time later today.
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