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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Saw your edit, Blas. Thanks for your cooperation.

I also liked that you gave a count of your inventory.
One mention: did Nyton have 2 sound suppressors? Nyton chucked one at the Uniques and those two couldn't talk to each other. One did have the presence of mind to bash the door with her rifle's stock to alert the people inside, but they still couldn't talk. That was largely why the other Uniques came out expecting somekind of trouble, but not the nature of it.

The suppressor used then was liked destroyed for just the same reasons the drone was.
I'm not going to make you guys move into the room and try to obtain more information.

Doshii, you're roleplaying Yukari's hurts far more severely than I intended. Feel free to have her recover enough to be mobile. As long as she minds her back and doesn't do anything vigorous, she should be able to participate in the current going ons.
Bet that motherfucker tried to offer her some cheap shit wine. Who got taught now, you scrubby cockbite?
In the latest Tom post, the Raltean's narrative makews allusion as to having seen Kotori in combat form before.

Here are past references your characters have of Kotori's track record:
  • (Nyton, Kosuka) Sparring match onboard the YSS Sakura's power armor bay, NH-22M Kotori against Kosuka. Kosuka largely dominates the fight, and Kotori's downfall is her reliance on short-reach knives and risky gambles.
  • (Nyton, Yukari/Kosuka) Kotori's power armor is crippled during the PNUgen complex invasion. Kotori takes out three unamored nekos in a surprise attack, but is later rendered near-dead by an incendiary grenade.

  • (Nyton, Tom, Yukari) Kotori confronts the Mikomi's NIWS. Kotori narrowly escapes utter defeat, her Daisy is badly damaged and it's ultimately Miharu itself that destroys the NIWS.
  • (Nyton, Tom, Yukari) Combat simulation managed by Kotori won by Nimura by exiting the simulation and demanding Kotori's surrender at gunpoint.
  • (Yukari) NH-23 Kotori rampages through Dominion, survives a fight against two Black Mindy for some time before one finally manages to kill her with an aether sword.
  • (Nyton, Tom, Yukari) Kotori uses a fightercraft to help destroy mishhmachinas at Amaya's Gate. Ultimately wrecks the fighter to save Nimura, bailing out at the last second.
  • (Nyton, Tom) Kotori uses Psionic Signal Reversal to kill several Daughter of Eve nekos about to ambush them with claivoyance/pyrokinesis/telekinesis
  • (Nyton, Tom) Kotori blocks Amaya's telepathic hold on Black Knights and then telekinetically dismantles a mishhumachina before using the dismantled pieces as projectiles.
  • (Nyton, Tom) Kotori fights and just barely manages a narrow victory against Amaya.
  • (Nyton, Tom, Yukari) Kotori uses the "Surtur" Akuma mecha against Eve's "Vermillion" mecha. Kotori largely gets wrecked by Eve and is saved by the Black Knights.

  • (Yukari, Reika) Battle recordings of the "Vermillion" Akuma-type mecha (known to have been commandeered by Kotori since its salvage) hunting down and destroying 12 SAINT Daisy armors as well as their transport vehicle in the snowy wastes surrounding one of Eve's secret safehouses.
  • (Yukari, Reika) fragmented battle footage obtained from destroyed automated drone weapons of Kotori fighting her way past traps and several squads of nekomachina in another of Eve's secret safehouses.
  • (Kosuka) Kotori is ambushed by three Ketsurui Samura traitors and is only slightly wounded before killing the three. Briefly confronts Rogue Samurai leader Ebi Nadeko before Ebi gravely wounds her; Kotori barely manages to gravely wound Ebi in return, sufficiently so that Ebi flees when Kosuka makes her appearance.
  • (Reika) On planet Kotori, Kotori kills two rogue-samurai in underwater combat (with a bit of help from Nicholas Saiga). Kotori lures five other samurai into dying from her "Vermillion" Akuma mecha's breath weapon. Trivially kills the leader of the samurai assassins. Then concocts a stratagem to cripple a Plumeria gunship with an unarmed space yatch.
  • (Reika) Kotori perished in a simulation where her Akuma mecha is defeated by two rogue-samurai SARAH power armor, because she prioritized protecting her niece Sora rather than going full out against her opponents.

Actually, during the Miharu plot, the narrative was much kinder to Nimura, Mara and (to a lesser extent) Hinoto; Kotori's own combat performance was actually only just adequate. It was after the Battle of Yamatai that Kotori actually became rather fearsome. Yukari and Reika are 'mentally prepared', though have never really personally witnessed how Kotori is going all-out over at the penthouse restaurant. For Tom and Nyton, though, this is new.
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I haven't had anything from @MoonMan since last tuesday. I'll give him until tonight to post. If not, then I'll move things forward come Saturday.
Actually that is a good question, Tom, I thought I wrote Nyton glancing around for a first aid kit when they first entered the security room.
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