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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Sorry it took so long, between long drive, getting home, family care, it was busy yesterday evening. Great drama and intensity btw.
Ah. I remember when Yu was seeded years ago. I thin I was in Nepeslia when that was going on.

But woah. Wasn't expecting that shift.
Wow, now that was quite epic. Kotori reminds me of the heroine of the old movie Firestarter. Just all samurai princess like.
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Clarification: Melisson never seeded Laj. So far as I remember, he was never there when she met a circle of nepleslian leaders.

Phlier'glashr (Phlier-gla-sher, "Phlier" sounds like Flyer but with an over-pronouced wet-F sound at the beginning) is an Umbral you've so far never heard of, but whom has been around ever since the YSS Plumeria destroyed the established SMX 'capital' during the First Mishhuvurthyar War (Hukka, I believe). He takes his "corruptor" monicker for his handiwork in establishing the transformation of humanoid to breeders as well as the use of parasites, zombies and thralls amongst the NMX. He was a loud supporter for twisting Reiaz's Doctrine of Annihilation as applied into Sprufnikkamazzar's so-called Doctrine of Assimilation. With Sprufnikkamazzar's defeat, he lost a lot in proemminence and sought ways to improve his lot and gain greater support for a renewal of the stalled NMX invasion.

You are it.

* * *

Also, the narrative didn't make it obvious, but @Tom is - more or less - back in fighting trim. The credit goes to @Khasidel for that - as he's had Reika apply first aid which helped stimmy the blood loss. Had Reika's first aid not been this efficient, Tom would've been saved, but still relatively helpless. Now? He feels whoozy, but his NH-22C Yamataian body is trying to make up for it with accelerated blood production.
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Oh ok. Gotcha. I was wondering about the whole movement thing for Tom. Reika gets mad points for medical skills!
@Tom - I thought this was obvious. I want to make it clearer for you.

The Umbral roaring and the fear it's trying to generate are things the former-Miharu-plot characters have experienced before, and Kotori's Psionic Signal Reversal ability is able to harness it and make something else of it. In this case, Kotori is taking it and using that psionic potential to instead restore Tom from death's brink.

I dunno, the language made it look like it was a normal property for an Umbral's psychic roar to heal dying people.
Oh! I shall edit then. I actually thought the psychic energy was healing him from the Umbral and it confused me but I went with it for some reason.

It's been a while and I'm writing this at almost 5 a.m. after a keg party. Sorry!
I'll also confess I have no clue what the non-english words Tom is using are supposed to mean.

(and yeah, I was wondering what the hell you were still doing up)
It's Raltean, basically Danish/Norwegian.

Vores Byrde translates to "Our Burden"

Vi kæmper means "We fight!"

I drank a lot. Need to burn it off before sleeping or I'll have a terrible hangover.
Oh hey what happened to Odette and Laj? After the floor burst and they were in the general vicinity of it I hadn't seen anything regarding them.
They got pushed off out of the danger zone when Kotori gave that gravitic shove; just the same as Nyton.

The Umbral talking should away made Odette stir. As for Laj, he's apparently the first person ever to recover from being Umbral-seeded without having to switch bodies.
Sorry for that unfinished post earlier. Trying to post on a mobile can be frustrating. I'll have to hit this later, save me some action guys.
Just to refresh my memory: I think there is 1 plasma rifle left and I think Tom was carrying a submachine gun that Yukari gave him? That's probably on the floor as well and can be picked up.

Any other weapons?
On the terrasse's floor should be a fairly wide assortment of weapons. Most Uniques had a plasma rifle, a submachinegun - you're liable to find a amix of these and this ought to only require moving to a body and bending down to pick a weapon of your choice. They're probably already expended to some capacity due to them being used against Kotori before. Each defeated Unique is also liable to carry at least one spare magazine/battery to reload, along with a combat knife. Furthermore, at least half of them ought to have some form of anti-personnel grenades... they were especially outfitted to fight Kotori so they had stronger fare than the ones you fared before - some may have one or two of: fragmentation or incendiary.

Mind, all of those weapons are anti-personnel fare. While they can be expected to hurt the Umbral, the damage will be much more limited than it was with your Daisy plasma rifles. Plasma and fire, of course, will smart more because it'll hinder any self-healing on the part of the Umbral. Most of these will prove lethal of smaller spawns of the Umbral (i.e.: the bugs) though accuracy may become an issue.
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