Star Army

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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

@Doshii Jun

I can't seem to spot the post where Yukari lost her sword fighting. Plus the last two lines of your latest post are coloured black and I almost didn't read them at all. ^_^;

Anywhosit; writing a reply now :P
I was having color issues last night. That's what I get. I'll recolor them.

As for the blade, hmmmm. Let me go back and check too. There was a moment in talking with Fred that we determined that Yukari had blade skill < Reika, so I thought I wrote she handed it off. BUT! If that isn't the case, I can fix it.

Ah. So she gave her the bracelet, not the blade. Hoi with the inventory! I'll fix all that up. Ignore that last bit, @Khasidel !
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Beyond the rush of wind and movement the ropy tentacle attacks subjected him to, the other thing he was aware of was how hot Kotori was. Not hot as in sexy and attractive, but hot in the litteral her-skin-is-scalding-hot-and-it's-burning-mine sense.

Great line! :D
I know, I've been trying to come up with something but I'm sitting here writers blocked.

EDIT: Finally wrote something. Feels bare but its all I got.
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Next post!
@MoonMan @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Tom @Khasidel

And yes, Doshii, you get to roleplay Yukari in the state she's in.

Also, while my post takes Yukari's perspective, Nyton actually has much less of a connection with the Umbral. Ever since he's felt horrified by the prospect of being seeded, it's like its muddled the perceptions he'd been given. Effectively, his balking at the notion is hindering whatever insights he'd been getting.
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Wow, are you sure Yukari would shoot at Tom like that though, even dominated? She does love the guy terribly... although it may seem in her mind that Kotori has stolen him away somehow.
Aw snap, Yukari has joined the seeded club.

Also, I figured the connection may bury itself with Nyton getting spooked by it. That action by him shouldn't be surprising even if it had proved useful. Anything Umbral is rather disgusting to him. I kind of had to restrain myself a bit not to try and use it more since I could see the practical value of it but I just couldn't see Nyton being cool with it after so much anger and trauma towards Melisson in the past. Still, now that Kotori is injured, I may see an opening for him being more agreeable to its 'benefits'.
Eh... I feel bad for Jake here. He went out of his way to RP Yukari's regret and then robotic determination at being given a "chance" to redeem herself in the eyes of her true love/husband and she cracks without so much a thought?

I feel it somewhat undermines what Jake is trying to accomplish with Yukari. He built a lot of internal guilt into his character through the last thread and this one. Adding this on top of it, I don't know... it feels a bit like overkill? Like the guilt from this (if we survive this) would be so great that she'd want to kill herself... it feels irreparable.

It's always a touchy subject to "steal" free will from a player's character. I know this is an Umbral strategy and all, but this is lacking the same.... Impact I think the word is... from before with Melisson. Something doesn't feel right, I can't exactly pin it but it's a gut feeling that something's off.

Granted, Jake may be along for the ride without any complaints, which makes these concerns invalid, but this is just my perspective. Yukari looks really bad here.
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Well, I enjoy the feeling of kicking a puppy about as much as anyone else, so, I'm doing a rollback.

You guys will have to wait until I figure out what to post next.