Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC Black Knights/Byakuren Discussion

Sorry can't post tonite maybe tomorrow got drunk after work with boss hope not sick since hard liquor makes me throw up even when drinking water maybe post in morning so awesome GM post with Kotori healing but Reika be okay gonna shoot Umbral with machine gun to distract and hurt ha ha eat that ! Nyton will say even though mentally tired, he will do anything for Kotori even willing to work with Mellisson to help her though he hates her but maybe can forgive? I know hate is poison to soul I used to lay in bed and say I hate my ex-wife back at Ft Eustis on weekends so guys please let go of hate is poison to soul trying to say, I forgive her, if she sees this she can know I forgive her I have to close one eye just to type so i can see, hey Noah got drunk and it was recorded so maybe this lesson to someone yes this is drunk post but I be okay go to to sleep soon hopefully not be sick tomorrow morning hard liquor too much beer okay though, guys I love you all people all loved by God and Jesus awesome don't think not serious because drunk. Doesn't happen often but stressful day at work yeah I hope this amusing and informative like yeah that Blas/Nyton guy isn't just gloom and serious but also know mundane stuff but world is not mundane God have BIG plans for everyone if they only knew it would be bigger than even stuff on SARP no offense Wes SARP is cool and all but everyone has this like awesome purpose we just don't know it becuz on purpose it's hidden from us because if we knew it would be bad news for devil like an Intel thing seriously it would we could be like army that beats monsters worse than SMX if we just knew Christ better because He IS awesome and not some dude in sandals He is dude in awesome ARMOR because He is Lord of Hosts so you know He is decked out in awesome armor that you look at and be like Wooooooow that is so awesome like to me like better than PHALANX and you know I always liked that armor and yeah it'll be better than that so accept Jesus and not just because I am drunk posting but because He IS awesome and He is real and things are happening that means its the end times and close and you can be forgiven no matter how bad you were I did bad things too and can be forgiven maybe now bad but testify what is real and in my mind and what is happening and why because its the end times and time is short so find Jesus He is easy to find sorry drunk so sloppy but He is better than me and awesome. Drunk posting but please don't delete mods, Wes forgot to thank you for taking me to Katsucon, back at Eustis would not have met loving wife had not been for you thank you and thank God for how things worked out. Is miracle got married again to perfect person less than year later, getting nostalgic now.No regrets , Fred I love your stories God gave you a gift in that same Tom Jake and everyone we all have great purpose don't think it's minor Big Big stuff coming supernatural stuff don't delete this I will or edit when sober, but big stuff to happen soon not crazy but we with big minds for unreal stuff can handle but MUST be with God it'll be so cool like Dynasty Warriors cool and then some . Lets be on same teamtime is soon only reason allowed to even type this think of awesome name for division Jesus say Awesome name division ' go crush those monsters there. Big fight exciting! Not sure how to close this. God knows, He loves, He is like better than most awesome dad you can imagine is why devil tear apart family like mine, so we not know what good dad is like just learning that recently. Mine so~so to distant, so many like that or worse, is done on purpose so we not know what GOOD dad is like, part of enemy plan. Think! It's tactical! Dad God loves us even bad people is devil makes them be bad with lies and temptation we only human fall for lies and lusts. Must forgive hate is poison to soul, I know. Okay done getting hard to see now. Good night!
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I love your post man. 965786555/10
I had to share it. I hope you get all the Kotori healing you want.
I will run away now.
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Preach on brother, preach on. God and the Universe has a plan for us all.

(Also, B vitamins and water will help you feel better in the morning. :))
Sorry that took so long. Nothing like working late after recovering from a hangover and not eating anything all day because you can't keep it down. This is why I don't drink often, hard liquor makes me sick. Anyway, drunk post could use some grammar edits but that's just part of the charm. Otherwise its legit.
Apologies if it seems I'm not posting, but Fred's taking good care of the helicopter direction and, beyond Laj commenting with "What the fuck is going on down there?", I've got little to contribute.

But I am keeping up on the edge of my seat, let me tell you!
So, we have this orcatopus roaring as it is pursuing an helicopter going in spirals and corkscrew maneuvers around a tall skyscrapper. I'm reminded of movie features like King Kong and Godzilla.
@MoonMan @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Tom @Khasidel

Fortunately, Odette seems to know how to fly an helicopter.

Funny, I don't remember Nyton's drunk post to have been quite this long the first time I read it. Was Blas drunk again and did drunk Blas go back to drunkenly edit his drunken post?
...and the latest GM post is up, detailing further the nature of your character's latest misadventures.
@MoonMan @Nyton @Doshii Jun @Tom @Khasidel

Tom's pants might be feeling a little full at the moment. Luckily, there's an equally discomfitted Reika right next to him whom shares similar needs. Dun dun duun!

As for Nyton, someone please get the poor guy an aspirin.
I'm going to look strange asking these questions, but there's a reason.

First: comparatively, Tom has one bite and Reika has had a total of four now. Since this is basically sexual-fever-inducing venom, then how "horny" are the two? Not exactly sure how to gauge "infection" level based on the yamatain vs Neko body and their respective resistance capabilities.

Second: do the effects diminish if sexual activity takes place or does it make it worse?
This mostly follows the same principle as the mosquito bite. The Umbral bite is meant to have prey slow down and twitch in the urge to rut, so that then Umbral can then devour it at its leisure or implant eggs without interference.

Reika's mostly moved past the first bite she received - at this time it's nearly a non-factor. I'm leaving Khasidel to judge how much the triple bite will affect his character based on his earlier impression. Mishhu aphrodisiac has always been an exception to neko resistance, so, I don't really imagine there's much of a difference in how nekos cope with it (though they might be able to willfully recover faster if they manage to keep their heads, I suppose).

I don't think the effect would really diminish through sexual activity, though I figure it would make the entire ordeal much easier to go through, in terms of how they'd feel physically.
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Wrote the last post on the run before darting off to work. I've thought of this during the day, so, I want to readdress the issue.

If you want a benchmark of how the Umbral bite gets handled, I think Khasidel's post on Reika experiencing said bite is a pretty good one. While she was being bit, at first go it seemed like her body was betraying her, but she managed to keep things in context, reasserted her volition and tried to move past it. After killing the bug, she got moving, and since the Umbral wasn't biting her anymore, that's where her neko resistance kicked in, allowing her to function. At first she was needy and sexually ached. Later the pain of the bites became more pronounced. So, to me, the way Khasidel treated it before was just right.

Neko 'resistances' and 'immunities' have never been consistent. Despite described so by Wes, Wes rarely upheld them with Mishhu paralytic and aphrodisiac venoms. As a GM, I kind of prefer having the ability to take you down without necessarily crippling you in the long run. This ties in neko resistance more with their ability to regenerate, which is consistent with portrayal, even if it isn't with the racial description.

Tom is, I expect, kind of affected the same. He's not out of control if he really doesn't mean to be, but he's suddenly aroused, and horny and it really isn't the time. It doesn't change that he's currently in the mood for something entirely inappropriate for the circumstances. But he doesn't benefit from Reika's neko metabolism - it'll take a bit longer for this to wear off. I don't think the act of having sex in itself 'expends' the venom's effect on those affected, though if you try to fulfill a need, it at least makes the person feel better in the meantime (which is typically where the Mishhu in the 18+ boards have their way with their tentacles on suddenly very willing victims).

Reika's first Umbral bite is a non-factor; she's pretty much moved past it. The three new bites, though, do subject her to pretty much triple the potency she was under before. I'm not dictating to Khasidel how to handle this ... mostly because I don't want to. I've subjected your characters to all sort of unpleasant things lately and I'm still hoping that you'll keep seeing these as roleplaying challenges rather than some ordeal to go through that'll make you feel bad for your character. Luckily, Reika's bugs didn't keep chewing at her so her exposure was pretty brief - if Khasidel just shows Reika disabled/really hindered in some form, I'll be pretty content.
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Right-oh; should have the time to properly read through what's happened and make a reply tonight after my work shift. :D
@Khasidel, your latest post was excellent. I do, however, want to point out a few things for consistency.

Nepleslians dying from numerous bites has happened before. But 3 is too low a threshold, more like 9 to 12 depending on constitution. Remember that players falling within the "human" bracket like Nyton and Tom can suffer these bites. Getting bitten 3 times in these circumstances isn't hard, and it'd get pretty mortal.

In roleplay example of the Nepleslian death was a report that a nepleslian captive tried to punch Melisson and his fist just cratered through her chest. But then the chest closed around his fist and he probably took a dozen bites of the amalgam bugs that actually consist her flesh, right inside the hole he punched through her. He seizured and died.

Another bit is that the Umbral saliva shouldn't be inducing orgasms so much as it should be inducing arousal and need. Otherwise previous roleplays with Mishhu injecting aphrodisiac and then molesting their all-too-willing victims until orgasms would be inconsistent with your description. If you absolutely need Reika to orgasm, you could have her helpless to do anything but masturbate and have her come easily -- but my feeling was that the need would just be crippling even if she'd kept some her head (Reika can writhe on the floor, totally realize what's going on, and achingly/laboriously try to endure while trying to contain herself). If not, then she'd likely lose it and either masturbate or look for something that can fulfill that need (Kotori if part of her still cares about not cheating; or anyone else if she's not that picky).