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RP [Council] Black Dusk


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 43
RP Location

The Council Room

Ever since the return from the broken spirit fleet, Sareash was unable to give her wife comfort. While she was glad that Alice got back to her, she had to give space to let her process what just had happened. Sareash admitted that she rather be there with her wife, but the NDC was in a state of grief, silent chaos, and much pain. Her department was working around the clock to keep lords safe and important locations in check. Sareash sighs as she did her best to avoid most of the journalists while walking into the government building that would function as their council operations.

Stepping into the council room she notices that none of the others had arrived just yet, this clusterfuck was required to be discussed and while her own mind was elsewhere she answered the call as it was her duty to do so. Placing her files on the table of her seat she placed her hands on the desk taking deep breaths to get some calm in her frustration that had been building up since the return of that fleet. Her eyes glance over the notes and narrowed them seeing the numbers again.
  • 10 Albion's
  • 35 Scythes
  • 77 SS1s
That was about 70% of the fleet and people demanded answers. Sareash could only guess what political course this would take, there were already rumors in the hallways about a new movement forming as a response to this black day. Taking a seat as she rubbed her face, trying to consider all options on how to tackle this problem, from a point of security view, she knew that things will grow in tension if there is no answer soon to this call of grief.

@Alex Hart @Jack Pine @SageShooter, @Noodlewerfer and @Whisper. Topic got discussed with Jack and in respond to the return of the naval force with about 30%
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Waylan entered, dressed well but imminently uncomfortable compared to his preferred outfit of a loose floral shirt and sandals. His new role as the head of the Department of Fleet Development didn't really allow for some of his ... eccentricities. Given the losses that C.A.F.F. had recently endured, the last thing that the faction's leadership needed was people asking why some unprofessional character was in charge.

He settled into his seat at the table and looked around the room. His eyes eventually settled on the other occupant. "Hello, Councilwoman Sareash. Or is it Minister now? I'm still getting caught up on all the .. social details of this position. I'm Waylan, I don't think we've had the chance to meet before.

Hell of a first day on the job, I've gotta say."
James Aglatine entered the council chambers, his rather unimpressive suit and brown hair painting the picture of a rather average individual as he made his way to his desk. He slipped into the seat and pulled a dataslate from a hidden pocket in the suit. Despite having a Geist, it seemed like some habits died old for the 32-year-old. "Ministers." He said politely, though never overly familiar, just as usual.

"I hope we're able to come to some sort of solution today, even if it's only short-term. I've had several instances of citizens taking to the streets and blocking traffic to Obsidian's military district, and I've got reports of protests in Dawn and Arcadia." Aglatine said, in a genial but matter-of-fact manner; "I've also had reports of the technicians and laborers petitioning their cadre representatives to call for our resignation. Half of them think we're warmongers, and the other half think we're too weak to protect them."
Waylan made a dismissive motion with one hand.

"We just need to show them results. New technology, new territories, all of that. The loss of that much of the fleet is certainly a tragedy, but it does save us the trouble of figuring out what to do with last generation ships," the man tapped his finger on the table a few times.

"Terrible thing, the loss of the crews, of course. Situations like these make me think it's a pity that we don't do backups like the Star Army does, but the science is rather conclusive that the new person isn't always the same as the old one. Bit of a conundrum, that."

Waylan Vulca was a genius when it came to many, many things - but 'People Skills' was nowhere on that list. He was at least trying to act like people mattered, which was an improvement over his usual attitude.
After greeting the two that just arrived into the room "Gentlemen, the concerns are well met and thus we are here to conclude to come to a solution" Sareash calmly spoke, the situation was demanding an answer and Sareash could taste the bitterness that this could take some time before going public with any kind of solution. Taking a deep breath "While I applaud the idea to show our progression, the people that have lost their closes of kin will not forget and might see your solution as a cover-up that we blundered" Sareash spoke towards Waylan.

"But having a solution is not something I can come up with at this current moment myself, the only thing I can come up with is that compensation for lost is met with those that lost their lives in duty" Sitting back in her chair "Additionally calling out some kind of tribute to these heroes that have helped to stopped this invasion would significantly decrease the potential riot danger' She pointed out and nods a bit to herself tapping her finger on the table "If we can turn around the situation to our favor, we could get favoritism from the public, make those that have fallen be recognized as NDC heroes, role models?"
Waylan drummed his fingers again. He preferred to solve his problems with high-tech solutions, but an appeal to the heart made some amount of sense. He tried to reframe the populous into 'team members', who he was actually able to work with effectively.

It didn't work particularly well. His mind kept telling him, 'the optimal team size is 13 people or less!' and other facts about why the civilian populous needed to be restructured to be more efficient. Which wasn't his job.

"A tribute sounds nice," he said eventually.
"Honoring the lost is all well and good." Aglatine said, "But we need to show a commitment to the future, to show that what our military and our nation stands for is not what some of our citizens are beginning to fear it does."

Aglatine tapped at the datapad for a moment, looking down while he spoke. "Recently the Archduchess announced the plans for a new nobility, as well as knighthood. However, we've yet to identify and 'knight' anyone. This seems like a good opportunity to use the title to show our citizenry the values we stand for, by setting out a living role model, not many dead ones."

He tapped on the datapad again, sending over a personnel file to the other ministers. "This is one Sear Aznoble, a frame pilot, distinguished himself at Glimmergold. He had a high kill count, but then so did most pilots who survived. What's notable to me was the reports of him risking his life to shoot down torpedoes that would have otherwise sunk a Yamataian super-capital."

Aglatine set the datapad down, and looked at the other ministers for a moment before speaking again. "I think that this is the kind of person we need to use to show what the New Dusk Conclave stands for; Selflessness, honor, all that other knightly business."
Ranga Havard, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Yamatai Star Empire, was a busy woman in the aftermath of Glimmergold. She had put together a small fleet of ships from outside Yamatai to come along. They had stayed close to the wormhole to defend it, and casualties had been light for them. However, light wasn't the same thing as none. She had to convince many of them that despite their losses, this really had been a victory and a major one that Yamatai was thankful for their assistance with. With the conclave, a slightly different tact would likely be needed. They committed more ships than any other power their size.

She reviewed the information in her head about them as she entered the council room ahead of the meeting. Her bodyguards posted themselves outside with the rest of the guards. The short Neko's hair was in a complicated braid that ran down her back. They seemed to be talking about potentially adding some knights from the heroes of Glimmergold. She nodded, knighthood did seem something for the living and not the dead. She would let them talk until she was able to either do something specific to help or was asked a question.
Isabelle Pine walked into the council room, not looking particularly energetic. "Sorry I'm late," she tersely said. She had heard enough to know what they were talking about. Despite Glimmergold technically being a victory, it didn't feel like one. "It would be a good idea to both honor the fallen and identify potential knights. The losses we suffered cannot simply be overlooked, nor can the achievements of many of the survivors. But how many knights are we looking to name?"
Sareash nodded to all the ideas so far that had been put on the table "As I said, a role model. That candidate for knighthood would be a prime example of showing what NDC is and it can help as a morale boost" She replied to Aglatine suggestion with an approval nod "But is it possible to somehow meet the people that lost their loved ones in battle? We can't simply ignore them, they might be the ignition for a riot that we cant use at this moment"

Seeing Isabelle enter the room, Sareash looked a bit alerted at Havard entering the room also. She rose her hand to halt the conversation for a bit "That is okay Minister Pine, and you are?" Sareash looked at Havard a bit with narrowed eyes "We are currently in a council meeting that is meant for behind closed doors, so how can we help you?" She wanted to throw the person out, but seeing that it was a Neko and wearing formal clothing, she needed to bite her lips a bit to see what the person wants.
Neera who had entered the room at some point during the conversation, along with her uncle and co-ruler. Likewise, minister Cerulius also entered, not far behind her family friend, minister pine, who she knew was having a rough go of things after the death of her husband some months ago. The vulpine woman raised a hand to draw Sareashe's attention to her, "It is okay minister, she is here as a diplomatic envoy from the star army. At my and my uncle's behest.", Neera said before touching on the topic that was at hand. "I agree that we need heroes in these less then joyous times, but the dead shall not be forgotten either. It was their sacrifice that got us here, and it will be those who carry it forward that we recognize as well. I want more then one name if we are to knight, a first wave if you will, instead of placing one person alone on a moral pedestal. I nominate our head of the old Blade order, Sir Rorik Istavan."

The Minister of advanced research and development, Seraphina Cerulius, had taken her seat by now. Briefly taking a moment to look over the minutes of what little had been discussed so far. Crossing one leg over the other, while carefully resting her back in her chair, the wingless Elysian was far from happy about the topic of the dead. It had been over two years since she had remembered seeing such losses as they had seen. It upset her greatly that this was starting to become almost a yearly occurrence, but helping to stop such things, was indeed part of her branch's job afterall. The woman looked over those assembled in the chamber with her, "As someone who has seen this kind of loss in our history before, and knew the founder, I believe recognizing those gone is definitely a priority. I do not imagine sweeping it under the rug, would have made his late lordship very pleased. I agree with some of us here, that we should be recognizing both equally as well. I am for the knighting, but would strongly recommend a mass funeral service, with diplomatic representation being mandatory in some capacity."

"I believe both of those are splendid ideas. Minister Algatine, would you kindly send his file my way as well if you would? I also agree with my niece that we should compose a list of more then just one person, and believe myself, that we should perhaps have at the minimum five for this endeavor. The Archduchess and I, will even knight them personally to show our support, as the people need to see we are recognizing the deeds and effort these people have put forth for their nation. That being said, despite the events of my dear brother's death last year, we should also be present for the mass funeral if we are to carry it out." Mark spoke firmly, yet kindly, as he addressed the council in it's full attendance now. He wanted this sensitive topic addressed first, and relatively quickly within reason, as it could cause ripples of a concerning nature if not handle correctly. The Archduke looked to his niece, then back to the council before adding, "As my brother once said, "We must recognize hope, as much as sorrow. Both are driving forces of the heart, and therefore those of our own people." I do believe they are wise words to be recognized, and I wish to make sure they are heeded as we move forward. We have delicate situation on our hands, and we need to show the people what they, and their efforts mean to us."
Aglatine passed the file from his datapad to his Geist, and then sent it over to to Mark. Setting the pad aside, he interwove most of his fingers but steepled the index fingers as he placed his hands on his desk. "It seems like we're in agreement then, a mass funeral service to honor the dead and a knighting to show the way for the living."

He tapped his index fingers together for a moment before speaking again. "As to location for the services, I think that Sanctuary Park would serve as a powerful statement that the royal family is uncowed by the late Lord Pine's loss."
Waylan rubbed his hands together as the details wrapped up. He didn't care too much for the particulars of when, where, or who they held the services, though he was glad that he was surrounded by people who did care about such things.

Instead, his mind was on the next thing he could be working on. "I'll see what I can put together for our new knights. Something to add a little prestige, you know?"

He leaned back in the chair a bit, still in thought. "You know, we've got those plans to build the wall for Obsidian City. Do we want to work that in somehow? 'This wall is dedicated to the memories of those who lost their lives .. something, something .. may their memory ever protect the citizens of the ..' That sort of thing. I'm only really good at giving tech demos, so don't ask me to figure out the speech."
Seeing the lord coming into the room made Sareash wanted to stand up and salute him, but this was her inner army experience playing up to show respect to your leaders. She gave a nod to the new arrivals and listen carefully to what they and all of the others had to say. Sareash was glad to hear that they were agreeing with some of the suggestions that she made. Looking at Waylan "That would be a good idea to use the wall as a dedication to those we have lost and it is a symbol that we do not forget our people for what they did for the NDC" She gave merit to the idea.

Yet another idea was hunting her as well, well it was not really an idea but a suggestion to a problem that is being overlooked right now "So that brings us to the next problem, our people that went to the battle and actually got back" She rose her hand to stop someone from talking "While I know we got the knights title as a plan, what are we going to do with those that are traumatized by that awful battle?" Sareash sighs a bit "I was thinking to have the personnel that came back to be checked and be re-evaluated to see if they are still fit for duty. If not they get an honorable discharge with a reasonable amount of money and support"
Seraphina sat with a pensive look on her angelic elysian features, blue eyes piercing with purpose. "Yes, I'm sure our health care system and recent advances can handle the stress test of, dealing with so many mentally scarred personnel. Though one thing I believe that will need to be done, is ensuring that additional mental health staff are employed. Especially with such advanced cases, which likely need special assistance to handle.", she said as she directly replied to the other Elysian on the council. Both of them had it in common that they had sacrificed, and suffered much in service to their country, so their views were mostly aligned on that front she hoped.

The woman crossed a leg over the other as she thought to continue that line of discussion. "As for the compensation, yes I do believe we owe them that as well. In light of all that they've sacrificed, it will help to cover their needs as they settle into lives conforming to their health conditions. Additional leave for those still in service as well, I understand many may need it."
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