Star Army

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RP: Section 6 Daddy instincts

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
188604/ star port outside Osman/ late afternoon

Two short hybrids, both with red butterfly wings, eyes, antennae, and long tails waited in a freighter, both wearing special matching blue sweaters made so their wings could pass through slits in the back. The older one, the sister, had blonde hair and boasted a full inch over her younger brother in height. Her younger brother with brown hair nervously sat next to her, she seemed rather annoyed too. One might even get the impression that they were kids, though they were in fact teenagers, with Adria, the sister being 18 and Adilis, the brother being 15. Adria rolled her eyes, waiting for the freighter to arrive, and grumbled "Are we there yet..."

The freighter would land in what barely passed as a space port on the outskirts of Osman City. The cargo bay doors would open and the ramps lowered, a nicely dressed couple would descend the ramp and beckon for the children to follow.

Adria irritably got up and made her way down the ramp, with Adilis quick to follow, standing up and holding onto her decently sized right wing. If it were anyone else Adria might complain, but she didn't really care about this given that this had been his habit for a while. They reached the end of the ramp, trailing behind the couple.

Jack Pine was at the port as well with the intention to talk to captains about possible shipping contracts to ship Section 6 merchandise to Asteria.

"Hello, I was wondering if you had a moment to talk a potential business arrangement if you are interested." Said Jack as he approach. His snow white hair made the man who stood 6'2 with crimson eyes out of the crowd of people ambling around the port.

"We are always interested in chances to get more money." The male of the couple stated turning to Jack.

Adilis and Adria stood at their humble heights of 4'8 and 4'9, quietly standing behind the couple. Adria glanced at Jack while Adilis slowly shifted behind Adria, peeking over her wing so that it appeared some sort of extra set of wings, antennae, and legs was waiting at her side. Adria was somewhat annoyed that she was being used as some form of walking cover but she didn't care very much at the moment, and besides, she knew that she would probably be yelled at if she complained... and she certainly didn't need her brother getting yelled at, either.

"Good, I need captains such as yourself to run cargo to the planets of Asteria." Jack said with a smile and an offered hand.

"Well that is perfectly fine as long as the money is good. Adria go fetch my pad so I can write up a contract." The man replied then barked at the girl with them.

Adria groaned then walked off to get the mans pad. Adilis let out a quiet "eep" as he watched his hiding spot walk away. Then turned to look at Jack and the man and slightly quivered in place, now alone. Fortunately his sister was not gone for long, as she returned and unenthusiastically handed the man the pad. Adilis was quick to shuffle behind the portable wall that her red wings formed again, even if his wings were just as big and just as visible.

"Do you always talk to your children like pets?" Jack asked with a displeased look and a raised eyebrow.

"Who said we weren't his pets..." Adria muttered. Adilis visibly, at least whichever parts of him could still be seen behind his sister, got more nervous, he was sure the couple wouldn't like that little comment.

The man would move to backhand, "silence!", But would be stopped as he was grabbed by the wrist.

"You realize that counts as slavery which is outlawed on 188604. People like you disgust me." Jack said gripping the man's wrist with increasing pressure before kneeing him in the balls causing him to double over. The woman backed off a few steps as Jack glared from the man to her, "Come along kids, we'll get you away from them."

Adilis shivered nervously, letting out a slight whimper when the man got kneed. He crouched, hiding behind Adria, now scared. Adria raised an eyebrow and looked at Jack, saying "How do we know you won't treat us as your pets too?"

"You don't, and I doubt you would believe me if I told you I wouldn't. Do you want to stay with this dirtbag, or take a chance and have a chance at being free. Life is one big uncertainty, you have to decide if the leap is worth the risk." Jack said inwardly tempted to give the man another hit, but figured it wasn't worth it. He needed to help the kids now.

Adria glanced at the man, then looked at Jack. She proceeded to walk to Jack with her tail flicking behind her. Adilis shook and clutched her hand, following, unsure of whether or not they should go with Jack, though he didn't really have a choice since Adria was already moving. He tried to stay behind her and avoid being seen as much as possible, his face was not even visible behind her back as they proceeded.

Jack lead them to a Emry's hover car, "Why didn't you leave those people before now? Also we're going to have to make a couple stops." he said climbing into the driver's seat as waited for the two to get in.

Adria and Adilis got in the car, with Adilis now visible since he could no longer hide behind Adria. They sat down with Adilis holding her hand worriedly, and Adria said "They wouldn't let us leave. We didn't have anyone to go to anyway."

"Well I guess not the best welcome to 188604, but this is where you'll be until we can find you a legal guardian. We can't leave you homeless. Speaking of home I need to head home soon otherwise my wife will kill me, my children too probably." Jack said with a soft chuckle as he started the engine causing the car to lift.

Adilis let out a quiet "eep", startled by the car rising. Adria rolled her eyes and layed the side of her head on her hand sarcastically saying "Yeah, sure, and then I guess they can just abuse us too." Adria wasn't very optimistic about a legal guardian, and even then she was assuming someone would adopt them in the first place.

"That's why we need to make sure the right ones are chosen. Sarah and Rose are out. Beaumont maybe. Jay is too young. Sasha is not exactly the mother type. Uso I would wish to adopt anyone. Alex and Araxie are away. Doesn't exactly leave a lot of options." He spoke mainly to himself as he began to pull out of the star port and into the city.

Adria, unmoved, said "Of course... I suspected as much. No one would adopt us anyway."

"Why would you think that no one would want to adopt you?"Jack asked his expression becoming of concern.

"Why would you think they would?" she responded grouchily.

"If it's about your race. I've adopted weirder. I have a son who turns into a dog and a daughter that used to be a wolf. So I don't see any reason why no one would adopt the two of you." Jack said still concerned.

"Yeah, sure you don't..." Adria grumbled. Adilis peered from his seat out the window at the city. Adria unenthusiastically sat in her seat, frowning grumpily.

"Why are you so set on the idea of not being accepted? I don't get it. Where are your real parents?" Jack asked both irritated and confused at the twos attitude and pessimistic view.

Adria picked up her head and looked at him, narrowing her eyes. "We don't have real parents. We were grown in a tube. We never had parents, unless you consider those two scumbags back there to be parents."

Jack lowered his gaze, his expression a pained one, "No, those weren't parents. Seems to be an all too common thing, so many kids growing up with no family. At least you two have each other. I didn't even have that growing up." He said reverting to solemn silence.

Adria listed to him and rested her antennae-topped head on the back of the seat for a while, then impatiently began to silently tap her foot. "...Are we there yet?" She said, getting back up. Adilis hadn't said anything, timidly watching Jack.

"Yeah we're almost to the house. The neighborhood is just a few miles down the highway next to the Section 6 facility. Isabelle, Amit and Neera should be home." He said as rows of nice two story houses came into view.

"Who are they?" Adria asked. Adilis lowered in his chair, nervous of meeting even more people he didn't know. Adria peeked at the window, searching for the neighborhood or that facility. "What is the Section 6 facility? What does it even look like?"

"Well as for your first question. Isabelle is my wife, Amit is my son, Neera is my daughter, both adopted. As for s6, it is a large black warehouse like building with several extensions. They're an advanced research and development group." Jack explained as they just entered the neighborhood. Compared to the surrounding desert it was nice, with two story houses and actual grass.

"Oh. Research and development huh... So let me guess, they make more people like us and sell them to abusive owners?" Adria asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow. Adilis, lowered in his seat, watched the tops of houses fly by outside the window.

"No, we don't do genetics research. We do everything from engineering, ship development, advanced R&D, robotics, weapons, medical applications, and we have SABER a special forces division. Making everything from toasters to hyperspace fold drives." Jack clarified.

"Oh well uh... That's good... I guess..." she said as she looked out the window. Her tail slithered out from behind her and drifted over, hanging off the side of the seat. She quickly noticed when Adilis' long tail wandered over and wrapped around the end of it a single time, as if they were holding hands but with... tails. Adilis simply looked at Adria, worried about what would happen when they reached the house, while Adria simply returned to watching the window.

"By the way, welcome home, the papers were verified a couple minutes ago. You now have citizenship and a legal guardian. Full rights under the USO bill of rights and government charter." Jack added as he pulled into a drive way.

Adilis looked confused, tilting his head when Jack said this. Adria perked up, quickly sitting up and interjecting "Wait... what? Home? Legal guardian? Papers Wh... What do you mean?"

"You've been adopted. You will be living with me and Izzy and our children. So yes, welcome home." Jack said hopeful with their sudden positive reaction.

Jack got out of the car and beckoned them towards the house, saying "I'm home guys! Honey you doing okay today? Neera! I got some people I want you to meet. Hey Amit, how's it going buddy?" he said after entering through the front door.

Amit was sitting there on the sofa with Companion in his hands, the large cat plushie was sitting there in front of him. He started to just mess with how he was positioned. Giving the peach colored thing some different poses when he finally heard the door open. Scratching at the metal collar, he glanced away and went back to messing with Companion. It was only when he heard more footsteps entering the house that he looked back up to see two....what were...what the hell? A very uncertain look was given to them.

"IZZY!!!!!!!!" Amit screamed, quickly grabbing hold of Companion and adjusting his position.

Glancing between the two strange children and looking over the edge of the couch, waiting for Izzy to appear again.

Adria had followed Jack inside, stunned in surprise. Adilis shivered and remained nearly unseeable behind her, aside from an occasional glance over her shoulder at them. "Eeee..." he quietly uttered. Adria looked at Jack, and Amit, scratching her head, confused.

Izzy walked in from another room, her stomach quite noticable. "What is it......oh hi Jack. Who are these two?" She barely saw the boy behind the girl and she probably wouldn't have if he hadn't muttered anything. She smiled kindly at them.

"Well I have....heh um,.....kinda adopted two more kids. They were being abused, I had to do something." Jack said holding his hands up in defense.

Amit held tighter to Companion before scooting off the coach and going to hide behind Izzy. What was he suppose to do in this situation? Siblings? SIblings?! MORE?!! Why?

Adria was still confused, almost about to ask "Who?" While Adilis softly whined an "", hiding behind Adria, tightly clutching her hand. Adria's head turned to look at Izzy when she walked in, then Jack, then Izzy again. She couldn't say she expected to be adopted so soon, especially considering she was doubting she would get adopted in the first place.

Izzy looked between the two two, "Sorry if I startled you two. Are you okay?" She smiled at the two before glaring at Jack, "A small amount of warning would have been nice." She reached back and grabbed Amit's hand comfortingly.

Jack held his hands up in nervous surrender, "what was I supposed to do, let them do the void knows what to these kids?"

Amit was glancing out from behind Izzy still, but he was very..wary of this. It was hard enough to adjust to Neera becoming a 'sister'. Now he had to this two more times? Granted, one sister and one brother. Having his hand grabbed, he was a bit surprised but he didn't pull away. Uncertainty and doubt was on his face as he kind of glanced down toward the floor. There was no reason for him to say anything, this was a grown up disccusion. His say meant little in that.

"Please," Adria said, "Nothing can scare me." The top of Adilis' head slowly peeked around the side of one of Adria's wings to look at Amit and Izzy, then retreated behind her again. Adilis didn't know any of these people and wanted to hide from them in fear, meanwhile Adria didn't seem to care, and she hardly noticed him hiding behind her.

"Then you are a rather strong person, the one behind you doesn't seem to be in qite the same agreement," Izzy said looking at her kindly. She smiled at the boy as he poked his head out from behind the girl's wings.

Neera came down stairs to look at the children curiously, the white furred wolf anthro's crimson eyes looking them, "Um dad, there are butterfly people in our house."

"This is your new brother and sister. I expect you to be nice to your siblings, and love them all the same." Jack said, "And Amit, come on buddy, you don't need to be scared."

Amit glanced at Neera, looking weerly at her. He wasn't sure on how she'd react to this. It was already weird enough for him.

"They're suppose to be siblings..." Amit told her.

Glancing back at Jack, he looked at him more uncertain. The boy didn't know what to do with this. He wasn't sure if he was scared...was he scared? He felt uneasy, that was for sure.

"Why do you need more kids?" Amit questioned. "Don't you have yer hands full enough with us and the ones on the way? Do you have some odd need to horde kids or something?! Or is there just something in yer head that makes you think that this is a wise idea with everything else that has been going on?!!"

Adria smiled, proud, when Izzy called her strong. "He is... pretty much the opposite," she replied to her comment about Adilis. She and Adilis looked at Neera. They guessed this must be the one who used to be a wolf. They looked to Amit when he started talking, then Adria's smile slowly faded into an irritable frown as she glared at Amit. "Well I guess I was right," Adria retorted, "No one wants to adopt us after all." Adilis silently and sadly frowned at Amit from behind her.

Being given a glare and then a frown from two kids he didn't even know, didn't really sit well with Amit. His own brows narrowed before him came out from behind Izzy a little bit.

"Knock that look off your face!!" Amit hissed. "Do you not find it odd how just one man is getting up to higher numbers for kids? Granted, I'm not his kid so by all rights what I think has no say in this house. I mean, why would it have any say? Considering the Jack Ass there just does whatever he wants after all. So yer probably staying but don't stare at me like that. I have some validness even if it has no effect in this place, when the so called Boss Man, just does whatever the hell he pleases without clearly discussing it as a whole with others."

Adjusting his grip on the plushie, he tied Companion's arms around his neck before starting toward the stairs. Clearly not happy that he had to put up with two random kids, looking at him as if he was some ass. IF anyone was the ass, it was Mr. Pine. He just went ahead and did this, AGAIN. Amit glanced to Jack when he got to the stairs and pointed at Neera.

"First you do this!!!" Amit commented. "When you already have two kids on the way with Miss Izzy! You clearly didn't even give Miss Izzy a heads up, let alone your 'daughter' right here. You told no one! All you did was spring upon it. Kids aren't a easy thing to have, and I'm a kid!!! But hey, you're head man so do as ya want!"

With that, Amit started up the stairs. Muttering to himself in a annoyed tone; partially glad that he had this accursed collar on still. At least he wouldn't have turned into his other form in front of two random kids.

"Amit, that's not fair. I acted on a situation. They were being mistreated and abused, thought as nothing more than slaves by those people. I could not stand by and watch that. And it was either us adopting them, or to have Rose and Sarah adopt them. I love my sister and her fiance, but they aren't exactly the parent type. Blood doesn't matter in this family, I love each of you kids like you were of my blood. Everyone has a say, though I guess I just assumed you would understand Izzy. I don't want any of these kids living my childhood. You know I was an orphan, forced to live on the streets and do things I am not proud of, just to survive. I only acted on what I thought was right, and I'm sorry if you feel that I crossed the line." Jack said clearly hurt by Amit's words, his usually calm and serious expression breaking down.

Neera watched as Amit passed her on the stairs before turning back as Jack spoke, "I personally don't have a problem with this. Though a room needs to be made up. I understand where Dad is coming from, and I can relate, as Amit likes to forget sometimes that to take this body was my own choice. I will love my brother and sister here as if they had always been here." she replied as she leaned on the rail giving a sympathetic smile to both Jack and the new sibilings.

"As much as I am fine with this, I don't even know their names," Izzy said softly, moving to set a hand on Jack's shoulder. "I at least need that before I can fully welcome them in."

She smiled at the two before sending a worried look up the stairs after Amit, "He'll come around eventually. I'll try and talk to him once he's had a chance to calm down. It'll work itself out, I'm sure of it."

Then she turned her attention to Neera, "That will need to be done as well, and I'm sure all will get done in time. I just hope we don't run out of space if you keep doing this, Jack."

She had a warm smile, and a happy demeanor as she looked at the kids again, she sure as hell wasn't going to let them have the life Jack did as a kid. She wasn't heartless and she knew where that lead Jack, what demons it left him with. She was more than fine with what happened, if only she could get Amit to agree.

Adria looked up the stairs and muttered "Well he doesn't seem to be calming down any time soon..." Then she spoke up, "Anyway, my name's Adria and he's..." She looked at Adilis, waiting for him to finish the sentence, but he only gave a quiet whimper and moved so that he remained behind her. "Yeah... he's Adilis..." Adria continued. "Those people were... not nice to us."

"It's nice to meet you two but what happened, if you don't mind me asking?" Izzy asked, looking at them with concern. "The poor boy's nearly mute he's so scared."

"Him?" She looked at Adilis. "Ah, he's just like that... Our original... owners... were indeed treating us as slaves, and harshly at that too... He didn't take it well."

"He was going to strike her as I was talking to the couple, and he was less then fatherly when he spoked to them. I gave him a knee to the balls for his troubles, as child abuse is not something I will standby and watch. He's lucky that is all he got." Jack said having moved to the couch, removing his jacket to lay it on the back of the couch where he sat down, "You don't have to worry about them now. Welcome home, I'll go up stairs an set the study up into a bedroom. This is your home now, relax and come get something to eat. Feel free to ask questions, or for anything you need."

"Eek?" Adilis quietly squeaked, peeking around Adria at Jack. "A bedroom...?" Adria asked, "I thought only our owners were allowed to have those..."

"We're not your owners, we're your parents. I love my kids, and I make sure they get everything they need." Jack said with a smile as he removed his jacket and hung it on a coat rack.

"You're... huh...?" said Adria, confused, "I've never... heard... that... before..." Adilis looked into Jack's eyes and purred slightly, knowing this was someone who actually cared for them.