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RP: Section 6 (early YE39) Wolf in bought clothing

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
188604/ Osman city/ local mall/ early YE39/noon......

The cyborg never really had a knack for shopping or going around on dates or anything of the like. So when Neera came to him requesting they go shopping for some clothing for her to wear, he had felt like a hermit crab forcefully yanked from its shell by a mantis shrimp. It wasn't as bad as he had imagined it be, just rather dull, stepping around the shopping center of their sector of 188604 not too far off from the Section 6 headquarters. Since she had kissed him in the AKemi's that day, he'd still been unsure how to approach her, since he didn't really get much of a feel for her in the first place - he wasn't looking, after all. True, he did design her to be visually appealing to those around her - especially Beaumont - but he couldn't have prepared himself for her sudden attraction to him.

And while he may not be one to go shopping unless it's for knicknacks to decorate his office or for some new clothes after unexpected encounters... This would be the perfect opportunity to learn a bit more about her before he begins to solidify something between he and the wolf-woman.

Neera dragged Beaumont from area to area in their local colthing store as she wandered almost confused. She wore shorts and a T-shirt which were one size too small that had been borrowed from her mother Isabelle.

"Um, so I have no idea at what to look at first." Neera said stopping and turning to Beaumont with a confused look, "Clothing is a new concept to me."

"Well..." He would follow behind trying to match her pace. "Let's see. You'll need underwear. Bras and panties or maybe boxers if you'd prefer those. You'll need to find pairs with holes in them for your tail. I dunno if you'll want skirts or pants, but I'd highly recommend getting mostly the latter for work. To repay me for the operation, you're going to be working a lot more often in the lab with Rose and I so you'll need stuff that's cheap but protective..." A hand with run along the bottom edge of his mask. "Shoes might be difficult for you, since your feet are so different. I don't know if you'll need them or not if your paw pads are hard enough or something."

The two would enter the women's clothing section of the store - the most expansive portion and probably the most expensive. across from it, the men's section gazed back with its meager collection paling when placed before the racks upon racks of dresses and designer wear interspersed with more utilitarian getups that tend to be favored by a surprisingly large chunk of women. "I suppose we could hunt for items according to how often you wear them and in the order of wearing them throughout the day. Just to keep track of it." His shoulders bounce in a shrug. He doesn't really know much about clothes. He's long since gone commando due to his metallic body, and his clothing doesn't really diverge beyond merch shirts, jeans, and lab coats.

"Why does cloth have so many names? How come the Women's section is so much bigger? Wait, the lab, Dad already has me helping him as his assistant. So wouldn't something formal work, or casual, I don't know. What is the point of underwear?" Neera asked in series as she was trying to process this. This was such an alien concept for her, and the variety baffled her.

"Well..." he runs a finger along one panel of his mask as though scratching his cheek. "The different names allow us to refer to the different types of clothing. Much like when we name different animals or plants or medicines and stuff in general. Annnd..." He looks around trying to catch up to her questions. "Well, women tend to get more clothes than guys due to wanting to keep up with what other women are wearing... don't ask me why I don't know... and... well underwear is a thing that people wear to keep their clothes clean in case of any accidents down below..." So many questions at once tend to leave him scrambling. It's a surprise he's even plucking anything out of the air at this rate. "and I know bras are for keeping your breasts supported and help prevent back issues and drooping boobs as time goes-..." He waves his hands forward."

"I'll just give you the basic rundown for clothing so you can understand. You know how we don't run around naked because it's seen as indecent? Well we also wear clothes for protection and sometimes to make a point. The condition of and type of clothes worn tend to reflect the personality of the wearer. I'm not very active, and I tend to want to get ready as fast as possible, so my clothes are very casual and loose. Someone a bit more athletic may be more prone to wearing clothes that are still casual, but sporty in a way that they conform to the body and assist mobility - kinda like that suit you wore under your armor that one mission.

He begins counting his points on his fingers to collect his thoughts. "Let's see... people that tend to work in more business-oriented industries or in locations seen as more mature may often wear a bit more formal clothes, stuff that looks clean cut and tends to be much more expensive." He hums, tapping his foot now in an attempt to figure out what else to say, but then shakes his head, lowers his arms, and beckons her over as he walks into the women's section. "Here. It'd be best if I just showed you what there is."

Neera followed as she was lead through various racks of clothing of clothing seeing so many variations of color, material, and coverage.

"Where are we starting first?" she asked her eyes wandering around taking everything in.

"I suggest you start with a good set of underwear. Though I'm not the best person to speak to about this. I'd suggest you go to a representative and see if you can get your measurements taken or something so you can get the right sized bra and panties. You've got a lot of curvature to your body, so something very tiny might not fit. I don't know anything about women's sizes, though." He shrugs. "Once you find your size, you'll want to browse for other stuff that matches the number. Say you're a bust size D. Then you'll look for bras with that matching size. Panties are measured in numbers. If you need a size 17, then you look for size 17, so on and so forth. You catch what I'm saying?" His head tilts as he looks to her, a hand waving to mark his statements.

"Yeah, but am I just supposed to choose one, there seem to many styles and colors. As for measurements I know I'm something called a....DD?" Neera asked getting the basics, but still lost on which asthetics she should go with.

"Choose a few. You probably don't have very many of your own. And fleshy folk like you shouldn't wear the same clothes for a long period of time. They get dirty and gross and need to be washed. Especially underwear. I know bras can be reused for awhile, but stuff like panties, you'll want to exchange daily." At her mentioning how large he had made her breasts, he could feel a tint of heat in his systems. "Aheh. I see. Didn't realize I made them so big, ah... go and... get some double d bras, then."

Neera then did as instructed and got measured by one of store assistants. She moved to each area where certain items she needed were located. First stop was panties, and there were many to choose from, of all colors and styles.

"Why are there so many of these that are nothing but a narrow strip of cloth. I thought they were meant to cover you?" Neera asked holding up a particularly narrow pair that was nothing more than a string.

He'd look over his shoulder at the g-string in her hands, his eyes glancing around at the rest of the room in hopes that nobody is watching. "Well, Neera, sometimes clothes aren't used for.. protection... or coverage... and are just for... I guess you can say appealing to mates." He chuckles. Behind the mask, a sheepish smile could be heard. "Some clothes serve as both protection and appeal. If you get what I'm saying."

This was just as bad as he had expected it to be. He knew it would be best to get this step out of the way, though.

"What kind appeal to you?" Neera asked putting the item back her expression neutral, but curious. Inwardly however, she was expectant of the answer as well as found the question humorful sightly and knew Beaumont was slightly nervous.

"Eh? Well..." He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, scratching the back of his head. There's one thing that Beaumont wasn't very good at, and it was keeping his cool when it comes to subject material such as this. Kisses? Sure. Little bit of touchy-feely? A-ok to a degree. Those are simple. Choosing panties is a whole different playfield. Not only because the purpose is to entice him, but because what he says may have influence on her in the future.

His artifical gaze scans the room in search of something that he would like, trying to be quick and snappy. Decisive. A sense of control to help him get a slight grip. "Eh. Nothing too crazy maybe something that covers, but has a lower cut. Like... just covering everything, but not to the point where it's just two strings tied together... like..." He'd slip over towards a rack, lifting up a pair of panties entirely composed of intricately detailed lace, looking almost gothic in design. Not too narrow, roughly a couple inches wide. "This. You could say these are classy in a way. I mean, you wouldn't wear them as your formal clothes, but they're... I guess you could call them the formal clothing of underwear."

Neera tilted her head as her canine eyes examined the pair he held her ears perking slightly.

"I should add those to the shopping basket. I wonder if they have anything like what that waitress at Akemi's was wearing?" She asked as she thought about it.

He tries thinking back to the day at Akemi's, lowering the pair and raising his head in an attempt to recall that day. "She had something with a cat down the middle of the chest revealing her cleavage..." He looks to her, feeling his systems warm up as he begins to imagine an outfit like that. "Though I'm not sure if it'd be something to wear underneath clothes. Maybe they might make good pajamas?" His statement would be punctuated by a finger tipping down to point at the wolf girl. "Err... right. Pajamas are worn to bed. A lot of people like to sleep in pajamas... especially when it's cold out."

"That is so weird, and this planet is desert. I've had no need to do that. Hmm......but what other of these "pajama" things are there?" Neera asked curious now.

"Yea, I assumed as much since you're fluffy." He hands her the pair of panties in his hands, assuming she may want them. "And they're usually just shirts and pants but very low quality and soft. You can tell they're pajamas by tacky colors or patterns. and the look of the material. But younger folks may wear pajamas that cover their whole bodies because they lose heat faster. They call 'em footies because they cover the feet." He chuckles a little before looking through another rack. "Those are your size, right? I dunno if they are. You never told me how big you need them."

"Size 17 which they are according to the tag. There are a couple of fancy pairs over here that look interesting." She said looking through a couple of the racks.

"Oh? How fancy are we talking?" In Beaumont's hands, a pair of relatively plain panties were held. Something a bit more reserved. It might be best to get some cheap ones just for general wear and for certain situations. Best not always have your best bloomers on all the time, plus, having plenty of pairs would mean for less trips to the wash. At that moment, he wasn't watching which rack she had approached.

Neera held up a pair that were a low cut crotch with crossing garter strings instead of a waist band and had a pair of thigh high stockings that attached to another set of garter strings on the pair of panties.

"Oh those are nice too I guess." She said tilting her head again.

He lowers the set in his hands. It seems like the raised temperatures in his sytems won't be going away any time soon. "If-" his voice was practically a squeak. The cyborg clears his throat as though it would help - but his voice does return to normal. "If those are what you want." The cyborg would swallow and look away, trying to clear the image of her wearing those from his mind. At least Jack doesn't pay in peanuts, or he'd be purchasing only the cheap stuff. Those probably wouldn't classify as such.

"You okay doc? You're looking kinda unsteady there." Neera asked, her ears drouping in concern.

"Y-yeaa..." There's a whisp of steam from under his mask, forming fog for a brief moment before dissipating. "I just need a second. You... you go put those in the cart and maybe take a look at some simple pairs for when those are dirty... then go find some bras. Let me know when you want to move on to shirts and pants and stuff." His voice is slightly raspy while he tries to collect himself, standing in place, his figure wavering.

Neera did as suggested and soon had returned with several more pairs of panties and various bras, "Alright, on to the other stuff then?"

"I'm pretty sure you have some sense of what might look good with what, so I trust you got bras that would work with what you just showed me, correct?" He tips his head. "Eh, I bet it'll be fine. I wouldn't really know anything about that." He waves a hand. He's calmed by now, the teapot no longer whistling, though its spout panfully pressed against the plating of his mechanical body. the two would soon find themselves in the noticeably less sexual atmosphere of the outerwear department.

Shirts, jeans, shorts, etc. were scattered throughout them on tables and racks with mannequins displaying elegant choices of outfits ranging from scanty to completely covered. "So... You'll need plenty of shirts. Find a variety of short sleeves like..." He slips his jacket off, revealing the sleeves of his T-shirt. "....This. And long sleeves like my jacket. You'll also want long pants and shorts. My jeans right now..." He points to his legs. "Are long pants... and stuff that doesn't cover the whole leg like..." He points at a mannequin with a pair of short shorts on it. "Those.... by the way... don't take the clothes off the mannequins... just a forewarning." He recalls doing just so once back in Nepleslia. Oh was that an interesting story to tell his father.

Neera gathered several t-shirts, long sleeve shirts,jeans, and shorts. Why looking around she stopped by the racks that held skirts, "What is the point of these particular clothing items?"

Beaumont looked to the rack. "Oh, skirts? Some women prefer to wear those over pants. They're something of traditional women's wear for a lot of cultures. They look cute if the outfit can pull it off. If you remember, a lot of the waitresses at Akemi's had them, but they were REAAALLLY short." He uses his hands to emphasize this, putting the palms inches from one another. "That's because they had a similar intent to that underwear you saw before. Clothes can also be used to entice."

"Should I get some? And if I did, what length would I get them in?" Neera asked her curiosity piqued.

"I-I mean..." He won't admit it, but girls in skirts had always been attractive to him. They always seemed like such a cute piece of clothing despite their lack of cover while in high-movement scenarios. But that was a part of the appeal. "If you want to, I won't stop you. Why not... ehm... why not go to one of the dressing rooms over there? You may not own the clothes yet, but you could at least try them on before you buy them to see if you like them."

Neera entered the changing room and put together several matching out fits. She changed into the first, a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with some local band on it.

"How's this?" She asked stepping out to show Beaumont.

He nodded, looking her over. Nothing too flashy nor too revealing. General wear he could imagine her in while around Section 6. "I like it. It's simple... though..." He raised a finger, pointing it in a circle towards her bust, as though tracing the band logo's name in the air. "Do you listen to MisshuMash?" His head would tilt to the side slightly. "Because people will wear shirts like that to let others know that they like something." He brought his hands down to spread out the design on his tee - a girl with large eyes and an even larger sword wearing peculiar armor. "I wear shirts like these to tell people I'm into stuff like this. In this case, Creature Pursuers. If someone knows who she is, they'll stop me and say that they're into it as well - but you can run into some folks that are a liiiittle too into stuff... so be careful."

Next neera came out in a thigh high red skirt and a while tank top with a short Red jacket, "this set the assistant said was a popular combo."

He chuckles, eyeing the wolf girl over while crossing his arms. "That works. Definitely gonna fit in with the other gals at Section 6." He'd begun to relax a tinge. At least the outfits she had plucked from the racks weren't scandalous or show-offy. He could do without distraction or temptation during work. He finds himself settled in a seat typically used for folks trying on shoes, looking up to her. He even lifts his mask to reveal the grin sprawled across his face.

Next outfit was short denim shorts, another T-shirt but with what looked like a local band. "U.S.O." was printed above a picture of the band on stage. Uso, Alex, and Jack the most notable in the group. A red hoodie jacket finished the outfit.

"Never new dad was in a band, or plays a guitar. I guess I'm into this." Neera stated as she showed the outfit.

The cyborg would tilt his head and approach the wolf, stretching her shirt down so he can get a good look at the band. "Well, look at that. Your daddy's a bit of a rock star. Guess you could show your support for his second life by wearing it. I'll have to ask him to play sometime." He stands back up straight before looking over the shorts. "Frankly, you look kinda like a groupie in that getup" He takes a step back to get a better view. "It looks pretty good."

"It's comfortable." She said with a shrug before re-entering the stall.

Next was an outfit of a black mini skirt, red belly top, and the garter belt panties from before, the top garter straps visible over the skirt's waist band, the straps tight high on her sides above her hips. It was even complete with thigh highs attached via garter belts.

"This one is comfortable too. Especially these undergarments." Neera said cheerfully casually stepping out of the changing room and in full view for Beaumont.

He had his head lowered while she changed, watching his feet while he tapped them to the beat of a song stuck in the back of his head. When she emerged, he could immediately feel the warmth return to his cheeks. To keep his dropped jaw hidden, he lowered his mask back into place. "W-well then, uh... Ehheh... It... it is quite nice." He brings a hand to the back of his head. "But... what.... what situation would you wear that in? I mean..." The cyborg's gaze turns to the side. "It's..."

He scramblef for something to say. He dosn't exactly DISAPPROVE of this outfit. He's just concerned about what use the outfit would be for... plus, it may not be the best for him trying to keep his distance. It definitely was an enticing piece. "It's not very formal or-or-or work based." He swallowed hard. Never since his childhood had he felt this uncomfortable. Well that would be a lie. Plenty of places back on Nepleslia had him feeling like this. But rarely since he left.

"Do... do you like it?"

"Hmm.....Yes, it is comfortable and breathable given the local weather and climate conditions. The colors are appealing to. The way it conforms and hugs allow for unaltered movement which is good given how active I like to be. Are you ok?" Neera casually answered, oblivious to Beaumont's discomfort, which she mistook as him just acting weird.

"Yea, yea, I'm fine. It-" The last word is only a squeak, prompting him to clear his throat. "It's fine. It looks lovely on you." He slowly returns his gaze. To think, he could stare into the bowels of a man he had just opened up, but he can't even gaze at someobody he had seen naked before wearing hat could easily be called "Public lingerie." "If you want it, you can get it." He chuckles. "I bet the others will like it, too. Though Jack may have some questions whenever you go out, aheh." His chuckle is shy and distant before he coughs into his balled fist once more.

Neera walked closer leaning over him, his short height due to sitting making it easy to lean with four inches of his face to eye him questioningly, "Are you sure? You just coughed and you've been acting weirder than usual." She said her expression taking on a bit of concern.

"Yea, yea, I'm fine. just swallowed wrong for a sec is all." He scoots back a little ways in his seat, his scanner glancing from one side to the other, gaining a little bit of space between the wolf's face and his. Sure, the two have kissed, but he still doesn't really feel that sort of... connection. It seemed more of play to him at the time. Now, when the real tension is beginning to mount, it's clearly getting to the cyborg. "I'm acting as i normally would, really. I'm fine."

"I guess I can't really argue with the doctor. Still think you're acting weird, so I hope you know you can talk to me. You should never make a girl worry." Neera gave with a slight sigh before walking back to the changing room, a swish in her gait giving a swish to the skirt as well.

A choking sound would escape him at the sight, prompting him to clasp a hand over his mouth with one hand. She really is quite adorable. He designed her to be so. Guess that's what happens when you design a body to suit your sexual tastes. His gaze lowers while he begins contemplating the day when Neera first revealed her feelings to him. He practically blew her off, patted her on the head, and told her to take a step back. Why she seems so interested still is beyond him. He would make a pun about hr efforts being "dogged", but it would be a little tasteless even for him.

Neera returned wearing what she had arrived in, "So, what do you want to do next? There are other shops than just this." She said cheerfully, "I think I even saw some sort of animee and videogame shop. That stuff you and Aster are always talking about."

An automatic system that scanned the products individuals had on hand whilst they exited the store was in place to prevent theft and ease the task of purchasing products. An identification system allowed them to recognize the two while they left, taking into account who was holding the products at the time. Bags near the entrace were available, into which beaumont began slipping the clothing. "Oh, I mean, yea, there's always that, but... pssh you wouldn't be interested in that geeky shit, right? I mean..." He taps his fingers together for a sec before lifting the bags, holding them towards Neera. "Besides, that stuff can get...sorta strange."

"Guess I won't know until I experience it right? Besides, you seem to like it a lot, besides we never have anything to talk about. I want to experience more and this way I can maybe share a hobby." Neera said peppily.

The cyborg shakes his head in defeat before raising his hands in a shrug. "Guess I can't convince you otherwise. Besides, if we keep doing this dating stuff, you're bound to learn more eventually." He passes her, beckoning her to follow while he leads the way towards the shop - one he frequents surprisingly often.

Neera followed closely behind and was surprised at the variety of displays and colorful promotional material just at the entrance.

"Woah, now that is damn colorful. Kinda glad I'm not color blind anymore." Neera added in aw of what she was seeing.

"Yea, it's a whole bunch of different franchises with different styles." He hums whilst leaning down to place his hands on his knees. His scanner rolls along the shelves, glancing over a series of figurines - all nekovalkyrijan cartoon women in various different outfits from armor to Bikinis. A figurine of a heavily modified MINDY suit can be seen with a steep price tag underneath it. "A lot of it is produced in Yamatai. don't know why, but they have a real knack for making animations and video games. Maybe it's becuase of their high and mighty, perfectionist thing they've got going on?"

He stands up stright once more to look back at Neera. "If you want to try out some of the shows, I can give you some personal reocmmendations. I'll admit I... watched a lot while I was travelling. Gave me something to do whilst planet hopping, y'know?"

"That would be great. I guess where ever you suggest would be a good start." Neera said giving a eager smile.