Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 EastWorld

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


YE 40, Nekos and Ninjitsu Resort


Briefing Start:

Greetings Contractor,

You have been hired to take on this job by SafteyNet Insurance on behalf of the Nekos and Ninjitsu resort.

During the recent uptick in NMX activity in the area, this resort world had to be abandoned due to the risk of attack. An NMX force did make a landing early this year, and has sense departed after causing extensive damage to the facility.

As part of our agreement with the Nekos and Ninjitsu resort, SafteyNet Insurance is responsible for returning the resort to a working state.

You have been hired to sweep the park grounds, ensure that there are no hostile elements still present, and create a safe working enviroment for the work crews that will follow.

Though we have not seen any NMX craft return to the planet, it is likely that they have left a token ground force behind. When the park was abandoned, the security systems were left in automated mode. Due to the damage to the facility we have not been able to access the security cameras to verify the extent of the damage however it is also likely that there are still some security systems in place that may need to be disabled. Bonuses will be paid out for leaving park facilities intact, however it is understandable if you need to use force to disable the automations working in the park. Creating a safe enviroment for work crews is the primary goal here.

We look forward to your sucsess!


Ty's group would be one of the first to land, a shuttle dropping him off on the outskirts of the resort.

The resort itself had been built on a small planet... so small that the gravity was a noticable fraction of what one would expect on a normal planet. The trees surrounding the center of the park had been specially designed to grow in zero gravity, and extended up far above the grey dirt of the planet's surface.

Aside from the park, the planet's surface was devoid of anything except for endless stretches of grey dirt.

The outer sections of the park were entirely made up of forest. These forests contained a few areas of intrest including caves, huts, and other utility areas designed for adventures.

The center area of the park was a small, ancient-looking city filled with games, food, and other forms of entertainment all surrounding an ancient-looking castle with high, angular ceilings and walls. The bold paint and styling chipped away by both fire and what looked like craters from missile strikes.

Though the way into the forest seemed clear at the moment, there would certainly be monsters ahead.
Lots of words that made no sense. Koroleva slowly growled at the intrusive briefing voice and tapped the side of her skull mask, before snorting. Someone had simplified it for her, however. Kill everything who wasn't shown to her before the operation. And a list of pictures followed, both close ups from the face and how to recognize them from a distance. Something she was more than happy to accomodate to. They weren't targets, they were competitors. And she had to prove once again she was the Apex. It would be good fun!

And not only that, she was allowed to go all out. It meant pulling no punches, sparing none. Taking her time or being swift. It ment tormenting her prey and creating the boneforged effigies she decorated her home with. An almost nostalgic feel to it. A soft, gentle chuckle came from the masked Nekovalkyrja, before she pushed herself up. Kneeling down near the exit ramp of her shuttle. As soon as it touched down and the hull opened, Koroleva lunged out. Tripping momentarily due to the low gravity, she floated off into the forest. Though she was seen grabbing a branch and recovering her momentum. Disappearing into the woods.

The monsters needed to beware. A horror had just entered the woods.
Silent as the stars themselves, five jumps appeared over the world, the jump frames of five Eye IIs carrying their cargo into orbit. Small bursts of chatter bounced between the ships as their pilots checked systems and took up housekeeeping orbits.

Nine pods broke away from the miniscule hulls before the ships faded from sensors, the eight personnel pods maneuvering into a single file line with a cargo pod of ordnance tailing behind it.

As silently as they arrived in the system, eight Saber troopers slid into the atmosphere and landed in the woods on the north end of the park.

The Saber infantrymen climbed out of their pods, hefting new rifles as they loaded up. One, obviously the squad leader by the red stripe on his helmet, called across the stars. "Fire team Bravo is on the ground. Arming up, orbital support is a go, with bombardment support."
Ty landed shorty and called into the group
His synthetic hushed voice mixed with a respirator as he talked threw coms

"I'm pulling overwatch, you won't see me unless necessary but I got your back, fire team bravo, I'm reaper keep your head on a swivel and form a wedge formation for best possible patrol"

As they would move ty would as well threw the trees bearly shaking them as he does
N&N Resort, Northern Forest.

The forest was dark.

The planet already didn't have a whole lot of light, the glow from the castle and the dim glow of the stars only illuminated so much. However once the groups had entered under the tree cover they would only have the light they brought with themselves along with the occasional spark or flicker from one of the trees.

Much of the park had been rigged with lighting and volumetric projectors designed to create the correct light levels, to display information as floating screens, or to create scenes for entertainment. However, it was clear that these systems were not functioning aside from the occasional flicker of power going through an only somewhat working projection system. There was clearly a generator still on in the park somewhere, but the rest of the systems were still suspect.

Koroleva would reach the first thing of interest, a shallow trench had been dug around the perimeter of the camp, with the dirt piled up on the side facing the outside of the park. It was only deep enough to hide someone if they were laying down and the freshly churned dirt seemed to extend outward for a few feet in either direction from the trench. Someone clear had some time to setup defenses, but so far there appeared to be no one around to man them.
Ty would radio to bravo team "the dirt patches a while out are mine fields" he would say walking up to then "btw ho dies it feel to meet the ghost story, and don't worry you won't end up like me unless you are a organ donor"
Jon Alsan, the team leader, looked to his medic who was standing unnervingly still. "Doc? You okay?"

"Fine. Just a ghost story is all."

No one seemed to notice one of the riflemen's face draining of blood as she remembered her medical donation status.

"A pleasure to meed you, Reaper. Doc's the medic, riflemen are Thud and Spark, and our grenadiers are Whiskey and Boomer. Pops is on demolitions, Junebug's our comms and orbital strike. My callsign's Redneck. Long story."

Each of the mentioned callsigns sounded off in turn as they were called, and the group quickly set up a perimeter around their pods, gathering the last of their supplies for the night's mission. "Ready to go whenever you are." Pops clapped his team leader on the shoulder. "We call him that because the first time he shot one of these new rifles, he was whoopin' and hollerin' like a country boy just got a new toy."

"Not so long. Alright, let's go kill some bugs, meet up with Koroleva, and get her some comms. Too easy."
N&N Resort, Northern Forest.

There would be a deep rumble.

A massive blast was set off underground as Koroleva set off one of the pressure switches under the ground.

The rumble itself was loud enough to be heard all the way out by the landing pods... however the blast was so deep underground it wouldn't injure Koroleva. Instead, the ground would turn to soup, dirt being thrown up about waist high before gravity regained control, pulling Koroleva down into the hole before allowing the dirt to follow. For a second, Koroleva would experience liquefaction of the soil, when it was all over she would be burred up to her chest in dirt.

Following that would be a few soft 'pop's

Small canisters buried in the ground would open up. Six Parasite Mishhu, Small snake looking creatures, would zip up out of the ground, flying in small circles to get their bearings... one quickly spotting Koroleva and heading right for her!

Finally, one last canister opened, firing a single bright red flare up through the trees and into the sky.
The instant the sound reached the team's ears, all heads snapped to attention, Storm Rifles levelling in the direction of the flare. "Found Koroleva." Spark commented under her breath.

"Yup. Bravo, time to roll. Modified wedge, ECS engage. Execute." Redneck's words were barely finished as eight troopers faded from sight, the grenadiers taking up side positions as Spark took her position on point. Thud took the tail, infrared flashlights flared to life before being as quickly extinguished. It took less than three seconds for the fireteam to fall into a highly mobile formation that provided security across three hundred and sixty degrees. On some unspoken order, they began to move like a squad of ghosts from some ancient tale.

"Remember, if you wing one, don't chase it. Set up explosives and clear the AO. We don't want to be around if they show up armed, and we don't know if they can see us, yet." Pops knew what these things could do.
Ty would turn to the explosion Sounds climbing a tree to get a good view

"reaper actual to bravo one we got 5 parasite mishuu on koroleva double time it rookies"

Ty would watch the creatures threw his scope aided by his optics he readied he's body waiting for a opening as he quick fired two well timed shots from his gauss sniper rifle

The creatures on the other end exploding from heated plasma of his weapon kicking up dirt in the process

"Reaper actual to bravo one make that 3 left" the reverberation from the rifle still shaking tree leaves free
"Koroleva's more than capable of taking out three parasites." Doc responded, nonplussed.

"We'll hold back and wait for the enemy to show up. Then we open fire." Whiskey knew the plan before it could be said. "Clean out that zone and move on. Lather, rinse, repeat."
N&N Resort, Main Castle.

~Finally, something is happening,~ Frank thought to himself as he was woken by the flare. It could be some automation still stumbling around in the park... but it had been nearly a week since they last had that problem.

His squid-like tentacles would slide over to a datapad, rousing his soldiers from their hibernation. It would only take a few seconds for them to be on their feet.

"Mr. Brown, launch a light barrage, and then go check the area."

The dozen exact clones of one another would nod in unison, and head out towards the main square where they could setup their weapons. One of the Mr. Browns were already barking out orders as the rest formed into two teams, setting up and dialing in their mortars.

"Snoopy Rounds, Fire when ready."


"HE rounds, sweep the area once."

The soldier then started firing rounds as fast as they could be loaded...

N&N Resort, Northern Forest.

It would take another moment for the Parasites to get their bearings, Two would rush right at Koroleva, heading towards her like a missile, their hard beaks looking to penitrate right through her rather than grabbing hold.

Meanwhile the remaining parasite would turn towards the direction of Ty's shots, snaking close to the ground, zigging from tree to tree as it tried to find the sniper and kill it.

About two minutes after the flare had gone up, there would be a soft 'puff' up above. The first two Snoopy rounds had arrived, discarding their outer shell and releasing a small drone snooper. The quite quad-copter would hover above the treeline and start moving about, looking for a target... though its camera wouldn't penetrate far through the treecover.

This would be followed by more mortar rounds landing a few yards away from Koroleva's position.
Ty would look in the direction of the motor sounds " bravo one move to secure your teammate I'm going to draw fire of the motor team"

Ty would hop down from his purchase firing two rounds from his grs watching as the 300mm depeted uranium rounds fun threw the forest blindly in the general direction of the motor team

He would find and repeat putting a good 300 meters between him and the intended target using up five shots total on the mortor teams direction
"Roger. I have Koroleva on orbital scan. She's busy building an effigy at the moment." Junebug's hands twitched, a subconscious movement as she directed the ships to blanket the park with probing scans. Near surface caves, buildings, every terrain feature could be mapped and projected onto the visors of her peers.

"Careful with your scans, June. We might wake something else." Whiskey commented. Spark's smartassed comment was ignored as Redbeck pulled the extra comm hookup from his belt and waved his infrared light in Koroleva's direction, beaconing her over.

"I've also got two quadrotor drones in the area. Out of range, but they look like park security. Possibly low light snoopers. Watch yourself."
N&N Resort, Northern Forest.

Ty's rounds would go flying through the forest, remaining remarkably air-born for quite some time despite the number of trees they cut through. Perhaps the low gravity helped with that... soon, however, the rounds would be out of Ty's slight line, having gone deep into the forest and possibly quite a bit further.

If they distracted the mortar teams at all, there was no way to tell.

Koroleva would find this out very quickly as the next few mortar rounds swept over her position. The very next round would land within only a few feet of her, air-bursting just over the ground, sending out a wave of searing heat and tiny fragments. The sensation of intense heat washing over her while the tiny fragments cut through her skin.

Further away, Junebug would receive a good picture of where the mortars were. That fire team was positioned in an open courtyard surrounding by a few structures. It also looked like a dozen soldiers were heading into the forest towards them, though they appeared to be equipped with little more than body armor and rifles. They would stand out well against the cold ground, allowing the ship's sensors to track them even through the tree cover. With their current pace, they'd have 20 minutes or so to get ready before the enemy force arrived.
"Neko's dead, Redneck. Pull back. We have company." Junebug quickly routed the data on the fireteam to her teammates.

"Roger that, June. Bravo, spread out. Slip around them and let's move on that mortar. Direct one of our scouts to keep an eye on that fireteam and have orbital rounds ready to fire. Don't lock any targets, yet." As Redneck's voice bounced off of the jump frame sattelites, one chambered a round into its gun, ready to fire its 50mm shell into the atmosphere.

"Hit the mortars hard and fast, mop up later. But not giving the enemy a reason to stay in their holes, yet. We jumping that fireteam?" Spark's question was valid, but no matter the response, the team split off into two elements, taking routs around and between the riflemen towards the main resort.

"Engage if spotted. But leave survivors. We want them to come out."
Ty would set waiting for the enemy squad to get within shooting range then let loose a fury of shots keeping on target as much as possible

"Reaper to redneck I'm holding position I'll keep the infantry off your back while you work on the mortor team"
N&N Resort, Northern Forest.

The soldiers would approach in a staggered line, a dozen men across, all armed with a variety of assault rifles, grenades, and other weapons. Almost as soon as they were in sight, the first of them would have his head and upper torso removed by Ty's first shot.

They did not seem phased by the loss, the soldiers spreading out, some taking cover behind the trees, others going prone and crawling into the small defensive slit. By the time they lost their third soldier it was becoming clear they were not going to be able to make much progress against Ty. The smoke grenades would come out, quickly putting up a thick fog in front of their position, while they called for another mortar strike. Almost as soon as the fighting started, another set of mortar rounds were landing infront of the smoke, creeping towards Ty's position while the soldiers started to spread out further under cover of the smoke.

N&N Resort, Northern Forest, Heading towards the Mortar.

The group that had split off from Bravo team would again have to deal with an area of landmines and slit trench as they tried to go around the advancing enemy force. They had quite the walk ahead of them if they wanted to reach the mortars.
Spark had gotten close, and had been glad for her helmet seals blocking the sound of her breath as she slipped past the first infantryman. But when the second exploded in front of her, spattering her with a fine pink mist, she almost dropped her rifle in surprise and disgust.

Redbeck heard the sound over the comms and asked if she was okay, to which she could only reply, "He died on me... All over my clean suit!"

Whiskey held his chuckle as the riflemen responded and redneck cursed incoherently at his plan going to Hell. "Stay on course, Reaper, try to drive them back to the mortars. We'll ambush from within the encampment. The plan was to let them go situation normal and ambush when they went in, damn it!"

Bravo detatchment, 1 km away from main force
Thud, Pops, Boomer

As the team moved towards the main square center, Pops noted the landmines and slip trenches getting closer than was comfortable. "I'm gonna get a GPR scan of our route. We can make adjustments as we go. I'd really rather not waste ammo trying to shoot parasites."
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Ty dosnt answer at first as he switched his optics to Irv and continued shooting "ok rookies do your thing I'll keep these guys entertained"