Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

Master9147 said:
I think he dropped off the radar along with Mya. Seems to happen all the time.

That's too bad, I really enjoyed his writing style. It's not very often you see a larger Yamataian living a sheltered life. :D Anyway it's no fun losing players, Kai is right though we can't really confront them.

Yoroko's brain said:
Yoroko: WHAT?!?!?! YOU STOPPED POSTING!?!?!? *summons spikey golden hammer*
person: Sorry!! I will post again soon I promise!!
Yoroko: That's what I thought. *walks away happily*

Anyway, I guess now I should pick an NPC partner.... :(
Don't pick an NPC, Maya is supposed to be fighting. clobber her when she isn't paying attention, she only deserves it!
Wait, were fighting? I didn't know that. Who am I fighting.
Nazarii said:
Not nice master9147. Not nice at all.
Hey, don't worry. It'd nothing personal and no offense meant, I mean as far as Maya knows, Strelgar looked like a primitive backwater savage. Too bad they didn't get chance to know each other better earlier.
Alas it only presents the question to me. Where would you get macho from? Strelgar is well even I don't know where macho came form. I guess it could explain him some way? But I am still confuddled on how you ended up tagging him as Macho.
I'm a little surprised you see it that way, it seem like an adequate descriptor at the time. Doesn't he have a heavenly muscled physique and he seems like one of those guys who likes to show off there chests with six pack abs and everything to the ladies, you know one of those "Hey baby check out this sexy chest, Uh huh."
In a way only reason he didn't put on his shirt, was because he believes them to be restricting in a way. He doesn't care about showing off, only when there is say a reason to show off. But that would only happen if he needed to bring people back in their place.
Hmm... Yagen, should we start dice rolling for them, or do you think they are doing a fine enough job beating one another up at the moment?
I just want to let everyone one know that I got jury duty for the next few days and may not be able to post until it's conclusion though I may be able to make quick posts in the evenings.
master9147 said:
I just want to let everyone one know that I got jury duty for the next few days and may not be able to post until it's conclusion though I may be able to make quick posts in the evenings.

A few days? I got stuck doing it for 3 weeks :( GOOD LUCK! :)
Alright, thanks for the heads up.

As for them figuring it out for themselves Kai, I'd say it's fine as long as it doesn't get full of autoing. I can try to post the Dice program if that would help at all.


I don't mind you using the dice. I gotta be honest, I am the most biased person towards my character there is. Besides, I can say my character does something, but it seems unfair that I would automatically succede at doing it.
Yagen said:
Alright, thanks for the heads up.

As for them figuring it out for themselves Kai, I'd say it's fine as long as it doesn't get full of autoing. I can try to post the Dice program if that would help at all.

Seems fine. If there was some way to set it for say 5 rounds, instead of having to enter the information repeatedly, it'd be pretty awesome.
I just tend to post the combat action and then let the responder decide whether the attack connected or not though I think it would be fair if attacks between both players connected at least 50 to 70 percent of the time for dramatic effect until a GM steps in to decide a final victor.
What you could do is using the dice program, use Character Dice Roll, say two characters, enter their names, and select 20. Then, whoever rolls higher can determine if the hit succeeded or if the dice was a high or low roll.

Speaking of dice, in the last post Kuriko rolled a 1 and Krasus rolled a 3 out of 20. It was a rather pathetic roll, I'd have to say XD. Might I suggest adding a little bit more detail, or at least a target for an attack. What I mean is that the kick was sent to the shins or chest, etc.