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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

Alright, this is how it's going to work.

Each post, I will give your car at least two options. One way will be easy and impossible to fail, costing you a small portion of time, based on a dice roll. If you take a harder path, you have a chance to fail, based on if you can beat a predetermined dice roll. In this post, there is only driving around to the shallow part or attempting to jump it. If you fail the harder path, you will take a larger time penalty and be farther behind than if you took the easy path. Whoever has the best time at the end will win.

Like all 4WD vehicles, the STV has a tendency to oversteer when it gets up to higher speeds. Try not to roll them.
Yagen how did you guess Strelgar would try something along the lines of lunacy? Is it just s-o obvious?
Man...lately I have had sucky post rates...sorry all. I will get to posting as soon as I can, but this week is midterms which leaves me with a ton of stuff to do. Sorry!
Be sure that when you post, you at least mention what path you plan your characters to take. It seems that Hotaru and Maya are either taking the same path as Kazuma, or Hotaru is waiting for Maya's suggestion. Not sure yet, so if you could either clarify that or have Maya respond, that'd be best.
Okay, Nazarii, that last post is a total Auto, either edit it or i'm deleting it. We can't have people autoing another player character, not only is it against the rules, it's annoying and can screw up a plot arc.
Sure into account that I did that one on a NPC controlled vehicle. But whatever this is a lame, I will see if I can get my char booted. Yeah I think I am actually trying that unconsciously.

(Pay attention!)

-"Boo!" Strelgar cackled, somehow landing just on the flat platform of the iron stead, with it's pilot shouting Yeehah! As he jumped from the one with the shouting pilot to the nearest metal steed that was taking the low wet path, grabbing the round handle causing the pilot to slow down a little.-

Not even one with a key or Player controlled character. I just chose one of the many NPC drivers of no importance. For I see this as moving way to slooooooow...Yagen Ill chat to you in IRC. Oh kai if you must delete it for all I care. I am not mad at you or anyone, I am not feeling well, for I have had this very same virus y cold for the last week. Now if you have anymore problems just do what you wish. For if I did care I would well lets say do something even worse then that. So have a nice day k-a-i.
Well, the only cars in the race are controlled by Players, so, judging by your post, you threw Hotaru out of her car, not an NPC.
Uh huh doesn't mean there could be any passersby, only like three cars out of about 40 vehicles. Yeah those chances look good. Sides can he really magically teleport to another vehicle...I-i dunt think so.
Even if it was an NPC car, you don't have the authority to decide wether or not he pulls out the driver. It likely being a Neko, it would be quite more than capable of fighting off someone who just jumped onto her car.

What you can do is have Strelgar jump onto the car and either me or Yagen will decide (Likely Via dice roll) wether or not he makes it and successfully throws the driver out.
A few points to remember:

1. STVs are huge and designed for wet and rough terrain.
2. Nekos can fly.
3. It make no sense for the driver to drive without a seat belt on rough terrain. You'd have to unbuckle it before you could pull someone out of the seat.
4. Throwing a neko from her STV could be prosecuted under Yamataian military law.
I'm curious, what was it that Strelgar tried to do in the original post before the rewrite? I missed it. Knock us out of our vehicle or something?
Well it looks like things are starting to slow down again and we already lost a few players. I hope everythings OK.
Yeah, things are slowing down, hopefully we can boast it back up. I (obviously) see that my slow post rate seems to be a major cause, so I'll try to fix that. :|

Besides the post rate, if there is anything that you think I should do better or something that turns you off of the plot, please do no hesitate to post about it. Things won't change if they aren't mentioned.
Just want to let everyone know that my Type 30 ACP Scatter Gun was just recently approved and ready for IC usage. I was hoping I'd get to try it out when we reach the power armor training armory for some target practice. "Say hello to my boomstick! :lol:"
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