Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

I hope it doesn't ultimately come to that despite her "personality". I did made a promise after all that as long as I'm in command, I'll try to make sure everyone makes it out alive, NPC or no.
Kai, how about you control the two NPC's on team 'Kaze' and I'll control the two on team 'Nova,' just so we don't have to switch back and forth. I'll give you till tomorrow to respond to the groups and start the action then.
If there is any information I forgot to mention that you need, just mention it here. I'm being rushed out of the house for a LAN party, which I'm already late at leaving XD.

You do have drones, but the lasers are disabled.

If you have any friends who may like to participate, be sure to pester them about joining! They can take over one of the four available NPC's and make them into a player character. Anyway, I'll be gone for the next 12 hours, unless I jump on a computer there, but that's not likely. Later!
Woot, I's made a poast!.

Oh, Wolf, Satomi is on the other team. The annoying hyperactive Neko on your team isn't her, so you need to go back and edit your post.
Hmm.... Good question. I'm going to say they are simply clearings in the forest fortified with sandbags around the perimeter. The clearings being just big enough for the four armors to fit inside.
I've been wondering what I should put in my PC's service record in the wiki for this assignment. I put down "Star Army Accelerated Training Program" as the assignment but I can't think of a mission and a mission description to use. Any suggestions?
Just describe the things she's done for training. Like a summary of the plot so far, at least the part that affects Maya.

A note on my last post: I rolled a D20, and got a 20 for Kaze. Yagen rolled a D20 for Nova, and got a 4. Basically, Kaze knows exactly where Nova is, and Nova has no knowledge of this, or even that they got pinged. So Nova still has no clue where Kaze is, other than very general direction, and possibly distance. This is totally funny, because if we hadn't used dice, I would've been nice and let Nova know where Kaze is.
What do you guys think of finishing the training on a starship?
A starship? How is that going to work? Is Yagen and Kai going to start there own plot ship or do you mean just transfer to another plotship because from what I understand a lot of the Yamatai plot ships have recently closed or are not accepting new members at this time.
I know the Fort did buy a starship and chances are we'd go on it if the plot doesn't die before then. If you mean have the recruits finish on a normal plot ship, where would they go? Or do you mean turning the Fort into a normal plot, based more for beginners?

Anyway, master. Rapid Fire Post Attack Time? (RFPAT?) XD. Chances are that Kai will pop on IRC and I can spam him to post as well.
Things are not looking good for Kazuma XD. Kai, I need back up and you ARE the rest of my team!
I hope Kai shows up today, we need him after all. But then again he did say his visits would be less frequent then usual. Also what about Wold Ward, I tried emailing him about a week ago and then again a few days later but I got nothing and what about mizunoyoroko, didn't he/she? have a character in the plot but then disappeared a few months ago although from what I have observed is still fairly active in other parts of the forum.
Yoroko officially left the plot due to being too busy. It seems it's down to just us three. If Kai does get on randomly today, then we could probably just JP this and get it out of the way. After the battle ends would be a good time to either try and get more members for the plot or to transfer the plot or character(s) onto another ship, etc.
Sorry, I'm here now though! I was busy at the Rennaisance faire yesterday, and was so tired because of it i slept til 11:00, then my dad had taken over my computer, but i'm here now.
Glad you made it,there has been some discussion about what to do with the plot. Well I'm still here so should we just go ahead and JP this thing even though I have no idea how.