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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

You are Supremely welcome. I had fun messing with your guys' heads along the way, especially you, Master. Maya is SOOO cleaning the main guns of the Takemitsu XDDDD
*creeps in, looks about* awesome. They kept it clean for us while it was in storage.

I need to get working on class... four is it now?
I would Like it if you guys started using the OOC chat more for questions and to make sure your posts are alright. I will be posting comments on what your characters have done, and answering questions here, just so you guys know.
Kai, perhaps you should just go over the posts and point out mistakes or clarifications where you see they're needed, since often new people don't know what to ask. And because old people arn't necessarily fully versed on every part of SARP as well. :V
Finally got my character approved, now if he can surive training he might actually make it home in as many peices as he arrived. You want me to make a post now, or do you want to send an order form on his topic?
Ah, I thought the request for orders were only for when you didn't know where to go, or needed a GM to manage something IC, never stop learning.

Making first post now, sorry about the wait but things are a little chaotic here atm, don't worry I'll be in the clear very soon.
I can see you didn't read back at all in the story. The recruits were all on one bus, which arrived quite calmly in front of the mess hall as opposed to the barracks. Recruits were filed out of the bus, then told to eat dinner. Just Edit your post to follow the Continuity, and then we'll continue. Sorry if it's a bother but here at SARP we love our continuity.
Hmm, I'm not one to argue with the GM so wish granted, although I DID actually read all the previous posts (a few days ago, but still...), must have missed the bit about the mess hall.

Actually the idea was that Sil saw a bus with a leaking radiator, being the day dreamer he is he missed his bus to try and fix it, the rest you can imagine...

...I'll start working on that post now, shall I...
I'm just being nitpicky, really, but some other GM's might get mad at people for doing things like that, which could have repercussions IC and OOC (believe me, I learned the hard way) It's never a bad idea to check over the previous few posts in any given thread you're in, in any case, and it's a good habit to pick up.
Post fixed, he's just part of the crowd now.

Don't worry too much, I have a (bad) habit of making a characters first post a bit over the top (my favourite intro so far is a bubbling vagrant that was thrown out a two story window and into a carriage to be mercilessly beaten by the occupants armed with hand bags and ornament hair pins), so it’s probably a good thing to clip the wings a bit, at least until I get a feel good for SARP.
Gabriel, I edited some grammar errors in your post, so don't be afraid, I'm just trying to help you.

It's nice to see movement though! makes me happy.
Ugh, I hate grammar, thanks though. I'm just trying to figure out how badly my English teacher would beat me if she saw that.
Eh, in my experience Maths teachers are more deadly, they have a ruler!

Sorry about slow posting so far guys, but I'm working on it.
Don't worry about your posting rate, I just get excitable when stuff moves. I've recently learned that plots move much faster if you ignore posting orders, so I'll be randomly commenting and replying to characters a lot.
Kokuten said:
"Any a'you kitten's wanna' repeat that in a language y'instructa' cn'unda'stand?" He spoke with a rather crazed looking grin.

"That depends, what language do you speak...sir?"

Now we all know why I didn't join the army... :roll: (I'm sorry the urge was too much.)
Jimmy, please do not control the other characters, unless given permission to. I know he's only an NPC, but it still undermines my ability to give you a story and present a certain character type for you to interact with. I'm just going to leave that post as is, but if you continue to do so, I may have to start editing your posts. No hard feelings, it's just the way we run things around here.
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