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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

got you was in abit of a hurry and need to adapt my roleplaying been playing a couple pbp with present tense recently. Sorry for the whole intro i can change it to having been here the whole time if you wish and if it will be easier.
You're probably better off making him already there, as the place is a bit dead at the moment...(which may or may not be partially my fault T_T).
It's fine as it is, I've already responded to it, even. Just spellcheck it and put it in the proper tense.
lol well if you knew me from some of my other pbp's youd be warning them against me. I appreciate it a lot that you've accepted me back Kai, i've missed this place.

(Edited due the fact that i forgot SA changes a l o t to many)
Hopefully, my fixing stuff in purple for you helps you notice where your problem is. Keep trying to get your tenses straight, you're doing fine otherwise.
AK the purple tense eater, run. Lol seriously give me a couple more posts and i'll get back in the past tense swing of things.
This is just a thank you to Revolver for giving Sil a new character quirk, he now speaks Nepleslian quite eloquently, but his Yamatain is rather uncouth, probably hung out with the wrong crowd back in school. So thanks Rev, serve yourself a Lager from me.
Devonus, you really need to work on getting everything in past tense. I won't edit your posts anymore, I'll simply start deleting them until you can get the tenses correct, okay?
I beleive i fixed the majority of it, i won't be able to compose a suitable response till tomorrow, sorry for the delay guys, but Finals to study for.
I wasn't quite sure how a Nep would react to the obsolete comment, but it seemed to me like calling a small person short or an overweight guy fat in front of the subjects face.
Eh, that was a pretty good reaction, i'd say.

And much better, Devonus. keep up the good work on getting tenses correct.

One or two more posts and day 0 will be finished.
lol good. My character has always had to fake his social mannerisms so he slips here and there. On occasion his own feelings and thoughts slips through and their not usually that nice.

On a different note i'm not going to be able to respond till sunday night at the earliest, i have drill for the reserves this weekend. So have a good weekend and i give Kai to Npc my waking up if needed.
you didn't kill it, I just forgot it was my turn to post. Now I've posted. have fun.
Actually Kai, you've been running 'round like a mad beaver the last week with three or four different plots, I thought you were just being over-worked.
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