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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

I couldn't have said it better myself. Your character should know how to do most of this, and possibly a little bit about their specific occupation. A lot of this is because we have a plot of all new players so not only does it help the characters, but it helps the players as well.
Yeah, it happens sometime. Just keep us posted on availability if you can, and good luck with whatever is going on.
Guys, something came up so Wednesday I'll be leaving for a trip with no internet. I'll be back next Wednesday.

Aendri, I know you can handle yourself without me for a week.
Okay here it comes. On Saturday I will be leaving for two weeks. There shoudl be internet in the place I will be but it not for sure. I will try to show up as much as I can but I promise nothing.
Sorry for the absence...I was driving up to Colorado and it was just supposed to take a couple days. Totaled my car and was stuck in Alabama. But I'm here now.
I'm about to enter the same situation as ShotJon downright to time of absence.

Two weeks gone and there might or there might not be internet where I'm going.
Think we're stuck, at least for a bit. Have to wait on Andres unless you guys want to talk to me or each other, and pretend he's working.
Just like everyone else I will be leaving soon either the 14th or later on that week. I do not know when or if I will get internet set up in my apartment due to money. I am hoping to start a job which will limit my time. Hopefully it will working out I'll let you guess know and if I can't get on I'll tell Aendri know.
Lucia should have internet access again as of this weekend, and I'm still waiting on posts from everyone but her. Oh, and no problem. I figure I'm on regularly enough to take care of it, so why not.
Cool, and since we're nearing the close of the plot I don't think we should let any new players in. One has already talked to me, but beyond her it would be pointless.
Just a quick question. I have always wondered if you are to speak to a samurai in this rp what is proper. Do you refer to them as Dono, or Sama. like for instance if I were talking to my character, who for hypothetical reasons is a samurai, Would I refer to him as Tanaka-Dono or Tanaka-Sama?
I believe both are acceptable in this setting, but Dono is the more formal and respectful, with Sama being more familiar. I could be wrong though, I'm no Japanese major, but that seems to be how I've seen those honorifics used in the past.
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